Newspaper Page Text
B-sferitS. JtlinerJ PKKSCOTT, AHIZONA, FRIDAY I.VKNING, FKBRUAUV 27, 1871. JJstnblisIicrtvlStil. All I ZONA M1NHR. AT Yavapai County, II V .. MAHION Ac CO. IIK.S. II. WKAVKK. Published Daily mid Wcokly, A ? ti fi , mi.nkh wn itnrled December lit. pAl' A"'1' . .... ,.i.ii,i nf Ailznna'a flrtl tiviiy Tbunday tod Kulurd-y. uf eiujh ,rtf.A-i i ih" ' " ,vi ,w Hil'liov lrHrrl by carrier, (wlio i. . erety Saturday), 'rr K A wu' J1r L . h,u iM f.i Tf.ree. Months. - , UTIW. I" eltiier ""y " weeny .... ,f i tn,J In nolumn. 00 fur firt nil 41 M It' I'"-1 '"' cb additional iaMrUon. .,; jUnmot Iniet lr rl will U ! to - k iay atlttrtiM ifS'iJ J' liol and baln card lniVId rm reama- r 1 1 tiMtl u laoaoy fvf 'tbacrlntlun, adventllng- trvti, c:a loriraru 11 ny mail, r uiuirnut, iu k.ruk It. i!xf ,hf Wer.'KLT 31 INK U wbi UiijM cm Wil. n-.l nur, li. tlili In vltrcnlh yur. U 2 ttttX calm U b U blJLfit, Urgttt uJ Uit Subscription Rates: ..(Ml'iit ,57.00 91 .. .. ..... ' A rrt T.m-lloolhi 2.60 ..... .- jtuiir Suttt tali at ixr in paynunl Jar iu. fct, ftli ity wx jow trric. iiJrni ll orilr nnd ltttrt JOII.V H..MAUIOS k CO., rrrtmtt. Arituoi. 'rom Saturday' Dally.) Till: LOS ANGELES 1IE11ALD. (Arizona, In a rcry blunt and un- , ;, pcue luc llcruld oi mwun; irom limoi. e u&ru a i ways given ui muo i xJlt !or Miy Item clipped Irom U, ud au; ti lu m.itnrer (o keen lii alicftl l borne. l.c-r, unlcn lie Mil bciuva blmx-Jf muro like l!mn. o call ca aioiiir witnoui iu I u fclunt and untccnilr." cU 7 Hero is what Ussy: "The Mixr.n would tlmnlcthe hrof the Angeles Daily Herald to f-e Jtealiiig matter from its coluifcni, a Ift the Herald ha frequently been guilty b.! one which no dsseat tsditsr araaid tiicol eommitung." mis, aiicrioouer Ivi lecn accused and convicted, Uy the llarbara Times and other California i, of teal'tng items from tho Weekly u aod publishing them as "special tclc- U) thu Herald, from Arizona," at a Iwben Arizona had no way of sending pun to any place, a crime wc oTcrlooVed, . t . . f V fing mat mo xivraiu was a new paper, fiaz to earn a reputation for "enterprise." when tins was followed by tnett after , on the part of tho Herald, and noticing keir daily of January 22, 7874, in llrntcul- I of first page, nine separate and distinct , from the Minkb, with not ono won! of It, forbearance with such a piratical sheet li to & rirtue, and wo wrote and eri the few words which iu shallow. editors have pronounced ''blunt and iinV." And now, an to "keeping our lheetdt home": ki Uie Herald fimt utartcd, IU Daily in the MiN'eit for an exchange, which with a coinplimciitary notice. I'retty be Weekly Herald came ns an vxehange, tu or Hie Daily. At that tlmu tliu It publttbM no Daily edition. He, Itiitlei." toll the Herald iwople, in our lly, that .wcJid not want their Weekly, t lureiarireeeipt of tho other Ias An- Daihw Jltaresa and Star. So. the Id was cra.s4 from our excliance list vas not again placed there until nftcr it k'er had sent a; a note postal card rttin: our action in tho matter and prom to m;ik1 .on liU Daily, a thioi; he has : done, but which he can discontinue lo- soon aji h jikimeit. tat it in, at eat, an lir exchange far tho Daily Ml.vKR, which lie" as it Rnrnars in ths erea of tho Her- arn, jiublUhes day in and day out, more final matter and telegraphic news than Herald, whiwo "brag" anil poster type none tool xuiatxrai editor. Olncktmith a . inn ana oirileM readers. (From Mbixljiy' Dally.) From Moiiavk Cou.srr Hoammw, Ac Mr Frank Drake, who left CatnpMoliaTOftCT eral days ago, in charge of a Gorcmment freight train, bound to old Camp Hualpui, for lumber, arrived hero Saterday aftenioon last Tor the purpose of procuring rations fot tho men of his train, and, before going down to Fort Whipple, informed us that a Mr .Scott, of Hinlpai Mountains, was missing, and, people supposed, had been murdered by the Indians. Whim Mr Drake was at tho Mountains, Mr Scott had been absent two day. On arriving nt Willow Orore, Mr D. learned that Mr Thornton of that place had lost two mules, which he and others thought had bcenstoleii by the Hualpai Indians, who, Mr I), thinks are on Diamond river, nego tiating with rebellious Narajo, Pi-Uto and Serich Indiana for a general war on tho whites. These tribes, ho thinks, can muster 000 fighting men. For several months past, tho Ilualpals have made it their business to collect arms and ammunition, and, a short time previous to leaving their reservation, they paid enormous prices for powder, lead, etc, facts which have forced the citizens of Mohave county into tho belief that an Indian war compared to which the Modoc affair is as nothing, is nuru to come. Tho country in which the Hualpais and their allies arc jiosted is favorable to their mode of warfare, it being mainly composed of rough mountains and "box" canons, a country in which Indians will be at home in their glory, safe from molestation by troojis. But, Mr Drake, who knows nearly nil alwut "Gen Crook's mode of reducing obstrep erous red men, believes tbut, if the Hualpais and their Allies can be whipped at nil, in such a country, Crook can and will do the oo. Military, Indian and Otjikr Aitair. Major G. Gordon, 5th cavalry, has bcu or dered by General Crook to proceed to Camp Grant and assume command of that post. Maj. Gordon will be at Yuma some time this week. Lieut Charles King. 2th cavalry, has been relieved from duty as A.D. C, Engineer ofli ccrand Adjutant-General upon thostatfof Ocneral Emory, commanding the Gulf De partment, headquarters at New Orlcann, and upon his own application been ordered to join his company, (K,) now stationed at Camp Verde. Telegrams received from Camp Howie yes terday, confirmed tho information of great destruction occasioned at that tiost by the recent heary storm. The residences of tho oiilccrs and the post hospital were badly damaged. The snow already fallen was over four inches deep on the parade ground, and the storm still unabated. Latest news from Camp Grant reports that Capt Hamilton's command (Company H, 5th cavalry,)had arrived at that ikwI, drawn ra tions and refitted, and then started in pur suit of the Indians renccades from San Carlos. iBiYTiLi.i: Maii The mail from Har Mle and way points did not reach Prcsoott II very 4ate hour, lat night, when 31 ster, one of the contractor, brought it n horseback, rostod few hours and rd hack again. f brought us but ono letter (from Camp y- i Springs), which states that, on thelGth i the hardest rain storm ever experienced P'U portion of the Territory spent itclf. oft mail carrier told omo of our citizens the rain worked great damage to adobe ha in Ceritat and Mineral I'ark. Davi Imdill luj to uioro their goods out of r store be streams between I'rescott and the lorado river, on this route, were almost im pble, when Mr Webster camo along. otlntig later concerning tho movement jtie llualpal Indians. 5r- J II. Cassidy, & former citizen of Prea- i now of Pjoche, Novada, informs in by laat very many Eastern aovada. roin- nd prospector! were preparing to Btart I the Han .lnan i-mmirv nt.i !nitt. which he only route now free from snqw. i " 'i ii .i -i it ' , M'ewsl.y the Seutincl that L. McAfee. 1"l'l citizen of Arizona, has arrived at Vu i from Japan. " " .!. HI put down by a word-Fish, eh 7 ifgoon Dailv. I. B. A., late medical di p'orof the dcpurttBCtit of Arizona, ! book- COMMUNICATE l'. PnrjcoTT, Arizona, Feb. 19, 1874 To the Kdilor of the Artiuna Jf:ir: Individuals as well as communities arc hard to please, it is cither too large or too small, too much or not enough, too soon or too late, and so on to the cud of tho chapter. Yourhelf. with other rtravinc; luminaries ol this community, have devoted much of your valuable time, during tho pant throe yenrs, on bended knees, in most devout and humble prayer, begging and imploring the 2jujerin tendent of tho great reservoirs above, to give as water, if no water to spare, then give us .... . .. i mnir in nrr ti n-nu us anviuuiu mu woidd make tr, that ait pa.ihcd upeoantry might again bo made to produce the neces saries of life for tho sustenance and ct'joy ment of both man and beast. Also, that lw. imnixt nml tndiiKtrious minor mizht be enabled to corall a littlo more of the filthy lucre, at least, enough of it to repair and put in order our miserable and badly dilapidated barn lit a church, our only and much needed place of worship, and that we nvty no longer Do compelled to ask of our Eastern church members tho Bacrificca now being mado by them of their gold watche, chains and wed ding ring, for our benefit in Christ. Now, do not understand mo as (hiding fault, or as in tho least complaining at tho results of your lato earnest and protracted prayers, on tho contrary I am only too utU pleased. Hut I would 6lmply If you do not think it would bo best in future, when asking in prayer, for rain, anow or sunshine, to do no with fomo ddgroo of moderation? ask for what you think i needed, and not for all the Clerk of tho weather has on hand, or for all he can snare. Hain or snow U a good thing, and it is Baid that you can't have too much of it, but look at the Salt llivcr people- lor a contradiction of this saying, and I have no doubt but your having asked for so great a fiimiiMtv nf rain and snow., his robbed or -j - utiiicccN. -nly taken from other communities, equally deserving as ourselves. Now, this is not Christian like, and I bono in future, that you may bo more considerate, and ask for no more Uuin is. actually neeuecu Vrom Moml)' Iolly. Tin: ovnniKAh' of the sax caiiws iikskuva rrox apaches. We clip the following particulars of the recent outbreak of the Indians from the San Carlo reservation, and their depredations winch immediately followed, from the special dispatches of tho Han Diego Un'wn, and which appeared in their issue of thu 10th inst. : Teceos, Arizona. February !l IMrMpis hn turned from the scene or the ilrei Kul mas.ueru at the ranch or Carlo Macbado, near old Camp Orwt, by the Apache Indian vtii rtcmtiy broke away from tho Carlos reservation. They report that on their way out irom Tucuii tbey met near Canada Delora a Mexican named Iltnllo Corlllis, who had almost miraculous!-1 eaped from thu uiatsatre, or which he wa tiic sole eciivivKit. Ho was wounded by a bullet shot through the wrlit. He gave tho following narrative or the at lack, which, iu 1 dated in my dUp-tlah ufSatui--day, ai witnessed from distaneti by poor Ma. eliado, who lied with the terrible tiding to Tue tou:. On tho morning of the massacre, Corllla -lid two other men were at work near and Iu front of Macbado' lionet. They saw A t.Anni! NL-MHEIt or AI'AI IIKS Approaching, but at una felt no al.irin, became thu ludUus were nccuttomcd to vKitlug Ihernurh. On nrrivlug at thu place tliu Apache asked for two ol thu men eiuplojcd there, Homuno Iiiner don and Mendozu. They were Informed that the men were away. Tho Indians then went Into the coral, nnd formed Into lint, like soldier. Then, for the Urn tunc, Ucloro and hi compan ion anticipated treachery. They at once ruihud Into thohojsuand elu'ed the door. Thu Apa che Instantly opened tire, khootlng through thu window, nnil iL:ot ImuvxUntcly K1I.I.E1- TUB WOMAN AMI TWO (Jill Ulltr.N. The Indians then et lire to the hou-e, nnd with an nxe timdu a bole into tho room where the three men were and soon inokcd them out. Tbe ineti retreated Into another house on tho opposite tide of the corral. One. Jeiu Vagouez. was killed n)on ofler getting into the room ; and soon idler- ward Kalael itonuno was alto killed, ItoiviugCor lllm, a the Atache tlioii'-ln. their certain Ticllui A foon a Koiuauo fell, Corllla took hi dead comrade'it (run, aud I-OLOIIT ins wv TllltOCOII The veiling fiend to the riser. ecaiiug death by u mlmclo. He lay eereted In the brukli by the riser all that day and night, aud thcu made hi ivcnne. Corllla tars the eoiral wa full of Indi an, bat he doe not know tho number. Tbu Utud wa led by "PACIIKHO," Who nhot Corllla in (he wrltt and who alo kill ed the woman. A number of the old Camp Grant udiaji were recui-nlicd anions the baud. The party from Tncon found the bodict of Mnchado' wile ano two children ami or me two men, aua buried them. The JlOUtiCS HAD 1ICEN IlfU.SEII, And everything on uud about the premises was itrovu cT.t a fc Vc and ct..c2.cis. Arssng the iiroprrty detroyed or taken wa one shotgun, a pistol, tlglitwii head of eat I In and thrro hortea, a lirce amount of corn and treuus, all theelothlug and houfehold furulturo. The troop are Hill out after the murderer. Mail Lettinos. Helloving that names and figures were remarkably mixed ard in correct, iu the telegraphic account of recent awards for carrying mails, wo telegraphed to our delegate in Congress, asking him to send, at our cxjiense, cvrrect iitr-, which telegram has elicited the following rtply : Wasiiimito. I). C Feb. 22, lbT4 J. 11. Marion .- Full and correct report ent by thu Associated l'rcs and Auierrlcau rrets Ato- clatltm. H. C. McCohmick. The roport was, wo presume, correct when it started from Washington, but it cannot be (Kjsstble that Van Duzen is to receive $2'M,- 000 per annum for carrying mails twice a week over the route from San Hernardluo, California, to Frescolt, when the present con tractor receives leas than 50,000 )er annum for the samo service. People here think there is ono naught too many in the sum tele graphed, and that tho correct figures ought to be $23,600. rrura TuwLiy' Dally.) Oiikiin or tiii: I'lamins. Dr. Newberry, of Ohio, in an article in Appletoti'ri Journal, expresses himself as of the opinion that prai ries are the remilu of a dimiriUhed ntlnfall, In reply to this ktaternont, Dr. CIium.-, of Kansas, says that, having reided four years in tho heart of the minimum rainfall district, lying between the Missouri river and the Kocky Mountain", he hits observed hundreds of miignifii.ent oak.s, from one to three feet in diameter, far from perennial streams, but protected from flics by rocky hillsides; ee ond, groves of cotton wood," a water-loving ...... u.I.IaI. .... .... .... r. i .t.i... ""i " ""i- win.ii loiiiiu iiin iy leet (dfniB. nigu, nnil a loot in iliainuter; third, groves of young tree, often covinng an area of hundreds of acres or moie, and as thrifty as any among the CatHkills; fourth, thousands of acres covered with tall, long-jointed grass es, which ten years ago produced nothing but short, wiry lliifl'alo grass. There is food for rcllcction in the forego ng. Hy it wo are reminded that Hro U thv great destroyer of everything consumable on this planet; that the fires which year In and year out, are here kindled by Indians and we are fcorry to have to say, itfiittt, have caused ortions of our Territory to lo tree MARICOPA COUaNTY, w.;, liiw'uk. iii.llim.s, i. iomi., S.AT'X1 R1VEU FLOURING MILL) Salt River Valley, Arizona. Our Mill noT blnjr In full oprtlo-i. wfare Tjy.r'il to furnlth the mat kat with quality of flour, wlileb nt l'nrnl far lujrlur to any roanufiwlurMl In (ha Trrrl- ; lory, anti ruuy rqum lolL rty belt lmvrtril from Call- iitiiiu. . r win ep cuniianiiy ori iiaua hi in jtmi, abd ai vui M-ier.i aviiciri. Timuu qualities or riaoun. In 25, 50, and 100-Pound Sacks GRAHAM FLOUR. IS EM I TE L LA , CORN-M E A L, 'CTtACKBD WHEAT AND BRAN. A literal dlivUQt will 1m mad on ruralar rate to mrrcbxal ami ntl.-n jnircliaJilnp laro qtuntltUi. AtJK.VTNi K. N. '"H A- Uo. Halt rh(ral. Aritmia. C.lrtriM (!niw! i loss and, no doubt, dispelled much cloud ;J u. Iieey-ov .... moihture. Tho Mim.ii bus reiKiatedly em-, lolt nloved its nerstiasivc nowers to keen tretmlo ' r.. X. i'in Co from firing trees and grass, in this Territory and wu ho)i' that next Legislature will pat a law that will deter the commission of any wicked act of this kind in the future. - - - Tho Supreme court of Montana iu deter mining tiK)ii the right of Chinamen to pur chase and hold mining claims, decided the alien law totally void. This decision was brought about through an action brought by that Territory against certain Chinamen to procure the forfeiture of mining claims pur chased by aliens, and which case having been decided in favor of tho Territory in a district court, went to the Supremo court with the rvsult above mentioned. rrM. WlcVnlurir. Itiu-nlx. , Maricopa Wall. , ITiffc. Tuck. W. B. RELLIK0B 4 CO. PIKKNIX Phoenix, HOTEL Arizona, Th- umlrfilpin.1 hirinjr -fliJ Hill Hotfl. a-ttuv tli (niblic that du Ja or r.tfu- will l- ijvrrJ tv mkkt it Till: IIutl ii( tt 1 mWfj . hlaglr man Ua raixlltra. in coMXTtfarti UI Ilia HutrL A gtul fSubW td Vaid atutbrd Ui U f raiaU. Ctiiia en, tnu And flva tur a (all. uuTllf J. J. (JAltl'IM'.It, 1'rvf rim.r. Itusincss & Professional Canln. COLES BASHF0RD, ATTOltNEY and COUNSELOlt-AT-LAW, Turautl, Arizona, V11 1 1 ractlchi- I'mfcMKiti In all tli CoUrt nf IlivTprrllory I' HiCAKlTEC. II. II CAKTTEH, JIU H. H. CARTTER & SON, Attorney and Csittiiaclor at Luvt I'reacnll, Vavapal Count)-, Arlznna. VI1I nttrrnl t l;uilor Is all th ewon of tliu T-rtllofy J. I. HARGRAVE, ATTORNEY and COUNSELUH-AT-LAW, Montezuma street, l'rcicott, Arizona. JOII1V HOWARD, ATTORNEY and COUNBKLOR-AT-LAW, Prescott, Arizona. JOJIIY A. RUSH, Attorney itt Law Phoenix, Arizona, Will itrictly atlml to all lwini mtruit'sl to i!ra, In tbk ttrnl Ourtj oi Itveord In the Territory, Preapt attestiea glrea to Cotlectleci J. E. McCAFFRY, ATTORNEY and COL'NSELOR-AT-LAW Main Mreet, Turion, A, T. J. N. McCANDLESS, PIIVSICIAaV and SUKOEOX, Onirr. .orth Hide ol IMaim, Prcarolt, iV case of shooting occurred in a Los Ange les saloon, on a recent night, which it is fear ed will prove fatal. A blacksmith, in the habit of going on periodical sprees, went to the italoon of a Frenchman named Pazo, and in a tliroaUinii.i. inannt-r tlouruhed a junto! about the bead of tho proprietor who, in re turn, deposited a charge of birdhot in the stomach of tho aggressor, inflicting a wound from which recovery is improbable. The time fordoing the necessary work on all qusrtz claims located prior to the passage of the Mining Act ot 1S72 will expire on the 10th day of next June, after which day such claims as have not been worked in accordance with law, will bo Kubject to re-location. We yympathir.e with our friends of Tucson on account of the inconveniences which re cently fell to their lot from the leaking of their mud roofs, and would advise them to come or seud here aod procure shingles. Poland's bill, now before Congro&s, author izes the legislatures of all Territories, except that of Utah, to assign judges to the several districts and fix dates for opening Federal and county courts. II. MOKOAX. !. IflETKITttl. II. MORGAN CO., phccnec, sait Rrvxn valley, AXU M0IIOA2TS FKMl OX THE GILA, Maricopa County, Arizona, liCAlXIM is (J EiVERAL M ERCH AIVDISE. Oar MMu: 'Quid Sola and Small Profit? JrUStl J. Cold water & Bro., Kurt oa band a Largs sad Caa-Me block of HENRY W. PLEURY, FE.OB-A.'XE JUDGE, Justice of the Peace and Notary Public, WM. A. HANCOCK, Notary Public and Conveyancer Illank Ileelnrafory Mtatrmenta, And Wl HlaaV i.f all aim!. HSU coHected fnapi)f ITio-olx. Mariewpa Co. Ariw-ui, Jaa. Sth, Vtti. E. IRVINE, Attorney at LaAV Phrxnix, Maricopa County, A. T., In Ui New Depot, on tbe Weal Ide of Ui riaiA A. 12. DAVIS, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR 'AT-LAW, XlsertI 7ark, KoLar Cassty, ArftccaV Will attend tv lptl bntineM la all U Trrritorys malua cnllectlaci, etc. coorti r,( tin Among recent questions acted upon by tho Sail Francisco Chamber of Commerce was the miestion of cheaner freight rates from that city to Arizona. The action taken consisted of the appointment of a committee to confer with the Colorado Steam Navigation Com pany, which company will, we hope and think, abolish its measurement rule and, here after, charge for all freight by the pound. The Miseii is entitled to a little considera tion for having first called attention to this matter. . " Tun Tiokii Mine. Our Arizona telegrams of yctcrday state that rich development arc being reported from tho Tiger mine, In which Don F. P. Forstcr aud tho Hon. Frank (iinahl aro largely Interested. ThU I a wonderful mine and I onu of tho thousands which would contribute to the national wealth Iu qulle tue moajure oi mo coin fctocU lode when the completion of the Texas and Pacific and Thlrty ullh Parallel railway makes tuo development of that rich Territory Klble. ArUoua 1 ono mas of mineral, and when tho .i-iv nf ili-vi lotmii nt. to loinr held In abeyance. rnrnrri for that tectlon, she will be found to b tun unexpectedly rlcli agrjcu.luruiiy. e uuuer- .t,,i in rood authority, that arrangement aro maturing wuicn win rasuu in me uuveiujuitu u. itin ricpf lone, uu n innnnuuiii fchc u .u.ic.. capiul. Wcgotlatlona to tht end aru pending Wliftii thev aro consuuiated. a new era will i.nt-n Ui-rtt imiiifurated for Arizona. For our own tart, po would prefer to see this rciilt brought About wholly Jy Auiurlcan capiul. San Diego Union, red..-). "It makes but little diifercnce to oitncr rriit or we" wucre capital i m uihco comes from. Ke.vo. 1mnlA who arn at a tut a to tlOir many to In vlto when they want tmlro "a party" way lie guided by the following: " Tor (liUillof. ia t (otccamte, twa, M lawe. TbrtH) Ir an atftutattol; lor walkls-, tiur; Vot jkvIi J fifkiuuu 8 r i ft -. Congresfi vt ttiikijdt'W onlala tho I2lh of Fobruary a c feistfS&y.iii order to com- mcmorato LincoJaV Jiusa'JiJ, freeing thfl slaves. ' ''r,-V Somo laon Angele pconWWnt to start Inuias UeeK A lettor of recent date from a friend at Washington, informs us that advertisements calling for proposals for fur nishing the several rct-ervations in this ler ritory with fresh meat, will very soon appear in the nancra. This courw will give an men who aro in the contracting business, a fair show, and cannot fail to put an end to talk, heretofore indulged iu, of lavoriusin. The present contractor, Win. H. Hooper &,Co.. who have been furnishing beef for ever so long, without having recclvod pay ment therefor, appear to uavo nau uuuuKu "glory" in this line, and aro perfectly willing r .,.,. innm other linn sten into their shoe ...I rv.Arl tlm Indians as loner as they have. .wwx. w , .-. , , Wo understand that Delegate Mcuormica. Called on Commissioner Smith and induced him to advertise for proposals. . . . Yuma is, according to the Sentinel, erect ing a great many now buildings, which fact r?oe to show that people tucro uavu jaiur in their location. Pima county has Just shipped 600 tack of J. L. FISHER, gelvehal merchaaVdise, Auctioneer and Commission ffiRCHANT. Salesroom, North Side of Plaza. CuatfaS- Tfrytbln: IwivW la UmUg eonatry, and a UeU U wU) lr) at tne loir eat jniUa prie. HiW. pric pill fg Praia. TmacoTT, Arizona, Feb. 23, 1874. Dnnnld J'oi, thmp .4paAt, Aritomu, Dkar Sib: Jly attention was called this morning to your letter sent to Mr. Wash. French, which mado it appearance in the Miner last week. Your proffered aid of fifty dollars, for the completion of the first Protectant Church in Arizona, is iu hand, paid by your agent. I-or this generous act you have merited tho unfeigned gratitude of he undersigned ; and all tue more sincere from tho fact, that more labor had been be atowed br tnv own hands, nnd more moncv contributed from my own pocket than the ffgregato from all other sources previous to present date. u, A. JtCiiucii. AitizosA. To Mr T. J. Wilson, formerly a res Ideutofthl place, but at present a denizen ol AriMMia, wno lias come oacK to -iako out" nis wife and family, we arc indebted lor much ralua- b elufornmtiou concerutug tue reaourccs oi tbai line Territory. Mr Wllaou Is book-keeper for the billow brotlic r, aud is, at present, attorney lor Mrs sarati Wliltlow, in tlie transaction ol buI- ueitt here. He gives a glowing account of the proapecu, advantage and opMrlutiitlu which Arlzoua hold out to ettlers. He say that the .McDowell country I quite as good land a t hi vallcf aud will produce about the same variety of crops, nnd semi-tropical fruit ; that It contain maxtiltlcem catlle ana aneep ranges, millbaiiuero nru no stork to put upon tlicm; that the tcttlers would be glad to tee stock Iu large quantities taken theru ; that It la an excellent country for young men of tptrlt, ability And enterprise, anil Hint any man wuo wunia to wort, enn innKe mere a comfortable home, and In a liert time arnaa an Indencudence. Mr Wilson 1 Iuteretled Iu tbc Globe mine, In the Final, north of tbe Needle. ,u aiaay made by Mr Uraig, or a portion oi una rocs, sr.awc: it csnusns zia csnu o: capper, us Informs u tbat excellent uovernmeni lana, on which are wood, water and gnus, Is yet procura ble In large quantitloi. Ho adrUe ocitlcr and other going to Arizona, who may dcelre Infor mation or aajlstnuco of that kind, to gil to such men as C. P. Head, J. II. Marion, or the Mineu, aud (. H. Oury. Parties who go to Iheau men. he ay, "will do well." San Uernardlno (Cal.) tiuarulan. r-iunxr. a. k. iu. At the News Depot I'IKEXIX, ARIZONA, Offer for Kale aa Kwortisent tf firvt cluu FAMILY GROCERIES, Stationery, Boolcs, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS AT LOW I'.UICKfi inicrnlr, Miriwr Co. Arlwia. DeeewberEath. 1SJ3. J. GOLDWATER & BRO;, Wnot-rsALE Dealers, Forwarding and Commission Merchant!, F.hrmljerK, Arliona. CAPITAL HOUSE, Pha;iiix, Arizona; .fOIIX GEOKK, Proprietor. The Mtlaj d'rjvirtment will bo evlur1-l on the ra- taurant Ityla. ,Mr.MAi ai-h iiuuiu. - THE SALOON I)e,rtmrU VyOUOltOB A- WALTKltS, wtl I ettii, Martcuja county, A T., Anrut 51, m. ag1 HARNETT Ac BLOCK, ....DEALERS IK.... nrnftritt Pmriiiont. dothini. DrV-GXh I dfrtial Onaker". n a.' T.J .f, l'rnomArtI5.mi lJWJit , miVtl a WWrW, m-v. Pim vrr. M AittcorA CoUJiTY. AniZOKA. wm. . KEU.V, Fred. Williams Hat on hatd, at bl new Saloon, oa bonk tkle t4 t'lai FINEIaY-FJLAVORED LIQUORK of all Vlada, together with a large tock ot CARHTULLiY SELECTED CIO ARB PRINTED BLAISKS ... ror..... Location of Mining Claims, FOR SALE AT THE MINER OFFICE. Xo Iroajtor or Miner tboeld gv Into tb eomtry with out a topi'ly w thrffl Tery nawiy ano ohiki iwfaua t.c Ice. 11 UY YOUK FRESH MEAT AND VEGETABLES ....AT TUX.... PIONEER MEAT MARKET, OBANITE STOEET, 1'RESCOTT, tat Plenty of bb, and jva wilt iwoo be aa ftroec a aa oa, a tat a butter, aad ai unl, aroaod Un waJbt, a a Vrcai. Vt7 Sell cheaper than any other merchant In cetiirai Arizona, ' " T. A. BTCrUEM. Kelly & Stephens. NEWS A Gr 13 NTS M0XTEZUMA MR & BILLIAttI) books, stationery, CONFECTIONARY, XSUXa, Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy Goods, Yankee Notiem, Fresh Fruit, Garden Seeds, Ac. IVeaeott, Jaauary 18, 1873 jnl8-Tr. Speaking of law as at present violated, the Itrv K. Ueecher says: " It I extremely dIUIcult to commit thu crimu of murder In such an acenrale and botieat way tbat It shall fully satisfy the speci fications of tlie tut ute. Utile ine wouid-boiuur tcrcr take Iciml counsel beforehand and follows instructions minutely, he will fall nine tltnca Iu ten. however luccrely he may try. Anybody can kill a man, but he cannot do It Iu tbo flrt degree murder stylo without counel and care." An exchange define local enterprise after till laabluic M It tou thlnl: Ol anything that call be done to beautify or build up your town, go In and do it. Ho uot light the laying down of a now tldewalk because you have to bear your ahxe of tho cxpemc. Keep your capital at Dome; pstroo lro homo ludu!rles ; help your own merchant to tell more; always get your own worK done in your own town, If possible. Subscribe and pay for your own local paper; don't steal or borrow the rcadlnc of It. If you follow thee suggestions and your town doca no; build up and improve, it will not uu your nun. . 1 1 Corn is selling in Nebraska at fifteen to twenty cents per bushel, anil in used as iuci Tho enterprising pcoplo of that Htato are going to turn tue corn into corn-aiarcn. SALOON, MOJS'TKZUMA STHEET, PKESCOTT. W liava reeeody renorateJ and fixed tip our aaloon la flue itylo, ana oar noo put wa VINi:.S, LIQUOILS, and CIGARS, FOlt OOK l'ATUONB AND TUB I'UHLIC. 'J3ILIARDS. ,.- IA nt J. K tin til ScCti't flDMt TubUi. with tu -t.Ut. era far mntriflf lu aur uU VI nuw la two. imuaruuu win , . .. i -- --v---- iudra V.X Uieinaelve. We baa a Club ltoom. fr stnUenen, attaeneil to lb Bar IVwm. I'retcutt. Anguit3. 1B73. CHARMINQ DALE STATION, Four Miles East of Camp llualpal. Never falling WATER, In abned-noe, MAY JaaV S. C. ltOOUlW. rrermaw. T. n. CABTC8 Axn Ladv, nrlatendnts. janlyt PHOTOGItArillC XOTICE. 1)0 not f,rsetthat FLAXDKUS i VKSEIIK, ArtUU, . I. I.. t . ,nl .liirliiir thn iiraM-at fuontb. Ani th public uie poJllcuUily rjue.Ud Ui call and f xaniiue e4mn of work MAUK W IKKjCOTT. whetber tbey dealre work or not, lu It is aiwaj-a a pinuu m it celve TiallMt Tbalr LIFE SIZE POKTBAITS CANNOT BE EXCELLXD. Tittore Uken la eloady wet-r, cuarsnteed Mnalto any taken on lb brlgtit! nay WATER RATES At McMHllen'H Station, Sitaated 48 HilH Cut frea E.renbere. a tb 8tag Koad t rbcrnU. W!C-eatr aa rrbfootu yrtf watering -ash bona Ar cant In alarra team of 9 mlmahj and ttpwardt, 25 cent currency. Iir Waterinr Ctttlla. JJlrenU lefal teaJer. jlylW Ull.OIMlKRT, lorof. AI.LTIIK PATKXT I'I!jIH. fllKHll VjQST and ftaaloe, at UK. KUNUALI.'S lttKarar Drug fcwra. XI!4.INr, IAR AND IILLIARD SALOON, Montexuma Street, Comer Guilty. LARGEST AND 11 EST SALOON IX XOIlTilEIlX AMZOXA. doeldwtf A. L. M0ELLE11, lorritor. The Post Trader's Store, .... AT.... Port Whipple, Arizona, , Keepa for SaV, Grtctriti, Provhiont, Co VOr-lu, UotAino Uoolt, Shoe, Stattoner, F&nty (loads, Tobacco, Cigars die. Price, Reasonable. OKO, W. n0WKK8, IroprieoT l74Vttrandlb beat Wright' Coloffaa, l'rl own uJIaiI.VOMA I a (Ivnia'ue at 1K. KUNDALL1 Iloaetr Drug 71 'I ill very rich silver ore to San I ranebco. ior uiairimony. nCW BnCUUUtUI WHUIlMKtOii,