Catholic family library.-Jum
U lished and thi. d?y received, for sale by F. 1 A *
LOR Msry Uw? of ScotU, a Journal ofNher ?
years OwlivSy, Trial, and Execution, from State r*
n.?r? and Contemporary ^*r? and DucumenU by W.
Jo* Walter, autnoi of the Life and Tune* of ?" * "
maa Moore?in two volume*, illustiated ?? ?
if raved Portrait, from an original painting o J.
Sow in the Royal Collection inPsm. \w0
autograph Letter*, one written in her * ^
other in her thirty-?i*th year.
History and GEOGRAPHY TJ"1
to which i. added the Physical Geography of the At
lantic State., and of the whole Continent. Second
edition, in one Urge octavo volume.
A fin onrii? valuable work are thi* day re
ce?ed for 2Tby F. TAYLOR. Price *> 75 pub
li.hed at 4 dollar. nov 311
Budget of the Bubble Family, by Lady Lytton
Bulwer, B vol*.
Sain Slick on hi* Journey, or the Saying* and Do
ing* of Sam Slick the Clock Maker, third series.
Humphrey'* Clock, No. 14.
Are ox peeled thi. day, and will be for aale by F.
TAYLOR, or for circulation among the *ub*criber*
to the Waverly Circulating Library. nuv
ing the contemporary Hiatorv of the Nation* of
Antiquity, with observation* on Chronological Era*?
by Joshua Toulmin Smith, author of " Smith'* prog
re*. of Philosophy among the Ancient*," 1 vol, price
6*2 cent*. Just received, for sale by
nov 30 F. TAYLOR.
Cheap.?1 volume l3tno. full bound in leather,
containing 433 closely printed page*; price 82 cent*,
dec 1 ?. TAYLOR.
T~ FIE STATESMAN, by John Holme*, of Me.,
or Principle* of Legislation and Law, 1 volume
octavo, i. just published and this day received, for aale
by F. TAYLOR. dec I
STOR HOUSE, New York?The undersigned
respectfully announce that the price, at the La
dies' Ordinary, for each person, will be - 33 per day.
Oentlemen s Ordinary - - 3 do.
Children under 13 years, and servant* 1 do.
A Parlor*, with private table, for each
Hi person - 3 do.
And for the Parlor used by the party 3 extra.
The subscribers are ready to make arrangements
with families, for the winter, on reasonable terms.
Single gentlemen accommodated with good rooms
by the year, or for the winter season, at fair rate*.
The subscriber have been informed that Hack
Drivers have reported " the Astor House full," when
it was not true. Theee reports have been made so
frequently as to induce us now to refer to them.
We acknowledge with gratitude the liberal patron
age bestowed, ami promise to pay unremitted attention
to our patrons.
Aug. 11?tf
REMOVAL.?J. V. N. THROOP respectfully
informs his friends and tho public generally, that
he has removed hi* engraving office to'Missouri ave
nue, between 4 1-3 anu (Hh streets, one minute's walk
from his old stand, where orders for engraving and
copper plate printing, will be thandfully received and
punctually attended to.
N. B. Orders left at the watch-making shop of Mr.
D. *rrFH will be attended to. aug 33-tf
1\/f ACAULEY'S MISCELLANIES, in 3 vols.,
1VJ- containing the articles (chieflv historical) which
have most attracted attention of those originally ap
pearing in the Edinburg Review, since 1835; being
the productions of T. Babington Macauley, Secretary
at War and member of Parliament for Edinbuig ; pro
ductions which have been universally admired lioth in
England and America during the last fifteen years for
their vivid eloquence, extensive learning, and splendor
of illustration. 3 volumes handsomely printed.
An additional supply this day received, for sale by
F. TAYLOR. sept 18
E~ NGLISH BOOKS ?Just received, for sale by
Gullivei'* Travels, 1 octavo volume, embellished
with more than four hundred beautiful engraved illus
trations from designs by Granville.
Charles Lamb's Works complete in 1 volumeftvo.
Illustrated edition of La Martine's Travels in the
Holy Land ; many engravings.
The complete works of La Martine in French, all in
* one lorge 8vo. volume, Brussel's edition.
Miscellanies of Literature, by D'Israeli, 1 vol. 8vo.
Hooke's History of Rome, 3 vols. 8vo.
Oxford Bible's with very beautiful steel engraving*;
The complete work* of Beaumont and Fletcher, in
9 octavo vols.
The Dramatic Woik* of Massinger and Ford, com
plete in 1 octavo vol.
All the Dramatic Work* of Ben Johnson, complete
in one volume octavo.
The Ladies' Flower Garden, by Mr*. Loudon, one
vol. quarto, filled with splendidly colored groups of
And many others, of which the list will be contin
ued in a subsequent advertisement. sept 15
I ENGLISH BOOKS.?Bacon's Essays, and Wis
li dom of the Ancients, 1 vol.
Home Tooke's Diversions of Parley, new edition,
London, 1810, complete in 1 vol.
Fuller's Holy and Profane State, 1 vol., London,
Chaucei's Canterbury Tales, 3 vols.
Enfield's History of Philosophy from the Earliest
Periods?new edition, complete in 1 vol. octavo.
Bourrienne's Nopoleon?4 vols.
Essays and Selections, by Basil Montagu, 1 vol.
Milman'a Complete Poetical Works?3 vols.
Lamartine's Woiks in French, complete in 1 octavo
volume?many engravings.
Sketches of Popular Tumult*, illustrative of the
Evils of Popular Ignorance?I vol.
The complete Works of Cha,-les Lamb i'l 1 octavo
History and Antiquities of the Dorcans, by Muller,
2 < ols.
Percy's Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, the
whole work complete in 1 vol.
Painting and the Fine Arts, by William Haslitt,
B. R. Hayden, 1 vol.
And many others, just received for sale by
for the young.?The Children's Fireside Book,
translated from the French of Bcrquin, author of the
"Children's Friend," with engravings.
The Children's Companion, with engraving*, by
the same author.
The Juvenile Forget Me Not, a Christmas and
Birthday Souvenir, lor 1841.
The Fairy Gift, a collection of New Jersey tale*,
with two hundred engravings.
Friendship's Offering, a new Souvenir, for 1841,
benutifully illustrated, and richly bound; and many
others of the same character.
Just received and for sale at the lowest prices by
* oet 30 F. TAYLOR.
MARINER'S LIBRARY, one octavo volume of
4!l3 pages, full bound, with many engravings,
price 87 cents (published at 81 50) containing narra
tive* of remarkable voyages, shipwrecks, adventure*
at sea, the whale fishery, Sketches, Ac. &c.
Just received, for sale by
oct 16 F. TAYLOR.
THE PICTORIAL BIBLE, being the Old and
New Testaments, according to the authorized
version, illustrated with many hundred wood cuts, re
presenting the historical events, after celebrated pic
ture*, the !*nd*ca|>e scenes, from original drawings,
or from authentic cngtavings, anil subjects of cos
tume and antiquities, from the best scenes, to which
ore added Original Note*, chiefly explanatory of the
engravings and of *uch passage* connected with the
history, geography, natural history, and antiquities of
the Sacred Scripture*, as require observation, complete
in three beautiuil volumes, lately imported froLo
don and for sale by F. TAYLOR. oct 3
MR. F. C. LABBE ha* the honor to inform the
Ladies and Gentlemen of Washington and
Georgetown that his Dancing Academy will re-o)>en
on Tuesday, October 6, at his dwelling house, on
Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite Fuller's Motel, and at
Georgetown at the Union Hotel, (where a sul?crip
tion paper is now o|ien) as soon as a stifficii nt number
of subscrilxsrs shall be obtained.
I lours of tuition fur Ladies, from 3 to 5 ; for Mas
ter*, from 5 to 7; and for Gentlemen, from 7 to 9.
N. B. Boarding schools and seminaries will lie at
tended, if requireoj at both places. sept 18-2aw5w
EORD BACON'S WORKS complete in 3 large
volume*, a beautiful London edition, with a por
trait. A few copic* ju*t imported by F TAYLOR;
price 13 dollar*, a lower price than it hss heretofore
been *old for in tk? United State* sept 15
-Doe. any one know ? neigh bo, or .friend who
ha. ?n b.ld, .ml wk.**, head j. now| covered with
fine hair I One wIiom- coat coll.r wa. covered with
dandruff, though I rushed every hour?which ha. now
vanished entirely I Or wnc whose hair* at early aire
were turning grey, who now hu not a grev hair 1
Children whose head* were covered with acurf,whose
hair would not grow, that are now growing the full
eat crojM of hair 1 Somcca.c. mu.t he known to moat
prrao.i. A.k them the cause, and you will he told.
^T^iSJPC h/vr l"*n J?n* by the uae of the BALM
i ?^LUMBIA. Of A)year. growth is this arti
i le, its demand increasing annually some hundred per
c?1"' though when <liar.overed not opposed by any
thing for the tame ptir|>oae, now aasailed by almost
numberless mushroom trash preparations that will ruin
the hair if used to any extent. Can more than these
tacts lie wanted?refer to the recommendations by a
list ot names of respectability, unequalled by any otliei
article. Look to these things?buy this article. 8tay
and preserve your hail by its use, or if bald restore it.
Ladies, attend to this?hundreds in fashionable life
are using it as the only article really lit for the toilet
Long hair is very apt to fall out. Ladies, use the
Balm of Columbia in time to save yourselves the dis
grace of baldness by neglect of your persons.
It is your duty, as moralists to preserve the beau
ties of natuie, with which a bountiful Creator has en
dowed you?use the Balm, for it will do it.
Several mart flagrant attempts have been made to
counterfeit the true Balm of Colombia. Some of the
impostors have gone so far as to counterfeit the splen
did wrapper., and the Falls of Niagara, and every ei
S JTfor^14 nBm* ofC?'Mtock,whfch they
n.m? *rn ' ,mrVli0" ther,,forB' ?'??ay? look for the
name & Co. or L. 8. Comatock, and ne
*er buv the article unless it has that name upon it.
sire* N Y reUi1, ?n,y at No a ?cher
From the Botlon Chronicle qf Jan. 10.
We tee by an advertisement in another column that
vZ"Tcnrl?k f Co7 thc A*enU for Old ridge's
Balm orColumbia, have det.utie. to sell that artirl"in
Boston and elsewhere. We know a lady of this city
whose hair was so nearly gone a. to expose entirely
her phienological developments, which, considering
that they betokened a most amiable dis,x,sition, was
not in reality very unfortunate. Nevertheless she
mourned the loss of locks that she had worn, and after
a year s fruitless resort to miscalled restoratives/pur
chased, some months ago, a bottle or two of Oldridge'.
?lo?v 7' l r "'I?, in rich P'ofu.ion,
g non/ nK r"Ven b, ack"'M- We are not palling
-none of the commodity has been aent to us, and in
deed, we do not want any, for though we were obliged
Wrt^e*h?irg * }Tr T' rWe ,lavt' now- through its
own en?UK ' a" ofa 'luality, of our
Tl R I rfiA,RIN.a FRAUD.
1 lie Balm of Columbia has been imitated by a no
torious counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or
used unless it have the name of L. S. COMSTOCK
or the signature of COMSTOCK & CO. on a splen
^??per , h!" '* t>e "nl.V eternal test that will
secure the public from deception.
Wk I A,1I,,^r!:'", COMSTOCK & CO.
Wholesale Druggists, New York, 2 Fletcher st.
COLONEL SEAVER, Postmaster at Batavia is
knowing to the fact, that Dr. Bingham, of Geneiee
county aged 70, and lor more than 17 years very bald
ofUie^Balm hX ,hc u*? "f on'' bottle
ol tho Balm of Columbia from COMSTOCK & CO
dee I 1 v K HA C H.JAMES,
dcc '-'y __ Washington fcity.
A SK, INQ.UIRE?Ask those who know.?Those
XY only who know bv trial or immediate observation
can form any idea o> he effects, of the perfect relief
p;,1!"' tt',"0'a charm-like cures effected in cases of the
Piles, Rheumatism, all Swellings, and all external
lament"0 p1!?' lT"1 b' UBe of Hay's Li
it h I m ?,n,;.Who UK''1' il 'hat will not laud
"ai im
be^affliSl|reliffiWf ?uflrerin? hu!nan heinga who may
know nLi >ou to ask ask ot those who know Of cases unconquerable by
years thatTaveT tried fo, many
where the newspapers are not read, or where readeis
.":XeSuf;,rltrusp 80
slv H SlwSl K "n1me PurP??e. To buyer, we
say, it all who have used it do not say it is Iwyond all
praise then do no' take it. The proprietor wW no
gious duty to iki all in his power for the victims of
I dev^afortun^i, '"T h"
I less articfe ' " 8erUre a <'?IUr for Wurtl'
thKSf. OUT ~Some "win,,le" have counterfeited
this artide, and put it up with various devices. Do
not be imposed upon. One thine only will (,r?.ec"
you?it is the name of COMSTOCK & C^> that
name must be always on the wrapper, or you are
cheated Do not forget it. Take this direction with
I SJ^JRS A?Jon?XZ: **
NSY?i7COMSTOCK aoa's'nIwSu,
" Caution" is the Parent of Safety.
velY?aCk-0f /heu" Pi'M" -"""y bn positively pre
vented by using (when the premonitory symptoms are
felt) the celebrated HAYS' LINIMENT There
t'he Vnii I's", 0,"e huni'rc<' people in this city, and in
the United States an immense number, who have suf
wh^U 7<>,n| endurance by this dreadful complaint,
2?n5?R toFT1'" wh?"y free from attacks Ly ap^
plying this Liniment when they feel any symptoms of
ics appr,,ack : of this there i. tfie most ^rl^CpZ?. f
& O, w r?grnU'n? With0Ut thp nUn? Of COMSTOCK
? t-o., written on the Mrapjiers.
A f'.ORKNCK, Ala, Sept. 88th, IH3H.
' wl.,1 ft , n" |'lfi highest standing in this town,
S dtfVJrSi dre#<lf,,lly "ffl'cled with the- Blind Piles
frnnr l ? Z.5"'?1 rnllo(1 "I"'" mo and freely con
fessed to me his situation. A Iter describing the seve
lo well fn,CUn,P ' ''n remar1ko(l t,l!" he had not been
sowe'lfor ^(1 years past as he was at that moment
He hail used one U.ttle only of Hay's Liniment To
use his own words, he .aid ? the whole human family
as arariS"
Mrs. MANWA RING, of Jamaica, L. I has
been under the hands of several physicians for a'ye"
past wi h an unhealable fever sore on her ankle
and has been part of the time quite unable to walk'
Ties ?m? Tf".11 "he has now by the use of two l.ot
tl s of Hays Liniment, been entirely cureil. To this
Sf?hiUIXiJtTTp' "n<l 3 F ,:<li?or
or the Long Island Farmer, and many .tlier citizens
of that town will testify. ' c??cns
An astonishing factl-Hays' Liniment ha. now
been used in some thousand cases, and no failure can
be found. It will cure every and nil cases ?f Piles No
cnnrac* without such rc?ult.
All muat be-puriou. without the written signature
Sol.l at No. 2 Fletcher street, N. York
For sale by CHAS. STOTT
,W , C H & C. H. JAMES,
Washington City.
M we?a?NewENoSve|NCW N?V"'' L<"'> ""1
Merce?les, a Romance of the Days of PnlnmK... ?
byl'SfSte'"" B"bW'' -?
F ATAYL (,>m'lior f' an,i ,,#y r^'v^. for sale by
j- nuuflu taWDV, for public .peakers law
yers, clergymen, and all others whose voice or'luM.
may be suiyect to weakness, exhaustion, or disease *
I he advertiser, agent for the patentee, has .just rr.
me'l * |,U,', y ahoVr arli' lc, valuable tor ils
medicinal properties, and highly recommended |,v t|,r
physinana at the North, for .ale fin sealed package
yL7? k TAYLOR, H
Rook seller.
CAL ECONOMY.?Speech** of *h* Ri|b
Hon. George Canning, In 1 octavo volume of 583
page*, containing also hW Ufa and eopiou* extracts
from hi* writing*; price |3.
Speeches of the Right Hon. William Hu*ki**on,
and the Right Hon. Mr. Wyndham, with the life of
each. The two contained in 1 volume octavo 616
paces; uric*?1,60, published at83,50
Speeche* of Philijia, Curran, Grattan and Emmet,
in 1 volume octavo; price #I ,'25
American Oratorio, or Seloctions from the S peer he*
of distinguished Americans; 1 volume of 531 octavo
|*ges,^hand*oinely bound; price #1,515, published
The most Celebrated Speeches of Chatham, Burke,
and Erskine; 1 octavo volume of 540 pages, hand
somely bound; for81,25, published at83.
And many others of the same class, for sale at the
same low range of prices, by P. TAYLOR.
June 13.
by r. TAYLOR.
Home's Introduction new and handsome edition,
IH40, very handsomely bound, 5 dollar*.
Burder's Pioua Women, new and enlarged edition,
octavo, full bound complete for 81 25.
Butterworth's Concordance, 8vo. J'ull bound, 81 50.
Sterne's Reflections, complete in one volume Svo.
full tiound, 81 25.
Watson's Body of Divinity, 8vo, 776 page*, 81 75.
Bickerstith's Harmony of the Goapels, 50 cents, 1
vol. of 420 poge* bound.
Hawkes' History of the Prot. Episcopal Church in
Maryland, 1 octavo volume, 81 75.
And many others at the same low average of price,
sept 15
by Mrs. Grey, author of " The Duke."
Humphrey's Clock, nurolier 12.
And the continuation (in two volumes) of Jesse's
Court of England, under the Stuarts and the Protec
torate) are this dav received( for sale by P. T AYLOR,
or for circulation from the Circulating Libraiy. oct 20
in one volume, with many engravings.
Also, second volume of "Ten Thousand a Ytfar."
Numbers 3 and 4 of " Charles O'Mallers, the Irish
Dragoon," with engravings, are this day received, for
sale by F. TAYLOR, or for circulation among the
subscribers to the Waverley Circulating Library,
oct 16
POCAHONTAS, a Legend, by Mrs. M. M
Webster,just receiveil by F. TAYLOR,
oct. 20 Immediately east of Gadsby's.
AMERICAN ALMANAC, 1841, just "receded
oct. 20 Immediately east ofGadsby's.
Chancellor kents "course of
READING," drawn up at the reuuest of the
Mercantile Library Association of New York. Price
37 cents, Just published and this day received for
sale by F. TAYLOR,
june 23.
lumes, Paris, 1840 ; with an Introduction and Essay
bv M. Guizot, on the Influence and Character of
W ashington. Just imported and for sale by
May, 12. F TAYLOR.
RY, being a refutation of the arguments and ob
| jections that nave been urged against the Bible, ar
ranged and classified in alphabetical order, complete
in one volume of 347 pages ; price 62 cents in neat
cloth binding. For sale by F. TAYLOR,
may 21
OVEABLE BINDERS.?For keeping, in a
book-like form, Newspapers, Pamphlets, Let
ters, Music, or any other pajiers which should be kep.
in regular order. All the various sizes are just receivedt
For sale by F. TAYLOR,
Immediately east ofGadsby's.
UMPIIREY'S CLOCkTnos 5 and 6. The
August No. of Lady's Book. The Fatalist, or
the Fortunes of Godolphin. 2 vols.
A system of Practical Medicine; Dissertations on
Fevers, unci Diseases of the skin. Edited by Alexan
der Tweedie, 1 vol., just received by
Immediately eastofGadsbyV Hotel.
WEBSTER'S BIBLE. ?The Holy Bible con
taining the Old and New Testament in the
common version, with amendments of the language,
by Noah Webster?I large octavo volume, full bound
price $2 25 (published at 5 dollar*) just received for
sale by F. TAYLOR.
ULWER'S WORK : ' Godolphin,' new edition,
2 vols. Just received by
Immediately East *f Gadsby'a.
Also, Crowes' History of France, 3 small vols.
Scott's History of Scotland, 2 small vol*.
Lee'* Geology for popular use, 1 vol. aug 23
Cyclopedia of history, being a Histo
rical. Biographical and Geographical Dictionary,
running from tlie earliest to the present time, contain
ing also a complete Chronology and very numerous
illustrative engravings; small quarto, 700 pages, well
and handsomely bound ; price only 82 50.
sept 15 F. TAYLOR.
RONS. By James, author of the King's High
way, Richelieu. &c. is just published and expected to
day or to-morrow, for sale by F. TAYLOR, or for
circulation from his Circulating Library. sept 15
SCHOOL BOOKsTFine Arts, Ac. For sale low
by F. TAYLOR, immediately East of Gadsby's.
sept 15
MOORE'S LIFE OF BYRON ?Just published
a new edition of The Life of Lord Byron, with
his letters and journals, by Thomas Moore.
" As a composition it deserves to bo classed among
the liest specimens of English prose which our age has
" The Letters, at least those which were sent from
Italy, are among the best in our language. They are
less affected than those of Pope and Walpole; they
have more matter in them than those of Cowper."
" And if the epistolatory style of Lord Byron was
artificial, it was a rare and admirable instance of that
highest art which cannot lie distinguished from na
ture "?Maeauley't Mitrellanitpage 388.
Complete in 2 octavo vols., handsome edition, with
portraits Price #3 25. Just received by
nov. 6 F. TAYLOR.
NEW BOOKS?Texas in 1840, or the Emi
grant's Guide, by an emigrant from the United
States, 1 vol.
Chymistry Applied to Agriculture, by Chaptal,
Humphrey Davy, Professor Renwick, and others,
1 vol.
Armstrong's Treatise on Agriculture, with notes,
by J. Buel, I vol.
Capt. Parry's Three Voyages towards the North
Pole, new edition, all comprised in 2 vols.
First Principles of Chymistrv, by Professer Ren
wick, ofColumbia College, N. Y.
Elements of Mental Plulowrphy, by Professor Up
ham, of Bowdoin College.
The Social Destiny of Man, oi Association and
Reorganisation of Industry, by Albert Brisbane, I vol.
Bacchus, a prixe essay, on the nature, causes, efTects,
and cure of intemperance, 1 vol.
This day received and for sale by
Military historical library-Mow |
publishing in Paiis, in large octavo volumes,
with very numerous Topographical and Military
Maps and Engraving*, dedicated to the Army and
National Guard of France.
" C'est la premiere fois que I'on essaye de reunir
ilans une mcme collection les meilleurs ouvrages qui
traitent de I'art militaire. Ce travail est fait par deux
homines des lettres; et enmme ils ne sont etrangcrs ni
I'un ni I'autre a la science den armes, ils comprennent
tout ce que cette offre de difficile.".Sirtracf from the
Volume 1. On the Tactics of the Greeks, (Thu
cydides, Xenophon, Arrianus.)
Volume 2. On the Roman Armies and Soldiery,
Volume 3 will contain Th* Military Memoirs of
To be completed in six volumes, the first and second
of which are now received, and may lie examined at
the bookstore of
oct I I Agent for the Paris Publishers.
Marryatt's Novels, ten in number, all contain
ed in 2 large octavo volumes, well printed and full
bound in leather ; price for the whole 82 50; publish
ed originally at an average price of gl 50 for each
novel. For ssle by F TAYLOR,
nov 6
i-WJpr^r-TS s--. .jj.
are laboring underdi^.**! ? T. W |J [XuMe
rminently r*couiiurnded lor "V| ^"B(.atl, lo
human race, they would be ?**
*'life's ?wcrt bleating. which it health. I
Wo apeak from occntar proof, knowM.a. m mtny
,Uncw; where carea lu?e been performed by theUW
ofthi- medicine, with marked success I" '"'? ?;
..lainls??uch aa Dyapepaia, Liver Complaint# Rheu
?u.m, Fain in th. KuS. Side .nd Sack, Cosi
ness Nervous Weeknea, Emaciation, General De
|,,|iiy &<?. &c. TM* medicine consists "1 '?? di?t""
,. 7* ? . 'PHf* (JaHMAN APERtkN I and
iC FILLS, the former to remove bile ami all ei r
merit it iouii matter from the body, thue, and
purifying theweiem, alter which ihc latterare used tu
Jjive strength and vigor to the weak ...,1 deblllUted or
gana, roalore the loM appetite and produce tr.n. u
real and .weet repose. We highly approva of tl c
'? Doctor's theory" of treating diseases, which certainly
is a a IV and effectual, and advise the afflicted to give hi*
medicine a fair trial.-Jiq KDRTH
EIOllTH Street, Philadelphia.
Foraale by ? 11 FARNHAM,
febtf.? ly Pennsylvania Avenue.
hereby certify, that 1 wm afflicted for eight yeara
wah a severe nervoua disease, attended w,th constant
nam in the hrcaat, aide and stomach, loss of sppetlto,
no real at night, sickness and dizziness in the l ead,
pain in ihc stomach ufler eating, und other symptoms
which attend indigestion, my bowels were weak and
irieaular. Having had advice ol various physicians
durfng this long period, and used '11 uc 11 ''' 'I I'r' 1 h3?'/ 1
onlv produced tcinjKjraiy relief. In the year
was often unable lo leave my house, and being a poob
widow dependent on my own labor for a living, was
obliged to go from house to house to obtain it. I at
length gave up all hope, of recove y, and trusted to
HU. "that created all things." I fortunately wm fa
vored wiih work in Eighth street, when the family, dis
covering my miserable wtuatwn immediately recom
mended Dr llarlich's Compound S.rengthening and
German Aperient Pills, which they procured for me.
I used them, and continued lor al>out three months,
during the time my strength rapidly increased, my
countenance and palid cheek returned to their former
and natural colors. Since I have fully recovered, and
at present enjoy |srfrct health. I lecl it my llUty U>
inform the public at large of the great virtues ot Dr.
Harlich's medicine, that others may procure it, and be
likewise cured. 1 am well known in this city, any
person wishing to see H "fOURSmTn,
Jackson st., back of 144 Poplar Lane,
ry Principal Office, No. 1!) North E.ghlh street,
Philadelphia, where testimonials '"?? 'V"*?"?; aM
Also, for sale by ? K FARNHAM
l'eb '2-ly Pennsylvania Avenue.
MEDICINES.?The following certificate was sent
bv Mr. E. B. Hinman, Agent at Cincinnati, Ohio.
There can be no mistake in it, as the parties are well
known:?" Mr. Ezekicl Rigdon, of Anderson I own
ship, Hamilton County, Ohio, was several days trou
bled with Bilious Affections, Acidity at the Stomach,
attended with the usual symptoms of Dvsprpaia, and
having made trial of medicines without finding relief,
~ "SIS ** """ eS.EL IllGDON.
Cincinnati, June 110th, 1840.
YET LATER?Mr. Vance, of
County, writes as follows .-Dear Sir,?Dr. HAR
LICH'S PILLS are performing some of J"e
wonderful cures in this vicinity ever heard of. 1 hey
were introduced here about six month* ago, by one
of inv neighbors, who bought halt a dozen packages
from "the Pittsburg office. I ain aware of four cases
in this place where complete curcs have_been perform
ed, one of severe Rheumatism, two of Dvspepsia and
one of a most shocking and aggravated Nervous Com
plaint, of tenor twelve years standing. I send you
enclosed five dollars; please to forward PILLS for
that amount by the bearer, WUhai^Ward.
July 87, 1840. . ... .
N. B.- The above certificates, compared with the
very many alreadv received, certainly must convince
those similarly afflicted, that they can yet be relieved
by the use of these invaluable medicines.
street, Philadelphia. ?
dicinca are daily increasing in public lavor, and want
from any but a fair trial to establish their worth. W e
have a communication in our columns to-day from a
person long afflicted, which is but one of many
vouchers for this medicine.? Spirit qf the I\mu.
For sale by R. FARNHAM, Pennsylvania Ave
nue. fcb-2 fy
Dr HARLICH?Dear Sir: Having been for a
number of years ex|M>sed to the hardships ot the river,
in my occupation as boatman, finding my bodily con
stitution giving way to the enchantment ol disease.
1 put off applying for aid, however, from time-to-time
until 1 became alarmed. My appetite failed, and a
deirree of weakness was apparent; my bowels very ir
regular, mind fluctuating, head light and unsteady,
pain in my side and breast, bad taste in my mouth, Ste
in this state I labored for a length of time, when 1 at
length noticed the virtues of your medicine in similar
cases, and was induced to use it, which I am happy to
inform you that a cure was the final result. I solemn
ly declare that Dr. Harlicli's Compound Strengthen
ing and Aperient German Pill?, have been the means
of restoring tny health, and therefore believe them
worthy of public confidence, where medicine is ncces
Pittsburg Citj, Jan. U, 1^ w irlhy of public confi
dence, knowing all contained to be facts. 1 he medi
cine alluded to, is doing much for the benefit ot suf
fering humanity in this city and neighboring fetalis,
eing an eye witness of manyases my?H^gg
41 St. Clair street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Principal office 19 North Eicbth str.H-. Pjula.lel
phia Also for sale by R. FARNHAM,
I 1 f,.h.2,ly. Pennsylvania Avenue.
wish to inform the afflicted, through the medium
of the Public Press, of the wonderful efficacy of that
truly valuable new "discovered Medicine, viz Dr.
feel and consioer it my duly, in order that others may
receive relief from the same source. t or two years I
was subject lo that peace ^ disease, DYS
PEPSIA an I its accompaniments, UH? I l-yv i c.
CONSTIPATION of the Bowels. Flatulency,
n?in in the side and stomach, sickness in the head, &c.
and used medicine until 1 began to think there was
no help for me; 1 h?d little frith In me
dics'until I called on some of those who have been
cured by the above medicine, which induced me to
?rive it a trial. I procured the medicine and used it
for three weeks, when my health was entirely restor
ed It is now about three months since I quit using
it and no return of the disease or its symptoms appear
in'e I feel warranted in adding my testimony in '"?J]*1
of others, before the community. Accept my best
wishes, and believe me ever J?^%^CLARKE)
January 11th, 1841. Pi?*burgh City.
r"VOffice *nd General Depot, No. 19 Noith Eighth
Street Philadelphia, where Ihe most respectable re
ferences to ,-er.ons will be given, in <?v.>r o^tsvabj
nble medicine Also for sale by R FARNHAM,
Pennsylvania Avenue^ 'eo.K.iy
It /TORE PROOFS of the efficacy of Dr. llarlich's
1V1 Compound Strengthening Tonic and German
Aperient Pills. Mr. Jaines Perot, Schuylkill 1 hird
street cured by the above medicine His symptom*
?ured by the anove mmjicinc. ? J 1 ,
were pain in the stomach after eating, loss of a|>etlte,
nam in the side and breast, altsnde.1 with a hacking
couch costiveness, and many other aensaUons not es
aential to mention. He is willing to give gnjr satis
faction to any inquiring prson ol the wopdorful ef
foots of the medicine. For sale at No. 1J Pjorth
KjL'hth street. Also, for sale at the Bookstore of Ro
bert Farnhatn, Pa. Avenue, Washington city.
ap 2-iy
f^RTRArToF HENRY A. Wist; a beau
r tiful likeness, by Fen.lcriclv mat published,,,
this dav received, for sale by F TA\ LOR. pnce ,.)
cents togethei with a laroe collection of striking like
nesses of other Public Men, embracing almost all of
any eminence, taken directly from life by the Mine
< . tune 2i>
artist. '
A consolidation of Bud's Cultivator and the Genesee
1'rotfjectm of Vol. 8, for 1841.
THE Cultivator wan established to improve and
elevate the Agriculture of the country ; to give a
pruprr lone to tliu iiuinU and mind of the farmer; to
show him the dignity and importance of his profVasion;
tuitiirp his mind with uwfultnuwlnlge, and convince
him that whilr all classes are and must be uiore or leas
dc|i.iidunl on each other, he alone of the whole run
make any near approach to independence If theie u
one thing more than another, which in thi> countiy
give* a man aupeiiority over hi* fellow men, it in
knowledge ; and this knowledge,?knowledge which
is as essential to the success of the fanner as to other
inen,? it ia the design of the Cultivator to aid in im
The volumo for 1H40, is filled entirely with original
communications, embracing articles from about 34MI
Correspondenta, from almost every atatein th* Union.
If an increase of sutmcri|ition beyond any precedent
in the history of Agriculturil Journals,?it the almost
unanimous voice of the public press in our favor,?il
the multitude of private yet flattering testimonials we
have received, added to a circulation amounting the
first year to twenty-two thousand, may lie admitted as
evidence, then we have certainly most abundant rea
son to be gratified with thesuccesa which has attended
the union of the Cu'tivator and Oencaee Farmer No
eipensc ha* been or will be spared to render the Culti
vator worthy of the patronage it ho* received. In the
number, variety and excelhnce of its Illustrations; it
is without a rival at home or abroad, the last volume
being embellished with nearly one hundred engrav
ings, illustrating the improved breeds of Horses, Cat
tle, Sheep, Swine, Buildings, Implements, <Vc., mak
ing the C ultivAtor, all things considered, It is believed,
the cheapest Agricultural pajier, ever published in this
or any other country.
TERMS?One Dollar per annum?Si* copies for
$5?the money to la- remitted in advance, free of post
age. A commission of 'JO per cent will be allowed to
Agents who obtain *25 or more subscribers, and ?5 per
cent to those who obtain I (Ml or more. All subscrip
tions to commence with a volume.
Postmasters and gentlemen disrated to lend theii
influence to aid the cause of Agriculture, are re*p"ct
fully requested to act as agents. Address
Publitheri qf Dim Cultivator, Albany, N. V.
dec 17
for 1841, (the twelfth volume of the series,) contains
its uscal amount of valuable commercial, political, sta
| tistical and scientific information. It is lately received
for sale by "the subscriber, price SI, and can be sent
through the mails, at a trifling expense, to any |>art of
the country. A tew complete sets, now scarce and
difficult to lie procured, owing to the constantly in
creasing demand for the work, may be had at the origi
nal price, by applying to
dec 15 F. TAYLOR, Bookseller.
rpO THE PUBLIC ?The proprietor of the Wash"
JL ington Museum, afler a year's experience, finds
that with the present numlier of suliscribers the great
est exertions nnd the most rigiil economy, he has been
enabled to keep the establishment open. During which
time by the kindness of many citizens, he has nearly
doubled his collection of curiosities, which is now but
little inferior to many Museums in the larger cities.
He therefore ho|ies that the present and many other
subscribers will contribute their assistance and thus
enable him to double his exertion* ; ond in a few years
this city will have as good a Museum as any in the U.
The public ore respectfully requested to call ond
judge for themselves.
Open from 9 A. M. till dusk every day.
NB A person will wait on subscribers and others
for their names.
The Hall of the Museum always in readiness for
Balls, Concerts and Fairs, &.C. at the shortest notice,
GEORGIA ILLUSTRATED in a series ofvicw*
of Natural and Public Edifices. Published in
quarto numbers, each containing 3 large engravings.
The first number of the above is this day received by
F. TAYLOR, who will receive sulstcriptions for the
work?price 85 for 12 numbers. dec 19
PRESENTS, in great variety, for sale by F.
TAYLOR, many of them just unpacked, comprising
the best works for youth, of Miss Eilgeworth, Mrs.
Holland, Miss Leslie. Peter Parley, Mary Howitt,
and many others. Juvenile Souvenirs, Drawing
Books, Albums, Port-folios, colored Toy-books, Goli]
and Silver Pencil Case*, Ladies and .Gentlemens
j Penknives, Illustrated Books of Travels, richly hound
| and emballished editions of the most esteemed authors
, in Poetry and Prose, Pocket Books, Catd Cases, La
| dies and Gentlemen's Writing Desks, Bibles, Prayer
Books, Annuals, 6lc.. &c. at unusually low price*,
dec 19
"It only require* to be known to be certain of support."
[A general exclamation ]
THE unfortunate are respectfully informed that
the Albany Lock Hospital, established and mo
delled after the much celebrated European Lock
Hospital, has many years since been founded at Head
Uuarters, No. 3 Norton street, Albany, N. Y. To
those unacquainted with this institution, it is necessa
ry to mention that it has for its object the cure of all
such diseases as syphilis, scrofula, strictures, diseases
of the urethra, lumbago, flour albus, impotcncy, dis
eases of the womb, seminal weakness of both sexes,
nodes, caries of the bones, gonorrhcta, gleets, with all
veneris I complaints, Ac.
Persons, ignorant of the nature of Disease, are not
aware that many stages mark its progress from the
commencement to its full development, originating in
a most simple form, ond through neglect or injudicious
treatment, assume a more aggravated state of disease,
and occasion abscess, ulceration, |>seudo syphilis, can
ccr, premature old age, too often ending in a protract
ed incuruble state of miserable existence.
This institution is under the su|>erintcndcncc and
management of Professor Cookk, M. D., D. D.,
LL. D., of the city of Albany, N. Y., who will give
his personal attendance at the Dispensary, attached
to the Institution, at all hours to invalids requiring his
profcssibnul services. He having hail much more
cx|>crience in this branch of medical practice than
usually falls to the lot of nny one member of the pro
fession, therefore feels such confidence of his ability
to give universal satisfaction, that he assures all appli
cants, none need despair of a complete recovery.
The unfortunate therefore, who have suffered from
the want of success by those less experienced, are in
vited to visit the Hospital, which only requires to be
known to be sure of support, where the most perfect
secrecy may be depended on, ond the utmost privacy
will attend those who call. The whole house is ex
clusively appropriated to the use of patients, who will
alwnv* be received into separate apartments, and at
no time, unless at the request of the patient, will a
third party be permitted to be present.
Professor Cooke-has a numlier of handsomely fur
nished private chambers, at No. 33 Green street,
where he will receive gentlemen who may require
medical aid. Residing himself on the premises, he
will thereby he enabled to dedicate more than ordina
ry attention to his patients. Gentlemen will find it
both convenient, as well as economical, in all cases of
dtoawas. ir> retire to these furnished rooms.
The Pectoral Krtence 'if flone.icr, i,
as an excellent cough medicine, is prepared at this in
stitution. Its efficacy being decidedly superior to any
?pecific extant, is every where recommended in ail
cases of coughs, colds, asthma, croup, hftoping cough,
os well as in all complaints of the chest and lungs.
Travellers, therefore, ministers of the gospel, orators,
public speakers, and families, should -never be without
their abundant supplies.
As long as Professor Coour desires to benefit the
public, it is pro|>er he should continue hi* advertise
ment, for the good of strangers, as it is well known,
people ore extremely shy in speaking of cases of a
delicate nature, even where a physician is pre-emi
nently successful.
Communications, post paid, to the address of Pro
fessor Cooke, M. D., D L) , LL. D? Albany, N. Y ,
enclosing a bank note as a counselling fee, will have
attention?(none other* will he received)-?or a per
sonal consultation may be had at all times as usual, at
the Disfiensary, which is properly fitted up and ar
ranged with *e|iarate office* for confidential inter
J^TfCounselling fees and charges reasonable
Office iVo. 3 Sorton itreet?rfmite JVo. 33 Green
itreet, Albany. mar 3 tf
SECOND NO. of Master Humphrey's deck, by
Box, just received, for saleb* r. TAYLOR, im
mediately East of Gadsbv's Hotel. may 19
TI/TARRIAGE, a Novel, and The Inheritance, a
lVl. Novrl, by Miss Ferriar, author of " Destiny"?
th* two container! in one octavo volume. Pric* for
ill* whole one dollar The same books having sold
heretofore at two dollara for one, and one dollar fifty
for Ifcaothw. For sale by
Democratic almanac for imo, *.*!??
(together with .nurli utbar utrAil mailer) the ma
jorities in evenr county in the Untied State* at the
last election?25 cent*.
Gouge's History .if Pa|wr ||onrj> and Banking in
the United State* 25 cent*.
Gouge'* Inquiry into thi expediency of dispensing
with liank agency and bank |?per in the fiscal concern*
of the United State*?tfici'nli
Holland'a Life and Political Opinion* of Martin
Van Huien (minion of 1835) one dollar.
Condy Kaguct'* Treati>e on Curtencv and Bank
ing, new and improved edition, at the mluced puce of
SI 85.
Raguet'* " Free Trade Advocate," 2 vol*.
Raguet'* "Examiner," I vol.
For Mle by F. TAYIOR.
*?* Suh*cri|Aion* taken to the Democratic Review
(monthly, five dollar* |?t annum,) and to Bronson *
" Boston Quarterly Rcvii w," (three dollar* |-er an
num.) june II.
Laws of thp. united states, com
plete in nine volume*, (the ninth ju*l published
by order of Congress j are for sale low- a single copy
only for sale by F. TAYLOR.
SCHILLER'S WORKS, in German, complete in
2 large octavo volume*
The complete work* of Lamartine (prose and |ioeti
cal) in French. All in one large volume, Bru*?clr
edition, with many engraving*.
Chan*on's de Beranger, in four pocket volume*.
Bruosi In edition.
Gil Bias (in one volume octavo) Orne de 600 Vig
nette* |>nr Gigoux. Price &5 50.
Don Quixote, in French, Viardot's translation ; 'I
vol*, octavo, containing one thouiarid vignette* and
beautiful engraving*; $11.
And many other French book*, just unpacked bv
*t* Books imported to order from London ?nd
Paris. june '23
published (1840) and this day received, giving
a complete and full account, and general history anc
description of I lie nations, countries, cities, seas, rivers
lakes, canals, mountains, volcanoe*, &<v in the knowi
world, with the government, manners and custom*
and religion, natural history and productions, trades
manufactures, curiosities, statistics, Ac. of each, illu*
trated with very numerous engravings, &c., a Die
tionary of Commerce. The whole remodelled, and tin
historical and statistical deportment brought down t<
the present time; complete in one octavo vol. uf H<H
pages?for sale by F. TAYLOR.
June 18
Mrs. heman8's works complete
A new and beautiful edition, printed on fine
pa|M*r, with a portrait of the authoress, of the com
plete Work* of Mrs. lieman*, with a Memoir by lirt
sister, and an Essay on her Genius, bv Mm Sigour
ney, in 7 royul 12mo volumes, handsomely bound in
embossed cloth or in extra binding.
Also, just nublished, the complete works of Lord
Byron, published in a style similar to the above, in
eight lieautiful volume*, large ty|ie.
Alio, Memoirs and Letters of Madame Malibran,
by the Countess De Merlin, 2 vol*.
This is the only complete edition of the Works o
Mrs. Heinans, and Contains many new poems, toge
ther with other matter not embraced in any other e<l
tion of her works. Among the new |x>emn will i
found De Chartillion. a tragedy, A Tale of the Seer
Tribunals; Superstition and Revelation, A Tale ot
the Fourteenth Century; Scenes and Passages from
Goethe; Selections from Juvenile Poems; England
and Spain, and Wallaee'* Invocation to Bruce. Just
published, and for sale bv
ap 21 F.TAYLOR.
I3r LIVER COMPLAINT ?This disease only
terminates in another of a more serious nature, it'
proper remedies are not reported to in time. In all
forms of this disease. Doctor Hsrmch's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills, will per
fonn a perfect cure?first by cleansing the stomach
and bowels, thus removing all diseases from the li\er
by the use of the German Aperient Pill*, after which
the Compound Strengthening Pill* arc taken to gi?
strength and tone to those tender organs which re
quire such treatment only to effect a jiermancnt cure
These pills are nearly put up in small packages, with
full directions.
For sale at No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadel
phia, anil at the bookstore of Robert Famhatn, Penn
sylvania Avenue. may 9
Cheap; last edition, 1840, large octavo: 830
closely printed pages, with two hundred engravings,
containing also a Commercial Dictionary and much
other useful and valuable matter not usually contained
in works of thi* class ; handsomely printed, one large
volume in full leather binding. For sale by F. T A Y
LOR, for 62 75, (published at ?5 ) nov <!
UMPHREY'S CLOCK, No*. 10 and 11 No.
2 of Charles O'Malley, the Irish Dragoon.
Ten Thousand a Year, in 2 vols.
Howard Pinckncy, a novel, by the author of" Clin
ton Bradbhow," Sir.
Just received, for sale by
from New York and expected to-day.
F. TAYLOR in one volume octavo, with an ap
pendix and eight maps. " The Right of the United
states to the Territery claimed by them, principally
extracted from the *tatement* laid before the King of
the Netherlands and revised by Albert Gallatin."
Also, " The School, for Politician*, or Non-com
mittal," a cotnedy in five act*, translated from the
French of Scribe. nov 24
CHARTISM, by Thoma* Carlvle.?" It ncvei
smokes but there is fire."?Old Proverb.
Just published, and this day received, for sale by
Also, Carlyle'* Life of Schiller, with an examina
Ition nnd extract* of his works, 1 vol.; Goethe's novel
ofWithebn Meister, translated liy Carlyle; Carlyle'*
French Revolution, a history, in 3 volumes
Will lie received in a day or two" Miscellanies," in
4 volumes, and " Sartor Rcsartus," in 1 volume, by
the same author. nov 24
N S.'AN l'7OF^CANA^DA7'>GY '"' C
Land Birds, in one novel of 830 page*.
Water Birds, in one volume of <>'20 page* by Tho.
Nutall, A M ; F L S.
I Eaton's North American Botany, comprising tho
native and common cultivatod Plants, north of Mcxi
! co, genera arranged according to the artificial and na
tural methods; English edition, 1840, with addition*
by Professor Wright.
The Complete Grazier, or Farmers' and Cattle
Breeder*, and Dealers' Assistant. 1 volume octavo,
I^ondon Just received, for *ule by
nov 24 F.TAYLOR.
THE subscriber respectfully inform* his friends and
the public genera'lv, that he ha* just received i
fiesh supply of Ladie* Wolking Shoes and Slip|ier*.
Al*o, a few cases gentleman's fine Dress Boots.
Alto, a few case* gentleman'* Harrison Boot*,
which he will sell cheap for ca*h.
A few doors went of Mr John Waters', and
tim.i., -rr?n Parnhnm'a Stationery Store.
nov 17-tf
REMOVAL?Mr and Mr*. S*t?T*NGF.Li> have
removed to the house of Mi*. Ga**away, corner
of Pennsylvania Avenue anil 10th *treet, where a
morning cl*s* for Ladie*. and new evening classc* f< r
Gentlemen are now forming fortlie atudy ofthe French
and S|iani*h language*. Instruction given to tho
former also in the Italian and Latin language*, and in
the English 'tranches, Penmanship, and Music on the
Piano or Guitar. Private lesson* given at the dwel
ling* of pupils if dcaired. Translation* made with
exactne** and ile*patch.
Oct fi?fit.
J RAGUET.? New and improved edition, it a te
duced price, is ju*t published anil thi* day received, for
sale by F. T A YLOR, who ha* for sale a collection of
the best worka on Currency and Finance, and all
other branche* of Politicol fc-onomy, more complete
and extensive than can lie found elsewhere in the
United State*, all for *ale at the lowest price*
THE BRITISH DRAMA, in two large octavo
volume* of eight hundred page* each, well print
ed *nd handsomely hound, with engraving*, contain
ing one hundred of the beat play* in the language,
(excluding Shake*|>eare'*,) price for the *et four Jol
ai?, equivalent to 4 cent* for each play. Ju*t re
ceived by F.TAYLOR.
Geo. W Burnsp, 1 volume, price one dollar.
Ju*t received, for aale by
octQO p. TAYLOR.