rpHE sul>scriber rr*pactfully rails the sttention of
X the l >lficer* of the z'jblic Dejiartioriii* ami the
citizen* irrnerilli, lo hit large and compels aasort
LRY. Having uiiulr ever* requisite arrangement
with In. correspondent* in Europe, ami Iwng in con
nexion with (he Ion* established house of Thomas
Khoumj A Sons of London, he will be continuslly
receiving shipments of Staph ami f'uru-jr Stationery,
ami on audi leriua as will enable hint U> offer (lie
greaUvt advantages u r<^anJi both quality and prices.
Am m( oilier article* in I hat line, he haa the lot low
ng in quantities, VII:?
Uuarto Pout and Foolscap papers, English and Ame
rican, of various qualities ami manufactories, plain,
ruled, and till.
English and American Note Paper*, plain and tinted.
Cap, Koyal, and Supei Royal Envelope |taper.
Cartridge paper, Blotting paper.
Medium and Cluarto Copying paper.
Folio Post, Packet Post, Demy, Medium, Royal, Su
per Royal, am) Imperial Writing paper*.
Pit-pared Parchment of all sizea.
English Drawing Paper*, from 15 by ?to 41 by 120
inchea, Whatman'* Turkey Mill*.
Rodger* A Son*' CongrV** Knites, Erasure* and
Desk Knives.
Ofiaque, Dutch'd and Engliah Quills ef superior qua
lities, Swan Wtuill*
Perry's, Gillott's, W indie's, Rkoeds A Sona, War
ren'* and other Steel Pens of every variety.
Port Folios of all sixes. Manifold Letter Writers.
Gentlemen's travelling Cases, Portable Desks of dif
ferent sixes and qualities.
Motto and Initial Seala.
Rhoad* A .Son's superfine red and colored Waxes of
the following atamp*: Government, Irish Harp, Hi
hernia, King's Arin^, Royal Vict<Hria and Extra
Washington, Mack Wax, i-mhomed do.
Superfine Scailet, Red, and Hlark Waters
White aad Fink Tapes of all sizes, Silk Taste.
Klark and Red Writing Inka, Copying Ink.
Stephen's Slue Fluid, black and unchangeable blue.
Glass Ink Stands, Bronzed and Ebony do.
Sand Boxes, Pounce do, black Sand, Pounce.
Rulers, Ivory Folders and Letter Stamps, assorted.
Prepared Rubber, Lead Pencils, Paper Weights,
Slates, Paper files, Wafer Cups, Twine.
These articles have all been carefully selected, are
warranted of superior qualities and will be sold at
New York urices.
WM. F. BAYLY, Agent for
Pennsylvania Avenue, between 12th and
june l'2-tini 13th atreets.
The subscriber hits rMuoini the above business and
will feel very grateful loins friends and ihe pulilic for
a share of their patronage.
He will furnish at the ahorteat notice
Of every description, ruled and bound to any pattern,
the matenuls and workmanship equal to any in the
Uniied States ; he will alao execute ordera for all
Arranged and bound in the very best style and at rea
sonable prices.
OLD BOOKS rebound, MAPS mounted and var
nished, PORT FOLIOS of all sixes and descriptions
manufactured to order.
UrParticular and personal attention will be paid to
orders for confidential work at I lie public offices or
elsewhere Jpi
The subscriber having been for many years en
gaged in the above business, and having a practical
knowledge of the various branches, feels perfectly safe
in assuring the public, that he will be able to execute
orders for every description of work in a style that can
fail to give satisfaction.
His Bindery is on Ihe south sijle of Pennsylvania
avenue between fourteenth and fifteenth streets, oppo
site the Post Office Department
W*sniNOTON, July \JGth, 1841.
N. B All orders left at the Madisonian Office will
be promptly attended to. july "27
r and Mr*. Mi< Hard'm Boarding and Day School
for voung Ladies, F street, between l'2th and
if A lor young L.aoie>, r >Uc?.,
13th. This establishment will reopen on the tit h of
September. Five teachers (two ladies and three gen
tlemen) will be in attendance to,perform the duties of
the school in all the branches of a substantial and re
fined education.
English branches &G a quarter?payable quarterly
in advance.
French language S3 a quarter additional.
Stationery Si a quarter additional.
The quarter contains twelve weeks.
All the branches of English education SIO per quar
French grammar, rhetoric, elocution, Ac. $f? per
?Stationery SI per quarter.
Fuel during the winter for day scholars S"-.
Board, English branches, French language, $200 a
Stationery S4 jayable quarterly in ndvance.
Bedding, if not furnished by pupil, S'O.
Washing, SH"'.
Pew rent charged prorata.
The French l>eing the language of the family, is,
therefore, the language of the establishment.
Piano or Guitar, S~0 a quarter, or 21 lessons.
Vocal Music, a quarter, or 24 lessons.
Harp, Professor's price.
Latin, Italian, or Spanish (in classes) &?"> a quarter.
Latin, Italian, or Spanish (or private lesions) .?f"2.r>
? quarter.
Drawing, Painting, Dancing?Professor's plice.
The (articular* relating to the order of studies, and
the management of the establishment, are given in a
pros|iec.tus lo be had at Mr. Michard's, and in the book
stores of Messis. Fischcr, Riordant, Kennedy, Farn
hain, Taylor, Bayly.
Ladies not belonging to the day school, may join
some of the classes in French, Spanish, or Italian,
which take place daily between 1*2 and 3 o'clock.?
Two or three hours, in the afternoon, will be devoted
to the tuition of ihe same languages, fot gentlemen. ?
Mrs. Mk hard continues to give private lessons in
W. W. Beaton, Mayor of Washington.
General Winfield Scott, Washington.
Hon. T. H. Itenton,
Col. Keainev,
Com. A S. Wadsworth, "
Major T. L. Smith, "
Rev. Dr. Laurie,
Alexander Dimitry, Esq. "
W. Dundas, Esq. "
Hon. Albert Gallatin, New York.
Hon. Chan'r. Bland, Annapolis, Md.
Professor J. Ducatel, Baltimore.
Gen. G. H Steuart,
Hon. John Barney, "
Dr G Cliatard, "
D. J Buckler, "
Most Rev. Prof. Chanche, Natchc*.
Rev Dr. Itvder, Georgetown.
Dr. Benj. J Bohrer, "
J. M Hepburn, "
aug 31-4#
I ) UEllltGE FERREIl, Proprietor, lias again l>een
induced, from the encouragement which he received
last season, to iqien this celebrated snd fashionable
watering establishment, lor the reception of visiters, on
the 10th of June. The exiensive prepsralions which
have been made, anil the selection of the Iw sl servants,
together with the facility of reaching the Springs, wilt
make them a very desirable summer retreat
Bv the morning line of Cars from Washington city
visiters will reach the Springs in time for dinner; a
daily conveyance can l>e had from the Springs to New
rsstle in time to meet the Cape May lioals, which af
lonl an opportunity ol visiting the Springs going to,
and returning troin, the Capes
K.h.uis can lie engaged by calling on the Proprie
tors ol ihe Madison House, No. 3!l Nt.rlh Second
street, Philadelphia, or at ihe S, rings.
junc 3 V.n
_1_ |N>rted |a lew copies only I by P. TA YLOK; price
S3 50 published originally at two guineas The art ol
Drawing and Theory aiiil Practice ol Perspective, by
N. Whiitock, teacher of drawing and perspective to
tiie University ol Oxford, teaching progressively by
the means ol very numerous engravings the art of
Sketching, Drawing, and Coloring of l*andsca|>c
Scenery, ol* animals and of the human figure; in a
manner calculated It r sell instrui ti >n ? one quaito
volume containing more lhan one hundred engravings,
with Ihe letter press description and instructions at
I C FBT%8n?HF,M,N1ERALS-~jM I"*'*1 b>
' out uu h? P ?*!??? an extremely low iiric*,
ml of 7d \r r7"">Al two Cabinet.,
V'?. '12 ?P"??? ?( wmer.U
twl I7 ^*lU'1L*,U7 Stone., Cuinburiible., ami
4. ~P i"fo rl*"d l?kllrd. ?iU> localities, 4tc
A i *nd 20 dollar. Meh.
AUo, two Cabinet. of Oetu* ,n.J Preriou. Stone.
m L * A*'*" *n<J *?lu?We collection of the b?t
?", ,rol,?fi.v' Mineralogy, Coochology, Chem
? *' , *" Uufir branchr* ; many of llieui mrnilv
i IWuiJ bjr himself (torn Loudon?wvdral of I tinII
entirely new. ^ 30
T THE U.S. in reieUoo u> the Navy
-J-* W* Marine Corps, just published by authority of
ll?e JXavy Deportment, I vol
Law* ot the U. 8 in relation to the Army ami Mil
itay aifairo, compiled by Col. Truruiau Ciom U S
Army, 1 voi.
The oracuce of Court. Martial, by the t.le Major
General Maromh, I tol. J
Are for .ale by P. TAYLOR together with a large
and valuable aoftectio, of work, (oiulU impoftet} L
7'" o ,h"n eo,"elv new,, onCourls
mIH ?V"n?rJ> Portificationa, Alarine Surveying
T,eii,y 1*1?^ ?"d Bi.Mf*?f?hy, Ship Building, Orili
r "? lh" "th" b""'-he. Mil,
ijL^n-n; r1 Mil,ury *"d n"?'
, TT44 A-. 1. U'lng in cuiittUm r?HMui
of eve,y thing that appear. either here or abioad
longing to thoiw of .c.enoe. J^tBrt.
LSi!E">,frBl'. "ut'^lyih* Uu"ii'"pb
Z? N?*?on just received?a rare .he. t measu
ring leet, with volume, of reading and many, ,h.t can be sent to any p.r. o/tlj. United
State, by mail tor I 1-2 cents. The Weekly Notion
7el' ?'-h ,aC7' "u.,"b" Commence. J allies new no'
wkeklv M r ,Jrrhan' N'W W"rld. J Beimel's
meM 1 ,1' ?,"faJr? be haJ at the eaihest mo
ment, together with near all the Maga.ine., ,?d
Th V1*': " ' dV,' 'he yearly tuUcri ?
1 he Knickerbocker, Hum'. Merchant. M.g??,e
Uungliaon < Medical Library, Maryland Mimical &
Surgical Journal The Patriarch, Southern Magnolia
(Savannah Geo ,)bouthern Literary Mesaenger, 1-a
an*d R*|i'net ^American Magazine, Liteiary
Imiikl ? 1 PII?*~,re j""' lo '"nd?all heavy
uionthlirH and quailerh.-. if delivered .1 the Aueiu".
are tree of ,?*age but they wilt be mailed to any part
recei'vetl?Un,ry "'d"?, po.t paid, may be
i-anderich . Port-folio of eminent men may be seen
and pttrchaaed, pric? ?16 And many other publica
tion. not here enumerated, by a call at the "Periodical
Agency near the American Hotel, between 3 and
" "^nmylvanii avenue
Cr Wanted a young man who can give a voucher
for Um^ralc l^bit. ^ who ha. a turn for cany...
fJKtt "i uWe'!'"K *',me reasonable distance
aUrv a" Cenlfe Market?Inquire a?
' aug 3l~3t.
p ROFOS> a LS for oarmng the mail, of the UnitTd
June IHJ?' T ' ' November, 1841, m the 30th
neelu'ni^ ?? t,,e ?te? ?> Con
nwtitm .nd New York, will be received at the De
part.nent until 3 ? clock, P. M. on the 13th day of
October next, to be decided by the Itii.h da, of
No. 714.?From New Haven, by Derbv Humnh
bWi |ri' H2Ul^f?,d' Sou'h,,"'v, WiHxIl.ury,
fnd I ?ck"!han , ar'.n* '? Li,chfi? lJ. ? "?le.
and back, three time, a week, in two-horw coaches "
Leave >ew Haven every Tuewlat, Thursday and
Saturday, on arrival 0f ,he Naw Vork mail, say a.
Arrive at Litchfield ?ame day., by 11 P M
FrWa*^uorAflM. M?n<U-V' ?nd
A1 rive at New Haven ?ame day*, by 7 P. M.
ered'"1.! 1* ?*rry 'l" 4 h"rse coaches will l?e
er< (l ? al.o to run on the other days.
Nott.? l( this route i. let to contract, the preaent
^Lr,iZd.70?,'frwn N*,o Li,c"^'d- -?
D.,l!r,SVh"rv"f' for tri weekly horse service on
part of ,04, from Newtown to Southburv, 7 mile. t?
run in two h.-ur., ,,n day. anil at hours that wilCmake
ue connexion, with the railroad ca ?, are invited.
Camden ^W ?, r""*', by xJ"McConnell.ville
? , ' Camden, Wtlli.m.lown, Sandbank
? nd Salmon river, to Richland, 4b mile, ami back six
tune, a week, in 4 hor.e couche. '
vitedr0pOMl' 10 C"ry lwo,lor'e c?"he. aru al.o in
L?'ayc Rome every day except Sunday at 4 A M
Arrive at Wtlliau .town same day by 12 M and -.t
Richhnd rame day by 4 p. \J. '
MLeAmf!et'.l,<,nwirrT <lay exe*Ti Sunday at 9 A.
p *l W aaine day by | p M
and at Rome aame day by 9 P. M. leave Rome in the evening and to arrive
H'v1-?"-''5 Sstj. SSr.
foirhM ' *ml back'0 aw?'k. in 2 hor?.
dePro^.U to carry in | horM ciache. will be con.i
.fWarnv^'l!,Tl"Wn Ty "reP' S?ndsy,
a ter arrival ol Rome mail, say at 1 P. \1 Arrive
at O.wego .aine day by 8 P. M.
Leave O.wego every day except Sunday nt ri A
? Arrive at same day by I P M
na^^T*' W"'^r?'"^red unless if be .ccom
[,'|,. ,N.rK(f?g by ",u'"r ",ore r<-?l>on?i
?iirned following mannei, v.z The under
im" tlltr~7 ftU"an,y lhat if ''id for carry
cy,tog,m ,ho -,r;ic<- ^
Po?ma.ter"or ^."c00mf,"ni' d h? certificate of a
?rT, ' ' P<lu,va''-nl testimony that the
^ theTrguaramy" ?f a"d ???le to make
.e-le t" rr1,' ?^u,d be ,''0, 'o l,'e Department
sealed, endorsed, " Pfo(K)8a|M fur Ruull. ^
neJaK 'bc Fir,,t Postmaster Ge
For the prohibition of bid. reuniting from combina
ion., and the terms and conditions on which thecn
tract i. to be made, see the late annual ndver.isea.ent
P , ?- ri,,. rv I'uftTnastcr General,
I o?T Of} ice Dfp4rtmfnt, Aug. 28, H30ct.
EDITIONS, ini|H>rtfii direct by F. TAYLOR,
mill this day opened ?each volume containing several
hundred spirited illustrations, engravings, vijjm-li?-b,
&c., for hair at a very limited advance upon the low
price at which they are published in Pari*.
Le Diuble Boitraux par Le Sage Mustrc pir Tony
Johann jt.
Vic de Na|>oleon, illustre par Horace Vernet.
Paul et Virginie, illustre par Isabcy, Stem hell, Jo
harinot, &c..
Fables de Flerian, illustrees par Victor Adain.
Fable* et Pocmcs de La Fontaine, illustrees par
Gil Bias, ornee de fiOO vignettes par Gigoux.
Don llunotte ile la Manche, avec b(?0 desseins par
(Euvrci dc Moliere, avec 800 illustrations par Jo
Le? Evangile* de not're Seigneur Jesus Christ, illus
trees par Fragonard
L'luiitatinn de Jesus Christ; ? et LHistoirede Novetu
Testament. avec desseina, vignettes et illustrations.
Aveiitures de Teleinaijuc, illustices par Daubijjny,
Seguui, et Johannot.
Voyage de Sterne, edition illustre.
Lea \lilles et une Nuits. Contes Arabes; illustrees
par lea meillenrs Artistes Fiancais.
Aventures de Robmsjn Crusoe, illustre par Grand
Le Robinson Sui??e, orne de '200 vignettes et des
seins par Lemercier.
L'Enpereur Napoleon, Tableaux et Reeit lies Rat
tailleo. Combats, Actions, et fails Militaircs dea Ar
mies,?illustrees de 90 Gravurcs
And others too nii'iicrous for an advertisement?
two copies of each only received. aug3l
V7 mens of It* chief authors, w th critical and bio
graphical no1 ices, by Thomas Csrljle, '2 vols. Just
published, ?nd llusilny received lor sale by
sept 30 F. TAYLOR
YV edition, IH4I. This day received forsaleby F
TAYLOR complete in one large octavo volume,con
taining every original word of the two volume copy,
abridging only tome of the more lengthy definition*
anil coinineniaries which the larger copy contains.?
Full liounil in leather, beautifully printed, price 81 50 1
sept Ili.
Hand book of carving, with 22 en
graved illustrations, containing also "Hints on
tlie Kuiquette of the Dinner Table,' nnepoeket vol.,
pric? ifxts. Just received lor sale by F. TAN LOR.
sept 'JI,
From the {Hottan) American Jurist for January,
Mr Ei.i u)T, the Editor of (he Amkrii an Diploma
tic t'ODC, Lb rrcninl I be following flattering tmU
uioiiuU of llir value ami accuracy of ni? work :
From the See. clary qf Slat*.
Washington, June 30, 1*34.
Sir : ll |>iiH me Measure to stale thai, from the el*
amiuuiioii I ?u able to give to your work, I was satis
fied of its value to those engaged in the diplomatic
service of the United Ktatr*, and therefore caused it
to be distributed among *41 our diplomatic tgtnls,
as well as to the primipai consul*, and have like
wise adopted it for the use of the Detriment of Stale
1 am, venr respectfully, sir, your otiedient servant,
To Jonathan Ei.i.ior, Eaq ,
Editor of the American Diplomatic Code.
from an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of
the I nitrd States.
Washington, February 15, 1834.
Dear Bin : I have run over, though you inay well
suppose lather hastily, your "jtmsriran Diplomatic
Code." It apfwars to me to be a very valuable work
for all person* who desire to have a knowledge of our
diplomatic history, of oar treaties, and of the general
principles of public lav, applicable to our foreign re
lations. It seems to me, also, almost indispensable for
the library of a statesman and the researches ot a
jurist. It supplies a void which has been long felt
and lamented; and I cannot doubt that it will obtain
general success, bjr the fullness as well aa the variety
of its important materials.
I am wry respectfully, your obliged servant,
Jonathan Ei.i.iot, Esq.
From a Representative in Congress from Pennsyl
April 4, 1834.
Dkah Sir : I have no doubt the American Diploma
tic Code will prove a work of convenient reference to
all those who are disposed or required to give their at
tention to the diplomatic relations of the U. States or
to the principles of national law.
1 am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. El.liot, Esq.
London, June I, 1837.
Dear Sir : I did not fail to present your Diplonia
ticCodeto the King, and endow you a copy of Sir
Herbert Taylor'* letter on the subject. You will see
the flattering manner in which your work has been ac
cepted, and which 1 take pleasure in communicating
to you.
1 am, dear sir, your obedient servant,
Mr. Jonathan Elliot, Washington.
Sir Herbert Taylor to Air. Sterentim.
Windsor Cabtle, May 19, 1837.
Sir : I did not fail to mention to the King the ver
bal communication with which you favored me when
1 had the honor of being introduced to you at the le
vee at St. James's; and I have since submitted to hit.
Msjesty your letter, and the accompanj ing volumes of
the American Diplomatic Code, with the letter of Mr.
Elliot, the author.
The King has honored me with his commands to
thank you for the trouble you have taken, and to re
quest that you will have the goodness to convey to Mr.
lillliot His Majesty'sacknowledgmenls for his obliging
attention in trending him a copy of his valuable work,
which His Majesty has clammed with great satisfac
1 have the honor to be, sir, your moat obedient hum
ble servant,
Andrew Stevenson, Esq., Sic.
Arx Ti'ii.eries, i.e 17Novembre, 183!).
Cabinet nu Rot.
Monsieur : Le Code Diplomatique Ainericaine,
dont vuus avez bien voulu offrir au Boi un exemploire,
a < te mis sous les yeux de Sa Mujeste, avec la letlre
qui accompagnait cet ouvrage.
Sa Majeste in'a charge, Monsieur, de vous remer
cier de voire attention ; elle a ele louchee de la conli
anceque vous rnettez avec raison dan* sea sentimens
personels, car vos vaui pour le bonheur el pour 1'union
den deux nations sonl aussi les siens.
J'ai I'honneur de vous prevemr que pat ordre du Roi
He Code Diplomatique Ainericaine a prit place dans la
Bild.otlieque du Pains Royal. ,
Agreez, je vouz prip, Monsieur, I'expression ne ma
consideration trea distinguee.
Le Secrelaire de Cabinet,
Monsieur Jonathan Ei.i.iot,
Hotel des Affaires Ettrangeres, Paris.
Palace of the Tcileries, November'17, 1839.
King's Cabinet.
Sir : The copy of the American Diplomatic Code
winch you have been so kind to present to His Majes
ty has been laid before him, together with the letter
which accompanied the work.
His Majesty has commanded me to lhank you for
your attention, and to assure you lhat he has felt sen
sibly the confidence which you have placed, with jus
tice, in his personal sentiments, for your wishes, for the
happiness and union of the two nations exactly agree
with his own.
1 have the honor to inform you that the American
Diplomatic Code has been placed, by His Majesty's
order, in the Library of the Royal Palace.
Accept, sir, the assurance of my very distinguished
Secretary of the King's Cabinet.
Mr. Jonathan Ei.i.iot.
The above work is for sale, in Washington, at Mr.
Taylo r's and Mr. Morrison's; in Philadelphia, at T.
K W.J . Johnson's, Minor street; in New York, at
the publisher's, No. 100, Broad street, and at Gould,
Hanks, & Co.'s; in Boston* at Charles C. Little's
anil James Brawn's; in London, at Wiley & Put
nam's, Paternoster Row; and in Paris, at A. & W.
Qalignam's, Rue Vivienne.
Jl guage, lieautifully printed in octavo volume*, at
uboul one halt' the price of the London copies?Just
imported direct from Paris, by F. TAYLOR.
Moore's Life of Sheridan, 1 vol.
Moore's " Travel* of an Irish Gentleman" and Me
moir*) of Captain Rock, bolh comprised in I vol.
Hallam's Literature of Europe, I vols.
Selections of the bent articles from the EJinburg
Review from its commencement, 6 vols.
The Lining Poet* of England, "2 vols.
Sharon Turner's History ofthe A nglo Saxons; 3
Ayscough's Index to Shaksjieare, I vol.
Hulwers Monarchy of the middle classes, 1 vol.
Hume and Smollet's History of England, with the
continuation by Hugher, 15 vol*.
Life and Adventure* of Jonathan Jefferson Whit
law, or Scenes on the Mississippi, by Mrs. Trollope, I
Sir James Mcintosh's History of the Revolution of
IGMi, V! vol*.
Gibbon's Essay on the Study of Literature, with
his Life anil Correspondence, by Milman, I vol.
*.* A few copies of each only, imported. sept 9
PANTOLOGY, a Systematic Survey of Human
Knowledge, illustrating the History, Relation*,
Uses arid Object* of all the branches of Science, with
a Synopsis ol their leading facts and principles, and a
select catalogue of book* on all subjects suitable for a
Cabinet Library?the whole designed as a guide to
study, and as a popular directory on Literature, Sci
ence anil the Arts, by Roswi II Park, A M in 1 vol
Josi published and this diy received, for sale by F.
TAYLOR. aept 9
Translated from the German ol Leouhard?and
editeil by Professor F. Hall, is just published and tor
sale, together with the previous numbeis, by F. TAY
LOR; pi ice 59 cents each sept 9
J. C. Thornton, complete in one volume octavo, be
ing a Compendium of Christian Divinity; specul dive
and practical, founded on Scripture and Reason, de
signed to aid lh? head* of families, young men about
to enter fhe Ministry and the youth of bolh Sexes, in
their efforts to obtain and communicate a knowledge
of true piety. Just received and for sale bv
june 17 F TAYLOR.
[M1E Subwribpr offers for *a|p Inn farm at R> Its
JL ville, Prinre George's county, Md., consisting of
ACRES. Ill* situated on the Baltimore and Wash
ington railroad, at llir Bellstille ill |>..1, twelve mile*
(an li.ill lioui'a ride) from (lie latter place, anil there
fore Convenient to tlna market. It Const*ts of wood
land, meadow, and upland, the latter rojialilp of produ
cing and H now bearing p*cellent rro|Ki of coin anil
tobacco, and the meadow, in |{ood season*, producing
50 lo tiO tons of hay. The farm is well supplied with
water, and haa upon it a house and liarn. The rail
roul divide* the-meadow from then pi a ml.
I will sell alao in? stock open it, consisting of horaes,
cattle, Berk-lure hog", Sic.
W?*hiniiton, July 31, Irt-ll,
F. TAYLOR, imported by hi?naelf direct from
Pari*, inJ for mJ? tC ft *#fy linulod hIvwm upon the
Paris |xic?.
Gil Blaa, 5 small volume* ; Ratine, 3 vols.; Mo
lierr, 4 vola. j ConwiHr, 9 ?ols. i Piron, I ????? i L*
8aj[e, Theatre I %ol.; La Rochefoucauld, Maxiiues,
1 vol.; Poesiea de Malherbe, I vol. ; Caracteree de I*
Bruye'ie, ( vol ; OeuVre* ilc Beaumircbais, I ?ol ;
Boileau,'I vol. j Paecal, les Provincialee, I ?ol.; Mon
trsquieu, Esprit dee Sow, '? vols.; Rowans dr Voltaire,
2 vols.; La llarpe, Ouvrea Choieies, I vol.; de Sau
rm, I ?ol
Oraisons Funebres dr Fletchier, Mascaron, p?or
daloue A MumIod, 1 vol.
Oraisons Funebres de Bossuet, I vol.; Boesiiet,
discoura aur I'histioie Univeraalle, I vol.
Revolutiona de Portugal, par V?rto?, I vol.; Revo
luUons de Buede par Vertot, I vol.
Revolution* Roiuainea, |ar Veitot, 2 vole ; Montee
quieu, Grandeur drs Rotneins. _
r^Voltaire, Histoire de Louis XIV. et da Louis XV.,
3 vola. | Histoire de Rusaie, I vol.; Hietoire de Charles
XII., 1 vol.; Oonaalve de Cooloal, par Floiian, I *ol.
Le Diablo BoitetM uar le Saue, I vol-; Rousseau;
Confessions, '2 vola.; Nouvelle Heloise, 2 vol# : Fav
lea de la Footaiue, I vol.; Teleniagne, 1 vol.; Reg
nard, 3 vols.; Paul el Virginie, I vol.
Voltaire, Dialogues, '2 vola.; Poemes, I vol.; Ept
Irea, 1 vol.; Cout? s en Vera, 1 vol.; Histoire du
Parlement de Paria, 1 vol ; La H.nriade, I Vol.;
Theatie de la Fontaine, 1 vol.
i??*rea Poethumes de*Mente*uuieu, '2 vola.; LK
Iree Persannes par Montesquieu, '2 vols.; Petit Care
nie de Massillon, I vol.; Corrinne par Mile, de Stael,
2 vola.
De L'Allemagnede Hlael, '2 vola.; Voyage en Ori
ent par Lamertiue.
Dictionnaire Philoeophique de Voltaire, 8 vola., and
many others, too nuuieroua for the liuiila ofun adver
tisement. sejit 3H.
THF. inoat safe and certain remedy ever known to
tlie world Tor varioua chronic diseases, alter ihey
have reached a atate, and assumed a character, hither -
to considered desperate and incurable.
Scrofula, Kings-evil, attended with swellings and
ulcers; sore eyes and loss of sight, to a frightful ex
tent, have hecn cured. Females pining away by rea
aon of deranged secretions, broken circulations, and
obstructed menaes, (monthly couraea,) even when at
tended by spasms or fits, have been readily relieved
Dyspepsia yields without a struggle to its mild yet
powerful action on the stomach. In Catairh, or
cough, Rheumatism, Fistula, Gonorrhea, and Syphil
lis, it never fails to cure, as we have lully proved. It
is also efficacious in Paralysis, Dropsy, Asthma, Com
plaints of the Breast, Piles, Worms, Lumbago, Stric
ture, Dianhceu, and Flui ; usually effecting a cure?
always giving relief. ^
This tincture tends directly to excite a healthy ac
tion in the stomach, liver, lungs, spine and kidneys?
lo purify the blood and other fluids, by ei|>el!ing every
particle of morbid matter from the system, and there
fore never fail* (with its accompaniments) to prove a
valuable remedy for the diseases for which calomel
has lieen invariably used. Old sores and ulcers, or
any chronic alfeetion ; and for the calomel disease, it
is an infallible remedy.
This remedy is perfectly vegetable, mild, agreeable
and safe for person* of any age, either sex, or in any
condition; acknowledged by those who have tried it
to be the best known family medicine.
The justly celebrated tincture creates a craving ap
petite, and the patient is left at liberty to indulge it,?
indeed he is particularly requested to do so. The u?e
of this medicine will change the complexion from a
pallid to a line blooming one. After using this Tinc
ture for six weeks, a person of any age may eat any
thing that a child of ten years ot age, in full health,
could eat, without the leusl inconvenience.
Persons aiHicted with any ot the complaints above
enumerated, are earnestly entreated not lo let the pre
judice commonly entertained against a new remedy,
prevent them trom realizing the benefit* lo lie derived
from its use. A single bottle, which may be had for
?1 50, will produces conviction of its su|>erior effica
cy in the mind of the most skeptical.
A large number of certificates, from Lexington,
Ky., and many more, taken in Alexandria, D. C.,
published in handbill form, all testifying its efficacy,
may lie seen on application to the proprietor at his of
fice, east side *th street, live doors above Riley's cor
ner, Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, I). C.
aug 12?3taw(>ui
Adams, daughU r ol John Adams second president
of the United Stair*, written in France and England
in I7S5, 1 vol.
The Life and Time* of Red Jacket, being the Legend
to the History oft lie Si i Nations, by W.L.Stone,! vol.
Every Body's Book, a .volume for the steamboat or
rail-road car. Just published and thin day received
for sale by f. TAYLOR. aug 1'2
to kindred at home. This day received for sale
by F. TAYLOR. aug 18
C1 HESS.?New Treatise on Chess, by George
/ Walker. j vol. London; im-fl. Just imported
Also, a selection of Games, actually played in
Ixindon, by McDonnell, Bourdonnais, Dea Chappel
los, Lewis, and others. i vol. London.
Studies of Chess, by Phillidnr.
Giunutio and Gmt.ivus Silenus on Chess, transla
ted and arranged by Sarrat, ? vols.
The Chess Player, by Walker,?containing also
Franklin's Essay on the Morals of Chess?The three
Games played at one and the same time by Philidor?
and the Sixty Ojienings, Checkmates anil Situations,
ofMcKenny. i vol.
Chess made Easy,by Walker, giving the Rudiments
and Science of the Game?1 vol; with numerous en
gravings; price 50 cents.
Hoyle's Games?and other works on the same
subject. aug 18
Treasury of knowledge and com
volumes, of eleven hundred pages each, just received
For sale, in full leather binding, at $11 75 for the set.
(Published at six dollars.)
It contains a complete Gaxeteer; a Chronological
and Historical Dictionary ; Law Dictionary ; Classi
cal Dictionary; a Dictionary of the English Lan
guage; an English Grammar; a Dictionary of words,
sentences, and quotations, in generil use, from the
Latin, French, Italian, ami Spanish languages; with
their translations in English ; Dictionary of Maxims
?nd Proverbs of all countries, translated ; an Ency
clopedia of Science and Art, a Biographical Diction
ary, and a mass of other useful information, arranged
for immediate reference, too extensive to be named
within the limits of an advertisement A few copies
only received. aug 10
"JVfEW BOOKS.? Live* of eminent men of Italy ;
j.n d.mte, Petrarch, Boccacio,Machiavelli, Gallileo,
Lorenzi de Medici, Tassi, Guarini, Vittoria Colouna,
and Goldoni, in two volumes, by .Montgomery ; Mrs
Shelley, anil Sir David Brewster.
The Secretary of Macchiatelli, or the Siege of Flo
rence, in vols, by McCarthy.
Barnaby Rudge, No. 11, with illustration
Just published and for sale by F. TAYLOR, or
for circulatiori to the ?ub?cril>ers to the Waverly Cir
culating Libriry. aug 7
Legislative and documentary
history of the Bank of the United States by M.
St. Clair Clarke and D. A. Hall. A few copies for
aug 5? 3t
i J LANDS, for ?ale by F. Taylor in two volumes,
containing also infractions issued from time to time
from the Treasury Department and General Land
?Office, with judieial decision-, and official opinions of
the Attornies General on questions arising under the
Land Laws?with engraved plates, maps, surveys, In
dian reservations, ac , Sic. Prepared by order of, and
for the use ofGovetnment. A few copies onlv for sale
xtfashinoton house, No. v^:: ohesnm j
>V stieet, next diHtr to the Masonic Hall, Philadel i
phia. h T. harl'WELL, Proprietor. 'i'his new
and splendid house is now open, and fitted up in the
most fashionable style for ihc accommodation of gen- ;
tlemen and ttmihes
The location for health nnd convenience, to places j
of fashionable resort or business, has no superior;
while the |>arlors, dining-rooms, and chamlx rs, will !
bear comparison with any similar establishment in the
The ladies will find in it all the quiet and elegance
of a stately private mansion, and the gentlemen every
luxury that may be exjiected from a hotel of the first
class in tha city of Philadelphia.
The proprietor hope*, hv his exertions, to merit a
liberal jiatronage for the Wash ngton House, and to
give entire satisfaction to all who may honor it with
theiT company, inarch 25-tf
A Journal uf Popular Liltralurt, Hcitnc?, and tKt
Till* elegant and cuui|>r?ihen?ive newspaper ?? "?
knowledged by all ela*M-s 'o I* the bent publication U>
America ll fiaa alirtdy attained a circulation of ??*
nearly htenty-Jirc thvutand copies per ireek, although
t?ul>luli<il I?h (baa l?u yrari. Already have been
given in it* ample column* nu* Work* by th? iuo?'
popular wrilrra in Great Britain and America, in ad
vance of any other print; and having engaged an ar
tlat of talent, whose Ume is eiclu*i>elv employed in
preparing eniitelliaiimenl* I'.ir the New World, U will
hereafter, a* it baa done ?ince the commencement of
the new vulume, (July I,) give twoor more eiquwite
Engravings on Wooti in each nunil>er, and ibua in
crease the interest and value of our sheet, and place it
niiiiieaauralily atutad of uli new?|*|icr enterprises ever
before established.
i* publiahed in the New World in advance of any
other newspaper, having been |?urcha*?xl in proof
sheets of the Author's publishers in Dublin. Bark
number* containing all the first volume, and part* of
Ihe second volume, will be furnished to new sulisrri
Ix-r*, gratia, on payment of a year's subscription, in
current money, free of iiostage.
Thhki;* a Ykak, or Fivk* for two
years, payable alway* in advance. ?jf"Anv individ
ual or Postmaster who *hall obtain live new sub<rri
tiers, and remit Rlfi, free of postage, in current fund*,
? hail receive a sixth copy, grati*, one year. Note* of
the solvent chartered bank* of the New England
State*, and of the State* of New York, New Jerney,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, (eu'ejit
Wheeling,) and North and &</uth Carolina, will be
received at par. Address (po?.tp*id)
3& Ann street, N. Y.
F. TAYLOR, Bookseller, Washington.
Aug. 26?St
?cribers have constantly on hand an extenaive assort*
nient of Foreign and American Stationery, of the
finest qualities, and they are receiving, by each arrival
from I,ond.hi and Pari*, new varieties of the beat Sta
tionery aiticles of those cities.
They are al*o engaged in manufacturing almost all
kinds of American Stationery, and particularly of
Of the mo*t durable kind, made from the finest linen
paper, and bound in a manner untuuailtd in thii
country for strength and durability. Book* made by
their predecessors upon the plan still followed, have
been in use upwards of sixty year*, without giving
way, and any of their superfine booke which may be
ordered will be wai ranted to stand u.-age for that length
of time.
Orc'er* from public office*, institution*, and indivi
duals, will be attended to with promptness, and at fair
No, 30 North 4th *t , and No. 108.
Cbesnut, St., Philadelphia.
may 28?ly
OFFERS hi* professional services to the (Hiblic.
IiiMiumentN of writing carefully prepared; notes
and accounts received for collection, ami prompt re
turn* made of all moneys collected.
Office on Louisiana Avenue a few doors aliovethe
Old Theatre. may 7-tf
11 'inch ester, 17rg i n ia,
HAVING permanently located himself in Win
chester, will practise Ills profession in the Supe
rior and Inferior Couru of Frederick, Cluik, Warren,
Haiujmhire ami Morgan oountie*.
All business directed to him al Winchester, will lie
promptly attended to. L. T. M.
AiSK, INUUIKE?A?k those who know.?Those
only who know hy trial or immediate observation,
can form any idea of the effect*, of the perfect relief,
of the almost charm like cure* effected in case* of the
Piles, Rheumatism, all Swelling*, and all external
Pains, no matter tow severe, Ity the. use of Hay's Li
niment: Find one who has used it that will not laud
it to be above all things ever used, and you will find
?what cannot lie found.
For the relief of suffering human being* who may
be afflicted. I beg you to ask?ask of those who
know. Gentlemen know of cases unconquerable by
all other remedies or physicians, though tried foi many
years, that have been cured by the use of the genuine
II AY'S LINIMENT. Thousands of persons know
similar cures. We appeal to their sense of justice?
their human feelings.
It is but a duty you owe to your suffering fellow be
ings to let this great remedy lie known. S|ieak of it
then to all your friends. This will *.,vc much pain
where the newspa|ier* are not read, or where readcit
are incredulous, because so many worthless articles
are advertised for the same [lUrpose. To buyers we
say, it all who have used it do not say it is beyond all
praise, then do no' take it. The proprietor will not
allnlv this article to be paid for unless it cures, when
all the directions are fully followed. Will any one
suffering refuse now to try it 1 If he does, he ought
to l>e pitied more for his obstinacy than his suffering.
Mi. Hays would never consent to offer this article,
were he not compiled by his sense of moral?or reli
gious duty?to do all in his power for the victims of
distress an J misery. For this purpose he would sooner
devote a fortune, than secure a dollar for any worth
less article.
LOOK OUT.?Some swindlers have counterfeitinl
this article, and put it up with various devices. Do
not lie imposed upon. One thing only will protect
you?it is the name of COMSTOCK & C< >. that
name must lie always on the wrapper, or you are
cheated. Do not forget it. Take this direction with
you, and test by that, or never buy j for it is impossible
for any other to be true or genuine.
So'd by COMSTOCK & CO. -i. Fletcher street,
N. York.
" Caution" is the Parent of Safety.
An attack of the " Piles" may !?? positively pre
vented by using (when the premonitory symptom* are
felt) the celebrated HAYS'LINIMENT. There
ar>- mure than one hundred jieople in this citv, ami in
the United States an immense numlier, who have suf
fered lieyond endurance by this dreadful complaint,
who keep themselves wholly free from attacks by a[>
plying this Liniment when they feel any symptoms ot
ics approach : of this there is the most perfect proof.
fTj" None genuine without the name of CoMierocit
& Co., written on the Mrap|>ers.
Ft.ORKNrr, Ala, Sejit <>rtth, l*3H.
A gentleman of the highest standing in this town,
who has been dreadfully atHicied with the Blind Piles
for the last 4li years, called ti|Kin me ami freely con
fessed to nie his situation. Alter describing the seve
rity of i he complaint, h? remarked that he had not been
so well for lid years past as he was at that moment.
He had used one U.tile only of Hay's Liniment To
use his own words, he said " the whole human family,
who weie thus afflicted, ought to lie made acquainted
with this medicine." Signed,
Mrs. MANWARING, of Jamaica, L. I., ha*
lieen under the hand* of *everal physicians for a vear
past with an unhealable fever sore on her ankle,
anil ha* been |iart of the time quite unable to walk,
and got no relief till she has now by the use of two bot
tles of Hays' Liniment, been entirely cured. To this
fact Judge Lamherson, and J F. Jones, Esq Editor
of the Long Island Farmer, and many ?ther citucn*
of that town will testify.
An astonishing fict1?Hay*' Liniment has now
been used in some thousand case*, and no failure can
lie found. It will cure every and .ill cases of Piles No
charge without such result.
All must lie spurious without the written signature
of Comstock A Co. Look carefully for this, ami the
name of Solomon H:iv*.
Sold at No. 'J Fletcher street, N York.
For Side by CHAS. S TOTT,
dee I Washington City
iAW!S OF K 1 kAl'E I'll*, in MM pockei vol,
price f>0 cents, treating of Introductions, Visiting,
lie Drawing Room, Dining out, Society, Con versa
ion, Dress, Fashion, letter Wr.ting, GikmI Breeding,
Sec. Ac. Just received, for sale by
june 17 F. TAYLOR.
]i;v\ s Broad Pifin, ied pens w,
J pronounce Levy'* Circular Pointed Metallic Pen
o Im> the besi in the market "?,Vt? York Courier
ind Kntfui ? tr.
" As we are often obliged to scribble against time,
we prefer llroail Pointed I'mt; which seive
mr purposes better than any pen* we recollect to have
iseil?H i?/on Mrrcantili Journal.
For *ale by F. TAYLOR.
X "Periodical Agency," Iwtween U?e America,
Hotel ftiij the Rail Road Depot, , .it.
nue, (attended by iny ton,) or at lh?* resuli i.n of li.,
undersigned, in Georgetown, subscription*- wdl I e <,
ceivrd lot tlw most of periodical* and uv^mi in
publication. Among which are?
Waldie's Libraiy, for which be in sole agent for the
District of Columbia, fc'i l?l
New York Mirror, (niucb improved.) ir>
New World, folio and quarto, (which will lie
gin a new novel in a few day* uiui li iiu
proved,) "I IH'
Magnolia, published in Savannah, Georgia, j iMl
Mother s Magazine and National Preacher,
eacb I
Baltimore Saturday Vmiter, (weekly,) litl
Olive Leaf, (devoted chiefly to teirqieranct ) Vi
Htockton'a Christian World, (monthly) I 26
Littell * Muaeum, l> 00
1 juell's Select Reviews, 1 ui
Alexander'* Meseenger, (weekly,) 2 i?i
Lutheran Observer, do 2 I HI
Scottish Journal, do ihi
Saturday Courier, do i iid
Brother Jonathan. $3, New Yorker, :i iki
Boston Notion, i?i, Bennett'a Herald, in,
Graham * Magazine, S?l; Knickerbocker, im
Lady's Book, $3, lJady'a Companion, i. i
Besides several Medical and Agricultural Work
For the Farmer'* Cabinet (si,) ami Farmer's,M. ?!. I ?
lv Visiter, (75 cts.) the *ut>*c riu r is *o|e ag< nt I' r i ,
District. Monthly Magazine* will hedelivered t>. .?
of postage, in the District, an.I mailed to mi!? crib# i
tn the country. All payment* must lie in advai..,
D" Foreign Quarterlies, and republication* n>
rally, will be ordered, if the mwcy upaid in mi u,
june 3?(iin
sale liy F. TAYLOR?
Napier's Hiatory of the Peninsular War; co'inp'ctc
in 3 volume*. BruMself* edition (in English )
New Annual Army List lor 1, with an li. !i *
by Lieut. Hart, l!lth Regiment.
Manners and Custom* of the Ancient Egyptian!1
two volume*, and a volume of plates, by Sir J (i
Wilkinson; second series.
The Spectator; new and beatitiful edition : Iaiti 1 .r,
1H4I, with splendidly engraved portrait* of the autl' ?
and biographical notices of thetn. Complete iri I t
Also, Downing'* Landscape, Gardening and 1! ir
Architecture; Lindtey'a Horticulture ; <'h-?
Kent's Course of Reading, price 37 < ent-. jul>
ENGLISH BOOKS,? imported by the Gn at
ern on her last voyage, by F. TAYLOI!
day opened a large collection, packed in Lundo:.
the 2"2d May, embracing all that i* new, ar>i! :
others that have obtained a reputation for value on 1
subjects of Geology and Mineralogy, Political I?'.<
my, History, Naval and Military Science an I S, r\
illustrated hooks?fine editions of standard a fit I
&c., &c., all of them fur sale at price* as lou mi . rv
ease, in some canes lower than they can be found ei?e
wherein the U. 8. julv
/ TORICAL SOCIETY?New ?, r? v. j i
just published, and this dav received for sale bv 1'
TAYLOR, containing Verrazzano's Vovage t . n
Carolina to Newfoundland, I5M; Lamhrerhlen <
History and Van der Donrk'sdescription of New Ne
therlands; Extracts from the voyages of I >e? in- ?. !
De Laet; Juel's Journal of Hudson's Vovag<
respondence between New Netherlands and N'< w l'|\
mouth, 16'?i7; ArgaH's Expedition to Acadia and ? ?
Manhattan Island, 11<13 ; and much other interestii g
matter?with a map of New Netherlands and a vietir
of New Amsterdam (now New York) in lt>5*>
july 3
Will proni|>tly anil faithfully alien.I to any prof
sional business entrested to hun in Wei-tern Illim.
ami the livei counties of Missouri and Iowa, abov>
J j-Particular attention given to the oollec tioii ol
Refer to Hon. George Evans, U. S. Senate ; Hon.
Eliiiba H. Allen, House of Representatives. juI\ I n
Notice?the alphabet for i hi
DEAF AND DUMB.?The underaigm
sjiectfully request* the ladies ami gentlemen
city, and others, to buy the Alphabet for the De i ? \
Dumb, and signs for tlx- figures: |>rice >25 cent- r
one card. Apply to P. D. J. ROGER, born deal an !
dumb, at Mr. Win. Morrison's july 1 -3?
&lc. this day received, for stile by F. TAYL< >R two
volumes, with many engravings. june'Jit
fpilE MONEYED MAN, a Novel, by Horace
JL Smith, one of the Authors of the "Rejected Ail
dresses," just published?and The Life and L.iter.irv
j Remains ofL. E L , "2 vols., received this day by 1
! TAYLOR, and for the use of the Subscriber* to
j the Waverly Circulating Library. june 2'
NIDATION of the United States By George
Bancroft. Complete in two ItJino volumes.
Just published and this day received, for sate bv
may 1H F. TAYLOR.
MRS. THOMSON hasjust taken, and fined up,
the well known stand, as a Boarding House t
the corner of Hth street, and Pennsylvania avenue,
where she will Ik' pleased to accommodate Member- >?:
Congress, or others, who may honor her with their
custom. june IT
RICULTURE, for sale by F. TAYLOR, h-i
J continued.
Ruffin on Calcareous Manures ; Mecklenburg on
Useful and Ornamental Planting, 1 vol. London.
! The Planters Guide, by Sir H. Steuart, 1 vol.
Busby's Visit to the Principal Vineyards ot spui
and France, their Methods of Cultivation and o! i.i h
The Culture of the Vine in France, Italy and S? t
zerland. and the art of wint-making by S. Fisher
Marshall's Rural Economy of the West ci Eng
land, I vol London.
Agricultural state of Great Britain,' 1 vol.
Outlines of the Husbandry of and e-t
Flanders, 1 vol. London.
Natural Historv of Vegetables, by B. S. Barton,
M D.
Anderson's Agriculture.
Smith s Flora Britannica, 3 vol*. London.
The Cultivator's Almanac, 1(HII and Ihll.
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury to Con
gress on Cotton, Us cultivation, manula ture ai. ! to
reign trade
On the Culture of the Bi-et and ori the inanul >?
lure of Beet Sugar, 1 vol. 25 cents.
Cobb onthe growth of the Mulberry Tree, an.! ?' c
Culture of Silk . "J5 cents.
Child's Botany, ninth edition.
The Flota ot the District of Columbia, by Drer< ion
Loudon s Cyclopedia of Gardening , do d.>
Agrieuliure ; do- do. of Plants ; do. do. of Kur..l
chitecture; do. Subuiban Gardener?and main <>t!
of w hich the list will be continued. ? in. v
L" > LLP iT'S DIPLi >.M ATM' CO! 'I . in 2 >
j octavo, containing th< Treaties and <\>nvii,i
of ihi United States with Foieign Powers since i"
?giving also the Judicial decisions on p tint# ? m o.
ed with our Foreign Relations giving also i c . npli i.
summary, of the Lms of Nations from the uok
Urequefort, Vattell, Martens, Ward, Lord
Chancellor Kent, Judge Story, and olh. rs.
A few copies just received and for * ale bv
may I I F. TAYLOl?
Secretary of the Treasurv Senate Document
pages with Notes and Tables A few remaining <
pies fill sale by F TAYLOR , price 37cents.
may 4
pKOWQY As A SCIENCE, applied to ih. R<
'I claination of Land from the Se . the Constrii
lion of Harbors, the Formation of li.iil |{o mi,,! it ,.
Discovery ol't'osl Hv John I?, I vol London
IMO. just ini|s>rte.l by F TA YF< ?H ,? n.l other valu
able works on Geology,Mineralogy ami other branch
rs of Natural Science ni:,v I
OLOGY, translutiil In .in the French of Milto
Llwards, by J 1' Lain*, M l>., 1 volume wl.iv i
published, |H||, for sale bv I". TAN I ,t 'I!.
-I anil the present state ami future pr..<p. eu n| u,
country, by Publius, Nrw York, 1-1"
Also, additional remarks on the currency of the
United State*, by the same author, New York, M >,
Iw4l, just received, I><k11 in pamphlet form for sab I y
1 AYLOR- price 'AI cents.