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ARIZONA MINER Supplement. Prcscott, Arizonn, April 3, 1874. TELEGRAPHIC. Special Dispati'hei to the Arizona Miner, By Western Union and U. 8. Military lines. TIIK ARMY AND NAVY PITIFUL PROPOSITION FOR ECONOMY. from . Nw Vk llrrM. In the Congressional debate on the Hy reducing the number of troops as Indicated ' we shall, therefore, save much nearer a million and a quarter than five millions. lh tbe Amerl can people desire this ldtry economy at the ex pense or an atnndomnrut ot the Western coun- ! . - ... . . . . . .. - T !.! Washington, .March 2G. McClcery's bill t regulato commerce lietwcen States by railroad unwed the Houc to-day, slightly modified, Houghton of California voting in thu neffittivc. San Francisco. March 2C Pacific Mail Stock n noted at 471. The schooner Ma May cleared to-day for GuaymM. The greatct part of her cargo is destined forTuoon. A. I. Steamer Kaloratna sailed to-day fur San n ... . -. - i n i i . i Uiu in :scw lorK iiz;. urccnuacH. in San Francisco 88 The women of Portland, Oregon, com menced niidinjr on the drinking saloon to day, visiting nearly nil the waloons In the city. They were excluded from one saloon, hut praying was carried on in the other, without, however, making uny converts. San Diego. March 23 This raorninfr, a mall boat from the C. S. N. Co' crew steamer Montana, which wm outaide, came ashore with Divid Turner and Capt Heilron, 1st Sunt, for the P. M. S. 8. Co. at Acupul- hn rpnoru thnt on the loth inst. the Colima lost three blade of her propeller and put into a cove on Cerros Island, near where the S"ratnenln was wrecked on the lTtli. ('ant HeAron. with 3d officer Hu'tolph xndaix men. hit for San Diego in a small row boat. After nine days rou;;h weather, thev were picked up, nearly faraUhed and exhausted, by tlio C. S. N. Co'i steamer Montana, which vessel, uixm Capt NeAron statement, returned to the assistance of the Colitni, and met that vessel in tow of the Arizona, which Utter vessel had picked up a which had been 83 hour out from the Colima. The Montana upp!twl the i?nttm trlth nrnri.ions. a when Capt IleP fron left there wcro only enough left for ?icht day for three hundred passengers. The Arizona and Colim were laU neti ny the Montana at 11 a. in. yesterday, nbout ifiv milix Riiuth of San Ditco. Superintendent Heftron and Mr. Turner returned to the Jioniana in thn M.mtmii tailed at once for San Franci-co. U'.iliin.niin March 27. The chairman ol ttra laid before the Senate fn.ilav ft resolution from a mwi meeting of - nu.,wn,l. Oregon, aking Congrcs the executive cointriitcf ,, if. ibe Port- o., n wan resolved to build three large steamer n (Kin n tMilil ..t f uni in fir Vork IIS';. San Pmncisco 87?( and ft). umcmjjo . .March 27-At Jackwn, J!i... Vcatrnlnf W A CI .1 , ' . ' ,, : '',",r "r"k0 m a can ace fn tin ..III.. .r i r w;tt .. ... " " , ,,,,,,r c'l nlm out and shot him, family. Cause .f the act tin known. Shear way taken 10 jll, ..mid great oxrltemei.t. Lynch law threatened. .uif T 'nville. K ". M-rrh 27. Wlne. lay lii.t. ono Amea w.m killed l.v- hi. -n.i. ClT-li'A1"'-- frotn ir.. " r"'.a. T " In the Senate, t ! r ' , ",c ''V'sootninlttfe, a-port S'il.,!?..PVror,,f crr,,,i,! a nlDtiona laml nfPri' JarVN' N Y?l"-U 2i.-Thoa,rike of hrie employes t Suniielianna .!,..-. nnnriv snn i.n,lu.l i.. . Ixindon, March 27.-,Tho ship St. Jfark. day, v. ith 14 feet of water in her hold. The ciioKii, nun ouu tons oi her cargo ha.i to be thrown overboard. A speelal from Herlin my tbat Ilismnrck !! Pr"!U JtoM ration. , V'1", 'peciai Kavs Serrano ,u "', "",CK IMbU'U Uarlifts heforfr 11111km early yesterday morning. At 10 o'clock he telegraphed to M tdri.l thnt the combat uah n t- r , l" "''""J'Kc were with him. Cabinet telegraphed cMigrattllu'tions io Sc'ri JlilT,nnlM 'Ir Livingston eft Alen .... a., K,.,i. in, me -Mn lust. Hody fullv recnnnlx.vl of ... tt. ' "J ijbwiinriijar .11 III lir 1 proi.rUtlon hill tnny pretty .he. were made 1 try. iui wm or..ui4ie .urac ui u imiur., atioui economy, for economy, like "i;ood name It. I ! c.i pirt. of M'tn or the new Bute, If pot man or woman dear my lord." Ii Ju.t now the j of W. we W lie lldeof ImmcdUtekwel or our soul.; t't trut the ' tern .roSrt.. check the advance of the hardy 1 "V 1. m . ,w,.,.i.i. , ti oneer. w h ch I contantlv otHlnir ource of fniifni or ill icvuic Ik viii siwt. ui a ' crahle torllon ol the propl" f"00"- ! "nlwwe w,a"" "ur ,or Tsome qearterlbS a threatening, ..perl. J l mvM not wal -.l Exlravacancc In every conceivaiiie way iirousui "" .1 " 7 , flnancialruln uiKin ui : ""t H' wor.t jK.lnt. In by every Cunete-sr No inn.t the eUravanU were the .-eckli. .pproprla. other u th.n thl. it ud Wmy ilon "nmbile money -by Con.fe... the 'corrupt I flht oneamrthrr In Motional .pl, for Ulr pro .nd .fan. We esnendltorti In r'ny, !ry and I portion, of the puhllc money. and hc W eatrrn : . . ... .. . .t. .-. i 1 Mion wiffi 1p ititsrrt man tue rjui in inc ncorc lull.: and xrhrn all these, with admluWtratloii of the uUlonl fii.ano:. and the bad Ute of onr currency, bronshl on a eol Upae that upet.dcd ludu.try and eoinmtrce and suddenly cat short the revenue, c wtre compell ed to contemplate the im.atl.fjctory polblllty nf a and either lncreae t taxation or new additions to the debt. Tropic quite ttinor mw ai such a tnomrnt that economy the proper we cut on the ocen. will urce rctmirhment la the u-ivyj while the Van supposUu; It ha lr. In tere.1 than the Vut In the only ItuporUnt w;r Ice our troop, are railed upon to perform, will ure that It U upon army eipendltnrca our peat Mtlng mnt l inide; but when the two come to coiilcinplnte the .ubject mre at large thry mut m lliat all lectl.ns re rqu.lly concerned In 1 - 1 - . . nivy. It proposes 10 reoueo u.e army, irucu larly, by fire thousand men, and to re:rrt, Ifiiec euary, the limb, of elrlllxatloii. In a final ana. It l on clrlllatlon that we rami cconomlte. Our too free Indulsenee fn civllliaitw U not ex-1 otly the source or our dlMiter., but a reduced consumption or Ibat article Is what must aare u. In the ititnre. uur ironiirr i mxu .Ivr. and to iiulnUln It Is twi costly. e rtioit - a. S a. 1. ... S uj r Ilia. withdraw tue iircrs oy which iuc "", ' fcr Wrt have In-n proti-cte.1 and the ludluis ... t Mlni. and .uffr the barUtrle of Indian rrtvar. to iwcep once more torcr a district In whlrh the indcapc has already bemi to Ije beautiful with thu rur.l; smoke ui mc chimney. All the tioinra tbst mve n made must bo cWii to tn ftmrs, and the settlers mu.t come In or remain at their terll. for ecouomy re quires that we should eui down the army, and we Y-11 ..... iiijihu in rirfend what we hold. Jtl .1 1 1 1 11 . VJ - . - 1 , J , Snrli U tho slMtHi lust economy a 'ui .... r .,..1...,, 1 ...iml I'nmlf? call for a pre- ventlau or the Irl.'Utlill waie anu nuu... the public money, nnu v.oiicrr "'-" 'v tiropoltlon to dleotlnne an outlay that Is the only protluhlo us tbU nation males of a dollar ol lis money. . . U0011 the propomton 10 m mo Kt-tu ' ....... JTr .-iti.tu.n .nnni.ti fiimiiv to re- Krse our'u "oy the emMoblller aud Northern 1'acltlc vlllianlcs. the army .nJ IU FJ portions -nd It- co.t wme In for free .nd. wi mrt, adtniraiiie nno juon-.-u. J observation In tho Huum Co.uwrt.on haa en made ttwrrn the cxpene or the American d EualUli soldier, and It Is found that while "u softer or the Brlllsb army co.ts i-''?" out live hundred doll us a jwr, each soldier In q United Suirs array cot us Tor the same po . - .v....,...l .ti.llars. which will prob- ably surprise nobody ont.lJool ntr. Ap. t,arntly It ccm to have bren suppo-cd that sd. dlwouEhtnottocct u any nmrcthan they er points of public exjrudltnre. I'rrntiee Mulfurd writes rrom Loudon to the 8bn FraneUco UulHIn : "I have lcn ohllced 10 partly rcleani the Knzllth Uncuasc. Word teredo not always eontey the same meaning In America. There are no railroads but rallwajs,' no drpou but '.Utlons,' no but -stoker., no car but 'carrl-iircs. Tticre seem to be uo bodies In Knglmd, but they keep 'cars on hire at the stable.' There arc no stores but '.hops. Neither an Inn nr public bouse l onncea " entertain train traveler, with other accotnmoda. Hons than ecr or splriu. To be red and lodged one mu.t co to a tavern or hotel. W hen you a.k for l.err they )"u porter. Latr Is un known. There Is no waohlne and Ironlur, but wathlnc and mansling. Beans are mown as barieou' (the plcl"-lns term thriu 'atlocoU. The word corn taud ror mo4t any ktud of grain. There U no IcdUn weal but 'corn flour. A streak once sn hour, contllutr a 'fine. o street ear. hnt tramways,' no pitchers but Jugi, uo glasses but tumblers.' In sixteen or the States tbeie are Dcmoeratle Ooveruors, to wit; Connecticut, Delaw arc, ueor gla, Indiana, Kcotucky, Maryland, Missouri, Ne v. Olitn. Oretron. Tennessee. Texas, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin. IKJCI.ange. Yon may ndil another .ew nampsuire. more Greenbacks in crrEUni;VnVll.ui mho iwsca upon me , 'nntTr einttievJiAlh.coiiaiiiuii' - .i.t.iio ... 1 uv IIUII? J-.III3 III Km IWO CUUtli rnocr.TtATiox. Bhnn delays, they brred remorse; ' Take thy time when time 1 lent tier; Crreplns snails have weakest force; Fly their fault, lest tbou repent thee. Good Is bet when enruesl wrought, Llnzerlug lsbors come to naueht. (Southwell. Tho Montana papers arc wrangling over the location of their seat of government. Helena nnd Virginia editor are doing their level twt in advancing the cUimi or their respective burg. iiv wiiuia iHtiniu in 1110 isonmiu. 1 1 o .:r. r linmniini. 1. trririnp ,. .... ,. ... : . l...l'!"JCP oIH VI - mi a " timiuMiw 11 iuiiiinii.ini sua swarms 01 1 uicn 1110 , ,r 1,5. ..,. stalwart young feltou. Hnd employment with phlct hjrm. etc , or its coi n J ,. Ilinculiy. and 10 drift Into the ani.v on veiv 1 1 "- In sninll tay. Here 'abor In always In demand and Quicksilver 81.20 per DOlind in San Pran. It requires at least a tempting ty to get me n In- cisco, whereas, one year eo it was but KO. n'so, and at lout half the (iiuVrrnre hi the army per pound. TJie Daily Califarnia Stock Ileport come. to us enlarged. We wish it further success Gov Davis of Minnesota has vetoed tbe- bill passed by the Legislature to increase bis-pay. Farmcra about Albuquerque, N. M.. are sowing their Spring wheat, and have high uopes 01 a prosperous year. Not tiik Sajic Dent. Tho Dent who- died in New York, recent I v. was not ili. . i in Arizona. Madrid March 27. Serrano tcleraplietl to the MlnUter n r th u faf. troopJ hi it Sn T1! tU, 'r',i't lin, ' '"i t the poin n the bayonet. Several town. v i..uu neii on nsMiiieadar, Several bat terieg were nl.o .eiirVl.n' 1 "Tdz S.n FrnnriHco. March 27. Tho, non Into tho alT.jrLLU,C, UenneU the nlMing InniUAlwV him In ! & o r a iargi. amount. Aa thu exatnlna Hon or his accounts U not yet rnncliidod, th - "ww awst"iiit, in ill liniik nnlliin la known. Hi. nett has nut Omaha. lint who is aim ir, thet ity. Den been heard from ainre he left exiM ndituris Is due o th. enormous liifliliou of prices matte by the f' that our money Is on no bal whntrvi r. Anolhcr n-irt or the difference is Utif to tlie met thai tlrlllsh War Depart inenl Is niinagcd (lllfi-r cully from our War I)e. primrnt In all thnt Imiiortant Dirt or tho mlllu ry rvpeudlture Is done by contract. It Is worthy of note nlo that Ihe declaration that each soldier co-Is us it thousand dnllnrs l n dcc.-ptlre way oi siating tue prouiem nnogvttier. onr ex. Icnditure, with nit nmirofthlity thousand sol dlcrs, Is thirty million dollars, and that Is ol course, n thousand dollnrs a man; hut equally, or course, a very Mii ill proportion ot this Is soenl on the men. Out of that expcndltnre we keen rnclnber of that family who formerly rcsidacl up the whole military machinery or wrlsand mil. in a .:.. J nuuiumnny nsiuun Itary posts and arsenals and armories: but If we loiihlcil or trebled Ihe min.ler or men In our Tin, nnm R..n..,.n. t. . ..n .. . armv WK.I.m.t.l nnl (MPr.i... r ..r...r,Ht.,rn on "".l.-Ji U BSIU Ulll these Important point. Nay. ir we doubled our Pr,y of Texas and Pucillo railroad survev army wu should not Increase the number or our I or will nhnrtlv m... m . . i.l " J ........... vA.iuiug in in Bc0- V". ."I".'..'" i".: tion ol countn-, with a rev to flndlnu- puiii in... iijo iiiru i WC11JCIU.11VU uur nr !.,... -, . . n - my.ihererorc. we should only lucrease our j.x. new, better and shorter routo for tho pro- pciiditure by the moderate sum due In the ealcu. poseu nniroau, than lUat down tho Gila. lullpn to the tmy and support of the men we I his may bo treason, but wo can't lioln It. should add to ft. nnd thus for every thousand I men added to our nrmv the ratio per man would I Uor JlcOormick, Dclegato In Comrrcs lm less for calculsllon In the i budget; and If we frorn t lIe Territory, garoacrand dinner to should osscend Irom our littlo army or thirty .. . , " " , ""b1""" mun sis Ihojuutrjd men to an army lko England's, or one icrruurmi ueiegatei., at hH iiuiin-ii mm wt-uijviKi!i iiiuumiiu, ,no .iivufu i uvunu itt 11 u.uiiwu, uil lUU lstll Inst. mi mai inc uirereiHiBj ju con wuuiu ua no i . .1 ,1... 1 , , . , , reaterii.iiimIehtliorailoiiaIlvduetodlflerencD AU tDe "o'tw uwd in Arizona are broucbt In prices lu the two countries. from California Why not raise broom cor SIIIU lliu i.uiiii iuuviicu uinjll iiuiu 1. u t'v avu i niifi tnnin nllp nun 1 Into consideration practically with regard to the I " economy actually proposed In Congress. Mr. The Wastilmrton Chronlrla rbart.. iim. Wheeler arsues that the discontinuance of re. 1 000 has been sunk In the florerometnt printing milling will during the year reduce the army by loillce, and wants that establishment eipostd.-- nve tiiouianu men, necaese ns terms 01 cdusi- t.xctiange. 1. .cut expire and as met. deserti If no recruits are PCfcpted. the rolls' will be lessened tb that extent; j anu ne argues toat tins rcuuction 01 ure cuou sand men will reduce the expenditure five mil- )(ods or drjllrjr.. Here he Mis Into, the: jerror pf nssurnlnx P vrAct a statement of the military ex pcndllufe th'iit Is not true. fioldleraOo not cost a thouisnd dollars a roan. Of our thirty million dollars at least fifteen millions are expended on things other than the ntrtonntlot tbe army; and of the fifteen millions actually expended ou the pmoinit seven million and a half sre expended on id rev thousand ofileers and the other seven You, Mr Chronicle, ought to have exposed it long ago. During tho lata enow biockado on the Kansas Pacific It. IL. which lasted for thnv. days, tho thermometr stood at 30 below zero. Tho snow filled the cuts for ml I p. and tho oxtretno cold made it difficult for men to work. Tho temperance movement hw been idu millions and a hsir on tbe thirty thousand troops. ' gureted at Portland, Oregon.