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THE SHASTA COURIER. VOLUSIE 11. THE SHASTA COURIER is rublished every Saturday morning, BV MKff'l' A- UOMH. SAM. H. DOSH, ARCHIBALD SKILLMAS. Editort and Proprietors. Publication < ifficc'in Post Office Building, Main Street, where all orders for Advertising and Job Work should Ifb left.*— -Invariably in Advance: For One Year SIO,OO “ Six Mouths 5,00 Tonus of Advertising t For One Square of 10 lines or less, one insertion, Four iMllars ; for each subsequent insertion. Two Dollars. A liberal discount made to Monthly and Yearly Advertisers. Job Printing Of every description promptly executed in a su perior manner. • t'BAII, HOC CRH A- CO'N IVrarcnillc KxprnH, Connecting at Stout a urith Adams »$• Co. LEAVES THE OFFICE fp i>l Adams & Co. at Shas-, la every Wednesday Saturday mornings. Returning, leaves our of fice iu VVeavervilie on Mondays and Thursdays. Treasure, valuable packages, letters, etc. for warded by our regular messenger with the ut most dispatch. Adams Jc Co’s drafts for sale ou all their offices iu the Atlantic .States you Europe. Sight Checks drawn A I Par on any of Adams tt Co’s cilices iu this State. Highest price paid for Gold Dust. Collections made, and all business iu the Ex press line attended to promptly. ap’-lUlf uiioi»i:m a- i.rsK’x mhamta KXPKCSM, LEAVES THE iLT*?,* office ot Well’s Far- T.fW-go & Co., Sacramento, daily, for Shasta, Vick'i, and all towns and points through out Northern California, connec ting at Sacramen to with Wells, Fargo A Co’s Daily Express to San Francisco, and by regular .Mail Steamer on the Ist, hili. Kith and 25th of each month to the Atlantic States and Europe. Treasure, letters and other packages conveyed to and from the points above designated, with t i.' almost dispatch. Gold Dust forwarded to the F. S. Mints at Philadelphia and New Orleans, under policies from the most responsible insurance Companies 5i <be Eastern Cities. Drafts drawn by John M. Rhodes, of the Sacramento City Hank, on New York, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh ; Stale Hank of Ohio. H. Davidson’s drafts for sale ou Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London; Messrs. De Rothschild A Hros., Paris; Messrs. M. A. Roths riiiid A Sons, Frankfort; Messrs. L. Hehrens A: Sons, Agents, Hamburg; Messrs. Until, Grim ing ifc C*c, Lima and Valparaiso; A Hclmuut, E»«p, New York. Collections made and all business appertain ing to tin Express Company executed promptly Jiud with especial regard to safety. JAMES M. RHODES, HIRAM LUSK, V\ ELLS, FARGO & CO. Omens.—Shasta, in Post Office Building; Sacramento, .1 street, between Front and Stc ond streets; San Francisco, 111 Montgomery •Teet; Weavcrville, Messrs. Church A Mix’s building; Vreka; iire-proof building opposite Yrcka Hotel. mar 12 tl rß KOOKKM A CO’S C'nliforiiin and Oregon K.vprens. VIA VREKA, JACK sonville, O. T. t Oregon City, Winchester, Salem, Ma rysviUe ana i’ordaiuL Also branches run mug to Humbug Creek, Scott’s Bar, Hamburgh, Althouse Creek, bailors Diggings, Klamath and Salmon Rivers. Treasure, valuable packages, letters, for tviurded by our regular messengers to any ol the above named place*. Drafts drawn on any of Adams & Co’s offices in the Atlantic States and Europe. Checks drawn at par on all ol Adams A Co's offices iu the Slate. Highest price paid for Gold Dust. Collections made, and all business entrusted (u our care attended to promptly, and with dis jiai. ii. CRAM, ROGERS A CO. mv7 tf «t.u:e mxk fob satraiueaxo. •Spring Anrraugciiirul. BAXTER .V CO. V. S. MAIL LISE OF Singes frtrm Shasfa to Sacramento. THE TROPUlE »'g"Jt.ctors of the above liiie*~ tjL '"'“" 1 ™ being desirous of accommodating tin* traveling public, by running their linens soon as the bad state of the road would permit, have placed uj>- on this route their splendid stock ol American Horse* and elegant Concord Coaches, which «* - ifl leave the St. Charles Hotel, Shasla, every Mwrning at 6 o’clock, A. „M., for Sacramento, via— Reading's Springs, MUk Ranch, Clear Creek. Daingerjudd's Ranch, American Ranch, CoHonieood. Prairie House, Potter's Ferry, Red B/njfe, PeJuima, Johnson's Ranch, Monroeville, Placer Ci'y, Wiltcts' and Colusa. Passengers arriving by this line ran be furn ished with animals tor any part of the Northern Mines, by Mr. James Loag. at the Shasta Slock Market WM. A. NUNN ALLY. Agent, St. Charles’ Hotel, Shasta, March, 1853 marl 2 tf COFFEE. GREEN AND GROUND IX ONE POUND papers. Tobacco, Grape, Aromatic and other brands. Oysters, Sardines. Raisins, figs. W aluuu, Ac. Just received and for safe by marl*Jtl 'IAI-801 A - SEATON. BALL & €RMDAI.L>B U. 8. .HAIL LINE FROM SHASTA TO HarTiville and SacramrnM City. MESSRS. HALL & Crandall have the pleasure to announce, that the above line of stages is again in full and active operation, front Shasta through Marysville to Sacramento. Ihig line is stocked with American horses, that cannot be surpassed or equaled in Califor nia, and draw the most superb Concord Coaches to be found on any road in the State. Ihe proprietors of this Line pledge them selves to the traveling community, that they will put them through with more expedition, more ease, cheaper, and in better style, than any other line on this route. They have the utmost confidence in offering this pledge, from the (act that the drivers employed on this line are all experienced in their business, and are temperate and responsible men. Passengers patronizing this line may rely upon every at tion being shown them. The stages, until further arrangements, will leave Shasta every morning at 6 o’clock, and arrive at Marysville the following morning at 3 o’clock ; leave Marysville at 7 o’clock and arrive at Sacramento City at 12 M., (the run ning time 2.7 hours) in lime to take the steamers for San Francisco. This,being the Daily United States Mail Line, the Stages stop at the following intermediate places: Middletown, Tehama, Marysville, Briggsville, Bidwell’s, Eliza, One Horsetown, Neal’s Ranch, Plumas, Cottonwood, Hamilton, Nicolaus, Red Bluffs', Oak Grove, Lawson’s, Charley’s Ranch. Office at the El Dorado Hotel, Shasta. THOMAS J. FLYNN, Agent. Shasta, May 7,1852. my7tf HcfiKH’S PITT RIVER AND SHASTA EXPREKtt. st**lTT>» LEAVES THE ST. CHARLES Hotel, Shasta, every Saturday morning, arriving at the Pitt River Diggings the ensuing evening. Returning, leaves York’s trading post on Friday morning, arriving in Shasta the evening of the same day. All business connected with an Express, at tended to with promptness. Letters and papers procured from the Shasta Post Office and delivered to miners. Also, all kinds of packages carried, iny-tf JOSEPH \V. McGEE. CITY dull: stork. Nearly Opposite the Post OJ/ice, Shasta, fTHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RES pectfully inform the citizens of Shasta and the public generally, that he has lately received ami keeps constantly on hand, a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines. Patent Medi cines, Perfumery, etc., consisting in part of the following - ; Seidlitz and Yeast Powders, Cream of Tartar, T ttaric Acid, Soda, Borax, Hops, Osgood’s Cholagogue, Pain Killer, Liniments, Jaynes’ Medicines, Balls’, Townsend’s and Sands’ Sarsa parilla, Eye Water, Patent Pills, etc., which he offers for sale wholesale and te lail at reasonable prices. Physicians’ prescriptions and orders from ad jacent settle neats, will be promptly and accu rately attended to. C. ROTHB. mar 12 if Druggist and Apothecary. CITY rath house, Rear of the California Exchange, Hhaala. THE UNDERSIGNED. PROPRIETOR of the above establishment begs leave to call the attention of the public at large, to his uew and commodious BATHING ROOMS, situated in the rear of the California Ex change—and fakes this method of in forming them, that nothing shall be wanting on his part, that will conduce »o the comfort ol those who may favor him with a call. He is also prepared to give SHOWER BATHS. Single Tickets, - - • $1 00 Fifteen “ - - - 10 00 Thirty “ ... 16 00 Mot and cold Baths at all hours. marl 2 tf S. LEAN. s.>o,ot>o REWARD. _SUCH HAS MET OUR EYESfft on many occasions lately, but kps A our wish is to let our friends 1 T * and the public know that we are now ready to furnish specifications ami plans on all kinds of buildings. All kinds of Job work done with neatness and dispatch. Furniture of all kinds such as Bedsteads, Cots, Lounges, Sofas, Chairs. Dining, Breakfast, Stand and Centre Tables, al ways on hand. All kinds of Sash made to or der. Turning of all kinds done to order. Atlorderstor work in our line will be prompt ly attended to. Shop at the head of Main street, Shasta, mar 12 tf CURTISS & HUGHES. BARTON A- MNAVEEY, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Estimates and specifications made on all kinds of buildings. Jobbing done at the shortest no tice. Also. Rockers. Toms and Sluices always on hand ami made to order. N. B. Seasoned lumber always on hand - Livi.vgsto.v Barton. Ukiah B. SsAVEr.r. mar!2tf Shasta City. i/Ook here:: I HEREBY RESPECTFULLY INFORM MY friends and the public generally, that I am now prepared to execute with promptness and dispatch, any work in my line with which I may be favored, viz; Plans and specifications made for buildings of every kind, also for bridges, water wheels, &c. Rockers. Toms. Sluices and Mining imple ments of every kind, kept constantly on hand, and furnished upon the most liberal terms for cash. Lumber of every kind furnished and deliver ed at any point designated. Apply to the manufacturing establishment of the undersigned, now itl full operation on Main street opposite the St. Charles Hotel. mariJfi 3m RR\J. CARMAN. TO THE PUBLIC. IHAVE THIS DAY APPOINTED WM. P. Daiugerfield, Esq., my agent and attorney, to attend to all business for me in my absence. JOHN E. WILKINSON. Shasta, April 29, 18>3. ap3o:f EUREKA CLOTHIJtO EHPORII’H. FIGEL & TUSKA, IMPORTERS AND dealer* in Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and Gents furnishing goods, 191 Ciay street, 3d dour from Kearny. mar 26 m SHASTA, CAL., SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1853. THE SHASTA COURIER. [Per Cram, Rogers & Co.’s Express.] Regular Trinity Correspondence. Weaverville, June Ist, 1853. Messrs. Editors Last winter we laid the flattering unction to our soul that there was a “good time coming;’’ that good time we were assured would come if we would “ wait a little longer.” Well, we patiently waited, and not in vain, for we really do believe we are enjoying the long anticipated prosperity. That which was once a dream is now a reality, aud we are sailing at lull speed on the tide of fortune, and all ahead looks bright and clear. Business was never better than at present, and money is plenty, which is good evidence that our mines are not bad. Not only do we think they are not bad, but that they are some of the best in the country. We know of numerous “toms” that are yielding from one to two hun dred dollars per day. And we know of one claim that paid its six owners last week 100 ozs. to the hand ! We have had quite a number of visitors with ns during the past week. Among them w r ere the Hons. J. W. Dettvir, W. C. Martin and Read ing. This morning his Honor Judge Peters, Hon. W. C. Martin and Win. C. Young, Esq., Superintendent of the Trinity County W. M. & M. Co. left for Humboldt Buy. By the bye, speaking of this Trinty County Water Company, much injustice was done it in the report of our District Court proceedings which appeared in your paper last week. The cases w hich the Company were interested in were all amicably settled, mid none of them ever came to trial. From what we know, the Company’s affairs were never in a more flourishing condition than at present. Already lias its water been brought to some of our mines, and ere long it will supply every hill and gukh in this region. Respectfully Yours, Adobe. New Vork Correspondence. New York, April 30th, J 853. Friend Courier:—The steamship “Star ol the West” arrived here on the night of Monday 251 h inst., with the passengers who left San Francisco on the Ist in the Sierra Nevada, there by making the trip in 24 days and two or three hours. What I said in my last from San Juan del Sur about the Sierra Nevada, I repeat in re spect to the Star of the West. But what shall 1 say of the journey and treatment the passegers received on the transit route, commencing with the agents at San Juan, Messrs. Body, White & Co., and continued at Pineda City on Virgin Bay on Lake Nicaragua! There was nothing but misrepresentation and abuse from the time of departure from San Joan until we arrived on board the Atlantic steamer. It would occupy more space than either of ns have to spare at present, to enumerate all that occurred. Let the following suffice for the present. To begin at SanJnaii del Sur, Messrs. Body, White & Co. weighed all the baggage and took charge of it, giving us checks and demanding the payment of the freight, sls per 100 lbs. Of the latter procedure nobody complained, but when those gentlemen gave us the checks they represented to us that we wou’d have no more trouble with it, but on our arrival at Virgin Bay we were compelled to give up the checks aud take charge of the baggage ourselves. Again : the agents at Virgin Bay crowded the whole .umber of passengers, some 700, on board a small shell of a steamboat not as large as one of the ferry boats on the East River. The officers of the boats are things in the shape of men who are unacquaint ed with even the most common courtesies due from man to man. On coming down the river San Juan, all the mule passengers were com pelled to jump overboard and lift the steamboat over the sand bars. I promise as soon as I have a little leisure to give you a full and correct ac count. All J say in this connection is, tell the folks that il they wish to pay a large juice for the sake ol working their jmssage home, they had Ik tier patronise the Vanderbilt Line. New York is lull of strangers: all the hotels are crowded, and it was with difficulty the pas sengers could be accommodated. I would ad vise all Californians to give the the ((reference. 1 never have in any hotel in the U. Stales, seen manifested on the jiart of the hosts, such a desire to accommodate and please, as 1 experienced in this establishment. Of amusements there is no end. The Chinese Dramatic Corjis which left San Francisco in the Cortes, have arrived and engaged Niblo’s thea tre, in which to give their representations. The most prominent [daces of amusement are 1 lit? Italian Opera and the Hippodrome of the cele brated Frauconi from Paris, which opens for the first time on Monday next. The Crystal i’ulace is being finished as rajndly as jiossible. The Directors have deferred the opening until June Ist. I will send you a few items when the ex hibition ojiens. Yours truly, Fexelox. Who can Explain ?—On 1 hursday last, about 11 o’clock, a. m., the jicople of Dubbin’s Ranch were startled by the sound of an explosion like j that of a heavy piece of ordnance. Following ! the explosion was a whizzing sound, like that of a large cannon hall jiassing through the air, which was succeeded by a rumbling, like the ajiproach of a train ol cars upon a railroad— blow iug off steam. At first it was snj>posed to be the explosion of the boilers of a steam mill in the immediate vicinity, but on learning that such was not the case, it became a matter of general speculation. A similar sound was heard at the Keystone aud the Nevada House ; hut at the latter jdace, it seemed to come.from high in the air. It has been suggested that it must have been heated air escaping from some fissure in the mountain; but we prefer leaving the ques tion for the curious to decide. —Marysville Ex press. High Rents. —The lessee ol the cigar stand in the saloon of the Union Hotel, pays a monthly rent of |GOO for the privilege of his corner. This fact may give an idea of the immense amount ol businsss transacted by that establishment, which is thronged at all hours by “ all sorts of people.” The tables in the btiliad saloon are in almost constant demand- Notwithstanding the high rent paid for the Union Hotel, amounting, we understand, to three times the income of the President of the United States, the lessees ha\e every jirosj»eet of reaping a golden harvest. — S- F. Herald AKBIVAL OF THE HOLDEN CATE, Two Weeks L ntcr from Atlantic States. We are indebted to Adams & Co’s Express for San Francisco papers of the 3rd, from which we take the following summary of news brought by the Golden Gale on the Ist inst. The dates are up to the sth of May from New York, and to the 7th from New Orleans. Solon Borland. Senator from Arkansas, is ap pointed Minister to Central America, and has accepted. % '1 lie Legislature of Louisiana h is appointed Hon. John Slidell, E.-q., U. S. Senator, in place of Soule, Minister to Spain. Col. Jack Hayes, new Surveyor General of California, was at Galveston by the latest ac counts. The squadron of Commodore Ringgold, which is to survey Behring Straits, will sail shortly from New York for Norfolk, to fit out. Lieut. Rolando is ta command the flag ship Vincennes ; Lieut. John Rogers, the John Hancock : Passed Midshipman Stevens, the Fennimore Cooper; Lieut. Davis, the Porpoise. The J. P. Kennedy has not yet received her commander. The U. S. steam frigate Mississippi, Commo dore Perry, sailed from the Cape of Good Hope, February 8, for Japan. The Emperor of France has extended an invi tation to the Bonaparte family at Baltimore, to visit their native land. Young Jerome Bona parte, of the U. S. Army, has consequently ob tained leave of absence. Francours Hippodtonie was opened at “New York on Monday, May 2d, to an audience of 9000 persons. Ex-President Martin Van Buren has gone to Europe. Another terrible steamboat catastrophe has occurred. The Ocean Wave was destroyed by fire on the 30:h April, on Lake Ontatio, and twenty-eight lives were lost. No time was af forded for the launching of the steamer’s boats. Ex-Boundary Commissioner Bartlett has pub lished a statement in contradiction ot Gov. Lane’s proclamation, annexing the valley of Mesitla to New Mexico. The Sandwich Islands, it is understood, are about to invoke die protection of the United States against France. The Essex Company’s mill at Lawrence, Mass, has been destroyed by fire. The \V big State Convention of Tennessee has nominated Major Gustavos A. Henry, of Mont gomery, for Go' eruor. Hon. Robert G. Shaw, of Boston, died on the 4th May. The Democratic State Convention of'Alabama have nominated Hon. John A. Winston fur Gov ernor. The crew of the ship Golden Light, burned at sea, have arrived at Boston from St. Thomas. Injunctions have been sued out in New York against the City Railroads. The New York hotel waiters have struck to the number of 2000 for $lB per month, and ob tained it. The Florida Indians are gathered upon the eastern edge of the Everglades, but do not show offensive inclinations. The National Typographical Union met at Pittsburg on the 2d May. Niue States were re presented. The New England Methodist Conference, in session at Boston, has declared loudly against slavery. Judge Gibson, of ihe Supreme Court of Penn sylvania, died at Philadelphia on the 3d May. Hon. Philip Allen has been chosen U. S. Sena tor from Rhode Island. Major Iturbide has arrived at Washington with a copy of the Tehuantepec Treaty with Mexico. Santa Anna favors the grant of Sloo. A committee of 100 citizens have waited upon Mayor Suelleker, of Cincinnati, to request him to resign, in consequence of the Kirkland Iron hies. A dreadful railroad accident occurred on the Michigan Central Railroad, on the 25th of April; trains on tbat.and the central road coming in col lision; 20 lives were lost, and 50 or 60 wounded. $250,000 of the new silver coinage was issued from the Philadelphia mint on the 26th April. The Louisiana Legislature has passed the Free Banking Law. The proclamation of Gen. Lane of New Mexi co, annexing Mecitla Valley, is not disapproved by the Government It is held to be right, in view of an erroneous result of the Boundary Commission. Kane, who was arrested under the Ashburton treaty as a fugitive from justice in England, has been released by Judge Nelsou in the U. S. Dis trict Court, New York. A destructive fire occurred at Boston on the 28ib April, destroying property on Endicott st., and Pond and Baldwin Places. The total amount of coinage of the U. S. Mint at Philadelphia from January to May 1853, was $19,536,916 98, being an increase of $4,770,652 96 over that of last year. The funeral ol Vice President King took place on W ednesday, April 20. The remains were in terred near his late residence. Supporting rut Government. —“ Now I ax you fellers, who's the best citizen, him that sup ports government or him as doesn’t? Why, him as does, in course. We support government, every one as drinks supports government, that is if he lickers at a licensed house. Every blessed drop of lickcr that he swallers that is taxed to pay the salary of them ar officers, such as May ors and corporal liijiii, the constables. Presidents and Custom-house gentlemen. Sp’ose we was to quit drink—why, government must fail; it couldn’t help it no how. That is the very rezun 1 drinks. I don’t like grog. I mortally hates it. If 1 fullered my own inclination, I’d rather drink butler milk, or ginger pop, or Boley’s soda water. But I lickers for the good of my country, to set an example of patriotism and vu*- cfauous self-denial to the rizin generation. Fel lers, let’s lickcr.” PIP* The New York Times, speaking of Mr. Soule's appointment as Minister to Spain, says, that on a recent occasion— Mr. S<>ule declared that he would not accept the Spanish Mission, except upon one condi tion, and that-condition he did not suppose the Administration would grant. Upon being ques tioned as to what it was, he replied that it was that he should have unlimited powers for the purchase of Cuba. We infer, therefore, that Mr. Soule is invest ed with unrestricted authority to bargain for that island. This is the object for which he goes. A Man Shot. — ihe Mokeiumne Hill corres pondent of the Sacramento Union says that an intoxicated man, who. mistaking the jail for his hotel, attempted to force an entrance, was shot on Thursday night last by the jailor, who sup posed that an. effort was being made to liberate the prisoners. The unfortunate man was mor tally wounded, and died in a few hours. NUMBER 14. Cot.. Bentos axo the Pacific Road.—Col. Beatou, in the course of his recently published letter. says: My idea is, that the road should be built by the United States, by the creation of a stock, hypothecated upon the public lands, and paya ble at a fixed period at the federal treasury, and that an adequate force should be put upon it to do the work at once. We think nothing of tew ing an army of filly nr a hundred thousand men for war; here is an object of more moment to the United States and to the world, than many wars; and I should be in favor of seeing an army of laborers employed upon it at once, and the work done in seven years, instead of pid dling at it for a life-time. And why not ? We can have the money and the men ; ami on a lino of 1200 miles there would be room for fifty thou sand men to work without elbowing each other. It would be only foyty men to the mile. The pre-emption system would give the money and the settlers—the right kind of settlers—men who would defend themselves from Indians, and raise provisions for the supply of the road, and occu py it on both sides, and from one end to tho other, the first season they were allowed to do so. The Indian title should be extinguished on a breadth of fitly to one hundred miles, anil a mile reserved for the different tracks of railroads, and for a common road, and for telegraphic lines It. is a work lor posterity, and for three continents ; and we should elevate ourselves to the grandeur of the occasion. The main street in the city which Alexander the Great founded to supersede Tyre, in the East India trade, was five miles long and a thousand feet wide, with a colonnaded and covered footway of one hundred feet on each side. There were men of ample ideas iu those times, and still it was noj thenge that built the pyramids. “ From the summit of those py ramids,” said the conqueror to the Mamelukes, “ forty centuries look down upon us.” Tho time will come when forty centuries may look back upon this road ; ami they should not be loft to repine at the improvidence which would dwindle it to the petty calculations of jobbers, corporators and speculators. Navigating the Air— Many have been the attempts of late years to find some means of na vigating the air. Bellows of every conceivable shape, and steering apparatus of a thousand fie vices have been in vain tried. Ingenious minds have been long engaged in an effort to propel balloons by steam ; but the practical difficulties have thus far proved insuperable. A Mr. Por ter, however, claims to have accomplished this at last. He has constructed an aerial convey ance, which he calls an Arroport, which he has twice exhibited in Washington city, to the great satisfaction and admiration of his audience. A miniature machine, which was put in operation in a large saloon, paddled its way through tho air, says the Washington Republic, in any direc tion indicated, by means of steam. The result of this experiment strengthens the hope that the untiring projector of this means of aerial naviga tion may succeed in bringing it to a practical re sult. Mr. Porter seems to be sangnine that a machine on this principle can be constructed, capable of making two trips to California and back in a week, carrying two hundred passen gers ; thus, at one hundred dollars a berth, rea lizing a snug profit on the investment — S. F. Herald. " How the Miner may Gain by Coining his Dost. —Under this heading a communication is at hand, setting forth some facts as to what befel the writer, Mr. James Monroe, who states as follows: “ I recently carried about one hundred ounces to the U. S. Assay Office in San Francisco, to be coined, for which I was to pay two percent. It was noble looking dust and free front sand or quartz. I had been accustomed to sell that taken from the same location to Adams & Co., for sl7/10 per ounce, and for the above quanti ty I could have taken $17,45. But what was my surprise when I was offered and received only $16,37 per oz. as my net receipts from the mint. I thought there must he a mistake, but was assured that the returns were correct. I have nothing more to say, but I wish you to publish the above statement for the good of those who may think of getting their gold dust coined at San Francisco The dust was dug in Volcano, Calaveras Co., and I was told by one who had carried a quantity to the Philadelphia Mint, that he received $18,25 per oz.— Tima and Tranxrrivt. Gold Specimens. —The New York Herald says : A splernlid specimen of native gold, in combination with quartz rock, from California, was exhibited on Change yesterday. It belong ed to the enterprising firm of Messrs. Adams & Co., express agents. The value of the specimen was $.900, the stint those gentlemen paid for it. The beauty of the specimen rendered it one oi great interest. The mass of rock was inter mingled with fine particles of gold, while the principal and upper side of its lace was covered with a most splendidly crystalized or arbores cent mass of pure native gold. Its arrange ment presented the appearance, in places, of stems, leaves, and irregular clusters, not nntiko masses of grapes. Messrs. Adams & Co. design ed this, with other rich specimens, for exhibi tion in the Chryslal Palace. They had at their office. (58 Broadway) it was said, some other valuable specimens, some of which were masses of native gold, and others mixed with quartz. One of these specimens was worth S3OOO. and others S2OOO. They also had other specimens on the way. They expected to be able to make the most splendid show of gold specimens -ever before exhibited, and when all their collection arrived, which might not be before the middle of summer, they calculated the value of tfie whole would be about one hundred thousand dollars ; ami till the production of California. Thf. Homestead of Jefferson. —The estate is now in possession of a naval officer, who makes it his summer residence. We found on the first floor a bust ot Jefferson, a portrait of Lafayette, one of Washington, and a couple of miniature “ hard cider” barrels, with ” Whig principles” written on them. The estate is in a very dilapidated condition. The stone fences are falling down. But a small portion of tho soil is cultivated, the gardens bloom no more, and the ivy clings but timidly to the walls. Mr. Jefferson had some queer notions concerning his domestic matters. He had subterranean passa ges constructed, leading from his house to tho quarters of the servants, so they could carry on their work, and still not be seen by the guests. -Ex paper. A Mrs. Ferry recently eloped from Mon son, Mass., with a man named Levins Cough. When her husband found she was determined to go, he gave her $lOO to start with. Sensible fellow, that. t-Jp' .John Hancock, sou of John Hancock of Revolutionary memory, now over 80 years of age, is now living in Boston, in the euioyment ol excellent health and unimpaired faculties.