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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
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PP continues fight to get on Illinois ballot Anti-labor law ruled out by Michigan Court DETROIT — (FP) — Labor! lawyers in Detroit hailed the Michigan supreme court decision last week in Lansing, declaring the Bonine-Tripp (little Taft Hartley) Act unconstitutional, as the greatest judicial labor vic tory in the state in years. The act was killed in its en tirety because it had been so loosely drawn by the Republican legislators that no “saving clause" which would save the rest of the law even if one or more clauses were knocked out was included. 300,000 renters Continued from Page 1 1. Landlords may evict ten ants if they desire the property for their own use or for the use of their immediate family. 2. Tenants may be evicted if the landlord desires to remodel or convert property into a great er number of dwelling units. 3. A landlord can withdraw his property from the rental market. It also means that rents can not be increased during the first three months of 1949. since rents were frozen by the rent-increase leases until termination of the 1948 Rent Act. Rents are frozen, that is. unless Chicago landlords, banded to gether in the so - called Cook County Fair Rent Advisory Com mittee. succeed in obtaining the blanket 15 per cent rent increase they have been petitioning the government - controlled Chicago Rent Advisory Board to grant landlords. That's the picture for the more than 300.000 Chicago tenants whose leases expire in December. According to Sidney Ordower, chairman. Cook County Progres sive Party Housing and Kent Committee, they face this situ ation since "Chicago landlords, a minority group, have organized themselves more effectively than tenants, obviously the majority.” Because of this,” Ordower. continued. "Chicago's housing pinch is the nation's worst. . . . Here, more tenants were intimi dated into signing 15 per cent rent increase leases than were signed anywhere in the country. "Rents are higher here than in any other big city. . . . Less pri vate and public housing is under construction ... 80 per cent of all rent increase applications by landlords are being granted almost automatically by the Chi DOROTHEA ALLEN, left, PP candidate for state representative from the 29th Senatorial district. Shirley Graham, center, noted writer, and Dorothy Bushnell Cole, right, PP candidate for Con gress from the 9th district, discuss the ballot fight. T-H deprives Wilson Iced of II elected officers The vicious anti-labor effects of the Taft-Hartley Act were brought home to packin'ghouse workers eleven-fold last week. Eleven veterans of the United Packinghouse Workers of Amer ica (CIO) were forced to resign their posts as officers of Wilson Local 25. The eleven had re-, SAM PARKS cago Office of Housing and Rent Control.” Ordower urged tenants to or- ! ganize with Progressives (see story in box below listing neigh- 1 borhood tenant centers) "to fight! for strong federal and state leg islation ... to invoke a morato rium on evictions ... to obtain j a hearing before the Chicago Rent Advisory Board to prove 1 that tenants need a rent decrease \ not an increase.” Tenants’ centers, func tioning in nine key com munities of the Greater Chicago area, are provid ing tenants with expert le gal means to fight evictions and rent increases, Sidney Ordower, chairman, Cook County Progressive Party Rent and Housing Commit tee, announced this week. These are the centers: 2nd Congresisonal Dis trict: 5644 S. Harper, MU seum 4-0153, Wednesdays between 8 and 10 p.m. 1st Ward: 1601 W. Roosevelt. TAyior 9-6149, Tuesdays between 8 and 10 pm. 24th Ward: 3358 W. Roosevelt, Rm. 206. Wed nesdays between 7:30 and 9 30 p.m. 29th Ward: 4259 W Van Buren, 2nd floor. KEdzie 3-1436, Mondays and Wed nesdays between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. 32nd Ward: 1941 N Western, Rm. 204, ARmi tage 6-0890, Tuesdays be tween 7 and 9 p.m. 42nd Ward: 113 W. Elm, WHitehall 4-8203. Wednes days between 7:30 and 9:30. 44th Ward: 2610 N. Hal sted, 2nd floor, Mondays between 8 and 10 p.m. 48th Ward: 4348 N. Broadway, Wednesdays be tween 8 and 10 p m. In emergency cases, ten ants are urged to call Hen ry Meihs, Progressive Par ty’s Rent and Housing Committee consultant, at BUtterfield 8-9327. fused to sign the infamous non Communist affidavits. They re signed in order that their local could obtain the services of the Taft-Hartley National Labor Re lations Board. Resigning officers headed by Sam Parks, president. Local 25. comprised a majority of the lo cal’s executive board. The eleven were: Parks; Philip Henderson, second vice president; Joseph Zabritski, sec retary-treasurer; C'arl Nelson, chief steward; Octavia Williams, executive board member at large; Ann Zilavy, executive board member at large; Louis Karlak. trustee. W'illiam Miller, guide. Wilhelmina Berry, trustee. Sidney Norwood, guard, and Charles Haves, chairman of the grievance committee. In a letter to members of Local 25, Sept. 9, the eleven wrote: "The Taft-Hartley affidavits are a wedge whereby the em ployers with the aid of this pro vision seek to establish the means whereby they can inter fere in the internal affairs of unions and dictate to the mem bership as to whom they should or should not have as leaders of their union. “(We) are both unable and unwilling to sign any such affi davits as required by the Taft Hartley Law. . . . “We look forward to the time when all of labor will stand up unitedly to make the Taft Hartley Law ineffective and wipe it off the books. In order to achieve such united action, it is essential that all workers re ject the falsehoods and slanders of redbaiting and present a united front in the common struggle. “Although resigning, we will not. however, relinquish our fight for the betterment of the working conditions of members of Local 25. and for organized labor as a whole.” _ Rod bard Agency INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES Friendly Advice on all insurance problems — without obli gation. I. DAVIDMAN, Mgr. 1 N. LaSalle ST 2-4603 Legal staff maps offensive: wards plan mass demonstration The U.S. District Court here will be asked to protect the Progressive Party’s right to appear on the Illinois ballot, a party spokesman indicated this week. Before the end of the week, it was understood, Richard Watt, Progressive attorney and former University of Chi cago law professor, was to go into the federal court to re quest action against Illinois election officials. The Wallace party was barred from the ballot recently by a unanimous vole of the three-man state electoral board, composed of two Republicans and one Democrat. I What line of attack Watt's pe tition would take was not dis closed by Progressives. Nearly a half dozen tactics may be open to the new party. It may seek an injunction for bidding state election officials from printing any ballots which do not include the Progressive ticket, for example. The federal court may be asked to rule on the constitution ality of the state election law it self. Progressives have assailed the law as arbitrary and discrim inatory. Regardless of what day-to-day tactics may be employed, the Progressives intend to exhaust ! every legal avenue of appeal from the slate electoral board’s i ' undemocratic” decision, they emphasized. At the same time, they will i continue to press their protest | campaign on a mass scale through the ward organizations, stressing the fact that Illinois voters "have been robbed” of their right to vote for Henry Wallace and Glen Taylor. Whatever the outcome of their battle for a place on the state ballot, the Progressives already are certain to have at least 37 candidates on the ballot in Cook County Nov. 2. The Illinois Supreme Court has upheld their demand that Progressive candidates running for office within the county be permitted to appear on the bal lot on the basis of their voting strength in last year’s Cook County judicial election. Such a county slate, however, would not be headed by Wallace and Taylor, unless they win a place on the state ballot. Dorothy's Shop Specializes In Glamorizing Your Figure BRASSIERES - CORSETS GIRDLES D. London—1532 N. Kedzie AL 2-3295 Enjoy an INDIAN SUMMER VACATION at Circle Pines Center 284 acres of orchards, farm land and lakefront $20-$24 per week, inch meals SPECIAL WEEK-END RATES Information and reservations: Violet Robbin HOIIycourt 5-0787 CIRCLE PSNES CENTER CLOVERDALE, MICH. Tel. Prairieville, 7R-4 The big steal Approximately 80 per cent of the voter: of Illi nois have been partially disfranchised by the state electoral board’s refusal to place the Progressive Party on the state ballot. The board —- and Demo cratic and Republican po liticos who objected to ; the Progressive petitions, containing 75,000 signa tures — admitted that the Wallace party had quali fied in 41 of the required l 50 counties. These 41 counties have a total population of 6,381, s 427. That’s 80 per cent of • the state’s population. Within those 41 counties are 3,880.257 registered voters. That's 80 per cent l of all the registered voters in the state. Progressive s p o kesmen, releasing these figures, claimed that it proved their argument about the undem ocratic state election law. They said the law is un constitutional because it permits 20 per cent of the state's population to decide for whom the remaining 30 per cent may vote. Progressives could carry the entire state if they could carry the 41 counties conceded to them by the state electoral board s rul ing on the petitions. to 12 NORTHTOWN cradle nook 2909 Devon The Illinois is owned and published WhI'.KLY by The Illinois regressive Publishing Co., Inc., 187 N. LaSalle St., Chicago I, 111. Phone: RAndolph 6-9270 METZ P. LOCHARD-EDITOR KENNETH McKENZIE-Monaging Editor WILLIAM SEN NETT—General Manager SU BSC IK l PTION RATES 1 year...$2.00 (Add $1 for Canada and Foreign) Entered as second class matter at the post office at C 111., „uder the Act of March 3, 1879. Re-entered as seconu class matter, Sept. 7, 1948, at the post ofhce at Chicago, 111., under the Act of March 3, 1879.