Newspaper Page Text
T. J. Sutler. Editor. FRIDAY, MAY 38(11, 1875. t. Special to the Miner bj U. 8. Military and W. U. LIreiJ ' accounts for advertising and svb- tcription vhich became due on or before the first day of February, and all bills for legal adver tisements tchich appeared in the Miner prior to that date an payable to John II. Marion. All accounts accruing since that date are payable to T. J. Butler, the present proprietor. A TRIP INTO THB COUNTRY. Id thti article we propose merely to give an outline of the country over which we, in company with Frank Murray, in one of Brooke k Lynn's best buggies drawn by those fa Torite roadstera " the grays " traveled on Sunday last between Prcscott and Big-Bug, as wc shall have something more deGnite to say of each of the more prominent points on the route in separate items. Leaving Prescott about nine a. m., on Sat urday, our route lay in an easterly direction over an undulating country covered with a carpet of green grass figured here and there Iected as president of the day; Chas Frfc p with red, white, yejloiv and blue flowrs and Adams, of Massachusetts, and L. Q. OUa tufted with bvnehes of chapparel. After mar, of Missisoippi, orators; Henry W. Long passing Fort Whipple a short distance the fellow, poet ; Ralph Waldo Emerson, reader junction of our road wifli that leading to of the Declaration of Independence; General Chino Valley was reached, where we contin- W. T. Sherman, grand marshal, and General ued on to the eastward in a, to us, terre incoq- Joseph E. Johnson, grand master of ceremo nilio, passing slaughter house flat and the nies. Salvador or Bui-Whacker mine, neither of New York. May 22. Dispatches from mid- which we found time to examine. The road die Pennsylvania say that the forest fires are was in splendid condition and the horses in sweeping over ten townships in Pike county, fine spirit, so that wo were soon on the down and unless rain comes soon there will be great grade approaching Lynx Creek at a place suffering and loss of life in that region known as the Virgin Mary's just beyond which is the celebrated mine which Lteut. Thomas and others discovered while constructing the grade over the hill and which that gallant officer facetiously plead as an excuse for not making a speech at Genl. Crook's farewell reception, avowing his ina- 13 Y TELEGrRAPH. 00111 &re now" on th waJ from Washington 000 pounds. Nearly all of this amount was and the coinage will commence immediately, consumed, not more than two or three ban Gold in New York 116. Greenbacks in drcd thousand pounds remaining on hand. San Francisco 86J and 87. A very careful estimate has been made of the Los Angeles, May 21. Last night the fur- crop which is now being harvested, and the niture and carpet store of Botten Bradley, most sanguine do not come op to 3,000,000 on Main street was burned. The contents pounds, being a difference of about 2.5000,000 were entirely destroyed. The los in goods pounds in the amount of barley in this mar- "WorillSCF ill tllG jFaGld react, es hjj uuu. me nre was unaouoteaiv et ooiween mis ana iasi year, now me EASTERN. Washington, May 24. Capt J. H. Lord will shortly be assigned to duty in Arizona, as chief quartermaster at Tucson. New York, May 24 The leading charac teristics of the week closed on Saturday in business circles have been a continued ple- thoria of money with something of an im pulse in the trade in seasonable manufac tures, such as dry goods imported. By the warm weather of the last few days the re sumption of canal navigation has caused some degree of animation in produce circles, but the general situation is without improve ment. There is rather more doing at pres ent in the wool market but no marked im provement in prices is yet manifested. Philadelphia, May 22.-The United States Centennial Commission yesterday elected Gen. J. R. Hawlcy, of Connecticut, presi dent, and John D. Creigh, of California, among the vice-presidents. Hon. Richard C. McCormick, of Arizona, has been placed on the executive committee. For the cele bration, the President of the U. S. was se- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FARMERS OF SALT RIVER VALLEY ATTENTION ! the work of an incendinrr. Four simulta neous attempts were made to burn the town shortly after the first fire. The damage in these latter coses was slight. contractors who have taken contracts at low rates will come out is a problem which they can solve at their leisure. The new firm of Smith & Stearns is show- J. R. Tarfranco died with an appopletic ing considerable enterprise. They have in fit last night. duced the Pima Indians to come from the San Francisco, May 21 Yesterdays slight here to sell their wheat, and this morn- reaction in stocks is sustained to-day but business is light. Ophir has got as far back as S45. The steamer Ancon has arrived from San Diego and southern ports. Eighteen more car loads of emigrants ar rived to-day. Gold in N. Y. UG. Currency in San Francisco, 8G and 87. San Francisco, May 25. Eight car loads of immigrants arrived to-night, fifteen more are due to-morrow. Stocks are firmer to-day. Santa Rosa, May 25. D. II. Gciger con victed of the murder of Mrs. Strong in Men docino county, escaped from the county jail during last night. He only had a small saw and file. One of the prisoners helped him. It was a neatly executed job. Oroville, Cal. May 24. A fire broke out here about three o'clock this morning in the city bakery corner of Myer and Bird streets, completely destroying the building and two frame dwellings and damaging the Masonic Hall building to the extent of S500 orSGOO; also burning wood-work around the Mercury ALL PERSON'S HAYING For Sale, can secure the Highest Price in Greenbacks Br calling: on the undersigned. I m cot trading' for GOODS but lor CURRENC V. Find ma on Main street. PhcenU. at all time. M. WORMSER. lliceolx. May 25. 1875. xnjSSmt J. B. BCrWT. IT. T. CULTI. TONTO STATION. ing their store was crowded with the guile less savages, each having bis parcel of wheat. The wheat is of this year's crop, and is the first in market; it is good, solid and free from dross, as wheat in any country. At a meeting of the principal citizens of this place, it was unanimously resolved that the present system of irrigation was a detri ment to the farmer, and prevented, in a meas ure, settlers from locating in this, the largest tract of agricultural land in Arizona. To remedy this, and have permanent water throughout the year, a corporation was form ed, assuming the title of the Montezuma Ditch Company, articles of incorporation were filed, and an assurance given of 15,000 to commence the work was at once given by the leading farmers and business men of Phcunix. A temporary board of directors was elected, consisting of Dr. Moeller, of Prescott, King S. Woolsey, of Stanwix, and John Smith, Geo. E. Mowrey, U. II. Gray, P. Holcomb and J. A. Chenowth, of Phoenix. The company propose to embrace all the ara ble land in the valley in the compass of their Having now Completed, and in Poll Operation, my now RUPLEV &. CRUM HAVE SUCCEEDED IK PRO CURING A SUPPLY OF 'GOOD "W -A. TEH. MIDWAT 11ETWKK.X MINT and SKUL.L VALLEYS Where tliey hare established a Station and respectfully asx tne patronage of tne traveling public Wood and Grass are abundant in the vicinity, and Water will be furnish ed animals at 12 1-2 cts a head. The water comes from a cat ran into the hill, and is led in pipe, i milt to the rood. RUPLEV &. CRUM, mySStf Proprietors NEW SAW-MILL. Two and one-half miles South of Prescott. Chicago, May 22 Later reports from Ne braska, Kansas, Missouri and Minnesota state that the grasshoppers are not as bad ns at first reported. The pests are dying ofT and the farmers are hopeful. Memphis, May 24. The memorial day cer emonies at Elmwood were deeply impressive. bility to leave the country on account of his Business was suspended in the city. The interest therein, and that as he was going to procession was the largest of the kind ever stay, there was no occasion to make a speech, seen in the South. There has never been This mine has yielded some rich specimens, such a genuine intermingling of the blue and but has not been developed sufficiently to gray as on this occasion. ay whether it is really valuable or not. Osceola, Pa., May 24. The forest fires arc A short distance below this crossing are slI' raging, lucre were slight showers of aaid to be torno valuable hydraulic claims 'n on Saturday, but not enough to check but they lay off the road and were not visi- the flames perceptibly. canul, and to own and operate tbe canal at their expense, selling the water to farmers. nrintinsr office. Tlio nronertv mostlv belong ed to Mrs. Winters, and was insured for Tbe conpany will also be liable for damages 81,500 dollars. Loss about 4,000. if tbey fail to furnish water in sufficient Marysville, May 24 The funrral of the Quantity when ealled for by the farmers, late Hill Beachy took place from the depot Bi arrangement, the farmers will have immediately upon tne arrival of the passcn- uu , l" uu" , P ger train from the south this evening, at tended by his many friends and acquaintan ces. The pall-bearers were Messrs. James Howortb, C. II. Patterson, N. D. Rideout, John II. Jewett, L. J. Ashford and George Merritt. The remains were deposited in the City cemetery, beside those of his wife and children. TEERITOEIAL. Tucson, May 22. The school trustees and Gov. Safford visited the public school yester- stock-books of the company arc now open for subscription, and will be sent to Tucson and Prescott as soon as possible. Weather clear and warm. Wickenburg, May 2G A shooting scrape took place at Smith's mill on the 23d inst., between John Bullard and a man formerly of Salt River and known by the name of Babe. The cause of the fracas was a shot gun which Babe borrowed from Bullard and which the latter contended he had not re turned. Babe, on being struck by Bullard, fired the first shot, the ball grazing the top ted. A ditch taken out above crosses the Lexington, May 24. Twentv-five hnilrl road a short distance this side the Virgin's inSs wers burned yesterday in the vicinity of d' The truslces finding the children im- VtmiQf fine! tlm Ifttni ratno linvrri ttnelin.l the St. James TTnrd proving so rapidly, have determined to con- banks away so as to render the bridge across Washington, D. C, May 21.-Tho Presi- uth? oo to the end of June, at which f Bu,Iard 3 hcad. who was unarmed at the it unsafe for horses which are liable to step dent and family will leave Washington for ume 11 18 ProPsed to have an exhibition. uueu ,n oorrowing a aernnger throngh holes and break their legs. It should their summer residence at Long Branc hearly Tuo funds for the erection of the new school soon after, with which he shot Babe. The bo repaired at once. in Juno. uouse having been exhausted, we understand baI1 IodKL,d n-'ar his ear and was extracted Between Lynx Creek and Spaulding's sta- Tho Union National Gold Bank at Oak- 'at the ladies, who have so far raised the bv Dr- w- w- Jones- The wound is not tion on tho Agua Fria tho country is more land, Cal., has been authorized to commence raeans to carr? the work on 6'Sn'fy their danSerou9, as was at first supposed. Both oneD. tho hills atill irentlv sloninn- with nn onerations. willingness to make another effort in the parties were arrested by Deputy Sheriff P. occasional flat with a rank growth of vece- Washington. May 24. The Court of Claims san, direct5oni by giving a ball at an early W Smitb and brought to this place for ex- . ....... l . I .1 . t , .... J I omtrtntinn 1 .1 1 rC ., tation where in ordinarily favorabjc seasons, to-day rendered a decision covering a num- ' Pceeus 10 oe aevotea to the coin no doubt with proper cultivation, very good ber of claims for cotton seized in Mississippi. Plc"n of the school house, crops could bo raised. The drive to Spaul- The amounts aggregate nearly one million Hughes, of the Tucson assay office, ding's occupied about two hours, wea-thcr of doIIars. left by Tuesday's siage for Florence, to make SawMill, with the latest improved machinery, ecu sitting of SAWS, SHINGLE MACHINE, and PLAINER. I am prepare i, at the thortest notice, to fill all orders for the following kinds of Lumber, either at the Mill or at my Lumber Yard in Pres cott, namely t MERCHANTABLE, CLEAR, SURFACED AND RUSTIC LUMBER, MATCHED FLOORING, Casings, Mouldings, Panelings AND SHINGLES, OF THE FINEST QUALITY. In thort, Everything la my line IPOlt THE COJSTSTIiTJ CTIOT O F FIRST-CLASS BUILDINGS. Terms Cash on Delivery. merchant of CURTIS. All orders sent by mall, or through the Prcicutt, will receive prompt attention. GEO. W. Prescott, Mny M, 1K75. San Francisco Store. animation, which would have come off this morning but that Bullard succeedud in mak ing his escape last night and has not been heard of since. H. ASHER & CO.. Prescott, - - - - Arizona, loTcly and our enjoyment complete. Thero wo remained some two hours, had lunch and drovo down to the Bowers or Agua Fria ranch owned and managed by Mr. Nathan Bowers. The valley of the Agua Fria, from Spaul dins's to Bowers', inclusive as we 6aw it io opinion has been delivered in the Pa- arrangements with the owners of the Kich cific R. R. transportation case but may be mine for putting up furnaces to smelt the ore. next Monday. It looks now as though the Gila would see iU4 k .uay .in mo licecuer-TH- e,y umes. yuue a uumuer ot new u.scov- A Souvenir of the Oloen Tims While lu" """ye r urtLT 10-aay continued ins cries uave occn maoe in tue 1'ioneor district, t Bitr Burr nn snrfw taCf t arrrnmnnt fnr tho ,in.n,w ti . Lf(i, r r.:.. ..a .,, , B WuBi o Sunday last, we were shown 0 ,.....,. .uu tUuri- u. v,..-, ullu a,. u.iv rumarhaoiy i,ics of the Polynesian of 1847 and 1848 ed- TOOm Was Crowded. He W rnnMnn !,; rich nrn. Thn rnmi hnllf !.. At.. : lutio, eu- and RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THE fiEV- II. Ramboz. one of WirkenlinrV ninnonN eral public that we have jnst received and are now offer- ,,,...' . . , , 'I"" -i ing for sale, the LAKGEST and I1EST SELECTED Knlrl hie fruit rtnnli ts flL1.n T.. s I v ,.r ihuuu tu vuuiicj X Uiti ouiJj uliU 1 BkWw intends leaving for California soon. It was a well edited and finely printed six column paper, no large display type or poster ifpH find o ir..nt..1. C rlnrhorl in Urn .-l. r arSUmcnt tO-morroW. nnw in nnornlinn -t,: II T - " 7 7 w" """"'"'"l oaimttlLH .:yj,. : u . i m,,.o, Pn.,, n ,..,;: zr ri'r'"b. r aMsiandsbychariesEiiitchcock uuu gum auu uacKeu oy ine veruo range is I . m ucii i uuya vu win oegin 10 see tue iirst drop- as beantiful a land-scape perhaps as can be Friday make another attempt to cross the pings of the silver shower that will make found on thn rontiwont. -bngjisu Luanncl in his life nreserviiicr dress. Arizona famous. t t , . A snecial from Rnm. et.. t : At- oi r .1.-r: r t, . , cul8 tomar its typographical beauty. In xivsviug uuwers' rancn wo oore away to tho southwest, leaving the valley just above where the hills come in and close it up, and iut oHtummup uu uuu a tinun. uur route j uuu una utuiu, aic uun uu a visiii to ine union cop . - .. . . . I horn flnmilnri nn It .111 -..l..t,l.. I jjoiuwju mine airecuon 01 mo old Tioonder- . iuuij aKU per mines. Yavanai countr. Arizona. TIipv place atiums. 9rRnvnP,t,1 m mnl- . ":.. r T ir , . . I 1 a 1194b OUUII IU LliU v,.y u. Aicxico, Jiay lo.iuo lecieral Younir America, nnar Tnn PEESCOTT. CALIFORNIA AND ARI Stae Company. SEMI-WEEKLY FROM Prescott, Ploreace and WickeatixjiJ THROUGH TO San Bernardino and Los Angel' IK SIS DAYS, f 1 -i Carrying the United Statef and tLe Callfortl Ariiona Expreis Co.' Packafree and ExprM - Cnnrctlnp with Welle, harjro & Co.'e f KxpreM at San Bernardino, CaL i AUR CONCORD COACHES UAxe San Bernardino daily with Ptusentrers. IT S.MaiU and Wells. Fartro. & C.' Expme. connecting with Railroad at 8S runninc thronch to Lo Anrelee in Ninety Minntea. ai".! xona passengers over these routes cross the Oila aa4 ttitl Fhtsnix, Colorado Hirer Indian Beserratioa, EareaW ' T1-. Tl.l. P1ttv m flm V ' eral Sprias, Celebrated Faa Gorgnfa Pass, acd JCany Placet of la. terast along the Beste xorthy of notice. For all particulars apply at our oSeei, repreteatet J P. S. EMPEY, Asrent FrtmK. H. II. HULL, Agent Phcnix. J. COLLINOWOOD, Ajent Flereae. F. J. STARKE, Agent Ehmbetf. j J. u. liuuiiKS, Agtai 3 an uernardiM E P. NICHOLS. Arent Snuir . GEO. PRIDHAM, Agent Los Angelai. J. U. PIERSON, fleeretarr OrnCE Wickenburg- f19tf SANTA FE AND PRESCOTT ail-L ine. A vehicle will leave Prescott every Wednesday and Saturday Morn lag FOR CAMP VERDE, Carrying Passengers and Expren. Fare to Camp Verde, - 17.09. Expre, - StUpsrD, For particulars enquire at the Post Office. aug3 HAYWARD Sc BAKE. MOMEZIM BAR & BILLIAI1 SALOON, MONTEZUMA STREET, PRESCOTT. We have recently renovated and fixed np our 81! tea in fine ityle, and have nune but the choicest WINES, LIQUORS, and CIGARS, FOR OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC. BILLIARDS. We have two of J. Strahle Sc. Co's finest Tables. wA Drlaney's Patent wire cushions, which are far superior te nor otQf rs now 10 use. miiiaraists win please eall at tuijre for themselves. We have a Club Room, for Kentlemen, attached te let liar lloom. C. A. LUXE & CO. M. V. Davis. Get. W. Siaee. DAVIS & SIMES, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Notify the citizens of PresrAtt and Ticinitr that all atJmt for work in their line of holiness, will be rrorantlv ti. THEO. OTTO'S BATH HOUSE AND BARBER SHOP, r r r . - cut8 t0 mar ,ts typographical beauty. Ii o j. ,0 oc. i.i,, vhjjc oi luu llrm n rone. i:n n 1 ;n ? . , 1 . riouslv ill. n. ' P t, '.. " irwoumaaercait to tbe modern craft " 6,tai' Lui'P smciiurs 01 liiui more. iHa- ;. n . . . Vienna, May 24.-A meeting of tho Em- ryland, and Mr. Johnson, a Salt Lake copper i ? neroraof Anstrifi nMm,n. nnA t?.,:- 1 n 11,03 tr making a netvspapcr than those re og mill and mino for two miles when wo drew rein at what in olden times might have been mistaken for an old fashioned horse mill but wo were not long in guessing that it was really the smelting warks of the famous Sil Ter Belt Mining Co. and although not a ound was heard nor human being In sight ire determined to camp and await further de- These gentle- troops are reported to have suffered a reverse mm have heard much of these copper mines ' 1 ttfTf SanLuU to make a persona, infection 0 XlTtyJ Potosi. The Government is taking measures their nrodnninnntv- 9th.ofA,a. 0 j ..j . mote islands then aflorded. Glancintr at it o contents we read the first announcement in that Kingdom of the discovery of gold in Cal ifornia which reached there June 24th. 1843 1 left San Francisco on tho to inaugurate a severe campaign against the revolutionists. "Washington, D. C, May 21. Everett II. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Ever offered in this market, which we wilt sell at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, At the lowest possible price. Consisting of Dry Goods, Milinery Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Perfumery and Notions, Gents' and Boys' Clothing; Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Groceries and Provisions, Wines and Liquors, Tobacco and Cigars, Hardware, Glassware, Wall-paper, Cutlery, Curtains, Carpets, etc. Etc, Etc, Etc. One door north of Head's store, Montezuma st. Having fitted up a heta house in superior style, I la now prepared to accommodate mir tinfrnn with lt.t n fVIA Baths at a moment's notice. Tonsorial uTril.m mt uwer rates than heretofore. Give me a call. felStl L. B. JEWELL, WATCHMAKER, JEWEL.EII AND ASSAYED South Side of the Plaza, Prescott, Dealer In Clocks. Watches and Jewelry. Jewelry l nil kinds made to order. lUpairinff done carefully aa promptly. Hold and Silver bullion refined, bought lad All kinds of ore promptly and properly assayed. 8 The miners in the Smith district, Santa Washixutox IteJis, May 3d Those hav- Rita mountains, arc doing well, but will do 5dB occasion to correspond with Arizona's tilllPIl hatran k1iam I. a ? . XT . . . . tit t ... Tfllr,mont .n ;r ;f ' .u..., Pomerov is the namn nf th nnir tt n:, " otwitu- wasumgton will observe iri r 7 7 T,uunBU' trict Attornor for TrlrVnV t nr tt stand,nB tue water is scarce now, considera- the following address instead of the one an thonght some ofrclocating and setting up on "Ctr" for " . . T?' "e We gold is brought in each week. nounced some time since, in winch his hotel our own hook. Uan Thorno in miner's garb "young lawyer Riding in Oakland, Cal, Specimens of cinnabar, said to be from a was mentioned. -Hon.' IlLm t Zl' soon aaomsappearence and explamed that a graauate 01 tm. Mato Univers.ty. mine less than forty miles from Tucson, are House of Representatives, Washington !.?J2JI?2"eMMf,!,B JtrJZ0""- aeetL The discoverer states ao. Mr. Stevens i, visilin, Ss in ? .,UK. sUn. a wait, lo me "i ur ca.e is very severe that there is an abundance of ore. Parties New Hampshire. vwu nuuii usiuiucu iuc mine anu worKS 1 1 - and on his return reported the distance to PACIFIC SLOPE. lave stretched to a mile and and a half. ,r n. , tit 1.0 . . ' -rrancisco, 3Iay 24.- The mi tarr en- JlLtr- U SPm;?"h"- campmentatCamp Schofield broke 7P on tZ Si tu P 7X7' t;."duhaV!n5 Bt Propitioasrongh, windy and disagrceable- the Misses Kitty and Belle Hitchcock at Mr. ni,Bm:M .t. ' . b nnM ,. , . . iuo eucauipraenc was a .uw uj u&tuiu, auu suxiu;u uu III- I XllO fofCC Tiwuon irom tnem to visit their father and in camp numbered success. over 1,200. are now out making locations, and as soon as The lowest bid for beef for Indians in Ari- they are secured the public will be informed zona, opened in New York last week was of the locality. that of Greenfield of Jlinnesota, 2,55, Keh- Capt Porter and Lieut Savage arrived hero rens, of Kohrena & Mitchell, new mail con-to-day from Prescott. tractors, next at 2,99. Curtis was tho lowest Maricona WpIIs. Mar 91 TV.J1t f nn liwlilnc fx flnw o - - r - 1 j v uwii 1 uum-i ui ouu Marios, .ou no a- a Mexican foot-traveler stopped for dinner: wards 3et made. after partaking of a very hearty meal, he, as C. E. Curtis is on his way to Arizona. 1 rrsop. wismna- to purchase will do well to eive us a call before purchasing elsewhere, and we will satisfy am iu uuaiuy ana cheapness or our goods. Liberal Prices paid for Gold Dust, Gold Sliyer Bullion, and Merchantable Produce of the Country. Prescott, May S8, 1875. H. ASHER & CO. NOTICE. To all tchem it may concern : In J!1M.CVmm.I",0n,er' of 11)0 Town Site of Phcenlx har injr this day tu-ned over to the undersWrned the book. IoW,ip,."to F of ComrnisSoners. alTer: Jhree month, from this iuZ J. I A I . A U Probate Judre, Maricopa County. my28t4 BENJ. H .WEAVER. Montezuma St, Opposite Dan Hatz'a lYaw Building, eli wit"'1 t0 ftuaIlh Mlner' Fannert aad everyboir MINING meats. May 18. 1875. mother, examine the mines aJ S Z d n disturbanccs 7' TT M i0" but' in" . v. McCormick will start for California ..n nr e t, t lIva auu u,n,ro mo of any kind. s;ead, he entered the res denco of Mr. Fran- m June, accompanied by his wife anrt will SftrlISr ?'frci Mdi"'" - Cisco No-go ndfamily,ad taltis , 8msll poSiMr tia!t aL. ' s. 7 T - ""7 uoiei, ou baturday mornintr. He was amount in currency, a wair of new sho. nr1 KbinlX ''krn,b7fUt C' 0'-,'W'tl.chos,d TCnt direct Retised Mining Laws Repealing gFllX'afiSajrS , . '., ;a7 t-v"b iue uamornia jjtcam Navigation Company at mm and rode oil in the direction of Florence cu y ma Kidmore's Mining Statutes, be- to,Jofcp-HarPraeEn.,at hi road of .ome seren miles in length. As we Sacramento. He was seventv-ih nf The alarm was soon c0mmnn?MoH mff "The Revised Sutnt nf k ly- Arizona Te,ritory. ha I tW.M - . a . . I J J-w V V lUb I " M1W LJlllLt'll I w.r """v- ltosay 01 ,s P'ace age. The remains were sent to Sacramento, Pima village and about 20 mounted Pimas States "concerning Mineral Lands, as amend J! TlWC , Pt descnPtlon where the funeral took place to-day, being engaged in pursuit. We are momentarily ed at tb"e ,ast 8ess5on of Congress, totrcther moro 1 VCrV lartrclv attended- I errMotini Iiis rptnrn with the Instruct I f o . 1 w i;umrn MinnAn Hill Beachy, the well-known stage propri- Phoenix, May 26. Harvesting in the val- and a Digest of Decisions and Opinions ner- IMPLEMENTS, Flour, Bacon, Sugar. Tea. and Coffee. soap, g-a.3st:di,es, SPICES, CANNED GOODS Of all kinds, and a general astotmeat of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, ty Country rtudncc bought at living rates. WK. jr. KELLT. x A 8TzrRBJ . KELLY k, STEPHENS, 2KT E "W S AGENTS And Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia Tobacco, Cigars. Confectionery STATIONERY, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IX THE MATTER OF THE Estate of HEYMAN MANNAssE decu- Fancy Goods, Yankee Kotioni, rXl Fixed Ammtonitica not ire ava- here, but merely pass on to a much rough and rugged road above the house and SaWln,.? ! 1 ndabalftothe etor of old times on the Pacific coast, died ley has just fairly started, and the fixingof Gaining thereto, by "Walter A. Skidmore Esq" "1 ?! f ,Ur JUr- Sfy 5 tbis city of paralysis. agricultural implements has been one of the The book will be mailed postpaid 1 1' wj nucuw ma juiumcu oy me 6amu Jonn J, route already described halting at Hitch- convicted cock's, Bowers and Spaulding's, accepting tenced inyitttiotM to eat everywhere and doing full He has " ' " tusiaicgu aucu inviiaiion court, n;i M k K-t,f e .j . uersons ntcrestrl in m!n; L S?"r h TD ? b Stcks 0Q Saturfaj retained their 0DC nd a balf. dcaIe here are firm for two w A . , ' te kTtohofstr dnnkbut fornchkut- fluid consistency. To-day, th. market has and a half cents, and are not disposed to sill oft Sof'J11 the 13th c naix and enml tvatincr cimprllt- 1 1 . . . . ' i 01 1st Samuel and 19th rnno .u. 1 MOSES MANXASSE. Administrator. quteo,0m.i-d?bted3?,.he,b0T8 Mtatfl hereby re quired to make Immediate payment and thereby save Administrator. Prescott, May 27, 1675. my2St4 . -Marks, ex-harbor . "'"- 1 -' kcc&o. juerv- 1 x va , i rr eueeD. xi mi kn 1 Ol fraud in ofBec. has honn con. I thini nntr Sni1irflto a ranirl : I Sumner Wlntnow JC- n T t . .. ? J I elmrmnin 1 I o u.nuii,iuc Jini- 1 ""v; vu.t iiiiiv xriiblisuers oaxuxuiAZ, iu 3iCii tars in tne penitentiary, cipal cause ot whieh is the high price of grain cau rrancco. we regard the book as a appealed his case to the Supreme at the present time. While crain on thP Perfect treasure-house of information n chapter tr suae mm gooa eaung generally commend been ouieL with nn chan. --k M- ..: f. .1 " 151 oan?."e' na iy tb verse, that "Then m to the Agua Fria and Big Bug. ' . Z , r. 1 r TT V r r no "mn'OUDl throughout all the land 7 '"U,UK " r--, & bv w. u.wc r- . aii the Smiths SHOOTING MATCH. WILL be snoT roa OS 29th day of MAY. 1R75. A SPLENDID SHARP'S SPORTING RIFLE. Best 3 Shots in 5. Fourteen Chances, Pive Dollars each, Guns,Fi8tola, Cutlery, Hosiery, Buck Glovea, Pigs, Dates and Nuta, Gents' Puriiiahing Goods Jnst TrrrlrmA . . . .. SEEDS mlLJT'. . wtlB"m fKESH GARDEN ae .orlh side ot Plata, PretcoU. Arizona. fe5l LARGE, 1VEW, COMPLETE WAGON AND BLACKSMITH SHOPS Qurley Street, Fronting on Granitt, ' Prescott, Arizona. fahnr ' J TRED O. BRECHT THE POST TRADER'S STORE, AT . Suaaet oa Suaday found as at home aiajsBeat iof the hospitaUties of Arizona to 3-C The Bear influence however is atill life. was obtained last season. The cause rait i tYiA rmnntifp mAnJ I iaJ .. . j I Dlied since rhn upenuust. ijuisippinger, tne well known I ' ws nu u)wrus 01 iour 1 1 1 1 m 4.x. - . 1 saloon keener on Halleek tnet faiw I millions ponnds ot barley rarsed in tbe Tal- nb.anhfll i,n am wvtBaiicur me lauoci auiscr ure i , . "v;Mlci. - , . , i ., - . , 4,su H poor, has no I aVCk IbaWm Htm- bttvm "NVw Ynrlr asr) .brr day. His liabilities are l0.lOOO Th. ley ; add to this the amount remaining over J"f tid nntil last week neTer h.5 . ' - - , SXir ill ilnN) ftaoititua fnr fifm tminc nf Cause 01 lHe failure W1A SITCtllntinn in flnl,;. fmm nivrinni vhn Bnl.;n. ... . I Him IUO COUHtV anthnntu Mnu .1 -.. attm t vast j freight can each per Uy, at t a . AaI il a aaa without f shares. 1: j. u i. .1 . e, ttwion inaeDu. noMtmc ut . .i.. Tie Die. for th. .w twenty cent dim k tke market her. about5,500,- j irSSufSL ' THREE CHANCES YET TO BE TAKP.M PORT TVTIITitit y i-iuvision. CAN FRUITS KT.Tm OF PHKTJVTAU' BASE "WITH FRO -ez UIMWU, toxld. of Iron at KEKDAtS n .,U BOOT53 A -kt- MpgA I WA,IO"l8T. FAITCY GOODS TORArrn fun r.. ,UST WEED. 1EMEDT OR 01BG0J IffETT r ' mt. atfC Cure, at DR. SKDALISLSES W leaamlk. B . """""5 KICHARDS, Projirieler