OCR Interpretation

The national forum. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1910-19??, July 30, 1910, Elks Edition, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015056/1910-07-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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i r
The he National Forum
Subscdption Subscr iption ILtes
OncYcar One Year 100
l I Six Months 60
Published Weekly
609 F Street N W Room 203
Editor and Proprietor proprlet r
Business Managor
Entered nt rcd as second SCCOfl I class cnsH mutter May
8711110 27 lIlI 111 nttliu lit thu iostii ftlco ut U nulling
ton D C under Act of ol Mitrch 3 3 i879
Address nil a ll communications checks
anil nd money orders to
The National Forum 1
609 F 11 Street N W
Washington D 0
The ixrtic artich l o ffere ffer d 1 li lIy y Rev Dr T
Milton 1iItozi Wa Va ldron dealing dea ling in the ma in wit with ri
the evils attendant attend a nt upon Urn tIi < mntlu method net1i
of living employe d dI I by b the Ne Ngl groes 8 in
sonic 80m measure and ant l that is rea l lly l
force forced d upon them tI in n another was wa tl tlm
keynote to the solving 80vingo solv ing ingo o f a great pro pr b
lem and should ho c clPSI losely lose l studie d fi fOJ
the benefit that might accrue thircfroi
There isno is 1I0 denying that we vi sadly ne lIeg
lect the tl1 essentials essen l llls lls k along this line cv eve even
in cases cuse where wherewc we ourselves ours ves could i rer rem rc
edy the evil It is not to be overloo ovcroo k k d
that there is quite a deal Ica l of religion i in
good w ho lesome soap 80apII a a liberal l applie
tion of o f water und the loo kinga king a fter I tl the
san itary ituryconditloii condition o f our domic t ile iJes il
Cleanliness CIClu ilin sB is next to Godliness Alai I
I how true but how ho little observe d l
The one question that has been bc n o on
every lip this tli i wee we ee k klins has been When Vh n is
Jac k Johnson n com ing Jac k did m 1I0t a
come but he did the two next bei b be t
things tli iugs He sent ellt his popular attorne I1ttorney a
HOII Frank rank Whea W1ieiton on a uidfor rid Jor fbr fear tha that tli
Wheaton W1i ton could not covcsr covr eov a ll the groin ground
lU Iioin4t t his 8 V Qto ip Ju C dnnl dnnll dnnll Inflh l l 1
seen seenJn in actioir licre herethrough lliirou g gbthe ii the me medIum nthdi diu i
I of fthefight the fight films film flhintthi lltnLiti 1 an d 1 it iWould Would be a a l t
tempted to be hema ma de d u Apleasant t1 Jlellsant for hii him hi
if ho came by cer tain c Cll8ses lasses we su sup
pose there is no law aw that can keep eep hi Ii his
picture out outo of o f the District at least
The booth o f The National Nn tiouul Forum
at the True Reformers Hall was vifiitei vi visit ited
by thousands tliu llsands of persons during the las Illst Ia
week and each ell h and lIuI I every ev everyone ry ryone one rece lec ive d
a welcome The Forum orum was vas glad glu l I to I
be bunbe able tocoo to coo perate w ith the loya loyal Io y
lodges lodg s in enterta entertaining ining the vis iting Elks
We WehllVe Ve have kept k IJt a faithful fll itbful list o f flame pllmes
in our regis ter and sha ll bo pleased t to
nuikl mail you a copy copyo o f the procee irocee dings upon
a request from you ou either be fore or afte
you leave ave for your homes Le Jet t the Fo I F o
rum fo llow you
The story runs runsreTates relates the Brook
tyn Eagle that once upon a time a re re
porter hurried into a Manhattan
newspaper office rushed up to the cit city
I ed1tor editors s desk and said I want t to <
give ivo you a column about a mani
jumping from the Brooklyn Broo klyn Br Bridge Bridge idge t to tc <
the water The city editor respond
edcoldly edv coldly Make It two sticks Il Ill I
give glvoyou you two twocolumns columns if youll bring
mo nie in a story ofn mans jumplru
c from the water water up to to the Brooklyi Br oltyn
Br Bridge idge Anybody can Jump down
i I In the past the skyscraper men
were werea vere a ahola bois terous swashbuckling lot
I They floated from New Orleans t to ti <
t Vancouver lived In freight cars bull
j br bridges idges and dropped off them with i a r
grin 1 and a choking goodby J A
hero h her tQilmong among them was a man who had ba
the tho th longest lo ngest fall to his credit or whc
could tossa toss a w hitehot rivet the great
r est distance cites Harpers Weekly WealdYo
rIh They hoy y lived hard and died easily To <
Bay they know that a man stands
highest t ton on the pay roll who takes hi his
I work and its danger most seriously
who ho also watches the man next t to tc <
blmfor Silm for In this calling one man mans
error often means another mans life
Very few people are aware that th Uie thc
first fir first st practical pra Ucal telescope telescopethe the on one
I which whlchGal1leo Galileo used In discovering tb the >
satellites of Jupiter JupiterlnJanuary In January 1610
f is tastl1 s still In Inaxlstence existence and preserved 1 In
the Museum of Physics and Natural Natural
History In Florence notes the Strand
fI p r Magaz Magazine ine It Is about a ab outthrcehundred b three hundred
Ji i
years years ears since this instrument was a firsJ lIrSt
turned towar4 the heavens Unlike
L the the present astronomical typo It t bad
a 3 concave instead of of a convex eye ¬
piece 1cce Just like the opera glasses now now
In use When When Galileo Gallle first flrstexhiblted exhtbltei
I I Ms now n w telescope to th6 tIi 6 dogo and an
enthusiastic assembly ho was over
whelmed Whelmedwlth belmet1 with honors hQnorsbecause because it 1twas was
thought that the Instrument In trJtm nt wou would ld
j i give the soldiers and sailors of the
j repu republic blic a great adyaatage over their
f J wnemles newies iioin1e
1 i
m II 1I1f1l iMw
I 1 i J t I
c a
A Superstition Sup8lstiti ll That is IS Centuries Cehtulies Ce hturies Old OId ci <
Witch B Kahuna and Ghost h Shoot ¬
er Still Vivid Perils to Many
One of the oldest olde t and most wld wide vt
spread of human beliefs balletsone one whli which wli
lit laa been adhered to to by some of tl the i
earths most learned and pious as
well cl1 its ts her lowliest Is that of the i In
fluenno filten e of the evil eye upon hair human
beings anlnials and oven plants A
person with ait an eVil evi eye was and Is
still In some quarters q arters supposed to 1 bo
gifted with the power of exerting i an
evil influence or fascination on ar any a
one by a glance from the eyes I By
tho ancient Romans It was w as called fa fas f
cimim dawn and aUI by the Greeks baskanl
and to both it was an Integral In tegra part i of
the popular JoInr be belief lief
Even in these the e modern days tl tbe
evil eye fallacy Is to be found 1 in
every country on the face of tl the
globe lobe Here it Is especially prevalent
among the immigrants who flock I to
our shores shor eS In such countless nun nui
bers Many of them have carts certain
persons among their friends whoi whom whc
they suspect of having an evil eye If
the child of an Italian or Polls Polish Poll
mother begins to cry suddenly sh a she
will at once attribute it to the ev evil e
eye of some one who has basloolted looked t at
the youngster
It is not children alone that th the t
evil eye threatens It affects grow grown gro
up people animals and even th tlJe t
crops In the field
But St t Is to lovers or newly n wly married
couples that the ev evil il eye Is most dnr dci
gerous An evil eye will make th the tI
sweetheart faithless It will tram
form the best husband It brings dli dl
cord Into the homes where love an and ai
harmony reigned That is what ti th the
superstitious ones believe
Many and varied are the mean meni
adopted to counteract the effects o of i
the evil eye Amulets of various
forms the most common thos those tho
shaped like horns like a frog or 11U lIle iii
a band handare are wora and such device
adopted by way wa o oi safeguard as e es ex
pectorating on t the e grouna or on th tbe U
breast showing something rldlculou
to the fascinator dissimulating goo good
fortune or doing something unplens
ant by way of counter penance
The Italians who are Inveterate be b
hovers in this foolish superstition ar are ai
partial to a charm in the shape of o 11
tiny hand the Index and little finger
being pointed out and the th third am and an
fourth fingers being held down b by 1
the thumb Thisjlttle charm Is made
of various materials coral tortoise
shell silver and gold being the one ones on
in n highest favor v
The following are a few of th the tl
many charms against the evil eye oy
The kernel of the fruit of t the Je pain
tree a sprig of rue sweeping a child chlldB
face with the branch of a pine tree tre
hanging around a childs neck fenne Cennel fenn
seed or bread and cheese
In The Gentlemens Magazine o ot c
England January 1731 appear
the thefolIowlng he following account of a curtoui c urious
trhil o of otcrtain f fcertain certain persons p rsonscharged charged will wit
bew b ew w itcbtnB fcugcattlebeIongingto itcIJ Ig < cattle ctl belonging IIW IIWnjtqn njtqn 16 fle1 neigh lh
bors borsj borsjWl ors > w Wl lTch ht1irows Athr throws bws a an ri interestIng Interestin
light upon the superstitions superstltlonsprevail prevail
ing ag among our own ancestors in thi the th
early arly days of the existence of th the
American merlcaa colonies
From Burlington in Pennsylva
nla New Jersey was doubtles
meant tis advised that the owner owners
of It several cattle believing them to bi be b
bewitched cause d some suspected
men nen and women to be taken up an ant and
trials to be beUlade made for detecting em
About three hundred people assem
bled near the Governors house and
a I pair of scales sc es being erected th the
suspected persons were were each weighed
against a large largeBlbe Bible but all of then
vastly outweighed it The accused accuse
were then to be tied head and feel
together and pu putinto put tyinto j Into a river tb the <
Delaware elaware on supposition that if theY the
swam not they they must be guilty This Tb
they hey offered to undergo In n case their
acc accusers sers should be served in Ilk 11M
manner which being done they all a
swam very buoyantly and cleared the Ui
A most extraordinary belief and am
pet ct one which vhl h has had a worldwide world wide
currency urrencyis Is that of theablIlty the ability abilityof of cer ¬
tain persons to accomplish the dealt
at f others by various magical pro
jesses In Europe and America the th
persons ersons so gifted were commonly
known flown as witches and In the earl early
Jays aye when they were caught at their their
nefarious practices death was their
portion ortion The march of civilization
has as uprooted this superstition from
the be minds of most civilized peoples
jut Ut it is still In vogue among the Ig ¬
norant while In the Islands of the th
Pacific andjn Asia it flourishes in
many queer forms
Even to this day the older Ha ¬
waiians blood will run cold and he
will ill take ta ke to his bed in very v ry horror ae as
soon Don as the thethought thought strikes him that
some one is attempting to pray
him ilm Iza to death This is an ancient su ¬
perstition in the islands and it IE
only > ely within recent years that implicit
faith aith Ith in the ability of the kahuna
or 3r r priest to accomplish his nefarious
purpose in this manner ma nner has been
I Formerly a person who felt that
he lie C had been Injured by another would
g 50 0 to a certain kakuna and antlby by giv ¬
ing ig him presents procure his aid in
praying his enemy to death The
Inhabitants of the South Pacific Is isl
ands mis who are offshoots of the Malay
race ice are very superst superstitious itious and mans man
authentic instances are reported bj b
the 20 missionaries of Hawallana taking
to the t1elr teir ir beds as soon as they heard
thl1 that tt < t they were being anaanaed as
iVwastermed It was termed and dying In a very
Jew IW days
In the stirring times of the revolu r volu ¬
tlon tion on kahunas who wove of course
friendly to exQueen Lilluokalanl
werecmpoyed were era employed to pray President Dole
to death and pigs were sacrifice d to
bring ring this about but the the head of the
new ow republic was was too practical a man
to to be scared scaredathoughhe although he was fully
awaroof ware of what was wnsgolng going on pn As Asplgs pigs
lre Eire re valuable vauabeln in the islands the game
was as soon found to be ra rnhr ther expen ¬
sive Lye and anl Las as It also proved bootless tl tt
was as soon abandoned for for more violent
on ind iii less costly means
A remarkable rem rtablo engine of mischIef
among the 8upergtltoiis natives ol
tile ae e Banks Islands Isandsr r in the South Soutl1Seas atitb Seas
I Is called tamatetiqa or gho ghost gli
I shooter A bit of bamboo Is stuffe stuffed attifi
I IWlth with leaves a dead mans bone nn and a
other oth r magical mngi lJl Ingredients wlillq whil hlle i tli the
I proper nutria sorig song Is chanted over I It
i B Bl asting l III most cases adds power 1 to
I this charm The man who has mad made ma
or bought one ot these holds It in h I bis
hand with the open O pen end em of the ban ba
boo covered with his thumb till h he 1 1lJolJ
sties his enemy when ho lets out th the t
r rJaglc agic Influence nnd shoots his mat air
When the Malay wishes to destro estroy
his enemy without the discomfort c at
actually Killing him he takes wn wax w
from a deserted Ile Jertel l comb moulds It int Into In
an image of his foe decorates It wit with wi
the eyebrows or the hair of the foe fe
and then slowly scorches the w wa wax
figure over a lamp for seven nights nigh
reciting It Is not the wax i I ar am a
scorchlng It is the liver the IIealt heai lies
and the spleen speel1 of that I
scorch naming his enemy C Of
course after this there Is nothing fc Cor I
the victim to do but to die
A superstition whose origin Is lo lost
In the myths of antiquity and yet stt stili at
flourishes in every clime Is that thli thir tii
teen Is an unlucky number Whll VliI
the belief Is usually associated will wi
thirteen at at table It has been extended
to the number when used to man mark
rooms room s In hotels staterooms on ship shills
windows in banks and offices ek ci
The Turks so dislike the number tha that th
the word is almost expunged from fro
their vocabulary The Italians neve never nev
use it in making up the number o ot
their lotteries In Paris no house
bears the number In the Austria
hospitals one finds no ward thirteen
or staircase thirteen while very fe few
patients will consent to be operate
on on the thirteenth
And yet et thirteen has not ala alas
been accountrj unlucky It was thi the t
sacred number of the Mexicans ant and an
the lio people of Yucatan
From very early times the belle bali
In n lucky and unlucky days has pre pr
vailed and the times of weddings am an
other ther Important events were looke d <
Into nto with great greatcare care so as to proven prevent
their occurring on days which wen
deemed unlucky u l lcy Grafton in hii Ills hi
Abridgement of his Chronicle
1565 1565 enumerates the unlucky day
as is follows folio ws
January 1 1 2 4 B 10 15 17 2l 29
very unlucky February 26 27 7 28 2l
unluclcy 8 10 17 very unlucky unluck
March 1G 17 20 very unlucky Apr April Apr
7 I 8 10 20 unlucky 16 21 21very verj ver
unlucky May 3 6 unlucky 7 IB 1
20 lo very unlucky June 10 22 un >
lucky 4 8 very unlucky July 13 1
21 ii very v ry unlucky August 1 29 3 30
unlucky 19 20 very unlucky Sep Se ¬ I IunluckY
tember 3 4 21 23 unlucky 6 7
very cry unlucky October Octo bel 4 16 24 un
lucky 6 very unlucky un lueltY November 5 1
6 3 c 29 30 unlucky 15 1 20 very un
ucky Decem December ber 15 22 22unln unlucky ley
6 3 7 79veryunl 9 very unlucliy letcy
I By many Friday Is Is considered ac an I n
u im inluckyday ni iuc lI ky it day dai daiu uponwhich u uponwhlch pon Vilii ii to toheg beg begin in iiia any a an ri <
thlpgsuch thirig hipg Such ncli as starting < a sea seaorlanll sea orland or lan
journey ourney beginning a new employment
ar r taking hp any task the belief be ¬
ing cig that they will come to a sudder
mil nil bad ending However all na
ions do not consider it an unluckY
lay ny It is regarded by the Scandi ¬
navians as the luckiest day of the th
week while in Scotland Friday Is a a i
hake day for weddings
The lover when he places the v visl isl
be le pledge of his affection upon the
han ian and d dof of his sweetheart would not no
think for a moment of placing ll llupon ft upon
other ther than the ring finger flngerast aslt is ir
sailed or the finger on the left hand ham
between > e the long and the little fin
gers ers If asked why this finger was w w h s
selected not one In a thousand could
give lve an intelligent explanation
Aulus Glllius a Latin writer of th the thq
second cond century A D gives the th reason reason
for tor r it He says in dissecting corpses
it t had been beenfound found that a certain slen s len
ler er sinew or nerve ran direc tly from
his tie finger to the heart so that It
seemed emed quite fitting that this finger
should ould be the one to bear the rln g l1l
ireemlnently a token of affection
It t was not until long after that thatit it was
discovered that there was no such in
imacy macy between the finger and a nd the
heart as had been thought to exist
A very old and nnda a very odd super
tltion Is that it Is dangerous to save
a person from drowning The belief
Is s prevalent In Scotland and China
The he Chinese beVy be1vc even to this day
thatthe hat cat the spirit of f one who has died
violently will return to earth if a I
substitute can be found The last I
nan an dead is supposed to keel > guard
over iver rer the land of the dead to save a
drowning man would be to to deprive
him ilm rn of his substitute and andlncur incur the
d1sJleasure llsnleasure pf a mysterious enemy enemy
It was at one time believed gen
rally that at the approach of a mur
derer erer the blood of the murdered body I
gu lushed shed out The notion still sur
vives ives yes in some places A very old fal
lacy acy cy was to the effect that thatif if a man
deeply eeply perjured himself especially if
by i y r his perjury he had sacrlfled sl crlfiel the
life Ife e of a friend friend l he not merely lost
the he e enjoyment of f the sunshine but
he ie I actually los lost los t tall all consciousness cons consciousn cio usntiss ss of
its ts 3 light or warmth
The belie belief f that fairies will steal
mbaptlzed children c and replace them
with dth ith their own own stupid or ugly chil
Iren en Is an old one and is not confined
to o the Ignorant t tor or to the poor and
tumble in station The writer knew
some omo me years ago a young man mani manilJorn born In
family of wealth and position who
was ras as Wretched because becallsehls his mother a
br1l11antwoman irllliant woman of society socletyin insisted lstert
when hen he was a baby that he was not
her icr ii own son and not only did she
enceforth refuse r fuse to see him bu but t she
hated ated him with a malignant hatred
A superstitious belief which whi h had a
great reat eat vogue at atone one time and is still
btltj ifclle r fle yed in by some Is that thaI a child
Is 3 fortunate whenAt whe t is born with withii a Ii
aul au ui
Englands only onlyraalum radium deposit depos it In
the e Trenwith TrenwfthmlDl3 minis St Ives IvesC Corn JU
wall all has yielded Uts its first Infinitesimal
crop rop op of ofapproxlmatelyonetweutleth approximately onetwentieth
of f an ounce At the present marker
rat ates tea s this Is worth Vlorth150OOO 150000 The
AustrIan radium bureau which whtchhaa has u
sor ort rt t of o corner corn rln in in radium has ar
aged for forits its acQulaltlon acq uisitJol
< u
tJ > +
Strawberry StmwbclTyJlIlII jam
To each cac h pound of berries alhv allow clii
threequarters of a pound of o f fsugnr suga sugi
Put them into a preserving pan an and a
stir gently no t to break the fruit L Let <
them simmer for half an hour an a d
then put Into Intoa1rUght airtight potp and cove COVel co
either with a round of paper pap l or wit witb wi
melted parafflne before using uglngNi r Ne eW
York Press
Strawberry Tapioca
Soak over overnight night a large teacupf teaclpful
of tapioca In water In the mornin morning morni
put half ha lf lfof of it in a buttered yello yellow
ware baking dish Sprinkle si s ugar ug ig
over ov er the tapioca In this put a qua quart ics
of ofstrawberrte strawberr strawberries ies s ssngar sugar and nd the rest i of
the tapioca Fill the thedlsh dish wit with wi
enough water to cover the tapioca
and balte In a a moderately hot ove oven ov
until it Joolcs Jocks clear cear Eat cold wit with wi
cream if when Jen baking the tapioca
seems too dry add more water
New NewYort York Press
Chicken Rissoles
Take the remains r malns of a cold chicken
and chop rather fine with a little leat lea ean
cold ham Make Makea ak a sauce of two tabU
spoonfuls of sifted siCtedfioUl flour mixed wit vlth 4ii
onehalf cup warm butter onehal one half
pint milk sa sat lt ltand and pepper to taste tast
Boll the milk mllkpep pepper er and salt saltsUrin stir 1
the flour and butter and bollurtl boll boil urtll uti
It becomes thick Mix with the moe meal
Roll out a light I1g htpste ht paste oneqimrte oneq arter
inch thick cut into squares sq nres and pu put pi
a a little meat oh on one square laying an ar
other over it and pressing the ecjge eg
toge oge ther her Fry In hot lard uiitl uritu uni
brown brownMrsP brownMrs Mrs P C Mllllken in the th ti
Boston Post
Clear Vegetable Soup
Make a stock of three pounds vea veal va
knuckle mackb cut in in small pieces tw two
quarts cold water w i ir r one tablespoonful
salt one onion onehalt teaspoonful
pepper two celery c elery stalks Heat slow so w
ly iy and simmer four hours sklmmin sltlmDling
requently Prepare two carrots carr ts tw two
turnips and tW9 twp potatoes by cuttin utUni
Into even strips or dicing then sin
merlng nerl g twenty twen t minu minutes tes Drain tli tho tir
water from these and after s training
seasoning and clearing the stock stocltadd adi
the he vegetables
To clear soup stock remove thj the tli
meat and fat fa t add to each quart o at
liquor the white and shell of one egg
The white should be lightly beaten
and tho shell shelf broken Into small sma
pieces mieces Boll the stock two minutes
s stirring tirring constantly cons ta ntly then allow It t to <
simmer twenty minutes and a nd after a fter re r
moving the scum season and strati strain
through tw two twOthicknesses thlc thicknesses ness s of cheese
cloth Iothiveryday Everyday Everyd Y Housekeeping Houseleeepi g
Droll ell d Fo fequarter eCJuartel of lanib I
Take off offthcshouliler theshoulder the bhoulder lay a1it it upo upon I
thegrldlron he gridiron with the thebreastcut breast cut 1 In
tvi > r rt to1 clllt te It c1 l iri I
pub mt a tin i Sheetftn shee top of of the meat meatatii meata and
ac > weigli t upon that turn the mea meat
aroundfreCJUently round frequently to prevent Its burn burn
Ing ng turn over over as soon as cooked co oked 01 on
oneside me me side renew the coals occasion occa sion
ally that all al all parts par ts may cook alike
whIm hen done season le lesoDwlthbutter soDwlthbutter with butter pep
per er and andsaltexa salt exactly ctly like beefsteak
It t t takes fatessome some i I tlme time to broil it well
but > ut when done do ne Jt it will be found to bi be
equal qual qua td t broiled chicken the flavo
being eing more moredeUcate delicate than than when
ooked otherwise other wise serve with crean
sauce made as follows Heat a table
spoonfulof poonful of butter In a saucepan add
a i teaspoonful pf f flour and stir anti un til
Pe icrfectly rfeCtly smooth sm ooth then add slowly
stirring In a cupful of milk cold colel I
let et it it boll up > once season to tast ta ste <
vlth itli salt and pepper and a teaspoon
ful ul of finely chopped c opped fresh parsley
Serve erve in gravy dish all hot hotBosto Boston n
P03t oat
Thn ts
Sugar Is a valuable vatuoble foodstuff foi
children but it ftshould should be eaten with 1
moderation loderation
The Infection of whoopingcough
can an in be conveyed before the child has
begun egun to whoop who op
The + be infection intedlonof of measles does not
ding ling to furniture furnl ure and clothing with
the he Le same tenacity as in scarlet feyer
When a tailored collar is just
IroJled ro oned ed curve in 1 the hands pressing pressl
the he e turned edge and place placein in a cup
01 r howl to todry dry
Fat 1 at Is a valuable article of diet for
the ie e prevention of constipation Bacon
fat at t is more easily digested than the
fat at t of butchers meat
For the proper pr per develo dovelopment pment ot
hlldrens bones bone b nes BPI1 an d teeth t e th lime and
fat at t are both absolutely abs lutely necessary
You r rou ou U will find bo th thofthe1ehi of theseln milk
A child who la las ia had mumps should
notreturl1 ot it return to schoOl scho ol for four weeks
from rora Din the beginn beginning ing of the Illness and
hen en only o nly If all a l lswelUn swelling swelUn g has sub
sided Ided led
Endive Is Isn a little 1ttle known vegetable
that hot at Is an excellent exc el enthotweather hotweather cub e 1lb
titute foi lettuce It should be
planted i anted every two weeks wee Its for a IISUC sue
cession anion i
When you are Ironing any dark
material do not put a linen cloth un
erneath as the lint will willconic como oft on
to 0 the stuff cthdY and l ud you y u will have havegreat great
liffculty Itculty In brushing brURhlngltolf It off ff again
The following is a good fly Iypolson poison
Buy uy myfive five cents worth of quassia qu iJsllIcbpB chips
from rorn ni the druggist drugg is tandJ and place placealnyer < a a layer
of f them ona on a plate Pour hot t10twa liotwater water ter
over ver er them and sprinkle prinkle with brown brow
sugl1l ugar gar
It It Is a mls take tak to toaccustomchU accustom chll
Jren ren i3ri to be sums or rocked to sleep see
All 11 1 this soothing and singing and the th
occslonasuddenstarts ccsional sional sudden starts which are are
almost Imost noat inayoldable have a abad bad effect eiTe t
on h tho chllda c hlldsnervel hild nerves It Is lik lure
upiumel piumeatlng lameating ting the more m > re you youhavI haw have the
more ore ira you want The neryes i 1IS0 fc fciso iso
to 1 do sb rlothe the their ir lr own own1wortlf work ifyt if you YI IUdb iu db it for
4ell1Iiome ew taHome Home Notes
4 i r If
t r
flaunt H8U H8Uht iu ht htOf Of the t h he e Ptarmigan P t iiB l1
Of all our mountain birds the ptn ptar lt
nigan alone remains onthe on the macmu monntal
tops topainWlnter In winter as well js 11 In Inlummer summe
and when all other otherblrrlllfehas bird life llfehas has bee bpen be
compelled compellelbY by the severity of tr the I
weather to descend to more moreshelterec shelter l
quarters qu 1rtml the hardy ptarmigan scon SPOI11I1 sea
almost to revel r evel in the Arctic cond con
tions and scorns to leave eave hIs storm stor
swept strongholds
For this reason he is ot ofapeci special l li In
terest to thQ ornithologist ornithologlstl ornithologlstand l and a da day d
at his haunts is alwa always s w vrtlc jrth the theln It
hors of an arduous climb for ti the t
ptarmigan rarely descends even du dur di
ing the heaviest t tsnowstorms snowstorms belo below
the level of 2500 feet As Asthe the write writer wiit
accompanied d by a mountaineering
friend fri nd set se t tout out at daybreak daYbreakfor for a fi fa
vorite haunt of the ptarmigan a bar hard ha
frost held the whole countryside c ntryside firm fir
Jy y in its grip an and d the snow now parti parUY liar
thawed by b a mild westerly wind vlnrlon o
the preceding day was frozen frozonas as ha hare l
as iron
On the lower grounds the c coverln coven pverln
was not continuous co but on the she Bli
tered sides of o f the hill were dee de
wreaths and to our our west the snow la Jay I
deep and unbroken unbro iten Passing a sma small snii
lochan nestling In a birch wood woorlwe W
found It thickly covered cover ed with a beat bea
tlful sheet of smoothest ice suggest suggei
ing to our minds the national gam game gan
of curling for many mauyidearlnlts ideal rinks coul could cou
have been marked out on the lochan s
surface surfa e Soon we we passed passe d a moui 4
tain tam quarry quarr i where ivher ample ovidenc
pointed to to the fact that thata a kestrt best
used the spot as a aroostlng roosting site sltoand am nn <
the hillside also a so yielded a 0 good goo d dman man
grouse some already paired but th the tl
majority in cov6ys cov ys an and d dpacks packs
Loch Davan far beneath us wa was w
partially Ice bound but large wave waveR vav
were rolling across the theexposeclEur exposed sui su
face of the water showing that a
strong wind was WIIS blowing on 110 the loi 10
grounds We put up many n nnymountal1 rnountal 1 1grounds
hares which seemed to rival the tlIe sno
in their snowwhlte fur but short shortlY
after leaving the 2000foot 20 2000 2000r oOtoot r foot level th tho tl
grouse flushed were now few and fa fal f
between and an d dat at length we enterei cl
the domain of the snow white ptai pta
We Wellrst first became aware of the clos close cIa
proximity of these birds by a dee deep
guttural croaking croa king Proceec proceeding ngfron fror fro
some rocky ground on our left am and an
care careui ful stalking enabled enablelusio enablelusioget us to ge get gi
within a few fewya yards idsof of theblrd and t to I
obtaln obtr in n a snapshot of him him He wa was wc
crouching low Iowan on the ground am and an
harmonized harmonized with his hi > surroundings li In I
a I tru ly remarkable manner
When he 11etoot took wing the great beau
ty ry of his plumage was was very obvious i a
few ew hlack black feathers teathersln In the tall setting
off ff the spotless white of his wings am and an
breast We obtained a pretty photo
graph graphof raph of a ptarmigans footmarki foo til1alks
leading through the wet sno snor y to i a
sma sm mall ll pool poolof of Water and ample trace
we found that the fresh fl sh of oftlepre the pr pre
viousdnyhad vlous day had been felt even Jlt t t this thi
altitu mititude de deof of close on 3000 feet foi for to
there was practically prac pr tically no nos snow now on tho thi tli
summit plateau and numerous froze
pools cols of otwatins water sh slowed nowedhow owed bow the snoyi sno
lic licn1eltl4 n1eltl4 ThJi1 1d i
Great Cathedral Dedicated cilicntcd cillc tcd
The Theexerclses exercises in connection co nnection will wit
the he dedica dedication tion of of the new Catholic
Ca Cathedral thedral of Westminster Westml ster continued d
several days d days iys About thirty Archbish ¬
ops pa and Bishops many abbots and ani I
300 00 priests participated in the cere
monies which were of the most sol I
jmn character Archbishop Bourne
presided resided
The new cathedral was begun i In Ii
1895 sf15 by Cardinal Vaughan It Is the Ui
first rat Catholic cathedral ca thedral built in Eng
land and since the Reformation and the tb
only niy example of Christian byzantlne
architecture In London It has been bee i
de lesignated signated by architects astlio as the great i
est jst it architectural triumph of the last
seven centuries
Though Thoug h the structure strll tllre was finished
In n the early part of 1903 many years
vill ill elapse before b fore the Interior decora de cora
Ions ens are complete The nave Is Is the the
widest of nny church In l England and anc
owing to the fact that the sanctuar sanctuary
is s seven and onehalf feet above the
evel vel of the nave every very part com
ands an uninterrupted view of the I
high 1gb altar with Its imposing marble i
and nd mosaic baldacchlno on which
light ght is cleverly concentrated The The
gilt llt it crucifix Cluclfixthat that hnngs from the chan
cel el ml arch is thirty feet in length The
dominating external feature is the th j
great reat eat canpaulle which to the top of
Its ts a prownlng cross Is 284 feet Apart
from rom am the cost of oUheslte the site over 1250
000 100 o was spent on the cathedral
Candid Can Id Caddies
Caddies as every everyone one knows tuOWS often
become ecome expert golf players and trot
ting ing og about the links at more than one
10calcub > cal club ale youngsters who could
put ut it it over the men whose clubs they
carry arry rry in a straight tralghtgame game It often
happens appens therefore thereforethntthe tha that t the amateur
golf lolfer mltrhappening happening to draw one of these thes
diminutive cracks as his attendant I
finds ida himself playing paylngln in a mysterious
Iy y depressing atmosphere The lhecon con
ternlJt erapt mit that the cadJy feels for the
plays lays aya of some of die hie amateurs is
omtlniesi beyond his power to sup
press iress 055 >
I At the Philadelphia Country Club Cln li
they bey ey are telling a story of a swell
young icing beginner who appeared appear d to
think iilnk ink the thelny only qualification necessary
for or r golf vas as a lot of ofstaggerlng staggering
lathes tbcs He started over the links
w1t1i 1th tim a young lady who had bad sim similar ilar de
uslonsThoy aslons They played lawhlle aw hlle with wfthone one
ot f tho best bes t caddy golfers as an at
tend sndant ani
Do you think asked the young young
man nan an turning to the > oddy nddy ddy with a
Indly adjy air do doyon you thlnlt thl tbln n well ve ll be able
to 3 get around the course coul ko e before
usk sic
M MIt If you yourunslr run sir raid ald the caddie
grlmlyPhllaJe rlmly imhyPhiladolphia Philadelphia Iphll1Tlm Times es
The Killjoy
Why Wllyd011tyoU dontyou dont you lilts olrt olrlPjones Pjones I
thlnt link talc hes a genial chap
j Gen en ial Iaiyos yes yesBnt But Ices this kin kind d
ot f a fellow Hell s sitclowiltodinner sit it down to dinner
with ith Lb a bunch olf 0 peoplo and a11l1pasa pass the
tomato nato ketchup tetbhupto to everybody > When
everybody erybody has sbme theyll they pass It Itto to
him Im n and hell lIIlIefuse refuse Then they theynsk ask
hlm 1m a why whynn nn 1 lie says Not for me
Ive ve 0 been through throl1ghhefncUlry the factory where
th my my ymake make It 1tICloVQlId ClovcUnd Iea Leader der
4 t1I
Jj1t1ltLMI I IJt J
4LLu u MJ i Un w 1
Mr rW W W II IL Qnsey tcisey tciseyuni IISCJ and nnl l t Thomas lac iIlCk
son o f Atlantic City N J T were de l li le
ga gates ntts tes to the thecollv convention ntion held here th this
week vc d
Dr D P M r Edwards M D I of Hart 11am
ford forl l Conn is 5n in the tlwcltt city mee ting hi his Ii
many friends 1 ends Dr Edwards was was1t a mom
her of the Committee on 011 lleforin whicl lc lc
Itft after r tha t of Unification was the mos most inc t
injnortnnt committee cOlUlUlit conimu itteo vo of the seex ion
Hun HlJt HlJtII iric It L J Gaskins c dia lia irman of th the LI
United Unitt > 1 1 Committee on En J n terta inment
seemed to hnyo 110 been bc n the most sough
after iiuui in the convention There wa was ni
It rellson
Dr P 1 A ASco A Sco tt tta a prominent IJrJn lncnt phys lh y s i
ctan chum from from New r Ne w port News Vn was WllslImong nmon
the visitors from the Old 011 1 Dominion
Mr 1 C CA A Wil8biyMr Wibbn VilbuMi fr D 1 W Purkc 1 > lIrJOr
and Mr h James S Wjlliiims Villi mns of Ne New
York Yorkconstihlt ork constiliftcd llll a Jolly JoJ trio that helpei lu ll1ld
to enliven the occasion
Dr i Segurn Se gnia gulowhose whose former home wa WIIS w
New N v Iberia IberinLII Iber ia La but who ins been b en pro > JUc <
tic ticing ing in the c city ity for some thing lik like lii
fourteen years eims was wllsJilielit c Jilijreiit in seek seekiii seedng
ou out t tiill all of the vis iting Elks who wh wer were we
doctors doctmslllll an d t tnic inll ma king thc tlicni hi especially eSIJcclallywe wel we l
Misses It n C Henry HenryMrB Sirs Carr ie Q
Clark aci and d Mrs 118 Emma Fitche tt were de l
agates from the Elk J lk Temple rem pIe in inNo Norfo l lo o lk ll
Virgin VirglnlI 7 iigiII ia
Messrs Otis Wootsou and IIn Prof lIar
vey vcyof ro y of Huntirigton III ntihgton W V Va were popu
Iftr 111 dehg m lclc gatesfroni tcsfloni the Little fountain
Hon Frank Fraim k Wlieaton Whea 7 lmemttoi ton attorney a ntto tto rney at la ltW
from rom New York and ami d who h 9 9by by the way wn in
Isthe is the Counsellor ounRellor for Jock Johnson wa WM
prom cronu inent i entln in the lie e effor ffor t t to tondjust a adjust djust th the
IIIntterof natter of o f unification o l f f the two faction fllctions
of if f the thcJdg lo dge
The Elk Eli I Home lI1e equipped nicely I iceywith will
ivory VeieoImveiIieiico errconvcnirllc convenience on onthu the corner co iner o f lit 11th
uid mud Ypu streets strC ts N W V was a source o f
grcntre ireat re lief to those who were ero inclincc inc line d
to o 1 SI srtk se k case ase ratlwr IItI lthln than the ie nights igiits ii of f
fel erc ccci d db i by the capital of the nation
The Tlm decorations o f the True Be forin
els irs Hall Hil I wcren w rin ice iccy ly des lesigmieUanc igned and l serve selv 1 1
well veil ro ll tho purpose > urp se for vli vhie ic hthey li ± lIey lIeyier won ier
intendel ntendcd iitenc hrt I v
Mr fr J J J II Tones o pfIlIiSulUmitIoc f 11 115 fl Summit Sumnnu it lo dge
Tniontown c iomtowmu Pa was IL ri i de I leeglltc lega legate te to tin tic
Irand i iauic l Session held 1 this wee week k in h ii om cci
c it ity
The lb Tlmefaahloaf fashion l for 1 r redbatnsls red r td barjtis barpsls Is dying
outf1njthecci 1 11tlYdlstricts I
The caniel is In l11genial general use is is a
carrlerlnSouthAustrallli arrler inner In South Australia
At the approaching French maneu
nes res a severe test testis is to be made of the
value alue of dogs as carriers carr iers
A bill b1llgrantlng granting the taxpaying tax payIng wo
men leu en of ofPrfncess Princess Anne County the
rlgbt Ight to vote fit rt town elections has
nassed assed the Maryland Senate
Liverpools chief constable says
that hat cat owing to the religious religious feuds the
cest st of policing the city last ast year was
increased by more than than 50000
Though blessed with the tnosf tlos nos fer
tile lle Ic soil and most favorable favorablecllma clima te
in u L the world the tlleUnlted United States pro
duces ices less lesswheat wheat an aero acrepianted planted than
England ngland Germany oJ or Holland
In England one clockmaker In a
hundred has v vthe the haziest notion of
wbat fhat hat an electric clock is whereas In
SwItzerland It has been an active part
ot f their profession for a generation
or r two
London is now considering a
scheme for the better drainage of its
strQets tr reets ets that was first propounded by
Benjamin Franklin 150 years ago
the he e Idea of a single gutter in the mld
do le e of the thoroughfares
Leeches are enumerated enuIJ1eratedhy by the Bu
reau eau an of Statistics under its general gene rat
head ead ad of of animals Imported the th total
value alue be of the imports of this species
in i 1908 having havingbeen been 5341 5341In in 1907
6992 992 in 1906 4494 in 1905
3802 802 in 1904 3589 in 1903
3240 240 and anllin in 1902 2412
Eonibrandt etchings tchlngsfetqhed fetched fet ched high
pdcIJs rices ices at atthesateof the thesale sale of the Theobald The Tbe9baid b ldc col l
lectlon ctlon tion at Gutekunsts Gutelunstsartl art room oom in
StuttgartOn tuttgart One Rem Rembrandt brandt in the
Act ct t of Drawing was bought by a
Berlin dealer for SR250 20 This is a
proof roof oof from the unfinished plate and
the le e only other one known mown to exist Is
in i the British Br itish Museum
For a few i lays caya > we will
make to your orders or er
TwoPkce Tw olD olDPiece Piece
11 16 16S0 S0 i llD r
from woolen woo ienq that regularly r guaty
so sellat21 il at atiJ3i 2 and 225U 22 O Choice hoc
of 73 7 pallet us
S Goldbeiin So Sons
403405 Seventh SeventhSt St
i 0 M
I I i
W flJtooI < < 4ir II ill i
i I
8 u 1 < a Ho me
I Stop StopPaying Paying Rent
fyery very Few Years You Pay Enough
RentTo Rent To Buy a Home of Your Own
Very few fe chances now left to buy
cICllph1DOS rhcaphtiinqs Plicap hmos in the th District of otColmzmblL Column Columbia
lio Qo l o out and look at
East Deanwood Burville
Bevedy D DC C
This subdiv ision lies leson on both bothsid boths sides s oi oil t tL l
the ba COLUMBIA ELECTRIC ElECTRGRI RK It it between betw ccn
JHennin i Ie 3cnnlng nnings gs D C null ati l Jie2pcak6 1112 PI J Jn June uc c
Lieu One fare brennd and 20 minutes time tfmoto to
the city Get GctofIat off at Brooks Station East Es
beanwood Ianwood i D DU U
I Buy now now when you can gut etlotschea lots cheap
Piic rlceswlll ricea < swlH will soon a advance Greater G cl1ter Wash ¬
ington ngton is spreading out III u ever every y dlreo
lion and will soon cover covertho the entire Dis ¬
tr ict of ofO Columbia lumbln >
1 I Lots r otsHo sold il on onensymcntlJypayments easy monthly payments
No o interest Interestnnd and d no taxes till lots are paid pa id
for Title Iftlepcrfcct perfect
I I Thi Thh Tlm i is now the on ly section of the
District istrlctil1WhICh in which laboring laborln gp people eopleanct and an
eople cope of moderate mesas meanscun cun aim buy
Irnnies lonies Buy now The pr price ice will soon
be jo c double doubIewbut what it itls Is today
The Theunderslgned undersigned agent will wilisimow show the
ground Call and see him and ar r ¬
range rangeto to o out oullo to look teok tao subdivis ¬
ion over
1133 113 15th St StN N W
Fran Fran k T Raw lings Co
15O5 1505PaAve 1505Pa Pa Ave N NW W
M Bashon Crusor
Contractor an d Builder Build r
Architectural ArcltitecturalPlansPrepared Plans Prepared
Materials selected or furnished furn lshedAU AH I
building dot detl detlls ils ls superintended with skill
and nd promptness
Office 51st and G 65t St N E E
Adt Address lresc R 3 Box No 44
The recent discovery of practical
methods of converting crude cocoa
nut oil Into a palatable and satisfac ¬
tory vegetable butter has given great
extension to this business In Germany
Seven companies comp nl s are now nowcruahlng crushing crushin
the copra an and d refining the oil for edi ¬
ble USE The Importations o of f fraw raw
copra have more than doubled doublnwlthln doubI within
three years
The TheICing King of the th hq Belgians the th King
of Portugal Portl gal and the Czar Czaro of Bulgaria
are distantly related to toJheEnr the thei i English EnghIa iHah
ro royalfatpIlYand royal yal family and the Queen Qu e ri riof of of Hol
land andls is tIle niece of oftll the e Duchess Du chessof ot
Albany a ape gd therefore first cousin c ls fn
of PrliIce Prliicess PiaresAlexnnder ss Alexnnder AIexnl1e of Tec TelJk Tqkr jfc On Orily 9n1 iy
J E P er of J rlJ it itI Slr g 9 t
rt rtar7tl rrf Pi i f3fin p in jo roJ Se 5ery y I frtan afd th tbe
Pr P1 P1n fnce n Q9 i c f Mo Mfntcnegr dont riteriegr egtqare q qnre > nre Without iv ithout
family famulyO co c rinectloris noctiomis with King Iln George
An exciting music hall turn
which whlchwOf w wIl tlf be known as the hujnan hu lan
cup and ball was was rehearsed rehe rsedin in c
shed at the outskirts of of Paris A A1
woman Is shut inside a huge 1 w wicker icker
ball which is then rolled rolleddown down a
steep inclined plane terminating term fn ting in
an upward bend The ball shoots
with lightning speed spee d down the slide
and nd Is hurled up into space spacal and nl
caught by 1 an elevated bowl shaped
receptacle twentyfive feet away awar
How Jfnvn Navajo jo o In Inr11 IndIans dians ns Cultivated Scant SCII ant J
Patches in the Desert D e ri
y Physically morally and intellectu Inte iiectu ¬
ally the Navajo Nl vajo is superlorto sUl1er oitoother other
nomadic tribes such as the iJtes
Apaches Comanches Sioux and Chey
ennes He has always ala ys been selfsup se fs p ¬
porting receiving no rations rattons or other
assistance from the Government
When there is work to be had within
their capacity the men labor willingljr
and efficiently grading on the rail ¬
roads constructing Irrigation reser ¬
voirs and ditches and weed weeding ng orhar
vesting sugar beets in the beet fields
of Colorado
They The y ycultivate cultivate their scan ty patches
of corn yid d I beans on thousands thousands thousandsof ot
places in intlie the desert having been real
dry farmers centuries before the
Campbell system syst m was born of the the
brain of the Nebraska experimenter
or the Dry Farming Congress ongress that
meets in October Octo O tober ber in Billings Mont
conceived of They build their hum pum ¬
ble hogans of stone or of timber tlil1 bel
banked up with clay wherever there
happens to be water for their flocks fl cks
and herds
They The are are neither nomads nomndslIIQ like the
wandering tribes of the plains nor
settled ettled agriculturists like the Pueb ¬
los but rather Bedouinsof Bedouins of the Amer ¬
ican desert desertmovlngwhe desertmoviiig moving when n nnecessa necessary necessa necessaryto ry to
secure better pasturage or ora a more
abundant supply of water w ilter for their
live stock Their blankets blanlte ts woven ex ¬
clusively by their squaws have made
their tribal name a household word
wherever barbaric barbar ic beauty or next nextto to
everlasting durability is prized pnlzedLos Los
Ange Angoes les Times
Few Mosquitoes at Panama
Or Claude Cl ude Pierce of the Un UJ United ited
States quarantine q arantine service at Colon Colouar ar ¬
rived in New York City on the steam ¬
ship Santa Marta Colon CooniCristobal Cristobal
and Panama Pa amahe he sa said id are alenior more
healthy places paceaof of residence than New
York Yo k City Citybecause because of the great pre ¬
caution intho In tho Canal Zone 4 4110pen 411 open
pools 110olsa arid el cisterns have been done
assay a ay with entirely in the fight to ex ¬
terminate ter inat the mosquitoes that thatcarrYj carry
yellow fever and malaria mala la germs The the
elimination ellmlnatlonofmosquftoesl of mosquitoes 1 the the
greatest thing done in the Panama
Canal CanalZon Zone outside o t building the tlur
cnnl lJalltseW Itself
I It t The naval n valmerenntllo mercantile marine anil an an <
general enerl11englneering eng engineering ineering and andmachlnerYi machinery I
exblblUon I nhibition ixhibition to tob3 ba held at o Olympia 1
I London London next September eptemberwUl will It la
sta Btated ted bo e the largest of Its Hsklnd kind over
held In Inthat that city

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