Newspaper Page Text
M Vol. M. AO. 14. Tin; ARIZONA MIN1.K. Published Dally and Wooldy. .. AT.... Precott, Yavapai County, Arizona, .... ii i ... JOHN" It. M AUIOX. TIIR lAtl.V AltlZim MlVK'l win stnrtprl SlwrmW 1t, UTi. limm-IUt'ly nflcr llio ou!rtiltion if AiIjuih' fltil tflraili tine. It iulilil.isj m tYminirs f Monday, Tuflay. Witnc'Iiy Thmnlny nit i.itiinUy, .f nich w,rk and will always nmlitlii rtlK IslKaT, liKxr itli.I MOr liFXIAKI.k Miis Hint ran j p'C"l",l liy Tr1.rali, M it? Kip-res awl alt other tulr tchn. Tt-ionot .Si innui'flo.v. lcllvrt liy cnrrirr. (wlw hi, I t.tirri fiiry Saturday), t'triv rKNi A vi:k.K. Ily Mul, HH l")M. His fur Tlins M.mti... (la Friday Hie U'kkki.Y MlvKit, nniUlnlnir t.Wrai-lilc mm lu llio hour f Rolmr Ii pre., will ! fiimlilinl all IJAII.T lUi'Kriwri whihiii ciiart. AliVKitrflv i Itsrm, In either the Daily r Weekly. . . . .,l f . ..f .1.1. ....... 1 I I A mi . ... . 1,0. men ii im"i imn ijj, imhiiiiiii, .i iur nrn l.tritUin, and It .V) it Im'li t ir null additional iiuertlon. A tilirl nlounl from ntNiri, ratm will bit mail. In ir m i nbu m.y ttlTHrli largely liy tho year, Imlf yen, i,r Husrter. IVTrMluiial ami business crds liitqrUii uiriu TrTTlr lVrtoui f ndlnr u manor fur SHliecrlptUxi' adrertlilnif or Job work in.ty forward It by wall, or utherwlM, at tlicirutru rlk. Till: WtiHKLY MfXKIl. Tie Ant nMintwr r Hie WliKKI.r itlstlt vent Iinmt on lrch '. If I "' nutr. In this, lit elvtrutli )'wt, II ran. nith irulli, rlnlm In b llin ol.lcfl, lurrtl umt licit siir lu tlit Terrilory. Sub3cript!oii Rates: Oni:iy Onu Yar S7.00 Sit .Montlit 4,00 i iiri"! .nunmi . 2.DO .Sinjclt C'lr 25 U-Jtt TttvUr S'nttt tnltn nl ;ur In pymHt for nfc rni'ttn, tidrtrtiting tinJjob wrl, yTmm. a!Wf iirur.iUj. A J'lrrl nil imtrrt ml lllrn t'j "THE MINEE," ?ie.itt, Ailwaa. ,1 "siynui.Ait" ixixax agent. I)r J. A. Tonucr, Indian ngout at tho Col orado reserve, has furwurded us copies of communications concerning the much talked of removal of llualpais to his ncy, for the purpose, wc presume, of proving that Clcn Crook has been moro anxious thn I)r Ton ncr, for said removal, since the l)r states, in one of hit letters to tho (Jein ral, that he wai ready to receive these Indians, but wanted 30 mounted men to constantly guard them on the reservation. A singular requent to come from n gentleman who but a short time ago declared his ability tn control five or six hundred more Apaches than ho then had on hit reservation. This attempt to shoulder tb.e blame for Ilualpai troubles on Orook. lKcausc, in obe dience to orders trom the War Department, issud at the request of tho Interior Depart ment, ho asked tho Doctor for information as to his readiness to receive the llualpais, is far fetched and will fall far short .nf its mark. Crook knows and so does every citizen of the Territory, that Camp Healo" Springs is no Kood nlseti for these Indians. Hnice. it Is unon .-i Territorial thoroughfare, in it ict?in of Koumry wucra mere is no goow tarmug i nni and close to large scttleoenU of wiftes. Hut, there are spots in the HuaVvi country to which these Indians would v.'lhngly move, and it it to some of said t, where, in time, they would become self-sustaining, that Crook, the citizens ami all Indian agents hero who wish to sec said Inutaiilsatitfku to remain at peace, arc unxioni to See them re moved. The merchants of Tucson, in this Terri tory, have again commenced shipping goods from San Francisco, California, via Gunymas, .Sonora. They, no doubt, find this a cheaper route than that via Yuma, which is a little Mngular, sinco it is all a water way from San Francisco to Yuma, with about the same number ol miles land transportation upon both routes. This fact gives an inkling of what tho port sjf Giisynias would soon become were it in lotes,Mon of Americans. A fine harbor, nearncM to the I'acillc ocean, are its great attractions. With a railroad running from iiyma to Tucson, Florence and points north of Salt river, in this Territory, Guay jnas would be a very successful rival to either San I'rujcisco or San Diego, for the trade of -irizoua anil portions nf ew .Mexico. Gen it lie nun n nm! M.finv' 1lnvli of Tnrns. Kiave had some sharp talks, by letter, on the subject f Davis' ardon of tho Kiowa chief. "We rather liko to sec "high" officials brought toittnin favor of the whito frontiersmen. Until particular case-wo think Gen Shcr manrlglftTO sticking to the idea that the murderous chiefs alluded to ought to have Jjeen hung, instead of rnjJoncd. Wc go (further and state that one-half of all the wild Indians in tho country w,u!i be bene fitted 1iy a little judicloui fnsnging. A German gentleman named lloppo, hav ing grown rich by fattening Jersey men on "lager," quif tho buslnoss and wiyn he did so on account of the injfiry beer Inflicts upon all who drink it. Our fellow-citizen, John Kiibli' and Itodcnhurir & Co., who mnlco roo boer and drink f tely thereof, aro living witnesses to tho heultiirulncs of tuo article. f 4 " Wo loarn from tho San Diego World that the low grades of tho T. P. and S. H. rail wads in its soction of tho State, havo been "Washed away by the Hoods, a wash that should causa the engineers of both roUds to keep in view the fact that southern Califor nia does not always remain dry as a bone. "The proprietor of tho Georgetown (Colo rado) Miner announces tho suspension of his Daily, for the simple reason that it did not pay expenses, and yet Georgetown has more than four times as many inhabitants as Pres cott, which is tho smallest town in tho wide world having & daily paper. A woman, giving her iiamo as Mary Drink, and hailing from Arizona, was recently ar rested in California, on account of somo ii st . .... commence" operations. JlrinK, wink, think wo don't know her. " . ' Two Chinamen nro studying telegraphy nt n omco ot tuo western Union Company, tn California. - - - Tho Oregon Iininnrr.tti Ktntn Convention has nominated Gov Qrovcr for ro-olcction ; A. Ludlow, for Congress ; Chadwlck, for vwciory oi ataic. , . : " i 1 r J 1 POLITICAL Wc are not, like the Into lnttivntuil Greeley, a political seer, liut con see fur enough to dis cover n:cial gentlemen bimlly and cutely engaged in devising ways anil means to lit inj; thum'clves prominently heforc the public at aip! uttts for the plane of delegate to Con gretK from Ari.ona. In ctso tho Democracy meet in Territorial convention at I'lnenix wo look for a lively scramble among aspirants anil their friends for the nomination, and. thereafter, for rnn. sidcrablcforchcailness on the Hart of ecntle men who nro sure to be .lis.,, , tu . is a stromr man. in some n ncet. Vn knn- . ' . Iiim .ii n.i n .;. t.. 'ii .i ...... hii, hiiii nu ui ,,i m IIJU jJVII- plo of the Territory. Wc aro sorry that he s atllicted witli a desire to go to Congress Ucsulo the Colonel, friends of II. ,S. Sto vena, oj nun uungo unriicr, oi l'rescott, will, no doubt, try to set 'em up before the conven tion. Gentlemen of Kcpublican leanings who might be induced to run are: John Smith, of Camp .McDowell, C. W. C. ltowell of Yuma, Wm. II. Hardy of Mohave, and, maybe, Capt. .1. P. Hargravc, Col Uigelow and Judge Howard of Prescott. There are, of course, many others scatter ed throughout the Territory, whose modesty will yet bo laid aside. The time for doing something is rapidly approaching, and wo in vite nil who think they givu transportation to Congressional heads to soon make the fact known, or forever after hold their peace. We almost feel safe in stating tlmt neither Governor Snflbrd, Secretary Hashford, Surveyor-General Wasson, Juifgo Dcrry or any other titled personage south of the Gila river cares to run the rik of running, this time. As to Mr. McCormick, ho may and may not try for a fourth term, but, in case he con cludes to do so, he will very noon open his mouth and proclaim the fact. Until such time, doubt and uncertainty as to tho plan of tliecntnnaign.names of "stand ard-bearers," etc., will exist in the minds of tlio people, who havo just commenced to take stock in politics. MIUTAIIV AND INDIAN iVJJrS, nr. PAM'MENT OF ARIZONA. (from ftnturdiy'. Dully. Major Handall and Capt. Hamilton arrived at Sau Carlos, March 19th, after a severe scout of eighteen days. Tho following is the correct account of tho result: Found tho camp of F.s-kitn-in-zin, Cochi- nay and Chuntz, twelve miles northwest of old Camp Pinal, on tho 8th instant. In the light (tlready reiwrtcd) thirteen bucks were killed, and not eleven, fas the telegraph first stated) but thirty-four women and children were captured and aro now at San Carlos; tne remainder escaxtl oy more accident, leav ing everything in their camp, including all stock, etc. Cochinny, Chuntz and Pedro were o!T on a raid in he vicinity of Tucson. K-kim-in-ziu conducted the raid on Florence anil Stiles' ranch, made a few weeks ago. Prisoners al so say that a great many of the Indi ans wcro averse to leaving the reservation. but forced out by the influence of the Indians already named ; that in the disputes occa sioned by this difference of opinion, a fight commenced in which four of their numlier were killed. This account agrees with tho statement given by thosa who surrendered to Hamilton la&t month, and by the bands who went in on tho Sierra lliauca reserva tion some time since. Capt E. H. Lcib, 5th Cavalry, left Tucson yesterday, for Camp Grant, of which post MajortJ. Gordon is now commandant. It is rcKrted that a General Court .Mar tial is to meet at Fort Whipple early next week the names of tho otliccrs detailed wo have not yet learned. General Crook is expected in Tucson early noxt week and may return to Prescott somo time in the beginning or the coming montu. Nothing new from Lieut. Shuylcr's com mand as ret; nor from the detachment un der Ward and Poillnn, both of which ought to be in the Superstition or Pinal mountains, somewhere between Florence and tho San Curios. (I'twn Mon Uy't Dally.1 The annexed news is compiled from recent telegrams and letters to the Minkr : Tho steamer Cocopah arrived at hhren berg on the 25th, and left on the 2Cth for Mohave. Her cargo consisted in part, of 5G,000 pounds of government freight for l'rescott, and i,sjO pounds for Vcrile, whicli was unloaded at Ehrenberjr. Among her pas sengers were Lieut Woodson, wifo and child, l.iouts J icy I ami Allen. Mcut vvooiuou comes I mm .Molinvo to v umpie. J.teut llcyl to Camp Verde, and Lieut Allen re port! for duty at Mohave. Uen. Crook, with Ins Aide, l.icut uoss, was to Icavo Camp Grant about the 2th instant for Tucson, en route to Prescott. They should bo in Tucson to-night or to-morrow and may bo expected hero any time after 1'nrt ay. Mrs. Taylor, wife or Capt A. 11. Taylor, 5th cavalry, died at Camp Grant on tho 13th inst., altera short but severe illness. She was a young woman of great personal charms and much esteemed for her many noble qual ities. Capt. Handall, 23d Infantry, now operating against hostile Apaches, has under his com tnand an eflectlvo force of about 2W soldiers and Indian trailers. Capt Hamilton aud Lieut Dabcock aro with Capt Itandnll. Lieut Schuyler's command of 150 6oldicrs and friendly Indians from the Verde reserve, aro prospecting tho western side of the Pi nal and -Mescal mountains, and Lieutenants Ward and Poillon aro moving in from the Florence side t so that within a very short time, all tho Ssn Carlos renegades must re- turn to their whipped. Tho rep reports of Taylor's recent scout did Hint ntlWr rreat itiiustico by represent- ting that ho felt compelled to return owing to superiority in numbers oi ft uooy oi inuiuim, discovered by him in Mescal mountain. Capt Taylor found no signs of Indians at all during his whole scout, tho weather being very tempestuous and tho snow and rain ob literating all trails". Upon reaching tho Gila river, ho camped his pack-train on tho north side of tho stream and that saino day started on nn extended foot ncout with a largo de tachment during tho course of this ho latest man to come openly into the Held, or. mandinK office winch wc have heard, is Col. K. S. WooNev, ' highly spoken of .Stanwix Station, on the (Jila river. He '.and intelligent i hps PttESCOTT," fouml it nccMsary to cross the Oila, and up on its return that utream wat swollen t( Kiich an extent by Hoods from the mountains, that it wat impossible to crot.s it, one of the command being drowned whilo making the venture, dipt Taylor wt therefore obliged to march across the mountains on foot to the ban Carlos, a distance of over lifty miles, with mud a foot deep on the trail mid him self and men nearly famished with hunger. The scout subsequently made by Kandall and Hamilton discovered that tho rencado Apaeues were not secreted in the section of , , l. .. ? 'V'"imy. i uwiiiuii. t,avnirv. tin now nm. nicer oi uumn Urant. is rort of IIS an ofllcient. nturrix iiuviii;i;ih rilllllLT. Mnt- n.. . - . ' "J" ' iu sutri on icavo ot au sciico about tho end of the Capt Lcib, 5th cavalry, had arrived nt Grant. Gill n.irr KHi rarnln- I... ...ti..i r t i General court-martial conslstinsof Ma J,?r.I!f MKri"'i 0t M. P. Small, Capt It. P. ilson, Lieut G. A, Goodale, Lieut Charles Mini, Lieut 0. L. Weiting, is in ses- siou ni, i on if uippio, trying an enlisted man on a charge of burglary. The new chapel at Whipple, we hear, is to be dedicated next Sunday, (Kastor). I From Tuety t Dolly.) Tho General court-martial which assem bled at Fort Whipple yesterday, for tho tri al ot private Dunlap, -1th Infantry, charged with burglary, adjourned tine tlit. Tho pro- bii-miigs unvc noi jci ueen published. Leave of absence for 30 days with normis sum to apply to Adjutant General of the Ar my, tnrougli Headquarters Military Division wi mu i-uciiic, ior an extension oi seven month, has been granted Lieut.-Col. E. A Carr, 5th cavalry, on Surgeon's certificate of uisauiiiiy. lA-ave 10 laKc cllect after the jierrormancc of duty for which he is now de tailed. First Lieut G. II. McDcrmott, 23d Infan try, now at Fort Yuma, has been ordered to Howie, with company F, or that regiment, to which his promotion carried him. A small party or Indies and gentlemen left t nippie yesterday tor erile. Capt It, P. Wilson, 5th cavalry, leaves to morrow for Verde, via Dig Hug. .Major uiandlcr, the new Chief Quarter master, is expected hero within a very few J. i . It I a y-v a ... uays. t,apu nugncs, a. v- will come on next gun stcimcr. MINING MATTE Its. Owners of valuablo mines in this and every other district of Arizona will do well to look out for their claims, as, already, some men have placed notices ujion old claims, with tho view of taking possession of said claims on the 10th day of June next, provided those who lay claim to the,m are not present arid working t!iem. A doubt has arisen at to whether Uiu (.mendment to the law of 1872 does not give old claimants all of the year ending .nmo w, iHift, In which to do the necessary work, but, in the aWncc of a de cision upon this oint, the Mfo way for all is to immediately put $10 worth of work upon every claim located prior to the passage or inc ivongresaionai mining uct or ISi, and S10O worth of work upon every claim locat ed after the passage of said act. A still bet tcr way would be to secure Government patent to nil claims upon which suUicient labor and money have been expended. Concerning new bills, now before Congress, speculators aro moving everything in the in terest of Ward's bill, which is an abomina tion to all ln)a fide miners and prospectors, but wc have hopes that it will be defeated. Should it pas, many poor men now engaged in mining and jirosjiecting will have to leave these fields of industry. iVA'ir MEXICO. The News, Mcsilla, New Mexico, very pro perly objects to seeing wool, gold, etc., shipped from the Territory; credited to Col orado in eastern prints. Ily the way, tho News ha, in a short time, come to lie ono of the best looking, wide awake journals of its Territory. Mining Life, of Silver City, of March 14, notices the departure, from its plies for Ari zona, of a party or young men prospectors. Gold and silver" bullion shipments were growing in value, which proves that the "camp" U getting to be solf-sustaining. The Tennessee Mill company aro erecting Bruckner cylinders. That Di:i'ositorY. Military disbursing officers, of high rank, assure us that business men will havo no trouble in procuring chocks on San Francisco and New York, in caso a U. S. Depository is established at this place, nnd said business men will mako n grand mistake if they do not now bring all their infiuenco to bear for tho purpose of securing a depository. We think so, too, and entreat them to work the matter up. Moiiavi: Indians. These Indians, wo learn, have got it into their heads that an at tempt will ! made to take them to the Col orado river reservation. Now, they aro hap py as Indians care to Imj on the lands they have, ror centuries past, cultivated, and threa ten trouble should nn order for their removal l issued. They live on tho Colorado, nir Fort Mohave, havo good crops of wheat, pumpkint, etc., growing, and want nothing from government as.vo a little fresh meat, now and then. Somebody ought to start & woolen mill in tho Territory. It would lie a paying Insti tution. . t m A board of survey it to assemble nt, Curop Lowell, April (ith, to dctcrraino whi shall pay for a Colt's pistol, which va lost while stores wcro being removed from old to new Lowell. This goes to hhow that nothing can be lost to government, by tho Army In Arizona. An Indian agent would nova' le troubled about such a trifle. Tho people of Uarilah, California, wcro recently shocked, at finding, near tho town, tho remains1 of n school girl, who had bc-cn outraged and murdered by a monster in the shape of a man. - - Senator Sumner said to have left prop erty to thsJ value of aWut $jIW,00(i. AIMZOXA. Willi V vvuyivn .hiiti . UFA. Jil fill 1111 I. , "Ik I . V MO II AVE COUNTY. Mr C. It. Foster, who has been running township lines in Huulpui and Cedar Vallev mining districts, Mohave county, arrived in Precott on last Saturday afternoon, after having accomplished a great dial or hard field work. With him were several assistants. Kxtcusivo traveling and sight seeing in our sister county hat left a favorable impression of the mineral wealth of said county en graved upon his mind, and, although the trip was a hard one, it has made himseir nnd as sistants as rugged as gri.lies, since there is no more health-producing labor in the world than that or traveling through mountainous Northern Arizona, over ground that was, un til recently, occupied solely by murderous, thieving savages. He, in hit travels, called at CaBde Spring, Cerbat Mtdaanr other places, visiting prominent quartx lodes," many of which will, he is positive, soon proTe great wiurces of gold, silver nnd copper. The Keystone ledge, in Mineral Paik, nnd the Iltbcrnia, in Cedar Valley district, appear to be his favorite, as upon them ho lavishes great praise. Mr N. P. Pierce, an old and worthy citi zen of Prescott, came with Mr Foster. For several months past, Mr Pierce, Sir Jaycox, Mr Curamings and another man, have been working a gold ledge, which working has paid them very well. It is named the Green wood. The following facts concerning the Greenwood district, in which this mine is situate, will give all conversant with the re gion west of Prescott, an inkling or its whereabouts: Greenwood district is bounded on tho north by Hurro creek; on the west by Sandy creek; south, by Santa Maria river; tho east lino follows this stream for a distanco of 15 miles. The party have located two lcdm-s the Greenwood and Telegraph. The first-named j is n largo ledge, carrying bctwen ?C0 and $100 gold to tho ton of rock. Five tons ' of rock, worked bythem in nn arrastra, gave them about S100 in nice gold. The Tele- i graph is neither as rich nor as large as the Greenwood, but is valuable. In this region, which is not to exceed 'l" miles from old Camp Date creek, water, wood and grass arc abundant. Tho climate is much warmer than ours. Col David Hurl!, an enterprising miner, famous in Nevada, California, and elsewhere, is now in the section of country or which we speak, with a view to purchasing mines and erecting a silver mill on tho Sandy-. Mr. Pierce brought some or the ore with him. H. W. Groom, Jackson McCrackin and many othcrvonturesorao prospectors, former ly of PrMCOtt, arc, at present, working mines in Cedar valley district, near the Colorado river. Mr McCormick has introduced the follow ing: A Mil to provide for the construction of military roads in Arizona. He It i-n.icted by the fcnsto nnd Iloiuc of Re presentatives of the United State or America In Conjtres ascmblcd, Tlmt there be, nnd is hereby, appropriated, from any money lu the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, the sum of thirty tlion?.iml dnllnri. to lie nscd, tinder the direction of the Secretary of War. in thu con struction of military roads In the Territory of Arlxona, a folio, namely : From Fort Whip pic to Carap McDowell, m lib a branch to Cnmp vcrue; irom i-ort vi hippie to Bkull Valley ill rect ; nnd fur Mirh work as Is needed upon the road from old Camp Goodwin to Camp Apache. A bill allowing otliccrs to wrnr certain emblems Indicative of honors conferred upon them. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Re presentatives of the t'nltcd States of America lu Coujrrcss assembled. That section ilxtecn of the act approved .Inly fifteenth, eighteen hundred nnd seventy, shnll not bo fon.'tracd to prohibit the rrcsiileut from authorising the commissioned officers of the Army to wpar embroidered upon the color of the authorized uniform, as an hon orary distinction, the proper emblem or insignia of rank of tho highest i-rade they have held, by brevet or other commission, either in the regular or volunteer service. Hkaxs. The following, from the San Diego Union, is applicable to almost any farming locality in Arizona : There Is money In beans. California "bayous" are the best to plant. They arc the most proflln hie that can be crown here." Wc have obtained soma notes on thu cultivation of beans from a practical f.umcr, who knows all about It, and communicate tho same for the benefit of whom It may concern. The bl fiW to plant beans Is In Jlay ; tticy should not be planted until the mint arc wholly over; If the month of May It chosen the crop will mature In September. Vou can fiiatu irom i,'jovio 1,400 pounds to the acre; thlt s a fair average, nlthoush It Is said, "plant lust as many as yon can prepare the ground lor." The ground should be thoroughly plowed and har rowed down smooth ; then act your plow so that tho tharo will gt down but nhout half Its denth. and drop yonr beans In every other furrow. Our Intormant lias punted as bleu as three huudrcd acres lu one season, and he says tbcro Is no crop idkv requires so 111110 nitcnuon. i repnro tuo ground properly and put In plenty of seed and the hoatis will take cans of themselves. Tho ill- rrctioits for harvesting the crop arc simple. He says: "A choap a way to thresh beans ns I have ever tried Is to put a floor on a tied covered with canvass. In pulling tho vines turn tho roots np: let them ly for a week, and then they are ready for threshing, liy ualugaalcd In this way you scatter your vines evenly over lb ground, so that they will not dlscoramodo vou lu nlowlnc again; and tho vlucs, plowed In, aru excellcut manure." Very tmo. Rut, they aro not Arizona miners. They aro deluded men from Eastern Nrvada. Young Is orcanUIni: In Utah the "OrIer of Knoch," tho first rwmlrcmunt of which Is that every member shall turu ai, his propt-rlv over tc Ihe church, tho moro Intelligent Mor mons 'iro rirprrsented to be In rcbulliou a-alust tut tcDt uie. 1 A young man of Virgin! City was engaged to 'oc marritij io nn "Indissoy" lats. Some mrrtdlcr Intlmntcd to Ild young man that his luincicd was already a mother thouzh not n wile. Art In- tcr view ensued letwecu the parties dlri-ctl,v io tcri'sico, wiicn 11 inir one cxciaimeo, ix,iwvon her sobs: "Vc-yo-ym, I did havn one, bn-but It wa-was a vcr-vciy small ono," The match is off. Michigan Im abolished the striped clothing of convict, writing materials arotoixj suopllca to iirlsoner ; those who cannot read or write are to be iciight, and every convict upon hit dlt- r ijarf-o f. to ttccive a suit or ciotncs, 10, and whatever he may hare earned by extra work. Tho whole production of tho preclout metals ihrouuiifut the world durluc 16W U ostlmated to havo Mn worth ?sio,uw,ooo. 1. ., . I, H . During the month of February, 1,831 passen gers arrived tn California over tho Central l'ael. lie, and 1.07 departed to the East. , . IHo Less Is t aj t tint blU Vsu U luv AjuuiI ibao every .cuvtcry. Juttier 1. RAINFALL AT DIFFERENT PLACE'S. JIk.w.k Si'hinoh, Arizona, ) March 21, 1871. Tu tlit KUturof Hit Aiizonn Mintr. Sin : Having observed for several years, that you take quite a lively interest in the future welfare and prosperity of this Terri tory and lire constantly laboring lisrd and honestly, to attract thu attention of farmers to the land, I take tho liberty to send vou a Mnnll statistical table, showing the aver age amount oi rniniall during a certain peri od at places in the United State, not vnrv. ing much in longitude and latitude from this station. The only noteworthy difference is the altitude ; and still wc have more rain than all the other stations except St. Louis: Actrwje amount of rain for kkK mowtA frw May to March. 4 "I ? A e 3S.41 106 1 c.eto 0. 74 IM 4.18 3.40 S.M 1. CU l.feT 1.S0 0J1 0.17 17.74 r 4J 9 41 4.H7 COG 3.6C 4.W SJ7 3.23 3.0S 5.03 2.33 34.V3 7 2-1 35.20 114. S ,M OJ7 0. 0.44 7.J0 1.03 0. 0. 25 1. M 1.00 3.00 1C.U7 Ijititu.U Ixjuvituiie Allltu.J. , Mny. rnlnfrtll, . Jniio, ' .. July, " ., Auf. Kit " .. !. " ., Not, ' . , Dim. " .. Jnn. " .. r.h. .. Total, " .. ... '!' .117-13- ..VMM . O.iTIn. . (J. 11 . o.oi . 033 . 0.03 . 0.05 . 1.16 . 3.0C . . 2.01 . e.55 Jos. Hlattlkh. INDIANS AGAIN. llio correspondent of the Alta California, has been interviewing Indian commissioner Smith, from whom hu got the following: Corrcapondcnt. .Mr. Commlealoner, what have you determined to do lu the matter of Irrigation in Arizona? Commissioner. I only wUh I hnd the 13,000. The truth It that the Department Is actually forced to be extrnvngant. The Kovrrnmcnt, throjgh the military, puts the Indians 011 reser vations and aays: "Stay there and you shnll be fed ; Icavo aud you shall I killed." The government says to the Indian commit loner, ' Provide sustenance beef, Hour, etc., lor the Indians." CommfoftloiiL'r aayt : " We have no money, or not enough; Cougrca la furnished annually with rttlmatcs ; It Is easy to show what it will cost tu feed Indians ytr capita; but the appropriations for each year are nlwayt too ima!!; the poople do not liko to licsr of deficiencies; mc cannot feed thu Indians." Hut government says: " If you don't feed them they will not stay on the reservation, nnd.wc shall have to fight them. It costs more to fight them than to feed them, and Is Inhnman." So Mr. CommUiloncr is forced to mike con tracts on credit, and so the deficiencies accumu late, nnd so the Department is prcveuted from economizing. Sometime the Department It vic timized by wealty contractors; but none but wealthy contractors can take contracts on credit, now to mark ixnuss Srl.r-SUBTAIMtO. The trne way to sustain Indians It, not to make them till the toil, lint to take the first step in civ ilization become herder of Hock. Any one of the large reservations in Arizona could be made to raise sheep, goat or cattle icfllclciit to feed all the Indians of that Territory, aud with only a slight cost at the outset, compared with thu re sults to be attained. Make the Indians raise their own stock. Tills can bo done with little trouble to the Department and without hall the financier ing required to procure supplies under thu pret cnt policy. The Iudlaut could toon be tnadu self tuttnlnlug. There may be trouble nnd wrong In the admin istration of Indian aflalr; but the excuse for the tame should tie removed first. There ought to be a good credit established, and then a strict ac counting. All the records of tho department should lie open to all, and every charge should be carefully Investigated. The wolves In sheep' clothing should be unmasked and tingled out ; not the whole class denounced. There is a great deal of truth and sound sense in the foregoing. Ono of Gen Crook's first moves, after having subdued Indians here, was to coax them to become owners of stock, and some of them have now consider able stock. Hut, it is not going to hurt an Indian to mako him work a littlo on a gar den patch. i hat clear-headed woman, Mrs. Jane Swiss helm, who has made Indians and their duty a study, has, in a recent New York Tribune, an able, logical article upon the subject of forcing Indians to make a living out of the soil, which forcing process ought, at once, to be commenced. Florence, A. T., March 25, 1674. Editor Miner : The ecoutof U. S. sol diers commanded by Lt Ward, and accom panied by Uapt Rogers, .Messrs Miles, luttlc and eight or ten other citizens of this place, which left here eight or ten days since, in search of the Apaches who have been steal ing from and killing peoplo in this vicinity for the last two months, returned this morn ing. They did not meet with a favorable oppor tunity for having a fight, but found, in thu mountains, some 20 or 30 miles from this town, where an engagement Lad taken pirn between U. S. troops and Apaches, in which several Apaches were killed and loft on the battle field. From fresh trails and numerous wigwams sech, the scouts are satisfied there must be about four or Avo hundred Apacho Indians lurking in the mountains within 15 or 20 miles of Florence They also believe that there is a band of Apaches in tho neighbor hood ol tho placo above mentioned that have nover been upon any reservation. Tho scouts will go out again to-morrow. They camo in for supplies and to get their horses shod. The people here aro agitating the question of petitioning for a company of soldiers, to be stationed near here to protect them and their property. As the matter now stands, no man, nor his property, is safe two miles from town. It is not even safe to send a team out for firewood, for every day Apache irocKS nro saen wuuin a mno ui town, Nil Desi'exaxdum. It Js tho duty of every Arizonan not en gaged in quartz mining to encourage and bcli on who aro, lite men who are now runniua mills and arrastras are the men who are doing most for tho Territory, if hot for themselves, and besides encouraging all such to keep 011, wo ought to encoumgo other men to uo tue tamo tuing, as upon 1110 bucccssioi working of said mines business of ovory oth- or kind will havo to roly, for activity and profit .Tho discovery of a lode, tho cropplngs of wlilcii assayed $m to tuo ton, recently cre ated a big excitement in tho Ban Juan coun try. oticii a uiscovcry, in Aruona, wntim not excito tho greatest tuiulu greenhorn UdO. Established ISO. Uusincss & Professional lards, COLES BASHFOBD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOK-AT-LAW, Tur.on, Arizona, Will prncttr. lilt I'rof.Miun In sit tit Court of tb T.rrlWry Ii. II. O limn. II. HCAItTTKK, ;k. H. H. CARTTER & SON, Attorneys and Csninselors nt hnw. Prr.rntt, Yavapai County, Arizona. Will attend la Iraalnr.i In all tin courts of Ik. T.rrttory .1. P. HA It (J II AVE, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Montezuma ttrctt, l'rccott, Arizona. JOIIIV HOWARD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, l'rescott, Arlzon. JOHN A. HUSH, Attorney at Jsxw9 Phoenix, Art son, Will strictly atUmt to all butlatss otrustal to hbn, hi lb. s.ttral Court, ol Itvcord la lb. Territory, Prompt ttUntloa given to CcUectlent, J. E. McCAFFRY, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Malts Street, Tartan, A. T. J. N. McC AND LESS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OHlre, North aide ol I'laxa, l'rescott. HENRY W. FLEURY, .PROBATE JXJI3C3-E, Juitice of the Peace and Notary Public. WM. A. HANCOCK, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Blank Declaratory Kiatement, And Iral Illankt of all kind. Ttlll collected promptly Pbaelx, Maricopa Co. Arltona, Jan. 9th, 1673. . E. IRVINE. Attorney at 11 aw. Phoenix. Maricopa County, A. T. Offlte, In Oj. New Depot, in tie Weet tklt of lb Men' -cV. E. DAVIS, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR - AT-LAW, Xlatral Park, Xsaav Coeaty, Arises, Will attend to letral btutne la an tb eoart of Ut Territory; collection,, .le. mbStf J. L. FISHER, Auctioneer and Commission 3IER.CJBLA.1VT. Salesroom, North Side of Plaza. J. GOLDWATER & BRO., Wnoi.csALE Dealers, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Kbrenbrrtr, Arlxona. Fred. Williams Ha on band, at bU sew Saloon, cm sorts (Id of Data FIXELY.FLAVORED LIQUOKK of all kin J.', together with Urge stock .! CAREFULLY SELECTED CIGARS CHARMING DALE STATlflK Four Milca East of Cam's Huslpai N.T.r (alUnt; WATEU, In atmadaaoa. HAT JaV and fltlAIN alwartreadj ior teanutes.. JEaL a. C. liCHJEILS. Proprietor.. T. n. Cabtkk and Ltnr, SurenaMndwtt, Jantyl IAR AND IIUiARD SALOON, Montezuma Street, Corner Ourley. I. AUG EST AND BEST SALOON IN NOITTIIERX ARIZONA. fetid! A. L. MOEIXXB. FnfAtei: The Post Trader1 Store Fort Whipple,, Arizona, Keep for Bt( Grocerut, ProtUiotn, Can Fruit, Golhwy lioott, Shoo, 8tatumtry, Fauey Goodit Tobacco, Cigars, c. Prices, Reasonable. OKO. W. BOWERS, ProptUtor. SVM. R. KELLY, v. a. STfirtnixa. Kelly & Stephens, Sn PRALCRS IM BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONTECTIONARV", NTJTS, Tobacco and Cigars, Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, freah Fruit Garden Deeds, &c. IVfttott, Jannnrjr 18, 1E73 Jatp-T3U. PRINTED BLANKS ....FOH.'... Location of Mining Claims. rOR SALE AT THE MIKER OmCR No 1'rwrector r Wbh thouM go Into the toantrj- srttli fxit n rr'y of tht y bJ0 y una Cirrrrt rAadfntdt notice. II UV YOU It FRESH MEAT AND VEGETABLES tT TfVCat PIONEER MEAT MARKET (1HAN1TE BTREET, rilESOOTT, IUt fleatj-nflxith, and jxm will snonlmaietrout; as an en as bl a twttsr, and a stout , around tb vtUt, a l'ttii . d.iiilsl Quaker. I'icKOlt, Auyutt I'i, XeU.