Newspaper Page Text
Local & Miscellaneous News. (From Saturday'! Doll'.) Mr. Hallon, of Lynx creek, wa in town again ycitenlay, nnd requested us to state that ho will hereafter dovoto his litno nnd ntttntion to carrying supplies to tho miners of Lvn.v nnd IIiMsaynmpa crocks, who nre. jmt now, loo bin) in their claims to think of coming 10 Hiwii. Hu said Hint Ilurat t Co., of Lynx creek were, on Thursday last, about ready to start their nrnwtrae. Having, early this week, visited llig Bug and wiliiwtiu 1110 running 01 water wheels and nrrastras thorc, he c.-iino back with a high opinion of tlio camp and its golden tirostxrct. Any miner who may wish to subscribo Tor tlio wi:i:ki.y can pay the money to Mr. Jtalloii and the paper will bo scut. Stfrr.nvixoHS. At a recent called meeting of tliis body. Col. C. l Head was appointed to fill the place of Mr. Hrookc, now absent in California. The Colonel has qualillctl. Ho will, wo feel certain, mako an excellent mipcrviior. Tho board composed of Dr. Oco. I). ICcildall, Thos. S. Uuir and Col. C. I Head, will meet in regular session Monday next. Mitchell & Gardiner xro supplying our cit izens with good firewood, cheap for cash. They haul full " cords. George Lount lias a gang of men employed making adobes. Mr Kllison, telegraph operator, left on this morning's huckboard for W'rckcnburjj, to take charge of tho olllcc there. Tho mail wagon for llardyvillc and way points started last evening. Martin Cuininings has got back from tha Dlack Cafiou country. lie etyg ho found abundance of water, but no placers to Induce him to go to tho trouble and expense of tak ing lumber for sluices there, at this late day in the present mining reason. It pli'Kes us to be nblo to state that Mr l'liilip ItichanlKon i, under the hkillful care of l)r McCundlc&s, fast recovering from a se vere attack of sickness. Kort Winrru: Dr. Keaglcs returned to his station, Heale Springs, to-day. Mr. Geo. Dowers ami Mr. II. Ilichardg re turned from the Venky yesterday. Dr. Mathews, Mrs. jlu'rii and other ladies exacted in from Camp Verde some time .to day. The new chapel nt Fort Whipple will bo dedicated to-morrow (Sunday). John LaugliHn asks 2,500 for a small woMlen house and lot on .Montezuma street, which fsct goes to show that I'rcscott prop erty is increasing in value. (From Monday' Dally.) Wo loam that it was mainly through the forts of Gen M. P. Small, acting chief quartermaster of the Department of Arizo na, that the small sum recently set apart for building and repairing house at posts in this Territory, was allowed. Sttokoscu-ic Vir.w.Mr, I). I Flanders. ihotographer, now of this place, has rory iln'lly iermitl?d m to look at some rixtv -stereoscopic views taken by him on the way bore from Angvlc, California, and since bis arrival In this section, View, of the Colorado river, at antl near Fort Mohave; of llmlpci Mountain, Prcscott, tho valley of the Verdo river tho Indian agency, with ha 1,200 savage Apckw,V!i ataiul, ait. llo at the oiwrator and his "mjukod battery," will give people wlio have never visited Ari zona, several idea of the country, its scene ry ami people. Tho prettiest views, to our notion, are those of I'rcscott, in winter nnd Pttcott in summer; thuse of that Arizona wonder, Montezuma Wells, and of that most .beautiful of mountain streams, Ilcarcr creek, with Its semi tropical tree adornments. Hut, wo are smitten after the entire collection, and must havo a copy of each sceno if we Lave 'to get some 4,oIid man" to go our security sfor the cost. Mr. I). O'Lcary arrlvcil in town Saturday evening, from his farm on Walnut creek, near .old Camp Ilualpai. Tho only item ho had to relate wax that a man named Dowd recent ly aw a Ilualpai Indian running lootc near Oaks and Willows. Dowd talked Indian to ttho Indian, who res pouiicil by saying Ilual pai," as ho rushed for the hills. Grant's mail wagon rattled up to the post oflico early this morning, with several sacks tilled with letters and papers, considerable "exprevf" matter and last, but not least, two jusscngcrs -o!iers. Social J'ARrr. - itUt Ida ISurnett gave a jnicc party to several of her friends, Satur day last, at the residence of her mother, in rthi town. JLl, M. Herbert, lcriir nnd cx-JHcm tax collector of this tounty, collected, during March, aJittbj.Gver $5b0 on necuunt of li ccse nnil poll-taxei.. Auctioneer Fislier succeeded, Saturday last, in selling personal property belonging to the lato A. (5. Williamson. . Mr, T, W. Bogfs informs tis that ho La JuU finished ploring tho old Dickason farm, lower Agua Frla, Had will noon commence to plant corn, barley, wheat, etc, Mrs. Oca. Jfangkfwt of Chino Valley, came to town Saturday isst, with Mr. Ed. Whit Jock, and thinks of passing tho week with her daughters here. "Stem-ino Mtxivs CojirAxr. Mr. M. Wormser. arrest of the above named compa ny, warns persrtns to kwp their hands off tlio property oi irto company, oce ma noiico to this effect in advertising department. Wm. Jennings arrived here recently, from Cherry creek, with a nico lot of gold, which lie ponnded out of rock down there. A Mr. Berry nnd fauillytartcd,ycsterday, for Mohave county. John A. Kinder haajust arrived from Ver de, with a small band of cattle. Ho speaks highly of Sir. Marri station on Lynx creek. A. A. Surgoon II. M. Mathews, Mrs Burns and .MM Trout atriveu irom uam ; yuiuu thoMth. Mrs Maeon, wife of Col Mason, is expected at Whipple sometime- this week. Wkatii Kit. High, disagreeable winds from the aotitltwisst fa vo prevailed here since nometimo In the nigki of Saturday last. At this writiug, 2 o'clock p. ;n., tho wind is as TigbroMs as ever. Morb CouNTr MoNBV.Pislrict Attor ney Carttcr, to-day paid into tho county treasury about $ 100.00, on account of dclm quent taxes for tha year 1873. Holders of county warrant advertised In to-days MlKRii, will plelso bring said war rant to tho Miner office and exchango them for cash. Sutwvlsora Kendall; Head and Huff met at 10 a. m., lo-day, and settled, vith tho shcriir, treasurer and other olliccrs. (From Tuesday's Dollr.t Williamson Vallkv. McwrWiarlcs II Hopkins, Cornell and Standifcrc&o town yesterday, from Williamson valk'y. Meeting Mr. btandirer last night, ho gave us tho fol owing account of the recent affair between himself and Mr. Donahugli s On the icvctiing or March .TO, about tll0 Hour or .1, Donahugh stood at the corral cor nor nnd drew his gm,, but did not shoot. And on tho saino evening, about the hour of , Ho rJitl stand for me a short distanco below Mean s ranch, and in or very near the road, and did shoot at me with a needle gun. While making tin, tour or Uradsliaw, 'Jell " Davis called at Geo. .Monroe's camp on Humbug creek, and found about twenty men, all engaged in taking out and nrtaitra ing ore. George had juU arrived from Wick onburg with 12 animals laden with pruvis ions, etc. One company claimed thnt their rock was paying nt tho rate of $150 to the ton. Tho ledges in tho vicinity are small but very rich. Mr. Davis thinks very well of the mineral belt on and around Oaslle creek. WiMTiii'.n. This ever recurring topic again forces itself iijwii us. The southwest wind spoken of In yesterday's paper, went down with yesterday's sun, and is now suc ceeded by cutting blasts from the north. April, so far, has been much meaner than March, in this cctfon. Indeed, some people say that .March in Arizona is not March, at all. Col. II. A. Iligclow called at ourofllco j-cs-tcrday evening, when, in the course f con versation, wo learned that hiniK-lf and part ners in the Ilashford mining claim, Lynx creek, have, in a very shoit time, taken out the nico sum of S'Hb.OO. Aleck Harris, ono of tho owners of th! rlnSm -,.i 1 v.i.iv. t lunfi Saturday last, with S32.00, which was his uaiu iui i ins ni.Tii u uaya' wasinng. Messrs. Win. A. Linn nnd N". C. Sheckles are about to tiroeeeil in ltm.l.iu . . . . i. 1 1. 1 1 . n district. Mr. John Dickson, of Sk-ill rallnt- ... ccntly favoml us with conjiderablc iubcrip tion monev. nccomnanied U'ltll ft ntltlt tiC tin. couragemenf, both of whicli were very ac- .ii .... .. . u-piaoii-, coming at tins time, ana Irom so good n granger. Hope his example will ho speedily followed by all who arc indebted to us. IIECE.VT ABniVll.S ".Ii-fT" l)rit n.lnn.. cd yesterday, from a tour in tho mountains. Mr. Hnntn mm In fr-rim dm I l.....! .tw ..... ......... ... . .iau wuiviatiu ill- cr. A gentleman of Salt river valley arrived hero yesterday with a wagon-load of choice flour. Tho mail will close this eveninsr anil start out early to-morrow morning. A telegram remains in the V. S. Military Telegraph oflico for S. 0. Miller. Mrs N. H. Bowers, of Agua Fria, came to town yesterday and is the guest of Mr and Mrs Levi Ilashford. Mr 0. W. Bowers arrived from Verde yes terday. Mr Geo Ionnt. Iteccivcr of the U. S. Land Office at this place, informs cs that his term of office will expire on tbo 28th Inst. Xow wo have not learned of anv Prorfripntl. nom ination for the place Mid would advle our Delegate not to neglect tho matter, as, after tho expiration of Mr L' term no business can be transacted at the office until a new annointment ii madn nnd mnfinnnl. In tuU connection, wo wlh to put on paper mat, acconung to ngui now beroro us. Mr Lount has dicbarscl tha duties of the office k. ........ cu ami lattniuiiy ami would continue to do so were a now appointment given him. Mr Augiutu Elliott arrived here recently from the Black Hill country, where he has leen taking out ore for his arraatra at this place. While prospecting in the hills Iks found where Indians had, a year or more ago, murdered two Nevada minew, and, near the place, some of tho richest kind of silver ore. Yesterday's dispatch from Wlckcnburz stated that FreJ Henry and other prospectors bad arriveu there Irom tue una section, where they found pretty rich diggings. Fred is a "terrible" rustler. Mr Jaycox, an old prospector, Indian trail er and fighter, came to town yesterday, from tits mine, near tlio Santa 3iana, in wfcicu lie has a fortune. We, yesterday, had the pleasure of shak ing the hand of a good roan and Army offi cer, Lieut Woodson, of the Fifth cavalry, who, with his wife and family, has just re turned from a short visit to hi, relatives in Kentucky, and who will shortly start fur Camp Urant, the post to which Mo has been asizned. Wo also made tho acquaintance of Lieut IleyL, who appeared to bo an cnurgctic young oracor. MVormscr started for Phccnlx in the mail buck board which left Procolt this morning. Wc camo very near going 'mit" Michael, and would hare dono so but for the fact that wo were not ready. Jtcrcs'T AnnivAis. Mr 31 Goldwater, and Julius Bndtnberg and wife, arrived hero a snort time ago, in .Mr Hmsoy'a stage, via th Hardvvilla route. Mr and Mrs Itodcn- burg are direct from Germany, Mr Goldwater from I'turnix, hurenberp, uamp licaic opnngB and other points in tho Territory. 3Ir Hobcrt Mcacham came In Mr Husky's conveyance as far as old Camp Ilualpai. lie will bo in Prescottin a day or two. Weather. Tho wind storm played itself out last night, and to-day i lino cnougu lor anylwtly. Almost nil tho fctrnl and much of tho tned leal talent of this vicinity will soon bo nt t'beenix. II'roBiThnfi(Iiiy, Pally.J Doh't Likk It. Wc hear it said that our present board of supervisors are, to a man, in favor of cutting oil all rents fur counfy offices. Tho officers who would lw effected by such a movo are of tho opinion that the county vtiul furnish them with office. The tug of war will come at nest regular meet ng. Wo understand, too, that said Supervisors aro in favor of annulling tho contract with Georgo Lount, for the erection, adjoining tho prcseut coiirt-hoiiH', of another building, and of erecting a building that would bo a mil court-houso and jail, in, or near tho contrp of tho plaza. To this project, many citizens of I'rcscott nre opposed, especially those who wish to wo said plaza divided into lots and sold. Not having any money to invest in lots, wo cannot say that wo favor this idea. It Is said that a gonllcman who camo here, recently, from Chloride, Mohavo coonty, has rtiiitoi! in Imltit nlirnu crv. ilUtflS if 1'fCS- cott was not already well supplied with beer. J But, town and country aro "growing aim this gentleman may know what ho is about. Miners In Weaver and Walnut Grovo dis tricts doing well. ' :1I!EL AccmrKT to a Minkr. Yesterday, ns a inincr named Jos. Taylor was working at tho bottom of tbo Salvador mino shaft, near J rescott, ono of tho windlass supports gave way and fell upon him, hurling him pretty oadly in tho forehead, A physician was called to sec him. Mr J. W. Str.ilirlinn nDtin telegraph offl at Fort Whipple nnd general .,. ...Mn.,ml;iiLu oi mo nnu, will, in a snort tune, examine tlm irntilntU.. of making necessary repairs, etc. Mr S. has ui-uii nuru mil a snort time, yet, lias made himseir a general ravorito by doso attention to buducss and gentlemanly conduct. Wc havo not Iwnn nnr.oir days, and have somo idea or trying the skill or tho jiri) Um medical director of this mili tary department, who, in tho absence of Surgeon Mngruder, has clnrgo of the drugs and thlnes of tlio ilctmfi tnonf. Ifit mm vml on incipient ague, pliletlioriagorics mollis and non quantum suliiciat set 'em up, UkUit Jkitirko r Ivo.vo HinaThat from Fos.sil creek to Prcscott, recently made by Gen. Crook in one day. J Jiu distance cannot lm 1pm than fifty-five miles; country very mountainous. C. P. Head . Co., have now on hand the argest stock of general merchandise ever before seen in Prcscott. J. K. O. Mitchell is around drumming up passengers for Phujnix. His conveyance is a good one. Terms easy. Grant's mail wagon, with ono passenger and a very heavy mail, got in early this morning. Wm. McCIoud report everything all right in Peoples valley, for which place ho started to-day. Mr. A. II. Peoples, of Wickcnburg, is down at Phccnir, on a xi$enr, Tho Quartz Mountain mill and shingle works aro turning out great quantities of lumber nud shingle. Postmaster Allen will soon have to give new bond. He can do "that tamo thing," very readily, slnco all our people have confi dence in his honor, honesty nnd integrity. Mr. T. 8. ItufT is chairman of (he board of sujicrvUors. G. W. Curtis, of tho Quartz Mountain saw mill has received an order for a now flagstaff for Fort Whipple, of tho following dimen sions: Main mast SO ft. lung, eight square; 2f inches suqarc at bao and IC inches square at top. Topmast SO ft. long, square ; 1 1 inchc square at base and 6 inches square at top. At Atxwli' l'i. krttmx. ilni 30. 1871. try r5. llcflWJ, J. I M. I. WJ awl I'uj- J. IiIm. BOBN. Ia Tocn. 95, to th Wif wf TVm WI1k. I Yamrn. Martk 13. ml, to Umi wIX vt A. J. Kr. Anj;hlrr. DIED. fa Torttm. Arril X Jmnlta. lUnclilar T TW an-l Jott WrUVh, anl IS malt t. SPECIAL NOTICES. AZTLAN LODGE Ko. 177, T. & A JC m Rrntr Itmlact f tt! IU on lU lut Saturday olwl noaUi, lit i r . yLjj nnDf VrrUtrra w tnUmMj UtUmI yr lH4. TltOMAM COIU) r. . K. W. tt'EUA XtrrUrj. 1. 0. 0. F., ARIZ0ITA LODGE, NO. 1. nrgvUr Mftlafi ef M t&ir W4. "Sr at Maaoni Halt JJrav.' larllxt tsattrs.1. I Jl. JEW KU SI. 0. C A. LUtCtt. tfftir wiTf. ArtU BlfM,fflift tMt W HitK HKITlTtOU. IVman. Oil. lr, aaH IaTlnrstun. I.oU' 0a I'rratk Ultrict. Suuia, 1'tI-. k4 O-tMtfcloe. eaa be W l l)IL KKNUALI, H. baaSm PtJowrf ttrae post omra, prescott. Malla Arrtr Uxnm alt yiH, MtKxUy ad TktiraJira. Ilroart, WdaJra, rridaw and BaftrrUjv OXtrborftaA M. W(r. n. Uaor OnUfl koi trTT itf nt l wrrk. SucUy. OKLAXDO AI.I.KN, P. t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Dissolution Notice: "XMlcm It bflTby rts tb&t tbt JwfwiriTt ViHA riUllfta- brtwm Jitbn O. Ca4U bjk! Wi. M. BnZlsi 1. till day AUntrri bymuluid xut. All d.btJMV .tandlnf f alaai lb Ul- ttm "HI b JWMalt by tWr uf tte Ut irtnr , nti all fntm taJotrfrd an PN 1 ttl tls MLtxc at oooc, with riUtrr awbtrf lb UtaHttu. JOHXO.CAHP11EI.U WM. M. BUWUlt. rrrMNult, ArtiDu. Arrll 7. lfK hl9 Toll xi Oxxaip1ell vriu nr. pound at thk old stand op ConjptMdl JL IlutTum, wltb a fiut aaavrtnaat of f.KNKKAL MKUCIfAMlS Of nl Quality and at Inrtat Mart rria. fur CV xx. v. cxvivr, PBJ3SCOTT, AEIZONA. I rvawffully bbixwm b Ibn iMJjla of Nnrtbn Art wu ttiat I hare npnl w ltemil Ktornbaanrt IMI, Itrn df mt of 1- llhfurd'a ibira. ami Uad to twp ca hand Prall of all klada, driwt art gr Al"", JVaouU. WmIooU. Candida, amreri, Tea. TA'. Clfrara, 'lir. Uaroo, I'nna and Dairy Pmdatts, lloer. A. An.1 at prwrnt J bnv a fln Tmricty i Oraanwulal Trf. HUckWrry. Hjuplwrry. and Cnrranl lub. wl Of vrti'.oU ar ulrtly Moled aod la iMlln rdf r idnsllDir. TIipj- nn nil from th upir muntry talllMBw S'lit.crl.i ant of Ibe fiiit variety vi Prulla. u Ctrwr boutd Ul to Kl mme td lbMi rK'l, oa Ihry will, with out a dcwitit, da wall fcorc Flour. Ibtruu, 1'iitatct, will I reLillr.1 tu ui mll r.taotltl nt iwjglrnt. fwrenth. . Ny n;llAtbl Um, "Quick al and ma11 lrutt" VIVX3R'X,ISli:. If You nre Desirous of SeUUifi AiiytbiaB Advertise in the Miner. If You Desire "Help" of any Strt Advcrtlso in tlio Miner. If Yea Want M PnrciMa Property cf mjr JJti ADVERTISE IN" THE MINIin, ; i Which gnu aycrywlif re n4 U wad by 1tol tiny IrMQ In Arlxonru , Ti.EI.UIRtJPj:EDVrAN BAR?, WITH PE0 tJ3Sr Iodide Cf lwo, al Kendall'a Drue bvi. APRIL 10, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tlw nn-lmliroJ nanu all pku raln.C ritrri-lnir off. Ow HtwIiuiC Mining C..itiuijr. i .nr l'rr.iil. ,. . Wimimiill. AgrtilH.U Ominoy. IWIt, A. TM A ll , 1(!TI. !til NOTICI2 TO SBTTLK. ur,l,..,?T;t.,,''',',", r,n ,,f wohmbkh a ni.Iirill.lMhlt kit riMt l.vralllB. imiM.-.llMr. r.'r ..""'! ''""'. KlM.W.,rm.r, I'livnlx, M Milling thrlhllitnlliM. it. WUKMNCIt. I'rn-tx, A. T., Aril 3, IK7I w, FIRST C;ilEAT SALT LAKK Cll?rr CON CERT, -IN All) or Tlll- ! labile Freo School, coniisrisrE, tjtah. CAPITAL VUiXK, 50,000. Tickets $1 each ; Six for $5. K. W. MOIU1A.V, itanager, Uarlniw, Utali, Ik IVoivt lnt not GrJiiKl.y. FRED WILLIaImS SALOON, QOOD"WIN" STREET, (On Ir, Wt of Iluhfurd'l Nlute,) BnilJlM Dm "lloj-i" 1U, that wlikli cltr, but iurt not lntIni(. JWt nnalllr of Cliran YryA on un.. Mjr Clab Ifc.itn It Mlt ia be Ui mmt nmt..rUUr i Inbrnn. C"u,rui. FKKD WIIJ.IAMM. PJIOTOGKAPJIIC NOTICE. POSITIVELY, LAST CALL. I wrilj ffprrlf!l inf.ira lb public lUai, batiajr mU ama;rnnU to bo la llMnlim tba SOU,, I .ball CU.ljf tbM mjr bualsau la Vrrteutl y lb lb lut. Tboan dcirlnf wli duna will Uw call M early s twlb:, tbat I Busy bar Um to at1rt! la iWm. Ay Ubln( dnjlraU r1au from Bratlrrf agwra kuJ, mutt oJ la tWi otim by IU lOib, ul .ball U.h d.atruy all .UrM taVra up to lb Mrat lla. I would alw call yvar attntlwa lu y i.Urtiu vf STEUEOSCOPIC VIEWS, Scenes at Verdo Reservation, POST u.T VEBDE, 3ontcuma WcIIm, AZTEC KUI1VN On Jlwuv.-r CrIc uritl Vortlo Jllvar. ritwi or Vcnlc Vnlluy, Siuw l'cnk. Aad maay tbm, "loo tramxi to miUu," m tb aoctkowrr rraorLa. TWal,taf tlf wiblio fnr tbt fnTwa MTt nlnM D. r. IXAXIIEKA, rvntnf raW, IVwiU. April J"- NOTICE. J. S. INTKRNAI RKVIIXUE May 1, 1874, to April 30, 1875. Tb! I.ATi' it IWTiWli UTS. ni'r rrry jwt rv la aar bu.ha, armiiua, w mrbn'wi. bWi mlw il IUl4-ta Kl'Wrl Al. TAX. TO PS0- crjBi: AjfD rucc oosancoonaLT ur his vs. TAftlSKXXVT OS PLACE OP BUSISESfl a hTAMl- W-avig- Mw iyant U m4 itt'tZCJAI. TAX for tbe tiwrlal Tai yar liraiaalaa; May I. ItHi. ltn ua MMir tt OMdlattlaf trulut after Aprf! XI lrTI. Ttt Taxes' Lafcracad witMa Hi TntitZvzi tt tU Iat akrrt (ystei tti Hi lil'atizg. x'j I !uue - Df aim, rrtaU lWunr ......,-.;.. d3 DaUn. wbtwbU IVrtm- IH1XO DrtlsmahiuMra, wUdaaibi. Mtw Daalrn la Bll ritan, r.tail 10 HmWiltW Ulurr -JiU) UHoIl Wlrn In lf I&baffD I.-W.UJ At I uo ! fom Sl.xl, tfty miU fur'atcry dulbv la rxt i Doalrrala nanofelttfrd UAmixo. SW Manntattur'n oTatllU 2900 AoI U still mu.rturrd 31W AM fvearh worm awauUcturrd.. VOID Maufctrrr of WUwro 15UU Haaufactatrrcrcirati -JU1 I'tiAWn ut IvKkoo. Crtt cltM Inwn tbaa taa boract ... St 00 IVdllerj rf Wrv, tUu tiro horx. ... 3(U IVddler of liiWoo, Ibird rla ( hmr) Illk) l'cddlm Mtvva, fiwirth cbut (oa t-A ut blla tvaYyaar) 10.30 Ilrewan of Wm (baa Mi lexnU WJM lVwt of VW ham-li or mm ltnix) Any lt', aa 1UU. bo (ball fall la nuapty with Iba ttfrgtlvg rnulrniU Wilt b autact laattcr fraal tW. rrraona or (ran llabl (a fay kay of tb Special Tatf t satard abaTa raut apply l THOMAS COHDIS. rjullfCorcif latrrnal IUtmuvmI fMirutt, And ry fr aod itocoH tb flparlal Tax IVcntpor MtaiH tby biL ri "u Mr l"7. nJt WITHOUT KL'KTll Kit NOTICE. J, W. D0D0LA8S, CowmlMlon. r t Internal lUv.oua. Ornrr-or lafncii. Hn'tcucn, WjlMltMilOX. D. C-, frtvuarr I", lt apUtl WE CHALLENGE 1-133 WOR3L.D. DR. HENLEY'S Celebrated IXL Hitters TIIKlllisT TONIC IN USB. Tb qiwillon li dally luVnlby IHoiaoi1. nt ior cltlient, "Wby Utt lb IXLj llltt.ra barbchlrtUuob luiHiUtity wllb tbe ixtblie, nod bar urh an tinmrnaa aal.r' Tba rrawn la wcaxm tbry arc an old and wall mtablttbnt an tola, ami am mad inim tin rnui cnoiea ii.iuaano roli; tb ronny who bare lril them, tritlfy tu Ibclr Iwo rfldftl qiiullttw. and bare no braltallun in t.commctulln Ibrm tu ibclr atSlrlMl frlenda. Tbyatancknawlcdirrd lablba bittonIa nod recn- Jral'r aniwa Ihfy build up tbo yttm, ami Impart ttrrogtti In Ibe wralt and axbniMtrd, nod ar mdorvfd and rmyHnmended by our moat ealoeot I'byitrUn, (u prr rotllflcutu on wh Uttllt). Tw tbioa amiotrd with lha Dyiprpala. Indlotloa Hud tM nf Apprtll, aaa blorxl purlter lhay afu nil (ilbtr ft evllod kmlca which nara utciy veto licl in iruuaci. i.oliunlly thould ba.wlthuut tlitm. fiold aterywliua, It. Kl'STRIN & CO, Sola 1'mirtvtur. inarSfim.1 S18 1'root KL, Han maeUco. I , ti ..Li . .. . . , . tlllailkSIIiiliiKitmt Uulfclnlm Otttl. Hiecla,l unil Ocncriil lovcra-rAUorney clc.,foraalc ultltc Miner OITUc. . 1874. PRESCOTT. W II A T .LI VJ3 MI2N Peace With the Apaches .... A ND .... TKLEGRAPH LINES) A DAILY PAPER .... AND .... OIIJSVJP GOODS in iui:scott. KAILItOADS COMING, TOO. lASHFORD'S STORE ttiTCalL Be, PsrctaM and Cbrer fcr tb Onuul Knock Dtrra In Prlwi. d15dwlf ORIENTAL Kcs.auranf , i.akcry and Siiloon Next door to tho Miner Office. FUF.KII IIUEAD, PIES, CAK.KH, GOOD HOARD, Karnlaherf hy 1crk, Ilaty, erHtal, at ttic fullowltiK prlc.a 1 I'r WV T ddUrt, carTocy. hit fU X.U.. ...fetTcBty-nreettiU. Ouud tf rr, Wlnrt, lAoora and CI pa ft. ktpt eon- ataauyoa baaa, Vit Ik. aocoanseiiauoa vf cuatomrra. DAN HATZ, proprttlur. I'rramtt, AprllI2, 1K3. ARIZONA IREWERY, North Siilc of the IMnxa, I'resco tt. Ilarltr rebud and nlUtA tlx abort old aaj wU kvws aUad, mm ua buw ready to farslab lb bUe with 13xcollent Iacr I3ecr, WIlOLUAALr. Oil RETAIL. V. bate al a mw (Vxk of Imported Wines, Liquori, and Cipri, A a4 rMjrrtfally tntklt yoor JtrwMfr. nonexnuRO tco. IrrTtt, Ariuwa, Jantury U, lr?2. NIFTY SALOON. AT THE "SIFTT," OS M0KTES0KA BT, THE THIRSTY CAN GET GOOD WHISKEY. KTJM, am, BRANDT. KTJMMELs And Tolerable Water. Drrp In. M(KTEZU.i MM & BILLIARD SALOON, MOXTE7.UMA STREET, PRESCOTT. We haT nw.aUy rrsoratxd and Etad up onr aalotm Is Kl. aryix, tu ham asa uui um cuutceM WINKS, LIQUORS, and CIGAKS, 1011 OUE PATUONKAND TIIE rUIIUC. BILLIARDS. Wf Lar Iwccf J. Atrablo A. Ol't Cant TaUra. wltb flrlanrir'i runt wlr ca.hktt. wbieb ar far anrarior Ut aer wtm twv in uc iHiiiarauu wmi xa cau ana ludfn fat lbBlTM. W bat a Clab Roota, lot rmtrmtu, n'.Urhnl Xo Um lUr RotMs. a A. LUKE & CO. rnsaoort, AnrTjl 3, lfTi, PACIFIC BREWERY. MONTEZUMA. STREET, Next door to tlio Mineh Office, PrcacolU GOOD LAGSK REER, Liqueri and Ciyart, Always on hind tad far talc JOHN RA5BI.E, Vn.fticUjt. rrraoott, Jasaary IX 1672. PIONEER DRUG STORE. PlfSCOtl, Arizona. 0a hand and for Sale: AVER'S, JAYNE'S, IIKISTOL'S, BVI.I.'t AND 1IALIN I7a.mily Medicines, Aadafallawortowatoftbit Uai Patt Mrrllrlnc n In Um mortal if tnuKil frt.b and raaalna. Fancy ToSH Artidtt, Sy and Ptrfunery, And a run aapply or Durcxccto Mnicuu. r l j I r I a u a V reac r 1 p 1 1 o n t out Mty and aeetu Ktet-Cnmpoandtd. OCO. D. KENDALL, al Dtt. KcMUIX Ofil la nu ct Drag Store lanS7n NEW LIVERY AND FEED STABLE Granite Street, Prcscott, fiOOD "Ql'AltTKltS,' FEED, CAHE, rtr fur all ablmaU tbat nay h UK al tbla tahl. nuonir.s, and otiieii vkiucleh. w"tIi5J Irani, rurnUbnl (nt tburt nit!ra. Alan, aldl animal, by MITCHELL 4 riAHDINEH, nr.n.1. "t lI h. moo.. CtlAf. E. raCDEIUCK tpxist sixor. oxposrrjc airrc rosToirirocic, WbFie ran ba found a cwxi uaortiucnt of TIN. COIN I'EK, and 8IIEKTIRO.N' WAIIEi aIo, "WOMAN'S rillEMI, or TILTONt HTKAM WA8IIERR. fir llutirnUr aitaattao paid to JOB WORK. All vrxer rcunixiy niiva. UR0OKS Si I'RKDERICK. rrvaootl, Iarcb 13, ml. If Of arary elaM bod kind, alwari on hand and foraala. a. tba MKB oKra. nt prWa auck aa tu tawyar. uMica of lha lac arubromerciui ?aaoabiy una cunt witu. USK WEED EVnn)Y OR OREGON RHED". ' nuo nr. aeoaaii a wrog lb"- GENERAL MERCHANDISE. , P. HEAP. JAKE ja&Ke C. I III) AD & eo.,c PRESCOTT, yVIZOIST-A.. IUtetnlly anaunnca U tbo (W!0d of Nortb m Artwmn tlial tby bavo txw oa band nm LAHOBST nnd BEST STOCK Of GK1VE11AL MKUCHAKBISE Ever Offered in this Market, ....coxtnuoF.... LADIES' FURNISinNO GOODS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Military ruriiisliiii? Goods, dry goods, onocrouES, l'BovisiONB, arr.oxrxt. Drlod and Canned rmits and Mcnlfl Bootw and Sslioes, CUnXRT, HAHDWAHB, CROCKEHYWARi; O LABS WARE, WOODETrwAKB, TOBACCOS AND CIGARS, WINES, LIQUORS, FANCY GOODS, OILS AJTD TASSVt GnnH, XiNtolH EIFLE AJTD BLASTUfQ TQWDEB., s:hcot, LBAB, FUSE .AND CARTRIJPGJES, Ix'ori xtnd Sted9 Mining k. Farming Implements, ETC ETC, ETC WHICH Vm WILL SELL, TOR CfHC OffLY, AT THE SMALLEST POSSIBLE MAKU3. AJBOVi: COST AND CARRIAOC I.IHKIIAI. PRICES Paid in Merchandise or Carreacy K0B- GOLD XJTJST, GOLD AND SILVER BULLION, ....XXO THK . Mcrcluintdblc Products Or THE COUZrXKT OEMT-y TiTiY. HaTirir uwfa8y !odW tba cbaradar ex awdi da- alrabta far U0a aaartit,aad bariafoo aaad aa larff aad MTarMaaaaanrtatvat, etotiwhk Um (rrataatraal. btc aar, w an emmdmi thai tut la. im.Ii; yaw wa wmtw bettw enabled toaaaafr &a mrrcaatila waotaof thS cotnasaalty bbaa rtrr bcrrtofcire. C. P. XE1S 4 00. lYraoott, ArSaooa, Jaasary 3, 187C T, E, lOOPtR,, I JA8. X. SAXTZT, Bm IwtsLteo, Oaliferak. I ISmkterjr u4 Xuu.A.T WM. B. HOOPER & CO. JFortcarders, COMMISSION AGENTS Br Every Steamer, AmriBf Fall asi Fml tlieir Taxied, Seltct, aiid HEAVY STOCK Trom European, JSastem, and San Francisco Markets.- To Slarrbaala, Stara aod StaOoa KrrfT, atlam, Lbjoor Dabn, Raacbtroa aad TraKUfurtec at rata wbleh guaraata aatfcJactW, COMMISSIONERS TMotig Cbrrerb!vn la tin CHIEF CITIES OP TUB WOltLD, OftbERS ARE FILLED TO TUB LETTER. CONSIGNMENTS Of iodar, MerchaadUe or llarblcrary for.8lorsf , Fata tor tranimLwIont ara atundt-t to STRICTLY IN AC CORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS, aad to Iba beat latere! of tbv owcera, tub most motorr DISPATCH and CAHE- DELIVERY 'ASSURED. Tba tojinrttlon. aad arraagemeotaar prrTett lo arrry jtn In tha Territory, OOLD DUST, WOLD AND SILVER BULLION, U. 8. Dondj, Treojuty Draft, Ixgal Tender!, SaUtari' Warrants, llaaWra' DrafU, aid tk4 Conneitiat Parr, Oraln, Hides. Wool aod ALL TERRITORIAL- A1) MEXICAN PRODUCTS bought at Talaa If OK CAaWv or adrancet made at may be dcired. Our Stock is Complete. OUR COSSEOTlOSa THE. REST v Aad ofcr to lbaor!aur AiUma. Saoi as4, Nev UaslAaladoer. raeaU BotaUwbk, Uitc bcw4 bbaVaHfo Coaat. ' , i, norUl WM. B, HOOrER k CO,