Newspaper Page Text
. t. irt.nll!innmiu rtmvu .". - K.iurJjv't Dally.l .' . . . ilfM ...111 llfV i.jt-cr cwaiiHU" .'- ... , nrnent. no le.M than fotii .MhtUbnicnls Hi 1'rcRcolt . I-.- .1... jilwut IWO Wtf luaiij tvi. win i. nn'.r iMicntlluetl on tli ..!.. ,...., to nearly every imsinc i.itrn. ti-Mf. I.. It. St. .Tames, of tho pout ..MWutinicut. Uainii tt'ixio. will -fot u-jr ta -taki rr a recent mvor IMF II)rs( vi'iting her friend ',.-,'.. ire IfiiiI to riitiovo from I'res- '.. . .1 it I I irr I in it uvi-ibi ..nit;,. .!! I ... ii station and ininUtiT .....t I.irinr4. ,. .f nnil otlil'N. U'orft In ... al'.r..... I'- - .. t. I Iii('..rliiiw1 111 till.. !.. i I.'.iin.'l . 1 ll.llV IMC . 1 .... ..i'luiui .mi. r..,ft i.ii.i lit ,1 tnuuiitt far wtirkiny quartz . i..Il dr iiturralitin fit tint limn tin , ,t. Ct'cstxr Mr. G. Y. Raw TttrJ.iy, to Mr. Claik Witwni, fif- . ' a rr tti loiurci-uiii, nycr IMC, tor of S1.I0V. .ru'iiic .Mr. I'lamlcM liav.ojt ro- .1... 1'....!.. .-I..... I... .....t. , 1 tuc wu. niuii) 11 iiviviiu fcuim .: nt view--, uill. Hi a dnv ur two. iccotE!iiu:mo an, wjui wcuire. at a ('jut'. Kitllery, k'all arly, a I... IV 1. I'nn I. ...... I ill iiri ne T at L.I. ..!..-. Tf.. i. f ytuiii. j itumui. mutiny ... 1 ...j ... u.n, vr..,i.L i.T rtibe liter LJb, Indiana quiet. nott.n riank JJtirriiy, but learn ., . ...a 0, luouniaiu usinn a tsrv 1. .11 . - . . jjjiiuiiy.mcfiing w 2Ua i.ougc, ii. .1. m , .11 uicir uaii, tin oven- 1 if ik 1 Of BLiJ Air nit-lilknn 11I - - 1- t t. .w. .. .;. ! 1. t . . . - - w I - ...1.1 I . .iti lujnim, u kuiuiu wriiou; ...lit tl A. I . .. . 1 . 1 . 11 ttU't Uil.l IJVUIk UAII. Il'rv It'll! : uic oi tiie Juwulrjc to forties in ... c I II. .1 - . .... a ' ' " .w"..WjjlMM. .TW.M.- water brullL'Ilt nn thn rlioimmtlm to loft:,;. washing; out Li4 lialt !)(! uimu to UtWU. uin i.'l... .....I.. ri-i- n t. . Hiker, of Chino Valley, rqwrU an ulu ll)iuael ttiuuiitr slorui utie uay tuu week. lEriir ..-r. ri.i r..ii... k i....t i. M..n ... . r- . t.i towu, witliiu tho j.wt two day, - "J I "w riZWft MV ! 1 r i t.i.... t ! t WEEKLY. A RIZONA MINE! 11 , . ... H M.lirrt. I., ii. 1 .11 Ll. Jtn.l 1 1 f r, lelr. by tills iMoruinir's mail Lililornu. II. Ilanly htuC out last uisht on uiv man w auu. . - : I 1 r . I. IaI V. 1 ImIII IMC 11 U LIT 11- til LLllTt ITIMI-1. I J " receivei! 0 tram from California. h.ivc s)kndui tunnture. Jiasu unci Iruit, etc. I Cd., lurw just received toons i . i r i - . i i 'ill ilM i III lil IIIKAUILIS. PllillU til nve hamjiled and found real good jtrifitifiM .- iciiiTiim nrn niimr tn ftorc fur tbc puroic of taking an l Ui?.retnuaiitfi ol their old stock. rillhrraft ii very simrfr fixed In Knit inn ni i.trinrv.- itpinu. tun - w nw..M...y T llllVIIM lit evening. ..... Tip PTnriil tV4.kt. vniTlnii Anl f.. li. lilliisel , !. ft. Jenk", A. JiokMi ll?rlrt anil inrr it nflicj j. trf1 ; ptne toward lite VerJe )tt b 4lk V.u,!.ut. Mr. (5oo. Ilanaliarttid Mlm Jehuia: Sir. Shivana. mdC U'l jiljt frooj thoir conntnanci Jnhn it. C CimpIwH, fohn ".'I A. JI. KwinU. have ivitnUnrd fur .. . . . . . .. ......... . .i.... nil l.iiJ. 1 hnuln on tfa Vcnltf, n&Wh Way Lamn Vn1e. Thev nra aU rami iwm i m town Rom the vffdtf : . p r t . !.. . ... I & 1 m IUl'U V ! Jilt lU'LII cUim U mvino- art.-!. dc8 bmb ui rfinruvrc rm in k.iiiji r phiti ri i-. 4 fv v . . Ull . . T t rtf viivw which iiu r. Wilt ,, rJjsrffO nf Jfin hnn.n r r - v J U CJLUL7I1B11L H K I III n!Tf5W0-ft height tra n-U muto irnAj. . n -..ft mi'i. (. i,n,t ,..i.t, -- ui corn lanil nn flr.U Ti4C4t. T ' MllllllbU wivuii, 4ft f"0'1 '"W -Saturday gtacj: " 1 ""D5, fop iho Vffdfl Jn- IKmm TntKlny! Dally. J Jlill feinith'i quartz mill, near Vickcnhurtr. from visiting Li9 family ia Califoniia, lms writ ten us a Totter, from which no learn that " tn aiisuict lie met aovenl of hU old Aovndii inlnln ncquaintancci solid men who informed him that they would soon vUit Arizona, in quest of mining prop. f ho marriage of Mr H. Hatnboz of Wick cnbtirg mid Miss Jennie Starkey of An- ""i lu V"1C wc navo DcJoro alluded. tojk Jilacu at tho a-siiionce of Mm Tavlor, In pros mice of (,. finironl nn.l other Arizuuaui men in mat part of tlm country. t A gentleman recently from Wicketihur" informs ns that Afr J. I). Ctt.jcnharry h:S maricu men to work on a quartz ledec situ ato cast of Wickcnuurh Sorno gctitlcfncn of I'uget Sound arrived in I'rescott, sevend day ngo. and think of staying in this vicinity. OniKKTA i. Hmtai'ra.nt, H.Kf:nr and Sa l.oo.v. Jlr Steiniiu-r's lease of tbis entahlisb ment exjiire to-day. On to-morrow, the !roiirietor, Mr Dan Hat- will Hk clian.ii and run it in a way that cannot fail to keep present customers and win more. I trm ol imard, Ac.,' same as before, for which see advertisement. T. M. Alexander Is aetimr wnrshal f il.n Tiilngc. Jlo U a good and clJIcicnt oIIIctT. l'rwcott ha-s a "fancy" citizen who think Willi! of attending next masquerade ball u a Hiatnmotu ten'i jwncii. Geo. V. fiance and L. U. St. Jnmci arrived in town Monday evening, from the Verde region. Mr. H. If. Weaver, her three children and MI Josephine Stephen, have cone to Chino Valley on a visit. This is the last day of March. Taken all in all it has bren a very respectable month. Mr. John G. Campbell, of this place, in forms us that Mr. Jus. M. Ilakcr. of Chino Valley, was taken sick, very kuddenlv, a few days ago. Dr. McCandlcst has gone down to see him. To-morrow will be All Fool's Day. flranito Mountain and other points north of 1'rescott were treated to rain and hail, yesterday afternoon. I'rencott people have started in to garden a little. f ...... i-l ....!. I C.t ... .....I morning, for the Colorado Indian reserve. The strcots wero lively yesterday. I'roia WrJnrJar" Iall. Fi.'ved. John Woodman and K. D. Hidse were iiwt night caught stealing bay from A. L. Mocller'f barn, by constable Knott, who arrested them. Jlcintr, this mornint;, taken I ueioro J. (J. utu, J. i'., ana iouiui guilty ot petit larceny, tboy wero let on" with a tine of S23 cacb. 11. E. Elliott's arrastra is pulverizing tbc last or a batch of oro from the Salvador mine, near I'rcscott. ' Wo learn that WilKrd Iticc is sinking on the Cornucopia lode, and taking out a great deal of rich rock, A rich sjKJciinen from tho lode was yesterday on exhibition. Mr. Dan Ilatz is now in full charge of the Oriental Itestaurant, bakery and saloon, next door to the .Mixr.a ollicc. Cattlu. C. J. Head & Co., and G. W. Hance, have now nearly 1,000 head of cattle Ed. F. Uowcr. a dischanred soldier and a Chinaman, left by Grant's mail wagon this morning. Wc learn that Gen M. P. Smalt, actinir chief quartermaster, military department of Arizona, lias received a nispatch from lien. Uelknap, secretary ol war, instructing Jiim to complete the public buildings already commenced at Camps Lowell and Grant. Mr. Stcmmer intends to ndd on more house to I). J. MsrrV in Woolser vallev. and make of it a good, comfortable station, for tbc ac- comraouation ot travelers passing tbat way. Mitchell it Gardiner have an immense "stage" fitted in good stylo Tor tho carriage of unfortunate citizens of Prescott who have to go to Phmnix as witncscs. Gardiner talk of taking sixteen passenger in his cigbt-horsepower caravan. All who arc expected to pay taxes for the aupjwrt of the village government may feel nn intctvt in examining tho assessment roll which will lw at. the village recorder' olllco to-morrow, for this purpose. Charlcfl Peterson and Xorrnan McCloud, fanner of People' valley, in this county, were in town ycstcnlay witu wngon-Ioails ot potatoes, corn, etc. Mr. MrCloud had to sell some of bis com for three cents per jMiund. Jlr J. L. Fisher will foon call upon patrons of the Mi.vku, in this vicinity, for the ''back my" nw due tho establishment. Let him nave it, if you please. Dills will soon be for warded to alt persons, outsido of Prescott, who rye indebted to the Mi.r.n for subscrip tion, advertising, etc., all of whom are earn estly requested to send the money as scedily as possaiblff. Dy so doing, ladies and gen tlemen, you will enable life to pay my dfbts and run tho machine. John II. Marion. The RicunsT. Our fellow townsman, Jno Laughlin. arrived home a few days ago, Irom Walnut Orovc mining district. IIc visited and took a good took at' the Vesuvius gold mine and pronounces it tho richest of all mines he bn crer treen, which assertion wo must take for granted, since John ha seen nearly all the crack mines of California, Ne vada, New Mexico and Arizona. Head Mr. Flanders advertisement: then visit his gallery, in which you will find tho best of photographic views, etc. His stay here will bo short, so, pcouto who have not yet takon advantage ot In presence to nave tiicir pictures taKcn, siwiiiu uo w delay, as another such chanco may not occur fuf months to couw. . CiMitft: is TnkwifiAPti OirniTons. We t.. u.t Informod that Mr. Strauchon, the present telegraph 0j)erator at Wtckcnburg, Kit ta I'res,tt and ake he Mi.M. nr ii i.iiifinii. tth" rJtrauchon' placa at v xCkenti will irmxi TT,tiri.tlv' UillV.I Mr. Spearing baTingchargoof MrKwlnji's UCrilOI HOISes, IS jpisi innuiit . w...v. sayatbat yesterday a mart camo In front about 44 miles from Camp Verdo on the new Apacbo road where thrta mon with tbclr team, haVo been for sometime snowed in. re porting that one of their nuadwr, a Mr. 1 ti llotliday, formerly of Vcrdc, w, spmo fivo weekaftince, shot, and very ladly woundetl by Indians. Mr. Holliday id though badly woundod through both legs, and also throngli the neck near the basu of tbc skull is yet alivo. v Col Coppinger has dispatched party for hjs relief, ' , : Vi ... rt f . .. , , wuj.M.wno oi mo own ers of tlio Salvador mine showed us, a con Phs of hours ago, n small bar of gold, weigh. .V.o-i1"'1, t,Jrco-f'Kitii ounces ami valued at the proceeds of just about ono ton or rocktop roek at thatfrom the Salva dor mine, near Prescott. 'J im batch of rock was worked by Mr. It. V.. Elliott, in his ar rastra in this town. This result, although not a large ,mc, given genenl satisfiction. the shaft on tho Salvador is down about 18 feet, at which dejith jhe ledgo is of good size and the rm k very rich. The owners talk or erecting a water wheel and nrrastrai to work their rock, on Granite creek, a short distance above Prescott. Mr Peter llrannan, of Verde, informs in that there are about 1,'JOO Apaches on tho Verde reservation, all in good health and ijiiiits. Mr John Hogcr, the man who was recent ly wounded by the Hntdjmi Indians, at the Willows, is in town. Peojilo who have seen him say, "He is shot to pieces." Miller's largo freight train piscd through town yesterday aftcrncxin huavilv laden with lumber from the (Quartz Mountain saw-mill. Lumber destined for jKiints on the Gila, Vcrdc and Salt rivers. Fink weather, lovely day. nicest of the season, i what wo yesterday heard ievcral men iy. JJut mr the rct that Jack Frost 1 reigns or nights, it would not take long for the fragrant Cottonwood and tbr'fty willows to put on iring frills nud Hower. They are, already, a little green. Mr Win A Mnn trot to town vestcrdav af ternoon fro'n Uradsuaw. A sever.- attack of neuralgia caused him to leave his mining prop erty. Mr II. M. Herbert, Thos Uullockand other sportsmvn got back from Venlo yestenlay. They succeeded in killing one deer. Water was too mu'JUy lor Kucce-mia tislung. Mr M. Wormsor advertises bis at Phceni.v, Salt Uiver valley, and lias another advertisement calling ujxiu jiersons indebted to tbc late linn of Wormer t 'ertheimer to settle as soon ns possible. Tho jolly old gentleman's storo in the valley is said to con tain a great deal of everything needed by Arizonans. Improvrmknts. Mr Jake Marks is having Ids dwelling house made taller and otherwise improved. Mr Hen l.indenbaum is putting nn exten sion to his carj enter shop, on Moutezuma street. l.iw is nil the rage. Jodgo Otis' offico is tbc place where di-putants and their talent are holding high carnival. Danokroi'm anu Usi'Lr.ASANT Act. Sev eral weeks ago, two herders of Williamson valley, named Chart and lirookshire, quar reled and scutlled alxiut the result of a gatno of cards. In the scutlle, lirookshire, who is a largo man, got his antagonist down, but ohowed no disjosition to hurt him. Soon after letting uim go tree, ii, waikcu towarus tho fireplace, follow ed byC, who, it appears, had procured a knife, with which ho attacked II., cuttiii" him pretty badly in at least two places, and would, erhaps, have killed 1)1, but for .Mr. Stanibfer, who, hearing the row, got up aud separated tbe combatants. This has led to the arrest of Chart, who was brought here by deputy sheriff Uuinmond and will, to-day," undergo examination before Justice Otis. And, now, comes Mr. SUndifcr, who alle ge tbat a man named Donabugb, of the mi..lli.j, will. wIiihii ! ""d om wntil lu oino lrffili-il property, stood t fence comer tho evening of March 30, and blazed away at him (Standifer) with a nee dle gun. Tho shut miscd its mark. Doua- bugh cleared out and has not since been heard or. This is Mr. Stamiifer's account or tbe matter. G. W. Curtis, proprietor or tho Quartz Mountain Mil), shinned bv Miller's train. yesterday, to Camji McDowell, 51 (000 shin gles; and 38,000 lumber and shingles to Phmnix and Florence. His mill and hbinglo machine arc runninc at full sjiccd, and he is prepared to . till all orders for lutnber and shingles. Mails anu Passi-nkrii. Grant's mail wagon arrived this morning. It brought a very largo mail, and but ono pscnger, Jlr. J. W. Strauchon, who is to bo telegraph op erator at Fort Whipple. Webster L White's mail wagon, from Mv have county, brought mail matter and one pascngcr. A Miser printer who had saved enough copies of tho Alt to mako bed-clothes for two, slept under tiicm tnc oincr r.igiit, wucn it was rial cold, and by so doinr brought on tin attack of the shivers, for vliich wo pre scribed a trip to Obino valley. Ho will re turn all right, unlets ho should have tbe mis fortune to bu bitten by ono of Campbell Si Maker's sheep. From Dir. Itco. Mr. II. P. Sontag, with H. Asher it Co., Prescott, has jut returned from Dig Hug district, and reports tbe wa ter wheels of Meisrs Hitchcock and Gavin working well and smoothly. Doth gentle men wilt "clean Hi" in eight or ten day. Mr. H'a "concern" i working old tailings. Weather lovely. 'I1 " 1 j in.iii"i"i SPECIAL NOTICES. PJIESCOTT, APJUL 3, 1874. iNEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AZTLAN LODGE No. 177, F. & A. M. Jtrrnlar MmIId-i nf tbli Ixlcoolh lat Aatutilay of ueh monrti, at 1 o'clock r. M. Httlouralng bretliw are fVatrroally 1tIiJ la itttw4. tmojia.s conois, vr.ii. k. y. vrnuA fwrrurj-. 1. 0. 0. F.f ARIZONA LODGE, NO. 1. HrguU.Tiietttif.lllU Uft oq VV. JSSSc nulay Cvrnini., nt iUnmit Hall. Mnu ''oJJW'' ba ef lb. Ordtv, la (ril itamliotr, art iart4laaUail. I Ik JEWELS U. U. O. A. I.UKU, !etlrr- All Hi r.lMt.f-ht at lt Ham PftxrARArinvs, I'o:d-J. OIU, Pycl.aail lavliforatort, I.iiljin'i Urnui. Firucb ElUxll,, IVjwiter. and Cmlli6. taa liMH DU.KBNIAI.I. UuW73 llunwr l)fU(f rftoie. posxorrici pukscoxx. Jlarii arrl from all tolata, Mnaitay t TkWlAiva. IN-purt, V.'.ltWfclay, I'rliUya4 Xttly. Oft.e yfAlt9 ftKn A U. to B f, M. Montr OrJn lwt.l tt.ry f lh -tyl Sai-Uyf OUUMfUU AU.KN.P.JI. IS'out but not Graiulj-. PRE I) WILI.Xms SALOON, GOODWIN STREET (Out lK.r Writ bf lljilifonl'. Hlurt,) "' " ' tuuot. !!T",Tl?".,' uf c,n kH " li-ii l. Iu tm"' tn!iiail I'llllU WII.I.1ASH XOTICK 'J'O SKTTLK. vrlil.,rm"riflr'!r,,,r;! '"b .Cr'" wohmmku ..n I ImtiiH. drill., 1' ami At. N rm.r. I'Wnli bint K-ltlniutliWi in.Iel.Vln.. J( Wo II JI SIM I l'u-!t. A.T., Aril3, Irtl i"" NOTICE. T.S. INTKIl.VAI May 1, 1874, to April 30, 1875. Tim I.AVk t,l ll ni 1. i.. rti -uirit.I In anjr liu.lact, u.tu.i,, i.r uni.loyii'. iit Mlilcli riiJM him Im RI'KCIAI. TAX TO PR1 . .. . iu...'. wuAuauu ui I. u o X .1 x30 n i Jl I t,1g!"t W"! SI'KCIAI. IAX f.,rtl Rpwiai r yw t-(rfoBlnjf Jlay 1. lttl. l-r. tuiu- flktltlSrT ttiiilixt I -...I .. . .11 rw. tmt v. ...... mi.,vs witi tiyru ic1. Th Taxes Embreoed within lis Pro-jrloai of the Law abcre Qaotd in tit following, vis i KeSrs- . g.sjo.oe 1 lKilr.. fall ltiii ... .... limit., wiiwtuie liquor II. luibO IttHltn In alt liquor., wbuleulr MtM Oralrnin molt li'iuurt, retail M.W In luf " ltttall dalf!M lu laf tolxwci UJO.W And on (ale. or ovtr SI UIJ, fittrotut. for ti.rv dollar In tiit of 1,000. 1 ltnlr. In n.n.ifufii...l frj.... Mamifactur -r. ufitllli M00 And fur rocti .till manufrturtil yo.ij Andrir.ob worm mutiuictartd VO OJ : Jlaaolntortr.of dffari .1!!!'.'.'. lu.oj l'Mdlrr. or lokactu, fint cIum (more tlioo tiro bonta... MOO I'tdilltf.!. tdlncco, IMvod cLu. (two htmt).,'.. 21 UI rnldltn of ti'Uiccu, tliinl l.. (uo Ikitm) 15.eo I'tdilltnof toUioro, fmtrtli cl.u. (on uA or yftWie ruuttyasre) j()Uj llrewrn ot lu llian .VJU barrrli J0iJ llrvwtn of SOU UirrI or mor ouoU Any wrton, o Iwlilt, who .hall fll ( romrilr will, tl,. rrgofn; rf(il.-rmtnU will be lubjttt to ttre tnol lira. I'trMM or firm, liable to wjr any of tl,. BjcUI Taiti ntuotd aboT. unlit Mffly to THOMAS COlttMM, Collector of lattrnal Kettnut at l'rrvott, And Iy for and rnr Ibe fi;d.l T Ktatoni.r iSiaieiM tbty ntt.1, jirlor to Jlay 1. 1P7I, ami WITHOUT KL' XO f ICll. J. W. D0TJQLAS3, Commlniontrof luttruid lttttuue. Of MCE or IStLEXaL llCVUXL't, Wailloloxl. C , IVbnury 10, leTI. ai'LHI T Tl rilVUI.'1 Which It bitter laa Ilahbit Xii' J I Ui) MuM. ( rhalilniT Kwrnal boa tf JitL. fMial.altb. JllxilK Offltv, to jaaatltlta to mlt pu'eb&Mrt. t If You nra Desirous of Bpilhis'AnytbJ6 ; .:';':': 7.c: - Advertise in the fMlncr.. ritESCOTT. WHAT LIVE MEN 4 OvVIS 130. ; Peace With the Apaches . ....ANU.... TELEGRAPH LINES 6 ics it r rv vv iv rr : " A DAILY PAPER .... ANU.... OIIIVX G OODS I IV PRESCOTT. PHOTOGRAPHIC X0TICE. POSITIVELY, LAST CALL. t would mr-vAfutly talurm tbt public that, tatltif mad amatoitat to It In Ilurali on tbe 201 Ii, 1 .ball pc.lUrtly rliMt my bo.iacu in I'rtmitt by Uit 1Mb ln.t. TlWt dttlrla- worV done will j-1im caU ... early at, -Mibl; tbt I way lart tint to aUtnd to tfctia. Aay w!.blr dajJltat. iiot. fnirn ti'fmtltr. now on band, tntni la Uicir order, by tbe lOib, I .Walt kea deatrtly nil orjjmlirr. Ulte up lo Uie rtBt time, i ncmlJ alio rail STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, r.MBsact.vo Scenes at Verde Eeservation, POST -A.T VEKDE, Monfitvnma "VrcllN9 AZTEC RUINS On Tiouv.-r Ci-t-ok untl "Vortlo Itlvr. vir-ii or Vcrrtc Valley, Squaw I'cnk, And many other, "too numerotu to mention," ua tbe aoeilonetr rtmarW. TbanVIn; the jmiWIo for Ibr cmerou. tepport extendrd to me, I remain, reijctully, O. P. PLAXtiniLS, Pbutofrai-btr. VirmU AfrU Lt, 1ST I. RAIIJt0AJ)S C03IIN0, TOO. EASHFORD'S STORE ALKEADY IIKIZK. YV Call, 8t, Fcrdist snd Clttt for tb Orsai Kr.ocV Down In Prlcts. detlWwtf ORIENTAL. Restaurant, Bakery and Saloon Next door to the Miner Onico. ritr.SII ItUIMO, 11 KN, CAKES, good Hoard, Kurnl.txil !)- the Wrek, Hay, orMcail, tt Ilie follutvlnit price. I I' .'. Ten dollar., currency. Hlngle Mrahj ...Heveoty-nte ceata. Roid I;tr Beer, Wltn, t.Vir and Clpira, sept eon tlabtly on ban-t, Ut Ibe acoooiiuodatloa of CUttemeri. I'r-it. April lit, lT3. DA.N IIATZ, rroptleVr. ARIZONA BREWERY, North Side of the Plaza, Prescott. Haling mrrbaad and rrCttrd th nuote old anJ well known u.d, we are now redy to f.rnUh tbe poUic wltb ISxoellent Tvo-ei lieer, WI10LCSAI.C OK RETAIL. VT hav . alu a new atock of Imported Wes, Liquor., and Cigari, A ad rtipntren f aoiidi yoor patroMMre. Koouxnurta t. en. l-T.wrrtl Arluwa, Jaouary 13, 1KT2. TP TL 23 S 11 C3rax"cie!2a. Seeds Just Received at KELLY & STEPHENS'. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD. DR. HENLEY'S Celebrated IXL Bitters TIIK IIEST TONIC IN USE. THE REASON -WHT". Th ijooetiiw 1. dally aiked by Ibonaand. of nor ritlitna, "Why ii it the IA'1, llitttri bae Mbieted such pupnbtrfty wltb Ibe imblic. nnd bar. .ucli an linroetiee Ml. r Tbe renaou I becsiue tbty at an old and well t.labll.hed nrllclp, and are lno.le from the inott choice bertie and ru i tb. many wfc, lTt Iri-il thtin, teatify to Ilitir'Un. rOclal qualilita. and liar, no betltatlon In reiMmmendini tbrin to Ibtir amioie.1 (rlend-, Tbty are acLniwltilrrd to be Ih. licit tonie and reeu. perntur known i tbty build up tbe lyatein, aa.1 linjirt trtogib lo the weak and exhautttd, aud ore endurtd and rccoaimcNded by our rant eminent ITiy.ftlioi, (M ftt ctrliScate. on i.vli buttle J, To lbu.e allllcl.! with tb. Uy.wpiia, IndIr.tloN wid Ut oS Apttlti, a a blood purifier tbty aitrpua ull olbtr k a.lltd tonic which have lately beta plMtd ta the nuukei, Jfo Umily abould lie without tbeia. Rohl .Terynher. It. KfHTU.N At CO.. fW IWntlor. -rwn3 SIK frwnt SL, Kan 1'rancWo. A UCTION. f amlmtraetert hytli. AdmlnUlratnr of tb littxfe tj A. f, WIU.tAMMi.V, to idl by j-jWIc auction, at room oa Saturday, April 4th, at 11 A. M, HOUSEHOLD rURNlTURE, WAOON, COKN, BAR STBB1V. GLASS, CULTIVATORS, HARROW, FAIWHNO TOOLS, ETC, AU6. to ctietytr!, A M of DRY 000D3. OLOTHIKa, 0ABTRIDQK3, Q0h8, HARDWAUK, Ato., Jco. J. U riSIIKlt, ActJteer., A. T.. Jlarcb tea. m. NIFTY SAL O ON. T THE "SIFTY," OS X0HTEEOKA ET, THE THIHSTV CAN GET GOOD WHISKEY. v j, - r hum, am. brajtdv, ktjmmeTj, SWJCE'r Olt SOTJJt AVIIflCS. And Tolerable Water. Drop In. MO.XTEZUMA RAR & RILLIARD saloon, MONTEZUMA STBEET, I'KESCOTT. Vt'r bate rrrruUr renoTkitd and Hied up our hilooa la flue .tyl, and lare noue but tbt eboiteet WINES, LIQUOHS, and CICAHS, FOR OUn PATHOS8 ANU THE IUIIUC. BILLIAliDS. We bate two of J. fitrakl A. f' Bnert Table., with Utlaner'. I'.l.ol wire eul!ooa. which are fur luivricr to aayotb.rjnow In -e. ItilUardliU will phuue call and Mg jjt tntui-eiTe., We hare a Club ltoom. for renUemea. attached to tbe liar Room. C. A. LUKE i- CO. PrtMwtt. Aue-llt3, 172. GENERAL MERCHANDISE; . . . 0. P. HEAD JAZZ MASKS. a 1 HEAD & CO., PRESCOTT, ABIZONA. lteipectfiilly Bonounce lo It.: Jieoj le of Nortber Arlrosa, that tbey bare coir on hand TUB LARGEST and BEST STOCK ....o .... GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ever Offered in this Market, tit.... - LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Military Fui-iilshlii? Goods, DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, PItOVISIONB, FLOUIt. Dried and Cotmod Fruita and Meats I3ootw unci frflioeM, . CUTLERY, HARDWARE, CROCKER YWARB, GLASSWARE, WOODEN WARE, TOIIACCOS ATT CIGAItS, "WINES, LIQUORS, FAHCY GOODS, OILS AND PAINTS, G RIFLF. AND BLASTING P0WDEE, SHOT, I-E-ffiLlD, FUSE AND CAItTKIDGES, Iron and Steel, Mining & Farming Implements, KTO, ETC., ETC., WHICH WE WILL SELL, FOR CASH ONLY", AT . THE SMALLEST POSSIHLE MARGIN ABOVE, COST AND CARIUAOE. LIBERAL PRICES Paid in Merchandise or Currency ....tor.... GOLD 2DTJST, GOLD AND SILVER BULLION, .... AXD Til.... Merchantable Products . or mm country oenterally. Xavlef; carefully atoJiwl lie abaracttr J good de- .!rabl tar tbU market, and harlef; n bad eo Lux an M raried an atortnent, ttt!ed with the rreateat pooel blt care, we are eooUent tbat (or lb. enaal.ff year w. wiU be better enabled to tb. taercaaUla wuna of tbU oomBtasttj than ever btrttolor. 0. P. HEAD ft CO. rrtecott, Arlwna, JaanaryS, ItTTC PACIFIC BREWERY. MONTEZUMA STREET, Next door to tbo Micu Office, I'rcKotL GOOD LAGER BEER, Liquors and Cigars, Always on band and for -.tic JOHN RAIDLE, rrorrletor. rrewott, January 13, 1P72, II. HKOOS.H. nt t. r. i-ucticBtcK rri kiioi?. opi'ositk 'rmc ios'ro3riricic, can be found a sornl auorlmtnt of TIN. COP. ri:it and HUKETIRO.t WARE ; aim. ''WOMAN'S Kill END, orTILTOVS STEAM WAAIIEKS. I'jf I'-rtle'ilar attention iid lo JOli WORK. All order, promptly filled. nriOOKS A FREDERICK. I"rrtcott. March 13, leTJt. NEW LIVERY AND FEED STAILE, Gnuiile Street, Prcseott, in- rtKA.Tt op trxjt:H okkicic f'.OOU gt'ARTEltS." FEED, C A 1 M'., etc, fr all anlnali that may Ivs left at isla Mnj .table. CTTl RfaniE.1, AND OTHER VEHICLES, with good tmuti, fiinUhed on ihort notko. Alto, aoddle hnlmalt. oy an i viii.i.l. ac uaiiiii.m;ii, irc-olt, March CS, If7l. PIOXEER DRUG STORE. Vii.onn. rhS OKK WEED REMEDY OR 0HEOOH IiHErj. k2. nulls Dr, HtAlVs Drag ibv. Prescott, 0a hand and for Sale: AYER'S, J A VIVE'S, BRISTOIS, Ftimil y MedicinoN, And a full waortinent of the liett I'nlrnt jttiltctuta now la th. market rrarrantrd firth end rvclne. fancy Toiht Articles, Soapt ami Ttrfumery. , And full auppiy tt DuriNawo Mtcicuic. Ft.yalclsii I'rt.crlpllon cartAilly anitar. altly Compounded. OEO. D. KENDALL, IT? ! Kitt,' Offlcrla r.r Drur Sot. SILSIJEE & HROMLEY, 'douse and Sign Painters, Paper Hangers and Glaziora, At BweArlnjjen'a Old Dtand, Granite Sueet "Wb. B. HOOrXB, I JAB. Jt. BAEHET, Eaa PrascLacb, Calltsrsi. I Ein.berg and Iaca. A.T WM.B. HOOPER & CO. Forwarders, COMMISSION AGENTS AST- BJPORTERS By Every Steamer, AMurinf Toll Freth their Varied, Select, and HEAVY STOCK From European, Eastern, and San Francisco Markets. 3 O 33 33 33 A JS To MtrcfcajAa, Store and Statlua Keeper. Miner. Lltsar DMltra, Kaachcro ad Traatpurtcn at nge which Itnanuilc aatiifMtiao. COMMISSIONERS Throojh Correrwutt. htU.. CHIEF CITIES Of TUB WORLD, OKDKR4 ARE FILLED TO THE LETTER. CONSIGNMENTS- OT fruducw, S.-TCiadiM or lltthto-ry for Rtortgf, Sal. or trBn.mtaitos art atleoded to STRICTLY )N AC XJORDANCB WITH INSTROCTIONS, and to ta tic.t Intert.t of the o-nn-rj. THE MOST TO0MPT BISPATCH AND CAKE FUL DELIVERY ASSURED. The ami ura-eineuu r perfect lo every palat I th Ttrrltor y. GOLD tVhT, OOL'D AND K1LYER BULXJON, V. 8. Rood, Treatary Drafu, Legal Tender. Seiii.ri' Warrant, Rankm' Dmfti, aid jood Csautirctel Frer, ami, Hid., -Wool nd ALL TERRITORIAL AND MEXICAN PRODUCTS UufbtstvalM FOE CASH; or kdraocet aait a kaj Ui dr.trtd. Our Stock is Complete. OUR OONNECTIO.NH THE REST. And w. offtr to U-foplof Ariiotu, Sonera and Ntw Mtxlcolndurr raesU not oblaluable at any olarr bcuteon tb.'aiCr Caaat. noylll WM. V. HOOPER fO.