Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY ARIZONA MINER: PEESOOTT, FEBRUARY 13, 1874. Opinion of tho Supromo Court in a Yavapai County Mining Case. Tho Arizona (Tucson) Citizen, of January 31, publisher thu following: Ttih is nil action In the nature or ejectment tirou.'bt in tlio third district tiy lhivU -mil llusli airlnt l-itin iil Kreucli lor tlie iOasceltii of .t liilniuir claim. Tins mlict ntilcli wj hi l.tvor of tlie )lnliitllls, wus set osltlu by oritur or tlie court it n-ttiui tho evidence, uiul llm npwil U to ills iitHrin order. Tbu state incut Included In ttiu tr.ui'i rifjt ol tlie record, discloses thefollonln cuuclusiou ol lad: 111 the fall oi 1170 utid4tl 1SJI, tbw Tlj;ur Mining Coiap.iuy, consisting of K. J. Cook, Washington Krctitli, A. 11. SiiiIUj, 11. U. Curry mid L). U. Morel-mil, im formed lor tlio piirtK)M of t)rotH.ftluK ami Incitlnir mlultiL' cUimi In tlio uratiaiMW iiiouutAius, In tlie county of Varapal. On the 10th day of January, 1171, U. t,. Morelanu, assisted by U. A. Hammond, lo. cited VXO feet Including the discovery location on tho Tiger mine, and ou behalf of this company, til tho same time, Morclaud at tbc InsUiuco ol' French located 200 feel north of and adjolulug tbu locatlou af tho company, for Wni. A. Llun, ono of tho defendants, and ibis It tho claim con tested In the present case. At the time of loca tion, thu boundaries were measured by stepping and a monument Vat erected en tho north cud and tbc claim was called tho north extension of the Tiger mine. At the same time, a notice was placed on said monument, claiming thu same and signed Win. A. Llun. On the 27th of January, 1171, Freucli caused a description of this claim, to Iks recorded In theolllcu of the county recorder of Yavapai county ; and ou tbo '-M of February, 1171, next following this record, a description with the certificate ol record upon It, was pucud on tbc monument with the original notice. Tbc transcript of tbo record of tbla caai shows that at the time of the location, It wm not in cluded within any organized mining district, and that the location and record of It wm made in accordance with the custom and practice prevail lng In that vicinity, among miners at the lime; It also shows that afterwards, on tb 4th or Febru ary, 1571, a mining district was-organized there, a system of rules adopted, and a recorder elected or appointed; It shows that It was not at any time tbc custom of that district to record with tbo district mining recorder locations made and recorded with the county recorder previous to tba election or appointment of the mining re corder. The transcript also shows that work was done on the claim on behalf of Llun from about the 15th of February, 1371, till the plalntluV en try and ouster, which" was on the 20th of June, 1371, and that aa early aa February 3, of that year, Thomas Maxwell was at work there for Linn. Tbu transcript farther shows that on the 11th of February, 1871, Mary E. Sawyer entered npon the claim lu contest, taw where some work bad been done, removed from the monument Linn's no tices) arid substituted ono of her own; that she worked on the claim one or two days, doing as much work as a woman could do, which one of the plalatltfV witnesses thought was a joke; and on the 13ih ol June, the same year, conveyed all her interest to the plaintiffs In this case; also that be fore the plain tills purchased tbe claim of Mary E. tUwyer, they had examined Linn's description of It among the records of the county, and bad vis ited and examined tho claim Itself, where they saw that considerable work bad been done upon It, which they understood had been done by those representing the Linn claim; that afterwards, about tbe 20th of Jane, 1171, tho plalutUls put two men to work on tbe claim ; that tbe day af ter, Stewart and Maxwell came npon the claim, and Stewart, claiming to be agent or partner ol Linn, forbade tho plaintiffs' men from working any longer on this claim; and tbat on June 2J, 1171, Linn came upon tbo ground, evicted the plalntUIs and has retained ponsessioD ever since ; also that In January and February, 1371, W. A. Linn, tbe defendant, resided in Nevada, and that be did not return to Arizona till the month of June of tbo same year, just previously to his al leged eviction of the JplalntilEi ; also that at tbe organization of the Tiger- mining district, the rules and regulations required that all claims lo cated therein shonld bo recorded with tbe district recorder wltiin thirty daya after the location, and five daya' work be done on the same within six months, commencing within thirty daya alter tbe location. No regular assignment of errors appear In the case, and tbo points of law presented for the dis affirmance of the order appealed from, appear only en tbe brief of appellants' counsel, as fol lows: 1. The verdict or the Jury was In accordanco with tbe law and the evidence, and tbe court erred In setting aside the verdict and cranttn? a new trial. It 1 the province of the Jury to weigh tho evidence and tbe court will not disturb tbe ver dict wben the evidence U not conflicting. 2, Tbe court erred In allowing Linn to give evidence to counteract bis deed to French. X A mlnlnsr claim Is an interest in land within tbo meaning of ue suioics oi iranas. -t. Uno person cannot lo cate a mining claim for another except in connec tion with himself, without authority In writing from tho person for whom he locates. 5. Tbc location of a minlnz claim Is not valid unless made In accordance with the law of tbo United States, the laws of this Territory, and tbc rule ana customs oi tne mining district whore tbe came Is situated. C. One having already located under tho laws of tho United States, approved July, ISO'S, the amount of mining ground allowed to bo located "by such law, another location made by him in the name of another person with the intent to have tbo after location inure to hi ben efit, is void as made in fraud and evasion of said law of the United State. 7. Tbe court erred in charging the Jury that tbe law constitutes tbe dis coverer or a mine tbe agent for whom be chances to act, and makes bis act tbelr act regardless of tbc fact whether they havo any knowledge or it or not. Such further reference will be made to tbc facts in this case as may bo found necessary to Illustrate the foregoing points, In the progress of their discussion. The first point taken, viz : Tbe verdict of tbe jury was in accordance with tbe law and tbe evi dence and thu court erred in seUing aside tbe verdict and granting a new trlaL it is tbe prov ince of tbe Jury to weigh tbe evidence and tbo court will not disturb tbelr verdict, when tbe tes timony is conflicting. Tbe first of tbe Jegal prop ositions presented is a statement of the afllrina tlvc branch of theissue and can only be answered by an examination ol the whole case: tho second of these propositions Is perhaps more frequently repeated than almost any other and, wben taken In all-its generality, is fraught wltli error. Ills true only or that portion of every case which In tervenes between tbe submission by tbo court of alT the evidence-to tbe Jury, jukI the, completion or lu verdict. The evidence Is subjected to tba cognition of parties, witnesses, counsel and conn before it goes to tbe jury at all. Homo power, be side tbe jury, must decide tbe competency, rele vancy and uncxceptlouablencss of every portion of tbe evidence before It can enter tbo Jury box. And on tbe rendition or tbe verdict, tbe party liti gant to whom It Is adverse, has tbe Indcfeasable right to bare it compared with tbo evidence, by the court, as the final test of Its validity. Tho statement of tbo transcript or the present case shows an obvious preponderance or the testi mony against tbo verdict, and tbl point must therefore be and Is overruled. Tho second point is: That tbo court erred in allowing Linn to contradict his deed. And this would certainly be a grave error or law, bad It any foundation in tbo facts of tbe present case. Tbe evidence, however, which Linn was allowed to give, and which was excepted to at tbo time, appears to be no contradiction or bis deed. Tho specific portion of tbe testimony which is a. lered to contradict tbo deed, was not pointed out. Indeed it was discussed rather as an abstract proposition of law, as which it is certainly un deniable, net, however, without 1U well establish ed limitation. It docs appear tbat Llun, In the course of bis examination, was asked, "for what purpose did you execute the deed In rju Ba llon 1" and tlis answer was oblcctud tniivthe plaiulltfs on the ground that Llun being one or the defendants could not give evidence to contra dict bis own deed. Llun answered said question under objeatlou as follows; "1 exnccttd to re. scire (rom French all tbe money he received for tbe claim. 1 relied on my previous kuowledge of sum iuji ue would act lairly with me. II he did not, 1 was the looser, French, too, on bis exam I nation as a witness asvsr "1 exnet-ted to nav IJnn all should pel fur I) in claim." l.lnn on bU examination also mid, "I now owe French abcut tl.OU). Most or this indebtedness has been made since ray return from Nevada." Tula seems to be alt the erldanco ol Linn's purpose In mak ing tbe deed. Or the relations of the defendants, J-'nn says : "French and I came to Arizona in lew. There bid been a partnership Nitwres o In Montana in IfcrJo, and it bas. always continued so. In tbe spring ol 1UC9, 1 went lo White Fine, F rncb furnLhlng me means to go with, 1 told bUa ou that il I fo and anything at White l'lur, I would locate lor him, and If ho found any. tliluj; here, hu should give wc a show. On or about Juno 21, IST1, 1 returned to l'ruscott. I staid four daye and then went to Iindihuw. On tbu morning of Juno i, 1871, 1 arrived at lTiid tliiw." On croti examlu.itlou IJnn s.iys: "I Imve never been cupped In any business In partner aliln with Krcticli. 1 uorer owned n mining cLilm lit coiiiinktiy with hint. What 1 mum by a mutual IMttimrMilp In that when ono 1 broke and the other is not, tlie one who h.u money share with the other. French doc not uow own any portion of tbo property lit question, lie hold one-half ol the ground iw security for what I owe him." Krench on IIUa subject snys: "In the spring of lj'J, Ltnn wtnt rrom l're:ott to White l'lne. It w.u understood between us that I was to be Inter ested In nothing he lound, mid if I found any. tiling here, 1 would give him a show ; or If I could get lilru. a situation here I would dolt." Thu ntmwtwul ol' the transcript also contains copies oi vvfo letters, nieo a copy oi deed aim power of attorney from Llun to French. Tbo urat ol those letter Is dated Prescott. A. T.. Jan. uary Ui, 1171, and Is addressed by French to Linn, at (told LIlll, Nevada, and states that French bud located u claim lor Linn ami promUed to send Iiliu some ore. ruiuliUs objected to this letter and the objection was overruled. Tho second of these letters Is between tho satnu turtles and Ifoin atxl. to the samu place, dated January '7, 1171. The letter seems to have contained a blank deed audi it also appears that Llun executed and re tor neu tuo deed and a power or attorney wun little If any delay. On tbe 27th or June. French executed bis deed to Llun for one undivided half or the property. Tbe consideration or the whole of said property Irora Linn to French be ing 1 1,000, and tbc consideration of one-hair deeded back by French to Linn lielng f.VJ. A witness uauied Tborno was called by tho plain tills and oncred to prove that si the time Store laud located the gronnd for Linn, ho located two claims for witness and Cassidy, with thu under standing that Thome and Cassldy were to deed one-half of said location to tbe Tiger Company, or which Morcland was a member, without fur ther consideration ; and agreeable to said under standing, did deed one half or said ground to tbe Tiger Company. This evidence was ottered to show tbat a similar uudcrsundlng existed at the time with Linn. Objected to and the objection was snsulued and the plaint Ills excepted. From the evidence or Thorno thus stated, the court Is asked to find fraud In the location of the claim of Linn by More-land and French. Tbe credibility of this statement Is seriously Impaired by tbe fact that the man Thorno who makes it was himself parttcrpti fr audit by bis own con fession ; bat even if true, it docs not tend to show fraud in Linn, and It was rightly rejected. Linn seems to bavo done alt In bis power diligently to assert bis own rlgbt and perfect his claim. True, be seems to bavo been cblerly employed defending hlmtcll since the Institution of this suit. On July 11, 1172, Linn, however, appears to have dono it like a man who believed himself right and labor ing to defend bis own property. After tbe most careful consideration, neither contradiction of the deed from Linn to Freucb nor fraudulent In tent In tbe defendauu, Is discovered In this tes timony. It Is true in law tbat a deed cannot be directly contradicted by parol testimony. It Is always susceptible of the fullest oral expla nation for the prevention of fraud and tbe consummation of Justice. It frequently bap pens that tbo real or wbolo intention is not mentioned or described In a deed and it mast bo shown by other testimony if ever called in question. What possible contra diction or evidence appeared in Linn's deed, which mentions tbe consideration of flOOO Is there In the fact tba: Linn owed French money at the time ; desired and thus enabled French to sell tbc. property, expected French to pay hltn the' purchase money or credit him with It ; or in tbe fact tbat French expected to do all this as be says be did In good faith 7 These facU and Intentions may ail stand on a solid foundation of truth to gether. Tbe power of attorney Is no contradic tion of tbc deed or anything else. It was another familiar way of enabling French to sell tbe prop erty for Linn's benefit. It proves tbc real intcn tcntion of tbo deed and not in contradiction of lu So too tbe deed from French to Linn for only an undivided half or tbe property, Is evidence or tbe defeasible character of Linn's deed to .French and may be remote evidence orl-lnn's'lndebtedncM to VrcncU for wttlch tbc other halt remaining In him Is alleged to be a collateral security. If French shall deny tbat Linn's deed was bnt a defeasible deed, or Linn deny tbat be owes tho debt lor which French retained tbe undivided Interest of ball the claim as a security, then tbc fraud will perhaps begin to havo existence. At present, none Is apparent. With these conclusions the highest Judicial authorities folly accord. A care ful examination of tbe case discloses no evasion, duplicity, concealment, falsehood or false pretense on tbelr part, wblch constitute the unfailing index of fraud. No one claims to bavo been injured by them or either of tbem; not M. E. Sawyer, who entered on Linn's claim February 11th, 1871, removed bis notices and attempted to usurp bis claim; not tbe plalntltl's who have knowingly taken bcr place and commenced this suit. Tbe second point of the appellanu must therefore bo overruled. Tbe third point is that a mining claim Is an in terest In land, within the meaning of tbo. statute of fraud. This point is certainly true as an ab stract legal proposition. There is no element of the present caso which brings It within the stat ute of frauds. It Is not shown nor doesr it aoocar bow tbc statute of frauds can apply to any person or thing iu tbe present case. Tbe third point is overruled as Inapplicable to tbe case. Tbe fourth point Is '"one person cannot locate a mining claim for another except lu connection wun mmseir, wunont authority In writing rrom tbe person for whom be locates." Since tbe United States first permanently occupied Califor nia In Jnly, 1145, there baa arisen a system of raining law on our Pacific slope whose peculiar Jirlnciplcs, obligations, and relations, courts or usticc cannot disregard without tbe most flagrant njustlce. Like all other codes which have at tempted a permanent existence, this code has bevn tbe otlspring of stern necessity. This system, too has reared a class ol men peculiar in tbelr charac ter and relations. One of these is tbc prospector. who, wltb remarkablo daring and sagacity, alone or with a small attendance, penetrates everywhere in search of tbe precious meuls, Great as are bis natural resources, be would be powerless but lor tbo necessary aid furnished him by others, more or Jess remote, who are to .share with, him In the rcsulu of bis explorations. Tbo compacts by which these things are done in many, perhaps in most instances, nro iosna,wiiooai any wrilu n as surance by men who know and trust each other's nnwrltteu faith. But for these simple, formless methods, our mineral wealth would have been far leas developed than, it Is. Destroy these methods and our mineral system aiut lose much of its progressive power. Tbe present case belongs to mi system, ana it cannot oe determined without mora or less reference to lu rules and obligations. At the time of tbe location of tbe claim In contro versy, It was not Included in any mining district of lu own, nor was it subject to the law of any other. The common law of miners above refer red to, was reoognlzcd by those Concerned In tbe claim ; bnt beyond that they wero bound by no law except the act of Cougress or July !, 18G0. All these laws appear to have been compiled with ny defendant. 1 hi suit, uowevcr. stopped them before tbeir patent could be secured. Tho testi mony snow mat rrencn uau J.imrs autnority to locate this claim for him and that Linn after wards ratified bis ncU by taking and holding tbe property. It enabled Linn to bold the property against every claimant ,but tbe United State. Even If Lino bad no right, Mary E. Sawyer could not by any legal rlgbt enter on bis property and carry ou his notices. This point is therefore over ruled. The sixth point Is: "That tho location of a min im: claim Is not valid unless made In accordance with tho laws of tbc United States, tbc lawe of the Territory and the rule and customs of tbe mining district w here tbo claim Is situated." This inluo was not lu an organized mining district. Iu tbc location, as far as it progressed before the suit suspended It, all uias done from wbst appears, In accordance wltb tbe laws of tlio United Slate, the laws of the Ter'itory and tbe local customs so utr as Known. I be notices put on the proper ty In bohatrol Llun wero sufficient to Inform the whole community who claimed the location In coutrovcry. Hoth Mary E. Sawyer and tbe plain tills, as the testimony snows, were fully Informed or Linn's claim. During the brier period or the . .1.1... 111. I . . .7 .1 . iwiiuuiu occupancy, it appears tuey naoptea I. Inn's inonumrnu. and Linn' mark and mca. ureinciiu thereby acknowledging their sufficiency, ' wvi-uiiam j un ur.uii or uns sno ny t.inn Him self appear to bavo been all that thelsw rcoutred In an unsettled and troubled Indian country. This point Is therefore overruled. The seventh and last of tbo appellants polnu Is; "One having already located under tho laws of tbo United Mtates, approved Jnly 20, 1SOJ, tbo aiuuunv ui uiiuiug ground anowed to no located by u h laws, another locatlou made by blta In the name of another person with the Intent to have tho said claim alter location Inure to his benefit, Is void as made In fraud and evasion of the said law ol tbo United Slates." There Is no cvldcucu tbat tho claim lu contest lu this ease ws intended lo Inure to tho benefit of anyone but Llun In whose favor It was located by French. This point lias been disposed of as far as ibo court has power to do so, under u loriuer one. , The following is tbu Judgment lu the case: " Tbe Judge of the district court of the third Judi cial district was right In etting aiMo tbe verdict I lu this case, and ordering a new trial, ami ins or der mint therefore be alurinvd." PIMA COUNTY. E. N. FISJl & Co. I)flrr lu Inform lh poblU) through tl inwllura f the Ml.Ntll, that Uielr rxUcsiva ilurvs ami warr)iuu-s, ut Tucson and Floronce, In lint etmtity, Ariiona, an- always fluVd with fall llns uf such piulsas ar nxdtxl In Uie TVrrltwry, aodthul thrlr arai'la faoilitirs for purchnJiDs; and rrcltlus; guuds, rnabl thrni to Mil tnrttr prtlelrs, Cut Ir, moo IV than any other firm In ftoutheuUrn Arliuoo. la addition to rtfrtiUr stum articles, tnv srepon band IMNK LimilEIt AMI NIIINOIiKN, ALsO- JlA.ItL,lCV anil COIUV, Mr. FUb, at Tuo.n, ami Mr. Collli)(fwwl. at Flornc. wilt b ilwl lu m-!ve culls from such HUns of North ern ArUuoa. Nc Mrxleu and L'aliXumU. as may visit, or pus th place,. tna-T3 LORD & WILLIAMS, Postoffice Block, cor. Congress & Main SU TTJOSON, ABIZONA, Ilavt cwnitantly on hand a Full Assortment of Merchandise AdarOxl to Ui wants of Ariionaos. They also am r parvl to furnish FBEI0HT, QRAXH, AKD ALL 051)8 OF PEODDCE, DO A OfcXEItAL lltlOKEItAOr. M'Hl.VESS, Mako Collections and SeU Exchango on any frt of th world. iart!r from Northern Arltona, vIslUsj Tucson, will al ways find ur "Utrh string out.' apKO r- K. TL'LLV. a. u. vt toso. TULLY, OCHOA, & CO., TUCSON, ARIZONA. We would vry respectfully call th attention of the people of tbe Territory to our large and complete assort ment of ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Which we 4tll at the Lwtat Ccuh Pricet. We invite all to examine our stuck before making their purchases elsewhere. m3l Tl'LLY, OCHOA, & CO MOILAVE COUNTY. Wtt. Conr. Joua c. rona. Cory s5c IPotts, SELL CIIEVI? for CASH, EVERY THING WEEDED BY EVERYBODY IN" ARIZONA, AT rtir.IR STORE IK CEROAT, WALLA PA I SttXISa DISTJltCT, MOHAVE COUSTY, ATtrzosA TEnRiTonr. We keep on band, a largo Aaaortmsjnt of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. GTCuU and Soo TJ. ans;1772 A. r. TJAY1S. A LUES EATOALL. DON'T READ THIS. Unless 70a wan't to find out that you can Bay Goods at Reduced Rates, of DAVIS & RANDALL, -A.T MINERAL DEALERS IN Groceries and Provisions. CLOTHING AND HARDWARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, Xrug-is and. IVIedicineM, LIQUORS, Who are also prepared to SHIP ORES AND 1JULLI0X. and make liberal adranoee on the same. uortl Wallapai Assay Office, Cerbat, Mohave County, Arizona. I beg to Inform the misers and cnblle (a rratnl (!. 1 hare opened aa Assay Office at Cerbat, Wallared District, where I am prepared to do any work in tba Use of my business. I hire Radamd Ti!mi Ia ReltsVe Tt. -s. . Blngle Assays lo: Copper , .SM nge amji e?r tapper, imho. aaa aiircr. ...7i flUrer llalllon melted sad Assayed at 3 per cent of raise. . . -wmf ,--w,u wwwre wie loiHiwinr raiet ralrerlu the ore, ami in I r thoroughly send Shout two OBsecs of each sample ; If more than one sample, mark ' j-- i'f-ir miwu given vr reiurn mall. C. 1'LBTZ, Assayer. PAUL BREON. Camp Mohave, Arizona, DEALER IK Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, -AND- GENERAL. MERCHADISE. Camp Mohare, Arlxoua, January 7. 1873. JnlB NIFTY SALOON. AT THE "HirTT,"oi" M0KTE2DMA BT THE TinRSTY CAN GET GOOD WHISKEY, RUM, GIK, BRANDY, KUMMEL, SWKKT Oil SOUR WINES, And Tolorablo Water. Drop In. ANTELOPE RESTAURANT, Ouiley Street, Worth Oldo of tho Plaza, I'KKNt'OTT, ARIZONA. The Proprietor of this Restaurant respect, fully anaoubCM thai 1.. ..m 1 t , - w.u ijMre 110 raias vC'S!AtMlL!A WATKIl, Fl.OtttDA 9? DH.X5ED BEKEDY OB OBEQON EHEtJ LEGAL. ISUMIMOIVS. TN THE lMSTItlCT COHtT OK THE HECOXI) 1 Judlrtxt District, In the County uf Mohave, Territory of Arlutui. Win. C'rr and John C. lVitts, partners nint. r the firm tiame und style of Cory and I'utts, plaintiffs) Vjinlf Tin' Cuivland Tiger Siller Mining Ojinpeny, def.tniUiits. Action brotieht In tbe lllilrlct Court of the Keitmd Ju tibial district lu and fir the county of .Mohnte, In the Territory of Arluma. Tht Ttmtiiry f ,riirm ttndi jrttting o The Capel and Tigtr Kihtr Mining Company Voi I are hereby summoned nnd required t appeir In an action brought against you by the HNivp'hnmrd ptitlntirT In, the IJi.lrict Court of Ibo Second JuitlrUI District, in and for the county of Mohave, in the Territory of Arl tona, and answer the complaint fifed with the Clerk of this Court lit C.rl'M, In Mild timnty. (acorn- of which nom plaint nccoinpitules this summons), within twenty Jn teiclusive of the ilny of service after the senice tin )ou of this summons, If srveil In this county j but If erve,l out of the county and within this dlitnct, then within thirty days j in all other rues forty rlavs. And jou are hereby notified that If jou till to npear and snswei the complaint as above required, the plnlnUIT will take judgment ngalnst you t the sum of one thous and three hundred and eighty-tight H-100 dolUrs with In terest, npou an eiprese cimtrnct for the payment of money for balance due upon settlement ot accuunU, and cost and disbursements In this he hall eiended. (liven under tnr hand and the sent 1 said District Court at Cerbut, this 12th day of January, A. I), 1D7I. JnalfitlO CALDWELL WltltiHT Clerk. 8UMMON8. In the District Court, Third Judicial District, In the County of U.ulcui, Territory of Arizona. John rtinlth. I'UlstifT, against i Daniel Curran, Defendant, fuinawm.' Action brongbt la the District Court nf the Third Judi cial District In and for the county of Marico In the Terri tory of Arluma: The Territory of Arlsooa sends greeting to Daniel Cur rant You are hereby summoned end repaired hi arjar In an action bronght against you by tlieaboTe-nanwd plaintiff iu the District Court of tlie Third Judicial District In and for the county of Maricopa, In the Territory of A risona, and answer the complaint filed with the Ci.rk of this Coart, at l'tiienil. In said county, ( a ropy of which complaint c companies this snuiimni.) within twenty days (etcluaive of the day of serrire.) after the serrice upon you uf this summons. If serred In this county; but If sereed out of the county and within this district, then within thirty days; In all other cases forty days. And you ar hereby notiSedtbat If you rat) to appear and answer tbe vow plaint a abut required, the plalatilf will apply to the court for the relief demanded therein, and costs and dlsbursments In this behalf expended. (llteu under ray hand and tbe seal of tbe said Dis trict Court, at 1'h.rtils. this 19th day of December, A. D. 1C73. decSetlO C. P.C'ATK. Clerk. Probate Notice. TN THE PROBATE COl ItT, COUNTY OP VAV X al, Territory of Arizona. In tba Matter of tho Estate of AARON WiniTHEIMER, DECEASED. TAe Ttrritvry 0 Aritona Stndt Gritting! la purstuueo of aa order of this Coart, made and enter ed on the 21th day of January, 17. notice is hereby giea that. Thursday, February '..U, 1S74, at 10 o'clock a. X. of Seld day, at the court-room af this Court, la the town ol IWoU, County ot YaTapal, has been appointed for hearing the arpIlailon of Michael Wornxser, praying that a document now on file In this Court, purporting to be tbo Ust will and testament oi Aaruo Werthrlmer, deceased, be admitted hi Irobute, and that letters testamentary be Issued thereon to said Michasl Wormier, who Is named therein as eiecotor; at which time and place all persons Interested may appear and eoatest the some. 1IK.VKY W. KLEUUY, Probate Judge. rresoott, January SI, uS1lt Sheriff's Sale. FTHE DISTRICT COURT OP THE THIRD ju dicial District of the Territory of Arizona, In and tor Yarapal county. . JKKKMUII BVUlYJCt, Plaintiff. TS. Ct KTls C UZJlX and 1UKT II. DEA.T, his wife, De fendant. In pursuance of a decree of foreclosure In this cause, dated leth day KoremN-r, A. D. JS73, I shall ejpose for sale a the law direct., at the Court-house la the town of PreenoU. Ysrstel enactr. Arlwni Teerl.e PrU. tbeSOthslayof February, A. D. int. at3 o'clock P.JU the uonei mia umu til 01 toe eutiia-re tMrt til o .e tloe eighteen (It!) and the fractional north half (1) U the snrthwext ouaner (i) ot section nineteen (1'J;, In township number seienteen (It), north of range number three f3), west of the nibs and Salt ritsr base and meridian, con taining oot hundred and sixty and 1-100 acre of land. H. M. IIERUEItT. Sheriff. Presnott, A. T Jan. 30, Mfli. Jao30w3 Executor's Notice. Estate of PHILIP AUSTIN, Decoaaed. Netice Is hereby given to the cmlitors of and all per sons haeing claims asralnst the estate of I'hllin Austin. te. ceased, to present the same to the undersigned Ezecator, at iuuer rascn, jtonare uonaiy. A 'I., wltnln ten months from date of this notice, or the same will be for erer barred and all persons Indebted to sold estate are hereby requested to make Immediate payment. HENRY LAMBERT, Ezecator. Baker's Ranch, Mohare County. A. T., J Hepiember 6th, lfc73. J nort5in3 Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION ISSUED OUT of the District Court of the Third Judicial District, tor Yarapul county, against tba goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Henry W. Pleury, I base seized all the right and title which the said Henry W. Pleury had on the 10th day of January, A. D. 1671, or, In, and to the following described premises, to wit s Lots 6 and 8 la Illock "31 j" Lots 1, S. 3, A, 5, , 7. 8, 9 and 10. la Illock "P." Also, tbe undivided one-half (I) of all 1U la Mocks "A," II," "C," and "D," which I shall espose for sale, as the law direcu, at the Court house in the town of P;(Htt, Arls-raa Territory, on PR1DAY. TIIK20TH DAY OP PEHRUARY, A. D. 1674, ut 11 o'clock a. in. All the abort-named i-roperty Is sltnated la the town of i rteooii, sarapai uvuniy, Anvnvt Territory. H, it. IIERUEItT, Bheriff. 1'rexrrtt, A.T., January 30th. 1671. an3oV3 Dissolution Notice. Notice la hereby gWen that th. co-partnership heretofore existing between John H. Marios, Menlamlo II. Wearer, KUneoii 8. Peawell and Chauacer P. Mitchell, la the news(inr, book said h 1utlng business was, un Jan uary 24, 1874, dissolved by mutual consent and that John it. Marlon and Ilenjamlu II, Wearer, who are now wile owners of the MlKKit establishment, will eontinue the business under the finn name of -J. II. Marlon Ox. set tle all claims agalost the lata partnership and collect all accounts due tbe tame. J, If. MARION, li. H. WEAVER. E. 8. PE.S WELU O. P. MITCHELL, Dated at rreeoott, A. TN January SI, le7l. -It Executor's Notice. Estate of J0H5 HENBT LQDIB "W0ET1CAH, Dectaicd. Notice Is hereby given to the creditors of and all per sous having claims against the estate of John Henry I.00IS Wortman, deceased, Ut ptwent the same to tbe un. derslyrned Executor, at Prescott, Yaral County, A. T., within ten months froia the date of this notice, or the sou. will be forever barred; and all jwrsoas indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, JOHN RAIIILE, Executor. Preeeott. Jan nary S, 1871. Ual0m3 STJI1VI02VS- 'PEHRITORY OP ARIZONA, COUNTY OP YAV i. a pal In Justice Court of Prescott l'rrcloct, County of Yava pai and Territory nf Arizona. TKt 'tepls . (As TarUvrn Arinna t Jai. S tktmat, grttting t You are hereby summoned to appear before ma st ray oOoe in Prescott la said County of Yavapai, on the loth day of March, A. D. 1974, at 10 o'clock A. it., to answer the complaint of H. Asher & Co., llaintlffs, for the sum of one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents fur (4112X0) goods, told and delivered. When Judgment will be taken agaipet yon for the said amount, together with costs, and damages, if you tall to appear and answer. (liven under my hand the 14 Ih duy of January. A. D. imt. J.COTlS. JalCtl Justice of the Peace In and for said County. PLAZA FEED AND SALE STARLE. Goodwin Street. Opposite Plaza, I'REUCOTT, AIUZONA. BROOKE & Lltm. Prescott, October 31, IMS. LARGE, NEW, COMPLETE WABON AND BLACKSMITH SHOPS, Oarley Street, Fronting on Granite. All kinds of HSseiomltnlBg, Wsgon making sad is rUrltg done la food style by - e " f'',5U I'RED.O.IIRECHT.: ARIZONA STACK LINES. rJ? UOeSOIV, YU3IA AND- SAN DIECO - U. S. TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. Couches urrive at Tnrscn every MONDAY, WEDNT8DAY 4 8AT0RDAI M0BK1K08. l)f lrt at 4 I'- M on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Until fnrthrr notice. Time to Sun DIoko, Five !)ny, This will enable the Traveling public to reach SAN rnANCISCO IN EIGHT DAYS. Tare to Yuma .V).'0 Pare to Aan Dlegu, (gnll coin or Its iilralents 'J0.V0 A Shige, carrying the U. 8. Mall, will leave Maricopa Wells, for Phoenix, Every Monday Morning, lletnrntng nest day. Connect, ing at Maricopa Wells with the Yuma and Tucson mail line. This is th. QUICKEST AND SAFEST Itonte from Northern Arluma tu Tucson and r.,nneetlc; at Yum with J. U. Caproa's line of stugrs fur Han Dirgo, California. seprr.' JAR. A MOOltE, Proprietor. ARIZONA STAGS LINE TteguUr (mi-weekly trips, by stage, with mall, will be made between Prescottf Arizona, ..nil.. San Bernardino, California. Two-horse wagons, currying the U. 8. Malls and pas sengers, leave Prescott and Kan llernardlno every WEDKE3DAY AKD BATUBDAY M0B5I50S, Making the trip in six days; sslng n route, KltltKN", BEItO, WICKEN11UUO and CAMP DATE CHEEK. Parties wlshtrg trnnsportatioo to Arizona rid this route, can be furnished tbe same In rOUR OR SIX HORSE STAGES, On private contract, by giving one week's notice In ad vance to Agent ot Arizona -Stage Line, at Kan Iternardlno. The rates for same will "be In proportion to the accommo dation required. Regular Kates of Fare. Cirrriic. Prom Prrottto Kan Ilernardiao ?3.00 Prom ITeseott to Wick en bo rg sn.tM Prom Prrsrort to Ehrenberg tVCO Prnm San Ilernanllno to Ehrenberg 2.Y00 Prom tfaa llernardioo to Wiekenburg COM) Local Agents : I. H. I.KVY 8an Iternardlna. W.U. Col'OIIKA.t Ehrenberg B. O.O HAST IVsrotf. HASH IIBOWS General Agent. JAMES QUANT, PliOFWiaos. J, II. PIKRSON. 8UI KnLXTr.SUCT. sepVTJ PRESCOTT After this dale, (nasengers will be carried over tbe road at the following rates, currency 1 Prom Prtsoott to Camp Hualpal 10X0 Heale Springs 23.00 Cerbat . .. -AM) " " " Mineral Park.... 'J7.00 ' llardyvill 3irjr) Express matter will Im carefully forwarde.1 at reasona- hie rates. Every possible accommodation will be offered to pas sengera. The stage will leave Prtsoott Prlday evenings, aad at Hardy villa will coonect with the mall to Ehrenberg and 8t. Oeorge. All orders left with 8. C. Itogers, Prescott, or Cory it Potts, Cerbat, will be (futnitly attended to. WEUSTEU i. WHITE. Prescott, May 10, 1873. malUtf Xj. 13. .TJeSWISLXs, Watchmaker, Jeweler, etsAeNOee . ASSAYER, On the South Side of the Flaza, Prescott. DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Jewelry of All Kinds Made to Order. Repairing Dono Carefully and Promptly. Gold and Silver Bullion Refined, Bought, and Sold. ISfAll kinds of onJS ttnd rrIrly assayed. Fgl PRESCOTT f B(MT & SHOE FACTOKY, C9sW "West Side of tho Plaa. Custom Work Made to Order. RBPATRINO NEATLY DONE. French screwed and nailed boots nude lo order, at re- aucea prices. W. IT. WlLLIBCEliT, Prcprlstor. Pmnoll, Arizona, June M, liTX je'JKtf PACIFIC BREWERY, MONTEZUMA STREET, Next door to the Mm er 0UIc, l'rescotu GOOD LAUEK BEER, lAqtwnarul Cigart, Always od liand and for talc JOHK RAIIILE, Itviietor. rrrseott, January 13, 1CTU, GUNS AND PISTOLS J. P. UJIODE, at L. H. JEWELL'S. Prescott, Arizona. $100---SOLmEK8---$200. home. MtXw ,rAu?-'D" ?afron, CALIFOItNIA. BUMFOI13J Tf sV sfl M'4 mm e-w -v . UKUJVALLEbl The Chraift Yeait I'oieder Maatf. TAKit j in iMiiiaiuiiig UUA (tK tier, nujvrwr w any and ALL ul ' ,tf-ir 1 Light, Sweet and Nutritlftr,. vji PASTRY, &c, &Ct. sflnoronfnnfl fn fllirA Vh1! ir.irs uuniisiiivuu i.u a su isiiLirn nuiiiia. ".ami mo money wm do ileturnei ASK YOU 11 O ROGER FOR ij, TAKE TCTO nrntr Ssai for Free Ptaphlst to CIIUKCII Sc CLARK, .sou: ac.f.sts, - t waoas Sa lUin JL JL JL JsLlsi JstS a. WH. WOKIKAV. Temple & Workman, Tomnln Til nnlr Tnr IttCsala nTHalfa tttl.l Uansk tt.l. i.ts a-. . . -. v ... wieis Stai rl flRj ftfWPn AT n A s"VJ ee, " s si sasasj SMI SSlayall M sUUnin Draw on tl, LONDON AND HAN FKANUISCO fit ( i.imite!;, at Haa PraaclKo. EitisnfM for Sals eal New York, Loudon, Paris, Hamburg, Berlin And l.efflll T.twIeM tlMtllnM n.u rt-. ..J Bute, (Awnty and Clly IkmJs tuus;ht aud soli, vaiaaDie tor ur kectln o. vr. citwLKr. G. W.CHESLEY&Cfl lMi-oimcs ami vriioLuau; hxalcu a sl. ' .-&, . ...a st xt sa. w assv m a a r a a s 1 a m m m m m m 1 boix rr.oruicTOiia or Cundurango Bitters, did Je, o c r. , rrom or, oacrancitio. fltteclal attentlom wtll rm.i in tv. . 1 mJtr k. A. FARGO 5. CO., - VS MtiVi e Si I f II ivrorrtM axi Jorrroi or 1111 i iiiirr.i. vii'ir. stv. i.iiii 316 IVont Street, Cor. Conuaadil OtTef pcIsU !ducmnU to tb Arlsma Tn& ftfl fl 1 A H..S..zl W si vytse,tsi UL...S ,r..f. . a , TsMivir un am i-sva&A isnsikt. w VSIUtt t.lJ.SJyVa1 JSkV MAIN BTREEi; IADS AKOELH ml- M st ee Mzlsl'slslsaaSsVslI ' A SV.1 I sT- fSSI I Bi sV I u'V . ST. smilBlaMBSl TTts I'f I'n t I tf li n .ei. a si isisiAj n;t i ssuAin fir lunjnn bu bks mmiunaisiteuu tMltT IJCIA. sVUlaUUf tS Ut fsXUM ostssw ni4V As SUU tr VU sVV W IslA esTTTl v .j- -r- - w isnirvni tWW. tniJIflK Will MTiSt UBUK suv4 AppUiAntrTfr ot The "WVitsm nulwn Telfrajh Office with ifts? tndlag pmsu esettaaaea e sues a vie s 1 f W. I- Psnrn. J(anss-.r. serik r sss bs. jsk m SB srSh. esasi sBa mm SM jsjv NEW REMEDIES! NEW REMED1E DR. OIBBON'8 DISPENSi 11 PHaaiaeaLI It.. e.f.t tMf O '"w- sni ijsjiiiiinini niinu stj--v- svisw-Msrv. sjocd m itonofTDra, Urf SJUL. Ilil. Msrln eflstuud ..9 aw..s m ,.JU . I Ws, etc.. saccesafallr treated. IiK. OIIIHOM tuuSk f eAnHsr duties for the alleviation of tinman suffsrlns;. Seminal Weaknen. Seminal eulsslon Is the MwiMiimM of self-abost. solitary vloe, or depraved seiual lndul(res, IspS by the vouth or Loth seses lo aa almost unllmltes I'M prtKlucfna; with nnerrfnir certainty the follwl .jwwiuuuKH or setentino meu -ures, viz i Sallow oMinUoance, dark spots ocitttU m tue neaa, nngtnr in tne ears, noise iue is Mnn.lit nrM. a Jisnos shnn soclrty, loss of memory, pimples and vsnou "i ine ice, nectui ousnes, mina rat"! breath. tOUS-hs. msinmntlnn nl.kt .ets. tad and freo,Dent Insanity. 1 relief b not obtahefM tswjuld apply ImniedlaUly, either la pernon by?H aihl have a cure effected by his new and sdeatiao a treatlns; this disease, which never falls of t ffstie( SV tw'i rauicai cure. Cured fit Homo. Persons at a distance may be CURED AT H0J1 addressing- a letter to Dr. (ilbbou, natlnf esse, i.ohib os line ue oiste tuu eocunaed, aaa cine tienmislv r.w.r,iA.t r.e. r.,.n .t.Miira enJesri?! to any reticular jut of th country, with foil ssPfl uukiwoi ior use. Persons writing to the Doctor will please sUtt t- of tbe ajr they see this advertisement In. . . ttw - .. i -( t-. ti.ii -. i i.. .itcreS l thmuifh the Itetoffiee, or through Wells, rare rockaf of tuedlda will be forwarded to any rr union. All eommonlcaUonj strictly ccnMeatlsl. v sohdyl Boa 1.9&7, flas Frtdsco,Calij WATER RATES At AlcMulIon'if Station, Eitatted 48 Uilts Eut frea Ehrearerr, ta t8"! Boad to Pbiit. Wltkwbws; jH JW For waterins; each burse crmuls In slsrfs f",!J solrasls and upwards, -J3 cents anrreney. Tr s 'i t a caiiiejjicsouju cjuisnasrs. , .JlylStI 11D. OH.BEBT, rorri,f iravre or r&unns; or charrloU, uneasiness awu Wns, wtakctssef the UoU, fofj.l vision, fclWB lelleet, lose ut confidence, diffidence In approaeUs' m (Srs, a dislike to fvrm new uimilmiuwi. a Jin'H