OUR INDE VOL. II. MEDICINE LODGE, BARBOUR CO., KANSAS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 188L NO 38. THE EVEr BARB COUNTY 'I In- r-iilt AND NOW. .Mt.l I. - Tli.itWoHiik, whistle lit thf lU-vty IU1I1 of morn: Kn wai on the nt.l. r mid the t.it-l ii th corn. .."I with U-atlng -nrt b.lde buNdlng Mr-M-h', my Iot rump wii tliogl n tokren her tryt with me. 'I,T '' r l. i. witli ,i., t gran-the nhad.-d path Hlonir. Ai:d 'n., to piurk a tltwrr, or hnr a thruh . Ronjr. ynll l.y hr proud father a a nilt to I seen, MlT4in. to inr- v!h lot hi rinf. my KT3. rioiM llttie nueeti. Above mv t.it..n. heaven know, that tU maiden nfionr, For ulic i N il,, and wM. U loved and I t a rub unknown. Ihn rlrli arxi ((rrnt nNiut her thronged, and Miiivht on ImmuIiiI knee Forlovthl4 Krrioii .rlnres gave with nil hr heart to me. S liki' a startled fawn tf..ri kill' llyul my longing Willi all th frehnrVt of w girl i t llu.-di of WoniAlltKMHl. 1 tremMed n put my arm a)ut her form livlne, An I Mamniered rn In awkward eerh I I Iht to be mine. "I'imwiM t tod ar tin. i-.,m.tIi- ralo that I nl !- Uni-lit lr.-t.' Ul ..et t.. tinr , .ntfof !inl. an.l A wrt the ri f.ihi? stream; kl vit iuiii.1 Hi., mountain pi net to In ;ir tii. ouHi win sl-jh. Jl'iTt' we. t than tin s., ami ull Ih-sih wn tin loving low r jly. Tho li'tl.' h.m.l I I' id .f lit.-. To iiK.l.t it- h ttvr !. ri lt4 trlf, Ik 1 1 lii min held all I l.'.tluy nod HMitln to I i s.ii.l tli.it ntist N watch oYr miintie from altnve ; M an," l walked with mo on iv? vc to in her love. inrn, roni eartli mid Ah! dearest wife. Ill V li.-iiri 1.1 .lirr.-l ye are dim with tear I think ii..ii Hi,. .,ir; f ilth of all thoM . , by-gone veur. Kir now stand upon thh sjxit, ai hi the ih w y IIKTII, With th Mooni iiM)n thf alder and the !- I on th corn. Iliirlinut'oi I l,i ii i, -yr. KENNETH'S RESOLVE- II) II tliiuli l. r Ki niu tli Winnard stood like a statue in his h.indsmne library. His face was a white as tlio ".now wlilch lay with out, ami hi ryrs fin ine!. In their cx pnion, to 1k wholly unconscioiiH of aiiTtliin nlioiit him. A lr;tutiful young sitl h.wl just left him. and takm with lur tho bright hoiH-s ami happy at.tiripiitiom which for a twi lvruioiith had gladdened his heart. If o stood jm tliougli he would never .stir or smilo aain, and his di ;iph)intment and sorrow uerc thermic to him a.i if numlx rlesi hearts had not Mt tho same, the verv same rrif which wa.i tearing away every de.nire re lor future exhtemr. Smicthin llailird suddenly into his face. He starteil. The sun wavjW setting, and the startling ll.udi (was f lot n the beautiful diamond ringwlliich lay :tt M feet, the ring which Jhad scald his betrothal with laufyfid ('laudi.i Drummond. lie, with ijxj'a fooli.di heart, had thought httr4iiarp'l, and had exerted tliU' I'lothirig ibut leal Ii :toi1id Mit them. IN; w.-uainan "'vra!tli. and had lived in luxury and ease- all his life. As the dianiond'.s brilliant ieilertie:i naa thr')wti nctoss his fare, he looked down, a If from Inntinrt, and mw the little circlet lying uhere he had droj edit when Claudia Drummond had P.accd it in Ins hand. He raised hi iooi nun a.s .uniii 10 cmsn u mio inc carpct, when suddenly the expression changed mon his face, he Moopcd and , 7, i t i . , , : liuik If lit lii Ii in. I tiiriiiwl it iliil in nianv ditTerent wavs to jwp tin litrld ' ' i . i- 1 1 of the low sun Hash upon it. "I ill keep it." he said, -to remind me continually of woman's inconstan cy." With Lis knife he pried apart th" golden ring upon his watch-chain and slipped the ring HHn it. He vat down in an easy chair by the window, and as be watched the going downof the great sun, new thoughts, new hopes and new desires took the place of the old ones, and neerhad he felt himself so much a man as wlen. after an hour's inedi-j tation in solitude, he arose and left the library. He passed through the dainty reception room and opened the door of the hall. A pleasant murmur of voices greet ed his ear. He stod a moment Irreso lut then as if to prove the strength of his new determination, he crossed the ball and entered the parlor. There was Claudia sitting by the Ride of her new lover, the nun who had won her heart from him. He saw that another ting flashed iiHn her finger. In tho place of his, and her cheeks were glow ing with the joy of her new engage ment. His brother's wlfo was there, too, and his niece, and lie knew by the pleasant smiles ujion their faces and their lively chat that they either did not know of his disappointment or did not sympathize with him In his great grief. His rival was his nephew (a man not much younger than himself) nnd he seemed In his own great happiness to foreet tho sorrow of his tincl nml tho great wrong he had dono him. W hen Kenneth Winnard entered the room, there was aif unpleasant silence for a moment, but tho composure of the rejected man, his ease nnd appa rent Indifference, broke up the still ness. "I Wits Just wondering where you were Kcuneth," said Mrs. Graves. "Come Into the charmed circle, do, and chat with us." "No. I'm going to give you some music," said Kenneth, taking his neat uim the piano stool. Ho never played U tter, and the room swine d filled with the music. All were silent, and Claudia listened and forgot for a moment tho new lover beside her. Mio r.iw the diamond ring dangling from his watch-chain, and aaw his ani mate! faco aa ho played, and she was chagrined, and half angry that he had given her up so easily. fcr new lover t eemed to notice It too, and a portion of the charm was gone, the prize he won from another w as not after all of much value. A fervant opened the door. "Hea-so Mrs. (J raves," she said "the htllft girl haa como nffain for tho pay for her Bewlng. and she Ray, 8i miwt have It this time, for they will sunr Without It, Tm sorry, but I can't iva 1, night. All the money I have by me mu.-.t go with me on my shopping ex , citnion tomorrow. Tell tho rUI I'm orry. but I can't iny It to-nlfflit, that Is certain." The music ceased. Kenneth Winnard tnrr.M al-out, for his car, quickened by the ne v resolve in his heart to fill his future days with good deeds, caught the son ant's words. Stop," he said to the servant as she was alumt to leave the room. .Stop, I will go myself and see the little girl." lie pxssed out of the room, and went into the warm kitchen. A little girl stood worming her red hands lfore the fire. ;xl evening." said Kenneth. "You have come for your pay for the hew ing ?" Yes. sir," said the child, timidly. -We need it, or I would not have come out this bitterly cold night. My sister Annie i.s notable to work now, and we have no coal, and not much to eat." "Wait a moment," said he, as he went out of the kitchen. Nxm he returned in oorcoat, hat and gloves. "I am going home with you." he said to the little girl's i"cstioning look. He took the child's hand and thv i.-wcuxl out into the street. The child ran along by his side se.nrely able to keeM mi with his r.inid fdridcH.aiid at lat he noticed her elTort, and lifted her in his arms. lt was a good mile to the little thceths.s home, but they were soon there, and climlied the stairs und soon stood before the pale, .shivering young lady, who sat by the window wrapped in a tattered blanket. "I have heard of such sights as this," said Kenneth; "but I never could think them real. Why, yon are freez ing to death here, and there's no time for words. I will bo back ia a mo ment." . I He ran down the stairs, and thelittle girl. Mary, had hardly had time to ex plain who he was liefore he was back again. I.i his own hands he brought a dozen hunches of kindling wood, and all of these he placi-d in the little stove and set them afire. . lie moved the young lady away from the window to the stove, and was ro filled with sur prise that any should le ro wretchedly loor that he did not ewn notice the grateful smile that hovered alnitit the quivering lips, and did not even hear the low "tli;!nk you" which she ut tered. A man shortly after tumbled in a barrel of coal, and very soon the room was warm and IW frost began to melt from tho windows. Kennetli Winnard went ivsinn into the stre et, and when ho returned he had with him a ha-skct of eatables. "ThlTe." he said, takinir a 1oiil breatlK, "you will be at least partially comfortable for tho night, and I will come. in again to-morrow. Ale was hurrying from the room lft hen little Mary caught his hand and kissed it. "Dear sir, she said, "we will bless you forever and ever." With these heartfelt words sounding like sweet muic in his ears, ho went kick to hvs sumptuous home. They were still chatting pleasantly in tho parlor, but he did not join them. Tho next day he went again to little Mary's home, and was crcatlv ili:isrl to see the young lady look much brighter uiiin on me ntgnt U'tore. itn great earnestness sl.o thanked him for his kindness, and related to him a little of her life history, which was the old sto ry of wretchedness and ivivcrtv takinir the place of afiluonce. She had sui- pmted herself and her little sister for more than a year by her needle, but her health failed her. ami then she saw no way left for her to live. Keunewi V mnaru w;is nine i torn-1-1 I.. . . . . . Kenneth Winnard wai . . . i 0,1 h' lwr Minplv-told historv, and ev- ery nay loumi mm for a lialr-Iiour or more in the little room, which now l-e-gan to look cheerful and cosy, lie found many more who were in need of help, nnd he visited them, ami many lieiirts blessed him, and many lips her nlded his good dmls. Claudia son tired of lu r new lover's soft words, and the calm, handsome face of Kenneth haunted her. sleeping and waking. She heard of his noble deeds, and her new lover seemed insiji id by the side of him, and so she drift ed away from him and treat ed hii with coolness and often with con tempt. The winter passed away, and tho glad, new spring came to send fresh hopes and vigor into the hearts of tl e lMr. Poor Annie Day ami her little sister Mary were now" living in com laratlve comfort. Annio had regain ed her health, and was again working with her needle for their supjort; but she had found one friend, and life seemed brighter and fairer to her. and she worked with a new gladness in her heart. Kennetli Winnard loved her. His acquaintance with her sweet disj-osi-tion and cheerful spirit h.ul won his admiration and affection, and he smil ed as he thought of the love he had once felt for Claudia Drumrr.ond, and compared it to the tender, quiet affec tion wnicn ne gave to gentle Annie Day. Ho did not declare his love, for he had promised himself when ho at tached the diamond rinir to his w.iteh chain, that never would he place it up on a linger again until he had proved the faithfulness of her whom he loved. if ever he should love again. He was rich and Annie Dav was poor. Would she not le glad to marry him. even w ithout affection ? lie tried to Invent some plan by which; he could learn if she truly loved h m. and w hilo h thought and pondered in vain, Provi denco was about to execute a plan which would be a sure test. Kenneth continued to visit the r-inr and ndminister to their comfort, and, at last, he was stricken down, and the doctor pronounced his disease the small pox. They all lied from him. His proud sister-in-law, his niece, and Claudia Drummond, and a servant only, was left to care for him xvho had been so kind to others: but one day the room seemeUtogrow bright w ith the pres ence of sweet Annie D.-y. She remained at his side all through his sickness; she bathed his brow, and sung low, sweet songs to him; she did everything human hand or human heart could; and when the slokncss was over, and he sat, convalescent, in his great arm-chair, she left him, as it were, in darkness, and commenced again her labor with the needle. He was soon well airain. and ih house was once more in order, and oc cupied as formerly. Claudia Diummond was learning fast to despise her second lover, and zo love Kenneth Winnard with much greater ardor than lcfore tho engagement was broken; and one day, while he satin Ins library, she entered, and, throwing herself at his feet, implored him to take her back again to the place she once occupied in his heart, and place on her finger the ring she had once worn. He pitied, but did not love her, and w ith a few kind words, and a recital of a change in his feelings, he left her t nere ashamed, angry and wretched. He sought the humble home of Annie Day, and told her of his affection, and asked her to be his wife. She looked into his truthful eyes, and in firm tone replied: "Kenneth, I love you, but I am poor. and you are rich. I will do anything for you ; I will lie always ready to com fort you, and do all that a faithful, wor shiping heart can do, but I cannot marry you. Your station is far above me." Then Kenneth Winnard, doubly com vinced of her faithfulness, pleaded with her until lie hail reasoned away all ob jections, and she was made his wife, and the good minister said: "What God has joined together, let no man put asunder." Little Mary foun J a lautiful home at their pleasant fireside, and never a night did Kenneth "Winnard forget to offer thanks that Claudia Drummond had broken the tie which had b. md them, and given him by that act the impetus to work to some puriose, to give to tfce ioor of his abundance, and he would often say to his wife: "If I xeceive no reward in heaven for my ctarities, I shall be satisfied be cause they have brought me the glory and happiness of my life on earth, my iaitnrui. loving wifer Chinese Style of Advertising. The Chinese newspaiers contain more ingenious advertisements than ever appear in print in Yankeeland. For example, a Hong Kong journal dis-plaj-s the following: "Missing from the neighborhood of Queen's road. Hong Kong, a tall, stout-complex ioned gentleman, live feet six inches of age, -7 years in height, pink hair, green eyes, mauve eyebrows. lie had on when Lust seen a pair of swallow-tailed trousers with sausage-striped sleeves, fashionable mutton-cutlet waitscoat, with citst-iron trimmings and knitted imihogany legs, a double-barreled frock coat with triie collar and tobacco lin ings, adorned with three flounces; water-tight canvas lxiots, with porce lain tops, laced up at the sides: match box hat, low-crowned, trimmed square round the edges without the nap; a pair of green and white stockings, with Iotato heels and sides; a Tartarian necktie, rather down at the heels and broad of Mief, tied with a trite lover's knot around his massive forehead; a shirt of cabbage cloth, with rat-tail buttons up behind his Ixlly; cast-steel Honiton lace gloves, with air-tight ven tilators at the joints; and magnificent cheese-headed, plum pudding walking cane, with initials D. Ik' in.ca.stor oil letters. This singular gentleman .was lorn after his younger brother, his mother being absent on each occasion. Xo cards. Jy telegraph The missing gent has been seen again. ndmirin?nir extensive stock of laon'.dingj for p inro irames. dolls, toys and fancy good. at Messrs. Uhlmann's bazar, in Queen's road. Any information by wealthy leople will enable them to procure a supply of the alove mentioned articles for a consideration, according to quan tity. Call and see us." Hints about Water: Xo water that has sUnul in open ves sels during the night should be used for drinking or cooking. Uy exjHisure to the air it has lost its "seration," and has absorbed many of the dust germs Moating in the apartment. If convenience requires water to be kept in vessels for several hours be fore use, it should lie covered, unless the vessels are tight. Wherever prac tical, all distributing nservoirs should bo covered. Filtering always adds to the purity, of the w ater. Drinking-water, should not bo taken from lakes or rivers on a low level. .Surface water, or water in lakes, imk)1s or rivers, which receive theturfaco wash, should le avoided as much as possible. Do not drink much water at a time. More than two tum bler f ids should not be taken at a meal. Do not drink between meals unless to quench thirst, an excess of water weak ens tho gastric juice and over-works the kidneys. Excessive potations, whether of water or other fluid, relax the stomach, impair its secretions and paralyze its movements. By drinking a little at a time all injury is avoided. The Madison (Wis.) Dcmovrat, in en deavoring to treat the wounds received by tho candidates for the presidency, wisely prescrilies St. Jacobs Oil. Of course we could not expect our worthy contemporary to do otherwise th:n rec ommend that famous Old German I'em- edy, which "hails all wounds but those of llove" and sooths all pains, save those of political disappointment. Galrxston JTitrs. Among the rich men ir. l:u.siu I!.iron Stieglizt is said to Ik? the first, with a for tune of eighty millions of roubles. After him comes Prince Yussupofl, w ho ow ns es tates in sixteen provinces, yielding a rev enue of two and a half millions, and the third on the by no means short list is Count StroganofT.the ow ner of nearly one-quarter of the prov ince of Perin, with an annual Ineonie of one and a half millions. It is very rare that the Hqmblivan consents to editorially forward the interests of advertisers of what are known as patent medicines, as it does not frequently fall out that we can have positive knowledge of their merits. However, we take pleasure in saying of St Jacobs Oil from individual experi ment, that it Li a most excellent reme dial agent, and as such we can heartily recommend it St. Lou it lleimlUraiu Three Islands in the Hudson, near Alba ny, known as Hillhouse Island. Drakcr Is land, and Island Tark, and containing an aggregate of 2no acres, have recently been purchased by Mr. Erastus Corning, for the punose. it Is f aid. of adumrins cround for the Immense quantities of cinders, scale, slag, and ashes coming from the Albany and Rensselaer steel and Iron works. A Cross Baby. Nothing is so conducive to a man's re maining a bachelor as stoppine for on uight at the house of a married friend and being kept awake for five or idx hours by the erring of cross baby. All erosj and crying babies need only Hop Ditters to make then well and 6milincr. Youni man, remember h.Tnvtllcr, A HUNTED CLOCK STORE. A Mischieirous Youth Creates a Mid nifcht Sensation. Ctvu Appeal, Juury s. On Friday afternoon McLaughlin, the jeweler, went to Virginia City to see some Storey county members re garding tho introduction of a bill to re duce the freight on clocks over the Central Pacific Ilailroad. In his ab sence he left a young man to look after the store. McLaughlin did not return on the evening trainhaving encoun tered some opposition to his bill and in the mean time his clerk conceived o fiendish plot to ruin him. He fell to work on tha clocks 148 of them mirl set the alanns in such a way that they wouiu oegm 10 agitate the atmosphere alK)ut midnight and maintain a desul tory lire until about 3 o'clock in the morning. The clocks are made bv an ingenious Yankee in Meriden, Conn., and are wairnted to raise a neiciilmr- hood and keep up the noise seven min utes, m me itay time the reaching power of an alarm is2G5 yards, -but in the solemn stillness orthe night Its in ner harmonies will resound through a ward whose superficial area is four square miles. At midnicht Officer Stern, who was passing the place, sprang mgii m the air under the sud denly acquired impression that the building was falling down. ' In a few minutes a crowd from Gilhooly's reach 'dthe spot and paused to he r the alarm go off. Juat, however. i lock Xo. 1 was weakening on its -sustained efforts, the brazen snort . i . ! ck Xo. 2 blendw! so nicely with it tl. the transition of the sound was not tec ted by the audience. "She s ii stayer," said the officer. Inside of half an hour about a hun- died persons had gathered, while the clocks wheeled into line with so m 'eh precision that no one doubted that the same old clock was keeping up its lick, with an occasional change of key. At the end of the first hour the working force was augmented bv two clocks be ing in the same shift "(icttin its second wind." said the thoughtful peeler. Occasionally six or seven clocks would break loose at once, and for the last half hour a chorus of clocks woke sleepers from their beds and roused the town for blocks around. When the crashing finale came the street was de serted, and the Associated Press reior ter telegranhed a lonir account of a haunted clock factory to the Atlantic seahoani. .McLaughlin is still looking for the lov who tampered with the machinery, but for some unexplained reason me precocious youngster has so far escaped the scrutiny of the iolice. Pat Flanigan's Logic. "Patrick Flanigan," said the District Attorney one day in court, stand Ui and plead guilty or not guijr?te the charge the commonwealth liath pre ferred against you." When Pat had complied with the polite request made by the oflicers of the law, the attorney proceeded to lY.ivl f rov.i a paper in his hand a very graphic description of a certain trans action in which Pat had been engaged a few di'ys befoie. "What say you? Are you guilty or not guilty?" "I'm not guilty of half them things you've read to me," said Pat, looking at the court, "but I did have a bit of a row last Saturday was a week ; and 1 dunno just what I did, fer ye see I was stavin' drunk on the meanest corn whisky yer honor iver tasted." "Hut, Patrick,.we never taste it," said the Judge, whilo a smile lurked in am bush behind the grave, judicial counte nance. "Sure, now, don't ye, though?" said Pat with a look of mingled surpris and incredulity "don't ye, though? Well, then, ye ought to, just once, to seo how it acts, and to know how pity a i-oor fellow that does. Sure yer honor grants licenses, and how do ye know the mischief yer doing to hon est men like mesolf unless ve take a drink now and then, jist to see how it makes a man behave hisself." "Who gave you the liquor, Patrick?" said the court on a voyage of discovery. "Well, I dunno vai's his name," said Pat, too honest to turn informer, while a gleam of true native humor twinkled in his eye. "15ut I know I seed a license hang in' behind the bar. Ye see. Judge, I was wroughtin for the city, on the streets jist close by, and I was droughty, and I whit and took a drink that ortn't to have hurt a baby, an in tin seconds I wrs crazy drunk, an I dreamt I was at a Donnybrook fair, and that's all I remimber till nixt mornin whin I was lioardin' at Sheriff Hyan's hotel. "But" said the court you are charged with ierpetraticg an .aggra vated assault and battery on Mr. S., the hotel-keeper." "Well, yer honor," said Pat, "if I did, 1 only gin him back what's in his own whisky, and if yer honor hadn't give him a license i wouldn't bin drunk, and if I hadn't bin drunk I wouldn't have got into the fight, and if I hadn't 've p,ot into the fight I wouldn't have bin here this mornin', anyhow." This was a process of reasoning new to the court It was a self-evident fact dressed in pkiin clothes, and while the law was with the court Pat evi dently had all the logic, and here he summed up the mischief of the licence system in a few sentences. Scores of men are made drunk ev ery day, just because it is so easy to obtain liquor. The law places it in the reach of every man. On the streets of our towns and cities are hung notices of "Choice Liquors, "Cool Lager; "Ale," and "Fancy Drinks," to tempt the laboring man to come in and spend for strong drink the money that his family needs lor Dread. On the path he must walk to and from his daily occupation he sees these temptations on every side. The licensed saloon and grog-shop afford him every facility to become a drunkard. His appetite renewed and kept alive by in dulgence, urges him oil There is no obstacle in his road to ruin; on the other hand, the road is opened and made plain and easy by the law. What wonder is it, then, that the rum-shops flourish while the families of their vic tims starve? Spring brings the blossoms. Autumn bring3 the fruit and also Colds, etr, for which nothing superior to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has ever been offered to tfce public. Jt always cures. Trice 25 cts. THE CENSUS OF KANSAS. Official Returns Just Issued by th uepanment. Total Ms. f-mTe Nstire rVirgn Wnita. L m,M OS.723 439.241 SftS.261 lW.IOS 952.0M . Il.SO; 5,829 10,.5 872 10.9.M . .( 4K 418 8,11 I3 8,b73 s s 2 i a . 8S.7t ll,86 11,78 J,?8fi 23.tl3 2M 1.4 1.1 ;a til 113 2.651 , 10,119 5JU 4,775 8,1: 1.2lfi 1U.0 3 19.5S5 I'MHM S.50I 9 17.8: 12,219 t,!r96 50 11.W9 L32U r,5.S 191 11V! TV 19 191 18.5S7 10.U-.a 8,515 i:.50.-. .0; 18.5:8 .0S1 ,87! S.7.K 6.454 K7 5.9 J 11,0.-.! 6,873 5.199 10.790 S82 10.917 H1.9V7 11,75! 10,14 1.0!S 20,1151 7 S3 - 4 S3 4 87 . 115 4S 117 16 159 11,830 1.61 5.610 f.9 1,391 12.201 15JI6 8..230 ;,llb 1 3. US J. IMS 15.J07 11,138 i.06; 5.3:i 10.7M Vi UA9 372 216 21. oit i!U 370 J1.539 11,65 ,91l 20.6S1 858 21,317 16.854 9.US4 7.770 13,fci3 l.l 16.751 6.991 6,748 8,210 5.031 160 k 6 VI 4.18J 1,855 8,850 8 4.179 14,973 S.159 6.814 littj l,6.'7 1 !,. . 14.ZX ?,476 6.782 12,751 6,504 13. 41 21,706 11,25a 10,147 19,116 8,21,0 1S.4.8J 2,400 1.2S7 1,122 iOC I 348 2.J53 10,625 6,65 4.97U 10.152 473 M.601 6,1 7-J S,2S) '2,S9 4.2J7 1.912 ,1U i,44 1C96 3.791 6.819 1,6151 M84 411 185 SflC .,-' 410 .12 1..J4 1.1(8 2.56S 5'.l R. 48 16. Ji S-SrO ?,9J0 15,693 l.Hi;. 15, -54 1.19S 7:3 483 1,034 12 1.1S6 6,258 9366 1.872 89 wl9 S.77J .9 6 S 9 3 8 - 3 - S 10,550 6,759 4,791 9,630 S.0 10,170 ICS 119 49 158 10 lCd 4,133 I.S4S 1.785 82 ?C1 4,114 11,454 ,195, ,5,m 9,612 U2 11.S.-.1 1,704 94s 156 1,473 2 1 1.573 10.718 5.699 . S19 9.756 9J2 10.320 15,564 ,S01 7.263 14,740 8:4 11,773 17,47; 9.3.3 8,141 16,412 1K5 17,439 16,864 8,894 7,970 15,66.1 IJIW! 13.4S 9 el 8 1 9 159 89 fO 123 IKi 159 8,713 2.09H 1,615 8,496 :7 3,711 ti.736 W.066 10,670 21,579 1.1 .7 2J..V.4 6321 362 270 593 1'9. ii 82.860 17,122 15.33 27.02.1 5,Sio! 2t.:iM0 8,582 4,616 S.966 7.6S9 U93i f,M7 15,2. 1,995 7.304 14,835 433 14,!SJ 17, W 8,143 7.981 15,416 1.911 Ki.2 8 17J43 9,419 7,721 12,271 4.872, 17,092 12,457 S.WjU 5,777 8,603 3.85 1 12.361 16,135 8,670 7,465 I3,Ot0 3,1 r.' 5,i4 296 191 105 ' k57 SI J 20 17.MA 9,428 8,391 16,677 1.1 111 16.916 11,913 8.021 6.S92 13,676 1,237 14.X73 18,217 9,694 8.3 17.324 C9::j 17.518 9,2tS 4,979 4,278 8,241 l.nSl' 8.712 12,4(3 I.6IC 5,817 10.T2. 1.7.H-. 12.3S8 15,124 8.022 7.102 14,151. 9:S 14.739 8.722 2,095 1,627 3.122 :.Oo ."' I.Oirj 8.876 3,126 6,525 47ij 6,970 19,643 10.793 8.8 .0 16,33r. 3,1'I7I IS.1 7 12.5IS 632 5,636 11.187 1,03! I 12.458 10.300 5,633 4,673 9,212 1,'7C. 1.241 6.396 8.847 2,519 4,943 4 51 5,304 12,0171 f,517 5,500 11,210 W7 11.901 lti,3i: 8.831 7,516 13,615 2,732 15,893 1.890) 113-2 85H 1,749 141 1,852 I AiS 99 691 1,332 391 1,628 12.821 6,79 . 6.027 11.395 1,429 12.74S 11.911 8,229 6.1181 12,637 2,256 149g 9.2921, 6.47 4,245 8,549 73 9.235 10.430, 8.6 0 4.8SO 8,319 2,111 10,108 8,1 131 4.3S9! 3.744 7,635 4:8 8,057 5,49 1 2,999 2,191 4,186 1,301 5,485 7,331 8,987 3.361 6,171 1.180 7,317 13.S 0, 76 6.424 10.S9S 8,412 13,531 43 31; 12 43 43 18,753! 10,211: 8,M2 17,176 1,377 18,406 B-i 838! 230 5:1 47 508 51 5 - 8 2 5 29.092! I5,5?fi 13.5W. 26,124 2.96S 23,651 1,5671 4W4 6 3 1,120 117 1,567 13! II 2 111 2 13 13,l 7,463 6,42; 13,006 S79 13,871 4,;S3 iJiU 2,181 4.303 452 4,632 .S 5 - 5 5 - I2 12 - 10 2 12 ,-lJ U.7H1 9.0.M 19,59 l.?'il 20,698 161 ! 107 51 136! v5 161 tjti 1.4-Hl 1.115 2,1591 376 2.513 8.137; 4.91 3.851 7.3-0 1.377 8.076 ;i 49. 217 566 120 80 74.9 9 7,91: 6,968 12,4 .'2 2.4S8 11,891 14 14 13 1 14 13.770 7,-18 fi.ira 18.162 l4l 13.69i 6.Vt,: 8.151 S.IH1 5.9IG 619 6,468 19,13 I I0.2:5 8,9 6 16.4711 2.677 1 4,547 Alen... Barbour... barton.... bourbon.. Browa... Buffalo.... Hntr Chas... tjiautauqu. Cberokfe Cheyenne. Clarke..... CUT Cloja...... Coffer...... ComncUe Cowley...., Crawlonl . Davis , Decatur... Dclcinson. DuuiphaiL. Duuxlas... Kd wards.. tik Ellis , Kllawnrrh CWC rwM Frankiln... Uotb Graham.... lirsnt Greeley.... Given wood Hul.ton. Harper..... Harvey,.... Hodgm.w.. Jackson ... JenVraou... Jewell .... Johnson.... Kansas..... Kearney... . Kingman... Lactte.... Lane Lraven'orti Linotln .... Lion Lyon M I'lierson. Marion..... Mai shall,.. M ade Miami Mitchell... M.i'linnneri Morris...... NentaUii,.. s'io ... fc.-iw Norton 0; Os .rn O tawa. ... Pawnee... ruiiiipiM .. IVwaioinle Pratt Itawlins ... Hcno. Iiepubllc... Kue Uiley Hooka. Hush ItuftwIL... Saline bcott Brdjrwick... fcequoysli .. fce aril .... Shawnee.... tt'ieillan. . Mrman... Smilii SJi!furd. ... S anion.... fcU'vens..... Mi'nner.... Th m s.,.. Trv. Wjll-ve ... Wahliigti H'chia... Hin.n Wo.xl..on... Wymi.lo.le. lite totill CJ ore J lonu uti-m Is 42.910. ni is rliv dpi! rvmie Urn It .: Allrn, 051: A miction, 186; Ati-lileon.3.4ir ; llirh.ur.9; ilart-.ll.296; Uoiir.Kin, 1.723; ltruwii,V6l; ltiifc-,53: ttaisc, 119; liautHllfju , 155; C .-roki-, I,! W; Clarke. 4; Clay, 119; Clouit,3; fiffey, 29; ro;iian-:.' 2: iowlcy, 22:; ralord, lfti; Dsv:s, SI.; Ov.'ur !; I) ck nHi, 81; DoiIiin. 914; I.)u; I , 3.223; E.lr: 56; Kt, 2i : KM is, 68; K:iro t , 106; f.Of. I; lor-. 74; K.-iiklin, 913: Oove, 10; Gr hitn. 4 5; O-n-ntv !, 81; llariicr, 19; ll ey, 100; ll.Hlurmtiv, I2-. J.H.'ii, IS8; Jcffe son, 791 ; Jewe L 18: 4 hruurti. ,6; Klt -it, 2: LaU-tttv 2,. '22; Leavrn--:,-i: I. eu K'.; linn. ili; Loi, i.tt; MePlirrwn.H: M .r oil. 96; Marsh ill, U ; M anil. 90"2; Miirlu-I', 41 M mt o.iiery, 699; Morris, 5JI; Nemaha, 73; Nruho, SK5; Nort "II. 32; Ovive, 736; Oihorn, 60; CMtawa, f.7: P we.-, 8.'; Ph ilips. 116; Pottawatomie, 451; Pr.ti. 3; i .Vim., 79; Ifc p ilmr, 15; Rice, 57; Uiley, 32': Huoiis, M; i:sli,5: l:u ll, S4; Saltn-, 276; heli. wick. 287; B'rn e. 5,1H; Smith, 14; Eta fiord. 123; Sumner. Ill; Tnvo, 22; Walmuiwce, 631; Wallace, 6; Aa-liiiiton. 19; wrun, 80; Woodson, 67; Wysndo t", 4,601. Tue f.rf.-.ini Includes 792 Indlanl and llaltv breeds, 19 Chinese, and 8 Siamese. Protection to Skaters: Plulaileljiliht ltecorn. Thirty-five years ago the pleasures of skating could not be enjoyed on the upper Tbchuylkill with the same person al safety which obtains to-day. At that time the neighborhood above the dam" was infested with a gang of roughs, who molested the skaters, stole their skates and often subject them to violent treatment This induced a number of young gentlemen to band to gether for iiersonal protection, under the name of the Philadelphia Skating club, and the organization has kept up to the present time, while it has enlarged its scope in the interests of humanity. Its headquarters are ill the Undine boat house, which it owns, and here it keeps a supply of cord and reels, ladders, hooks, life-boats, boats, life-lines, blan kets, grapnels, and drags for use in an emergency. Every member when skat ing canes a cord and reel, and is bound by the rules to go at once to the assistance of any one in danger. Caution flags are put out by the society at dangerous places. There is a surgeons room at the clib-house and a board of seven surgeons chosen from the members, to attend to all the cases which are brought to their attention. Every day when the ce is strong enough for skating, a number of members of the society, the roll of which includes man)' prominent Phila delphians, engage in the exhilarating sport and keep their weather eye open for accidents. On the 20th ult, the annual meeting was held at the Colon nade hotel, and the gray-headed men who were boys at '45, gathered around the board, and talked over the Schuylkill scenes of long ago. The record of the society ; show that many hundreds of lives have been saved through its in strumentality. Chestnuts as a Crop. In Bome localities in Italy and Spain and in eastern Europe and western Asia the chestnut crop is equal in im portance to the wheat crop in Ohio. Chestnut bread constitutes the princi pal food of more than a hundred mil lions of people, the healthiest handsom est and most sinewy people in the world. This fact leads the Columbus (Ohio) Journal to advocate chestnut culture for this country. Oliio's annual chest nut crop is valued at $60,000. and the Journal thinks it ought to be $20,000, 000. Chestnut trees one hundred feet in height and from "three to seven feet in diameter can yet be found on the bill tops in southern Ohio, growing in soil which cannot be made to produce five bushels of corn to the acre, and where oak, hickory and other trees are mere dwarfs. The chestnut is a valu able timber tree, and ia of very rapid growth. Under favorable circum stances a bearing chestnut tree twentv five feet in height can be grown from- ine seed in five years. The building for the university for coV ored people, which is in course of erection at Helena, Ark will hate cost when' com pleted, $3G3. The Pastors' union, in whose hands the enterprise is proceeding, expects to comp'ete,one wing, at a 4ost of JltVKtt, by October l. The school was orig inally designed f orthe education of preach ers zl teachers, but its scope w net be Kit.icicd to that object. FROZEN HtROES. A True Story of the Life-Saving Ser vice on Lake Michigan. Kew York Telegram. Last April, on a bitterly cold night when a furious storm and an Egyptian darkness prevailed simultaneously over the whole lake region, and especially over Lake Michigan, a bark was driven by wind and wave toward the terrible rocks at Point aux Barques, Lake Michigan.. This is well known to be a dangerous vicinity, and the government had of course its life-saving station, with its ingenious appliances and its crew of seven men, near the spot The night patrol, half frozen even be neath his thick coverings, saw the ves sel driving on the rocks and summoned his comrades from around the glowing fire into the chilling atmosphere, Jnot as spectators but as possible saviors. ' Did they hesitate? Not for a moment. Theirs not to reason why, theirs but to do and die." To get out and get into thrxvrater the lifeboat was but the work of a - f ovu minutes.. - Then- the seven got irt and . essayed jo reach the stranded bark.- Tliatwas not to be. Tossed by the shrieking blasts, engulfed by the foaming waves, the lifeboat cap sized again and again. Each time she was righted, and each time the men were drenched to the skin, and each time the water froze on their clothes until they become numb and their cov erings rigid. Still the battle on, exper iencing such acute pain as is seldom felt on battle fields. They did all that mortals could do and then they died. Xot drowned ; surf men never drown, but frozen stiff, paralyzed by cold. All did not die ; one, after a long and patient effort, was revived. "When day broke on the bleak, barren beach, the keeper of a neighboring lighthouse saw a strange object clinging to a leafless tree near the rocks. Approaching he found a man frozen beyond recognition. Plack in the face, with muscles drawn and twisted and frozen stiff in curious contortions, with immovable legs, his trunk swaying backward and forward as though he were walking, Kiar, the coxswain of the gallant seven hung. In the land of the dead he was, al though all animation was not gone. Of course his friend, the keeper, went to woik with the assistance of other men of the neighborhood, although no one recognized Kiar in the petrified piece of flesh before them. After hours of hard work he was brought back into the world. But the other six; ah! they have gone over to the, majority, never to lie brought back again. A plain, unvarnished tale this, and et you see these men acted as heroically, as faithfully, as though they had worn blue coats and brass buttons and been so many color sergeants in crack regiments. They gave to save life all that they had. A grand, thrill ing, ennobling scene! Two Affectionate Rivals. There were several men clustered around the stove in the back room of a Galveston saloon says the veracious) Xews, of -tltrtl r;itj and 60rm- how or j other the subject of newspajiers came un for discussion. One man said th.it. editors were more jealous of each other than any other class; that they never nau a gooci worn lor each other, etc. A long-haired vouth. with a solemn look, spoke up, and, heaving a sigh, said that ho had had some experience with editors, and he found them thf reverse of jealous of each other, that a Texas editor was always willing to deny himself conifor or "the benefit of a brother editor. "Where did that lv 111 T "It happened in western T town where I li .-ed, sighed the young man. "I had dashed off a little ioeni of ten or fifteen cantos about 'Beautiful Spring.' There were two rival papers in the place the Bugle and the Trom- oone. I had heard that the editors were deadlv enemies, and sighed tn hwi each other's gore, and I was afraid if I lei uie iromhone publish my poem first there would be a deadly encounter. I finally resolved to have it appear simultaneously in both papers. When I called on the editor of the Trambone he said that the editor of the Bugle had a large family, and he would prefer it to appear in the Bugle, as he person ally loveu tne editor of the Bugle. I went then to the Buele man. and l said the editor of the Trombone was his warmest personal friend, and he would be clad if I would let l the poein, as it would be putting biead in ma mourn ana clothes on his back. So, owing to the love trios pdifnr ii-i for each othor, I couldn't get my pocn into either of their paiers, and it hasn't been imblished yet. I never s? w men so anxious to he!p each other out of distress," and once more the long haired poet oighed like a bellows. inerewasa pause, and an old coon with a frostrbitten nose drawled out: "1 er never tried them same editors with a cash advertisement did yer?" The poet answered in f h nnmt whereat the audience significantly nocT ded their brads and winked at each other. The Czar Nicholas. E. C. Granville Murrav has l.itpiv contributed some entirely personal! rm?n?rortf nf 4fn C-n . "vr: -i , . ...v.. . mo vx iiuuoias. Of his mental habits and temperament he says: "He was a man of hasty tem per, but full of generous impulses. Having on one occassion used harsh language toward one of his colonels, and learning that the officer had talrpn nis reouKe to neart, the czar ordered a review, and publicly embraced him at the head of his regiment A kind man too, who could unbend at times. One am oi April a taay, who told me the the story herself, was surprised hv her servant abruptly announcing the Cza . it was so eariy m uie morn in rr thatshA thought it was some joke of her sis ters in connection with the day, so she repueu laugningiy, Men me Czar to wait and went on sinnintr hpr tt Presently she looted up again, howev. c, Jiuu saw tne servant standing aghast at the door, which was still wide open, and behind it In casque and plume was the stately figuie of the Emperor. He had come to bring her news of her son, who was abroad, and had heen ilL He was not tolerant however.' of inttional disiespect and had but ti modified appreciation of a jose. a. general who was a police master at SL Peters rmnr for a short time, found this out to his cost The geuutu was (xmsiuereu a very stupia mi-fi end was thft Czar!! favryri! butt so his Eujesty was pleased one night at a court ball to send him off in search of a thief who had stolen a colossal statue of Peter the Great The police mastcy finding this statue In its usual place, as any one would have expected, felt mortified at the laugh raised against him; and determined to be re venged In his own way. Shortly af terward, therefore, he announced to his imperial master, Avhile at the theatre, that the Winter Palace , was on fire. The Czar rose, hastily to w itness the conflagration, and on finding that the police master had presumed to retaliate on his august self, sent him to reflect on his indiscretion in Siberia. Finally he was not a faithful husband, but he was fond of his wife and very jealous. Whenever, therefore, she wished to get rid of an officer who displeased her, she commanded him to dance with her, and so sure as he did so, he was sent to Caucasus. The Czar's personal habits were soldierly and simple. lie ate and drank with extreme moderation, and he slept in his uniform on a tent bed in his sjudy, with only a. militaryclcs! to coverTiim."rr-anowed hI3 son, the present Emperor, 40,000 a month while traveling abroad. The Empress spent money so lavishly that her ex penses, for one night that she halted at Hanover exceeded 1,600. He gave, too, largely, but his personal rwants must have cost little indeed. Earth's Lone Children. Detroit Tribune. ' A boy, not over eleven years old, whose pinched face betrayed" hunger, and whose clothing could scarcely be called by the name, dropped into a carpenter-shop on Grand River Avenue the other day, and after much hesita tion explained to the foreman. "We want to get a grave-board for ma. She died last winter, and the graves are so thick that we can't hard ly find her no more. We went up last Sunday, and we came awful near not finding it. We thought we'd git a grave-board so we wouldn't lose the grave. When we thought we'd lost it, Jack he cried, and Bud she cried, and my chin trembled so I could hard ly talk!" "Where is your father?" asked the carpenter. "Oh, he's at home, but lie never goes up there with us, and we shan't tell liim about the board. I guess he hated ma, for he wasn't home when phe died, and he wouldn't buy no coffin nor noth ing. Sometimes, when we are sittin on the door-step talking about her, and Jack and Bud are cryin, and I'm ro memberin how she kissed us all afore she died, he says we'd better quit that or we'll get what's bad for lis. But we sleep ui-stairs, and we talk and cry in the dark all we want to. How much wrill the board be?" The carpenter selected something lit for the purpose, and asked, "Who will put it up at the grave?" "We'll take it upon our cart," replied the boy, "and I guefs the graveyard man wTill help us put it up." "You want the name painted on, doa't-you?"-5- - -' - -- "Yes, sir, $ve want the board white, and then we want ,)u to paint on that she was our ma, and that she was for ty-one years o?d, and that she died on the 2nd of November, and that she's gone to heaven, and that she was one of the best mothers ever was, and that we are going to be good all our lives and go up where she is when we die. How much will it cost, sir? How much have you got ?" "Well," said the lx3 as he brought out a liUle calico bj3 and emptied its contents on the bench, "Bud drawed the baby for the woman next door and earned twenty cents ; Jack he weeded in the garden, and earned forty cents. and he found five more in the road; I run of errands, and made kites, and fixed a boy's cart, and bellied carry some apples into a store, and I earned sixty-five cents. All that makes a hundred and thirty cents, sir, and pa don't know we've got it, cause we kept it hid in the ground under a stone." . The carpenter meant to 1 liberal, but he said, "A grave-board will cost at least three dollars.'' The lad looked from his little store of metals to the carpenter and back, realized how many weary weens had passed since the first penny was earned and saved, and suddenly wailed out "Then wre can never, never buy one, and ma's grave will get lost" But he left the shop with tears of gladness in his eyes, and when he re turned yesterday little Bud and Jack were with him, and they h;ul a cart. There was not only a head-board, but one for the foot of the grave as well, and painter and carpenter liad done their work with full hearts, and done it welL "Ain't it awful nice nicer than rich folks have!" whispered the children, as the boards were leing placed on the cart; "won't the grave looknice.though, and won t ma be awful glad" Ere this the mother's grave has been marked, and when nrght comes the three motherless ones will cuddle close together and whisper their gratitude that it cannot be lost to them, even in the storms and drifts of winter. Undisciplined Tempers. Bishop Temple. Of all the things that are to be met with her-ft on nrtli thpr is notliinrr that can give such contiual, such cut ting, such useless pain, as an uncusci- puned temper. The touchy ana sensi tive temper, which takes offense at a word; the irritable temper wnicn nnos offense in everything, whether intended or not; the violent temper, which breaks through all bounds of reason, when once roused; the jealous or sul len temper, which wears a cloud on the face all day, and never utters a word of complaint; the discontented tem per, brooding over its own wrongs; the severe temper, which always looks at the worse side of whatever is done; the wilful temper, which ever-rides every scruple to gratify a whim what an amount of pain have these catesed In the hearts of men, if we could but sum up their results! How-many a soul have they stined to evil Impulses, how many a prayer have the stifled, how many an emotion of true, affection have they turned to bitterness. How hard they make all duties. How pain ful they make all daily life. How they kill the sweetest and warmest of domestic charities. Ill-temper Is a sin rejuirlns less and careful aiscipline. ITEMS OF INTEREST The greatest mashers generally turn out the smallest potatoes. .'. . Man is naturally a teacher he al ways has a pupil in his eye. r Passing around the hat is pne way -of getting the cents of the meeting. Shipwrecked sailors never need starve while there is a bight of rope left ' . About one-fourth of the population of Wisconsin 312,800 are Roman Catholics. ' .v. . An old bachelor editor says: "Lov ers, like armies, get along well enough till engaged. - ' The old home of President Lincoln, in Springfield, Illinois, Ls now a cheap lodging house. ; - . , ; During Gen. Garfield's presidential term Mrs. Garfield's .brothers will take1 charge of the Mentor farm. : . A sister of the king of Sweden is a missionary in Lapland, and. has sold" iiVx r'el8 to u4 herUii her woriC- It is reported that Bjornstern Bjorues, the Norwegian poet is croinr? tn m.iir Mrs. Ole Bull, who is said to be young anu nanusome. , A tramp who was found dead near Schenectuly. X. Y.. recently, had about him more than $20,000 worth of bonds and other securities. Ladies sue said to be working their way into the watch business, because they produce handsomer faces and more delicate hands than men. A profane Philadelphia newspaper suggests, that now that the army is nttea out with cork helmets, it will be necessary to furnish the Indians with corkscrews instead of guns. When an Ohio man told his wife that he had just traded for anew spring wagon she replied: "You dunce, you! why did you get a spring wagon in the fall of the year? . Notwithstanding the fact (and perhaps inconsequence of it) that tho clergy and justices of the peace are so busy all the time making two people one, the population continues to increase. A nobby young man traveling in Texas went into a store and asked the proprietor if he had black kids. The young man doesn't see why the stoic- - Keeper came over the counter and broke up all the furniture with him. A Bridgeport carpenter, while in a fit of anger, threw a hammer at a fel low workman, and swallowed a screw he had in his mouth. It was an un fortunate affair, but it was better than throwing the screw and swallowing the hammer. A h'ttle girl twelve years of age, the ' daughter of a clergyman, was asked: "Sadie, does your papa preach the same sermon twice?" After thinking u moment Sadie replied: "Yes, I think he does; but I think he hollers -in dif ferent places." "Mamma, I don't think the people who make dolls are very pious ieople," said a little girl to her mother one day. "Why not, my t child "Becaxise you caniiever niak(3 them kneel.' I always have to lay my doll down on her stom ach to say her prayers." "No, as I understind it, these cold waves come from the vast deserts of snow in the Siberian plains,and radiate thence over tho globe, but principally in this direction." "Well, why the dickens don't they stay there ?" "Why, it's too cold, you idiot." Foote was talking away one evening . at a dinner-table of a man of rank. when, at the point of one of his best stories, one of the party interrupted him suddenly, with an air of most con-' siderate apology : "I leg your pardon. Mr. Foote, but your handkerchief is half out of your pocket. " Thank you, sir, saia rcote, replacing it; "you know the company better than I do," and finished his joke. The following incident, related by a member from the Black Hills, as hav ing occurred at a Yankton church, may be true, but lacks confirmation : "But I pass," said the minister in dismissing one theme of the subject to take up another. "Then I make it spades!" yelled a member of the committee on charitable and penal institutions from northern Dakota, who was dreamily engaged in an imaginary game of euchre. He went out on the next deal, assisted by a bald-headed deacon with a full hand of clubs. Rev. Robert Collyer, in visiting his old church at Chicago, to install his successor, advised the people not to find fault with their new minister, on Monday, for then he was blue; nor on Tuesday, for then. 'he was pulling out; nor on Wednesday, for then he was get ting ready for his sermon; nor on Thursday, for then he was writing it ; nor on Friday, for he was finishing it ; nor on Saturday, for he was getting ready for Sunday. And if they didn't tell him before Saturday night they wouldn't tell him at alL There is a whole sermon in this paragraph. "She hath done' what she could," ex presses the fulfillment of every obliga tion, the perfection of duty. Reader, how stands the matter with you? Have you done what you could? Possibly, you have not possessed great worldly means that you might give to the poor. If not God does not require this of you. But the question comes home to you : Have you, with your means arid talents, done what you could toward bringing good cheer into the hearts and homes of the weary ones around you? If you have not now is a fitting time to commence. Do not wait till another day or another year, but commence now, and In making others happy your soul will be filled with unspeakable ioys. In his recent dredging expedition from Charleston, S. C, across the gulf stream. Commander Bartlett of the United States coast survey was sur prised to find the depths much " less than was expected. This Induced him, aitiiniitrh ffm trin wasone nrimarlh' for dredging, to extend the work of sound ing, and he accordingly ran a line or soundings nearly along the warmest band of tho gulf stream, commonly, called the axis of the stream, for a dis- i tanceof 150 miles, from latitude 6Z degrees to latitudefdegrees and 30 minutflftnorlhrtin which" he obtained depths valuing from 233 to450 fathoms, where it was supposed that the depths would range from 600 to 1,000 fathoms. At the northeast ena oi wis line, m fthmit latitude S3 degrees and 30 min utes north, the depth suddenly increas ed, in a distance oi fifteen miies, iron 457 to 1,380 fathoms. it