Newspaper Page Text
THE WEEKLY ARIZONA MINER. VOLUME VII. PKESCOTT, ARIZONA, SATURDAY 3I0RNTNG, JANUARY 15) 1870. NUMBER 3. THE ARIZONA MIRER. rUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, AT rBESrOTT, YAVAPAI COUNTY.-'ARI.ONA. One Topy, OneYwir....".... $700 " Six Months 4 00 Three Months, 2 50 flnzle Copies, . 25 Paper 111 "ol he 'cnl "n'ea Pa'd fr I" d-i-n-r nd will inrariabfa bo discontinued at the . of the time paid for. .ad vjr. irrr s rs"G: One sqnare. one time, S3.00; each additional time, il.50. Ecu additional qurc, same rate, A liberal discount will bo made to person con mrtiu; the me advertisement for three, six, or l r months. lWrnSonsl or business cards Inserted upon rratonsMe terras, Job J?r iiii;inpf. Titr Mi r.n olllre Is well npplled with Prors, t'L.n, Kanr-V and Ornamental rypc. and the pro rr.ftor is determined Jo ojcrcute nil work with Wrh he mfty he lavored In theneatcst'and best (file of the art. Work mav he ordered from any jurt of the Terrltury, and. when accompanied with the cah, U b- promptly executed and sent by ranll, or i directed, p r "as sending i mijntr for snbseription, 1 r 4. nj or job work, may forward It by mall, rr thrrwlse, at their own risk. Istjai Ttndtr Yores taken nt par in payment ftr umitcnptum, adc-ertuinf and job work. 3. II. MARION, Editor and Proprietor. Iliisincss & Professional Cards. COLES BASHFORD, ATTORNEY -LAW, Turtnn, ArlioiiH, V pnrttr Ut poffwWi la all lh Otnrtt ,4 ttntf rrrltet y. HARLEY H. CARTTER," ATTORNEY and COUKSELOIl-AT-LAW, I.a I'ai, Yumn.Count jr, ATlsonft, Wt la UiilarM la alt th eonrta of tha Territory. T4'Hf JOINT M. ROmYTREE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELQR-AT-LAW, Prrseott, Arizona. J. P. HARGRAVE, ATTORNEY AND C0tf.V3EL0R-AT-I.AW, Montezuma street, l'reseott, Arizona. JOIIIS HOWARD, ATTORNEY AND COUN3EL0R-AT-LAW. Freseott, Arizona. -v a irsc; ATTORNEY AND. COIJNSELOR-AT-I.AW, Motive City, Arizona Territory. Br. J. N. McCANDLESS, rHTKlCIAtf A5D NUItGEOX, (Late of the IT. B. Amiy,) Ofp V, (TrioM t0 th tf' afVnvl and vtdottr v4 t I-WiC at all Wr , trln nrnfM.Wmallr ""f Ma,to Allra & WMtr'ttUff, itoolrjama La Paz and San Bernardino. , Th fltatrrt of th ntvtfrrignwl. urrta; (tint I. 8. Orrrland Mall, lrr Han lUr- 'ntfttlwi f. ! I f I . '.t I . . MdnUr. IS. .rrtr.1 of K- T 1 . f.. 1 - I'au Ariuaa, arrlrtnc ut Ijl I'm f-Trrr SatnMar morning an4 drptrtrar ererjr Safonlay aTealny. t f raniijft pwUfrt, eto, (ramported at low rates. AffJosErrt tBKSfln IJmiartlnA; nnat 4: Co, - 'ATKRJJ k N0DI.K, IVrirtom. lWnarlliw, JUitii 20, arrMW ARIZOIYA STAGE LINE. Im Vaz to Presrott. HrruUr IVfirklv Trim. , by HUrga. with the Mall, will be made i "" ina aou iTetcui. a luur- rZZJ.. x .l w,n " evT HatnrOay. 'iSOWtiiff with lt. It,. . ii.. f..ur. JL .r lSl C-11! ' rTl"! nrrlvl at Wrtrqbufa; n lanitt? -iT!.1 TueMayt. l-in-nijeri M- tffSLrfclWiT? ".'f ."J eoneUBg wllh v-..ivivi uiuvivrwi eaioraay morning. AT-PackaM, farwatiled on rcaKinabl Intnl. Trri rt . v . JAMES Oil A NT, Contractor. I tntm, Octobers, 18CJ. J'toneer Meat Market. Oranlto Street, Prcscott Coestandy on hand, Beef, Fork, Mutton, Potatoe$ Onion, df. W- i'.ICKhLy, l'rorrittor. REDUCTIOIV IN PRICES. riMott, October S3,' IE!. 1 hllTl1- Curious Sceno in Egypt-Tho Sheikh'. Eido Over a Roadway of Living Bodies. Tlio accounts given by special corrcspondenta at Cairo of the festivities In honor of the Proph et's birthday thta year arc very cnrlons. AraoDg Iho most singular features or tho festival Is Urn ride of tho Sheikh over it load way of living bod ies to tho mowjue, a progress thus recorded s As a sort of advance guard thero came a mob of half-naked men, shouting, yelling, howling. Eomo whirled round and round, tossing their arm aloft as they whirled ; some wero foaming at the mouth, others had snakes coiled round their necks, suakes banging from between their tcetb, snakes twintcd anil iHiiievxnl iMiawr. l!:.-ir hands; omo hud bare swords, which they brand-1 iiowi m me air. mere were men wiin snewcri! 1 stuck through their cheeks, men with Iron spikea t headed with henry iron balls, who kent stiinnlnir i me point oi uio snips upon Uu-ir palms till tb pieces of the sharp Jugged steel, attached by ; chains to the ball, began to fly round and round, ' and then they made n feint to bring the whirling j balls so near their necks as to lash and gash i mne, mouth and eyre with tho revolving blades ; j a reint which, however, was not carried into ac- tion, as the police seled them and pushed them I on. I As the harsh strains of the band came sharper ! and clearer, the yelling grew wore frantic, the idiouts more like the inarticulate cries or animals j In pain, !"! like those of human beings Aad then the shrieks, yell and cries were drowned lor a moment as trie coiiegea of dervfortf came inarching past, each with tu .icrd banner and J its band or music. There was aoinu utlemnt at im'Kwly. but it teemed to me as if the masieUas ' themudvei w-re carried away by the frtnry of ' the moment and played urmn their Instruments I in um r nntrttrs enanted Indian, wane umy joined i In the yelling shriek or Allaq-el-Aluh: ' Un i they came, troup after troop of green tHr halted , drrvUltes. with tlieir fUg aad Mtr ; aw! he- J twiH-n every two troer" there jreed am! milh-M the rvar gnard of the mad, emMtng mob, ( which Kh1 the way in front Over the bodies in ( the street, dervishes, tl.iu b-a.ivn nlavrra and , their follower traaaped forward with uaihod feet Then at the end of the streets uiiutaml the Sheikh himself, mounted on a white Arab steed, j Kxwpt ir. harSuitie.I never taw to huge a tar-1 oan a nc wore- j ne cnonnoiu iobis oi gren j muslin wero wound round and wind his hed un me weigni bjui navo neen nam io support, ' even tr your urain were clear; and too wrarer, I to all mi t ward semblance, was in a ded falnL j .ff.i.k im . ... ,- Ho looked like a man helplessly drunk, or drug god with the lutnca of tobacco till he had lost all , consclousnesa of where ho waa, all iowerof ut Lag his limbs. Ills head, turmoantod by Its huge turban, buns uownhelntcjuiv over bit jfl shoul der, bis frame kept lulling to and fro, so tnal be would bavo fallen oil the saddle It then' had not been men propping him upon either side i hit month was open, the saliva waa ruuulcg down lrom the corners of bit Una. Tbe veiling aod the shouting had been well I nigti dcJiienmg before ; but now it swelled tato a very I label of shrieks and torcanu as the white horse and his rider were led slowly on over the aveuent of bodies. Tramp, tramp, tramp, the boot came down over tbe postrate fipirr; nad even amid tne uproar of tbe crowd yon could hear tbe dull rorunch aa the horte trrxl on hit way. A the Sheikh moved onward, the men prang up from tbe ground on winch they lay P ie as death, hair fainting. gdg far brealh, writhing as If in mortal pain, they loekcd one and all a if they were In varioui ttagtrs of epl lepuc eetivultmfc. Their eyeballs glareil out of their okols ; their fealure were contorted with hideous KUm ; they threw tbesuelv1 alout at If they wuuhl dosb their beau against tne atone an., ana ktrugcicd iitrrceiy wiiii tiieir menus, whoe arms wero paed round their shoulders to to prevent them from filling to the ground. Destructibility of the World. Fclence dlsclcw that world and suns arc de structible, and that aggregate humanity Itself may 1m overtaken wllh sudden annihilation, if it ha no spiritual exlitence and no Immaterial sphere Jfnns have disappeared from tbe heav ens by conflagration ; and the spectroscope ns' lately proved that thousand on tbousanas oi miles of hydrogen are blajtiog about our own sun. A lato a last year, star in tbe constel lation of the Northern Cniwn (f iJbwwt), sud denly came lnmmoui aa a star of Ibe first magni tude; tho spectroscope proved that it wat another conflagration of hydrogen, and that tbo increase tmift navo neen accompanied ny an in crease of heat, which would augment 7M tlmei the heat of all bodies within Its influence. Hich an exnlolon on our sun (now actually subject to a similar phenomena on n smaller, and yet n stupendous scale I would cotuume to vapor onr whole system. Tho fact that these catAstrophea do take place In the heavens, is now indlsnnta hie ; heretofore the sudden illumination and dls appcrrancc of tuns could not bo explained, but the new spectroscopic apparatus demonstrates that tbey arc caused by Uio combustion of hy drogen ran. St Peter' tdelure (lii:7.12) of the fate of our system, laughed at by the skeptic, is dually goioff on. by Ihelrown ncknowledge- Tiuk. "When 1 look upon tho tomta of the great, said AdulMin," every emotion or envy dies in me. hen 1 read the epitaph of tho iM-aa tlful. every inordinate desire coca out when J seo tho tombs of tho parents themselves I con alder tbo vanity of crlovinK for thoo whom wo must qnlCKiy follow. H lien x see Kings lying over those who deposed them ; when I tea rival wlta placed sldo by side, or holy men mat di vided tho world with their contests and disputes, I reflect with sorrow nnd natonlnhment on tbe little competitions, factions and debate of man kind. When 1 read tho sovernl dates of tho tomb, of ome tbat died as yeaterday, nnd some of six bnndred years bro, I consider that great day when we shall all of us bo contemporaries, and make our appearanco together." A yox-KxnsivE lamp, Oiled with non-cxplo-slvo oil, nnd capped with n pnlcht non-explosive burner, exploded in Clovvlnnd, Ohio, one night, not long ago. A gentleman in the room end dimly notlcwd that "tho lamp lecmed to enlarge." lie drutr back a ship or two, when the lamp ex ploded, aeudtng n hundred piece of glass (lying through tho room." It was stnndlng on n bureau at the time, and wiw prppperly trimmed, end In good order : yet with all thew "non exploslvf,!' if did explode. .1 . What Aro "Good Indians?' I perceive In your Is!ue of TtaUrdav some n- ! marks on what Is said to liu a report of General 1 Tl . 1 . . 1 . ( . I r , ... liiuiunq un me conumuu oi me aiuirs oi me Pima and Maricopa Indians, and I am induced to beliuvu that General Thomas must hare received his Information from unreliable sources. I was agent for the Pima and Maricopa Indians for fix years, nnd lived on their reservation for ten years, and I am in constant corronpondence with persons living in that auction of the country I if any great change in the state or affairs had taken pluce I should aiunrcdly have been informed oi It. The Pima and Maricopa are good Indians, but, faithful to their savage InMineU. they want all they can get. and gel all they can. and they steal. loo; but inongn mer nave killed manr Mexicans they hare not murdered any Atnerl cans. About ln years ago I went about eight miles above their recerratlon. where at the tune ther narcti not go, tinim in large band, rrotn rear 0 : the Apache, and I took op a tract of CtO acres ' of land. TImj Indian approved of it. and every- i thing was right, uutil Kitlr planUil thtnolv! i on the Gila Jtiver, above thorn; then the Indians came out in their natural character. About 600 white men live near the Gila, higher tip than the Indians, and have valuable farms, but none within six miles of the reservation. 1 know as a puidtire fact that Uio Pima and Marieopaa bare, on th4r return from a Bght with the Apaehr. turned their borvct K) in number--into the cornfields of the white farmers, vrbrn the corn was nearly iip and completely destroyed it, aad dared tne farmer to rewnt Um mischief ilone. They cam to me. as Indian Agent, bnt '. what could I do. who bad net a rrnt of tmblie ' fund t my disposal aad never received the first i dollar in paymmtlW ify ssrTicsi! Whm tlx-v Wrm aad cattle, which they do whenever ' teer nave a ottaace, mere arc no means oi rvu ration. I can voaeh for Celotwl Raggles, the Indian Agent referred to in the JiJuHn in General Thomas' ttsmkL heinc an hoert tna. aad I oaa "en tbat be has no UM with Is tww rc silei of I tbe ivertatlon referred to. and many good. loyal men. who nerved their eountrr darlflf tbe war. i have ranches above IL If GetHrral TlioaMt bad been MiMlf oft the fU,I tboeld have helleveI i his twort. ht knewine the ewintry nad tveotile I I do, having late rest there, and being eon- stantiy potteti wp ta lUi oerrtat evenu r tl ! piace, i im jrzj onieo 10 ueiie?c ni : neither Colon! Haggles nor any other w hhe . mau sat i;w.ini tm ise n-wn uen. ou m , iee tniorroauon on men tenerai iitomaa nar hU retort Is the malt of te dUagreessrot be- . .1..- r t 1. A .1- tween lhoc from whom he received It and the alleged faiUera. -.1. M. itt,tn Ma. The Esture State. The belief, the hepe, that there Jt s fiitnre Iq, i which the wrong of tstffering iHiBmnlly will he ( TbeodmlHS onlefed the slaaehter of the no nil lien of a city becane his statue had Iws de faeed. Adaniherek cat off the tbab and great toes of threescore and tea Ltsgt, and nude theta gather eruwh under hi table. Cmu whe4 m.nktnd had hut one seek that he tttght hack through it Justinian blinded the tsrer of his throne. The King of irahomoy npi sugar tM wat while a hundred human behigt are mu erel before hi eye, and their blood U being , pvddle4 with the blood of tigers. 1 Hilary pilot opprevUn wWrlteR its Woody lah after man. I aod man In the madness of hi despair fiyinjr Mkc Ore4e4 to the tasaple of God, and there tilling a a suppliant n!!en and resolute: - Here will . i keep ray station and await the event of judg- : i;t." Wi'.hl i ! ' ATrnrer of all tuch m call upon Him, and a future life in which the wicked shoald cease from troubling ; and he troubled blmndf in turn, man, the most down-trodden of all creature, would wrap hi mantle about bU fe. creep like a wonnded bare into corner nnd. aou hlznlf to death. 1 be be lief in a jit God and a future state in which wrongs will he redressed, has been forced into prominence to restrain defpomm. Kron -wiin ueb a belief tbe earih is full of violence, bot without tbe wonld brim over. Take away the idea of responsibility and the fear of future ret ribution, and the veriest tyng dog will becerae a king tork. A ttcller in a mture ot rcwaras ana pnnisbments has thna been a natural wcape for man groaning underdepoim. Unhr the mutt alleging wrongs he most and will hope, and hoping be'leve. thai somewhere there Is One above the wrong-doer, and that at some time He will recompense tho wrong done. Wben oppre sion is owl intolerable, the conviction of a fu ture of rt Tibutlve justice 1 mott lively, but when prosperity tmlle It It almost forgotten. When absolute monarchy or feudal despotlm racked men vrantonly.roeti tmsied that Jrcfraftfr the king and the noble would writhe in tbe ago nies they Inflicted on their tnbjccts. When tbe power of the crown and lbs coronet Is assumed by Justice, men hope that there It no future of suffering, or believe that It is eailly evaded. Tbn in the times when Ilotnan despotism bad reached iu acme, men bunt away from the sla very popularly called citizenship, and realizing with nh awful intensity the jV.tlco of God, which ther Imnrecated on the tvnints. They fastod and tortured their bodies tn dens and careJ of the earth, that they might satisfy during life that dlvlno iustlco which they believed would a snrely exact atUfaction for their offences a It would wreak vengeance on the oppressor for his crimes. If we turn to later ages, when political wronz-dolni: is less la amount, or aiTecU Indi vidual lets perceptibly, we Ond that the sense of Divine Justice and tho belief In futuro retribu tion fado from the religious horizon, and tbat faith I taught to justify and insure a heaven, oven without repentance. & Jtariintj flouliL 0B of tbe cxhorter at a Washington prayer meeting, last week, waa a man who hail left homo in the morning with the intention of committing suicide. Dy inu advice of a friend bo took the prayer meeting as an alternative, and aold hla pistol. Oven four millions of foreigners aro aald to have landed at the port of New York in the past ten years, bringing with, thero over flvo bill, ions of dollar. A MLBDKnKit. on being sentenced to bo hanged In Terra Haute, Indiana, did not catch the date, and inquired: when did you tar, ypur Honor, that occurrence was, to'Uke place ! 1 ngn"i, bm mm ti rori into uw ctokitiiit i i or lue Itiviuue atiian jv ute csuuits t um i t.w Lrr betrayers tn tbe Vlare isirctla or AIrs 1 mankind by the oppemioa of ernturie. Ihit i core mu nit r. Mhat a torrihle s of ilarkncw, . acdria aad Cairo. Other Urse bodies of children mat taen netu a aocmae oi mmrr reuiuuuon er j auuoiino. and fjiao. to KroreT in vne race or i fronl Germany, axm the Alp. MxffT w roHir-doins they woid have Mtak Into de pair. rach imnndeet and surtlinr rerrlaUotva from I i FEEE LOVE AND EASY DIVORCES. Tho Female Suffrngnna on Promiscuous AlfeoUon Darkness, Diabolism, and Chaos. Conventicles and meetings of tho women's rights women aru increasing iut and West, and thrv nra wlfltfilntf lhn vlitra tifflu'lr rlUmiMinrt from women's rights In the matter of xuffragc to j "everything in the heaven above. In tue eartti below, and in tho waters under tho earth." ililt at the )at Woman's National EuITrago AmocU tion meeting in this citv, the McFsrland-Uicb- ardson tragedy, with all its shocking details and teachings, was tlie engronlng subject ol U,e ! evening's debate and rtwolailons. Mrs. Norton led att in a resolution agant the manufacturing assaatln, decla both sulfered the this (Richardson) murder would never have been committed." upon uns win a woman rtgnu man of the free love order. namd Pool, tiok up the aubject. He contendcl that the divorce laws of New York were not fr and easy enotigh j that the death-bed marriage of Kicbardoa and Mr. McParland upon tint Indiana divorce was a gioriAtu thing, though in defiance or the law or New York : that women are loaded down with laws, and be objpeted to all laws affecting wo men, because they are women, and so on. Next cane Mi. IHake. who, bavins a butband of ber own. did not admire the lax divorce laws of the Western States. In France daring the Keign of Ti-rror, when tbe divorce law were relaxed, a woman emld net go to a public assemblage without teeing tlx or eight 'different hmbaods, and Mrs. Itlake did not nt anrlhioc or tbat kind. Mrs. Norton, for her pari, thought that a I slate of society Weh allewM a woman sir or j e4gbt babid was ranch belter lean tfeevfdrl i oi oeiriy unaer watcu a poor woman was ooiig Olig- rd to live with a Imshaod the deteeUrd. TbU, ; mrtj, was -tpeaktog ilht out k meeting. Mr. Sammerby. horrified, m doabt. at Mra. Nor " ' women ng. sngjn.ic.1 toai , rml ttration before Umi aooieiy woman s rtght Ui the ballot. A eertala Dr. Hoober here Mitln li? oar. con- Uisdtag that wowaV rTghu in matrimony were dejw-ndent pon their prim tf the right of ' ffrare. In the dndoralde fact that nose of the newspaper had eoa.c forth to the dcleaxi of Mr. ; ilcFsriand yon could rm hv wvtum arc Uni- w. ia , w. yvmmuvrn vn ; ot marrisge as nfrthin hut prwtltQti.a. Mrs. .nB "i p r-i oontradd that the unettlun of fiaffrace and the I uordtlen of divorce law were mother and child. I Ihis wmplr tnearK that the ultimatam of the 1 woman taffrage MAaociations ! trrelave and euwy ' dirorees, i Tata, then, at the uphot of woman suffrage. ' ; the entertainment to which the American twople are lsvltM free love and frwaad ray dfrorce ! oomprebmding the abolition of wt family, and the aohrtituiios of the Fonrirrite phalanx , thene free lore men In netUooata amd the old women In brwehea, aod In view of their tro ciout design upon Kodety. McFarlaud will be apt to be considered the avegr of an on Urged oomrau nity rather thui an offender against It law. Indeed, with a few more ti tbeee out tpokes free lore xroraen's rights meetings on the Hiohanl)on aataMinatioa it will he impiihle- to obtain a jury on the ce.- .Vmc York Herald. Divine Ownership. M The hand that 4e is Dirtec" In every part and lu the haratoniotii whole, we ho the trace of the Divine hand whkh hat formrd o. Our whole bears the riamp of Divine ownership. Abu van temple with mighty pitiarm, vnkcujir wllh the prale of the Great Architect ; of ex quisite workmanship throughout ; the very ideal of perfection and goodoe; whose- windows, polbhed and transparent reflecting and conduct ing the pnreat Ught from heaven, are el toward the tVlea that angel only might look in, A tem ple of tbe Holy Gbot a human habitation for the Inn-dwrilisg of God. Such are the possibilities of our nature, and ruch In good truth they ore when harmonized with the Divine wllL Tbe perfect man I be who carries hhntelf with obedknee, to the voice of hi Creator ; who listeita and obey : who allow the natural tie that bind him to his Creator and eternal life to utter their claim before the wurid, and who, set i Irar rtore by real happiness, urges every faculty 1 ..1. a. I .... i r f. . . wunin mm lowaru toe goal oi cuuioramy vo uio IHvine will In all things. He d- not deny con rcienee, hut be denies the world and tin. He does aot deny hi reaaon. while he trample un der foot the vain philosophies of men. He doe not deny his life any rational delight or plea u re, "chile he eounta alt thine bat Iota "for the excellent knowledge of God which he em ploy and pursue. lie recognizes the gTeal truth of the drep want or hit communion with the Creator; that tbe sonl. so wonderful and to aspiring, rests and rejoice only when in the complacent presence of ita great original the source and cad of all pci fee lion. St.T tocr Chixxkts. In building a chimney, put u quantity of ealt into the mortar with which the intercourse or brick r to be laid. The el feet wilt be that there never will be any toot In that chimney. The philosophy it thut tinted : Tbo valt in the portion ot ue mortar wnicu it exposed, absorbs moisture from tbe atmosphere every damp day. The toot thus becoming damp, fall UOWn into 100 ure-piace. ioh apmrara u be an Kngllsh discovery. It I used witn success in Canada. The French aro cheerful race, and And a joke In things where no other people would think or looking lor one. a toon iuue nuco a steamboat explosion on the lower MUsistippi blew a Frenchman's better hall Into the bushy, wherenpon the bereaved husband, when he heard of the disaster, exclaimed, "Farewell, much e-ttcamed wife I" ETEitxrrr has no grey balrs. Tho flower fade, the heart -wither, man grow old and dies, but time writes no wrinkles on eternity. Eternltyl O.ttudendou thought 1 Earth bas its beautie, but time shroud them for their gravo; its pala ee.' thev are but the elided seputchre; IU pleas ures. thev are burstlncr bubbles. Not to in the untried ponrngj,, In the dwelling of the, Al nlgtity can c'bmo no fooUtepi of decay. Ijl. of public opinion in betiair of sa " " ; no wuai one ui.iikc ring that "bad Sickles ind Cole 1 B1 wo" 1 " oiuer urines sou -wvu i at imt nunliilifnMit of iliolr rrimit f on liorsjc assrr. or sloomr. or haonr. at Extraordinary Story, The Most Remarkablo Father and Boa of the Age. A most remarkable case of ineangnineons af fection and sympathy Is that of a father and son living In the adjoining county of Fleming. The lamer u auoui iony-nve yean or age, and the n is not yet twenty, ben one has anr com- plaint the other is rlmilarlr affected. If the father bas the headache, the son ban It at thr same time; if one suffers with the toothache, the other also suffers with it ; when one geU a cold, the other ret it alo: and to it noes on thronirh all the catalogue of ordinary complaint, liut yet more remarkable tun is ine similarity of their appetite, tempermenUand general actions. tbe nam degree and at the taiwi time Is the other angry, or gloomy, or happy, piey sneeae at the same time, and sleep tbe f me nnraVr of hours ; and. tbe mct remarkable of all, tber dream at the Mine time, and the dream of one u tbe Mmc as that of the Otlx-r. We might go on and enMinerate many other intance of the reliP1 tionship exUting between this faUier and Son, though the above are auQldenl a showing bow strange aod retnsrkable that relatlonahip Is. OuiUleKy. Meratry. The Children's Crusade. 1 Curious lief 0 7i'ofory 7he Jforf llrrmrhMe and Ilrutrva tf G Crumbs. (Pnaa Kmrjrt't Mac-aria tat Dmikl One of the most startling effects of Uck asank- Uh delusion the truwle of the little chlUi Arm A band ut MlfKtO Mtlrn fmm r!n. .fid KranfB -t t tn 1?1? (n M-pnleber. A peasant chHd of Vendome firtt aUDH-d the croas in France, and toon aalDcrea- nr throne of boy and cirii rathered arrmud j htm a he putted from Paris to the South,, and, ! with a touching simplicity declared that IheV meant to go to Jernselcm to deliver the sennf- cher of tbe Saviour. Their parent and relations w Viin mdwivDred to diwmade themi thev MTyl frctm llr tiimw 1 M-.m.l.,l mA wiUout means of uh'itmc; sad they believed lnM m jajjjo yrxmld dry np ibe "Seatirrraneari Ma enable tnem U) pa raielr to the shores f Syria, At length a bodrofaeren tbousaod' IM r rencn children reached jHaraeflle, aad here they met with a ttransre aad uulooked for doom. At Marseille were slave trailer who were acenstomed to ptircj or teal children" in order to ell them to the Raraeens, Two of tbee monttrr. Fern and Porcm, engaged to: lake the yoong crusader to the Holy Land with out charge, and they set sail In seven ships for pareage, with all their paatengt. the others rired taTrfy. and the happy children wero rold tne i wo or me veeM-is were sunk on the. few were enabled to die on the sacred toil of Syria; aod it it estimated that fifty tbeBcsd"of the Sower of European youth were lost la the. molt remarkable of the Crusade. What He Would Da. This It what M. Quad of the Detroit Frtt Prut say he would do. If, on returning home at even Ing. -Mother baa cootd wllh another man.' I wonld pry open tbe door with an ax, look into tny secretary to tee if Mrs. Quad took away, in her bad flight the half a dollar which I had soruMuUted by locg and successful industry; I' would et the cold potatoes on tbe table and bid the children weep no more, and then when we uu s5rrprd st5jL'"'Jy. I would ray to .my sec ond child; I-ong Primer solid, step over to Ch code's and say to him that your fetoer would like a short conversation with hi tutnt' And when tbe aunt had come, I would arise and point to my children and say. 'Hannah, these are my" iewela. Once they bad a mother, as all children have, but during my temporary abtence at my I port of doty, she and the cross eyed rve tender KK)a UK rijiux iTvuu rui i uitou. i m a iotw man. These are my lone children. 1 hare - ob served you many Use during the past year, and have ihoeght of you much. If you are sot In any other business, suppose j that that Right here, of course, I should break down, a every man does when proposing matrimony. QiitllsASAh-oaldundmtaad tny btabe sm confatlon. Interpret them aright and the would softly ay: -One good turn deaerves another your till death do ut part" And I would . go out to Chicago In the morning for a divorce. ' Jaraynr. Strtnso Acoomuoihtionx A eorj respondeat or Ibe N. Y. Xt'Jolist give tie ioV lowing description of Japanese fieeping accuaV modations ; "As I was about to pass ay first night In a Jspatiete house, I watched anxiously the prepar ation for sleeping. These were simple enough: matrass In the fora of a very thick quill, about seven feet Ions; by four wide, was spread oa the floor, and over it was laid an ample- inbe, very long and heavily padded, and provided with iarge sleeve. Having put on this night drest, . the sleeper covers himself with another quilt. and sleep that is, if he bat had some years' ex perience in tne use ot tue iica. um toe most remarkable feature about a Japanese bed b the pillow. TbU It a wooden box about four laches high, eight Inches long, and two inches wldo at the top. It ha a cushion of folded paper on the upper tide to rest tbe neck on, for the elab orate manner of drusslng tbe hair doe not per mit the Japanese, especially tne women, to press the head on the pillow. Every morning, the up permost paper is taken off from the cushion, ex posing a clean cunace, witnout me cxpeoM oi washing a plllow-cac, Paring my stay In the country, I learned many of tho customs, master ing the use of tho choiHttlcks, and accustoming ray palate to the raw fresh fish, but the attempt to balance my bead ou a two inch pillow 1 t,'ve up in despair, after trying in vain to secure tbe box by tying it to ray neck and bead." The Radical difficulty In Virginia the burst- Ing of the carpet-bag. A". Y. Leadtr. " Coxceitkd party Aw, I ay, must"! awftake a ticket for a puppy 1" . . ti .."it Tieket. clerk (meditatively WNo,l nyouneaa ravel a an ordinary pMgHr.