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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
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Robeson scores on So. Side; Deep South next! Steel, packing, rail workers hear Negro leader speak here Steelworkers, railroad workers, packinghouse workers -—they all turned out this week to hear one of the greatest of the greats, the mighty Paul Robeson. Largest of the three labor meetings at which Robeson spoke and sang was the mass rally in the Union Stock Yards called by the Packinghouse Workers for Wallace and Taylor. An estimated 5.000 stockyards workers poured oul of the Swift. Armour, Wilson and other plants to gather on the street, on over head runways, and in the build ings overlooking the famed ' CIO Corner”—43rd and Packers— where a temporary stand was set up. “Packing is a union that must understand the problems that face tin working man today,” said Robeson, urging his listen ers to join the Progressive Partv. He said they must “see the link” connecting the Meat Trust that fights their union with the Democratic and Republican poli ticians who work on behalf of the Meat Trust in Washington. He told his listeners not to be discouraged by the seeming pow er of their enemies. “In the end.” he declared, “the people — the people — are the power.” Cheers greeted his announce ment that he intends to follow Henry Wallace's footsteps in a tour of the South beginning ear ly in October. The setting for Robeson speech was possibly the most colorful in Chicago. Truckloads of bawling cattle rolled past as he spoke at the corner where the United Patkmghouse Workers of Amer ica (CIO) first organized the stockyards workers. The thousands of workers, with only a half hour for lunch, munched sandwiches as the full, rolling voice filled the dusty lanes of America's slaughtering center. Enthusiastic response greeted his songs: “Joe Hill,” “Water Boy,” “Old Man River.” It was the same spontaneous roar of approval which two pre vious audiences had given him. More than 1.00, ...eelworkers and their families, drawn to the auditorium of Corliss High School in the Al*~eld Gardens housing project on the Far South S'de bv the Steelworkers for Wallace and Taylor, had shaken th< jam-packed hall with their applause. And later some 400 persons had given the famous progres sive a standing ovation when he addressed them in the DuSablc Community Center, 49th and Wabash, under the auspices of the National Railroad Labor Committee for Wallace and Tay lor. Other candidates who spoke with Robeson at one of the three meetings included Sam Parks, ex-president of the Wilson local of UPWA and nominee for sani tary district trustee; Grant Oakes, candidate for governor: Sidney Ordower, nominee for Congress from the 6th district; and Oscar Brown. Jr., candidate for state representative from the 1st senatorial district. Western Electric crisis In an attempt to avert a strike set for Sept. 17, CIO Vice-Presi dent Allan Haywood entered negotiations between the Asso ciation of Communication Equip ment Workers (CIO) and West ern Electric Co. Wrigley Field highlights Here are some highlights from speeches delivered by local Pro gressive Party leaders at the Wrigley Field Wallace rally this week: CURTIS I). MacDOUGALL, candidate for U.S. Senator: “It is not yet too late to call a hall: not too late to reach a peaceful understanding with Russia by reall*- keeping the door open; not too late to re store the Big Three unity which won the war; not- too late, through a strong United Nations, to resume our march toward one friendly, rather than two hos tile, worlds. It is not appease ment to reach a peaceful agree ment with another nation. It is suicide r ot to try." GRANT OAKES, candidate for governor and president of the United Farm Equipment & Metal Workers of America (CIO): “There is no choice between an incompetent Republican gov ernor and his Democratic rival for that job. One man, of course, speaks with a voice from the Tribune Tower. The other speaks the more gentle accents of a LaSalle Street bank. But ■HI l*r vH’: OAKES McDOUGALL their message to the people of Illinois is one word—reaction.” MRS. PAULINE KIGH REED, candidate for secretary of state: “Negroes are running for of fice on Progressive Party tickets all over the land. It is like something out of the old Recon struction period in 1868. It is no wonder, therefore, that the Negro people are in a mood to make an historic break with the two old parlies.” JUDGE SAMUEL IfELLER. candidate for state's attorney: “Of the two fronts (Republi can- and Democratic'), the latter , is the more dangerous because its election campaign pretense of liberalism divides the progressive forces in the US” MISS PEARL HART, eandi date for chief justice of the Mu nicipal Court: “The Municipal Court of Chi cago is . . . the supreme court of the poor. If you are arrested on e picket line, you are brought , into the Municipal Court. If you arc arrested for any reason at all, you are brought into the Municipal Court. If you are a be evicted, you are brought into the Municipal Court. “The poor must seek protec tion in the Municipal Court, but it and its leaders are indiffer ent to your needs because the Chicago Real Estate Board dom inates that court. The judges who are now on that bench and who are seeking re-election will continue to ignore the needs of the poor if by your indifference \vou permit them to remain on the bench; but if you oust those who have ousted you, their suc cessors will be very sensitive to your needs” THIS San Francisco butcher didn't set a national trend when he lowered meat prices under pressure of consumer boycott. Is your butcfter selling prime ribs of beef for 65c a pound? U. S. Supreme Court may get Illinois ballot case The Progressive Party this week hinted that it might take its fight for a place on the Illinois ballot all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court. The suggestion came after the Illinois Supreme Court refused to hear Progressive arguments that the state elec non law. Dy wnicn me Demo crats and the Republicans had barred them from the ballot, is unconstitutional. Richard Watt, speaking at the great Wrigley Field rally, an nounced: With your support, with your taith. and. above all. with your righteous anger, we are going to battle for our rights—if need be. to the highest court of the land.” Watt headed the battery of Progressive lfiwyers who pre sented the new party’s plea for a hearing to the Illinois Su preme Court. With all our strength we say Wallace and Taylor are going on the ballot!” Watt cried. Lashing into the Democratic- | Republican deal tc keep the Progressives off the ballot, the University of Chicago legal ex pert charged that ‘ the effect . . . was to rob hundreds of thous ands of voters of this state of their right to vote for candidates ol their own choice.” The state election law is ‘'ar bitrary, unreasonable, and un constitutional —- in violation of both the Illinois and the US. i institutions," Watt contended. He expressed his shock that the Illinois Supreme Court ' re fused to give us a hearing, even though any schoolboy can see that that law is unfair, undemo cratic. and completely subver sive of our whole scheme of gov ernment.” Watt pointed out: "Under this unheard-of law, every registered voter in Cook County could sign a petition to out Henry Wallace i n the ballot, and still Wallace's name would not go on the ballot. "Think of it! Over 2'> mill ion voters in Cook County could 1O1 legally put Henry Wallace on the ballot! And yet, if he were an the ballot, those very same voters could carry the state of Illinois for him! "This is a law the political bosses love. This is a law winch makes it impossible for the peo ple to do anything but vote for the old parties or stay home This is a law which keeps you in bondage. I say this is a vi cious. un-American law “As K. M. Landi II of the Chicago Sun-Times wrote in his excellent article the other day: In the coming free election, more Americans will be disfran chised in the state of Illinois than in the state of Bilbo ' Fear was the motivating force that impelled the Democrats and the Republicans to join forces against the Progressives, Watt maintained. “The political leftovers of the once great Democratic Party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt are afraid. They are s jred to death and because of that fear they will do anythi g to keep us off the ballot, even though what they are doing is morally wrong, legally wrong, and politically stupid!” The battle for political free dom is "not just a question of law." Watt held “This is a matter involving the very survival of our democratic institutions. “You have been robbed! Your birthright as an American citi zen has been taken from you by a crew of professional political thieves. If ever there was a time for you to stand up and cry steal that time is now " Every reader — get a reader j How about it? Help build the circula tion of your paper, The Illinois Standard If every reader would get a sub scription from a friend, shopmate, relative, neigh bor or just anybody, we'd be getting into 40.000 homes every week. That’s like speaking to a jammed Wrigley Field meeting reg ularly. The first 100.000 sub scriptions may be the hard est to get. but we'll do it if only you pitch in. We ( know that you are proud • to have a paper that gives » the people's side of the • news, but don't you think « many others need it too? * So how about clipping • the coupon on page 7 in * this issue and sign some • body up for a subscription * this week? • We’ll list the names of * those getting subscriptions J every week in this column • — if they don’t object. J •