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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
Newspaper Page Text
77; EMBLEMS OF THE GREAT. u r 1:011. Mounts, l. u it. Who wear a SylMHB upon lit breast Docs In the of God ntust And In ttic face of man That ull hi action will compare With the dlvlue, the unerring SqUAitE, That square pre it Virtue' plan : And lie erect hi cdlllco By thU deatxn, uud this, nnd tbU. Who wear the Lever, say that pride Doc not within hi oul abide, Nor foolish vanity; Tlot man ha but a common doom And from the cradle to the tomb A common destiny, And ho erect hU edifice By thl design, and tbU, and till. Who wear the G that mark divine Wuoo very sljht should lianlsb sin, Doth trnt In (Jod alone; HI Father, Friend, he knew; He voir and pays to Qod his vow Before the eternal throne ; And he erect his edlfleu Uy till design, and thl and thin. Who wear the Plcmb, behold how true HU word and walk ! and could we view The chamlier of hU oul, Each hidden thought, so pure and good, By the stern line or rectitude Point up tn Heaven's coal; And he erects his cdltlca By this design, and this, and this. Thus life and beauty come to view In each ileslsn our fathers drew So glorious and sublime: Each breathe mi odor from the bloom Of pirdens bright beyond tho tomb, Beyond the flight of time. And bid us build on this, nnd this, The walls of God's own edifice. Writing from Pbamix under date of March 20, Messrs Barnctt & Block send u the fol lowing particular of the Indian attack upon their trnin on the 31st of January: On the 3Ut of January our train, consisting of live teams, was attacked at the San Carlo reser vation, within a few hundred yard of the post. A man named Armstrong was Instantly killed by .1 shot through the stomach, and a man named nenry received several wound, from tho effect of which he died two days after. There were about 15 Indians. They took with them a lot of blankets, clothing, tools, cnoklnir utensil, etc., valued atJG0O; harness, :170; 4 wajronsucct., $1120; 1 cane of panocho, fJGO; t case of orangi;, MO; 1 ca-so of merchandise. 1132; 1 Henry rifle, 910; mddlc nnd bridle, l(K); provisions, $100: 2700 lbs. flour, $.TJl ; 8 mule, $1,000. The same Indhn were In camp all day nnd ap. parcully friendly, yet they attacked our party, Armstrong, Henry nnd tteel, about 8:30 in tho evening, with the above result. A California!! lim invented a churn which, in thirty seconds, converts one gallon of milk into 7J pounds of butter. Hu want a patent for hi wonderful churn. It pleases u to ec in tho San Diego World tpcc'iitl telegraphic dispatches from Arizona, and would please us : ileal more were tho compiler of s.iiil dispatcher to mention the fact that hi compilations arc from the rWHii o that we could it tl. State nt ieai "i - j- t LLXtriATlOiY. As New Mexico Is greatly lntcrctcd in the mining and working of precious metals, a fc words ujkju one of the many processes of bene Delating ores may not be entirely unwelcome. We wish to c ill attention to tho process known ns llxlviatlon, for the extraction of sliver. This Is comparatively unknown and not employed In the United Slates, tor many year, experiments have been maite by ulllerenl cliciuuts.and metal lurglsts, In endeavoring to perfect this process sutlleleutly to give It a command over the present modes or working ore; yet 11 is out i-uciy, wtiuin the last two or three years, ttiat Its practical work lug has been such as to commend it ns tho most prolltitblc. In Sonorn, It was tlrst developed Into its present high standing; and uch I tho est! mate placed upon It there, that most of the mill are adopting It; and nil acknowledge Its superi ority In working ore for silver alone. Where gold Is found lu the ore, It Is extracted by the old methods. Llxlviatlon steps In and take the place ol quicksilver; otherwise the milling, ctr., Is just the same. Tans and settlers are done away wiili, una wltti them quicksilver, tor n rough outline of this method we have the following: The ore Is dry crushed by battery and roasted in a trlpfe lurnace. Tho roasted ore Is placed In wooden boxes (about 1 feet wide, 2 feet high and 8 feet long) which have false bottom or n frame of latls work covered with canvas In order to re t.iln the ore while filtration takr place. It out Ing 1 necessary lu order to obtain soluble metal. Ic salt lu tho ore. Water Is now run upon the ore in ttic boxes; me now 01 water received being equal to the dUchargo keeping tho box always rull. I tie salts of tlio base metal being soluble In water, we find that they nre decomposed and carried oil by this flow of wate, leaving behind the silver. After four or five hours a test Is made to know whether nil the base salts have passed ol!. The test Is cither undo by sulphate of lime or by tasting the water being very sweet when Inuring silver. Next the flow of water Is turiird off and the ore allowed time to become drained occupying about an hour. Then a solution of bluo and salt or chloride of copper Is run on, which carries on" the silver, Is received In large tanks (wooden) where the sulphate of silver Is precipitated by a solution of sulphate of calcium. About uue part of lime to two of sulphur I used In making the latter solution. The clear liquor lu thu precipitating tanks 1 now run oil nnd pumped into the reservoirs or tank from which it originally came to be used ngaln. The pre climated sliver is taxen and placed In canvass drains, and washed with water to remove the bv posulphatu of lime. It Is then pressed aud dried in a furnace freverbcriitory) the sulphur being tlUengaged by the heat, from the lurnace the surer Is placed lu crucibles with proper fluxes. Some suppose this process to be not applicable to refractory ores; yet 62 nud l:i per cent, silver are obtained from ore which has considerable pi leua, zinc blende, some antimony, arsenic. Iron pyrites, etc About one day Is necessary In this process. The number of boxes or tanks used should bo regulated by the capacity of the mill. The cheapness of tho method lf notable; merely lumber for the boxes; some lime and sulphur; no expense In pans; entirely avoiding the mon rtrous expense of quicksilver. This subject is well worthy the attention of milt men and miners, as It grcoly reduce thu cost of benctlclatliig sll. vtr or-j. The foregoing is from the Santa Fo New Mexican. All wo care to add is that Mr. Hitchcock, of Big Bug, in this county, long ngo witnessed the tiial of this proces upon some ot ma ores, rv Intel ol San Krr.- cip-o, when it 'worked like a charm." . tnaitcious the State's SUBSCRIBE row Ttie DAILY ARIZONA MINER. tub rio.VKKR .t:u'Ni.tir.u OPJTHB TERRITORY. A LIVE EVENING .DAILY, ruHLisiiixG Local and Gonoral Intelligence, FORKIGN AM) DOMESTIC Tel-esrraph Dispatcher IN CONNECTION WITH THE PAPEK 18 A -TOJ3 OFFICE, WHERE IS PROGRAMS, CIRCULARS, Handbills.B jolterhead, he VI has Inreidoiitg and intends to do. newspMTlihcli liy ti term in prison, iicrc, . Tho highest railroad iini.r r.A I H.uou tcei ASSAY BLANKS, MINING BLANKS South station in above tide water, ..!... .tmiiiin tun amiuue 01 'Bv" nd Moses Sullivan, colored l)oht on sny raHroad lu North America Weorpia, '? . r ...... S,m.rnr.A Tnn MITCH I.Uilll UJl " . 1 !.- ltnU. Sew Yorker, Owen aianguan, mru "b"' 1 1 t his better half and burned her so b.idly as to cause her death It is stated that a Ulan named John 1' Olum Is app inted ngent for tho San Oarlo Apaches. "Josh" HillinKs is a large, tull roan, over 50 vcara of nge, ami looks moro like a gan J . .!.:'.. .1... ll, l.i.mnpul (lilt III! Il grcneii poimciun mn - A dreadful murder has just been commit s k in Mi.nilneino colinlV. ualliornia. ah - 9 old woman was tho victim. peter ulatr both leg. 1-.1t ntrlorel Iwll in Maine, 011 iected to tho of a white hack-drivcr, TIL. de anRBI saM, " elt .0 vv. -- ery liosy. ... I. '..nnrnaa tn . t. .,. th fas nun W build the Tcxm-I'mMo railroad, dtitcn. of Ariiona might take n Imtwi. .. 11. .t..inr romnanv. of The Silver apron ........ 0 . fnitr..,nt. have ordered one of Pauls lry wrocwn nulla. m . t,...i ..r Albtiaiuteraue, Now Mcx- tory. Tho murderer was Tho Denver (Colorado .Tribune lacour proposition for unite u. . , , it Ariiona. Now Mexico and Colorado, for Pamphlets, Cards, Labels, Etc ADVERTISE. If Vou ore Desirous of Selling Anything Advertise In the Miner. telegraphic connection. The local of the a Ampslt Ksprcs j lU . i.ivn arrired to make a enough spring. t...ti ttirrot" said the Have yon Kui m- - - wl, hcr n ttie l acme jinn ntun, half Injun runt The ui Angeles Dally Herald, under Its I new management, appeart to bo a good, res pectablo paper. Colonel Iloulware, a prominent citlten of Sut ut i-oniitv. anil Lleutcnant Ooloncl of thoSeeond 'iifrni Volunteers, died on his firm near Uuar river a few day slncc.-fealltornla paper. Col. Uoul ware commanded ort Yuma early InlBOt. The ureatesl ran of luck on record Is that pf a deslrr. who. within the last throe tnonlli. In Inherited a fortune, drawn a blu lot- tury nrlM, founU seven tuoutana uuuars wiinu In the cellar 01 ins uouse, mu iui mu.u.-i Uw, Tim Texans want GoTcrntnent to build 1,375 miles of telegraph for , them. If You Desire ' Help" of any tSort Advertise in the Miuer. It Yoa "VTaat to VukUm Property cf taj Klad ADVURTIBB IN THE JsONJIR, VVWsVi gos sisrywlisr an4 t t4 by'slnott ivwy oroa la Arlseo. 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