The The National NationalPorum Foriiin
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r One Yenr n x 100
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1022 t02 i Youi V Vo Yo o u Strcek t treelr ree N VyRopm W TRopm O ut J 1 1
Editor taH rsn and 1 rio pi fopr prr pdetoi fetbr t r
Business Manage
Special Agent
Entered d ns seconaclnsa secondclMiIlluttel sec ond c1ass uintter at iltter May 3
i 27 1010 nt nLthePostotncent thePostoifee tlie PostolBce at Was hing
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1022 10221011 102 You Street SheetN N W
yashlngton D 0
It would ould seem that Mr Ir J 0
AVaters Wate rs pres president Ident of the Upper
i i Olassmen lias goo d grounds for the
contention tlon h he is maintaining maintQin n g
against what may be etermed termed Roc
tored to edN News Netyspaper ws paper Reports There
can be no doubt doubtbutthat but that in the thema ma ¬
jority of instances happenings
and we are willing to admit admit that
some of them themnre are of the most ob ¬
ij jection jectionable able nature n ature when reported
W with reference to occurrences in
i which Ne Negroes groes are concerned aree are
i grossly exaggerated One of ofour our
daily papers pa pelS last week we k came out in
glaring ghendlines headlines Race Jti Riot > t and an
when the facts fac ts were really investi ¬
gated it proved that thatllfew a few children
on one of the playgrounds had got ¬
ten into a contention and the re ¬
suit su lt was WU tbatone that one little white boy
s trl1ckimother truck another boy colored on > n
the head from which wlii h blow blow the lat ¬
ter died This Thiscameou came out tin in glaring
headlines belldlinesnndW and was ry as s given g en all the
prominence e poss possible ible By what
stretch str fc h hof of imagination that re ¬
porter could caption that such s leh
and and by what sys tem save it was
from pure malice ma lice e and race an antip tip ¬
athy tliatpape that paper r rcould could permit it to
d r be so published we are unable to
x see Sifted i ted to too its l last st analysis nna nlllysi sis
i l there ther is ls is no noreason reason to t believe that
i any of the children bad malice in
their theirhearth hearts hear f but w when hen the tbealfah affair
is discussed i1isc sse d as discussed it will
be beabou about t tthel the differen t tan and an d dseveral several d
firesides fir sidestli these little little fe fellows llows U UW W will
be indpc inductively tivelytnught ta taught ilghtt that they
have done a grea great t t thing and are
heroqs j thus the t c mischief I is is
Ii i wrought rought We l have aYJsaid said and we
II re reiterate iterate Hera t with withemphasis th emphasis emp lasis Ha if a por ¬
tion t no of o f fthe the money that comes to the
Negro N groby by way of philanthropy
i were Welespent spen spent t in the establishment
i equipmen t tand and maintenance m lntenance of ofn a
large newspaper plant w with Ithfacm facili ¬
ties tiesto to go g o into i toalleged alleged commitment
of ofcl o f qr cr irne imes and to toillyestigatehnpar investigate impar ¬
tiallymany tially tiu lly many 1l111nyof of the thesoca soca lled hap ¬
1 penings pea ings J the truth could an and d would
be given to the world without color
d or tint of shade and the Negro
iI would appear in inthe the light light of what
t ke really is and not w what w hat he is
maliciously maliciouslyma made ma de fobe to be in man many Y
biased biQlS cdinstaJ1ces instances
Still faint rumors fill the air of
the theprobi probable le deposition depo iHOJiof of one oneot of
our professors ssorsJn in the Law School School
i of Howard We can can lln get gehlO no in intellh tell
f gent gentlinetlP line upon upon n the proposed pr posedde decapi api ¬
lu h tation fationb1it but hope hope tli the rumor rUin or is with ¬
out foundation foundation We are nreonl only re reo ¬
framing frahlingfrom from the mention of
names because it is the str ict ic f fpo po policy licy
of o ftMs this paper to fodea deal I with princi ¬
pies plesaud and no l1 t twith with men men and not
because be nusewe we are one bit timid about
n Il nnmingourman namingcour naming our man as they say in
i conventions Whenever the theques pies ¬
r tion of ot9Jim eliminating elim inating Y this tliispur par ticular ticu lar
i individual indhid J is raised rais d here 1 are a few
I things that every colored man
woman womannnd and child cbildJiot riot only in the
ii Pistr District ict ictj j but butat at large e should weigh
i i ° and Itndren remember emberjviz viz viz It was this
i same Bllii1 mnnwho man who bro broke ke all rules of
the United n Ued States StatesSenntc Senate and in tna a I
measure metsu c saved llwdthedny the day for fotHowlrd Howard
lI t by bw way of otsecl1ling securing to her appro aPPro
I prialibris pril tioIiB that batwou1tl would in a all il proba ¬
I 1 bility otherwise not have been
t here her that tbatt4i this tbistery Very ry action ncUonplllced placed
it 1 the tli Law La w pe Peparfnient partntent pa rtment bfHoward of Howar d
t i t bn onlit11m on a firm basis brtsilfl that it ttsnvcdto saved to
the coloitcd colQ er l people p oplcn at the thenl1tionjf nation nations
head head iI that tba fbil1uchOrpJun branch of the theuniversity un university iversity
111 11
4CY i
Jfi 1
that deals enls with w ith the knowledge of
the rights of men that it was the
I action arid nlldstlcriftce sacrifice of this man
and nl1 the splendid exhibition of
moral courage cOl1r gcconpled coupled w ith ith an ac ac ¬
curatelmowledgeofthe curate knowledge lmowledgeofthe of the law as re ¬
gar gaided ded his and the rights of his
people tbl1thrtsmmleit thathas tliathas mndoit mnde it possible
fOKthe fo for jJe tJiesri niieulld wjfc e and an d dchild child ofu of plerycol n11 > firjcpl Y Ql
oretl ore dman inan to tOlide ride out outof of the District
of Colum bia wJtb witUbnt w ithout utbeing being Jim
Crowed When the question of
elimination clin elhuination linationand and the steam steamroller steam roller
process prgcessis > r qcessiR is broached it will will m be just
as nswell well to to think on these things
WepmpQse We o propose to tolmy hate something som tbipg to
say about it it r tt whenever the question
is raised la 1se1 and for thatll1llttel that matter matter
whenever the question ofdeposilg of deposing
i any colored c man ml1nis is raised where
that nian lliaJJr lliaJJbas r has done his l isduty liis duty and is is
capable capa apabl bli arid alldc competent c cimpeten
Maine 1fainchlls has gone and an d done do ne it We
have repeatedly tried topointol1t to point out
that unless there isarltdical is a radical ra dical
change chnngein in iii the political politi cuI complexion c mplcdoll
of affairs alfn ls we ive e arc likely to lose the
next House Of course it is easily
possible to lose Maine to our s side ide
and yet et win winoutbut win winout out outbut + but the theeliectof the effect of
this defeat is isat at once once encouraging
to the Pemocracyond Democracyanddiseournging discouraging
to the Republican party It may
serve as the thesource source o of f impetus that
will awaken every Republican to
his duty and show him the tbemore more
serious sel ousside side of the pen pending ding strug ¬
gle There lsno is no doubt but that
Colonel Roosevelts trip through
the West has hnsclarHled clarified matters matterscon con con ¬
s siderably but at that there is
much to do 10 The harvest is great
and the laborers are few fewfew few be ¬
cause tHey are in many instances
divided There is no doubt but bu t
that by getting gettillgtogetbel together the Repub ¬
Bean licnnpndy party can win in November Novem ber
but bmit it will not no t have liavea a margin more
than broad enough to drive driven a two
horse wagon on at atthat that It Ris is pre ¬
dicted dictedliy die ted by W1 W < J J Browning Brown ing ngauditor auditor
of the national nutionalcongressional congressional l lcony com ¬
mittee 1l1itt cand and chief hicf clerk cler k of the
House that by b l September 25 2 there
will be beset set in in operation operatioJlplans plans so so
replete with argument lgumentwithin within w ithinn
themselves that tha t tIlewe the welding din gOf of the
Repu Ropublicanpnrty blican party will be only a
matter of o frn a few days dtlJsnnd and that by
the time t me election lectiolldl1Y i day is upon uss us
we will present pr p esent a a solid s solid lid front and an and d
win > out ouf easily e iyU It isi isicClfa cer ta tainly inly to o
be lipped hope tliat that tIinttl1 the auditorspredic auditors predic ¬
tiouis tion is well ell founded f oui led d
Galbraith Galbra ltQ AM A HE M E Zion Zi ZionChurch onChurch Church
In the th lectnre lecturerobin room o of f the Gal l
bra braith ith Ollllr Church cl on Monday night
theOliris the Chris tian Endeavor En eavor workers
met for fO l their installation ceremo ceremo ¬
nies After a number of addresses
and pledges for consecrated and
zealous wor wo work rlDr k Pr S SL L Corrothers
the pastor l11stor installed installcdUIC the officers for
the coming cou ing year Among the offi ¬
sera cers the f following following were reelec reelectcd ted
Mr Frank Spr iggs presiden pres iden t
HevTolm Rev Jo John hn H HSaunders Saunders y vicepresi icePr esi ¬
dent dent Miss Victoria Lane secre ¬
tary Mr InT T Chase Chase assistan t tsecre seers secre ¬
tary Mrs Lucy IucyCoun Coun ter treas ¬
urer Chairmen of ofcon committees Jnittees
Mr rr Thomas Haw HawldnBMr Hawkins kins Mr A
Spalrow1fisI Sparrow Miss Enner and fin d Mellie
Lune Line Miss Anne nneComtee Comtee Mrs
Mary E Shirr Shil1MissM Miss a M 1 Liggons
Mr W Fletcher Fletcheri Mr W H An
A Musical l Genius
Conversing with w ith Ford Pabney Da bney
the he other day I was surprised to
find that he hewlls was so much mu ch chof of ofa a com
poser > oser I have havewatcllCd watched Ford from
boyhood boyltOodand and early recognized his
ability abilityan and dtaletit talent as a pianist but
he le has later come to the fore as a
lyric composer Among his later
compositions are The Minor
Strain a a song now sung by Louise
Dresser with De Wolf Hopper in
the hc Matinee Idol Ido Idol Bert Wil t
llama sings the theslllne same song in Fol
lies ies of 1910 in which is another
composition by Pabney Dabn y en entitled titled
Pensacolp March Unrcha a song nnd
aanc lance icechorus chorus He Hoiswriting Hoiswritingasong is writing a song
by > y con tract for Marie lfarieCahill Cahill enti ¬
UedLoving tied led Loving in Pyramid Land I UIl
and another entitled Ill lIlGo Go the
jim j im lt For You Besides those
rnentiopeland arid the three lIme
AHldOvertonWalkerissin iiflii pvertpn Walker Wa lker is singing ging
Uh tli the Smart Set he expects
t d 5 have four f011fJr Or five other songs on
before the thesel1sollcloses seasoiicloses season closes
1 I
r sociiT SOCI E T YS s MALM i A tM LM
t p
Mrs Millie Milliepe1Y Letvis s getiviugteac seKiii se in gteacliei te cJiet lieii
Jntl1 in the 1JU publicschoolE blil h > 1 rJH1s lurs re ietnhr ll > c il
from a two twoweek weeks rest r st at Rooky Ro cky
l 1kiint PointMd in t Md l i o
Miss iss Emma E nDlIqergei Geor George b + ea 1 tel1 teacher tencher hell iu in
the public sc f c hools hools1lns has hnsre jretulled returned turliec1 to t
the city i X after afte s pending two weeks weeks
at Rocky Point in M Md
Mrs frs Lv L B BMoore Moore 1fooreanQ and son son lp tau Tan ¬
ner nelba tier have ve rettirnedtothechty returned r ttrl1 p to the qity after
n a delightfu delightful tl tlvisittPitt l visit visittPitt at PittsburgjPa Pittsburg bulgPa Pa
Rev Pr DlMW M MW W P < Norman Norn1Ilpfs pas
for of the Metropolitan 1f tlQPolital1naptist Baptist
Church left left Monday 1f md1Y morning for
New Orleans OlleansLa La where wheehedelh whereiie he deli deliv v <
ere ered d the annual nnn1Ulsermon Sermon on 011 Wed Wed ¬
nesday even en ing at the th National National Nlitio 1al
Baptist Bop Hst Convention C Convention onv ntiol1
Hon i iW W T Vernon Register Regist l o of f
the Treasury IeftlIollday IeftlIolldaymorn left Monday morn nmrn ¬
ing in company compOnywith with Chaplain ChapJa in 0
J JSco Sco tt Twentyfifth TW Twentyfi nfM fth ftli Unit Yn Unite Unitd t ed e d
States Infantry Infanhyf for r Ba Baltimore ltimore
Md Md for the openi opening gsessionoftlle session of the
B M 110 0
IIonJlune Hon Ton James A A Co Gobi bh Assistan Assistant t
District Attorney Atfor eJ attended the
opening session of the B it M r 0 in
13u Baltimore ltimole1Ion Monday aJ
Attorney Attorneynn and Mrs MrsJ J Louisfl1p Louis Tay ¬
lor left Thursday for Baltimore
Mrs Mrs Anna Hopkins and Miss
Mary 1farYCur Curtis tis lef left1lnuSday left t Thursday for fOlDI11 Bal ¬
tint timore ore to attend the grand glan parade
of the Odd Fellows Fe llows
The lhelectu lecture re given by Chaplain 0
J W V Scott Sco tt on Monday evening e ev v ening at t
the Met A 1r M E Church Ohulcllwns was a
signal success A large aiJdapPle arid appre appre ¬
ciative audience audience turned out and
gave him him a it a grand gran ovation o va vatioll tioll The
subject su bjeCt was The Co Colored lored ore < lS01diels Soldiers
in the Philippines PhiliIJpincsDefore Before ex ex ¬
hibitin g the slides lides he gave a very ver
interesting description of the trip
to the Philippines and stay sta there
and his hisretUln return The most mo t in terest ter st ¬
tag ingpaltof part of the lec lectule ture was was a s the the
Calls and lin their interpre tation
There Tlwlcyusn was a bu buglel011 bugler gler oti on the plat pla F
forni forni fornij forniAvho j who who proved provedlitnis himself elf to be bean an
adept a dept in the reproduction reproduc tio n 6f
Calls Calls uHsGe Gen An drew S Burt Bll t
former fOlJIlergeneral general of the Twentyfifth Twenty flft l 1
Infantr y w was as present presentmldmnde and and andmade made ti a 1
few introductory remarks
After the tl e lecture l c jp an auiitforntal l ll informal l f llllal
reception was tendered tendered Chaplain
Scott in itl the tltelectllreroOl lectureropm lectureroom co 1oftle of thin
church h by I the Wesley Club Jlu Tlie T1
Hpn rlC1IYTYeln01Inctedns W T V VGi VGinou ernon r nou ac ted as toast
nuis ter tellhpse Those who respon le spon ded de 1 d
were Dr Dr John J jlmHurst Hurst Rev Ucv Arnold
Dr Sterling Sfedil1gN N Brown Br wu Pr Jl I IN N N
Ross I of1s Miss Iiss Mattie R Bowen Blweu an and d
Chaplain 0 J W Scott cott
The Ihe death deatI of o Mr Ir James Bogies J30 gues
son sonot of Mr MlI1J1d1lrs and Mrs Bogies jgu cs of
14321 1 2V 2 0 Q Qstreet street N Mft Wjant1 and a st stu t11 i ¬
dent el1tQfColll of Cornell ll University UniVelS it Wl1SI was a
great shock to hi his 1 host of friends frien dss
and an acquaintances We extend extend to
the bereaved parents our sympathy sY JJpathy
in their hour hOUljf pf grief g iefnJ1d and sadness
Mr and Mrs frhQJ11RS Thomas J JCallo J Gallo Callo ¬
way were Were at home Monday f ndayeven even
ing ingat at their residence residence1335 1335 T Tstreet street
N W in inJuor honor of f Mrs MrsB09 BogkerT Bppker rT 4 4T T
WWasliington Washin gton gfonofTuskegce of Tuskegee Institute Instit te f
Alabama Ala J1111 Assistin As Assisting iflti g gUrBCallo Mrs Callo Ca bo
way in the receivingline reeeiving linewere were Mrs
B K K Bruce Mrs MlsE E C Williams W lliams
and nl1fls Mrs Warren G GFea Fear Fearing ringRe ing Re ¬
freshments were served under the
direction of the genial geniallfrCbarle Mr Charles s
FlIf F M ° Browne rowne Some E1omeof of those pres ¬
ent were wer Prof and Mrs llrsRoscoe Roscoe
Coursing Oon kling Bruce Mrs and a nd Miss Al Al ¬
bert Mr and an i1l i1lrs Mrs rs White field ld1Ic Mc Me
IipIOy Kin ley Judge Ju 1 udge dheand and Mrs Robert H IL
Terrell re l ell Prof aud1lrs and Mrs Kelly Mil Mu ¬
her lerpr Pr and Mrs JlIrsC G WV WChilds Childs Pr
IUHIlhs and Mrs G W CabauisS CabauisSj Oaba iiss iss issJ issD1 j Pr and
Mrs H L Bti Bailey ley Mr and m Id Mrs rl3 H EL
E l I3alw Baker Rr Di DiandMrs Drand and andMrs Mrs W W WBruce Bruce
Evans1r I Eyans rI1Jls Pr Drlllld arid Mrs L H H Harris
Prof and Mrs I s W WT J Pecatur Decatur1If1s Dec atur Mrs
Stanislaus Boyce Mrs Arthur A thur
Brooks Mr Mr Ir and Mrs Ro Robert bert A
Pelham Pelham Rev and Mrs MpSterHng Sterling N N N
Brown Mrs r R w Tyler Tyler1Ifr Mr and a n
Mrs Ils R W Thom pson Mrs J L L
Cliesnntt Ch Chesnuttj lltJtt Rr Drnndh and Mrs Mid M t p 0 Pu J Di1 ¬
mas Miss lIissG Gertrude rtru de Backus aclms Mrs
George G orge M Collins CollinsProfllnd Prof Pro f fand and Mrs
AU A V UV UCraig Cra Craig ig Mrs and andJIiss Miss John J John obn
sonMr ion onlIfrnnd Mr and andAfrdL JlrS f1 L ETohnson E Johtison T
MI Mrs kC Pi WF51hnore WiFiIlmolcMiss Miss M Marie lioO P
James Mrs Jolm J lm M Larigaton Ia gslon
Dlrs Il i iT Jssee T s IawsonPrpfar inw nPr fI a l Jdrp lJfrs
rf Tolm JohluT J OIu > T Tv v dl La1 wt t ton on Mfrs sl and Miss Xs
Meriwether fel eriweth et lCr e r Miss Katie KntieE E El Moten
j Aii irslrrigfl1 Iiubh j3r d3rown wne e Jigs Mr ii Tjios l S
Walker Pr DlnndMrs and andMrs Mrs AM A M Curtis
Mrs 3f lIhsJ rs 0 Jr J 1 J r i irpnmev Q rt r JilWeP ii L iel Jj Mvs Jrs and y
3lits JIiis JiRS Europe Dr F J Gr Grimke imke
lIof Prof and Mrs UrsOG 0 G Harris Hmlisth the
Hiss MissesH6warl IiSse cs U I Ion ard ard111rs i i ir lliirG1iin 111rs liSfii CTa nltLau ftTi ftTian lL an 1 i
stony stbn storr Mr jii jiiu iliS ahdrs u nnd rid f3lrs l l J Jbhi JohnC liJi i 6V 6Nri Noli Nolie e
Mrs Irj R RL RJNftd r J 1 PfeftaietQn Nftd 0 letQ 11Ii Mis Miss f S Marion IiHo 0 i
P > fJhaM llpildM1ir Mre rrs swGHa t WX5HaynesM WG HaY 1 ues sf Irs j1
J F FIJundy BundyJ Mrs frs J J Milton Milton nitoii Wai w41 yl l
dr drop r pn pI11fr Mr I Ia and a 1B Mrs frB W W ij HChild Child
ress les ifr 1 r nndirrsH I1nd an and d Dirs I Is1f s1f H 0 Pbrpe Corneh lpel jl
Mrs Cobb Q l b Mr Mi I Il Iandlfrs l and andlfrs Mrs Felix Fe Felix lix 3
Weir Weh1IrsB Mrs MraJ MraB B B BI R RPinchback Pincliback the
Misses lfiss WYo WormJey Wo rmlei ml JRevand Revand Rev and Mrs M II r
W T plair plairr plairitev Qli r l lIte Ite itev l 0L L Mitchell 1ntch llMlS Mrs
and Miss Porsette orsc tteDr Pr 0 M Ml At
1 r
wood ool IPro Prof Prof f B BU G GBrawley1I Brawley Brawle y Mr and
Mrs l rs R Rn R Homer ItOlnelMis r Miss s Ma y yTJ Ty ¬
sonMIs son Mrs Montague Mon tague Miss Love Lo Lov ve e
Perry Prof 1 10f and andlfls Mrs James tnme
Storum Stor ln Mrs Ir Daniels Mr 1iran 31r 1 an d
Mrs Benjam B nJulnni in Washington Mrs Irs
W 11A A Pinc Pinclhba in hback hba ck k Mr an and d Mrs W
H Clifford Miss llI ss Lillian Evans
Mr Mim arid m Mrs Mrs fls Clarence Cameron Canl rQn
White WliitcMiss Miss Jennie Jenn ie II Brown Brown Mr
and m id Mrs 1trsW W L I Wilkprson W I kjrsou Dr and an
Mrs flsJ Jo hn 1 n Hurst Il nst the Misses At At
wood Pr D Dr r and ndMrs Mrs J I R Wilder
Mr MIu arid di iHl Mrs Me Irs n Eu Eugene gene Brooks Bro ropks oks Pr 11
WL 1V W L Lr r Bear Beard d l r rlInrsA James lInrsA A Cobb 0 OF F
M Browne Walter iysoii i SOli L r G
Gre Gregor gor g9IY y J T r L Neill Prof Prof Pro f George 1 1Ol Ol ge
William Cook Coo k A N Spurloc SOUllock 1 k G
H Benjamin in inJ J L I J N Ne Neill ill and nd I
others i
CQD Conliicied d duced lrd by
VmTON PRESTON HATLESS BmmI9J56IbSlreeIN 1915 6llT Street Sneer NW N W 1
Miss 3liss BlaiHh B I3lane nncll h L Wright Wrightenter enter ¬
tnipedat tained at whist tvhiston on last Wednesday I
evening in honor II00WIof of Mrs i Mrslarnest rs Earnest Ea1l1 st
ine Brown aril an u d l Mrs Florence Flo lence
Wo bdwaritof bdvur d f Chicago both bothdl1lgl1 dau daugli gh
tees tCl S of Father 1atl1 l Thompson founder fomide
I of thBt the St Thomas thn ls Episcopal EPj coP
Churc lriof h hof of Chicago Ch Clii4 Clii4tgoand fli1I tgoand o and 1ndcouslUS cous cousins ins of df
Mrs Kclle Kelley y y Miller iJlcr of ofihlsci this city y
Tile rl c fpUawing fQlrowiu gla glakes la dies ies were wer vere epresent preseut pres l
Ijrs JJ l 1 1 Aman UlfiJlda da da Gray Errs h y yEva Eva Ross Ros oss s Mrs rrs
Kelley Icelle 1ey y Miiler Mu 1iJm icr iJIisses Misses Edna r Gray
Eflie BflIeSimllio1l8 Simmons Si1nu ons Lula 111 Lt ila In Allen Allen Bess Bessie ie 1
Sliippeii Shilp Slii i ieii u j Gei Ge l t tl ter l Snia Smallwood llwood n ood fen ¬
ale Robinson Hobil1 ii Lucille rj ci cie e Nooks NooksEitn Etta
IiIaxw Maxwell lL aiuOIinnie and alnnie Brown n ownofW of ofNcw New W
I York YII Ypt l c db cityiryt ity Fivst Jii Ht prize in Whit
wa WaSi WOU yml byJIisiH b bv 1iRT IfssJenuie Jennie ennieRjblnsol Robinson i s
cons cprisolatioiij Ol1f > Oll1tiollJ olation prisiq IJl lz < lhr by IfilsEtta Miss Miss Etta
Max lIfl1xY 3laxTvell pll Il l booby Qo y prize by Miss
Edna l dnIJGr Gray 1J Aguesaing 1gues A guessing ingcut contest s pn
the words Wright W ight Write Writef
Right t was wusqrr arranged arr nngell imge l fpi fQr f Qr the
Wright Wrigl1tpalty party > pr A V YIly > Gray
Aou woti the thefll fiivstprjzc fllstprizeaudMiss tpl l7 and all Miss 1fi s Small
wood woodbJplW booby prize p izc Painty refresh l flesh ¬
a cents were tt em se served Cl rved rt tl after fter w which hich the f
guests left ieftfprit fpi their h heir eir liojnes with
pleasant jiieiuor mellol memories ies e of o f the tb delight ¬
ful evening Spqnt Bp spentat l1t l1td l1tat d at the Wlig Wright lt
Mrs r Mar Maria a rifi fii e t toh tohnson oh nson is spending
a n fcVwcek fe V wcckrf s v isiting in Buena 1 Va Vaa
i Mrs Speric dr r Murray and her hel
charniingdau c lumiillgdliughtcls charniihg daughter ghter a lfissesN Misses Nettiei e ttie
and amlJMuabave Edna liayereturned have returned retmned from i a
pleasant IJl l1smt ou outing m tirlg H g of several weeks
at Asbury Park j
Mrs 1rsTJ T J Houston and nd fttrnil family f DlHy Y
are the tlegnesta guests Of Mr an and d dlIrs Mrs
David D vhl Houston 1loustop of nalU Baltimore m mo o ie iedur dur dur ¬
ing the B M U 0 Q
Mi lIIisdnezGolsUyllG7 Miss ss Inez Golslhy11070th Golslhy11070thlstreet GolsBy 11C7 C Gthistteet thi street lstreetN
N N E enter tained a party par y ofyoung of young
IiliUes ladies lilstTJJlsdrij last last Tuesday Tu esday evening evcn ve ingi
r 1
Misses lJissesllfam Mam Marne ie and Essie Essi Barrel
have returned from Vine Vineland Yinell1nlN land N
J Jwhel where they theyspent 1 spent avery avcrYl a very pleas > leafh
tint summer i
Master Tm Turner l i ier p ier er Layton has 1 re ie ¬
turned to t the tbeQity city from Wr Wrvacll his yaba vaca
tion at Ba y i Head Ifea d N f ft t 1lln Master tei
T Tj Layton j ay 401 1 I figs has a m miiriy lI i b byf nyfriei yf friends ieI i d d 1 ylio ili II wcl wcly we v l y
come his letu return i L
Dr DrJ J P DOli Cabiiniss Gabin iuiss iss is 1Erspen s spenlingn pending ingn a 1
inontli month at Niagara Nia gara Fallst Falls if ifI t I <
Gen Henry HenryvForrest H nryFolr I Forrest orresk tArliy arrived arrlv ed din in
this city dtyJust last l Frday F r r lday ldayafternoon I1YMtenoon afternoon andi q > dl
left Suriday SUl1 > t ny aY fbl fpiv fuI3alUmoro Baltimore to tout at
tent the theflfteeuth fifteenth B Bf BSt n f St 1 0 OqI M < MMr Mr I
Forrest is ifla a delegate clegntefJoll1 from New
York Yor k Mr 1 1IDnvi Mr IDnvi David Brown Bro Brory wn n is cha chair chair ir
IlU mail man 1i 1iof f of tholNew tll the 1fNew ti New York YOl Yor lllio lllioda iwt delegation d da C u legatin gj
i a G r i n a F < t I
Mrs IlS V Scott pott ott > ajjeacher aICacJelJn ai feacheraInthe in We the
citrfacliools city cityffi ctlS ffi ffigchools gchools hoolS ft ftof bf of r Par PrtiIsTex Pnrip isTex Texlias llias lie li re e ¬
signed Rign d her helpol9itjol1 position in thcJ3lleuu the Bureau Bureauu
of nftheQel1su nftheQel1suwhCl1 llie hie Census t where sh she shehns ehas has been
jnnplpyed eln employe iJloJed d since sil since cellii the f Ije j close lose of her
sc s school iioo i6 i last lastspringy last nEit spriiig pfiiig nn and ir 1iJitiiri retiifnen i tiiru U
home hornetoresurneherschuotwork torosumehersdioorTvorkr to resumeiwr s c1motwm t
v fj TJon pn Wv VLr t i LrHoustoiv > J Houstou J u OUSt011 OUSt011J 0 J r Mof M Mr 1 1 r of
I G 91t V9 i 9P 0 0 0Fnccompaniedbyl F a c ccompanied companied coll1p ni by liis l l ls + is s
i il > j f Jt <
wife and son sonrtrc are the it gues gu guess St Sts ts s of Pr
arid pl JJ Mrs JQ BJ T Wieatle 1 fX y gWiF urin g
the the B Il I IJ l J Rpt a Baltti nIFi 1 11p 1p 1pr 1p8r r re 8r y
Mrs Irs Si S J T Slaughter SIIlUghtelulltl anQ nail Miss 1
Harriet T4ee Iiee r ee HVlib vliov6r ho were were iii hif Wes f est t
moorland inoorlat1dj d1V Wl W Va Viii r rdc iiperating cnperatinghave ltpe difing
have hflv re turned f trned
11 Wedn yedne ednea sdayeening day evening evening of i last last t We wee week k
a nPUlty a party oJQung ofyonng of youn g pe people oplegiweMist gave Miss bss
Jenn J enne ie ie pprnell CQr Q1I ell t tllls llls a surprise s ui R rise is QlIi1r par party ty tJ A
very very prJ f deli le iiglitful fifitf fifitful ul evening er ning wls spen sPout t
Miss lHs Cprne t le ll goes ostpB tp Boston tQ to toM at ¬
tend ten Simmons S Simmons unons College C Colle lle g e TJlpse I1os lJo lJoe epres e i i pves
cut were Cornell ere Misses Ruth Corne Oo l1e ll
Dorothy OlthY 1nringNatalie Waring 11 tiNl1ta Natalie QlIfcqln McGin
nis nis Beatrice Hel atrice ltriceChUdsRuth Ohilds OhildsRutlt Ruth Gripi dm
shaw SIU1wAntonettcBrooks SIU1wAntonettcBrooksEvn Antonette AntonetteBroo Brooks ksEva Eva Evn Jac Jack k ¬
son of Pittsburg Ma Mabfel bblTUnnell Tiinriell
Jessie l lsie l Jenifer Jen T ll i ifer fer Porothy DorothyJohnsol1 Dor othy 1 Johnson
Ruth Ruth Peters Eva Eva Johnson Johnson of Ma Ia
con conGIl Ga i 1 Sylvia Sjr lvin Piper Wilhcl
meilia Taliferoi TIlIIeloiElmcl TaIiferoErmerWelch Ermer Welch An
gella Braxton Minnie Wilson Nilson
Lillian Wright and an Edith Morn
wether Messrs Ben Benj j Iiper Wil ¬
liam liamJohns Johns Johnson on f WalterOrimshaw Walter WVn lter Grimahaw Grimshaw
T Ti i Price Price Hurst William Haines
Maurice lIfullri e Curtis OllltisJaniesH Jairies H Waring
Jay Cox Cox Robert Brooke Brooks mooksT T Cap
tan Williai h Writt j Nathan Ness Nes
bitt bitt John JolmFem Fearing 1Ilg Joe Martin
Arthur Ti T Tunnel innell nlloll Theodore Turner Turner
Claude Amos m s Flavins Flu V 11S Lucas and
Ferdinand Ii er < Unmid Amos
I Miss MissPe reuie Pearjie arhte Lewis L e ewis wis i vi lI has fins 9B r l returned hlllle
from flOIlIm from an a n ne e extended J xtende xtendetr tend d j trip itJi tJi tr ip pi in intheWe in p pthe the theWe Wes t t l
visitihg friends friendsjn friCl s ill in Day Rayton ton P and
inOhi in in Chicago Chica ago go Ill 111
Mrs frs Annie AnJlicWatson Ann ie Watson Watson fret her l Jl daugh d mgh ¬
ter telThelinliiumlmothcl Tlielmitand Tlieiiit it and mother lIfr Mrs s Bur
gefiS have re returned le turne turned l1r from from om Thor
ouglifareWrWberethiey ouglifare Ol ghfale Vai Ymj therethey ll rctheyspent sperit spen t the
sunuuer slJl m w
I Mrs lIl Alice Alice AIic Smjth S Sur hitlf hitlfau tli arid au ddriughtel d daughter
AudrieV AlH11ieIJa have v ieturned1 i h net from f from roin Buena
i Yt Vav where tli they j were werev werev v isiting isitin g
i r
Miss Iiss Dfr Dprscik407f Dprscik407feutNl s t t ti i t07IM eutNl t i il l Y
left l ft for Tuskegee Tus kegee 1 Ala last lusSun 1 Sun ri
day du d
rIi u u
D1iss iS At Aile1la 9 9t 9I I H larks NI i yi yi Wpg t i it g Jp
Now ewolkcI Tbr fc fcc c city it t r I
1 r
lf Messrs ss sEIII Llai 1 W1 iI3u irl is andyaiiau p Vi i flll
1rliell li ml1h tc tci tciell i iell 1l Re r etlnne turn t1w ed edv 9 tliQ1t v froiii rQ1 > Atlantiii Nln dtlautt p iqi C
City City1Yciiuesdny City Wednesday W n sdrrJi ITd i 11 L i
Mr FE Ti TitEPirkii1svisiting t Iilltssvisiting E > PhrkBis visiting dear
friends iiendsih11 in iii PittsburgPaP Pittsburg iHsbt liPitJ Ftti
MrSf Mrs rl Celia c ii M itetYa t va v rt t tj j wife of
Mr C Cr CJl r Jl tl tlr H r Stewa SteWfllt tewprt vt i f formerly ninerlyadver adver adver
tlIimplll1nng tising managei l 1 of the hc Freeman IjrJ Fi cuu1ai nll11 In
i < djaimnpjis lirtuapolisInd Jnd Ill is yisitiug yiSi v is iting r friends
ip1hp iliihq rit t
1 The internationalco international hl ternationalconferen co conference nference eof of
Knights Templar Tg IJ lluwhic whic which jii 1 i inlet me t re ¬
cently ceut yin in in Detroit PetroitMicli petroitlficll j Micli l lias h leas s chosen
Washington Wllslihl ltll as their next nex le xlplcuepf j place placeof of
mQotin 1U o ilJ g in in Septem Sep September elTIW ber 1 1112 1912
WVnslhiibtons Washin Wualf1H gton tPIl degree d r e team teen nll1 wpn Yo n
first p prize ize in in iucontelringtherder conferring conferr ing the thieOrder Order
of Knighthood
Th The The e co colored lored d clerks employed cll1 e pjo d In in ii
the Census C CJ Sensus J susOfficc Office hn have have e formed foinied for med a
II Census Census Social Social Club the object o bj < t
of o f Which w hich is istQ to bring about an nt n ac ri i
giuitin quainlance q it in tinc1 ianee among all1o among g their 11e l fe feHow llow
wor i vorknden o l kinen an and il to toplpn promote ofe social s socialre cialre re ¬
lationships l tfon l1 psThe The Theflrst fi fis first s fI meetinglvas meeting 1e tin gvlts was
Jie1d lie ld at Plymouth P ymblithConglcg Corigregationa lHonfit l
Church O Ourclinnd urclinnd an and d the following fol ving o Officers
were elected lected PresIdent President t H H I
Tlibea Tiiweatt liM ait tt of ofGcolgia of Georgia vice yiccpresi presi
de dcn dent rit t E E O Or C r Jones Jone South SoUthCIllol Caro Carolina lina lll j
uclciehiry Secre tary 1 E P < W WWHarrison Harrisori Harlis li Arkan ¬
sas ass ass istant secretary s scr cr eb y Miss Sew Slmr
nll aUJI JI District WsW Districtof tofCO1l11b of Columbia and
treasurer trel tre isurerIlTi u el E L J Burns Blllnl1Ohio Ohio Thg The
prgiin prgwizlltiou nation is i to to J1e bp b permanent p manJf1t
dmin during g the r rliJc life pf o th trio iii tJl tliirteGpth irtcenth hte nth >
CgI eeltilus cejisu IIS IISi i An l hl acquaintance e banr ban bang
t quet mIJtis u n iB s planned JJl 1lJ1ediol for the th p pear near ar fu
tare tvir J 3
Prof Pr e f B G tirawlej Brlii ra t vldva i ia ariative a riativeof nntive of f
I SpnthQarolipl South South Caro Carolina li n andSqnpfPr and nd ndlsqui lsqui lsqui9f son 9f fUr Pro E
MBravleyr MI vl vli i BjajYjey BJMV JY president presHJ nt or of of Morris s
QolJ College < ge11 ent i at t SuinterSpliaSi t1mter1i SQllUs i Conie eome OI11
to tQ p Jr HnYlw tp award > vird Un lTn iycrsity lvera t as tt the l1eh head had ad
jf of the I Department ePurtn en pf o f English En glish sue t1
c ClcI ceding cedingthe e elt i it igth gth i the pl pll Jitp l i I t tp to Pijof 1 Prof r9f Cliarlps Ghal C barley ps 0
C Cook ook ok Professor IlofeI1 Professor olDrawley Brawley is rSlt a
graduate g d < ultte o of of f three thrcelligh highgradpj lighl gradq rad fol so ol h
I ieges eges egesllI1vlIlg having secured secured hthieilegreeof the ilegre egrlJ < of
v vAB AB i at the Atlanta Atla t a Ba 3l itist tist tlstQol Col ol
Iegei leglfiBdtt ABat But the theUniven UmV Univei l tity ity of oflGhi Olli
sago and AM at Harvard Hfilvr l For
seven 50k en Jei1 years BMI he lias ifb heenmcinlier been l amember nJr i bcr
of the the faculty at the Atlanta Bap
thcGcllcge tis tintiollegern t Golkge jmdr diareci isrecogn rcctJgn gn l iHidihQ ± cdthe
SonllxlI QJ1J 1QYmIJW1nJDi M 6Ye1 01i n Cll t t nl
that perta ins to the study of of the
a ngHsI n glis livnpguageiIre Jl g 1 atlv a V enPnf 1 Qf =
l Profess Paofess ofess 6r 91Baw Bxaw Byawley iey ey 1yi11 iv Vl11 ill i fgVeatl irg gleatl ea 1t 1
strengthen s tl trengthen eJgth crn flue feae feaclung f tc 1i 1in hing n li lic corps c r ps psf a f at tt t
JIo Iiovaui yjjfdjndsanpthjr Q J 1 1 and L iQ nnotliei ill QU jtej steR pjQ jto to
ward wal i d bringiugf bringiugftpthis bningingtQ tpthis Abi tlr t tmu magnificen mu muf nio f ificen t t t
institution i sti111tJi1 the the finest he sJ aggre aggregatibn nggre 9a a aon oH
o fc f colored loled schplaisthtt ac sc iolm holars t1 that 11 t tl11 l11 ino money riiEy ri J an mid d
prestige PI pres prestige tige t g and and d opportu opportunityncan oppo rtu nity 1 i1lc + ean im Jn
duc dues to come gome 1
Rev Ke A C Gatnert Gaiile Ga l1 i Comiriis Con > l1 iinis in 1s
sibrier fi6iuifol for theDistrict the District of Gbliini oliuu i
bitt bl bias 1 > hassent 11liss e eiit 1ta a very ery credita creditable r ditn ble ex ¬
hibit liihit to the Appalachian Appaln Iiinn i Exposi
tiori ti tionw rw whicli 1ich isnbw isn is now wbe being be irig held a ht t
Knoxville K KrioxVillej KrioxVilleTeriri1 oxvillcre1l1l j Teriri1 i
Chaplain Ch1Pl1iI1 Clit Cliti i i piai piain n 0 OJ J J W W Scott Scotto of the
Twentyfifth lent i fM t Regimtnt RC i1i1tJ t United UnJt Unite d
States Stat s Army Arm r wrd y delivered Iivered d da a Ii a highl highly
iustructiyQ iilstr etiyq lecture ectm Monday even ¬
big i1 gt at it Metropolitan Me tropolitan tro poIitan A M 11 J JB J
Cjinrch Ch1rcbon pn o n nthe the the Philippine Islands
Chapla Chl Clniplain paiIlScott in Scott is in h Baltimore BaWmore this
week we k attending atten ding the thoJlJeetiugQf meeting pf the
BM0 nlII B M O
Mr E + P Pi i Pavis Da lainstructor vt sr instructor in
Latin and Greek at Howard no vard Uni ¬
versify has has husjustfiJtisheda8 just finished a summer sitlnmer ll1ll1el
course coursent at the Chicago Cll cl1go Ul1icrs University Univers ity b
and an d rill rillwrite will write wlitelMthesIsdurillgthe his histhiesis thesis during the
year Mr Davis is known as one
of oflhe the ablest teachers tenchClsofth bf the clas ¬
sic SiCH in inco college ll < gecillles circles cirlesand and will w ill take 1
hold holdoCtlie of oftliewor the work wor kthisyear k this this year at How ¬
anti more m re thoroughly equipped equ pped
than ever evel for Ol the theexa exacting ting duties
that flintwill will ill fall to his itin lot
Bethel Uet1wl Literary Literar itClmy itClmyand y yAnd and Historical
Association Ass clatioll will w ill open o en its twen twenty wenty ty
ninth ll nintlr intK JealonTllesduy year on Tuesday evenin g
Octo October ber 4 The lhespeak speaker spea ker r will Jet be
Prof Pr f W r EB E J B Bri ri PuBois JuBoisi iuBo is who will will
describe deaeribeTile < The JIC New Forward Move Mope ¬
ment II PIto of o f fhiCh w whichh hich he is the respon respon
sible head helldwith with w ith offices in New
Yor Yo rk k The TII new l ieV president l residen t tof of
Bethel elhel Mr Garnet Garnet 0 Wilkinson
has a mapped apped Ol out t tn a fine finelJloglUlll program for
the thJsculon season and nd his reputation as
an eTe executjye e cutiye ll ir of f commanding cOllul1and I abil ltbil ¬
ity it g guarante um uarantees IPtq es that the organiza or Qtg ganiza nizl1
turn qql 1 wilLbeii w y illbe LbeI t jiairijtained Wlin ll lle at the he high
standard set by i h his his b is predecessors p qecJ sors
Mr Wilkinson WHkinsonis is an instructor in
the Ml MStre Street f High HigliStlool ScHool The
01Jl oflicersof o flicersofBetlieh ls f Bethel Beth ljJ besides s Mes the th the1 presk iresij
dent rirei a are le t J Elias Has G Eym Evans lsfirst first
vlcel vlcelpresideiit iic liI presideiit preside I nt MisS IiSS IiSS1t Pai 1t Ir ar uihenin theriia
1VOodson AVoodsOri Y od n second ec llil vitepresideut1 vi vice presi president ntr
Mrs Carrie OI Carr l ie W T Clifford Clil1ordr recording or ording hig
secretary s < i cthry Rev Rev A G Garner CHI l1cr cor cor corI I
responding leRpondingseCl secretary fliiyj Miss hlattic Mattie
It R Bpweri Boweptreilsurer treasurer tr i1Sur l Miss U Mare ulic
A p I Madre iIlllIljnj librarian W H HJ J
Richards lel lecturer leetur tul r an and d dcounsel counsel co 1 nsel i
Rev I I N Ni i hobs chaplam Harry
Parker JJal lel marshal iaar shal The TheavII adyiaory advisor Ol y
boar board JJolldJ d dor J or cabinet is made fade u up p of
Elias Flin G t Evans Evansc cliairnian chairp lla map np L G h
Gregory Rev HevJolul John Hurst Dean De an
Kelly K J ly Miller Miss Iiss Ella BUrt M Boston
Joseph H Stewart StewartlIIls MVS Mi s Julia JuliaA A
Hariiiltpn Hi1i Hail liltou ilton Ralph RalphT W T Tyler Miss Mis s
1fuie Mar ie G James JamesJanies Janles A Co Cobb bb
J Henr l I Ienry nr y Lewis IJ IJwis wis J R R W Thompson Thon1ps ll
Jaiiies A Alston 1 MrslLeli Mrs Mr s Lelia T elia a A
Pdhdleton P < ldletouJpmes James James H Hi HHayes i Hayes Pr
Laura E I Jo Joiner iner Mrs Anna E
Waddletpri WudlIet nlJh Charles tles H Shorter
Pr DlW Walter ltelU H IL Brooks E 0 Wile Wilt ¬
limns Ocea O eu Taylor Walter L
Smith Mrs Bessie BeS8ieB B 13 Anderson An derson
Pr A M Curtis and Pr DriHC H C
Scurlpck SI IIlIck Bethel Literary was WUfjjl pr
gaiiizcd gu i7e 9Jn1SlbyBiahop iv 1881 by Bishop Daniel papiel
Aaynq t A Paynp trnj pf p the he African African AfliclnlI Methodist thodist
The Independent Order of St
fAike Tilikehas has made mrtdeph phenomenal phenomenalprog Jiomen llprog prog ¬
ress ress in this s aity ity in the past pa st li 11
m months nths A A year JMrl1go ago the thcOldel Ordeiv or der
is It8ne11 such did di < lnot not own a 0 lead pencil
au ui d HSJJJcul its iiiembe niem berslrip iship was small and
acattcredNowa < cnttered lltt l cd < Now N ow a nloviyal revival of spirit 1 it
Ii4 a jtiauifested Jn tnanif lUif ea st red a the themcmbrs membership lJip has ha
quadriu 1va luadru ll pled llj led and nd hundreds p pfdol of del
1111s ars have been collec ct ted d and andplace1 placed
tQ tQthQ p the credit editjftl of oftho the eQ Organization organ izationn in
l sas sash saso l nsh h h o p OK is ipr pr pr9party operty q crty I Recently eceritly the St
L11 Luke o fraternity frftoJ ijy 1 i purchased nr ii elrased hs 1d < for
pSOOO 8 8090 OO the commodious commo commo lious 10ro 10room pm
Im buiding m jldin g jit jq t10 OSiJflth lj8tlstr 4d listr street etN et N W V
ill ti li the hqhe heart rt of te best b nest tc cpjorcd lor J
neighbor iciglibprho rh o0a o0ao o pd p4o of o f li Wl8J ashington ashi i n ton t p and ln
qn m it a street tJcet that that is is rapidly rflpi < lIy becoiil
bib biba iinj iJ jlj a business 6t1 6t1i b f ilsiness jU jUf c f i f thoroughfare thorou ghfare
ETCntualltho E Evc Evcntuallythe ntuallythe ntl1nll Jtbc building b ilding is to to be
Il an arrtnged finged pnged for fOlstor stores s an and d a branch
pf ottite tfbe the St I Luke Luke l1ko Bank at Ric Richmond JUc hmond mond
Va Vais is to be installed iI1sta led hi one oneof of the
business rooms msSpac Spacefbienlarge Space fie for enlarge ril lgo ¬
ment men Jsto is i to tobc be bcsecured securcdi cur cl in Jthc iear l bar l by Uy
the therultirntepnpchase l t lltepwcl1Dae Ofitni of itnaddi tdt1i
tjonfil i nnl bllHlt liuildin Xiildiiisw g Y r FIidn01 tldny tltere LynL LynLI lvill I
be beheld held held an oldtiine oldth11ehot1sewnr housewarming house warming lling i
nt Kids hisStLike St LUke Home from 12 M 1L 1 l
to o HBO r r 1t DLtttSta tifl d n nl ng 11L1ges l g atr cctr f i d < l I
ante nllcoislookedfol is 1 looked for for The + officers of o of I
J this iL1Y2g wonderful fJlPl ronress g ive YiLgg de j i 1
p gtnie tn1CIlt i irt rt o ofthe t l nder gepgndent9 endent Qxl f
do m f Of Sf St r1 Lu gs li iii i WVns Vlisliihgt hEngton n
ar j j1f1s Mrs IJes6 Besale s e 1 14nle 13 B Anflersou 4nle Au 1eison o h
deputy d llfy RevAfi Rev Re A 4M Q Gi darner Garner rnr p pastor jas sJor jbX
ot of o f Plymouth IYI Qutll CongregatiQual ong g tjQ 111 h
Church Chul hassocirttddeputyMfss associate deputy depu ty Miss l + lits
Mattie lIInttieRB Mnttie R Bowen Bowen weu viQc vIcepresident vicepre president sident
Mrs rs Sarah S Ul A A I Barton nrton nrtonJ J secretary Cletnl j
M 11M Alf Peace Fen ears GO treasurpr treasur treasurer l
j Howard Howard Ul1ivel University itywl1lopenf ityiVfl will open openfor for1 l1
its frfrtythird fdltY 1tlJlld Teal ycni ea ptt ol1tb on the 19th 1
From present presenthlicution indications the 1h en en Ji
rollment ro llment will break break b al all aJlIJrevio all previous s
records and UlliPlesidellti President Thirkield
and un his associates are arel arelbeing i being beingcon con ¬
fronted f Qntedwith d dwith with the thelmotty knotty problem roblem of
what to todpwith doy dowitlt with the the1nuss inass uass ofeage of eager
studen ts who wish io tpconl come Ac
commodiaious will probably proJablybe be > ar
ranged for 1500 an excess of 300
over over the capacity enrollment of
last year earEVeJYtl1ingwillbe Everything will be in
readiness readhwssfor for the the theopening opening day The
main muinbuiIdingalllJlIiI1Cl main building an and d Miner Hall Hall HaUhae ha have le
been painted paintcdWrhite white and presen present t a
spic spickandspan pick kandspan and pan appearance ltI > pell ancefho ce The
new newOOOOOScien 90000 Science e Hall is com ¬
pleted d and will will nd add materially to t
the schools s chools facilities forinstluc for instruc ¬
tion in in scientific l bmnchesi branc > lI1nchcs hes It is isi
expec cted ted te d that that the industrial l build ¬
ing will wmhe be ready for occupancy be be ¬
fore the theelHlof theend end of of the school schoOIyear year The ThQ
gymnasium project proj ct isbeingpJIshed is being pushed d
with w Hhvigor v vigor igor by the Alumni Alum ni under
the thele leadership dels hip of o f President Plesiden Pres ident t Kelly
Miller of f the Alumni Alumni Association Association
President Pres ident Thirkields 1 ThirLf hiddeldsi ergs i offices are
now located fu in the new n v 50000
Carnegie LibrAry Lihr 1Jjnnd > and this struc ¬
tare is is the pr pride ide pf of everyone con cone
neqted with the hc rejuvenated lejuV Jluted How ¬
ard m ardUniversity < University
Pr Dr1 i > Webster 1T bstCl Payis D11 Da vis lso of tn Ric Ricli ll
mond mon mond mont d t ya Va preached p preac nc nci ncle i hed le < l a npowerf powerful power ful l
sermjan S sermon lI11 R on on A ChcapRcligion Chea pR p pReligion Religion ligiol1last last
Sunda Sunday SundnJeveningllt ti T evenin eyening eveningllt at a t the Vermont Vermont P
Ayenu Q e Ba Ba ptist Ohurc dhur li hJ has J as thc tl1
openin opening g g feature feature featll of Qfaweekl a heelsflaan weeks s finan ¬ i
cial ciitlrn rally IJ IJUl1 Ul1 underthe undir 1t4ell1 tiie auspices spiceso o of f the
Organized Organir Organired ed Woinen Women of o the y Yermon Vermont ermon t to
A Avenue AvenuQIiaptist venuBlptist Baptist Gliurch Gb 1 ich li l The he edi di
flee fic Q was wa fi s p pnc ic fed ced il to fotlie to the w doors oors arid and jJ4
standing stan ding i1 p room QOnl QOnlI QOnlW was W wa B at a Ilrem prem ium tunu um
it itvas It was vas a sbretfy pretjly I generally g giiei l e a gr l1y repor eportcd ted te d
that Dr Davis Pa vis woum wou w ou Jdprearh ld preach Ai 1 liis ls is
trial sermmi sermon serl11 011 JIAd a d everybody j
wttsauxious WiiS w auxipustp tJnxioll 1p hear Mar the maiden ef e f
fQ fort fpr f tofJl of tl tye < e divine divjne livincwho w whp ho is isv very y gen
eJ eraUyregarded erally lly1 re e garded g1rdedfi as as J4c the successor successor ucce fJ3pr pf
tl1 thclate the late I lte Rev l ev Geor Qco rgeY ge a W IJ lee e as a as pas
torofthischuch tor of of thischurch tiii s chi E c h t Whether Wl1 1t11el < it it itWIS was
aI a a I trial sermon selu1QI1Q or not Pr Drs Davis
Il Illl1a made ll1a made le < good gQQ and andhis his probability
aspustjrtook as pastortookon pastor took 1 on onlhe the color cololOfncer of a cer cer ¬
tainty Dr Davis D vis is of truly na ply Iq ¬ ii
tionalproportionsand tional proportions propolUOI1Saud and p imore more mOlefit lit fit
ting se selection sel heetion ctioll could C l11d not notbe be luade
The Independent 1I1dep ndentOrder Order of Good
Samaritans Sal1ar itans will hold its itsgrund grand
lodge in in Alexll Alexandria dria Ya begin
1 fling in jn gon on the the20th the 20th Delegates Selegates elegat s from from
every very sec section tion of the countr countlJ y w Will ill he
in n attendance
Thirty Thhtydel delegates de legates gates from the Odd Odd
Fellowlodges fellow lodges of ftheD the District strict of Co
lumht umbia wen wen t toDalthnoreIon to Baltimore Monday Mon day
morning 1110rnhi to attend attc d the ilfteentlr fifteenth
session session of the Biennial mennilil1I0v Movable Movable ble
Odmmitteej the legislative body of o f
theGran tine he Gran Grand d United Un HM Ordbrbf Order rdcrbf of Odd
FellowsTlie The hiedelegation delegation dllegnti n was wa WasiIi 1 In
ch rgeoflJHNn of cfH H H Nayloi jlol and arid art W Wr 1
L Jee Abig bIg crowd of Was washing hitig
t tbn onians n ianswill il1ns will go gOOV over oyer l on Thurs Thursday Tlhlrsoa day
to o witness itncs the tI grand Img pageant antand arid
to oiakeih take in the ball ball at tIll thu Lyr Lyric ic 1
Prof Pro f 1 1IeIlJ Kelly Itell J Miller dean eanof of the
Colle ge of of Ar ts and andSc Sciences ienceB at
Ipward e d University y has published pubJi se d
in n the t e Nineteenth Nineteenth Century eutllylrfi Mnga Ma ga n
ine incnn a an n narticle article on 011I I The American Ame American rican
Nl Tegrp gr as a al Political Factor jllctorand and
lh Ireaf a iy ythe the line ofreasgning of reasoning ad
lTunc anced pdby by Processor I Vrol fo essor ess > r Miller mlelis Is is being bei g
vid < y discussed < throughout En Ellg b g
and and a 1d America Al AmiIen 1 e lica The mllll Birming in ing g
laru Dully JIaila Mail Mail a powerful poverfl1lmo11m lm ino oider jder
i f f public sentiment in the British nr itisb