Newspaper Page Text
1 WEKKLY ARIZONA' MINER: PMOTIY APJlILjyg telegraphic. Special Dispatches to tho Arizona Miner, By Western Union and U. S. Military Lines., .March 20. Tim iiii;iticinl crUU bouriv incro.iH. (oM Is now iiotixl at '2'At. K.tloii, N V., March Wi. A HiKtcli sav t!if shock" nt Halt! Mountain wore marc ioliint U.u night than ever licfon1. Wa.hmtdit, March Tho Chronicle says the advent of Col Tom Scott in Wash ington, to induce C'ongro to endorse hU bowl for construction of the Tc.viw l'ncilic railroad, U ir.raitcil with anxiety ly tho op oncnt.s of that incaiuro hurt?. Thoso who claim to have lost by tho transfer of the old .Fremont project to Marshall O. Hubert, and others will, It is raid, be found no trilling ob fctacle In Scott's way. Jloston, March Il.illoting for U. S. Senator continues. The last ballot stand, Dawi, 88 ; Hoar, 75 , Curti, CO. Susquehanna Depot, March 2i The sher iff" U unable to disperse tho railroad strikers, who refuse to allow train to pass unle&s their demand are acceded. London, March 27.- -The bont race between Cambridge and Oxford crews, was won by the foTroer by two lengtln. Portland, Oregon, March '-M. .ttlrlccs from the Malbucr Rescrtation represent that the Indians hare grown insolent and refrac tory. A detachment of troop bas been sent from Camp Harney to protect the Indian agent. It baa transpired that the Indhtns had entered into a conspiracy to kill all the jrhites. Seriout difficulties arc feared. acraravnto, 3iafclt 2& Gov Booth has Tetoo.l the WU passed by the House, allow ing llxrry 3Iefg?ts the railrwvl king of South America, to rctuiT1 t0 CaKforni... S.1n Diego, March 28. Qoods!e, Nelson k Perkins publish a can.' in c,K?ct t,,at n-1'' of withdrawing their at. Amcr tvo n,orc wil1 ejtontue route soon. . The Journal of the Tclec. "Ph ??73 ' Tho rfjicf signal officer informs it. : II'?Pthat the proposed military telegraph . U,c'" .Iex" would bo 1,275 inil long, and 'ou ll c Sinn nrr milo .?i.i: structcu " 1 l"""1 aTHMUIVA SAJll the jry it. Io keen jt in rcnair. he cstimiu cost at SS per mile, annually, JJoth mill authonties and Texas delegation are urgi ino consirueiion oi ttic line m ti means o. protecting tho frontier against 'Indian raids. Wellington, 3Iarch 30 A bill appropri ating ten thousand .lollars to enable the Gov ernor of MUsouri to capture outlaws in that State has been passed. The Senate committee will probably re port in favor of the confirmation of Col Cocy as postmaster at San Francisco. lUprerfentativo Luttrcll is still at work preparing documentary evidence to lay be fore tho House committee on Pacific railroads, in support of his resolution for investigation of the Contract and Finance company' tran sactions with the Central Pacific. John Clinn has been appointed agent for the Apaches at tho Sau Carlos reservation, Arizona. Gov llartranft, of Pennsylvania, has sent troops to Susquehanna Depot to suppress the railroa.1 strikers riot. It Is expected that tho House committee will report in favor of admitting New Mexi co as a State. New Vork, March 20. The review of the mc stock market is active, with general irouuee market tending upward; dry goods Hat. The wool market is quiet, with upwam tendency. Several large wool-buy J",:, , preparing to scud agenU to xstinuiiim in purcuasc ine snnnz clip. jjvaiuii, jiarcn w. nic Senatorial situa una is unctianged. Dawes is still ahead on joini oauoL mv ir.1. ttyt . ...uicmu, jiareu u, mo Olll tO TC2U i iransportation by Pacific railroads has oecn Ktiica in tuc Senate by indefinite post ponemcnt. r Xew York, March 30. It is reported that . urousciwj ana Jwcuerort escaped from how Caledonia to Australia. .Madrid dispatches say the losses in Fri days battle before IliHwa were enormous un iuvcra was mortally wounded, after wmca ine national troops refused to give The Trade Unions hero have united in an appeal to the labor organizations of tho coun- w, m"ng on maKing eight hours a day'a labor, and expressing their opposition to the contractors' system of work on the Govern- uiout ouiiuinc-i. a-uiDgion, jiarcu SO House committee ni'propnations to-Jay heard Attorney General Williams on his defirii nr Kttnrvm expenses of tha U. S, courU. Tho deficien cy will be reached by the House on Wednes day or Thursday. Susquehanna, March 80. President Clark met a committee of the strikers and rcfuied rorther concessions. Tho company intends to start their trains to-day under protection 'f the military. Paymaster Hegan is raving men under military protection. A noon train was dispatched guarded by 100 soldiers. San Francisco, Mar 30. Weather cloudy with slight sprinkle of rain. Capt Kelly and wife, McLean IJros, and James Dow, convicted of the murder of Har vey Green at Pescadero, are to be sentenced w-morrow, Greenbacks, ggj and 60. I'aris, JIarch 30 The r . . ' ..w .i.ini u vacwn; Ul u uiuuuiio is connrmeu, A Melbourne dispatch, to-day, says they, with Ooude Iloullaire and twenty other convict, had arrived at New Osho. Txjcao 1ST. Private dispatches received from Tucson last evening say that army officer who have been in charge of Indian reservations in UDdor Cen Urook, havo written to Washington, demanding a full investigation of their management of such reservations ; also demanding thq a comparison bo made tetween their administration and that of agents acting under orders of Indian Uurcau. A full statement Is called for nt tin. paid by the Indian llurcau for goods nnd provisions supplied Apaches and other Indi ans in Arizona, It is evident the Indian llurcau has an elephant on its hands now, and sonic prominent gentlemen who at pres ent enjoy the confidence of our people bavc reason to dread tho examination demanded which will bo pressed to the bitter end. ' 'ijvernor Bafford will, bo iu 'Cucson to night. Mr Thomas Ewing laft tbti Camp Apache on Thursday. Tucson, March 20. Col Taylor says that the editor of tlw ought not to wUh .Mr Fish and his bride Twoson luck. Tho valley In front ,t Tucson rcvr looked more lovely than nr. The fruit trees aro in full bloom. The cottonwoods and willows aro draped in green with new leaves and the growing grain completely covers the valley. Mr John Watson, editor and proprietor of tho Tutijon Citizen, will Usve lor the East next Thursday morning, via New Mexico and St. IOiiis, returning by way of Califor nia. Mr Wiis.ton goes to attend the annual meeting of the centennial coniiiiWioncr, who meet ut PhilaiU'lphia in May next. He expects to bo aWnt two or three months. Gov Saflord returned front California last Saturdav, well ami hearty. Col tf. II. I.eil, ."itli cavalry, arrived by Mtago on Monday of last week, and left for Camp Grant on Thursday Iit. Tho. Swing loft heru on Thursday for camps Grant, San Carlos and Apache. The Icariw from Mr Itutner, who came from Camp Grant last week, that Gen Crook, Col Kvan, Major Hrown and Warner Ittjck may bo exacted in Tucson early this week, lie reports that tho valley, nlmut Hooker's ranch nnd aljuve ami below it, is a mass of water and mud. F.very arroyo is filled with running water nnd low places are covered. Cattle and hoics sink Into tho ground almost everywhere and many cattle have died in consequence. A terrible storm of rain and luil occurred in that Miction on the 21st inst. Weather here beautiful. MABICOPA "WELLS. Maricopa Well, March ill. l.ieut C. II. Rodger, Mrs Itodgers, Miss Huck and Mi Wightmin pased hero vestorday cn route for Camp Grant. Lieut Wjnters, 23d Infan try, with recruits for Lowell, and ''"-'ut Lock wood, 23d Infantry, with recruiU for McDowell, accompanied tlicin. Several trains arc waiting here" Jor tho Gila and Salt rivers to subside. Weather clear and pleaant. A. Hammcrsley of Florence and f. Jacobs of Tucson passed hero in yesterday's Mage. Tin: oiiAsai:-nbv to makk ia' ORJXGK GllOW. Thi f..nm!n article, fnim tlie p JUnl, we UV ftvm the (lilir.)tnla t'armr. II li en if the U it artlclii fTtrwrillcn on the nliji'Ct, it l lilgbly ikrn of by Mcmm O. W. CbtVlf, A. IV CUsiun, Awlrrt llri wllT. ! ollit-r p-tillf rnrn, nt Ab1 rwnuty, Cl If.iruU. lirn fintcr-mt with lb- item i ! ful oral's rnltnrr : Th ranc tie nilfr favonilil truvllllow it a rapfcl rorr. bat wbn tbc re Uv-kln- manjr rnuiin itilkm ufy fur ) ai. II rrqulrn tlie rlcliMt ut irllw Kill, Ufli 1) atw) wll ilrainnl, al niut hi alto an abunbinr of mirfao nxMur. Originally a Ir-plcal fruit, it tret wriimatixrd In n mnre tmiTit nn. and with niw !!t-r ami in a lrorbl bwatina, will MuUia without injury a Uraprmlnr f u fw iWm-s th frwiiuR piiot. It I u Rrrut frtilT. th rwt prollnir tr th turtw i.f the rrouul abrb frrtlllwrs rraJily. nl r quire all the i"bir hat avalUWe, tlie trrr thimkl hne mtr of no, not ! thfln Sftm ! Mrt la tho va. 1 uy rBirr fumm pruning ami imniruijiK iu, nt the iham utTinir thorn : bn thi i don Innn- ' brarino; ho.u tak thlr pLve . thu not only I I promotxl, !it mn k Injiur to w mill aurm r III lh wir mwry MOHAVE COUNTY. Cory Sc Xo tin, ' SELL CHEAP Tor CASH, BVEBY XH!I2Sr3 IVEEDKl) l.V EVKRYHODV IN" Altl'.OXA, AT TWKIU KTOItr. IN I'KltllAT, W.U.f.APAl MISIXO KISTIIICT, XOIIAVK COt.MV. Altl.ONA Ti:itlllTOHV. Wo kcop on hand, a largo Assortment of nuiMis and .ikdicim:s. ITFChU mill Ho TJm. "g'7 l'JlKSCOTT. TO THE PUBLIC. LKGAL A. K. !.tVI. .U.Hril BtSI'AI.I- New Store New Goods. TUB II est EVER OFFERED JN THIS MARKET. wj: takktiiis mi.tihhi nr r.i.8i'i:i'rn't.i.v aiinpunfinir In th public thai we hnvo u.t fereiteil. lit' tanked, nuil ale lion- "'.iii( ainl nITi'rliiK for u!r In our AND COMMODIOUS STOKE, South SIdo of Plaza. Prcscott, Arizona, (On iWxir tla.t of Wwrtnarr A. S'rrtllilnr'J AN IMMENSE STOCK, tu.snMiMi, i t:itt, tiv Foreign and Domestic Dry Ooodj, Clothing Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, ! ;;rl,;";; Of all klml. lin. I .nr., for U,llr, ko htlrloi u anil !.. NOTICE. KNOW AM. JIKN 11V TIIIIHK l'llKHI'-NTR, That I th tinlprlirnil, elalm auil Imve Oil. day binleil and taUti .Ml..n nf, for oirrtr tilttirnl and (tnniiirf pit' I a tract i.f land i1htiiii n. ioiiiiw. : I iv.iiiiiifiu liie at thi tuk. ulilcli It In the mirtlna.t I inir nf U Halm, nnd runiiln Mild mile t a .lakej ! Ihi-tic '! ""' fiiMlth inlla tua .taki'l tlietiue tiortb ie mil l .'nV, thfiir. aH W plat uf Ur-ffl n I f t ar. In .,. ii.. . ...i i. o n Atnlil. Hurlnirt. lilxxlt folly- elahl mil, rxirthfiiit fnmi t'linip Aiwhr. In VaxajMl inuiitr. Arlmiiu. and mi th nl limlliiir fnm aid llauip f. N'k Mr lieu. Wlli.tjfl AHUM l.t .NA. juy 'M, ina. DON'T READ THIS, Unless you wan t to find out that you can Duy Goods at Reduced Rate", of DAVIS & RANDALL, ItKAM'.ILH IS Groceries and Provisions. eiOTIIIX(i AM) HAHDWAHJ, TOH.IC'C'O AMI C'KiAHS, J3rnjw sincl NleilieirieN., LIQUOBS, wixoi.'iCrfAr.m mcrrjsjLL,. Who are aim ipK'l b 81111' OltKS AND Uft.MO.V, and ioiV. Ilbral alrancr on the Mm. ihit'."2 1 ro erra merab rniltuin i, ,ti,l tlh Wind .tOTL . frnit ...tit., I. rwrtin ll.lf- Ihm Uif pm. In CahCirnlk . u, i,n,i,i,-r.t,,li,.ri and far duel of tin. -he .Inifle rule of arithlnetie . emiuen- "t ar. fwe r tr. now, uiki KM'iiy s cHint in 2.WB oranc toa tree ; tl,i 'vg prir fr the ht friit. look Trry i market miwanx unit nine, eMir, trtlilr. fruit, t U injiio' Uie vlatlttWe. anyuuni like larse, In It tm iboiiKl lautiy (alter. Oranire trw ran st a rrry low pnee, thn. ly ean iiy u ni mr onir in plie.1. awl without a Ut or time j t -roomer, th man of Inr Uil (ketrh 1 ti cnroiimc th ne fcIKj niore to otir Uttle mean but tnrdy or arm and will, t f UW. To tiiolled ffrl, pantirur tt riterolfil Bel (Ijroni awl thw I woo 1,1 ay obtain a few of the br. pUnt lart rip aa;n, v"'t the pluoiprt amj Mn them 2rrn In lxes with p'Tfifiiteil Uittoni fat nnont Uf Lt inrne liitrn, ruoi wnn ri-n. raimw . wiu ai uie. aro dami If there are no front. apprrbndd tun made by . re of thl IntUtk. Inferior fruit, Sii multiplied br the rui tiamUorae, no wo ee th half-ripwd, perfeetly w careful irrowrr. Now. in o rkh, rerf-ct oranret on a tri the rtinidity even of a dUmon tw- Ipeiriit now br th thouand pnrtiea wlthlair to plant eitnhi up-trlt. Wallapai Assay Office. CeriVat, Mohave County, Arizona. I bep to I, 'form the miner and pnbllc In reneral that I hareoi'ened Bn Aay (tBIeent Ortbut. Wallapai Dlitritt, where I am p epared to. do any work in the Una of aiy Inutur... I liar." Eodaced JPtUtt U 8ait the Unit, i t SlnB!e Awy. for I.vl. OoM and Pilrer ri1 T.Zi t r r. fiofd and Sllrrr. 7.iO .Mirer llulllon n-ltr,l an(. A.viclat S r ceut f ralne, I'eim. ndlDir ore wlit obt-se the fullowlotf rulei l'ulrerla the ore, and ml r thorouvh'rs eod aUatt two Kinr of each an.pli If tm. ' in. " one -injpi, mar the um in jdiln Bjurt. Itefcilt g , jn or retu ni ma C I'.it. TZ, A.ayer, PAUL BRON, Camp Mohave, Arizona. I)i:ai,kii in Groceries, Provisions, JiiquorSj AND .KNKKAI, iIEUCIIADItK. Camp Mohare, Arituna, Jannarr 7. 18TX l'S YU.MA COUNTY. NOTICE. tint stock. HAViNO in:i:sr.i.r.cTi:i with rrrntcue by ono of lh firm, fho will remain In Sun KraneiHit for tli iir.e t.f ti tiiif more c.d, at a mail mhaiice on nt, and withjeial rfiene to tliit liulktt, tiro cotifidvnt that we ran ell oir (!ooU C H E A 3? 33 It Than any other llouwla the Territory. We are ther. f.n rertaln that a to 'pialHy and aihiptatillity to the want of the rominur.lly our Itin k ll umurpatied. for tin- rraewfi rublie patronaire, flina uuureil ttiat our good and re.i'eetfully mllell a hate of tt jior. rannot full to trlre entire tatltfaetlon. W CurrBhcy Eubanged (or OoU Dntt.?.! II. ASIIKK .1: CO. PreacoM. NoremberW. JtD. notZMf WICKliXUUKG. WICKEHBURQ HOME STATION Of Tll ARIZONA STAGE LINES. jfxcTioN or thi: TUCSON ANJ WICKEXIICHO ash PRESC0TT, SAN BERNARDINO A X II jLos Vn elo STAGE LIIVES, ONB HfNDUKIJ JIII.KH of Khrenber? and the Coloralo Klrer, Ninety mile kkiiIi of I'reecott and 'I'lirre Hundred mile. lUitofSan Iternardino , Slity mllt We.t of 1'hii-nlx anil One Hundred ami Twenty mile Ve.t of Florence, ami One Hundrtd aiwt Highly mile ft'e.t ot Tucaon, oiler Good Accommodations to Travelers, Via, Hoard and lodging, a fine CVtrnL Ilarley and Wheat, Hay f Stock, a lllaek.mith and Wiuroo Shop for repair of wagon and iboetDK Horte. Alau comtuntly on han,l, fine PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, All at muonabb price, ami etery attention rlren to the trareliDir rHtbllc to uukeIIieirlonra a pieatant one. J II.PIKIt.SON JA1IK.S OU. Snperinteadent. r. Proprietor. lellTSrl "-,... i ... ... . .i .fc ... ..... . n ....... ... qucori J aut Lake, doppinjr the .d (Ire Ire-he ajartu c K, I iffwMila a" l.4tin romi ami tL r Dr I tin. When the Toon- r-Unt ,. i . i- - , I, I1EST AND CHEAPEST Freight and Passenger Route. rnoM- lichtly tpid water, h! n.1 th nleht are warm, keep yoor bot out of door., a . " " rr in iiiriar aunn; tne .eaeon, but be not too aniiou to .Utnulale an exnberantrrowth. I,nrrn,c th winter keep them In a dry airy phice with a temperature neTer leu tlian It- mt ZZi'T i ao'1","!"rri"'tr.a.pUnt them to lareer nn.1 deeper boie. Thi. I. the time to .rraft themorer-if ".""" " fw oanmr irrx truit or a turticular ' ftom which yoa can obtain Miori-her "T 'D.'',1 " reprodoc-d tree, from j " mniiiei ami nanjl!. make Ur fer and finer tree, and If earefnlly bortene.l In al th. r.:V..i ""f l"" "Tailiur th. ,nd. of riVti... . i "'n; "' tmuieil tbriizn Ta , ""T r- """M na,i tnntl irrowth, awl the few orao-e they ln-ar a year or two earlier do,-, cot amount to much rmerally. Kieert la ver. w aouMoouion. tb eedlloff. .houM remain In lie. the j.' irreater laclllty T,t he!tr Rff hem durin; the aermj iatl u tran.rJMUM out i irre. n iramau-rlal, proMdM It U nM d.e during .lochia mid-.nmm.T da.( mil like other,ri.r.A .i7 '"'"V "'way. ik linen with the earth -.,iu,,cvicniir uie roof In a luiatv Af. UJ-U",'!a0!inJr V"" ,h""M w-'"l t-oplouly to et. r naiuru ifum im ujq ii,f a forme, oUerration. ZZ.t' empt tromhanlreeiiiutT a few feet of eleratkm ab.iv tl..r.iM.ri:0 . 'f" herirht or left of alii v iiicnu. uuir a tm i TirrTavnu at. - - it mate pccnllaritie of a eiren hxU.m n.i. :. l. .U- ..i-. .: ., 7. . "il' iiU . 'rr'T1 "ent camM tJllL l""-rabl little r. ley amonr the hill, are tint th -n i.,; combine mellow i ' 7.' .J. r"--T with nearne to water, ami are alway the mot cr-r aiwi .h.ltere.1 nook, la all ,, Mrf. L tbooi7Vin .. . , wn '"anl irreen nearly all wlaw 7i in noire lor the recen Uon of oran(re tree, .hould b four feet In depth and I the f' .fffv. V." P"l'"riiJ. a. all drencned with water until thoronrhlr aetilxl. ft,, i. .m. .. ,t ! ' .. .. iJ i. Y.. T 7, -"- wnnurreni rail of earth I plac.l In th centre a eimi.le of Inehe htt,. eoti .V. ', i. 7-"t"1 "lle.1 in. The ffeneral rule u to further treatment ami pruning molt be adhered In mot tart of CKlr Suit the tree. in nnirermweorlrii. helter dnrinjr oM pll. j iinythinar that Will Iterent a current of ur...,l "i . "' Jtiill'"'?' r","''-n-'teui,rat!ire,or .uHe,', thawinff after the freeze will iwiwer-thiu lwib.of ever' ..,,. ..r.n,,,!,,,,, uUCK around, br a frame of noil corercdore, with denied -k. the .helterof a waU with an oTertoniW .,,f -n .11 1 ....i wer the parpo. TI.e r,u .prlnklia, of the tr, ,?i unn. oner a eol.1, freeiv Dl-bt U aleo mVt effectlre. el. .nepjanTia hetween In alternate row. of ererirreen. it whkh the dlnVr,i ,.t .i.l 'f?'!T til are eminently mlapted. " -.ura.yp. The folLijrc on older tree, and th .lu r.i. i. inn during the .mnm. r with a black rnt, ,v ne a trace whatercr. II ajear. rather to tm ua acere. lion of dint m led with th.. U,nn. ..t..ii . In In the lcre oiid outer rind of Um fruit; bycopiou. il 1! ? . umm'f' "y l"Jry from tlua a.i JZXtTftf fl'Vi "'"r. rrioui, I. arrectlnc the (rrowlhof the tree, I. the rapid Inrreiwcof tha acale in " niey rton t tnlnd the eammomlle recommended br orne, but ohih4 or weak lye wah aubdue them i ftVc tnally. I ne anio proc. are nI In ral.ior lemm.t the tree rather more tender than tlie oranr l.n n,. r.i. i. ... ten more iroflUhle. I have lemon .illiir treo. l-urln penmmqiarjerr.ilttbc It of Hicllr. Oranee. nd lemon can lie afelv tmntmned hmt ,i;;.l, . .. .i the market for them I unlimited, at remuneratlra nice, there need Im no frnrof overttocklna; , w.thlnr need tm . . .,..,.,,. i. . ion i iumrei the tundu. rare, urien ara iwl 10 pnarmui y, abd make a Terr Ia. liable ten. add ihnuM mimnl. it,. ,'2,. ' Itoheaj the drooping flower, are the wirce of the eot)v oil reneroll. The mallet irreen fruit fln. . a... i ' the bet lA lltteroi the Lirirer fie r, ... fruit n lurury in iUelf, I the bct correction of Inlurioa eflVct too nntritiou aixl grea.y diet; th wood ( rery Krai, rti.tic and dunj.le, eren the (Wp thorn, mak the i"! noil imwi imirrani looinpwft. Th culture or theM lwi rariHic. of flnlt fill, tha full njie of arallable laW la Mir Slate. No jrir! urea U Idle, Uit can mle her dowry In orange and lemon tree., rah Uvrinx lfe at tlie mot uxle.t rtlmate ri-prvwnllns a rapilal tit mi. Imndred ilollar. Iurntl ut the hltfKe. per rent, A llltiu, Manuc. Cajit C K. 8. .McDonald, of (Im Hau FraticUca CadcU, itvttnttt. to oorr ru pre.eiilatko. from twulrc lotliaa Uibi an Via l'Jcllic Cat and drill then in lihi )cu)iar tt tlci. If ho luct'ccdi In III. project lis ivill (' hi company of coorit-itio ut x tout (b'ciairl tV United hlatca and J'urorxs. aiiiMaartnt! ill Ue CVn U-'HtiUl culclrailon lu nilltjjj.lih iuIWd -Fr Arixona has tha abori will thank tho tako 'cm, If !io enn, riNiiu f mrtt Uajitain to atBo Lrc and Eistcni liquor dealer aro try (tig to 9)t alio praying women 1 f eriij.ijiitjs bifttm hands to drown their piwr. 1 "Know tti)clf," tUoro ,' en-l bill know till iuauklutl San Francisco, Cal., TO GUAYL PAZ, MAZATLAN, A nd OtW JTezican I'ort XiTE C010BAD0 BTEAH NAVIOA- lion . "SPJ'T'' 'irelleni Kteamhl HEWB MONTANA tear, win Vnui, erery fifentrdar tor Mrxh-an 'iru and mouth of Cotorad. 1 meetlnjr with rirer ft. Freight Umleil at Vu. twrt (IS) day from ftta KrancUco. Ajrencie of the Company a ' 'ront Street, Ban fraucUco, Callfurnla, Yuma and htenlier; Arizona, 01.11 AM C'H.Jjt., aueDto Oenrra 'Huperffifradent. Passage at Reduced .Hates. Yuma to San Francsco, Per C. S. N. Co's Steamers :" 5fUa- S4oco 8trj 05 " Accommodation First Class. -Y?. M. L. PER ALT A, W'ickc iiIju rg, Arizona, Dealer In GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CLOTHING, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, and Agricultural Implements, MAGNOLIA SALOON, WICKKMiUIlG, AltlOXA. Thi well-known and popular p!ac of reeuri bn aain, throurh expiration of Ieae, fallen Into th han.t of it mroer. A. II. I'eeple, under whom direction it will con tinue to be run for !beacnumodaua of the public Til K II A II, (which I attended to by Tom rioureoj ,) will, t all time., be found well (applied with TIIK IIIJST IlIl.V.VDH OI' Wilier .Liquors, and Cigars. TUB JULLIAflW JtOO.M CONU-VVINB two Ko, X UJJjrK8. Adolnlcff tha Salas, and Iwloogloff to J.'r. 1'reple., I A COH HAL, Where .tuck will be fed anil cUierwlie aliand'd to. I"" A. II. PEEPJ.K.S, Proprietor-., KNOW AM. VV.S IIV TIIKSr. I'lir.NK.NTM, Tliat I the tindrrlT"ed. laim and hare thl. day located oi.d taken piaaeMhai of. fur nirriciiltiiriil and Kul'iK putjw., a (nu t of iftiid de illd m tolloa . i t'ciiiiiifi i Int.' nt thl. .take, which U th. tiorlhrMl corner of the claim, mid tininliitf utli two mile. ; Ihetke ne.t one i'lchth mile : tlu m north two mile, i thence et to phu e of tjvrllitilli. ini llhlini: m nai I. now i "iitliitf., on the of On Imi t.'teek, a tributary of the Little I olomilo rntr ami iiiiiii io uie c Iriiilini; Irom t'uiup .hii Ii to me i.mie v.oi iu Vatd louutv. Ariroiia. jiin pi.Mi,. i.i .ici, July Wth, I1 ivotTck. KNOW ALL MLS IIV TIIKXIi I'lirJiKXTM, That I, the under.inrd, rlalin, and ha lhl day located and taken .aiti of. for agricultural ami gratine, puipie., a tract of land, .itua'cd . follow, t CommrnclDK at till, hike, which I the northca.l corner of the claim, amt rnriulnif toiith two mile, to a (lake theno et one-riirhth mile to a .take j thence nottli two mile to a (take j thrnc. eat to place of Uliinlnc. In clodlnff what I known a the Lnke Kpring. ; tltaatrd alMitne mile eoutheiut of Concho Hprlnir, and on the we.t !de of the wagon nd ffolnj; trout Cmnp Apache to the little Colorado rirer, in Varaiul coiutr. Aricina. ANTONIO JONi; LI SA. July K, lm IV O T I C E . KNOW ALL MKN IIV TIII'.M: Pltn.Sr.NT.S That I, the undn.licaed, claim and hat. thl day located and taken piwnkm of a tract of land, for agricultural ami l?r.2in(r pim.., de;rileil n follow: Commencing nl thl. .lnke, which U the aotitheaal eorn.r of the claim, and running wi.t otieiuarter lull to u tki thence north one antl intedialf mite to n .take; thrnoe eoat one. fourth mile tonttak' . tlienc .aith to etnee of l-irlnnlt,(r. incliidlnir what i- known a Mineral Sprinc, ituated ul-Mit fertydao mile nortlieat of Catsp A path., Vaiapal county, Ariiooa T.rritery, I UA.NLjL II.I.MI l.l AA. ARIZONA STAGE id TUCSOjV, YUjJ SAN DlECft uT.S-.TRI-WEEKLYMAHiJ July 25, 1H7X notlKyl C.e,fh.. v, lt TttfUm BVflWAi,wiiUHii3DAT4 8 AT0RC1T i 1'epartnH r.. 1 Tti a. . rpi xuHunj.1 aiiuioaays ana SilJ . ..mi iniiiHT not(t Time to Sim IMcgo FT.t I HI will enable th. Traf ellirg. J HAN rHANCISCO IN Uol Tare to Vumn , Kure to rliin III tut. tmX iV. ' ' A Rl.ire, rarrj Ing the t. R, VtA tJ. Maricopa Wells, for j K rery Monday tlomlng lUtumlre ai.i , mf..MThM:'!V,i,wf,,',uv'- 'il H lkKM AIM) S.VffJ .Sorthern ArlaataTacMJ J. (I. Capri'. Iln.ofn.,1 JA8,A)(00Itri Itmite from at Yum with California. ep?i ARIZONA STAGE! 1 uorStf I. I"OLIIAMl'fi, J, General Superintendent Yuma Iiu Store. GEOHGK MARTIN, Wholetale and IleUll Main Street, Yuma, Arizona, I la la .tora a full line of Dispensing Medicines, Patent Medidnca. Jirug, i'eriumery, Paints, Oil, Toilet Soap, Toothbrushes, And all other artlcl.i tuuallr knt In ttmr Jti.r.. tTf IVeicriptloc. put up with jrreat car. Order. from the rountrr .nlletteH. lk v. that price., JLe , will be found aatUfactory. . , UfcUWiK JIAHTIN. Yntua, Arixona. decanitf CASTLE DOME SMELTING WORKS, IIUY, Oil ADVANCB OX, 4U, KIXU4 or SXTSST'SinEt ORES ASi asr.rsTtrrc&t's SAMPLE AND ASSAY Alt. K1XIW or OIICS AND METALS AT SAN TllANCISCO ItATKS. r9wt'r further iwrtieiilar. DOJIK HMt.l.TINO CO., (,'AH ISO, A. T.s or to Wil. II, llooi-iut l uma ana l.nrenorg, A, I , 1'ly to lb. CAhTI, i i i.r. PIMA COUNTY. Executor's Notice. EUU of JOHN HEKBY LOUIB WOBTMAK, DCMed. Notice I. hereby glren to the creditor, of and all tf m. hating r I.i I agalmt the e.late of John Henry Iait. nman, tieceaeeix. to prr.nt tn. rame to Ine un der.lgneil Kaecutor, at l'r.tcctt. Varaiul County. A. T. within ten month from the date of thi. nMlce, or th. .am will be forerer barred, and all peron Imlebt.d to .aid eatale ar. uereb r.riorftel to make Iniinetiiat payment, JUII." KAIUI.I., I.Trcllti.r. Irec.itt, January 2, 1874. antlhn3 tsxj3riorirs. 'PKitKiTony or, countt or vava- l pjtl, I'rrKtitl. Precinct. In th. Jo.tlce Court In ami for the Connty ol Yarapal. Tht J'toflt of the Ttrritvry ef Arittna f Jt. M Til man l on are ritretiy unrnmoneu to appear before ra at my oOice In Prrteott. In uU county of Varapal, un the Utii day of May. A. I). ItTTI, at 10 u clock a. m., to an. wer the complaint of Char In A. Lake, plaintiff, for the um of fifty dollar, for money buned. when lnrdnient will be taken aetin.t you for the jM amoant, together with and itamage, II you tall la apie-ar ud an.wer. (Ilrrn under my hand thl Uthday of Marrh. A. I). 1K4. JAH. C. OTIS. marl3IU Ju.tlce of the Peace of (aid Count.. tsxj3iiioisrs. IN TIIK JL'fiTIt'K'H COtMlT Or PKKKCOTT PKK. 1 dnct, la the rvuaty of Yarape.1, Territory of Arixmia. JJ. C. (;tl, J. r. DASIU. TltuKXr, IlaintilT, ) againtt J A. H. TllUMAa, OcfenilasL ) rr Tfrritort nf Aritinta itHi arntinat To Ja. H day of April, A. ll, mi, at II o'clock, a. ., In an ao .......mihui jou oy taiu piaiaiia laawer the ",iij.iMini oi ine .un. nameii piaintlir. Kald action 1 bnaight to recorer lb. .urn of three bm drd ilullar. money honed, or judgment wilt be taken again.t ymi for the alil amount, together with oU of .,,. .ojs ii yo lau ui apear ana aaiwer. io tue Mierlff or any Comtabl. of M Counlr lT11 . f. UO. unL. ..J J. 1 . ' Oiren under my lutwl. thi 2Cth day of Pebrnary. lh Vfii. JAS. a fiTUf. JebS7 AJrutlf of th Prsca of aaid lVMlntt, KegTilar icatf-weekly trip, by ib-raraj rnau. Ml a re Ta a jl rvovuu, jirtzoi aitd San Ucnmrdiiio, Caljj . wo-nor. wagona. rnrrrlar ll t' i i enger, leave PrrKott and Kan HerunJaJ WEDNESDAY AKD 8ATDBDAT 1 MaMegtbe trip Inalz.Uya; . UI.IHI, YlCKi;.llUi:0 and CAM? 1 Partlea wl.UIn- trnn.tortatIon t J , . . , . . ... . " ra ov inmiMiru ine ame to rotTR OK SIX HOIlflE ! On prirat. contract, br rlTitir i ranee to Agent ot Arlanaa tjtag. Um,;. . ue rair. iot aaw. will lie la rurt. , i " HcRiilar Hates of fJ Prom Precott Io Pan llrnaMIo.... Prom l"re.c.Ht to Wickrabur; .... , Pretii Pretcrdt tu Khrrabcrg , Protn Han llernanllno to f!hrwl I'rmn San llernardlm. to Wlekr.btrf. J I.ocal ARenlt: vr. ii. ('iit'diitvtx IO. IlKAXr Hank Iluowx, JAJIKS ORAM,!! J. II. Pir.ltSOX, SLrr.kmorni. PR ESC0T1 AXb XX jz jy y v ill Executor's Notice. Estate of AARON WERTHBIMER, Doc'd. j Ilea U hereby gir.a to the creditor, of and all per baring claim, again! the tlat of Aaron Wert- Notice. os helm.r, deceaatd, to pre.ent the nnt at the erfe of tht I n i rouaie jiiuge at i-recoit, arapal Count r. A. 'r ,,, t,, I ii, .,' """"vi w the Kxecutor, at I'honix, Jfaricntw County A T within I V, . ' . . ten tmrnth. from the dal. of thl. w,ce V "'Lm .. A. ' Hh S. 0 be forerer barred and all mi ln.l.i...,i ,. i.i ... ... '"-l, will be pr VtaMw a ar berebr rtaue.teU to make liumMlAta v.i, w u ,,y.AEI' WOKMSKIt, Egeeotor. Pre.cott, March!!, 1871. m.rl3ra3 -Xii II II. i M at the following rale, cnrr.ncy. I roru Preareit to Camp llnalpal " " JH.erall-ark: .JT " " Hardyrlll, , . f.zrre.a matt., ni . .m . I..ery tiiulbie aceomaiuLitl.. .nt' iger. 1 he (tag. will leara IVrecott rVijj no u. tun a Krtr. TrrA omtiyanrl w I'.TrT j itoiu, jiay iu, Jtii. jsr. jFisir tt- Co. I)lre to Infu ,m l'a publi. through the medium of the ilLMCU, that tli ,Jr atcclr tore and wareliotuet, at Tucson and Florence, In I1m countr. Ar. oon. aro alway filled with full line of aueb modi a are n.iIl in Ihe 'I erritory, and thtt tlielr ample facllille fr iaire.Ting ana receiving gl, enn;'e Itiem to ell better articla, t Ie money than any otlwr Knu lu BouUiaaatern Anta In addition to regular tore rtlcle, they keep on hand pink iiimnKit Axn, AI.HO- JIAJitilSV unci COUJNT. Mr. PUh, at Tucon, and Mr. Collingwood, at Plerrnr. will lie ptred to retir call from .uch eitiren. of omiern Arizona, sw iiejticu ami uaiuornin, lt, or pa, thee place. mh at may li'i.?'i LORD & WILLIAMS. PostofHce Block, cor.CoMgress & MninSts, rxjcsoisr, Arizona, Hare conitantly on liand a Full Assortment of Merchandise Adapt,) to the want of Arjuocrn. They aim ar. n... pared to furnlih 3 ranoHT, okain, and all kinds or peodoce, !0 A OKNKIIAL IlltOKLKAfii: Iir8IKK8H, Mak CoUecUorw and Sell Ejcchaiico on any part of the world. .l't'J""n2i"nrm,Arium 'l'lir Tucaon, will J way. fl.dmir "latch tting out,' nl C CAIIFORiXIA. PKESCOn. Tixjixxoitr 1TJ3A8T POWDER. U1VK3 VALLE D! the LietjKH eaii J'ovtltr Manufuclnnd Each Tin ConMmg 6'.V 0UXVK8, Ator- ' i (""i i uko 'ir.mii vj i ran t ote (Ur. Sujxrfor to any anALL vthat Mettle, Jvr Atakinrf Light, Sweet and Nntriliotu PASTRY, &c, &c.. Guaranteed to Give Entire Sathfactiou r)r me money will be Returned. ASK Y0U11 OR0CKR FOR JT. TAKE 2KTO o t Send or Prs. Pamphlet to UJ1LIHCII & T Tl .. .Timvi Watchmaker, A8AYER, On the South. Side of the CLARK, 407 ,uwnr T SAW FRANCISCO, rnyuij i r. It. THAT. K. OCII0A. ijojii: LA N il CO , Age,U, niar.'i A GUN T.S FOIt THE MINER. Wer- Hun 'rLiv-T.. P. nlr on V. ft. Iloion, Xulc Dealer, Woatgomery ,tnti l,r.',m? C"1' R1"',"lrr.llreiron AcUo. 3SSh? i?: Wi: A . NarHgmlt.- J. ,. p. i1(1(, ' ca(. I-I'vlne A. ii, iwiwai. XJ-hLy W. II. IMIIn-i 4. Co. iv.Aaj'.a iinid. , . . rr vnxa. TULLY, OCHOA, & CO., TUCSON, ARIZONA. ALL KIM)S OF .MEItCIIAMIISE, Which we tell at Ihe Isntttt CW prictt, - TPI.I.V, OCHOA, k CO. WATER RATES At McMtlIIcil'8 Sfiitlmi 8ltaittd 48 Hilet Eait fror, PJ,...t Ed to Ptlz. Wtck.abBrgTJrrott, ff I'cf WJatarfni? r1i I.... ... .. . - KI'.niMIKUT. ProHetof. T?55 MAO.VOI.IA WATKII, I-I.OItliTA i. VT. CIlMu-y, J. . jrixtua. C.W.CHESLEY&CO.. Utl-OMKIW 4X1. WllotXaUl I.KALEIta t V FINE WINES and LIQU0IIS, Cundurango Bitterg, 51 r . e. i. 414 lroul Sl &a Francltco. m v, cxicramento. elJ altewioa will U paid to th trad, of Arlxooa. AU3tf Music and Musicnl Instruments fivui., niwn aiii.i nt . . ..... Pmnrin-allforula, wbo kMr, th, uVgl and LeJ rarlettr ,.n tk fici'...... "arirri M lied LUMBEU, LUiUBEIL A I.f, KINDS OP lltlll.liiVfi i . JJEAl.EJt I.V CLOCKS, WATCHES AW, Jewelry of All Kind Madsj Repairing Done Carefully uii Gold and Silver I Refined, Bought, t L'P'AII Hod of ore rwrrnffy aa4 1 llrrWeH. PUIA FEED AND SAlEi Goodwin Street, ritKfiCOTT. AlTlZIDJi-1 BROOKS' rrocotl, OdoherSf, ISC8 GTJNS AND PIS .1. r. iuiojde. nt jm Prcscott, Arlxoni m BOOT & sim Oa 8trM( UiAhg trm ft"v Custom Work Made to REPAIRmO JTOATIiY 1 PrencB rerewed and nailed boot mad ' ducediirtce. W. H. WILLI8(UUn lteacolt, Ariva, June 88, l(rt3. l-KHV, A.T., r,.r,aUr6, ifeCSii. UKK WEED REMEDY 0R?1 SoSVHBH0liall SBiHaGaiHlH