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ARIZONA MINER Supplement. Prcscott, Arizona, February 13, 1874. TELEGRAPHIC. Special Dispatches to the Arixona Miner, By Western Union and TJ, S. Military Lines. Foreign and Domestic. New lork, February 5. Dispatches this morning bring report of election rioting in England. Many persons were injured and several robbed. Tweed' counsel arc trying to obtain a re view of LU case before Judge Davit. Tlie relations between German) and France are In a critical condition. Bismarck an nounces himself ready for war again. At the English elections, the Conservatives have, thus far, secured a majority of 23 in the Homo of Commons. San Francisco, Feb. 5, Tbe investigation of charges of corruption in the recent Sena torial election, commenced at Sacramento last night. Boruck, complainant, appeared with N. Greene Curtis, his counsel. Boruck swore that Carter, ot Yuba, said be had been offered $2,000 to leavo Shatter and vote for I loot b. Vincent llyan swore that Assembly- man Northup told him he was o lie red 83.000 . r 1 . . e . 1. .1 o imiisier uis vote iroui jrancy vu uooio. Carter sworn that one Brown offered him S'3,000 to vote for Booth. Northup swore that Thomas Hugos, of Untss alley, made the proffer to him. 1 he Investigation will be resumed to-night. President Grant has declared his intention to nominate J. Cory to succeed Mono as iMKtmasler of this city. Clayton has written e letter to the President approving the nom ination in atnin? terms. Clayton has procured the payment of $73, 000, to vsrious artics, for supplies and trans- iKjrtation for tlio Modoc war. News from Cuba indicates that the Insur gents are gaining ground. The Spaniards are badly in need or men, money, etc. Gov Woods, of Utah, has vetoed tho me tnoriul to Congress asking for the appoint ment of a committee to examine into the affair of Utah. Says he ulrcady made all necessary reports to Congress. Washington, Feb. 5. Tbe Southern Trans continental Railroad bill has been referred to the House committee, because outside rail road scheme asking for bonds were tacked on to the bill. Kvansvillu, Feb. 5. A store was destroyed by tire laU night. A man and his wife and four children, and a barkeeper, sleeping in the house, were burned to death. Pan, Feb. 5. Religious troubles with Germany arc Increasing. Bismarck is not averse to war. The French bishops announce their intentions to resist any attempt to muz zle their utterances. Greenbacks, in San Fwncisco, 8990J. Gold, In New York. 1 lift. San Diego, Feb. C The Union's corres pondent at Jap placer mines, Lower Cali fornia, says miners are now panning out Irom dxtcen to one hundred dollars per day. A lino of stages uow runs regularly from here to that place. Chicago, Feb. 6. A passenger train on the Chicago and Northwestern railroad was yes terday thrown from the track, and seven per sons wero injured. Westminister, Feb. C.John W. Davis was hanged here to day, for tho murder of Abra ham Linn, and Win II. McCotter, murderer of Iloburt Ansly, was banged at Cambridge. San Diego, Feb. 0. Tho Union's special, last night, says; Washlncton. Feb. 8 Tho following as- signments are made for tho Department of Arizona, In military orders soon to be issued: Col ltickwell, Assistant Quartermaster, is to remain Ht Fort Yuma. Col Chandler ,or Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, it to report at. Pres cott for irvicc as Chief Quartermaster of the Department of Arizona. Capt. W. B. Hughes is to report at Prcscott for Quartermaster duty post not yet assigned. Tho Union's special this rooming from Washington says : Later rumor has it that political influoncc will keep Hughes in San Francisco. London, Feb. 7 Tho press unanimously recognize tho completeness of tho Govern ment defeat in tho late Parliamentary elec tion. It is thought that Gladstone will re sign beforo tho now Parliament assembles. San Francisco, Feb. 8 Mr II. M. Cyvert, of tho San Diego Water Company, shipped to San Diego to day, by steamer Orizaba, moro material and money to complete the water works. Gold in New York, ltl and HI. Greenback In San Francisco, 89J and 90 K London, Feb.7, Four hundred and eighty four members of Parliament have boon, re turned, of which' 255 aro conservatives and 220 liberals. Conservatives reploco 71 llb etals, Tho latter Iisto ousted 27 conserva tives. It is reported that Gladstone has tendored his resignation to the Queen. . i Madrid, Feb. C General Sickles took his leave of the Spanish Government to-day, and placed Secretary Adeo in charge of legation. San Francisco, Feb. 7. Steamer Alaska ar rived from Yokohama on Thursday, 30 days hence. The schedule time is 23 days. New York, Feb. C Edwin Booth, the ac tor, has filed a petition in bankruptcy. Among his securities is a claim on Oakes Luttrell presented a memorial from the Chamber of Commerce, of Los Angeles, ask ing an additional appropriation for tho Wil mington break-water. Dunncl introducd a bill to incorporate the Great Salt Lake and Colorado River Railroad Company. A. B. Baldwin, Aug. Reiss and other California!! are named as incorporators. A meeting of the citizens of Montana now Ames' estate for S100.000. I in Washington, was held to-day, and prcsid- l uieago, Feb. 7 Owing to trouble be- J cd over by their Congressional Delegate, to tween the Union Pacilic, Central Pacific and i take action concerning tho recent letter from rosds running from here to Omaha, on the Col Hazen, depreciating the country along subject of pro rata freight, several of tho j tho line or the Northern Pacific railroad, and largest exoccrs. tea and mflVn ilpsli-r Imrn turtirnlirlv that hnrtlnn f tUn mnnin. l.l. ordered largo quantities of freight to be ship-! in their Territory. ped from San rrancisco via Panama ami New Senator Bogy presented isle York. Tho Central Pacific seems willing to (from tho leg a joint resolution aturo of Missouri, in regard to submit to the demsnds of the other roads, al- j illegal charges made by tbe Union Pacific R. lowing them pro rata rates. It. Company. In presenting the resolution, Washington, Feb. 9. ltitl for carrying Bogy said he hoped the Judiciary Committed the malls from 8an Diego, Cal., to Mesilla, i. m vary irom sw.wu to siUo.UlH) Senator John S. Ilscer. of California, was sworn in ami tooK bis scat to-day. New York. Feb. 9. The trade report for tho week ending Saturday, shows exceeding ly dull market, owing to tho inclemency of tne weather and the delay ol Congress acting on currency. Money is easy. Gold is dull and drooping Numbers of vessels aro being orJercd to California, anticipating a nrosnerous and abundant export of wheat. 1 do produce market Is dull, with prices ft a urm. J l iocs are a cent lower, and wool is dull with downward tendency. 1 lie Jtoston wool market is quiet, with prices firm. London, Feb. i. Gladstono will await tbe conclusions of the election befurc deciding what course the Government will take It is reported that the Right Honorable Edward Cardwell, Secretary of State, has been rawed to a peerage. Tho prospectus of a now Atlantic Tele graph company, to lay a cable from Great Mntian to the Azores and thence to Halifax, has been issued. A Sumatra dispatch says that tbe Acheen- eso chief is still holding out and building forts in the interior. San Francisco, Feb. 9. A lire occurred this morning on Stevenson street. Low, 8,000. More rain last night ; to-day cloudy and threatening. John Pntcbard, a somnambulist, fell out of a window and was killed, yesterday. Chicago, Feb. 8. Tho general freight agents of tho Central Pacific and the Union Pacific railroads arrived last evening. An interview with them on tho subject of dead lock freight matters between their roads and the Chicago and Omaba roads elicited noth ing beyond a reiteration of their determina tion not to divide freight rates with eastern roads. A Washington special says tho moinbcrs of the Senate Judiciary Committee decline to 'ivo out for publication the letter which At torney-General Williams bad written to the Committee complaining of tho inquisitorial nature of the investigation made into un character and acts while his nomination as Chief Justice was pending. Williams is un derstood to bo willlng'to let his letter get into print, but the Committee, whom it pretty sharply criticized, deem it as confidential and prefer to keep its exact" contents secret. London, Feb. 8. Ffty-nlne members of tho House of Commons have been returned. San Francisco, Feb. 9. Steamer from Yo kohama, Japan, brings intelligence of an unsuccessful attempt tq assassinate inniciira, who was one of tbe Embassadors from Japan, who recently visited tin United States and hurope. t Washington, February 10. the annual re port of Brigadier-General Georgo Crook, Commander of tbe Department of Arizona, has been printed and circulated among the o filcers and executive committees. Cnnprcsatnan Dawns', bi II -educlne letter postage to two cents, and fixing postal cards at tho sarao rate, has been referred to the committee on post offices and post roads. ban Francisco, February vrcatuei ex ceedingly sUrmy. Tbcsca is unusually boisterous. Last niaht Point Bon to was washed away, endangering tho fog.aignal thereon in such a manner that if will'hava to be discontinued. Tho steamer Pacilic, wliich sailed for south ern porta this morning,;was obliged to return on account of heavy southeast winds. The steamer Win. Tuber tflllssil on Thurs day. Washington, Feb. 10 A bill has been in- troduced in tho Houe to. reduce the salaries of postmasters. It fixes tho salary for the New York offlco at $10,000; Chicago, 8t. Louis, Philadelphia and Boston, $8,000 each; Ciuclnuuti, Brooklyn, Baltimore and San Francisco, 80,000. It also provides that sal aiics shall bo paid from moneys received from box rents and other sources, in excess oi ex would give the subject their early attention. TL.. LT . 1 1 . T I . 1 f- iuu ocnaic umiinnnfo on .miliary Aiiairs this morning discussed the bill, recently in troduced by Logan, making it obligatory upon the President to retire officers of the army and marine corps when they have ren dered forty-five years of service, or have at tained the age of sixty-two years, excepting Generals and Lieutcnant-Generals of tbe army. The disposition manifested is to agree to the bill with the amendment mak ing sixty-five years tbe age for retirement. New York, Feb. 9. Nitro-glyccrine factory at Fort Ticondcroga destroyed by an explo sion. Two men killed. It is said that efforts arc bcini? made to in duce the authorities to abandon prosecution of Michael Norton, who fled to Canada after tbe conviction of Genet. A fire on Broadway destroyed S150.000 worth of property. Richmond, Feb. 10. W. D. Coleman, clerk of the board f public works, has proved a defaulter. When tho o Ulcers went to arrest him, he tried to cut his throat. Qi.a.t. ri P... in Ti.. .i -,r i r. Clark, for robbing Wells, Fargo it Co's stage near Buckeye, in this county. In October last. ended this afternoon. Tbe jury were out 30 minutes and returned with a verdict of guilty. It commenced raining here at an early hour this morning and has continued all day, accompanied by a strong gale from the south. Capt Price, and Lieut Haskell expected here to-morrow. "W-ICKEJSTB'CnR.a-. Wickeuburg, Feb. ll.Tho scngers left on this morning's cose roll: 3IrJ..iIarks and wire, l)r Kendall, Mr Barklcy, J. II. Pieron, A, Vanduszcn. Oeorge Bryan is improving a little. The doctors now have some hopes of his recovery. following pas coach for Pres- Wo.NDKttsor tiik Ykllowstonk RrcioK, the narrative of a series of discoveries made by exploring parties in the Yellowstone Luke region ot the Rocky mountuius. This district is upwards of 0,000 feet abovo tbe sen level, whilst the Lake, with an area of 330 miles, is 7,427 feet above the sea level. The district is entirely surrounded by the teaks of the It'cky Mountains, and com bines within its circumference a series of natural wonders and phenomena unparalleled in any part uf tho world. Tho explorers dis covered a series of hot spiinus or geysers. one of which, known as tho "Grand Geyser," when in eruption, tills its basin with boiling water, forming a well about 25 feet in diam eter and 100 feet deep. Tbe central body of water rushes into the air to a height of 90 feet, wliilo five minor jets ascend to the enormous Height of 2oU feet,-the clouds ot steam rushing up to a height of sou icet. The earth trembles under the descending deluge from thU vaat fountain ; n thousand hissing sounds are hcanl in tho air; rain bows encircle the summit of the jets with a hulo of celestial glory. In an area of 55 miles by 67 miles, about 1,000. hot springs and geysers were counted. Another marvel ous scene is tho Grand Carton' or ravine, into which the river is precipitated. The upper fall is 140 feet in height, and within a quarter uf a mile the stream rushes over a prccinico 350 feet high, Tho water then de scends into the canon to tho depth of about 3,000 feet. Tho explorers went nearly bait way down, anil, looking up through the doom, saw tho stars in tho heavens soon af- ter mid-day. The wonaertui district uas bcon set apart by the United States Con gress as a great national pleasure ground, from a conviction that in a lew years it will bo a place of resott for visitors from all parts of the world. Dcnditurcs allowed other necessaries, for rent, clerk hire and Losses by Fiiik. It is estimated by tho Boston Journal that the losses by flro in this country last year foot up 85,000.000. Of fires that destroyed less than $100,000 and over 650,000 worth of property, thero was 162, tho property consumed amounting to 9,530,000. Of fires destroying less than 150,000 and over 820,000, there werc30C, the losses being 8,5CO,000. (