Newspaper Page Text
' LEGAL. BY TJELEGrDEt SPECIAL NOTICES. LEGAL. AY CHAOS. sr walt. it. rid nca. Ages to cotn I bcc tLe world, JVnd lo! it !s full of evil Full of women and mcu ; TLe only prayer ol the good is for dcatb, And the only feat of the urate, to die. There I no God auy more among all the people ; Science has murdered bod, And now, in her turn Is dying With that ehe fed on man and the world. The world Is fall of man, full to xottin'r. Fall as a channeled carcass crawling with creep- In:: things. And Science 6lts i' the heap, and grins like a ebastly iieud. Glhbcrlug empty words when one enquirctu the end. The cattle are slain and slain Clean a war from the earth, For the need of a hungry world, And all that crccpeth and movctb Is'gathcrcd in by loan blue hands That clutch as the drowning at all things. The rivers arc thick and foul, For the thirst is more than the water. The soil is a noisome sight, Barren with overtask, Scraped and raked and mucked To the smallest sand ; And thieves nncarth the seed For an hour's life. The air is rank, and tho high heaven Clammy with exhalation ; The heaped world choking and no green leaf Any more to transmute tbeEtcnch. O, a people exceeding wise Is this I With curious books and tools Impotent sages gnashing their wisdom-teeth, Cursing all that Is or may be, Figkting for food like wolves, LIkc wolves devouring each other, Love is dead, and lust ; Hunger sits in the sunken eyes That glare on the cowering woman. And woman, with whom love dies the latest, Poisons the babe In her womb The world Is full; Strangles the babe at her breast The world is starving. A crash, and the world is done. The void is filled with a fiery hail' And a shudder that creeps to the farthest star. ' ' Ocerland Monthly for April. THE YOUNG MAN WHO WAS "SHOOK." "What I want to know," said a whito- headed young man of 20 years, as he stood before the sergeant in charge of the Central Station yesterday, "what I came here for was to get somo advice." -"Proceed," said tho sergeant. "You know Nancy Thompson, don't you V "iNcvcr liearu ol ner." "Well, 6he's a widdcr over 40 years old, and rvo ueen uoaruin' mere." "Yes?" "And we were engaged to be married." "Whow," whistled the officer. "I dont blame you," continued tho young man in a broken voice. Tm only '20 and sho is 40, but a man can't always tell when ho's going to make a foal of himself." "And you fell in love ?" "I did that, nnd as soon as we get through talking I'm going over to hire somo one to kick me over to Canada and back ! Yes, sir, fell dead in love loved a woman over 40." "And what followed ?" "What followed ? Why, what allcrs fol lows 1 I'm human, same as any body else, ana wnen l love 1 love like a locomotive on a down grade. What do you think I did in just six weeks by tho watch ? went to the tho theater sixteen times, out riding twelve times, had thrco parties, went to threc lectures and took her out to cat oysters ten or eleven times. Fact, sir cost mo darn near 200." "But it was all for love," replied the ser geant. "Bought her a 40 watch, a $10 bracelet, a 5 ring, a 7 set of jewelry, a new uress and givo lier a $?o gold piece with a holo in it! Yes sir, I drew o00 from the bank every red I had and I used it all up on ner s" , '"And then?" "Sho pretended to love back, and when I squozo hor hand she smiled and smiled and looked heaps of love at me. She'd lean on my arm, talk about Cupid, and git oft' poetry uy the rod, and it was plainly understood 'that we wcro to bo married in June. Oh, sho knew her biz, and sho slid around me as a Bengal tiger docs around a Jamb !" "Did sho break tho engagement'?" "Last night," said tho young man, swal lowing tho lump in his throat, "sho told me she had been trifling with me all along. Sho said sho was engaged to another man, and she could never be more than a sister tome ! I tell you sergeant, you could have knocked mo 3own with a straw ! I braced up after a while and called her a hypocrite, when she called me a white-haired idiot, and the boarders threw mo out of doors. Fivo hun dred dollars gone, and I'm a wrecked man." lie blew his noso and wiped his eyes, and continued : "I don't waut to drown inysolf; the wa ters awiui coiu, and perhaps 1 can get over this. I want tho presents back, and I'll go .to Muskegon and try and forget her. It l.-.l . II - . r wreutiicu mu nu io pieces, nnu i can never lovo again. Wcro you ever shook, Sergeant?" "jso never." "liien you don't know the anguish the griping around tho heart. It cots like knife, and all I can think of is being laid out in awumu, luy ngUL llOQU UUIUUlg a UUnCU poroses ana my icic resting on my heart." "You aru j-oung ; you may grow out of it." "i may l may, out it's so awful sudden anil nits so hard, that I feel as if I'd fallen from a house. Go to the house, Sergeant and sco if you can't get them things back It I'm alivo I'll be around to-morrow, and if I dont come you mat keep the thimrs for jour kindness, tender-htarted I'm whito-licaded, but I'm I utiu A. nouit ku illLIIU UUU1UU somo barn and sit down and think." .jAnd ho retired. (Detroit Treo Press bPELLiNG. -Tho Nana liegister offers these remarkson spelling: Teachers iugeno ral spell no better than other men. Five editors out of sis aro bad spellers, but the sixth may take rank next to the compositor, Preachers. lawyers and nhvsicians srcnerallv spell with some approach to correctness, but .mere aro somo notable exceptions. Preach ers and physicians are generally worso spel lers than lawyers ; but it should be consid- crea i.iiat legal gentlemen often write so badly that it cannot bo determined whether eyaro habitually good spellers or not. literary people are not of necessity good spellers. .Many of them aro very bad ones. Soaseof the ablest contributions we have cvcr-jHiWkhed were so badly spelled as to reciniro copying before handing them over to: tha! coapositor. Mrs. Sigourney, the poetess, was one of tho worst spellers that . ever handled a pen. Tho truth is. that cor rect spelling is learned by a parrot-like pro- cess, best euitcu iJ uui vaitiuab years. 11 our earliest .not thenJeanwd, ao after exertions wil sup ply the lack dearlystraining. x The 1h grapevine at Santa Barbara, Calt ftrata, is'dying, and there is somo talk of diggiiM; Hp the trunk and exhibiting it at tiorkiladclphia Centennial Exposition. Special to tie Miner by U. 8. Military aid "W. U. LireiJ Washington, May 19. Secretary Bristow has received information indicating that the ramifications of the whisk- ring extend throughout the eastern cities. St. Louis, May 17. The Governor, this morning, designated Thursday, June 13th, as a. day of humiliation and fasting, onacccount of the threatened grasshopper pest. Lexington, Ky., May 10 John C. Breck enridgc died this evening. Chicago, May 18. Reports from portions of,. Missouri, Minnesota, Kansas and Ne braska state that the grasshoppers are al ready devastating the country of every green thing, and that the farmers are greatly discouraged. The pests seem to be young, at least they aro very small, ranging from the size of a ilea to that of a common house fly. Their destructive powers appear quite as great as those of the full grown insect. Gentlemen who have recently been on a tour of Southwest Missouri say tho grass hoppers are devouring everything green in that section. Pcoplo are panic stricken. Cattle and horses arc dying by the hundreds of starvation, not being able to find anything to eat m the woods, as tho grasshoppers havc.eaten the buds and leaves from the trees. In Minnesota an investigation by a reporter of the St. Paul Press, sent out es pecially for the purpose, shows that, so far, only a portion of four counties are troubled with the pests, but deposits of eggs are found in other sections, and serious damage to the crops aro feared. Washington, May 18. Tho special order from the War Department, of April 8th, re lieving Major Charles Sprague, Chief Pay master of tho Department of California, has been revoked, and the portion of that order relating to oiliccrs of the Pay Department serving in tho military division of the Pa cific has been modified as follows: Tho commanding General of the military division of the Pacific is authorized to cause from time to time an interchange of states be tween the Paymasters of Arizona ana those of other parts of said division, the senior Paymaster in the Department of Arizona to perform the duties of Chief Paymaster of that Department. Iho Licut.-Colonel of the Cth Cavalry, now en route to Arizona, has been ordered to West Point to relieve General Upton of his duties lit tho Academy. The Colonel of that regiment is on sick leave, so the regi ment will be commanded by one of the Ma jors. aslnngton, May 19 Telegrams receiv ed here rcnort that cx-Scuator Jesse D. Bright is dying. bt. Joseph, Mo., Ma3' 19. Tho grasshop pers are totally destroying the winter wheat in this vicinity. Dispatches from all parts of Missouri and Kansas say that the crops are being injured by the grasshoppers. PACIFIC SLOPE. San Francisco, May 18. Steamer Orizaba left at 9 o'clock this morning. The follow ing military persons arc among her passen- ers lor aau uicgo : (ion. Alexander. Uol. Stewart, Lieut. Wheeler, and all of the en gineer corps D. S. A. lo-iiay the pilot-boat J. C. Curtis was wrecked just south of the Cliff House. She is a total wreck. Thcro were seven persons on board, all of whom were saved with much duuculty. Gold in New York, 110. Greenbacks in San Francisco, SGJ and S?. ban Irancisco, May 19. Theminmgstock market is utterly demoralized. To-day the lollowing are the quotations for leading stocks: Ophir, 37: Mexican, 15: Sierra Ne vada, 9 ; Best & Belcher, 42 ; Crown Point, 29; Belcher, 20; Con. Virginia, 400. me new racilic btock .hxehange has now 77 subscribers who have each paid up S5.000 making 385,000. TEBEITOEIAL. Florence, May 23. The flouring mills of Florcnco arc in full blast day and night. The abundant supply of water keeps tho machinery in clock-working order. A Mexican circus exhibited hero during tho past two da3's to crowded houses. Prospects on tho Gila adjoining Florence are nattering. The present crop will sur pass that of any former year. Harvesting has commenced. New and rich discoveries of silver ledecs in tho Pinal Mountains continue with una bating success. Prof. Hughes, of Tucson, arrived this monnnjr, It is understood that several prominent riarucs arc selecting a Erouncl s,le upon. .- - i i . . wuicu io erect smcitins: worKs. religious Kathcrintr is to be held in Brighton, England, at-tho beginning of June winch will last ten days. It will be on the plan of the Evangelical Conference held at Oxford lastyear, " for tho promotion of scrip tural holincfs," but on a much larger scale, and will be also under tho auspices of Mr. and Mrs. Pearsall Smith. Some 8,000 per sons arc expected to attend, and 10,000 will be spent in defraying the expenses of English speaking clergy from the continent. : The Ventura ('California') Sicrnal ventures the prophesy that a new State, with its Capi- I - 1 A. T . t -,tl 1 . - - u-u ai a,os Angcics, wm oe carveu out ol tue lower tier of California counties within five years. "Drunkenness, unhko sotflo other evils winch aflltct us," says the Milwaukee Senti nel, "sccins inherent in our nature." That's what we've suspected all along. Xouisvillo uouner-u ournai. Newark Land Company. San Pmncisco Bay, Alameda Co, California. 'Xiue JPenect. Incorporated THE NEWARK LAXD COMPAXV IS VOW TV shape ; tho Guamntee Fund paid in. This company will ue prepared in .Mav lo taKe nartie bv i!mh,I nnd railroad to their town and lands. Bvrtference vey Chart it will be seen that at Potrero Point, in from f jewarK, incacep water cvmesadthe war through the channel from tne Pacific with the C. P. IL R. rnnninf in n direct lino through Livermore Pass making this the con necting point between nU parts of the United States and dv ueen waxer to an parts or the irlobc nnd th mnti manufacturing point ra the Bay of San Francisco plenty vi (,-wi uuiui.uccueai su ana easy commu nication. Purchasers getting possession can raise large crops by planting as late as July 15th. This comnonr trill commence active operation In building, etc., soea. For all Information, circulars, maps and subscription, arrlr basement, opposite the Bank of California, San Francisco. This Laid trill ba seld at Anctioa May 23, 1875, by H. M. Kewhall & Oo-, ia acres and lots to tie Mgien Udder. Terms at sale. Credit to large buyers. Possessicn will be given by the lit of Jane, or sooner if the cropsare etL Steamer AL S.Xathara.leav9'thefootof Brannan street. opposite the Pacific Mail Steamshis "Wharf. San Franc! Sundays, Moadaj-s, Wednesdays ard Fridays, at 8;30 o'clock, arriving at Xe wart 11 to lair past 11, according to the tide, giving from four to fir hoars on the ground. Returning, leave Ifewark at half-rest 3 o'clock. anit!- at San Francisco at half-past 5 r.Vl. The best of Restaur rants on the steamer on the Xew York plan ; pay only Sot what you pet i Breakfast, 00 cents; Dinner, 75 cents. Pare for round trip sevesty-five ccafs. Stages connect with beat, rssslasT to Xiles. Centre ville: WataloctuB Car. nors, "Warm Springs and Saa Jose. CHAS. R. PETERS, Manager. . sb21kL PRESCOTT POST OFFICE. Arrivals and Departures of Mails. AIUUVE. CLOSES. From Southern Arizona, CalL&rniaand tho Atlantic Stales. Mondays and Thursdays. I Tuesdays and Fridays nt 9 . r. it. From Hardyville, Mineral Park, Ccrbat and points in Mohave. Thursdays. Saturdays at 0 x. a. From Sacta Fo fXew Mexico), via Forts Winjrato and .ueaaace ana camp erae. Tuesday. Fridays at 0 r. Jt. F-om WIckenburjr, Tia Walnut Grove, llradshaw anil Xoyes Mills. Saturdays at G r. M. J Sundays at C a. II. Money order office hours from 9 x. M. to 4 V. M. Kecistrntion closes at 5 r. il Office open Sundays troia 9 to 10 A. II. and front 1 to 2 r. M. Xo money orders issued or paid on Sundays." fe!2tf JAMES S. GILES, P. M. AZTIAN LODGE Wo. 177, F. & A. Iff. Regular ineetinrs of th.s Lodge on the last j Saturday of each inontb, at 7 o'clock r. Jl. Solouminir brethren are fraternallv invited to attend. GEO. LOL'XT. W. M. Wm. X. Kellt, Secretary. I. 0. 0. F., ARIZ02JA LODGE No. 1. ojSfe, Regular Meetings on first and third Sat Wfeurdavof each month, at Masonic Hall. Mem &3Sii2 hereof the Order, in pood standing, are iu- Tjted to attend. JU11.N w. 1A IS, .U. E. J. COOK, Secretary. All tho nicest, freshest Bnd Iwnt Hah: PllEPAK.VTIOXS: Tommies. Oils, Dyes, and Invigorators, l.utin s Genuine French Extract, Soaps, Powders and Cosmetiques, can be had at DR. KEXDA LLS, Pioneer Druir Store. OFFICIAL. DIRECTORY. TEHKITOKIAL OFFICEia. Delegate to Congress Hiram S. Stevens. Governor A. P. K. Saflbrd. Secretary Coles Uashiord. Auditor A. C Uenedict. Treasurer P. R. Tully. Surveyor-General John Wasjon. Supremo Judges, HtDist, Chief Justice E. F. Dunne. " " 2d " DeForest Porter. " " 3d " C. A. Tweed. Clerk Supreme Conrt Harry R.Jones. U. S. District Attorney James E. McCaffry. United States Marshal F. H. Goodwin. Deputy Manual 1st Disc, Wm. J. Osborn. " " 3d " F. D. Parker. VAVAfAI COU.NTV OFFICniW. Probate Judge Sheriir. Under Sheriff. Deputy ' County Recorder. Deputy " County Treasurer.... Deputy " . Dirtrict Attorney..... Clerk District Court- Harley II. Cartter. Ed. F. Rowers. ...F. D. Parker. W. French. Wm. Wilkerson. .-.. Wm. Fo.-tor. ............ II. Marion. E. S. Pcnwell. Ed. W. Wells. ......... Wm. Wilkerson. f Geo. 1). Kendall, . A. O. Xoyes, (Gideon Cornell. Supervisors ritEscorr rr.EcixcT. Justices of the Peace.-.. .11. II. Cartter nnd J. C. Otis. Constables Jack Leonard and GriQin. VILLAGE OK IT.rJSCOTr. Mayor C. A. Luke. Conncilmen. i1 aible- V-f ,T0H,',,V'" t G, 1'. Foster and W. M. Hulruin. Marshal Win. Jer.niugs, Recorder II. II. Cartter. Treasurer Wra. Rabhford. AGENTS FOR THE MINER. San FrancitcoT,. P. Fisher, Rooms CO Jt 21 Mer chant's Exchange, California street. Thos. Boyee, No. 30, (second Boor), Merchant's Ex change. San litmardino Samuel Bergo. JVeu For. W. II. Ftrris, SOI North 22d street. AKIZO.N'A. Yuma Schnieder, Greirsou Sc. Co Ehrenbtrg A. Frank. H'iclenlurg A. II. Peeples, and C. vt A. Stage Co. irard'jTillc Jas. P. Bull. Wallapai Mining VittrictCorj & Potts, Cerbat. 1'hcenxx J. T. Alsap. Fait l'hanixW 11. Hellings & Co. Florence -Jot. Colliugwood. lueton J.S. Mansfeld. gOOK AND JOB PRINTING OF EVERT DESCRIPTION, Dono in Good Style, Orders solicited. AtthcMlXEIl Office. Prices reasonable. SPAULDING S STATION, ON THE VERDE ROAD, (Formerly liwi as "Dan Maifs,") -IS THE- MOST COMFORTABLE STATION I ABIZOISTA. or2 nEXRSPAULDIXG, Proprietor. ASH CREEK STATSON, THIS STATIOX IS JUST llALP-WAY FROM IPi-escott to Verde, AXD A MOST DESIRABLE PLACE TO STOP. A never failing stream of pure cold water. nir ri.n rooms nnd beds, a table supplied with the very best of "Pf JOnxSTEJLMER. HE PIONEER MILL OF THE TJEIUUTOUY, (FORMERLY QUARTZ MOUXTAIX SA W-MLL,) HAS (DIN" lEAICD ALL KIKDs OF iUMBER, CHEAP AS TIIE CIIEAPEST. And is constantly making tho same suitable for all pur rose. A. O. XOYES. Lxr Orders left with G. Cornell or at the store of John O. Campbell will be promptly filled. l'rescott, A. T., April 1, lt-75. PDIA COUNTY. E. IV. FISH & OO. Peslre to inform the public, through the medinm of thm MLNEE, that their extensive stos and warehouses, at TUCSON AND FLORENCE, In Pima Countv. Arizona, are nlwa-r Cllvt fii lines of such poods as are needed la the Territory, and their ample facilities for purcbasinir and receiving mrfi enable them to sell bett- articles, for less moaer, than any other firm In Southeastern Arizona. In addition to regular store articles, they keep on hand PINE LUMBER AND SHINGLES. ALSO BA.S.IjE"5r Sc COZRJST. Mr Fish, at Tucson, and Mr Coirinnrood. at FIotptim. will be pleased to receive calls from inch citizens Xorthern Arizoea, Xexr Mexico and California, as mar TIOAD STATION5 RECEffTS, prihteC in due form, FOR SALE AT MINER OFFICE. Si. MARICOPA COUNTY. CHARLES T. HAYDEN. Hayden Ferry, Maricopa County, A. T., PEAIX1I IX - EVERY VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE, AM) Proprietor of the Hayden Mills. Flour of the Very Best Quality From these Water Mills always on hand. Also, Cracked Barley for Peed for Animals, i Have on hand and for sale a large amount of Home Made Bacon nnd. Hard. Freighters will find my . BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOPS Well supplied with material for repairs. CHARLES T. HAYDEN. HEZEKIAH BROOKS, Agent, Frescott, A. T. fe!2 tf E. IUVINE. J. A. E. IRVINE E- IRVINE & CO, At the News Depot, PIKENIX, ARIZONA Offer for Sale an assortment of first doss FAMILY GROCERIES, STATIONERY, BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, AT LOW PRICES. II. JIOI2GAX. V. DIETItrrCII. -. II. MORGAiV & CO. PHCENTX AND MORGAN'S PERRY Maricopa County, Arizona Territory, DKALEllS w GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. YUMA COMTY. BEST AND CHEAPEST Frcislit and Passenser Roulc ....FR03I.... SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. TO Ynma- Arizona. f .rfi a GUAYMAS, IiA PAZ, MAZATLAiN And Other Mexican Ports. - rr- . THE COLORADO STEAM NAVIQA- -35?jc?,tion Company's excellent Meamship JmX?' KE WBERN nnd MONTANA leave San Sr yV JTrrag Fninciu every twenty days for Mexican ports and mouth of Colorado river, connecting with river boats, freight landed at umc in twelve (By days from San Francisco. Agencies of the Company at (110 Front Street, San I rancuco, California, 1 uma and Lhrcnberg, Arizona. I.POLHAMUS.Jlt., General Superintendent. Passage Bates. Yuma to San Francisco, Per C. S. N. Go's Steamers : Cabin 90 Coin. Stecrago , 40" Accommodations First Class. "T I.rOLIIAMUS Jn., General Superintendent, Yuma !Oiii Store. GEORGE MARTIN, Wnolesale and Retail DRUGGIST, 2 Main Street, Yuma. Arizona. Has in store a full line of Dispensing- jXedicines, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, Toilet Soap, Tooth Brushes, And All Other Articles Usually Kept in Drug Btores V-J Irescriptions put up with great care. Orders from the country solicited, with the assurance mat prices, Jtc, wnl bo found satisfactory. GEOROE MARTIX. COLORADO HOTEL, Yunia, Arizona. Board per Month, $30 to $40. Splendidly aug7yl furnished room. Waiters in attendance. WM. RORKE, Proprietor. CALIF0ENL4. K. L. PARE. F. E. OHAVKL. PAGE fc GRAVEL. Los Angeles, California, M.VXUFACTUnEia OF CARRIAGES & WAGONS. ,....,.,.., ... ttMHlt M 1.... Carriages, Buggies, Light Spring AND HEAVY WAGONS, j Of their own make, which they warrant ia every retjct Inferior and worthless work that is frequently palmed off ' V-iUI BEST ASSOBTMENT ana uuuuits ever offered In Los Ch" M? ?SRlM manufactured by 5?:reAtt?J with Iure cebebrated Patent A.Hn.fnwl spiiixn rmnimr n -j . . . wu..wtulV m ntu ouapiea to comfort. PRINTED STJANrKIS .... i on .... location of Mining Claims, xvr. odLi, ai' mu JILXER OFFICE. .Xo Prosrector or Miner should go Into the coMtry m!d noUeeL Tery haaJJr correct, real? Best Known Flux. THE MALTEHA M1XIXR Chvnivvten,. rareutojoraisatae Best Known pw ta onantWM7r nrnMiMibMn...!... . s . . . " rTT tma lu vfaanx ill us, ilii who apply. Address, WAIIEEN K. w merarany 3iP Verde. Camp IVOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the Estates of James Mul- hall and Michael Fry, deceased. Notice is hereby given br the undersigned, admioistra traturof the above named estates, tu the creditors and ad persons having claims against the said deceased, to ex hibit the same, with the necessary vouchers, 'within four months from the first publication of this notice, to the un dersigned nt Anbrev, oa the Colorado River. CHARLES BROWN, Administrator. Mineral Park, May 10, IcTS. "r"t4 SUMMONS. IN JUSTICE'S COURT, CERBAT PRECINCT, County of Mohave, Territory of Arizona. WM. CiiAMDEKLAix agalnt Wat. Mats. Jn the namenftht Territory of Arizona, to U'w- Mayt, drftndant, Grating: You are hereby required to appear before me at my office, in thf precinct or town of Cirbat, in the conntyof Mohave and Territory of Arizona, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Saturdav. the 10th day of July, A. D. 1873, then and there to answer to the complaint of i iUinm Chamber lain, now on file in my office. The said action is brougnt to recover of you the "sum of seveuty-fivo dollars, alleced by plaintiff to be due him from you for work and labor performed by said plaintiff as a canoteron your house situated in Cerbat being twelve and one-halt days' work at six dollars per day, performed by plaintiff during the month of August lb74. And you aro hereby notified that if you fail toappear and answer, as above required, plain- tm will tatejniigmcni againsj you lor ine saiuamoumoi seventy-five dollars, together with costs of suit. To the sheriff or any constable ol .Mouave couniy : Make legal service nnd duo return hereof. . , . ,.,.., fir t- ifw liiveu unuvr my nana, iuis am uiy ui .iay, icij. E. F. GALLAGHER, myClU Justice of tho Peace, Mohave county, A.T. Dissolution Notice. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE Ex isting between J. E. G. Mitchell und B. C. Gardiner is dissolved by mutual consent. J. E. G. Mitchell withdraw ing from the firm. Each will sign the firm name in set tlement of accounts. J. K. G. MITCHELL, BEN C. GARDINER. Prescott, May l, 1S73. my2lt4 Dissolution Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVES NOTICE that ho has withdrawn from the firm of DAVIS, MEE t SIMES, Contractors and Builders, und that alter this date will have no connection therewith. SIDNEY MEE. Jk. Trcscott, May 10, 1675. myHU MEDICAL. Ayer's Sarsa paril la, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. This compound of the veget able alteratives, Sarsaparilla, Dock. Stillimria and Jliu- ytassium and iron makes n . . . , ..r. of complaints which are very prevalent and alllicting. It purities the blood, purges out the lurking humors in the sys tem, that undermine health and settle into troublesome disorders, eruptions of the skin nnd the appearance on the surface of humors that should be expelled from tho blood. Internal derange ments nrc the determination of these same humors to some internal organ, or organ, whose action they der.inge, nnd whose substanco they disease and destroy. ATElt'tf S.VU s.W'AKIIXA expels these humors from the blood. When ther nre gone, the disorders they produce disappear, such as ulcerations of the liver. Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases of the skin, St. Antho ny's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tetter nad Salt Rhenin. Scald Head. Riair- worm, Ulcers and Si res, Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Fain in the Bones, Side nnd Head, Fenialo Weakness, Sterility, L-ucorrhca, nrlsine from internal ulceration and uterine disease, Dropsy. Dyspepsia, Emnriation and General Do- Ulliiy. with their departure health returns. HlKlWllED 11V Dr. J. C. AYER & Co., Lowell. Mass. Practical and Analytical Chemists. HOLD BY ALL DUL'CCISTS AMI DKALEKS IX MEDICINE iny21m-l. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENE AVER. This standard article Is compounded with the srreatest U1IC. Its effects aro as wonderful and satisfactory as over. It restores gray or f.uled hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itchlmr. nnd dandniir nn.t ,. scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal viiror. preventimr baldness, ami innVin. ,.. hair grow thick'and strong. As a dressing nothing has been found so effectual, or desirable. Dr A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massnchusitfn. llf it : lest irtparatim for its inteuded purposes, BIICKIPTGHAM'S DYE. FOR THE WHISKER'S This elegant preparation mar bo relied the color of iho beard from crav or unv other iiml!rti.i.. shade, to brown, or black, nt discretion. It is easily ap plied, being in one jirearation, ami quickly and effectu ally prwlucrs a permanent color which will neither rub nor wash off. JIAXl-KACTUHEI) BV R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. SOLD r ALL DKUCOlSTa AM) UE-VLEIM TV irTrivr InuSmC MOIIAYE C0UiTY. WM. COnr. mil n CORY & POTTS SELL CHEAP FOR CASK. iVeecled by Everybody . 97 UN AEIZOKTA At their store in CERBAT, WALT, AIM I ZISTRIT, Mohave County, Arizona Territory We keep on hand a large assortment of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. 13 Call and see us. angl773 MINERS AND MILL-MEN! TOLTt ATTEXnOX 13 CALLED TO KROM'S DRY ORE CONCENTRATOR As the apparatus best adapted for preparinfftha Low Grade & Base Metal Ores In this Territory, for REDUCTION OR SIlTPiMKKT For particulars, address R.-B. CAXFLELD. Mineral Park, Mohave count-, A. T. Apl6m3. WICKENBUR6. M. L. JPERAJLTA, Wickc nbtxrs, Arizona, Dealer in GENERAL MEECHANDISE, CLOTH1JTG, PROVISIONS HARDWARE. irr; j . ... . Mining and Agricultural Implements ,M PfUVflPP cincw ! JAMXU . , NOTICE. - . . TT TI n tv m T lvirfnuin. A. V. EaSterPr. U. Ctuwnuo, A.J.Bii and C W. Lewis, co-owners wuu ii uuuHnfn is t& mininir claim cr location kpown as the urfUj claim or location on that certain quartz lend orlcde ksoif it,. rvisfnm?n situate In the Pine Grove rainl.l- trict, In the county of lavapal, 1 erniory oi Amerx &'.- You, nnd each of you, are hereby notified that th o. ' mined to ba done upon such clainiuu ' cation the amount of labor required by the laws of ft. United States, at a cost to us in the sum of one kaadj and seventy dollars. And yon, and each of yon, hereby noWied to pay to N. C. Sheclles. at the star Levi Bashford, in tho town of Prescott, in said coaaty el Yavapai, your respective proportions of tho said cost l said labor, ttilhln ninety days from the service of notice, cad that in case of default of you, or-eitacr.( you. in mating sucn paymeni, w.miu iwu urne. w jg claim, unaer mo mimntr m '"m, . iurnsireretf tho interest in said claim oc location of the person aal : " such default. The amount due by each tf j-ou for m 4? labr is at the rate cf ten dollars per jiaj leet owned bj-fl rnn In 3 neh ela:m or location. ALONZO E. DAVM? SS l'rescott, Feb t5, 1875 3 NOTICE. To the heirs or legal representatives of Andrew JneUii and Metcalf Baker, deceased, co-owners with the a, dersigced in that certain quartz ledee, lead or loJ' known as the "Silver Hill,' situated in what xcmm the date of the location oi tne saia joue unown tt ti Sacramento MiniDg District, but whet is now koowa the waliapai Jiinmg jjismci, iu mc cuumjoi iioa icmiory oi Anxvuu j j -. You. and each of you. are hereby notified thattSeil designed have caustd to "be dono upon such claim Of cation the amount of labor required by the laws of United States, at a cost to us of the sum of two hacd and eighty dollars, and you and each of yon arehereWK notified to pav to our agent, A. E. Davis, at the iters rfJ; Davis Si Randall, in the town of Mineral Park,, io tsJJ , S county of Mohave, your respective proportions of theiJ cost of the said labor, within ninety days from the serrleft of this notice, and that in case of default of you, ortUhtf t, of you, in making such payment within said ninety daw & we wilt claim, uuuer uiv uuutui; uun iu iuce, a gg feituro of the interest, or interests, in such claim or let tion of the person or persons making sucn ucxauit. TU amount due upon the interests of said deceased is at lis rate ol ten uoiiars ior eacn ivo icci oi sucu inierests. LEAMAN JUDSON, HENRY HALL. O. HUBBELL, THOMAS ABLES, ANDREW P GAWER, F. S. KE.MP, GEORGE CAMPBELL, J. A. ROSE. C, A. ARTHUR, S.M.DUNCAN. Mineral Tark, A. T., May 14, 1S75. myl4d! NOTICE. U. S. Land Office. i PKESCOTT, A. T., May 7, 1671 J To tlit Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Co , Greeting: The following described pre-emption cash entries matt nt this olhce, viz: No. 31. Augustus Grames, January 0,1673. SetlltmtM March 7, 1S70. S 1 of X E i and S i of X W , Sfr tion l, lownsnip io norm, itange -t west. Xo. 35. Edward C. Donohuch, January 31, 1673. Set tlement December 2. Ib70. S W i of X W i ami W of S W i. Section 3G. Township 17 north, Rangt : wesr, nnu joi io. i, section i, lownsnip io narti, Itange 4 west. Xo.37. John T. Lowell. Jlarch 3, 1873. SettlemenU Septenilicr mil. Lot o. V ami si.; ofX Wiat Lot Xo. 3 nnd X E i of S W i, Section 31, Township XI W norm, itange J wesx. k o. -iu. uunis v. jican, .pnn, icu. ceniemenr Mini 12, 1SCJ. S f of S W i Section 16, and X i of XWi; section I'j, lownsnip 1 nortu, itange J west. Have been approved by the Hon. S. S. Butdett, Coma sioner General Land Office, subject to an appeal witin! sixty ilays irom tue date ol this notice. The tracts above described are within the limits of Q withdrawn! for the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Coraf-i ny, wiucn iook encci .unrcn i js i ne parties casri auove Having settiea prior to withdrawal. WILLIAM X. KELLY, my7t9 Register. NOTICE u. S. r.vxo Office, ) PllfeCOTT, A. T., May 21, 1675. 5 : To the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Co., Grettingi The following described cash entries made at this oSei j viz : Xo. I5. Jefferson II. Lee, Xov. 2j, 1873. SetflemwM April 15, ItCa S. K. I tit S. E. i setion 14, and Xitfl A E t ana SWtorSEt section 23, towtship 13 aarik. ' range 3 west. j Xo. 54. DcWitt P. Foster. Juno 12. 1871. ScttlemoPr JIarch 1. 1871. W i of S W i secUon 17, townsUiplj north, range 5 west, and E J of S E i section 21, ton- ship le north, range t west. Xo.55. David W. Shivers. July 11. 187-1. SettlemeaJ , Apri! 7. lfcOT. S V i of X W i nnd X W iof SWii tion 2G, and S E i of X E and X E i of S E i section PJ township It? north, range 2 west J Have been approved by Hon. S. S. llurdett, Commlssiosel General Land Ollice, subject to an appeal within sirtfi u.juuuiuiueui mis notice, i ne iracu auve ucscnft-1 ed are within the limits of tho withdrawal for the AtlJ tic and Pacific IL It. Co., which tout effect JIarch 12, 1W " The parties named above liaring settled poior to tri ' Irawal. WILLIAM X. KELLY. t"-ld00 Registec NOTICE. To Thomas Wallace, M. II. Smith, William IIoMen. J. . esniith. Sam'l Lub-clc, T. A. Tnlbct, or anyotbej person deriving their title by deed from the oririalf imaiurs m iuc 1 1 veriana ledge, Uxle or vela, situated a i uiiuj-ui inimiig umni.1, .nouavo county. A. l.x You are hereby notified that If yon do not within nlasJ diiys fromtheserviceof this notice, pay to theunderslgaei at Mineral Park, Mohave county, A. T your proportiealt Tart of the expenses incurred on t aid mine or location, ill required by the Congrcsiiional law. approved May Hi 1872. the undersigned will claim a forfeiture of vour ' i ..... -i- v " " uiiue. WJI. TUWLK, JAMES P. BUM. 3Iineral Park. March 12. 1675. mr!23a NOTICE. All persons interested in rim "Si.i Ti.nnnll shaw Rasin, Arizona, are hereby notifltd that it ther A) "I u ui.cij- ( wj uays irom tiie date beits and iiay their pror.irtioa of the pjnnm Innr.f nw3 uiutrnu ui wutKuuuc on said mine as required by Is. mo unuersigced will claim a forfeiture of your InMrr' In said mine, in accordance with the mining laws nowbi (J. Y. SIIELTOX, A. L. 3IOELLF.R, GEO. A. HAMMOND. i. . ... - . OEO- D- KENDALL Prescott, A. T., April 9, 1875 3a NOTICE. m3& I - M " w , tttAUIIili- .ife"rtS ""ne, in accordance with the mining laws now infer JAMES ROACH.' l'rescott, April 2, 1875. NOTICE. To P. W. ShohnTm f in thr. T,f. 1Z, .VI" .I'K?WUTes. w. , Ai7rr "Jpa iisuict, l aTapai coani,, Arizona Terntorv i Von nm '.:. . .v-. it a do not appear within ninety (P0) days from the date brr oi, and na vvour nmnirtinn r , , hi rlP fnff M,U1 mine, the undersigned will claimafcr , U18 k iaw, oi your interest in said mlo. rrescott, Februarys, 1675. "g SUMMONS. U. S. Laxu OmcK. X PP.ESCOTT, A. T.. Mnr 7. 187i J To?-A. FdxcanX C. Donohunh and irviU oianaier. Greeting: v i 'er"e contested land case Inrolrinir t ft .E W tWea to vu.v-, vu mo itux uay ox j my next, at IO o cU i my,t0 Regiftff. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ' VX TITE MATTEK OF THE Estate of JAMES TRTJEWORTHY, DcU XoticeiaherebririTentrt-tt,. r iliKit. - Tf ,i. iu aeceaseu, io rw' m &,"S.Tcher wilhintenn ... fuuiicauon ot this notice, at his store oa of PreimiV tZtf' nieznma street, in me - or I rescott, in the county of Yarapal, Arizona TerriWp liUHni in, TiTnvq r . ' . . . .. . rrecott,Feb.26,ie73. 3m. Administrate- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. K TIIE MATTE i: OF THE Estate of JAMES B. MTLLER, DeceaeA tolf kf"1 given by the uodersfgned admte5r r,aTeBlede4tato &0 creditors ofd Sff- k?clJa against the said deceased, to SVaVritil tte nect"aT Touchers, withiaf months from the first publication of this notice, a! uauoias irom the first nnhlii o of j. p. uSSi" town of l'rescott. count y o? Y. h ccunryoll. Te, oa Cortex street, la aTapal. TerrHoryof An linno t iitt TVVL Pott, May 7, 1S75. w"lSSn