Newspaper Page Text
Colli Bisbford npn HOT a ill Vol. XI. No. 15. TUB AltlZONA MINE It. Published Daily and Weekly, ....AT... Prwcott, Yavapai County, Arizoaa, JOHNJMAllION. the rtr Amwm Mixen wa tartrd I'MemUf lt, irrj iiBliily nr enarUtlun r Arlui.Srrt i.UMBh l poWWxxl on Urn Briwiln. Of Mradar, TuJLur., Tl.nwlay mJ BaltinUjr, "t ath il "I" tr mI TH -TtT. nsrr and Zfwr'Hr.UAtiu: ws that raa Iw rrcurl by TUjrj, Malt, Ktprw "" 1,"r """ Trawl or BluClunlO!-I.1lrerJ by carrier I Mb wrihen l l'r'XH, Fort Wfctppl. and vlelnltr, nr I-Mtii A wr.tic. t"ll weljr lu mI'I cnrrW. The IAtt.V wl b mulled laiabKrlbm la Ariarma and .IwwW rinse ItoLLAas fr) bight botXAua IVr Il ntvalhi ( KOUB lmU.AU lit remit W, nI OHK hollas asu urn teT f dm wo.tb. Tlirw . cat Itutj frier, raUL In adraa4. O. Vrlfar lh WRBKLT MlXKt, e(alnlnjr LljrraUo .,wi to lh Hour of feulng- to pi, will b. furalttwd nil DAILV obwritw without eilr thArg. AoviETWixo Kara, la .llb.r th Dalljr or W.klr 0 Iteh (12 lis f bl TV) eJ. CO ft Bril Unrtlwo, awl I W I' I"1 f"rA aMltloal lrTlt, i nwtir UlbMnl from lrr ralM will b. mad. to r' 4Mkoiuar 4T.rlI tttflf hfiU ru-, half furor PrufrMtoisal anJ Uulnw canJi InwrteJ U)oa rtaauaa ! term. Vftmi rwllf ui nvm.jr fur nWriptkm, a.lTcrtlltir j,,b work, majr It bjr mall, (rthrrwlM, at (lif aw. riik. Till! WEEKLY MIXKH. Tko Inl numlMf of lh WaKKLT Ml Kit wa( tMnnl m Hrtli 1, 'x1- ,n " '''t" J"'- 11 rao, Hk trntli. lalm b b th. oldt, Urjut asd btit Mirar" I" T.rritofy. Subicrlption Rates: O.Copr.0ii War... ' Nil MiMth. 4.00 " Thru Moatha. X60 Iifl O-Tf 25 Unit Ttn4tr .Vim lit f ptriityitmtMortub- fy"Ttm-nrd" famrfaMjr. Addmt all ordrra and Irittn io "THE MIKEE," Prewott, Ariraaa. tr'rioi eatnrda't IWIt.) Mir.lTAJtr AND INDIAN XEVS, DK. PAHTMKNT OF ARIZONA. . Order Usuctl yesterday from dcrirtmnt 1 a . " Headquarters read ai followa : Firet Lieut. W. W. Fleming, 12th Infantry, is hereby rcliercd from duty at Camp Molt" A. T.. and will nroceed. without ilnl.r join his proper station, Camp Ikale Spring. Lce of abicnce for thirty drtyr, is Lerc by granted Firwt Lieut, J. II. Hurst, 12th to headquarters of the army for n oxtr-.tnn of eleven months. Leave to take effect atxin the completion of the duty for which L it now detailed. f'rota ittiwluf't Ial1y,l Gcncml Crook and his Aide. Lieut ILm. will arrive at Verde sometime to morro. Colonel lloeer Jones has been maVihi? n very careful inspection of Fort Whipfli and the depot. Ho will leave, here about tlrn middle of the week, on a visit to the other posts in the department. 1 lie cuapcl at Inpple was not dedicated yesterday, the walls being a yet very damp. Next Sunday, wrvicM will be hnlil. Lieut Oeo. 0. Kton, 5th cavalry, arrived at Whipple from Verde, this morning, on his way 10 neaie Bitrings. Tlio stc.imcr from Mohave which was to have left for Yuma, on the 1st inst., has not yet reached the latter place. Piotuing new irom any or tlio scouting par tics in Southern Arizona. THE DAILY MINEll. Being desirous of Increasing tlio circulation of tLc Dailt MtsiBtt tlirongliout tue ierriuiry, Southern dlllornU, New Mexico aud elsewhere, I bave re-loceil prlcrs at which the paper I'l hereafter be furnished to persons, hy raall, uutll, tin, ihev are bnt a trifle hlchcr than rates al which nubli'hera of dallies in Southern Callfor nla mMI their nuhllcattons, and from which 1 Awe not look for much profit. I do, however, hone (or such an Increase In tbo circulation of the Daily Misen as will enable me to run It with some profit to myclf and the Territory. At tircjeuL sll my energy and resources are taxed lo the ulmott to make 'cuds meet," but, I do not sppcal to my fellow-cltlrens of Arizona to atucrlhc lor the Dally, became It Is an Arizona Dally. the only one la the Territory. Not at all I want no man's nam or money who would feel that, hv subwcrlbinz for the paper, be wnuld merely, be doing a charitable, patriotic act, as consider the paper, with Its prcUy full Ulcgraphtc reports : Its devotion lo county and Territorial nsws, etc, well worth the small sum of fifteen creenhsck dollars (whUhary not dolltrs) a jeari V v . . a . I Nr.w VoLUMcs-Thc 6n Diego, Cal., Dai Jy Union commenced its eighth volume, on Iarch20. Wo have no fault to find with the Union, on the contrary we enn well af fonl to say that it is almost everything that a first elms ilailr ouzlit to bo. The Pioche fNcva'da) Daily Record, haa also sUrtcd on Its cizbth volume. It is a large, handsome, well conducted sheet, with out which Pioche would not be Pioche. P11ESC0TT, ARIZONA, FHIDAX EVENING. APRIL 10, 1871. EstaWiHlied 18G4. NEWS ITEMS. Tlio following are condensed from our ex changes : Bherlll 8mlth, of Mohave county, was recently at Han Bernnrd no, Cal Thewlfo of Lt I'hclps, 8lh cavalry, died Kt Hajard, Nrw Mexico, : "rc ' '.! Tu0 Ban Ilcrnardlno Ouardlan of oi.i, auivs mat ii nan icu lor Arizona. C. Iilrnnl. itt-nllit. It fllfilnriiMii1. dim A Man Dlcco drru hai tory to Ukc vleB.-Ii.ii.crsncM, Ca Is "building up, Hr.Jai Orniit anil wife have trot back to Infantry, with permission to thm,,; ' x ..a"T T?e OnwonUo, I'orttand, Or- hesdouartcrs militarY division f fh l m,?" i 5," " ,t""' aP?r- A"1'. - -" - a -V.r.., - '"I l. M . I . n r . lrom TartHlajr s Dally.) IJcut Pardee, 23d Infantry, and wife who were passengers on the gulf steamer, arrived last night at i uma, as aid also A. A. Sur geon NcwJand. Lieut Pardee was in corn manu ot a detachment of fifty-six recruits for the 5th cavalry. Dr. Ncwland is ordered to Camp Apache. Lieut Pardee joins his company at Grant. Lieut Woodson, 5th cavalry, wife and child, Lieut Ileyl, 23d Infantry, and A. A. Surgeon W. K. Day, arrived at Whipplo last night. Lieut Woodson leaves this week for Tucson Lieut Heyl and Dr Day belong to Camp Verde. Lieut Katon starts for Delc Springs this week. Colonel Jones has nearly completed his in spection and will probably make a tour through the department, commencing at Verde. It is reported that Snrgeon Magruder. Medical Director, contemplates a trip aroun the Territory. General Crook and Lieut Host, A. I). C, niiflit to reach Vertlc to-dav. A tclecram --!--- . .v from lucson tars tuey were to leave urnni on the 30tb ult., cowinir by trail via San Carlos. Lieut llcvl. recently assicncil to 23d In fantrr. and a oarty of roung officers ordered to Arizona, mule the trip by the Isthmus route, which is again growing into favor on soeaual of the a now blockade and other tMs comforts to be anticipated on the Pacific railroad. To-day, the army appropriation and rcduc tlon bill comes before the House for discus sion. Many of its provisions arc of a sweep ing and radical character. o that many im noriant modifications will doubtless be made cr flio bill becomes a law. Maior Chandler. Colonel Dodge. CapUin Iitifiif and Lieut Kins' are now rn rosfct for Prcscott and may bo expected here almost any time this month. InatIV ntrw tinn.pi imJ.... a.n. ta Ye, New Mexico, nut flm r...nni in ..,.i,,i .V"?.1 . A fhootlnic much hS been arranged between Jas Ward, of Canada, rhaoipl- v.., .uu ii- a. i ainc oi cw Vork for fWW a tide and the etiatnp onsblp of America. Ii would suit u. ii me wouiuconie to Arizona and take for marks, Ij rig Indian agents and bad Indians. The Los Angeles Herald siys that the lots of siiccp In thai Bute during the pant winter hy the snows and cold v-cathcr will fully balance the In crease for the year. Drive toioe of your sheep to Arizona, wnerc tnuws and cnld will uot (Meet them. Ltnperor William It nasi 77. J. C. Dunn, formerly.or I'rracolt, is circulating In Col-P13'10- -Mr. C. T. llayden hat purchased goods In San Francisco, which he will bring to the Tcr. muij ujr way oi nan uicgo. "Ubaiigc" !' scarce In San Juan. Utah stock arc dying of cold and buujier. Another Tucson merchant. nr. i. ijoniucrir, is in Han Diego, with a train to tike goods to Tuwon. He told the Union that steamer rates, etc., to mouth of Colorado river, inipeueu nun to seek this quicker and mode. One or Lt. Wheeler's parties Is coming to Arizona, this summer, to survey. EXTUACTINO Hll.VEIt l-HOM Tlir? P.rkra silver extracting process will rny when others wilt not. It Is conducted as follows; The lead Is quickly melted In Iron jmu that will hold from ten to twelve tons of the metal. Zinc Is then thrown In, In three tucccstlre doses, and the wbole ma thoroughly mixed with perforated Iron ladlea for twenty or thirty minutes. The Are U then removed and dampened, and as the metal slowly cools the sponge rises to the surface, car rying Ibc Diver with It. The spongy crutt that forms on the surface Is removed and the metal again heated, more zinc added, and a second crust removed. The snonce or crust contains tho zinc, silver. lead and oxide of other mctats. From It the sil ver It .cparatcd by the following refining opera- lion ' it it Dial licaleil in an iron veanel. when a creator part of the lead liquifies aud separates i rom i ne mast, inc resiuua it tlieu treated ac cording to one of four methods: First by hy. drachlorVc acid, cornincnclnr with a low temper ature and elotlcg with a strong heat ; facoryJ, by volatilizing zinc lu blatt tumaces with coke, sand and puddling clay f third, by driving steam at a high temperature through the melted sponge; fourth, by dittnilng on the sine st n white 'heat In the presence of coke In slleslan retorts lined with tome carbonaceous tubtancc In all these methods the rllver remain In comhloatlou with lead, from which 11 Is readily separated by well known processes. Mone or Samtmxo Ones. The Helena (Moo- tans) Herald dctcribes the method of sampling ore, at the furnaces In Montana, L'tab, and Ne vada, as follows : "l int, evrry nrteenui snovei. fu! from a wsgon load Is kept separate. That pile It well mixed and tbtn divided by meant of a box with no bottom thai It, the box Is placed on the floor snd the ore poured over the aids from the point of a tboveL The lnttde pile Is served In the same way, until by repeated operation It I rrdncfd to the combaaa of about oue shovelful., The ore lo the mean time Is reaoeeo u raUJ flnenrst by poondlng. The amy irom iaa suov-j elfnl rrmcrallr comet within ten per cent. f worMoK proectt, and then incidental lotses mutt be subtracted, snd those Jostcs sre larger than If frnrrallr intirxnpil ! ltt Interest on money la- vested lu ore and fluxes: 2d, waste In yard of ores spd fluxes ; 3d. lost time on stocks and mis calculations generally. WtlCELKIt's 8CBVBTS IX AlllZOSA AXT) CoLO- LETTER Fllfar T1HUNIX. Phoenix, April 2, 1871. Brother Rccdcr, assisted by llrothcr (Jill, of this place, has Ix'en holding a two-day meeting every night for alwut ten days, preaching to and praying for those who, to me the elegant language of Hro. Jicclcr, are "hovy with sin and rotten witu disease." Tliut far not much luck has attended the Rev brethren and none have sought the 1ord save'two or thrco little girls, wlicsc passions or s'im could not have troubled them much. The hardened old sinners of Pbumix have thui far withstood the artillery of the Lord as fired by chic! engineer Rccdcr, but he still continues the siege and threatens to fight it out on this lino if it takes him all summer. He has good attendance and that encourages him to proceed. On the 11th inst., the delegates to the Democratic Territorial Convention are to be elected in tills county. We elect by dis tricts nl by ballot. Borne little stir is uiadc by the friends of the several candidates or gentlemen named for the honor of defeating Jicuormicic. I am informed that the Ring here ( Demo crats) have also selected a portion of the county ticket already, to wit: Ormes for shenll, Johnnon for recorder, and John George tor treasurer. If this be so, it is bet ter than the common run of "ilinir' nomina tions, as tho gentlemen named are all worthy and competent and no "scallywag" among them. The river keeps up and is not yctfordablc. Court sits next week and we have "nary" criminal, and no grand jury will be called for the term. It seems as though we arc going backward, i'very other term of court we have had a grand jury and plenty of crimi nals. V hat lo you think about It I It is said that the Starrar Itros. have struck some very rich ruck in their raineback of Sacaton, and it is rumored that John Smith is about to take hold with them in the de velopment and opening of tho mine. A farmer who lives near here came in last week with a lot of chickens for sale, and finding the market dull, put them up to be shot at. lue chicken to be shot at was placed in a box aud the head drawn through a bale and exposed. Shots two bits, and when tho head was hit the raarktman took the bird. Distance 40 yards. He says it wai not a good peculation and be don't want any more of it in his'n. Good for our marksmen. There was a fellow hero thought he would ?'o into cotton raiting and sent to California or seed. The seed wat finwarded by ex press (75 lbs.) and arrived Rifely as far as Harden' ferry, where the stage upset and the teed went rfws Salt river. That fellow was mcl I have sent for more seed, how. ever, and intend to try it on if possible. To-morrow night we will have a "hop" at tho sehool-bous. and we old fellows will SCHOOL MONEY. The Territorial lioard of Education havo ptMirtioncd tho Territorial School Fund de rived from the following sources, viz C'uli fin hand. lima County, TAal n.mid Aunortioned on the following basis of number of children as taken by census Mar shals, viz: have a chance to trip the "light fantastic" In ... V , f i. tii.. : twtnrany witu young gins, oi wuicu ina-mi wiij.ui.j j n o , carfboasta goodly aliare. Varafal Cvrinty, .. Maricopa Comity, . Yuma County, . . . , lluhar. County, . . . loan i.trajc . (.4! . 1.(5 lima County, Yar.l Couuty....... Maricopa County, Yuma County .Moliate County, ....721 children ....loS " ' ....471 " .... as " ....1.0fi0 the several coun- Tolal Amounts divided anion: ties upon tho above basis as follows : l.aet!) 7( w limn Y.mpsl county, . M.rfcvpa ronnt y,. Yurn. county Muhav. county, . . Total, . . ..(M.mie FtooniNO thk Desc.iit. A writer in the Daily Star, of ln Angeles, doubts if tho benefits that might be derived from flooding nortlon of tho California desert by turning tho course of the Colorado river, would com- nensate for tho injuries tliii course would tn fiict upon Arizona, hy destroying the present water way to the Gulf jf California and, ncrhans. nutting an end to the tiwn ot i u ma. Ha7ing read many theories regarding the chance ffor the better) which Hooding the low desert would effect in the climate of this entire southern coast belt of country, we should say that, were the public certain that .. . . , ... I .! tile CliangC would purely come aim conimuc, they would, we feci sure, Ukc chances on all damages liable to ensue, since, with increas ed rainfall, irritation throughout western Arizona and southern California would scarce lv be necessary to the successful raising of all kinds of fruit, jrrain, cotton and other startles. As to the doubt expressed, of the ability of the Colorado river to fill up the now wa tcrlcss bflun once a part of the uulf of California there is, in our mind, not a shad ow of doubt. Business & Professional Cards. COLES BASHFORD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-ATrLAW, Tuc.on, Arizona, Will KtlehU rruriuoa la all tue Coarti of IL.T.rrltor j if. n. CAimrru li. il CABTlza, itu H. II. CARTTER & SON, Attorneys and Counselors at JLaw. Pre.entt, Vavapal County, Arizona. Will atUnd to UuIixu la all th. courts of U Territory J. P. 1IARGRAVE, ATTORNEY and C0UN8ELOR-AT-LAW, Montezuma street, Pretcott, Arizona. JOHN HOWARD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, I'rescott, Arizona. joifrr a. Rusir, Attorney at Ist.y, Fhurilx, Axizoaa, - u Will nrktly attraa ta aH tmlacu .otruatwl to htm', ii th ..T.ral CourU oi Ilorrl i. th. Territory. Frsapt stlestfaa gives to CoUecthms. J. E. McGAFFRY, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Mala Street, Tueasa, A, T. J. N. McCANDLESS, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON, UA1e, .Vorf h Hide ol Flaaa, PreeatS. HENRY W. FLEURY, PKOBATE JUDGE, Justice of the Peace and Ifotny Pntlic. WJf. A. HANCOCK, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Hlank D.claraiorr Ktataatcalo, And Irral niankt of an MwU. Bills taXittiti pnmptij rbaralx, Maritof Co. Arlaoaa, Jan. 9th. 1S7S. E. IRVINE, Attorney at JL a. w , Phoenix, Maricopa County, A. T. OBW, in tb. Kewt Dtfot, on th Wert ltd of ft riaia EcnorBsw CaiiTStw The New York Herald, peaking of the dependence of Amrrlcau enter prise ujion Eurojuon captul, remarks; "It Is not wc neat year or Ibis year who III be begjrfng Korope lor money, uuirainer r,orope uwi win he teekln" eintilovmeut for Its sunlus capital. The money rata Is low now lo alt the European cculrea. The payment of the French Indemnity drew onl of liWlnir an cuormoos amount of coin that had been withdrawn from clreolallon for ycnis. That money remained still out of clrcu fatlnri rlnrln'the nrocess of re-colnasx. trot It Is now rapidly coming out again tn pajmcni tor iuo extenilve military ana navai tou ucrraany i. eugageJ In, and Is returning to the oank centres. The Hank or France already begun to tliow as enormoot Increase of coin, and the Bask of . a - t Thl. m wwt f seek reemployment. Turkey, Ecypt, Honduras AMCti8HCr n MNIlSHtH ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR - A-T-L AW, ViiKstl Park, XeksTs Csesty, Art was, Will aUvtxt la Wiral trmlDCS. Is ail th Yerritoryi nat. cuMeetbMM, te. eoarls f tt ahtr ' J. L. FISHER, and other conntrle do hot-oSer the aame sjtesntr lieece tue mosey win MsarvitLK, Arizona, April 3, 1874. To th Editor of Uu Arizona Miner: I have not written for sometime past, ow ing to tbo scarcity of news in these diggings, hut the Colder prototypes have given me an item by visiting Wra. Itowo and Joseph Cor, . . , i . i . ; 01 tuts place, a low uays since, aim taking '0. D. Oast, once a member of the Arizona JLcgitlaturc, now of Nevada, was in San Iicr-iwu-dino recently, and told the editor of the Guardian that New York and other mining .districts on the other side of the Colorado trivcr. wcro fast filliui: with people. The rmincs in those districts are good. Rrighan Tfoung, according to Mr. Gass, is anxious to connect them with Salt LaWu city by rail road. Tho "local option" law" or California, gives the inhabitants of any place the right to ac cept or reject mm shops and rum sellers; that is, provided a majority of voters Tote against the sale of spirituous liquors. A photographic view of the San Diego, Cal., telegraph office, sent us by Mr Ellison, shows the building to be neat and well fitted for the business. Our friend, Wm. E. Smith, in charge of tho establishment, has a place in tho picture. " The Monnr. A correspondent of the Tiocbc (Nevada) Record, says that agent Ingalls, of the Muddy Indian reserve, had returned from (he States and wos allowing a desire to pay his debts. The whites had about all left the reservation. Tub Daily Amzoxa Mixeu has completed the first three months of lu extttesec, with good prospects for the future. Wo lob pratu late the proprietor aa this favorable eoudltlou of hUcn ferprlss. Tho Arizona Mi.ikr Is an excellent po rter, ana bt done and Is doing much to place the undoubted mineral wealth of Arizona In tho po sition lu real merits demand. IHrcord, Pioche, Dr Rcagles, ol Camp Bcalo Springs, Mo have county, who is now here, informs ns that ha recently visited Maynard mining dis irict, in bis county, and found tho owners of me Jicueary and Hidden treasure mine busily engaged in rnininir ore. which they were sacking, with the view of shipping It to Dan rrancisco. The jjr lias a vory goou opinion ot these two mines. Their' owners arn mimf rnrf Ine tmulrni. intending tn work their ores by this process. 1 . "Wo Lave now in operation in the Minkh oiuce one of J, K. Rukcnbrod'a newspaper mailing machines, which does iu work well and quickly. It aavea a great deal of writing uu pasting. Wells PAYiyo Up. Vant of means to defray ex penses of running tho Mixua office com pelled as, a short timo ago, to call upon sub scrilcrs and others for " back-pay," some tTdng wo would not have done but for the absolute necessity of our case. Well, it pleases and makes more indelliblo the good opinion that has alwava been stamped upon our mind Ol tue UnnCSlY Ol Anzonau'v vicii in the most pinching times, to be able to . . ., . I f . . . nit State lliat OUT OIU pairona niu ujuuub .yj .1.1 ilnw Imt sure, discbartrina. in many nwi. two and three Years indebtedness. In niir raireer as editor and nubliiber in Arizona, . . . . ...... i . . wo havo lost thousands ot dollars oy uusi- !. men vhn have left tho Territory, ami who never were Arizonans, in the strict .nmn nf tio word. Wo have now on our KsuA-i orn- four thousand dollars, irom trliir.b veo hone. soon, to rcalizo sulllcicnt mmir tn nav our debts and some to cxiicnd on making both editions of the paper better and mure worthy tno support, oi inmi. TmnK. A. T.. March 2G. 1874. rn,mt Abimvi Minr.a Hm: We 7 , . ... ... , linr at TllCSOIl WOUIU IIKC H Kim " " " "- .. .. T. how you are off for matt matter up nv i rc cott. and whether you have monopolized the nineteen man bscks conwunni, n matter which accumulated at San Diego lost I, rtviirnan and from whtcu we nave m. !.!inc kiticA and which was left Iks r" . . , - i.t.i . ,l,n iimn niir nuartcnnasier ten can unit. - , DieL'O. As wo only get our regular comuic- f m.H liKrn and sometimes not that. as the mail yesterday brought nothing from California), wo woum ukc io 'u thing about this back mail of 19 sacks. 6 M. JL DirmcLD. Major, Northern Arizonana are and have been pretty well off for mail matter, although they haven't had any of yours. Perhaps tho flood in tba Ban Diego river tho 1 raall SAeka you allude to Salt Rivk VAixnr. Letters from this vallcv, published in yesterday's Mineb, say that" the Apaches have been raiding on farmers living In theWnHy of mrt little village, JIaryvillc. The tbjeves took every animal owned by one poor farmer. AVondcrlf Government, whoso duty - It Is to protect the Jives and property of all cIhmm, will ever do so? It ought to be made my for all such losses as tho one above alluded to. RAW.-ThoexrdIilon mules, all that h possessed, and, from the latter, one horse. Tills is certainly rcry creditable to that O. 6. fossil. . ... Is it not time for another fraud to be lois- ted upon us 7 One that will come here and "chin-way" with old 32kiminzin rf. ol. and then go to tbo "city of magnificent distances" tod be investigated for minor otlcnccs, com arittcd prior to "the misdnn" to tho gentle ind inotlenaivei t) Apacucs. Tho jolitical cauldron is beginning to eetlio and almost bubble over. Men wUb nfluence, and men without, are nwiiing ibout as frantically as a discomflttcd pitmlrc, jrging the claims of their respective friends, tt'i.ot rannot be dor.c orally is done by the .on. I do not think that many are looking o'tho right direction. For my part, I shall tdvocatc the claims of tome man who resides vkrt. cf tim nn.i. tir this, more anon. ' rt m.lifMl down to Phoenix vestcrdsy, and hile there ssw "Jlob," who was looking as eird as tho Celtic ghosts of Sir Walter scott. lo.-Iral .nrreTt west of the one hundredth torrid lan, of which parties under the charge of First Lieut Geo. it. Wheeler have becu In the Held dar-, lag Ibc 1H four years, will as soon as final ac tion shall bo taken by Cooaress, resume opera tion In tlie neld in Arizona ana oiorano. uue party will bo designated to protccnt a.nrrey over the unfinished part of Arizona, situated be tween the parallels of 80th and 371b degree 30 minutes north latitude, and 103 degree at mm ntcs and 1(W degree 15 minutes longitude wett from Greenwich. This vicinity promltes a rich snd Interesting field. The work upon the aUo. nomlcal baae will be resumed, ana sncn asiro nomlcal partica a the appropriation ahall allow win iu run. in irifl ncm irom iuu uuw itiimi lalance. Such Held parues at can ts orcsmzcu In view of the amounts available, will alto take the field prior to the ttt of July. The onlec force wlIU as kepi w coniiani opera- tlon. f.Han Diego Union. rtr.i-u Mm ltwins. The Rotslan Hirer fCallVornla) Haff, of the 12th IntL, gives this tad Intelligence; m . William Melton, ot lUis piacc, u iuu.b u. IcUcr relved by him front A. L. Boggt, an nomidnc the death of his mother, Mrs tsoptm Borr. which occurred In Woodland, ioio coun , OH, ,in ;m nr th;. .nontli. Mrs BOLift came U .t.L hi,i in 1VO with her hntband from Boon. ni. vfionnri Aftrr the death of Mr Bo; uhlcb occurred at Sonoma In 1S57, she removed to Hcaldthurg, where she lived for tome twelve years. She was dearly lieloved by all who knew her. and those who knew her best Joved her mote Many beart will be saddened to bear of her death, and her memory will long be chcrlthed by a hottof frlendt. Tho subject of this notice was the mother of Theo. W. Boggs, of this county and Tcr- I During the week, ending to-night, tho fol- Wwinrr tu'ons havo visited Maryviile: Hon. zz.a . V.. a r. v. Mmm. Misa NeHie U, i. -rf " Wctteru friends wilt as doe the United States. prarltate here, and If our only pocs their souls fn patience for a few galggroom. North Side Of FlaZS. months longer, the chances am they will have all 1 "'"'" - the Inflation they waut wiinout increasing me eurrenej." J. QOLBWATJSJi at JOU., The Cougrcgational church is pronounced J Wholesale Dealeks, the only free and indepv'cat church iu the rorw.rdise and CsKHUMien XercaJite, United States, its principles being eminent ly republican. These acta arc deduced from the result ot the recent controversy oeiwccn the churches around New 1 ork Uay, wncn dictation to Plymouth, on the part of other churches of the denomination was success- . . . . . .... . full.- nnncimi hv itxtchcr aria dis comirrca tion, who have established their right to manage their own aiiair. KarcBbers, Ailxoaa. ritory. ciiniT..r. Mr. John Osborn. sister and oroiu tr, of Phcenix; Hon. John Smith and Lieut, Chas. Uay, of Camp McDowell, and twenty ethers, but the list is too largo to give in full. it. livkwoml. 23d Infantry, ar- .i...t lio'm from tho East, on the 30tl of March, and left next morning for Camp u.ra-c.!! tn trhifh nost he has been as- rigned for duty. Mamac. C. T. Ilavden. of Havden's Ferry on Salt River, was In San Diego. Cal., on the 24th ult, with his train, and left on that day for the Tcrritorv. Icavint: his wagons to be load ed with merchandise for Tucson and other txiinta. Tho San Dicso papers Inform as that there were isa tons oi Arizona ircigut in store there waiUne transportation. So much for high freight on the river route. Sam Joan. A letter from a San Juan miner to a friend in Pioche, dated Del Norte, i Pebruary 2fl, gives a doleful account of the ! r-nnditlonVyf affairs at that place. He says it is no good place for a poor miner; that he has nerer seen a country where there are so many broken men, and that. ho intends to tret out ot it as soon as he can. The snow was 1 1 feet deep at tho mines and the cattle were dying qi aturration. Dorainick Tarpey, who has recently 'doiic' Arizona, fhavimr actually traveled Irom X Pioche to the Colorado river), expresses blm .elf as not well pleased with this Territory, He heard an Indian story or two, ami tne SILSDEE 5t BROMXEY, House and Sign Painters. Paper Hangers and Glaxierf, At Svr cartagena Old Staad. Granlta Stoasrt. soarsu CHARKINt DALE STATWHi Four .Miles East ef Camp IlKIttl. Vrrr mJUbx WATER, I. abaadaae. HAT AaV muI flRAIX al wart readr tor IiimIm. n. u. tuiuciwo. r T. B. Castcs XKTi LaIj v. feferUtMdtahv K.r.mber, 1873, Prrwnotxr, " J.euarr. It Ii Telegraph line between Maricopa and Tucson repaired yesterday. Harvard says that "enquire" is right, and ie says it is "inquire." Corundum is a rare mineral, almost as hard as the diamond. The principal mint of this substance is In Pennsylvania. i A Good Answer. A Sunday School teacher Htely asked one of her pupils, a little boy, whether he was a Protestant or Catholic, "Ho, taa'am," be replied, "I'm aa AmericanC Marlcop county is fortunate In having but Uttio criminal business for District Court, and unfortunate in having so ifj" citizens afflicted with po litTesj in he head. Saturday next, her will elect delegates to county and Territorial conventions. . The city of Hew York has done well by voting 81,000,000 In aid of the Ifuftlo.n whiah is to take place at PWW'pWLn 1876. Nothing small Jjboat New York. Ilotr are jou, on this "lay" Boston I TccoMteii BiieaitAx on tub Lianr Fastas TIC. The General It au odd geulut, yet a great favorite with old and young. He Is extravagantly fond ot dancing, and some one wittily rfSif jic. : "He sever lr lower than the back or a chair, or higher than the chandelier." Ho Is thoroughly ungraceful, hot enters Into the pastime wllb each rralrcllib and earnest enjoyment that one Can crcinc hi. vaiklnir half wav un one's train, or In the height f hi delight carr) fng the greater por- tlon or one's prctllest flounce half way acroia the g'' room. or In tho 1-anccrs, for Instance, pcr.ttently polnir tho wrontr war lu the craud chain, thereby i ToUl cautlng the root laughable confutlon, and ttie entanglement of bis lower proportions In the tnrrouadliig floating dtapcry of the tudles. lilt wlfo and daughters disapprove of roand danclcg, and he one day said to tno: "I wish we had dancing at our home I like to tee young people skootlng around. Cincinnati Gazette. IfTccumseh will come to Arizona, Gen Crook and ourself will do our utmost to drill iuto his head and frame tho mysteries of an Apache war danco. Tublo showing tho quantity of rain and hill at Camp McDowell, A. T., from govern teV, 1873, to March 31st, 1874, as shown by records at the post hospital: .Vo. i.f Bum. jwai jhcium. , QA 6 . a 3.1S g 3.M . 1.U5 IAR AND IIUIAXI SALOOR, Montexama Street; Coraer Charley.' L. AUG EST AND BEST SALrOOK JLV NORTHERN ARIZONA. A. L. MOELLER, PraprMcr. derjdwlf r.A.srxrXM. WX.a.KEU.T, Kelly & Stephens. ISTEWS AGENTS AX tltAlXRS w. , . .- jwor fellow was really Yery clad togctback BOOKS, STATIONERY, to riocbe with the hair on nis leetii. rowit Ylar ttltt arrival nt tl.n .learner Cocopah Oil her latt up-trlp, Mr. Ncahr received two fine Angora bucks' which be Imported from WaUonvllle, Ul Ifornls, for James Peck of Mohawk nation, who Intends to cross them with his flock of common goals. These bucks are 15-lGtb pure blood, and .... kM,tiir,,i.lmili with ihclrlenL' white. Silky fleece. This Is the flrtt Introduction or the An gora goat to be followed by others, as wo know of seversl enterprising men who contemplate go ing Into the badness. They are said to multiply r.? hin ttinv havo tlio oiiDOrtuultv. and Arizona Is the very country for them, trottcstlng nj xn,. ail i ij i r mnM lut detlred for tbelr propogatloa. Go Into this business wen or Arizona who have Bothing eite io uo j merv untold wealth In It. Yum Sentinel. Tha Pioche fNevada Record has a new editor Mr John Croylaad. Late Magazines. The April Galaxy is on our table. A hasty glance through its contents satitfics ua that its April showers of literature arc good. Forsale at Kelly s aie- nhens'. The Overland, for Anril b a very good nnmber. Copies for sale by Messrs. Kelly & COKTECTIOKAny, KDT8, Tobacco and Cigars, Pamoy .Goods, Yankee wotiona, SVfl4 fruit, Oardea Seeds, Ac. TrwuO, Janoarr 18, 1873 ilfrT3f. 1L93 Comnanics of men who desire to build and operate railroads are not now as exacting in their demands upon Uovcmment as mnnciiy, for which the country' y render tuanKs to tho Grangers. For instance, a company wish to i, niii a rallmnd from a noint in Ore gon to Salt Lake City, Utah, asks hut the small aid of 10,fXK) per mile, for which it offers to carry U. S. MallR ana Army supplies free, till their railroad shall bo no more." M- 1 - The smart Aleck who, on the first of April, telegraphed an account of alleged, dreadful crimpa committed bv the father of a family ItvlnjE near Austin, Nevada, as an April fool (,,1'r. .iioiiid l illacbarucrl and rewarded T.. " a .7" . ..V r3 t.,-t II I. of vilii K lift Mill si li lilt) ic ! ui lwnwssir too sanguinary turn of inlnd to have charge of a telegrapb onice m time ui peace. Mr. T. W. Homes, of this vicinity, informs us, that It-was not his mother, but his aunt SnnbU rlf nf Mr. .Toff. Bocsrs. who recent- lv dld In California. TheadWs mother came to California in 1816, and, at last ac counts, was enjoying the best of health. Several naners havo copied our "buck- board" article, and one, the Denver (Col.) Tritium etnaes its comments with the fol- .... , ... lowiHg, to which we mignc as weti rcupoau, urocerfi, Post l4icrhna:" ...... . I "The original or the backboard is aupposcu io ive been Invented by tbo Inqublllon on the Trader's Store, Fort Whipple, Arizona, Kf far fMt, PrvrUtoru, Can Fruity CU&ing have darkttt day nf the "Dark Ages." Arizona IIKKU What says the fJoott, Shot, Stationery, Fancy Govdl, Tobacco, Cigart, tPe. Prices, Reaaonable. aEO. W. BOWERS, TreprUtor. The city of Galveston, Texas, ha increased its population 20,000 in the past three years, and now numocra Eastern papers agree in stating that old Viridn a and her capital. Richmond, are gaining in wealth and population. FRESH BUY YOU II MEAT AND VEIETAK$ ....AT THi.. PIONEER MEAT GRANITE STREET, PRKbCOTT. MARKET ,aaadtbawalt,ata Pittl- 1871. . . . , . , . I Kat p!nlr of UAa, .ml ytw will Kxwb. Mitrou u a. ox Tlio 1'ioche iiecorrj says mat. fiociio uc- &t aa bur. sod as stent. coming as orderly and well conuuctea, ii not t" quite as pious us a New Kngland town on a 1'mttM A"- aunday. Chandler of Michizan has n resented the PRINTED BLANKS IOR a joint resolutions of the Legislature , of tjat Xoca of Milling Claims, laws so as to secure a free vxchange of news papers and free circulation of country pa pers. - . roX 8ALB AT TBS MXHER OFFICTK. fnfttu ot Mleet rtwoM o lK eoaatry wKk. oat t trtly of the ittf aasay o4 cemel ra4ya4t BoUes.