Newspaper Page Text
tntx 1. XI. No. 7. B ARIZONA MINER. Publlshod Dolly and Weekly, .AT. .. Vnvnnal Hniintv. Arizona. CUbfc, i ' 1 . IIV JOHN II, II. M1KIO.V, MAIIIOIST M. CO. IIK.NJ. II. WKAVKK. r. IIAtt.V AuisuKA MINKH M .iartl December l.t. Immediately alter the completion it Arlton.t'. Urit lii... I. n.ihlt.ti.! nn the eepfllnir. nf Mnmlav. in.l will alwnr. contain rnr,, iir.tir onu uiM iiHLKMtWK mat can wi proqureu or teieirraiiu, Kipreee and "" other Ulr meant. ... .w PIVTV rWTit A U'rrhT. llv r.f lWiure). I1VP. toltll for Three Month. KriiUy. toe WKKKLY containing telegraphic to Ike hour of ifiitnif to rri, will be furnl.tied all r .ulwrllier. without extra charge. vr.KTIIN(i KATES, In either Hi. Pally or Weekly. uch (l2lloM'if llibiyp..), in column, (3(10 for ftrit . , i -v. ... . ii. I..- i. - t j i.i i r . ' . liberal dtwount from .bora rafe. wlB b WAil. to ir wba amy adrerthe largely by th. year, lull" year or . l t I ... 1 I . . 1 .. . ! ! ... . . -..V 1 -.1 1 ..... . ' I b work, may rorwoni it by utall, or otliernlie, ut un rUk. Tllli WEEKLY MINER, i tnt .amber of tb. WKKKMT Ml.VKII win Uiued on III i. lrtl, una, uow, lu till., It. eleventh year, It with Unlli, claim to be th., large.t and bl aptr la tie Territory. Subscription. Rates: Corr.On i $7,00 IMK JlOUWl. .... 4,UU Three Month. 2.60 lCupi 23 IraJ Tuvltr Xoltt UiUn at ;ir in ixiyeuit for tub- atlnrtiiing and job work: Tltvi-'n culwnct InrariMy. AilJrex all order, and letter to JOHN It. MAttlON t CO.. l'roott, Arliona. (Prom Saturday'. Dally.) Cuisir., Criuixals, &c. During the past week our Territory has been dugraced fciurdercrs and would-bc raunlercrs ; whose lul bullets and kuircs havo flew and Hashed, itly In tho night time. First came the is of tho cowardly, bloody deed at Wick- lurg, in this county, where two fit sub- i for the gallows, dragged a man from his and nil but murdered him. text, tho mall boro news tram Moharo nty, of the murder, outright, of a man at ioto Hole;, and tho wounding of another i at Ilualpai Springs. lumii county came next, with news of tho Kblo attack rcicntly made by ltio Grando esters upon a quiet Mexican citizen of f place, aud, last, comes Maricopa, telling Ihc recent hootiug of a musician in a to house of her principal town. Icre aro five men, two of whom havo died (heir woundu, and three mora who aro lia- at any minute, to',drop ofl. A ghastly lire, sure enough, and one which calls lly to judges mid juries to hereafter do whole duty when dealing with crimin For such cowardly assassins wo havo Sympathy and, when caught, if our pco- tuink they will, like former criminals, go unished by judges and juriee, the Miner's co is to hang or shoot them on tho spot. facir deeds wcro not prompted by mo tary bursts of passion ; ou tho contrary, ' were deliberately planndd and cruelly, podically carried out; therefore, as tboy I shown no mercy, no mercy should be rn to them. r a man with a cause, who in tho heat asiion, or in 6elf-defense, shoots down, i or in any way kills or malms another, tavo great sympathy ; for tho coward strikes a man unawares, no sympathy, lever, should be shown, and of such aro Villains who committed tho black and ping crimes alluded to. bco writing tho foregoing, wo learn rtliat Ion arrived in Prcscott. about 7 o'clock evening, and immediately surrendered Iclf to tho sheriff, who placed him in According to his story, be was, for sev- days and nights, secreted in tho moun i, and, from his hiding place, hoard J. Iryan, Mr. Van Duscn nnd others of his ucr,( talking about what they would do him whon found. bout dark, .ast Thursday 'evening, bo c his way to tho cabin of Messrs. McQuire ', old acquaintances of bis, who, in plianco with his request, accompanied to Prescott, where ho arrived at tho (already stated, foot-sore, hungry and irally used up. po men who accompanied him here, star for thoir homes by buckboard, this morn- They 'do not, wo .understand, Uy plaitn e rcw7d offered by J. M. Bryan or that d by-onr sheriff. ster GsJIagher, accused of being an ac pllco of Nelson had a hoaring yesterday, Ire Judgo Fjcury, who remanded him E to jail, to await result of wounds of Mr n. At this meeting, Gallaghor had noth o say. Tho deposition of Deputy Sher- frascr, as read, was not very soothing to Uallaghcr. Byan, a nowspapor man, whom most of citizens recollect, appears to havo on in t in the so-called Booth bribery case. In I'ornin. At least, ho was ono of the ner I recently sworn to Drove thai Booth paid E . - W for his U. 8. Senatorshlp. ; his just been found out that one of tho iicang hung at Tucson, aorae time ago, ' hand in the terrible maisacro of tho T fanillv. In which rn!tn hnnrrlnrr was too ' 'or him. Inyo (Cal.) Independent sighs for a aaa to transport the bullion from Its , many of which cannot bo worked on nt of lack of transportation facilltlc. xicans aro still making war upon Araer I n tho Texas border. (from Monday'. Dully. Lato News by Mail. Tho San Dcrnardino Guardian states that James Grant has sowed 200 acres of barley in a field near its town. Mr. G. must be ex pecting a continuance of mail contracts. Tho Commissioner of Indian Affairs has arrived at tho wise conclusion that tho re moval of Gacliiso and his Indians from this Territory to New Moxico is not practicable, and so Mr. Jeffcrds1 recommendation will not bo acted upon. Dr. T. J. Wilson, of Salt Hirer Valley, is, according to the Guardian, in San Bernar dino, making tho necessary preparations for tho removal of his family to this Territory. As soon as trains run to Spndra, which will be in a very short time, tho Guardian says that tho trip will bo mado in llvo or six hours less time than formerly. A gain for travelers to and from Arizona. Totally disabled soldiers and Bailors will, in case of tho passage of a certain bill, get in creased pensions, and time in which original applications for pensions may be filed will bo increased. The Los Angeles Star says that work is steadily progressing on tho Uluo Jay and other mines this side of San Bernardino, near tho overland stage road. Also, along the Mohavo river. Tho "desert" is now provinir that its mineral resources arc immense. San Bernardino's public square is plowed and sowed In barley. Our public square re mains in the same old open und dilapidated condition. A Washington dispatch says that Colonels Granger and Doublcday havo, at their own request, been placed upon the retired lut by the President. Tho Omaha smelting works have been very successful the past year, and have given regu lar employment to about 75 men. Oh, that somo company would erect and run tho right kind of reduction works in Arizona. Homowood A Johnson, horsemen, of West- field, New York, think thev have a horse that can beat California's equine idol, Thad Stevens, and mean to prove it soon. The Postmaster General has Usucd an or der that hereafter appointments of Special Agents of the Post Office Department shall bo uiude subject to examination by a Board of Examiners to be duly appointed, and whose duty it shall be to examino special agents, and report in writing particularly as to tho qualifications of candidates. Persons found not qualified will be discharged from tho scr vice. When the flood in tho Gila river was at its highest, tho Yuma agent of tho San Diego Union telegraphed "tho situation" as follows: Yuma, Jonuary 23d 10 a. M. Three-fourths or the town Is now ubmcrj;cd In water from two to six feet In depth. Tho houtcsaro deserted. Kow boats are plying OirotiKU tlio street. Tho Olla, U still rUluf,', and there la no telling what tbu end will be. The only hopo for the remainder of the town U that the Colorado river will not rUc any foster uutll tho Olla freehcil Is over. This account differs from that givcuby tho local paper. Tho Arizona (Yuma) Sentinel, of January 31st, quotes from the American Cyclopedia in order to show the duty of an American veisel engaged in tho coast survey, aud, then, accuses tho captain of the Narragansett of not having done his duty in that portion of tho Gulf of California known as tho head of said Gulf, into which tho Colorado river empties. We. ourself, have a communication upon this same subject, pointing out and condemning the dcrilcction of duty on tho partol the cap tain in question, which, but for its length, would, long ago havo found a place in our columns. The points mado by our corres pondent ore, that tho channels leading into the rivor proper are dangerous : that nothing, savo what tho Colorado S. N. Co. have learn ed, by running their steamships and boats through said channels, is known to uovern ment and people ; the only survey ever made of tho waters alluded to being that by Lieut Hardy, of tho English Navy, nearly 10Q years fiB- . . . Tho captain of tho Narragansett, urougui bis ship within.40 miles of the mouth of the river, to which point his young men promised to return, which promlso they forgot, upon reaching their ship. Now. this is too important a matter to uc neglected, and tho Miner calls upon tho Chamber of Commerce of San Francisco to 6co that it is not much longer ncgloctcd. San Dieoo Daily World. This paper has run ovor a year and a half, and is now in its fourth volume In it have appearod ablo articles on almost every subject, and it pre siding genius is certainly an able, logical writer. San Diego, for its size, possesses two of the best papers wo havo over read, and, whilo its few people aro so generous to said papers, wo sco no neeti 01 mo unu and Union fighting that saino old Tom cat battle. Tho citizens of Florence, a thriving and beautiful village In one of tho most charming and productive of tho many valleys of tho Gila river, earnestly pray the military bu thoritics to mako it a telegraph station, with an operator. They feel certain that tho business of tho placo would more than defray the cxpenrcs of tho office, and to Gon Crook wo mako known their desire in this respect, which is certainly a laudablo ono. Exactly what tho trouble between Bis. jnnrck and tho French bishops has not, as yet. been explained to thopeoplo of this Ter ritory, who, in tho absence of tho facts, lay tho matter at tho door of tho Catholic church. It is not likolv that Franco is anxious to lock horns with tho Prussian Bull. PltESCOTT, ARIZONA, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1871. from Monday. Dally.) Poor Wiiitz Another noble, brave, cen- crous nnd enlightened soul has been freed from earthly cares. After serving his coun try 28 years, Dr II. II. Wirtz i, by death, honorably retired lrom servico and from earth. Having known him well, having re spected j yea, almoit loved him, our grief at tlio thought of never again being able to sec him on earth, is akiu to that which wo havo experienced over tho loss of near nnd dear relatives, for, never huvo wo known u man, who was not related to us by tics of kindred, who was drawn so near us as the good "Old Doctor," whoso friends here, In and out of tho army, mourn his loss and hope that the United Statea Army will never have a worse man or surgeon in its ranks. With him we have traversed Arizona; with himwoonco more expected, to talk over old times, but that hope is now as cold as the corpse of bur departed friend. Deceased was a native of Philadelphia and, on his mother's side, an offshoot of tho Bour bons of France. Should tho Cachiso savages concludo to break out in open war, Gen Crook will have as much as be can possibly do with tho few troops now in the Territory, tr subduo the tribo and its allies. The namo of Cachlse is a sort of talisman among all other bands of Apaches, and tho influence of Cachiso has been used so as to keep Indians in close sym pathy with himself and tribe, all of which, when added to the tendency of some Mexi cans to help Cachiso kill and rob Americans, by way of retalliation for former license granted by our Government, is somcting lor &aid Government to cogitate upon. We hope for peace, but advise Government to prepare for the worst, by sending Crook more troops. Not one written language under the sun in which ho was not prulicicnt; and, but for one fault, he might long ago have been at the head of bis corps in the army. That fault, a taste for strong drink, while 5t did not burl much his massive intellect, destroy ed his bodily towers and brought on that death the causes of which he knew lull well. But, ho has gone, nnd, if friends do not, his country ought to eco that his last resting place is honored with a suiUblo monument. "Young 1'outicias" want to know If there ! relly ucU a place aa "Salt Hirer," other than the atteam to promlucnt In political Rcography. To be inre there is, lu Arizona. The valley U partic ularly fcrtllo nnd pro.pcrou. havlni; yrudaeed tin. nrr-jicnt aeaaon 3.000.000 ixmnd of WhttU, 000,000 pound, of barley, half that quantity of beans, with sweet potatoes anu otuer icgciauiua in abundance. The settlement In tho valley in cludes cIl'UI store., two bakcriw, three black smiths' shops, a flouring mill, a chool-houc, a quartette of saloous, aud uot a single lawycrr politician. Crofutt's Wcatern World, Jan., 18.4. Iu products, last year, exceeded all you have credited it with, and, at this writing, it laments over tho presenco of several lawyers and politicians. A Disousfnn Editor. An oditor of a New Jersey pajwr, on retiring, says: 1 retire from tho editorial 'cha'.r with a complete conviction that all Is vanity. Krom tho hoar I Urt occupied tho position of editor to tho pres ent time I have been solicited to lie on every given subject, and can't remember ever bavlnrr told a wholesome truth without dlinlnUhlmr the sub scription list or making an enemy. Under tbwo circumstances of trial, and having a thorough contempt for royscU, I retire lu order t recruit my moral constitution. We believed in tho foregoing until those words, "moral constitution" met our gaze, when it struck us that tho fellow would rather die Being that live to tell tho truth, for, who over heard of a New Jency editor who could lay claim to having a moral con stitution? Tho Fobruary number of tho Overland Monthly, opens with a paper from Ocncral Sherman, telling what ho knows about vigi lantes and their carryings on in fcan rran- ... f r.1t....wl t... stmA Cisco, wiiicu paper ia iuuu uj twelvo others on various lopics. Tako this magazino all jn all, and the like of it for rare, original matter, such as pleases and Interests the averago. American reader, can nowucro else be found. The San Bernardino Guardian urges it citizens to form a joiut stock company for tho purpose of erecting a good hotel. Wo havo asked Prescott peoplo to do tho samo thing, but they havo not done it, and wo ask them to do so again. Thero is some irregularity about carrying tho mail to Camp Grant, which, wo hope, will bo speodily remedied. A subscriber to ih Daily Minkr at that post says ho has not received his paper for some timo past Congressman Shanks alleges that some body has stolen and destroyed his book upon Indians and their treatmont by tue "pcaco doctors, which book contained many charges of fraud, etc, committod by so-called relig ious Indian agents. Tho Ban Francisco Bulletin Company have reduced the subscription price of their weekly to 3 per annum. A better weekly we havo nover read. Assessors, previous to starting on their work for this year, will pleae road a certain act of lost Legislative Assembly, regarding collection of statistics. Freight, by Pacific Mail steamship, from San Francisco to Son Diego, $2 per ton. Dirt cheap. i Chas. L. Perkjns is about to start a Demo cratic paper t yirglnia, Nevada. A court-martial is to assemble at Bowie ou tho 25th lost. (From TiMMlay'. Dally.) Anothor Misrepresentation. The result of tho recent exploring expedi tion of Lieut. Wheeler through portions of Arizona and New Mexico has presented some uncongenial facts for tho consideration of those interested in niiu'mg enterprises in Ari zona. Of the two countries mentioned, New .Mexico, which we before havo hud uufavor ablu accounts from, is said to bo rich in min erals, such as silver, lead, copper aud coal. Southern Colorado, he reports, is a splendid mining Held, and abounds, besides tho above named metals, in mercury, platinum and tin. Arizona, on I lie contrary, is nothing more than a bleak desert, and has no valuublo min erals whatever to boast of. Chicago Intcr Occan. As no other papers save the Chicago Inter Oceau nnd Albuquerque (Now Mexico) Re view, havo published tho foregoing "news," the damage dono Arizona by such confoun ded nonsense is, we arc quite sure, very slight, and wo would not notico it were it not to prove that the Inter-Ocean has wilful ly lied or is cgregiously mistaken. The di viding lino between California and Ari zona is tho great navigable Colorado Hiver of the West, upon whose broad bom steam boats and barges continually ply, carrying rich mercantile commodities fur the people of this so-called " bleak desert," who, thanks to tho mineral and other resources of their "desert" havo alwefs paid for everything they have received, even from Chicago. Tliw lower valleys of this Colorado river in Ari zona, aro very broad, havo deep, rich syil, up on which several companies buve already fixed their eyes as proper places to make money by raising hemp, cotton, sugar, etc Near Yutna, where mountains are Una met with", wo find in every mountain, ledges of rock, carrying gold, silver, lend und copper. The same is true of the river and its Arizona surroundings tor a distance of about 400 miles. Coming cast, lrom the Colorado, the mountains around Gila City, where pieces of pure gold, as largo as billiard balls, have fre quently been dug out, wo pass north on this line, and soon stnko the Ua.ttie Uomc moun tains, wheresoorcs of men are now cmplovcd. quarrying ores out of as many veins of rock, containing silver anu icau in sucu quantities as enable the owners of said ledges to mine it out, draw it twenty or thirty miles to the river, from whence it is carried, by water, a distance of 2,000 miles to San FraucUco, where it i sold at a profit; over and above all expenses. From this place, in this "desert," a stroll over the samo line, in a northerly direction, kceiu a person always within view of cither a lode or a placer. Gold, silver, lead and copper are actually everywhere visible. The richest copper mines in the world, thos on Williams' Fork of the Colorado, aro passed by. and the traveler finally alijhu in MoLsvo connty, a few mininir districts of which Lt. Wheeler visited and speaks of as tullows in Ins "JL'rclltnirary JUport:" Htulpais District "This was located years ago, and known as the Sacramento district. Some labor was spent, with little success, Until finally the parties were driven out by Indians. In the spring of 1871 a party of nrospect- . 1 J!..!.I J II t ors rc-cniercu uiu aisirici, au'i uiscuvcrcti manv new veins, sbowinir almost everv varie ty of silver ore. Soma tittle excitement fol lowed, and very many claims wcro located. Tho general direction of the lodges is from north -10J west, to north 55 west, and the surface exposure of mineral is the largest I havo ever seen. The veins occur in solid granite, and along edges of erupttvo volcanic beds, and are wide and well deliocu. .Many of tho surface ores are rich, and especially tbu narrow veins, most of which will prove to bo feeders, jjotu gold and silver ore found, tho latter predominating. The veins that arc to bo permanent will bo of the lower grade ores, but yet of sufficient richness to admit of liieir being worked even in this lo cality. Thero aro evidences that tho water level is to be found early, and that tho ore will assume a moro permanent form, princi pally of the bluo sulphurct variety. One of tho handsomest veins that it has ever been my fortuno to examino was the Porter mine, at that timo the best developed in depth in the district, showing a distinctly organized vein in solid granite at 55 feet. Mining op erations can now be conducted In the north western part of Arizona, as the Hualpais Indians, occupying this section, have been subdued and are at pcaco. Tho Colorado Hiver is near at hand as a modo of traniit, and the projected Atlantic and Pacific Bail- road pusses midway between several minim; districts that border on tho river. I look upon this district as ono of the most prom ising in Arizona, and, indeed, among many oi inoso mei in my iravein. ono u-buiuiii f .1 . . . . ? . r r . i free process mill is In process or erection. Maynard District, Arizona. This district was discovered in 1871, and lies on the eastern slopo of tho Hualpais Mountains at a distance of thirty miles from tho Needles on tho Colorado Hiver, and the railroad near the thirty-fifth parallel passes within nino miles of tho principal locations. Tho mineral belt covers an area of nearly twenty square miles. Tho veins aro similar to those iu tho Hualpais district, havo tho samo direction, and, in fact, to a remarkable decree, these districts aro counterparts. No work done yet. Wood, timber, and water 1 . i,r i t aro plenty. The site for a mining camp i very desirable. This locality will also act as a center, from which much prospecting will be done further down tho saino range; also to the south and east, and bordering tho country of tho Apacho-Mohayes, from which locality iloat mineral was noticed in different places." The same is true, in a mineral sense, of ov cry 20 mile belt of Arizona, cither cast and west, or north and south. Conceruing its agricultural and grazing resources, wu will again quote Lieut Whoolcr, and then luave the mutter to intelligent peoplo every where outside of Arizona, to judge whether or not tho malicious paragraph above quoted is an abominable lie, intended to opcrato to tho in jury of Arizona and its people, or to bring into troublo and ill repute an officer upon whoso reports tlio uovcrnment and intelll cent citizens, everywhere, look to for unyar nlshod facts concerning the resources of the partially settled region of our country, bor dcring tho t'acltio ocean, tne uuii or uailior nia and Western Mexico. In a oubscfiuent rciwrt. mado still later. and after he bad seen moro of Arizona, Lieut Wljfclcr spcaka of having seen, around Pros cott and further cast, lu Arizona, more tim ber, grass, water nnd game than he had be fore seen in nil his trips on this western slope, from nil of which he predicts n grand future for this now illy known and well lied about section of the Republic. Again, he pronounced tho climate of our Territory tho Inst and most enjoyable of any (wrtion of the Great West. But, bcttcrthan all these assertions arc the well authenticated productions of this Territory, a few small ag ricultural patches of which, last year, yielded fifteen million pounds of wheat, barley and corn, thousands of bushels of sweet and Irish potatoes, beting, cabbage and other vegetables in immense qunntititiea ; and, better still, over a million dollars in gold, silver, copper and lead. This, too, iu the first year of peace with Bavago foes, who, us Lt. Wheeler truthfully asserts, forced miners, farmers, ev erybody, to work and travel "loaded dowfl " with anus, that they might, in an instant, "hastily forget their business and defend " their lives and property from the skulking "foe." Another item, and wo will havo done. A year aco. the Anachcs had stolen nearly all the domestic animals of tho Territory ; now, horses, cattle and sheep actually "craze upon a thousaud hills," and men, with their herds of stock, aro almost every day coming into tho Territory from California, New Mexico and other places. WICKENBUJtG. WICKENBURQ HOME STATION or Titc ARIZONA STAGE LINES. junction' oi" Tin: TUCSON AS I) WICKKXBUKG AND PEESCOTT, SAN BEENAEDINO ANU Lon .A-iigreleN Srn g- '. -r r T "TV 17" Ml I X A(J. X PS 1K9 ONE IlfXDItKD MILES Kat of KhrrobrrK and the Color 1.I0 lUrrr. Maetv mlln Kith of ImeuU and Three I uni mrtM .art iJ Kuti lltrfuuilltM. ! KixtV EnU. .I I l'bu-oll and On. HimdrtJ and Twenty mllr. VetoT Too!, Oder. U00Q ACCOmmoaaUOUB TO XraTCien, VU, Hoard and Ix!ftrir. a fine CorraL Barley and Wheat Hay fat Stock, a ltUr.kui.iUi and Waoa 8lor k pair ut wajruu. and .huciac UcrM. A1m ooseusuy a luad, fie PROVISIONS GROCERIES, AH at rraKoaMe )rW, and erery atteatiua plT.n to the tretetisr public to luaie lueir tojaan a iuMoe, JAMK.-J OKA rmiriert. eUTari J. II. 1'IEKSOS. SnperintendenU UU M. li. PJERAJLTA, lCSaClTUUrg) rtiiauua, Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, Ki&i&g and Agricultural Implements, POWDER, FUSE, ETC. MAGNOLIA SALOON, WICKENHUIIG, ARIZONA. ThU well-known aad porolar plae of rwort ha. afrala. throuzh einiraUoo of lrue, alien Into Ui. hasd. of IU owner, A. II. reeplM, under wboee direction It win ooa tlnn to b ran tat the accommodation of th. public TIIK HAH, wblch! attended tatiy Tom Fkwraoy,) will, at all tlmea, to found weU npr 41ed with TIIK BKBT URAKDS OP Wines, Liquors, nnd Clears THE BILLIARD ROOM CONTAINS two No. X 'iVUXjliiH. Adtotniir U Saloon, and beloo(r to Mr. IeeplM U A COIUIAL, Where tock will b. fed and oUwrwlM attended to. nl3 A. II. 1'KErLCS. Proprietor. YUMA COUNTY. BEST AND CHEAPEST Freight andPasscngcr ltoutc. I'ROM San Francisco, Cal., TO YTJMA. ARIZONA, VIA GUAYMA8. IA PAZ, MAZATLAN, And Other Mexican VorU. THE COLORADO BTEAM HAVIQA- tlon t;omnny. eociiem niruuu.,' KEWBERH aad MONTANA '""s 1. .fl.r. toe Mexican purUaud mouth of Colorado river, eooneounir em i boat., freight landed at Yuma In tweir. w oy .rum Ak-enele or the Company at oiu r roni ouys r rmacisf. morma,-. uuu. a5t6 General Passage at Reduced Rates, Yuma to San Francisco, Per C. S.N.Co's Stearaors: Cabla WO Cola 8Uers . 23 j:ir Accommodations First Class, -u, 1. 1YILHAMUH. JH.. novetf Oeaeral Sujwilatende at. Yuma Xitig- Store. GEORGE MARTIN, Wholesale and Iletall DRUGrGrlST. Dlatu otreei uirast Ariinna, flat In .tor full tin. of nisnonsint! Medicines. Patent Mcdiclucs Drugs, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Toilet Soaps, TootnbruBbcs, Aed all other crtlclM usually kept Is Drug Storti fiPPreacrirtlons put up with great car. Or dm from the cuotry aollclted, with the auarme tut Pr.cW, AC, wh. M I-uaa HPfffiffi Vuaw, Ariioes. deeiSJ'Tlt Established 1801. business & Professional Cards. COLES BASIIFORD, ATTORNEY and C0UN8EL0R-AT-LAW, Tac.nli, Arliona, Will proctlcr hi. profrulon la all the Co.rt. of tb. Territory ii.u.cAirrrr.n. u.hcaktter, ju. H.H. CAETTEE & SON. Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Prtientt, Ynvapal Count)', Arizona. Will attend to btufor. Id all the corU of th. Territory J. P. HARGRAVE, ATTORNEY and 00UN8EL0n-AT-LAW, Monteznma street, Frcscott, Arizona. JOH1V HOWARD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Prescott, Arizona. JOHN A. RUSH, A. ttorney "fc Law. Phronlv Arliin W1II ,trlet)j. atUnd to M ut,t otm.w to him, la th. tereral Court, ol Becurd la the Territory. Prompt attention (rlvta to Polled! oti. J. E. McCAFFRY, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Mali. Street, Tneaon, A, T. J. N. HcOANDLESS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offler, North side of Plaza, Pre.cott. HENRY W. FLEURY, PROBATE JUDGE, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. WM. A. HANCOCK, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Blank Declaratory tatemcata, , And Lepd Blank, of all kind. Bill, collect! pronpdy rbmiatMtotm co. Arlwoa, Jan., 1872. E. IRVINE, I A t;t;0 T XI V fX X, JLlfWe, Pbrnni. Variffntm. fifltintT. A. T. oaiee, la the Nw Depot, oath. YVcettldecftk ruia. ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR -AT-LAW, Misers! Fare, Moatr. Couty, Arlssaa, WUl attecd le ltrtJ txutne. la all Territory maUn oollertiotu, etc Cm Court of th. tch&tf J. L. FISHER, - Auctioneer and (JommlMn IVEERCIHAJVT- Salesroom, North Bide of Flaza. J. QOLDWATER & BRO., Wholesale Dhalebs, Foncardiog and Commission Merchants, Kbrenbert;. Arlii. Fred. Williams Hu oa hand, at til new Saloon, era oertfc (Ida of rlaaa FIXELY-FI.A.VOBED I.IQUORS of all kiada, loffeUier wlta a larf stock Ot CAKETTJIXY SELECTED CIOAR1 PRINTED BLANKS Location of Mining Claims, FOR flftT-Ti AT THE MINER OFFICII No I'TMpeefor Miner .honld go Into in. country wim- out a .arply of tbee. ery Kasuy ana oorreci reaayuauD cotket. BUY YOUR FRESH MEAT AND VWETAJti AT THI PIONEER MEAT MARKET, GRANITE STREET, PltESCOTT, Eat plenty ef both, aad you wlU aoou be a. itrong at mm. a. fat a. butter, and aa .tout, around the wait, a. a 1 rwi- dentlal Quaker. PtttcoU, Aujrtut vt, icu. WM.X.UU.T, v. A. STtrutxa. Kelly & Stephens, NEWS jGHSlVTis AND tilUUiaa IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARY, NUTS, Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Freak Fruit, Garden aeoa, ore. Preeoott, January 18, 1673 Julg-THf, fBAXK I'L'RCEIXJl. TUKOrniUJt LAISILLOX. Purcelia & Loislilon, rtav. now oa baad, at their BUCK STOUt, (Raveana's old ttaad), Uoudwln tcreet, ail una. oi GKOCERIES, PROVISIONS, cx-oTirnsrG. HOOTS Ac shoies. MimiTO TOOLS, LIQUORS, Ac, Which they offer for tale cheap. wbStf CHARMING DALE STATION, Pour Miles East of Camp Ilualpai. N.rer failing WATKH, In abundaae. HAY . ..i n u k 1 M si road v lor team.tera. " ' .. i T. VI. CAKTEB AND lanv, Bufwrlatoodent. IAR AND IILLIARD SALOON, Montezuma BUeot, Comer Ouiloy. LARGEST AND BEST SALOON JN NORTHERN ARIZONA. deeldwtf A. U MOELLER, rroprltor. rUlaBk Mining mnA tXaltclatm Dfceds Kjtaclal and Canerol PowerKr-Attorjf tc.rorasU atth. Miner Office.