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Chicago, Jan. 30. A AVa&hington special to the Times says, when the judiciary com mittee of the House is next called an impor tant bill will be reported, tho object of which is to regulate tho relations between tho gov ernment and Pacific ltailroads. It is well known that tbeso companies arc in default of payment of interest to tho government to the amount of several million dollars. Lut in presence of the enemy, shall not be con strued so as to prohibit the conferring of bre vets for distinguished conduct and gallant and mcrritorious public service, during In dian war, when in tho presenco of hostile Indians. It is rumored that arrangements hnvo been made for a duel between Jefferson Davis and Henry S. roote, of Missis-sini. Said duel trcll has already introduced a bill autlionz-1 oascu on correspondence which recently ap bring suits against these companies to obtain ing and requiring the attorney General to j pcared in the ashingtnn papers. obtain rcrmission uas nccn given .Mexican author- this money. It ties to extend their telegraph line across the Urounzof JNcbraska, lias introduced a bill i iuo uranuo to nrownsviiic, ami to establish to make all lands granted to railroads liable 1 an office there and open communication be to State taxation. tween nil points in the United States and the Last Monday Wilson of Indiana, intro-. City of Mexico, duccd a bill amendatory to tho Pacific Kail- ) Jesse I). Carr, of San Francisco, and John road Act of 1804, so as to compel the Union jS Carr, of Arizona, are here bidding on mail Pacific company and its branches to chargo contracts which are to be let next month. uniform rates for freight and passengers tier San Dieiro, February 2 Gib. Latie. of mile, whether local or through traffic. The Osbkoh, isconsin, took charge of the Hnr- bill makes it unlawful for any omcera or ion nouse to-oay, agents of the companies to grant special rates, privileges or drawback, or to discriminate in any way in tho transaction of business. All these provisions arc to be combined in one bill which the judiciary committee will re port next week, and which will eventually become a law. Uiikersfield, Cal. Jan. SO. A courier who 1 he Pacilta Mail steamers from Sas Fran cisco, en route for Panama and Arizona, and vice a, are due to-day. The Mohongo i due to-morrow. C. P. Taggart has resigned the Pacific Mail Steamship agency at this port, and is succeed ed by II. I). Dozicr. I lie Democrat of Southern California talk arrived from Tehachapa this morning, brings ! favorably of running Hon James McCov, now the startling intelligence that the Vasquez gang, numbering about twenty-one, were seeu in camp within four mile of Tejon rancho. It is feared they contemplate a raid on some point not remote from their camp. ShcrilT Cooms, of this county, with a posse and party from Tehachapa, starts imme diately in pursuit of them. Among the gang was recognized tho murderer of the consta ble at Tehachapa. New-York, Jan. 30. The police arrange ments for tho mass meeting at Cooper Insti tute, to-night, are elaborate. The Superin tendent is to command in person. The cen tral detectives and fifty patrolmen will bo in civil undress, and tho reserves uf all sta tions arc to bo held in readiness. Topeka, Jan. 29. The Legislature has not yet elected a United States Senator. Heu dcrson, the granger candidate is ahead. Uoston, Jan. 29. It Is proposed in the Mas sachusetts Senate to rescind the resolution of censure against Sumner. Washington, Jan. 30. Kutnors concerning the intended movements of the Texas it Pa cific railway comtmny, havo been freely cir culated here during tho present week. One of the leading members of the Pacific rail road committee of the House was interviewed on the subject to-day. He says the company has pursued a peculiar policy. Colonel Scott undoubtedly has wished that events would shape themselves so that Congress would be disposed to pass a bill providing for a loan of about 850,000,000 in convertable bonds, to be secured as tho road progresses by mort gage on its franchises, property and revenues, Hu did not introduce any bill however, pre ferring rather to gradually discover whut ef fect his first proposition would havo upon Congress, and what majority of tho members would be willing to aid the company. It has been well known that the proposition for a loan would not be entertained at all, and since there are about a dozen diflwrcrit prop ositions based upon the general idea of guar antccing tho interest upon tho bonds of the company, have been submitted. Scott has now so many volunteer. advisers that it is dif ficult to ascertain which of these proposi tions belong to legitimate persons nnd which to tho lobby. Cleveland, Jan. 31. The great flro in Worthington Hlock is now subdued. Tho loss is over half a million dollars. Kceh, Goldsmith & Joseph, clothier, tire insured lor tfou.onu. Evansville, Jan. 30. McO. Casey, wealthy farmer, living near Newburgh, was murdered yesterday afternoon, by an unknown nwsaiisin, 'vho shot him down in tho public road. Chicago, January 30. A Hro at Quincy, this morning, destroyed five small stores. Loss, 823,000; partly insured. liajonn, Jan 30. Tho Carlist Junta an nounces that tho municipality of Ilalboa have oflered to surrendered tho city in one week, but tho Iusurgcnts refuse to grant more than four days. London, Jan. 30. Information from the Gold coast states that tho main force under Gen Garnutt WooUey crossed the Prant, on tho first of January, shot the advance guard, and had penetrated 13 miles beyond. Washington, Jun. 29. Nesmitb, of Oregon, made a speech against tho project organized by a lot of humbug peace commissioners who think tho best way to deal with Indians Is to preach Christ and the Holy Crucifix, and asserted that if God himself were to preach hi the wilderness of Oregon ho could not keep tho hair on his head twenty-four hours. It has been shown that there were 5250, 000 of Government funds in thu hands of Clews fc Co., at tho timo of their failure. McCormick, of Arizona, has introduced a bill providing that the net conferring brevet rank on officers only during times of war, and State Senator, for Congress at the next elec tion. Washington, Jan. 31 Gen Vandcver, In dian Inspector for Arizona and New Mexico, sustains the position taken by General Crook in bis recently published letter to the War Department. The Secretary of Treasury recommends the establishment of the life boat system on the l-aciuc coa3t, inciuumg one between Point Lobos and ban Diego St I aul, Jan. 30 Twenty wood choppers were recently murdered by Sioux Indians near tort Ittcc. San rrancnco, Jan. 31. It is probable that Capt Higgins will renumo semi-monthly service on tho Mail Company's line to China. uum hi .ew iorK, mj. ureenbacks in San rrancisco, 90(90k Sin Diego, Dec. 2. Douglas Qunn, editor oi iue union, Kindly Hinds me a Washington letter from his special correspondent, from which I clip thu following : Gen Crook's letter to tho War Department attracts great attention, and tho wholo mat ter was brought to tho attention of the press through the labor of your (Union's) corres pondent. It seems that Gen Crook was not aware that written treaties with Indians were not now permitted. Tho main cause of dis pute grows out of different notions ns to the true jKilicy of treating Oacbl.e. It is evident mat. Howard was actuated by the best of motives when he made the verbal contract of peace witU Cachisc, but ho is an enthusiast ana believes in the active power of the Di vine lielng to subdue the evil passions in men. tnc interior Department theory is that Cachiso's band aro so desperately situated that they must be handled cautiously, or, like wild hawks, they would fly at the first appearance of troops. Y e know, since tho Modoc war, what it Lusia iu suouue a nouy ot desperate men. All know that Gen Crook has not sufficient orce at his command to mako a successful fight, nnd that tho Secretary of war has re fused to give him more. All must bo care ful not to stir up war. It is said thnt Ca chiso has offers from some of tho very men in Mexico who now complain of his raids, to give him aid and protection if ho will go over and divide plunder. In such case tho frontier would be exposed lo attack from ac complished desperadoes, whom we cannot ex pect to conquer peacefully. It Is proposed to the Secretary of War to establish two posts on tho frontier, one at each end of the Cachiso reserve ; keep pa troling parties out to watch raiding parties. Under the treaty between tho United States and Mexico, our Government pledged itself to protect Mexico from depredations "f on our sldo of tho line. The nV!n2l,VvrTcnt ,IM claillw fur 5d-,UW,000 on this account, and it is impor tant that this score bo not Increased. Then follows tho full text of Gen Crook's l.u ,1S "W to Howard's letter, part of tVlliftll I liini ....... A 1 . . . - . Prf. b" . ","' A , a ironi Major "" "iciiwa, 111 which ne nsks the officer at Camp llowio not to harbor but .... uacK apacnes why recently fled to uto.u arrest. w. . Smith. Delayed Dispatches. These, since tho convalescence ot the graph lines, have been so numcr.ui. lengthy as to mako it utterly impossible for u io puuusn uicm entire, o wo, below, give tho most important: ; ' Tho P. M. 8. Co. h their wooden stcnmshim Utn dii.... ? an.Uo, hereafter, none but. jrtjffi' All but 113,000,000 pi tho S 10,000,000 nJ servo have been paid out. ;scw banking bill says county banks must keep reserves at home. Postal savings bank scheme is not encour aged bv Congress. Col Scott has again declared his intention of pushing work on Railroad at San Dieco. San Diego Union had recent Mim:u cdito rial on railroads telegraphed from Yuma, and reasons that tlie T. t P. 11. 11. Co. wi be the first to tap tho Territory and secure its trade. Washington. Jan. 19 Tho ITnusn Tlml-. ing Committee have agreed to report with favorable recommendation Congressman Houghton's bill authorizing National cold banks to issue and put in circulation to the extent of 95 per cent of their deposits in gold UOIK1S. . Philadelphia. Jan. 29. Chief Justice Thompson, whilo orguing a case in tho Su preme i .ourt yesterday morning, dropped to the floor and died in a few moments. Olympic theatre burned this morninc. Los, S2o0,0u0. Two firemen were killed and a large number Severely injured. aacramcnto, Jan. 2V The Scnato commit tee on counties reported in favor of the for mation of San Benito county. The no fence bill passed the Scnato to take effect June 20. 1 lie Assembly concurred. Washington, Jan. 29. Congressman Pace expects to use the bill restoring to public en try Placerville and Sacramento It. It. Grants as precedent for similar forfeiture of Atlantic & Pacific It. II. Lands. Police superintendent Matscll believes the fire in St. Uridget's church was the work of Communists. Ho says they are thoroughly organized, and he thinks other attempts of tue same kind will bo made. Closo watch is kept on all Catholic schools and churches. There is bitter opposition at Dcnverof tho confirmation of McCook as Governor of tho Territory. the lexas Legislature elected Gen. Maxey U. S. Senator. San Dieiro. Jan. 30 For the days a steamer leaves San Francisco each morning, for this and wuy jwrts, and on Tues day two sail. I he Pacific arrived this mnmlnc with .a large load of passenscni. Tho Ventura is looked for hourly. Sherifr Adams of Santa Oln after the reward of 815,000 offered for tho capture ot asqucz and his band. Adams with fifteen picked men armed with Henry rifles, passed through Gllroy last Wednesday on their expedition. Washington, Feb. 1 Congressman Lut trell has laid before the Commissioner or In dian Affairs letters from Steele of Yrcka, Cal., relativo to the condition or Indians In Siski you county. Tho commissioner says Steele is authorized to furnish them all needed re lief. Washington, Feb. 2. The question of giv ing lands and bonds to the Atchison branch of the U. P. It. It., is beintr disi-iii.i! . tl. judiciary committee. The lobby here from uoston are pressing tho matter. New York, Feb. 2, Col. Montnncs and six hundred Spanish troops were attacked by Cubans. Tho Colonel ivas captured by the troops nnd taken to Gen. Gomez's headquar ters and ordered out to bo shot nt once. Cu bans also shot tho Spaniards captured at Puerto Principe. Chicago, Feb. 2. A "Wwhlngton special to tho Tribunosajsjjrr.'atcxclJcment respect ing expected developments by the Tribune, showing many prominent members of Con gress bribed to voto for subsidy to Pacific .Mull Company. Evidence said to be over whelming. Quebec, Feb. 2. A sharp shock of enrth- quuKo was tolt hero yesterday afternoon. London, Feb. 2. Election return ulimr twenty-five Liberals and thirty-one Conserv atives returned to Parliament. Uaron M. Ilothschild is ill and sinking very fast. Ajdiantce Ambassadors have sued for peace. Cholera has broken out in Achecn. It is reported that tho Sultan is dead."' Tho Dutch war is over. Washington, Fob. 2. Indications point to the passage of a bill embracing substantially, tho features of Scott's proposition for guar anteeinu interest on bonds of thn tm p. ciflc. It Is believed that certain nld in somo snape will be granted upon almost unani mous demands of Southern Itcpresentativcs. Scott developed plans slowly, tnoro confident of favorable action. Tho bill incdrporating tho Southern Transcontinental Company re cently reported from Pacific railroad commit tee in tho Houso is believed to bo nut out m a certain tempter to Congress in Scott' In terest. Tho introduction of thn Texas Pa cific scheme gavo rise to much discussion nl- tllOUch of Stfemrtli in nst It. la nlroirlf mi cured. Tim VimI. Ha ,t1.i f. T... -4 ... hows a decrease during tho month of nearly two minions. i London, Jan. 31. Tho excitement over tho election for member of Parliament Is un precedented. ;