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THE MADISOMAN. THUMAH ALLEN. IIITtB !>? HOFIIITM. TEBMS. Semi-weekly, par an. 00 I W??ld?, per an. W *0 " ?? ?ii mouths, 9 00 I " mx tneotha, * 00 No subscription will l>a taken for a single copy of cither edition, for a term short of six month* ; nor uti les* paid for in adrance PBICB or AOVBBTISINO. Twelve linn, or less, three insertions, - f I 00 Each additional insertion, ... 25 Longer advertisements *t proportionate rates A liberal diacouut tuade to those who advertise by the year. D7 Subscribers may remit bv mail, in bills of solvent banks, potlagt paid, at our risk ; provided it shall ap> pear by a postmaster's certificate, that such remittance has been duly mailed. A liberal discount will be made to companies of /#? or more transmitting their subscriptions together. Postmasters, and otbera authorized, acting as our agents, will be entitled to receive a copy of the paper grata for every live aubseribers or, at that rale per cent, ?n subscriptions generally; the terma being fulfilled. Letters and communication* intended lor the eeta* bliahioent will not be received unleaa the putlogt u paid. PROSPECTUS. Tits Msdisomiah will be devoted to the aupport of the principlea and doctrines of the democratic party, aa delineated by Mr. Madi?ou, and will aim to coneummate that political reform in the theory and practice of the h, national goveniuieut, which haa been repeatedly indi ? cated by the general *ufferage, as essential to the poace l,P and prosperity of the country, and to the perfection and perpetuity of ita free institutiona. At thia time a singu lar state of affairs is presented. The commercial in terests of the country are overwhelmed with embarrass ment ; its monetary concerna aro unusually disordered ; every ramification of aociety is invaded by distreaa, and the social edifice acema threatened with disorganisation; every ear is filled with predictions of evil and the iiiur wirings of despondency ; the general government ia boldly aasailed by a large and reapectable portion of the people, as the direct cause of tneir difficulties; open resistance -to the laws is publicly encouraged, and a spirit of insubordination is fostered, aa a necessary dufunce to the pretended usurpations of the psrty in power ; some, from whom better things were hoped, are making the " confusion worse confounded," by a head long pursuit of extreme notions and indefinite phantoms, totally incompatible with a wholesome atate of the country. In the midst of all these difficulties and em barrassiAents, it ia feared that uiany of the Iraa firm of the- friends of the admimatration and aupportera of democratic principle* are wavering in their confidcnce, and beginning, without just cause, to view with distrust those men to whom they have been long attached, and whose elevation they hsve laboured to promote from honest and patriotic motive* Exulting in the anticipa tion of dismay and confuaion amongst the aupportcrs of the administration as the consequence of these things, the opposition are consoling themselves with the idea that Mr. Van Burcn's friends, as a national partv, are veiging to dissolution ; and they allow no opportunity to piss unimproved to give eclat to their own doctrines. They are, indeed, maturing plana for their own future government of the country, with aeetniug confidence of certain aucceaa. Thia confidence is increased by the fact, that visionary theories, and an unwise adherence to the plan for an txclutme metallic currency have unfortunately carried some beyond the actual and true policy of the govern ' incut; and, by impairing public confidence in the credit ay at cm, which ought to be preserved and regulated, but not destroyed, have tended to increase the difficulties under which the country is no.v labouring. All these seem to indicate the neceaaity of a new organ at the aeat of government, to be established upon sound prin ciples, and to represent faithfully, and not to dictate, the real policy of the administration, and the true sentiments, measures, and interests, of the great body of its sup porters. The necessity slso appears of the adoption of more conservative principles than the conduct of thoso seems t? indicate who seek to remedy abuses by dc atroying the institutions with which they are found con nected Indeed some measure of contribution is deemed essential to the cuhanceincnt of our own self-respect at home, and to the promotion of the honor and credit of the nation abroad. To meet theae indications this undertaking has been instituted, and it ia hoped that it will produce the effect of inapiring the timid with courage, the desponding with hope, and the whole country with confidence in tho administration of its government. In this view, this journal will not aeek to lead, f>r to follow any-faction, or to advocate the viewa of any particular detachment of men. It will aspire to accord a juat measure of sup port. to each of the co-ordinate branches of the govern ment, in the lawful exercise of their constitutional prerogatives. It will address itself to the understandings of men, rather than appeal to any unworthy prejudicea or evd passions. It will rely invariably upon the prin ciple, that the atrength and security of American insti tution* depeud upon the intelligence and virtuo of the Thc Madi soman will not, in any event, be made the instrument of arraying the north and the south, the eaat and the west, in hostile attitude* towards each other, upon anv subject of either general or local intcrcat. It will reflect only that spirit arid those principles of mutual concession, compromise, and reciprocal good-will, which so eminently characterized the inception, formation, and subsequent adoption, by the several States, of the con stitution of the United States. Moreover, iu the same hallowed apirit that haa, at all periods since the adoption of that sacred instrument, characterized it's defkxcb av this pi:opi.b, our press will hasten to its support at every emergency that shall arise, from whatever quarter, and under whatever guise of philanthropy, policy, or principle, the antagonist power inay appear If, tn this responsible undertaking, it ahall be our ?ood fortune to succeed to any degree iu promoting tho irinonv and prosperity of the country, or in conciliating jealousies, and allaying the asperities of party warfare, by demeaning ourself amicably towarda all; by indulg ing personal animosities towards none ; by conducting ourself in the belief that it is perfectly practicable to differ wnh others in matters of principle and of expe diency, without a mixture of personal unkindncss or loss of reciprocal respect; and by " asking nothing that i* not clearly right, and submitting to nothing that is wrong," then, and not otherwise, will the full measure of it* intention be accomplished. and our primary rule for ita guidance be sufficiently observed and satisfied. Thia enterprize lias not been undertaken without the approtiation, advisement, and pledged support of many of the leading and soundest minds in the ranka of the democractic republican party, ui the extreme north and in the extreme south, in the east and in the west. An aasociation of both political experience and talent of the highest order will render it competent to carry forward the principlea by which it will be gutded, and make it useful ss s political organ, and interesting as a journal ?f news. Arrangement* also have been made to fix the establishment upon a substantial and permanent ban* The aubacriber, therefore, relie* upon the public for so much of their confidence and encouragement only a* the fidelity of Ina pre** to their great national interests shall prove itself entitled to receive. THOMAS ALLEN. YVashinoton Citv, D. C. July, 1837. WOMAN'S EYES. Away, away ' I'll drink no more Let's join the minstrel throng ; Away, where voice and lute outpour The dulcet tide of song, But let it be where Beauty'* bower It* sweetest theme supplies ; Song lesos half its magic power L'ublest by Womun'a eyes The warrior's lance, thc poet's pen, May win immortal lame; As occan cave and mountain glen _ Are taught each glorious name. Yet is there still than fame, perchance, A prouder, richer prize ; W ho values not the sunny glance Who'a home ia Woman's eyes ? There is an hour when words are vail An hour twice known to none: 7 It la when hearts, that once were>wain, First feel they are but one. ' E en then when sense appeals to sense And passion speech denies; What tlien is l<ove's best eloquence T Tis that of Woman's eyes. I've drained the cup on Rhine'* proud hills, I've drank Unronue, to thee; Where lauuh the snow Alps' thousand rills, I've quaff'd to liberty. But, oh! of all the bacchant stores, Garonne or Khine auppliea, Give me the cup that, mantling up, U drained to Wuman's eye*. THE MADISON IAN. - ? ? - ? . ? ?. ' " I /? " 1 " 1 1111 ' ~ ? '????' ""?? ;i' r''' VOL. I. WASHINGTON CITY, WED KESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1837. NO. 3. BANKING SYSTEM. THE TXOK DOCTRINE. Crusader* against the Banking System of the States, would be wise in providing them selves with text bonks, furnished by combin ing the opinions of the great leaders of the Republican party. They will then wander forth in their Quixotic career with a better understanding of the position of their ene mies, aud forewarned of those Inna, where, like poor Sancho, they may get tossed in a blanket. If they flatter themselves that the seeking of new and untried paths, the adoption of new creeds, or the entire relinquishment of the old ones, will be countenanced by those to whom ihey would fain look for direction, they must have a singular confidence in that jewel of virtues, Consistency. Forourpart, we will not have the uncharitablcness to be lieve, that these gentlemen whose opinions we quote, and rely upon with confidence as the true doctrine, will M turn their barks upon themselves," and repudiate the principles upon which they-have always professed to act. To remedy the abuses of the Hanking Sys tem by destroying all the Banks, would be very much like hanging a sinner for the pur pose of reforming him. We trust the people w ill be guilty of no such folly. VVe trust they will be on their guard, and not permit the pre vailing disorders to blind tlieir eyes to the true policy, nor allow themselves to be led astray by the sinister devices of demagogues, or the extravagancies of fanatics. We readily admit tharour Banking Systom is defective, and we shall cordially co-operate in any proper measures for a practicable and wholesome reform. But let us avoid rashness and violence. The embarrassments of the country would be wofully involved and in creased, by punishing the State Institutions with destruction, because, involved in the vortex of a wide spread commercial and finan cial calamity, they were forced to suspend specie payments. Moderation and forbear ance will best subserve the purposes of re form, and turn away the evils, with which the community would be overwhelmed by any other course. Let us remember the great principles for which we have been long con tending. Let us remember that Congress, in relation to the currency, has only power, by the letter of the Constitution, to " coin money and regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin." The question of a National Bank, therefore, should be considered settled. Let us rely upon the already declared policy of the Government, for the best and safest measures to promote the " general welfare." And let us remember, in the language of President Jackson, that, " instead of being necessarily made to promote the evils of an unchecked paper systom, the management of the revenue can be made auxiliary to the reform which the Legislatures of several of the "States have al ready commenced." In this respect let us see how far we may rely upon the declared opinions of Republican leaders. In his message in December, 1835, Presi dent Jackson says: I " It has been seen that, without the agericy of a great j moneyed monopoly, the revenue can be collected, aud conveniently aud safely applied to all the purpoaea of | the public expenditure. It la also ascertained that, in stead of being necesaarily made to promote the evils of an unchecked paper aystein, the management of the re venue can be made auxiliary to the reform which the legislatures of several of the States have already com- \ menced in regard to the suppression of small lulls, aud it hich has only to be fostered by proper regulations on tke part of Congress to secure a practical retwn, to the \ extent required for the security of the currency, to the constitutional medium. Severed from the Government as political engines, and not susceptible of dangerous extension and combination, the State banks will not be tempted, nor will they have the power which we have aeen exercised, to divert the public funds from the le gitimate purposes of the Government. The collection j<nd custody of the revenue being, on the contrary, a source of credit to them, will increase the security which tins Slates provide for a faithful execution of their trusts, by multiplying the scrutinies to which their operations snd accounts will be subjected. Thus dis posed, as well from interest as the obligations of their charters, it cannot tie doubted that such condition* as Congress may see lit to adopt respecting the dejiosites in these institutions, with a view to the gradual disuse oj the smalt bills, will be cheerfully complied with ; and tbat*we shall soon gam, ui place of the bank of the U. States, a practical reform 111 the whole paper system of the country. If, by this policy, we can ultimately wit ness the suppression of all bank bills below twenty dol lars, it is apparent that gold and silver will take, tlieir place, and become the principal circulating medium in the common business of live farmers and mechanics of the country. The attainment of such a result will form an era in the history of our country, which will be dwelt upon with delight liy every true firend of its liberty and independence. It will lighten the great lax which our |>aper system has so long collected from the earnings of labor, and do more to revive and perpetuate those habits of economy and simplicity which are so congenial to the character of Itcpnblicana, than all tlie legislation which has yet been attempted." Mr. Van Buren expressed himself thus, in relation to this subject, in his letter to Mr. Williams: '? The constitution gave to Congress express power to coin money and regulate the value thereof, and of foreign com. and it expressly prohibits the exercise of a similar power by the Slates. ? ? ? ? Whether they also designed to divest the state's of .their antece dent right to incoriicrale banks, it would now bo more curious than useful to enquire. That matter, so far as it relates to the mere question of power, must be re garded ss settled in fat or of the continued authority of the states. Assuming that this was contemplated bv the frainers of the federal constitution, it is then most evident that their hopes of a sound currency must have been based upon the cx|>ectaiion that the respective go vernments would faithfully discharge their peculiar du ties, aud as faithfully conliuc themselves lu their re spective sphere* ; thst the federal government would exert all us consUtuUonal powers, not only by creating aud diffusing a metallic currency, but by protecting it against a paper circulation of the same nominal value, whilst the states supplied such -emissions of paper as "iifjht be actually demanded by the necessities oj Com merce, and not at variance either in denomination or amount with the existence of an adequate specie ear? rtney. Had such ? |tolicy been pursued, there ia the best reason for believing that a just proportion between paper and spccie might hare been preserved, and a sound currency uniformly maintained.'' Again : " Although I have always been opposed to the in crease of hanka, I would u*ver*heJes* pursue towards the existing institution! a jo?t and liberal c?ura?-~pro tecting tbem in the rightful enjoyment oI the principles which have been granted to them, and extending U? them the good will of the community, ?o long M li.ey discharge with fidelity the delicate and imitortaot public trusts with which they have been invested." The Hon. William C. Rives, in his exce 1 leut speech upon the subject of the currency, delivered in the Senate last winter, held the following doctrine, which seems to have been heartily responded to throughout the country, and by many, considered " the most reason able sentiments upon this subject ever put forth." Mr. Hives says : " My object then would be, not the destruction of the banking system and the total suppression of hank psper, but sn efficient regulation of it, and its restriction to safe and proper limits ; not the exclusive use of spe cie as a circulating medium, but such a substantial en largement and general diffusion of it, in actual circula tion, aa would nuke it the practical, currency of com mon life, the universal medium of ordinary transactions in short, the money of the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer, and the tradesman : while the merchant should be left in the enjoyment of a sound and restricted paper currency for hia larger operationa. Such a reformation in the currency aa this, would in my opinion be produc tive of the most beneficial results. Il would give se curity to the industrious classes of society for the pro ducts of their labor, againal the caaualtiea incident to the paper !vatein. It would give aecuritv to a great ex tent to iho whole body of the community, againat those disastrous fluctuations in tlie value of property and ' contracts, which arise from the eblis and flows of an | unrestricted paper currency. It would give security to the banks themselves, by providing them in the daily in ternal circulation of the country, an abundant and ac cessible fund for recruiting their resource!, whenever they should be exposed to an extraordinary pressure. L Again, in the language of prediction, now ?proved history, he says: . "The rcquiaition of specie in payments to the Govern-' mcnt will not only not avail to bring gold and silver into circulation, but, if insisted on, while gold and silver yet form, comparatively, but a small part of the actual cur rency of the country, it will inevitably have the eflecl of I diminishing their circulation. While bank paper forms the great mass of the currency of the country, if the Government refuse to receive it in payment of the public dues, and demand ?|?cie excluaively, the neces aarv consequence will be to enhance, to a greater or lesa extent, the value of gold and ailver in relation to paper. That being the caie, gold and ailver will no longer circulate freely Those who liave specie will be unwilling to part with it, except at a premium ; and those who have notes will be anxious to convert them into specie. Hoarding of the precious inetala will then commence, and but little of tliein be aeen in circulation. No one, I presume, Mr Prciident, attache! much im portance to the collection of the public revenue in specie, aa an ultimate object, if il can be made equally safe b\ other means. It is only aa an matrument of purifying and correcting the currency, that itdeaerves the consideration of a practical statesman. The great object la not to amass specie in the public treasury, or in the vaults of banks, but to diffuse Us healthful cur rency through the business ol society, and to bring it into activc circulation among the people. 1 Ins can only be effected by the previoua suppression of the amall notes ; and any attempt by the Government, before that ix done, to collect its revenues in spccie. instead of pro moting and extending the circulation of gold and silver, tends directly to narrow and diminish their circulation ' The Hon. Nathaniel P. Talltnadge, in his speech in the United States Senate, ti|M>n the Ueposite Act, which has been extensively quoted and commended, expressed the follow ing views. It is proper, also, to remark, that these opinions have recently, received the " entire approbation" of about " seven hun dred members of the democratic republican party, in the city ol New York," whose con nexion with the commercial interests, and knowledge of commercial wants, should en title their views to great weight on subjects of this character. He says : ii What, then, do they, expect and desire ' I answer no more, nor no less, than every real fri< nd to his coun try is willing to adopt, namely, a preservation, and at the same time, a regulation of the credit lysiem. In all such measures of reform I will go as far as lie who goes farthest. Pre?erve and regulate, but not destroy, la my motto. Enlarge your specie basis ; introduce, a* far as practicable. ? gold currency, by the prohibition of small notca ; provide iiieam for coming at the mint; take all proper measures to prevent excessive issues of bank paper, and the unnecessary increase of bank incor porations; repeal your restraining laws, so as to permit the free employment and investment of foreign capital. Whatever danger there may be. is to be found in the abuse of the lystem, and not in its existence. Guard against these abuses, and correct them when discovered An entire abandonment of the credit system, and a return to a sole anil exclusive metallic currency, if it were practicable, w*ould produce desolation and de struction from one extreme to the Union to the other. Such notions ought not, cannot, muit not prevail." Hon. Silas Wright, Jr. in his speech in the United States Senate, in January, 1834, re marked : " The Senator from Massachusetts has asked?If you will not rechurter the bank, or establish a new bank, what will you do ! He (Mr Wright) would answer as an individual, expressing hi* oirn sealiments, that he would support the Executive Dejiartinent of the Go vernment, by all the lawful means in hi* |K?wer, in the attempt now making to substitute the State Ranks fur the United Stales. He believed them perfectly and completely competent to the object, and he was wW.'y unmoral by the a/at im that had been sounded a* to their insecurity and the dinners that were to be appre hended from the change. He held that the steps al ready taken to effect the object in view were all war ranted by the Constitution and lairs rf the land. It was his firm opinion that the steps which had been takeu | would redound to the honor and l? interest of the country, and ouyht to l?e suataiued by the People and their llepresentatives." In conclusion, Mr. Wright observed: " He would merely pronounce hi? opinion that the country would sustain the Executive arm of llie (?o vernment in tho Experiment now making to substitute the Stale Institution! for the Hank ot the United States H% had the must en'ire confidence in the full aul com plete success of the ExpernncrU." Mr. Woodbury, in his Report to Congress, in Decemlier, 1834, says: " It is the part of sound philosophy and true political wisdom to improve to the utmost, consistently with con stitutional difficulties, our present mixed currencv When it is remembered that, after long experience, almost every nation of Europe, and esjieciallv the most enlightened and commercial ones, have, though possess ing full power to abolish wholly the paper system, deem ed it good economy and a great convenience to retain it to a certain extent, for the larger and more distant ope rations in commerce and finance ; when it u considered that the paper syalein is generally supposed to increase the activity of the surplus moneyed capital of a country, bv collecting it into banks, and distributing it speedily, as needed, and to make a lesa quantity of circulating medium, employed in thia way, answer the same pur iK>*cs of society with a lar?;et quantity otherwiae em iiioved ; and when it is computed by many, whether juailv and wiaely, need not here be diarnssed, (hit. ihroUtfh the wanes of psper over the amount of specie in the? vaulta of banks, the public is enable to obtain a temporary use of so much more money, as if in that extent, and for that purjiose. it were a real addition to the specic capital, and atUie same time to realiie ? sav ing in the wear and loss of the sj*<cie in the vaults, which it would otherwise sustain in actual use, the ques tion becomes verv doubtful whether, in this commercial and widely extended country, the anticipation can be justified, that the Slates or the people will soon, if ever1, conienl to tlie attuse of banks of paper issues. But it is more probable, that the discussion and increased in terest attending thia subject will terniuiate bc-re, as in England, not in aboltahing all country or local banks, though Parliament, like lite States, possess un<li?puled power to do it; but, for the present at least, i? only " exercising greater care in the regulation of theae bank* by tike Statea, and in creating, by both Stale and United State* legislation, a broader baste of specie in circula tion, lor the increased security aa well of the banks aa of the community, aild for the great and desirable improve ment of the currency of the country." Gov. Campbell, in bis sound and sensible Message, recently delivered to tbe Legisla ture of Virginia, furnishes us the following excellent cTeed. He says : "The tune is unprupitioos, if it were otliet wise desira ble, to attempt anv radical changes in the policy of the commonwealth. The system of banking has been long since introduced, am) we find it filed upon ua. '1 he commonwealth is largely interested in the slocks of our banking institutions, through the fuud for internal im provement and the literary fund ; and the stock which ia thus held, is a nart of the security which has l>een pledged to the holders of tbe public debt. Bank paper has long performed all the purposes of currency, and by tlie holders of it, the |xx>r and the rich, ia counted aa inouey. The merchants and trader* of our towns liave been accustomed to look to the banks for facilities and aidand through their instrumentality it was, they have lieen enabled to make their purchases of the planter and farmer. It would aurely be unwise in a period of diffi culty, and when private credit is in need of unusual fa cilities, to put down institutions which are so incorpora ted with every public and individual intereat, and Irmn which it would result aa an immediate conscience, and. the difficulties of paying would be augmented, whilst the debt to be paid would be increased Tltfit art tKuse who would have no hanks, cither btate or federal, and are for enforcing an exclusive metallic circulation, 'i he pro ject, in the actual condition of tlie country, I believe to be wholly impracticable, and the agitation of it at this period, could Iwve no other effuct than still further to derange the business and oppress every interest ui the community And I consider it of the highest importance to maintain the credit of tlie state banks, aa forming un der proper regulations and reforms, the?only practical anlistiiute fors United .Ststes Bank?arid their preserva tion affords the only defence against the dangerous scheme of a powerful and overwhelming national insti tution. Again, in a recent toast he gives us : " ilard money for our common transactions. Bank notes, equivalent to specie, for the commerce of the country. hi the Address of the Albany General Republican Commute^ ? find the following saving doctrine: p " We are not advocates for uidimited and extrava gant credits,; and we trust that affclasses in tlie com munity will learn wisdom from jiaal and present expe rience. Still, we cannot agree with those who docry the whole credit system To that system principally we owe our canals and other public works It has extended our cominrrce over the whole world?|>et>pled the wil derncss?built our cities and vilages?founded our col leges and established our schools, It has given ua na tional wealth and individual "prosperity, and if it has brought some evils in its train, they are not for a mo ment to be compared to the advantages which we have so abundantly realued. None but a dreamer, who would throw us back a century, can wish to annihilate crcdila. With anch a measure tlie canal would indeed be come " a solitude," and the lake " a desert waste of waters " Instead of enlarging the Erie canal we might better discharge our collectors and lock-tenders?aban don the project of opening other public thoroughfares, and content ourselves with once more returning to a state of barter Our legislature wool I have little busi ness on its hands bevoiul that of declaring the State bankrupt, and imposing taxea to defray the ordinary ex penses of the government." Hon. James Garland, member of Congress from Virginia, in a recent letter to the editor of the Charlottesville Jeflersonian Republican, enables us to add another good authority to what we consider the true doctrinc : " It should be homo in mind that wc are now com pletely involved in the banking ay stem insUtuted by twrr>tv-five independent State Governments, each of which will probably adhere to it 111 some form. How vain, then, the effort, if attempted, on the part of the Generat Government, by the mere employment of its revenue, to overthrow all these institutions, and how de structive the effects, could it bo suddenly occomphsh ed. I think the wni?*f and most successful mode will be to invite the co-operation of the States to a gradual reformation of the Banking system, by gradually reduc ing their paper and enlarging the specie circulation of the country. Extract from the Address of the Republi can Members of Congress from New York, to their constituents, June 30, 1834. "In the present struggle between tlie government and the people, and the government of the bank of the Uni ted States, many of the state banks have rallied under the banner of the great moneyed power, and have cs I>oused its interests. The exceptions, however are suf ficiently numerous, and especially in our own state to vindicate tile policy of such institutions, and place them in many instances, in close affinity with the people. In deed, although the whole hanking system is more or less liable to abuse, and is only defensible in communi ties like our own, when actually required by the exi gences of trade, ami carefully restrained by the effective regulations and vigilant control, yet it is morally impos sible that the stale batiks, can ever exercise any very dangerous influence over the politics or business of a territory so extended, and a population so numerous as those of the United States. Their number would in deed make them formidable could they all be combined in one common effort; but for a thousand reasons, such a combination is utterly impossible. In a national point of view, ills only by means of a bank of the United States, that " associated wealth," can in this country, acquire anv great political influence ; because there is IIO other organization by which its power can be extend ed to every section of the Union, and brought to bear by concerted and concentrated action on all the interests of society." Signed by Silas Wright, Jr. Abel Huntington, X IVTalliiiadge, Noudiah Johnson, John Adams, Gernt Y Unsing, Samuel Brardsley, Abijah Mann, Jr. Abraham Bockee, Charles Mc \ can, Charles Bodle, Henry Mitchell, John W Brown, Sherman Page, C. C Canibreleng, Job Picrson, Samuel Clark, Win. Taylor, John Cramer, Joel Turrtll, Rowland Dav, Aaron Vamlerpoel, William It. fuller, Isaac Van Houteu, Ransom H Gillet, Asron Ward, Nicoll Halsey, Daniel Ward well, Samuel G Hathaway, Reuben Whailon, Edward Howill, . Campbell F. Whita. Wo might quote other authorities in sup jiort of these doctrines, which we believe coincide with the sentiment of nine-tenths of the republican parly. ^ e sincerely commend them to the whole people of the country, and for the purpose of impressing them thoroughly upon the minds of our readers, we shall pre sent them, several days successively, in our columns, with such additions as we may'tilid it convenient to make. Sydnry Smith, preaching a charity sermon, fre quently repeated the assertion that, of ail nations, En glishmen were the most distinguished for generosity and the love of their ipteut Tlie collection' happened to lie inferior to his expectations, ami lie said that he had cvidenllv made a great mistake, and that his ex pression should have been, that they were distinguished for the lote of their tpeae ?Bluckmnxi't Magazine. A Cast for the O/nnion of a Court of 11onor ?By the charter of appointment of the hereditary lord high chamberlain of England, he has tbe right to the dress worn by the sovereign at each coronation, in which he is to appear on the first court after that august ceremo ny. Queie : Will the noble Lord who auccecds to this office, he bound literally to fulfil the terms of this cli?rt?r? ? ? ? SPEECH OF MR MADISON lath* House cf Rrprcsenlahtet of the V. S, Feb. t, 179!, on the BUt to charter the Bank of the Untied Slates. Faatritr t, 1791. On the question, " Shall the bill pass 1" the follow ing debate took place : Mr. Maoiaow begau with a general review of lh? ad vantages and disadvantages of banka The former he etatea to conaiat in. Fir it The aula they afford to merchanta, who can thereby puah their mercantile ope ration* farther with the aame capital. Second The aida to merchants in paying punctually, the cuatonia ? Third. Aida to the Government, in complying punc, tually with its engagements, when deficiencies and de laya happen in the revenue. Fourth In diminishing usury. Fifth. In saving the wear of gold and silver, kept in vaults, and repreeented by notea. Sixth In facilitating ot^asional retnitlanrea from different placea where notea happen to circulate. The effect hi the proposed bank in raiairig the value of stock, he thought, . had been greatly overrated. It no doubt would raise that uf stock subscribed into the bank, but could liave little effect on atock in general, as the interest on it would remain the same, and the quantity taken out of the market would be replaced by tho bank stock. The principal disadvantage consisted in, First, Ban ishing trie precious metals, by substituting another me dium to perform the office. Thia effect was inevitable. It waa admitted by the most enlightened patrons of banka, particularly by Smith en the Wealth ol Nationa The common ans ver to the objection was, thst the mo ney liamshed was only an exchange for something equally valual>k>, that would be imported in return. He admitted the weight of tlua observation, in general, but doubled wliclhcr, nr the present habits of this country, "the return would not be in srticles of no permanent use to it. Second, E.t|>oatng the public and individuala to ?II the evils of a run on the hank, which would be parti- r cularly calamitous in so great a country as this, and might happen from various causes, as lalse rumors, bad management of liic institution, an unfavorable balance of trade, from short crops, 6tc. It was proper to be considered, also, that the moat important ol the advan tages would be better obtained by several hanks, pro perly distributed, than by a single one. The aids to commerce could onlv be afforded at, or verjr near the seat of the bank. The same was true of aids to mer chants in the payment of customs. Anticipations of the Government, would, also, be meat convenient at the different places where the ukterest of the debt was to be paid. The case in America was different from that in England ; the interest there was all due at oiie place, and the genius of the monarchy favored the con centration of wealth and influence at the metro|>olis He thought tlie plan liable to other objections; il did not make so good a bargain for liio public as waa due its interests. The charter to the Bank of England had been granted only for eleven years, and was paid for by a loan to the Government, on terms lictter than could be elsewhere got. Every renewal of the charter had, in like manner, been purchased ; in some instances at a very high price. -The same had been done by the banks of Geuoa, Naples, and other like banks of circu lation. The plan was unequal to the public creditors ; it gave an undue preference td the holders of ? particu lar denomination ol' the public debt; and to tlwse at, and within reach of the seat ol Government. If the subscriptions should be rapid, the distant holders of paper would lie excluded altogether. In making itiese remarks on the merits of the bill, he had reserved to himself, he said, the right to deny the authority of Congress to pass. He had entertained this opinion from the dale of the Constitution. His impres sions might, perhaps, be the stronger, because he well recollected that a power to grant charters ol incorpora tion had been proposed in ihe general convention, and rejected. Is tho power of establishing an incorporated bank among the powers vested by the Constitution, in the legislature of the L'uiled Stales! This is the question to be-examined.. After some general remarks on the Limitations of all political power, he took notice of the peculiar manner in which the Federal Government is limited. It is not only a general grant out ol which particular powers, arc excepted ; it is a grant of parlioular powers, leaving the general mass in other hands. So it had been un deisiood by its friends and its loes ; and so it was to be interpreted. As preliminaries to a right interpretation, be laid down the following rules : An interpretation that destroys the very characteristic of the Government cannot be just. Where a meaning is clear, the consequences, what ever thev may be, are to be admitted; whatever they may lie, are to be admitted ; where doubtful, it is fairly triable by its consequences , In contioverted cues, the meaning of the parties to the instrument, if lo be collected by reasonable evi dence, is a proper guide. Contemporary and current expositions are a reasona ble evidence ot the meaning of tne parties. In admitting or rejecting a constructive authority, not-only tne degree ol its incideota'ltly to an express authority is to Ue.Tcgarded, but the degree of its impor tance also ; since on this will depend me probablity or improbability of us being lcll to construction. Reviewing the constitution with an eye to these po sitions, it was not possible to discover ill it tho power lo incorporate a bank. I tie only clauses under whicli such power could tie pretended, was either. First. The power to lay and collect taxes to pay the debts and provide lor the common defence and general weitare ; or, v Second. The power to borrow money on tho credit of the United States, or, Third, i'iie po.ver to pass all laws ncccssary to car ry into execution those powers. Tlie hill did not come within the first power. It laid no tax to pay the debts, or provide lor tne general wei tare. Il laid no lax whatever. It was altogether for eign to the subject. No argument could be drawn from the terms " com mon delence and general weitare." The power as to these general purposes was limited to sets laying taxes for the in; and tlie general purposes themselves were limited and explained by the particular enumerations subjoined. To understand these terms in any sense that would justify the power m question, would give to Congress an unlimited power ; would render nugatory the enumeration ol particular powers; would supersede all the powers reseived lo liio state governments.-? These terms are copied from lUe articles ol confedera tion ; had it ever been pretended that they were to be understood otherwise than as here explained ! It had been said, that " general weitare" ineaiil cases in which a general power iingnt be exercised by Congress, with out interlcnng with me power of the stales ; and that the establishment of a National Bunk was of this sort. There were, he said, several answers lo this novel doc trine. First. Tlie proposed bank would interfere, so as in directly to deleal a slate bank al the same place. Second 11 would directly interfere with tne rights of states 10 prohibit, as well as lo eslablish, banks, and Ihe circulation of bank notes He mentioned a law ot | V'irgtuia, actually prohibiting the circulation ol notes puy^iiic to bearer. Third. Interference with the powers of the folates was no constitutional criterion of the power of Con gress. Il the power was not given, Congress could not exercise it; it given, they might exercise it, although it should ititurlere with tlie laws, or even the constitu tion, of the stales. Fourth If Congress could incorporate a bank, merely because the act would leave the slates free to establish banks also, any otner incorporation might be made by Congress. They could not incorporate companies of manutacturers, or companies for culling canals, or even for reiigious societies, leaving similar incorporations by the slates, like state banks, to themselves; Congress might even establish religious teachers in every'parish, and pay them put of the treasury of llie United Mates, leaving other teachers unmolested in iheir functions.? l hc?e inadmissible consequences condemned tho con troverted principle. The case ol the bank, established by the former Con gress, had been cited aa a precedent 'l"his wss known, he said, to have been the child ol necessity. It never could be justibed by the regular powers of the articles of confederation. Congiess betrayed a consciousness of this, In recommending to tlie slates to incorporate the bank also They did not attempt lo protect the bank notes. 1st penalties against COO Diet fitters I hese were reserved wholly tol^ie authority of the states. The second clause to tie examined is that which em powers Congress to borrow money Is this a bill to borrow money ? It does not borrow a shilling. Ia there any fair construction by which the bill can be deemed an exercise of the power to borrow money < The obvious meaning ol ihe power to borrow money, ia, that accepting paymente from, and stipu lating payments to, those who ire able and mtling to lend To say that the power to borrow involve* the power of creating the ability, where there may be the will to load, ia not only establishing a dangerous urntple, aa will be immediately shewn, but ia aa forced a conetrue tton, aa to **y, that itiuvolve* the power of compelling tlie will, where there may be the ability to leud. The Ikiri clause ia that which gives the power to peas all law* necessary and proper to execute the (pa cified powers. *" Whatever meaning this clauae may have, none can be admitted that would give an unlimited discretion to Cougrese - lis meaning must, according to the natural and obri? oiis force of the terms and the context, be limited to mean* ne< e**ari/ to the end, and inn4tnt to tho nature, of the specified powers. The clause is, in fsct. merely declaratory of what would have resulted, by unavoidable implication, as the appropriate, a* it were, technical means of executing those powers In this sem? it had been explained, by the friends of the constitution, ani ratified by the stale conventions. The essential characteristic of the government, aa composed of limited and enumerated powers, would be destroyed, if, instead of direct and incidental means any means could be uaed, which, in the language of the pre amble to the bill, might be conceived to oe conducive to the auccesaful conducting of the finances, or might be eoneeired to tend to give facility to the obtaining of loans. He urged sn attention to the diffuse snd ductile terms which had been found requisite to cover the stretch of power contained in tbe bill. He compared them to the terms neeeutry and proper, used in the constitution, and asked whether it was possible to view the two descriptions as synonymous, or the one aa a fair and safe commentary on the other If, proceeded be. Congress, by virtue of the power to borrow, can create the mean* of lending, and, in pur euance of theae means, can incorporate a bank, they uiav do any thing whatever creative of like meana. The East India Company haa been a leader to the British Government, a* well as the Bank, and the South Sea Company is a greater creditor than either. Con Sres* may then incorporate similar companiea in the U. tales, and that, too. not under the idea of regulating trade, but under that of borrowing money. Private capitala are the chicf resources for loans to the British Government. Whatever these may be con ceived to favor the accumulation of capital, may be done by Congress. They may Incorporate manufacturers.? Thev may give monopolies in every branch of domestic industry. If, again. Congress, by virtue of the power to borrow money, ran create the ability to lend, they insy, by vir tue of the power to levy money, create the ability to pay it. Tho ability to pay taxes depends on the gen eral prosperity of agriculture, manufacture*, and coin merce. Congress may then give bounties, and make regulations on these objects. i'he states have, it is sllowed on all hands, a concurrent right to lay and collect taxea. This power is secured to them, not bv its being expressly reserved, but tjy its not being ceded by the constitution. The reasons for the bill cannot be admitted, because they would invalidate that right; why may it not be conceived by Congress, that a uniform and exclusive irn|X>sitioti of taxes would not, less than the proposed bank, be conducive to the successful conducting of tho national finances, and tend to give facility to the obtaining of a public revenue for the use of the Government 1 The doctrine of implication is always a tender one.? Tho danger of it ha?l?een felt in other Government*.? The delicacy was felt in the adoption of our own; the danger may also be felt if we do not keep close to our chartered authorities. m Mark the reasoning on which the validity of the bill depends. To borrow money is made the end, and the accumulation of capital implied a* the meant. The accumulation of capital is, then, the end, and a bank implied as the mean*. The bank ia then the end, and a charter of incorporation, a monopoly, capital punish ments, 6cc. implied a* the mean*. If implications, thus remote, and thus multiplied, can be linked together, a chain may be formed, that will reach every object of legislation, every object within the whole compass of political economy. The latitude of interpretation required by the bill i* condemned by the rule furnished by the constitution itself. Congress have power " to regulate the value of mo ney," yet it is expressly added, not left to be implied, that counterfeiter* may be punished. They have the power" to declare war," to which armies are more in cident than incorporated banks to Itorrowing. yet it ia expressly added, the power "to raise and support ar mies ;" snd to thi* again, the express power, ?' to make rules snd regulations for the government of armie* ' a like remark is applicable to-the power* as to a navy. The regulation and calling out of the militia are more appurtenant to war, than the proposed bank te borrow ing ; yet the former is not left lo construction. The very power to borrow money is a les* remote implicition fron> the power of war, than an incorpo rated monopoly bank from tlie power of borrowing?yet the power to borrow is not left to implication. It is not pretended, that every insertion or omi**ion ? in the constitution is the effect of systematic attention. Thi* i* not the character of any human work, particu larly tl?e work of a body of men. The example cited, with other* that might be added, eufficictitly inculcate, nevertheless, a rule of interpretation very different from that on^which the bill rest*. They condemn the exerciea of any power, particularly * great *nd important power, which is not evidently and necea*anly involved in an express power. It cannot be denied that the power proposed to be exercised, is an important power. As a charter of mcorporatioiv-the bill create* *n arti ficial person, previously not existing in Uw. It confer* important civil rights and attribute*, which could not otherwise be claimed. It .s, although not precisely* similar, equivalent to the naturalization of an alien, by which certain new civil character* are acquired by him. Would Congress have had the power to naturalize, if it had not been expressly given 1 In the power to m*ke bv-lawa, the bill delegated a sort of legislative power, which is unqueatibn*hly *n ?ct of a high and important nature. Ho took uotic* of the only restraint on the by-laws, that they were not to be contrary to the law and constitution of the bank, *nd a?ked. what law was intended ? If tl.e l*w of the U. State*, the scantiness of their code would give * power, never before given to a corporation, and obnoxioua to tho states, whose l?ws would then be superseded, not only by the laws of Congrea*. but by the by-law* of ? corporation within their own jurisdiction. If th* law intended was the law of the (late, then the *t*te might make law* that would ifcatroy an institution of the Uui ted State*. The bill give* a power to purchase and hold land* : Congress could not purchase lands within a Slate, " without the consent of its Legislature." How could they delegate a power to other* which they did not poe tess themselve*! , It lakes from our auccessor*, who h*ve equal right* with ourselves, and an opportunity of exerciaing that right for an immoderate term. It takes from our constituent* the opportunity of de liberating on the untried me**ure, although their hand* are also to be tied by it. for the Mine tenn. It involves a monopoly which effects the equal right* of every citixen. It leads to a penal regulation, perhaps capiUl puni*h mcnt?one of the mo*t solemn *ct* of sovereign au thonty. From thi* view of the power of incorporation exer cised hi tbe bill, it never could be deemed *n acce**ory or subaltern power, to be deduccd by implication, a* a means of executing another jiower. It was in its nature a distinct, and independent, *nd *ub*t*nlive preroga tive, which, not being enumerated in the constitution, could never have been meant to he included in a, *nd, not being included, could never be rightfully exercieed. He had sdvcrtcdTto * distinction, which h* **id had not been sufficiently kept 111 view, lietween a power na cessaiy and proper for the Government or Union, and a power neceseary for executing ihe enumerated power* in the latter case ; the |?owvr* included in e*ch of the enume rated i>owcr* were not expressed, but lo l?e drawn from _ the nature of each. In the former, the jiowsrs composing the Government were expressly enumerated. This con stituied ihe peculiar nature ?f the Government; no pow er, therefore, not enumerated, could l>e inferred frourthe general nature of Government. Had the power of making treaiiea, for example, been omitted, however necessary it might hsve been, ihe defect could only hsve been lamented, or supplied by an amendment of the con ?tiluion. But tbe propoaed b*nk could not even be c*lled ne cessary to the Govcrninrtit; at most, it could be but convenient. Its uses te the Government could be sup plied by keeping the taxes a litile in advance ; by loane from individual*; by the other benk* over which the Government would h*ve equ*l command, nay. gmier. a* it may grant or refuae te thc*e ihe privilege, m*de a free and irrevocable gilt to the proposed b.nk, of using their note* in the feaeral revenue. He proceeded neit to the contemporary exposition* given lo the constitution. The defence against ihe charge founded on ihe want: ot a bill of righta, preeupfKwed, he aeid. that the powe given, were retained , and that those glv??< be extend od by remote implication On any otUrTWp po.ition, the ^wer af Congress te abridge th. lreada?*