Newspaper Page Text
.4 lJwV . aI 1 I .eB,fc.-A-v&B,-iJ in " w of our ,L. ii.imt already left hi body), Uoon la c Vc'l nrrcflt nlu' liuniKhinerit. tli'w iiinrtiimr. lull tin. I nioniiiiL', but tlio K'n . . ... ,.,. ,,..7i I... .... that clfect two untied mat no ir ' '....Mil HSSiLStfll.ft Mor wIlCtllLT llll iuill(IJY QUI l " J lUHUlll .iii't . . -Jlise, jaASiWUIIiJ fctl-J Mi.Mt Mini .1 it ttlW tVJIV w iw . 1 . t..l... V..1 unit unu uiiii Nt'lflOU. finnorlv resided hero and lit UradMiaw, ' H,ccted of having a iianti in ino cow- Indeed, wo boliuve, Mr. dil'IiI aiiu- ft i ;,nii Birnrit tlinr., rt in 111' uv-... , - - - nI.i llrat llri'i! lit. lilln nil Iis iicrHon i h'ITOI) WHO 1119b I'ICU Ilk J II III, lllll Kcvltii! tliui ne count not Willi- t ii-iinii.ili Pf-jilii llin lie..... vif inn, invoKeii mu nmoi a villainous , uuiuiM .... . . i .... wiLt iiiil aiun lu luiiuur hi ri Till COIIieilvlwn: in iiviiuicu .yt uu u two Mexican were, on that . .u In I... & .'..,wSiii from a certain cattle camp. i, ,..ik that Kelson and llryan had had . ... nn ...l.;i. .I;dl..t... :. tliUlty llUOUl.H uilian, i, UUUI.IIII.J ik ,.rillv lielioveii, llreu tno uiacic Heart ol .nn intocommiiung mo eunaiuiy mm ui an inio ..-.-v cal act for which ho is now being hunted, . l.S-I. wc most sincerely hope, he tor wim.ui 1 be Langca or shot, without tho aid of cor jury. T,,n.-.' to sav this infamous ircrson remain l ........wl W nL'.iiilinrir tnr n Iritirr tin.i. niinmittint: the act. and, s transfer still, i.r)B or JKrsoiis in mm jimtu iiiwiv mu ' t.. !... ..I . J. .1 . . Al... ..... ...ui'.. IfiiWiiip tn hw nrrc.lL nml fmti trip l.'.ir. 1L IS kaill. L II ILL 111! Wlllllll .. .1 ... .. tlm hrsl IMirMill Willi inil'Ilt nn . t.i... i i htit concerning his movements was ... . ...i i.. n .i.D...,.ni. ... m.,;n .mnrnillll . me mivu ivj wiiviiii .1 ... In i0l ilHIIlltrll Stated that illirinir .' I . .i. i.. I 7 t nlglii "e uiKappvjiiBii, iki miiv a iiiuiu . I..... tl ttl1lll I M. ilryau, brother oi the wotiuucu man, fill V UlJ5tVMlHfUHJi. son. urriVtdat Wickeuburg late last night, or n .timrc lie is nuiMJ ta i : comn oxiou. I. I ....... ....... .....1 li.utnllMi:..i. II.. . cliiined to lc a Master Mason, but ho . . ... ....... hi. . ... ... .,.. F..r r. m. i could commit such an act. He is well lown throughout this county, and cannot Libly escaiw arrest, it being tho duty of litygoiHl citiren to look out for, and, if la-iry, kill the monster. Mr C. V. Hcan arrived, night before last, ntuc Hio erdc,wuer lie has a great many scae Indiana at work, cutting ana enrry- m; bay to tho post, for which ho pays the I. mi $ I.) per ton, ilo says that both men 1 women work with a will, which is some log new for Apuches. It wilt also bo seen, our telegram from tho Sin Carlos rcscrrc, it some 54 Indians are there plowing and ing other work on their farm, all of which w - . cut iIawikaI fii tlm (litfaf inn nml inrln. I i fit s hnu thnr I :rVik" mirn unit fir iu f hit . nJence of the red men 7 ndcna orthtrcdmonf Mr John Stemmcr, who eaten, tor the lrJer of the Oriental rcntauraunt. has a urd of advico for icrsoas owing him, in our (ttrtiiing columns. Yesterday some children found a. small can powder, and were bent on having some r vith it; but thoy tbougiiueMir placed ,e can .oo'ncar tlm flro .ltd t Sp oiled, rerely burning tho face of a Uttle' -on o 0. N'oyes, Wcatiikil. Light showers of rain and fell here yesterday. Persons itist in mi the mountains say that it snowed there. jt people behove that another tail of rain mow is imminent. Several ladies and ccntlemcnof Fort Whin- !e, lleadquarteni and Prescott, indulged in dance at tho firstnaincd place, last evening. bit was, like its numerous predecessors, a pry enjoyauio aiianv lti-)l.l-,l l.'fr.n ....1 rtr.nn ....!.... MAi.iiim diiiiurtvi Jimuv. iuuaiw Sc, this moving, in Grarjt's mail wagon,' for difornia. b ' . From Muailay's I)altj'. I Yesterday afternoon, it was currently rc brtfd on tho streets that tho Quartermaster Headquarters, Gen M. V. Small, liatl re- ureo authority to draw checks on tlio u. a. tn5itijrv at Tucson. In navment of debts Be contractors and others. Strati . - . .i. i igo to say, 'ood," even lis "new" " Un fttftliriiirtril t'ii rr. pwple who, for months past, had been ymg for money duo them by Gov- . .." r. . T t 1 iinont. And whv? Ilecausa tho Tuc a lepvsitory is nearly 300 miles from this acc, in a town with tho people of winch osoui northern Arizona have scarcely any 'iikjss ocaimgs, wincn lact. laKcn tn com- CtWIl ujth the risk and unecrtalntv f "uuig cjiccica by mail, inakes tho newn r5 aau worse, furthermore, wcro the wabicki hero fin private hands) which ey are not, from thrco to fivo per cent dis- Eont would be cliargcd for tho exchange, ks people who have laid out of money ifor months, and borrowed at high rates "W.1CM, iu oruer u carry out. weir agroo cnts with Government, cannot afford to cr. To y tho craflitorc of our "Uncle." and 10 huudtrxlg of iveopo to'whom said creditors 0 inuctitcd, teel hostile over tuw ropeution very unjust case of ctrcumhxiution. U fitting it very mild, indcesL And, in. the :ircrat "war taHc,-" our deiegato in uongreas, bo bat been petitioned and frequently re- ueotol to usa his iniluenui for tho CiUblish- ent of some sort of it doixiritorvat Prescott. been pretty well "tongue lashoti',' by pco !e who aver that cither hw boosted intluenoo t Washington was and in mighty little, or, i interested with xlio depository at Tuc "i. Certain it ia, that inlluonco has not been "rted much in behalf of, Northern Arizona ojile.and intercjiu. Had the QuartcrnjM(er received a carte foacAr to draw on tho U. S. Assistant Treas tor at San Francisco, not a word of com laint would have boon utunud, as then becks could be used to advantngo by our eople. It does not seem is if the men through ;boscimnds money for tbis military dopart wfitjiassca on its way here, havo any idea -rmiig mo nest way in which to send ' dejioslt said money, after they have, as Is "a'gcd, used It for montlw after it should vc been in tho jMckcts of Iu rightful own- if"' they havo u deep grudgo at the poo fio of Northern Arizona, or Homo further iu lercst in th0 money after it reaches tho Tcr- ll0fy. Certain it U, their modo of doing 'Usincss i very Ua,j caicjutcd t bring BO UOV'rrnmnn !....- ..... .."... lit ...,l , -"-..wiii ms 4UIU iUlll III MUIi'4 '1.1KCS tho carrying on of buslncM here, by . 0 "'.'litarv and citizons, ono long round of rcxMioiis dlsatipointments. "en Crook hu begged for n Clunit, and, T tbis morning, i niueuiateiy onereu a re- .niniinT.listrict. and sneaks well of at our mines previous to startinir for the city. rdof VW lor HIS capture, ami, Willi a ... . J1 .,.Dn...l. v..-...:. L Mr Wr.n U tl.., LPntlnnian u-ltli irlinm S If ,v, sorted . rc of bin . S hor.lT Her- 'Q A ( ' ,cW, xery gohl'oro. Doling, of Tucson, has made a bet on the t ?.... ........ ...... ..... ., ,. , . , , i result oi a norscoacK rme uo oau rmncisco. M to arrest him. It is believed that ho is Mr 0. . Shclton, an old and lucky Lynx Mr Mcfj. RjTCJI an tcrcstinc accountofhU )yjjE,KLY behalf of Iho jKsopIo of the Territory, do .. (.....I...... .1... 11....... t it. ... .... I "- uuiiaiur.i iki iicimeniaiivc4 California, Oreiruii and Nuvittlu. to awtlut Delegate in righting this grievous wrong, of Hov 0. A. Heedcr preached hi tho court- room, yustcrtUy. o earn that ho w visit tho iiuoplu of other nlaecs in the Territory. For qultu a wliilo past, ho has tie- vntnil n itiimI I nDiU fii.i.. ... ..... ..... Voted a Kicnt deal of his tltnu to workinir nn- ,1... .1... ! . ... i . .. i ,. on mo ouiiuiug mat ii to be a cuurcu. Ono of I). Hazard's fiuulc) frolnht traim iiaAC(i mrougii town yeateruay arternoon, I..!.!. ! I . 1 I , . . . .. ' nun iiiiiueiiu loau oi itimoer irom rue OjiarU Mountain Haw-mill, which liimher is dettined for t'uinp Verde. Mr Junior, who was with the train, informed u.s that the ronu between this place and the mill was, in places, almost bottomless. Mr P. (J. Olivet v is doint' every fair tliint: in his power to ilovelop the mineral resources around Ilia station, on the Camp Verde road. It Is hut a lew mouths since he settled near tho old (lovernment saw-mill site, on Cherry creek, and built a station, out-houses, corrah, etc., yet ho is, to-day, running said station, workimr mines, leucing some agricultural land and advertising the resources of his sec tion of tho country, all of which proves that ho is not "waiting Tor capital." rrcu. imams iiiiiikr no owns anu "cuiis" ti,c handsomest saloon in l'rescott, and it is KVn1 Willlnnia tlttnL'a tin nurtii find "jirl an orderly place, too. An immense mirror. just received from San Francisco, several line, chaste pictures, etc., are tho latest attraction ot the place. Snow, An inch or more ol snow came down lato Saturday afternoon. Had it kept up its lick Tor a couple or hours, wo would have had a foot of snow, it calno down at such a rupul rate. Nelson, tho Wickcnburg assassin, was last seen near Smith's mill, and was heading for Sonora. J. M. Urvan and are in miranSl nml Ir U vnrv iirnlinliln ttmi. tin .. .II i.. ' .1 I. Ml. i wruicii win uc caugiii. aim Kineu. In Ii.iih ltni... nh unnmtil1nrt if nl. creek miner, came down witli the gold dust a Tew days ago. lie has recently been exper imenting with some gulches east of thu creek and is satislled with ills treatment. Wm. A. Linn arrived hero from Tucson this morning. Krom TuriJny'i Dally. Knots of business men were seen and heard bv us this moniinir discussing tho action, or, rather, non-action of the acting chief quarter master of this military department, wlto, they stated, had, for a week past, Instructions to draw checks on tho Depository at Tucson, in payment of accounts duo citizens of this Ter ritory by the War Department, but who, in stead of having done so, pleaded want of time, clcrkv, etc, thus ballting our business people and adding to tho monetary pressure Jl evaHlng. mainly on account of the fauurc on tnc pun 01 uovcrnmeiu uwuuraing ... a . . t. I .. n .t?i ; V""'" ".", n v . Vvv Z. , tlt ,Uu Government. t ywtcr- day saiu suuic en. to snow uie injustice o withholding this money for months after it should have been paid out; also, tho great wrontroi mrcmg comraciors ana oniura i torv at drafts on the U. 8. Sub-Trciuurcr at San i .jnJrm hor or elsewhere to nurauo a ScTrs Francisco, and wo now assert that, wcro any l,.r .. I mcnt lias pursued here, said house would be tabooed and pronounced dishonorable. Tho quartermaster's department here is said to have to ita credit at Tucson something liko &1(X).000. which is duo our citizens, some of whom think it would be no more than fair for Gen Crook to send a trusty person and escort for said money, and, uion its arrival I rinnpffn TTiMftn tiaa rrntn al- I hero place it in ono of those hugo safes at People hero have not yet got over won Headquarters, in charge of ono of the several I dcring why somo person or person at Wick- bonded oflicera of the Department, iiut, it nrn rl.morim. fr their monev want their nru CISUlUllIlK iur tuuil .l.uuui nun. miiii checks right away, in such amounu as will enable tEam to pay small dehu, and not r ,:". " . : "'...-i. .i.L. .... .. IU liiruu tuiiuu.lbo, DUVU w. tiivj o. , acting (J. M. likes to emit, in order to savo a uitio extra vrnuug James Ilono' passenger wagon is to start for California to-morrow, ever tho Hardyvillo route, with Mrs It. Meacharn, M. K. Isrty und several mow passengers. Jir li. called . i i .i i. a n " w yesterday and said he wa leave tho Territory for good. Wc on uuin w o wish him luck, whereever he may settle, a. ShcritT Herbert m ciniwwcrea Mr r mscr . ... .1 i nt Wtakcnhimr. to act as ucnuiv suuniu it was Mr Frascr who urresteu tno . . OT " " iierson ac cused of being au accojnplico of tho assassin, Nelson. Sheriff and tax-collector II. M. Herbert paid into the county treasury yesterday nearly SGOO on account of licenses ana poll taxes, nil collected in January iasi, t " 'rSSKi". t. cnlrib. District li tod a coiiiid aJrcady been exchanged for warrants 3fr T. Otto and ono other man recently trap'ped CO beavers on tho Verde, in a very hon sn:ica of time, and Indians oftho rcser- vatior; captured about 100. Good judges say there aro at least 5,000 beavers ou Upper Verde. Wcatjikk. Sky cloudy, with cool south era blast. . Irooi Vrloday' DallyJ Tlie octin chip! quartermaster of the tie partment paid out, yesterday, some checks on tho Depository nt Tucson, tho holders of which tendered them to storekeepers, in pay ment of debts, a tender tho store meu did not look upon as legal, since they havo to run great risk,iand wait for somo time, before getting money for tho unpopular papor. Tho Verde Indian agency can bo made ono of tho best of Indian colonies, and as healthy as any in tho country, by tho expenditure of a llttlo money, and by jnaking tho Indians sleep on tho mountain side, instead of, as now, on tho river hank. Why can't our Prescott browcrs mako ale and porter Hall or Lopob, No. J77, V.& A.M., PiiKH'coTT, A. T., Jim. 31st, 1874. To the W.JII., Wardtutand JJriihnn. of Axtlan IMrjt No. 177, b $ A. J.: Your committee appointed to draft resolu tions cxprcsfiivo of feeling of the Lodge upon tho death of our worthy and esteemed Urolhcr, Aaron Wcrthcimcr, in the perform ance of that duty report tho following: WiiKitKAK, The Graud Master of tho Unl verso, in his inscrutable wisdom, Jim removed from earth our worthy and bolovcd Urothcr, Aaron Wcttheimcr, Thtrtotty lUMved, That, while wo Iww with reverence to tho dispensation of Divine ARIZONA M INER : JPJIESCOIT, FEBRUARY Providence, wo deeply feel and dcnloro the I . .. e .. . . ui sij wormy a oroiiier. lloiolced. Thnt wu trill nhrriKli l. our deceawd brother, emulate hi virtue and charitably consign his faults to the grave, j(cmtrit mat wo tender our heartfelt sympathy to the relatlm and friends of the deceased and mourn with them the loss of ono universally esteemed. Wtolccil, 'that this lodge bo draped in Mourning and thu members wear the usual badge ol mourning for thirty days. JUttutctit, That a copy of these resolutions bo furnished tho Arizona Mim:ii for miblica- !.... 1 .i. ii i ..... i ni--.iiui;iiuiiy snoillllieil. .1. 11. Walk mi, Oi:o. Lousr, J. P. lUiiiiitAVi:, (.'otumittee. IIAI.I.OK AlllZO.NA liOMIK N0. 1., I. 0. (). P. Pkimcoit, Jan. i!8, 1871. Wiii'.iikah, It has pleased Aluiiirhtv Ood to take from our midst our esteemed and bo loved llrotlier, Aaron Werthcimor, whoso death is antiounced to h:ie taken place in Prescott, January 120th, Inst., therefore lx- it .Wrfd, That wo recognize in this dispen sation of Providence- a renewal of tho admo nition so often repeated, reminding us of the time which surely comoth to all men, when all distinction, save that of goodness, shall cease, and that tho Grand Ituler of the Uni verse will reduce all to the same state. lUioltal, That wo tender our svmnathv and condolence to the family and Irieud of our deceased Hrother in their deep sorrow. Iluolrtil, That this Lodge be draped in mourniiig, aim the members wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. HeoluL J hat a copy of these resolutions be furnished iho Arizona Mini.u for publica tion. C. A. I.iki:. J. OnMlSTI'.IK, J. W.SUM.IVA1Y, Committee. irruin Ttiurflaj-'i Dalljr.J Mr Huch McCrum, one of the partners of tho san Francisco liquor house ot J. M Uoe wcy uo., arnvcu ucrc tins morning, by buckboard, from Tucson, and will take a look cives an Interesting stay on the Gila and Salt, when those rivers were "iKvnuing, and how, when crossing the raging Salt, on a buckboard, all hands came within an ace of drawing. Ho speaks of Joe Collingwood, of Florence, as being the "whitest" man he has ever met. Joo is sev eral carats finer than two-thirds ol his race. It is our painful duty to record the death of Mr H. Pcnclon, a gentleman who arrived here but a few weeks ago from California, in company with his partner, Mr Flanders, on a professional tour th-ough tho Territory. His demise occurred at 5 o'clock this morning, from internal hemorrhage. He was a native of Lyons, France, about fifty Vfnrs of acre, and resided at Los Ancclcs. California, where he leaves a wito and two children to mourn hit loss. tli funrrnl trill taWn nlarc tit 2 n'clock to- morrow, from tho residence of Mr Wm. M. It m duiiuui. A gentleman who arnvcu here last night, dircct from Ehrcnbcrir. on the ColoSIo j TCr tbat a Mexican who bad used up .... ' , ,!t . ,t,. . ,Mv', crowbar a'ml wo0(icn pnnj ,Urted for the old n.Mr ... ... .i . rur-nhnrrr anntr " H.l rZlT 1. "r t'hZZ mitZz: ,vcre there, expecting to pan out 1.1" I. IIKW yiUWUa VI UUIU. .i.CAIIlia uiuvii nemvu avuiwwij lumuiii. Two Thousand Do llaiis R e wa rd is offered by J. M. llryan for tho capture of Notson, the human fiend who recently attempted to assassinate George llryan. hen list seen, tno assassin was near Hill Smith's mill, be low Wickenburc. It may bo that he has gone to Sonoia, Mexico. enburg did not hold the Icllow, ticaa or auve. Fred. Williams, yesterday, sent his lieuten- i, Y. . , " - . . . f1. A Prmther, into our sanctum w Ith a large box of fine Impcnale cigars and the following message: "For John nnd the bojV They sinoko well, Fred, and we wish wo could spare time to go over and havo a so cial smoko with you in that now and gay club-room, which tho "bop" pronounco the nicest place in town. J. Finlay and three other men arrived here rccontly from Pioche, Novads, intending to start Tor the ban J inn country, incy ad vise all Eastern Nevada and California peo- plo to como this way, it bing the shortest, cheapest and best. " Mr Finlay resided hero several years ago. The Pioneer Livery Stable Company, L.I1 Jewell, and Asher A Co.. south side of the plaza, have recently graveled in front of their places, which makes warning up ami uown there pleasurable exercise. Weather, veslcrdav. was composed of .tok. oMi. coil S & nonl. ruarv tation as our wettest moniu. The prisoner, Gallagher, who arrived this morninirin charce of Deputy Hhonll rrascr. and who is susncctcd of complicity in the IJryan murder, will be examined to-day. C. P. Head & Co. have just exponded a a fow hundred dollars In cutting a dram irom Hintr lfin?o Fairbanks' scales and otherwise fitting it up for tho convenience of tho public Tho "boys" in the office tell us that there appears to bo a kind of mania among onr restaurant and saloon keepers, to seo who can sot the best lunch, these nights. Our peoplo in town and county, should not forget to sot out shado trees, the coming spring General Crook, and Surgeon Magrudcr go to Camp Vcrdo to-morrow. Manlu suirar is a luxury in Arizona. Bash ford keeps it. The peoplo of Arliona aro bitterly complaining over tho length of thuo which lliuy havo to wait Tor the disbursement of funds from the Quarter mn.trVa n.-iMrtmcnt. It appears that tho funds aro not scut to Arizona for several months after they aro due, which oucn occasions serious an nnvmir-i-a and nven losses to business men. The hard tlnica atso ottect tho Indians. One horso will n.,w i,iirii.ian two Amclic women, and tho owner of the women will throw In a dog or two rather than spoil a trade. I Bail i-ko .iews Considering that tho fellow who wrote tho above is ono of Brigbam's eunuchs wo aro at no loss to account for His ning at mo pcopi r Arirnnn who treat alt women (Anach women included) with all tho respect duo them. liVSt and iccaula. a IU. KENDALL 8 Vtoaoet Drug liwe. ' SPECIAL NOTICES. AZTLAN LODGE No. 177, F. & A. M. Urfftilur Mrrtliiir, .ifthl, tl(r nn Iht I ait fi.ituriUy ufr.Mli uinnlli, at 7 Vlnf k v, 11. fMwfiili( bivtlitrn Ufa fraUmsll)' Ullnt tuutlnl. THOJIAH COIIKIS, W. M. K. W. WKl.t.H, ftwretiry. 1. 0. 0. F., ARIZONA LODGE, NO. 1. 4(tVfl5gjf nrwlay Krnlnv, t M.uonte Hall, llriu. ''ViTTe Iw-rt nf the OrJrr, In punt ntHinllnr, hi Invltnl IfiRltrnil. I.. 11. J I. W KM., N. . !. A. I.UKK, Hrrrrlnry. All Itir ll!crt.frilrll iiim! Im-iI 11111 I'lO I'tllA TIOM. l'iHiilr, Dili, lyn, iiml Iiivlifnrliir, l,iilJn' (lrimn Krriii-li KitrncU, tSoajx, I'umlrK. ami l.'nairirllmirt, coil b Ud nt Ilt. KHNKAl.tS, liiiii-TTJ I'iimrrr Umg Hlor. post orncE, prescott. Mall. nrrWf from nil ,11. nrrl frmiiBll t,li,KM'.mlay. tiH Tl.urlayi. twrj, wiiiuj, Ki.i.iy Mini Hatiiniay.. lli iir.- iiitiirt fromU a M. lusr. M, Monry Order. U.urtl cvrry iIhv nf the tk, iPr.t Humtay. OHI.ANOO AM.K.S', I'. M, NEW ADYEUTISEMENTS. Notice to Settle. All i-rnon. VdowIiir thririrrr. ImlrUnl tu tbr unrtf. IK'kxI r rumr.Oy riii.ll tu rail uml aritlti atrarly iu ilblr, uiij urf lli ciiim nml ilrgnulatlon 1 h" IriK .uil fur UmM Ullt. JOHN MTKMMKU. I'rrKutt, A. January 31, 1671. Joa31t4 TP 1. 23 K II Just Received at K E LL V Ac ST El HENS'. I.ARUK, NBW, COMPI.ETK WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHOPS, Gurley Street, Fronting on Granite. All kin J i uf llUclnnlllilnir. Varun-maVtnr aiul r. )lrinr Uud In guud ilyl by I.U10O l l.LI). (1. UIltX'lIT. C. P. HEAD JAXE JUEEfi. a JP. MEAD & CO., PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. JtMItUitlly aarwuM tu Ui of NurUxra Ariioaj, Utat tWy bart mw tin band THE I.AROE8T nnd BEST STOCK .or. GENERAL MEHCIIAXDISE I Ever Offered in'this Market, ....covurrrvo or.... LADIKS' FUItMSHCSG GOODS, Gont'g Furnishing Goods, MilitUiry FuruUfliliiff Goods, ' DRY OOOD3, OROCT2UES IItO VISIONS, FLOUlt, Dried nnd Canned FVulta and Meats.' t Boot w ttncl 8hoeH, CtTrTiERY. HAHDWAKH CROCKER YW ARE, OLAS3WARE. WOODEHWAKU TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, "WINES, LIQTTOBS, FANCY GOODS, OILS AND PAINTS, Ovins, 3?iHtolH, EIFLE AND BLASTING POWDEE, SHOT, LEAD, FUSE . AM) CARTRIDGES, Iron aAd Steel, s Mining & Farming Implements, BTC, ETC, KTC., WHICH WILL SKLU 'OU CASH ONLY, AT THU SMAI.LK8T lt)8IBLi: MAKOIK AllOVR C0T AND CAUKIAOK. LlltHRAIi PRICES Paid in Merchandise or Curreney ....ton.... GtOXjJD DUST, COLD AND SILVER MILLION, ....AMI THE.... McrcliantahlQ Products Or THU COUNTRY GENERALLY. Haying carrfittiy studied tb tliarattrr of (nis if tlrabls fur tbla inarktt, asI bating on bawl fro larrt asd ag rarleit aa nssorlmrtt, sstrctfd with tb grratnl feast bluu, nu conRiltnt tbal fur lb resiling )-a will be bttter csabll ttittlfy lb lufitaotlls wauls of IAIj community thaoeter bercWfut. 0, F, nUXMu CO, i'itttM, Arlwaa, JuaturyS, 1871, A 6.J8W.; Phom AVaiunoton, Itcccnt letters from our friend, O. L. Chapman, contain tho fol lowing items of interest: Hugo Richards, from tho Territory, Is in town, and stopping nt tho Arlington. Oeo II. Kimball is nt his homo in Massachusetts. Major Hooper ami wifo aro hcrt yot. I enclose you u clipping from tho Hepublicaii of tho 12th Inst., in reference to them: ...'. iu ...uc, uinaLllli; JIIU 1UillllllUI I1IU1UI, tinwr vUltlng WiislitiiKton Is Mrs. Hooper, wile of l A I It ill.. n..t nil r... .11 1 I..... ...t.ul l.ll .Major i . n. novper, or Han h r:inulco. Tliey are at lireient L-m sts at Hie Khtillt House. Mrs ifoon- er Is a native of Mississippi, lar lather litliig hcl- nun u. in;iii, .inn, iur u iuhk lime, lias uvin a proinliu'lil Judicial position In C-dllornU. Mrs Hooocr iiMilstcil Mrs Hcnnlor TluiriiKiii In ruitli. I siir L-'ills on New Yir day. sml was nolltcaM at the reception ol' Secretary und Mrs Fish, 'r day evening last." Mr James Grant was vuiting in Canada. " i.,. ... 1.1 , usiiiiigion, feeling real good over tho promotion of Oen- eral Crook. MrC. sUtea that Governor McConnick sent tw tolgrams nbout the promotion of Crook, etc., not ono of which wcro received. The new Chief Justice, Mr Waite, of Ohio, is thus "pedigreed" and "historied" by the press : Mr Walte It M years of aire. Is a son of Hie Inte Chief Justlco Waltc, of Connecticut, and Is a law ycr of thlrty-cilil yu:irs standing. Ho w one of the counsel for the United Hint us In the Geneva Arbitration. Hit hat been a resident of Tole do, Ohio, since 1K.1S, and Is at present President of the Ohio Constitutional Convention. Just u year ago he was admitted to practice In tlio Su preme Court ol the United KUUc, on motion of Caleb Cuatiln. BORN. Id lreKtt, January 1871, to tb wife of Jobs lUrt. a mu, MARKIED. In Vuma, Jnooarr 18. 1PM. br Jn.tlrr C. H. Ilrinl.r AnUiuio Lurrrtto hi Jrtua Munrral de AfrniUr. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Wm. B. HOOTER. JA8. M. BAKKET, Qutnbcrg s:d tuna. A.T Bsa Frsndsco, CsUiortU. AVM. 13. HOOPER & CO. Merclmnts, Forwarders, COMMISSION AGENTS 'iiH IMPORTERS By Every Steamer, Awuring Full and Fresh their Varied, Select, and HEAVY STOCK From European, Eastern, and San Francisco Markets. JOBBERS To Merchants, tflore and fltatkwi Keepers, Miners, Llinor Dealer, Kancberoa asd TranfrorUin at rate which guarantee Mll.Uctlos. COMMISSIONERS Through Correerondeots la tbe CHIEF CITIES OF THE WOKLD; OKDKHS AUG FILLED TO THE LETTEK. CONSIGNMENTS Of Frtidare, Merchandise or Machinery for fltorage, Sale or transinlwIoDS are attended to STRICTLY IN AC CORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS, and lo the beat interest of the owners. Tlir. MONT J'ROMPT DISPATCH AND CARE Fl'L DEMVKUV ASSURED. The connections and arrangements iu pwrVet to er ery point In tbe Territory, O0J.D DUT, COLD AND SILVER HULLI0N U. S. llonds, Treanity Drafts, Legal Tenders, Rnldrers' Warroot. HaaVers' Drafli. asd good CoionwroUl lpe'i Ofnlo, llldrs, Wool ami ALL TBRRtTOniAt AND I MEXICAN IMlODUOTfl bought l talue FOR CASH or adranet uaile as may be desired. Our Stock is Complete. OUR CONNECTIONS THE REST. And w offer to the people uf Arisona, boaora and New Mexico Induce taenia not obtainable at any other boiue a l I'a'Jflo Coast. poyjtr WM. B, HOOl'En 4. CO. PKESCOTT. WHAT LIVE 31 EN .TV X0. Peace With the Apaches .A NO. TKLK(;UAIH JJIVKS IX J2 S T J rr ANT! 99 A DAILY PAPER .AND. OHIUAJP GOODS IN PRENCOTT. UAILllOABS COMING, TOO. BASHFORD'S STORE ALREADY HEIMS. 17 Call. Sm. Pardiaae tad Ckeer -for lbs Oraad Knock Dovr la Prices. declSilwt LUMBER, LU3IBER. AM, KINDS OV HUIMIINO LUMBRIt KEPT ooo.tantl- nn hand at the Quarts MounUla Saw-Mill, ot niim auuib ol I'raMutt. All onlrri snt tbroag-b tbr pout cflle nil! b prom till r attewlnl tn. Terms caib ondcllTrrr at the mill. OEO. W. CURTIS. l'r4t, A. B ptrnUr 6, lg72. p7tf TO THE PUBLIC. New Store- New Goods. THE BEST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. WE TAKE T11I8 METHOD Of RESPECTFULLY annouadog to tin publie that ire bar hut recited, ar ranged, asd an bow aellinf aud Odette; for sate, la our NEW AND COMMODIOUS STORE, Bouth Side of Plaza. Prescott, Arizona. (Om dour Eat ot Wertaaer k. Wcrtbeteer's AN IMMENSE STOCK, COXSISTUO, tX TAKT, OF Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Of all Usds aid atxea, fur ladles, gestleinea and bo a. OUK STOCK. HA VINO BEEN SELECTED WITH great rare by oo of tb In, ( who will remain fa Maa t rucim lor trie porroH or vaytct man goou, at a mall adraaee us ot, and with epeclal refereDe to IbU maraet, w are enOdeat that w caa tell oor goods CHEAPER Thaa as)-other llwtaela the Territory. W. are there lure eerua uai as w qnaui aaa auapiautjnj w iu waats of the ooemiualtjr our (lock U nasorymed. For Qaeee reateas we rrepeetfoOr aoQett a share ee lh poblle rtnia-e, frellag aaeored tbat our gvude a4 priors eaurat fall to gir mUn aatia&ctlcat. TJT Oumaty ze?aaced far Odd Dm. JL3 a. ssnw ar. tXI. rreeeott. Xoreaiber 2, 1CT3. PIONEER DRUG STORE. Prescott, Arizona. Oa hand and for Sale: AVER'S, JAYNE'S, BRISTOL'S, BULIa AND IIAI.E.!! Family Medicines, And a fall aawrtmeet of tb. bett I'atesst nedlelBes txnr In tbe market warranted freeh and genuine. .Faery Toilet Article, Soap and J'erumery, And a fall tapptf of Dtsntxacco Muncuira. Physician' PrrscrlptloBa cfcrefally aad arcw ately Compoandrd. OEO. D. KENDALL. 3- Db. KctuiU.' OBe-ln rear of Drug Stora. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT or Groceries, Provisions, AJIU EPICUREANS' NTOKEA. No. IS South Montezuma St., (Opposite Dan IlaU's Restaoraat.) Belnc eoastaatlr la receipt of freeh arrtTabv noiub goods are on hand. I ariner proanca ana isaraeaBg waaieq in exenang for goods. ..... . . . Call and gel bargains, eitner mr extsaaga, greearjaea or gold duet, at R. Meacbaw's old stand, where ym will Sod the uadareigaed or hi asalabuU ready toaoaeeaiae. date at all times. 8. C. ROGERS. Iroott, June T, 1873. PIIOTOGlUnUC NOTICE. D not forget that FLANDERS tc PF.NELOK. ArUsU, remain ia lrcoott only daring the preecnt naoata. And tbe niblie are particularly reooeatad to call and examine prcima of wprk MAUK IX FaaVSCOTT, whether they dmire wors or not, a it is. always a ptraaRr. to re ceive visitors. Their LIFE SIZE PORTBAITS CANNOT BB EXCELLED. Picture, taken In ekiodr weather, gnaranteeil equal to any taken on the brightest day. JanlOtf The Post Trader's Store. A T Fort Whipple, Arizona, Keep for Sale, Orocerttt, ProtUion, Can Frvllt Clothing Hoofs, SJiott, Stationery Fancy Qoodt, Tobacco, Cigar i, dc. Prices, Reasonable. MM. W. nOWERB. Proprleter. 11 U Y YOUR MEAT AND VEGETABLES FRESH . ... AT THE.... PIONEER MEAT MARKET, GRANITE ST11EET, PHE8COTT, Eat plenty of both, and you will soon be as strong as an ex, as UX as butler, and as stout, around tbe waist, as a 1'rasU deutial Quaker. Frescott, August IB, IBTl. Y?rOiu ELIXIE. PEEHVUN BARK, WITH PE0 KSr l.ilUle nf Iron, at KetntaU'e Drug Kioie. UNK WEED REMEDY OR 0RE00N RHEU. Duttlo Curt, at Dr. Ktudull's Drug atute.