Newspaper Page Text
TELEGRAPHIC. ; Special Dispatches to tho Arizona Miner, By Western Union and U. 8. Military Lines. ' Wellington, April 3. The Georgia iTefe trillion rectiived rcolutiuin pawed ly tliu Augusta inorcb.nits r.vcbangu favoring Gov c.rtimont ai'l to tbu Ti'Xus-I'.iciflc II. K.r unc reqtuutinjr Senators iitul KqiresciitfttlTts in Cotigri' from (icoria to advocate the guar anti'i) of interest on Iwiuh of the Coinrmny to such n extent ni may lio reiiuircd to ob tain the early completion of the roail. In the Senate to-day, Hubbard's postal tel egraph bill was reported favorably by the P. O. Committee, and ordered placed on the Calendar. In the House, Committee on Territories re ported a recommendation for thu admission of the Territory of New Mexico a n State. Congressman Ncsmith of Oregon mado a strong argument to-day beforo the House Comtnitteo on Jtitilways, in behalf of tho Portland, Dalles and Salt Iaki railroad bill. Committee agreed upon a favorable rejiort. The bill provides that Government guarantee payment of interest upon bonds of the com pany to tho amount of S10,000 per mile in the State of Oregon. In consideration of such aid tho company agree to transport all U. S. mail and army supplies frco of charge forever. New York, April 3. Henry G. Stcbbins, financial agent of the TexM-Tacitlc Hallway Co., goes to Europe in June. It is not known whether his visit is connected wjth business of tho company. Boston, April 3.lJallotting for U. S. Sen ator at a dead lock. San Francisco, April 3. Tho five mile trotting race at Oakland yesterday was won by Lady Mack, In thirteen minutes. Fastest ttmo on record. The Horrible butchor story telegraphed from Austin, Nevada, yesterday, proves to be an April fool hoax. The Stock Board of New York did not meet to-day, it being Good Friday. Conse quently, have no gold reports. "Washington, April 2. Tho contract for carrying tbo mails from Cloverdale to Areata heretofore awarded to llaslett and contested by Force, both bids being for tho samo amount, was to-day given to Force, on tho ground that ho Ktho present contractor and has tho road stocked. Luttrcll filed the pa pers for each party, bat took action in favor of neither. Tho Taggart-Qoddird contest is still held under consideration. Goddard turns out to be a resident of Vermont, but gave Yrcka as his postoflice address because no intends to remove there. Cohosc, N. Y.f April 3d. The Tivoli mills burned this p.m. Lom S20,000; insured for 18,000. Gregory & Hill's mill was also burned. New York, April 3. The Prussian bark Jupiter, bound frdm New York to Gibrnltcr, experienced terrjble weather February 7th, when three days out. A squall struck thu vessel and At tho samo time a heavy sea passed over her and swept Capt Grondgeris and six of tho crew from deck. Return wave bore back one of tho crew, but the others were lost. Norwegian steamer Anna Nore, 47 days out, from New York to Rotterdam, has not been heard from since she sailed. Philadelphia, April 2. Amst, a saloon keeper was convicted to-day of violating the Sunday liquor law. A woman testiticd to having obtained liquor from him ostensibly for her sick mother, but really, to obtain t f 1 f A 1 ! . crounua ior uwicimcni against mm, 10 pun ish him for Selling liquor to her husband. Sentence suspended. City council to-day passed 1,000,000 Cen tcnTal bill "by acclamation. Cleveland , April 3. 300 laborers at the Union depot struck fur 1.75, instead of $1.50, former pay, per day. Louisville, Apnl 2. Fire at Lancaster yes terday, burned eleven prominent buildings. Loss, S 100,000. San Francisco, April 3. Steamer Alaska frdm China and1 Japan, arrived this evening, reported Capt. Higgins, agent P. M. Co. here has tendered his resignation. Now York, April 4 The P. 31. Co. have perfected arrangements to run their steam ers, which will leave Hong Kong, San Fran cisco and New York every fortnight. San Francisco, April 4. Rufus Hatch, vice president of the V, M. S. S. Co. is en route to San Francisco. Capt Higgins has resigned and Edward Taylor has been appointed act ing agent in his stead. Goodale, Nelson & Perkins deny reports that they intend to withdraw their coast steamers. The steamer Pacific sailed at 5 p. bj. to-day, with 20 passengers. Gold in New York, 113. Greenbacks in Son Francisco, 87and 88 J. Washington, April 3. Commissioner of the General Land Oliice to-day reversed tho de cision of the Register and Receiver at Carson City, Nevada, in the claim of the C. P. R. It. Co, against the State of Nevada, to a tract of land in tho vicinity of Virginia City and Gold Hill. Testimony established tho fact that no mines have been discovered on said tract, but it may be in the mineral belt, and is in the iinmcdiato vicinity of the Gomstock lode. Notwithstanding the undeveloped character of tho land, its situation indicates the existence oftninerul in thatTridnity. The testimony fully established tho fact that tho land is not of any valuo whatever for agri cultural purposes, and If it has any value it is in undeveloped mines. San Francisco. April 4. In tho 20-milc trotting raco at Oakland Park, JIattie How ard was beaten by Stewart. London, April 4. Tho Carlists report a revolt in Bilboa; that only half of their army has been cncaccd in tho battles and that Sanloz will shortly march with n strong division on jiaunu, to cut on fcerrano's com munication, Tho Government Is still without official advices of the escape of Rochcfort and his companions. Madrid, April 3 An official dispatch says that four hundred of Sanlozl's men have de serted to tho Republican ranks. Melbourne, April 3. Rochcfort and his companons refuso to tell how thov not on board tho vcwcl on which they escaped, for fear of implicating friends. Washington, April O.Thff commissioner appointed to exomino the portions of the Texas Pacific railroad already comtmctcil. has submitted his report to tho Secretary of tue interior, in wuicu ne says no lias exam- incu me uircuuy constructed road ana llntls it well built and equipped, and rocommends accepts i) co. Patents will shortly be issued to tho trus tees of tho San Dieco puoblo land, comnris ing 47,323 acres, 1cm tho amount retained as a military reservation ut Hallast Point. Now York, April 0 Tho weather ha been unseasonably cold during tho past week. Commercial transactions during tho week have been light, with fair export. Money is abundant and cheap, businesK is becomini briskor. Hides have advanced j cotfeo declin ed; sugar caiicr ; tea dull; dry-goods qulot, and wool active. Combination freight interests between Pacific railroads and Pacific Mail company have tint yet been fully arranged, but will l, doubtless, at to-day's meeting. San Francisco, April fl.Cha Kingsford and I'dward Condon, employed at Silva's gallery, were both found dead in the aino room,' and in which they had been working, in that establishment. It is supposed that Condon shot Kingsford and then committed suicide. Condon was surmised tctnKrarily insane from the efkets of falling upon his head omu time ago. (Sold in New York, 113 J. Greenbacks in San Francisco, 87 3 . and 88 ,j. New York, April 7. Tho Pacific Mail Co. has perfected arrangements to have ono of their steamers leave San FrnncUco for China every 14 days; likewise, steamer from China to San Francisco every 14 days, and from San Francisco for New York nt samo inter vals. New Orleans, April 4. Near Montgomery Station. No. 1, to-day, Aristidcs Bienvcn and T. B. Phillips fought a duel with shot guns, loaded with a single ball, at forty paces. Bienvcn was killed at the first shot, tho ball passing through his brain. Phillips was wounded. Washington, April 5. Congressman Ken dall of Nevada, and Craunccs of Nebraska, had an argument, yesterday, before the Iloufo Committee on Public Lands, advo cating Kendall's bill providing for State tax ation of lands heretofore granted by Cong "ess to railroads. Poplcton, as counsel for tho U. P. R. R. Co., argued against the proposition. Crounccs' remarks had especial effect to the U. P. R. R. land grants ; Kendall's to the C. P. grants. Bayonne, April 5. First active operations beforo Bilboa educe March 2$, commenced April 3, with bombardment of Attrano. Mar shal Serrano Is rc-organizing his forces. Tho Carlists arc strengthening their posi tion. Gen Tcrrlstaly is reported to have captur ed a detachment of six hundred Republicans near Calaf, 40 miles from Barcelona. The surprise was complete and the Republicans surrendered without firing a gun. Washington, April Sanborn appeared before tho Ways and Means Committee to day, acting under his counsel's advice, hut declined to submit a written statement. He said ho had received between 210,000 and 211,000 under his contract, of which ho has probably paid S1G0.U00 to others, and had yet to pay various parties. Ho claims to have paid $25,000 to 830,000 as counsel fee, and that ho has paid nothing to internal revenue officers. His entire arrangements were with Boutwell. The ndditinn to his contract was obtained from Richardson while Boutwell was in Boston. Witness had no doubt but that Richardson knew perfectly what ho was doins. Secretary Richardson said to-day that when bo decides to retire from the Treasury be will satisfy the public. Pacific Coast people hero think Mitchell's uniform voting with tho inflationists dhows a desire to conciliate Morton, Chairman of the Committee on Elections, in whose hands rests the memorial relative to Mitchell's case. New York, April 5. The board of direc tors of tho P. SI. S. S. Co., at n meeting yes terday, concluded, in view of the universal demand now made on their carrying capacity on the PacificvCost, to enter into contract for building four new iron steamers. "WICKENBTJKG. Wickenburg, April 7. Fred Henry and a party came in to-day from tho Hacubillia and Gila country, to get supplies. They have been out for about two months, and report having found some very fine dircin:s. Thev start again to-morrow towards HraUbaw. Phoenix, April C non C. TS . C. Rowel 1 of Yuma, Hon John Smith of McDowell, P. Morgan and Thos. Worden arrived in town tuts forenoon, to attend to court business. Aleck Morrison and Warren Dickcrson. who were brought hero from Tucson by tho military authorities under suspicion of bav- ing stolen soino Government mules, were dis- cnargeu irom custoar, mere uciriff no evi dence to warrant tbe holding of tbcm by the sbcrilT. Tbe Rcr. Mr. Rccdcr left to-day for Tuc son br Jiaricona and Sacaton. He bas preached for nineteen successive nizbts. to large audiences. Court convened to-dar. Hon Judce Tweed presiding. Judge Tweed qualified as Judge under bis reappointment. rrospecu are very goou for a large crop of grape and peaches. J. M. Cotton bat spent considerable time and money improvintr the public streets which bave been in a very bad condition. TTJCS03ST. Tucson, April 0 Last week. II. C. Hook er's band of California borscs reached Tuc son, en route to bis ranch near Camp Grant. i no oanu numbered auout va beau at tho start, but 2-j were lost on the way out. The board of supervisors met in regular quarterly session to-day. news is received irom l'ueblo vlejo that tbo Montcunu ditcb company ore at work widening their ditcb, also that a trood manr neonle wcro coinln? in tbero tn anttlo frnm New Mexico, nnd that prospects were good for full crops this year. Un Apnl 1st, Gov ballord appointed Jas. Ilrooks commissioner of deeds for Arizona, to reside in San Francisco. About 12.000 pounds of (lour were sbinnrtt last week from Jas. Lcc's Tucson Mill to the Obiricabua Indian agency. incson, April (. I lie troops under com mand of Lieuts AVard and I'oillon, who went out on a scout from Camp Lowell some weeks o, came in bunday. On tlieir last scout out from Florence into tbo Superstition mountain, they lound a crest scarcitv of Indians, but plenty of deserted wlckeys. Tbcy followed tbe Apache trail until all trace was lost in the rocks. Tho l'ima scouts proved to be of little value in tracina uie Apaciica. ine nariy crossott Lieutenant Schuyler's trail in tficso mountains, alo dis covered an ancient fortress and tower. The tower bad fallen, but the surrounding walls of stone were from (bur to six foot in height. covering some iiuy varus oi grouna in Icnetli and thirty in width, being oblong in sbapo wmi intersecting wans running into tue cen tre. Tills is thought to be a new discovery. Major W. JI. Ifrown and Lieut Hall of Camp Grant, arrived in Tuceon Saturday last. The Buprerae Court of Cnlllornla tas derided In 'the enso of Miller vs. Little tlul a Federal lioratetcnd cannot be sold under mcutlon for a debt contracted before tho dato of tbe patent. Tbe Federal law makes a provision for exemp tion from such debts, and tho Supreme Court de cided, McKluitry dliscntliis from tbe other four Justices, that tbe exemption Is valid, l'eoplo who now trust men occuprlni; Federal bomcttead claims, before tbe patent Winei, rnutt not relv on tbe bind for payment. Not even a inortiii-r would be valid. 'A debt Incarrcd after tho daiu of tbe patent may take tbe land. These remark ap ply only o Federal homestead claims; Hbito .honiMtcads are entirely dltfcrcut lit Ibrlrvrfdti and rlgbu.-j8. F. AIU. . WEEKLY ARIZONA MINER: MOHAVE COUNTY. WM.Uonv. Joint O. rum. Cory As'OPotts, SELL CII12A.X for ovsir, EVERT TI-IHTSTG- m:kdi:d ry eveuyhody AT THfcllt MTOIIK IS CUttltAT, WAl.T.Al'At MtNINO DI8TIUCT, MOIIAVK COUSTV, AUIZONA TKKMTOItY. We keep oa hand, a largo Assortment of DUUCiS AM) MEDICINES. ty Call and St'njTjM. ouglT Ti A. K. UAVI. AI.Mttt tlAMlALL. DON'T READ THIS, Unless you wnn't to find out that you can Buy Goods at Reduced Rates, of DAVIS & RANDALL, UKAl.KUH in Groceries and Provisions. CLOTHING AND IIAUmVAItE, TOIMCl'O ANIf ClCtAK.H, DrujjH and 3Xeclicinos? LIQUORS, WUOr.lBS-AX.lC As KlCCrfVir., Who are alto prepared to 81111- OIIKS AND UUI.t.IOS, Anil make liberal advance! on the tain. bov'JS WaHapai Assay Office, Corbat,Mohavo County, Arizona. 1 tc to Inform tb mltirr nJ rvbllo la rrnrml thnt I bare oprntxl an Awar Offlc. t Gtrbat, WalUpsJ Dlitrlct, where I am prepared to la any work in tli line of or liiulneM. t bare Kedactd Price! to Salt tht Tunes, tU i iftl Aiwri for I(l, Hold and Sllrcr tjtf 81n);l A.mji for Copprr 310 Single Aiwjr. for Copper, Odd and Sllrcr. 7.M SIWr IlullUin nieltnl and Atwjeil at 2 cr cnt of raluc IVnont Mndln; ore will oWnre lbs following nil -I'ulirrUe tha ore, and mix Jhonxiffhly; nd about Iwt oiincr. of rach aampls If more than on aampla, mark tb utur la plain flgurra. IletalU Rirrn by return maQ. U., AHilftr, PAUL BREON, Camp Molmvc, Arizona, DKAI.EK lit Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, AND i C.y.Sl'AlXlj AIEltCIIADISK. Camp Mnhare, Ariiona, January ? 1873. nlg YUMA COUNTY. IJEST AND CHEAPEST Freight and Passenger Route. -rnoM- San Francisco, CaK, TO ARIZONA, VIA OUAYMA3, LA PAZ. MAZAT7jAIJ7" And Other Mexican 1'orl. THE COLORADO STEAM HA710A- tloa Company't excellent Stearaihipa KEWEEHH M0STAHA JeaieSaa Krancltco eeery twenty tlayt lor Mriicaa porta and moulb of Colorado rirer, connecting witb rirer boatt. freight landed at Yuma In twelve (12) ilayi from Baa Frandtco. Agrndet of the Company at 610 Front Street, 8an Fraaclteo, California, Y uma and Ehrenberg. Arizota. 1. 1'OI.HAMUS, JR. angStfl General Superlntendeat. Passa; igc at iccuuccu Kates. -w at Yuma to San Francisco, Per C. S. N. Co's Steamers : Oabta $40 Cola. fllerag 25 " ?33r Accommodations First Class. -Q I. POLlt AMU8. Ja, norfilf Oeseral Superlntendnt. Yuma Drug Store. georgeTiartuv, Wholetole and lletall DBUGGIST, Mniit Street, Yuma, Arizona, Ilat In store a full line of Dispensing Medicines, Patent Medicines. Drug, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Toothbrushes, And all other artlclet onially kept In Vtvg Storet RTTreacrlptiont pat up with f,rat care. Ordartfrotn the oooatry aollcltrd, with the aiiaruce Ibat pricee, tea- will be found tatUfactory. OEOItai: MARTIN. Yuma, Arlioga. d et 137111 CASTLE X03113 SMELTING WORKS, BUY, OR ADVANCE ON, kU. K1XDS or SILVER, OXilES Altl) AXCr.NTltXIIOl'i LEAD ORES, W Ar QUASmtT. SAMPLE AND ASSAY au. kixpa or ORES AND METALS AT SAN FUANOISCO 11ATKS. tjSTVvt furtlMr rortkulari, apply to tbe OARTl.n Dome HMt:irisu co, cahii.I: domk land. INCl, A. T.i or to WM. II. HOOrcU fc vO , AffttU, Yuioo and Uhreoberg-, A. T. tuarjl WATER RATES At McMulIcn's Station, Sltuted 48 Miles Cost from Ehreabcr?, tn the EUgs Eoad to Vhtznix, Wickenburg sad Pitieott. For wateriua; each Jiorta or mule tn a larjre team of 8 anlB.aU nnd upward.. Ji cvnlt currrnry, I'or waterlos cattle, .131 rem la legal Itrndert. (lylUtt KU.OILI1KUT, JTopHelor. OOIC AND JOIJ PRINTING or Kvni.r nrscKiPTiojr, AltheMlXKROCto, rrlcetreatonatil. tloBelnUood 'Ityle, Order Ili.lrU. PRESCOjPIlTLjO, PllESCOTT. TO THE PUBLIC. New Store New Goods. tjie EST EVER OFFEREITJNJHIS MARKET. WK TAKK THIS MUTIIOD OF ItKHJT.CTKUt.I.Y nnuiinrinir public tlml w lmi Jnt Mrrlvr-I, nr. rnul, nw Mlllnif Btiil iifTctUK fur In our NEW AND COMMODIOUS STORE, South Sldo of Plazn. Prcscott, Arizona, (On iloor llwl of Wortmrr At Werthrlinf t't) AN IMMENSE STOCK, CO.N.MTI.Xn, IN IMItT, OF Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoos, Oaiters, Of nil VlniU ami fur (Ctotlmm nnd bo). nnt stock, MAviSd iikks sbi.ectkii with jrat atra by oii of tha firm, fwlio 111 rrmaln In Sun frantttro f'r th urMi of huyluir mora irol. at a mall advaoea on t). and with p.cll rrfairnra t tbu tnJlkct, ne urn confident that wa ran wit ixir (uoU CHE APE 11 Than an)" other Home In the Territory. W'r are th.rf Utr rtrtalu that a. to qimllty and alaptnlllity to tit w jol. of the community our .took I. unaurpitMrd. V'or thna rnwna wa rr.iectfullv aollcit a ttrnia f the rnblie itnmaKr. f.ellnr aMrel that our rud. and uti run not fall lu f ixt cnllr Mtlibctlon. tjtT Ccrrtncy Eichinged for Oold DoitweVl It. ASIIKK tc CO. I'reneott, Sore mb.r g!. UT3. neHf LUHUIKK, LU3UIEK. AM. KINDS OK llt'II.DINO I.UMIIKIt KEIT (ivttAntly on hand at the (ju.trU Mountain .Saw-Mill, firs inllr. Miutll of l'rr.r.t(t. All ortlen tint thrMik'h tha pmt iifflre will be promptly ittrndrdto. ondelUery at tha mill. tlKO. W. CUHTIS. Trewott, A.T., Beplemberfl, 1872. ep7if WICKENBURG. WICKENBURG HOME STATION or tiic ARIZONA STAGE LINES, JUNCTION OK TIIK TUCSON AND WICKEMIUIIU AXU PRESC0TT, SAN BERNARDINO AM) Los .A-iig-eles S T A. L.IIS ES, ONE Ht'NimKD MILKS VmI of Khrenrg and the Clontlo HlTer, NtuetT mile a-ath of I'rrKott and Three Hundred mllea K&tl of Man Ilernanllno) Sixty mllea Wett of ITnenlx and One Hundred and Twenty inllrt Wett of Florence, and One Hundred anil Eighty uillr W'rtt vl Tucn, oflert Good Accommodations to Travelers, Vlf, IWnrd and Ixalg'ngt, a fine Corral, Ilarley and Wkrat, Hay for Stock, a Ulackamllb and Wagon Hoop fur rerulr of wagoua and thoelng Hortet. Alto contUntly on band, fine PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES, All at reatunable prlcea, and every attention glrrn to the trareUng putllo to uiak. their aojotim a plratant cee. JAMKa OllANT, IToj'rietor. J II. l'ICRSON, Saperintendent. l'73rl M. L. PERALTA, Wickenburg, Arizona, Scaler in GENERAL MERCHANDISE, "CLOTIllNG, provisions, HARDWARE, -Mining and Agricultural Implements, POWDBIl, FLTSK, ETC. MAGNOLIA SALOON, WICKKNHUUO, ARIZONA. Thlt mil-known and popular place of retort bat apaln, thrtmffh expiration of Icaie, fallen Into tbe baoda of Itt owner, A. li. I'ceplrt, umter wboee direction It will con tinue to be run lor the accommodation of tbe puUlc THE MAIl, (which It attended to by Tom noornoy,) will, at all timet, Le found well tnpplied with THE II E.ST IIUA.VUH OP Wines, Liquors, mid Cigars. ; THE MILLIARD ROO.M CONO-'iVIN-S two No, 1 'X'WIr.7C8. Adjoining the Saloon, and beloorlnjr to Jtr. Verjn, It r A CORRAL, .Where itock will be fed and otberwUe attended to. an!3 A. II. I'KEPLKS, Proprietor. PI3IA COUNTY. E.N. FISH & Co. Oetlre to inform the public throuKh tbe medium of tbe jiutKK, that their exiclve ttorra and warehoutet, at Tucson and Florence, la lima county, Aniona, are aiwnyt nned with mil line. el tucb gooilt at are nelet In the Territory, ami that tbnlr ample faclliUet for ptirebiuinir and receiving Koodt, enable tbern to tell better artlclet, Ux Uu roooer than any other Dim in ooumeaaiern Arizona. . la addition to regular ttofe artlclet, tbeykeepon band PIXK LVJIIIEU AMI NIIINGLKM, ALSO - aiAHLlSY and CORN, Mr. Pith, at Tucton, and Mr. Collinc wood, at Ilorence will be pleased to receive callt front tuch eitltent of .oruiern Arizona, new Jieitco and Ualirurnla, at may vltll, or nat tbeae placet. mWZlTJ LORD & WILLIAMS, Postot&co Block, cor. Congress & Main Sis, Kara oonttantly on band a Pull Assortment of Merchandise Adapted to the wantt of Arltooart. They alto are pre pared to furnUh FEEI0QT, OltAIK, Aim ALL KINDS Of PH0DD0E, DO A UI.Nr.HAL. IlllOKUUAni', lllfHI.SK88, Make Collections) and Sell Xbcchang on any part or the world. Varllet from Northern Arluma, Tleltlnjf Tuceon, will a!- tray nnu our ' latcu suing ouu aprju r. k. tuttr. K. OCIIOA. s. x. ur.ujun. TULLY, OCHOA, & CO 9 , TUCSON, ARIZONA. wm iwtj im--wjvi,wii ran vu AlieuilOQ OX tit) ravif Am af tha TerriUirr to out lorm ami fa....., a.... VIT wa.a ut.alf.illa ult at. ..... -t .. i i t 4 a -'r,t wtwii mentor ALL KIN DS OP MERCHANDISE, Which tec nil at the Lwet Vuh Print " - ' - - r. uia.iet; uieir roaai TUI.I.y, OCIIOA, & CO T-acoral 33InnlcH. I)f vrrry clan end kind, slwayi on hand and fur tale, k M tHKH. bffiM. at ftrlcet .urh b. nit livv., I.i.. ... leac or cthy-olBrer can reasonably Bnd fault with. ELIXIR MBUVUN BARK, WITH PRO waiue u aroo, r.i iveooan t uiug olorv. IOTA. LEGAL. NOTICE. KNOW AM. J1K.V nV TIIKSK MIKHKSTW, Tlinl I. the uoilrr.lirnnl. claim nt.d have thh dar located and taken p..e.alun of, for aif rtciillitral nod ((raring purpoaea' a tmct or una orKnoeti a fullona i Cotnmeurlai; at Ihlt atake, which I la the northeaat corner of I No claim, and running aoiifli one mile to H atake; thrnre rat cve fiHirth toll to n atake i thrnra north on mile to a atnko ; thence eaat to place of bcglnnlne;, In clmlloK wLat I. known at llnlpnla Hprlni, nlwut forty elsht mile. n.rth.aat fmm Cnmn Apache. In YaTniml coiintr, Arlioua. and on the toad Iradlnir from ald Camp Alrhe to , Jloilco. JlKI.yLIAUliS Ll'KA. JulySli, im ivotTce. KNOW AM. MKN 11V TIIKSK IMIKHKNTH, I, tha umlrraltinrd, claim nnd linrn ttii day locatnl taken ieliiii of, for Bicrlcullum) and KtiU) por (., n tnvct of lurid dracrihrd a fullowat Commencing at thl. atake, whlrh la the northenat corner of the claim, and running amilh twotnlteat thence wrat one-eighth mile , thence north two mlleai tbeaca eatt te place of brilnnlnt, Incluitlntr what la known M Concho .Springa, on tha hend of Concho Creek, a tributary of the 1 .1 Ilia Colorado rtter, and alluatnl to Ihe writ of the wiuron roail Iriwllni fnun Camp Ache to the I.lltle Col orado rlrtr, In Yaralvl counly. Arltona. Ji:Sl,S MAKIA 1.UNA. July 2Mli, IfcTX ivotTce. . KNOW AM. MKN IIY TIIUHU PIlKSKNTfl, That I, the tinderalirnrt, claim, nnd hare thta day located and taken purtafon of, for agricultural and graxlnr; puroeea, a tract of land, altuaied aa follow. I Commencing at tbla atake, whlrh la Uie northeait comer of the claim, and running tooth twit mllea to a atake; thence wrat one-clffbth mile to a atake ; thence north two tmlrt to a atake ; thrnre rnat to iilare nf letlnnlnjr, In cludlnt; what It known at Ihe I Ci-rlnira altuateil alvnt one mile fMitheatt of Concho Klrlnga, and on the writ aide of the wagon road going Irom Camp Apache to tb little tolonulo rtrcr, la i arapul nmntr. Aritona. antonio Josi: m:na. July 33, 1873. ivotTce. KNOW AM. MKN IIY TIIKRK PHK8KNTS. That I, the undrrilgnel, claim ami hare Ihla day locntnl and taken poartaloa ct a tract of land, f r agricultural nnd r riling punora, drMrlbnl at follow! t Commencing at thit ttakr. which U thetoutheaat imrnrr of the claim, and running wett infe-ouarter mile tu a atake i inenre norm one ana one-nair mm in a Hate; Ihonce rat ooe-fourlh mile to a atake t thrace aoiith tu rlare of lieglnnlng, deluding what It known at Mluernl nprlngt, tlluatrd about f-rty two inlln norbriut of Camp Ache, l araioii counly, ,rltona Ternterr, TItANQUlI.INO I.f.VA. July 23. 1873. hot.-.'j 1 Executor's Notice. EtUte of JOHN HENRY L0DIS WORTsIAN, D-ceitcd. Notice It berebr iriven to the creditor, of and all rr tone baelnir eUlina mraimt tbe ctisic cf J.ihn Henry .s iiviiiurh, urami, it. ,i.rwni in. .nine n iuv un drrttirued Uxeeutor, at I'trtnm. YaTatl Countr. A.T. witnin ten ruontua irom me uate or till, notice, br the aatne will tie forever barred, and all penont Indebted to aald ettaie ore ucrcoy reueateu to make ImmetlUte a) m.ut, JUII HAIIII.r titrcutor. IVetcott, January 5, 1874. anl0m3 'pnitlllTOItV Or' AllIZONA, COUNTY OK YAVA I 1, irrtcott. Precinct. In Uie Jnttlee Court In and for the County ol Yavapai, Tht J'loplt of tht Territory nf Aritonx to Jai. M Titrmix You are hereby titmrnoned tn asPa- before me at nr office tn IVetcott. In aald county of Yavapai, on tbe UlJ day of tlay. A. I). 1871, at 10 o'clock a. m., to anawer the complaint or Uusrlee A. I.nHe, plaintiff, for the turn of fifty dollar, for money loaned, when luffdoxnt will m taken aralntt you for the aald amount, tog. tber with cottt ana uamatret, u you tall to appear and aatw.r. niten under my band thl 11th day of March. A. I)., 1874. JAH.C. OTIH, marlUlO Jnttlee of the 1'eace of told County. TN THE JUSTICE'S COUHT Oi I'JUISCOTT lKK 1 clnrt. la tbe county of Yavail. TerlJ-crC i'Htina. Ja. C. Otla. J. r. DA3IKL TllOUSK. rialntlT, ) agattut JS.S. THOMAS, UefendanL) Tht Territory Arluma ttndi gritting t To Jai. H Tboma. defendant. You are hereby auromoufd U appear before me, at my elllce In I'rxtt, In the nniaty of Yavapai, on tbe 27tli day of April, A. D., 187, at II o'clock, a. m., tn aa a tloa brooaht eralntt vou br aald plaintiff to antwer the complaint of the above named plaintiff. Said action It brought to recover tbe turn of three boa drrd dollar money Iioed, or Judgment will b taken agalntt jwi fur tbe aald amount, tujrether with ef thlt toll. If you fail to appear and astwer. TV. .i J, ir ... ... t. ...t.i. ... ..It n.l. grretlngi Make legal tervlre and dne return berrof. (liven under my hand, thlt fiGtb. day of February, A. 1). 1874. JAS. C. OTI. feb77 A Juttlc of tb reace cf laid I'recintt, Executor's Notice. Eatnte of AARON WBRTHCIMER. Doo'd. Notice it berebr irivea to tb crrdltort of aad all rer- torn harlot; clalint agalntt the et lata of Aaron ert beimer, deceate.1, to prrtrnt tbe tarn at it fcfflce of the 1 "rebate Jtulge at l'reacott, Yavapai Cooaty, A. T er to tbe Executor, at Ibaral, Marlon pa County, A.T within ten monuu tram in aate oi intt notice, or uie lame will be forever barred t and all twrtona Indebted to laid ettaf are hereby to make Immediate rayment. MICIIAKL WOKMSKlt, Kxreotnr. nrtmu, jiarcn s, icii. mtrlumJ CALIFOHNIA. YEAST POWDER. UNRIVALLED! The Cheafxzt Yecul I'uvder Manuacturetl, Kach Tin Container SIX OUNCES, Acor dupoit, FULL WEIGHT of Yratt Puw tier. SixjHrior to any and ALLsJhcrt Made. Jot Making Light, Sweet and Nutritions BREAD, BISCUIT, PASTRY, &c, &c, Guaranteed to Give Entire Satisfaction or tho Money Will be Returned. ASK YOUJl OR0CER FOR IT. TAKE NO OTHER. Ecad for Free Fuaj&Iet to CHURCH & CLARK, . HOLE AGENTS, 407 FRONT ST., BAIT ritANCXSCO. tnySlyl o.vr.cnuir. J.S.J0XM. G. W. CHESLEY & CO., IMI-OimtRS SU WHOLESALE DKALRU8 IN FLNE WINES ana LKJUOKS, sous i-Boruiirrons or Cundurango Bitters, 114 front St.. San Frandtco. 51 Frvn St. Sacramento. Special attention win be paid to tb trade of Arlxona. iaa3tf Music and Musical Instruments Aiitonant In need of Mutlcal ntirt menu, Bheet Mutla, etc., will And It o their Intereat Ui aetul order to Cll AHI.P8 M. KATOH. IM tlulinm.,. K.x.. A. Franeli tf'utir,,v(n hI.a v..- .k. ....... , . . . variety on tha Pacific Coatt. jy5 MAOJfOMA. WATKIt, KI.OHIUA fSU Water and th beat Wrlht 's Cologne, Kreab nd Pennine at T) II. KKNDAIX'H lloneer Crag Btors tfeUinC WEED BEMEDI OR OREGON BHEO- yZ matlc Dr. Kendall't Ilruir lfioie Cjr Illnnk Mining nnd Uullclalm Deed Upeclail 111111 Oeneral rotver-urAtt6rney etc. ,for sale uttlteMlutr OAlte. ARIZONA STAGE LINES. TTJOSOIV, YUMA A N 1) SAN DIEGO U. S. TBI-WEEKLY MAIL LINE. Cchet ntrlve at Tticann every M0NDAT, WEDNESDAT k BATURDAT HOKKINOS. Itepart at i r. M. Tuesdayc. Thursday! and Saturday., t'ntll rnrtber notice. Time to San DirRti, Five Dayis, Thlt will enable the Traveling public to reach SAN FRANCISCO IN EIOHT DAYS. Kara to Yuma.. Kare to fian Diego, (gold coin or Itt eqrrlr)ei.l...(0JX A Stniff, rarryls tbe V. ft. Mall, will lenv Maricopa Wells, for Fhoonix. K.verr Monday Morning, Ilrternlnr next dar, Ccnneet- Ing at Mai!co Wellt with the Yuma nnd Titvton msH line. Thlt it the QUICK KST AND SAFEST Itoutr fnim Northern Arlxcmn t.. Tneson and efmneetlntf at Yum with J. (I. Caprou't line of ttaget for Ban Diego, California. te773 J A 8. A MOOIU:. I'mprt.t.r. ARIZONA STAGS LINE Ileular trnf-wettly trltw, by aUKe, with mall, will be made between JPre8cott, Arizona, ..and.. San Itcrnardino, California. Two birje wagona, rarrylnjr tbe V. ft, 'Xallt and pa tent;ert, leave rttacutt asd .Su iteraardino every WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY M0BHISOS, MVlo)r.the trip InaliuVvr; llr tn nile, RHUKK IlKItO, WIUKK.NllL'llO and CAMl DATKCUIXK rartiet wlthlnr tranapnrtatlon to Ariiona ria thl route, ran be furnlahed the tame In FOUR OK SIX HORSE STAOES, On private contract, by trlvlna;oii wrrtt't rintlre In ad vance to A rnt ot Arluma Ntajre IJne, at San tlernardtnu. The rat re lor tame will be la proportkn to the aeooaiiow liatlon required. llcgulur Hates of Fare. Curnnry. :s.u woo iuo 2S.0O tfi.OO front I'reott to Kan ileroardlno.. ....... Krorn irrnot! to Wlclieaburg;. I'riMn I'reecott to KhreaWra: , Krom Kan llernardlnoto Khrrnberir,. ..... from Kan Ilernardloo to Wlcieaburg-,.... Local As;cHtn: I. II. I.EVT S nemardtn. W. II. CoroimAX Kareaberr K0. OBAXT , i'reecott. II ASK BROWS M. rteaeral AteeL. JAJIK8 OKAXT, I'uorkiETOB. J. H. I'irilRAJf. SLTEJlBITSSntSfT. eepSnTir PREICOTT -ADD- IIARDYVILLE, MiLil-JLiiiie. After thl date. 'nuieoireri will ba nutted over it nl at tb following latra, currency I rum rreaoott to Camp Hualpal..... $ieA Bealerlprlngi V3.0O ' " " Mineral Ink. S7M " " Hardy vllle 3i.0O Ilirrrt matter will be can full r furv.rJrd.t mu. ble rate. I.vrry powible acconvBKidatloa will be offered la pa tenireri. The ttafe will leave rreecott I'riday evenUf. asda Hardy vllle will Connect wltb the sumI lo .Kbreaberg- and Jit. Ueorte. All order left wltb 8. C. Itotrvrt, t'retcott, or Cery i I'ot It, Cerbat, will be itvroptly alte.-idrd to. wi:nsTER a wniTB. rreecott. May 10. 173. malWf PMSC0T 1. 33. .TEWELJL, Watchmaker, Jeweler, t ttjASDat ASSAY ER, On the South Side of the Plaxa, Frcicott. DEALER IN CLOCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Jewelry of AU Kinds Made to Order. Repairing Done Carefully and Promptly. Gold and Silyer Bullion licfincd, Bought, and Sold. VM kind of Bnl Wftly atmyed. mu FEED AND SALE STABLE. Goodwin Street, 0ppoit Plaza. I'RESCOTT, AHIZOKA. BROOKE & LINN. rreeeott, October St, ISA6 GTJNS ANB PISTOM J. P. IIIIOOE, nt JL. li. JEWELL'S. Prescotf, Arizona. PBESCOTT BOOT & SHOE i'ACTOKY, 0a Street leading item YtttcM to WUpp! Custom Work Made to Order, REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, French terewed sad Balled lioott tmtU to order, at re duced pricet, W. H. WIL1I80RAIT, PrsprietW. Iretott. Arltona, June 98, im. JeteHf AT la fPVPP Which It better than Il'Jbbll tXJXf X JL JL XJf .Metal, fur inaklnK ouraal bo, et, A-?, furiaU at the MLMiS OBlce, In tiuaatHlei to talt purcbater.