Le. 1>K. MENG vient «e fixer délinitive nient daus la Paroisse Sf. Jacques. Il offre ses services comme médecin, chi rurgien et'in'iiicipaleHr.eijt accoucheur, aux habitants de la paroisse^ Il espère qne trente cijiq ans de pratique en Louisiane lui inéritvrout la confiance qu'il Sollicite de tous jc.s paroissiens. Il fera tout ses efforts pouf tâcher de l'acqué rir et de s'en rendre digiie. Sa résidence est chez -Mr. Alexandre Ve gas, rive girtu-he, 4e. district. [ljn.'77 . Coli Le soussij;n<5 a vices au public eu S t-Jeau-Baptiste« lies. ö'«dresser '•! S'adresser reflux du "Mest iO ius.'77]Sß Liinsi.\\.\is. OFFICIAL, JOURNAL —UF IHK — Parish of St. James, l'ublixl «"! Ee' ^(v-aaà CONVENT P. 0., Louisiana, —11Y— J . GGMTIL, i :in toi; and riwrniETon. liâtes of Subscription : < >ii.' Year v-"«.'«'. S I \ till I! It lis .. J - 1' A Y A i: L K I N \ 1) Y A N <' 1' . osk s( First insertioi -Suî »><•< ; itc'i11 in \. Fcrchaud, Felicieti Wagticspack, Désiré Leblanc. Ja ïrt«;s Davis. Alfred Mire, Henry Johnson, Thomas Mooney, Richard A. Harrison. SCHOOL HOARD. President, J. Gentil: Secretary, J. Louis Gandet; Members, Dr. O. Gandet, J. N. Thibo deaux, D. T. Bourgeois, P. Numa Martin, 'fhelesphore Dugas, A. AY Thompson, John Dickerson. LITTLE FOLKS AND LITTLE CHICKENS. [ From Our Home Journal.] Dear little chickens, All searching for food; Then off to t he mother, \Yiio calls for her brood. Dear tiny heads, b Fl'om iier wing Jieéping oUt, Wandering what all The commotion's about. Ah. ha! Mr. Fox, There's no dinner to day; Not one little ehiekfen lias wandered away. Safe under her feat Ilea's So soft and so warm, lien-mother will nurse them. And keep them from harm. In these tender chickens A pattern you'll see Of what little child rci! Like yon, dears, should be. Obeying your mother, Iluiiiiingîquick at herCitH, Is the safe and sure way, Little folks for you all. ■ THE MISSISSIPPI LEVEES. Memorial to be Presented to Congress. Subjoined is a copy of a memorial addressed to Congress. It will be sent for signatures to every town and landing on the Mississippi river and tributaries between Cape Girar deau, Mo., and the Gulf of Mexico, and no doubt will be very extensi vely signed: C hamber of C ommerce, ) 7- ) To Memphis, Tenu., Sept. 12,187' Dear Sir —The undersigned com 0Pfffittcc, appointed by the Memphis Chamber of Commerce to memorial ize the Congress of the United Sta tes upon the subject of speedy ac tion au the part of the general gov ernmÄt looking to the reclamation from annual overflow of tliMftmen se bodies of valuable agricultural laud bordering the Mississippi river and tributaries, by the adoption of such system of levees, cut-oflfs and outlets as may be deemed advisa ble by the government, beg respect fully to hand you the inclosed me morial, and ask for it your earnest consideration. It is proposed -to bring the matter before Congress at an early day of the approach ing session, and, with the view of strengthening the hands of our im mediate representatives, it is desira ble that they shall carry with them to Washington an unmistakable ex pression of popular sentiment on this most important subject, from the people of every town and city interested. To this cud, the accom panying memorial will be exten sively circulated, and we would sug gest tiiat you cause a public meeting of your citizens to be held, and the official action thereof indorsed the reon,or cause a separate memorial to be prepared, coveringsimilargroüiul. Where public meetings are im practicable, we recommend that the inclosed memorial be signed as ex _ K „ o tensively as possible. Believing that I iavorable action on the part oi Con uicss may be reasonably expected it our liepresen ta t i vos arc prepared to press the subject vigorously at tiie opening oi the session, we ear nestly urge upon you the importai! ce ot early action, and the return of the memoria] to the undersigned chairman, at a date not later than October 11?, 1ST 7. Very respectfully, Titos. II. A llen , Chairman ; J acob T hompson, .1euome üi1.l, .1. C. N kely, ii. <1. smith , W. ti. (» AlJîlîEATH. JAN. S. I Î ICH AKDSON, Committee .Memphis Chamber Commerce. ( ihr 11* wo ruble s s of lh( CniU'd Ulules: I Tiie under, igned desire to respect ; fully represent to your honorable i body the importance of reclaiming ! from overflow tiie alluvial lands of ! I he Mississippi river and tributary j streams, and to urge such speedy congressional action as will be ne I cessa ry to accomplish that object ; within the shortest pciiod possibh 1 W« are »'ally persuaded that if our Sena tors a ml Kepi esen ta iives in ( on gress were correctly advised of the vast importance of protecting the.»i: fertile lands from annual inunda tion, and the great benefit that would follow, not only to that im mediate region, but to the entire country, thc\ would promptly enact such legislation as would insure an early completion of the work. Tliereis no public-enterprise which the Government could aid with so much justice and propriety as this one: nor is there one that could be undertaken at so small an expense, from which such immense profit to the agricultural and commercial in terests ef the whole country would result. It is in no sense a local outer prise, for the benefit of either a cor por^poil or small community of pri vate individuals, but its scope and extent embraces interest and covers un extent of territory of sufficient magnitude to make it eminently na tional in its character. This will be more apparent when the following facts are even briefly examined and considered: The region of country subject to overflow lies in the States of Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Ten- i nessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and j Louisiana, and embraces within its J area about 24,800,000 acres of the j richest and most productive corn, ofj , i i : ! corton, rice and sugar lands m the h world. If these lands were protect ed from the flood of water which annually flows over t«0ia, they would lie quickly put In cmiivation, and by a very moderate computa tion it may be safely estimated then in less than five years the produc tion of our three great agricultural staples, cotton, rice and sugar, would be increased more than titty percent. Cotton is the commodity which more than all others contri butes to our commercial prosperity and gives us a substantial basis ot wealth not possessed by any other country or people. The high lands I a large portion of the cotton crop has heretofore been grown, is be coming so much exhausted that in a few years their cultivation in cot ton will have to be abaudonned, and tiie decrease in this valua , v • V .X ,,.;n I blcan.1 important i.roluct «UI 1» «atwrnllr Mt 111»» tte 111»i.ce»o , ,l,c 2ÂSÎÎÎ ! 00 in 7 lne; by r^lnhning fl.e j cotton, sugar and rice alone could j easily be made to exceed this entire sum. The action by Congress, here sought to be had, reclaims from a wilderness and makes fit for cultivation an empire of agri cultural wealth. which, when developed, will increase the material resources of the country millions of dollars. The work is of such a character that it is impossi ble for it to be accomplished by the efforts and resources of individuals, but must be done under authority id with the means of the general w government. We therefore respect fully ask that your honorable body adopt such legislation at your next session as will give safety and pro tection to those districts of country that are subject to annual overflow. OFFICIAI j* Proceedings of tiik B0AKD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS. P a id.si t of S t . J ames, L a., \ St'pteiubev lûtli., 1877. $ The Members of the School Board met this day at the Court House of this Parish pursuant to a call of the President. Members present:—J. Gentil, Pre sident; Dr. O. Gandet, A. W. Thompson, John Dickerson, The lesphore Dugas and J. L. Gandet. Absent:—J. N. Thibodeaux, P. Nutna Martin and D. T. Bourgeois. Oil motion of A. W. Thompson the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. Winchester Esq., Whereas, J. 11. Parish Attorney, and by law, the ^egal Counsellor ot this Boaid, has been frecpient !y applied to for Iiis opinion aslo whether tin- Treasurer of the lato School lîoard had, under then existing laws, the right to re eeive «Jury Warrants to an amount of *3(M,(>S irom the Tax--( -ollector in payment for money due the School ° »oard in the collection of Parish Taxes. And wlwreas, said Parish Attor ney has failed to give his opinion upon the above subject matter, and the Board deem it no longer wise to await said opinion : lîe it therefore resolved, that II. Feitvî, our present Treasurer, is hereby empowered and authorized to claim and recieve said Jury \Yar rants from tin: late Treasurer, ami that the Police Jury of the Parish ot St. James, lie earnestly request ed to pas* a resolution for the pa\ ment by preference of said Jury Warrants out of any money in the hands oi the Parish 'i reasurer, to the credit of the sinking fund est uti lised for the payment of past indeb tedness. On motion of Dr. (landet, it was resolved that the Parish of St. James be divided into two wards or School Districts, one on each bank of the river, and that the funds in the hands of the Treasurer be ap portioned in said Districts as now established according to the num ber of ciiildi en between tliJ ages of (5 and L'i years, in each; that, the Secretary I-• • requested to notify the ; Treasurer of the present resolution and that all other resolutions eon-; dieting therewith are hereby re- j pealed. lie i! resolved.that if. P. Choppiu Esq., President of the Committee; appointed by the Citizens of the : otii. Ward, to obtain subseiiptious i for the benefit of the Public Schools j or this Parish, through the means! of a fair, be requested to us •. as • early as possible the funds (ieir.. u from the fair held at J. Billon's on June .'Hltli. and July 1st», for the be liebt of said Schools, as the same! will be of great assistance to the ! School Board of this Parish» On motion of A. W. Thompson, j it was resolved, that the payment 1 of all warrants outstanding against ■ the old Board of School Directors of this Parish be deferred until the report of the Committe appointed examine the Books of the cx Trea surer. On motion of Dr. Gandet it was resolved that all Schools having an ! average dailv attendance of over sixtv scholars be furnished with an . m(1 th;|t {]r> s; _ ; . ary of said Teachers be and ihc same is here! y fixed at Twenty Do!- : l:ij s per month oicli. J)r. O. Gandet in the chair. i On motion of Mr. J. Gentil it was | resolved, that the salary of princi pal Teachers throughout the Parish ! of St. James be fixed as follows, to- i wit: For all Schools having 20 jmpils ; enrolled the Teacher shall receive the sum of 830 per month; For all j Schools having 30 pupils enrolled,! the Teacher shall recieve 835 per j month: and for all Schools having äwää resolution sh;! p take VÜWt from Ul0 j 1st. dav of October next and all j other resolutions in conflict there- ; with are hereby repealed. Whereas, by Section 31 of Act it is made the duty No. 23 ot 1S77, it is made the dut.v sdH-rt lW cl . livt .i v t# e »tal.Ii»li..... rr? triÄÄ one School t 111 " rd to which light they are justly entitled under the above section of the iaw, Be it therefore resolved that a committee of three be appointed by the President to take immediate steps towards establishing an addi tional School in the 3rd ward of the Parish of St. James. The report of the auxiliary Com mitte of tiie 7tli. Ward was read and on motion ordered to be spread upon the minutes. St. James, Aug. 25th., 1877. To the President and Members ot the Board of School Directors: Gentlemen—We the undersigned Ward Committee appointed by your Honorable body beg leave to sub mit the following our quarterly re port : 1st.—We have personally and carefully visited both Schools and find that they are properly and or der] v kept. 2nd. To the great disadvantage of scholars and teachers there is no uniformity in the text ot books. 3rd. Enclosed two lists signed bv teachers claiming the necessary books which are of the utmost im portance for the progress and suc cess of said Schools. 4th.—There are rtselni reparations needed in both Schools which may be made with little expenses. 5th.—We also submit to your con sideration the following number ot pupils attending school and the daily average. S chool N o. 13. Whole number of boys -1; " " " girls ^ Total boys and girls lï Average daily attendance, boys, 10 « a" <« girls.. 4 Total average boys and girls. .15 S chool N o. 11. Whole number of boys 3S " " u girls lö Total boys and girls 53 Average dailv attendance, bovs. .25 '• " ^ " girls' ft Total average boys and girls..34 ltospeetfullv .submitted, A. F. KK'OLL, F. WAGCFSPACK. JACK KLLIH. On motion of J. L. Gandet, it was resolved that the sum of Fifty Dol | lars, be and the same is hereby ap propriated out of any money in the Treasurer's hands, for the payment of the expenses incurred for pub lishing the proceedings of this Board during the year 1877, said sum to be paid in two instalments. One on the 15th. of September and the other on the 15th. of December of the present year. Tiie following accounts were pre sented and approved, and the Pres ident and Secretary ordered to issue, warrants tor their paynu nt: Account of C. A. liâmes (or furniture to Iiuena Vista School and repairing the ben ches of said School 81,75, Account of II. L. Tuieaud for i bucket, 1 broom and one tincup for S.Cook's School.. 70 Account of Henry Feitel for 1 ledger for the School Trea surer's oflicc and freight upon the same 1,75. The President being now in the chair announced the following as members of the Committee appoint ed to establish a school iu the 3rd. ward. Dr. O. (landet, TelesphoreDugas and J. L. Gandet. On motion of Dr. Gandet it was resolved j^tyiat the salary of the Secretary of this : Board be fixed; at the sum of One Hundred Do!-! lars per annum to da te from the 12th. day of May 1877 and to be paid in two instalments, one on the 15th. day of September and the other on the 15th. of De cember of each and every year. On moi ion of Dr. Gandet it, was resolved that the sum of Five Hun dred and Thirty-Six (J5jl00 Dollars be and the same is hereby appropri ated out of any money in the hands of the Treasurer to pay the expen ses of the Board lor the month of August 1877. Said sum to be paid only upon warrants properly drawn by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of this Board, iu the manner following to wit: FIRST \YAK1>: For salaries ot Teachers of Schools >'o. 1 and 2 59.30 Bent ot Lovinski Kcine's School House (J.00 SECOXI> WAI'D. For salaries of Teachers of Schools Nos. 3 and 4 59.50 lient of Pleasant Green School House 3.00 For one half salary of Teacher of School No. 5 22.25 TlIIKlî WARD: For one half salary of Teacher ot School No. 5 22.25 For salary of Teacher ot School No. 0 20.05 FOURTH WARD: For salaries of Teachers of Schools Nos. 7 and S 59.30 For expenses as per-jie count approved above... 70 FIFTH WARD: ' For salaries of Teachers of Schools Nos. 9 and 10 50.30 For expenses as per ac count approved above 1.75 For rent ef Chiquet School House 3.00 SIXTH WARD: For salaries oi' Teachers of Schools Nos. 11 and 12 50.30 For rent of Landry School House 3.00 SEVENTH WARD: For salaries of Teachers of Schools Nos. 13 and 14 54.15 For 2 month's rent of School House.... 8.00 FIGHTil WARD: For salary of Teacher of School No. 10 y 20,65 For rentopf Pierre Growe's School Bi/tse 1*0^ For payment of ledger for Treasurer's office and freight upon the same 4.75 For payment of expenses of printing as per resolution as above.. 25.00 For payment of salary of Secretary as per resolution as above. 50.00 Equal to appropriation: $530.05 On motion of Dr. Gandet the Board now adjourned to meet on SatnrdîiVj Sept. 29th., 1877, at 10 o'clock À. M., at the Court House of this Parish. J. L. GAUDET. Secretary, J. GENTIL, President. Assessment Boll. The Assessment Roll for the year 1877 having been completed, the Tax-Payers ot the Parish are here by duly notified that the said liol! 7. ill be exposed at the Recorder's office, at the Court House, from Mon day August 13th. to September 13th. 1877, one month, according to law. JULES DOENIEB, Assessor. St. James Parish, Atfg. 11th., 1870. SIIEIMFF'S SALE. widow w. st >iu :v, vs. no. :.|h, II. II. A y Mil:. STATE OF Loi tsi \N.\. FOURTH .U DM'IAI. DlsTRKT COURT. I'ARISII OF SAINT .1AM HS. By virtue of a writ of fieri fiwins issued by the above Honorable, the 4th. Judicial District Court, for the Parish of St. James, bearing date of the 21st. day of .Wigust,'77,aml to me directed, in the above entitled and numbered suit, I have seized and will offer for sale at public auc tion, on the premises, on SATURDAY IIIi: «TH. DAY OF OCTOI! ER. j -77. AT il O'CI.OCK A. .M., the following described property, to wit : 1st.—A certain tract <»f land or plan, tation called Iiuena Vista Planta tion, situated in the Parish of Si Jameson thisState.anil measuring twelve arpents front on the M is sissispi river, opening about 12 de grees width ali its double conces sion bounded, oa one side by the property now or lately belonging to Kvariste ."Mire,ami on I he other side by the propt rty of Valéry Gandet, togetlier \\i:ii all the buildings and appurtenances the reof, consisting of a dwelling hou se, Sugar House whitii steam engi ne, and also all the agricultural implements belonging to said Plantation. 2nd.—Another tract of land situa ted in the same Parish and des cri bed iu Patent No.; 811 issued for the same in favor of Mrs. Win-1 ehester, by the State of Louisiana as section 59 in township 12. ran ge 15 east., containing Six Hun-j died itnd forty-one -ifjlOO acres, 3rd.—Another tract of land situa ted in the same parish and des cribed in Patent No. 815 issued for the same in favor of Mrs. Win chester by the State ot Louisiana as the west halt section,the South Fast Quarterand the South half of the North Fast Quarter of section 52 in township 12, rage 15 east, containing Five Hundred and six ty four 34[100 acres. Together with 10 mules, 4 carts and a lot of farming utensils. Seized in the above suit. To be sold in block. Terms:—Cash in t . S. Currency. V ictob M ilks. Sheriff. Sheriffs office, Parish of St. James, September 1st., 1877. J, 3t. rEKGUSOK. A. S. GRAHAM. Ferguson *V GraZiam, S T A R Gr. lï. FORTII^K; AGENT. Nos. 1QH and 1*25 South Peters Street. COKNER or GIEOD, AE\V ORLEANS, LA. SACKS FOBKISKED F3EE OF CHAEGE. P. O. Box, 75. (ju. 16'77. Mcss%. FEKGUSON &; GRAHAM liave secured tiie services of a first c!:iss Jlilli-r from Cliailestoa, who lias just put up in the STAR KlOE MILL «llthe littest im provctl RICE MILLING MACHINERY. Thus enabling them to gunrautee n lirst class article of lice and entirely free fi'oin Tad Poles, grass seed, Trash, A.c. G. K. FORTIER, Asrcnt. JY o t i c e • L ost .— A NOTE, dated Dec. 31st. 187G, to my order 1 , by Mr. J. Druil h et, for the stiiii of Twenty-Five Dollars, ($25,00,) payable at the end of the year, with 10 OjOceut interest until paid. Payment of said note lias been stopped. SPFNCFU WOOD. St. James, Sept. 1st., 1877. ,11. CONTE JliAN, lIOKLOti Ell 'ms Reparation de Montres, Pendutes et liijoitjii No. 12!) Riic Hoiirhon, Entre St. Pierre et Toulouse. 21jt.fiin. NouveliC,-Gr1i5aiis. SOULIEKS, r BOTTINES, BOTTES, Et Chaussures île tout genre, garanties, Bon M à r c hé, chez j. LAPÖETE, COLI. E CF. POINT. Spécial Notice* All delinquent Tax-Payers owing the Special Rathlione Tax, will call at. my ofli cc and pay the same within Ten «lays l'roiu the date'of this notice or else proceeded a "aLust as the law dinjets. j 0 K. C. MIRE, ; Tax Collector. I Parish of St. James, Jijuie '.Uh., 1*77. mi : u I 4 JS" cj W SoldforCt - AT r ï l $ : Si IS AC TS 2 îîV AL? » ewi f M f 1: • SEN 85K » seilt, m, -77.] •Ha go si h Si» ? l'KKS I>U COLI.!' Assortiment Coinpl : ; ItKXOl GEOCB .fi 1 !tl a r c Ii a n «1 > > < CHA V Au Meilleur Bïa' vîte S 'o 11 eck Stoler ? instar. . BAY MA ing on be with a lu; sue » I Oi» î oftheja'tv; sup taken to the Pai l'ouge or Livinj lars reward for mare to t he und ci LIMAS W A Wh' ÏBliTMLmW NEW Ö KLE 4 N Ö JAMES. T DAY. P. ' HORACE (A ici! v rCÏ'.S PAID UP CAPITAL.— ^ 1 PIRE Jno. G. Gaines, E. J. Hait, Henry Renshuw, Hugh Wilsou, lî. Biscoe, A. JtoUlwin, Chas. Macready, W. E. Seymour, Richard Flower, J. Weiss, B. W. Taylor, J. C. Morris, » 'i î< ; L i 1 • JXJÎ -1 ' o c: MES 12 sept '76.] Sol eif.,; "..r îif « Oîîiti i v , LOUISIANA K Léife Mus Corner Carondcleî ; v-l a SAMUEL MANN1Ï r . W. OGDBN. Vi i"'c anurkwpatton WILLIAM IILKI) This Coffipany 1 poücy-liolders over eifflit years. If you want saf ing, insure your Ii* m Institution. DIR! CT A. Thomson, ^ E. A. Tyler, W. B. Schmidt, » J. W. Stone, lî. T. Walslie, John I. Adams, Alex. Mark», Hobt. W. Ogdert, Sam'I. M. Todd, John Henderson, H. M. Puyne, . T. C. Herndou, JUST COMES Ou i 'A Hïj il i vie?' l£Z Si aS ! >1 r : . S' Seeret Street.' lî.- i-: 'vuiiiii, i veî :>vt.