THE TWO BOYS with the sign, left, were among the "youths" who attended the radio commentator Rod Holmgren in one of the committee sessions. Right,
YPA state convention last weekend. Center, a more serious group listens to Charles P. Howard, Iowa publisher who keynoted the Progressive Party con
vention at Philadelphia, was the main speaker at one of the plenary sessions.
State YPA plans campaign
U. of C. profs join committee
to welcome Dean of Canterbury
The Rev. James Luther Adams and Wayne McMillen,
University of Chicago professors, are among the 93 promi
nent educators, churchmen, and laymen who this week
formed a Committee of Welcome for the Very Rev. Hewlett
Johnson, dean of England's Canterbury Cathedral.
Dr. Johnson, attacked in
the reactionary press as “the
Red Dean,” had been invited
to visit the U S. for a speaking
tour under the auspices of the
Natl. Council of American-So
viet Friendship.
The State Dept refused him a
visa because the council is on
Attorney General Tom Clark's
list of "subversive” organiza
tions. It has filed suit to force
removal of its name from the
The new committee, headed
by Professor Ralph Barton Perry
of Harvard University, has in
vited the dean to speak at a ser
ies of meetings to be arranged
by the committee throughout the
country in November and De
The letter of invitation said
that "many American citizens
were shocked to learn that a
visa had been denied" such a
leading figure in the Church of
Among the 93 leaders who signed the state
ment were the Res Dr. Albert E. Barnett of
< ..»rtctt Biblical Institute. Evanston; Angus
Cameron, editor-in-chief of Little. Brown &
C «> book publishers; Henry Seidel Canby,
author: Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of the
Zionist Organization of America.
Local witch hunt
resolution awaits
committee action
The Burmeister resolution,
which would require elected and I
appointed city officials and em- [
ployees to sign non-Communist J
affidavits, this week awaited a
hearing by the City Council
rules committee.
The rules committee will not
discuss the resolution itself. It
will merely decide to which of
two other committees—judiciary
or schools—the resolution should
be referred.
Aid. John C'. Burmeister
(44th), author of the resolution,
which has won the support of
Mayor Kennelly, told The Stand
ard that he has received “a num
ber of compliments” about the
resolution from people who be
lieve that there is “a lot of merit
to it.”
There has been some opposi
tion.” he admitted, but he said
public opinion apparently hasn't
crystallized sufficiently for him
to realize how much support or
opposition the measure will ulti
mately receive.
West Side tenants
plan picket line
around City Hall
The political ‘ hide-and-seek”
game being played with them is
over, warned the 1600 members
of West Side Tenants Council
who face eviction if the Veter
ans Administration goes ahead
with plans to construct a vets’
hospital on their home sites.
The 1600. many of them vet
erans. supported by West Side
Progressive Party clubs, were
to throw a picket line around
City Hall, this Saturday, Sept.
25, at 11 a m.
They live in the area bounded
by Ogden, Polk, Damen and Tay
Recently, a false hope of aid
was extended to the West Siders
by Mayor Kennelly, who stated
that he had urged a special
meeting of the VA and housing
authorities on their problem.
And last week. State Sen. A.
L. Marovitz (19th) resigned from
Gov. Green’s veterans’ housing
commission, charging that the
governor’s stall on new housing
legislation for Illinois has re
tarded construction of reloca
tion housing for the 1600 West
Siders who face eviction.
Wallace returns
Henry Wallace, who left
Chicago the day after last
week's Wrigiey Field rally,
will return here at least
twice before the Nov. 2
On Sept. 26 he will ad
dress the national conven
tion of the American Slav
Congress, meeting here.
On Oct. 15 he will speak
at three or more ward Pro
gressive Party club meet
Meanwhile Chic agoans
will be able to hear him
every Monday night over
the radio. He'll answer list
eners’ questions over a
coast-to-coast Natl. Broad
casting Co. hookup. In
Chicago. WMAQ will carry
his broadcasts at 9:30 p.m.,
daylight saving time.
Progressives condemn
ballot snub to Truman
NEW YORK — Louisiana's
Democratic machine has been
condemned “without qualifica
tion” by the Progressive Party
for barring President Truman
from the ballot in that state.
“We believe in full democ
racy,” explained C. B Baldwin,
Henry Wallace's campaign man
ager: “anybody who wants to
vote for Mr. Truman should be
able to do so.”
Truman has refused to com
ment on frantic efforts by his
Democratic cohorts in Illinois
and other states to keep Wal
lace's Progressives off the ballot.
“We hope Louisianans can
vote for Truman if they feel like
it in November,’’ Baldwin said.
“If they can’t, we invite them
to vote the Progressive ticket
and give meaning to their vote.”
Wallace here for Slav congress
convention speech on Sunday
The fourth national convention
of the American Slav Congress
will be held in Chicago this
weekend to ‘“swell the voice of
the majority of the American
people who want peace and
security in a peaceful, secure
Delegates from Slavic-Ameri
can organizations, societies,
church groups, social clubs,
trade unions, and youth groups
were expected to attend.
Henry Wallace, Progressive
candidate for President, will ad
dress the convention, according
to an announcement from Leo
Krzycki, president of the Ameri
can Slav Congress, former vice
president of the Amalgamated
(Clothing Workers of America
| (CIO), and a leading Wallace
The convention, which opens
Friday night at the Stevens
[Hotel, will be highlighted by a
j mass rally at 2 p.m. Sunday in
the Civic Opera House.
On Saturday evening the dele
gates will attend a banquet in
the grand ballroom of the Ste
statement condemning lawless
assaults on Henry Wallace dur
ing his trip through the South
was unanimously adopted by the
CIO executive board Aug. 31.
The CIO affirmed its support of
free speech for all Americans.
Founding convention maps out
political action drive for Nov.
Nearly 200 enthusiastic delegates and observers wit
nessed the first state convention of the Young Progressives
of America at DuSable Community Center, 49th & Wabash.
Keynoting the convention. Albert Janney. Progressive
candidate for state representative from the 17th district.
stressed that “a vote'for Hen
ry Wallace is a vote against
the draft, Jimcrow, and the
i vilest forms of political discrim
i ination.”
“The purpose of this conven
tion," he said, “must be to make
concrete plans for election work
i in the coming weeks. Specific
1 objectives are support of Pro
; gressive Party candidates, build
ing of YPA. and the organiza
tion of a new group of Volun
teers for Wallace’ which will
have YPA as its base.”
John Gojack. national vice
chairman of YPA and a national
officer of the United Electrical,
Radio & Machine Workers
(CIO), pointed out the “shock
ing similarities" between recent
! developments in the U S. and
those which accompanied Hit
ler's rise to power in Germany.
Head state YPA
Lloyd Davis and Connie
Scott were elected co-chair
men of Young Progressives
of America in Illinois. Vice
chairman is Mickey Wes
ton, downstate telegrapher.
The Rev. Robert Brown is
secretary. Jack Burch is
treasurer. The 15 executive
board members include
four labor leaders, five stu
dents and six community,
social and religious leaders.
He stressed the need for a
strong labor foundation in the
Wallace youth movement.
The platform provided a pro
gram to meet the needs of stu
dents, young workers, Negro ]
youth, farmers, women and vet
The labor plank asked the ex
tension of unemployment insur
ance to cover workers on strike
and those who have finished J
school or job training but have J
not secured work. It demanded
an end to all discriminatory
practices in shops.
“Jimcrow must go! Jimcrow
must go!”
More than 200 marching J
youths chanted this cry dui'ing
a spectacular torchlight parade
in South Parkway in the eve
ning following the first day of
the convention. „
Some 400 spectators joined
them at 32nd and Rhodes in a
street meeting that heard a fight
ing speech by Oscar Brown Jr.,
Progressive nominee for state
representative from the 1st dis
trict. who urged the Negro peo
ple to fight back against racial
bigotry by joining the Wallace
movement, which he called the
"only hope of freedom for the
Negro in America.”
Howard condemns
DuBois dismissal
The dismissal of Dr. W E B
DuBois from his post as research
director of the Natl. Assn, for
the Advancement of Colored
People was condemned this week
by Charles P. Howard, Iowa pub
lisher, in a speech before the
first annual convention of the
Young Progressives of America's
Illinois chapter.
Howard, long a Republican
leader but now a national offi
cer of the Progressive Party,
charged that the NAACP’s na
tional leadership is retreating
before the “fascist forces."
Such a retreat, he emphasized,
threatens the welfare of the Ne
Negro people in the U.S.
Praising the work of YPA,
Howard told the young delegates
that their work “will result in a
future of peace, freedom, and
abundance for the American
Every reader
-get a reader
Last week's Wrigley
Field meeting brought in
426 subscriptions to The
Illinois Standard. That's a
good start.
Individuals who turned
in subs during the last
week were: Krland YVelan
der (2), Louis Zorko (2),
Bertha Tenin (3), Ed Dvor
ak (2), Gertrude Naves,
Sidney Ordower.
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