Newspaper Page Text
,J. It. Mtu-inti. 1'Mltiii', Th c.r.-tihticn cf she MINSK MsijcoaslJsraMj roat cryw-si wt'.l sd it J-.mUgfooi to la.iie iiiowa their ' tin- hiponly nl the I ottltoiy, to do ovrry hui dcmiis ;uifiiii'?wWm. j tiniin Imr ami honorable to piil down livahy Ta:nlftt.i "H tailiUiy post, fuming j nnil)ll). iii-iiium men und, it' possible, sixmo bi n.3 J-stUmrutia t T-f r.tnt v in which this frtrl , lo lM ,, lim( 0thvi. fair, living pricis lor n t c-.rcuU, .iJ copi of It ws ml (my 8ut sal tjer ,)rujlu.t !inU luLor. Thin can on! v In: T rrtory of the which, roapUd with iti ag aod ,,ylc t.arm.s, 0.,t,n i ntel) 1 out talking and I'HJujturtVeK wydeblUitWiiRBiB. u,,:.. mu-rbv bit llviniror windy resolves A pKl saddler who would not spend one-1 i. ir i,, fitm- in l':iiiiiii! mill ilrinkiiiL'. winiiii , find Pic.eott a profitable Held in whiuh to lalmr. Mr and Mr S. Reese arrived here from California yesterday, and will soon start for their homo in Uhino valley. L. Alters and Geo Lount talk of commenc ing work on their placer claims soon. These claims are near tho Hassaynmpa, and rich. Isn't it about timo for tho Supervisors to "lay" their plans lor building a county I103. pitul? Frn.nk Billing, tho tailor, lia3 removed from Granlto to Goodwin street, and his goose, is now cluvnted in Wormscr's building, east of llrooko it Linn's livery stables. Give Frauk your work. I.v Good Condition. The Indian of tho Verde reserve, are fed and apparently well contented with reservation life. No more sickness in camp. They number over 1,000. Wales Arnold, of Denver creek, came to town yesterday, und informed us that. he called on Willaru Kiev, of Agua Fria, looked into his arrastra, and was so pleased with tho appearance of the pulp that bo himself think of going into tho business. Fhom FoutWiiipi'lk Gncral Crook and Dr Magruder left for Oatnp Vcrdo to-day, und will return in aixmt two weeks. The water works at i ort hipplo aro to be put in operation to-day ; a trial of the ma chiuery was made yesterday, with very good success. The end no used is one of Knowl ton's patent, made at Warren, Mass., and is eight horse rawer. The reservoir, into which this will force the water, is 181 feet above tho level of the engine house, and bos a ca pacitv of about 50.000 callous. There is some talk of having a social hop at fort hippie, on the evening betoro Wash ington's Birthday. Wo aro exceeding anxious to learn the con elusions arrived at by the Chiricahua, Ilor nado and other Anachca. under Cachisc. If. at the concil which, we suppose, was hold a lew days ago, they agreed to engage in open war sootier than submit to recent orders from Washington, wo may look for one of tiieir bloody circus wane of many moons. performances e'er the A general court-martial will assemble Camp Grnt on tho 20th day of February. Latest By Telegraph. at v Txjcsozsr. Tucson, Feb. 6. M. Goldberg's train of six wagons, left day before yestorday for San uiego with government arms tor isenicia Ar senal. and hides lor tho ban Diego market It has come to light that one ot tho men hung by the citizens of Tucson-last. August, murdered tho Baker family at BIuo Water, sixty-five miles west of here, on December 21, 1871. Weather clear and beautiful. Yuma, Arizona, Fob. 0. Weather pleasant but cold. Steamer Montana arrived at Point Isabel, January 31, and hailed again February 20. Steamer Gila and bargo No. 1, arrived Wgdneylay morning, with passengers and freight. StLMincr Mohave arrived yesterday morn ing with tho balance of tho frcight that the Montana brought 2,751 packages citizen freight and JJOO packages government, 78 packages were for merchants' of Prescott. Tho following is tho list of passengers : Samuel I'urdy, Jr., Lt McAfee, Dr. Goodwin, W. II. Foreman and F. 0. Mills. Dr. Good win brought Blanco, who is accused of tho MU.sion Camp murder, and he is now occu pying quarters in the county jail. The examination of tho two Jlio Grande teauutcrx for tho murder committed January 28th, was concluded ' yesterday, which re sulted hi holding one for trial, and tho dis charge of tho other. The wounded mau still lives. Wiekcnburg, Feb. C. Nelson has been truced into the mountains near Bill Smith's mill. Tho tracks plainly show that ho has been hiding in the mountains for several day?, and that lie has been supplied with foixt by his mistress, who lives near tho mill. Immediately upon this discovery Nelson was informed of it, and ho left. Word was brought in immediately after his leaving, that bis trail had been found. There u x report from Culling'a station, that Billy Freo came in from a prospecting tour with very rich specimens ot gold-bearing quartz, which ho claims to havo found in the inountiins back of Cutting's hlation, about llfty miles below here, on tho Ehrenberg road. It will he remembered,, about ten years ago Mime rich float rock WnS picked up at what was known as tho Tapccbepet mines, but io tiace of the vein or lodge from which the float came has been found. . Froo says ho got his specimens near tho same place, and clwy aro very rich. It is thought by sorao Hiiai. ho lias found the original 'lapeclicpet. apt Pike, who has been out prospecting (or tlwcaru in the Aquarius mountains, seiids in a rejiorl' by a Mexican, that he has found, nlvmt ten inilcri from the hot springs which George Monroe discovered, an extinctvolca no, the crater of which is ludf 11 mile in ex tent, und is clearly defined. In 0110 place a Miiall coiiu rises to tlio height of 10 or 12 feet out of tho top of which strong sulphuric gastcs continually ascend. In some places tho lava shows strong nigns of a very recent ujhcavil Axornr.n iiiwtjn(i hciiAi'K. About a week ago, one Mo something shot three holes into a mun named Tom Colliiw, at Ilualpai Sprlne. Mohavo couuty. Ws 1U1 not know anything about the germ of thi afl'air. Our letter Miitc that tho man who cruaviitted tho cruw wan irons. Wi look to Hwi Mo- Jihvo gentUmiaii for a littlo moro light upon 4Jus louden co. Sol Burth, who formerly ciicululcd iu -thwwj nt," was, a short I hup .ajjo, ut AJ buquerque, Svv Moxieo. WE1SKLY (Vniut VfiJuil ' Dally I To Contractors. The grand scrauiblo for government cim tracts uill come a month from to-day, und, asmOn who intend to " propose " uro now liguiiug, now is tin; t iiuc lor thu Minimi mid wlid arc interested in bundled ol readers in secret conclave, for tlio reason that, at present, there is but one big buy 1 r in the government and It buys in iich a in.irhui way as not to bring its ngunb moo to face with tho producers. It will employ middle-men to do this work for it, und, as some of thcso havo vast quantities of last year's grain, etc., still on their hands, for which they huvo paid cither cash or goods, the contest between such men promises to bv us bitter as ever, and, it is to such men the Minuu wishes to address itself, ns follows ; Las; year's crop was, we all know, an un common lar;o one, which, owing to the withdrawal of several companies of cavalry from tho Territory, to tho stoppage of work by tlio ulture mid otuer mining companies, tias not been used up. '1 lus year, the case will bo quite diUcrvnt, as, owing to the dam ago done grain, etc., In the fields of Salt Riv er and tho Gila, by tho recent destructive Hoods, scarcely one-half the quantity ot bar ley ra sod and Harvested last year, in tnoso great granaries, will this year be raised, so that barley is not likely to be the "drug in tho market" it last year was. Nor, is it probable that any great amount of com will bo raised in this upper country, since tlio in ducement for raising it aro not great. Hero, then is a basis to work upon. io surplus grain can this year bo looked for; not one pound of gram which will not be needed by government and citizens, so that no matter who gets the contracts for turning it in, lie or they will have to havo it all to Mill the bill.' This being tho case, why cannot those who design proposing, exchange views witu onc- another, llx upon prices at which grain, etc. cannot be brought hero at a prolit, lroui .New Mexico, and bid for contracts upon this basis. ibis price will have to be low, owing to tile fact that labor, etc., in New Mexico, costs scarcely anything, and prices of store goods aro much lower than those which rule among us. But, even these advantages which New Mexico possesses, are overbalanced by the length, roughness and perils of the roads her teams would have to traverse in reaching all the posts and settlements in this Territory, save Apache, Bowio and, perhaps, San Carlos. Of course, we do not favor anything like the forming ot a combination to force from gov eminent anything like extortionato prices. No Anzonan wants this : nor docs govern ment care to cramp tho producer by getting his gram at less price than he can afford to raise und sell it. To conclude, prices of everything, save farm products havo been, are yet, very high all over tho Territory : the partial suspension of mining ; the drouth in this upper country; the great floods in the lower country, and many other depressing causes make it actu ally necessary that this should bo a year of prosperity, and it can only bo made bo in the way above indicated. Wc note the lollowiug, trom articles re cently published iu tlio Arizona Citizen, of Tucson : Mr Jas Lee, a very worthy citizen, is aa- 116 u 11 cod as a fit person for sheriff, next term, which announcement appears, to us, prema ture, since the election with not take place lor about eight months. The dog tax law was being enforced. Tho paper takes up the subject of grantin; moro than 160 acres of tho public lauds to men who sink artesian wells, a proposition loug since made by tho jvuxek, and which wo yet favor. It is in doubt as to tho policy of giving all control of Indians and Indian affairs to tho War Department and its olllcers. So arc we, but, knowing tho frauds practiced by civil' iau ngents and others upon poor Lo, wo would not object should Comn-ess make tho change and give the military a chance to to do tho fair thing by the savages. Certain it is, if all ofliccrrf wero liko General Crook, and could all military departments bo " run ' as this is, the changt) would bo for tho better. As matters now iro. tho military have to do all tho work ot uuforcint; obedience upon al most all tho reserves, and when Indians leave said reserves, for purposes ol murder or plunder, the military havo 110 recourse but to uncounter danger, fatigue and exposure in bringing them back, or killing them, so that, considering that the military havo now more than two-thirds of the caio necessary to keep our red brethren straight, it might be well cnouzh to Rive them full charge, and sou whether or not they will do as well as they nroiuiso to do. Every white man, woman and child in Ari zona has urcat interest in beholding the in dians living pcacably and content, ou their reserves. And all would suffer great sacri fice sooner than havo the savages break out in war. The uuizcn has information from "Wash ington that tho military reserves of Critten den and Grant, (in its section of the Terri tory), will, in all probability, soon bo sold. Crittenden is said to cmbraco fino grazing and water privileges. Tho samo is true ot Grant, so that coch reserve outrht to sell well. Its resume of tninins affairs provos that tho iu .n nl iiu rnimtv nru FnvcstinL' their own capita" iu this industry, with tho promise of rpecuy;anq ainpie rciuru. ( Wo glean as follpws from tho Arizona (Yuma) Sentinel of January 21: Win II. Hoonci- & Co.. had just received two pair of blankets, tho best over seen by tlm ixlitnr nno. a iircsent for Cncliise, and tho other for his old agent, Jefferds. They cost C0 a pair. " in wntur in tho Ulia was rcceuini;. Sonora orantrcs wcro selling a for 25 cents. P-iUCiti-iita Mimics, ditto. w...... ? . , , . ,. A surveying party nan arnvuu t , after having completed ono standard nnu. The party sull'ered for want ol water in tho country norineastoi 1 um r r 1 What ban r rancisco ccuiniiu"u.u vj , .. . ttJ.,,,1 !.. I C-'l is thus succinctly stated by tno uuronicio hi,.. ,,,1,1, .,1 iwi'ittv ilfdudiid to her popI iHon. And somutUlngjlUo ?I0,000,000 to tho valuu of . ... . ... "' . , iter nriivri.y. .- f r property. '. f r lltilli imeeu hundred new houkes at a cost of fO.UIA 1,0011. This, if true, beats Prescott. Tin'. llAUi.i'Ais. Uoiiort says that all but aim ot tho Hualnai Indian started for tho mountains soon after learning that they would have to change their base from Camp Ih.tdn Htirintn to tho Colorado river resorve. They'll bo back. Cliarloy is thu 0110 who htaviid behind. Moro on tliii luatr t. ARIZONA MINERs PRESCOTT, FEBRUARY ITtuni Wntntntj)-' Dally.) Mimtahv ash 1mianNi:ws During tho mouth of .January, Lieut Schuyler attacked a band of hostile Apaches near tlio hi-ad of Cave Crock, about oO miles from Camp Mc Don ell, routing the savages with heavy Ioms, Including among the slain their chief, who previously had been legarded by his tribe as invincible. l hefo Indians, it iveiii )Vl'ru ! Tonto Apaches who, with few exceptions, hal never gone on reservations and had been so successful in plundering the people living on the Salado and Olla, and in eluding the search of the troops, that they became satis lied tf their ability to copo with the whites under ntt circumstances. This conceit was very badly shaken by the results of their in terview with Lieut Schuyler's command, as the remnant of their band, to tho number of forty, has now surrendered unconditionally at Camp Verde, where the men have been aceoiiiuiudatcd with quarters in the guard house and the women and children turned over ty the care of Dr Williams, the Indian agent. Kak'uninzin, formerly head chief of tho Apaches at San Carlos, has, it is reported, gone to join Cachise. Ho was accompanied by one other Apache. This Eskiniinzin was formerly regarded as a very influential Attache, and so considered himself, but this fact wilt do much to show ho was not ot much consequence. General Crook returned to Jjepartment Headunarter's last eveuin'', after an absence of ten days at Camp llcale's Springs. Washinotox. January 20. A statement has been prepared by tlio Indian Ofllce, showing the outstnndlni: hiilchteducss for ami 011 oceount of the Indian service nrlor to July 1,1873,10 be$GU3,- tCIM, caused principally by Inadequacy of appro prl.illous iicrvtoiore uiaue, nnu ou account 01 coi- lectins upon reservations and sulKlsiiii of Apa- M'l... die Indium In Arizona ami New Mexico. Commissioner says the policy retarding tiioc Apaches has been to bring tlicm peaceauly or by force upon reservations, and, by feeding them, and pro(crly providing for their wants and neces & .it sities, kuepliiK tlicm timet as mucn as possioie lroui depredating ou citizens, ivnciievcr iucy leavo their reservations ttiuy are hunted dowu by tho military and either killed or captured and brought back to the reservation!. If not fed, therefore, by the Government, they must either starve on their reservations or 00 Kiucti oil iuo Department has endeavored to keep thera on the reservations and do nil In Its power to make them tudustrloui and Mjlf-smUitilni;. Wo discover no lio or mistake in tho fore going, and wonder why Congress dilly-dallies about appropriating sutticicnt money to pay citizens of this Territory, who, by having fur nished Indian supplies for a long time past have cramped themselves, and so aided in preserv ing the very remarkable peaco that has ex isted hero during the past year. Indeed, had it it not been for tho acts of contractors for supplying Indians, they (the Indians) could not havo been been kept peaceable on the reservations. We seo by tho San Francisco Mining and Scientific Press that the "Cochran Self-Feeders" aro now used by many quartz mills in California. The superintendent of tho fat Patrick mill favors their employment for the following reasons : 1st. Thev save ns In labor alone, 80 per day. aside from the annoyance and expense of getting good men to iced the batter. 2d. Tho crdn oVer batteries fed br men Is two tons per labours. We formerly crashed 18 tons ana now crash M tons per uay. sa. i licy keep the pulp more regular in mo batteries, and the screens and plates always free, therebv cusurlnr rood bittery amalgamation. 4th. Bclus? automatical they can Loso nicely ad- Justed that the shoe rarely, If ever, strikes the die. dies alone will repay tho cot of tho machines In less lhau 12 months. No quartz mill should bo without tlicm. Hating heretofore commented fully and freely upon tho Cachiso treaty and tho dis cussion between Generals Crook and Howard, to which it has civen rise, wo now deem it unnecessary to add more than this. The cor rcsnondence. in full, will bo found in our tel ecranhic disDatchea and a perusal thereof cannot fail to satisfy every unprejudiced rca der of the truth and convincing reasons ol Crook's language and logic. ( Furthermore, it is a significant fact that his position upon this lmiwrtant matter is sustained uy ucn. Vandever. onoof tho five Indian Inspectors reccntlyappointed by President Grant, which ollicer was hero recently and visited every Indian reservation 111 the leiritory, General Crook has been confirmed as Brig adier General, by Concrcss. Wo have no better military ollicer in tuo army, ami mo President, in making tho promotion, gains tho good wishes of all law abiding people of j Arizona, ucncral UrooK lias prouauiy none more to establish safety in that Territory, than nil tho other commanders combined, He believed in whinninir tho Apaches into submission. f Argus, San Bernardino, Cal. Tho San FrancUco Chronicle of a lato date says that Major M. A. Baldwin, Deputy U. S. Commissioner of Mining Statistics, and tho head of tho recent Baldwin exploring ex pedition into Southern Utah, had arrived in that city, and that ho would probably pay a visit to Arizona and Southern California. Wo shall bo pleased should ho come hern and tnako no rash promises. N. V. Bennott, editor of tho Borderer, Los Cruces, New Mexico, has attracted attention from Apaches, by being tho owner of 6omo cnttlo which tho thieves recently tried to confiscate. A recent dispatch to tho Los Angeles pa- ncrsstntes that Marshal Martin was hanged at Martinez on tho 2.'!d ult., for tho murder of a man named Eislcr. Tho telegraph erred in asserting that tho crew of tho ship rantiier, recently wrecked on tho Northern coast, wcro all lost. 1 buy reached a port in Washington 'I crntory. Near tsilver Uity, . Ai.. ono Alcxican re cently murdered another for tho small in I duccmcut of ten dollars. Tho Jicarillo Apaches of New Mexico have recently agreed to remove from Tcw Mexico to tho Kan Juan country. The flood in tho San Diego river washed away garden, delayed mails, injured the grades of tho Texas I'acilic railroad, etc. Some leisurely person has incubated the foolish idea of making threo States out of California. Montana Indians recently ran olf over 500 iivau ui wiu nnu mu iwt 1 mf3 Wus Captain Wilkinson 7 head or caitto mini mo tort reck agency PeIroO. Annijo, onoof New Mexico's mut ton milliomdn'x, recently killed himself be- ciuso a MLsn.lltero didn't euro to call liim "hubby." a 1 The los .iieies typos dancod, on a re cent night mid went home with tho girls in tlio morning, uiu papers agree in htating th it lliu prints had a lovely time. Sorry wo wcro not there to givu tho boys an ai 1011 Mar uaitcu. . .. Vnut Tlmrliy' U.ill)'.) The Tucson Citizen of January Ul glres the opinions delivered In tho Supremo Court in the case of the Territory of Arizona against Patrick T. Lony, and in the cao of tho Ter ritory of Arizona ngainst J. 11. Tuttlo and Joseph Goldwater; also an abstract of the Supit uie Court's opinion in tho case of A. 1). D.ivis and John A. Hush niiuiust Win. A. Linn and Washington Froticu. The opin ions of the Court in the most inipot taut cases will soon nppear in the Mi.smi. Major 1'iiiey says that it will taku ;il'out si weeks to transfer the Government stores from Tucson to Camp Lowell. But little damage was done at Camp Lowell by tho recent heavy rams. Tho weather in Tucson during the week cudiug January ill, was very flue. Lieut Schuyler, of the Fifth Cavalry, U a young ollicer in whom Gen Crook and all Arizounus put their trust. His recent scout, when for 111 days, rain and snow poured down upon him and his command, notwith standing which ho kept moving, killing, wounding and capturing bad Apache., marks him as u man eminently fit to hold and ilo honor to a commission in our gallant little army, which soro-headed Congressmen re eternally planning to entirely wipe out. Lieut John G. Bonrke, engineer ofiicer of this military department, favors us with the following information: Tho "Aquarius Mountains" is the name giv en on the .Military map of Arizona to a rango running north and south, situated about midway between Cross Mountain (near Fort Hock) and tho Ilualpai Mountains. Tho mail road to Mohavo passes through them at a place called the Cottonwoods, where rises a littlo stream, limning south, ami consiuereu bv some to bo tho head waters ot Jilll 11- liams' Fork of the Colorado. Thirty-four millions of dollars is the amount claimed from our Government by that of Mexico, on account of murders and depreda tions committed by American Indians in Mex ico, since the date of the treaty of Guadaluiw e -1 . !.! . -.1.1-1. Hidalgo, 0110 01 uic coniiuious 01 which niu that our Government should not allow its Indians to cross over the lino and commit crimes in Mexico. The claim has been sub mitted to Sir Edward Thornton, British Min ister at ashmgton, for his decision. And old Eskitnlnzin, the g-r-e-a-t chief in whom Gen Howard reposed so much faith, has thrown oil his mask and "gone a sogcr ing" under Cachise, taking with him a tribe of out man. Tho old rascal would now bo in prison had it not been for a squaw who gave him a file, with which ho delivered himself from irons vile. When caught, ho ought to bo hung, shot, or sent Last to Howard. D 1 r.D. -Surgeon Horaco ltaquet Wirtz, U, S. Army, died in San Francisco, on the 24th ult.. of cancer. He was formerly on duty in tho Department 01 Arizona, iiavingscrveu at San Diego, Fort Yuma, Prescott and Hual- pi. Ho was a graduate 01 iuo rennsyiva nia University and a man of great literary attainments. At the time of his death ho was about 50 years of agu. Tlio delegato in Congress from New Mex ico, Stephen B. Elkin., was never in ington previous to tho commencement of tho present session, yet, iuo leiegrupu imonus us that he has succeeded in getting Congress to establish uvo new post routes 111 lus lcr- ritory. Wisrfi be would spare a little time and get Arizona a tavor or two 01 mis Kinu. Congress is now asked to repay Mr Chas N. Fclton, late assistant treasurer at San Francisco, tho sum of S10.000 bcinc: tho amount paid by him for for forged so-called . - i -i.- ... . 070 At. .. t - r i.:l. Arizona checks, in 1873, tho forgers of which are still unknown, savo to one another, but their names will somo day "leak out," and then lor surprise on tho part ot many people Wo havo it from pretty good authority that tho Mi.vkk is tho only Arizona paper that contributes to the supjwrt of telegraph lines, although other -papers publish, onco a week, what they claim tc patches, "special," at that to no genuine uis- How's this? The Albuquerque (New Mexico) Review says: Now Is the time to buy sheep. o havo heard of several large lots belug ottered for sale ut $1.2. each, cosh. Some of our people will, o'er long, purchase somo of those cheap animals. Gov Uiddings, ot iscw Mexico oners re wards for the apprehension of acharlah Crompton, E. Scott and three brothers named Hcrrold, who recently killed some rsew .Mex leans, m Lincoln county. The New lork Herald may be right in predicting another business collapse. Whoth er right or not, tho present is a good time for caro and economy in business. A Spanish gunboat recently made too free with an American trading vessel, but tho Spanish Admiral apologized, und now it is all right. Foil San Fiuncisco. Tho river boat to connect with tho steamship for San Fran cisco, will lcavo Yuma on tuo lGth inst., Now is tho timo for business men to ring in with short advertisements, offering for sale such articles as are needed by our people Praying parties visit Boston saloons with the viow of converting tho thirsty from their taking (something) ways. Tho Mormons, who havo often boasted that they never had trouble with tho aborigines, aro now by tho cars wltli tho iSavajocs The steamer Cocopah left Fort Mojave Jan nary illst. Colonel Rockwell and family wcro pas-engcrs. That cutting scrape at Yuma, an account of which recently appeared 111 our telegrams, was tin aliair well worthy ol lucson justice The Socretary of tho Trcasuary's statement that tho public debt is again being reduced IS graiuyiug to lax-payers. Blanco, ono ol of tho Mission Camp mur dercrs, is en route to tlio Territory, guarded by tho shcrill of 1 uma county. JlKco.MlNH Our ancient brethren across the Atlantic, tho Johnny Bulls, indulged iu much rioting at thu recent election. 'Wc havo advices from Sonora that, owing to the extreme dry weather there, crops will bo very sant. Gen. H. F. Butler is said to bo trimming his ears fur next Presidential breeze. Bakorfclicld has Leon deelaied county scat of Kuril county, California, li, 18T1. TISLKtiKAl'lUC. Special Dispatches to tho Arizona Minor, By Western Union and U. S. Military Linos. New York, Fob. 2. Weekly reHTtt of markets ending Satuiday, slums general trade rather slow. Merchandise and produce markets reliable. Money abundant for weeks past, except in excess of demand. The Herald says plothorn money in banks tire in excess and loan Mirplus on streets at rates lower than havo been known for years, shows neither Wall street nor low estimate. Commerce with all its wants can absorb mil lio.ns. Idle money represent locks, wo want ;im 1. si' for the alacritv of trade. Wo aro ly- imr 01: tlio odgo of a volcano. Congress is jpij',, , the lite Tor the first eruption, ry dollar added to the present curre rrency is ttiM. 1'.m nansion means disaster. Wo may wiiiic but n few months I'-Jlllll.? I W I .. I - .. 1 ...1... I . ..... .if ... .Br...-, 11 ii. u . n ... . I. II. !l MIIll will witness a jargu iu(ji;iiiiun jiii.-ninimvi.-i from which wo are now eniergin-. L.uyBieri- eus talk. En. Minhu. Tho provision market is rather heavy, Wool less active. Negotiations favorable to I'acilic mail in terests are now ponding. St. Louis, Feb. - rivo masked men yes terday stopped tho train on tlio tt. Iouis lion mountain railroad and robbed everybody in the cars. Ssn Francisco, Feb. - A squabbio 110s been going on between the fcun and tho Chronicle. Saturday last, Messrs Napthaly and Fftgerald were arrested at tho instnnco of tho proprietors of the Chronicle. Yester day SumJny, Chronicle men demolished things generally in t'-o Sun office. To-day as Napthally was going with an ollicer to procure bail, 10 was auauun uy ius. 11c Yoimg, who, with nix-shooters in tho ene my's rear, occasioned a rapid and masterly retreat on the part of Napthaly. DoYoung was promptly knocKCU uown uy a citizen nnu then taken in chargo by an officer. Mean while, Napthaly returned to prison, and in a few minutes Mike DoYoung made his appear ance and drow a pistol on Napthaly, who again retreated. Mike won seized and thrown into prison. Unas uoiour;g was present, and on being searched was found armed and likewise arrested. San I)io'o. February L Both Houses havo passed a bill creating five now post routes for Now Mexico. Two of them being from Ixs Vegas to Centre Station, Texas, aud from Fort Union to Grenada, Colorado. London dispatches show election in Eng land to have been attended with considerable rioting. Result of the voting not yet known. Orth, 111 connection witu 1110 necreiary, has prepared a bill for the reorganization of tho stale uepartmeni. Boston. Jan. 30 1 ho clergymen 01 tins city have organized a band of praying men nnd women to visit tho saloons and pray for the erring ones. St Louis, Feb. 2. Tho State Senate has adopted tho House concurrent resolutions calling on Congress to consider and rectify the uniust discrimination by tno u. r. rail road company against tho people of Kansas. Topcka, Kansas, Feb. 2. Lx-Gov. James Jl. liarvey is ciccieu u. o. ovuutur. t in umph for tho farmers' reform. I.ondon. Jan. 30. Spain has recalled her r . diplomatic representatives from Berlin, Vicn . " 11a and several other European capitals. San Francisco, teb. .5. British steamer MacGregor sailed for Australia at midnight last night. The police commissioners havo appointed fifty-five new policemen iu addition to the force now in existence. No new developments in the Chronicle- Sun embroglio. Napthaly remains in prison but will probably bo released on bail some timo during the day. Public feeling in re gard to tho case runs high. While Napthaly is not cxcusod.thu attacks made upon him yes terday aro trccly conuemneu anu uenouuecu on all sides. New York, Feb. 3. The Pacific Mail S. S. Co. will, on tho 14th. renew semi-inonthly trips on tho China and Japan line. Also, tho regular weekly steamer hence to Aspinwall, nnd company will run an extra steamer as soon as freight will justify. Tho company arc now making contracts for California and China freights, etc. Denver. Feb ,1. News is received from Fort Defianco that the Mormons nnd Naviijocs are at war. berious trouble is anticipated. Gold, in Now York, 1111. Greenbacks, in San Francisco, UO and 'J0J. Tho following letter from Gen. Crook to tho Assistant Adjutant-General, of tho Mill tary Division of tho Pacific, on tho Crchisc Howard treaty, is telegraphed to us from Washington : IlKADQUARTKns DlUT OK ARIZONA, ) Pukscott, July 7th, 1873. Atshlant AdjtUant-Gciicral, Headquarters Mil itary Division of Ae 'ncifc, San FrancUco, Lai 1 forma: Sir: I have tho honor to state that ow ing to the fact that tho Chiricahua Rcserva tion. although in this Department, is not un dor mt suncrvision. I havo carefully refrained Irom doing or reiwrung anyiiiiiig in rcgaru , . to the state of all'airs at that place, but its close proximity to the San Carlos and White Mountain reservations and tho demoralizing effect Caclnse's band has upon these rcserva tions, compels mo to call attention to that matter. When tho Indians from tho San Carlos and Whito Mountain reservations visit Cochise's he is ablo to give them fino presents of horses, probably just stolen iroin aonora. Thoyaro thus impressed with thu idea that tho troops are afraid of Cachise, or thoy would not per mit him to raid ou Moxieo, and doubtless somo of them join lum in his ruidg. It is charged, with how much truth I am unable to say, as 1 am not awaro that any ro sponsiblo officer, civil or military, over vcri fles tho facts by count, that the number of Indians actually upon this reservation is much less than thu number for whom rations aro drawn, and even then a number belonging to tho baud, and lor whom rations aro drawn arc absent most of the tunc. It must bo remembered that Indians can neither read nor write, and all fino shades of diplomacy aro lost on them ; they understand either tho one thing or the ather, thcro is no intermediate meaning with them. Caclilse only sees in this transaction that tho Presi dent sent a General officer to hunt him up and make penco with him on lus own terms, which terms ho understands to mean, "feed and protect mo whilo I raid on Mexico aud I will let you alono." There Is no process of reasoning fehort of subjugation, which can convinco Cachiso that wo arc not alranl of him. I am satisfied any nttcmpt on our part to prevent his raiding on Mexico will bo regard eil as u violation ol tho terms ol his peace with General Howard and will provoke his outbreak. In this connection I would remind tlio .Commanding - General that for a long time 1 have labored hard by personal exertions to preserve our friendly to latlona willi Mexico, nt least on this lwrj., mid believe that in ectcnil instance, havo prevailed raids from Merit, being mudo acrois tlm bolder W retaliation for Apaeho raids, which Met leans nlllrut wviv virtually protected ! us ; but how uiu I to do this now, with IV McKcnzie's notion iu 11 similar ease bclm, them And in case of armed Mexicans crow hig our border anil attacking Cachiso on L renovation, what action shall, 1 take 7 llo, can I re.Tiuiably object ir tho Governor tt Sonora marches his troops ncross our bordct to punish Cachiso lor his raid on Sonora 7" Certainly, if in return for n raid upon out border by Kickapoos, Col. McKenzle cat cross into Mexico to punish it, howcanlrta sonably object if His Excellency, tho Govcr nor or Sonora, marches his troops ncross out border to punish Cachisc for his raids upoa Sonora. Hlgnctl: Gkoiiok Ciiook, Bvt Maj. Gen., U.S. A. Comdg Dept. ' I Washington, February In the Houv to-day, Houghton, from tho Pacific Rairoi committee reported back the bill to incorpor ate tho Southern Transcontinental Railroad It was made special order for the 20th. " A similar bill from tho committee on IUil roads nnd Canals has already been made tti special order for the iJfitli. Berlin, February 1 Alarming reports art current concerning relations between Gcnnv ny and Franco. It Is feared that acriotx complications are at hand. Sacramento, Feb. 4. Holders of sever! thousand dollars worth of matured San Diem county bonds, refuse to present tho tame fot payment, although money for their rcdenip. tion has long been ready in tho treasury The holders nro keeping them to draw in terest. A bill has been presented to sccurt tho redemption of these bonds and compelling their presentation. Tho Seuato Judicurv committee yesterday rciwrtcd tho bill with out recommendation. Tho committee ques tion the propriety of tho legislation propoied O'Malley, a miner from Piochc, cntcrec tho olllco of J. B. E. Cavalller, a stock ope rator, to-day, and opened llro upon him will a revolver. Nobody was hurt, but etsry body stampeded. O'Malley was an us ted ind claims thnt Cavalller owes him money. Gold in Now York, 111,,. Greenback! b San Francisco, 90 and 90 j. New York, Feb. 4. A strike has tain place amongst the workmen 01: tho Now Yori, Oswego A- Midland railroad, for back par Only locomotives and tenders havo been al lowed to pass over tho road. They thrcates to burn the dejiots and bridges if their d mands are not accccdcd to. loiter. Tho strike on tho Oswrgo-Midlaa, railroad is ended, tho company jiaying th, men oil. Cincinnati, Feb. 4. Tho ladies of Ohi have inaugurated a p rests tent war againt the saloons, visiting thcin at most unseasom bio hours, and praying and exhorting drink ers to abstain from vice. Success is attend ug their eflorts. San Francisco, Feb. 4. No new devclot incuts in the Chronicle-Sun case. Napthil! und Fitzgerald are in jail. TERRITORIAL. Wickenburg Feb 4 Deputy sheriff Fru started for Prescott this morning, taki: with him Peto Gallagher, who was arrest: as an accomplice in the Bryan murder. N: son is still at large. All traces or htm wc last at Smith's mill. Men arc out bun th ins trail, which, if onco found, will, no dol lead to his capture. J. M. Bryan now off.-' a reward of 2,000 for his arrest. The mail wagon for Prescott left at eijv o'clock this morning, having on board ' McCruin, John Fro and Gallagher, ' - prisoner. J tic mail very ngni. I'lKenix, February b. 1.11st nigui, ao n. m.. a row occurred- in the dance bel aud resulted in the death of ono of the 1 - sictans. considerable oosibt exists as 10 v fired tho shot, thcro being a great dei rivalry bctwoen the Mexicans and Amerin both claiming tho honor, Tho Sheriff is pursuit of thu man on whom suspicion t '. the strongest. Weather clear and warm. Work is b. r pushed with great Vigor a all tho ditd At McDowell, sixty-five soldiers nro at r: on tho ditch belonging to the GoTemmct Mr Malony was in town yesterday, h:r. men to cut live hundred cords of wood. Si.rnrr, I nnrtiM tinvn m 1 1 iTnmil I mm , ' Gila, whero thev wero hunting tho tn Nelson, but did not find it. From Mohavo County. C.uriut, February 3, 18 ' To theEdltor ntlit Arizona Miner: I had intended to send you somo ml:-- items by this mail, but havo chancw: mind, and send you murder and other it I ml Tlioa Unllins anrf .llcuray i shooting scrapo at Walkvpai Springs days since. Collins was wounded times. Second Bronco Bill (WilHam Taylor most foully murdered, at Coyoto Holes' tt miles lrom Ilealo Springs, on 'ltiuraaay. last. Although four soldiers and thrca t :.. I I .l. 1 . at . ciia wcru iu auu biuuiiu iuv iiuubo - timo of tho shooting, when beforo the I ner'sjury none of them knew nny thing. poor tellow was rollowitd around tuo c; into tho chicken house and back again f toll houso beforo the murder was co ' -mated having been shot thrco times, of which would prove ftal. Third A discharged soldier attempt ; kill Charley Murey, near Capt Atcbiw place on the river, and for a time itww nnipil tin linil Hiirrf ild. but Oharlov MM ? turned up all right. Buj, enough of nv hero is a liomo of another color a mat On January 1st, at Camp Mohave, b; tico Niles. Julius Werr to Catbariuu I Even-thing in the miniug way loo couraging. I will send you, next wci; ' account of new discoveries, uevelopt; otc. -.I. " IiATU AMI 1.MW1KTAST CoNCUlNINC I ank. Orders havo been received lrom ington that CnchM and his tribe must t, ruit to roll call every day ; and that f must station patrols along the Sonora txff to prevent Indians from crossing into - ico, thereby pro venting a continuance oi raids. A council wastage been hoId.b6' Hughes (a gentleman connected with W dian agency) was of opinion that the" strictions will bo met with oppositw1 Caclilse, and subjugation will have toi" orccd by tho military. Tho Hualpais havo iuft their roscrT i. nil urn tinur cuniiul ut TrUXton HP' Their return to tho reservation wllldoui; bo at ouco enforced by Gen Crook, Parties just arrived at Tucson report 1 witnessed tlio burning or a cabin nea Oatnp Grant, and uro satisfied that it work of Indiana. rniuub nuiituK " utJ',, B Hpcclul untl General l1owro"" tc., tor ute ut ! Mliur OBlee.