f'rvm (A* twiwilli Jvurnal The signature of the following beautiful luUsa appears to be that of a lady. We beseech her U> entrust la us the secret of her name. She has true genius?the genu ine "giil of fire." The apuit of inspiration has breathed upoa her, and blessed her. ON CROSSING THE ALLEGHANIES. The broad, the bright, the glorious west Is spread before we now ! Where the grey mifts of morning rest Beneath you mountain's brow ! The bound is past?the goal is won? The region of the setting sua is ojieu to my view? Land of the valiant and the free, Mine own Green Mountain laud?to thee And thine?a long adieu ! I hail thee?valley of the west, For what thou yet shall be ! I bail thee, for the hopes that rest Upon thy destiny! Here?from this mountain height, 1 see Thy bright waves tioutiug to the sea, Thine emerald fields outspread, And feel, that, in the book of fam? Proudly shall thy recorded name In later days be read. Yet while 1 gaac upon thee now, All glorious as thou art, A cloud is resting on my brow? A weight upon my heart. To me?in all thy youthful pride, Thou art a land of cares untried, Of untold hopes and fears : Thou art?yet not for thee 1 grieve, But for the far off land I leave 1 look on thee with tears. O brightly, brightly, glow thy skies In summer's sunny hours! Thy green earth seems a Paradise Arrayed in summer flowers ' But O! l hare is a land afar, Whoae skies to me are brighter far, Along the Atlantic shore, For eyes, beneath their radiant shine, In kindlier glances answered nunc ; Can these their light restore ? Upon the lofty bound I stand, That parts the east and west; Before me?lies a fairy land? Behind?a home of not. Here hope her wild enchantment flings, Portrays all bright and lovely things, My footsteps to allure? But there, in mein'ry's light, I see All that was once most dear to mo? My young heart's Cynosure \V Viola. THE DEAD MARINER. BY GEORGE D. PRENTICE, ESQ. Sleep on?aleep on?above thy corpse The winds their sabbath keen,? The wave is rouud thee?and tny breast Heaves with the heaving deep. O'er thee, mild eve her lieauty flings, And there the white gull lifts her wings; And the blue halcyon loves to lave Her plumage in the holy wave. Sleep on?no willow o'er thee bends With melancholy air, No violet springs, nor de.wy rose Its soul of love lays bare; But there the sea-flower bright and young Is sweetly o'er thy slumbers flung ; And, like a weeping mourner fair, The pale flag hangs its tresses there. . Sleep on?sleep on?the glittering depths Of occan's coral waves Are thy bright urn?thy requiem, The music of its waves;? The purple gems for ever burn, In fadeless beauty round thy um ; And, pure and deep as infant love, The blue sea rolls its waves above. Sleep on?sleep on?the fearful wrath Of mingling cloud and deep, May leave its wild and stormy track Above thy place of sleep. But when the ware has sunk to rest, As now 'twill murmur o'er thy breast; And the bright victims of the sea Perchance will make their home with thee. Sleep on?thy corpse is far away, But love bewails thee yet,? For thee the heart-rung sigh is breathed, And lovely eyes are wet:? And she, thy young and beauteous bride, " Her thoughts are hovering by thy side ; As oft she turns to view with tears The Ellen of departed years. TO MY BROTHER. BY CHARI.K8 SPRAGUE. Wr. ARE BUT two?the others sleep Through death's untroubled night; We are but two?O let us keep The link that binks us, bright. Heart leap* to heart?the sacred flood That warms us, is the same; That good old man?his honest blood Alike we fondly claim. We in one mother's arms were locked? Long be her love repaid : In the same cradle we were rocked. Round the tunc hearth we played. Our boyish sports were all the same, Each little joy and wo: y> Let manhood keep alive the flame, Lit up so long ago, Wk ark but one?be that the bond To hold us till we die; Shoulder to shoulder let us stand. Till side by side we lie. GRAPHIC SKETCH. There has been several sketches of the American House of Representatives, but none more truly graphic than tho following, from the New York Knickerbocker Magazine. The reflections to which it gives rise, are enough to make an American prouder of his glorious country: " What a mass of representatives there are here 1 What singular samples of our vast country ? Here sits a Tennesscan, and there a Missourian, educated among buffaloes, and nurtured in the forest?as intimate with the passes of the Rocky Mountains, as the cit with Broadway?who lives where tho hunt ers and trappers haw vexed every hill, and who cares no more for a Pawnee than a pro fessed beau for a bright plumed belle. Here is a man from the prairies?and there another from the swamps and morasses, whose blood the mtisketoes have utterly stolen away.? There is a sallow face from the rice grounds, and here the flushed cheek from the moun tains?and by his side a man from the pine grounds?land of tar and turpentine. What a people are we ? What a country is this of ours! How wide in extent?how rich in production?how various in beauty. I have asked in my travels for the West, in the streets of the Queen of the West?a fairy city, which but as yesterday was a wilderness. They smiled at my inquiry, and said it was among the " hoosiers" of Indiana, or the "suckers" of Illinois. Then I journeyed along. I crossed great rivers and broad prairies, and again I asked for tho West. They said it was in Missouri. I arrived at tho capitol. They complained that they were ' too far down east.' ' But go,' they said, * if you would see the West, days and days, and hundreds and hundreds of miles up the Missouri?farther than from us to New England, and beyond the Rocky Mountains, among the Snake In dians of the Oregon, and you may find it.' It was tho work of a dozen years to find the West, and I turned about in despair. Indeed I have found no bounds to my country. I have searched for them for months, in almost every clime?under the torrid sun of IiOitiHiana, the land of the orange and the olive, and beneath tho cold sky of Maine. I have seen the rice planter gathering rich treasures from a beauti tiful soil, and the fisherman anchoring his lit tle bark on the rock island, dropping his hook as carefully as if the ocean were full of pearls, and not of ?? mackerel; I have seen the null-man sawing wood in all variety of forms, on the farthoreat noil of New England ; and I beheld the aaine wood floating down the Sa vannah, or the beautiful Alabama; in the strangest metamorphosis; it may be in a clock, regularly ticking off the time, or in a Call, perchance, in a buttou ; and for aught 1 now, in a tasteless ham, or an unfragrunt nut meg ! I have never been off the soil of my own country, and yet 1 have seen the sun go down, a ball of fire, without a momeut's no tice?twilight, flinging over rich, alluvial lands blooming with magnolias und orange trees? a robe of gold ; and again I have stood upon the bare rocks of colder climes, and when the tree waa pinched by the early fiost, 1 have marked the same vanishing rays reflected from the leaves, as if a thousand itirds of par adise were resting in the branches; and when the clouds, streaming with red, and purple, and blue?tinged and tipped by the pencil of Beauty?were floating afur, like rainbows in motion, as if broken from their confinement? now mingling and interlacing their dyes and glittering archcs, and anon sprinkled over, and mellowing the whole heaven?then I have fancied that I was indeed in a fairy land, where the very forests danced in golden robes?responding to the setting sun, as the statue of fabled Memnon gave forth its wel coming notes as the rays of the morning play ed upon its summit. I have been where the dog-star rages, scattering pestilence in its train ; where the long moss hangs front the trees ;?-where the pale faces and sad coun tenances give admonition, that this is a re gion of death. I have stood by the wide prairie and beheld green billows rise and fall, and the undulations, checkered with sunlight and with shadow, chasing one after the other, afar over the wido expanse. And 1 have gone amid the storms of winter, over the high hill, upon the loud-cracking crust, amid the music of the merry sleigh bells. And here are the representatives from all these regions?here in one grand council?all speaking one lan guage?all impelled by one law! Oh, my country, my country! If our destiny be always linked as one?if the same flag, with its stars and stripes, is always the flag of our Union?never unfurled or defended but by freemen?then Poetry and Prophesy, stretch ing to their utmost, cannot pre-announce that destiny!" From the Cincinnati Daily Gaze Ut. SUGAR BEET. Mr. Hammond?The following facts, col lected by obversation, a short time since, in relation to the cultivation of the Beet, in the vicinity of our city, may be interesting to a portion of the readers of the Gazetto. When on a visit to the farm of our enter prising citizen, Lot Pugh, 32 miles north of our city, 1 saw white Sugar Beets, raised from seed imported from France, which measured thirty inches in circumference, and weighed, after being removed from the ground and di vested of foreign substances, twenty-two pounds. Although the specimen which was measured and weighed, was taken from a field of several acres, still it probably was not the largest, for the greater part of the crop ap peared to be of equal magnitude. A Mangel Wurtzel from the same grounds, and raised from imported seed also, measured twenty five inches in circumference, and weighed 16 1-2 pounds. It must be observed that as these Beets were removed from the earth On the 23d of August, they had not attained their full growth. Indeed, it is probable that many of the former may measure three feet in cir cumference, and the latter two and a half, when they are fully grown. The manager of the farm, informed me that he raised fifty tons, actual Weight, of Beets to the acre, last year, and that his crop is much better the present season. He also said that it required but little more labor to raise fifty tons of Beets than fifty bushels of corn, while the former was quite as good for horses, much better for cattle, and rather better for stock hogs. He also asserted that sucking calves preferred Beets, when properly prepared, to milk. Indeed, I could almost select from among 56 head of fine Durham cattle, those that had been fed,' during the last season on Beets. They were not only fatter but smoother and better grown than those that had been kept on other food. Although cattle and hogs will cat Beets in a raw state', still thoy are much better when boiled. The apparatus and fixtures used by Mr. Push for boiling, or rather steaming, food for 300 hogs and 40 or 50 cows with other stock, cost about 150 dollars, and consumes a quarter of a cord of wood per day. Among the Durham cattle on the farm of Mr. Pugh, I observed some very fine young males, and among them Lebanon, an animal of superior growth and figure. Mr. P. has not attempted to make sugar from his Beets, but if its manufacture is profitable anywhere from this article, it would certainly be so here, for no soil can produce a better growth. Two hands can prepare the ground, plant, and cultivate five acres of Beets in a sea son, and the product would doubtless yield many tons of Saccharine matter. W* NEW VOLUME OF TIIE NEW YORK MIRROR: A POPULAR and highly TStccmod Journal of Elegant Literature and the Fine Art*, embellished with mag nificent und ooatly engraving* on stool, copper, and wood, und rare, Imautiful, and popular Music, arranged for the piano forte, liaru, guitur, &c., and containing articles from the pen* of well known and di*tingrted by Mr. Mom*, Mr. Willis, and Mr. Fity, new t-iiKagenu-nls will huvu beeu mode with Copt. Marryatl, and several other writers of established reputation on liolh ?ides of the Atlantic, to *ive as the aid of their talent* ; and enrol themselves with those who, like Mr. Cos, have become almost identified with our columns. These in creased resources muni necessarily give a greater diver sity to the paper ; while, in order to promote that unity of purpose which is so desirable iu such a journal, and which can only I*.* sccuied by its having one acting brad, the Mirror has been placed under the immediate editorial charge of a single person ; and the proprietor i* happy to announce that be lias made a permanent arrangement ?ith Mr. C. F. Hoffman, who lias for the last two months had charge of this department. The Steel Engravings now in the course of preparation for the coming year, are such as we shsll be proud to lay before our countrymen. They commemorate tne romantic aceuery and the illustrious characters of our land. The lauding of Jamestown, painted by Chapman, will appear among the historical landscape* ; and our series of Por traits, which began with Halleck, will be followed up by those of Bryant, Sprague, Cooper, Irving, and Verplanck, making, when finished, a most valuable portrait gallery of American* of literary celebrity, while tney illustrate the genius of Stewart, Inman, Weir, and other native artists, of w houi our country is justly proud. The Wood Engravings, to which we have ever paid freat attention, as the branch of art to which they belong is one which our countrymen are rapidly carrying to a high degree of perfection, will uasume new importance in this volume, as all will acknowledge who lienold the su perb specimen of Chapman'* genius and Adums' skill in an early number. The Musical Department for the coming vear will be enriched with many original contributions by Horn and Kussell, alternated with choice uiorceaux from rare Eu ropean collections, and occasional selections' from new and popular composition*, imported expressly for the Mir ror, and newly arranged in thi* country. The pieces thus given with every number of the Mirror, although they do not occupy one-sixteenth of the work, could not lie pur chased in any other shape except at a cost far greater than that of our whole annual suliacriptton! We have thus, as is our usual wont, glanced at the plan of the Mirror?a plan which embrace* so many subjects within the range of the Belles Lett re* and the Fine Arts, ihut it would lie tedious to enumerate them here; and we would rather appeal to the testimonials of approval which our journal ha* received from the discriminating and the tasteful on lioth sides of the Atlantic, than add nny thing here in furtherance of the claim which the New York Mirror has upon the support of the American puhlio. Condition*.?The Mirror is published every Saturday, nt the Corner of Nassau and Ann street*. New York. It i* elegantly printed in the exlra super royal octavo form, on beautiful paper, with brevier, minion, and nonpareil type. It i* emtMillished, once every three months, with a splendid superroyal quarto engraving, and every week w ith a popular piece of music, arranged for the pinno forte, harp, guitar, &c. For each volume an exquisitely enirraved vignette, title page, (painted by Weir and en graved by Durand,) and u copious index, are furnished. The terms are Five Dollars per annum, payable, in all case*, in advance. It is forwarded by the earliest mails to suliscribera residing out of the city of New York. Communications, post paid, must lie addressed to the edi tor*. N? subscriptions received for a less period than one year. New subscribers may lie supplied from the beginning of the present volume. Postmasters allowed twenty per cent, on all money remitted. jy31 TENTH VOLUME OF THE KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE. ON the first of July, 1837, commenced the tenth volume of the Knickerbocker, or New York Monthly Maga zine. The publishers, mindful of the favor with which their efforts nave been received at the hands of the public, would embrace the recurrence of a new starting point, a* a fit occaaion to " look backward and forward" at the pust and prospective character and course of their periodical. Within tne brief apace of a little more than two years and a half, the number of copies issued of the Knickerbocker ha* been increased from le*? than five hundred to more than four thousand, without other aid* than the acknow ledged merit* of the work?acknowledged, not more expli citly by this unprecedented *uece*s, than by upward of three thousand highly favorable notice* of the Magazine, which, at different times, have appeared in the various journal* of the United State*, embracing those of the first and most discriminating cIlss in every section of the Union. Of many hundreds who desired specimen num bers, and to whom they have been sent for examination, previous to subscribing, not one but has found the work worthy of immediate subscription. A correct inference in regard to the interest or (juality of the matter furnished by the publishers, may be gathered from the foregoing facts. In relation to the quantity given, it need only lie said, that it ha* always exceeded the maximum promised, and in the numbers for the last year, by more than four hundred pages. Of the clearness and beauty of the typo graphical execution and material of the Knickerbocker, and the character of it* embellishment*?which, although not expected by it* readers, nor promised by it* proprie tors, have nevertheless been given?it is not deemed ne cessary to speak. They will challenge comparison, it is believed, with any similar periodical, at home or abroad. It has been observed, that the constant aim of the edi tors, in the management of the Knickerbocker, has lieen to make the work entertaining and agreeable, a* well as solid and useful. It is perhaps owing to the predominance of these first named characteristic*, that it has become so w idely hnown to the public, in addition to several well known and popular series of numbers?such as the "Odds and End* ol a Penny-a-Liner," " Ollapodiana," the " Pal myra Letters," " An Actor'* Alloquy," " Leaves from the Blank Book of a Country Schoolmaster," " Wilson Con worth," " Life in Florida,"" Loaferiana," "The Eclec tic," " Passage* from the Common-place Book of u Sep tuagenarian," " Notes from Journal*of Travels in Ameri ca, and in various Foreign Countries," "The Fidget Pa pers," 6ic.?liberal space has been devoted to interesting Tale*, illustrating American socicty, manners, the tunes, dec., embracing, beside*, stories of the sea, ai?d of puthos and humor, upon a great variety of subjects, together with biographies, legends, and es*av?, upon numerous and va ried themes, interspersed w ith frequent articlns of poetry, of such a description as to secure for the Magazine, in thi* de|>artnicnt, a gratifying pre-eminence and celebrity. But neither the scientific nor the learned, the solid nor the useful, lias been omitted, or lightly regarded. Origi nal articles, from distinguished writers, (wheh have at tracted much attention in this country, and several of which have been copied and lauded abroad,) have appear ed in the recent numbers of the work, upon I lie following subjects: Past and Present State of American Liternture; South American Antiquities; inland Navigation; Geology and Revealed Religion ; lii*luiily aed Monomai.ia; Lilierty versus Literature and the Fine Arts; Early History of the Country; Connexion of the Physical Sciences ; At mospheric Electricity, a New Theory of Magnetism, and Molecular Attraction; American Female Character; Pulmonary Consumption ; Pulpit Eloquence; The Pros pects anil Duties of tho Age ; Health of Europe and America; Literary Protection and International Copy Right; Poetry of the Inspired Writings; Chinese Na tions and Languages ; Chemistry (Laboratory of Nature) The Past, the Present, and the Future; Our Country, with Comments on iu Parties, Laws, Public School*, and Sketches of American Society, Men, Education, Manners and Scenery ; Philosophy of the Rosicrucian* ; intellectual Philosophy, Philoloiry, Astronomy, Animal and Vegetable Physiology, Astrology, Botany, Mineralo fy, and Phrenology ; Progress of the Age, and of Modem iiiierty; Christianity in France ; American Organic Remains ; Historical Recollections, the Nature of Co mets ; Discussion on Scriptural Miracles; Sectional Dis tinctions, of the Union ; Peace Societies; Periodicity of Diseases; Essays on Music, Fine Writing, &c.; toge ther with many articles of a kindred description, which it would exceed the limits of this advertisement to enume rate in detail. To the foregoing particulars, the publishers would on ly add, that-at no period since the work passed into their hands, have its literary capabilities and prospect* been *o ample and auspicious as at present; and that not only will the same exertions be continued, which have secured to their subscription list an unexampled increase, but their claims upon tho public favor will lie enhanced by every means which increasing endeavors, enlarged facilities, and the most liberal expenditure, can command. Back numbers have been re-printed to supply Volume Nine, and five thousand copies of Volume Ten will be printed, to meet the demands of new suliscriber*. A few brief notices of the Knickerbocker, from well known journals are subjoined : " The progress of the Knickerbocker is still onward. It is conducted with decided ability, is copious and varied in its contents, and is printed in a superior style. At this season we have little space for literary extracts,and cannot, therefore, enable those of our reader* who innv not see this Magazine, to judge of its merits, otherwise than upon our assurance' that they are of a high order."?Ann 1 ork American. "We have found in the Knickerbocker *o much to ad mire and so little to condemn, that we can hardly trust ourselves to speak of it from first impressions, as we could not do so without being suspected of extravagant praise." " it i* not Niirpnssed by any of it* contemporaries ut home or abroad." " It sustains high ground in all the requisites of a Magazine, and wo are pleased to sec that it* merits are appreciated abroad ns well a* at home.? Alb')) Argus. " This monthly periodical is now so well known that it hardly needs commendation, having established for,itself a character among the ablest and most entertaining publi cations in the land."?,V. Y. Journal nf Com "The Knickerbocker seem* to increase in attractions as it advances in age. It exhibits a monthly variety of con tribution* unsurpassed in number or ability."?JVat Int. " The work is ir. the highest degree creditable to the literature of our country."? Wash, (rlohe. " We have read several numliers of this talented pe riodical, ami rejoice in them. They would do credit to any country or to any state of civilization to which hu manity has yet arrived."?Marryatl's London Metropolitan Magazine " We hope it will not be inferred, from our omission to notice the several numlier* of the Knickerbocker as they have appeared, that we have there lost sight of its charac ter and increasing excellence. It has become decidedly one of the be*t Macazines in America. The proprietors have succeeded in procuring for it* pages the first talent of this country, as well as valuable aid from distinguished foreign sourccs."?AVw York Mirror. ? | " Wc have on several occasions adverted to the spirit and tone of the articles contained in thi* periodical, as being radically American, and as highly honorable to our l literature " " 1* ">"? the Tnl 01 ^ druU with it boldly aud ably."?Baltimore Amtrican. "There i? no publication among the many "e receive from the old country, wid from this continent, to 'J11' re ceipt of which we look forward with higher expectation than the Knickerbocker ; and it never o.t striking light the progress of civilization and literary re finement among ita inhabitant. ; while England, especial ly, proudly diap'ay. to the world a corpus poetanim Ule lu.tre of whose immortal wreath has shed a brighter S?Vry upon her name than the most splendid triumphs which her statesmen and her soldiery have achieved, our own country seems destitute of poetic honors. Appears, ?r_ say, for although no full collection of the chef d *uvre, of our writers has been made, yet there exist, and are occa .lonally to Iks met with productions of American poets which will bear comparison with the noblest ami most polished efforts of European genius, and which claim lor America as high a rank in the scale of literary elevation as is now ceded to older and in some respects more la vored lands. . , , , Impressed w ith the correctness of this judgment we propose to issue a monthly magazine which shall contain in a perfect unmutiluted form, the most meritorious and beautiful effusions of the poets of America, of the pas and present time, with such introductory, critical, ami biographic noticesas shall be necessary to . correct under standing of the works presented to the reader, ??d to add interest to the publication. Those who imagine that there exist, a dearth of materials for such an ? who believe that tho Aonian Maid, have confined their richest favor, to our transatlantic brethren to the exclu sion of native genius, will be surprised to learn that we are already in iiossession of more than' two hundred vol umes of the production of American bards, from about the year 1030 to the present day. Nor is it from these source. alone that materials may be drawn. There are but few writer, in our country who pur?ue authorship a. a voca tion, and whose works have been published in a collected form. Our poets, especially, have generally written lor particular occasions, with the remembrance of which their productions have gone to rest, or their effusions have been carelessly inserted in periodicals of slight merit and limited circulation, where they were unlikely to attract notice to tliemselves, or draw attention to their authors The grass of the field or flowers of the wilderness are growing over the ashes of many of the highly gifted who, through the wild and romantic region, of our republic, have Mattered poetry in "ingots bright from the mint of genius" and glowing with the impress of beauty and the spirit of truth, in quantities sufficient, were it known and appreciated as it would be in other countries, to secure to tliem an honorable reputation throughout the world. Such were Harney, author of' Crystalma and the r ever Dream,' Sands, author of ' Yamoyden ; Wilcox, ?"'n"r of the 'Age of Benevolence;' Robinson, author of I he Savage Little, the sweet and tender poet of Christian feeling, the lamented Brainard, and many beside, whose writings are almost unknown, save by their kindred asso ciates and friends. . . , , . With the names of those poets who within the last few years have extended the reputation of American lite rature Iteyond the Atlantic, Bryant, Dana, Percival, Sprague, Sigouniey, Whitticr, Willis. &lc. the public are familiar ; and we can assure them that there exists, though long forgotten and unknown, a mine of noetic wealth, rich, varied and extensive, which will amply repay the la bor of exploring it, and add undying lustre to the crown which encircles the brow of American genius. In the pub lication now proposed we shall rescue from the obi vton to which they have long been consigned, and embalm in a bright and imperishable form the numberless ' gems of purest ray,' witn which our researches into the literary an tiquities of our country have endowed us ; and we are con fident that every lover of his native land will regard our enterprise as patriotic and deserving the support of the citizens of the United States, as tending to elevate the character of that country in the scale of nations, and as ?ert its claims to the station to which its children entitles it With this conviction we ask the patronage of the com munity to aid us in our undertaking, conscious that we are meriting its support by exhibiting to the world a proud evidence that America, in the giant strength of her Hercu lean childhood, is dest ined ere long to cope in the arena of literature w ith those land, which for centurie. have boast cd their civilization and refinement, and justly exulted in their triumphs of their cherished sons in the noblest field which heaven ha. opened to the human intellect. The American Antholoov will contain complete works of a portion of the following?the most popular of our poetic writers?and of the others, the best jioems, and such as are least generally known: Adains, John Quincy Gould, Hannah r. Allston, Washington Hallaek, Fitx Frcene Barber, Joseph Harney, John M. Barlow, Joel llillhouse, John A. Benjamin. Park Hoffman, Charles l. Bogart, Elisnlieth Mellcn. Grenville Brainerd, John G. C. Neal.John Brooks, James G. Peahody, B. W O. Bryant, William C. Percival, James U. Clark, Willis G. Piernont, John Coffin, Roliert S. Pinckney, Edward C. Dana, Richard H. Erc",,ce,\ tT?.rge Doane, George W. Rockwell, J. O. Drake, Joseph R. Sands, Rol>ert C. _ Dwight, Timothy Sigoumey, Lydia H. Ellet, Elisabeth F. Sprague, Charles Embury, Emum C. Sutermeistcr, J. R. Everett, Edward Trumbull, John Fairfield, Sumner L. Wetmore, Prosper M. Freneau, Philip Whjtticr John G Gallagher, William D. Willis, Nathaniel r. In addition to the poems of the above namod authors, selections, comprising the best productions of more than four hundred other American writers, will Ik> given as the work progresses. , The American Anthology will be published on the first Saturday of every month. Each number will contain seventy-two royal octavo pages, printed in the most lieau tiful manner on paper of superior quality, and two or more portraits on steel, w ith other illustrations. Price, Five dollars per annum, payable in advance. ' The first number will be published in December. Subscriptions received in New-York, by Wiley & I ut nam, 181 Uroadwav, and Griswold & Cainbrelcng, 118 Fulton street. oSSTolE Sec. N. Y. Lit. Antiquarian Assoc latum. NILES'S REGISTER. THE Subscribers to the " Register" ore respectfully informed, that after the first day of September nextlt I will be published IN THE CITY Ofc WASHINGTON. In transferring this work to the seat of the National bo I vernment, we are not only complying with the wishes of a large number of distinguished men of both parties, but | carrying into effect a design long entertained by its found er, and obeying our own convictions of the advantages which must result to its numerous and intelligent patrons. For wc will there have additional facilities for procuring those facts and documents which it is one of the objects of I the " Register" to present to its readers, and which have heretofore been obtained at the sacrifice of much time and lalsir. In addition to these facilities, the" Register has become so identified with our history, that it seems due to its character that it should avail itself of every advantage that will add to its national reputation and uselulness, and Washington City is necessarily the point at which tho most valuable and authentic intelligence of general in terest is concentrated, thence to be circulated among the People. , , . The change of location will not, however, produce any change ill the original character or plan of the work, which will be faithfully adhered to under all circumstances, and especially are we determined that it shall not partake of a sectional or partisan character, but present a fair and honest record, to which all parties in all quarters of the country, desirous of ascertaining the truth, may refer with confidence. In making this avowal we are not ignorant how difficult it is to remove prejudices from our own mi nd, and to satisfy that intolerance which only sees the truth in its own decisions; but so far as the fallibility of human judgment will enable us to do justice, it shall be done , for we have had that kind of experience in editorial duties which has thoroughly disgusted us with the miserable shifts to which partisans resort, even if our convictions of duty would permit a departure from strict neutrality. Yct we do not intend to surrender the right to speak of principles with our usual freedom, or to defend what we deem to be the true policy of the country ; but in so doing, w e will not lie influenced by special interests or geogra phical lines, and properly respect the opinions of others ; for we, too, lielieve that " truth is a victor without vio lence," and that the freedom of discussion and the right of decision are among the most estimable privileges of an intelligent People. The period lor the contemplated removal is also pecu liarly auspicious, for with the commencement of the rrfrn session of Congreis we will commence the publication of ? new volume ; and we have already made arrangements to lav before our readers, in sufficient detail, every event wliich may transpire in that body, and to insert all docu ments, speeches, &c. of interest. It i* also our intention to furnish to our subscribers, gratuitously, at the termina tion of each session, a supplement containing all the taw* pa .fed thereat, of general interest, with an analytical index. We will thus render the " Register" still more valuable as a Congressional record for popular reference: for the reader w ill then not only be enabled to trace the progress of the laws, but will be fumished with them as enacted. Heretofore their circulation has been confined to one or two newspapers in each State, or limited to copies pub lished by the order of the government for the use of its of ficera, and at a coal, per volume, that equals, if it daea not exceed, tbe pi ice of our annual subscription. These improvements in our plan will involve a Urye expenditure of tmiuey, and ut hardly warranted by the Brul deprei>?iou winch prevail* in every branch of pro ve isdustry, but we are induced to brlievs, from the Hi aijy support tbe " Register" has received during the past moat embarrassing year, that there ia an increasing desire uuiong the pe?|>ie lor informalu>n, and that tkev are result ed to until rataml the uetuai ivwlititm of f/ubUc afuirt. With each a dmpoaition on the part of the Public, we csn uol doubt but il.at our enterprise will be'duly rewarded ; and wo esrnestly aolirit I lie co-operation of our friends in aid of our efforts to extend our subscription list. We are deeply sensible of the obligation* we owe litem for piiht favora, and erwesjwcially grateful for the indulgence which lias been extended to us in the discharge of our arduous dutiea, which have lieen proaeculed unde' many disud vantage*. '1'heir encouragement Ilea excited ua to perse vere, and to dwriih the. hope that " Nilea' Register ' may . atill maintain the high reputation it haa acquired in all quarters of the Uuited tStaiea and iu Europe, It is now admitted to be the most valuable depository of facta and event* extant, and is daily quoted by all partu s as un au thority that will not be disputed. 'I hi* ia, indeed, an en viable reputation, and we are determined it shiill not be lost. The tei < of the " Kegiater" are fit* dollars per annum, payable in advanc. All letters must be post-paid, but re mittances may l>e made at our riak, addressed, until Ihe first of September, to us lit Baltimore, and after that peri od to Wiuhtngim City. If we may be permitted to give advice in the matter, we would recommend new subscri bera to begin with the series whicbcommeneed in Septem ber, I83flf the firat volume of which terminated ill March lust. It contains the proceedings of the laat session of congress, messages, reports, die. the votes given at the Presidential election, ull the proceedings of the reform movement ia Maryland, the lrttera of Mr. Van Buren, General Harrison, and Judge White, to Sberrod Williams, the letters of Messrs. Ingcrsoll and Dallas, with a muss of other valuable papers of the highest interest. Tbe num bers can 1* forwarded by mail at the usual rate* of news paper postage. Many of our subscribers have been accustomed to re mit their subscriptions through the members of , Congress from their respective districts on their annual visits to Washington. Aa we will lie permanently located in that eity at the commencement of tne extra session, this mode of payment will be more convenient fur all partiea, and we hope our friends will continue to avail themselves of it. Respectfully, WM. OGDEN NILES. Aug. 9?3t. Baltimore. PROSPECTUS OF THE UNITED STATES MAGAZINE AND DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. ON the 1st of October, 1837, will be published at Washington, District of Columbia, and delivered aimultancously in the principal cities of the United States, a new Monthly Mugazine, under the aljove title, devoted to the principles of the Democratic party. It has long been apparent to many of the reflecting mem bers of the Democratic party of the United States, that a periodical for the advocacy and diffusion of their political principles, similar to those in such active and influential operation in England, ia a desideratum of the highest im portance to supply?a periodical which should unite with the attractions of a sound and vigorous literature, a poli tical character capable of giving efficient support to the doctrines and measures of that party, now maintained by a large majority of the People. Discussing the great questions of polity 'before the country, expounding and advocating the Democratic doctrine through the most able pens that that party can furnish, in articles of greuter length, more condensed forcc, more elalioralc research, and more elevated tone than ia possible for the newspaper press, a Magazine of this character becomes an instru ment of inappreciable value for the enlightenment and formation of public opinion, and for the support of the principles which it advocates. By these means, by thus explaining and defending the measures'of the Democratic party, anu by always furnishing to the public a clear and powerful commentary upon tnose complex questions of policy which so frequently distract the country, and upon which, imperfectly understood as they often are by friends, and misrepresented and distorted us they never fall to be by political opponents, it is of the utmost impor tance that ihe public should l>e fully and rightly informed, it is hoped that the periodical in question may be made to exert a beneficial, rational, and lasting influence on the public mind. Other considerations, which cannot be two highly appre ciated, will render the establishment and success of the proposed Magazine of very great importance ln the mighty struggle of antagonist principles which is now going on in society, the Democratic party of the Uni ted States stands committed to the world as the deposito ry and cxemplur of those cardinal doctrines of political faith with which the cause of the People in every age and country is identified. Chiefly from the want of a con venient means of concentrating the intellectual energies of its disciples, this party has hitherto been almost wholly unrepresented in the republic of letters, while the views and |M?licy of its opposing creeds are daily advocated by the ablest and most commanding efforts of genius and learning. In the United States Magazine the attempt will be made to remove this reproach. The present is the tune peculiarly appropriate for the commencement of such an undertaking. The Democratic body of tbe Union, after a conflict which tested to the ut termost its stability and its principles, have succeeded in retaining possession of the executive administration of the country. In the consequent comparative repose from political strife, the period is auspicious for organizing and calling to it* aid anew and powerful ally of this charac ter, interfering with none and co-opernting with all. Co-ordinate with this main design of The United States Magazine, no care nor cost will Ire spared to render it, in a literary point of view, honorable to the country, and fit to cope in vigor of rivalry with it* European competitors. Viewing the English language as the noble heritage and common birthright of all who spcuk the tongue of Milton and Shakspeare, it will lie the uniform object of its con ductors to present only the finest productions in the vari ous branches of literature that can be procured, and to diffuse the benefit of correct models of taste and worthy execution. In this department the exclusiveness of party, which is inseparable from the political department of such a work, will have no nlace. Here we all stand on a neutral ground of equality and reciprocity, where those universal principles of taste to which we are all alike subject, will alone be recognized as the common law. Our political principles cannot lie compromised, but our common litera ture it will lie our common pride to cherish and extend, with a liberality of feeling unbiassed by partial or minor views. As the United States Magazine is founded on the broadest basis which the means and influence of the De mocratic party in the United States can present, it is in tended to renacr it in every respect a thoroughly Nation al Work, not merely designed for ephemeral interest and attraction, but to continue of permanent historical value. With this view a considerable portion of each number w ill be appropriated to the follow ing subjects, in addition to the general features referred to aliove : A general summary of Political and of Domestic Intel ligence, digested in the order of the States, comprising all the authentic important facts of the preceding month. General Literary Intelligence, Domestic and Foreign. General Scientific Intelligence, including Agricultural Improvements, a notice of all new Patents, &c. A condensed account of new works of Internal Im provement throughout the Union, preceded by a general view of all now in operation or in progress. Military and Naval News, Promotions, Changes, Move ments, ftc. Foreign Intelligence. Biographical obituary notices of distinguished persons. After tne closc of each session of Congress, an extra or an enlarged number w ill l>e published, containing a ge neral review and history of its proceedings, a condensed abstract of important official documents, and the acts of the session. Advantage will also be taken of the means concentrated in this establishment from all quarters of the Union, to collect and digest such extensive statistical observations on all the piost important interests of the country as can not fail to prove ol very great value. This portion of the work w ill be separately paged, so as to udnut of binding by itself, and will tie furnished with a copious in'dex, so that the United States Magazine will also constitute a Complete Annual Reuistkr, on a scale unattemplcd before, and of very great importance to all classes, not only as affording a current and combined view, from month to month, of the subjects which it will comprise, but also for record and reference through future years; the value of which will increase with the duration of the work. Although in its political character the United States Magazine addresses its claims to the support of the De mocratic partv, it is honed that its other features referred to above?independently of the desirable object of Incom ing acquainted with the doctrines of an opponent thus advocated?twill recommend it to a liberal and candid support from all purlies, and from the large class of no party. To promote the populnr objects in view,and relying up on the united support of the Democratic party, as well as from others, the price of subscription is fixed ut the low rate of five dollars per annum; while in mechanical ar rangement, and in size, quantity of matter, tic., the Uni ted States Magazine w ill be placed on it par at least with the leading monthlies of England. The whole will form three large octavo volumes ejich year. ILf Terms : $5 in advance, or $6on thedelivery of the third number. In return for a remittance of ?'-'0, five co pies will lie sent; of 850, thirteen copies will be sent; and of $11)0, twenty-nine copies. 07 All communications to lie addressed (post paid) to the publishers. TAMMANY HALL. At a regular meeting of the Democratic Republican (Jen em! Committee, of the city and county of New-York, hWd at Tammany Hall, on Thursday evening, April 6, " 1H37, The prospectus issued by Messrs. Langtree St O'Sulli van, for the publication, at the city of Washington, of a monthly mairaztne, to be entitled the United States Maga zine and Democratic Review, having been presented and read, it w as thereupon, Resolved unanimously, That, in the opinion of this Committee, the work referred to in the prospectus will prove highly useful lo the Democratic Party, and lienefi cial to the community; that the plan of the work appears to be judiciously adapted to the attainment of the impor tant objects announced by the publishers, and we cordially recommend it to the support of our fellow citizens. An cxtract from the minutes. F.nwARn Sanpfoiw. Secretary. ADVERTISEMENTS. It i* intended to reader the United State* Magazine a medium for literary and general advertising, fur whicii it* thorough circulation in every State of the Union, and abroad, will render it very advania?eoua. Advertisement* will be inaerted on the cover of the United State* Magazine on tbe following term* : 1 square, (1G line*,) one insertion, - ? #1 oo do. do. three times, ? ? 2 50 1 column, one insertion, - 3 l>o do. three times, ? ? ? - 7 oO 1 paae, one insertion, ' ? ? ? ? ? f> 00 do. three times, ? * - ? 10 00 I square, per annum,- ? ? ? ? 10 uo Single page* ?uu:hed in for $2 SO; 8 paxes, (HO; pages, iJ'JO. These will l?e inserted only in the copie luered by tiand in lite Urge cities, and 3000 of eaetc be required The other advertisements are pubo ivery copy. A Magazine beiug g/ -nerally preserved, returned for perusal for months on the family table, it dera it a muc h more desirable agent for appropriate udw lining than newspapers or other evanescent periodical Advertisements will lie received by all the Agents. Br Bills intended for stitching with the cover, if deliv ered at the following places, free ot expense, will be re Silarly forwarded:?Boston, and Eastern States, Otis, roadera, e regarded as forming the staple of the work. And of indigenous poelry, enough is pub lished?sometime# of no mean strain?to manifest anil to cultivate the growing poetical taste and talents of our country. The times appear, for several reasons, to demand such a w ork?and not one alone, but many. The public mind is feverish and irritated still, from recent political strifes. The soft, ossuusive influence of literature is needed, to allay that fever, and soothe that irritation. Vice and folly are rioting abroad : They should be driven by indignant rebuke, or lushed by ridicule, into their fitting haunts. Ignorance lords it over an immense proportion of our people. Every spring should be set in motion, to arouse the enlightened, and to increase their number; so that the great enemy of popular government may no longer brood, like a portentous cloud, over the destinies of our country. And to accomplish all these ends, what more powerful agent can be employed than a periodical, on the plan of the Messenger; if that plan lie but carried out in practice The South, peculiarly; requires such an agent. In all the Union, south of Washington,there are but two literary periodicals ! Northward of that city, there are probably at least twenty-five or thirty ! Is thi* contrast justified by. the wealth, the leisure, the native talent, or the actual I literary taste of the Southern people, compared with those of the Northern ? No: for in wealth, talents, and tastr, we may justly claim at least an equality with our bre thren; and a domestic institution exclusively our nun; beyond all donlit affords us, if w e choose, twice the leisure for reading and writing, which they enioy. , It w as from a deep sense of this local want, that .the word Southern was engrafted on the name of tins periodical; and not with any design to nourish local pre judice*, or to advocate supposed local interests. Far from any such thought, it i* the editor'* fervent wish to see the North and South liound endearingly together forever, in the silken bands of mutual kindness and affection K.ir from meditating hostility to Ihe North, he has already drawn, and he hopes hereafter to draw, much of his choicest matter thence ; ana happy indeed will he deem himself, should his pages, by making each region know the other better, contribute in any essential degree to dispel the lowering clouds thai now threaten the peace of lioth, and to brighten and strengthen the sacred tic* of fraternal love. The Southern Literary Messenger ha* now reached the fifth No. of its third volume. How far it has acted out the ideas here uttered, it is not for the editor to say Ho believes, however, that it fall* not further *hort of them than human weakness usually makes practice fall short of theory. The Messenger is issued monthly. Each number of the work contains 64 large super-royal pates, printed in the very handsomest manner, on new tyjw, and on pap<' ? equal at least to that on which any other periodical i? printed in our country. No subscription will lie received for less than a volume,, nnd must commence with Ihe current one. The price 11 $5 per volume, which must be paid in all cases at the time of sulieeribing. This is particularly adverted to now i<> avoid misapprehension, or future misunderstanding- u" no order will hereafter lie attended to unless accompanied with the price of snlweription. The postage on Ihe Messenger is six ccnts on any sin gle No, for all distance* under 100 miles?over 100 miles, ten cents. All communications or letter*, relative to the Messen ger, must be addressed to Thobas W. W Htf?? Southern Literary Messenger Office, Richmond. >? THE MADISONIAN. Thk Ma in son un i* published Tri-wecklv during the sitting* of Congress, arid Semi-weekly during the re cess. Tri-weekly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur day*. Advertisements intended for the Tuesdsy paper, should be sent in early on Monday?those for the Thursday paper, early on Wednesday, and for the Sa turday paper, early on Friday. Offirr, E itrrrf, ntnr Trnlh