l l Ij Ijl l r naiUIJIk l T iNW1 I IIJ JI 4 11UL IIW > JoilI JoIi i r 4 III IIItI tI itJ1 I iI 1 iO 1 Ii W a II 1 I v t 1 i I If 1 I Library Li Libraryof b rary raryof of ° f Congress C ongre s l i i iI 1 1ty i J 4 T Fl E oj i I L N A T I I 0 N I A L P 0 RU M I S 7 T I O iI NO it 17 WASHINGTON WASljJNGO D DO C SATURDAY S T R AUGUST U T 20 20 > m I91O ONE ON ONEDOLLAR DOLLAR DOL R A YEAR o = VA VANITY rrv FAlB FAlBo FAIR I if I j S CONDUCTED CO cONDUCThDBYJOLIN DUCTEDByJON BY JOHN Hi Ii WILLS The r m ms main iin in c difference between tweendiv tiviiize iz d dlanan man and dthe the savage savagejss issavages is savages vages dont don t read MORE TROUBLES FOR ELKS ELI < S Dr Mills rii1IS Issues I S uea Man M an ifesto IJenyin Q QnYing nYing nyhi Special Session S SlliOI1 arid Union U man Pro cee c e dln cllriJ1san dlis gs an ar1 d Pro Protesting te tln g gcr erthing l1irig Just when whella a t ll looked 1k d der serene ser er n ne and nn nd ever I 1 B Di DF i B 0 E and his fr friendscv i in iends n d cvi even n Ii hi Iis Bisters l ters cousins and LudLunls aunts were weNJcO < ior oj l grutulritirig themse tIemsoves lves upon upo l the fat fa that the two fil factions fa tioIiS of that bo booy dy had ha un ited for good And nil allllIougeomes Along comes 11 lengthy Y manifesto inllnICestofromH from Hea n dquarters dq artersof e the Improved Benevolent D Benevo nevol lent ntOrler Order of Elk E1 of the World World41J3 413 I3utestreet Bute street r Norfolk Va Vi A X t in inhe the f form rnloC of A Prool lamation mation mati ii t to I All Subordinate Lodges After the cui p tonury oniary greeting grectingiDr Dr Mills MI1I MI1Isttys says By nu tliorlt y yvested vested v stedlri in mo as Grand Exaltei Ruler I proclaim pro lIhn to all allof of the jiibordl ubor l nate lodges lodgtsthllt that the thepro proposed posc Specla Session of of the theGraUll Grand Iodgathat Lodge that was it at tempted oxr pted to tobe be held in Washington 1 D 1 C CI CJuly July I 2020 020 1010 1010 failed llllledof o f f accom 0 plishraent pli plis h he hinent e rt dnd after declaring there wa wl w s and could e uld be beno no union the session wa WIIS adjourned adj urned by byme me Di y Mills 1fiI1stlen then procee proceeds ds tinder uder seven hea ds to toglvehlsrellsou giVe his reasons theessenllll the cssentla po lrits lntsoC int of which seem seen to o be that the un Jill delstanding derst ndlngthat that Dr Mills lIlIlswas was to to b be Grand Exalted Ruler a after fter ftertllei the union wa WI1SI was i not uotel carried rril through tha thntlctlowledge t knowletlg knowed of fthe the 5000 5OOOlegaLexpense legal expense de bt was waswitlll with held froni from the th Peace Conference in Wil mington mingtollastJa last January ltullrytliat fiat tIic th t1ie1Ik T51ks Home to tobe be built In m n Richmond Vay Va a t RCOSt a i cost o oC10oaO of f 10000 upon 1on land to to whic h the Atkins following follow n g possessed tii no ii title that the two hv > propos itions s sabove above were wel e unfair to that portion por tion of Elks represented ropreseutedbyhlm d liy himself himse self lf that thatbecnuse because 1 It was the evident desire des ire of the Atkini following 1 to either eltherlIIle ru rule le or ruin ani and inclined tp t > ex exhibit hibit an anupbrother unbrother ui brot1ier ly di dh position positiont posi tion toward t wnrd the members membersof of tn my Grand tgdge I I decided r1 eided d that it it was bet tel that the thetwoGrntU1 two wo Grand Lo dges rema ii in t apart tha that t the fee of f 5000 to H lIon pn Alton B Do Parker IJ IJark ark r for con om ducting luetin the lit llti ga gation cation tlon before be fore the th courts comtsof of New You York l w ith the White Vli ite Elks Elksor2GOO or 2500 if Judge Parker was aa not notsucce success s ful in winn iiij ing in this ease s hould be pa pnld id by the Atkini following followin g gIInd and in event eventoHhatsuit of that suit be Ing In lost lo st it might mightrcsult t result in n bo th bodies being bcmgdriven dr iven put out of the State o o f CNew Ney Ne Yo York rk and believing it ina dvisable ti to lend aid a id lliun in a zt legal fight in inN New w Yor Yl > r l k to which whic1ioirGrand our OIirGrtmd Grand Lo L Lodge dge I is npt npta a party part a and rid is in no way coricernqdl These an arc princ priilcipallyt priilcipallytlerea ipally the lerea reasons rcas ClU ns The documen t concludes conclu des with the f0 fo i lowing 10winglppeaJ appeal In In v view iew o f lal f fi all i 1r the tl1 foregoing fore going I now pro n claim ln frti trt t tt vi lIlAher tlt ll lli lltlifijiinii i tlifijiinii < uoordlnlto ljor dlna to lo Iod lodges dges es o ot t tiePtt Ie 1 1 11 i it t t 1 D 1 I I or I R gll r r t1ei el 1 1 t 11 11OO OO Ie n I1 irema I n t e 1 0 1 I IOC OC IIiii tl u 4 l II I = jH j1fi J IIJ J nl j r 1 u t j4 j J l lII J JIj Ij IjI it i il r rl l I 1t 1td u 1 p t tflt flt II g I d t r h IY r 1 g 1 111 II I fat 1n d obpyr co o pidgl jgHtfc tl1 handed down jrl to t tli thl f Gr Gii n < Lodge by byD B IL F Howard Past llIstQrlnd Grand Orai Exa x lted Ruler I fur fur further ther he rplo proclaim I lhrttintnllolge that all lodges da sir 8irlU ing g to be lirfn 1 free fre from Cromthe the o ppression o 01 l the heretofore Atkins fo llowing lowingmaY maj ma freely unite with w ith the Regular R gularOrder Order o ol l f Elks Elksh Et1 h by ma maldng king application to this thlsonlce office ohm on or before the 15th day o f September A D D11110 1010 Yours Yo irs fra ternally Signe igned d DR J TE T E MILLS Grand Exalted Ruler Rulcro o f f the Improved Benevolent an imdPr and d Protective f fctlve ctlve Order o oh l Elks Elk > of the World jviittt WI Whet nttllt the th threu resu esu lt of of jilils tIlls man IIm manifesto ifesto tori may ma y be r reannotgleS8 cannot eannotgleS8 guess bu t I I am alii certain ce eertninthat rtain that the rank r rankand 1klIndfile an d lie otbotli of both bothfn faeions fac tions d ns des desire ire un ion arid Uidpeac peace and llnlldes ant i desire lre it Itsfrorigly s trongly I talked with de legates li lega gatQ8 tes an d vis itors to to the theeonverttlOn conve conveiltion ntion from awry section sce tlon of the th country coun ynnle and eac easli wh h and au ila nil J JoC of them said one way or ori another au ther J Ji i am sick of con ¬ tention j le t us get toge ther her From Frol i8 several Yeral members of of the the twb Vo local Jocallo lo dges db s I secured the follolVlpgopinlons following follovii g gopinions opinions Charles Oliarl Iarl s D I Freeman reeman Exalted E lI lted Ruler Rul Columbia Cohi Col mbin85 ibia 85 was vas the first one I found w I imd nd he expressed express d his l1I opinion opinlonthus thus t I I consider the matter all aHsettle settle d I think every member mem ber of both bo both th lodges is satisfied sn mOed with w ith the results of the joint session an IUId d pleased and satisfied d with the officers elec 1 lected ted by 11 Y the dele del de1gates gates glltesandconellide and conclude to dwell dweUto to gether ge ther Inlmit in unity Inm I am surpr surprised ised that Dr Mills should prove so narrow nnd do 1I0ttbl not think 1k ninny Elks will w ill bo guide guld d qhllll V y him in this tti i affair 1 I next 110xtsl saw John W WrnimIlJi > Truman Ti niaii Exalted xllltetl d llii Uulerof lcrwof Mornin oJDln g gSt Star r 40 who sa id l < I I co c ctts ns ider that thateveryesselltlnl every essential point of tlie Peace Con ton ference CereJICewS was ratiftedt ratified There 1liereLwere here were subjects under considera tion which v they could couldnot not in the nature o of f their tbeirpowers powers cons consider ider nor settle se ettIe ttle and a 11 l fa fair ir thluidngmen thin thinking king men kupw Iu w this thisallli tli I and are willin winIng g to leave them to i iihu ihu Gran d t Lodge and subordinate ubort lini tte lodges IQdgesforfilllll for dim se settlenierit ttlement ttlemenflhe The Thi utmost spirit of fair ness nessgoverned governed all the actions ofi of the dele gates in in Convention nnd ant i JhoTl thV flib only onlyones ones one w who ho were unfair were wer e Dr Mills MlIlsimd and a few pf o his friends and ari d advisers ndylsers at lyisrs I J do jo no t tt4m thin think k k there w WliI v ill be jitnothcr notller split 1111 ml this letter will not have much muchef e ef f feet J t am sorr s sorry orr y Jhl1tforthe that for the sake Jl ikeo o of f a little Jlttlegruf graft men meil will do such things t1 ings 1 1 saw sawmilll saw many members men Lersotho ters of Jo bo thColumIia th Columbia and anl l Jlornii Moriitiig ornhig ig Star lodges and suit all were of theopillion the opinion as expresse d by Moses Hf if Da n defha de That t the great guitbo bo dy d iof of ofElbe Elks de ¬ sire srlmllop un ion and uid nr ilru tre satisfied s isfl isfll l l tha tlat t v also tho ho Convention Conventionuceompli accomplished necomp1ii ie ied ltlw the Union ihiono o f bo th bodies bodie and are sa tisfied tlsfie l OIlDr and lWili will lhI ace aNpt ie pt the union as Mlt a ftsed f Xt lI > fact Jr J JI I r Milts hfill ItiIb action netloJ1w w ill have very vel little elfe elfeci effect ci iiid tuit t he wilt soon sponfilHlhlnis find himself Jf without a fo loving 1 A AjeJlcJlIlimpres general impression lon prevails JIIVails tha thllt t Div nl D Mills 1illsh had publicly p publc bllely ly accepted acceltedt the 1C rei re Bitlt o f < the theConventloll Convention ticrw Iere > a lndltls m ridit id It is rumore rinored d l that 1i he expressed himself hhri CIfas as bein bt in g gatisthed Satisfie atlsfiedwltlt d with the actions ac tionsnnl1re and situ re ¬ suits thereof However w we e will willseewhat iht seeiha see wha t 1e vl eec ee Infantile In tantneParalys Paralys is 1 This lli ls awful diwase di se Is slniln making g havoe r arilong Iln sn otlg the children chi1 ren of this city The cause seems ems beyond oyon the th skill of f me dical science s icnce to tollscovl1r discover thou thourh gh it may be causVd caugIllmos iilmosi tlmos t ciitlro entireyby l tlrerby ly by ininroper foo food d i and JmllnCulnMho harmful harm ful m metho tlio ds of feediiig infants Wiitinji WthW J itiii In the New YQrk Journal Dr LBi Jfr ne je Health ConiinlsMoner C l1 lllsloncro o of f New ioi ji k City citrsys Biys The manner m inane JIncr in whic v liIe h 1ithc the food foo j i s rlyei is of the hlnlraat iiupqrtaiice 1ip h l pqrtnnee rtance npiit PJ PJl l tgct iet rc t the idea dca e tha tl t i all n1lYOl you have to i la b i s put honipplB h nlp l i0 irithe kn tbet Iie1by babys > abYi J s Uloutllaitd nioutli nAd then go awn uvay uvaycttld rind Jev Jeave i it 1 I to its bottle TJi TJ isicareles8nc83Jn l carelessness Jnfeed jri feed fee ing Ingo sag of often ften ten resultsi rcslllt esnlt in dangerous dmger s harm n no hjatter hlllt r how carefully the food l is pre pr pare d i It t is o ften har hard d to detcrmiiie jus just ju Sylui Mlu xlUteULSe ik causes these sudden suddcnattneks attacks nttac ks i iO O of s summer su mmer com eomplalntb p plaInt laint but t it is is usually usu 11y ba b 1d milk i1k That ThatBthe ii the reason thatev that ever ry mother should shoutdbe be IIJsurejo sure ure to taste the thobaby ba babis by food immediately before giving iving it Mill Milk can under Ullderccr certa certain in conditions ondltlol18spoJl spoil ii iil I a very ery few minutes For qr instance i n cla clap lap p of of thunder may xcnderthe render the mill milk unlit imtltto to feed to a bauy The Th vomiting vonllt Ing which is isUStiailYUle usually th firs t tSI sign SI gn of n adlst1rbanceln disturbance In the baby babys 1 diges dlge digestive tive tiycnrrIlJlgeme1tj arrangement is an aneflort effort of ofna no ii ture turetolNt to get rid of tillS th thoffending offending ma matte tter tte in the tll stomach tomacllllrid arid is really u goo e thing tqi g if It I it i does not continue too long The first thing to todoof todoofeourse dp of ofcourse course i is I to send for a doctor Stop Sto j jnll all the mill mu feeding at once In place o f the pille pu ilk ll gvo g ve harle y ywllteror water or plain boiled WaLe Dpn Do Dont lt t do ano IInoth another thpr r thin thing g gmtll ini until tll the doctor arr nmes ives and nndth thchv tlie n be beguid giiidCd1 a nbso bso lute lutely by what whnthe he says SIlS l s This fhs Is isgoodlounllndviee is good sound ounl advice but bu t cause causes only only onlysmall jisnmll ti < small smnllpnr par t tof of ihetroubJei the trouble flier lsa ls mo m dre Ve r important t phasoi phaseto to be cnnsid con id ered Dr D Gilfo y of the Nev New Ydr Health De epartm partment nt says Most of of the tlv den de ths of ba bies in n hot weather are dui due c liiMly lli hsiefI fiy tp impure impI impure remilk milk ut illk Our infantmor infaui mo tidiLy would be n next x t to nothing if ifa al a ll the babies could be breaste d I 1clIn can see no reason reasOlw why l ythe the large ma jority jo ltyof of Infants should not bebrens be breas breasted ted being fairly fam iliar ltnl with the argument a 1I1 dvance 1vane d l l in favor fllvoruf of o f bo bQttle ttle feeU Ceelling Ceellingand feedin jng g gan am and an they point pl > lnt to a awrongmoti wrong motive moth it seems to me The Tli purest pures t cow milk milksweetenCllwlth sweetened w ill i cane sugar sugarnnl sugarand and l warmed wllrmedor or cooked by fin isa Is a POOl PQ0 subs titute for the real thing and I am nlllsure sure an any y human baby knpwi that lat it t is l but base imitation and allliwoul nai l wouli not accept It Itunless unless forced orce i to do so so Be side sidescnn sided k can n milk milknndcIUJe and ant i cane sugar sugarn a t bos best arc a e hard to to digest when mixed in Inthe tb tin cus tomary toJ11arymanner manner And what whatsubstitute substituti is pl put tin in this thismiXturejhente mixture heate d dover over i n gas jet or oil OllnstoVr a stove for the lovini loving warmth o f fa a a mothers heart along will many mous y other divine divineessellces essences phys ical spiritual stron g and tender which whiehno IK wor ds lsof of mine can name JlIm CT 7 The President Presldenfand and the King Referring eCer l ngto to o the prevailing prevl1illngldc idea ni n s sta ta led last wee k k that many men loot upon the man in nn who governs go vernflIsa as a king so > well w ll known a man as Dr Par J a khursi klllr seems s ems to think thin thi iidc w we ye are nroruled ruled by by1 a a kIng When lie writes How lIowmue much muc hand h and how little lttt llt is the President Presidentempwcd JlIPQcred em powered to d l qY < A 4c Are tliereany 11Iljre nny nnye de e finite n le limit 1imitscttc lmits i e tM tJ h ljIS i1 Ls M pnslbijitw roneibi < i An iliiltvnhda JLYnd nhdnl1thori a 4h ithr r1ty ltvKi3 tv i i il l < bl f j at14 1i is Jrthia Jtlfig Li i t1maz9ct i3oJ g te ihi PdfJby dlCIlS8iSIOIl lssioiiThiiut 1I11itmpa 1 iT i jun d Jjy li byle > > ihe tIe course courileqfiven qf even v n ts As sofiginl orlgina ll l3 c c dnemye llcm p iyed etl d the Government Goelllm ent of tlie tll Unites l plates tnte thtea lsquite is quite in the nature atureo o f f a limitei monarchy monarchynIIJju monarchya ra il bu t the heMmc name To those who v iio ha d drebe rebe lled against royal authority in England the term President Pres lden t 1 was more > acce ptable p tabl e thai King 1 or Minister 1 and nndto to those whi wllO weresuffieiently were sufficien sufficiently tly monarci monarciilcal monarcll ilcal lcal In theIr views v iews to believe be lieve that con control onirol trol should 1 be exercisedby exerc ised by the educated d few a concen tration trationoCpowerln of power in thin person o f ohi one om was more sa tisfactory than thanlta its distribu lion among the many The learned lcar 1 d Doctor for forget gets tha t tin the people delegate delegntethese these powers pow rso o f rule anc and I restrict tlielv tll LleJ eJtuse use also alsoto to defined deflnedllmits limits lhePr The ihie Pres cs ident l ellt is notsuc h by Grace oC o oh God hu but t by byo vo votes tes oi Qfc c itizens nor n or cat can he se issue a royal mandate 1 Wicked Motion Pictures The puritanical arid an d h hypocr ypocrtiealno1sc poc l itical tie alnolse noise nade by soca soealle4 lied reformers agains t tdis dis llll1yof lay i of JolintonJeffr JohmonJetrries ies fight fightpictur pictures pictur s bn ias done donesomgood some good It has Brought to no lo Uce lc as a u rea reaction tlon the display of 9fil f a cllISS i lass of p phcteires 1 ictures that are vicious vicio s im noral an 111 and d J degra din ding g gw whic which w hich h it has been eustomar lustomary r rto to exhibit e hiblt freely free ly to whoever w hoever Ilal md ln a nic mcke ke l llln and Inclination inclination to attend Ii i I picture show The s porting por ting writer of o f Leslies Leslie s Wee V ekr kly sn lays ys I visited a regular fam ilymoving ily ll moving picture i icture house where men women and children attend One picture plet r presented lin in aged miner s hot llOttiown down and nnr lro ro bbedof bbed of r II 515 i ii I gold The thief was taught aught and lynche y riche d The next a jealous woman onian who thoughtanotlerwolIan hought hought4laotllCr another woman was was waiting for her lier icr aus band bant i in a hotel an and d jumped on her ier icr beat her tore half her clothes lothesolf off lind mid pulled out most of her hair To o Intel was an old gentleman gentt munw w ho 1loJouI1l foun d 1 that his young bride was WII flirting Illr tlngwith ting wi with th hcr iier er ItepsolllIlJllcommltte1 stepson and committed l suicide tle le Tare ire is isme mea meat t for sermons s snnd and re form tnlk nlk Get busy gen gen tlemen 1 It It Pays to Advertise dvertise It slioUld 1ioltl t be e the aim of ever every y li busi si nessmllnto less man to br br lug in 1 his ls bus iness to to the lotico iticu of those who a are arese a see eldngqI1l1Iity king qua lity and ml price In goo > dsaridservice ds nll nidserviee servicecustomr customers of i f judgment discrimination and nndtaste ami d taste These hcse are the customers who vlio buy bu y and lay lIyfl fair It prices ulces promptly promptlyII and II cmii ni l willingly W 1l1ilngIY t t is to these t j lese people that we weJna io inia sakc ke our la ippeu ppea 1t jteim l hiusd and this ths class that we see k as readers eadera of The Forum An advertise rteiit eutt placed with us II has the th best chance fpr pr cr reac hing hln this thiselass class o f people SOCl OCt L ANi Nl PERSONAL Mrs N N G Ro Itoblmismi binson of38A of 3110 3SA 0 street h ct N r W w is yis vis iting friends frlendsantlle and re latives in j Morelle ld lt l Vf V y Va Her liu Iu lnisband > sban band d the IPo opular ouhitr uhlr tonsorial tonsorilillllqst avtist at t the capito l wi HI I Join jo in her her sometime oll1chml this week and IIn af ifcra fer rls a s hor hortslll hort t stay at Mbrcflold will take a po imli1eat iiticat litl nl trip through the State of W Ylrglll irgin Irginia ia Im Imperial perial Po tentate tenhl te Jacob lWob Wright Wrig h t of o iclimond Va was in the c cIty ity Thursday r rhllrsda nstnnd isl and was wa received rece ived by b byii Deputy I ii pll pm1t r r1m Im perlol erlol rlol rotenta PotentateChllrle te Charles D Freeman Mr Wr Br T Tr r ight ighs t is I en n route 10uteto to Detro it Mich l1iehto Mic h to I ttcnd l the Imperial I Council Coullcllot of Mystic hriners August 23rd Mr Freeman the De teputy > axLy l ty Imperial Jm mn perial PC rial Potentiate 1 expeC3 expects to be > ir r rsent < sen sent t at tha tlll1tmeetlng t meetin meeting g trof r f Walter Wi Wilner lner Dyson Dysowhoh who is spending apeAr epenu ling pine 5510 time nt Pu 2ulxper ljiper ia KX ppecl pecUi t l i Irllt piii soon jon toni preparatory preparllt9rytoMsumlnir y to taassumiog aKSumlng the tb duties of f his lx ix department della tmcntatll01vlrd at Howard t1n Un Palversity iversity Mm Irs Dr I NRort N Ross E a is IS expected oxp I cted hprac h6m u this this wee week k from Cincinnati Cln innatlwhere where vhero she s sil il ile he e ha IllS been b en for soinc soie tin time ie visiting visitin g her son son an lIud dnjiglitori D I I THe aged agel lfaUerof fa father ther of Mrs Willie Lew LQwls Lewhi is of 1142 1I4 ICtli IGtltstrect street N W WM M pl1sse passed awa away In his home Columbus Ga Mrs lIIlSiLewls > Lewi was at N8be his bedside sideluring during his lust 1ustho hour lr i Ifer er many friends extend to her their thcl heartfelt heartfe lt synipathy SyIIPllt Mr H Hatliawa 1Iuttlmaway tla1a y the mo mod model del l an d delny d dc cla elny c Ia artist of our city c ity returned 1 front Ba it lti more this week witli YILIL ltIttlie the dea de th t1im mask m sk o t I Joe Gene Gnnsi the th Old Id Master I The TheDQctors Dpctorsi Doctor Cpnwntioh Con Convcntio ht 1proms prom mom ises stli to1 to he h 1 i the biggest thing of of its kind lndever lnd ever lieh held lid here Attorney Ta Tayloriwli ylor wlo 1 was 59 so 8tbrut brutall lly assaulte lIasllul e d by a gang gapg ga of w white ht ruffian ru ans some somethile tlirie timq ago is isuble 1 able lo to bu out ou u t tigalh agal and is doing nicely 1IIe ly Mr M M 11 Bashon DIlhor Bt hoit Crusor dru lrllrehitect jircli Architec itect t an am l builder in InEnstp Ia East Deanwobd Deaixwoodtnade llllv o l lmad ma mad de a fiylng fly ulyin iri trip to t9 NSW N w York YorkllLst ork last Week ve ek on onbnslless businesa bnslless Those desiring desirlpgho homes m msshollid sshollid should cer cc certalmil rt tain luly see sce Mr > Crusor before befo e investing J Jl V 1 Bond propr pr Jrle ie tor tqrof of o f a mens JUr fiir iu nls nl nlshing hing store in lUrmingliahi liAliIV1I8 Ala wai va in our city cityfl for > rlt a few fe1vdaysthfs days this week en route to Ul the Business Busl1 ess Mens 1IIcn League Lcllguea ai a t New York Yor 11f Mr Bond Is Ism s an entcr pr prlsln isinfj islmi l hus hustling tling chap clllpiindr iindwporta cnd vCortb j jort ort tha thatthe that t the busi bus i ness lIe s i iixtcrests Jter t among lm n the colored color 9dmen men o f IHrmingliam Btllpin gham I jmaro are being bemgwell well taken takencare cart of Ho adv ises that th ltfhesplr tlie me spir it of i co operatlvcness o oerll erll tiveness and mt nt l mutual niu tunl a id among I1lno iig the thi th op p Negroes Ne l lroosof roosof of that city is responsible resp llslble for fo their thelrsuccess success in the main mal Thecplored peop le o f Birmingliain lirm llgl llgllln lln hav < just o pene pened d a bank in lriAlabama Alabama named name i the Prudential Iru entiai Sa S Saving ying Bank Ba k Mr Bond says saysthecapitnJlzi the thiecapitahizuti capitaliza tion ilin n is 30000 am nnll q quo quotes otes tes this as one ne of the evidences d o f progress pro gress I Mrs Dav D David wi id Lo L L o Stewart Stewart gave an in formal for mal musica mu sle nle le an d dance dm ie O at ather her resi de del dance ricQ ice on on list h stMdday t Mon day dayn n ight lghtAlIgust August 15 It waswell waswellnttende attende d and a a pleasariteven in it gwas g was was reported NEWS NEWS ITEMS ITEMS Chas D DFreeman Freeman E R Co lumbi Lodge Writes Wr ites Letter Let er of Thanks Washin Vashln gton gtonD D C Aug 17 1010 Editor National Na tional l Forum My M denr Sir I am in receipt of your pommunicatloll communication announc ing in g the nlJ name C o of the successful contestant in the voting con contest test inaugurated l by your journal The National l Forum orum for the th coos ost popular Elk I Inmpleascd am pleased to knov that siich l1eh a pro gressive and ami d active youn young man as Dr R R L Feytbn P ton is to toreeeive receive the prize Dr Peyton is nn Elk BlkoC ol good standing andlas and has hasl las a a host of fr friends iends I IMsfre desire to take tak advan tage tlig of this op portunity to toco118ratulAte congratulate tIle the Forum qritheimas pn xthernas thejmas terly telIYmanner manner in > vhich hte11 ici It gave g Ye tbonccountoLtlle theaccou Ll a ountofthe rilPf the Elk Elkis Convehtlon onven onveii Hon j an a li il d f tiliUI n1i Ji k1 p1t l iJ iJ I I f i j ji i Eure ure d dths rtl tliij parade p para h he de e r I Nf NfI1 thin I1 k r rlr bic IC th th sen sentiment mentof of every Elk in m the city when I Say that your paper has donea done a great grea leal to place our oUlorder ourore or der be Jetore fore the th public hnrvery in n a very favora ble light Very Yeryres respec res pee tfullyj tfulli CIIAS C IAS 1 FREEMAN FREElIlo Exalted d l Ruler Co lumbia Lodge No o 85 1000 4th StS St S W The he Famous Glee Club of Co lumbia Lo dge No 85 Open for Engagements Erigage ef ts Those who iv ito s ing ingmusie music or perform upon nstrumaats nstrumeas > of Jfme o f me lody are becoming becom ing ilut adly lly less The inventor of ofthe the lC phono gra raph ra ph ma may y have a dde d d a lInk link to the eh hain un of of c eiv iv ilization lli1a tion but he who set It t to to mus mu ic was enemy e nemy nemyof of man Iha miian rildnd kind A pleas singre ing rcictiori re ctionflpm ctiomi fr fpxi pm the craze eraz for eanned anne d melody is announced dl by the Co umbia um bia Gr Gle Glee lee eCluli Club an organization organiza tion of young oung men who will study and II ril l render ehoral libra and glee music The c lub is com ¬ posed sase d of ofl ofthe l the following First Firs t tenors tenorsCury Gary Ro binson I I E E Wilson Verdi Fisher Second tenors hnrles Lee Jesse Madden First Irst basses George George Pope pe C S Bea Basic le Thomas Me Intosh ntos h Second basses basesWm Wm A Clayton Jerem fcrcmiah iII Scott Sc Oott tt William Jones Louis Am kra bler director t 1 D E Scif Se S lf genera l manl1gCl antger A Popular Pop lar Caterer It is a pleasure to the Forum to I call all tire tlmn attention o f the public to the eaCe afe o OC f Sir Joshua N Anderson who 1 1eaCe is s m proprietor o f the Tuske fuskcgee gee Lunc h h loom at 020 North Capitol l street N W V 1 lrAIHlerson > hy fr Anderson Is meeting nacetimiga a long fe lt want Inthis n ri this locality loclllltyby by caterin ca terin g g to the peb p b ple IIer Ieretofore tofore it has been most impossible I for or persons per ons to be properly properlyseredin served in that parti larticular ulnr section see tionoC of the city c ity As As it is nontranaicnts LOW transients going to nnd nndcoming coming Crolllth ronr omn the Union Depot can cannlways always secure It firstc lass uptodate meal wellcooked well ei Icoo cooked ked IIn n d e legantly legantlyscned served It would seem see thnt hat qvery VPIY colored colorcl lmnn man of race pride jinit l Jn in tho ho government printing prin ting ofllce would give give bis i is patronage p tronllge to this esta blis blirhment hment an d there here iere by ovoid voi1 l the th cmbtrrassment emb rll1ssment of be hig 11 sit Jim iimCrowcl Crowe d l and at th the same time get et the same fare for less lesslIloaey money Give Giy Une Jnc le Jos JOh To h a tr ia htl l Oyster Oyst r Shell Honian Reacts Many people have pondered u wondered l wbat becomes lecpmes econjes ot plr n and nndn neodlos odles and andoys ant iaye oys tcr er shells sll lls The Roman settlers sotthei scorn t o i have used sel them toadvnnttge to advantage fcr the ho streetsof str etsCt the ancient Verulamlvtni iy y St Albania which whlchls which is to bo further ixcavated are paved pavcllwIth with oyster oYEt r nhls bells luci lle which seems to Imllcata Inl llcats good gooc tasta aste sto and economy e ol1omy on tho thopart part of our pre ire redeoesrorsWcstmnjnster deossaqra eesssqrs Westminster VestuiInster Oasjte Ga t To Test Te8tOUCCUra0e Our fCoUrarje raae lard lard things th n s aro ar r 6 6put 1 1 put jJutln jJutlnpur n pur way wa nol bt to tostop stop stO but bu to tfcall call out nutour our cour < ago ge and an d bur strength str etrnsthAnon n gJI Anou Ano In the Rough CaddIe to loJoncs Jones who h lias misaef hIs is Is ball six sx lx times consecutlvaly T TEV 1 It w wIth ith thy > bag sir SI F 11T 1T 1 k kuropean j i European 5Uropei1nfllO 5Uropei1nfllOd uropean Prpdi ProdttIon d tlon iI0 of Salt qVeat GzOa ar a Britain prSduci3 pr ducrs 190000 10111101 10111101SI1tMe ins o < salt SI1tMe r7carair nrJaI1 Evroyc lef IJ htitillOOOOO ait 5oooo I t L TH TALE OF THE TUB m 1 I 1 IL 4 L t tr r 5 I LlTE d 5OCE1 i ta L ttIUi Jwtrv 14D7WTU8 I j MThEROPC1DfiRhVZuZiD 4 jr W A1ItwiVIllMYAWw Amsv4vTyAwAar 4tYf PabuMra JtJ 111 AYM mss rJOrI SE < II L JYThrrwh b7wA1ruAviyMP N TAVr 1fr 1fr1h 1h I I CopyrIg1it i2 iXPBSIIl FPOg1Ti1JJ SlPlf TByflR Flfi fiRE Unn Ilnndred drctl Thousand Th Th nsandPtople usand People Ari Are Panic P nic Stricken Strlciien FRANTIC EFFORt8InSGliPE EFFORtS TO SGAPE FLAil The Loss May Be SlpOOpppOO IqC l0OO0O00Crov 9ooOC r CrpV iWd of 100000 100 ooo oooO1Grolnds on O1Grolnds Grounds When henihe th Flames Sweep Them Two Tc Tctuo tuo Dead D am Thirty Injured Brussels Druss ls Spec Special ial The j jiyhite iyhx Vhlt lL c ity o c f the Worlds Fa Fair ir as a theBclsiana thc elgiuns ca eall the 1010 exposition exposltl n is now no a mass of < lames and smouldering sl oulderlng ru ru ins A Aspnr spar k falling Jn fahlln lllng in to inflammable infianJUUlhle material in th tlie t telegraph building bu buildin 1din g burst up in flames whic whi lc h driven by a high wind swerj swept rapidly in all directions dir ctl ns Soon tho Be BiB fiian titus Englis h hand and French Ff1n h sections War ere destroyed The Ihefir firemen U1en and de tachment o f f soldiers called quickly q1 ickly to o the seen e found themselves themselvesbamcd baffled by 1 tho he verita bl ble b Ira tale ale Ie whic h carried the burning ember fo to all parts oftbe of the grounds groltnl l The loss in the expos exposition ition fire is esti ma mated matedmit ted tedn n at t 500000000 f fran francs ranis s 100000 POO POOf To the l left ftofthe of Hip main nu lln building 1 ldu 1i1r1lngluose ilding ares the picturesque pictllre sQueroof roofs r and spires spirrsof o 1 Sl3ruexe fBpuexellcs 1BruexellesKermesz bcs 1 Kermosz 1 x a n Be Belgian lgian Conpj on one Y stanch with water cliutpsj chutes tobogRai tobo e Udcs sll es and j scores s sepr 9rei o f fa s ide h1esigws l lo ishpws soVsTJ Thii ls place plate wn was a liyaw live w lth Sunday lmd irnda crowds crowdsr r am tin an before they could couldbe ibe s be gottcnaiut gotten otLenoutwlth lut witlinji wlUI nil j l II I Itollrif tollrif Ji crif4 t < rmMz was ililoHj1 l ti1zir The Th crow crovds ro wlI8b ds became ea1i1 pa tiaitl tiaitlshlck an hiestvick shlck eti elJ en an ant d dmen i men womenan women an d children fou fough ht madly ml1dlrto toescape to escape The ex its itshecame became i chokei el oled with ltb the the8t struggling uggling masses an d mar ma used their fists to clear time th pathway Many were vcrc trampe d under foot foo t and ant I ba badi dly dlj in Injurer jured i Soon the enormous facade tum bled Ir In ruins rUII muss Considerin g the rapidity rllpidityo o f thi ponflagrntion orifinarltion the small sma ll loss los of life ii is 1 hiervclous Sp far far as is known up to f II late hour hourton ton lTht ihton on ly IYhVP two aredea are dea dead il Tin T Thi he Injure d as pfllc offic ially iallyannouneed ia lly announced nuraboi numn be SO l0 but probably pro b bly many liundrcdsreceivec hsumidrods receivet minor hur hlirls ts POLICEMEN MUITNY Refuse Ref se to Guard Guar d Against Str Strikrs iksrs ir in Columbus Co C lumbus lu mbus Ohio Columbus Ohio jJ i9 Special Fiftythrei members Uembersof of the Po JIce lce De partment withii withi l 24 hours hO Jrs have rebelle d l against aga inst Mayo MarEhalls or ders to ride on street str et cars car The mutineers m IUneers were increased Incrcal d by 20 All of the 20 were men employed emplo yed yedsea as spec Ials als for strike duty Unlike Unlikethe the regular officers o who mutinied the 20 special were not suspen suspended ded but u pon ps their theirre re final to board cars they were told thaI by that act they had ha removed thcmsclve from from the serv ice The Mayor made no call ca ll fnr fo the return of State troops Officers of the Fourth Regiment four companies o f f w which wis hich iclm an are otntloned otntionedln in Columbus say they have bnei to toll told ld l to hold themselves ready ream lsr for service hut ut at the a c djutantgenerals office o ffice It i h h denie ne l ie d that preparations prepurn tlons have been madi for calling out troops Mayor Mars hall calle alle d 1 for 2000 vol 01 untecrs IInte rs for police po ll lle e duty r He took tin the brunt of all critic erltlelsm ism mal made ls aga against inst tin the manner in w hich the situation sltull tlon has been handled but said thnt if his critics were sincere they the theywould would woulllolfer wouldo oiler o frer to perform po lice lice duty I SNOWWHITE WATER Sea ea Captain Relates Seeing an In explicable e plic1ble Phenomenon Port Townsend Io lseud Wash Wr ath Special I In 1 i report to the tl Unite d States Hydro jraph o ffice here this statement is made o of rm m inexplicable phenomenon that marln < Interests ntercsts dec m lare lar Is without w ithout precedent preem rezedcnt lent The statement Is filed fII d by Captain Sam lels ide of the Amer An rlcan ican ica barkcntim Aurora MI 11 arr ival lvl 1 from Calico Teru On June 17 in latitude 11 I 1 deprtos south and IInl l nngltude SO S0m degrees m wont accor ding tn t the ho report re port the VMsn ese ls eoiusobrought contse bruught her into nto an area of snowwhite water wllter The ixpansn xpan 1 was sn s lar 1are j as to rw ri qtlirC juir nearly 1111 in in cntlrs day 1 iay4 sa il to traverse lt Its anrging with lYl tb tli the natural 01 tural ocean o clln wnter we ttr vas as sharp and dillaitti dll1nitly ly dct i hi 1 flnod fil d h in color Creating a a mtrva lous scene o f marlnu bt leiuty enuty ut Invistkatlon IDI tivaton with lilt li 1 every Iv ery moans avail nIJI iiblo Ide failed to aliow s hine tlib tllifJ1enorrirnon 1 plPtiomenon to be be to lue i to Biibmnrlna vo lcanic l IIic eruption or ither t tle1 seismic upheavals u Loses Money Ends Life fc Kenosha Wis Spec Sp Clal ial r J Prank ank W ohling 42 42ellr1l years old ohi b president prcsl lent t of the K venosha nosha Morcantilo creJ iII Company rom puny and leader unong 1101Jg thfc Social Democrats of Wlscou sin in comm itte lt e d dsule suic ide in his hi hm is office lIe lashed his throat with wltbn a shoe knife levering pvelIIp pvelIIptIle everJ the jugular vein and I ndtllen hd then tak Jng Jnganoth nganpthcf ng anoth nuiothCs I knife drove m It i dee Mop p into the wound Mr Mr Mro No o hlin hlinI li limig left le ft1 ft a letter l ttel which Indiellte ndicatedtliat lhflt that ha had hntllostl1IIJI lost lostmioney money ythrQIIh through speculn i peculatIOn tlon nnIliad and nai l Bad bai l betraye betrllc d lothrrs others who w ho had i a ad d given him this use of oftlelr their the ir money MAtNPOP ANYrUrE ARE HOMfUSS A Portion of oftbe the Japanese Capi ¬ tal Now NowSubmerge Submerged I Thousands of Homeless and Hun Hundry dry People Sheltered in the Temples Templesang and I SchoolhousesNot Schoolhouses sNot Not Enough Boats to Convey ConveytheSufFerer the Suffercro to oPlaces Places p of Shelter She ShelterA lter A Hotel HotelPatroriizedby Patron Patronized ized by Foreigners Destroyed All the Guests However Are Safe Toklo Spec iuThe ia l The grea t floods in this c city ity and vicinity caused by the high water in the River Sumida have caused 30 o ia far as re ported 385 dea ths and 500 others thers are missing At At6 8 oc lock A M it was announced that the flood was subsiding The Honjo and Fukadawa FukadaVa wards of Tokio are submerged d Tens o f thousands of persons are arebome home ¬ less le s and starving One of the three more Important lm portant embankments guardin g Tokio gave way and ha d l the second and third dikes broken half hil if the capital would hm have ve been submerged The threatene d embank ¬ men ncn ts were guarded by b troops Thousands Thousancsofhomeesspmonsnrebe of homeless home homeless less persons personsnre arc be ¬ ing In g sheltered lit im t the tbeteJriples temp tempies les an d sc school hool houses hou8eslltwhlch at which wlm lch relief re lief stations st tlonsthe the most de drplorll plora ble blos s ights lghtsore are witnessed v ltne s sed ed d The Thevie vie t tlmsof Urns jms of the hollood floods flood floodarc arc arewholly wholly dependent upon 1po i jon l pu public blic Hc relie f Cr r Thousands rapre raprelmye ml r have be be pmium4dntto t unablWo flnsl 1insime e lt4jljA Itoroin ln gto to 4 the c ill l tiF t a t on e iit m placer 111neespfs1 pln es prs faafe fe e tft tYillll ind ampd they tbeyare are exposed to the thernm ra rain in and hunger huug r Every available boat is being belngemploycd employed Inthe m the work of rescue rescue and to convey food where it ins Js is mos most t nee l1edet ded The c jucstion o f ffeCl feeding ng the stricken s people is causing a pprehension The vegeta ve etll ble and fish supplies are fa lling III ng and the stoc k of biscuits already is near ¬ ly exhauste d d There is no fear however for the thesllpplv supply o f fr rice r ice The mounta in floo flood d in the neighbor nel hbor ¬ hood of Karulzawa destro yed yer l the Mikasa lIlk sll Hote l Many fore igners were were s topping there but fortunately no fatality has been reported so far TO PROSECUTE WARDLAWS Death of One of ofSisters Sisters Will Not Halt Counsel for State Newark ewllrk N J Specia l lThQ The prose ¬ cution of Mrs Caroline B Martin and Mrs Snead will not bo interfered with In any anywa wa y by the dea death deathof th thof of Virginia 0 Wardlaw the third of the sister in ¬ dicted diete d in connection with the myste mysterious rious death of Occy W M Snead Sn ad tho East Orange bathtub victim vle tim This statement was ma de by Loul Hood special specialcounse counse l for the Stato In the Wardlaw Wl Warm irr Uaw casa ea e when his attention was ca lled to re ports that Miss j js s Wardlaws death might cause ca se the th prqsecution of her two sisters ister to be d lopped Mr Hood HoodSlIhl said that time three sisters were jointly c harged with the commission of the crime as we ll 1Jas as nid ¬ ing and unl l a betting it and he would not conce de le thttt the case against Mrs Mar 111 ¬ tin and nllllMn ant I Mrs Snead had been weakened wCI kenel l in any afl way by b the death o f Miss Wnrdlnw MANY NEW GOVERNORS I Largest La tgest Number Ever Chosen at One Time TimeFoul Four Elections Before Fall Washington Was Washin l1ington gton D C Spec Spednl ial ialA At A t tthe the coming fall elections mote States will elect governors than ever before beCe In the history o f the Union For I or the first time Oregon is to join the list o f Common ¬ wealths electing e their executives in No ¬ vember Heretofore the Oregon Stlte election has been he ld in June A total o f 3U iti governors oelDor are to bs lt i e lect ¬ e d this fall Thir l ih 1 1lir h l lmim lir tytwo will be vote d l for at the genera l elections In November Three States Vermont Ma ine and Arkansas will vote for governor neat month and iii l Georgia will elect its execu ¬ tive lve in October Tile gubernatorial gsmber ubcrr iiatorial torill contests in some of the me States ira o f a more than ordinarily ordinarilv ort hitiarily interesting il1tercs tln character I The elections ill iit others will be b of ofIt It pure ly perfunctory character maiiictPr the election o f the lIepiili Hepllhllel1 liepi ulm llcMi J he i or r the Democrat candidate ccuhm iate as the cnsi l11a miV be being h Itch inl mig a foregone conclusion conch iislon So ¬ c ia 8 lists and nll1llrohihltlousti ii mmi i 1rohibitiouisU lroh lit itiomib eti will vl I I have ha iiakccii can dldqtcs iim lte for f r governor gi > CrilOl in a majority n of f the I State tnte ftnd Inr l In Some ome o f them they tll1v tim y arc expected preted to poll iv r considerable elIIsl < lerahle le vote votr DREXEL RISES 6750 FEET American meriCan Aviator Aviat AviatrMaIces r Makes Malc s a Worlds Worl s Altitude Record Lanark Scotlan d Specia l It was Va o ffic ia lal1 ialty lly announced anmiouneci l that J T Armstrong Drexel the American Alllerlc n aviator atta I tdnel ine d l a a world worllls 1 a ltitude ititUl lo record by rising 07o O7 feet His barograph will ill be submitte d to the experts of the Kew Observatory Observatoryat at Lon ¬ don d don on who will w ill determine the accuracy o f f the he Instruments ts Drexels flight was the sensation 8 JsatiOli of tho 1vilUon iviatlon tvit tlon meeting emica Ung 1 PEOfO MONIT 10NnPRESIDHn PUSIDENT OF CHILI IS DEAD Stricken By Heart Failure FlilureoJl o Arrial Ar rlvaillt at Bremen HE E SAW mm M RGAYNOR mm sum Senor Montt Had Been a Suffere i From Heart Disease and Was Oi On 0 His Way IN 1to to German Springs fo Cor the Cure Cur eServecl Served Several Ter Te Tennis rms iris a as President PrctSidentof of Chili ChiUABrave ChiliA A Brave Fights Flghtcr and a Fine Executive ExecutlveManyYear ExecutiveMany Many Year An Officer Om er In Inthe > the Chilean Navy Nav y Lon London don Special ieclallresident President IJ Pedro 1fonttof Montt of ChIll arrive d at ftremen iremen remen on tb the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm del Gross Qrosse Tuesda Tuesday y ymornini morning His death denthoccurred occurred a at 11 llrOO II 110 ocloc k P P 1 M It was due to 11 recurrence e of heart fa ilure following follow ing th t < recent attack aUackof of angina pectoris from fro III which he suffered Now YorkSp York SpeclahPreaidemmt clllPresi clllPresient ent Moot left New York just a wee k ka a ogll go aftu aCtor one on of o the most startling experiences eXJ > oriences In ii i his career That same morning he had wen ecll Mayor Gaynor s shot hot down > wn on tin the deck of the Kaiser Wilhelm Wllhclm del Grosse had wltllesed vitncsed the strug s truggle gle with JllmesJ Gallagher the would be assas assassin 3ln lUId an hllddparted lied de s parted d on the Kaiser fevcr feertshly feverishl lshl excited over the occurrences ns wcr werc most of ofth the other passengers pllseng rsaboard aboard i At 2 sufferer from heart trouble 1 1 it Ithnot is not tm i in 111 I probable that his suddeij sudder dea death e J1thllJay th may ii I nl some measure bo beattribttted attributed to th the stun ii l o f that occurrence Before efore the vessel 4epnr par fed fe d Prcsldcpi Prcslde M Mpntt ntt gave o out outan t anintarcstlng an interesting intq estiniPevlewde ieview eviewde dmi 1 scribin g the shooting Shoo tlug is h S ho saw sIl it Ifrmint ijii M mint later at sea he flashed l a 0 m wireless wlrelessnies nies mes l sage s g of ofs Bympathy sym mpll pathy ih to the t c May JTaydr ri He He ar nr I rived in New York from fr qm South Sout4Am Americi dcl on August 3 after a s st stop fop p in the thelahulDl Pahaim 1 Canal Zone one where wherehe he inspected the worl on the canal and anm I pronounce pronounced d it goo good d I Arr Arriving iving here lie was rece ived with UK presidential salute and met metbythe by the I Fed I ed eral State and city officials 1 On the following Friday he left foi Bos ton whence he was taken on th the < I Pres Pre side idents nts yac ac ht Mayflower MayflowertO to Beverly Beverl 1 where he healld and Mrs Montt had lunc lu heon con with the President Durimigiu During Durill gJ ilils ls Calk fl1lk1 Vitl w ith lth the President the PeruEcuador boundnrj bouim der3 I dispute dispu te came Cllmcup up and President lresla n t Taft asked the Chilian execu tive th e to iise 1 iIC e ii U in fluence in urging urgmg the thehvo two countridL eountri countr14 tc to accept Cceptthe the goo good d offices of the Unitet U aed States toward an anamleable amicable adjustinoqt adJustme am ljus tmo qt In consequence it is understood thai President Montt cabled instruction te Santiago Santin go While in this tim is countr country y the thilI ill hea ea lth lth ol of President Montt was a apparent He was easily e l8lIY fatigued and ond nd hirojd hisokLlea heart 4 art trouble tr p puble uble bothered bo Jhercrlbhn him considera eo cosic si lera rably bly r rV V < btj tj j Mew ew York Repubiic Rjtth1kan b iin Committee C mmittee Recommends Sherman 1 New York Special SpecllllT1 Theodore eodore noose ¬ volt elt matched strength with the o ld guard of the Eppublican Republiconparty party in in New York YorkIIn an d met dec isive defeat Th The Re ¬ publican state sta te committee in s session here by a vote of 20 to 15 refused to recom ¬ mend him for Jempo temporary emporary ary chairman if f the state convention w whic hic h h meets at Sara 5lra ¬ toga on September 27 Instead Vice President James S Sherman was selecte selected se Ie hetcd tetl d This Tl is Is Colonel Colon 1 Roosevelts second sc secondm co nll de m b ¬ feat at at the hands of the o ld guard guar d the first having been beentbe the legislatures le re fusal to pass the Cobb direct primary bill a l ¬ though tho gh Mr Rooseve lt especially indorsed It With hi hi his l s latest setback plans for har ¬ mony within the party rn the state re ¬ ceived a severe setback and as as soon as Colonel Rooseve lt heard the news he Is sued a statement in which whic h ho enrolled himself as a progressive progres sive so far fares cs the New ew York situation goes It was his hismost most pointed political politicalsta polltlc poli icalstate alslllle sta te midst since his return and those who hio saw him were wc re convinced that he had ha d de ¬ term erm ined to begin an open fight on the th old guard guar d KILLS WIFE AND SELF Woman Had Upbraided Man for Not i Living an Honest Life I Philade lphia lpll ia SpeciuD Specimz In the puce pre 1 enee nee of their two c hildren age d four and six Ix years Bartko Bernardaky shot and nstantly killed his wife and then blew out mt his own brains in a lodginghouse lodglu Thou5e house on m North Franklin l street in tin thu c city ity The i he tragedy is the result of a quarrel qu quarrelc rrri due c the ho neighbors say sa to the wife upbra upbraid id Ing ng the husband because he did nt lead an to n honest life The cou ple came from Po land leas lel than n i year ayo ao and resided 1 w ith Carroll F Fabian bian inBulTalo In BufTalo Mrs Horminlaky Berumiri leky le ft hcr mel husban d l and clime here three week wo k I igo gO witli with the children nnd ant i then wrote 1 hlm i lm according to the hc neighbor meighm hora that s sle he I would wouldDl1 aga Dl1 in live with him 1 I ru if i I h led lei 1 a better > ottcr life The husban d cams caDl here Sat Satl irday from Buffalo ulflo with 113 1 Ia mid the tl1 wife the neighbors any was wa ikepMrnl skrpl ielll vlicre he got ot the money mone This Thi a led to quarr uarrs ls with w ith the tragic tra gic resuH Tlui police jollcn know nl1lhil nothing i abnut tJb huit ut the man ex cept ept what they worn j old old by tins neigh bors ors O On n ounnEi ourm 0111 I IfN TEDAY I DAY Secondary Socondai y Henimorrhago l m horrha ge thot On OIlY Contingency TO LEAVUHE LEAVE THE HOSPITAL IH TEN TENDAYS BAYS Removal Removalof of the Bullet Does Not Con cern cer n the Surgeons at All AUas as They Siy SayIt It Can Easily Be Done at atAnyi Anyi Time TimeHis His Cough Is I StillTrouble Still Trouble some New York Yo k Spec cllll ial The surgeons attending Maor Mayor Ga Oanor ynor confessed confesS4dtl to a a fear of just one thing tim ing a secondary se ondllrYI hemorrhage that m ight occur ccur alon g gthf itho th path torn by the bullet A secondary t hemorrhage iiemaorr hmagmu is ISbleding blee hi hee ding 24 2 4 or more more hours after a fter a wound woun d has been inflicted In IJ Mayor Miy r Guynors Gaynorsease case It would w ould l mean me nn that the buH bullet t has so abra nbrlUlM 6d the rlliloD wall of some artery that the pulsing blood btoo t t1ma had ha4 1ma 4 broken bro ken through Such a I1hemo he inorrhagq rrhllgl must 1m checked chec ke d within a couple of ofmin mini mint t utes If Ifr death r is to be averted tvsr ted Every Eeryotber other contingency contin ney conce iva ble If to the alert surgica 8urglcl tl l mind has been beenprovlde1 provided i for The Mayor Mnol has received injection lmu jcetion of ofllntltoxin antitoxin to ward off te tanus the bullet has b been cn viewe vlew6das d as it lies cnu em bedded in inbony bony tissue in Inthuoo them roofpf roofo io fthq f the pharynx the wound has been dressed ancl a anl aseptic ase ptic ized and the Mayors 1Iars blood tes te tem d tw tmnice ice i e a day for the germs o f f septicemia scp ticomla or blood po ison ing Of O cour course e suc h h pre cautions as may have been b cn taltcn ta ken to guard gUII guardagalnstaaeeondary d IIglllnstn against agalnstaaeeondary a secondary second ry hemorr ha h hage ge se but w wholly holly to guard guar against that Is im 1m possible That is why there is always at least one doctor on duty with the Mayor night n ight nnd muim i da y If a a secondary hemorrhage were t tl > como the doctor in the room would t I i I ply have to stanc h the flow of blood with his fingers for a moment or two un until tilliglltureseould ligatures could be bellpplied applied It tlevelciP developed Monday Mon 1 that thatthis this tim is stanc h ¬ ing of of a secondary 8e ondary hemorr b morr hage hagawlsal was all alt < that the surgeons surgcon8had had IlImhl in mind now no when speaking of an o peration The removal of the bullet Is a s imple affair with w itiL which they are concerning themse lves not 1 a t ta a ll One of the physic ians who Is attend ing Mayor Qaynor said I that barring unl foreseen and impro hn pro ba hnble ble complications Mayor Gaynor will be beIIble able to leave the i hospital in two wee ks Tim polico wo Ilreengaglng engaging themselves on a theory that Jimmies J Gallagher tiny tb wouldbe assassin may have had an ac ¬ complice This Gallagher denies denlesbut but a man with a police po Jlce record reeordls is under susi sos 4 picion STEAL RAWN PAPERS Burglars Burglars Break Breaklnto Into Home of His Hii Hi SoninLaw Chica go Spec ial lalDete ialDetectlves Detectives esare are iny in cstigating a mysterious a 1 robbery a t l tht th home liome sonic of Robert RobettC C Brin rln kley soninlaw o if t tTrl1 Trl1 t G L R n bateS pr pres1n4rrtlthe I 31JLrrJtb illUnlll ionuu 1 fiaiv Ral l Aya AyaYiui y JI i WlllllCtr1cit Yiui i iit > it tii 1 f T 7 I Br inlcleyi ln lc1ey who 1s 1snow is is now with wIUrhi his fain fa irijly tly ll I lVlrglnl h n Virginia is tusto usto dlaii of Rawns dooms oell nents nentsj j Offic ia ial l investigation Investita tion of ofa a llege lhege4 gra Ta ra ft j m 1 car repa ir bills of the Illinois 1Ilinoi Central Ha Balhoad ihoad ihoadr r of w hlch hi h Rawn wa WM formerly a vice president preSidentis is thought to tob bo b responsible for the tb ransacking rail ransackingof sacking sackingof of tha Brin rin ltley residence Many valuables were passed by thij th hieves but desks and drawers where whe re th thq documents locume hts might be placed were rani mn ached MOUSE IN INHER HER RAT J Actrtss ictrtss Badly Shocke d But Will Re cover New York Spec Spc clal ial ialTlie The first woman to o be recorde d as having a real mouse m ouse in her er rat is Miss Elizabeth Gooda ll llal1 an a ctress She was re hears ing in the thoSev Sev ntyflrst Regiment Armory for her ap pelIance learance In We Vfont ont Go Home Till ilprn lorn lam lng l 1g 1gI I and at one on oup e time took ofT the rat at an and d hid it in a dark c lark corner Wherj Whe she he put it an aga in and started l to usii her ier hatnin there waR a terrible commo tion ion When Vh n she hie finally got ot the list ba t off out mt mit popped the mouse with a pin wound wOllnl ill n its it s ide It was IIS said that Miss Good a i ll is doing roill doinge we w e ll 11 Steel Cage for Baby Bar Harbor lIrbnr Special Sp cinl A steel ca a go g on m n whee lpc l cunningly cuuminin gly wrou wrotmght ght by b a skill ed i d craftsman and ant i safe guarded uarded by locks i f the most complicated 1 design for the mornings norn nam lngs ride of Vinson Mc Lpun Americ Vniericas s 100000000 baby is the latest and it l most startling novelty novel r whic h two pn ni d 1 parents have taken to protect thl this little Croesus a gainst kidnappin Id lluppiu g This 1hi Tlu ia stee too l perambulator has followed tha th rr ccont nt attempt of burglars to brtiik into the he Kdwar d i Ilea le McLean eLean mansion at Bar Jar cv Harbor The Mc lc Lean baby hah y is now as care are fully guarde d i from all save his hi nurse nnd ml tmi l Detective War are dens us if he were a u ittla ttl prisoner held hel as hostage Haunted By Dead Wife New York Va Special Sp ciJIYalter I Walter Schmidt liO 0 years el1rs o ld killed himse himself lf by inhalin im Imelln his li la wife killed kill tl ga as Just six Ix years eari ago WMf r 1f li l Hi tI saute nianncr l1ItII er Since then cbmidt chmit lt has been haimtc mauuitcl il by by11lI her 11lI ant un1 l re mii elldJ elldJII ti iy I iii II m nail 11 lnBii IIUt I ut 0 t of work orl and be t found l in be h iet CIW10 amo tub dosjiondont t He was < i uliy lilym dreesp m l ui with ithm the gas escaping from luirnur which hai 11111 l hem left tiiriiei l on I ully ily A helter ami 1I111J ant I a bank book jim whie hici tlicu tlmii was i U n 1 balance of 125 12 to Sehm Ichmidts o hm lIt lte rni 11t lit lit l I wore fouiji l In I mx tlic th t lie room J Where WhereTheFOrUII1 The ThaForum Forum Can Be Bought ought 100 a c 51 r py M A Harris 810 Flor Florida ida Avenue Northwest Davis Dav is Smith 1020 U Street N Northwest orthwes Gray Gray 12th 2th U Streets Northwest Wilkerson Will erson Montague 2018 14th Street Northwest Board Boa d Mc McGUIre Guire 1912J4 1912 14th Street treet Northwest Snowden Keyes 1819 14th Street treet Northwest Thos A Leatherwoo d 1516 14th Il lth Street StreetNorthwestJ NorthwestJ W H Lee 920 20th Street Northwest E B Bookmon 1 1104 104 1 04 20th Street Northcst Harr is and an Howley 634 T Street Str et Northwest John A Hanson 1018 4th Street Northwct Thos lh l 1 hos s H Harper 208 H Street outhvcst nr > Will iam E Ga les Anacostia Anaco stia D C Ellis Cafe 729 4th Street Northwest