Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY ARIZONA MINER: PRESCOTP, FEBRUARY 20, 1871. .1. II. Million, Kill to p. Thf H not ta, Tiltagt, Nilitvf poit, (Arming t nlaii i(ttlemnt In Arlioni !a which the MINER dws nit ciKilaia, nj copi of it arc teat to every Sute and TorriMry f ti Ualia) blcb, coaplei wita Uisg std j : jading, mxi li a ttrdtdrablt aJwtiilag medium. Latk Nt-.v ii v M.wi The AhihuIv of California lias rvfuscd to strike tliu wonl "white'' from oilucatiotial law. Ncuulu county, California, has li.vl 10 melius of rain this season The S. I'. KaHruail is to bo completed to llakersfleWl, right oil. San Jtornardino county h goinj? to have a S 10,000 i-ourthouio. A man was recently anight in the act of catting ilown telegraph poles near &m Diego. The Valvertle company are going to take all the water out of the Mohave river, for purposes of irrigation. The Apaches continue to murder Mexicans in Sonora. Wo have seen, says the Lo. Ati- geWs Express, a copy of the libel which caued the newspaper war in San Francisco. It just lays over anything in the shape of vilification we ever read. It takes in tho whole family of its victims, and stops at no relationship, however sacred, in its atrocious assault. Ycma Itkm A recent lotter from Yuma informs us that the Mexican, "Illanco," charged with participation in the Mission Camp murder, had arrived there, in custody of the Sheriff. On bis examination, Mexicans swore, American fashion, that he was not the man. Our correspondent thinks he is the man and wonders why the Mexicans were not sworn on the cross. The prisoner is a hard-looking customer. Mrs Itcid, wife of one of tbe murdered men, bad been sent for. lie acknowledges to hav ing seen her a long time ago. The agent of a land company claiming all of the land about Yuma, had arrived and hoisted his shingle. Our letter says that the company is engaged in a big swindle. The Dailt Mined We aro sorry to have to say that there arc in Arizona a fow men who pray for the suspension of our Daily. When it started, they predicted its speedy death, and they feel chagrined over the fact that it has existed nearly three months, that, too, in the dullest season of the year. Narrow-minded, jealous mortals, their proph esy awl prayers shall cot prevail, if we can help it, awl we think we can, with such as sistance as people who are proud to see and read an Arizona Daily arc certain to render. iuME Tweed. An item in a late San Francisco Chronicle state that Judge C. A. Tweed, of this Territory, has, by the Presi dent, been nominated as associate justice of Utah, which, we think, should read Arizona, and means that the Judge has beta re-nominated for a second term as associate justice of Arizona. Jl'iom Wrdnffttay' Dally.) TIio Army nml tho Indians. The recent debate in Congress over the itdtictioti of the Army from .'!0,OUO to U'i.tXXI men, was an accriinonious one, in which our delegate and other Western members most ably defended the ennu ami motives of white pioneers in risking their lives nmoiiy the rav age ml men of the frontier, Miowing, by statistics mid Illustration, the great wealth of the region now I wing developed and civ ilized by the advance guards of civilization, backed by the Army. One Wheeler, of New York, vhoe mo tives wo will not now bring uito question, advised border whites to fall back to tho populous States nnd leave the Territories to tbe Indians 1 lib remarks were severely but justly criticized by tho delegate from this Territory and by Mr Kendall of Nevada. Oen Sherman, who has never visited Ari zona, was before the Committee on Military affair;, pleading for nun-reduction of tho Army, and well did he portray the case as it stands. Hut, his remarks about this Terri tory provo his judgment und knowledge of its real worth to be worc than worthless, In praising Gen Crook and that grand rcgi ment, tho Fifth Cavalry, the General of tho Army spoke of Arizona as "that miserable desert land," and agreed to get along with out two regiments of cavalry, if Congress would give the Territory back to Mexico. Getting ashamed of these assertions, &her man quoted Tom Corwin's saying, "It is our 'country, and therefore we mut love it and 'protect." How it is and has been lovcu by government and the people of the East; how it has been protected by them, is shown by its past history. From 1S03 up to the time of Crook's coming, it and its pooulo were at the mercy of Indians and Mexicans; sneered at and insulted hy worthies military oflicers; denied anything like nectssary mail facili ties, left out in the cold to take caro of iuclf, in which plight it would still be but for the pleading and. intercession of the people of the other Pacific States and Terri tories, whose press and public men spoke so earnestly of our wrongs that many honest, mtriotlc people Last took up the cause ot suffering Arizona and fairly wrung out ot Government what little protection and aid the Territory has had. UA miserable desert,' indeed t hat an To Democrats. Judge Hush, Chairman Territorial Democratic Central Committee, is out with an appeal for organization of tho party, which appeal will be found under "New Advertisements." The opinion of tho Supreme Court in the caso of Messrs Campbell Sc. Baker ts. D. W. Shivers, is printed in to-day's supplement Statistics pnbtlsbcd bv the Bmhtuinnlan tn.l. tote show that the average raln-fal) pr annum at several points In Washington Territory arc m fol lows: Ion Vancouver, 341 Inches ; Vort Stelfcv wam, sj.wj; Kort Walla Walla, 19.; Fort BeJ lirjBham, 20.07; Fort Slracoe, 10.81 ; Fort Cascades, W-57; Fort Colvllle, 9.83; Ban Joan Island. 27.53: Cape Disappointment, 74.90; Neah Bay, 123.3.. ; The Los Angeles Daily and Weekly Star win very soon be enlarged. a soiuicr named Timothy, a private in Capt Itobert P. "Wilson's Camnanv. A .It). Cavalry, fell into tho Whipple reservoir last nigiii ana was drowned. Ho will be buried wun military Honors to-morrow. a no joj infantry Hand will to-morrow piay ine same pieces as on Saturday last. not one railc of railroad was built in JIaine, Florida, Alabama and Louisiana in J8G3. h . N. N. Lambert, late of the Colorado Chief tain, is about to start a paper at Del Norte in meoan duan country. Judge Pablo do la Guerra died recently at nia nomo in Southern California. .The last Albuquerqo (New Mexico! Re view received at this office says that moro rain and snow had fallen there, this season 'than in the past 13. It gratifies the Miser to be able to say as much of its section. Senator Sargent favors a law to prevent me sending of packages of bullion through the mails. Tbts, in order to favor tho ox press compaoies. bnould the bill txms. Sar .gent will be tho best cursed roan in America, Tho President has cut off the heads of tho Governor, Secretary nd Burvtrer-Gcncral of Colorado Territory, and tho people, led by the Denver Tribune, are mad with joy. Many Arizonans appear anxious to hear of some move of the President towards the beads of official bore. tho Indian., for, bo it known, that, when on reservation, Indians must have men who know something of agriculture and other civilian pursuits, to direct their labor. One of our greatest objections to Indian agents sent out by the clmrchc is that they know more about praying and stealing than of di recting tile Indians how to cultivate their laniN, etc. Many paper ifpuse the transfer, notably tliu Sacramento Union, on the ground that tliu "iwace" policy has not Ken sulliciently tried ; but, this is untenable ground, as it hxs been tried and found wanting. And, they say that tho policy of the Army is not peace, tint wnr. Pshaw t Crook, as we have before proven, has carried out to tho letter, tho War Department's policy of dealing with Indians good and bad and nobody dare say that that jwlicy has not lcen successful; while the mixed, shifting policy of the Indian Department hns been barren of good results. Expenses will, in somo way, have to be cut down, and, as bcfeiv stated by us, they can be cut down by abolishing all of the Indian bureau as at present constituted, suvu the inspectors of Indian affairs, whu might with good results, be kept for tho especial purpose of traveling from reservation to reservation, to see that military officers acted squarely by their wards. Uesidcs tho inspectors, Govern ment will havo in many good citizens of tho frontier, agents who will not fail to give tho alarm whenever anything wrong is about to happen. Let Congress, then, withdraw its soldiers from points south and cast, where they are not now needed, send them west, where they aro needed, and give the War Department a chance to rule and govern the Indians. Fron tier people will do everything in their power to assist, as peace with tho Indians is what they most sincerely desire. A New State. Tho San Diego World takes advantage of recent talk in regard to tho division of its State, to put in a plea for said division and tho unity, with Arizona, of all of California south of Point Conception. This, no doubt, would be a good thing for H'rom Tliutt'lay'i Datly.J To Congress. A group of citizens were last evening talk about the attain of the Territory, when one of them, a quiet, good man, inspired by the way mail letting went, said that Ari zona has been an organized Territory of the United States lor ten years, during which time she bus !ent four ditlerent delegatus to Congress, who, beyond getting a little money for the survey of public lands, have secured no other rights or favors, nnd, to-day, the Territory has neither Capitol, A.sny ofllce, Penitentiary or any other useful public build ing; nor has it anything like sutlicient mail service. All truthful assertions, which can not Ihj gainsayed. .And, during most of this time the people of the Territory have paid internal revenue tax ; purcluixed agricultural and and, of course, paid large mineral indirect lands taxes. True, a great deal of money has been spent here in lighting and feeding Indians, and moro will, no doubt, be expended in the same way; but if Government will take away its Indians, our people will pledge themselves to get along without soldiers and will only ask the right kind of mail service, for which they will pay to th extent of their ability. Think of these matters, Con- rvsi, iiiKc away tuo Indians ami Arizonans will take caro of themselves. TELEGRAPHIC. Special Dispatches to tho Arizona Miner, By Wcstorn Union and U. S. Military Lines. People who ship goods from San Francisco to Prescott have been figuring the cost and arrived at the conclusion that it is to their in terest to havo the same shipped by way of Los Angeles, or llakcrsflcld, since tliu Colo rado Stcum Navigation Company persist in charging according to measurement, which measurement, the shippera say, makes tho freight on light, bulky goods enormous, and forces them to charge their customers a great deal moro for such goods than they can af ford to pay. The Mineh has before called the attention of tho company to this matter, und does so again, with tho hojw that it will speedily cast asido its measurement rates and carry all Roods by tho pound. Hv doine this. Sn n; whirl, ritv. in uo of ,,rj-r nf fcuu surciy increase IIS UUSI- o- ji , , , , . .. , the scheme, would aspire to, and, perhaps, ,,lJM' 11,11010 PP'o cro vo cneaper ana become the capital of tho State of Arizona. 60 do raorc tJwrds the development of tho Now. tho Mi.nek has no business to raiw an -ountr ignorant summary to come from the lips of so objection to any legitimate act, or reasoning f urthcr than this, they havo no fault to great and intelligent a soldier as all know 0f Californians, regarding their own State, nt Wltn management of the company. Gen Sherman to be. Is it a desert, General, but imagines iU duty to be a dofense of its But as overtures havo been made to them, by that in the first year of "partial'' peace pro- Territory against all land-grabbers, and it the California Southern Pacific Railroad corn- looks upon this proposition as nothing better pnJ" M wc" M hy California wagoncra, they than a proposed grab, for the benefit of San I feel impelled to seek tho cheapest, speediest Diego. means of transit for goods required by the At present, our Territory is, if anything, people of Central Arizona. too larue. for convenience sake, and had wr that strip of California tacked on, with San A ,alc te,Sram from San Diego reports D eeo as the Can U . a trin around tho urnrM K"--" magu io ine cuannei oi uio oay, irom would be light undertaking when compared dePita of sand, etc., washed in by San to what a trip from somo portions of Arizona Diego river. would then bo to tho Caniul of tho nronod Petitions had been telegraphed to Senator B M . n . . State. i arScanl "' congressman nougnton, pray- The World asserts that the nconlo of the lnS Government to save tho harbor, by turn- I .t.t Vm proposed new Stato would bo lhomoccnous. ,DS in? TCr ,nu duced 20,000,000 pounds of com, wheat, barley, etc, with vegetables in proportion 7 Is it a desert, General, which, according to Lieut Wheeler, of the Engineers; according to Whipple, Ucalc and many other truthful Army oflicera who have explored it, is the best country between Missouri and the Pa cific ocean ? Is it a worthless country that has one forest of over 200 miles in length by from 25 to 75 miles in width 1 It it worth less because, in the past five years, it has pro duced moro of everything than the Army and its citizens have been able to uso up ? Is it of no account because it has produced mil-1 Maybe they would ; but, that is neither hero lions of doOara worth of gold, silver, copper I nor there. Saa Diego is ncparatcd from Ari- artd other minerals, and will soon double, I zona by the Colorado river and a very wide, treble the amount already produced 1 I sandy desert ; our people are not a commer- Can a country wltn such mineral, grazing I ciai people, wnile tnosc ot ban Diego havo a and agricultural resources as Arizona pos-1 harbor. Here, raining, stock-raising, fanning scsacs, bo a worthless desert t Surely, no. I and killing Indians are tbe principal Indus Its climate is superb ; and, go where you tries, while those of San Diego are boarding will, over its broad surface, you will find sick people at tbe Horton House, shipping prings and streams of water, grass and tim- hides and skinning animal of all kinds. ber of various kinds. Then, it has, in keep- But, the World says the climato of both inz for tho fast, the kev to the crcat new sections is about alike. It would be but for West, as through it run the only routes for tho fact that our Territory has summer rains, trans-continental railroads, unon which such I of which no part of California can boast. Se- Congreas should do something to save so fine a harbor. Killed Br Indians. A letter from Flo rence, on the Gila river, of date February 11, informs us that a party of three men had been attacked by Indians, who killed one of the party, named R. E. Wilson. The attack was made and the murder committed at a point about 18 miles from Florence, on the road leading- from that place to old Camp Grant. Diego World. The brethren will sing, in tho major key, " Let us paws In life's troubles, &c The Los Angeles Btar, (Major Ben. O Tru mini, talk tn Mninr Frank rSnnnlil lilro . roads can be built and operated every day of riously, though, San Diego ought to major, because, it seems, Major Ganahl talked year. capital, ana, as it stanas noon ngn abont Major Truman in a very inhuman war : T I . -f - - I t a . I 1L. I .fit. OArr-. f'.li fv I I . . - ii nas, oi course, a icw Darren strips, dui me capital oi mo oiaie oi uw """"'i tbrcateninir him with an opposition naner. even they are not deserts, in the strict mean- wc would offer no objection to its secession tQ run oy tuc urotncrg Lynch 0f the San mgoi me wora, as upon an ot tnem, vast irom upper uaiiiornia, 11a uniting wuu mu herds of cattle, sheep and horses will yet Mexican Territory of Lower California, which subsist. could easily be procured from Mexico and But, we started in to speak of old and pro- made into a State by our Government. The ft . t l t 1 " . C 4 A 1 1 m m a m posea ways oi aeaung wnn ana governing peopie oi iuis new ouiie wuuiu, ucrumi), uc aiik yvkeklt abizona .miner ana sup- the Indian population of our country, & prob- homogenous ; the atato wouiu nave many I plcment, containing telegraphic news from lem in which Arizonans arc grc&tly inter-1 birborf, splendid fifth en Cflj mines of great 1 all parts of the civihrcd world & full resume estcd. At present, two departments ot our richness. Including depoalU of sulphur, which 0f COUnty and Territorial news: editorial Government War and Interior have, each, would tend to purify iU moral atmospucro commcnU upon important matters, and a de a hand in this business, and it is not well and add to its commercial greatness. As fenso of Arizona against its maligncrs, will bo pearls are found along the coast 01 Lower uai ifornia. it could havo a pretty nick-name Thn Por! Stato." All this reminds us that there are people in Arizona who would be pleased to havo the Territory divided into two Territories, by the waters of the Gila, but, wo are not of those ; on the contrary, wo would liko to see done. Knowing this, Congressman Nesmith of Oregon, has framed a bill taking all Indian business from the Department of tho Interior and transferring it to tho War Department The provisions of this bill arc thus summed by the Washington correspondent of the New York Times : After the 1st of Jnly, 1874, the Secretary of War published, to-morrow evening, in time for mailing Saturday morning, and wo ask our citizens to give the paper a wide circulation on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, it being to their interest to let people know as much as possible about a Territory, whoso greatest need is industrious people. Friends of ours at Cerbat, Mohavo county, haVc favored us with an album, holding in place magnificent likenesses of well-known Arizona prospectors, belles, leau, pastc Jward gods worshipped by ye gay guulwl iers, duky maidens of the Colorado, Ac, all of which wt Intend donating to the Oriental Order of Humility. Major Maginnfs, delegate in Consresn from .Montana, lias asked for 3r50,OCO to improve navigation on the Yellowstone and Miiwouri rirani ; $30,000 Va establish an assay office in Helena, and 530,000 to improve the .Mullan military rol. Arizona needs appropriations to construct military roads, capitot buildings, aAay ofllce, penetentiary, but, most pressing tn an ner wants, me moro mail route and wore ft'juciit hcrvice oc old route. shall supplant Ihe present Secretary of tho Inte rior id an lunetions relating to tbe commission of Indnn He would also giva the Secre tary of War tbe authority to sign all rcquUHIons for the advance or payment of moneys out of the Treasury on estimates or accounts, subject to tho same adjustment or control now exercised over the accounts or estimates by the Auditors and Controllers of tbe Treaury. The ctflect of tho bill will also be to give plenty of occupation for army onkcrs, who at present are obliged, in the depths of ennui, at the frontier posts, to study drAw poker and kindred amnkemcnta to slaughter time. The Secretary of War Is to be authorized to establish convenient department and districts lor the proper administration ot the duties now impoca upon the Superintendent of ludlau Attilrs. whenever. In his opinion. It shall pro mote the efficiency of the Iudlan service, substi tuting in all cases for bis agents and sub-agents, officers of the Army who shall be designated for thai imrpose. 1 heso oinccrs arc to be cuargca with all tho dtilta under the present law, while they are to receive no additional com Herniation therefor. How this will tie received by army offi cersthis large Increase of services t be render ed without anr Increase of pay U not very aoubtmi ; out it can im seen urn a urge reduc tion of expense will be accomplished. The pres. rnt ofHco of Commlteloner of Indian Affairs, un der the bill, will be filled by on ofllcer not under the rank oi iirlganter-oeiierai. rtoneoi me om- ccrs will be rcoulrcd to clvo bond, but will be merely responsible for any neglect or inaliwinln- uuauon or duty according io uio roiea oi war. All Uie supplies hitherto furnlnbed by special agenu ind contractors are to oe lurnmuca in cod formltv with the regulations covcrnlng army sup juion. rue trailer, too, wnose occup.iuun i hi plunder the Indians, are, under the hill, to havo lltxiiw only as the Secretary of War hall ce lit, he having the power io revoke thcin at any time. The paJEtago of 6uch a bill would work great changes in the Indian service, and railte a reduction in expenses, such us Con rrLi4 art- As n Ka tnfA"n r itErn Tint even, have objections to giving so much its lines extended so as to take in all Mexi can territory around the mouth of tho Colo rado river, which would give tho Territory a port of its own. Mail Letting. We will not undertake to remark upon these "things" until after the reception of more news, as to-day's tele grams contradict several of yesterday's tele graphic assertions concerning awards and prices of service on various routes, Mr. Elliiou, Uio able and genticmaaly opn rator at Fort Whipple, has promised to send us correct figures as soon as he can get them over the wires, which, owing to tbe great snow atvrm now in full blast, may be several days. The Annual Iteport of Edward P. Smith Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to the becro tary of the Interior, for tho year 1873, is a mild, inoffensive, but practically sound docu ment, a copy of which some triend has sent us. In las recommendations, tho comtnis sioncr calls for legislation to punish crimes among Indian tribes ; to put a stop to the plan of dealing with Indians as independent people ; to cease paying them money and to encourage individual Indians to honestly ac quire and own property, all of -which the has often recommended. The San Diego papers say that the Yuma Sentinel was mistaken in asserting that let tcrs from Arizona were recently lost in the Otay, whatever that may be. The miners of a district in Nevada recent- Tho following bill, recently introduced by ir-wj-. . air jiccorraicK, is liable to become a law : lit it enacted by tiie Stnatt nnd Ihutt of Rep. ttv.ntalitu of tlie Unlttd Statu of Antrim in Uonrjrttt (utemhltd, That the iudecs of the mi. pretne court of Arizona, or any two ot them iicn logemcr in any one ulstrict, or scpa raw m their rcsncctivo iliitnrt nf th -.i.t Territory, in term or vacation, nnd by writ- luruugn iuo man, or otherwise, may ap. i i i. i .i... t- ., ... .. i ixjiiu ancu special upsninim nr tim iii r.,rt iy iuci, rouii:u mat. oargenm Iirst ami last ; i. i,t.i '. " . I , "",v . " " . i iu lit: i ii liiiii'n mill ii ntm fritirntii mining .. , re frauds, and asked Congress parties .d their counsel, u thTS of tn (lift lirf nnA Afnt t. - I . 1 . t i ' ' 'twi ui .-,... . .... v.v..v vuo iui. uai- me sam court may require, and such special ling of the California Senator. sessions shall bo as valid and effectivo is tho sessions ol tuo regular terms of tim naWl a l. n. senator, named Wright, is right "". in proving that, after an early date, all " ' " greenbacks fliu.ll wad, The United States of L0DK " oling .t Co., propric America One Dollar, etc. xon 3U "iver Flouring Mills, have re ccntly procured a great deal of wheat, which It UkM a good deal of food to supply tho they aro now making into flour, needs of Iscu- i ork Citv. Its rencint. nf i;v . ... I - L ' ' lJ 1 power, to imposing .ucuiasK.1 upon tuo Army, utock lor the past year add up l 12,711 beeves Washitv imlcs men who am statesmen and business 1,701 milch cows, 110,015 calves I 958 383 rifle S'tit ' nd .'a1I Ad LSitiltj I.n .fp...l in... 1 I I I -IMC OtatC hogs. tstn f" 1 . . Bu, uiuguu uuu oiner north-l'a atcsaud 'Icrritoriea have 8U Indian retervations. Foreign and Domestic. San Diego, Feb. 17. The V. M. S. S. Sen ator arrived ut li a. in., this morning, from San Francisco and way ports, with 05 jas Miuger und 62 tons ol freight ; started on re turn at ." p. m., taking 'J through and 15 way passengers. Opposition steamer, lontercy, nrrivetl nt 7 a. in., with (o tons of combustible freight, :ui(l departed at noon. In n quarrel a lew days ago at San Iji'is Key, between two men Wills und Graham a man named lllatichard interfered and shot Graham. Ho was discovered, gagged und hung to a tree, this morning. Graham will probablv recover. No further particulars. Washington, Feb. 17. Hid of J. L. Darrtslt for transporting mails on the route from liar dyvillo to i'rescott was found to be informal and was injected. The route was awarded to J. J. llonds, of Alabama. Koute from Hardy villa to Yuma, was awarded to Abraham Frank. A. A. Spear's bid, for weekly K-rvicc was rejected. Kouto from riiconix to 3IcUowcII, was awarded to lllock Jc Monihon. Houto from Tucson to Sassaby Flat, was awarded to 0oar Uuckalew. Houto from Tucson to Tubac, was awarded to S. W. Carpenter. Kouto from Tubac to Monument, awarded to J. I. Smith. Route from Tubac to Crittenden, awarded to S. W. Carpentor. Kouto from Prescott to Albuquerque, N. M., awarded to ltradohaw. Houto from Wickcnburg tn Ucrbat nnu Bt George will not bo let. Some mixture about the loregoing hi). jILNkr. Houto from Mesilla, M., to San Diego, Cat., referred to in my former dispatch, was warded to Kernel it .Mitchell. These, with awards iivcn in my former dispatch, completes the list of awards for Ar izona, and is correct. San Francisco, Feb. 17. The steamer from Australia has arrived, via Honolula. She brings intelligence of tho death of Lunallio, King of Hawaii. Sho also brings news news f tho arrival of tlio U. a. b. J uscarora, at ITouolula, on tho 2d of February, from Han Die'o. Sixty-two soundings were taken on uiivct nnc between tuo points, averaging 40 mUcs apart. The greatest depth reached was about three aud one-half miles. In the vicinity of tbo Sandwich Islands, the ocean bed is undulating, liko the Atlantic plateau, and is belioved to be quite as favorable for layinir a telegraph cable. All soundings were made with piano wire, and not a single acci dent occurred, lhe character ot the bottom is about tho .same all across, consisting of light brown ooze or sand. Uold in New 1'orK, ii"JJ.(. Greenbacks in an Francisco, 881 and 90. At a meeting ot" the California Academy of Science, last night, Prof. Geo Davidson com- . i iltt i. i ?r mumcaicd some nigmy iniervsting imoriii tion relative to tho deep sea sounding taken by the Tuscarora. Washington, reb. li. ucn liutlcr and Judge White, of Alabama, having been ap- lKJintcd a sub-committee on mils Heretofore introduced in the House, and referred to the Judiciary committee, to abolish the test iron clad oath, in all cases where it is now requir ed by law, havo prepared a report on the sub- jeqt which they will this week submit to the full committee. Tlicro seems to be no doubt that a majority of the House favor its abolition. Alexander II . Stephens is seriously ill. The Stato Department has no information about the reported capture of Havana. lhe committee on civil servico reform will soon introduce a bill regulating appointments among tbe men ilKrs ol Congress on the ex isting, principle of appointments to West Point and the Naval Academy. Tbe com mittee will, subsequently, prcparo a general law on the subject. Chief Justice Waitc has arrived in this city. In the House. Phillips, of Kansas, has in troduced a bill to cnablo the Central branch nf tho U. P. H. It. to submit its claims against Government to the Supremo Court. rew York, Ftib. 14. A Tribune special. referring to the information on the moiety system the Ways and Means Committee have finally secured, say tho members of the Chamber Committee and special agent will bo heard next Tuesday. Thero is abundant evidence to show that informers nnd custom officers havo made it their business to look after custom house officers in largo mercan tile houses by persuading them to see that errors in invoices sufficient to condemn the whole should be allowed to creep in. If anv thing liko a fight is mode bv custom-house officials, it will result in the uncovering of irauus such as must end in wholesale reforms. San Diego, Feb. 18. Tho Tin Juan'a river on the road to Yuma, is 2 miles wide. We navo no communication with the country east or south of National City, except by ooai irom mc ncau oi me bay. No mail to or from Ynma Binco Sunday. Col Geo A. Gordon, 6th cavalry, en route to Fort Yuma, arrived on the sU-amer vestcr- day. Ho will report to tho commander of tho department of Arizona. It is thought he will Ixs assigned to the command of Camp Grant ri Major W. H. Brou n, on sick leave. Portions of tho bay fast iillinc tin with sand and sediment brought down by tho San uiego ami oiucr streams. The wires aro down north ol San Diego, consequently no eastern dispatches to-day. All that we havo been able to procure in the matter of the mail contracts is a repetition of the dispatches of yesterday and tho day be fore, whicli are pronounced correct, notwith standing tho mixture apparent to cvoryono acquainted with tho country and routes. Ed. Miner. Territorial Dispatches. Maricopa Wolls, Feb. 18 It commenced raining hero yesterday p. m., and evidently intends keeninc it un until further nnlr.. The Gila is booming, and is already higher We may bo hanDV vet. Yuma, Feb. 18 Hainiiif? all lat to-day. Tho Colorado and Gila rivers rising rapidly, and moro danger is feared this time man ociorc. ino stages to or from San Die go for two trips. Yuma, Feb. 19. It rained yesterday until aoout noon, steadily and very hard. Most of uio aiicnioon it was clear but commenced showering again towards eveninir. To-dar it is pleasant. Tho Colorado and Gila rivers aro rising very slowly. No stages left for wmornia iiu week, but those from Tucson continue to nrrivo rceularh- Maricopa -Wells, Feb. 19. It was raining last night but is clear and nlciRnnf tn..inv The Gila river is three fect higher than it n" iciuiu, and is llOOniltlg. Major Taylor, who left here on Mouday for McDowell, totild not enws at vi Major Nelson tot, hi funds and J. McDowell, and M.j(r Taylor .! Morgan s and will horo to-night Mr. Kllison, telegraph operator' Whipple, sent us tho following, to-day : ' Tho stnge left Wickcnburg on tin two extra horses to help (1 lfc mud. It had u very light load. Tl board which left here yrMerdsy. far burg, had not yet arrived tbotv. t tt1 Latest By Telegraph On the l'.Ub, the Presbyteriani & St Helena, Cal., was destroyed by. a work of an incendiary. In San Fmncisro, on tho I9th, t! hue car shops were burned. Greenbacks in San Francisco, 89 On tho 10th Inst., Col Uucll's a killed 10 Indians in Texas. Washington, Feb. 20. Mail roj. Hardyville to Yuma was awarded to, Frank, for 7,900. L Houto from Hardy vlllo to Prescofc J. Honds, for Sl.OUO. Houte from Hardyville to Pioclu 0. Clarke, for 84,700. Houto from Wickcnburg to Fla Hubert Ashcrolt, for 83,000. 8an Diego, Feb. 20 Clear tbist nu limns yet. iv i;inon cuuorini says u is cstirm 300,000 cubic yards of sand were & in tho bay during ten days of tht freshet. Tho steamer Kalcroma arrived I Francisco to-day. Largo passenger .' i ti 1 Major George A. Gordon, 5th can arrive at Yuma by steamer which Francisco on the 7th inst. Wood in Austin, Nevada, is wortt cord. In Prescott, people think got S5J and $0, and pine, juniper, etcn cord, rather high. The plains Indians arc again on path. m The Sioux Indians recently mm wood choppers. Wo lcam from a late San & (Cal.) Guardian, that Mr T. J. W family had atarted for this Territorj The Washington Chronicle rece nounced the arrival there of a we Arizonan as "lim James Grant, though he were a Congressman. PRESCOTT. WHAT ZIVJB MI GjSJS xo. i Peace With the Apsch A S X) r TELEGRAPH LINKS ' H ESULTANL I A DAILY PAPER AND ! OEOSAJP GOOI! I IV PRESCOTT. RAILK0ADS COMING, W BASKFORD'S STORE ALREADY IIE1U r?CilL See, Partem and Cheer fertiit'j Kaock Down la Prlsas. dcM.r pioneer Drug stof PrcMsott, aET Arizona On hand and for Sale: AVER'S, JAYNE IIUISTt'll IIULIVM AND IIALIH Family TVCodicinotl Ant it fnll uwitmnl of thu wt Psittat HnlktM now Id tb markM varriwUd fmh and f ;1 Fancy Toilet Article Soojx and I'trj -Ami a full uitjr of Disreasuia Mcvian1 Physician' Prescription tartfoltr i ' atcly Compound!. GEO. D. KE.ND I tW va- kksvxvl'b oraof la r.u or Drof el W n37 TJ . ARIZONA BREWERY' North Side of tho Plaza, Preij H?lnr pufh&J rxl rrfltte4 tb Ur old kuowa tiAad, w r do rdy lo rurs!b lb P"b' Excellent Uaffer T3e' WHOLKSAI.E OR KETAIU Vft have aU a bw itotk of Imported Wines, Liquor., and Cif And reipcctfally taliell your tlrooar. llODKHBURa troott, Arlios, January 13, 18Ta. LARGE, NEW.COMPLETf WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHCf Ourley Street, Fronting oa, Gra&M Prescott, ArlzoBa. All kind of TilMkimithlnjr. 'Wtroa-maklor ntHpf ilno io rood MyU by WrSia.ELIIItt PERUVIAN BABK, WITH !J tMXld q Iron, in KMitfalV Vng M SIAUMIIMA WATKH, KI.O Wr d lh tvtl Wril.i com. ' and (icBiilM at UK. KKSI1AM.H ltual UrwC : . i AC iw.At.1. TIIK PATKMT PIM.S. ' WiST Dad saui. at UU. KKHUALU " Drag RUf, ta7"llatnk Mining ami UwHelolw " HcUI anil General Powcra-of-AMor icforint tthc ntlatr UAc,