Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY ARIZONA MINER : FEESCOTT, ElMtUARY 13,' 1874 4! rtm Saturdaya Daily.) ... Tun. The remains of Captain Lovejoy A t'ov aro to-dav making ft "dotm. up," niter a three weeks' run In the hydraulic claim, on l,ower Lynx Creek. I)vcr, "fttli Cavalry, who died nt Kd. F. Howern, from Skull Valley, and T. i. . Creek about 18 months since, nro W. Hoggs, from the Lower Ainu Fria. uro in ifliifflwi anu w. " ,"n,"i lUlli"" ...I.1..1. ..! ,!,.. -.. ..I lit f . . . - f - i. t . ruioii got 10 town tins torcnoon, after an eight-day trip in the mountains. cemetery of WJilcn place mcy are 10 witll iinnroiiruitu uuiiuin. i Itockwell una muiiiy nrnven t. tit rlt-i.r atnatnpr Irnm till IWHiiib "J Mcrs Maker and Swcaringcu arrived from Chino Valley yesterday. ..i c,m m st coiiitncu 10 his oeu m . . t .... n'l 1 Jitwdale fttm litems iiiuinai urn. returned to Fort Whipple last night i. trimrr ini:v imu iwvu jii bicim- true. nl riiirt-inartiul. Atccr, of Kirkland Valley, Is here, . tint the owners of the Victoria (r'rora TueMty Dally-1 Moms I'iihcious Stokis. A party of three men caiiio in here yesterday, from the "coun try," ono of whom called at our ollico and borrowed a work on precious stones. He was exceedingly reticent, and to our ques tions yavo tho answer that himself and partners had a place where they expected to ..i... nlorv. Iinve acrccd to civo Dr secure all tho wealth thev desired, anil that 'II liil I-" 1 w " . . I - - --j - . Jauei one-fourth interest in said load smtl place was not one thousand miles from .ivruitiilfM 1 $51,000 in sink I Prr-aritr. Thf liiwik vn rntnrni'il Intn in ttiua the miuu, which ho is now pre- todo. Jlr Flanders wishes us to say ICT. a .1... nl liia hirlnnt1 In. wlnC W .u MUw vi ..... i,.,......, .... rrcscolt will oe suoru the afternoon, and, this morning, we learn that the trio, after packing their animals with provisions, etc., started, late in the night, towards Northern Arizona. . . .. i - . 'olxnu, l JHg Jug, was ucru ycsicr i l.r.,.mul in (list ininn "0 mm kith Mines Inmanb. -A letter from Jesse Jackson, drttctl "Del Pasco Mill. Uradshaw, February 0," was this morning handed to us. t . i. .. i c: t.i.. c. rr.. I...I tlicnr, In ,uartz and placer claims, just Jarrivcd thcro from JIutnbug CVcek, cft. All were pleased with their Jwhcre, they stated, four arrastras were work ing up gold rock that was goou lor mtu hundred dollars tr twi. Indians are numerous over there, and the miners would like to take in (Jen Crook as full partner for a short time. Several more arrastras are in course of con struction. Should the $?A0 rock hold out, it will bo bad for tho Indians, as hundreds of miners and prospectors will soon bo there to hustle them out. , Military. General Crook and Dr Masru- dcr arrived at Department Iloadquartcrs last irriE Watx Works. Yesterday the .... . i i i. ..i n i.. CU iuncu nun wurt.uu nun, Bujijiiy- llnv ..-III, I mi . t .Alia of water, hut owinir to a defect in one TiWet lacked power to force tho water reservoir on tho hill. This slight de ill be remedied at once, end it is cx- tlut it win ue in pencct worKing or Mondiy next. iu VirricES. I'rosnectora nre now sctive, locating quarts claims. No less WW III nb UU1 UII1L.U tCaLLSI" i orde. Mhutii-inn m.tun'f isit iwn nre -i tn. hiiai uftL'i t a ttt u ii nn n imA . r. f,..i r -in:.. f ... I put in operation yesterdav, and soon forced way homo from California with five or six extra good rams, a pair or valuable horses, et-cctera. Hain. It commenced raining this morning, and, at this writing, 1 o'clock p. m., it looks iw if a rain or snow storm of some magni tude would soon break loose. Up to this time, but little rain has Mien. A dispatch from San Diego, California, nays that similar weather previiili there. 11. E. Farrinton and imrny other Arizonans who left this Territory u few years ago and settled in Southern California, wish them selves back again. DEPAiiTimm. J. 51. U'ryam, II. Aslicr, Deputy Sheriir Frascr, Hugh McCrum, ami M. Wonnscr left I'rescott in the pait two days. Messrs Ilanghart and Hall arrived in town yesterday, from Clilno Valley, where every prosjwet jilcascs, iVc, ifcc. Mr Btandifer has driven most of his herd of cattlo from Mohavo county to Williani.-m Valley, in this county. Persons recently from tho Vrrdo say that tho military aro making some good improve ments at tho pot. It is said that one of our architects has been engaged to furnish a plan of a new hotel, soon to be erected on Montezuma street, K.J.Cook has recently mado aotno good Improvements around his dwelling house, corner of Uranito and Gurloy streets. The Prcscott post oflicc is tho only ono in Arizona through which money orders can be sent to, and received from, Germany. Mr M. Goldwatcr has his eye on a lot for a store which ho designs erecting here, this spring. Lumber, for building purposes, is in de mand, Swearingen is engaged In painting the nw Methodist church. SI T 1 f f fit rtm tlXill nAM I .a-nr. i-i .i 1.. .1 . t . . h imt so d Hunh McCrura. of San .. .. r l cany on tnai uay. cn, u i'i .! '.. ine reservoir on the Hill back ol iJcnartmcnt t I n nut S nVlwl tl.i. CO 1W eci iu iiim duuiuviii i;.mi:u9iuii . t, , ,,, , , - I. . . - . rr.u l,ln !,. mountain,, """"tcrs. omo day will elapse before high, cold southerly wint " :n .Vir I uiu nuw rusvrvuir can ou iuukcu in ur n reir- sum of 2,000 Lsmbcrtson, of V alnut GroVc, sent up, v, several wagons lauen with eggs, ... I .ml nflint tirrulttn. Ilin rn. st ft cents tcr iound. at least that is tre purchased some for. tcnUv's telegrams informed our rcad- t Cxnl Pike and "Illllv Krfti? " hnvn rn. nude some grand UlscoTcriea, tree, of nwk iirar liiii mil I nimniiniM'L m nn1 ikc ui a vciiiauio binicf, nihil nuiiuur, i r .-. T I x. left I'rescott for the San Juan country noon lo-uay, anniversary of Washington's birth- i i t v i ht 1 1 r riiri ami si nun r niniiiii is mumiui a uucnuoiiru. anu iiiiurnia iia brother Uoorire - luai, boua a re ular supply of water as the mains l ave to be cleaned from rust and dirt, and an occasional weak section of pipe replaced by one of bet ter quality. Mr. Daniel Hazard arrived with his train from Camp Verde, on Sunday last, travelling the now road which he has graded in places, and otherwise improved, making it now a first class road lor heavy teams. Mr.' Hazard and party, killed thirteen deer during their trip. His train proceeds to Hualpai to haul lum ber, for government, from thcro to Fort Whipple. (rrom TUnnUj't Dally. Wo stated, in yesterday's Mi.VEit, that rain commenced falling here kept falling un- moruing, when a I transformed the rain drops into snow, which, at daylight thfs morning, barely covered the ground. I ho wind is yot blowing fiercely and clouds are scudding before it, threatening to again unite and rpill themselves upon us. Granite creek is pretty high and so, wc presume, arc all other creeks in this vicinity. 1 1 was a god-send to miners, many of whom were beginning to looso moro or less time and gold for want of full heads of water. LtUer. It commenced snowing about noon to-day, now, at 2 p. m., flakes aro flying thick and fast from tho southwest. Let it come. SPECIAL NOTICES. AZTLAN LODGE No. 177, F. 6c A. M. HrrnUr Mftlnr nf Ihll Ilir(mth Uit Hatiifilay oftach month, at 7 v'ctwek r. M. Holonrnloir brethrtn are fritrn!lr IdtIImI atun4. THOMAS UOKUIfl. W. M. IS. W. WF.I.LS, frcrrtary. ,.,a" 1. 0. 0. F ARIZONA LODGE, NO. 1. -Ntt&- It'gulnr Mfftlngl of thl nn Wwi cffif-ryjP nulay llTPtilniri, al Mjv-ni Hall. Mem 'ffv(' jn of lb OnIr, In fv lamllnj, ar lnltpil to att-ml. I,. II. J HWKI.I., N. (1. 0. A. I.t'Ki:, Hcrftary. All tli nWt, frrthrd ami HaIK riir.rlt.TIOi, Foiiiitlt. OiU, !), aoil Inliri.rtir, IM'i (Irnuln Frrncb IlilratU, Smi, I'uwitrrt. and C'unnrtliiiiM, cua Ixlndut JIt. KKKIMf.lH, aii7Ta I'ionrrf lUtg Store. post orncB, puescott. Stall arrlre from all tnlns, Monilayt ami T)iirla'i. Irrt, Wnlnrxlayt, Frl'Iayt aol ttittunLtyt. lionri from U A M. to H I. M. Mutiny OrJufi Uud firry day of tb Aumlay. Oltf.AKDU AI.I.KN, I n. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 4th Grand Gift Concert! XIH TI1K UEXEilT Or TI1K Pl'HLIC LIHIIAIIV OF KV. O vex ix iVXillioix irx I3xxnLc .... ASD.... A Full Drawing Assured, Tut'Mliiy, the SJlst uf Murcli, next. Only 60,000 Ticket bar Wi Iuoe.1 and 1,500,000! Ultldrd lata 13,000 ?uh gins, U1 t dlittiluW by lo4 Kong tb tlelet bolderi. LIST Or OITTS. One Grand Cuh Olfu -...SrO.dUO On Grand 0U Gift. 1W.OM 0 tJrand Cah (lift. On (Irand Cub Ulft. J On Grand Cub (lift H.iOrJ 10 Cub Olfu, ilO,(MJacb 1W.WJO 5,W0h lM.OWJ ljulmcb W.IKX) it) tUt 4U0w:b 40.WO 3U0n:b i,0 'J acb M.0W lJiicb Wab SW.M nl . i n w 1 1 .1 .pill j. V. 1 Ui cuiUL. viau.l niiu mii bun Col Higclow camn to town yesterday from his gold diggings on Lynx creek, and showed An expression often repeated in I'rescott, ouncw 01 G"'. worn, at tne mint, is, 'I)ti Tucson checks" which expression Sffl per ounce. Iho Colonel came 10, : ' . im.i ... i i i ' i I tlnnkinL' that water was about to fail him. IS HOi IIKV1V mj uu ciicwcu uiiiii iiiu uimui I a ... , , , , .,7 ..V. n ...... Mr . WU, UU TTIII II.- turn to day and find more water than be will be able to we. . lie reports the miners working in tho main creek doing very well. One company of Call fornlans, who arc working the bar below trench l"rk'- r" L Wc aro Informed that U ar-niri on bis way from Territory. In catweity of ccnt turo mining company, c green bacKs for said checks. It Is stated that a U. 8. Paymaster from Southern Arizona is coming hero with money for this purpose. Wo bono so, for, as ft stands, cmoideratile money is now locked up, i in tbe conloundcd Depository oruers. ,. Bot-- ho ,Urud for Texas a short ltamsoi. wuo f , ut time ago, tomaKc P .7, 'whcrc 30 Cub (Hflt. U) Cuh Oifuu. fO Cub Olflt H-) Cub OifU M Cub OifU . Cub Or..... WCubUltW.. .. ll.UW CubOlfU.. TOTAL 12.000 OlfU. all cut, itomatiaj to 1,500,000 Tb concert and dUtributkm of glfU will potltlrtlr and unaloea)I tal le on U. dy M tied, wbttktr all tb lielrsU ar old or not, tb 12,j IfU ail paid la juportio id it ottrsUrr of tlrt-W nW, PRICE Or TICKETS. WhoUtltirU. UJ: Ila!ri. t3S: Tntbi. ir each too- fjon. Si; K1.t Wbol TlckeU fur (SOO j IfU TlekeU for l.UOUi 113 Wbol IlckfU fur Si.UUU: ttfl Wbol Tletc U tut 4)10,UJ0. No dUoounl on leu tbaa tUM wurtbbf TicktU. THO. E. BRAMLETTE, Ajront Public library Krntuekr, and Manaftr Olft concert, I'abue Mtwary Huiwic(, uxiurii). Ky. febUwti Sheriffs Sale. COUItT, THIRD JUDICIAL PHESCOTT. 0. r. HEAD,, J AXE KARKfl. TK THE DWTIUCT 1 DUtrict iTIII klUU tJ Wl ' I . thcrmctMr Hooker, who soia "- ' u, object In coming here, again, w incy "ivi. ,,,, tii, which they re- U"J . , f,, Mffln,nr indebted- r. . r 1 mat vj per ceui. j - No MAiLs-Hcro It Is, half-past one p. rm. 1 lies. be left Wiekenburg. "J . -.1 XT..I.n nnvnr hall tmillllS n hut that thev baa not sikjkcu ii in mrntl. Up. la latlified that Kelson IU . . hi, brother anu ntm- and that the proot against hun'dred young cattle, w. u f" lbat 20 per , turned home, arriuoB after leaving Mr Bryan's prince rirenoon. wo met ncison, cnv j . . -.1 nnia from ucuar If Herbert ana Lnuer-Dienu l:"' "T :rf rchMcd woTWons uu ?u . - - . 1 JT-. l,otr in all. to r.lnim. 110 cauiu- -"- .,u..l,t fnrniri. to SCCK SOCiwr. t result of wounds. Public feeling here goes to "-'.r" Tho California mail ami tuo ou. elsewhere is decidedly against toe ac- 01 uB " f avs. hu ty mail both arrived ner aoou r-; r m. Mihr. rar uiv 1 - rri, r..iintrinc nsLftftenuti 5 v-" -- - jutnw....,-- , .-..nn lt tllC I m. viw".--o ."Jeff" Davis got in re- oecn -., r"-" nt 8tatc of the at- ns, we may C " IZTV.rriu.-,. on tb 2d dar of February. t Mr J. D. CwnywZ:liZ -- . . i,i,. . ,i It is aUo stated tnat WuflthbU(Orrfth.ib7iy ' iln. erhla (IB) ana w - - rrr. v- V ' !i .nr nnarter. Tho storm anu no nn ; - "It fmm caused mo m b as well as that irotn , n It. nnnf tho I) OllCCr UU1'"" Ji. u. ,M". I. t...!ihcd ar- men of W ekenuurg, n j- -1 T" ' .,, ere Btock of goods, and is sell ne v ry chc ; vnn i?o to ICKenuuib o . .rAt-afiiii 1 venr. uuv, ... w,u.u v.v..t. .0 " "r-:itu. r ImIc for anotlicr storm . . . -.1 an . .1 f I AAMntnv L bllllll 1(41 Ilia, " a . I j i. they hint just cleaned up nu wuo wm j o , Geo Monroe was doing first-rate. Jeff Th(j ,4th 5nst wm lc St. Valentines Way the lodL'es are rich ard numerous, but . .. . ctcr,bcns arc prepared to supply vai- very thick. entincs of evorydescripUou. siitornii 11 Tin r.niii'ru .11:1111111 svwinw - ... ti ijuitii . . . . 1 .. f... . or,. Un tnl tr""" " ' .. .n. - . ...1 , i niinincraiiiiiu mi n the San Juan country were surpnu Jir rnuu , . wnrk of a 8U- . - - I- ! .1... tnrn. I 1 ),. Illinn CUIUIUW . . t .... i - .k.Minr kiiicu " " , . ----- . -i . . ... , 'l'l... I - ill l. nn UV VlftlllH- UI9 K-""'; i : . . i : . i. . : . ... .u.mtiinrir iii.r.i. l ii t. v , vi i m: bllii J-i w " of ...-, ... ... ..i.iui. ntinr iTmiilcrants to way of reaching tho now Dorado. that of F. A. Cook's. . We, yesteruav, or . . dcT rpy "ea u. lnolatW, aim mw , rw(UUntTCrTA Grant's stage : Mr ana tin w i D. Kendall, Mr Barclay. . ti,., mads are very bad. It rained tnrct days on the Mohave road. n ,h farmer and dairyman. wKliamson vSUuy . S& Wo learn that ho has some Idea of csuuusn ing a dairy near Camp erUc. Judge II. .ffSl on a lot near the lost omc, designs erecting a tin shop. Col Jas. II. Nelson, VlV'J. ! wfl . . Mr John G. Campbell arrived nere from California. to ltt SIS I lloSI. U tLootr. of Prrnrt, A.T., oa TbnreJay. th. 5U. day or xarcn, .c. jj;jtjjgKT, Sbrlft lrt, A. IVbruary 12, 1B7- NOTICE. iti b.rebr warned not lo Iftw w !LrSSl'a5.h aSi trauportaUon ar-l. In return to . , . ii. Hefciqo r lr- ' ' a 1 JLEAJ & CO., PBESCOXT, ARIZONA. lU.rctfiilly aunoiineo U tb jwvt4 of Nortbern Arizona, lbat they hat now on band THE LAJIOEST and BEST STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ever Offered in'thia Market, ....COMHSTIXaOF.... K A OIKS' FURNISHING GOODS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Military Furnishing G(mmI', CRT OOODa GROCERIES, l'KOVISIONS, FLOUK, Dried and Canned Fruits nnd Meat Bootn and. Slioes, CUTIiERTr. HARDWARE, CROCKBRYWARE. GLASSWARE, WOODENWARE, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, WI3STE66, LIQTJOBS, FANCY GOODS, OILS AKD PAINTS, RIFLE AND BLA8TIH0 .POWDEE, . iimnfndP.K. PU8B ASU aihiw 7 Xron and. Steel, Hining & Farming Implements, KTO, i:tc, eto. MAUICOrA COUNTY. TT,, frfrfciiimcs, c.ii.vkii, SALT lllVEXt FLOU1HNG MILL, Salt River Valley, Arizona. Our Mill bow torn rn fuM' otntlo, we arr ifir4 to furnlib tb nrltt with a quality of Floor, wbieb W iTUAraritr far nvr'mrti nny manufactured InibfTerVI tory, an.l fully nrjuat fcfh tery belt Irnj.jrt,! from Call, fornla. Wm will keei eonrtanrly on baud at lb Mill, mat at our teref a! aKencier. THREE QUALITIES Or FXOUR, In 25, 50, and 100-Pound Sacks GRAHAM FLOUR SEM1TELLA, CORIV-MIJAL CRACKED WHEAT AND BRAN. A liberal dlwwofit will m mad on refalaf rale W merrbant and otbera (nirchaelDir lugt qnaatltler.- AKXTt OlfrKOT Coirjfi.Lf. , rrmnrft J. II. I'ltfivw Wlekeubnrr. iuiismrr & Iiuxk rbooti. MOOKE k CAUH Haricot Well. K. N. Kiwi Ii Co.... riorene. R.K.riHH Co-...,,., Tnrra. r .m. i 4J W. B. H51LIB08 A CO. Fajt PbonIz, Arltonri. tirZ1 I?IIOEiVIX: HOTEL, Phoenix, Arizona. TJi omlentirned baring cjtne tLU Itotal, unm tb publkl lbat no palu or exjwnr will b ird to nab It Tlir Hotel of tb Territory, MtfU nxmi for famlllei. In comiectlva wltb tb Hot! A (eud Utah! aad rd Yard attacbed to tb preral' Com on, corn all And (It to a call. J.J.OAKOINEJt, Tnrthtof. WHICH WE WIUU ntVL. r-OU CASH OKLT. AT THE SMALLEST rOSSHlLK MAiniin ' COST AKU CARUIAOE. It. HOEflAX. f. UrCTKJTCK. IX. MORGAN Ac CO., PHCEN33C, SALT RIVER VALIaEY, -illl- MonaAsrs pewit, on the qila. Maricopa County, Arizona GENERAL MERCIIAJVDlSE- Our Motto: 'Quick &da and Small Profit. JeSftf J. Goldwater & Bro.f iia:cB2sri3c, Arizona Ear oa Hr.i a Larg asi CoapUU Stock cf GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Gmptidtif ctrfjMnir required la a farmlsf eottstry, JOHN OEOllGE, Proprietor. -nn b 6ondnetl cn tb i THE SALOO'N . . nmnOE t WALTEBS. wU fc P" pltrd with tb. U o "-toon, if- j, lB71, 1 1 t.-1t. Marion county, A. Atk , , LIUKUAL PRICES ....roix.... GOLD DtTST, GGOD 330AJEfcl GOLD ANO SILVER BULLION, AT TUS... "PbJ 5Q1J3.00 PER jrort cash usa. WEEK, op THE FRES II C3rx-cXerL Just Received at KELLY & STEPHENS'. 1.X.S- IUT1-- E. IBVINB fc CO, At the Hew Dpot. Paid in Merchandise or Currency phcexix, T. ' Offer o n -W -BT C3 FAMILY GBOtUttBf Stationery, Hooks, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS AT LOW PKfCKH. lW. XTfeorC ArUonr, fWemVr gHhIgn. BARNETT & BLOLKf nvlTTU nt .... rZvUion$, QoChing. Dry-diode . rr .1 Aji MAIIICOM C09JtTY, ARUOKA. . XXO TUB"" McrcliantabU I'rodiicte . COUNTRY OEKEKAiui . Mi. .taJUd lb ebaa of cd d- bUf., tU rbet.and bao. lM,orta.ent. electe4 wim . .. r. tt eualor yar w bleear. w. ar. ono"' ,lu win . -l h. better tnabl-d taUr tbla Oroetrta, ecmraanlty tbaa ef kerrtotx. O.F.HBiDtOO. iwwwdi Artiofta. Janaary 8, mi. Sell cheaper than y other " central Anmu ficient col "stole avnlo wy, r t i UAiniiT i ri" v it. tian 1 r .- nma"r: - 1:1111141 . '1 1.1 ,UmU rnceilt Huuwb"' " , 1.1. ' .n.. rAflit UDOI1 Ulin o oaiuimy loai, uuu t .. I ill act, all Ol vtuiwi ... f',l children and AGENTS ".1: rn.i.T: favor, bv i"Ms "i 'r.yrt,,rfi or our womi " w a 1 1 I BH All Ul W w - . . , ..ArvffV " . a w a 1 : I 'i Ifbrila'f'Il Lll IL.U! I ml 1 r niinrn uiiiiui . i. i. bcartl :C;- t . 0r which had been nippou uj - John White ... i, started lor l jtw! thnir man. who KOt r xt.e. .n.f fjpnnro Ix)Unt tarted FOR t'Uber, and S. Ball, having ucam tho tlUl9 0r w .icn . . 80 .ofl tho movcmenui 01 nw- frot, on account . -n :nrwiinrr to I ' . .rv.r.imcn of humanity. himto J. M7iS. oti-cT Pierre, .ooUed to us w la here a tbU Indian country, " ... i wonden of the photpgT.pbc world, L -i- nrrnsed of nartlalitT. xe, ?S 7. rio suto that, trampling oyer i Urrjat deal of gold diut. ouVc U and taw other unfortunate invi.Mh.o to Lodge, P A. M, bold a edW Sfflof ttoUtown. 1"" WftK onfft 'Saturday evening, for tho UcularIy the ladies ami MUwg THE MINEB. .. .-t. . ruber, lloorn - C,CU H Von, Mule I1". Mon.Som.rr .Ut. tiu.Co. rrM-Jo. Collln( TvavH-i.H. Ma.iflld. ORIENTAL Restaurant, Bakery and Saloon Next door to the Miner Office. -.- 1U FN . uurin. a a r.n , fr tVI.iiaa ' GOOD HOARD, l, Ihc r. or Mcl. r " TFIIiy iJFJ7 MEN CAN DO. PRESCOTT. TO THE PXJBIalO. New Cooa ur.H the ADache New Store rcawc - nv.sT EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. .AND...! the I'er Week... tilngl Meal. rollowlnB rleal ... Ten dolUn, rnrrney. ..rJerenty-Bt cent. i"tn:v.uc, ."-n;7r,Car the uvts: ym. i . ,nn printing iHnirmr llicir iiiucvi uiiih""B' " . i ' r.....r uinir nccuscu ui ii. --j i iiiiiiiv illviu - QUI Ol wuuu i or rvcRV 1ob In Good 8ty1, Order Killolted. Sab DRSCBHTIOW, AltbMlS"Offlee, I"rleiraabl. , Ood,nrne.rJ ' cutninr. JOHN HTEMMKIt, rrorIetor. Treott, Arrl 2. 1873- TELEGIIAPIT LINES b,bstjltant: 95 ! .4 trim o .... . : ; T ! i f. i . . . " . , .i,iri rtntrrce on I . .t un rr a trooii ioohb uimjacui U41Ul-..,B - " i . . , i. . c ' Allows . --- ntha airo. he . .. J.J . ,wnr. t tb. addrw. r twir Ther ic vet remaining on tue nortu ...... becn aecompninca. - - SOnn - - - - nim, of ,sw to , .17 r in,, iiir i.vni. i .. ti,n mmniviiii; - i , .biaiia noi -- ... . Am imnnil uifl ncsua w "b O' .J I tun . . . fnr IIV I . .ii a in on i . 1 I . I ..n rr IT. I . . r. 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 in n,l. , 1 t,,.,. 1 1 DC. 9m w, ana uwi'r ' i , uricor to supply 1 ittcr, milk, the mar- Ac. L. A. fitevcm continues ... i ...... l.,.fj,r Ho trj-div nforuied us tit . . . a , f I.... (1U nuum " .e nii ?ram. wu 1 means 01 ' aP sn nian. were , ess s; sarr a. s ite creek bottom, I baaent. warn cut. A rCScr- Ul.u" " - -, ' . r and liow tue pcojuu 1 . ! v ti . Clii. nlacd-Fort and lieaaauarj--.- OImt. rontractor for erecting ncr ," over tho fact that UrooK a y unthulldmEB, U stone, forfho work, aro completely '11- tla and tome of tho bridt for tue wa.u In pipei, 0""" ZZtnnt labor of 1 inn mm and M many mule,, is ARIZONA 1REWERY, vw.i. Side of the IMaia lrecott. rcwy on the grounu. tinry , M manY mulcg, is no Tho "Nifty" ireople advertise goou oo , of courw ..u. at 812 per weetc, which U cheap, considering longer iieedca, lu , ;cnt tbeir aU of livinr. "',!5 re Tin.b 0T" wllB ,n(1 8. Hall In- Frederick, of univer Hawayampa. will, n a . Drosicting trip to-tnor very short time, Jiavo hta wueci uu - all 0, K. for reducing rock. r. -i?6--5a .m on Humbug creek; f i (aw unit niiuiiuv n - . . . -til I- "-" .i. v-.A r Uradshaw moun- Th. many friends of !. ?. . ; thcncearot v; wherc, nol ,0pg WUICU u Tho JllMKU .. . . i.t .ni well u..l.e- ircbad ami rnn w " . wlth VnownSJ,d.w..wreu,.yW. Excellent UoprerJOoor, WHOIXSALB Oil r...". W nt ,Uk f Imported Wtatf, W"' and ClBa"' Aad ,r.Ur oUeU )"Ur ,'t KOOKNBURO CO. rreaoott, Ari, Janoary . Tllton's Steam Washer, WOMAN SJF R I E N D , I I 2K7ifc-wad-is i- ""n",?-0' ""J ' ".ii. Unniexnma StreH. tlyaOtf .Ug' COMPLETE ASSORTMENT or Groceries. Provisions, AI EPICJRKANM 8TOBEH. o. J5 South Montezuma St., (Orrotlbi Ban HaU" IleiUurantJ WUTAKKTIUS Tlffif3l NEW AND COMMODIOUS STORE, South Side of Plaza. Freacott, Arizona. j. r.t of Vonner Wertbrfmr, l nvnTr IM MEN S JS axwxw, cossiarn50,wrxBT,0r roreign and Bomestic Dry Gi, DHEAP GOODS clothing, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, A DAILY PAPER I AN ,AXD. IN PRESCOTT. sorry to hear that hols, ami um uec. .u. w5o towarus uic B "h 'yd, be iirk m ..ii m unveu. 1 sinrj. air juk v- - Two wheels, for driving, arrastras, instciid t" Ktriko it rich. of one, as heretofore stated, aro iu . - - construction on Mig uug crec. Deed Attornay- n ,t.,. e;nnv. Checks on U. 8. Dc- was bopo for Oeorgo , ryan. n; . MWn leen paid out of the a numr o. n-- lLM jwSfo offlco in tbe past xveek. to J A unto, from Mr Ikedcr, tr je.Urt.y- hn 0. Campbell U . trrT . . .s I .. .tiinmV ftft flHJUlUH tUlliU w..o disnatchc. say that, tue o UUNK," fnf. u.nK 8w.r ii iv -- ., Alen. thnt nUllv I SBhffc roauo v-"-.-- . f .v m lnnmn nil a as uoiwiw. """e.- - ... ...i.nirio . mii.i.ii. VUKHII near br. on his way urn RAILH0ABS COMING, TOO. RASHFORD'S STORE LXM3A.XY HERE. rCalL See, Pcrtbu. sd Obetr tor tti . Oiaad I Knock Down la Prlc PHOTOGRiriUC NOTICE. ktocK. IIAVIKO BEKX BKl.r.CTEI) WITH OUU STOK, li a in" win remain In Ban of tmytnc K""i .4 ..ttt. .neela. ItffttOW "TV T .. . .... ...1 mark, w are eonrmem ioa CHEAPER 11 (rrlT.Ur Vreucott, XoveinbelW. UTS, The Post Traders Store, AT Port WhipplOi Arizona, fieri for Bate, Oroceriri, MtUm,, Can PrU,, Clfx9 Boots, Sbwi, SUUlmtry. Pmty Good, Tuooceo, Cigars. 4c. Price, Reasonable. OEO. W. U0WBUS, rr-vr!M. .3 II. A81IEK Si. CO. rwrtOtl ... . ... vitfiiu lb lM'.VV.tIN'. ArtUli. .. . ?' Vr..riA. th- M.t wnotii. ,WnS .ttly Is reir -" J. '.,0 e' rtKSU.Iy rwaeated to rail a. sn. ..rut.., w..tMn jfSSfe-l - a. . I UISIV U ' K ei.. j,wh, xebtt.ir1," e-li.vUHort mu..v...b K, 0. 1'UUI.IW. .,. .1 .11 time. I'rtWiXl, June i, ici luxiu CANNOT BO EXCELLED , PKE0V1AN BAEK, WITH JBO W 00 lU, trlcbte,l day. Ot Irvo, at Kidrt Uru blow. '