OCR Interpretation

The examiner. [volume] (Louisville, Ky.) 1847-1849, December 30, 1848, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015050/1848-12-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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Ibe mrngmrm.
. . j i.ki weea " rreiru. - m
fT'1 ,M e we now eusbled to luruitJi
;"' . MrticuUn. Wj copy
I rull steamer ""rr -
f,Vp-F'f "days, having sailed
"''."".hT day of her departure the
uw market we. very firm. Consols
I t .. ...aVa - t 11 1 n
!, are eulirely devoid of mature
mhVrsof the Cetinsn Pailiemerit.
.... Vou ulace in Home.
A jlulijn dtv. flom h, ioHll.
.... UO, surroi nded ibe
i Zr' demanding a uew ministry rmd
OjW"'1; ' a.rl'iix of wararemsl Austria.
.ann"1"' . . k. .-Guards, and the
jsrf were 'J1? w 4 ibe moral in fhtence of
oij-iw" ' ,,,,,.. the Pope, enured the
ibrK P"' alBri v. uh him. Several attempts
f" to ace l'.e bu.ld.u5, but proved uusuc
, ruttJ then mede rerulsr invesimenl
!.-ed luolUde nist the wiudosra.
n iiieSwi end Miotiuug ramie., me
;.. ii,e breast. Theoveiwheliriiiif
fjpes roinnelied submission.
.... I
"" T iers as il'en sent comprising tht
i il ot the ruspiitur.
iW6 ' ' . ,,,,.1-r duret add in pernonal ian
ivrpe ,i aicUlloUl and oil ibe
. . unclaimed. .th Mwiaiell
ir"" v, ,s trcea wrre thru dUtiau-
'P i it. HKiiial tiuaid took their plarwi.
iJ,a ; iww iow a uertecf iiullity.
" . .1,. Jhh. weitert traiKjmlily had
" . . ... .,..,...,,1.1. i.
' . . i .i.- r.uaiiiotioii ot the 1
I . .1 r . .HAI 11,1 . WnllA Atk.
.:....L-J.ih the new oioer oi iDiiiga
"hjtihepeaeottherapaal had D-n m
"SIJ""J- Aiuiria.
y1 Vi-iiiJischalt th- order ot St
t!w audi-weiliietJiially Hiltenue to Jel-
nui. . i .rmv .nit inviilinr
...j it.- Ofdiiau papeis eav thry wi
'K-heraud Jeallmck CaiebeeD executed
. ..,1 .... union in the ieniia revointioi.
lu deaiL ot M-iaiial KeJeUky, comiuandiug lh
4u-u;aul'i''''ll4lv'i,,r'K,:,1; . ,.
a.trial.a accepted the A..fU hrench Media-
and has "(W" Ple U.r P . r
''T. - ,.m u( desue that thrl -be
.ami-di-tei'' enlniJ upon.
n ..i:.. ,.n.ln a at last advicea. There i no
cJ,B(1iai Ji tt.r K.ng having dissolved the Uran
u6'irj Muitr)'.
1 1 tv.rno ha carried a rote of confi.
i , a, .Niuoual Aasembly, bv a oteo 5u3
7 -j, n , ,jech i pionouiicra iiii.iy ruis
T un himliom all blame iu the June
uituon. H.a proipecU for the Hreaid.ucy
divided! v bjhtemng, when Louia Aapole-oan-uJ
a iiiiuifto, which in aome m.ajure
rfeanf ed the curinit fin.
Me , tira rrpuMioan einrerity and statea his
drirtUiw" caiii i and hia detre for univer
pie with all naiion-.
I (it.ra read an envor inatruction to the
tieai!ry in h.ch he reprobate tlie inleuticn of
iaiertering i th doniealic difj'icullirs b-l'ee
'V Pope d his n!'ects.
ttjnf, h. send.ng lelief to the Pope will
U mfl'ieofe "poo U.e content It heme, re
jkirteJ llnl the Pope had fled Irom Koine, Cavaig.
ij( Ud will tout Hieam trigate-, w ilh a brigade ou
tward, to seoMfe the l.L-?ny oi hia rulmea and
inn t tor his person.
AaeiiTO-eitiaordiuanr waaalsoaent to Home
to corner w'.th the r reurh ambaaaador there, and
a rmutorcriiiriit ol troops would aooa follow.
fja'juuAe, the riench immaterof Koreigu Af-f,i-
prWrrrd to wi.t until the f-'renrh Prenident
ciijei., in ahich Pa'.iuermou ac(iiieared on
lur fti ol Kii.?lnd. Mediating pjwen had alao
.firJ 1 1 (.oli.i.r. the unfile- during the w inter,
Uia -utj.ug oC i.i al'.ack Vnii.e.
He i.iun'Jiite RfUieinenl of the dispute be
lrrm :Ue Kin. ot and i.eily ia aiatd by
Vtit rorrepuadrul ot the lndon Timrn, aa a
Iting to oe ihonly eipert'd. Memiui will be
taiiritder-d, when llie royal troops will evacuate
:U n-labd.
The tollowinf item are evtiactevl from MM.
met & Smith's Fur tyrdn Timet:
Tk (iMlara.
"We irjoice to Mate that our report of the
cholera this rrt n decidedly favorable; iitileoJ,
wiUiia tkte few day the daily rejuHta in the
metioColis hav Wu.diacontinued,- the number
of casnbeiiif so reduced aa to render an official
return unaecevaiy. The number of death
La dMieaJed, this week, from W to about 33
otU !- theaveragaof the lat five years,
ahi.h was but orie; wHhat we mav fairly mfer
that the malady is fa-4 disarieannr."
TSf arriiment of Cuuiwel in the caie in error
U Mr. S.uith O'Enen Laving been brought to a
ciose, and the court hav, rig deferred its judgment
the hi-h journals are uow almost destitute of
nem-i Tt.f mal-adniiuislration of the Poor
law, ttt eviction w hich are gouigjon throughout
the cotiDtn-; au occasional murder in some dis
tant locality; a ii J the umntenuteJ emigration
of fanners at this late saaton of the year fur
nish the only theoiea for politic! discussion in
the Insh papen.
In the wrahly, onth))th ulL, a diaeuwiod
occcrrednpuii ihe policy of the Kiecuiive in die-
Pitehuia Uoopa to Civiu Verchia to protect the
ope, lud so tuterfere in the internal arlam of It
aiy. liteatceiMure wn fin upon the Ministry
tor uua proceedmg by M. Ledfu-Eollin. It was d.
fecddbyM. .Moi.ulembert, Charles Dupin, M.
Kufaur, tud others. ti-nerl Cavaignae having
ropued m a manly ttyle, the lollowmg lesoiution
propod, afir some other had teen rejected:
T& Aisemblv, approving ol the measure ol pre
eauLoo takea by the Uorvrament lor essur.ng the
aeraunal hberty of the Pope, and reserving ila ul-
waiar..Kio t,ii all the facta are fully known.
fwntoine oraer oi the day.' Upon this the
Aweuiy divided:
Maioatv, .... 272
ro 4W)
Afaiost .... 63
The Mooitmr han not yet published the election
return tor the vacant neata in the National Aisem
'T. but it .'Ppeara rerum that Marnhall Bufcaud
has bfen t Iwi.'d. Other nainea, including M. Na
pjleon BrUaiid, r also mentioned, to show that
election bertbn almost ncluaively in the
uleiesiot Looia Nauor.oa. Should thia account
e eiihed, it may be tn an a atrong indica-
wui ni.-frpubl.co feeling in the department,
"ree-founha of the voters lor Louia Napoleon
II t ariiiruied ;tn u,,, fiaig. His deelara
twa of Kepiiblicsmsm does not dter them, fur
they know th it ia, to use the word f a Paris
rusi, us profit it circumstanct.
m. Liiis .apoleon made hia appearance on the
l.Ai V'iomm 'enterday afternoon. A large
? "J u1co"eted, and he waa greeted by shouts
"vue Napoleon."
Mar vhal S..u!t has arrived in Paris; the anti
of hia rpariotia hotel are thronged by
to Kiends ot the Cavaignac and Napoleon dy.
aauei, who are of course desirous to secure
cooperation oril.a n.t nM ....i,.i ii :.
Oelitved H,, l(. b .vmnaiki .r. .k. K-
and heir of h.a old mailer and companion in
- the p(ufrnime of hia principles, which
"r ""T !'M l"Ht iued, wu supposed tr have
,,om Thiers; but the friends and ad-
ui uoma napoleon have now declared that
"ipioclamat.onwa prepared and drawn out by
lone, without their assiaunce, advice,
kaowledg. The effect already ploduced by
b,7. tZ 7 ua 10 ,r" chances now, it
IV. r.ced to a certaintv of bis being
rresidem ol the P.epublic.
laaarreetUa aiHma.
Letters Crom Rom 0f the IGlh, announced that,
a that morning, a lamentable insurrection broke
aVui T. S CrtT' At ''"en o'clock, an immense
u(i.ill(JetCO(JKM,dofth ?ultce (h. cwic
a a;j,o!"lr"oP,0tbeliue, and carabineers,
?L, 'd;,h'P'M" lel Popolo, and thence
proceeded to the Chamber of Deputies, to
wwaal of a.em to insist upon the Pope's appoin-
m.I,L ...c rmniHtry, and that he should
" ' '""owmg concessions: .
The reeog
a.to ol lial
C.1 ft ft . , . -".J. . ft 117 CU1ITUCIUUII
i e touMiiuent Assembly, and the deliberation
n nationality. 2 The
tfc. i - : -i1 r . L. l1,t w deliberatione of
endel I ' ?! Uf?uun on the war of inde
tStomU.tn'u inl That
UeEr: lr Mamiani, publi.hed on
XXt1? m,rr M io P'ocesaion. with the
bv C ardiuTi r ,lc Holinewa replied,
UwJ ' the Deputies
G-.r2idro.. r'r.,nt4,,iefb PP-1
e u., aeni.n.r. . V 7 "V"' wao wen rushed
ttea r.,'od d"" "'m. The Swiae
wh?i?to.fi'" the people, and on the troop
wheHJ'i6'? 10 the fates of iktfUici.
"To roui .TT.. ? mod, and a cry of
- your ,nni m uutanUy Wiaed. At ilrte
o clock the itneratt waa beaten; the troop and
civic guards assembled, and maintained a f re
aiaiubi the s witm iiulil 5o 'clock. At six the gui
iinal was Couipletelv luvckled bv 6.11V) :ui..
guarda and tiwiu, ul tha line, and caunou were
piautMiiaiai the puucil eulraiuc
A deputation waaaxain aeut to the Pone will.
tha ndsvifuiai of the people, jiving him an hour
to return an anawer, telling bun, that ia case of
reiiuai ine raiace should Da stormed and every
oul in it. eieept himself, should be nut in de.ih
The Pop finally sent for the advocate GalteUi, to
whom he announced that he conacnud to accent
l,rllku,;K.M:.:.i ft. ... . ... .
..- ivuvwmg imuii.il): maniiisni, roreign Ana rs;
Ualietti, Dm Interior; Lunati, Finance; Herbini,
tViumerce and Public Works; Campello, the
W ar Department; Abb liWniui, Public Iustric
lion, with the Presidency of the Council; Serini,
Justice. And with respect to the other demand ot
he people, Ihe Pope aubmitled to the decision ol
life Iteputien. AmongHi the killed waa Cardinal
Palma, the Popa'a Secretary, who was ahot
through tha bead.
Intelligence haa been received from Rom to the
AKb of November. At that date tranquility had
been completely reatored. Tb Pope had not quit
ted the guirinal. but had Installed the new Minia-
ht in umce, anu appearea to have loyally accept-
ucwu-roer oi inuiga.
Mwraea Ml Onirac.
Ireland appears to b iu an awlul condition
murders, ri liberies, and deaths from starvation
prevail throughout the laland. The following jiar
ar raphe will give a alight idea of the conditiun of
Ihe country :
MftittBCRKEKN. We are threatened with a fam
ing aa sevete aa that of '46 the people are w lik
ing keletMsa, and large number of them are dy
ing of dysentery, low fever, and other diaease con
sroiienl ups.u iiuuger and cold.
On Siliwday ihe Cork Lnion workhouse had
within iu walla 4,73J paupers, being 2JU over its
legitimate liuniber.
The provincial papers received during the past
week from the South and Wast, are teem.ne with
repotUbf cuseaof the most lrigbtfnl destitution,
disease, a n J death. The po.aloea hav nearly die
appeared from these doomed region the harveal
earnings are spent in purchasing tood down to a
rei'eul period the poor houses are crowded to
overflowing, and, notwithstanding the etlent to
which oui-door relief ia administered, the poor in
the mountuinoua and boggy districts are suffering
all ihe honors of famine. Starvation rare in the
counties of Mayo, Cork, Sligo, Kerry, Clare, and
Ualway, u a feaful ettent, and more or less in I
several other countiea nearer to the metropolis.
The Clare Journal givea an account of two poor
families, named Quia and Linnane, of nine per
sons, being compelled to live on a stone and a
half of meal a week, together with a few turnip
topi The consequence was, that on the 6th ulu,
one of ihe children, Suaan Llnnane, died, and waa
buried by the others in the garden adjoining the
no use. iiciugei (juin died on the J6th, Mary (juin
on the mli, and Mary Linnaue (the motheri on
tlie '2lHh; and these three corpses remained lying
iu the ho tine with the surviving children until the
Mlh ulL, when the shocking condition ol the fam
ilv waa discovered. On approaching to the door
ui ine cauia ine mriicii piocerning irom u was 80
treat aa to render it impossible to enter, uutil a
small window in the back part of the cabin was
oroien open to allow a curreut ot au to pas
through iu When the remaining meinbe of the
family made their appearance outside tie cabin,
they presented such a liorribl spectacle that it
would be in vain to attempt a description of if.
On enterioit the cabin it was found that pdrtofone
ot the corpse had been eaten away by rats.
e nave neani mai i.piain rarren nan very
properly instituted an inquiry into the cause of
death of three sona of a poor man named Walsh,
ol heaury, who became th victim of stirvslioo,
equen'. on the harah ejection from the proper.
Mr. fllake, of Belmont
IT of
Di'Nuet k, Nov. 1A murder haa just been
committed in thia neighborhood andereiroumsian.
cea of peculiar atrocity. A fanner of the name of
Jjuira llennessev.of Gaflin. near Dundrum. hav.
ng risen on Thurtday morning rather earlv. for
the purpob of detecting some peraons in th habit
of hireling hia turnips, was assailed by a number
of men, who literally liddled hia body with slugs,
and not content with that, beat, cut and aubbed
him in the moat dreadful manner. 11 lay for two
hours within a field of his own house, and hit
wife muat heve met a horrible sight, a t,be elum.
bled over bia body on her trey to loilkun. It it
supposed that the aavage manuer in which ihej
treated the body, arose irom the desire to Cuil
their job in a more business-like manner than the;
did ou a fiHiner occasion to his still more unfortu
nate brother. The Utter was fired at in open dav
ItKhtiKKh hia legs bioken, and left for dead. He
recovered, however, alter a long iJlueM, and the
miserable criDple, scarcely able to crawl, michi
have been spared, but the murderer w ere again
sent on hi track , ahd exactly on the same spot he
saw four armed men r turning over the field. Being
hardly able to move, he acreemed dreadfullv, and
some men ran to his aaniianee, but the vil.aina,
with cocked guns, ordered them to lie down and
witness thai they thia time did their work more
electualiv. Three of them held the unfortunate
wretch, while th fourth actually hacked hie head
off with a billhook. Thia occurred some time
previous to the murder 1 have mentioned above.
and ei plains the unusual pains they took to extin
guish lite.
Hennessey waa an industrious Canner.and rene-
rally esteemed, especially by hia landlord. Lord
llawarden, one ot the best and most indulgent
landlorde in the South of Ireland who (ably aecond
ed by hia agent Mr. John Stewart.) ia untiring in
hia efforts to benefit hi tenantry, and introduce
such a system of agriculture aa may conduae to
comfort and respectability.
Hoc k in Tkotu. Oil the Z7th tilt., I -apt. Moeee,
neof th Vice-Guardiane of the fhurles tuion,
received an atrocioua letter through the Post Of
fice, threatening the vie goardiana, Ui iospee-
lor, Mr. Labane, and the Collectors, with death,
and ed Tiling them la kave their coffine in readi-
nee if they atupuUJ attempt to enforce the collec
tion ot If. a poor rates.
Several fori enea on Jie Bank ot Ireland have
recently been discovered in Ireland. On of the
forrera waa arrested a few daya aioce in Limerick.
I- alher Maihew haa commenced a second cam
paign against intemperance; a wide field of action
,cesenu itself, if we may credit the accouau ia
various journala throughout the kingdom.
In the depth ot winter the tide of emigration
flow oa with as much vigor aa during any previ
ous apr.og or aumraer. The termer whe occupied
from ii to -oti acrea ar Dying irom Limerica,
Clare, and other ao other counties, taking with
them all they are able to reaiite, without, in moat
case, tioubliug themselves about the payment
ot rent e-rarreara to their landlords.
The following is the Piommme of the new
Roman Ministry;
"Ro, NOf. 15, 1343.
"Called to the miniatry in the midst of extraor
dinary eircumaitncee. at a time when a refusal
on ur part would have had the effect of placing
in certain pe.ii the conmituiionai ioiuioi govern
ment which i at present in force in our State, we
should be frightened with the gravity of affair
end ot the times, if w were not arporiea ry me
thought that our political programme is in preaent
harmony, not only wilh the farinciple proclaimed
by the people, but also witn ino wnicn, auer
ripe ditliberation. have been accepted by our
Chambers principles which will serve to regulate
all oar ictiouaaa long aa we remain in power.
Among these principles, there i one which haa
received, by a eolemn act, the wseut of the
rnnee; and as regard another, a promise nas neen
made that he would concert with the new minis
try, in order that analagoaa proposition should be ,
presented or the acceptance ot the deliberative
"The principle of the nationality of IUly, pro
claimed by our people and by the Chambers a
hundred iimea, and accepted by ua, hia been sanc
tioned without reserve by the Prince, at the lime,
when, wilh paternal teal, he recalled it to the re.
collect on of the Emperor of Austria, in bia letter
to that trince. tonmdering that, in order to gain
thia good, we muat think it indispenuibl to exe
cute the deliberations adopted by the Chamber of
Demit tee concerning uii independence ol IUly,
our firm resolution to put into practice tie de
liberations, is Doming euie nut a irans aunesiun w
the wilihes of the repreaenu jves of the people.
No one will doubt our fall ailhejion to the pro-
gramme of the 6th of June, which waa received
with no much enthusiasm ny me oeuoeraiuu
Chamber. Th convocation of a Constituent A
aemblv at Rome, and the drawing up of a ledere-
live ait, ar principles and maxima which we find
laid d:wn io the opinion exptesea oy our cuaui
bera. fur th convocation of a Diet at Rome, den.
lined lo discuss the general Interests of our coo
mon uountry.
"At the present day, when to this opinion, lo
that fundamental maxim, come to be joined the
assent of the Prince, who also wind to submit
u.ed.-imon of it to th Uhamoers: oi uie eover-
eivn a horn the whole of Italy haa saluted aa the
initiator ot her liberty ana inuepenuence, urn umu
heat it the idea of the proximity of th moment
when we are allowed to ope mat we snau ai
length sew the birth ot ihst federal compact, which,
resMicting the existence of the insolated slates,
and leaving inuct their from of government, will
aervn ta inaure the liberty, the union, and inde-
iwfldenr of lulv. -Thia work will be perfected.
. " ; ...V. t V. . .Inn. tf tfrknxm and V
Ul Ol.l OkJIUloll. nyruuiB K.u.1 v i.wi... -
venairated name of a Pontiff will have associated
in tie accomplishment of if.
"TV present onrselve with tots programme
befote the people and the Chambers. If the peo-
ole accord to ua their conndende.w wilt use all
our efforts to continue to deserve if. The Cham
ber are about to b called together, in order to
prove to us il they will accord to us their confi
denrte.and it ia permitted to na to hope that we
shall receive it, if their political principle eon-
Unite lo t, at ine present day, wnai uiey were in
times past, , "u b. J.auaaiu.1, rreeiaenu
"S. Gali etti,
'Pn;ti Stirbihi, '
' 4 . "J.l,tTU" -
The Pope having accepted the reiiignation of
rruice j. Aiaoorandioi, commanoaent oi in svivic
Guard of Rome, haa eDoointed. on Ibe propoel
lion of the Minister of the- Interior, Colonel Jo
seph ualtieno, in bia stead. Ouruif the loth.
Prince toapialioat. distributed bread, wine, and
cheese, to tie crowd, oa Utt Monte Cavsilo.
The now ministry has ordered all the arms of the
nwiss uuara anna raiace vi luewuttinai 10 oe re
moved. JJy order of the Pope, llie cshiI of SL
Ai.celo iu suaided by boldieri. of the line and Cue
i.tvic guard. A civil guard ktoUU of 1UUU ineu ia
io oe tiiuuvdialely eotablibbed, to act along with
the trooua who have leturned from VinceaiA.
The Argentino theatre ia to be Illuminated a ginr-
, in nonor ot ui new ministry.
It apueara that the report that the Pope had been
Obliged to quit hia capital waa false. The French
government has received the followin
"Civits Viccnia. Nov. 23.
"Rome is tranquil. The new ministry have pub
lished their programme, and assumed the direction
vi aiiaira. a
'M. Mainiani arrives at Rome this afieriioon.1
Thin telegraphic despatch waa commuuicated
to the Jour us 1 ilea Debau with th following note:
"It was thcongh au error that a journal announc
ed yeterday thai the Pope had been compelled to
quit Rome."
Our advice from Bom add nothing of intereM
to the ftiiloniLalioii already published. lh Pope
nail received his new ministers with much appa
remly good feeling. In tb deputlea, a pro positron
nail been made to aseure his Hot mean ot the hdeli
ly of that Chamber; but when put to the vote, it
u aa rejected a pretty clear piool that thedepu
ti'.-s are not very auxioua to iraurnue with tteir
aovereigu iu hia preseul critical ailuation.
1'he King of Prussia appear to have re-eatab-
nitied his authority, to a great extent, having aup
preaaed the incipient rebellion in Berlin, although
trie contest is still going on Detween the court nud
the Chamber. The tommy continues far lioiu
trauquilt however, and fresh disturbances may
lake pliue at no distant period.
Advices have been received troin Berlin, to th
evening of lhe2Slh ult., at which date tranquility
was perlectly maintained, and martial law was no
longer enforced with the same nor. At Brandeii
burg, the prtparalioiia for the session are being
pressed forward with the utmotit despatch. The
chancel of the Dom (the cathedral) ia being fit
ted up with ihe seals, Vc, brought from Berlin,
and a numerous body of workmen are employed
in the build. tig.
AU attenriiiU to effect an accommodation be
tween the Government and the Uiuiohitiou of
the Assembly have faileU. Un the 27th. the
day appointed for the convocation of the
National Assembly in Brandenburg, the faction
of the Assembly which obeyed the summons of
the King to Brandcuburg commenced its silting
at ill a.m. Uue lact is all important there
was not a sufficient number present to form a
"house," so the members were obi ired toad
journ, ailer Ministers had declared that a royal
message would lie published in a day or two.
This message w ill probably announce the disso
lution of the National Assembly, which is noV
not only at jure but dt furto in Berlin.
The neooud battalion of the 4ih regiment of
the landwrhr (militia) have formally declared.
that although they have taken up arms in obe
dience to the rail made upon them, and excl an
ged the dress of citizens for that of soldiers, they
will not act acainst their brethren, for they (the
membeis of Uie above battallion) are convinced
tfial the representatives in Berlin, are dofending
the 84i c red rights of the people.
G.igern, the highly respected President of the
Frankfort Assembly, haa pioceeded auddenly to
Berlin; and conjecture ia all alive to imagine the
cause of his sudden journey at thia juncture. He
has declared thai he only wishes to aee, wilh hia
own eyee, what is passing at Berlin.
A strong military reinforcement has been aenl lo
Breelau, where tumults have happened, though no
blood seems to have been shed.
At Dusseldorf. where some outbreaks had oc
curred, and which, at lat accounts, was in itate
of ier, the burgher guard were forcibly disarmed.
Slight conflicts took place in aome instance, and
wounds were given and received. The officers of
the burgher guard persisted in making a passive
resistance lo surrendering up their arms, so as to
give the authorities the trouble of collecting tl em.
They protested at the same time, against the ille
gality of declaring the city in a sute of siege, and
likewise made a protest against the conduct of
Spur el, the Government president. At ihe date ol
Die latest accounU, on the 24lh, tranquility had
not been seriously disturbed.
The PrtuMttckt Stoats Aztiger and the Mag
Jeburgtr Ztitung conuin accounts of serioua dis
turbances which took place at Krfurt, on the 24th
ulu The mob, and even a great part of the civic
guard, attempted to prevent the armament of two
conipaniea of landwrhr. It was found necensery
1 call out the troops garrisoned in Krfurt, and af
ter they had been iiv-ulted lor a considerable
time, and even attacked with stones and fite
anna, the Commandant and President of th Gov
ernment declared the town in a sUte ot siege. A
street fight then ensued 'between the troops and
Ui rioter, in which the lormer were very soon
victorious. A barricade which had beeu erected
waa taken by them, and a great maov houaes were
stormed, from which they had beeu fired at. The
losof the miliUry consisted of an dead and nine
wounded; what that of the other aide amounted
to i not known. On hundred and two of the
rebels, and among them th thief ringleader, were
Pie second sitting of the Prussian Chamber, at
Brandenburg, took place on th 28ih alU No leg
islative hueineea waa transacted. It wae agreed
th U the house should meet on th Hh and 3tkb.
On Ihe latter day M. Simons intended to move that
the ministers should summon all lh absent mem
here; aud in the event of iheir not appearing, that
the Government b empowered to call up their
aeveral aiibstilutes.
From tb Hw urteana t'resrant, 13th.
Ita avad laiarala.
Yoca-ran navaa GfaTmal.a Villain.
By the steamer Falcon arrived yesterday, we
have received Havana papera to the 8lh instant:
GialTMaLa. 'The Dmrit dt Lt Marina has
news fiom Guatemala, the dalea, however, not be
ing givim. A Mile flare-up between the French
Consul and the new government of Guatemala had
beeu amicably arranged, o far aa the Consul could
do it
The Brilieh Consul-General had also had a diffi
culty with the eame Government, but an apology
was made, with which, on the tflh of September,
the Coneul declared himself satisfied.
The difficulties in ihe department of Lo Altos
continue. Congress had refused lo recognise the
independence of the rebellious Sute, aud passed
str.iigeul resolutions to compel il to return to iu
fealty (if the resolutions could be enforced.) The
deputies from the Stsie ol Lo Alloa were required
to repair to the capitol and take their aeau in Uie
Assembly, within fifteen days of the promulgation
of the resolution. It they refused to comply they
were to be trested as traitor, and a Urge armed
force was to be sent smong ihe insurgents. But
this all effected nothing, and the Government was
compelled lo resort to arms. On theithotJOclober,
the Government troops overlook about '411 pf ihe
rebels in the vicinity of Xilotepeqne and routed
them, killing "W. The rebels fled in all directions.
On the 21st of October another battle occurred be
tween the insurgents an J the Government troops
under Gen. Mariano Paredea. After a firing '
half an hour, the rebels gave way aud fled, leaving
a general officer and other persons of distinction
dead upon the field. Congress, in order to pay lh
eipensea of the war, has imposed a forced loan of
"iU,0Ul; 547.UI0 on Guatemala, $8,UU) on Sacat
epeqtiei, f 1'2,UJ0 on Amalillan, and 3,UJJ on
The Heonblic of CosU Rica has joined the Cen
tral American Unioa, and will in future be called
Ihe Slate, instead ot the Republic of CosU Rica.
YucataM. Our new from vucstan is to ine
17th of November. We perceive that our volun
teers have already been engaged, and have gained
some laurels at leasU The Indians are preparing
to recommence hostilities vigorously by the aiege ol
Uie city of Tekax. Pat and Chi, the Indian leaders,
it ia rumored, have had a fight, which resulted i i the
discomfiture and flieht of the latter. The Indians
were Uking every means to impede the progress of
the whiten into the country, miming ana aesiroy
inc every town or position which they find them
selves unable to hold. News arrived at Campea
chyonlhe 1 1th that a fight had Uken place at the
town Of I icum, in wnicn in American Tumnieers
were conspicuous for their bravery and good con
duet. The enemy waa strongly fortified, having thrown
no entrenchments and otherwise strengthened his
position. The whites, numbering 600, were un
der command of Col. tTeu, who determined to
turn the flank of the enemy'a position, which
operation waa confided to the foreign volunteers,
WOO execuieu ll gauanuy. t ury cuaigcu upon me
Indiana, and were soon in possession of th en
trenchment. The enemy lost sixteen in killed,
besides a quantity of arms and ammunition.
Governor uaruacnano, in oraer to meet me ex
oenseaof Uie war. which are not covered by the
ordinary income of the Government, has continued
for three montiie from in 1st insu me extraordina
ry contribution, reducing the rate to 37l-'2cenU
on every iuo. in payment oi una ine articles
most needed by the Government will be Uken.
ViKirtim. In aoietin at r v. trio tiico, oi
the 'iilii of November, says thai Uie last news re
ceived from Veneiuela confirms the intelligence
of the entry of Paex'a troop into toe city of Mara
caibo, adding that Carabolo, Guira and Apure
have pronounced in tavoror mat cniei, out tney
cannot do much for want of resources. A passen
ger arrived from Laeuayra sars that th sute of
affairs in Venezuela ia lamenuble beyond Uesc.ip-
Uon, aurpassing all mat uie smaginauon can coo-
The Haai lr Jalirrmlau
A rentlemaa haa iaat retarned to New York
from Panama, lie went to Chagr, croaaed the
Ialhraae. but m eawlnr th linmena crowd
whose tarns, acconlinf to barber's shop law,
must com bafoi hi own, he returned 1st de
an air. Ha found upwards of two thousand per
son wait In r far a tfcer. It le computed that
thar ar six thousand there bow, all eafer for
a rhaac to reach San r ranclac. Oia. Atlmt
Von or Wisconsin The whole number of
votes cast in Wisconsin, oa the 7th of November,
was 37,721, or which Cass received 14,440, Taylor
13.096; Van Buren, 10,185. Cass plurality 1344.
THIRTIETH 0.RIWt--ea4 8eaata.
' ' WaeBMOTO'. Dec. 21,8 P.L
Mr. Atchison, of Mo., pieseutcd the credential
ol llou. Mr. Sebastian, Neualor elect trout the
Slate of Arkansas, and Mr. Sebaslisu hsvine taken
h oath prescribed by law, took his sest in the
senate. ' -
. Sundry petitions and memorials were presented
aiiii reierrea.
Mr. Biiggs submitted a resolution which was
considered by unammoua eonaenl, and arreed to
ca'.ling for the correspondence with the urenadian
Mr. Clarke also submitted a resolution by unan
imous consent, calling lorall treatiea concerning
our commerce upon ine seas.
1 he Senate paased a f private bills and then
The standing conmuieea were called in order by
me opeaaei lui irpoiis.
Mr. Viiilon. of committee of wava ami man
called np the resolution making appropriations for
ine year laou.
a resolution was presented sna read by unani
nous consent, noon the expediency cf retraced
iug vacant grounds in the District of Columbia, to
the Slate of Maryland.
Mr. Bolt's resolution asking what has been done
with the proceeds ol ealeeol arms and amumunn
Mr. McClelland presented a resolution granting
public lands to acinal sealers, upon their paying
lust ui surveying; lata upon in UDie.
WasHiiioTO!,Dec.Z2, 1848.
Mr. Douglass intiodaced resolution, which
was adopted, instructing ibe Committee on the
District of Columbia lo inquire into the expedi
eucy of relroceding to the Stale of Maryland all ol
llie Uistnct not occupied by Uie public groundt
ana purine oiiiiuii.gs.
Mr. Clark introduced a resolution, instructing
the Coiiimiiiee on Foreign Affairs to inquire and
report what ulleiatiouM, .f any, are necessary in
iiur consular system in the Tuikish and Chinese
hinpires, sud whether any of our Consuls, or the
hoimea with which they are connected, are en
raged iu any trade, ia violation of the laws ol
Ihoie Kmpiree, Adopted.
Mr. Johnson, ol Louisiana, introduced a bill,
graining lo Uie Slste ol Louisiana acrea ol
the public lauds for purposes of internal improve.
menu He staled thai Ihe amount had been left
blank, but the object waa to grant the same
sii.ount which had been (ranted lo Ohio. Indiana.
e., for similar objects about halt a million of
acres. I The bill was twic read and relerred
to ihe comm. ties on public lands.
Mr. Hen ton. at his own reuuest. was exensed
from further aerving as chairman of the military
committee, though he continues to act as a me n
berofiu On motion of .Mr. Dix, Mr. Jvff'erson
Davis, the next member iu order in the commit
tee, waa appointed chairman.
Ou motion, it was ordered that when the Senate
adjourn it adjourn In Tuesday next.
Mr. Down rose and remaiked that the Senate
had set aside Thursday of each week for the con
sideration of private bills; but on the Thursday fol
lowing the day on which the resolution was adopt
ed, noue of these bills had been considered, in
consequence of an adjournment over to Monday.
na inereiore moved mat me .senate now proceed
ia lh consideration ct bills on lh private calen
dar, w hich was agreed to, and several were taken
up, but none finally disposed ot.
on motion, th senate proceeded to the cons d-
eretion of Ihe special order being the bill provi
ding for the draining of the Everglades in Florida.
It w as again inlonnally pased over.
nr. Keveidy Johnson submitted s resolution.
which lies oa lit Uble, calling on the President
lo communicate s despatch to the Secretary f
State, dated Berlin, Dec. ITUi, 1343, relaUv to a
communication between the Atlantic and Pacific
oceana, together with any maps which may ac
company the same.
Alter some other unimportant business wss dis-
posedof, theSenst ent into executive session.
a . .. .! "
aim suuaequeuuy sojourned.
Mr. Tsllmadge presented a memorial from
George WilUen, of the city of New York, for the
construction of a National Railroad from the Mis-
ouri River to t he Pacific Ocean.
Mr. Rockwell, of Connecticut, moved that the
House go into committee of the whole, with a
view to lake up the private calender.
.Mr. lout. ot Ueorcia. hoped not. but that thev
would first dispose of ihe motion yesterday made
by Mr. Smart, to reconsider the vote by which
Mr. Got! s resuliilion, instructing the Committee
on Uie District ot Columbia, wss instructed to re
port a bill prohibiting the Slave Trade therein
was adopted.
In yea aud save were ordered on the motion
of Mr. Rockwell, and the House decided lo go in
to Committee, ". to d Mr. McCelland In the
A large number of private bills were considered.
reported to the House, end psssed.
inep. tier isiu neiqe ine noitsea communi
cation from th Secretary of ihe Treasury, furnish,
iug statistics of coal, required by a resolution of
me nonse.
AIM, OIllllilllM f.. tlftO PMlntlM
General, with Uie Report of Mr. Hobble, called lor
in a resolution of the House, yesterday.
A report waa mad from the Committee on
Printing , in reterefiee to certain books printed bv
order, of Congress, and authorized, si the last ses
sion, to be delivered to member, a portion of
which, the Clerk of lh House staled, are not
uow in the possession of Congret.
Ihe report concluded wits resolution suthori-
aing the Cleik lo tturrhsse these books of the
booksellers. A spuited debate ensued, and the
resolution waa adopted. Amotion to reconsid
er waa laid on the uble, and then the Hanae ad
W AsaixoToir, Dec, 26.
The Senate was called to order at the nsusl
Mr. Atchison presented the credentisls of Messrs
Dodge snd Jones, sinetor elect from Iowa. They
drew lots, a to the choice of teims. Mr. Jones
drew the term for the six years, and Dodge the one
Mr. Fitch introduced a resolution which was
considered by unanimous consent. It related to
the practicability of reducing the price of Uie
mineral lands.
Mr. Underwood introduced a resolution, to en
quire into the expediency ot esublishing a board ot
commissioners to ascertain the quaiay and quan
tity of public lands io New Mexico, and what dis
position can be mad of the same, which waa re-
erred lo the committee on Public Lands.
Sundry privste bills were taken up and read
A message waa Tead from the President.
The Senate then went umo Executir session.
and adjourned.
1 here waa no session of the House to -cay.
Washington, December ?T.
The Vice President being sbsent, Mr. Atchison,
President pro tern, called law Senate to order at
Uie usual hour.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Slicer.
Sundry petitionn and memorials were presented
by Messrs. A lien ci Ohio, Benton, and Johnson, of
ueotgia, which were resd and referred lo the sev
eral committees.
Mt. Allen presented a memorial of the citizens
of Ohio, asking fm the reduction of postage.
Air. neoton presented a petition tor establishing
several land offices in Missouri. .
Several private bills were presented snd refer
The Senate proceeded to the consideration of
the bill providing for the purchase of Light Hou
ses to be established at the month of the Missis
sippi river, lt wss srgned in the affirmative by
Messrs. Johnson of La., Dowts, Clayton and Bell.
Messrs. Davis,' of Msssschusett, snd Brsdbnry
opposed the passage of the bill, which waa finally
laid aside.
Senate adjourned.
After the usual preliminaries of the momingbn-
siness, the speaker announced as first business
in order, the re-consideration of the vote by which
Bolts' resolution passed, providing for the prohi
bition of the slsv trsde in the District of Colum
bia. v
Mr. Stewart of Michigan aaid he waa opposed to
the abolition of slavery in the District without Ihe
consent of the people, and deaired that the resolu
tion should be emended.
A motion was made lo lay the resolution on the
table, which waa negatived.
Mr. Benton moved that Uie further confedera
tion of the resolutions be postponed lor two weeks.
Mr. Sawyer rose to a privilege qneetion which
related to an article published ia the New York
Tribune respecting the mileage received by mem
bera. He remarked that h thought hia honeaty
had been attacked.
Mr. Turner also spoke censuring Mr Greely very
severely for having written the article. He offer
ed a resolution instructing the mileeg committee
to report to the House whether any member had
received any excess of mileage, and whether the
article referred to in th N.York Tribun amount.
ed to an allegation of fraud, and if it did, aaid com
mi i lee were empowered to send for persona and
A motion to lay the resolntion on the Uble waa
Mr. Greely explained and admitted that he wrote
the arUcle in question. He waa interrupted and
interrogated by different members.
The question wss eajled on the resolution, and
it waa adopted. ' '
The House then adjourned.
la Caieltrw.
The New Orleans Bulletin ef th 14th con
taius a letter written to th Editor ef that p.
per, by Dr. luxe, detailing sow of hia vbeer
veUoneuf th dis in L'arvpc, together with
sag geetloa aa to lh court he inlaws ought to
be pursued wherever It make Its appearaace
v a take th subjoined Interesting itre from
th letter- .
During a sojourn of several years ia th soth
of Europe, for th benefit of my health . I found
myself, wilh my family, la the city ef Ge atta
in Ihe an miner of 1835, upon th appearance of
in cnoiera in mat city, wher we remaiaed aa
ill in diaesM had almost If not entirely disap
peared. Having paeeed a weak la tk principal
hoPtl upon the appearance ef the cholera la
'32, and having daily vUited th hoepiul ap-
iiiuiimii iorn cnoisra paueau ia rhiladai
phia, beside attending lo my privet patient,
f could nol. a an American physician, remain
an id! apecUtor of th ravage of tb disc as
a witnessed at every hour of th day. I visit
ed daily the largeal hoapiul in Genoa, aad, al
inaorii a stranger, waa rqnetd to riv ni
opinion about th disease tba xietiag aad
epreediafc. Ueving complied with tk request, I
looa occssion to otter a few remarks aa to tk
possibility of preventing or moderaUaf th ef-
recta or the diaeae, upon th larg body of
troop at that time quartered la tk city, aad
numbering, officer and men, not far ehert ef
It is unnecessary to advert to thaeanaea hieh
Induced th proper authoritie to act oat to the
ituer tne aavtce gtveu; auftice it te say, such
waa me laci, ana in result moet graUfyiar .
HaviueT. when In New York. i Pkii
adelphla, during th exisUnc of th cholera,
decided aa to th propriety of abasdaala. ih.
.... f ii . ..
sua every rruii ana veealmhla. !
confining myself and those with whom I hmA
any influence, to a healthy and eu rodent diet of
rice, stale-bread, tb uaual meata, with few ex
cepuone, and water, with or witbeat a little
win, aa might b desired. I adopted tk same
cuunmiu v.enoe, ana witn th earn happy ef-
A namber of Americana and Enrliahman ai
that time In Genoa, adopted th earn him
oi living, and ia every iaatanc with eqaal ad
The principal measure recommend! tn iK.
large body or miliUry, were
1st. The abaolute axcluaioa of vegeUblee and
The use f th
best quality of fresh
Tk beat bread a tale preferable.
Ae all were accustomed to th dalle uu
of win of a ry ordinary characUr, that of a
oetur quality to b aabatitated.
5th. To substitute th winter anifarm
of th light dreeelhen wora.
but. To hav ao more parades than war ah.
eolutely aeceseary.
It le possible I might have auresated other
measures, but not having a copy of tk letter
eonUialng them, I only notice tko considered
f primary ImporUnc, and whic,h war doubt
less mainly instrumental ia effectine th maaA
deaired and accomplished.
In conclusion, it ia only necessary to remark.
that th abov rule were rlridlv enforced, mn.
der military dieclpline, aarticalarlv aa to diet
and clothing; th Governor not oaly setting tk
example, but iaaaing tk strictest order for tkelr
observance by lh troop, aad before we left th
city, which was not unUl lh disease had ceased,
I had th aatiafactioa of beinr informed, that.
hila amenr th inhabiUnU wh Daraaad thai.
uaaal course and habiU.th mortality waa enor
mous, amounting oa some days, to 400 and 5U0,
and ia th aggregate, to 8 or 10,1)00. ia tha
course of eevea weeke, the health of tk troop
continued good, and I learned from tke Govern
or that the whole number ef deathe among them
did not exceed fifty.
Ae regarde th possibility of preveatine th
pproack of thia disease by any svsUm of na.
rantine, the evidence of th inutility of it ia
tho countries where immediate death waa the
consequence of is Infringement of th qaaraa-
. , j. i ... .
une laws, auoraa eamcieni anawer.
By observing the system of diet abv recom
mended, in conjunction with warm clothing,
avoiding undueexposu re ia wet andchilly weath
er, aad, upon the first appearance of any of tk
premonitory or other symptom, gelag to bed,
aad sending for a pbyakwa previously to aaiag
say remediea whatever, I feel a perfect esearance
that lh dieeas will b disarmed of more thaa
half of iu danger.
Keaoectfully yoara, etc.,
From the Shelby Sews.
Some of tk cUizeae of Fayette and Madieoa
coaaliea, hav "caused U be made." aad pre-
.-J a . 1-. ft t r- . .
apuieu iii ftapt. ft assies .. v-lav, aa aiegaut
terdaMaa token of their aincere regard aad
edeniretioa." Th commit! charged with tli
duty of precaution, y i their commaaica-
lioa lo Capt Clay: "Your fellow-citiseae, who
obeerved you, aivtnr up th comfort of a
pleasant horn, and eacoaataring th dangers
incident to a campaira ia Mexico, eoacaiv
that ia your short service, specially mfttr tht
coaifxati at Emcmrnmciin, whea oa of th
prisoners escaped from the Mexican fuard. vou
dieplayad com rug t aad tlf-ptUn ia th
midet of eaddea aad uppmlhug dtngtr, which il-
luatrat tk higheel qaaliliea of th sJUrr aad
th eoldier. I)iearmd, ae yoa were, your
frmt9 and tagacilt, prevented th eacrif.ee of
th gallant but aafortanat litu band. Such
qaalitie oa a broader field might have rendered
yoa more conspicuous bfor th nation: bat
woald present no freer teet of tk inlrintie a4r-
it of th soldier."
Tb Committee wished to prnt tk sword
publicly, but tb Captain declined it, for reason
satisfactory to himeelf. They "then srllrssnsrl
note to Capt. Clay to know at what time it
would b convenient for him to receive tk
sword at kis owa residence; to wkick aot k
replied that he would be pleased to eee tk com
mittee, and euch other fnende aa might b ia
cliaed to be n recent, oa Friday veaina. Nov.
turn. Accoroiagiy, oa mat evening the com
mute, ia company with a number of other sea-
tlemen, repaired to Capt. Clay 'a residence la the
country, and finding him at horn, war cordial
ly received. Dr. A. J. Burnam, one of trie
committee, afur addreeeiag a few kandaom aad
appropriate remarks, referring to tk corres
pondence touching tk occasion, kaaded tk
elegant sword to Cspt. Clay. It waa received
with modest simplicity by tk CapUia. wko de
clared that he felt hie poor services hsd aot star-
tied ao rich a eomplimaat, aad oa wkick wai
rarely tendered for any service, except distia
guiahed conduct on th batUe-fiiild, remarkiae;
that h would not hav accepted th sword, did
be aot feel thaSahia conduct oa th occaaioa es
pecially alluded to, waa now fatly vindicated
from the malign asperaiona of some of the
who were associated with him. The company
were than Invited to parUk of a noet eaperb
and tasty collation, prepared with exquisite
taste by rar. Clay. After enjoying it abund
antly with fine cheer, tke company dispersed."
Hie fellow-citizen kave reflected keaor poa
themselvee by thia act of simple justice tea
bra v aad gallant man, who, lath hour f pnl.
when al heart were afck at the proepect of a
violent death, stood ap in the might of hie
greatness, and delivered them. It waa a display
of the loftiest heroism, aad ckallenrea the ad-
mlratioa of the world. May be loag live to en
joy the gratitude ot hia generoas fnende; aad
may that sword never be aaaheathed except ia
a cause wher virtue weavee the wreath for the
brow of the living, and kallows tke grave of tke
dead. B.
Awfwl Traly.
A citisea of Cleveland, named David John
son, ia tke employ of llilliard V Smith, buying
cattle, put ap ia a tavera la Maria, Mercer
county, ia thia Mate, where ke intended to
maks his headquarter for a time, aad explained
to the landlord bia buainese. Ihe next day ke
went oat to bay cattle, aad the landlord, know
lag he had a large aura of money about him,
encountered and shot him In a by-place, about
twelve milea from hia tavern, drag-red kis body
for some distance from In road, aad covered it
ith bruekweod. Jokasoa feif aed deatk, a a til
tke landlord kad left, wkea keariag a team paea,
ke called aad requested tke teamater to pat him
ia hiawaron, aad drive to a uvsra as fast as
poeaibl. Th teamater drove him I tk tavera
where ke kad put up. Oaarrivlag, tke landlord
earn oat, aad Jokaaoa, raielar kia head, aaid
"That ia tke man who ahot me, be baa a,UUU of
my money," aad la tea mlaate alter, expired.
Tke landlord, overwkslmed at tk avidenca ef
hi cailUarav himself up, eoafssesd thamarder,
and ia now in jail. Surely truth U stranger than
bctioa. Cia. Cess,
We leara from tke Rarmead Gazettatkatn
meat lag of tk cltixeaa f CUaUa aad vkeialty
wae held on tke tk Inst, for the purpose el con.
aldering tke propriety of eetabliakias; a ctta
factory in tkat place. Two commlttete see
to draw ap tka piaa for carry taa lata Isamadi-
ate effect tke object ef themeetiag, aad aa other
to obtain atetiatical laiormatioa were appoiat
d, aad th meatiag adjoaraed to meet on tk
mfuti. nhig,tM. in.
KKMaRKS We have out Li: 1 1 to say in rcgaul Iu the
kUL Taa 2.ai. kMMMcol the curb dull, train
.ft.M,WUteiMaUftttalMiiliftU,a. Ike stuvktM all av
KiipOiMaiN Groceries se ais tie, and ptivea casttuwe
--azures, lit rTour aad Grain aiaikel is arsa.iai
ina aaiaeor the recetpts. Tfc Pro
" nut BMst smmated Smirk of our kusi.
seiiasl preseat, aad tke q.tsMky a hot killed seal pork
k av.4 - a a. , '
' " awally Urga. pjkes see
coustderafaly aUmuUtrd, and have See steadily edr..
.a awiai iae weea.
it k izd l e - ftj.ftfe ....
"uri-.iiui dtill aad attWt. Wi
ar aa a saia astsre vet lH 6W pircea W((ia( aJ 30 cjl,
at w ana TC, oa alv satMlaa tliw, a4dlu ltr
taw agai samel tic aadT. The receipt is.
sees iJu Ul 9H pictrs aad 9lwuts. Ike li...,.
umiuc ine wees were 74 piects aad 690 cut u Tke
uxss e baad sre 3.761 pieees aa.1 11 iot!
lYiOn a a est H.
"""""i etc. e Quou reisi. se r uui.
Coiege boas the asaauiaitorr U aic: sties of oiled aad
tarred Lordafe. at 10c per lb. Calcs of Biimc U:m
. tum ai iiAivj ixou notes; sackiu Twine we cuou
COR.XMB AL We quote by the bushel al 4ua4oc: at
the mills fur tula-dried l Js pet bhi.
f-Uf f OX AMD COTTOS TARXSv-Tae desaasd I,-
eouoa u hauted. Sarly ia ta week w heard ol a aiia
of 42 batesto go loCiritauienu51c,oa snort eredit. Out
quotanoas tor ordinary lo lair quAuues are l.c. TSc
tacelpls Uua week ars 906 bates. Cottoa betnae, we quott
al Cottoa yarna are m fair demand, aad w quote
sales al 61.61 and 7e lor the dtik-ree! aumbers. ta loG
retail sales to the csuatry at a, 7 sad Sc.
ro.41, AJf D WOOD The supply ot Putsburxh Coal
though But a UiaUa ut Is quit fair. We qoote by the
quaauly U atOr, reuil sales at 19a1c. Sates of VVaetl
ia sad Pomeroy Coal st Ukta. Hales of rooJ Wood
(ruen waeoas al sores caariae from Si au b. fin..
FLOUR A.XD CR AlX.-Owiag Iu light recruits FUmr
a lit lie firmer. Tb 'recetuts are 5CI barrel
W quose sale la lots from stores at Hall in: te-
sales si $1 ?. far fair bread, sad it So fur
UmUy braaJs. Sales trf eooil Wheat at TOt- sales d
sew Cor st Ibe river frees flatboals el ThZk-saasa
from aeons at 2U2. Kales trf eU ( or (rum stores
st a. Sales el rood blight Oats from the rouatry al
ttiaaic; sales froea sturea is asrks st ZlaS'ir. .
GROCERIK3. KuavbeaareeouJaad MkesiutoiM.
The receipts this week ars 1 kads aug ar, 979 boat of
luohuses. aad 1,013 ban " coffee. We quote the sales
suear Iieht U talje, at wboieaale, aud i Jc by tlw hbi. We
quote Iu, clsrined sad refined Suesrs al Tlit.lc lur the
Itffetf at aumbers and uaiMee. Havana !ugar hs bases
we qjote at Ga.At. Rut coffee is soteewhat firmer this
wee. At the Raster ad Huulhera markets price
have stiffeaed up. sad are better here. We bear trf ai
of 973 baet ia lots at 616e: also tight sales at S1a7c. u
pre quality, nantathw Molasses U a iMtle slirtVr. W
kasr of sales of 175 barrels at 20 ccata. Susarhotoe
MuUases are quote al "Ki.13 ceeta, accordiaf lo qua!
ity. Cbeeae as ia fair demand. We quote sales ia
kits st 6,a7e. Receipts tins week 121 boxes. R,ce et
ia fair demand for retail sales; the stork is lirht. We
quote sales at tAuc.
PROVISIONS A5D LARD. The market tor these
articles is s good deal stiaoolated aad holders appear quit
firm al advanced rates. We kara from riacituiati thai
prices have materially advanced there, and Sales of Ilozs
tffMtrjst$3&. f3S7 andllset. w sear of a aale
of AUblMs Btess Pork at StO.cssh. We hear of sales of
several lots Hogs at $.1103 30. aad a sale of W bead at
U 30at. There ie cottsitWiaMe duiBg ia Lard, aad w
of sales of about tOOO bb-prkes aot made publ. We
also hear of a aale of 300 bbts aaaes Pork at $10 60 per
bbl; sad heavy sales of bulk Bteat.out of salt, 3,c
(or Shouklera, J ac tue Hun. Several aalea ef prias
Lard ia bois have bees mad st CfU. We beard of a sale
veslerday of liXO bols aaeas Pork to aa lUai.-ra buyer at
10 2o. Lijtit aales of Lard have been Made at ft, Ci and
CyC Sales of couulry lard t316c. The slupmeau ol
Peek aad Lard are heavy.
TOBACCO The aolu.'ayi together with the wet wea.
her aad bad reads, haa tatonarly lessened the the rr.
cei4s of Toheceo. Prtres, however, are well aiaiouiued.
Th sales at Todd's warehouse Uus week ha ve aaMMiated
to SI bads at th (ollowiag rates: firsts 1J3 7jao 45, s.
coad $3 96a3 75; commoa.$2 9o2 XV. A sale of wet
Tocwccoat 3a.
WHISKY The receipts through the week have bee
tt;ht, aad the salesat the leeee Thuisdar Ut of TSbM al
fCj sales Saluiuay of im bM at KJ17fc. Kle ye
terday aadtoday of llCbUn at Ujc. Tue lecriprs tnia
"k are io2 W1. We quote from stores for reclined at
Milto Stkvimo, George town, Ky.
amc &. Kamsi, Traveling Agent forky.
. M. McKia. 31, N. Fifth st.. Philadelphia.
Jostrai Fisnib, Cheater, Vt.
HaCKNCa &. Csirr. Lafaystte. Is.
oalbwin, itethaay. a.
CI to. Scaaaoaot'OH, Oweaaboro, Ky.
C. C. EvtsTS, Utica. N. Y.
M. Dawiv, A read Hall. Rochester. N. '
Hembv CHAnHlCaaaadairaa.N. Y.
Baowa 4. WiixiAaaos, Commercial Beddings,
superior si., c Mvviaao, unio.
D. NtBDHAW, 12, Exchaag at , Bulfalo, N. Y
it. oa Sclav, KUsMllvUle. Ky.
Rev. Hoorta Cstws. Moaat Morris, Illiaei.
Hoa. A. W. GaaaAjt, Boliagra. Ky.
Wat. Gabnitt. Glasaow. Kv.
II. BAasair, Lexington. Kentackv.
J. B. RtTsuix. Gazette OrEca, CiaciaaaU, O.
Whiti at Porria, la Stet street, Boston.
Elias Surra, 14i Naesaa street. New York.
II. CoisatiT, Smitklaad, Ky.
'I SHE Women of the Bible 19 eocrarto?
Leaflets of Memory tor 131 "
lumcrous enjr-
The Oesa ol Ue Seasoo 2) fine steel enrrsTings;
is noosot ream lor 19 lie aj "
The Snowtlakei
The Chnstiaa Keepsake;
The Ruby;
Tb Lady's A anal;
Ta A mem aa Uailery of Artj
Scene ia Ue Life ol out 5aior;
The Aposilcs;
Ibe rrnpne;
Th Uluauinated Gems of 5cred Poetry;
Th Genis of Beauty;
Th Book of Beauty;
The Keepsake;
The Herousee of Shakapeare;
The Lays 01 the Westers Wort J;
Fneevisaip's Onerutg;
Tae Gariand;
The Anaraath.
Tb above, together whb a splendid assort rnewt of
ragiuaaaa tnm.m nuuoaary. aaj raacy arucies, wit
the Hoauers, may he louad at the aw- euo
star ot
Mo V. 93 If 4 Mat Mreet-
TsLAMR MlM'FAlTt HEKS, laaporlars aed DeaL
I era la Hardware, Cutlery sad Mecbaaic's Touts ef
eirerr ilescnntioa, wSnlaaals aad ratau. . ai. law
St.. Mga ol th Big ruae. lec is -11
,gW Pt l.'SU FORTS WAL40.
W. C. PFTKr? dr CO . WT. Mata Sf.
hav lately fitted up aa eteejaat Punts
Forte Saline) lur is Better acrumiaoaa-
Uom af Ibair caasowiers aad lh bener
display of those surivsled Pieao Fortes, made Sy A. H.
I, ale ai l ev. aad .-suna 1 larB.
W. C. P. 4k Co.. hav katcHy purchased fifty f th
above taslniaseata at prices lullaper rent luwsrthaa
aay prevteaa laTUKt, aad which they aowuejarae a tar
respoaJiag reSttctioa uattl Chrirtiaa day. Pram peearnt
iaditatioaw.Uie aiaaarartuTers wiU raise tb pnres ul Pl-
sao Fortes est talaaf Jaaaary aesU A w tatead-s
close out our present stcek befur th ew Veer, per-
sons desirous i parraaatag Cheaper naatoa uaa aay
keretorore onered, ere lamed to-ciu urn ataav a sctes
uaa at pace.
IS. H. Wasted to sure base, sit rood secaad -baad Pt-
saoa. fur which s fair phrc will be gives, at exchange for
Mala Street, aext dour to Beak of Louwvule.
dee is tr
ajmhuh KentHtkian; &1 .w nd EmnmtUt
Journal will fitmt ton.
Aad Dealers la
HABSwaaa amo ctrrtxay.
Sim of the Bis Plane. S3. Third Street, sear Maw
LiMtuiville, Ky.
liec . ly.
hart, r..::iTe::.'3Y & co.,
It. 118. Cbaaaal mreeS-P HILADILf HIA
Maaafaclurereaad las porters of Paper Haagiags.
Hav always lor sal a awe stock ef P A PERS. ef every
variety aaaaulactured, wbicfi ttey will sen wButraaw
retail at the kawaas rates.
Sept. atb, lta tt.
RRUKVIRO that a well appahttad Balk Hoamia
liatrttbs wiU be eeuvesalwllv aasasised bv ibe
pabit, 1 gisptsa the Bttiag up sf Net sa estshlisa-
la aeda l aeeaeahllsb tkm. ttkyascmssrr feraiet
wxaiaiwa aaadrad aad fifty eabsatUame. Isiev
dav aaa tae task af aallcloa , aad would r
awaetullveaa la aluaiiaaaf laecBiaaaa wtlatMkser,
The all Slue meat wiu twaiaia as asari owa aaa ww
fbelaMv ruraataed balk r aw 18 fee rewt wss, aad
farleduw aadwUlp very reaaata fee
liar as, CtU, SJumtr. War, aait, D ak.ead Srawi
The saUalaf wul belacted la aeewtaal psrtefibi
an, aad easBse far Isilaisa la the fall.
Tb leeaaa ef aahactipUoa are Tsa IX A,Laa fart
"Aaaivaac asyaMaa I raaird rm la eewr eab
eerthre,Lry will b at Hied I bathlag; awe a aek la
la ana I ha aot aathratad ia the rwfaiar we oa.
W mbscrlpiioa will be receivwd saiUfe baad red aad
fifty ssaiis are sscare. .
MaySaWf. Was). TOCNO.
Serofmlm r King" KtU, Shtvnati. Csfi-
-uie caiasesb Eruptions, rmptta, r V.
ffcase tht tat; BtMekt, Biltt, Chronic Sjt
f-vea. Ring Worm as Tttur. Scali Head, t
lar;emett and Pain 0 Me Bones and Joint,.
XrubdoT Vlctrs, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sc-otica,
or L.imboro: and DM03ti arising from iiu
dtftout hat 0 Mfrcurw, Acititeaor D"rpy, Lr
pvuit tr impridthct in he; a, Ci'eiie
Comtitutionat Disorders Ac.
fuiH Medicas baa acquired s very extended sad e-
tM..a. reputetioa wherever U has Waa seed, baaed
ea'Urly oatts owa struts, which Hi sapertor efficacy has
Atuastistaiaed. The italotliaaie xum 4 hcraauari
Jiea'e, wuh swoura rUaJ-i. coittrscted stuess. aad
aoae balfcaiKMs. has bees restored to be alt aad rteor.
rhe scroluitMM patieat. covered wuh aker.loUsun
io htmseU sad has site adaatt, has beeaaiade whua.
Hoedreda ef persoas, wh kad groeaed hope Irs. ly for
fears uadarculaaeoas aad ehiadidar duf den. chroaic
aeantatism, aad ataay atltercuiupiauilssria;iag from
aderaareatealuf the secretive oreaas sad the cut ula
Uua, have brea rebed as a vera Uum the rasa f Ui
avl mum, with reeeaerated cttastduttuaa, gladly lei
uf totl etTieacy of this utestianaal prepaialuMS. Tk
testiasoey of thus who base beeu cured by Us use.wrth
their reskleaces, has bea pubashed frua tianetutiate;
ABdwereMdeiavahte.aatasaaf tk most eeerwaVlatittg
testiHtoay cetud b brought iorwai.l, proviae atust coa-
cluaieeli hs uwetunahla value. Tm a Stated, aad those
wku have aot used this cmum iae, are tavited to aseke a
trial of its sirtues. sad sppropruU to theasselves tha
heaelits watch a aloae cam bestow.
The atteattua of the reader 1 caned to th fuuowiac
astuBtahingCiwe. eflected by the use of 4aad Sarsspa
Tlus :a toreiuty that I rura a color.! .k...
beea aMtcted har ine last te reara waa icrol.Ua.aadali
the reaiedies I uaed had so erf ret as an est uie th aerv
greaa f th rotr.alaint; aa lh caatrary . aa rnawt.aili
crew won; aad alter expeadias hetweea w...t.
eighty liaila ra with phyaeiaas, bsatdaw aatag uther avpu
lar reu.edies without succesa. ull the Ueae aad eaiea
awajr trie cartilage of her aoae. made rts anpearaace ua
variotie pan ui her body, aad had BbiHt rikn,...i ...
ravages ia the ruuf of her fcMMith.
le lh dreadful sueetuta. wit tha branact af aeth
atanag her mb the race, 1 stated her caae la Dr. lim....
th ages lor Bauds' SarsaiiariUa. -.m ewheia. M. b,
ahdta 1 was advised to use that article; sod to aay n
priNa and that of my atelghhora. t a Soot hereaas was
Itauwa. after aatrtg four and a half bottles w r..i.r.
l to perfect beaiU.aad that m the space ui three weeks,
aad Wa abut to work ia two weeks Irom the time she
cotarueBCed taking u.
la w taeaa ol tha truth of this statemaat. 1 ha hara.
uatoafrixed ny lime, this ls dayot Sent., 1I7.
r k JOSkPH MrCOTTEat. J. P.
Mou h of eus Riear. Cratca I U-, 5.
This rure wu cfTerted ia July, fcHI ; there hav beea
aosva.ptouis af a retura, aad Her he alts stui coatiaues
food. July, lle.
Saw Yeas. July 2Z, 1SH,
Mesua. Samu. GehUeinea I c-jBStder rtewl aaarr
4f justice to you to Mile tie aDllowingiacta la reiereac
to lite great brae hi 1 have received ia th tun of aa
iUiuidHMiiou t Leva oa my breast.
wtateil eighteaaaioatha by a irewlaraa I sa.l'ul
physM tea, aauved by lh adsic asd cauaaei ot oa ut
our bum able aad ecperieaeed suigeuas, wiinout the
ol beseat whatever. Alt the vartuus aMtamla as treat
iug caacer were resorted to; fur h re weess ia irrrat.i
aiy breast wsa buraed with caustic twee time a day, aad
for ax U was daily svnaged with a weak sotuttua at aitric
arid, sad la cavity or utleraal ulcer was sa large thai il
wu vvtr tseasce u nuiims. Th Ooctar pruaeil
tl. ulcer aud eiaaiiaed the aad said tha die, ana
wasalvauciug rapklly to th luac. aad if 1 aad But ai
speedy re lie I by nurdicia or by aa operslioe, th result
would be fatal. 1 waa auvaked to aav lh breaat laid
ope aud the oaeseimtal;bit fadug ao rebel Iiimu
waai a 1 teea auaa.aaa leetiag 1 was raptdly galling
worse, I aliaost dcwosircd of recovery, aad coiUetaq
ay raa aearly hoaalesa.
euif vartoua lestimoaiata aad cernncates ef cure hi
ha at HJ' SartaaanU. la caesinwlar to mt .
I .'ft. err a law t.U, ai-wraAe whtta wai
used, but. from the loag. deep sealed character ul ata
a, produced a eery deuuedcaeage. t'osuadeilu
Uua aa the M.1 probable ear tut aiy case, I persevered
uaid the dueasc waaeanrely cured. Il m aaw seat ei
ea aioatha stace th cure waa complete ; I hate ataol th
snglteal appearance ut a retura. I htttrnt prmm. t
UA-lf , aad f curt rnnrrtf rjflti bv SaNOV !la
trtiait.ul set Miiiw nuiciw il en lui A..-
t hr RHte kji a-i il, aur Sore J kiAra awa nmr.
fWaae excaa Uus luaut ttefetTed ackauaWtlaaaax.
wh. h I thtch U ssv dutv ui umA. Vuui ealuaala Sana
partita eared at, with the Meawagof Ihvta PrvvideBrr.
ata aulauia else Cuwfcl; aad I keel aayseu aaosr kasuaa
otHMAtioas lo ruu. I caa say maav Uuiigs I casaot wnte.
aad 1 do aaust resaActiuliy aavw ssdies anctcd as 1 Mn
been, tu cut upoa aaa, aad I wul laltsiy ihcaa wily of the
truth as stated anove, aad ataay other tluags is reference
lo lace.
.t I. aiaLEB.aiSuihvaasT.
Thisexeeilcat comsouBd, whica as creating acb a uai.
venal latere! throughout tae ccfeaarv, has aiad its way
ucorulully into the favor of our citizees aad ta peopi
round av. We have read ag.ia aad agata of Ut etneacy
of tht tavaluabie eaedteiae d w caa call s wry pteasast
beverage at J icum but sot AMU raceaUy hav we had
aay paaiur prool w barb could asduc us to apeak fairly
of It. clut. lioea facta ia our poswsaa. w are sow
wed cohviared that, without aay CAccpuoa. a ta the s-
raT. rt-AASLSTisr, aad acrx eonipouBd ever onrred
to the pubuc, tor th cure 04 ail chroaic disease, rheu
matism aad scrotuia. aaa au impurities ot the mock), to
get her wua saaay ouwr conpiaiats.
It has so long beea remarket taatts are n oa ol "bo
trams Bad BOairum veaders.' that we baiily dare reenns
aw ad a valuatM diacavery us tae Medicai Scieac. lest
we jeopardise our reputatioa (or incredulity and ti iiut
eaey; autia thisiaansre we hewtase aot lo hazard uw re
mark wiuca w hsT made above. rioriyva Mrvtnm.
The following a aa extract from e letter received from
Mrs. Beraa. who had beea aoucted several year with
ixrofulous rukers. Dyspepsia. Ac, sad receatly aaa.'.
tcvaoa of the Uuroal aad cheat:
BiiLavssis. Vs.. Dee. U. i6.
Messrs. A. B. e D. Sinus:-Before I cotaavaared
rnatg your Sarsapsrula, my stuveriags were elaaost past
etptesaiua; at? laroaiwaeeoaiparieiy uareraiea. aau a
dieadlul cuugw,aa there were ueoiteaui wees togeih
rr thai I could aot pra abov s whisper; sad besides.
the utrtaaaataiiua Iruaa ai thruat evuradeJi lo eav head.
so that my beanag was very Btaca impaired. Altar ta
hiag la Sai pa Mies aaorl bate ail heaaa uuproved.
bm! ml hruat ta auw aeU; I aaa Ire Irowt cauga aadi
niitaesa ut the chest ss ever I was, and caa sear suite
lUauucllv. Sly taruat haaheeaweUaauul tare ainalas.
the cure of which haa area eBeetad eatueiy ay the use ai
yuan Sarsaaarula.
Xoufinead. a.ui.si tc iiu i.
Thai daasi aad alssasisg anectioa, watch haa swap
fiom lh stag al tun saaay. basa) at ta asttuceal a
exiaiawcy.aad ihe aaore ssguraua aad malar af of snaav
hdud. ha at ktagta aset tu haa aad aWMtw. aaa u
rfecta Ihs sveawas aew turn waai ay la pesserfwl
itLaiiewc at lair m to a cauu a air.
Wns. Patrtck. wooWrurder, waa attacked wna ftcaiart
lever, which wit her ib a areaulul state ; bar aody was
evvered with parachn ef ararm erupttoas: a huts nun
saenelhiBg aa a hue. aad at htaex iw awhes m aiaeae
ter, saau Ua apywaraace oa the huuldr, whtrb hroa
sad discharga aa ainauac vaciwute auaauiy as sw at
feastv mailer ; aad aetaOes this, a lax r uaaur i waa dis
tharged from the ears, af a very oMeaatv charaeter.-
AlaaostdespsiriBg at ver stopptag in amaarg, inrv
mad trial of S AMIS' BARM A PA KILL A. whit e1. t
ed a couiptete care, the child hevasg tokea aaty bm
Ue. For th a Befit f those suifrnag tram th baaeful
effect of this hombi disease. Mr. Patnekwulb ptea
sad t aaform aay persoa aa to th correctaaaa al uus
stateaat. U they caa at hat i-oeuc ia ttxmn sxrwei.
mar Fawa street aai.'t Mere aus.
Ta(oUowuig vestimoial to th value af th Sarsapa-
riua. as from tk Rev. Luther Wright, aged Tt years.
CsfataoeaU Miauter, reaunag at Woasu-a:
Woacas. Maak, .March JUS, Itete.
Ilewtra. Stsos: Gealleeae Frora what I hav ex as.
rieaced. ead from the aformaOoa I as recewtlv leceiv
dlremisaaiMral atmasot high ratpettaliuily. who
kave used your SarsaparUla. 1 ha aot th k douM
butthat Hut asoat valaahas asedKiaa, sad that tae au
nieruua rertuwaMs yoa hav rsceiwad iu etMaacv ar
fully austaiaed by nrssissca. sad sltbough Ha reputa
iMa aad aouty ar eery lilttavt, aad staad ia aa aee
td mt humM effort I uacreaa Utein, I want aUwhoar
ajBtcaad by thee h become acajuaiated wath the seri-
Ctrvsad rowsaof year vamaota ssaincia.
I am. gwatieaMB. gratatiuiy aaa verv rwspeerruiiy yours,
Fwparrd aad sold, wholesale sad retail, by A. B. as D.
BAM Lk. Untuisls aad Chamuits, liw Kwitaa sc.. euewae
ef Walla at, ew York. Moid elm by DntfiiSts geBerhiiy
tBiwaghawt th I attest Mat aad th t ea ilea rrac si
per hoUle; six Huttirt for a.
iteceawar ia. 199 j y uw
. C. bUIbOIT,.
coLLBcroa aaa eBaBaat. aaaar.
Ltximgttm, Kg.
WILL stUaJ aromptry I ufvaaata esrtiwava a
hiia wiUactaa Aaat for Ucectiuaa. aaoaay
sad cioatag accuma.are. die. Charge uuMMraM.
Apnl t. km
xocjisviLUi. av.
Wt are are oared to awaawoactar vwry aia a ww.
B-, terms as (avuraht a aay other irtsslas
ttWWM. Tb pru-a of th pubM wsaaw
Ud. . . . -.. .-A vw.
WAirTeo. Cherry, w tinut. syceauw. '
r Luasher. trsrotv.
Aug. tf. t. m. m .

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