Newspaper Page Text
HO I: VfJl Ml r si 3) 1 .7. II. Mutton, Kttltor. Tters li not town, vllUgSt military pott farming or mlalsg utttlemeat in Arliaiu In which !i M1KHR does not cireoUto, unJ cojtlu of it r rot t ,iery Stats and Territory e'the Ualoai which, coapled with Its age anil Itsa's, -, It J vry feirabl advertising medium. JCIIIS LATEST. 10.110 or supervisors april TLHM. lt-wrd met Monday, April 0, t 10 a. m. !rtnt, ''- rrrvlxtra T. S. Hull frhairnutH.) Oeo. I. Ki lnlt nnd (' '. Heed, and elerk. .Minnie of preeedntg meeting nr! and Hrovi.t. The treasurer nttd sheriff npl""fl and tiwvW n tettle tn'nt In full, f ail rmtttert -rt.lnirig to the Innvtwt of the -inly ttwei them, bih! I ho Ireanirer then submit ted his rr-rt for the firtt iU irtrr of Jf?4. was received by Ih botrd. placM on and n full .etllement thennti it'ifle with mH lfniim. Tho Iminl received tic fol lowing j-roperty, towlt: lledeemed county ur.inls and Intemt. ., .Si.Ot'il'.i. Illnttk l.le,nr V.fJft.W. Cult, territorial awl county fund 1,1)11 M. 'I ha following pro-rty was returni-il to the treasurer i Wank license S3.eSC.tW. Cash, territorial and county funds 1.91&M. Thnlnrd took n rws until 2 o'clock this p. in., at which lime It met ; present as before. The Mlonlne account wets tracntnl, audited and al lotted, nwl warrant ordered drawn fur .iynveiit of tie Nime, vli : Un..V ,fc Kmlriek, Iron ami repairing stoves In sheriffs offlca tl.W. V,. Y. llfwt, mint ami stationery ti.HI. M W. Weill, salary as clerk bard sui-rvIors fff first qturter, lt!7l 100.00. X- Ifcwhford, mdee and olllc rent for Judges Tweed aod VIeury 203 W. CmjJ'H & ItuiTum, nxlx awl itaUtmrry . . . . 'J6.UX, O. I', lleivl, furncmnnt uf Dri. Lluirlon nrel Chirk, tMilancff due for matntraance vf Wlke lira.. I-, Indigent luJniM., Sil.K-ol.l 3S.00 (1. 1). Kendall, ularr u nrerTlvr.. 5.V0. T. .1. KofT, " " 20 80. KKerr. " ' 4teil. (lid IJnwke, " ' 4 5J.C0. C. 1. Ilroil ii Co, Juror cerillWte of S, rj. IteeJ 11.00. - II. W. I'leury, Hilary ai pretule jinljfp, A feet 107.00. II. M. IlerUrrt, herilT and jailor fei fXW). 11.11. Cartter. Jr. Mlary ui dUt attr nn.1 fee. 'J3i.(XI. II. 31. llerhert, jnilor'i in cut of prltoner Ijiney from Jloliave county 1S0.C0. J. II. Marlon, office rent 00.00 J. ". Knott, cuntt.ibl fee 2Y100 J. C. Olio, Justice foe 31.00 Ihjonl o(rurneil till to-inomm- morning at 0 a. m. Ihinnl met Tueolay, April 7. at 10 a. m. pursaaat to ad journment. I'rrwnt Aill bjanl and clerk. Minute of preceedinr roeetinir resid and approred. The following ivcouau were preitentrd, aikllted ami alloweil, and warrant ordered drawn fur payment of name; AriionaJllorr, prlnlloir .$300.00 TIkh. Vhltehel, Nwrdlnr prltnner 131.43 J. X UcCnndicu, aiedlcal erTice to ln.ll- Kentflek 73.0) J- C. Otl, Justie.) fee 55.(1) Tin. Whitehead, boarding Indigent lck. . . . 70.00 The minmnnicatloa from tho Tillage council relating t Dvinie being paid into the county treasury on axmnt of fine wat taken up, read, and any further Dctiun la tho preinlie denloL The nia!ttlfin for tatlonery fir uo In tberiff ami rlerk'i) oSIce for eounl quarter. 1&7I, were alltiwetl, a ut thoe ollleer autboriied to parchae the .-une. It being buwn to tho bonl by the dUtriet attorney, that there ! yet doe to the county of Yavapai, the eum of ?J10.), amount uf taxe oollectoit and not returned by Jas. 8. Thomaj, late collector of thl county. It U there f"re Hitvlrtil, That, tlie la'ul district attArneT nrrte peron al notice In writing, of the tut of inch deficiency, upon -each ami cyery one of tho tMndjinea of tald Ju. H. Thoma. 1 he Unl haTinir nvvle a list rf perseaj l!ab! to re a Juror (or tha year 1671, In thl county, ordered that the clerk furnlth a certified copy thereof to tho clerk of the dlitrlct court. It li lttHitnd, Hy tho board, that, the contract of Tho. Whitehead for Untiling prloner cunCned la the county Jail, bo continued, for the,ycar ending June 31, lK71,atthe rate of 310 per week for each prltoner. And, that 11 U further Itnotecl, Tlmt, no ludebtednm agalut the county In curred ou account of Itxllgest lck, or ar. or on any ac count whatever, without being- tint authorluil iby thl board, or upon a written order of the chairman thereof, be audited ood ordered paid. And, it I alu Itttotrtd, That Yarapal coonty. through thU board, tender to tha bathorl tie of the. Tillage rurersineat the UM of one cell in the county Jail, fire of charge, when the ;mU cut required for the ue of th county, fur the year eixling June 30, lif7t, a a place of confinement of the Tillage irieooer. Board adjourned. TELEGRAPHIC Wcleuburjr, April JO floldwater' train nrrlrol at thl plac from Smltli'i mill bit cTetsicg, koded fyt Wi; enlwrg. I'turnlx, April 10 Jlr. J. Vailer la attempting to ford fialt river yetrday, Iwt hU entire load, coMiatlng of . 3,000 pound of Hoar and 3000 pound of barley, and only by the grestcat exertion, toufeedeU in taring hi mole and wagon. Weather clear; thermometer 65. Ynma, April 1 Weather warm and plcaiantj tber nometer ranging' from 70 to 73 degree. The Newbernarrivoitat Point ltabel on U10 11 lat, and tailed fur Ban Fraacitco on tha afWrnoun of the 4th. t Wuner from tho Wooth of the river arrived on the 7th, with jnuengen. K learner with. barge arrived ynterday. fUnamar for i:hrenbrg, leavea thl morning. The boat connecting with tamer Montana for San 1'ranclv-o, leave Ynma on th SOih. The only Item of Kattorn new worth relating are s II. 1'. Avery, editor of the San FrancUco Ovorlan.! Monthly, 1 appoint! ulnltter to China, in place of ax-Oor. Low. A Mew Orlean tlltpatch lay thai city wa threatened with Inundation. MILITARY NEWS, DEPARTMENT OF ' ARIZONA. Ueut IVacbe'a report, reelred by telegraph at Depart toeut lleadquartert yeterdny evening, dee not contain any fcu not already publiehed. Ha givca great prabn ta Lieut IXellly, 3th cavalry, and hi guide, Archie Mcln tntlifor herd work and gallantry during tbe attack urwn the Indian village, to reach which our men ha4 to crawl over u very rocky ridgn of mountain, many becoming o cihauatcd a to retptire oar friendly IndUm guide to al , moat carry Ihmn. Upon hi return tnarclt, Lieut Oacbe ay the boetile Indian dltphiyed whit flag from tba tiuimli of the turroanding peak and wanted to havo a jteoco bilk ; but thl be wa unable to do, tome of hi IfUonen being to bruUr wounded that ho could not delay a moment in reaching San Carlo,, where he oontd eare rneillcal attendaeoe. Tlie command Intended to remain at ttaa Carlo two day, to refit, and would then return lo tiiakenno41tercoutln Pinal and adjacent mountain. lteiit Thotno and lllahop or coming In (lowly on the ruad from Camp lleale' ftpring. and may U ej'K.cted hero about Titeaduy or U'diielay next. Their com inand performed mim very bard work, but the Hualpiii learning of their prcaenca In their country, lelt wlthtml delay lor lleale' Mprieg. Threo Uualtoh were killed und thirteen bom caured. ' r.leiit Cl B.A. Carr, 5th Cavalry, left Tucaon lat right, on bl way (o Kan FrancUco,. thence Kott, where ho will remain about tlx month on tick leave. Major Crittenden now commanding at Camp IJowre, nil! Ik Mnlar officer of the 3th Cavalry, In Arlioaa. UlMO.vro. The old Arizona firm of Campbell It Iluffam I at but diMolved, by mutual cooteiU Fr nearly Un yean, the firm ha carried ou botlnew la the Territory, 8nt at Ln Pax, Yuma county, and tinea lata In 1801 or rarly in IM3, at VeoM, Mr Campbell keep the old tand and Uk, at which place lie I how doing bruioeM, n win be Hen by hi advertisement In to-day' MlXKJt Hi old jwrtner, Mr HutTum, hat taken lb touth itore hnwo and i now fitting it up and filling It with new rood, lloth genUi"i..rn will turn rectivr new tuppliri. The ,Mx,:uwUn lhei3 M good, If not letter, Juck fhon full , to tltolr Ut while doing butinet togethtr, ilr Iali- romaini with MrCauipbelL Mr N (J. Qheeklei will auittMr liu.Tum. Tlio Twmty.thlrd Intintry Haml will pUiy tb follow Ing telcctiona to-morTuw ( Saturday at S o'clock p. m. i golekttep IJ!rly. Iilko 1'leature Tmtn. Uaetl When Sight come over the Mala. Medl.y VlvUn. Walti ,'teautllul Illae Danube, llallaj L'n-ler the Dail. ilnxurka. Oal'pUutraV. fr Itobert Mclun, an old ciUxea of thl pUee, who keH tor here la tevernl year and tviited the MlVKit ft M-?i;l'raB' Whenltvio owned by Gov McOmnlck, or rlvr.froui Calif jrnli yetterday and I prrieg totUrt builnet at lit old tUn-1. Montexuma ttreel. Ill friend Kave him a hearty welcome, CBIWAIJH. Mr and Mr Jullm Kodeubarg tvera, Ut Vfolng H)rua.Jel by the llaatiof tha 23d Inlaalry. The tenmr Cocopah arrived at and left Uhrenberg 00 .ttui 3ih.lBt., on tha duwn trip from 3IJav. 6ba had on boaal teveral lot of tllrer m from Mohave county mine. At larsnbcrg the tleamer took mi a lot ol bldai, teveral km f nnprr ere from the old uilnee lu Weaver die. trict ft)ilpwd for trlalj, awl a couple ol Unit t-l tcrup Iron f.r tiM at llifl (at)e Dome eifteltltir week. Mr I'aul Ilrrou, of I'ott Mnjnve, wa4 pativngei'bn tlie UmA, a route to rvut Kraiii . . ' f 1 m- ' !".! A lively, r"ci ilLlt'K.niott uf u)il, Itftrcll-tloulol rvd mm cot in on cutHrlnU'nilcitl Dud lay tuU murnlu. Tlit-r tveru til the AtOclie lMjru.isioti, run to bows and arrow iirtttjr.Lcavy int vinslt loutlly.8auta Fo Uszttttc. IMPORTANT NKW& nnMoVAt. of rim iiualpai ixdiaxs. Mr M. Ooldnntcr, who arrived in Prexcutt to-Uny,. from Camp Jfoalc .Spriiigt, Mtiltavo county, inform iw that, on .Sunday Jt, April 4r Cnjit 'Jlios. llyino, 12th lufmitry, conimantliiiff Camp Jlvnle Spi ing-, uticcccilctl In Htarlinu liutwceti GOO antl 70U Iluttlpal In tlinns from that post for tho (.'olorailo Uiror Intlian ri'sorvc. Thw was not nn ca.y task, since the Indians hated the very idea of hav ing to go, Init Capt Hyrne nuccccdfil in con vincing Sliuuntiti anil other chieli of tho necessity of nt onco complying with tho or der of removal. One strapping Indian, the posseMvr u( a rinc Henry rille, was ho vexed at having to leave Ins own country that he took the gun by one end and smashed it acru.vs 11 rock'. With tho Indians went teams nud pack animals hiden with Mipplics; also, a guard of noldicrs. Next day (Monday, April oth), the garrison of Camp ltcale Springs followed the red immigrant?, over taking ilium at Railroad Springs. Mr B. II. Spear, sutler at lleale Springs, Mr 0. W. Schroeder ami other citizens followed suit, io that tho placo it, at present, almost de verted, and its career as n military post is, very likclv, untied. Theze bag been so much talk about Capt HyrnoV inellicicncy, it is with pleasure we stuto that, no matter how great his faults in sotcc icsicct8 are, he has always acted hon estly, honorable antl kindly towards the Iiualpai Indians, antl but fur the knowlcdgo of this, the lluatpais would not have gone. Not all the Indian agent in America could have removed them, and it will take soldiers to keep them on the scorching Colorado re-t-erve, away from tho country of their birth. But, the Interior J)epartment ordered tho change and tho Army had to tarry out tho order. We published an advertisement of a lot tery for tho benellt of tho public schools of Coriune, Utab, chances in which are sold at 1.00 each, by O. W. Itarnard, Present!, who h.xs received the following letter, which ex plains itself: ComssE, Utab, .March 2, 1S7. Sir Your favor of tho 13th Inst,, to hauJ, $21 cnclou-tl. Thanks. Wc will have a short postponement, although mcetlnj; with tiranil auceiss, and are positively snreol an early and full drawing. We would llko to havo a row of tho "unbelievers" write to any ooo whose name we ujo a reference, or to nny llrm In the city In regard to tho hontaly or the enterprise. lit let von know lu a few day as to time of drawing. Our tickets are now nil In the hands or agents, and tho delay will be abort. Trunin" this will bo satisfactory, and tblnklnc: you can yet sell the balance 1 remain l ours, Ac., E. W. Mokoax. The Denver Tribuuo copies in a recent number, our item relating to Oen. Crook having had his picture taken at Mr. Flan ders' gallery, and adds this : We shall expect our Arizona contemporary (than which wc have not among the many and the able exchanges that come lo ns, any one more carefully edited, more cnterprlslug or more wel come) to forward one of (ieii Crook's counterfeit presentments without deUy to the Tribune. We shall prize It greatly, and give It a most conspic uous poctUuu In tho very midst of our "gallery," wherein appear the beat and the bravest ol tho children of the great Ik-public Kui.vs. The recent finding of ruins of a fos?tlTcutinTinti tower, by Lieut Ward's command, cast o'f Florence, on the Gila river, is another proof that all of Arizona was onco inhabited by a very superior raco of beings to thoso found here by the first whito ex plorers.. The act is, that Arizona is thickly dotted with ruins, the exploration of which will, in time, afford much nloasuro to trentlc- 'rnen who lovtrto ponder upon the past. a m Mr. J. II. Myers, formerly of Prcscott, writing to us, under a recent date, from Denver, Colorado, Btajcs that he, with iire or six lamilics, would leave Denver for Prcs cott some tiino in May next. Wc havo writ ten Myers all about matters here. ' a Cavt. Geo. F. Pntce. Wc have it from pretty good telegraphic authority that Capt, Price, U. S. A., who is now in the East, will, upon his rctum to Arizona, have general scpcrintcndency of our military telegraph line, which line the Captain helped to con struct and which he will, no doubt, keep in good repair. We pray for his apjKjintmcnt. - . e i The Vampyrcs of the East haro been en deavoring to inoculate the public with moro Indian Ring virus. They wish tax payers to believe that whito men cnused the recent Indian outbreak at San Carlos, in this Ter ritory. A bigger lie could not well be in vented, even by the graduated liars who star ted the report. Four desperadoes Zach Compton, Bill Applcgatc, Hart and Still had been com mitting robberies and other crimes in the vicinity of Seven Rivers, New Mexico, to such an extent that they had .become a ter ror to the country. A posse of men recently went in pursuit of them and a acceded in killing Compton ind Still, and at last ac count went confident of capturing Hart and Applegate. Mr. E. W. Uu.shyhcad, formerly connected with the San Diego Union, alter a six months' trip to the East und all over the Union, has returned to San Diego 'lowing in health and spirits. t. a Tho Albu'iuerquo (Now Mexico) Review feels good over news to the effect that the Atchison, Topcka and Santa Fe railroad will this year bo pushed rapidly towards New Mexico. Silver bullion, from New York, district, is finding its way to San Rcraardino, as we learn from the Argus. The district is just across tho Colorado river. 1 1 1 Ci'pw.. Win. II. Taylor has commenced publishing the Daily Cupel, at Eureka, Ne vada. The paper is a trifle larger than tho Daily MiNtit, makes a good apjwarance is well edited. Price, S12 (gold) per an i r . . I .1 . . . ami annum. The U. S. Scnato has pascd tho "inllatioti" bill. Can't say what action tho Homo will take in the matter. Inlhtiun won't hurt Arizona much, and may benellt it. Oosmkoticvt. Tltu Democrats havo again succeeded in carrying the good old Wooden Nutmeg State, by, it is said, a larger majori ty than ever before, since tho lato "unpleas antness," Mr. John Smith of Camp McDowulI is pre paring to start for San Francisco, to purchaao more goods for his ttcro at McDowell. Weather, to-day, bright and spring lilt?, WEEKLY ARIZONA MINE is (I'tom Wednesday's Dally.) MILITARY AND INDIAN NEWS, PARTMENT OF ARIZONA. General Crook returned, lato last gl't, from his iirolonjrcd nbsenco in Southern Vri zona, coinitij:, yesterday, from Fossil creek ImVo. General and Mrs Small held a reception last evening nt their residenco at Fort Whip pie. Their house was crowded with Udie ami gentlemen civilian and military; the party not separating until an early hour tin morning rucon U. 1.. .Mau'ruUcr. U. 8. A.. .Med ail 1)1 across tup mountains to Camp crdof nnd ' t,,riU, ur writing has caused Governor caving that placo at once for hipple.j'l he "' J , t,mt ho $m ln ,, Mcxl me8. Geni-ra. was unaccompanied by any o Beers; l,'" ,ec.ttuniitl the parage r a Jaw for Lieut Rom, who left here w th bun, Iming ,j; ,u,ri.ontnent of money ujk.h ll.o bads been left behind at Camp Grant as a mem- f ,! '..u.nbor of chil.lren attending school her of a court-martial now in session at that 1 ,. ,.r .i t... ti.i. u-..mIiI In. but. . - . - . r it ... .in., Mrt...r.l.irt.l I .. . ,! f I , I'.ll'. - - ------ -- , . . ...... i ... i .rritiiimi treasury. Fort Whipple and llead,uarers yestenlav -M; g ,1 & is and will leave to-morrow or Fr.ttay for tl.t ; ) 1 ,,,,, ,liar'c u DrDay wiiSm S' dm ' Ut HC'1 ' ' W J10 Lw allleTim'ue Smcnt headnmr- miliumtTa ters, yesterday, contain thu following :' 1 ,(k ' t,m lllU "ht f 14 S u recon I). I.. Mnirrudcr. U. 8. A.. 1)1-1 1 torlaapai. rector, win procccu, wnuuui uciay, to an posts n ,. ., n. r::,-,r. ,.r 1... .11, ,rn tho detriment, not already visited by hlm.nn.ll From the Tucson Citizen of the -1th, wc make at each a thorough Inspection orall mailt r ! Carn that the Siercta mines arc prosjtcctmg connected with his tleparluieut. llavlnir cmii- , ., ... f o-mnpi ll,.,..pu ,nl plctcd this duty he will return lo these hend.p.u- remarkably well. Mr bam uel In 1 cs m l ters. Tlie quartermaster's department will Jut-1 started Tor tho mine with a loud ol pro ulsli tho necessary transportation. vt.-ioiis. Durltiij the tctnpory absenco of Surgcpn;!). I. j 4Mr John Wasson, editor t.f tho Citizen, Macrudcr. Medical Director. L'd I.lcutcnsnt.IoLn ' t r. r. iii.n,,m vin Js.nim Ft-, tin thu - i . i j .1 .1'. ,. s. ituurac, ou vntrutry, nui uu-yuuii, will, in niiiitiiuu io uis i.reseuv uuty, mttu euiirKU ui itu nu 1 b ! From Thttrwlay' Dalty.) j 1 Tclcerams from Tucson to-day contained II VIUIIIU IIMO VIIUS IU VUllllllUIIIM VI Lieut A. R. Radio, and Lieut Roman! Reilk, 5th Cavalry, had attacked a largo ranchcrU Sit it I s f n ti'a KS tltia pnmmniutj .if . of renegade Apaches from tho San Carlo and Vcrdo reservation, situated on a tribu tary of Pinal creek, near tho "wheat fields" and destroyed tho ranchoria, killing twenty seven bucks nnd capturing forty-six women and children, with nil tho plunder belonging to tho hostile Indians. Tho captives were taken to the San Carlos. From them in forma tion was obtained that a largo body of Ami r can soiuicrs funuouuietiiy octiuvicrs com mand), had attacked tho renegade Indians somewhere in Pinal mountains and killed and captured largo numbers. News may bo expected from Schuyler by next mat). The troops in making tlic.-c movements underwent great hardship and lcrformcd severe marches on foot and by night through and over tho Pinal and Mescal mountains. Col A. W. Evans, Inspector-General of tho department of Arizona, arrive 1 at Tucson last evening. Lieut Hurst, who has been for a long titn on duty, as A. A. Q. M.,'at lleale Springs, starts for the East in a low days on leave of absence, and may visit Europe bjforc his re turn. Col Jones, Ifr Magrudcr, Dr Day, Li. ut Woodson and Lieut Hcyl left for Camp Verde this morning. Lieut Woodson intends returning on Saturday. Major W. II. Rrown, Cth cavalry, kft Tucson on tho 7th iust., enro'ifoto San Fran cisco. In pursuance of instructions recently re ceived from Gen Scholield. military prison ers from Arizona will not, hereafter, be con fined at Yuma, but be sent to Alcatraz Is land. Special orders No. 2-1, issued by General Crook, in tho field, Gamp Grant, March 21, and now being republished ot departmen: headquarters, convened a general court-mar-, tial nt Camp Grant, March 2Gt)i, for U. of such prisoners as micht nronerlv bo brought before it. The following was the detail : Maj E. W. Crittenden, 5th cavalry ; Maj O. A. Gordon, 5th cavalry ; Capt E. II. Lcib, 5th cavalry ; Capt S. S. Sumner, 5th cavalry; Capt W. II. Rrown, flth cavalry; GcoMcO Miller, Assistant Surgeon; Cant A. R. Taylor, 5th cavalry ; Lieut Geo McM. Taylor, 2.1d infantry ; Lieut W. P. Hall, 5th cavalry. Lieut Wm J. 'Ross, 21st infantry, judge advocate. , Wo understand that the court-martialin ecssion at Camp Grant tried several otliccrs, but who the ollicers were or for what otlcncis arraigned, wc havo not yet learned. 1 It is reported that "Surgeon Llppincott, who acted for some time last winter as medi cal director of tho department, will soon como to Prcscott, to assume charge as poit surgeon at Fort Whipple. Lieut Ross, A. D. C., may return from Camp Grant early the coining week. J Dr Williams, agent for tho Verde Indians, arrived in town early this morning, n Information received last evening and tbfe morning at Whipple confirms tho news pub lished in yesterday's of the with drawal to the Colorado River reservation of tho Iiualpai Indians, who surrendered ft Rcale's Springs. Tho troojis were to follo'sr, with their wagons, a trail to be indicated by tho Indinns, out of which Captain Ryrne thought ho could make a good wagon roa.1, Capt James Rums, 5th cavalry, arrived at Yuma last evening, on steamer from Moj.ivc, and is tho guest of Capt Whcaton, command tho lost. Captain Rums' health improv&l greatly on tho trip and we hope soon to (to him back safe and well among us. Ydma Countv. Wo compile as follows from the Sentinel of March 21st and 28th : ' Tho memory of St. Patrick was celebrated by a ball, in which people of every clime aiL country took part. J. G. Dudley (old Dud, wo presume), ar rived from California, in company with Gov Saflbrd. A , Miss Casad Is going to teach public school at Ehrenbcrg. . . Private Wm Campbell, of Co. R, 12th In fantry, was drowned in the Colorado on the evening of March 18th. Gov Salfbrd visited tho public school, and expressed himself pleased with its conduct J'ho Sentinel is now in its second volume. The editor oxprcsscs himself sathflod with his coursn and ?aya the paper is now on a paying basis. That excellent papor, tho Tribune, of Den ver, Colorado, copies and comments Uion a recent MiNKn article in tho following strain: Were It not for the bravo and Indomitable Crook and his small but heroic command, larce sections of our sister Territory would bo literally controlled by tho savage Apaches, And jtt the peace fellows not only havo tried to remove Crook, but havo represented to tho President that ho arid his "boys in blue" wcro all tint pre vented a permanent peace with tho Apache. No wonder Arizona sulfers when melt cunlllctlnx sentiments arc urged before Congress and tho President 1 , Fortunately thu President has some personal knowledge of Indians and Indian matters, and while If mnr be forced to make certain conces sions to tlie brond brlms and Indian-lovers, he Is careful tf keep llio rlhl men In tho right phtce. And so Crook remains In Arizona and the Apa t he are p-nenilly kept from cotninlttlnx depre dation. Tl.ey know Crook and they know It won't do nn vni try and fool him as they did Colyer nnd Howard. In Crook's remaining where he U l. s the great safety of Arizona. - . i ..I. A alicht earthquake shock wm recently felt in i&iwniMcnto, Cal, PBKSCOTT. APRTL 10, School Monkv Irs A.toiitionmi:nt. 'flic figure printed .in Monday's Dally and nluch will appear in tho Weekly, will show the unfairness of tho present mode of up mrtiotmiB sehool monies among the several ..unties. We, long ago, wrote with tho f draw he nub io attention lo tins Ur ti. m tho present imxie, Din a huh lanur way would bo to let each county have entiro ,-, iitr.. of all school money rai-cd by it, and ,t n fir such a law situate legislators and ,)tlurs ought to work. A glance nt the fig ures will show that, although Yavapai conn- i..-.:lir-I miring , , , , ,-,,, I IIIV IUI . , . . . ' . . . l ....... !.... ..r .1... .,,, t , i- 41 I tllSI.. IO ailCIRI II nilTil.iu ui "iv . -- . ' . , ,, i ... .,l,.,i nlM eomtntssliin. He will be absent about two months. , , Wm. Ii. Hipper & CVs tram, and tho "Hl.11 tntin" hail arrived in Tucson with ----- g t t a t I t incrchantlic and freight for parties in that town. K. N. tish Co. received a largo itrirlr nf t-(iOll.3. Chnrlt-s O. Crown has presented tlie editor of tho Citizen with a lino cabinet of gold "and silver ores from mines in Pima county and from the Tiger mine, in Rradshaw dis- 1 trict, iavapai county Tulle. Ochoa it Co. had on exhibition at their store some very lino wool o( this year's Hip, taken from tho sheep they recently brought lrom .New .Mexico, nicy now nave ' 4,000 sheep; tho climate and pasture agree with them and they are doinsr well, lho firm propose to start a woolen manufactory. Moiiavk County. The Hardyvillo mail wagon arrived Thursday about noon. The tie lay was occsaionetl by the driver having to go to the river after horse, a scarcity of which was occasioned by th' Iiualpai help ing themselves at tho company's stations along the route. Since the outbreak these contractors have lost five horses, one of which, taken into Rcale Springs by the returning thieves, was in such a bruised condition that killing was considered a charity. A correspondent says "the jwoplo of Cedar valley arc especially jubilant over Ruel's in tended operation. He has, so 1 understand, placed five or six men at work. Tho Key stone is looking remarkably well. John McKinsoy has struck a small but enormously rich vein, about two miles ft. in Cerbat, anil is taking out very rich shipping ore fully $9(A) to the ton Tho prospects are gootl tor a new town, somewhere in thu vicinity of Wallapai Spring, at an early date, which may lead thu whole district, Mr. C. Gross is constructing five arrastras at Cerbat. Mr. Rrigham, late of Camp Rcale Springs, will shortly establish a store at Mineral Park. Mr. Goldwatcr states that Messrs. Cory & Potts have a fino stock of goods at Cerbat, and are doing a good business. ' . a Chofutt's Wkstkiin World. Last mail brought us a copy of the March number of this monthly, containing moro than the usual quantity of Western news. Notes of a trip from Los Angeles, California, to Wick cnburg, Arizona, by "John A. Womack," is written by one who would never tb ik it a sin to make a point at tho expense of truth. The author displays his ignorance of Ari zona by saying that a few Yankees ought to be settled in Central Arizona, just as if about one-half our peoplo were not real, genuine Yankees. An extinct volcano has been found at Prcscott, Arizona, tho crater ot which U half a mile ln ex tent and clearly defined. JSan Ilernardlno Argus. As an item to "fill ut". the forecoinir might do, but, since nothing of the sort has been found at or within 50 miles of Prcscott. and since such papers as the Arirus firi nothlnK. wo cannot find it in our heart to charge it with the abovo untruth. G. W. Rartcr, formerly editor of thq Los Angeles Star, has started a paper in Oakland. Ho says ho has upwards of '-,000 due him on account of subscriptions while publishing tho Stnr. As he has no boje of making the collections ho cancels tho debts and prom ises himself to do business in a better man ner hereafter. S. Levy recently dropped dead in front, of Deltnonico's restaurant, in Lo Angeles. De ceased was a resident of San Rernardino, Cal., antl about 3.1 years of age. i a . a i. From the Los Angeles Express wo lenm that J. P. Rurnctt was to start for Prcscott with a through coach on tho 8th inst. ' ' -.. . That was a terrible result of a practical joke at Salinas, California, recently. One man killed ; another almost done for and a woman deprived of a husband. Greenbacks ore "low" at San Francisco. -They are so low here that not many people An ..t - I' .1 . J ' t- ti-i- uutu in mem. Those Sacuton mines arc certainly very promising. Hope luoy'll hold out. Tho best t a a. .a ' ot lucm ought to be named the 'Paymaster' .!n.A t1. If' I. .1.. oiui-v; .iiujui aujfiur, oi vne i'ay uepa L'parttnent, u. a. a., uas a linger in tho pie. Yellow Thunder, chief of tho Winnebago Indians, died recently, at Portage, Wiscon sin, aged 1 10 years. The orange crop in Los i Angeles county, Tho fruit has tins fcason, is a large one. Tho fruit has iiiieu up nneiy aim is or excellent llayor. r 1 The Legislature of California has passed tho bill for tho pardon of Harry Meiggs over tho veto of tho Governor. A lino or stages will soon be run from Aus tin and San Antonio, Texas, to San DIco CM., via Mcsilla, New Mexico. ' It is said that tho Eiietdtptiu ylolmlu, an Australian tree, possewtes the virtuo of de stroying whatever produces ague. The trco is a rapid grower. . Jlivcrside, Sap Rernardino comity, Cal., is to havo a telegraph ollico, . tit ii i J i Liiii i.i nil vtv.,i at sssj - 18T1, TELEGUAPIIIC, Special Dispatchos to tho Arizona Minor, By Western Union and U. 8. Military Lines. WMnt. n, April 7 -ContrrrMinnn I.tittrell day prim-til"! nx.lutloi.t of I. Antft lr Clininucr tr Coinini rre f.norlHtf t;.inr-luil nl.l to Southern I ui ltlo "xvlrVMl April fi.(l.wiirol. pri.t.bntf Panto ! mliitro, i.nici.illy Hlm.irntiit Urn Saionim ty ""'O'- ,lrn' Cimibn, new faptal Ot iicrol. lut arrived In (.til. A twltletw fit twi K-en i irivti-l between the Northern l'w-ino Italll.xnt Co. ami Jay Owk A Co.. "bo u.ltnnc e to the nmd urn ill lurked b) the m. ptali of mm pany of firtt tiiortr(.'i ImmmI and other mi iiritk. April . Iitgrrwill, (lletno. rnO elected (lov rrnor. lloth llou- of the l,eitnltiini l)i-in. nitlr. Han Tram 'i-o, April 7 1 he ue of Cold. Mn.ley m..i MtUii llr. ' roimrrtnl Hltli the murder of ""'fr tlreen. nt 1'iM-oler.i. It ttlll luforc the Tweinh Ulttritt Court, In motion of lien trial. , Nanta llnrMra, April 7.-i:in Hon for Mayor and tlty onioer held ftir.luy, rrtulttil l Uie tlretioti of Mortimer C'-'k. 1'roldint of thu I'ourtientlt National Ooldllank, M) .jr. A street from Stein's wharf to old MIloa, I In contemplation. Jii.Ik" t'rwlui htnlnif tooim-d the franchise fr the tame. Iterlln, April C The tialth of HUiiuink It Improving. Vettenbiy bo a nl.le to Ieae hU lL W'athltiKton, April 7. In the rivttate to-ilay, fit four hundred million inflation bill pnsml by 1TJ njit to S3 ' fVartfunl, Conn., April 7. Incertull's majority In tUs city. It 9.WH. rlallnat City, April 7. A party of Julicrs In a hotel la this plate, M-nt Mrs. Ih-milum, n iruett of the hotiK. n a f-4- eri.iml to one I ).. !..) ri.tit. .Mr. Dennltort, Im tnnd of the lnly. mw her coinlnir front Poane)' nnmu A tnnlly quarrel enttinL Vettt-nlay Drnnlmn mil llow ny uiul abttteil blm. Dunney n!tilltl by ttriklnf lleuUx.n, heti the latter lininedlalely drew a pUIOl ami hot bit ai1ant. Downey Krappleil tilth DentiUm nnd n-. tired tha Utter' lttoL leniiloo then rtlrt-nted ami fi-l.l Vrhde In this poiitHet, Donney approneheit, thotaml all,! In (it. Downey will prooouiy miner ovtii me fetSl of bit woumlt. . Sun Vrum Ul Auil 7. ThU Mmnilnir a lrty uf rnnl tlmrpert put) lu lu a alm on TMnl ttreet, .lutlnif a iittarrel mer a iratne. oeeof thetn luiined l'.Mril(re M hop kin thol nwl killed one of the rtv naned I'uinr. T he niunlrrrr wat urrettnL Gold In New York. 1131 If 1131. Greenbacks In Han rrnnrlNO, Bit S Wl. tendon. April 6- Surrriictity of the tejee Ithtndt hat l-en formally ordert-J by llreot lliiuln. Pelaluma. Cal., April 8 Johu II, Itlcluirdton com mlill inleldn here thl niomloif. Rtn I'rancitco, April r? den John C. Trenton! attiieil here to-uay. The tteomer Henator tailed nt 10 a. m. for Unit Dleiro. MiAnrt I triialn leave for San I Hero on hatttrday. fluid In New Yotk 1131. (Irvenbackt lu 8an Kiandtco 67!twl. Thlt morning another terrible trnq-edy wat enaotwl In thl city, at a boordlnff; bouM on Fourth ttreet, near Minna. Two young men, CaMwell ro.-t Matey, nwm mate, nere In the liouo. About teten o'clock the rert of a plttol wat heanl. Oflleert came, brule oin the door, and found Caldwell In bed. dead, tliot lhrou;li the bend. Matey wat lying on the tt-r, mortally viouoded. He wat able to trnik. and tald that Caldwell shot blm nnd then hlmtelt Hut the A.tol wi- tear Maieyandlt It Mleveil tlmt he Drtt shut CallweU ana men sim.i mm self. Matey hail ben employed In a bat tlore on Moat coraerr ttreet. near line. CaUlwell wat a cooduclor oo the .North lleaeh MlMbtn rart. It It not yet known what cauMil the ternwe anair. lo the folic Court to-tUr llev. father Power flnnl (XV) for twitting an ll.D woman, Helta Drown, at HL IVtrirk't church. 11 uld bit fin ami a at released from euttiIy. it-.lon, April P. Ko cbolre for if. 8. Senator lotue- rent Mintner. IMllou lo-uay uneiuingeo. yueenttown. April 7 Stnamtr V.g) pt front New Yotk, arrivttl wlUt tirieer tunl rrea. Mlimer Knroitt fnHtt Havre for New York wa aluw limed at tea In a ttnkinir ron.lltlon. 1'mir btmlmt Iv enrers were takea tafely off br ttenmrr drew Itt Sew York. Value of lUiropa t rurgo al.ait one rsllllandoWiir, Havana, April 7 Capt den. Concha ittueil pn'U mation to tha etllient of t'ulw. He tay war nmniosl In the tistrsely -oplet Nirtlon of Um Itlantl may itattlntie for tome time, but the j-'pilom portion of the lilaud will ! l-rutertetl from ravatfr of Inoinrrnti. Wathinglon. At11 (i S'tinle ointSnunl neminatlon of 2lote llairtt enici Jostle or t:iiriii. llltiuark' lu-altli It tlowly improving. New York, April If. Toney llarrit a well known wi1 gilUt was thot and proUtbly Litully woumlot 1u-dy, by TXTCS03ST. Tnrwn, A. T.. April 0 JMeRW eicllement elte through thewr digging vertojlonrd by a rwnl atay mule at the Cattie Dmne .iielting work, of some rTe taken from near the tarfiwe In th KeatJfl ml&e, whlh went SJ.VTtt In tllvrr unl Hi irr rent ropra-r, to the Ion. 'I lu tein I 31 fret wide anil I uu.l by I'etrr I'ortwh if ."-aton. an.1 Uol Daval Talnn l Tuceon. 1 berearelwo niter rargo letge or argeatifertou galena, tnowa a ina Hacaton ami lirry lgle Inte. The XM-aua I aiaa reel wide an Ou) tntfaee. Kml aMAjrs rjt ttlver, 9ri 1 rent, lead to tie ton. The drey Ivagl It ten feet wide -f tho turlW ami it aliout the cut rhut of ore at the Ka aton. Thit mine wat dltrovertnl la lr73. It It located thirty mile touth of rtacato tUtlon and twenty-five mllr wetiot ino i-x-ocno tuiuon in ina injwgo eotiHiry. Turxi, April 9. llr. It. A. Wilbur uf Tncint ho gone out on a tour Uirougtt the i'apago luliaa country. IntcmUng to be absent everal w eeY j, leikltg after tha weiur or inee inuun, tor wnom u i agent. In tha District Court Twcl J. The dlvorre rate of Harrikon r'. HairUfln wat oaUeil up. W. A. Ilaaroek wa iipiotnl rt-frrree to take trttintonr ln the rue. In Ilia com of Morgan A: Co., vs. James QnlnUa, a de murrer ami motion to strike out being argued by Itowrll ana Aitap lor ueiewunt ana tittry arm utun lot plaintta Demurrer overruled and motion drnleiL Com of Ilajden vs. Wnrden Oaty Ut pUIntltT ami lltw'.i for defendant. Demnrrer ta complaint argued ami tuumitUMi. A slight tbowrr of rain fell at 5 p. m. ytrdty. halt river ttlll ooktinw- ImiwtlWe f.,r learnt. At4ranui lo Uie Deiwtatlv T'rritorUI Convention are making tberateive ieor.1 aruuiet town. 1'bornU, April 9. DUtrlct Court Mtrlma emtaty rata of Chang Luu ts. aio Cuing )-peal ullowtl and uew trial granieii. Haytlen v. Wttrden, demurrer ot erruM. Morgan v. Quintan, by the oootettt of t-crtir a ment entrrcil agnitut defrodaat In the uia of i'JM arl (103 cot U. timith va. Curran, default entrrvil niul J, T. Alsap ap ulntd referee to take account. Vsxler vt. Yanarman, ami llmtry v. Or! Bin, appeal uttmieu. Korrel v. Yforvurr ft. Co., drlflin vt. llmnnainan, liar-riv-n va. Harrlao, set for Morxlay, 10th. A tentre was Issued for sixteen iun.rt f.t Monday, I'Jtli, and an uhliUon:! summoning of twenty-four lururs fur MouUy, April SJ. Court wljournod UU April 11 WICKENBTJKG. WIeke-iburg, April 9. J. . Cotentmry, agent 6ir the Vulture mining (timfuny, of this p!are, left on this ntor-ning'luck-IKr-l for (jalifurnlo, on bullae rnnectxt with the mine. It it tha general InipreMlon of our eiti icat, that on hi; return to thl ptiwo, tha ndna will be ttartnl In first clats working order. Adolph I'rlnk of haa lleruardtno, an oVl and experi ence.! miner anil prtapertor arriTeil hero by last Califor nia lurk -board, and stortad for WalUpat, thl morning. 11a tlwlare hi intention of making Arizona Id home, lliulnet iiilrt. Tl. turning. pro.-er tt of turrouwllog countrj- for tt.a cataing teaton are very promising. Tug WKATHKU-Iieimrtcd at 9 a.m. April 8th i Wlekcnbtirg Clear oad pleasant. Marlcoa Well Clean plaant; thermometer 70. Tuetou Clear and pleasant t light north wIimI) ther reotceter 70". Manwlx Clear and pleasant; no wind; thermomr tcr 70". Ynma Clear: no wlo! thermometer TO4. Kan Dlcpi, Cab Clear j wind wettj Ibcnnometer CO. Mr Dunne, who was recently appointed Chief Justice of Arizona, wns hy some mistake crcdlt-td to West Vlrulula instead of Nevada. Borne of tho papers In West Virginia are taking their Senators to task cnnslnir tho appointment of a man from that Statu whom nobody In the State ever heard of, Star, Washington, March l'J. As less than one-fourths of tho people of Arizona never heard of him until his appoint ment, they would tnko the President to task for tho appointment, were it not that they know it would do no good, since tho Federal olllcos of tho Territories are given to citizens of States in payment for come political or other service, whicl wa; of doing is un-American nnd, of course, wrong. Speaking of the half naked statue or Washlnc. ton, which cost (.10,000, In the Kat Capital Park, Oraco Greenwood wittily says that lilt outstretch' cd arm points reproachfully toward thoso rials eases in the Patcnl OlUce whero hang his much desired hahllaments, - ma m m , "White CVU" has recently been discovered In Australia. It consists of felted vegetable fibres llku petit, with tine cralm of sand Interspersed. It burns easily with n llghl Hatne, calsts over larp;o tracts, and Is already extensively used. There Is a yellowish vthlto coal In, looklni: like clay, but burning well. A valuable labor-saving machine has been de veloped oat West, it U called the sclf-raklntf. breech-loading, seven-octave, non-cxploslvc, att' totnatlo nrchlti chastUcr, and ccmblncd Iwlr tomb editorial protector and hash cutter, " ; 1 Is being sent from 1'ilUburg, l'tntiiylva. nU, to fcurcka, .Nevada, for uc lu ttucUIpg rc. MAJUCOPA COUKTY. w.u.uu.uxla1 ri.WUB.m:iUans, FLO Ultima ilXXx, Bait llivor Volloy, Arizona. Our Mill now Mng In full operato . ... i furnish tho market with n quality of VUwS!!'"JI tory. nn, I "e, , mi 1' fornJa. W. will keepim,utlj JWSt nt our everal ngencle. ' ' I'll, it, THREE QUAIsITIE3 OP rLOUn In 25, 50, and 100-Pound Sacks GRAHAM FLOUR SEM.TELLA, COlttf-MBAL, CRACKED VHEAT AND BrtArT. A nKaMf traaM.. rn . . tt-'iiti will r7 ITUMItQ Ofl ff fvi laa merchant and other. .tirrlialng large natltle,. ACIEXTR: tltttgnt coirsxu. arees. W,B. HEL1IS6S k CO. lnt I'btniis, Arlrorm. forsi iIiaIC HOTEL, Phoenix. Arizona. The nmlrlgnei1 bating opened Hotel, aa'. lu public- that no ln or eipenee will ba spared uvl i, TUB Hotel irf tba Territory. " KlngU roouit f.rf latoUUe. In coaceetion wlUt the Ht,t A good Hlable and I'eed Yard, attaehnl to the preutW Come vaa, com all And gtt rue a ml I, bov Hi J. J., IVorHrtp,, ii.mowux. n.itmncit. II. Jfc CO., AT PHCENIX, SALT RIVER VALLEY, ASK MORGAN'S FERRY, ON THE OILl, Maricopa County, Arizona, HK4LSC IX fJEiVKRAL MKltCHANDISK. Ottr Motto: 'Quid Saht and Small PtM JeSrtr J. Coldwater & Bro., IIsts en hoi s Largs sxd Coai;itt4 Etodt if G ELVER A L M EKCII ANDISE, Corapritiag a very thing requlreit la a farming euSkTr, and which thay will tell at th tawett pat!bk ptWrt. nigtest prkw pdil for Grain. feVlu K. IHVtSK. J. A. B. UrUt 13. OXArIIVJi: afc CO, At the New Depot I'lICKXIA, AICIZO.NA, Offer for Hal an aatortmrar of Srt claM F A M I L Y G ROC KR I ES, Staiipttet'i, Books, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS at Low rnicns. Iliu-nlx, Martropa CVu, Arlsona, Deer tnber 29(. W7X PHCENIX STORE, IMKEM.V, A niZOXA, ICsmjj for fint G EIVERAL ERCI I AKDISE, Ol'Xtill. eJfcC, SCC, Highest Prioss Paid for Grain nnd ether Parm Produce, X. wotMsrs fhosnli. Arttona, At-rtt 3, IfrTI. CAPITAL HOUSE, T1kii ix, Arizona, JOHN CLOHCi:, Proprietor. Tee eating department will ba oond acted m Ik res tnuniBt ttyW. JIII.UJAT ALL, ItUCUit. tiij: saTloon Dnarttnenf. I.yOKOItOK X. YVALTKU8, wU Uttf ptieit with tha bel of Uiir. ice. I'e.rnli, klarlcu( county, A. T., August SI, IcT-. nog3I PRESC01T. rtxnK vvtxr.u.i. TltEOntlUE leOWllXW. Purceila & Loii!lon, Have now on band, at their Hrk;K Stobk, (HaTr"s't U tUnd), Otmlwla fcjtrcet, alt kUilt of a itocr.Hi i:s, provisions, CLOXJIING. HOOT3 AC SIIOKS, MINING TOOLS, LIQUORS, c Wdrh they ofltr for aal cheap. fW,f ANTELOPE RESTAURANT, Guiley flUeet, Nortii Side of the PUxa, Tho lnprU)torof thl KwUnranl ! fully announces that he will ra.nne ! In ratering ta thti lals of Ut v?- aw,l. ill , f,,n,UI.,! ml all bun of tM day, and the Ublo u'plled with gtttno, and the choltetl delliuele that can be procurvd. Evarytalaf cJena aa serted ui In the best style, T. Wilt .T.UEAP, I'ntprlrW. I'rescrxt. Kovembar 83, 1 b7i noT LARGE, N. W, C03IPLETE WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHOW, Qurlcy Street, Fronting on Granite. ' I'icscoU, Arlzonw. Alt klmU of Blaeksntlthloit. Wagtjn maklni; J lIrlng don In good style by 10 lMf niKn.rj. BBECHT. LUHOiEK, LU3EBEU. AM, KINDS OP DUlttPINO UItBKB KErT constantly on hand at the Quarts Mountain Saw-MIH, sv. mile south of IVescott. . it. All orders sent tkrorisU the pel oHc will b rwru sUewled to. Term cash on ',l',,y0J' pyltTIffc rratcott, A.T., 8ptlMrg. 19T3. ' '7U - 1 II 35 S II CtiaLOeta. j3eecX . Just Received at J. ii. ririfo " 'xiunzr' lUttsrrr a HMtcx - "wnvt,, r!""i::::::::;::::; K. N. l'llt t CU 'Z" .. ....a.......