Newspaper Page Text
W15I3KLY ARIZONA MINER: P.RI5SCOTT, APRIL 3, 1ST-J. .7. It. Miti-ion, Ktlitor. Tfwr ii aot toa, till-v?, rslliurj past, farmlag it miliar tttlntit t Ariioc.i l:i -blch the MIMIII doel not eircslito, n.l of It Ate eot to erf ry Bute and Territory of tho Unions which, couple! with llsaR") and itidlag, tnilto it J very lssi.-sbla advertising mdltun. O'lIlC TjATI- Karly this week, wc puhlUhcil the suh staiice of n s pcciul dispatch to the Mt.M'.K from Tucson, snying. that army olllcers lately in commanl of Imlian reservations had tie itiatuicil of the Interior department, a full in ve'tigation of their accounts whilu svting in such capacity, and a comparison of tho cot and rebuilt of their administration, with those obtained under tho 'mure humane' utiil child like nominees of tho various religious bodies in the East. Wc now know that Maj. V. II. llrowi:, 5th cavalry, is one of thu olliccrs referred to and from our personal knowledge of this offi cer, we can assure our readers not only will an investigation exonerates liitn from any sus picion of extravagance or malfeasance, Init, as tho 3ljor generally knows what ho is about, will probably bo tho means of laying before trie public a full exjiose of the deplor able condition of affairs prevailing at the Sun Carlos" reserve during the time It was tinder the control ol the Interior department, the disgraceful antagonism between tho two rival agents both humanitarian. which led to tho death of that fine young officer Almy, and, generally, this investigation can not fad to probe to tlio bottom tho corrupt sot, known ns the Indian ring, at least so far as Arizona is concerned. Mixes and Mi.nimj. The space at our dis posal, this Friday, will not admit of any lengthy remarks on this subject, but we point with satisfaction, to tho accounts, scattered here and there, through the " local," of the success that has so fir attended the efforts of placer and quartz miners, all of whom Lave been making money, by tho slowest, crudest mining modes. It is a fact, that in no other section of country situated as Arizona is, could men work gold and silver rock, in ar rastras as successfully and profitably as our miners have done, arc yet doing, which fact proves that pur mines arc the ricliest ;n tUe world, . -s Be Cuinrfr.. The spring fires have star ted in California. Let us of Arizona look well to our stoves, (Ire places, eta, and avert rnntlagratioiH that would be ruinous to us. These remarks apply to citizens of the tim bered districts, as well as to those residing in wooden towns. Interxai. Ukvh.ncj:. Mr. Thotnas Cordis, collector of Internal revenue, district of Ari zona, has x notice under the head of new ad vertisements, of interest to business men. Another Mini:. Mr. John Smith, of Camp McDowell, Maricopa county, informs us, by letter, that a party of prospectors bad just discovered what they said was a very rich silver mine, thirty miles to the south west of Sacaton station, on tho Gila. He had sent out a practical miner to look at the mine. Tho New York World made a respectable bull, w hen it said that, "with one hand, Gen. Howard would put ono Apache in the font of Christianity, and, with tho other hand, take a dozen out." Tho jwr General has but one hand. Eight hundred wickies, is the number re cently counted by citizens of Florence, who went with Lieut Ward's command, after Apaches. All new wicklcs, at that Gov. Satrord bos favored us with about a dozen copies of his admirable pamphlet on Arizona and its resources. Thanks. Not being able to crowd all the rcadinz matter into the Weekly, we again accompany tho edition with a supplement, containing very good reading matter. We have a ma nia for printing more matter than wc have r-pnee for, which mania is not very profitable fur us, but, we do hope that subscribers will appreciate our enterprise. -4 Wc presume it is all right, that pardoning of Wiley, by the Governor. Vide Tucson dis patch, liut, that school apportionment ap pears to us a littlo mysterious. Acctio.v. To-morrow (Saturday) at 11 a. in., J. L. Fisher, auctioneer, will commence to sell, at his rooms in the old capital build ing, atich articles as are elsewhere advertised, and about 1,000 worth of men's clothing. "Uncle" Sanders, of Miller valley, comes to town almost every day und carries on with the boys, just as if the frosts of about seven ty winters had not whitened his well bal anced head. pROCEtM.ST.s i.v Justice's Oouit. Yes terday, Justice J. C. Otis transacted bust ncM as follows : John Chart, bound over until next term of court. Jos Wilkins plead Guilty to bavins stolen b watch from Mr. Khodtts and was fined $25. A warrant was issued for tho arrest of .Mr, Dotiahugh of Williamson volley, who stands charged with two crimes. Wc hone that the tinio is not far distant when tho Government will have to pay citi zens for property stolen and destroyed by marauding Indians, as by such thieves thou sands ol lrontier people have been ruined aim other thousands crippled nnd bound to pov erty ror many j ears. ' Tho vlllago assessment roll footnun 5218, 072.00. ' Prcd William hs a now adnTliMtncnt in to day's Mt'i'Kii. Our new chief justice, Judijo Dunne, Is said to bo a very able man. He has resided in Washington for several year p;st, prafe ticing as a lawyer before tho American and Mexican claims commission. He Lai recent ly returned from Kurope. Tho Roardi of Supervisors of tho wvcral cotinttes will meet in regular scion on tho llrst Monday of noxt month. ' Ctt HhotMuSoott i'mds the Texas-Paoillo n ' rcigh tnd riigwl road to travel. , ,, ... - - ' " " . l Anstlw, UalifwHin, talk of tifttaWish.. n r a savings bank. .; , Tho Arizona CltUon, or Tucson, dated March !W, reached us yestciday. The number contains Dr. Tonnci-'s letter and lengthy rentniks thereon, which do not give the Dr. credit lor fairness, honesty, or the tight oit of love for humane principles. We arn very glud to see our contemporary Mid into tlio Doctor uud hit letter, even at this late date. The "U ailet" is devoted to telling wind the editor know and has rend about Judge K. I'. Dunne, the gentleman who is to Micrced Judge Titus ns chief Justice of the Tmi-torv. Delegate McCormick tells.Mr. K. M. l'earce, j in a letter, that he, (Mel.'.) was working bird ! for such a i eduction of the White .Mountain Indian nervntlon a.s would iliconnect it i from mining dUtricta now opciied. ( ! on CriHik informed Mjmebody that he had just made thoiough investigation of , San Carlos Indian auair, ami fiileil to di- j cover that word or acts of any white man I caued the Apaches to leave there K. X. Kid, Co., of Tucon, h.l received .10 (XX) lbs new l-oo . Wo e "waXtg it, way to Tucon, ! from men and mines in Papago district. j A new district, "Silver Mountain," had been found. It is west ol Ittcson. TELEGRAPHIC WnOilmtnn, April 2. Srwitur Jun snrprhrdtlie Sen- atr yestrnlay. !) hl anPitnmt niraiast InrUtkm. llplaj--I far debntlBir ability nkk-h If tlcrnlnl tit lumr.t. ynAW Intrn tit. nil) malt- htm it rrHlull..ii limto itxliiriht: than I tlohr.. lVxjrt nf ritrrMni lortation It rtxilltie in Ihi I Xrnate. It l now iloublftil nhrthT lhy hh carry th Irrc iwnunc dim on nnnnor inniafii im owiaii". TliBrman, cf lint Henl istmmiltrt ihi t'rlTntr luml rlalm tti rmmltt! will rrpnrt nclirrrMy im the bill pnrsMajr tn tsinfimi the SL JamN Cathll miMiiHi liUss l fnur ikits of tlaail rovrrlni; llc of Umn of VaocouTrr, Vaahinittim Trntiry. I'll rimtmlltts. noiimf) th prrmixt taken by Megal Mfl'mMm In hh ifwlft that lh qurftlitm Is une for Omrti nhl tot GtmfT. KrwiVorV Aprll2.--lloAMr was n"rl.v K-try tsl by flrr ymtrnUy. Iit (KTiMntt (Ue tlll raln. lblkillpliia. April U.Krle ltailnsul trlVrrat Sin nuthana il'iot Imrr "iiiWttnl ilown. Trwips rfmoTisl tn. i.y. Atutln. Nv.. April 2. A lfrrlM trfjily orfnrril Huwlnr Uxrt. in famkv Tnllv. Bir this i-lty. Ikllo wa Jili of Wt n'ff ami a ywmg man nnmr.1 Xortun. rktin kiiini nts wif, two nun; gmt rtvriun i bin- flf, with a Uiwf kaift. San Kraanim, April 1. The l'oltef OimmlMlon tlita afternoon InTMtlpntnl the charirs prffrrrr-1 by II. F Nvptbnly a-alRtt deteetitel). W. lr' conarftWin Kith the Saa-Canmlelr tte, the x4xur of all the Han matrnal atl thdmrrlwoment of th printtn. Aftrr a full rxatn Inalk.n tlm boanl unaiiirunutly JfrHnl Cap t. t. prr lunnnt only hi duly la the matttr. The charge are therwli-re dlimlwd. 1-udfln Mail Cu. Mola tibrl luralut the Oolltiu. U Uf rifts of tblr thlp Aritooa, In towinj her tothltpott from CVrrol lilaniu. Tim bark Samuel Merritt. from New Catle for tblt (mrl, luu irtraa Intn Shiner partly disabled. Innd Jn. irnrrh 2. Adrlect from Autlrnlio itate that Iloehefvrt bai railed for Iximlun, vU Sad I'raiielHV,. The butnbardmaBl ot llllboa eontlaues. (Jen IbtdM it marcDisir fire tbeiuaad men to the astUtance of Marthal Serrano. ANOTHr.n Ur.w KonneRT. Mr. Wb. PoUter m towa from upi-fr f.ynx creek, thin forenoon, vrith lh hail neiT that in the nighl of patunkiv hut. we tlilef cr thieves robbeil hi. arnutra of itboiit $l,OUO, the rrtm-eJ nf upirardi of twratyseTvo tons of riV, wbteh I he pour okt man hail mineil with his own hwU ami verkeil In hit arnilM Thi Is u ea'e that ealls rly rHinl'htueat In ohm the robbers ibouM bn lte- teih The 23.1 Infantry Ilnad will ilay the Collowinr eelec- Ural on the plasa at two o'clock p. in. to morrow : i (juicxxei. urton ueiuro. rieMaro Train lMk. My Ileurt li Thine Soni. Medley VUlan. Urraa i n the Ocesn Wmltzcs. lUiBlnd Me Not IU1U.L 1'i.lka lleilowa Vre Lore. Oalop- Brfclo of th WoJ. WEATitr.a Rrrorrrs. Tb roilnwin; hwt th iit of the weather at the ptaf r named, at 9 n. m. to-day I Maricopa Wellr Clear and pleamnt. StanwliCicarand Jeaiant; therisometr oT5. Ynoia Clear and pleatatit. Indian Well Clear and plsn-snat. Line to Tucaoa down aouth of Marlropa Welb. ... s- A. A. Surireoo Ueag'tr, on duty at Beale'i Sprlngt, ar rived at Van WhlppU Urt nlht. Mr William Klliioa, telegraph operator, itart for iX new atatloa, VTlekenbur, by to-morrow's buek-bucrd. MAIL SERVICE AGAIN. "e have just received a letter from Dslc gate McCormick, enclosing a letter to him from tho second assistant postmaster-general, giving reasons of the Department tor not placing scrvico between tho terminus o: tlie California Southern Pacdic rnilroau in Cali fornia and Hardyvillc, in Arizona, which reasons are not, in our poor judgment, just the ones that ought to be put forth by Gov ernment, through an agent or employe, for the sake ol screening itself from public cen sure for not doing IU duty by a portion-nf its citizen. They are tnat ttic country, Tor many miles between tho two placc, is unin habited, and tnat, as most ol said route is. in California, whose representatives have not asked tor the sender, tho Department deems it unnecessary and. on account ot tne saving streak nf Concrcss, cannot afford to go to nny further expense to supply the people ot this Territory with mails. I To this we have to say, for tho pcoplo who wish tho route established, tha the country between the two points is fast filling up with minora, farmers nnd others; that the rquto is needed by the people of San Francisco and "titer large places in California, whoso pcoplo ouj.dit to help ns to get it. Mr ltouglitoD, congressman iromaouuiern California, does not, wo presume, favor tho route, because it does not run through Los Ancelcs and San Bernardino, ell, then, let him cet mall service on somo other route . " ... . . , , i . to tlartiy vine irom inesc niaces anu Aruonans will be satisllcd, aitnougn mo uircci rouio w what they most need, in order to reach San Francisco and tno Jvwt in snori oruer. v netition from the merchants, bankers, etc., of San Francisco, with the petitions now bo inre Kicrned in the Territory. olTerinc to dis- - o ----- ...... r. ptmse Wltn fierviCO on iwo oincr rumrn, iur tho sake of ccttinir tho service asked for, would, we think, cause Congress ttr declare the route and the P. O. Department to ad vertise for crvice, which petition will, wc hope, be gotten up. It hasn't been many years since hundreds of miles of tho country on both sides of tho great overland railroad was Innocent of white settlers, yet no such argument was ilc duccd from this fact to keep tho country from building tho road. To-day, hotticments arc to Imj found along tbo entire road, and thrifty ones at that. Tho nearest railroad town to Arizona is the-terminal town of tho California Southern Pacific; and a line of stages from that point to Albuquerque, in New Mexico, wwdd hrltif? nnrcdv safvation to n country which is I now. for lack of such facilities and pioneer aid, u Hcmi-wiiaernerss; we, mcrsiorc, iwpo that .Mr McCormick will mako renewed cf forts for not only tho Hardyvflfo nnd Jlakcrs ficld "favor," but for feemco from Prcseott to Albuquerque. Two good ofllcers aro nbout to depart from tho Territory, on bick leave den Carr nnd Maior Drown, of tho fjth cnvaln'. The last named olllcor lias pcrlormcd a great ueni oi . ... -. - . -...t., Held tluty in tho Territory. . Monhv lrr.M. Our fellow citizens who have the privilege of lisndling silver coin oneo in awhile, or aft tinnr. will' Ira pleased hhould Congress pis? tho bill providing for ttrtnlns 20 cent nlncai. Inflationists, will also bo pleased when Congrcsj pastes tho , w,ww,w currency run. MOHAVi: COM'TY.' INDIAN AM) MINIXC AFFAIRS. . A Corlmt correspondent ol tho sends the following: Lieut Thomas and party Tested ilvo days at Heale Soring, and two days nfter they had tartcd out again Slier- rum and 2"0 of the llnalpnis returned to that jHt, and on the IMtli about MX) tnoro followed thcni. They are now feeding about C"' Indi an."all of whom are willini: to go wherever j Uspt I'.trno ehooM's to take them. O.juvih and, about ".0 of hit. band aru out yet, Imnij among the .ServenU and llilalpai Sup.iis. I Thi) four rnscals who to!u tho horses from the Willows, and wounded the mail riiler, I are in the Heale Springs guard houe. I The success in bringing the Hualpais Inck without lighting them. i due, in a great ' measure to ('apt Hyrne's kind and just treat I incut, and his protecting them in all their troubles, llualpai 'barley who, at the com mencement of the dilllcultv, was believed by !l 8 ".v ,0 I,c c'1 n r i,os ,f a SIV. "S tar, proved to be true and f-"f ! the white, . .ml has W In -t ' h! . l,J .r '"f.. " I1 71 to have been left nt the post as suadini them to co on the reserve. If the orders are not countermanded, thu Hualpais will move to tho reserve in about 10 days. Indian rations will last till about the 15th day of April. The llualpai warriors were disarmed upon their arrival. Mining news It important and very fa vorable for our section of tho country. Col Huoll has started back to California, well pleased with the country, and is going to put up a 20 stamp mill on John Sloan's place on the Uig Sandy, immediately. He has men at work grading the mill site, and ex pects to be back here by the 10th of .May. Mr Stcarn, principal owner of tho Dean mine, is also shipping a mill, which will be put up at Freeze wash, about 11 miles cast of Hcale Springs, on tho road to I'rescott. The Keystone, at Mineral Purk, is work ing 20 men. The ore produced is very rich in native and ruby silver. . MILITARY AM) INDIAN JEWS, 7);- PARTMENT OF ARIZONA. From Wednee-Uy! Iaily.) The secretary of war has decided to allow the resumption of work upon Canips Grant and I,owcll ; the buildings to be erected by the labor of the troops. Our advices from Grant represent that the rains during the present winter have had a dannging effect upon the nearly completed storehouses and quarters. Upwards of C0,000 adobes bavin" 1 been destroyed. By the end of the current fiscal year (Juno 30) all troops serving In the Department of Arizona will bo comfortably sheltered. Orders promulgated yesterday from depart ment headquarters, annul the contract of A. A. burgeon II. H. Davn, to date .March lUtli, for absenting himself without authority, from his proper station. Telegrams rom Tucson this morning make it seem uncertain whether Gen Crook is to return to Prcseott that way or corne back by tho trail throujih Tonto Basin. Tho latter is more probable. Major Kvans, Maj. Brown and Lieut. Ross will come with him. Nothing further has been heard in Tueson of tho operations of the scouting parties un der Randall, Hamilton, Utibcock and Schuy ler. Tho new buildings at department head quarters and Whipplo aro progressing rapid- Col. Dodpc, tho new cotnroander of the 23cl Infantry, ought now to be at Camp Apache. lie pwed through Leavenworth March 10. Capt. It. P. Wilson, 5th cavalry, returned to Verde this morning. Flo took tho new trail. We hear it rumored that Col. Royal 1 will take command of tho .Ith cavalry during the absence on sick leave of Col. Carr. IJcut. Pardee, 24d Infantry, with sixty recruits for tho 5th cavalry, in-iy arrive at- Yuma to-night or to-morrow. They left San Francisco on tho steamer of the 21st ultimo. A large train loaded with military supplies for tho posts near hero and for Verde, left Khrcnberg March 2Cth. Trora Thursday Dally. Col. Roger Jones, Inspector-General of this military division, is to arrive in Prescott to night, having made an inspection of the mil itary posts at Uealc Spring3 and Mobavo. Wc hear it reported that tho Colonel will go from tliis place to Verde and Apache, thenco overland to Denver, Colorado. The mail from Ucide Springs to-day, broucht the Information of the surrender of all tho remaining Hualpais, under old Slice- rum, who delivered up nimsclt and tianu March 30. Tho only Ilualpaw now out are a vory small party under Oconyah, to whom Lieutenants Thomas and Bishop will give their close attention. Sheernm gavo up tho four Indians, con cerned in the attack upon Mr Rogers, and al so all other depredators who are now in guard-house. Tho movement to tho Colora do reservo will commence sometime the pres ent week. 5Ir. Strauchon, telegraph 'operator, re ported at department headquarters this morning, to relieve Mr Ellison, who now goes to Wickenburg. Private advices from Mohave report Capt Burns' physical condition much improved by tho warm climate of that point. This will bo good now to the Captain's numer ous friends, military and civilian. He was to tako the steamer for Yuma, on the 30th ultimo. Ry telegram, yesterday, we heard that tho ILusc committee was in favor of allowing New Mexica to enter the Union as a .State. do wish that Colorado, Xew .Mexico nnd Utah were In, as then our Uncle might not bo so -stingy in his dealings with the remain ing Territories or infant Stutca. District Uourt.Scifion comnwnccs in Phomix, Maricopa county, on first Monday in April next. in .Mohave county on first Monday in May next. Wool is wool : farmers of Aritonn bad " better raihe more wool nnd less grain. Ahoy was rattght HeIInK chesiouts near a cumeterv: ' What's vour minor ' " iwecn," Uluhlxircd tho bor. TUe jriatiiBtwM ucr dropped thu delinquent boy and tied. Mr M. K. I!rty, formerly of this county was at Denver. Colorado, on tho i-tth inst., preparing to atart, with Ids daughter, for California. In his hatter to us ho describes Denver ns a rapid town, the climate of which he found very cow. Mr. Chas Pletz, asuayer of Ccrbat, In tld Territory,- is tdmost positlvo that ho has dis covered n great secret, one that will entblo liim to sepatHto silver from lead and other baso metal vim muon greater eac and rap idity than r. work lias ever before been ac complUii'd. He will soon rive vent o Ills men.1 Spcchl Dispatches to the Arizona Minor, By "Western Union and U. S. Military Lines. 1 fhn Diego, Aptil 1. Steamer Ktdnronia nrrived nt 7 a. in., to-day, withilOpisseiigeis and M tons freight for this port. Shu sailed for .Mm Francisco, via way ports, with 10 through and -2 way Mengri. The P.icillc Mail Steamship California took l'J tons of height and head nf cattle to .s'an Kramisco. The steamship Senator arrived at 7 a. m., with oH passengers ami 81 tons of freight, and silled aain for San FrancWo, via way ports, with ;1 through nnd 20 way passen gers, uud o0 head of cattle. ashington, March .'M. The Finance com mittee will report faorably upon the bill thu mint to coin 20 cent pieces. Resolutions haie been arranged by the board of tiadc- of Louisville, Ky., asking Con gress to aid tho Te.xas-Paeilie railroad in anyway necessary to secure an early comple tion ol a southern railroad to the l'.ieifie. St Inii, Marrh 111. The Ucpublican says .107,000 acres of lind of the A. A: K. II., in .Newton, Uawremx' and Htrry counties, Missouri, h ivo been sold to Fretlerick Hil lini;s, of Woodstock, for 513",000. Col Thonns A. Scott has been elected president of the Pittsburg, St Louis and Cin cinnati railroad. Mr J. A. Smith of the Charleston (S. C.,) oharnber of commerce, is visiting tho south ern and western cities in the interest of the nroiected line of steamers between Charles fnii r mill I lenrnfMil n-liieli it Is Iwlieved will 1 converteu an Apucau to cnrininiiiiy iirsi, uc ton anil Liverpool, w nit n u is "-'"- tu w in . .. . .....l-r..,,,,! tho Au-iehe ian. be established at an enrlv dav, Sacramento, March 31. Hill to rc-incorpo-rate the city of San Diego has been iocketed by the Go"ernor. Tho city must stand it two vear loneer under the old charter. Duffj'i bill legulating the telegraph was i reported bark to thu Senate but was unacted ! ujton. The Legislature odjourucd, at midnight, J Mond.iy, amid the usual facetiuiis resolutions ; and j'jKcs lor the bencut of tlie ladles. S.m Francisco, Mnrch 31. Steamer Mon tana, from the mouth of the Colorado river, arrived to-day. GoM in Xew York, 113$. Greenbacks in San Francisro, weak at 87 and 88. London, March 31. The steamer Nile was lost on her voyage from Hongkong to Yoka hama, and eighty persons were drowned, among tneni were tlie .Japanese commission ers to the Vienna Kxposition. Report from thu fatniuu districts of India show nn improvement in the condition of the people. Washington, March 31. Gol Cocy has been confirmed as postmaster at f-m Fran cisco. Representative Luttrtdl has introduced a bill to admit free of duty, for two years, all machinery for manufacturing jute clothe, and bag material. All quiet tX the Susquehanna Depot. The town is in possession ol the troops, New York, March 31. It is reported that the insurgents are making havoc in tho nlan-1 tattons oi uuua. P. M. steamer Rising Star lias (jonc out of the dock at Bermuda and will sad in a few days. San Francisco, March 31. Legislature ad journed last night at 12 o'clock. The (!ov. has signed tho bill providing for two terms of the supremo court to bo held at San Fran cisco. Harbor commissioner's bill defeated, aho bill re-districting city. A Washington dispatch says inflationists in tho Senate are working a majority of live at least. Secretary Kichardson is reported to have avowed his purpose to retire from thu Treas ury. The additional currency which Congress threaten four hundred millions for Nation al Hanks makes a total 15, ink issue, in greenbacks, of eight hundred million. Thirty-one persons have been sent from this city to Stockton Insane Asylum this month twelve females. Mikado sailed for Honolulu end Australia, to-day. Vasco Do Gama arrived at Hongkong on the 21th inst., making the voyago in 30 days Irom San Francisco. Washington, April 1. Congressman Page of California, to-day appeared liefore the House committee on public lands antl made argument advocating restoration to the pub lic domain lands hcretot'uro granted U) the A & P railroad company. The public debt was decreased 82,000,090 dming the month-of March. New York, April 1. The rumors of a panic in London, circulate!! yesterday, are un founded. Ono or two houses failed and that is all ; business dull. Ollices uf the I.oui?ana Central llailroad company will soon bo ojicned in this city. ;oi i no a. droit uas been clccteU ono ot tho director! of the road. San Francisco, April 1. A fire broke out this morning nt 4.30 a. m., on Sacramento street, sml soon ovcrsevcral buildings. The los teaches SoO.OOO. (jold m .New lork, 1IJ5. tirectih&cks in San Francisco, 68 and iJ'J. Uns-hington, April I. Tlio anticipated appearance of Luttrcll before tho post olilee committee, in advocacy of an investigation uf the alleged postal contract irregularities, was postponed today until next Tuesday, await- ng the receipt of lurtlier ilocumeutary evi. dence. Ncsmith's 8ucce in passing throtiali the House, reccently, the bill lookine to thu payment of the Modoc war claims, when a imilar bill was ovurwiioiuunciy ueieatod month previously, Is striking evidence of his value m uongrcm nntt ttic nigii character and otucial integrity lie enjoys. Luttrell is gathering much startling tcsti mnny regarding tho operations of the Call forni postal contract ring, lie lias admis sions from the Postal department that lawn have been disregarded, nnd obtained prom ises of immediate reform, iho contractor whoso operations are being luvciligated are Harlow, .Sanderson & Co. New York, April I. Fifteen thousand troops aro marching in support of Warrano on Ililboa. Hochtdort and cMmpsnlons will Jeavo Syd ney ftrr Kurvpo immediately. , Providence. March 31. Procecdinirs in lankruptcy have bettn instituted against the ! A. iV w . Hprague Manufacturing Company by tho National Hank of Commtrce. The announcement caused great excitement among tho stockholder. Jl:mk represent ing l'J.000 shares nro urging the director to withdraw their suit, but, so far, without suc cess. ChalTvf, olio of tho director of the company, appeals tr tho creditor to ktop prow -cding, as it will throw from V'fiQQ to 15,0(K) pcrmi out of employment, causing great injury to creditor thctnulves. He assures them tlinl tho ctimjsttiy, if not inter fered with, i ill bo abb to dischsfgo every dollar of their obligation. . --. Pittsburg, Pa., April 1. A firo at Miller. ton caused fonrful dainago to 60 buildings, Miinm. . 1 1 .t.l . 1 I W ftnions them tho intncipal loirncs of-tho phco. Many lives were lost. San Francisco, April 1. A meeting of Democrats held nt Sacramento last night to ilevi'c some pulley for future nction, wus nddri';ed by federal legislator. . ., Saw iV FrickV liquor store was destroyed bv lire this morning. Loss, nlxmt $f0,000. "Tho Hird cut his throat with a pocket knife to-day. TXJCS02ST. ' .Tucson, April 1 (iov. Siirord, today, pordoiied A. Wiley nut of thu penitentiary, lie was convicted of manslaughter alHitit one vear ago in Mohave county ami hail served one y i nr. Judge Pot ter, before whom he was tried, the otllrer and lending citizens-, in Mohave and Yuma counties petitioned the (ioveriior for the pardon. Thu Teriittnial board of education met on Monday nnd appropriated school monies to thr set'eral tountitH as follows: Pima, ?2, J0S.;W; Yavapai, S2ttl.-lli; Maricopa, S07.G0; Yuma, 5I,2U.P'J; Mohave, STLW. Toney (Sriswold, who killed his brother at Camp (irant last year, is now on trial for murder. John Wasson is to leave to-day for Phila delphia. no tt'Aiurs "coxvutrs: (rroi.i tin- NVw Vork World.) Major 1'ouclt, ho lins liceu li-cttirltitr In the Wet on Arlons, recently lroui;Iit out as a ilde Imw a Tonus Apaelie iiainnl Moiilezmii i wliom, lie nsrerti-d, (icn. O. O. Hounrtt luul eouvertetl. Aotl now touiea a crnttrman npproprlately rmnwd (ientlle, hIio aicnecs tlie Major f listing ot tallied tlie Apacliu under lalsn preluncvs, Innf rntieli as Motileztinia was by lilla, the nld (Iclitlle, lioulit vs llti a price from tils (avac tajilors. Knrilicr, tlctioiH-tit sitys tint ut-ii. Howard never une; ncoiiiliv, lieeatlee me it:iciiCK will nol ire tineiteil. finally, Mr. (lititllc charges that (Jen Howard used Ids Ititlui-nce to return to their pigan rehtlvif, despite their protests, several joting ltidlitis who hail been placed In ClirWtlnti lioines a labor III which he was aided by the lo cal siiperiutcudt-iit, wbo mini; of the JcvrUti fulth, mm "not nn admirer ol" Christianizing Indians." We cotiiiui'iid ihi tpurrel be tween Christian, Jctr, (ii ntllc and pnan, to the Voting Men's Christian Associations who have so Innjr preached tietieral Howard and hlin glorl. lied. Tlit-y tiiivo admitted that he wat nn embez zler, hut pleaded that he had hut one nrm to IhriiKt Into the Tremiry. lie hsd been an hunt, hie Instrument In (he plunder of the trccdmrn, but he had ulso been nn humble Instriimt-ut In the conversion of the Apaches, and his bnUnct: above w.ia beyond the reach of t-oiirt-tn.irtlal or critic. Hut If Mr. (ientlle rpcnk truth there are. tulUelctit reasons for bullet lug General Howard Is a iilous fraud, and has, while nlth oii-j hand lie put an Apitcho In the font of ChrUthinlty lth the other taken a dovu out, putting on the livery of Heaven and the regtilnr service to servo the devil in. It Is only a few weeks ulnco his la hrymosc aid, Captain Wilkinson, dccribed the worth through Arizona, which left the country U-lilud them strewn with converts aud c.imin! meats, wherein (leneral Howard tatir hymns nightly while the Attaches gathered round to profess re ligion and steal things. W'tt shall be sorry to learn that this romance lus to ho dissi pated. For If nn Apache do not understand Kugllib It Is tiisnlfet ly usetefs to pray, preach, or slog at htm iu that liuguige, and ticncral Howard, though ho exhorted with tbe tongues of men and angel, was lint as sounding brass nnd a tlnU-tln- rrmlLiI anil inb'lit as wrll ha. nilllrheil one of "the adhceut boulders with his moral ma- nure. This, however, was but n rrror of the head. What shall wc say of the returning of those protesting anil I'rofstsnt Apacbcs to the ; tepes or wickedness? 'I hey might hive in lime I iM.-coine light of the Church, treasure of reli gion associations, director of freedmen' bureaus. I Iu the pn-cul they would have been n sure source j of ruvcuue to tho Indian ring. This Ocncrnl I Howard's mnu hlgotcd friends wll! admit at a fit i ctihject for investigation. Is ho a rahhl In dis guise or a cunning cmmissary oi some itiuian to clety for the proportion of hcaiheuUm ? The Minkii vouches for the truth of Gcr tile's statements. HOW TO MAKE MINES AND ZULUS PAY HANDSOMELY. S'e dnlrr t oill lli ttfntion f uiinrr ti nn riiunplo tthlrW tnrit Ihrlr nt'ftitli.n. !) Ipr tti- rou rrstilu from Uif rrioiniil n. Trtloil narur''m"' t mlolnff fniirt- It ibmi nt tli- umt tlnx tltat lart rompiiiM wltii many oRlfrrs ilu m rll with tnlnrt o. a few rnsn-r -hji who drroTf thrir (-rrKioal ntlrtitioa to tbrlr tmtinrss Tlii? (loM 1 1 ill mine nwmil lj- lljvl.l rwijfhatimtr ami Thiima M'mltrlr, i on firanilT rr'V, thr- milrs from l'LH-rrrlllr. liLnha 1 try have a twrntr flr t.imp will, thbf Iluncrrfcirit'. rtK-iitrator. fiMtr hfr!r rot" Mil tirii iHIIrr,. Thr mill ran. elirl.t oiut iltiy fiuo-laj u all. and ilnrlnu thr sit tUrt-)nr lh- tU'fjt ut the tnlll has not rxce.iltsl tii duyf. 1 1 rulcri il.i w- trurk titi Sitnila, lut liaf pl.uty ure ut fi.r th mill tomi'li. Thr milt i. utiiatrd in a ravlcr ntxt a tnnsrl iiru bavn nin In vn ttr Inlfre both wars, ui that tlx iUOrlr lirvrr daylicLt tintil ufti r it hai iu t ni.bnt. Tin" tuniM'l runnntp Mw h way frura the raslna.I Hcftt in m thr Inlpr anil is 3,ftlO Uv Umt. Tli lit has lru k-it wit t tli" .iirfiM-r a. thr Uslpn i. well iIrCait th nlmi,' Irpirth. Thr ilrai-rtt tiliwr frwtn thr f nrfair Is 3IS) j frrt. The rioartt it-ln N vrrr Mrt asd the !! hnnl, ft tliat thty pM(m liarr ti u any Mastlnjr. chU-h ft tunnu is u rrat .aTinir. Thry i rush froui 'J6 Ut 40 tims iif ruok s-rUy uil IU tnUl xt uf ininisir, Willi r ntut all Is "inly H i-r tim. TbU ifuhl mining pr.ity wim finsi-i ly owni-1 liy n:s-tjl uliier iwitlm, all ul nhum nl n Liiturr .t nurkin. ainl aUtntloiir,! it. Tlx milt itlf oriltMlly cost, nt thr tlnir of htirti frrlffliti,,l)r. At thr titnr iaskt OMu;iiniiir. an uui Mimrr, im u Mitp rar prtit.r hv trlr, via. whip unliij in thr nrii(hlsirliil. Ilr mi'l itoiiltrlr ulirn thr niln alutnloiixl ty thu fiirinrr nnrr, iwirr-lr.l In Knyinif the -whnlr pmprrty, nKistly "tn tlinr, ' fr At thr tiir hr fvt thr miiir he wai iluwn to lsl-n k Init hy limiting ir.r tt' Iwlia. tlrTclopl u tplrntM minr. and wad it pay hanilMjiff ly at thr atni Ilm, l nry havr onw ai bts x ttv propmy ahont nny mm, whom tbry rsiy i jtr iMlnrs in nirrrnrr pr immth. utul Nianl. tluriiwr Iih' wiutrr , ami, Iu lh' spring, whm thrrr U watrr for Uir pl-rr lainr, they jy seventy Ihr lullars in rnrrrnry rr mimth, nwi h.anl. Wcl is bvuiht awl ttnrknl tip for four dollars prr ront Iu (Tri-in-hnrk: auj thry liavc pWty i.f uatrr for ntviun fiirir, nr. In thn rmiiinit pnnir Hi-nwners lntrml to tin rm their ledtfr whri it irp.- thr fiilrh. nnl silim thry fi-Ul harr brrvtlsltli way.. Tlv ljilr thry tjt havi Vitut ttitllrirtit afartty for thr nrw rrjiiv. ImiMlnjf-wofVi. rtr. Tlie Uslgr has U-n wmkul tontinttuusly tlw IrnfrtU t,r the turuK-1 thrre thoiuanil f.'rt and tiny lust' m.l ts)ii,n fu thr rul nf tkr y rti. Tlw-y Imxe now rn hitmi tHuriy fire thotuiiail tons if ulrhurrtxsinrrntnitnl, wUfli thry Intm.t In wiirk tip at mm fnlirre time. 'I hey Itavr wter wurkril any suliAnrrli ami lliry lutve arronl logly tis'iiitiitUt'sl'.it tlir mill. Mr, (xtaharMir, tbr prln. rlpal iiw-nrr, la thr nanagrr ul the rpiperty. Ilr wanks as liartl aa nny ur tlir lnUinrr, atvl rmtht net W ilj.lin riil.W.I friHn thrin la ilrrrs ami nppraraKre at thr minr. ilr I. n1nri likrii t.y all who knots bint, atl i A i-hjlo, r-rtv-tiral man. Wm. Cnthatonr, his nrpheir, funur tlr a srhw.l trarli- rf, hsiks irit for thr flnnJuss mil sunrinlrtuli tin. u.lll. Ilr li hamly with iils, 1ms riftr.1 up u bithr, iv an.1 fun,. iitT thr nUtapi-iU, tunkrs ri-iir, Hint Is 6 lmu.y niau r ttirh a plin r. Mr, Muiiltrr, fonnetly, we trtlirrr. a ilrjyauui, It un lutsli.), and r-i4lrs In this city, slsitii lr minr ot-rasliinally. Any rir who tl.Hs this minr, will r inai it is ui urn m;nwiyr.i nun hn est-r mw, r.rry. tiling irr-s like rWk wtitk. ami Iu a ii-.tnimtln num.. It Is wnrktil bu nwnoiuirnl bnslnvM priaripli-s, iu a wlur rriim m- iiwmi. I ney nny uirir pnnmifitis, supplies, rt.. In tins -ily iu the umiin- r. wlirsi frrizUt l low. nn.1 ty 3ili Sftnf) thine liry trrt. Thi-ir twrrx shows what lialiutry ami -riTrmnv, r.iniblnl with rant t-srftirMsm tie, will do. 1 hey hnvr tnerrly brottxht Into thr Imlni4s of minini the same melliods imnfusl In or. ilitmry liiwIurK, whirl, frw pijle An. V, dnti'r lrk oirnr i.iuKMiirr nun in II luuDlry that has (( stojiprt1 unit' -mm ini nays in innv years. Ifiey up fire tumps at a time iiml ki-ithi rest rmralBtf. Tlx-ro am plrnty nf ottu-r tuinrs in this Mali, an.1 ml.-r. im h- Is.. rifle si i, libit ilH jy work ns well a Ui UbWl inn, ii iney wrir nkiiioxr.l r.s will. We WUU w cimM rrmrd murr inntaivrs r the same kind. HrlrMlnV l'rrss. la Tnrwa, d-tltghtrr. SJ, tn Itisr wlfo ef l'brv. AVtlUfi, s PHCENIX STORE. PI KKMX, , . . A RIZOXA, . Itoojv tof Sato . GEMilt A L IUEUC1 1 AIV lISE, Grra.ins &c, -Scc? Hlghast Prices Paid for Grain mid other ' ' Tittm ProduGai MAUICOPA COUiYry, w.&uei.ust-.K, kiiw'n r. iiRtuxos, CM.VXU, IPLOUHING- MXZi;. Salt Rivor Valley, Arizona. Our Mill n,nr Ix-Int In full 4tNsr(s) li.M ... lu furalsl. tin. market with a q.irdily I Meur (imranlrr ttr n-riort. miy ii,nuiitMirKi .?, , lory. .,,.1 f,,U, ....ul !),. ,'.ry IM torn la W. "ill keepctautly on hWt Bt thi V?h nt uur eeral itgeuilr. a I. THnmj qualities or pwuh, In 25, 50, and 100-Pound Sacks GRAHAM FLOUR, IS EM IT ELLA, COHN-MEAI, CHACICUD WHEAT AND BltAN, A llWml ml illM-tntnt wll he mH(r m rrrnlttr nt tsnml i.tUew jmrfUlnx a-iBtlnei. " inereLim ACKSTNi Uiiirt t'onsM J. II. I'IKIISO.V HsllNin-T A. IIUH.-K Mnonn A. Csuii K. N. t-'tilt X fo i:. 5. run x cv.. Hail riifrntx, Atlionn. ffeitrS Msrlrei W.ri I ".. V.V.'.V.V.'.V. V." . t r- j n ti auuulbtiB 4 CO SosSS ' I'lICiarS'IC HOTEL, Phoenix, M Arizona, Th nmler.1)cee.l hsvinf tind this Hotel, wsmft. public that no ii,urint will be sjrd till-. lliiteli.f the T.rrlt..ry. n wsstk,i, hlngle ntn tsmllln. In runner lion t), u, tt A gtAl Htuhle utiil Kee.t Vord atlnch4 lu th rtraUi I'imie une, eunlt Aud Klel"e n iwlL. J. J. IlAItpLWlt, ftoptirh dmUI. H. MOIIIIAS. t,. I,urrrr II. IVlOXiOVT JSc CO., AT rilCEMIX OAL.T RIVER VALLEY, AMI MORGAN'S FHRRY, ON Tllli OiU, X&uicopa County, Arizona, lilALKIU IM ;Eii:UAL 31 K It CI I A IV I) ISE. Our itufo: 'Quick Sites and Small Profit? J3ttf J. Goldwater & Bro., n-ICBISriSC, ABIZONA, Es-vs a bind t Largs and Cotaflst Block ef GENEUAfs MERCIIANDISE, Cvraprlsing ererythinj; rr-)tilrrl In a liming oostrj, cd.I nhlrli Uiey will srll at Uie loirest possibl jTktt. ElgUrt pries paid far Orals. fMtf 12. IRVINE Jk. CO, At tbo News Depot; 1MHKXIX, AlUZO.VA, Offsr fvr Male nn aiMrtiivrat of tiv. etstt FAMILY ii HOCEUJKH, Stationery, JUooIcs, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS AT low ir.ict!S. rhcrntx, Mar!r.-pa V. Artnina, Irsa-i!r SVlh, Id CAPITAL HOUSE, I?lifni:x, Arizona, ! JOH.N (ii:OIU;rM Proprietor. TK riuf drpnrttnrnl wl3 ) wttx'"l oo tism tanrast ay. .IhAUi AT AL.I. UUt'lU. T1IK HAI.OOX DrtrtmsL hr OKOCOI: X WALTKKS, U Uip ; fllri with lh Wst of IJo,uws. Xr. rssralz, Jl3jKupA county, A. '1'., AutOU Kl. IIARPiETT & WLOCK .... DKAI.IIIIS IM .... Gnxtriti, PtocltloM, OfofAnj, l)r$'Gv& Pjicr.sis, M.utrcori Covutt, AcixosA- VtV Srll cheaper than any otlrtr tisrrelisntjit contrai Arunna. nov-vi". ruivscorr. ruAXK Prncrxta. Ttisorinus ixr&A& Pu reel la & Loisillon, Hats now on hsn.1. al thlr limtK MTOlUt, iVitU' j UikI), Owslwiu Ktceet, bu kinds u( (iKOCP.Itl KS, PttOVlStOXS, CIO'X'jtllrTO. JIOO'X'S M SIIOEft MINItfO TOOLS, MQtTORB, &C Whlrh thry oflsi for snU clrap. ANTELOPE RESTAURANT. Oarloy BUeot, North Sida of tho FU IItKMJTT, A3SO?fA Tb I'mprtetor J IbU Krstaora Wf fully anuounrH UmI h will ipaw P r In ratttlnif to tho taslea Of his tar, aud TUe table supplied ttttk st Ti iirais will ue riuiiubea c o0"". ' l nenritcura mat ran Da iironurtu. ;TcryiiuiT - i srvv4 up in th ueaistylr. T. WlilTKirtlAD. rrefrlrtsf. JftMott, S'orrmbergJ, Wt. oit WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SUQti 0arlc7 Streot, FrotitVug on Ocaaitt I'l'fM'titt Arl.oiu-. Alt llrJ st IltArnnltblas-, " )-wiiiik wtfV m jruouslrlt DV .. 'PEESCOTT. ZR'XZOItf- I resnretfullr antxninc Ui tin fwple it Nfl' Tons that I lifcve vpctietl A Matt Iteialt rtfropn'"itoJ( l-reseott, two ilnors soit or iu ViaWor-sii. ,1. o .iivh iiauii r run wf pu ainuK, ui.-. m- - .tM l'mits. Wultmta, Caiiyr, )mrrrie, Trfts, T Cilfars. Klour. rVwmimd t!V 'Jia &. Andati1rM)nttUiuawi srftd'ty .M2JS i.1 Trees lliickrry, IlwJrry. nd Onrraal WJfe plautlntf. Th.y av uil Uuh lb urr foiifilrjr gjf Kumtfss aod uf tu fowl vwliy f fu u. CloaVt lull w (ret suit ot tUftsa l.t, a llir lu oulodtil.t. sVi wtdl Ur. Vtaai. JlJJJom Y?7 rys wtll U irUUelitt m smalt o,tuotltiei M tfi,iu Jbf j 'I ly motH hllb, "Qtilvsatil PUau Cre .-- H rri" "rTT' (' nPTmlSSiiiiSiUSiiiUtk t . -r 1