Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY ARIZONA MINER: PBESCOTT, FBBEUAJIY C, 1874. .school Lands. Congrcs having donated, to State, and Territories for school purposes, the Ifith snd 30tli sections of all public hinds, our Delen-i- in Conjircas li.n, by request of our Ingilati.;v, asked Cnngr.- to sell s.iid land and apply the interest of whatever money tiny .mo fiotn nurii s.des to support iuc the public -cliooli of our Territory. The hiw of Congress on tliis matter grant to every State, thirty thouand acre for nch of its Senator-, ami Kepteientativi in Co; jre.s. tor the lieiiellt of agricultural colleges and t lie mechanic arts, it clear inti .relation of which act would give Arizona thirty thou sand am-. Hut. lndn't we better wait .1 while, until the Territory heroines fi i'tato, (when we will get more land), before asking this donation. In r ' gard to school s. tion, several of them are already very va. liable, and, as our school fund I not over large, it might he well to sell such sections a aro wanted by settlers, and apply the interest to swell said fund. Were it "possible to sell such sections to the hiyhcit bidders, far moru would, in this way, bo realized than by the government mode of soiling them. - . - - Delegate McConnlck has favored us with a copy of lion l'erley loro's Congressional Directory, which, besides giving pretty full sketches of tho country's representatives, tells almost everything about the National Capital and its institutions public and pri vate. Any person wishing information is welcome to look into this book. And so tho twin wonders of tho world, Chang and Eng have, to use a "Western phrase, "passed in their checks." Chang went llrst, and poor Eng had to wait two hours beforo death came and took his spirit to the other world. What must havo been his feelings, during those two hours, whilo bound, ai tightly as ever, by that wonderful ligament, to his doad brother, is more than tho Miner con explain. Modest gentlemen those U. S. Supremo Court judges, who lately informed the Presi dent that nouo of them would be offended if he would make any one of their tiumber Chief Justice, Ho didn't, however, take any chances in this line, but straightway picked out a man whom the Senato has not Cush- ing-ed Mr Morrison R. Walte; of Ohio, to wuicn btatc tuo 1'resiueut appears quite partial. Our old friend, Captain 1. McGregor, First U. 8. Cavalry, formerly of this Territory and now of Uenicia, California, lias fuvorod us with a copy of a Scottish paper Paisley Herald containing a certain article of ours, written sorao five months ago, when we were about to commit an act which wo have not yet regretted. Tho Herald, liko many other papers, introduces said articlo with some re marks of a complimentary nature. Tho Washington correspondent of the Los Angclw Star, writes some pretty things about Mrs. II, 0. McCormick and Mrs. Wm. B Hooper, two excellent ladies, whoso bus bands aro now in Washington, working for ciio advancement ot our Territory. wickenburg: W1GKEN1UR8 HOME STATJQ.M OF TtlB ARIZONA STAGE LINES, JUNCTION OP THE ' ; TUCSON AIVD WICKENBUKG -And- ' ' ; PRESCOTT, SAN BERNAEDINO AND STG-E LINES, ONE HU.VDHED JtlLKS East ti Kbreoberjr and th Colorado Klver, Ninety mile tooth of I'retoott and Three Hundred mile Cast of San liernardino; SUlj rnlksWest of 1'hMulx and On Hundred and Twenty n-'tf Writ of Florence, and One Hundred and Eighty time ft'e.t cd fucton, oilerj Good Accommodations to Traveler, Vli, Board and 1-odfffn.ri, a fine Corral, Barley and Wheat, Hay for Slock, a lilacliiwltu and IVaon Shop for repair of wagon and helng Horses. AU j conUntly ou hand, fine PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, All at reasonable price, and every attention Riven to the traveling public to make their (0100111 a tone. JAMES QUANT, Proprietor. J. II. HEKSON. Snpeflntendcnt, ) fay! AI. JL. PJ3KALTA, Wiclicaburg, Arizona, Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, Mining and Agricultural Implements, POWDER, FUSE, ETC. MAGNOLIA SALOON. WICKENBURG, ARIZONA. Thl well-known and popular plaoa of rewrt ha again, through expiration of I, fallen Into th handi of it. owner. A, II. Feeplet, under whos direction It will 000 tluue to be run for the az-oomuKxlatlou of I ha public TIIK IIAIt, (which It atUndedto by Torn FJoursoy.) will, ut all timet, be found well upplld with THIS 1IKST IIIIA.VDS OV AVincs, Liquors, untl Cigars. THE BILLIARD ROOM COXTA1XS two 2s'o. 1 TABLES. Adlolnlog the Saloon, and belonnjf to Ir. People, la A CORRA L, Where stock will he fed and otherwise attended to. l&a'J Aai. I'EEI'LES, Proprietor. .II. iMV.ISTVVSSI3 111 VOW IN II U STOItB AT Vic!;nlHirff, A f4lt(vSilUin I(e.i&rtiueDi ;l EVERY CLASS OF (JOOOS Uiually Kept In (Vmntry Htnitt, nnd. pUdgo. hltniolf to uwvwy, vua ail prrini who nuy imr rhiiie of him. No lli la n4tnio(urtala attlle. nh mr tiruiV mm rleirvrryaitlrlethatli,oiaay be ueedcl, by lieaiU t'f f.iiiiilli, hotel aud lwanlloK-houw lteir, lulutri, fntmcr., tturk-ratwrt,. etc CuinolutiM nwirnlnit; pome lo Ilia Trn!n(? com at " fin uu' luj-Mir ot uukmim preiir to fiunltli whuUsvi-r you may ifcilre. II. UANtf AnnK, t'JS" HIU IIiiIiik "11U Utiltclnllii llt eiU Special anil flrrtcrnl I',vt toruey p.,rrulr ut the Miller (filler. MARICOPA COUN'fV. W. tl. IIKU.INO.I, r.IVi''ll E. UUUlNlit. C. II. V KII-, . , SALT ItlrER FLOURING MILL, Salt River Valloy, Arizona. Our Mill now bciui; In full ocratlon, we nre prepared to furulsli tha market with a ipiality of Flour, which n KtutruntM far tueriorto any tuutiufacturi d In th Terri lory, ad fully c.tual to the very bt lniitled from Call, iornl-t. We will keep constantly on ! ul the Mill, and utour tew-ral 11,-enHes, THREE QUALITIES OP TLOUR, In 25, 50, and 100-Pound Sacks GRAHAM FLOUR. SEM ITE LLA, COIIN-ME A L, CRACKED WHEAT AND DRAM. A liberal discount will bo made on regular rates to merchants and other purchasing larre quantities. A i. F.N T.N: Omr.ox Coi.'MLU iVtoott J. It. PlKIMN Wickenburg. Iiaunett ic Hlock l'bu-nlx. MooiiB .t t'.HUt Maricopa Well. i:. N. l'tll ti Co Plorrnce. K. S. Pntll A Co Tucmi. W. B. HELLIK08 & CO, Ratt Phienlx, Aritona. norl ixiocivi: HOTEL, Phoenix. j?l Arizona, The undenlgned harlnfr opnetl thl( Hotel, otiaret the pnblio that no ruliui or eziMinje will be noired to make It TIIK Hotel of the Territory. ninffie riwini lor laiamet. in ronnoeiion witn lue Hotel. V ood Stable and KM Yanl attached to the preinlice. Coiue one, couie all Aud tflve uie a call. eoTltf J. J. QAUUISEU, Proprietor, PtlOVREY & COTTON'S SALOON, Comer Washington and Montezuma Sts, PIM12MX, AltlZONA, THE VEIIY BEST OF Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Cp ALWAYS ON HAND. Two Billiard Tables in the Establishment. noTlm3 11. itoKOAS. i. Diirrnrrcu. II. MORGAN & CO., AT PHOJNlk, SALT RIVUR VALLEY, ASU MORGAN'S FEIUtr, OX TUB GILA, Maricopa County, Arizona, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Our Motto: 'Quici 5W and Small Profit.1 JeCStf .J. Gold water & Bro., PHCENIX, ABIZONA, Huts on band a Lain tnd Completa Etock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ComprlaW aTfrthlaf; repaired, lqA-farming, eoonlry, and which they will tell at tha lowet pcttlble prlcei. Hlghext price paid for Grain. febltf CAPITAL HOUSE, IPlioonix, Arizona, JOHN GEORGE, Proprietor. The eating derailment will be conducted on the ret- tauraatitylc. MEALS AT ALL IIOUUS. . . THE SALOON - . f Derartnient, byOKOKOE" JfWALTEItS. wll betnr- plied with the bett of Liquor. I'eutnlz, Maricopa county, A. T., Auguit SI, ld72. aut-31 IUTINC J. A. IU 1HVI.NK. E. IltVIIVE Sc CO, At the News Depot, PIKEMX, ARIZONA, Offer for Sale an auortotent of flrtt clan FAMILY GROCERIES, Stationery, Books, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, AT LOW 1'ltICEH. Thopnlx;. l.tarlcopa Co., Aritona, December SOth.' It73. BARNETT & BLOCK .... DEALERS IN .... Groceries, Provisions, Clothing Dry-Goods Boots, Shots, Tvbacco, de. ' Piice.nix, Maui co pa Coontt, Arizona. Bell cheaper than any other merchant! in central Arizona. nov20'l)7. GUftS AND PISTOLS nicx'VLiiiicD nv J. F. RHODE, at L. II. JEWELL'S. Preacott, Arizona. Development of the Mines. It will iem by the heading of (hit article Hint n move in the riRht direction U being made at aud In the vicinity of the tlte of tha old flovernmrnt flaw Mill, on Cherry i.'roek, Verde road, Yavitpai county, Arizona, by 1'. C, Oayetty, wbu, ome inontht ttneo took up and located a tituber and tlnck moch udlolnlnir th Indian Ilrtcrvatlon, n( which point ho liat eiUblUhed a Htutlim f.r the accoav moilatlon of the military unit travelling public, and what iauioit enoouiaKinir ut all liaa ditcovere.1 and located lev. era! very rich gold bearlpg and argentlferuutqtiurU lodra with rian, hoary crupplugt, uud abpror to bo well defined, A new mining camp will b vitablbihed. Work hat al ready lieen uoinintnced to develop Ibe ledgct. The locn. lion ptaiwuet rare natural advantagei, tuch at a bvautlful twn-U, twa nilll-ll., each with eultlclent water power with a properly coottracUkl wutur.wheel to propel the ma. rhlnery hi heavy reduction workt. Also, a beautiful for. r.t of Jue and other timber. Wood, tho but of water, und grnti, and good garden landt la nbundanre, Mr. Cnyetty Intcndt to return to California In Ibe ppring after hit family, and report favorably to bit nutneroui frieodt who havu the capital and are anilou to inett It ia the inlnttand Kher enleriUe of Arizona, lie doubt! not that ha will t able to return to Arizona aeoompuoled by a rvper.iabU luiinlgrallou fnmt Cklifonila, Ily tuch ef fittt and meant m tend directly, and at an curly day, to the dtsvelopmrnt of the general rewuroet and Induttrirt of me cuiiniry, counieGiurala only wnn uu menu aua abll. ily to ( fleet and bring nbout mmlti favorable to the coun try at well at blinwlf, he boprt tn make u ralte, and there, by opn th nay for olliert to do the tame. Consequently be very rectrully M.llilu (b) aid, intluenceand approval of the Military and Indian !ipurtmenti, at well at en eourageinrnt from tha 1'irn aud public rm rally. wMlhiu'W Of every rltu and kind, atwnyt no hand anil for tale, at iuc iir.uoiuc. at prvcci men at no lawyer, lattice of tu pa-ft or .nlitr "Ul'-er cvo ri atoiubly find fiuilt n"ilh. YUMA COUNTY. MEST AND CHEAPEST Freight and Passenger lloutc. " FUOJt San Francisco, Cal., TO "ScT XJ 3VI -A. , ARIZONA, r.t GUAYMA9, LA PAZ, MAZATLAN, And Other Mexican 1'ort. r. THE COLORADO BTEAM NAVI0A- W IS. ).,.. (1.,.,..... ,..' n.nllahl Klontnthil 'LtW NEWBERN iitxl MONTANA IeTe Xan w-l Kninelnco .'rery twriily iliiy lor .Mexican iMitiuuil mouth of C'oliirailo tler, canratinir with tivrr lt. I'rri(jht landed at Yimia In twelve (l'J) dny from San I' Aicenrim of the Company at fitO I'ronl Street, San KrnnclM-n, California, Yuma und Khrentxrr. Arixona. i. roi.iiAMirs, Jit., auiJtfl Oenernl Suerlnlendent. Passage at Keduccd Hates. Yuma to San Francisco, Per C. S. N. Co's Steamers : Cabin $40 Cola 8urai;e 25 " J$r Accommodations First Clasa.-t I I'lll llAMI'S Jr.. novi-tf Iltnrrsl Hiitlnletident. NOTICE. I'. M. K1SIIKH relieve 8. A. AMES from fifteenth of December hut, :u our Agent at Ehrenberg. St COLOIIADOH.X. CO. Yuma Xing: Stove. GEORGEMARTIN, Wholttale and Itetall r K. TJ O O I S T . 31ain Street' Yuma, Arizona, Hat In ttore a full tine of Dispensing Medicines, Patent Medicines Drugs, Perfumery, Paints, Oil, Toilot Soaps, Toothbrushes, And all other artlclet usually kept In Drug- Storri r'I'n'tcrlptioni put up with great care. Order from the country toliclted, with the atsurance that price, Ac , 111 bv lound taimtactory. OEOUOE MAKTIN. Yuma, Arizona. decSl'Tltf PIMA COUNTY. e. y. fish & Co. Desire to inform the public through the medium of the MLNEIt, that their extensive stores and warshoatei, at Tucson and Florence, la lima county, Arizona, are always filled with full linen of tuch good' at are needed in the Territory, and that their ample facilities for purchasing and receiving goudt, enable them to tell better article, for lets itgv tbii any other inn la Southeattern Arizona. In addition to regular ttore article, they keep on band PINE LU.nitKIt AXB NUIXOLE.S, ALSO - BAKLEY mill CORN". Mr. Flth, at Tocon, and Mr. Colllngwood, at I'lorence-, will be pleated to receive calls from tuch tlUzent ef Northern Arizona, New Mexico and California, at may visit, or past these placet. mhlH-TJ LORD A WILLIAMS, PoatofOco Block, cor. Congress & Main Sts TUCSON, ARIZONA, Hart constantly on haad a Full Assortment of Merchandise Adapted to tha wants of A ri 10 cant. They alto ar prt pared to furnish FEEIOHT, QBAIK; AND ALLEINTJS OP PEODDCE,' DO A GENERAL BROKERAGE BUSINESS, Make Collections and Sell Exchange. on any part of Ike world, Iartlet from Northern Arizona, vlsiUog Tueton, will ! wayt find eur "latch string out.' f T1-'? V. IU TULLY. E. OCHOA. S. t!. DE LONG. TULLY, OCHOA, & CO.. TUCSON, ARIZONA. We woula very rerpectfully call the attention ef the people of the Territory to our large and complete assort-ov-stof ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Wkich use- sell at the Invest Caslk Prices. We Invite all to examine oar ttock before making their purcnatet euewcere. ma31 TOLLY. OCHOA. & CO LEGAL. STJ3IIVIOIVS. TERRITORY 01 ARIZONA COUNTY OP YAV X apal 6.B. In Justice Court of I'rucott 1'reclDCt, County of Yava pai and Territory of Arizona,- The I'topte of tt Ttrrilary of Aritona to Jat. S Thomai, gruiingi You am hereby tumiaonwlto apjKmr before me at my ofB.ce In i'retoott la tald County of Yavapai, onthelCth day of March, A. D. 1B74, at 10 o'clock A. M., to answer the romnlalnt of It. Ather & Co.. Plaintiff, fur the tnm of toe hundred and twelve dollar and fifty cents for (eilV-Ziu;, torn ana aeiiverea. wnen juagment will ue uxen against you lor to taiu amount, together witn cottt, and daroaget, If you fall to appear and antwer. Olven Under iny band the 1-ith day of January, A. D. 1871. J. 0. OTIS. JalSH Juttlcfl of (be I'eace In and for tald County. Dissolution Notice. Notice It hereby given that the eo-partnership heretofore existing between John It. Marion, Unamlu II, Weaver, Elanton 8. l'enwell and Cbauncer V. Mitchell, in the newspaper, book and Job printing Dutlnett was, on Jan, urr .M, lfr7t. dlwolved by mutual ootuent, and that John II. Marlon and Benjamin It. Weaver, who are now sol owners o( the MlKKIt establishment, will ontinue the business under tha Urm uame of J. II, Marlon J; Co., set tle all claim against tho late partnership and collect all acooantt due tue tame. j. it. .mauiu.n, II. II. WEAVER, E. S. l'ENWELU O. V. MITCHELL, Dated at l'retcolt, A. T., January SI, 1B7I. It Executor's Notice. Eatat ef JOHN HENBY L0DI8 WOETMAN, Deceased. Notiro it hereby given to the creditori of and all tf tout having clalma against tha t-tlate of John Henry Iul Wortman, deceased, to present the tame to the tin. ilertlgned Executor, nt l'rcanott, Yavapa' County, A. T.. within ten months from the date of this notice, or the tame will lie forever barred; und all ront Indebted to said ettat are ueri'tiy reqm-tlea to mate immediate payment. JOHN RA1UI.E, Executor. I'reaoott, January 3. lc7L I.inl0m3 11EDE3IPTION OF COUNTY WARRANTS. OKFlCi: Or COUNTY TREASURER, l'luwcorr, Arizona, February 2d, Iff?. J I will pay, m f retentatlon nl my ottlre. County War. nnlt drawn upon thH reipcctlve I'undt nf Yuipal couaty. of the terlet of IrTk ut followt, to wit j ' t'ftf.Trr Okaeuu. Funii All warranli prior to Oct. nth, fm!" of 1873) nnd minibert 1M and 100 iiwued on that day, C0NTIX0E.VT rtKIi. All warranttoulstandlng at this dale. The holdrrofald Warrantt are hereby notified that Interest therein reiitet from the dale herMo HJflxed 1 aad that If tho tiinie be nut presented within ten dart, the fundi tet apiirtfor tblr redemption will be applied to th. pay. meat of warriutt next la th order lu which they were i"""'. JOHN II. MARION, Trveium ftf Yv-e' . , LKGAL. SIJMIMOIS'S. rN the niHTiticT cdi ur or the .second 1 Judicial District, iu the County of Muhuve, Territory of Arlnuiii. Win. t'.vty nnd John 0. I'nttt, Httlner timli r the Situ timiiv uinl stylo i'l Cory nnd I'otU, plnlnlll't; ooiiimt The t'lipcl and Tiger Silver Jllnliig Compntiy, detVodauU. Arti ni i ruuglit in the District Court of the Second Ju dicial District In und for the enmity of Mohaxr, In the Territory t f Arizona, Tht territory vf Ariiuna It mil grtr linj lu Th Cupvl and Tlgrr SlUer .Mining Comp.iny t You arc hereby rutntnotied and rciiilrd to apf.r iu an action briniglit ngiilnst joitbylhc abuvv-tiainrd plulntltf liijtli" Dlt'ilct Court ot tho Ntt'otiil Jii.lli-iat Distllcl, In und for the county of Mohave. In llu Territory of Ari zona, and utisner the I'oinphiliit hied with the Cltk of this Court lit Csttnt, lu .auleounty (a copy f uhleh eoni plaint u"'ciiiMiinle. this siiinmoiis), n Itlitn twenty Ja) rxcluit . i of Ike day of service,) nfter the si r lei- iihiU you of Ms luminous, II tmeil In this county , but If en cd out of the comity and within this ilUtrli t, then within thirty day j In all other cuc forty dajs, And you nre hereby notified that If you till to np-ar iitid answet the voinphilnt iisivlie required, the plMlntltf will take judgmmit against you fur the mini of one thous and three hundred and eighty-eight rj-IW dollars with lu terett, ujhii an express contract for tho payment of money fur balance duo upon settlement ol luiuoiuitt, nnd cost and disbursement In this Uihull expeutcd. (Ilveu under my band and the tval of m!i1 District Court at C'erlat, this ISth day or January. A. 1). UU. jaulCtlll CAI.DtVEI.1. WRKIIIT Clerk. Notice to Creditors. EAtnta of A. LANDSBERO, Deceased. Notice Is hereby gUen, by the Executor of tho Estate of A lauidsU-rg. deceased, to the creditors of and all per sons having claim ngalnst, the eald deceased, to exhibit tboin with the neensary vouchers, nlthlu leu month a tier the publication of this notice, to the mid executor, at Cerbut, Mohave Counly, Arizona. LOUIS O. MANSON, Exeeutor. Dated, Cerliat, January U, ltwl. Janlb SUMMONS. In the District Court. Third Judicial District. In th County of Malleoli, Territory of Arinmu. joun nuutn, I'latntiu, i against Daniel Cumin, Defendant, J Summon: Action brought In the District Court of the Third Judi cial District In and for the county of Maricopa In the Terri tory of A ri ton a: ihe Territory of Arizona temlt greeting to Daniel Cur- ran t You are herebr summoned and required to ul war In an actkm brought agniiist you by the ubuve-named plaintiff lu the niitnct court or tho Tntnt jii.iu iai District in ami lor the nountv of Marlcoim, in tho Territory of Arizona, and answer the complaint tiled with the Clerk of Ihit Court, at I'lurnii. In saUl county, ( a copy of which complaint ad companie this sumtnim,) within twenty days (exclusive or ine nay oi service,; atu-r ine service upon you or tut tumtuout. If torved In this county: but If served oat of th. county and within this district, then nlthln thirty days; lu all other cae forty days. And you are hereby notified that If you fall to appear aud answer the complaint at above required, the plalatlrT will apply to the court ft-r the relief demanded therein, and cost and dlthurtiueatt In thi belidlf expended. Given under rr.y liand ami the seal of the tald Dit trict Court, at l'hit-nlx. this 19th day of December, A. D. JC'J. uec-T.uu j. t uatk, Clux. Probate Notice. TN THE PROIIATB COL'llT, COUNTY OF YAV 1 apal, Territory of Arizona. In tha Matter of tho Eatato of AARON" WBRTIIEIMER, DECEASED. Tht Ttrritory o .In'romt Stiutt (Irttting t la parsoantw of aa order of Ibis Court made and enter ed on the Slth day of January, liil, notice It hereby given that, Thursday, February 26, lfc7I, at 10 o'clock a. JL of, tald day, at the court-room of tbU Court. In the town of Irroott, County ot Yavapu!, bus been apprtnted for hearing the application of Michael Wormter, pmylng that a docuoieat now on file In this Court, purporting to be the last will and twtament oi Aaron Wrrlhelmer, deceased, be admitted to l'robate, and that letter testamentary b Issued thereon to tald Michael Womiter, who It named therein at executor; at which time ami place all persons Interested may appear and contest the same. iir..Miy w. M.I.LUV, frubaie Judge. rrescott, Janu-lry 21. Out. )an3UI Sheriff's Sale. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Tlir. THIRD JU X diclal District of the Territory of Arizona, la and for Yavapai county. JKJUUIIAll Dl'LUVXX, 1'iaiaiui. vt. CURTU C. DtUX and. MAUT M. IlCAX. hi wife. De fendant. In purtnanc of a decree of foreclosure In thl cause. dated lath day November, A. D. lrTTJ, I shall expo for saie a ine taw ntrrcu, a ine uiun-uonv) in me town or Prescott, Yavapai conatr. Arizona Territory, on Frtdsy tie UOth day of February, A. D. 1874, at 2 o'clock P.M. the premises described ia tald decrm a followt. The frao tlooal tooth half (1) of the tooth-west quarter (l of sec tion eighteen (XS) and the fractional north half (J) of the north est quarter (IJ vi secoon nineteen u rownsnip number seventeen f 17). north of range number three (i), west of th GUaand Salt river bate and meridian, con taislcg one hundred and lity and 1 -100 acre of land. I. r irt-utiL-ii ui...: l'rescott, A. T., Jan. 30, IcfJL jaaSOwj' Executor's Notice. Eatato of PHILIP AUSTIN, Deceaaed. Natlce is hereby given lo the credllors of and alt Mr- ton having claims against the etat of I'hlllp Austin, de cenwd, to pretent the tame to tht undersigned Executor, at Hiker's ranch, Mohave County, A. T., within tea rnonint rrom ante ot tntt pouce, or Ine same will he ror ever barred j and all petfint Indebted to tald estate ar hereby requested U make Immediate payment. HENRY LAMBERT, Execntor. luxeri lutscn. jtonave uoanty. A. r., ( Heptembrr 6th, 1873. novWm.1 NOTICE. K.S'-W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That i, tneuaaerstgaeii, claim ana nave Hits day lncatrd and taken possession of, for agricultural and grazing purposes' a tract of land described a follows ; Commencing nt tklt stake, which It In tbt aortheatt corner of the claim, and runatng south one mile to a suke; thence west one-fourth mil to a stake: thence north one mile lo n stake : thence east to- plare of beirlnnlnr. in eluding what I known at Ma).ilt Npringt, about forty .i. npnogi, aooui rorty. np Apache, In Yavapai i leading from tald Camp ELQUIADES LUNA. rigu. lime, uwiunu, ,(V.U tMUjp n county, Arizona, and on the rond lead Atsxcha to New Mexico. MELQUI July 5tb, 1873. notTce. KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTS, That I, the undersigned, claim and have thl day located and lAJ-en "jMesioo vi, lor ugncuiiurai aau graziug purpes, a tract of laud described us followt : Commencing at this ttake, which It the northeast corner of the claim, and running south two miles; thence west ons-elghth mile ; thence north two miles; thonce cut to place of beginning, including wliat I known at Concho Hriringt, on the head of Concho Creek, a tributary of the Little Colorado river, and situated to the west of the wagon road leading from Camp A pacha to the Little Col orado river, In Yavapai county, Arizona. JESUS MARIA LUNA. July 25th, 1873. NOTICE. KNOW ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTS, That I, the undersigned, claim, and have thl day located and taken possession of, for agricultural and grazing purposes Slhu.tnri.Hrf a. r..ll,.k.. . ' 1 ' Commencing at this stake, which It the northeast corner of tht claim, and running south two miles to a ttake : thence west one. eighth mil to a ttake ; thence north two mllet to a ttake ; thence east to place of Iwglnnlng, In cluding what It known at the Lake springs ; tituated ubout one mile southeast of Concho Springs, und on the west tide of the wagon rood going from Camp Apache to the little Colorado river, In Yavapai county, Arizona. , , nr antonio Jose luna. July 25, le73, N O tTc E . KNOW ALL MEN 11 Y THESE PRESENTS, That I, the undersigned, claim and have this day heated and taken pottcssion of a tract of land, for agricultural and grazing purpotet, described a foHowt i Commencing at this stake, which It the southeast corner of Ihe claim, and running west one-quarter mil Ui a etako) thence nonh one and one-half mile to a ttakoj thenco ritt -one-fourth mile to a ttake) thence touth to place of leglnnlng, Including what It known at Mineral Spring', tituated about forty-two mllet nortbeatt of Camp Apache, Yavapai county, Arizona Territory. , , . ,m TRANQUILINO LUNA. July SB, 1873. novSJyl Sheriff's Sale. V VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION IRSlTIin OUT 1) of tha District Court of the Third Judicial District, tor Yavapai county, asainst th. iroodt and chattels Inml. and tenements of Henry W. I'lenry, 1 havo s.lte-1 all the right and title which th said Henry W. Flrury had on tho 10th day of January, A- I. 1871, of, In, and to the following desnriUd premises, to wit: Its C and 8 In llfook "31 j" Lett 1, 2, 3, 1, 5. fl. 7. H. ' nnd IU. In Illock "F." Also, the undivided one-half (I) of ull Lot la llloek "A," "," "0," and "!,-which I thai I xw tot ule, at the law dlroctt, at tho Court- nuu.e 111 iu. iowii sir iTMroii, Arizona Pert torr. on !'Ji!IA?V THE BOTH DAY UF rEHRlURY, T. D. 1874, at 11 o'elock a. in. All the abova-oamed property It tituated la the towa of S'letoott, Yavapai County, Arima Territory. ,..., II-M. HERltEflT.SheriiT. -J'rejWIt, A. T., Jannsry fJCtb, ISTI, Jan30;i ARIZONA STAGE LIKES. a nii SAN D i ECO U. S. TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. Ciiii het arrive at Tucson evety MONDAY, WEDNESDAY h 8ATURDAY M0RNINQ8. Depart nt I I". t. on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Until further notice, Tlmr to Sim Dlcso, Five Days, This will en.ible the Traveling piihlld to reach BAN TRANCISCO IN EIOHT DAYS. Fare to Yuma J.VMW Fare hi ivm Diego, (gold colli or Its Ciilvnleut.. ,...'J0,(I0 A Stage, carry'ng the U. S. Mall, will lenve Maricopa Wolls, for Phajnix, Etery Monday Mornltig, Returning next day. Connect ing at Maricopa Wells with the Yuma and Tin sou mall line.. This It the 1 U I C K KST A M ) S A V EST Route from Northern Arizona to Tnciwin and connecting at Yum with J. O. Cuprvn's line of lage for San Diego, California. sep7'7U JAS. A MOORE, Proprietor. ARIZONA STAGS LINE Regular xnf-weekly trip, by ttage, with mall, will b mad between Prescott, Arizona, ..anil.. Suit Bernardino, California. Two-hurra wagont, carrying th IT. 8. Malls and ot tengert, leave Pretcott and Sau liernardino every WEDNESDAY AND 8ATURDAY MORNINQS, Making the trip In tlx days; passing en route, ERREN- HERO, W1CKENI1URO and CAMP DATE CREEK. Parties wishing tronaHirtation to Arizona rfd this route, can be furnished the same In FOUR Oil SIX HORSE STAGES. On private contract, by giving one week's notice In ad vance to Agent of Arizona Stage Line, at San liernardino. The rate for tame will be In proportion to the accommo dation required. Regular Rates or Fare. Currency. From Prevott to San Bernardino (71.U0 From Prtsooti to Wlekonburr 20(i0 From Preneott tn Ehrenberg 45.(1) From San Bernardino to Ehrenberg 3.. 00 From San liernardino to Wickenburg ,.00.00 Iocal ARciitr.: I. It. LfiVT San Remardino, W. It. COVOIIIU.'S Ehrenberg E. O. Okamt iumi IlASK IIHOWS Oen.ral Ageat JAMK3 GRANT, PstOlRtCTOR. J. 11, PIERSON, SUI'ERJSTKSDEXT. tp2ti"73 PRESCOTT -AND- HAK.DYVILLE, 3MC11 - Line. Aflrr thl date, iiattevgers will be carried over the road at the following rate, currency; From l'rescott to Camp llnalpat 610.00 ileal fptlngt Cerbat HOu ' " " Mineral Park 27.00 " " " llardyvllle 3S.00 KtpreH matter will be carefully forwarded at reatoua bbr rates. Every possible accommodation will b offered to pas engtrt. Th ttage will Wave I'rescoU Friday evenings, and at Hardy vlll. will connect with th. wall to Ehrenberg and St, (leorge. All orders left with S. C Rcgr, Pretcott, or Cory & Potts, Cerbat, will be promptly attended to. tVHUSTER i WHITE. rretcott,Jlay 10, 1?73. inaKHf Xj. 13. JEWELL, Watchmaker, Jeweler, ANI) tt A S S A Y E It , On the South Side of the Plaza, Frescott. DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Jewelry of All Kinds Made to Order. Repairing Done Carefully and Promptly. Cold and Silver Bullion Refined, Bought, and Sold. CpAlI kind of ore promptly and properly assayed. decanal w ANTELOPE RESTAURANT, Ourley Street, North Side of the Plaza, PItESCOTT, AUIZONA. The Proprietor of this Restaurant retpect fully nunounres that he will spire no pain In catering to the tastes tsf his patrons, Mealt will lie fumlshrri at all ..f 11.. day, and the table supplied with game, .and th choicest detlcaclet that can be procured. Everything clean and up ia me ursi style, T. WH1TEIIEAI), Proprietor, Pretcott, November 21, 1872. novSI PBESCOTT BOOT & SHOE FACTORY, West Side of tho Flaza. Custom Work Made to Order. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, French screwed and nailed boot made to order, at re duced price. W. H. W1LLB0BAFT, Proprietor. Prrscolt. Arizona, June !, 18TJ. JelWtf PLAZA FEED AND SALE STAILE. Goodwin mJfL Onoosito Street, Plazn, rHEaCOTT, ARIZONA. BROOKE & LINN. I'rucott, Octobers!. Uff. $100 SOLDIERS $200. For cjUa travel pay of California and Nevada Volun leers, dltchurctd inure thun threu hundred miles from borne, apply tn W. H.A1KP.K, AtKvrney at U, and GomiMniler of (bo Grand Army, tit. Montpjunery llloek, Kan Francltegv Jan-klnlm CALIlOIINIA. X JU AST J0 fV& VIS RIVALLED I i'l . m t' . t. . . . . i ue itm.iirni lean j-utctltr Manvfni IavU Till lAintainiitn SIX OUNOP! , duii,FUU. Wl'AGllTof Yeastp der. Superior to iny and ALU oJU tr...r ii.i . ""'fr. Light, Sweet and Nutrition, PASTRY, &c, &c. Guaranteed to Give Entire Satisfactit tho Money Will bo Returned, ask your g roc nn for rr. TAKE 1ST O OTHE Send for Frre Pamphlet to liiTinr t. si v . soui Aanxrs, 407 FRONT ST.. SAN rtiAnn, JL XX JLli JtS r5k. IV Ji wu tviitiru v . "r.mtf.j Temple & Workman, n Sf 9l TSkTT 13" tl - - Tomplo Block, Los Angola Kecelvr Depoelt and Ittu. their CtrtlOcatet, an j tna. GENERAL BANKING BU8INESJ Itranr on the LONDON A IN' I) SAN FI.ANCISCO BA I Limimij, ai nan t raaclsco, Ezdtafu for 3al oml New York, London, Paris, Hamburg, Berlin nnd Frank Lepil Tenders, ltiilllon, (JoM Dust, and (lte State. County and City Ilonds boUR-ht and sold, i, valuables for safe keeping fcfcj O. W. CIIIJLEr. C. W.CHESLEY&CO. lUt'OIITKILi AMI WIIOUEULK UltALCM 1 FINE WINES ami LKJU01 sou: i-Kormrrouii or Cundurango Bitters, 414 hrvnt St,, San iro 51 Front St. Sxerameido. Special attention will be uld to th trad of Aria man If E. A. FARGO & CO., SOlJu AGENTS FOR LLOYD'S K'lll wronvmui asn joiideks or I)D I VIIICC liriYEK! c llniw jm.-lislrliji), lTlilCi) a LIHIU 316 Front Street, Cor. Commercial, SAN FKAKCISCO, CAIaWORX ! Offer special Inducement to th Aritona Trtat, octlS Music und Musicnl Instrumci Arlxonan In need of Musical H' ments. Sheet Music, .ttu, U1 SW. -l nj,a L, C1IAX 8. KATON, U' Montcomerr Ir-K . rranetsco, tjaitrornia, woo ep tk Urreit tu . variety on the I'aclSa Coast llj! CLARENDON HOTII MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES This Fino and Comodious Hoi FOnMF.ItLY KNOWN A3 THF. " BELLA USJ lia been enlarged, refitted, loted, and rtfurnltbs4l RICIIEsST STYLE TlIROVGIIOl ITS F.I.F.OANT SUITS OF KOOMfTand asspln commoilathws offer seclal advantafrs to local a vi to Eastern visitors. The Table ii not to be Surpiuiei Oat of 8an Francisco, and It constantly (applied w(a choicest dellcadet. Nothtnjr still be Jefi undootts der th heat replete with all tb luxurl, osmvrtir and appliance of A PTRST-fjr.ASS TIOTE. The Wettem Union Telejraph OfScet commiti srua lue reaain; room. The I total Carrig-i ar mottanfly atthtdltp. guesu. J, Jl, STAI'LES V C W. I.. URrtCK, Manager. dovIK To the TJnfortunati StiXV REMEDIES 1 NEW REMEDIES! tit? nTRTtnW'a niap ttjq AT! N VO. C3 KKAHNV 8TIIEET. C0 11 Commercial, 8aa Francisco. PrivsJi ' trance on Commercial fiiesL nttablits' 18.,(, for the treatment of Seiual and ' Ulteaw, tneb at Oonorrhea, Cleet, Buv byphillt In all lu formt. Seminal Weakness, Imp ete, elc. Skin diseases of year standing, and Ul ' L(r. etc., successfully treated. Ull. GIIIIION hu tha pleasure nf announelsf ft' ha returae.1 from vltltinsr tha principal llotplt Kuro. and bat resumed practice, The Doctor has s Hired ntlther time nor money I lttT out new remedies, and bat return nd with Incress cilitles for th alleviation of human utTerlng-. Seminal Weakness. Seminal mlstten It th consequence of stlfabose. solitary vie, or depraved sexual Indulgence, Is prt by the youth of tulh exe to aa aluutl uullmltsd prodoolnir with uaerrimr tertalntr tha followlnr I tymptoms, unlet enmbatted by tcientlSo medical ' -i- . . . .. . . l . - i. I n.iiun muDirnanee, liara S)il. usuu mi ln In th head, rlnfrlns- In th eart, nolt Ilk the rl of leavct or ratlliujr of cbarriou, uueatlnts aba loins, weakness of thn limb, ronfiued vision, blan tellect, Inst ol confidence, diffidence In approach!; fttrt, a dislike to form new aoqoalntance, a dlsposl shun society, lost of memory, pimples and varloui Hons about the face, tiectlo fliuhes, furred toornt breath, CMight, consumption, ntflht twentt, mom and frtxiuent iaianlty. If relief be not obtain should apply Immediately, either In person ur by and have a car effected by hit new and sclentICO a treating- this dltease, which never (all qt tTctln;l and radical cure. Cured at Home. Teranni at a distance may be CUK! AT H0' addressing a letter to Dr. fllbbon, staring ease, tju lenirth of lime the disease has continued, and have cine promptly forwarded, free from damage and W 1 to any particular part of lb couuUy, with full at directions for use. l'ertont writing to lb Doctor will lat ttale lh l' of tb patwr they te thl advertisement lo lly enclosing Ten Dollar coin in a reg1tei. through th IWofflee, ot tnronsjb. Wells. I trgo rsickty.of medlclno wlU Im forwarded. Wy pat All communication strictly confldtnUal. Addrett, I)K. J. F.OIBnOS inMyt Itox: 1.M7, Han FraocUoo-CalU WATER RATEQ At McMilllou'H Station, CltaaWl 48 Mile Eai froa Eireakr?, 3 fo 1 Re4 to ?brnix. WItXeabnrg and Prf- Fer watering' each bona or tngle In a, tartrs ta: animals and upwards, 23 eestt urrncy, For tt rattle, 33i cents la etal tnden. llyJOtf j;p, 4811.11 ERT I'top