Newspaper Page Text
J roiii KkttitJtj' DaHr.J . jtl.,; i)i,tiut."WIiUu walking sroiilid a, j met Messrs 0. h. Hitchcock and T t(l"crf, t" I":,C"'' M'1'ininuirecs, ut firtivcd from lliir Hut' rninitui .iif.t.i frntn I'ritfltt atw. imiu the"., Chut twciityliv6 men at work in me mainci. mjmo wmh- .-..l.l tifnrirliirw in rmirf f out Mr b"'" p the rcUUIil'l-' 'g variuus imer Tlicsc men occupy seven cabins ' .. ir .,..1 in. uirHtinniinifi nan niTi.t. Upony'- ten stamp mill. i. i, .11 In Mr. II. 1)1 lill trlri VjJ from '.New lork, in llio ileail of ur sr! Interesting, journey ui mm. 1 . 1 1 . i . . . i. .i .. . mfc mil cniiiircii, wuumju uccp nuovr, , mountain' of Now Mexico anil An- ..uii!timu in wagons, ami, again, on tick, provo that city bred pcoplo as ire incv wvic not afraid to encounter . ... .Li. .. i. " f llbl! 10 E1'1 w lll,s jiroiiiiso, m :i we bopo their bcitoxpcctation will bo will ferl hi way, slow but aur, ng ledge of gold and silver rock, r ii j he ire cnoiigti, in sigm, to inaKc sue certain, when hu will start tho mill and Up .t-trl-. ni tn&v. in hi. ndtrmnnf : uvun " " - ' - j , j n"-" 1 ccry to work the ore of the district, . A l.t. .-Ill ..... ...-II l . . ell, Jlo mina, "in I"1 "on vtucii juujnjr .kil nther bv timces if chlnrinntlnn . .1... nl.l .titlCr 111 till. Itlrv Kit, .ntrt.a jut, anil, then, icrhaj, driro n tunnel in finioiislnll of that name, which is thought V iuv - O n nil l i v n . ut iiiu milium ....... ' y.r .1... ir?" oi mailer upon uur columns, je- pifilculani, concrnit)K tho drowning of ILtilri at! af.j n.n In , ' ' I . 1... . ... .1 . ! I . .1 . l.fll. tidiu- liimtflf ncr the reservoir, sought r fit Ywkflv tit ftiM ninrnWii t1atti. . C. I ... .1... m :!.! ... 1 I pear win lor nw inc. luo uuptn oi v intlc refcrvoir, t this time, not icing -in r cjj imu'ii a mill, iif xnunL naTo ex ttei hcruM-lf in vsiii cl!ort to climb the p r" J v Havvw nil ii xu run uaiur. x uu k. lie lis auu wiro vurr bail I v be uUtsl. and clothing ci iL Tka n;crvoir iui a! read v gUted rtjrcylumos about 200 feet higher than ruuf mi 1 1. la. Ii ti t ii r ri t llM fWUiP ow utUrcd, unarailing. Tho bedy L.uneu wiiu n uiuv iiunum um I. 1-.. M'l , - II l.n n .i.U.n rr " Jt ' . - county, arnvca Ikcrc, yrtcrusy, lrotn r Mexico and Kuteru Arizooa, ria Camixi v:be and Verde lit report deep Know tlie.Sm Ynaatoa and .Moirollon inoun- Francitco nitre i frco from mow. Dan jokiriz well, alter ait Ionir and loomoniu through m wild country, where, two huudrcil tTuic. be u either &aw Iudl or winie roan. 0. Miller arriwd acre yeaterday, baring omo oi til ireicat .tears near Uauip rJe, working tfceir ray rotn Halt Hirer lley with aupiih'M for Cuiap Vcnla tl touian rerraooK. II. ...r.l .1,1. n.mln. way to Kirklaud valley, where, at lait ro- . , . 1 INI . u s niiiwu n a. uu t i . . .1 : . t . their command, who left Fort Whipple, VUk auuillM llM'l 111" UUH MU v. e euuercu great uc.n, iui uini, uum .. mt u. .1 -I J ait I t t t . at. ntgbt and to-day, haa hardened the ground ... i . j. . .. .ii - (I'm M.44j'i l!!r.l ow we give the rainfall in this section u ini; vcar iou: aiso iuo uniuum ui which fell Iwtwcen tho 1st of December. , and the 17Ut of February, 1873, and pre it with our rainfall from December s, to February 17, 1874: tiXlXTXVL roa lt"7X Ittthtt. ImtXu. 00 July..... ,...1--V-....S."H .... .iq 33 September.. 4a .... .17 f riu tor. .... ) ... J '.'I Dteemb' v.... (All 12.11 .1. 72, TO no. 17. 'TXititC 1. Ti. TO rr.ii. 17, 71, nry 73 UOU.oumT. H a-" J I IkI.Ui, TJ. jajKelmuiryllalliB.i ." .1171 TotU. fhe lore"ointr fisure wero furnishixl by A. Surgeon Mathews, who has chatigc of rt u'i,-...i- ri .:..i irinii;. Mr Thomas Cordis arriveJ in n Satunlay last, from tho placer claim c-f ISUUIoril inlnlif!? commuiv. on iowr ax crlr. which, ho aavs. are paying uc . ... " - . , .i.-j , , i . i. nn r.jui in 1 0 1 m i mnr ( 1 1 i .1 . i. .v. wvrt -swiuio tue Jorco now in tneso cnu, ' . .1 1 . ! ci aro among the richest in our couutry. it'4Cruiv vraM a. very Jiveiy ono wuu ui tri nuiHi t.a natr-iinr ni 11 11 1 1 1 1 huci b. n i r.l 1.1. nrnvlc. Snow- could tint wM ooiue down faxtcr f j - DAI i' n... nvlii rtn Ihtft 1711111- j vk lumij j fjai tMM w - w a tinhon. which judge II. JirooK ruin. . . - . .1.1 ... ... .........!... ... t . I in Justice PIcury'a court, Saturday Uat, Miller was abiolvwi from all charges ij.;uii uiw yuai) o i..- Today .before aamo "tribunal," "Buffalo a ' ft? u.uHM mw" unmn iru W tffi... i I. T I .1 I I. a rtr9 Join lUJble has force f mSntert at vork ""VMj tlbttk WW! tAM tuv HrtnOa U. 8. wagort, with tottert tid Wonr.8sow'rho wind In fit thof same 'iicr-j(oiju.wcl onu snow ikikch aiu iV'catiipr coutiiju mighty cold. WEBKLY IPruin TuMjay'i Dolly.) hut oniiivcrry of tlto birth of the hlon who, in liilancy, felled thn cherry trco, and, at a later period, aevcrcd tho Kiamcao twin arrangcmtiit tlmt existed between J oung America and .Mammy England coming on Sunday, had, of course, to bo celebrated on the day following .Monday and right well was It celebrated, hero and at tho mili tary villagu a little north of hero. Heine an unfortunate- editor, wc, of courc, received invitation, to both celebrations, and, having aafely turned our bettor half over to Sheriff Herbert, onu of tho managers of tho IVea cott urnitigemciit, wo struck a goodly com pany of "Urairgers," connistlng of (Jo). 0. 1 Head, .M. (loldwater and I). I. Foster, preacd into gervico a Pioneer livery outllt, and, through cold and miow, succeeded in reach ing the residence of Gen. and Mrs. Ooorgo Crook, where were almost nil the Indies and gentlemen of the post, with nomo from town, dancing the Lancer, to excellent music. It was a goodly company and, never before did wo perceive a set of ladle and gentlemen who apjicnrcd happier. Lunch timo came, and all prevent enjoyed au excellent feat, tho last dish of which cousisted of Icecream. Having done our duty at the post, wo star ted for town, and sjieut some time in tho ball-room here, watching tho graceful move ments and cooiugi of maidens fair and their beaux, when aupiier waa announced and wo were again forced to "imbibe" a few tid-biu. lint, we have strung this yarn out until our oor head nnd the beads of tho printers all sleepy hcadi, to-day appeal to us for rcspito from labor, and so we will conclude by hop ing that the anniversary of tho birth of America's best and greatest son, will ever thus bo celebrated by thoso who inherit the blessings won and bequeathed by him, till time shall Ins no more. Col. Jas. II. Nelson, of the pay depart ment, U. S. A., and his brother arrivod here yesterday from McDowell and 1'humix. Tho Colonel started for 1'hwnix tome time ago, to meet Colonel Taylor, who was tn rvuie from Tucson, with money for Colonel Neliou. Procuring this money, tho Colonel started f' . Prescolt, without an escort, arrived at Cavo Creek and found it almost impassable; tugged, "sounded" and worked away until ho cot himself and oartr across, when all went well until tho Agua Fria barred bis path with its terrible water. Hero ho rested hcvcral day, waiting for tho waters to fall, a thing they did not do until they had un dermined tho very deep well at Duppa't sta tion, and thereby ruinod said station. The Colonel linally succeeded in crowing the raging river and reaching the Hasiayam pa at Smith's mill, from which place, lie trav eled, overland, to Wickeubnrg. He took tbi course on account of tho impassability of the road through tho canon of the Hassa- jamps While nt Helling & Co.'a place, on Salt River, that stream roso very high, but did not break through the new dam at the head of the Swillim; canal. While tho river was at its bighejt, spread out for several miles, Major Veil crowd it in tilsuuggy, wuicu was "ferried" acn by two horee swimming their way, with great effort and sound horse tense. The tucecasful venture of the Major was commented on an Ma bravo deed. The croix. Col Nelson state, were looking exceedingly well, and many fanner who bad this year planted nothing weru leeling real good over volunteer crops of wheat and bar ley that were started up by tho rain. SrooTi.vr. Parties, ktc Lieut Schuyler left Camii Yerde with his command on the 22d. H has nboti tone hundred Indian scouts and a largo detachment of tho Fifth cavalry. ile expect to scout through the lonto iiuin to Camp McDowell. Lieut 1 homas' commanu arnveu ai wrap Vcnlo on the 21t, and will leave there some- time this wtck. Lieut W. J. Ross, A. I). 0.. and 3rr Thos Moore wcro at Camp Verde alt last week tit- ting out the pack-trams to bo used oy l.tcuu Sehuyle and Thomas. They returned to hpulnmrurrs last cvenins. Col Nelon, who had been to Camp Mc n,ill in tnct Col Tavlor. arrived at head quarters lat night, with fund to pay off the troops stationed at posts in norincm Nkw "Stiiikiw." Mr Scott of Kirkland Vallev. who i In town, report the discovery of a now and rich gold-bearing ledge near the Vesuvius mine, in alnutUrovc district. Mnura Ilrvson. Zika and others have just returned from tho IJIack Canon section of countrr, with very rich specimen of gold mek from a ledce recently discovered by them near tho edge of tho mesa, cast of Drip ping Spring. These specimens contain pieces of gold nearly as largo as grains of corn. They talk of returning and working tho rock by arrastra process. Weathck. There was a lull in the snow alorsi yesterday, about 2 o'clock in tho after noon, but tho white Hakes commenced falling arain a Httlo after dark, and. for several hours thereafter this section of country was subjected to a violent, blinding snow-storm. ThM l-ir is now cluar. wind shsrp from the northwest. This last downpour brings the fall of water, sinew December 1st, 1873, up to abouc Ihlrtetii iww. Knowin one assort that two ladica and a many gentlemen or this vicinity will very .hnrtlv annear in white vcili. gloves, and such other finery aa Is UkUally Worn by K.rons who proinuo to take each other for " better or worse." The mail from tho Verde arrived in town ycu;rdayf but brought no exciting news. irrom Wi-ilna)-' Oally.J A CARD. Pr rciTT, T.. February 2 1, 1874 To tht Editor of the Arizoim Mintr: As there appear to lw somo feeling against Chinamen by a considerable txjrtion of tho American population of this part of tho coun try, we, tho undersigned, ucsiro to piaco any blamo that may attach to our countrymen for a violation of the lawa of tbo Territory, where it properly belongs, an'd, therefore, beg leave to state that wo have lived in this town and vicinity for several years, and have, during that time, tried to get along in peace with all classes of the population, and when wo have been drawn into any trouble, it has l...n rhrollfrll SVrtain CllinaniCIl WUO WCTU ith tho Georco Ah Fat wash- house, on OraniUj street in this town; and were it not for tho parties abovo reierrcu to. wc do not licliovo tlto people oi tuts comma M linvn till! stlffhtost CAUSO for COnV pi Jut. Our deslro Is to live here and bohavo oumeJvcs, and mako an honest living and Jrar t-ho conuuenco oi uio comniunuy. Ham HoNfi, 8am Lkk, Ciuiar.y AiiSlv, Cum Waii, AiiKi, . Jim Fouk. PninJlf H.llnh. nf lyvnx creek, was Ih town yeterlay, nd Informed in thnt the ittercurv in hi iWeTfnotnctcr had got down to four dcsrrcen below zoro. This on a recent wornlnc. Old residents told him that tuta AHKA .jllNlill : PRKSCOTT, FEBRUARY wm the lowest thoy had ever known mercury to drop in that camp, but wo uro "a living witness" to tho fact that in tho winter of IbM it fell to about 20". The samo winter, thermometers in Prescott Indicated 11" be low, and it was nipping weather, r Feet, In leading mines, continue to change owners. A day or two ngo, .Mr Williams, mayor of the village, purchased, lrom Mr U rn. Cole, SI, 000 worth of feet in ilraduhaw mines. Our hugo friend, Charley Yatoi, has boon investing in Iirena and other llradshaw mining projwrty. Mr (Jayety, of Cherry Creok, near Camp Verde, Is still wrestling with quart, and thinks ho has the best "lay out" of any man in this section. Wood. Capt Goodalo, of Fort Whipple, offers to pay tho highest price for fifty cords of good dry wood. Surgeon Magruder, director of this military department, employs his spare timo in capturing and preserving feathered sjicci mens of tho country ; also, plant llowers, etc. Col Cany Is right lively now, since so much' rain and snow have fallen. He says that our great mineral resources will now bo devel oped. All travelers from California speak in high terms of McMullen's station, on tho Prescott and Ehronlcrg road, which is kept as all sta tions ought to bo kept, by Mr Kd. Gilbert, A Chincso company of this town have a card in to-day's Miner, in which they ac cuse members nf another Chinese company, whine hcadquartors are on Granite stnet, of acts and intentions cslculaled to injuro the huducss of the signers nf tho card, who ly desire to m let nlono in their buins of washing the linncn and other garment of the "natives" of tho country. S. 0. Fredericks report very cold weather on tho upper Hassayauipa, with snow be tween 2 and 3 feet on a level and neck-deep on the north hill side. His wheel and arras tra s will very soon bo ready for running. Mr Miller, from ISig Rug. reparts tho loss of a tluuio or two by flood. Miner doing real well : wheel and arrastra in course of construction will be llnishcd early next wcok. (rrvta Thnriulijr'f Irally.) The driver of the last mail wagon report having jmMcd Goldwatcr's freight train this ido of oolsey lull, working its wy, slow- y, to rrvscolt. lins train is prtncqiaiiy la ic n with goods for C. 1. Head it Co. Lieut-Col Dodge, promoted to tho Twenty third Infantry, via General Crook, is to leave ew 1 nrk, en route lor the Headquarters ni his regiment, somo time next month, coming acro the plains to Santa Fe, thenco by way of Camp Apache to Prescott. I'critons unacquainted with this section of country and who arc on tbo hnnl for placer mine, bad better try their luck in England gulch, a little south of Prescott, on Haasay- ampa creek, In the gulches around loo uei Pasco mine, or on the can fork of Humbug creek. All talk of bridging GrauiUs creek appear to have subsided since the cold weather has caused its waters to tubid, but there will come a timo when it will be impassable and those who favor bridging it should now pay attention to tho matter. Col. H. A. Ilitrelow and Mr. Aleck Harris arrived in town day before yesterday, from their gold digging on lower L.ynx creek. The cold weather has shut off their supply of water. to relate, aomo of oar citizens now say they "fear it is going to rain or snow." The Odd Fellows of Prescott aro incrcas- ing in numbers. "nrauicrv" Is what one of our citizens terms a place where Patrons of Husbandry meet. Gen Crook is still at work, cutting down expenses. Weather, to-day, is wanner than for sev eral days past. Grant' mail wagon arrived on time this morning, but brought no man irora i ucson. As yet no mail from Mohave county. r T T ' ' " 11 r.. iriir Axo India Items Partiwar- vin,. fmtn Camn Verdo report the surrender at that reservation of a band of sixty-two renegade Apaches, who had absconuea tome- t !m hrV- u, the mountains, where their re ' re" J I- Lnnwn to Annt Williams, who sent them word to return at once, uiwn con M Vdi f va--v v ' - a ' dition that the young buca anouui dc con fined for ona mouth m mo guaru-uouso i Camp Verde, the old men, women and dnl- dren to remain on tto reservation, mis mcj did. and tho young men, numbering seven- - t.. -1 nt I,m mtlit.rv tecn, arc now unuer .uu . The appearand of the whole party was wretched, indicating great simenng irou. hunger and cold in the mountains. n . . t ....... . -. I.. 1 1 .r. Lieut Thomas scouting iiy r...-..j ganized aud ready to atart out. Colonel Nelson, Paymaster, left to-day to pay oir the garrison of Camp crdc. The mining works which Mr 8. 0. Freder cricks has about completed and ready for work on tho Hassayampa, are: a fivo-sump battery and three arrastras, With a waUr whcel to drive them. These ho has succeed ed in erecting, principally by his own labor, fordoing wiiich he deserves our warmest commendation. In the vicinity of hu work are ledge of rock, carrying considerable free gold. The first run will bo on about 40 tona of ore belonging to Mossra Banning & Smith, who havu aaid ore In a pile, mixed with wood, ready lor roasting. After treating this batch, Ur F. will start on rock of his own. .May no bo entirely aucceful. Snow. Several showers of very " wet" snow fell in Precott last night and this morning. iiitiii i Lk Rradshaw arrived in town yesterday with pieces of rich ore from tho rvr-fk countrr. forty miles south of Prescott. Mr II. II. Cartter, Jr., and Mis Serilda Miller, oro to bo married next Mouday even- l.niiso of S. 0. Miller, near Pres- -.5. Ti.r will Iib danclns and other lestive cxcrclnca ufter the wedding. Many of our citizens havo received invitations to graco tho alliir with their presence. Nonet As tho Sacrament of tho Lord's a .-iti iw. rolnbratcd on next Sabbath morning after tho 11 o'clock sermon, thcro will be religious icrviccs each evening ofthU week when the aiurnoora i oj ..,... for other purpo. G. A. Ur.BnKit. A fellow namcMl Ilrown wm, last night, Il, an arm- 08(1 01 KlUllliiiK in rear of nlara buildings on Montexuma street, wbfel it was thought, ho was about ZT.' 1 i.atln,, innile t hrcaU to that effect, upon b'elng put SS li t bumming prociiviiiw. JennliiL's arrested tho follow and lodged lrnn in jail, whero ho la at thu prwent wntmg. Il'ron. Tburljr' Dally.) SALT MV EH VALLEY. (CONRKarOMPEIIlB or TUB abuoxa mixk'b.) Piiik.nix, Maricopa County, A. T., t February 2Ut, 187-1. Wj have had an abundance of rain, so tlmt irrigation will nut bo needed for somo time. Salt River has again been up very high within three feet of being a high a it was before. Thcro has been no mail communication with1 Tuctou fur some timi. No mail from Wickeubtirg since the l.lth, until last night. On Tuesday, Jas, A. Moore, with his usual energy, sent the regular mail over from Mari copa Wells, for which ho deserves thanks and for which wo were all very grateful. If tho mail contract wcro let by merit, .Mr Moore would receive a largo share for the next trrm. Tho ditches are nearly all repaired again, much sooner than was anticipated. If tho hay and grain contractors put in fair bids fur supplying those articles wo will all be happy yet. II not, every farmer in Salt River valley will unite in opKing the min or men who propone robbing them of their hard-earned crops. Dilring this high raise of water Chan. Whitlow has been buty ferrying men aud animals across tho rivrr at his place. About a week ago the Governor passed through town, en routo to California to pur chase a band of sheep. The mill of Wm. IS. Hellings Jt Co. is busy grinding. Hosoa Greenhow is repairing the road lead ing from tbo northeast corner of town towards Wickenburg. The young folks of Phoenix and vicinity held a dance In the school-house last night. Thy propose, hereafter, having one ouco a week. The Chincso in town are divided into two factious aud sundry arc the dispute betwern them. Not long since a fair damsel of uw party sued a brave man of the other Jrty for SlOt for money lent, Ac, but fsilod to make it stick. The end is not yet. A few nights since " tin Meztiauo Valicnlt'' broko into a house where dwelt a frail but fair one, for the purpose of finding out who was her companion. Luckily for him ah was alone, or there would have been a funeral the next day. Judge Alap fined him 50, in default of which he was committed to jail for ten days. The teams of J. M. Firyan aro waiting to cross Salt River. The teams of L. Ortne and J. T. Dennis just got over the river, on their way to Yuma, before tbo raise. The Agua Fria is higher than It was ever known to be before. It is said that tb water is up around Duppa's hooso and that his well ha caved in. The mail crossed witb much difficulty. The roads arc very muddy. To-day ha ben very chilly. The moun tain around tbo valley are covered with S30W. Tho mud-roofed bouses in town leaktd during the rain. Mirriku. In Phamix, on the evening of the 13th int, by Judgo J. T. Alsap, Andrew Likarte to Miss Julian Hobbs, both of Camp McDowell, A. T. Roa. The first and only Grange of tbo Patrons of Husbandry in Arizona, was a few day ago, organized at Phumix, Salt River vattey. A few old boys of this place hare serious ideaa regarding a "Orangery" hero, upon tlit arriv al of contract flgurers now c rxtU. It it hinted that the Mr Van Duscn who has secured tho contract for earning malls on the Prescott and San Bernardino route, is an old California stage man. " Uncle" Ike llradshaw ay he is not the Rradshaw that ha contracted for service on the Prescott and Albuquerque route. Gossip have it that ill Nellie, daughter of President Grant, is engaged to be mar- . . ,111 i.. ii:.i...r - , i neal W a -owouy a.uBiuw rcvu -uu of a rich man. Hope she 11 'throw" him and come to Arizona. Again, Mr. Fred Grant, son of his father, has curious notions regarding a Miss Cooke, of Washington. LATEST DY TE LEO RAM. Tucson. Feb. 27. Soldiers arrived last night, direct from Camp Grant. They re port that Uapt lay lor ana ins commanu lounu tho San Carlos-Indians, in a body, in Mescal Mountains, about IS mile north ot old Camp Grant. Tho Captain regarded his force in sufficient, and returned to Camp Grant for reinforcements, lhe report is mat an irooi which could be spared at Grant were sent out on Wednesday. Nothing has been hcaru of Uapt Hamilton and his command. They left Grant about 10 days ago, well equipped, and with aliout a lull company and soma Indian scout. Par- tics just tn from Ban 1'euro anil uiencga re port no depredations nor any signs of hostile Indians. It commenced raining about seven this morning and continue moderately at this hour y:3U a. in. Our reports from Wickenburg, Maricopa Wells and Pha-nix, announce cold and cloudy weather. SPECIAL NOTICES. AZTLAN LODGE No. 177, P. & A. M. K.falir MrKlnfl nf tbla' Lnda ma tb. Ial flalurtUy or Mb monla, at 7 o clock r. M. HojoornlDg brttbrrn a, fratrmally larttrd to all.nd. THOMAS COniMS. W.M. C. W. WBLIJt, H-jtsry. 1. 0. 0. F., ARIZONA LODGE, NO. 1. Itrulnr MrrUnri of tbla Il na.Wrd (Mday Kt.oIdki, al MskwI. Hall. Mn bra of lb. Order, tn rvl aUwullnf, at. InrlUd Ut atUnd. U U. Jt'.WRI.L, If. U . A. LUKK, Karrrrtary. All tb and Ix-al IUIU I'litraRATfOXf,--I'nmwUa. Oili, Uyra, and luvlcoratora. Labia's n.nuln. KitracU. riara. l'owdrra. and ,oaiiiilii. tan UMit UK. KCNDAI.Ii M, ailT73 l1onar Uruf Mlr. POST OPJ?ICi; PRESCOTT. Malls rrtv froifl all jotfiW, Mvmlayw and Tbarvla) a. Orrif . b-ntf a bum t A. U. to H r. St. imuri, WwluwUjrt, f tklayl axl nalid, May Urdavs 1m4 vrry day of tb vnrk Raud.y. UULANUO ALI.KM, V, r I-. n DHK WEED RllMEDY OB 0RE00K BHEU- IIMUC Cur,Al Ut, RtUOUl.PIUjnwia. A 27, 1871. . i . i - 7 i. i V, T "in i . i "- T - . ti Tan "i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . Ordinance No. 3. It ii tMol lg tht Mavit and t'kl t t TIIUm mf I'tuoUU v HsCtlO.l lrX Any l-rmluuli(fof k'(nilr.noyiVjf, Wrr-liuWM, wiIImjum, c.llnr, m ulif Iim.. hIIsIq Ih .rntl) limit. u( Hi. tllUg. ,J 1'rrto.rtt, any uI'owd.f1 I.U.Uih powrWr, g-Utit .mijr, ru. twlkiii, iiltru jlye. tlu, w vthr-r I).I,W. Hlal lttrj(rruu utrttiuic. vr un UiUl, by vliler iuui. kirjwD, akait upua cuavktlcii llwrrxjl to .l.vifiml Kullly nf tiilaaUMAar, Aimlluauy mm iMt If.i tiuta twrulyUta ilutUrs, unt ln.rn than us. bun-lrril l..l!n. I'MhM, tlmt MirreliSbU kiI trwlcrt inr k..p la tUlr rictW iUm uf biul Iim. Ur IwinryilUU int., uf KuaMKil.r mil tmtniivg i mil, uf IiImUii irrlr w.l tu ttHtg ', u.4, uf yliuit jHilrr not ncKlini( 1 pmutU, of rub cuitvii Dot Krc.Vf.l. It itiittl b. Hi duly of rry rrm wlll.l. iht curir.l IlinlU v( Xhm tlllw. of 1'rr.cill, t krrp tli. (Urwaikt In fr.rnt of k TmlMi Mni4l liy Oi.iil I. gwl rrjuir ml Mcnr. nm.ll0oa, axl asy irum tufT.i lug inch UIilk to ImMinn or rtmlloiKt v bnikm or out of rr(lr wi Ui .nilHngr.r Hf or, th.ll umrotiie lion tbrrrof ! il..u..l iculltyofk HiUUriuranor nod to putit.lic-1 by a fin. of but Uu tluto Un nur lunfri tlwu fifty UolUri. htCX Tli. ItMurd.r of U. villain of 1' rji.ll list JnrUilrrilvn ot vk-Utkna of .11 city onlinf. r, and nil fin, ollrcinl lot Tlouilloti. b xM hi th. City Tr.Miir.r. aui II tUll U tbr dnty uf IU lUr.krJ U m that all nr. fuJthtully rs.tutwi. Oriliiiiiucc No. -I. II it cnlmd by IKt Mtiyur and CV.fiffl nf (A VHUj4 tf J'rtictt . Any rr. wlllln tb. nofxt limlu of th. tllUf. of IVvvtt, wliiUU inakr, mitmuurr., or Mailt in mak. If any Umjmt nuia, or dUturUuc ur Uwli of lb. ftt. ky eiuliir1n( any rvin In fifbt, or Uirui.l.j Ui I rht, ur by t$UMnf ui otlrwir, ur wko aball ind. . if, bla ivrauo, or wtw ahall dm iW.w or la d.unt loufe, lu say oublW la a Imfcl and InU. Lruua, hi crictkia iA My of lb. abor. uuraora. ak.ll m d..rI rnllly of a iaudnanur and pu.'.ahnl by a tor uf nut Ia (Jan U nor tuof. Uan on. iiuudrad duliwt. In U. of Ik. mart. I ltKI). WILLIAMS, Mayer. AnrJT: J AH. U. OTIH, lUvunUr. I.W7wU HUMMONS. TNTIIK JCHTKTH COt'KT OI l'KBCOTT I'ltE 1 Hurt, I tb t-outit of Vt.U, T.rrllury uf Ariauca. Ju C. OtU, J. I". Di.iri, TNoasr, Ilaistlff, ) agtintt Jm.M.Tllomji, K.frtxtinL ) TA Tirrilary vtrmma mmIi griilimf T. Jas. H. IVrmat, d.frixja.t. Von a, brraby .uomwrml v aftwa b.frr. a.., at my & la I'rrttott, la Ui cuunty .1 Y.f ajl. tin tb 77 U lr uf A irtl. A. I.. 1K7I, at ll e'tUck. u.. Is aa ae- Uon Lruufkl vralut yvn by uid r-laiatul klurnlLt m4at or Uw abut, fcan.1 ouiiiUQ. artkin la bruua-Lt Ui ii IU. aaa uf tbrr bna- drvd UAIut, SKiory kvavd. or will b Uka ar.ioit rwu lor th x.14 atuouat, W(br vlui eutu or 1k.a auit, if yuu faU W apfwar kui aar. T la. rwrtn ur any Ora.rbW of Mid Uonsly, rruf Mat. Ufmi ..rrW. .ad d. r.lur. bruf. Olt .. andvr lay kud. Una 3dh day f I'.bruay, A. I) IftTI. J AH. ii. OTta, f.bV7 A Juatk. of tbr I'm. of laid Prtalad. WHAT LIVE MEN clv:v do. Peace With the lApaches ..ANIL... (TELEGRAPH LINKS 66 It ESULTAiVT!" A DAILY PAPER AM). CHKAP GOODS IN PRESCOTT. RAILROADS COMING, TOO. BASHFORD'S STORE VTIZKVXY HERE. VjT Call, Em, PcrcUa a&j dm far tit Oraai laotk Da la Frier. clWa ri()EKR DRLG STOKE. Prescott, mOf Arizona. 'On hand and for Sale: AVER'S, JAYNE'S, BRISTOL'S, 1IUE.IK AXD II A 1.1 11 Family MedicineH, Aad a fall aarartaM-gt of tb. rrt PmUmt M.dlcla now In Ik. aik warraawd trrvti and irraauaa. Fancy Tviltt Artiebt, Sxtj and Ptrfiimerf, And a fan sarHr llraunra Mainctsxa. Phr.ltlaMaa' Pre acrlpllaa. rarrfally nd art.f- ately Compoand.4. EO. D. KENDALL, tjrin, KcxuaU.'a DfiW la rvarnf Dra; Su. )aa3Ta ORIENTAL Restaurant, liakcry and 81mm Next door to ti Mta oc, FRI.M1I Bttl'AD, PIES, CAKES, GOOD BOARD. Vairlahwt y Ih. Wctk, Dy, .rXial, svt tha fallowing rlr. I l'nWnl Tn dollars, enmaer. fil.fl. UtaU Ktty-BV easts. Oond Laf.r, Bw WW., Unwn and C1v. k.jl con taaUy a ka.l, lor la. aAaoauaOdaiUoa ol ttut.wa.ra. JtlUN UTEMMEU, rrorWW. PrrKort. Aifil 18. 1H73. Viask Itucclua. Tatorinujc mtiua. Purcella & Lolsilldn, Itar. now on band, at tka4r HaiCK HTOaa, (lUTrnaa's otd rtaad), Oondwla Stmt, an ainoa m UKOCERIKS, PROVISIONS, CLOXIIIKO. riOOfB 8"OMS MINING TOOX.9, WQUOKS, Ac, Vbk-h tb.y .ffrrfor a3 tlrmp. fb8rf 1? JZ E I X Juit Received at KELLY & STEPHENS'. ANTELOPE RESTAURANT, Qutloy Street, Noitli Slda of the Plaxa, I'KENCOTT, ARIZONA-. Tka rVdfwMnr nf tbla itanraat Vrtft- folly .nnuunCM IbttV. win ttr no iat le oaten. k tb. tn of bla painwi. Mnla will Ui furnltbM t mil hour! uf tb. ilr,.4 4hn Ubl. tnpIUt witli fUo, (ad tb choiMlt Atftcartr-s Out ran b. jaf4. Evsrytblof th-aa aad aerteU up la lb. brat Myl. ' 'r.WlllTEItHAIl.frorrlrWr. ritxeott, Nnv.mbrr Sl. Itf7g. aoti ELIXIR PEBUVIAtT BARK, WITH PRO GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CP. HEAD. JACK MARKS. C. I HEAD & CO., PRESCOTT, n. ietfally aipvntre U tlic yrvy'h of Nurtbrra Arhona. UmI IWy bai. km on band THE bAHOEST and BEST STOCK ....o .... GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ever Offered in this Market, ....COKrlSTlSO Of. ... LADIES' rUIvNISIILNU GOODS, QonU' Furnishing Goods, Mllituty FurniMliiiii; G'ootl drv ooods, onocEiuxas, PKOVIHIONB, XTLOVit, Dried and Canned IYuiU and KsaU 13ootw and 8I100M. CUTZJZRT, HAHDWAKH CnOCKUnYWARB, TOBACCX)S AND CIG.VIIK, "WINES, LIQTJOKS, FA5CY GOODS, OILS AWD PAUTf , GunN, I?iMtolN9 JLXFU! AND BLA8TDTO POWSZK. SHOT, LEAD, FUSE AND CARTRIDGES. Iron and iStoel, Mining & Farming Implement. eto, ETp, ere. WlttOft WB WILL HKLL, fOB CASH OVUT, AT THK BklALLMT I-orusiBtX MAIWUi A BOTH COT AM) CA&KIAOK. LIBERAL PRICES Paid in Merchandise or Currency .... ro.... GOLD rTJSO?, COLD AND .SILVER BULLION, ....AMU TBC... Mcrdumtablo Products OP ZBS OOTJXTRT OPQ3iaTJiT. Martyr nuvfaQy stodbMl Hm KoUr f gterla 4- tlraM. tar VUt atafeat, aavl battoff mm bud sa laTf. mad as Tnrted aa aa.nr1r.ia1, aUr4 wita Dm giialasl faam- U. car, ww tern taaMwH tbal tur U ntuimg yaar ra WW Wttar .naMa UMllaTr tm amawrllll WwmmU mwmitHj tkaa arar kanaui-ja. rraMH, Artaama, Jmtrarf 3, IKi. 9 m. n. sooprs. idnaW; aai 1mI'A.T Baa rnacaaea, CaUJmia. WM. B. HOOPER & CO. aXeicliixiit, Forwwrd&ra, ooiaassioir a&witb tftrf Ittiair, AUnriac M u4 Trmk tbir Tvi Mm( aM RE A VY STOCK From European, JEadem,and San Francisco JilarkeU. T Mkaa, IrtoV. a4 SV Kanavs, Ma, Llfaar DmWs, )Ua'Aro a Tnaperfri at fata watch (aaraaU. aaftMacUoai, OOMMipSIOHKIIS TWifa 'Cormrudaat la At 'CKCF.T CITIK Of THE WOKLD, OKVTXX A'w 'WCLED TO TSK LETTER. (J0N S I G-1V-MENT S Of Tiatt, Uttthii or'MadtbMry fee Aterttca, fV (raa.dJi.biDi art attr.drt to STRICTLY IM AC OOKDASCE VlTII INRTVuCTlONa, t. tto b.t raUrwt of tb imtm. THE M08T ritObf'fT DISPATCH AXD CARE- Wis DKL1VEKV AXHUKED. Tb. oaoctiM a4 lrra8CnrU an ftrtod t vy J! la la T.trirrr. OOLD DUST, VJOI.1) AXD 8ILVEII BULLIOM. V. R, Bonds, Tf auy Drafts, Lajal, fUldUsf' VTarraau. Eaatm' Drafts, az.4 pt Oocaatdal Prr, Oraln, llkiv, Wool and ALL TE8KJT0KIAL AND MEXICAN rhODUCTS tu4ktava6j-OUCAn -. 4 ilnun wad. as nay b drshta. Our Stock, is Complete. OL'lt COXSECTIOSR T1IH DEHT. Aai w cff.r lbli4or Arlsona, Bonora amj New M.xtcu ladut. mtDt totobUinabV. ataay albrr Uuumuq lb. lJls Cuaat. Bovltf WM. B. HOOI'UU A. CO.