Newspaper Page Text
WEEKLY ARIZONA MINER: PRESCOTT, PJ5BJ1UARYJUST4. TELKGKAPJUC. i o Special Diipatohos to the Arizona Kinur, 3v We-itcrn Union and U. S. inw1. i 1. military Lines. ... Tu"ti, KH. :!?. Following horn are from latt atunluy's liti.un: Tho District Court will convent) in rognlftr Miiun in Tucvm ihic wctk from no.vt Mon day. Colonel K. W. Crittenden of Crimp l'.owio, arrived in (own on la-t istittiliiy, ami is still hero. Judge C. T. Ilaytlen enitit; In from Salt Hiver on the llUitunl loft on his return List Monday. K. N. Fiili kit hero Tor Camp Grant on Thursday. D. A. JJunnett will leave to-day, by htagc, for I'rccott. We are informed that Cordova, one of tho Pno men hung on the jiliizn, August, by our citizen, had, a few months prioi, murdered a whole party of men, women and children, on their way from Southern California to Sonora. That ho took tho curt and loams of his tictims to San Miguel, near llcrmoillri, and disposed of them in such a way that ex cited suspicion and inquiry. E. M. l'earce arrived in town on Tuurail.iv from the noted copper mines forty miles went of IIo superintended the loading of eight Cen-mulc teams with about SOU flacks of remarkably rich silfer ore for ship ment to San Francisco ria Yuma. Tho weather since last Satunlay, has been remarkable, especially up to Tuesday. Tho latter part of last week was cloudy. Satur day opened with a cloudy sky and in the af ternoon rain begun to fall, and continued, with little or tio intcrmivdon. Ilefore Sun day morning moro roofs were leukinj; in Tuc son than ever beard of before, and continued to leak until Monday, when the rain began to abate. Stores, oiKccs, dwellings, hardly a room escaped a wetting. Clouds havp been floating about ever since and occasional show er of rain fell all tbo week until yesterday,. Thursday morning tho mountain tops in every direction were whito with Know, which also covered the mountain sides lower down than at atiy timo during the winter. The air in tho valley has been a little raw, but not uncomfortable. Wickcnburg, Feb. 23. Weather cloudy, and cold. Indication ot more rain. The Hume carrying water to Smith's mill Is badly washed out again. The mill is now running on surplus water caused by the. late storm. The mail wagon from Phoenix arrived early this morning. The llassayampa canon is still imjiassablo and all the travel is via the Vulture mine and Smith's mill. The water in the Agua Fria is subsiding a little, po that the mail wagon was able to cross safely. The roads tq Prcscott and Ehronberg arc in fair condition and no more trouble is an ticipated. Phoenix, Feb. 23 Weather cloudy ; looks like rain. Tho river is fordable. No news. Maricopa Wells, Feb. 2.1. Weather cloudy; indication or rain, luc Uila is tamable. Nothing now. Tkl. Omen, Ft. Wmri'i.c, Feb. 23. J. IL Marion, Etqj Havo not had anything aouthof Maricopa Wells to-day. Am afraid the line has another spell. Yours, Ac, Wm. Ellison. Phconix, Feb. 27. Weather clear and very cold. John Smith and Lieut Hay, of 3IcDowcll, havo been in town for a few days. A shooting match, for a champaign supper, was had yesterday, and about twenty per eons enjoyed tho repast at the Capital House. A meeting of tho farmers interested in the formation of a Grange, was held yesterday to hear the report of the secretary. A commit tee was appointed to solicit signatures to a petition to the U. S. Grand Lodge. No mail for two weeks, from Tucson, and none to-uay from Maricopa t clli. Mr J. Dartlett is still in town awaiting an opportunity to proceed to Tucson. , Tho lollowing rioto from the telegraph op erator at Fort Whipple, which wo received a coupje of hours ago, will oxplain tho tele graphic situation: J. Jl. Marion'. Am. unable to get cither Eastern or California news for you to-day. Had San Diego for a few minutes about 9 o'clock this morning, but since then have bfien unable to raise an offico south of Mari copa. Wickcnburg, Tucson, and Maricopa rcpon uio wcaiuer extremely coiu ; outsuio of tnat not a particle of news, except manu factured, and as I know you wish nothing but facts, I send you nothing of that-aort. Yourj, truly, Wm.Ellisos. A SrRAP OF TEXAS HISTORY. The Dallas. (Texas) Herald of Ouristmae. Day has the following article, which will bo read with interest by Toxani every whero , Aside from llie holy uasocbtiotis of llils day, It las a ptcallir slgoltlcanco to tbo children nnrl tbo jieopie or lexas. Tbirty-onc years ago, ibis day, was cunciuiicu lue lati vault) olHfecil IUC JiqiUD lie of Texas and the tnothcr country. .Mexico. Coraraencliix at tuo bej;liinln of nlglit, on the day previous, about tlireoIiundrcahalf paked, half starved and poorly armed TcxansTntcrcd itio town of Mler, thrco miles beyoud Ihu Itlo Oraude. cutting tlicir way tiirouli three thousand Mexi cans, coinmanilea by Uen ledro Atnpudia, an able olllccr "XUroucli tne nlirbt, and for nine teen consecutive hours, those three hundred Texans maintained tbelr position, aud killed more Mexicans than their entire band norabered. They killed dead on the field three hnlidred and twenty-seven Mexican soldiers, besides wouudlnL' twice at mniir. while their own inimlior ur.ia lexa limn three, hundred. The annals of war prcseut lew parallel cases. Hut, their ammunition ex hausted, ihey tlnally surrendered to uiim time their own number. Huch was the great battle of Jllel, Uhristinaii day, 18(2. Separated from all their acid o'fflter,! and be iaz marched contrary lo the capitulation, to tho City of Mexico, these heroic men. two numtlia later, rose upon their jruard at Ibo Hacienda Sa. lado, In the State ol San Lula I'otosl, overcame them, seized their arms and aou"ht by a inoun- taiu routr, to return to their on n loved laud of lexa. it was too much. The whole Interior of Mexico rose to prevent so L'reat a stain on their national bonor. Our brethren, survinx-their tonRueahwollen for wani'of wutcr.nftcraomehad peruncu were recaptured and carried back to tialadn. SanU Auna, then President, Instead of honor- ing sueu neroum, ordered tieiicrnl Mejia to shoot them all. McJla noble and bravo Mcxl can refused to execute the nccuracd order, aud wroui to 8.IUU Amis, becKlnr him to counter inand It! hanu Anna yielded, in so far as lo order the celebrated lottery of life, by rtfjulrlu,' that, blindfolded, tho prisoners should draw from ajar fjujuabcan. J.vcry tenth bean was black, and the drawer thereof wa to bo shot, (it ueral McJla, honored be hU memory, Indignantly re fused to bo the medium of such cowardly snr Kryi a'i't resigned bis commlntlou. The next In command carried It ouL On hundred and flfty-thrce while and Mt-en. teen black beans were placed iu un earthen Jar the one hundred und seventy remaining prisoners' were blindfolded, and one at a time they drew u bean, if white, they lived, but Mill 11 prisoner; if blsck ho was to be taken out and shot to dtwtti. The cruel tnamlaio enough of luolf forever Ut jtitnu the memory of Antonio Loner, de Santa Jium W3J carried out. Jfevcutcvu of those Im- vera liiurtlcrcil out on tLo plain at ii. ilmtAln. surrmiiiilrt! I'.v it promts- liitlvi, and, (ioil liloaa Iheiiy r of Movlco. mid tin-re rangi-it ilin. Ilia doomed luim called III" Utlt ii u ! I i ','," f' t number, uuiitl uiiiiiiiin, a .'Unrdlst Church, to Invoke tliu 'r tliey urn-shot. True to fiis or Hie ililld ul llctlililuii), lie I to the Fullior or Alt Merci'-e, I or, in Hie cnrli of a iniiii-ter, iiltlel threw lilm lo the ground mill declurtwl (hat heretic honlil profane the oll by aiblrMidtii! llMven s turono. in tho jirfsenci! oi ono mm i their sorrow Imk cuiiitaiiitiii, tinny Mvuntiiu insrtr to Tuxiu liberty tro thuii mid tUrivsliot unto dmtli. Alter tittiily two )r:vr litiprlrontiiitnl nml mileli brutal tnnliniiit, the Mler prl'otiurs fiu ro ll used at the iiitr-m-alon of tii'ii Wadily Tlinmp- Hin, or Aouth Carolina, then AmvtiiMii Mlin-ler to Metlco, lor willed honored bu hN name among ill Texan. To eloe here would be cruelly iinjii't to the Mexican nation. It l. a truth, never to be Ignored, that throughout Mleo, the .t.igu and cots anil act w;w eoiideiinied by all tliu real party of lib erty, fi ended by (iomeV. rtri.i, mid now in trium phant lio-v-il'iui ol the government. It l eitially and more gloriously true that ever) where In that country the woueti deplored the tnrtxtron. net and did all they could to ulluil.ite the misery ol the unfortiitiatu prisoners. So, children of Texas, remember on thl day the auirerlii;s ol our people. In other day, In or der to ostabllili that liberty which you now enjoy; aud while joyous and happy, one with another. do not forget lo drop a tear to tho tuutuory or tbal gtorlou bnntl or iiisu and patriots the .Mler prisoners w ho aurroudvred on curutmas u.y, Tin: An IJii.l. The plauof relief for tho Southern l'acilic, is bricllv as follows: All the lands of tho company to be sold bv :i coinmisioner appointed under the authoritv of the I'niled States, and tho proceeds placed in the Treasury to the credit of tho company, tuo lioverniuent to return the amouut charged for transportation of the mails nud other carrying tervice. The Company ask the I nited states to guarantee tbo interest on a five per cent. bond. The benefits that must accrue to the country, and more partic ularly to the bouth, the lact that tho Uov ornmcnt is secured ngainst loss, and the nl ready rapid progress of the work, give every reason to uopo that tho meastiro will pasi In connection with the enterprise, the fol lowing from the New Orltfans Times, is inter esting : "The speedy completion of the Tex as l'acilic ltuilroad is a matter of tho very first moment, to a Urgo portion of the bouth em people. That it will be the chosen route of a highly important commerce is unnucs tionable. Running south of the snow belt, it will bo equally available for safe and pleas ant travel In winter as in" summer. The.c facts aro of national imiiortance. Tho cotin try to be ojKsncd up by this new Pacific road constitutes an'important portion ol our na tional domain, whether viewed in connection with its agricultural or mineral resources.' Philadelphia1 Press. Our friend Mr William Matthews, of the rail roud depot, has received from Arizona the tires ent or a pair of Apache leggings and a small a sortmcnt ol Aztec pottery. Tbd lesclut; tcrml nate In pointed-toe moccasins, and tho fragments of pottery sivc evidence or a remote civilized art.- It will bo recollected that CipUln Jarucs who surveyed the Coloradb Deacrt last year, Raro some marvellous accounts about tho abundance ol this fragmentary pottery In the Desert, He said that ir nil the crockery In the United States were mnusuert una scattered over, tne Desert, it would not exceed the amount of broKcn dclph he toern saw. i i.os Anseies express. Arizona isn't much of & desert, but it has more of this ancient crockery than any place ofits size. in tne world. .... Alfalfa Hat for Milch Cowa. Wc aro well satisfied that for milch covrs alfalfa bar It tnnrc valuable thau any oilier. It will make more milk aud of a better quality than any other kiuJ of bar. In fact, wc believe, and our belief la founded upon actual cxpertenca In feeding, tbat cows will give more milk and make more butler or checae wben kept in tbc stable anu led on goou uiiau.i bay alone, tban they will when running In Hie jiatture and feeding on plenty of uood native crass. Via bavd fed cows on oat bay sud lvcn them a jrood fclopofbran twice' a day, and arc sore tbal with this feed tli'cy will not thrive as well or gkc as ranch milk as when fed on alia t.i bay and tio bran at all. The alfalfa, ho wever, to t-ecure lhec good iual. tics, must be cut uciore in blossom, and must oe cured without exposure lo the aim, so that all the nutriment win be relalueu in the stem sua an ma lcavfcs'bc retained. If not cut until too ripe and tben dried In the sun It becomes of but little more value as bay for any use than so much willow brush. (Sacramento liecord. W1CKENBURG. WICKENBURQ HOME STATION OF TIIK ARIZONA STAGE LINES, JUNCTION" OF TIIK TUCSON AND WICK I2.YU UltG PEESOOTT, SAN BERNARDINO ANU rr -A. Gr 13 XTS'J3 ONE mr.NUnr.I) MILKS liut of Khrenbern and th Colorailo ItiTer. Ninety milea aoutli of I'reaeott and Three Jlundred milea Katt of flan llernardion ; Siity mil! Went of PhuinU tittt One Hun-lre.1 and TirtQtx nit- Wet f i'lorenee, awl tine itunnrea ana r;izDtr milea nm oi Tucson, oilers Good Accommodations to Travelers, Via, Hoard and LOdeinca, a fine Corral, Barley nnd WheM. liar for JitoeL. a Ulankaiailb and Wacoa Hhon for repair of wagoot and shoeing lloraea. Alio couataatl on hand, noe PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, All at reifOnbla prlcea, and every attention prea to Ua traveling public 10 wake ueir anjourn H iraaaniune. jAMf.ft uka.m , rropneior. J 11. 1'lKItHON, Uuirintendent. )llTayl M. L. PERALTA, WickvnbiirR. Arizona, Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTH Ift'G, IMtOVISIONS, HARDWARE. Minintr and AirricuUnral Implements b b . powdkii, fitsf:, ktc. MAGNOLIA SALOON, WICKIiMU'IKi, AT11Z6.A. Th1 well -Vnnxn and popular tJire of re.trt hiU Sealn, through etplnition of lcate, fallen Int.i the handi of Ita owner. A. 11 I'axplea, uoutr wiixe uirecuou 11 win oon iimje i, rw nm i-Jt tin' aceoinriir)iiaqon or ;ne jiuvne. TIIK UAH, (whkuUatteodulb.brTouf'Souraoir,) nm, at uu uir.e, m imim wen iuppttni itn ' TIIK JJKhT IIUA.Vllli OK which, iiuuors. aim uigurs Till. 11ILI.IAM1) HOO.M CONTAINS two in.X TJJi tVls. JldrMnln tie rUrVon, Ami Uioilgla lo Ml. I'veplea, ;, A COUItAL. Where stock' a 111 b 'M and otlierwlw atfvadol to. Jaa X It, I'UKl'l.lJS, Proj-rlttw. PMSCOTT. n I TO THE PUBLIC. New Store- New Goods. THE JIKST EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. VK TAKK THIS MI'.TIIOU or ltr.spcrn'fu.Y nnnuiiiiciuit In tlx juil) mi I tint w li.iv iMt rt'rinl, nr. Miii!-d, Hiitl urn now 'linK- xnd niVttn; for nal. In uur liEW AND COMMODIOUS STORK, South Oldo of Plaza. Picscott, Arizona, (Onr luor l!iut of Wvrnuir A. Vertbliiifr' V IS 1 A I Al K IS' S B S T () C K , coxniiNrt, iv i-Airr, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Clothing, Boot's, Shoes, Gaiters, Of nil klmU atnliliri, for Kvlin, pnllinim nd lo. ot it stock, iiaviso ni;r.. si:i.r.cTi:t with cri-t rrr by mi "if the firm, fb m ill rmnlti la Sun 1'raiirlx.i for tlm irvo of 1'Ujln umri- f !, at n ftiilull ivlvaix' (hi eiMt), nml vith ypi-ciut rrferrftrf to this uuukct, no km eonfiilrtil that w ran wll tmr CII.E APE It Than ariviUirr llinuotn tho Tfrrltnry. nrr Ukt- lute rrunn timi x 10 iiininy -uni hanpuiKimy 10 inr want u! tliu oimuninlty ntir l tmnirUrl. I'ftr mwDi w TMMtfiillr 1V.'II ulialo f tli" uhliii Klrmtw(, frrllnir fwoiirnl Unit i-Jf g'l ual ncn r.iBiiot tall li vlitllr NiuiUCUnn. "5 Curreacy Eichanjed for Gold Doit...! II. A.SIIKII .V CO. Piwott. Npveinlr g. If73.'JUif COM I'LETE ASSORTMENT o Groceries, Provisions, PARMERS1 liriCUItKAXS' STOKK.N. jYo. IS South Jlotifezama St., (0uite Dan 1UU' KrttAUrant ) lloinjf conatAnUy Id receipt of frpli arriTjt, uoitalf nr on hand. l umen piwlucv and inuktun; oanUM in vxcniiigv (rrHts. Cull ml trttwrilin, ltnrrftir rrlunas ifrenDiu-K or fold dint, at 1C .MrachHiu t idd iiUaJ, wtirr yuu will find the undcrTirtd or hit aulsUuti ready to iieoninniu- data at all tliu-. h. C. UOU Kith. l'rccott, Jun 7. 1K73. YUMA COUNTY. 1JEST AISM) CHEAPEST Freiirlit and Passenger Itoutc. ntoM San Francisco, Ca!., TO S"TJ 3VT JK. , ARIZONA, r.i GUAYMAS. LA PAZ, MAZATLAN, And Other JIej!cn lort. THE COLORADO BTEAM KAVIOA. tion I'omralir'l eieeltent Rleiimhi NEWBERH and MONTANA leate Hon I'mnciKo arerv twenty dan kir Meiican poruan.1 month of fnloradnruer. eonnecunu wun mn boats. 're)uht Usdad at Ynma In iwel a (1-V dart from San Fraaebuyi. Aeenciet of the Company at lilO Front Street. Haa FiBneueo. California. l uioa and l.hrenterir, Arizona. B. Jr.. I. I'dl.llA Jllin, jr.. ao'lC Qaaeral Nnperlntendent. I'nssagc at Reduced Rates. Yuma to San Francisco. Per C. S. N. Co's Steamers : CaWa... Steerage 40 Coin' 35 ' J&i-Accommodations Tirat Class. Tl, I. rOMIAMl'fl, Jtt, nor?tf General Sopeiintendent, Yuma Xfiii- Store. GEORGE iMAHTIN, Wholeaale and ltetall DRUGGIST, IMain Street, Vumn, Arizona Haa In itore a full line of Dispcnsinir lletlicincs, Patent Motlicima Drugs, I'cniimcry, ramw, uus, xouei Soajis, Toothbrushes, Ani all other articles usually Vert In Uruff Htores fjJ'Treae.riptions I'u T "" ffreat cat. Orderafrom the country tollclted, with the aainraaee, that rrlcea. Am., will tm found utiafactory. OKOItOK MARTIN. Yntna. Arfxonau decialtf PIMA COONTY. E.N.FISII& Co. Desire u Itit.rm the nubile, t brou zh the medinm of the jii.vcl', mat uieir auirea auu waieiKauwa, aij Tucson and Florence, la I'ima count)-, Ariiona, are alwnya fillexl with full lines o( ach gowltaa are nelel lo the Territory, and that their ampt faeilillea Air pnrchaalnir and receiving Kooda, enable them to aell better urueiea, hit leas money ibart any other firm la Ooulbcaatem Arizona. la avtdltlon lo rrjralnx tore arUelea, they keep on Land 1'IXK l.VmilM AND SHINGLKN, AtSO - )lr. Klah. at Tucson, and lrv CollinErrowL nt Florence, will be plraaed to recelyet call from iuch eHIiena of .-.ortaern Aritona, ,ew exio ana jaurorBia, aa may Tlllt, or poaa uieae places. mn.-.' J LORD & WILLIAMS, Poatoifico Block, cor. Congress & Main fitn TUCSOIsr, ARIZONA, Hare cooitastly on hand a Full Assortment of Morchandiso Adai'teil to the waatsof Arizou.ios. They alio ar r'" parru w mrnian rREIQHT, aH&JW, AUD ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, DO A ni'.NKItAI. IIUOKKItAflK HCfilNiiSU, lMako Collections and SeU Exchange oo any part of the world. rartlo from Northem Arliona, vliitln; Tiv-toa, Wlll at. wa-a nuu uur uueu amnj; imw upat r. it. Tiu-r. r- ornos. h. u. m; tisii. TULLY, OCHOA, & CO., TUCSOIV, ARIZONA. Wn wnuM err refnoctfulW rail the all.ntlrM of lh wopij4 in nniiry in our larire and complete aaanrt Kiple mentrf ALia Kixnx ov jrnncirANi)isi: H'Afrra trj nil at the Uvett Ccult Vrictt. "SWInVllenlltiieiamlaeourstocii befvra uuiVlaf; their uiui.un ami a w in. . tna.ll TUI.LY, )CII0A, &. CO ' ' " '"".t- , i-r qKK 'WEED BEMEDT OK 0BEO0N BHEU kj-e- uulUi Cu7,at Us, Kendall's fro.; KVJie. LKGAL. SUASIONS. T.V Till". IHSTIHOT COfltT 01' THIS .T.COXU I Jhti;n Outrlct, In tlm L'outity of MuImt, Trritury f Arinii. Wm. CuTv ntx John C. rutin. 'tirtnrt iinilr tlm tlrni nuiiir un J tj If ul Ory mid lvtiJ, jiiminiiu; The 'nrl 1 TlffrSUi-t Mlnltic Omnpnny, iNfimlatiU. Ai IIi.ii tiMUitht In tlii- litrk't Until t uf lli .V rimd Jii- il'nal lliitlivl In nnd fr Ui tuiiuty of Jluhuvt-, In the Trrrttiiry ot rl(niM. Thi Trmloriiif .IriMnit tnnh ar"t inj lo Tliu Ciirfl nnd 'I lifi-f hilxtr Miiiinc C'oMi'iyi Yimi ik' ln-irtiy unitiiniii-il mi l nfi'ilri-d lo npi-'fir In nn (titiim lin.niflil Ht-Hlnit j on liy tlii- ulnn iiiimrd pl.untllf In, llm inlnil i.init or iim .-t-coii'i jo.ik i.h jjninri, in mid f"i tlii. munty of Jloluu, in tin- 1 tritor of Afl- nim, Hinl unttvrr tlm niuipiaini mm mi io-.irr oi tin. I 'mill nt Iftlml, in aid loimty (ii t.'i of ulilcUioni. J.laint n,i imipnilM tlu iiniinnii). "itlini ti'uty dyt ,i-clnU nt tin-diiy ofwrrln afur tin- nnnflUiii jmi of Una Miiiiinvin, If trricil In llo muni) , but If t-rvnl out of Hip toiint Hinl filliln iliU dutrut, llin f iiltm tluri v tlav ; in uil oiln-r ui' toll)' dn. Ami Juu'.iiu lirn-liy itotiHetl Hint if Joil Uil to apnr niiitnnri th roinj'lnlnt nt nr riiiiml. tlm IdnliilllT will takti Jutliuut ag.utilt )ou for tao um uf unn tlHiiu nnd tlilic Imudred and rii(lity-t-ii;bt dollnr with in- tiT. t. u.ti an i'irr ontr.xt tor Hit imyinrnt of mony ImIik- dun upon iwttltnn-nt ot kmwuiiU, and cuU .mil illi'itM-iiKiitu In llii IhIi.iII ii'fiidi'd. - tllM'ii iinUi-r my lnl iud iln" al of nld DUtiict Cuitrt at Orlmt, tliu l'.'th itny or Juuiury, A. U. If7t. )autMlU CAl.UWLI.I. WltHlHT Ll.rV. SUiMMONS. In th lllnrlot Ctmrt, Thlnl Judicial Uitrlct, In Hi County of Moimi, 'f i-rritory of Ailtvita. JoUn .Smith. I'laintllT, 1 niraitilt Dunirl Curran, Defendant. 1 umnioti: Artion bmnnlit In Its llutrw t Court of the Thlnl Judi cial Dutrictlnaud (urtlio cuuuty of MuriroH la lha Turil luryof ArittHi.i. The 't'erritory of Arliona icndt Krtiii)r tu llanlol Cur ruut ihi nr hTby luinnionod and rwjuirpd to up.r iu an actioii l'rtight aalntt ymi ty the nhnve-hawird pUiortlf in tlwi Dijtrkt Otirt of Hih Thlnl JudkLiI llutrli-t In and for the county of Martaopit, in thf Triritory of Arimna, and Minn tlm complaint tiled with the ClrrH of tub t-ourt, at l'h.cnu m mini county. ( a i-opy of whieli complaint ac nimpinwa tui iiuiiuuii.1 mill, i twfnt) J) (iciuilTt of th day of n-rli.) uflr tli t'rvlc uim you of tbli utnmoin. it rifd In thl lounty. hat If rTd wit of Uio ..iiioty and within thi dutrict, thru within thirty dayt, in all otht r nun forty day. And roil are Wehy Dtll!ltnnt If yonfalltonppnr and an.MtMtio rooiplblnt Ul nborr triiircit, tli plaiutia will iil'I'ly to tkr court for thf rrlitfd'tnaudird therein, under uod dUbumni-aU In thl bthnU enwodrd. Ilitcn andrr tnr hand and Uie leal of the uid uli trift Cillt. at rinunlx. tlu lVth day of December, A. I. lr?3. ilecStlO U. V. CaTB, tllerV. Sheriff's Sale. DUtriet. C. I. IlKAli A: CO.. ITalntlrr. ) " t CCKTU C. 1IKA.N, Defendant.) llr rirtue of an execution Usiu-J out of the DUtrkt Coiutof tl. Thlnl Jwllclal DUtrkt, In and fir VhikwI Ccmntr. Ariuma Territory, oo the At day of February, lr I, In Ilia uUite en U 11 ml caie. I line lell upon nil tlia rlcht tltlu and Interent t Cnitii C. ltenn in and to the fol lowing deacrlbnd emlM- situated In WiUiuiuaon Vallty, to w it : The fractional uth halt (I) of the s-Hithn-cut oiurter (1) of M-erion eighteen fir) and the fraetioual north halt (I) of the northwct iiuarter til of rtlon nlwtreu flit ), in townitup eienteen fit)- north ol renra nuinnvr three rJ, wcUof the IliU nnd halt Klver rnertdion. eouUinlnir one huadre.1 nn.1 aitly and oue ou-hundil:h acre of bind. nruco i anaii eiiuM rur wie na ine law lureru, nt ine Court llixiui, in the town of r retoott. A. T.. ou TuurKlar, Uia aui .lay til ilureli, If 7 i, nt Vi o dock .M. II. . lll.ltlll.ur. Mierin. IWitl, A. T.. I'ebTUar)- 1674. fb!3tl iVOT ICE. KNOW ALL MEN 11V TIIF.SK I'ltlJSKNTS. That I. the undemzned. claim and have thU dar locatnl aad Uten pianeMion of, for agricultural and pradnf parti' ! a Invt i4 land deacribed aa fulluwa i Couiuiendnff at thia atakn, which is la the aortheott rurner of the claim, und running aouth one inOe to a alalia; UH-aeei treat one-tmuth mile to a stake ; trience aenn one mile Ua ataVei thence eatt to place) of bxinnine, in : rluding what l ino n aa Malpala .Springs, aUeit lurty eiehl nllea northeiul from Camp Apaohe, In Yavajaii couatr, Arizoou, and on the roud leadlns from aald Cainp Ajoche to New Mexico. JlKI.Cjl. IADK.S LUNA. July jtn, is i J. NOTICE. KNOW ALL 31 BS II V TIIKSK l'llKSKNTS. That 1. the undenlLrnrd. claim and bare ttif dar lorateid acd taKen reeioTi of, for arricultoral acd irraxlay lujxiaea, a traet of Und deactibnl aa follow : CoiunsericiDff at thi itako, which la the nortlieaat ourner of the cUim, and rtincJojf aouth two milea; thenee wnt one-efphth mile ; thenre north two milea ; thence eaat t plare or uefrlnninp, inciuiiinfr xtiM la Known aa uoaeno riprinn, on uva ceaa or uoncno urrea, arneuurr ot tne Little Colorado river, and altuated to the nt of the wairon road leadinr from Camp Aiwehe Ui the Little Ol. orailo river, iu Varapai county, Ariiuna. JKAUi) JlAltlA l.l'SA. July 2Jti. 1W3. ivotTce. KNOW ALL MKJf II V TIIKSK I'KKSKNTfi. That I, the liudeitJjroed. elailn, and hje thia day located and UiVea r'Mi-aaloa of. for agricultural and grazing purpose, a traet nl land, aitii.i-.eit aa follvwa ; OMunieociiu; at thia (take, ohich (a the northetut corner of thi claim, and running aouth two milea teaetake; thence wratone-eizbth mi lei to u atake ; thence north two milea to a atake ; thence eaat to place of betrinnloff. in cluding what la known as the Lake Spring., tituuted about one mile a.tnUieaat of t'mcho Hprinfra, aod ou h woalaUMot Ine wuzon navl golDjr Iroiu Uamp .uchelo the little Colorodu river, In Yavapai cttmtr. Arisoru. AATU.NIU JUMi LL.A. JslyS, 1373. iVOTICE. KXOW ALL 31KN 11V TIIKSE I'ltKSKNTK. That 1, the tiuderahraa.1, claim and lave thit day located and taken pewxiwi of n tract of land, for mrnenltura! an.1 Rraiiriar parjiMa, dencrilie.1 iu followa: Cominencinir al tbla atake, wlilcti la the aoutheaat corner of the claim, and running wett one-tiarler mile to a Hake ; ineoca nonn ouo anu one-nair mueainn atake, uienee eaat im-ffHirth mlla tiiaatakej thrni awith toj-liueef tirlnnfng, laclinlltur what U known as Jlineral hprinsi, altuated uhnut forty-two miles nortlieaat of Camp Apache, i avajui oonniy, .niona l erntnnr. i uA.-vyijii.i.Nii i.r.NA. , July 25, ira, norlSyl Executor's Notice. Estate of JOHH HEHRT L0013 WOBTMAN, Deoased. Notice U hereby elren to the credltora of and alt per- khii hatlnir clalma aifalnit the eitate of John Itemy Ixmla Wnrtmaa, deceaard, o preaent the same to the un. derailed KxKatnr, at l'reacott, Yararttl County, A. T., witaia len mnnius irom ine naie oi una notice, or trie eame wfU be forerer liarrrd : and all pereona linlthti-d to wild eaiale are hereby r'uetel to make immediate payment. Jijll.-v llAllll.f., I.iecllt,r l'reawtt, Janimry 5, 1671. janlOinl Executor's Notice. Estate of PHILIP AUSTIN. Deceased. Nvtlc ! hereby riven to the creditors of nnd nit nr. vma havloa; plalnn nffainit the rtnte of I'hilip Amtiii, tie reaiw,, to privect the aame tn Ihe underala-ned Kseoulor, i iiaaera raacu, flutivi ijouniy, A. 1., wllhlu tan li.fill. from date of this notice, cr tie lame will be for ever lorrrd. and' all peraona in.Uh.ed tnaald eatnteiun. hereby roprtietH to make Immedlute parmeuL lli.Mtr LAMIIKIIT. Kxeentor. llaker'a llanch, ilvliare Ooaty, A.T., I Heptember tilli, 1871. J noirMin3 xitii:scorrr.F BOOT & SIIOK FACTORY, Weit Side of the Plajta. Custom Work Made lo Order. . nXPAIIUNO NEATLY DONE. frewti trrcwrd and nailnl lenita iale to tinier, bt f luoed ie,. w. H. WILLISCEAFT, Proprietor, !'ri'4t Arlinna, June M, 1673, jeiMtr I PACIFIC BREWERY. - MONTKZUMA BTItKET, Kent door to the Minbii Olllce, l'rwicott. iooi LA(ii:it iiKuit, Liquor and Cigar$t Alwny un lwnd and Tor tv. r . . . , JOHN ltAlllt.U, 1'roprietor. a'rtaixitt. January 13, leTA t'CIlUnU Mlnlnit unit Uultclitlm needs Kjitclul und Ueiitirnl I'otveraifAltotnry ctcfuraale ul OiOlltitr Onus. ARIZONA STA(il') LINKS, rJC UCSON, Y'OMA SAN DiECO U. TRI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. CoucliH nrthn tit TiifKjmneiy MONDAY, WEDNKariAY k SATURDAY M0BN1NG8. Ilepnrt lit I I'.V. on Tuesdays. Thursdays nnd Saturdays. t'nttl further iioticii. Tinu! lo San Tive I).jh, Thl will enable the Traveling public to reiu li BAN FRANCISCO IN EIGHT DAYS. Tare to Vuma I'nro to fiun Ub-gu, (Rultt Coin or iu e.uial-nt.. ...V).I A StiiRe, cnrrylnjc the IJ. H. Mull, nfll lento Maricopa Wells, for Phconix, Kterv Mooitnv Mornlnir. ltelurnlnir neil dnr. I'onneel. Inr; n't Marion) Wella with the Ulna and Turton lua.l lint. Thli i the Ql'ICKEST AM) SA FUST Itoiite fnim Northern Arironn to Tuenoti nnd eonneetlnj ut Vum with J. (I. Cnpmu'i lin of iUkvi f.r Kan DUgo, California. ep?T.' J AH. A MOOKK. IVoprletor. ARIZONA STAGE LINE ltrpulur itmt neeVly trip, by tnie( with tnall, will be tnnue llwreu Prcscott, Arizona, ..ami.. San liernanlino, California. Two lmrte waironn, mrr)du( the I H. Maill and pea. ienf ert, leaia 1'rrnott nnd 8a u Ikrnardino every WEDNE8DAT AMD BATORDAY MOENIKQB, MaVIiie the trip In ill lUyt; imxlni en reulf, KltltKN- Ur.ltO, AVICKF.KIII'IIO and CAMP 1ATK CltKKK. I'artiea wUhlnfr trannportathiu to Antoti via tblt route, cuu be furnieheu thw ame in TOUR Oli SIX HORSB STAGES, On private riTincowe week'a notioo (n ranee to A (rent ot Ariuma Sut, nt Kan Bernardino. The rntei ror wm. will Ie in prvportMn to the aecoraaio dathin re.iiired. llvKtilur Jtatc.H of Fare. Cvrrtncv. From l'reeott to San Iternardtno.. From lreott to Wleenbur(r From l'reaeott to Ehreaberir From San lternAnlino ta Khrenberjc From 8aa Ilernrdiuo to Wtakenburj;... .... 75.irt WW 4iO0 XU) eo.oo Loc-il Aia-iits. I. H. I.H.vr W. II. ('oi'muuiv E o. Ohast Ham lliuiir.s'.... Xan llernardlno. Illireatiera; i'reacntt. . fieceral A((eaL jAiir.a uua:t. rcrirettrron. J. II. riKKRON. Sfl Kltlvrr.StiKvr. aeiias"7! PRESCOTT HAKPYVIT.LE 3Xfiil - Ijine. After lull date rfreni 11 be carried or the read at the ftillewiPK ratea, currency front 1'ieacoU to Camp lluAlpal ........tlQAO lleale .tortnirs .... ..... 21.00 " " C'erbat VS.00 "' " " Mineral I"ark inxfl " ' llanlyville , 3S.01 Kxpreaa matter will be carefully forwardcl at reaaova- ble rates. Kerry poealble aorvmmodatlon it III be offered to jaa aengtrl. The tnce wlllleave Treacott lrlday eranlsira, aad at llardyyille will CJOLtct with the rnall tu Khreuherg- and fit. Oeorire. All order left wtth 8. C. lb-cm-, Preacott, or Cory ft i ctia, uervai, win oe promptly atienueit to. vi iVKItaTUU Sc. WII1TK. Vreaeott, May 10. IE73. malOtf Watohmalicr, Jeweler, ANU. A S S A Y E R On the South Side of the Flaza, Prescott. di:ali.hin' CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWEIRY. Jewelry of All Kinds Made to Order, nepalrlng Done Carefully and Promptly, Gold and Silver Bullion Refined, Bought, and Sold. ClPAll kinds of ore promptly and properly aaaayed. derU!7IJdw AGENTS FOR TITE 31INEK. San rYancUctt L. I. I"iher. Ilooms 0 rhaut'i Kieliauie, Califomi.i atreet. A 21 Mr- 'llfit. Biyce, Ko. 30, (aeound flw;r), Merchant's Kx ciianxe. O. ri. Katon, Muile Dealer, Montomrr atreet. .viiinm. ritona CUi Kehnledrr, nreirwm K Co, fMnnUrg llooj-ir, Wm. n, it Co., and A. .'rank WirktnburgA. II. I'eenles. JtirdytitttJM. I'. Hull. Wallapai Mining DiitricU-Vory k I'otts, Cerbat. 'Aornijr I.. Irrlne tc. Co. Katl l'httn(iW. It, HelllnKS ,t Co. FUirtncf Joe. Colli urwiKxl. TVfJan J.fl. MuntHeld, JgOOK AND .lOil PRINTING or EVKKV r.otie In flood htyle, Orden sollelud. PKCJtllTION, AttheMl.tssOiSte. 'rlcareaaaablt. PLAZA FEED AND SALE STABLE. Goodwin jqffi Opposite Street, J!lx? Plaza, I'aKSCOTT.AlUZO.VA. BROOKE & LINN, .warlit, October St, I-cfrixl, Of erery clau aud kind, alway on haad and for sale, at (lie ill.xtlt oflie, at prices such as lawyer, lu.tlee al tha I-acaj or otherotrictr can rraaonably libit ?anlt with.' ' tVj5a,EMXIR PKBUVIAN BAKK, WITH PKO toiido vf Irou, ut KeadullVUrujBtoce. ASL i aWl "- r." aTSA f rif i. i. , f ikf 1 ft " sfTsi T i MI.SGELLANKOUS, 4th Grand Gift Concert!) VOIt IIIC IIKNKIIT 0r llm PUHLIO UltllAUV OF K; . . . . . -X 111,! I is v it. Itl'ltIl 111 JLiUnU A Full Dratving Jlmucd at... lli.j ..i .fl.. uv)) .- "in n i'lllIt.'U lltjjl Ouiy ftl.WiO Tlclittt have been ImhoiI and Divided into 1'J.OU) rnli (rin, will bv dUWbnii i-. I atnoiig IU tii It kt bolden. "'I list or oirra Oee ll-fd Cah fllft Oae firnud (.Oi tIKt...., fUit (Irnnd Ch (tin fin (Irani! tNuli II:V'. Oba (Irnnd Cuiii (lilU X'Mt ll It) l'uh llifts IU.lU tiH ;) I'athllltti.. ft.OW) ear li 1 UUJeneh .VICiuvllllllU J Cii.ll llifll IIDICaili llllii l,'j('neli IlltU. ... ita.ii(im. .. Iri'i Ca.h (lilU.. .. I LOW Cnih rim.. .Vm each il nicb UK) tnch 'Jl each JUleach. la rath iiil TOTAL. 12.000 dirts, all cash, amounting to Sljl t uw iimtvn hbu unmyiiumi vi Ku will Italitirt I oott uneuW-rrallv tnVu )(v on the iUy tnj .JI Mt.rthr ull thw ticket iirw or nol, niA tK hit .el ft. a. II t,a ..1 its t.a.t..r4Lr.. I. a !. l.umVaa. - ai-L faaa. a.. a aev (Mii.eue. v .aa siirn VI IJV f lft PRICB Or TICKETS. Whole tleVeti, ll.-ilrea, ; Tenlha. reiA pou. tit llleven Whole TlckelS f.- .) 33i TlttnTI Jl.CKJOi 113 hlo Tleketa for 5.0UO, iKT Wh.J.rJI eta tut I!U,OUO. .No dlrcuuut on leas than eVJira J 'f'Ul.ta A lt Ii THO. B. BRAMIiETTll, Acent I'nlillo Library Kentnekr nnd JliumrJ i.mceri, i uuue i.iorary iiunuiDtf iouaTiue. K. felil3ntl yeast jpowjyim UIYR I VALLE I) ! 7 he CTrwim 1 tatt l'vwdtr iVnniiaffj.a!l tMch fin UonaiNini; SIX Ul XCKS.Akt. dxtpoi$,FUU. WEIGHT vf tatt fr tier. Sujxrwr to any and ALL othtn Madtyjjr Making Light, Sweet and Nutritious imKAD, JiISOtTIT,l I'ASTItY, sfce., &c, Guaranteed to Give Entire Satisfactions! tho Money Will be Eeturned. ASK YOVH anoCKIt FOR IT, TAKE 1ST O OTHEK.I 8ad for Tree Pinphlet to CHURCH A: CLARK, soi.n auuvjs. 407 FRONT ST BAN FRANCISCO I mvJlyl CLARENDON HOTEL MAIN STREET, LOS ANGELES. This Fine and Comodious Hotdl rOKMr.KLY KNOWN AS TlfK "BELLA CXIOll baa been enlarged, rt fitted paisOd, and rafsix'naeS it RICHEST STYLE TIIROUGUOU ITi KLKOANT Ml'ITS Ol' TrfXlMH 4 aantaal eimmolallo.a affer ipecial adiaataet to local as etl lo laatrra ruiiora. The Tabic is not to be Surpassed Oct of Kan Praneiaco, aad la ronataotly anjJWai wtt til Choirrat delieaeiea. Noll, loo; will be left '.el. Wml der the h-nwi replete with all (be luturias, ostetaaVa and appliaaeaa of a n I II l' in i r a as aM ll ilitivit The W.ilm I'nlon Telerraph Offices eofsainCasi wua ine reaaia roooi. f,". an. p h t w.n ..&.. . ui a t,t t-tz a rfi vv . I. i.anrK. -nanajtr. serun (i. W. cilMLSr. j, a. jtaa C. W.CHESLEY&CO., IVtrOBTKRa AMI WTlltfUjlUt liKALCB- IX s.'ivi,' it' i v i;w uiiiiirv eoLr. reoi-Kirrota or iiM.-liii.kMeeA I31eawae VUllUUiailUU aSllkWCel 9f 51 Front St. Saeramtuto. Cpevial attention will be paid to tbe trad af Ada. a3if To the Unfortunate ar.xr remediesi new iiemediesi tt o TTi-n v-iTfitmiTn ITJT trante .'ainmercsal html. Laiovuan for tb treatiarnl ef rtexaai and I haa returned from vliitiDff tka iiiaelteJ lla?W )jlrnt i. d 1 V . .......I ,.,mi cjiiuea rw the allenfation of biiinan auflerlag. Seminal Weakness, nroilueloir witk aatrnnir eannVntv the lullnwua armptoma. naleu combatievl by aettniilta tnediral urea, tIi : rialluw eouMenasr, iatt spots nodtrta of lenaei or rattlinr of eLarrW tl. ueenalnt M abnat avra. a ntxiia. uiinrm new He evainianeea. iu i w tiima about Ike fcacr, beetle (uihea, furred obrs,i urram, eooxni, counupiivn, nitrni swtai. biu nan urnumi inanniir. 11 reiuii im. wnjt cuiiot" I M u ....!. Im.I....!.. .1, v . . iwiM. kktivkta we .. . m ... v wu i, i ' ui. y, w. ,uu ... ,ut. m... nuicn never uian vw , i . a - anil ravlical rare. Gnrcd at Home. i tTMu .1 it iti.nrn .ii ut. , . i , i , . i , a . .lis.-. . ....... men vmvii- iciiiii tu nine iu. iiiseaae naa rvnuaneu, nuu i'.- i" any jauvicuiar jaw. oi ine coiuiiry, wiva mn I uireciione ier uav. I'rraoni writlnf to Ihe Oortor will pirate stars U of the paper they aee Una adtrertiicrnentfn. ft .. .... .1... I .r I 1 1 . i .. iM wt.teaa lhnillffh Ibn li.iti iflu-.. or llirctleh Avells. r aTa-i 1 package of taedirins will be f.)rwardwl to any trt IJnioa. All commonlfutioDi slriclly mafidesMal. .yj tin j i' niAttt). Uiil'ii nml llitcitiil Incllll1I1l- ii.wupv iii.vt ii.aavKi.v.a. ,lJ" I .1 . I .. r.t M,Hlral IB7 .1 -i.i. .. .. . ...a I,. I'll A I"- h. i:a'iii?. i:w Montcomerr ra.ivi t rantttco, ijaiininiu, who aeepa vae vrg -, ti'"rJU faelfic Giant. I'U- GUNS AND PISTOI3 tJWTlATlJW.mtV J. P. RHODE, at I,. II. JEWEI.I. ' Frcacott, Arizona.