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Arizona weekly miner. [volume] (Prescott, Ariz.) 1874-1877, April 17, 1874, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014898/1874-04-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Vol. XLNo. lo;
m ---. . .
Published Dally nnd Weekly,
a a ever a
rrncou, xavapal County, Arizona,
.1 0 Iiy It. MAR ION.
;.!.VJT1L "'Jr'1." ""r1ll'n nf ArliW. Drat
'riiiikUv wit" p. " on.l,M "K 'f "n.ly,
vpuaj, tveuneeajir, I limidar nnd Kjitunlav. i.f
ri'-i...'" "'"V' no,,,I THE LATMT. IICKT IhI
U, hi preMaad all other fa r tiwaii...
,...7 .1. f " "rij "J i rurrirr.
. T "1U ,w umlleJ nubirillirt In Arliwia ant
7 rintim iitu.Aluiayrar auiiiT DOI.U1U
iinif i. ... ' iwuau for throe nmillm, ai.d oxf.
. ir.xiiuromt muiitli. Three are cur
" prior, payable In advance.
Z. . .. V ,M KKKLT "'""i". rantalalntr t"l'irrai.ljlo
... i i. VT '" l'f,M' will IrurnUlil all
WAltT luUtulUMt ttlUiiHiteitra charge.
AivwrrMi.vi Uatkm In either the Pally or Weekly.-
lotertleef, dd 1 50 pr nel, fur eaetVuddltional Iniertjon.
A liberal dljuvoitnt from aliore ratre will be made to ir
run MMr adrertlu lareelv l.y th t"Cs,.
IWctifoVal juii Sv1ojTarJ lnjctjfj poa rroionn.
ui trmt.
I'w 'nJInf u. imonfr tt mlw;ripti.ra, a.lrrHl!1(r
The ant Bomber of tlie Wkkklt if liku w. I.iur.1 m,
Maren y, itxi, anj, nuw. In lhl, It elrreutli vrar. It
aa. with truth, claim to be the uljnt, larrrit aad tft
Bw)iper la the Terrlivrf.
' f Subscription Rates:
Ooe Cupjr, Od Ymr . rim
" " KUMootU '.....'.'.'.'.Am
" " ThrreMoutht 2 50
KlaleC..rlt 25
Al' r''r .V01 taint at par in ixttuKJif far title
tvrtptlm, aJnrlhing and job trerk.
nrTr.ttMit In aJnnct tnrarMly.
AJ.Irtu all orrirrt ant tettrri to
"THE JIINEB," PrtKott, Ariiraa.
Ooon-Hrc Haying to ho at Phoenix bv
the 20th Int., m a wltncM in Diitrict court,
and liain- received the ofTer of a scat in Col
Head'a buggy, we ehall, in all probability,
noon bid (;tod.bye to I'rescott, Prcjicottcrs
nil the MisKU, for a couple of wcekc, at the
cntl of which time hope to Iw again at ray
kiw junnjr. ray alwene, .ir B. S. I'enwcll
will have charge of the buinea of the office
anu oi tlie coltnnai of tho paper with nuch
AUtancc a Mew 0. V. Jlitchcll, II. II.
Weaver and other gentlemen may feci like
Tendering him. J. II. Mabiox.
Los Anoblba KxriiCK The Daily Ex-
prca, of Iak Angclc, Califomia, haa cntcfwl
on Ifa fonrth jcar ami c7cntb volume, with,
m tho editor aja, "new vigor." Tho Kx
1rcs haa ncTcr lacked vigor, cntcrpriao nntl
aWHty" has never looted Its own horn re
garding iUelf. but m, and alwaya haa been,
"to our way of thinking, otto of the best got
ten Ur tkilie In California. Wo do not aay !
this beeaujo we aro partial to it for ita un
flagging wJ la behalf of Arizona, but bc
ca)(Mir Ii.iA.lMtiL carafullr r !!-. I
for men of every other political creed and a
if general public duty that makta it
forego partisan dap-trap, except about elec
tion time, for nowcthing more interesting.
To eay tbat wc trssh its eJitors and prnpn
ntorc may continue as at present, faithful,
trospcrou workers for the public is about
the slightest expression of our good will.
I'rc&Mor Haydcn, In Iti report published
in the United State Ilcgister, give Mount
Elias, in Alaska, which Is I5,8G0 feet, a the
highest mountain in tlie United States, and
Mount Whitney, In California, which Is 13,
000 feet high, next.
AH the newspaper which at first swal
lowed tho tremenduous utory about Iludd
Sinith'i magic chum, have taken tniutaril,
anuIT or sometbiug else and are now emit
ting "cuss" words at Hudd, because his churn
lias proved a humbug, and he, himself, a
graduate of White Pine, Nevada, where ev
erything wonderful has, according ta White
Finer, an existence.
i m e
If the New Mexican Is to bo believed, tlie
citizens of Santa Fo are tho greatest liars on
.the face of the earth, which Is no mean d!-
Wouldn't It be "nice" if Butler could "put
up" a job on tho Massachusetts legislature
nd bv its aid. ste Into Summer1 senatorial
booU. Oh I what howling there- would bo
from Boston to tho Connecticut line. Sain
Ilowkij Of the Springfield lleptibllcan would
lc apt to commit Uari-Kari.
Tho.-Gold Hilt (Nevada) New having re
cently boMted of tho fact tuat no mau nocu
WtdU tiitrt ose daw a MriTavlor contrailicts
the aUteiBent, and aays he knowa at least
MflWn trt (lold Hilt who cannot ret work.
Tfcn Miner. Oeorcctown. Oolorudo, states
that dcorgo Haratno'nd recently sliot' Wm
viiacKey, in acit tieienf,
Tka Pioche Hccord U sure that the "'c-
U lnjrv" is a swindle. The-Minkr
uwaed as much,
against investing.
and warned Its readers
Los Angeles people havoaubscribed money
. f. . I ... 1l..M..tn .rtl.tttir. ,ltpirf
10 OUUU a roau w raiiuiuiM.
urhtr-tt nmres that the angels aro desiroua of
tapping' tlis'tniinr. 1 ' '
i 1 1 e '
J.V&.S. Gilem. Mr. Jleacham Informs us
that Mr. Qilw, one of Arizona's earliest pio
neers, was recently In California, talking,
very strongly, of ngain returning to Pres-
COtt. bllOUlU 110 (10 SO, uib cuauccs lire ijii-
wo will havo tho houso of Meacbam & Giles
and a $50,000 stock of goods.
Accepted Diddkbs. Gen. M. P. Small
U. & A., of department hcadquartem, has
bSn.tUr fnrniilicd. for mibllcatlon and
hMt inrnrmntton. a Hat of fln4l awards of
contracts, which will bo found wlsawberoin
..Mr.Issw, JualJce, of El Monte, California,
i i I 1 I
who formerly resided here ana tn ig ug,
. i i nn(lnn nf flifftitl COmillS to Ari'
f' bl 1. nnn nf tho 0ldt MlNKR
V-S-CXZ taken and mid for tho
paticr ever since it btartcd, March I, isui.
. . v. - . ' 'rrrmivTzJP .'rf.' irTi:T3P,."lI.W.. " C
frrom ftAtnnl3rf Doily.
inu.ikAUY AiMJ) INDIAN 2tRVSt )
Col Crittenden has been ordered to assume
command of thu Fifth Cavalry.
i.ieui I'artlcc and detachtnent leave Yuma
to-day for Tucson. l)r Newlands will
coinpany them.
Lieut (Jcorgo K:iton, fith, cavalry, atartcd
this moriiinL' for Cnmt Itna!
u, i, uuwijuuicMi oi military prmoners
en route for Alcatrar. Island.
-r . i0!10"' 0lu cavalry, and Uwt
noui, Mti iniantry, may rcacli Prescolt thi
ovt'iiiiiK, from the Verde.
Lieut Ilice, 23d Infantry, and Lieut IUjs
lift Infantri, ..'Am !.... Jt. C . . . .
......,,,,., j, vn uiiraic mU oan i;ariis
on tuc x.i or Jfi inst., lor t'rcacott.cotn nr. I..
trail through Touto Jlusin tn Cntnti V.,r... J
Major Drown. Stli cuvalrv. nasted St
ur.ii. . " - -"-
and for which placo Lieut Drodrick. 23d In
lantry, win also start to-dar, from Yuma.
Col Carr, 5lh cavalry, should bo ut Mari
copa this evening.
1,01 avails will probably Icavo Tucson to
morrow lor uma. tiienct! to tliU uUr..
mi 4 m . I '
i lie cnapci at rort Whipnlo w ill bo dedi.
eaten ior tnvine service to-morrow. Chap
laiii Gilraorc will oflicinte.
Mit.tTART ORDcns Tho followinc orders
recently issued from Gen. Crook's headquar
ters, arc ot general interest:
A board of olUccra Is herein- rnn.tltnin,! n
setul . jnt boa Attirtlcs. Cnl.. on tho L'.'.tli ln.tn.,
or as i"toti llicrtMlicr an practicable, for the nur!
Tn(t if 4.il,t... ...la i ... . .
....uiiniit;, wUU n view w mcir iiurchnee
rr the Cavalry crvlc. such
Imi:viiivu tur mvir iunjciloii.
The board will bo KOyurncd ijy the InHructlous
cunuincu tit letters from tlia (iencraj or the Ar
iiir. dated March Cth and 10th. n-atHrrtlrpii- n...t
such other Instruetlous as they may receive from
uiauijuariura military utvioioti or Uto l'acltlc.
JJcltitl lor the Hoard l.lriii! titit.('o!nn..i v a
vr, om cayuirj: aiajor w. u, itovall, 0th cava!
rv: Villain W. II. Ilrawn. .Mil mvnlrr.
ny.f. .!... n....l............ ' "
Upon the recommendation of tho Medical 1)1
rector of the Department, the following changes
in lue sutions of Jledlcal Olllccrs are bcrchr
f-ii-ijijx ijFeiBiaufc ciirzcun i. w. jifi-imii ia ...
l.il. A t . 1 L) rl ... .. .
hcvcu irutn uutv at cjamn Uraut. A. T anil ...
slRucd to duly nt Camp A poetic, A. T., relieving
AlUnl UarKL-on J. ii. Olrard, tn hit duties as
pott sur'cou.
Upou bcluir rcllercd bv Or.McI'hall. A..!inni
Surgeon J. II. (ilrard, will proceed lo Camp Ixw
ell, A. T., ud reliete AaaUlaut Surcoou 11. 1.ln-
plucott, In his duties aa post aurccoii, Dr. Llp
lilncolt, upon bcluir relieved bv Dr. Olrard. vll
proceed to Foit Whipple. A. T.. and rcixm to
tlioroinmaudlng otUcer for anlguuicut aa jiont
Actlac Asslitsot 8arL-con J. Ii. Urtrarr. II. H.
A., U relieved from duly at Cauio Lowell. A. T..
and will proctcil to Camp (Irant. A. TM rcjiortlD
upou mi arrival lo toe commanding oulccr ot tho
ptni tur out im acid uf cva.
The following has reference to a wicked soldier
who, on a recent evening, broke Into the dwsUl&tr
or .Mr. Oeo. Davldton, at Fort Wiilppic.aud stolo
tuuerrom, Jewelry of considerable valnc:
IScforc General Court Martial which convened
scrlcn, from these headquarters, d of wbleU
alajor IK I. JSagruder, Kurgcou U. o. jv, is rrca-
Idcut. wJt rrli-ued aed tried i
i'rlrau JJdrar It. Mayriard. alias Joseph K.
Dunlap, ComjKiny Ii, 4tU InCintry.
Un efiaention.
ricaNot Guilty.
Kludliis fiollty.
Sentence--"To forfeit all pay and allowances
that are now due or that may become dew, at the
tiroinulrulioii of this sentence, except tbc Juil
dues ot the tacsdms; U- o dishonorably
dlicharged the service of the Hulled
Stale and then to bo con C tied at bard labor un
der charge of tho guard at Aicatraz Ittaud, Cat,
or such other place of confinement as tho De
partment Commander may select, lor mo lenoa
of ten years, wearlnj; a ball welshluy; twelve
pound, attached to his leg by a chain tour feel
ions;." . .
The proceeding, imdines ami ecutcuco in toe
forccolntrcaaeof 1'rlvate hdcar Mayuard, alias
JcMtpli K. Dunlap, Couijiauy Ii, Uh luUnlry.are
approved. Tlie sentence is conurmca aoa win vo
duly executed.
Alcattar Inland, Cab, Is designated as the place
of coDtliiciuent. f which thu prisoner will be
sent under proper guard.
(From MoUy'a DaJly.1
The contract of A. A. Surgeon L. Sander
son, now on duty at Camp Verde, haa been
annulled at his own request, to enable Iiltn
to attend to important private bus ncss in
the Kast.
A. A. Surgeon Llghtbiirno ha been ordered
to report to the commanding olitcer ot the
Denaxtmcnt ot Arizona, ior assignment. io
I.tcuts orxison at x rout nmveu ai r ori.
... . . I . T .
Whipple last evening. Lieut oodson leaves
for Tucson to-morrow. .
Lieut 0. P. Eagan arrived on tlio uuck
IwiinLr-orlv fhU tnornirif.
Ucut Cbaf. King, fltb cavalrj-, arrived in
San Francioco on tho 2d. Ho is on bis way
tu loin his eomttanv. 'K.' at Camn Verde
A telcsram rocetveu on aaturoay evening
------ . ,
contains tlie sulwunco of a letter sent from
San Carlos April 5th, to Mr L. jV t isb, say
ing that two aquawa had just conic In there
ami reported that tbo ranebcria to wiitcu
iiinv bclonscd was attacked in the rooun
laina near tho Gila, bv Capt Hamilton's
command, and almost all tho Indiana killed
or captured. Among tho Indians killed
wcro Eskitnlnzin, Captain dim, I'cdro.ftantos
and Chuntz.
Ment Kelittvler was at San Carlos with hit
command, comprising ope hundred Indian
from tuo Vcrdo reservation. ney au ai.-
tacked aranchcria, killing fourteen ducks
and driviug tho fugitives In tho direction
whero tho aquawa had reported Hamilton,
to be. News may bo "received from Hamil
ton at any moment. Schuyler was refiitting
at San Carlos. '
The Pitnas, last week, strlo aotno mules
from a teamster near Maricopa Wclla, and
coratwlled him to pay a dollar a head before
restitution. . ...
Tho Whipple Chapel was appropriately
dedicated yesterday by Chaplain Gilmoro.
lerom-Tueudaysllally 1 , . .
A. A. Surgeon Ligbtburno has been order
ed, upon his arrival at Yuma, to proceed, via
Prcacott, to Camp Verde, and thero assumo
duties or post surgeon. '
Lieut Woodson, 5th cavalry, wifo and
child, loft Whipplo for Tdcson to-day.
Lieut Trout, 23d infantry, and wife return
to Camp Vcrdo. tbU pvcolng.
A largo train, laden with government sup
nib, dlschariod at Whiptilo yeatcrday. .
'I'l,. Adlr. afntlnnnil at tllO IKWt llcaV US
have partitioned off a portion of the chapel
building which they inlcud using aa a read-
ing-roetn, and havo already stocked It with
mi die leaning journal of tho country. Th
apartments nro nonl v cameteil. wnli -ntl
latcd nnd in their general arrangement rellcct
great credit upon tho taste nnd liberality of
mo nuunc-iiuern.
; informal hon took place last night at
mjijiii; which, aitiiotigii liurrtuiiiy got up,
, wo are torn, well attended and u very
enjoyable alTafr.
I.Ietit Tliomas. 5th cavalrv. ha.s moved Ida
command from Ilenlu Ktirimra ilnurn r,.r,i
tho Colorado Hivcr reservation, to watch for
iiy iiuaipais wno migiii wlsU to steal oir to
tuc mountains.
.liauo by ucn M. P. Small. Comtniasar nf
a n .
ouiwisteucc, u. ft. A., and A. A. Q. M
ior lurnisuing grain, hay and wood, to
post in tho Department of Arizona, during
fiscal year, 1874-5, under advertisement
dated January 1, 1B7-I:
OAMr AIUCIIK. -A. Harnplf. rnrn A fVO
Camp Down; Fi,,
fc Dennett, barley,
J "t tn ... T T 1j-.n Aai aa
iiioiiios r.wing, iwi.uvu i us corn
a.S3q lOO.WKi lbs ditto 3.43c, S. H. Drnch
man, liny 100 (SI5.80 per ton.) Locof
Jhdt-b. II. DcLon:;. hard wood. S9.7.1ft ,w.r
i " "
Camp Uka.vt. D. A. Dennntt. snft wnm
?'i.-to jiur coru; iiartt wood, ai.-jfl tier cord
. uarnett. corn 3.75; hay Sia per ton. E.
K. iJuker, bar cv 4.18c.
CAMP MoJAVB A. It.irnelf linrlnv 4 Jn-.
won jjuitv. it. Km ,. .TOM inrrl aofr
WOOtl, SC per Cord. Paul Itrcnn liart.iv .V.l.fij"
hay S3! per ton; soft wood S7 tcr conl.
M.t... ir.n . .... .
i- .iiuiuweiu r. si. jioore, barley
97. G. W. Dowcn. soft wood .Kt.o.inn
per cord. Jsxal JllliZohn Smith, wild hay
14.90-100 jwr ton. 3
I-...M ' r. T. w . m '-
3 15c Samuel Moore, barley 3.07c, George
""ii vr.HiK.iJ. 1". 11C.K1 t t:v. rnrn
. nance, uny 51& per ton; soa wood 85
per cord.
ort W nirrLi: ivn Wimmih.k Dt-twr
Price A McDonald, 70.000 lbs hay. S22.50
per ton. Lewis A. Stevens, corn 2.25c. C.
C. Dean. hay. Ioo-e. S22.71 ner tnn. a. W.
Dowers, soft wood $3.88 per cord; hard wood
S3.98 per cord. Samuel Moore, barley, 3.73c.
11. ice, iw,uw ius corn, 'jjic.
Yuma Dkput anu Fort Yuma. M. Gold-
water, hay 833.50 per ton. A. Darnett. bar.
ley 3.30c Local IVuh3nm Drown, soft
wood t.5 per cord. James Uelllr. aoft
wood S3.98 per cord.
uamp ixiwF.i.t Fuh fc Bennett, corn
47c Thomas Ewing, corn, 100,000 lbs,
43c, K. K. IJuker. barlev 2.18c. Kncnl
liidt Peter Kitchen, corn 2.47c David
Dunham, bay S8.74 per ton: soft wjod 3.24
per cord.
San OAnLos. IJuckalcw 61 Goldtree, bar
ley 4.97c
Esjcyan Ochoa. of Tucson, received the
to camps Attache, (jratiVrfwcnaHl liHMrrih
posts cast of the Colorado river and south of
the 31 tli parallel ot north latitude.
ILD.Cirlcy, of Kirkland Vall-y, rcccivcl
contract for route No. 2, from Kurcnberg to
Camp Verde, Fort Whipple, Whipplo Depot
and Camp McDowell.
The San Itcrnardino Guardian ''chastise'
the San Bernardino Argus for making mis
statements and makes one, itself, by entitlinir,
Col. Darstow postal agent for California, Ari
zona and Nevada, when it ought to have
known that Arizona Is in tbo dominion of
postal agent Dawley. All of which circs
new proof of tho saying that, " People who
live in cum nouses should not onntr
jxople'M bout .
In rcsponto to our exceptions taken to an
artlcto in the Chicago
Inter-Ocean, conccrn-
ing the resources
of Arizona, some time
now comes to us with a
a.nnA lit.) ... a
lunKoriivio itmii ig ni cuui.uj 1. .
(lltrrrnt nliaitn from that to which tro
made our obicctions. and leaves nothing tin
said for our good which perhaps could be
said. The article is well written and by one
who, evidently, has been hero and knows.
We will endeavor to give It, in full, a place
in our columns as soon as space will permit.
The Santa Fo Mexican, of a recent date
records tho death of Tbos. Coughlan, a na
tive of Ireland, who went to Santa Fe io
1872, as a soldier in a California regiment.
Had tho praying women been in Santa Fr,
Lt. Coughlan would not hare alcoholcd.
Dr. 8. A. Wldney is writing poetry for the
Lot Angeles Herald.
Tbo MlXEit is dodging under threats from
two newspaper "poets," for whom we are
having our rifle rcslghjed.
San Bernardino county, California, is. ac-
rnr.liiiL' to the Guardian, ono of tho. most
urrtttierntM counties In the State. Tills, In
great measure, is owinj to her proximity to
a railroad and tho sea.
P. W. Uooncr, of the law firm of Wilson k
Dooncr, Tm Angeles, formerly connected
wttb thin office, waa tho luckv holder of an
Interest In a Louisville lottery ticket which
drew 67,600, at their drawingon the 1st Inst.
Doring for artesian water at Fort D. A.
am. 1 ana an mm 11 1
Russell, Wyoming, has gono almost too far
l..'i.i0 feetwithout a sirm of water, the
first rock struck was at a depth of 1,212 feet,
Wo. liko tho Denver (Colorado) Tribune-
would liko to sco aomo Government boring
In other Territories.
Tho Daily Herald,' of 1am Angeles, Califor
nia, started on ita second voluino April 2,
Tho Herald is now controlled by a joint stock
rvmirmnv. with a cnnltnl of S 1 5.000. Since
thi cntntianv took ckarre of tho paper, it
has been fairly and ably conducted.
A duck killed a rooster In a light for 850
at Chester, Pa.
Mr. II. A. tlusssy Inform us that the Hon
demon Bro.'a, formerly of Prcscott, have ro
cently purchased a cigar and tobacco manu
factory in nan rancisco.
Tho Yuma Sentinel with its issue of April
ith commenced lis third volume.
IakoX yWs iVumo Iteytuond, 60,000 lU.bar
loy, -I'Jtc; 50,000 lbs barley, 5.210; hay.
S2I.9 1 per ton ; soft wood, 2.87 per cord ;
hard wood, S3.2 1 per conl.
ii Mineral, Agrteutotral, Orating ami other
fcMwrcM, kiVA UntamUhtd Facto, omctrn
3 In Climate, UtograjJiy, Gtntml Health
Jnlixn, Iniltuumeut to Immigrant, iye.,ye.
llicre is scarcely a leading citizen of the
Territory of Arizona who has not. timo and
again, rwx-ived letter after letter, from peo
ple In other jwtrts of tho world, asking for
information about tho Territory anil th
chances, if any. for making homes and In
vesting money here. Our position as editor
of tho Mi. vim, has induced many people to
write to us for such informnilnn. nn.i will in
duce hundreds of other to write, with n
similar purpose. Wo, long ago, wrote and
published a paillllhlct. eivlnrr ili.erin(I,n
of Eastern Arizona, and! after this, an arti
cle containing "Facts About Arizona ;" nei-
tucroi which, it appears, Iiavo been all that
the public thfrat for informatiou conccniintr
onr Territory demanded, a knowledirn of
wii;ii lias icu us to oiler the lo lowirif . wliirli
f. l i , r . ...... . r . .
It il honed nnd beliuvnd. will, trtth tin.
lengthy comptlationa of Gov. HaiTord, satisly
l.n ....II' . , , .. -
nit puonc craving anti oe tuo means oi
bringing hither from all ouartcrs. tlmnuniU
oi incngiit kind ot men, women and ehil-
orcn. Ith these obiccts in view wo shall
print several thousand conies and hone that
"'""' ui mo icrriiory, in.inroi wnom nave
requested us to perform this labor, will do
their part by Rending them wherever tbey
1 1 1 . n n h .f ,.A ' P .. I . . 1
mil uc iiaeiy to uo any good.
The Tcrritorv of Arizona was formed bv
ct of Congress, approved Feb. 21, 18C3.
The Territorial Government was organized
at Navajo Springs, Yavapai county, on the
29th day of December, of tho satnn veir
with Jon.v N. Goopwix as Gorcrnor, and IL
0. SlcCormlck, Secretary.
The Governor, at that time, designated at
or near Fort Whipplo as the scat of Govern
ment, hut, what la now Prcscott was finally
selected as the Capital, nt which place the
rst legislature met in low.
Arizona contains about 700,000,000 acres t
bounded on tho North bv Nevada and
Utah : on tho East bv Now Mexico : on the !
aouiu uy the .Mexican State or Honora; on
the West by California and Nevada.
It is divided into Htd counties, viz: Mo
have, Yavatwl, Maricopa, Yuma and Pima.
The Territory has a population of about
80,000, comtxwed of about 10,000 whites and
20,000 Indians.
topographical nuTuans.
Arizona may be termed a mountainous
country, although there are Immense valleys
on inot of tho streams and between its
mountains and bills.
mouxtaix itAxnns.
The principal ran res of mountains are the
aan francisco, Jtill Williams, Mogollon, t
. J ' ' ri-.Pinat AnarJie-J
IMIIUA, 1JHlUUIIjU.IIUl I V ( i-W j UinilMU,AAlVkj
Ilualpai, Antelope, Cerbat and Ilacquahilla,
The principal peaks are tbo San Francisco.
which ia about 14,000 feet above the levct of
tnc sea: tbc Sierra Hisnca, stent Iiyxfti
Hill William, about 11,000 and Mount Un
ion about 10,000. The highest mountains
arc in Northern Arizona. The peaks above
alluded to are within plain view of Prcscott,
Toe mountains ami their loo thills are cov
ered with diiiisc forests of pine, oak, cedar,
jumper anu other umber.
The principal rivers arc the Colorado,
which is navigable for several hundred miles,
the Gila, Salt, Verde, Donita, Prictn, San
Pedro, Deaver, Santa Cruz, White, Sipicue,
Dill Williams and Little Colorado. Of these.
tho Gila and Salt rivcw, with their tributa
ries, drain that part of tho Territory lying
South of the San Francisco nnd Mogollon
I mountains and East of the Prcscott and Ehr-
road. Tho Little Colorado drains
. . . u.,nB Knrth nf th..
"w "!""". "" " .
loan 1 miiciaru aim .iitizuiiun itiuuuiftiii, jju
tuo Colorado urains the western aiue 01 tuc
Arizona has been called a desert and Its
citizens havo been advised to leave it to the
Indians. Uut. take tho rainfall fur the last
four months, which araountl to near twenty
inches : take any other place of the same lat
itude and see if Arizonana aro not as liable
as anv of them to becjmo web-footed." Ari
zona haa 0110 of tho moat delightful climates
in the world, as for that matter tcrsons can
suit themselves. II they liko tho climate of
the north pole, they can camp on top 01 tuc
San Francisco mountains where they can
havo snow and Ice the year round. If tbey
like a temperate climate they can stop In the
rrcscott country j out ti tucy ncsire to inu
. . . .... . Z-1
linw tho nil- ferl Willi tho thermometer ai
10 In thn abadc let them tro to J uma City
anil other tilaccj in the lower portions of
the Territory. so that anv Kind 01 cnmaic can
be found, and they are all of tho healthiest
kind: even In tho hottest days at Yuma,
such a thing as aun stroke is unknown.
Arizona will, at some future day, be ono
of tho greatest wool crowing countries nv
tho Union, as there is grass everywhere and
no danger of loosing sheep by cold weather,
tho winter bcine so mild thot sheep require
no shelter at all, and there aro no burrs to
decrease the wool, to that the Territory, with
its mild ellmato artd, nutritious grasses, ia
bound to become a ercat stock country, and
tbo time .ia comlnc aoon. aa largo bands of
cattlo and aheep nro coming Into tho Terri
tory every day. Hut thero is plenty of room
for all.
Now m to tho mineral resources of Ari
zona. Hor mines, alone, will make her ono of
tho richest States in the Union. Mines of
all kinds, gold, silver, lead, copper, coal and
salt have bcon found In abundance. Tako
tho report on a few mines in Mohavo county,
aa given by Gov Safford, and we havo tho
following, viz: Arnold mine, 2,440 ton,
average per ton, 1H8 ; Sunday School, 300
tons $308; Silver Hill, 15,000, $00; Chas.
Gross, 5,000, 100; Sixty-Tbrce, 25,000,
S100. Little Chief, 10)0.8800; Cupel Tiger,
300, 45350; Jackson, 2.UW, Sow; new r,r,
5,000, 8100; Lono Star, COO, S300, Diana,
2,000 350.
This is tho report of one county. Now
thero aro thousands of jmt such mines all
through tho Territory. Tho ticonle havo
been waiting forcapital todevclop the mines,
In the lnt year or two they have gone to
putting up and running arrastras and .work
ing the oro thnt way, and it has paid well nil
tnroiigii t lie icrntory. 1'eojile arc at work
taxing out ore and developing tho mines
There are tnoro men now emiilovcd in min
ing than at any previous time, nnd capital is
beginning to coiuo in. Anotlicr step in tli
right direction is the establishment of smelt
ing works nt Castle Dour, on tho Colorado
river, where refractory orta aro now worked
with profit.
Tho placer mines arc paving well this rear.
.1 T " i .t
vuuro ieing picnty oi water to woric mem.
On Lynx, Ilassayampa and other creeks
around Prcscott, theru aro several hundred
men at work in tho placer mines, taking out
irom lour to ten dollars per Hand a day. be
Miles several hydraulic claims which yield
irom ten to thirty dollars per Imnd each Uay,
Now for tho way to get to this land of
promise: Immigrant desiring to come to
Arizona from tJio Atlantic Mates, and dcsir
ing to settle in Northern or Central Arizona
will find tho road via Albuquerque, New
Mexico, tho beat and shortest. Grass, wood
And water are plenty, except In one or two
piacca; but, with a little care, no trouble
necil bo encountered.
The distances aro as follows: From the
Granada, or Las Animas, Colorado, (both
railroad towns), IsaboutG15 miles; from St.
Imis to either oi llicso places by railroad is
850 miles. Persons who may desire to go to
tuo aoutnern portion ol tlie i crritory, can
tako tho old overland road, via Mcsilta. to
I ucson. which Is 833 miles from Trinidad.
Hnlnniln tin!
cr tuc abore are excellent
natural roads.
Immigrants coming from the Pacific coast
to Northern or Central Arizona, will find two
roads from ftan licrnardino, California, ono
via Hardyville and the Ilualpai mines to
Prcscott, the other Tia Ehrcnberr and Wick-
cnburg to Prcscott or Phccnix, tho chief
town of salt Kivcr valley. Tho distance
from San Bernardino to Prcscott by either of
these routes is about -IW miles. On tho road
via Ehrcnbertr is a semi-weekly line of stages.
Faro from San Dernardino to Prcscott, S75
currency, immigrants dcsinn:? to ro to the
southern part of tbo Territory can take the
road from ban liiego, via 1 uma, to I down.
on which there Is a tri-wcekly lino of stages.
The fare to Tucson is 300; the distance
about 450 miles.
The Colorado Steam Navigation Company
run a line of steamers from San Francisco to
the mouth of the Colorado river, a steamer
leaving San Francisco every twenty days.
Iuver steamers run up the river to X uma,
Ebrcnberg, Mohave and Hardyville. Fare
from San Francieo to Yuma: Cabin, 40;
Hteerage, $23. Most of the freight comes
this way.
Freight by wagons from Lot Angeles to
Prcscott, via Ebrcnberg or via Hardyville, is
cents per pound, ibe same Irom tian
Dirgo to Tucson, via Yuma.
Prices ot provisions are moderate, as tho
following- list of prices at Prescott will show:
UJsl bVSflla) It' (MUUU S IJ J" ' ' ..
Mae(AM t Km n let r -! tw nfjekarasw-V MVMna I
toes, by the ton, 3 and four ct. per lb., nor.
retailing at 5 cts, per lb.; beets, turnip,
onions, and cabbage, it cts. per id. lairooer
is $40 to SCO per M, according to quality.
Board is $10 per week.
What Arizona want is a large immigra
tion of good, sturdy, hard-working, men
with their families. Such men can find or
make picnty of work, and at rood wages.
Wages paid, about as follows : Blaeksmltlis,
per day. S3 to 5, and Iward. Carpenters,
S5 to 8 per day. Cooks, per month, with
lxiard, S40 to SCO Farm bands, with board,
$30 to SCO per month. Herders, 40 to S50
per month and board. Masons and brick
layers, per dav, 85 to S3. Miners, 3 to S3.
Ulwrcrs, S2i0 to S3. Teamsters, $50 to
SCO per month and board.
Thorn aro crood free schools In all the
school districts in the Territory, wither
perienced teachers in charge,
There arc eight military posts In the Ter
ritory, as follows t Fort Whipple, and De
partment Headquarters, near Prcscott; Camp
Verde, 30 mile east ol rroscoii; Lamp jio
bavc. on the Colorado river: Camp fcDow-
cll, at the junction of the Verde and Salt
rivers, some 20 miles above Pbocnbr, Camp
Lowell, near Tucson: Camn Bowie, at
Anacho Pas: Camn Apache, two hundred
milea northeast of Tucson; Camp Grant, at
the foot of tho Graham mountains.
Arizona has three newspapers, tbe Sen
tinel (weekly) of Yuma, Yuma county; the
Citizen (weekly) of Tucson, Pima county,
and the Miner (daily and weekly) of Prcs
cott, Yavapai county.
Lines of telegraph connect Prcscott, Wick
cnburg, Phccnix, Maricopa. Wells, Florence,
Tucson, Yuma and other points with San
Diceo. California, nnd tlie prospect is that.
ere long, lines will be built, direct, to points
in Utah, New and o)d Mexico.
Arizona is euro of speedy railroad commu
nication with her sister States and Tcrrito-
He, since it is ImnoBaiblo to build a houth
crn trans-continental railroad by any other
routes savo those which pass through tbo
In conclusion : The Indians, who formerly
murdered from three to sir hundred citizens
a venr. robbed as many more of animals and
other property, arc now, thanks to General
Crook, docile.
Many of tho mines already spoken of aro
lvint? Idlo. waitincr for canital to work thew
as they ought to bo worked; thousands of
stock ranees await men who wlsU to engago
In this bufiineao; tcn of thousands of acres
of noblo pines await tho nx and the mill;
Innumerable water-nowera aro hero to bo
utilized; scenery thn moat delightful holds
itself in readiness to charm tho beholder.
game, for tho sportsman, ruins and rtdica for
tbo antinuaricn. health and stronath fpr the
feeble, all to be bad In Arizona, some for
notning, otner tuings ior a mcru imio.
Wo learn from the Los Angeles Star that
Wilmington, California, Is soon to liaVO
weekly papcr which will hare two editors,
Hope it will lie superior .to Iho old Journal
wlilcu utcu ot too. tuucu vapor
EstaWislied 1-864.
Business & Professional Cards.
Tnraon, ArlannH,
WIIIiTaclIf t,l imfiulon lo all the Conrlf f IV Territory
11. ii.caktteiu h. iicAirnaa. 1.
Attoriit!)'H mid OoiinxcJoni at ltW,
I'reacotl, Vnvapai County, Arlionn..
Vflll attend la buliv In all the court of lb Territory
Montezuma street, l'reacott, Arizona.
Prcscott, Arizona.
Attorney at Eawi
Pboeiifjc, Arlxoiia, ,
Will elHelly aUeiul U all tratlm-M tntnutfd tn bun, la.lb.
MTrrai utauu ci !iaM 10 tae Teniwry. ,
Prompt attest! oa pfreato CUectlo&a.
Main Ktreet, Taeeort, A, T.
OAer, Xorth Hide ol IMaxa, Prceot. -
Juatice of the Peace and Botary Pnblic.
Notary Public and Conveyancer.
Illank I)celar(ury RtateuicHta,
A nd lfl BUnV of all Undi. Blllj eonectod rreaf'tl f
rbcaolz, Marieopt Co. Arlxona, Jan. iOx, 1OT2.
Phoenix, Maricopa County, A. T.
Offlee, la Ibe Keire Depot, oa tbe Wt aide of UieurjaM
A. 13. XA-VIrS,
Klaersl TtA, Ksltavs Cesat, Arlsaaa,, r t. .
Wm attewl to UfX bmlaeM ta alt
Territory; make eoOeoma, etc.
eonrU et,tbe
Auciioneer and CeMmlssItn
aalfiettDjynJN ortli Side of Plua.
Fonrardiag aad Ccmmiiiion jfc'erchauiltj
fCkreaherg, Arltena.
House and Sign Painter.
Paper Hangers and Glaziers, ,
At Bwearingen'a Old Stand, Granite Street.
Four Miles East of Camp Ilualpai.
Neret Uning WATER, la abundant. KAY JL
and GRAIN alwaji readr or Uaiwtetj.
S. C. nOOERiT. Proprietor.
T, n. CABTaa-ASD Laor, Soperinteadeata.
Montezuma Street; Corner Ourley.' '
delimit A. X- MOntAXR, PrcrrleW.
wx. x. xxtXT, y.A.TEraa.
Kelly & Stephen.
Tobacco and Cigars,,
Pancy Goods, Yankee Notions,
rrealt Fnut, oaraen seeas, oco.
rreecott. Jan nary 18, 1873 Jaie-73f.
The Post Trader's Store,
Port Wlaipple, Arizona.,
Keep fcr j$ale,
Groctritt, rrovUioiit, Can VnW, CIMhing
Boot, Shoe r, Stationery, fonty UfXxU,
Tobaee, Cigtiri, Ac. , ' 'a' , (' '
Pricas, ZlAASoaable.
Qf.0. W dOWKns, rroreietef.
,.At TUB....
(1 11 AN IT E btltEET, rKKBCOTY,
YM rlenty of bath, and roa wlH acbeMit&jur aaaaax
at aj lurtter, and aa eJuul.arwuu) IU waUt, u a Vnl.
I'reawat, Aujait IX 1W.
Location of Mining Claims,
Ka 1'ioew-lnr or Miner should fa lata the eouatry with.
out a uri'ly of ttTt haty and irorml ieadj-.iet
ieaaSiaaaai.ereeaaaaa -JZLll.'-?r:' ' ; llllatjaMjlll' 1 I

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