government! What shall be said of such apologists, when we recollect that the very eviU of which they complain were produced by their own short sighted policy. The banks wero invited to increase their discounts upon ttie basis of these depositos, as a right, privilege, or compensation for their agency. To prove this, I have only to advert to the language of Mr. Secretary Taney, who was the instrument of removing the deposites from the United States Uank, in his letter of Sep tcmber yt), 1833, udJresscd to the (iirurd Hank of Philadelphia. " '/V tkpoiilei of the public money will enable you to xprouo inayuble lo the government arise from I he business and enterprise of the merchants engaged in foreign trad.;, u is but reasonable that they shotiId bs preferred in the additional accommo dation, which THE PIBI.IC DEPOSITED WILL, ENABt.E rOL'B INSTITUTION TO GIVE." It was Gen. Jackson's policy also to force specie into the couutry from abroad, against the laws of nature and of trade. The con sequence was an increase of paper circula tion to the amount of three hundred millions of dollars, upon the basis of thirty millions of specie claimed to have been imported through his iuflueuco. \V hat proof is wanting to show more conclusively thun this, tha? the government directly and rapidly fostered tho very evils of whicK they now complain. In the midst of tho enlarged dealings conse quent upon this state of things, the Treasury Circular, requiring specie, in payment for pub lic lands, was issued, in tho face of three suc cessive and overwhelming expressions of the Congress of the United .States against it.? That circular taking specie out of its natural and useful channels, against the wants and wishes of tho people, in my opinion, directly produt ed the calamities under which the country is laboring, and accelerated and ag gravated tho universal confusion in the cur rency of tho country. Independent of the in justice of the measure, in making a disctimi nation in regard to the public debtors, its ope ration was prejudicial us well to the commer cial interests of tho east as those of tho set tlers of the west. It lias directly retarded the settlement of our lands, both by its embar rassing and burdensome operation upon the poor emigrant, taxing him ten per cent, more for tho public lauds by reason of the uppre ci ition ot specie, than the actual government price, ami linally resulting in the establish ment ol large companies who are monopo lizing tho choicest lands of our state, and hold ing them at such prices as will compel the emigrant in most cases to seek a location be yond our territory. 1 consider this measure as the germ of the scheme, now proposed, to concentrate the whole public purse in the h imis of tho Executive. From all the indi cations which 1 have seen, 1 am now im pressed with the painful conviction that tho whole design of these experiments upon tho currency has beon from the beginning to es tablish eventually a Treasury Hank. Tho issue of Treasury notes is an entering wedgo (or tliis purpose. The government repudiates the banking system of the states for the pur pose of taking tho business into its own hands 1 And while it becomes the national banker, it appropriates to its own uso tho '? b.-tter currency," and palms oil' the baser one upon the people. The government con demns the banks for refusing to pay specie on demand lor their notes, while they, unable as they are, according to the statement of the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, to pay a draft of 850 dollars in specie, pr.ipose to issue ten millions of their own I per, and as if they were afraid lest they should do something for the general benefit, they refused to issue tho notes of a less de nomination than 8100, because they did not wish them to circulate amongst the people ! Congress, however, reduced the lowest do nymiaation to $50. lu the midst of all this, all who are in any wise connected with banks are denounced as rag barons, aristocrats, pi rates and robbers, and the people arc ap pealed to, to put down and destroy the actual currency ol the country. Newspapers claim ing to be " distinguished by the confidence of tho administration,' whoso whole business seems to be to deprave tho public taste, to vilify and abuse tho virtuous, to trample down every thing opposed to the Executive will, to destroy the credit and prostrate the com merce of our country, that delight to glut over the misfortunes of their countrymen, go verned by no political principle "or moral honesty, tire kept in confidence to herald tho crusade of the government against the most cherished interests of the people. A war upon tlie local , banks uj>on which the credit system of the country now reposes, is deter mined upon, and it is not to cease until they fall as did the United States Bank before tho Executive mandate. In May last the Globe characterized the calamity in which the banks were involved (the stoppoge of specie pay ments) as " a barefaced attempt to defraud the laboring classes ;",in June, as "a flu grnnt breach of faith, a monstrous fraud in July, as 44 u system of deliberate plunder." Again it proclaimed that the batiks could not be dispensed with, and in October, it exults at tlie idea that, the 44 dynasty of banks, great and small, approaches its end." I he tendency, and I fear the design of the scheme now pressed upon Congress, is to overthrow and destroy tho whole credit and banking system ol tho country, and to increase to in alarming extent, the Executive patron age. I fear it will be used by those in office as a most successful instrument in perpetu ating and co.vsoudatino their power. I he Will proposed virtually nullifies the office of Treasurer of the United States. He was made by the act of 1781), tho keeper of the public money?all the public money was put under his control, he giving sufficient se curity for the sale-keeping. JVio money could be taken from the Treasury unless expressly authorised by law, and only by warrants drawn by the Secretary, certified by the Comptroller, audited, registered, and 'certi fied. Under this Bill, tho Receivers in our State would become as important official characters as tho Treasurer of the United States, without anv of the checks that operate upon the latter. They would each have three distinct characters, namely: receiver, keeper, and disburser. What number of offi cers would be necessary to carry the plan into complete operation it is impossible to say. lu I-ranee, with a territory not varying much in dimensions from some of our largest States, the Sub-treasury system is in complete operation,-and the number of officers amount to 100,000!! If the people of this country are willing to let loose such a swarm of de vouring locusts to eat out their substance, I am greatly mistaken. The expense, though vastly enormous, would be ol no considera tion, in comparison with such an infinitely j dangerous enlargement of Executive power. I It is already the most formidable department of the Government, and its influence in Con gress even now overpowers (lie dictates of conscience and putriotiam. This scheme would render it perpetual, and tnnnf<>rm it into a despotism. In the House of Repre sentatives the much talked of liank influence, is as nothing compared with tliat of tho Ex ecutive. Members of Congress, who rante to the Capitol with a determination of doiug something for tho relief of the country, and strongly opposed to the Sub-treasury scheme, were drawn in by thu operation of party ma chinery to surrender themselves to Executive will. 1 was myself more than once entreat ed to abandon my private convictions and em brace the Sub-treasury project merely be cause it had been recommended by the Pre sident! .Such conduct, and the exercise of such inlluence 1 regarded as a virtual nullifi cation of Congress and an unlawful interfer ence iu the duties and business of an inde pendent legislator. I have always been taught to consider Congress as an inde pendent branch of the Government, and not a mere Executive council for the purpose of registering Executive edicts. I shall alwavs view it in this light I trust, so long as 1 shall be honored with a seat in that body. The tendency of tho Sub-treasury scheme, is to extend tho same influence over the country at large, and to place the destinies of this na tion entirely within the Executive control. In tho exaction of gold und silver in pay ment of the public dues, my opinion is, that it will effect the establishment of two cur rencies ; the better one for the Government, and I he baser one for the people, taking it for granted that the country will continue the lo cal batiks. It will make specie, however, an article of traffic, and thus tend to discredit the paper of the people, which the Government refuses, although convertible, and render the resumption of specie payments impossible.? Hut as two currencies of unequal value can never circulate together, the Government cur rency must eventually triumph over tho State currency, and the latter must be abandoned and the banks surrender their charters, or, the general confusion and debasement of the State currency will involve the States in such vexed legislation that a National Bunk will be demanded with one unanimous voice. If then, the scheme should be adopted, our pros perity is at a stand, as long as the system is tolerated. The people would become alien ated Irom the Government, and the Govern ment would iu effect be "divorced" from their interests, and married to its own. In barba rous, hall civilized, and despotic countries aji exclusively metallic currency may suit the views and purposes of the people having no confidence iu each other, and no providence for the future* But in this free and enlight ened country such a currency would be ab surd, impracticable, inconvenient, undesirable and impossible. There is not gold and sil ver enough to bo found to answer all the pur poses of currency, and the quantity is fast diminishing by the absorption of those arti cles in manufacturing purposes. By destroyingthe Banks,.and attempting to resort to a specie currency, you make the federal Government the great moneyed power, and compel it, in consequence of the deficien cy of the metals to resort to Treasury notes, thereby making the Government, after all, to all intents and purposes a bank. With his hands thus in the pockets of the people " re gulating their currency," the Executive will be able to perpetuate his power, and appoint his successor. It is stated that the President has less con trol over tho public money in banks, than in the haijds of his agents, h is highly proper that it should be so, and it was for that purpose that congress was wise enough to place the de posites in the banks by law for that purpose. I n the hands of executive agents, the public mo ney, being only secured by individual responsi bility, would be less sale than in the charge of corporations. The temptations to fraud and embezzlement would be infinite. It would be a false view of human nature, not to suppose that the individuals thus in possession of large amounts of mOney not liable to be called for suddenly, would yield in too many cases, to the importunities of their friends. The sys tem would therefore be of a demoralizing ten dency, and involve many innocent persons in pecuniary difficulties and many evil disposed ones in fraud, and the government iu serious losses. The experience of the country con clusively justifies this view of the ease. Many melancholy cases have occurred among state officers, ftrmy officers, and postmasters thus employed. I he system is already mea surably in operation in the General Post Of fice, each deputy postmaster being now a keeper of the public money, and it furnishes us it would seem, satisfactorily, the most con demnatory illustrations of the scheme. The report of the Postmaster General, presented at the close of the last winter's session of congress, shows that out of about 10,000 postmasters, 18H2 are defaulters to the go vernment. This fact ought to condemn at once the extension of such a scheme without any further controversy. Another objection to the scheme is, its in creasing the expense, difficulties and liability to loss in transportation. Bills of exchange, checks, drafts, etc., open to endorsement and with other guards, are safe and convenient media of transmission. Nothing can be more inconvenient and awkward than carting specie back and forth from one place of deposite to another to liquidate balances and for safe keep ing. We have had exhibitions of this ridicu lous farce in our own state under the operation of the specie circular, when, after all, the go vernment received nothing but bank credits. \\ hat would be the effect, iu brief, of the Sub-treasury, hard-money policy upon the State ol Illinois, ller bank paper would be depreciated, and perhaps destroyed, and spe cie would disappear! ller grand system of internal improvement must be defeated and stopped, and her rich and unoccupied lands might remain unsettled; her foreign com merce interdicted, and her revenues cut off, and the business of her people, paralvzcd. Suppose there are 70 millions of specie iu the country; 10 or 50 millions has been the amount of the public revenue. Two-thirds of it therefore would be absorbed by the govern ment, and the; residue would be hoarded, every dollar thus disappearing except in tho revenue ' transactions. Twenty-four millions is re- j quired to delrav the expenses ol the govern- j inent; the residue of the 10 or 50, would be j " salted down in Treasury vaults, without j interest or use, until congress disposed of it by law. I he entries lor lands in Illinois arc estimated at two millions of dollars, and our imports farexceed our exports. Where are the people to procure specie to supply ihe con sent drain of the land Offices, and the demand of the eastern markets? Are there anv federal disbursements niade in Illinois? None whatever. Specie would seek the south and the east, and the greatest amounts would be concentrated iu the largest iiupoiting town*. New York, for example, where the greatest amount of the revenue >a paid, would be the grand iwiutof centralization. 1 he specie will concentrate of course at those markets where there is the greatest demand for it. This brings me to another objection to this scheme. It will levy a tax ol 10 to 15 per cent, upon the people, and is inconvenient to the public debtors. They are required to pay their dues in specie. This can bo do'ie only by purchasing the specie by paying the pre mium. These duties are for the most part lor importations, which are consumed by the peo ple The premium therefore ultimately comes out of the people. But destroy the banks, as is designed, and how can the specie be pur chased ! what other representative of value would be used, to answer the purpose ol the exchange ! According to the present plan, specie could only be purchased with property and property with specie. 'I his would be in sober truth "surrendering our advanced civi lization, and returning to a state ol barbarism Hut the scheme is too preposterous, to sup pose that a sensible people will ever miction, or even countenance it. The bill was laid on the table of the House of Representatives, by the decisive vote of 120 to 107, where I trust, in Cod, it may forever sleep, " unhonored and unsung." My self and colleagues voted in the affirmative, in the solemn conviction that it was best sub serving the interests of my constituents, ami I trust? the event will show, with their appro bation. The measure was hurried to a vote, I think, with indecent haste, and lor the rea son, that its advocates feared the voice ol t le people. Whatever maybe that voice, in re gard to my constituents, I only wish that it may be fuilv and unequivocally expressed, in order as well that I may be instructed, as that the country should know your sentiments and wishes. 1 came here with the desire and intention of supporting the Administration. Nothing but a sense of duty to your best interests lias dictated the course 1 have pursued. I voted for Mr. Allen for Printer to the House. In this 1 was actuated by no personal feelings, one side or the other. The editor of the Madisonian is a democrat ?? dyed in trie wool." His family has been distinguished til the ranksaf republicanism, and in the service of the country, in ihc hour of peril, l ie was a supporter ol Gen. Jackson, and much time, I understand, to promote the elec tion of Mr. Van Buren. lie will not be found wanting in sensibility to the wants, wishes, and interests of a republican people. Hie field is within the ancient landmarks, m wluct the Administration would have been success ful. Now that it has diverted from the well trodden paths, I tremble for the result. 1 he promulgation of these new fangled and star ling doctrines to which 1 have adverted, fear, is striking apathy into the hearts ol re publicans, and the signs of the times are indi cative of the truth I express. Our only hope is in unity of action. The great principles ol the republican party are.always the same, however much we may diller in matters o expediency. A toleration of such differences of opinion is a p .rt of the republican creed, and should be sacredly adhered to in the pre sent crisis. Heartburnings and jealousies, .1 indulged, will alienate our friends from eaci other, and our political opponents will not fa.l to profit by our divisions. 1 have thus shown to you, my fellow citi zens, what has been the practice of tins Government, in the last forty years, and stated also, as plainly as possible, the terms ol a new proposition to chango that policy. I have stated my objections to the new scheme, and shown that it would enlarge Executive pat ronage ; that it tended to destroy all banking institutions; that it would establish one cur rency for the Government, and another lor the people, and debase the latter; that it would increase the liability of loss to the Government; that it would corrupt the office holders ; that it would increase the difficulty and expense of the transportation of the public funds; that it would drive specie out ol cir culation, and levy a heavy tax upon, and put to great inconvenience, the public debtors, that it would retard the advancement and set tlement of our state; that it would nullify the office of treasurer of the United States ; unite the purse with the sword, in the hands of the Executive, and eventuate in the establishment of a Treasury Hank. Entertaining these views, I can never jus tify myself in voting for such a scheme. 1 present them to your serious consideration and reflection, in all candor and sincerity and seek only the conclusions of your own minds, anil your instructions in accordance taere Wl,h' WILLIAM L. MAY. Washington, October, 1837. from the Richmond Enquirer. A PRACTICAL. lLf.VSTnATtOS Of the Sub-Treasury System in restoring a ipccic circulation ! The Secretary of the Treasury directed at the com mencement of the present session of Congresl, that both branches of the National Legislature srhould he paid in gold or whir, and the coin has been transported from various parts ol the Union lor this purpose. \\ hat has been the effect uj>oii the circulating medjim ill Washington, of paying in specie this portion of tie Go vernment officers ! Has it tended in any degreeto re store a specie circulation even in the small city of ?> aH" ingtou ! You may go in the market there?go into the stores?go into the taverns?go any where, where busi ness is going on, and you will not see a silver dollar. Shinplasters of all sorts and sums, and smalMioles, are ihe only circulating medium. And why ! I he answer is obvious to every man of common sense : Because spec ie is at a premium, and of course it is hoarded by every body, and made a subject of traffic and specula tion It is made the better currency by the Government itself, in making it alone receivable in payment of th? imblie dues, and of course it will disappear from the general circulation, and the inferior currency will take its place. ... . r The gold and silver that is paid to the members ol Congress is sold to the brokers, and they send it im mediately olT to the North. What relief has it been to the people of Washington, to pay the officers of Govern ment there in specie ! None. W hat remedy, then, will it bo to the people of the United Slates, to adopt at this time this Nub-Treasury system, which requires the collection of all the public "dues in specie, and the pay ment of all the public creditors in specie ! VV Hen can the Hanks resume specie payments, under the operation of suck a system 1 And how, tell me, can this com munity ever tie relieved from a disordered currtnrv, be fore the bnnka resume specie paym-ntt ? Confidence is to be restored ill these banks, by rendering their paper less ra'uablc than specie ! And the community is to be relieved from a disordered currency, bv dishonoring and depreciating bank paper, the only circulating medium at I his time in the country ! And in truth, the only mt.ney which the great mass of the iconic have in their pockets or to their credit in banks !! This Sub-Treasury sys tem, in substa-ice, has been in operation since the sus pense! of specie payments by the banks. And whit has been Us effect! It has cut up by the roots our foreign commerce, and emptied the National I rea.oiry . Here we are in a state of bankruptcy, produced by this war upon hank paper, whilst the whole COmnunity arfl satisfied with paying and receiving their debts in bank paper, the only circulating medium ol the country. Would it not be better for the Government to have it* Treasury full of tank note*, than to hate nothing 1 Would any reMXiable public creditor cowplatu, or have a right to Mmplain, it be wa> paid in nou? of banks in guml credit1 It U the dijfacnrs that ? made among the public creditor*, tbat produce* ike complaint. If all were paid in bank note*, we *hooM hear of no disaalis faclion. A a long aa commerce flourishes, we ahall have an overflowing Treasury. It la the duties paid on foreign importation* ilipt till the National Tressury. In the sin gle city of New York, ?oinetiinea lifieen million* have b??u collected. By dtthvytng foreign commerce, )04 tan luteft thit turn, and in no other way, ao long a* the prevent dutiea remain. How can fifteen million* of dol lar* be collected in New York tntpecie! You must deatroy the commerce of the country, in order to enable the Government to collect the rtvenut in tpccie. la there any eacape from thia concluaion! If the foreign gooda are brought into the country, the dunes mutt be paid. By preventing importatioiia, or in other word*, destroying commerce, you can leaaen the amount of du tiea. If it ia not lessened, 16,000,000 inuat be col lected in New York. Where can the apecie be ob tained to pay theae dutiea ? A FaIMSS. Fate fax county, Va. Oct. 8, 1837. NATIONAL HANK. Oil the adoption of the resolution in tho Hotiae of Representatives, October 5, " That il it inexpedient to chatter a National Bank," the vole atood us followa: YEAS?Messrs. Anderson, Andrews, At her ton, Bcatly, Beirne, Bieknell, Birdsall, Uoou. Doulden, Brod head, Bronson, Uruyn, Buchanan, Uynuin, Cambreleng, '1'. J. Carter, Casey, Clianev, Chapman, Cilley, Clai borne, Clark, Cleveland, Clowney, Colea, Connor, Craig, Crarv, Cushman, Dawson, Davee, DeGraff, Dromgoole, Duncan, Ld*arda, Klmore, Fairfield, Far ringtou, laaac Fletcher, Foster, Fry, Gallup, Gbolaon, Glascock, Grantland, Grant, Gray, Griliin, Haley, Hammond, Hamcr, Harrison, Hawkins, llavnes, Holsey, lloll, Hopkins, Howard, llublev. Win. H. Hunter, Robert M.T. Hunter, Iiighaui, 'riiomas B Jackson, Jaliez Jackson, Joseph Johnson, Nathaniel Jonea, John W. Jones, Kilgore, Kllugensiiiilh, I^egsre, Leadbetter, Lewis, Logan, Arphsxed Loomis, Lyon, Mallory, James M. Mason, Martin, McKay, A. McClellan, II. McClellan, McC'lure, McKnn, Miller, Montgomery, Moore, Morgan, Matthias Morn*, .Samuel. W. Morns, Muhlenlterg, Noble, Ogle, Owens, Palmer, Parker, I'arinenter, Patton, Pay titer, Pennybaeker, Pelriken, Phelps, Pickens, Plumer, Potter, Prait, Prentiss, Krilly, Illicit, Hives, Robertson, Shelter, Shields, Shcplor, Smith, Snvder, Spencer, Stewart, Taliaferro, Taylor, Thoinaa, Thomson, Titus, Toucey, Towns, Turuey, Vail, Vanderveer, Wagener, Webster, Weeks, Thomas T. Whittlesev, Jured W. Williams, Wotthington, Yell?132. NAYS?Messrs. Adams, Heman Allen, John W. Allen, Ayckrigg, Bell, Middle, Borden, William D. Calhoun, John Calhoun, W. B. Campbell, Chamliers, Cheatham, Child*. Corwin, Ctanstou, Crockett, Cur tis, Cusliiltg, Darlington, levies, Deberry, Dennis, Dunn, Everett, Ewing, Richard Fletcher, Filtnore, Rice Garland, Goodc, James Graham, W. Graham, Graves, Grennell, Hall, Halstead, Harlan, Harper, Hawes, Henry. Herod, Jenifer, Henry Johnson, William Cost Johnson, La?ler, Lincoln, Andrew W. Loomis, Mar vin, Samson Mason, Maury, May, Maxwell. McKennan, Menifee, Mercer, Milligan. Calvary Morris, Naylor, Pat terson, Pearce, Peck, Phillips, Pope, Potts, Rariden, Randolph, Reed, Rencher, Ridgway, ltuinsay, Russell, Sergeant, Augustine II.. Shepperd, Charles Shepard, Sibley, Slade, Southgate, Stanley, Stratton, Tillmiiliast, Tolaud, Underwood, Albert S. While, John White, Klislia Whittlesey, Lewis Williams, Shcrrod Williams, Joseph L. Williams, Christopher H. Williams, Wise, Yorke?91. COMMUNICATIONS. roil THE MADUONUN. THE NEW SCHEME "OF TREASURY AUKNCIEH. No. IX. The purpose which forms tl e substratum of the Sub-Treasury scheme, is the total exclusion of State bank paper, in collecting the national revenues, from whatever source accruing, though it be convertible into coin, and issued by State banks of unquestionable solidity. That this purpose shall be condemned by the people it needs only to be examined and understood. Let it be conceded, that the notes of State binks denying spccie for them to the holder, ought to be rejected in collecting the revenues, raid we come at once, and fairly to the proposed permanent establishment of the New Scheme. Did the advocates of the scheme proceed on the assumption that the banks will never resume specie payments, the purpose of always rejecting their notes, would be a wise one?their coursc of legislation would be impregnable in the assumption. But the truth is they do not proceed on that assump tion. It is then unnecessary to show, as by a refe-' rence to the recent and continuing conduct of the binks, it might easily be shown, that they are pre paring and may be expected soon to resume specie j>ayinents. Then the question is, when the banks shall have resumed specie payments, will it be wise or proper to reject their notes in the collecting of the national revenue 1 No one can deny that this is the real question. The scheme does not merely propose the rejection of State bank notes in collecting the revenues, as a temporary measure. It looks beyond the present ex traordinary state of things; it contemplates the re jection of State bank notes, and the exaction of specie in all collections of the revenue, after the banks shall have resumed payments of specie for their notes on demand, and without loss or delay on the part of the holder. Such is the scheme called "llar note, not having any silver change in his pocket. The note is issued by a specie paying bank in the city.?The Postmaster is required by law to decline receiving and changing it. The citizen is put to the trouble ol going to the b ink to get the change. This he does, however, and pays the postage in silver. Thus it is a mere question settled by the practical opera tions of the measure of" divorce" in this connection, whether the paid federal officer or the citizen of the State shall take the trouble to exchange the note f>r coin; when too,'it mi^ht be no trouble, at the mo ment to the Postmaster, having the change by him? or if otherwise, the citiz-n would voluntarily get the change at bank or elsewhere, as might bo most convenient. " But," say the advocates of the measure, " a larger amount will frequently be accumulated, than, in pursuance of appropriations bv law, is to b * dis bursed in the State in which it is collected. Though subsisting, they say, in the notes of specie paying binks, which are current in the State in which issued, the overplus will not answer the uses of the Government in meeting the demands upon it else where, because these same notes convertible into coin at home, are not current in distant parts. Then the plain answer is, whenever the overplus be used where wanted, by means of transfer drafts on some specie paying banks, let the overplus be exchanged on demand, for coin where it was collected, and the coin itself b; transmitted to the placc at which it is wanted; for if the revenue bs collected exclusive ly in coin, the supply will likewise frequently ex ceed the demands for di>burseinents where collected, and the overplus must in like manner b- physical ly transmitted, or transferred by drafts drawn by the Secretary of the Treasury, on the personal fiscal agents in the distant parts in which it is wanted, to supply the deficiency (there) to make the disburse ments pursuant to appropriations by law. Thus, under ei:her system of collecting, safe-keeping and di^bjrsing the revenue, there must bi an actual transmission of ruin, or else paper credits must in some shape b? n?ed. " But," they "under ' our system, .if transfer drafts be u%rd, they w ill be drawn on a Treasury ;gent who has the specie fund in his strong box to pay it with." And so, the answer is, it will be a draft drawn on a specie paying bank having so muck of the revenue ou depusite with it. " But," say they, " the bauk drawn on miy stop paying sjiecie." And so may the agent become a defaulter. In either event the sum suspended or lost b -ing large enough to require it, the government must resort to taxation, or to a loan, or to an issue of treasury notes, to supply the debciency. In the case of the banks being the fiscal agents, the Government can exact specie in its collections during the suspension. To this the people will submit and b>* quiescent? but they will never submit to the exaction of coin, while they are uUe to olfer the notes ol' specie paying banks. To regain this ability, the people rely on their Bute legislation in chief. Their general government for a season may stand aloof, and refuse to lend a helping hand, and even throw obstacles in the way ! The influence of enlightened public opinion may fail to bring the people's federal agents to aid in enabling them to regain that ability?it may be so. Though their censorial power wielded by the public and free press may fail, the people will yet have resources left in their uiuirr or inhtiilction, and | certain control in their night or election. Neither of these systems of fiscal agency, the State bank depo^ite system, nor the Sub-treasury j scheme, is or can be made perfect. Each of them, | or any the wit of man can contrive, is and will be , liable to occasional disturbances. Which of them ; is the more economical, safe and convenient, I shall not further tax my poor ingenuity to tell. To at tempt to add to the b'jauty and strength of the power ful arguments and manifold facts urged by Rives, the splendid enthusiasm of Tallmadue, the impres sive recitals and cogent conclusions of Oakland, and the brilliant wit and elegant Solidity of Lkoahe, would be to attempt to gild refined gold. That the General Government shall effectually help State legislation in its well-directed efforts to secure uni formity to the value of the paper part of the curren cy of the country, it is only necessary that, by pre scribing the conditions on w hich the State banks may b'j the place of depositc of the national revenue, it exert its legitimate authority to limit the issues of paper money by suppressing all notes of a less amount than ten, dollars. That State legislation shall, enable the General Government to give effect ually that indispensable aid. it is only necessary that it reduce the number of State banks to a very small, if not the smallest number in each State; so that the action of the General Government, intended and tending-to limit the issues of jKiper money, though confined to depositc banks, may yet reaeh and operate on all the banks of the country * This necessary uniformity of value to the paper part of the currency can result alone frum grncml confidence, the great principle of vitality to commerce. Con fidence can alone be secured by, and invariably will, whenever it should, be attendant ont fami liarity with the important features of pa|>er money. This familiarity must be made attainable, and with out the necessity of constant and daily study to at tain it. Publics. * Sec Mr. Dayard's Speech, in the Senate October 2, 1837. f See my No. VIII. The communication of " A Republican" has been unavoidably delayed, by the pro ceedings of Congress and the unusual press of other matter. We now insert it?and al though the subject has been disposed of for the present at least, the illustrations of the writer may nevertheless be useful in refer ence to the future. FOR THE MADWOMAN. I have been for years an ardent and firm supporter of Mr. Van Burcn. I would not now impugn his integri ty or capacity ; but believing the President's proposed system fatally injurious to tho liberties and happiness of my country, it receives my decided disapprobation. The Message of the President and the reports of the Secretary of the Treasury and Postmaster General ap probated by it involve questions of great moment. The President proposes to place all public money in the hands of officers of his appointment. This is the new Sub-treasury schcme. And to make sure that at once the pockets or the iron chests of these officers shall have funds he proposes that nine millions three hundred and sixty-seven thousand two hundred and fourteen dollars directed by law to be deposited with the States, be di vested and put into the hands of Executive agents, be ings of Executive will. The venerable Ritchie of the Richmond Enquirer has reviewed the Message on this point with such ability as leaves nothing more to be said against the corrupting Sub-treasury system, and certainly nothing more in its favor. With the independent and lofty bearing, for | which the gifted sons of Virginia have been distinguish ed from the days of Patrick Henry, Ritchie attacks and utterly overthrows the Presidential plan for adding the power of money to t|io preponderating weight of the Executive office. On this point we have nothing to add. If the voice of Nestor is not heard, ours will not be. But there are some new precedents proposed that ought to awaken attention. The Postmaster General leads the way in attacking the institutions of Republi can America, and denounces her State banks as "hun dreds of embarrassed, faithless, or bankrupt corpora tions." Then follows the Secretary of the Treasury proposing and lauding the financial systems of England and France, lie based his Sub-treasury system on the precedents of these royalities. It was, he said, "in suc cessful practice in some of the most enlightened and opulent governments of Europe." Here for the first time the corrupt, prodigal and place-making system of financial expenditure i'n Europe is officially recommend ed to the American people. Before the Revolution our fathers struggled year after year against the royal go vernors who claimed for themselves and their agents the control of the colonial funds. The governors then said, as the royal governors of the Cauadas now say, that the public service is interrupted because the Execu tive control over the people's money is impeded. How strange, that the European system of finance, and espe cially that of France, should be gravely recommended to one republic ! The entire expenses of France for the year 1330 were about 186 millions of dollars. For 1835 the minister of finance estimated the expenses at about two hundred and live millions. Sccrct service money for the police was one of tho items, and amounted to about two hundred and forty-six thousand dol lars. About fifteen millions of dollars annually go to Louis Phillip's officers for collecting the revenue and taxes of France. If the residue of the financial system ofgFrance is conducted with tho same prodigality, the officers of the King must be well satisfied with the King's sub-treasury system. It may also account for the fact that the French charter of 1830, which was based on the republican principle that all the French were equal, has been trampled under th? royal feet of the citizen King. This French precedent is indeed ominous!!! Arc these the royal models which the Secretary, with the President's approbation, present, to the quick-sighted freemen of America? Louis Phillip's immense pa tronage and control of public money has enabled hiin to destroy the freedom of the press and to trample the char ter under foot. Let mv countrymen beware of this dangerous example, and never trust any President with the corrupting j>o .? cr of the purse. A lUPl AN. ran. the madmonuw. SATIOSAI, rrRREICY * ITATE BANK-. THE MARYLAND PLAN. No. III. With regard to the constitutionality of the princi ples proposed in Doc. No. 6, of both Houses 0f Congress, heretofore referred to, " the doctrine of the great father of democracy is peculiarly ap|x?itc and iuterenting at the present crisis, as it presets a practicable tuccedaneum, through the medium of a measure of value, which, by iu wlnitty, universality of circulation, and reccii ability in all public pay ments, would make iu way, and supplant the paper of private banks, or corporations of individuals.'1 These are the views of JEFFERSON ; and he fur ther says, in substance, that, although the Congress may no! b_* authorized to establish a paper currency as an absolute tender in private contracts, yet the influence they may exercise in securing iu sound ness through the collections of the revenue has been admitted by the purest patriot*, and most enlightened statesmen of the republic, ill various departments of the Government. In the early annals of the Constitution the power was affirmed by General HAMILTON, in hit public character, " to designate, or appoint, the money, or thing, in whii h the taxes are to be paid," as being " not only a proper, but a necessary exercise of the power of collecting them; accordingly, Congress, in the law concerning the collection of the duties on imposts and tonnage, have provided thai they shall be payable in silver or gold. But while it was an indispensable part of the work to say in what they should be paid, the choice of the specific thing was a mere matter of discretion. The payment might have b?en required in the commodities themselves; taxes in kind are not without precedent, even in the United l States; or they might have b;?en in the paper money | of the several States, or of the bills of the Bank of North America, New York, or Massachusetts, all or cash of them ; or they might have been in bills issurd under tie authority of the United Slates. No purl of this, it is presumed, can be disputed. The appoiut ! rnunt of the money, or thing, in which the taxes are j to bj paid, is an incident to the power of collection ; I and among the expedients which may be adopted, is j that of bills issurd under the authority of thr I mud Stales." These are the views of HAMILTON, and ; this contemporaneous commentary has received the sanction of succeeeding sages, in the practical em ployment of Treasury notes, as a medium of cx 1 change and circulation. It therefore appears that "a paper currency is not ; inhibited by the Constitution," and that "such a I currency may b- created by the General Govern I ment, and distributed among the States, under proper guards and regulations to insure its credit and con vertibility into, gold and silver, and to promote, incalculably, the common welfare, is equally evi dent." As the productive principle of a high and valuable prerogative would thereby b; diffused, by its operations to the whole, and not confined to the i benefit oi a special few, or privileged order. The plan, indeed, is esteemed sufficient for all I he beurfi { rial purposes in contemplation, without the evils of i a soulless combination of corporations. It is, in effect, a NATIONAL BANK OF EXCHANGE AND DEPOS1TE, without the privileges of issuing notes, or loaning money as regards the General Govern ment, in connection with an equitable and secure system for the receipt and distribution of the federal revenue?commensurate, in fact, with the wealth and credit of the several States, embracing the pro perty and population of the whole Union. To eaeli and every one of the Slates it would impart a rich resource in public income, and diffuse the means of propelling industry and enterprise: and, by accele rating improvements throughout the country, pro mote the amelioration of every interest and class of society. And while such a system would essentially enlarge the specie basis, and adapt the local circula tion to the uses and demands of ordinary business, the national currency would supply the facilities of interchanges, in large transactions, on terms conve nient and economical. In reference to the pending question, the great object of desire is a MEDIUM OF UNIFORM AND EQ.UAL VALUE THROUGHOUT THE UNION?to accomplish which it is proposed thai a CURRENCY SHALL BE CREATED BY THE UNITED STATES, UPON THE FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE WHOLE NATION, GUA RANTIED BY THE STATES, RECEIVABLE EVERY WHERE IN ALL PUBLIC PAY MENTS, AND CONVERTIBLE INTO SILVER OR GOLD, on presentation at each and every of the institutions of the Stales. If a better medium can be devised, it remains to be demonstrated. And, with regard to the power of creating instiin tions of the character proposed, it appears that ' the highly beneficial principle of assuming the sovereign right of banking has been long since adopted, im proved, and exercised in several of the States," of the Souih and West particularly, and with the pro gressive developments of its benefits and productive ness, (in one State it having entirely avoided the necessity of taxation,) the more has it gained upon the public favor?its most potent enemy is that which has grown out of an excess of grants to private cor porations for such purposes. But, says the memoir in question, "if the regulation of the currency is to be regarded as a public bight;, if the good of the whole is to be preferred to the interests of a favored few i and, if there be enough of intelligence among the people to understand the proposition," as set forth in the Maryland Plan of Currency and Depositories, and to appreciate its merits and advantages, (which cannot be doubed,) "we may well anticipate the eventual establishment of a national currency, under thr agency of a CONNECTED SYSTEM OF IN STITUTIONS, BELONGING SOLELY TO THE STATES." The notices of patriotic editors are again invoked. PHILO FISCUS. CORRESPONDENCE. New York, October 'JO, 1837. My Dear Sir:?The representatives of the banks in this city have received replies from the officers of bulks in Thirteen States, approving of ihe proposed convention to take measures to resume specie pay ments?those of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Mis sissippi, desired delay until alter the late session of Congress, and the institutions of the remaining States have not replied to the circular of the Com mittee. At a recent meeting of the officers of our city banks, it was resolved to call the proposed conven tion on the 25ih November next at this place, when such measures will bj adopted as shall seem most advisable to hasten the resumption of payments in coin. Although the Banks of Philadelphia and Balti more declined participating in the proposed mea sures to call a convention, vet the reason assigned, viz : that the action of Congress al its special session might render il inexpedient, can be no longer urged, and it is presumed that they will co-operate with the majority of hinks throughout the Union, in endea voring to restore the currency of the country to its former elevated position. The Innking institutions in this State are daily strengthening and foriifyitis: themselves preparatory to the resumption, and if the foreign exchanges are reduced to the par of specie? as I have no doubt ihcy will be in a few months? .and Congress should not enact any laws, tending to discredit their issues, I am satisfied Ihat they will generally resume in less than six months from this date. To give you some idea of the substantial re sources of the commercial emporium it is only ne cessary to state, that the payments to the Stale and ih'- United S at^s b.* the banks in this city duringthe j last nine months is over twelve millions of dollars; I and that the contraction of the circulation and pay