Newspaper Page Text
THE SHASTA COURIER. VOLUME 11. the SHASTA COURIER is published evenr Saturday morning, nil IM. L. MAUf Sc DOSIf. SAM H DOS Hr ARCHIBALD SKILLMAN. Editor t and Proprietor*. Publication Office in Post Office Building. Main Street, where all orders for Advertising and Job Work should be left. TERMS— <-Invariably in Adrance i for One Year 810,00 “ Six Mouths 5,«« Term* of Adrerlising; For One Square of 10 lines or less, one insertion. Four Dollars ; for each subsequent insertion, Two Dollars. A liberal discount made to Monthly and Yearly Advertisers. Job Printing Of every description promptly executed in a su perior maimer. I', U«UEK« & CO’S WeurcrTille Eiprru, Connecting at Shasta tci/h Adams 4* Co. LEAVES THE OFFICE lit AdalllS &L Co. Hi Sllll >u every VV eilnesday an. bu.uiu..j u.oiuings. Returning, liavi « »ui 04- ik e 111 v» euverviite 011 Mondays und I Ltuways. Treasure, valuable packages, letters, etc. tor warded oy our regular messenger wuh lie ul ujost dispatch. Adams Sl Co’s drafts for sale 00 all their offices 111 the Atlantic Males uuu Europe. Sighl Cheeks drawn A t Par on any of Adams & Co's offices in this State. Highest price paid lor Cold Oust. Collections made, and all business in the Ex press line attended to promptly. updO.l KHOOKM A- MSK’N BIIAMTA EXPUKSM, LEAVES J 11E *» office of Well’s Far gi. Sl Co., Sacrallieiilo. daily, tor Shas.a, x rekn, and all towns and points through out Northern California, connecting at Sacrum n fo w r ith Wells, Fargo «Jfe Co’s Daily Express .to Sun Francisco, intd oy regular Mail Steamer on the Lst. Ibli, Kith and 25th of each mouth to the Atlantic States and Europe. Treasure, letters and other packages conveyed to and from the points above designated, w.lli tlie utmost dispatch. ■Gobi Oust lor warded to the U. S. Mints at Philadelphia and New Orleans, under policies from tbeiU’Wt responsible Insurance Companies in |he Eastern Cities. Drafts drawn by Joltn M. Rhodes, of the ■Sacramento City Bank, on New York, New Orleans, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh ; Slate Ba; k of Ohio. B. Davidson's drafts for sale on Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Suns, London; Messrs. De Rothschild & Bros., Paris; Messrs. M. A. Roths child >Sc Sons, Frankfort; Messrs. L. Bi hrens & Sons, Agents, Hamburg; Messrs, limb. Gril l ing & Co.. Lima and Valparaiso; A Belmont, Esq.. Now York. Collections made and all business appertain ing to an Express Company executed promptly and with especial regard to safety. JAMES M- RHODES, HIRAM LUSK, VV ELLS. FARGO & CO. Offices. — Shasta, in Post Office Building ; Sacramento, .1 stieet. between Front and Sec ond streets; San Francisco. 114 Montgomery street; VVenverville, Messrs. Church A Mix * building; Yreka. fire-proof building opposite yreka Hotel. mar!2 tf <’B. ROCiKICK & CO’S Onlil'ornin nnd Oregon Kepreiw. Ok VIA YREKA, JACK sonville, O. T., Oregoi. City, Winchester, Salem Marysvilie ami Portland. Also branches rutP mug to Humbug Creek. Scott’s Bar, Hamburgh. Allhouse Creek, Sailors Diggings, Klamath und ■Salmon Rivers. Treasure, valuable packages, letters, for warded by 011 r regular messengers to any ol the above named places. Drafts drawn on any of Adams & Co's offices in the Atlantic Slates and Europe. Checks drawn nt par on all ot Adams & Co's offices in the State. Highest price paid for Gold Dust. Collections made, and all business entrusted te our care attended to promptly, and w ith dis *pa teb. CRAM, ROGERS & \JO. mv7 tf MTARK M>E FOR SICK lIIE.YTO. Spring Anrrnn;ruiriil. BAXTER Sc CO. V. S. MAIL LIXE OF Stages from Shasta to Sacramento. the proprie t 1 “I 1 tors of the above line being desirous of accommodating ifm traveling public, by running their line as stain as tbe bad • tale of the road would permit, have placed up on this route their splendid slock of American Horses and elegant Concord Coaches, which will leave the St. Charles Hotel, Shasta, every morning at (i o’clock. A. M., for Sacramento, via— Reading's Springs, Milk Ranch, Clear Creek. Daingerjield's Ranch, American Ranch, Cottonirood, Prairie House. Potter's Ferry, Red Blujfs, Tehama, Johnsons Ranch, Monroeville. Placer Ci‘v. WUleis' and Cohans. Passengers arriving by this lino can be furn ished with animals for any part of the Northern Mines,by Mr. Janies Long, at the Shasta Stuck Market. \\ M. A. NUNNALLV. Agent, St. Charles’ Hotel. Shasta. March, 1853 uiar!2 if COFFEE. Green and ground in one pound papers. Tobacco. Grape. Aromatic and other brands. Oysters. Sardines. Raisins, Figs, Walnuts, «tc. Just received and for sale by marl9tj[ TALBOT t SEATON. UAL.I, & {CR.I\DAIiI<’B V. H. KAIL LINE FROM SHASTA TO Marysville auti Sacramento City. MESSRS. HALL & "■■■* Crandall have the •S' l ■ 1 pleasure to announce, that ilie above line <>t stages is again in full ami active operation, Irotii Shasta through M .rysville to Sacruuieuto. AHis line is stocked with American horses, that cannot be surpassed or equaled in Calilor nia, and draw the most superb Concord Coaches to be found on any road in the State. Ihe proprietors of this Line pledge them selves to the traveling community, that they will put them through with more expedition, more ease, cheaper, and in I letter style, than any other line’ on thi* route. They have the utmost confidence in otfi ring this pledge, Irom the lact that the drivers employed on this line are all experienced in their business, and are temperate and responsible men. Passengers patronizing ibis line may rely upon every at tion being shown them. The stages, until liirther arrangements, will leave Shasta every morning at (j o’clock, and arrive at Marysville the following morning at 3 o’clock ; leave Marysville at 7 o’clock and arrive at Sacramento City at it! M.. (the mu lling time 23 hours) in time to take the steamers lor San Francisco. '1 Ins being the Daily United Slates Mail Line, the stages stop at the following intermediate places : _Middletown, Tehama, Marysville, Briggsville, Bidwi H’s, Eliza, Due Horselown, Neal’s Ranch, Rltimas. .Cot ton wood, Hamilton, Nicolaus, Red Blulfs", Oak Grove, Lawson’s, Charley’s Ranch. Office at the F,l Dorado Hotel, Shasta. THOMAS J. FLVNN, Agent. Stiasta, May 7,1832. iny7tf CITV HATH lIOIHE, R ear of Ihe Ca( ifo rnia Exch nv gc, Shasta, THE UNDERSIGNED, PROPRIETOR of the above establishment begs leavi f; to call the attention ol the public at large, to his new and commodious BATHING ROOMS, tw, sill .id s ifnated in I lie rear of the California Ex \_[/ change—and takes this method ol in lorn,itig them, that nothing shall he wanting on bis pact, that will conduce to the comfort ol those who may favor him with a call. He is also prepared to give SHOWER BATHS. Single Tickets, - - - $1 00 Fifteen “ • - - - 10 00 • 1 n irty lt - - • lt> 00 iNiN' Hot and cold Baths at all hours, mar 12 tf S. LEAN. sijRWAUJD. £* SUCH HAS MET OUR EYES'?) on many occasions lately, but Ssbj onjr wish is to let our friends 'T* and the public know that we sire now ready to furnish specifications ami plans on all kinds ol buildings. All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch. Furniture ot all kinds such as Bedsteads. Cots, Lounges, Sofas, Chairs. Dining, Breakfast, Stand and Centre Tables, al ways on hand. All kinds of Sash made to oi lier. Turning of ail kinds done to order. All order; lor work in our line will be prompt ly attended to. Shop at the head of Main street, Shasta, mar 32 tf CURTISS & HUGHES. B ASTO V A S-V AVE 3, V, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Estimates and specifications made on all kind? of buildings. .lobbing done at the shortest no tice. Also, Rockers. Toms and Sluices always im hand and made to order. N. B. Seasoned In miter always on hand - Livingston Barton. Uriah B. Snavki.t. niarUMf Shasta City. 1.4>0k is v. E 5 a::: I HEREBY RESPECTFULLY INFORM MY friends and the public generally, that I am now prepared to execute with promptness and dispatch, any work in my line w tilt which i may be favored, viz; Plan? and specifications made for buildings oi every kind, also for bridges, water wheels, &c. Rockers, Toms. Sluices and Mining imple ments of every kind, kept constantly on hand. and furnished upon tue most liberal terms for cash. Lumber of every kind furnished and deliver ed at any {mint designated. Apply to tiie manufacturing establishment of the nude!signed, now in full operation on Main street opposite llie St. Charles Hotel. ni■ ii->d :?m BRNM. CARMAN. T O i S ai.iC. 1 HAVE THIS DAY APPOINTED \VM. R. Diiingerfieid, Esq., my agent and attorney, to attend to all business fur me in my absence. JOHN E. WILKINSON. , Shasta. April 2J, 1833. apSUtf ABtHMSTK ITOK'S XOTICK. 4 LI. PERSONS HAVING CI,AIMS against Am. the estate of Charles Bet kbar!, deceased. ■ ire required Oi exhibit them wilh the necessary vouchers. wiiliin ten mini ha afterdate of lliis notice, to the undersigned, Administrator, at iie late residence ol Chari*, s Beekiiart, lower terry. Trinity River, or they wjil be forever burred. ' JOHN ELLIOTT. Jr.. Administrator. Trinity Co.. Cal.. June i. 15",3. jell 4t STATE OF CAIiiFOKMA, COUNTY OF SHASTA s<. —I. MARY ANN Stack role, wife of Charles S’ackpele. of tiie ComUy and Slate aforesaid, hereby publish and declare that I intend to carry on and con duct the business ol establishing and keeping a public eating house in my own name and in my own account. Witness mv hand cud seal this third day ot May, A. D. 1833. Mary a. stacktole, [l. s.] State of California, Con itv of Shasta, ss. On this 27 1 h day ol May, 18»3, conics tbe above named Mary A. Stackpole, who signed IJ if fore going iiisirument of writing, and declart-s to me tiiiil ihe execution and Uiaktng of the above named declaration is her act unit deed for the purposes therein specified. \V i, ness my hand and private seal, there be ing no i tiie lid seal yet provided at this office, this 27th dav ot M iv, 1833. j HU. V\. DAWSON, r mv2B 3t* Recorder of Shag.'a co. J j.-c., Attorney anil Cauusellor at Lav, JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. Shasta, California- SHASTA, CAL., SATURDAY, JUNE IS, 1853, THE SHASTA COURIER. SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 18. 18">3. IRUitiULK tO> »' 1. At; Klf IO \ll fUbasts in A«hea—Eo** estimated at Half a Million of Hollar*. On Tuesday afternoon lust, al about four ..’clock in the afternoon, a fire broke out in Slia.-ta, which consumed almost the whole lov\n before it was checked. It was discerned first issuing from an unoccupied building, known us the I’arker House; but the alarm was not given until the whole interior of the upper story, and a portion of the lofcer story, were in flames. soon as the position of the lire, and the headway which it had obtained, were ascer tained, thecouclusiou oecame universal that the destruction of the entire business portion of the town would beinevi ablc. But little resistance was therefore attempted, little was futile, until the fire hud almost entirely spent its force, and had reached a section sparsely built. The I’arker House was situated in the eastern portion of the town, on the south side. The tire extended rapidly cast, burning a saddler’s shop, a beer house, Daigb’s building, occupied for law offices, a milliner's shop, and a jewelry establishment, where a number of vacant lots checked its progress. Towards the west the conflagration spread with equal rapidity, burning Adams &. Co.’s and Cram, Roger’s & Co.’s Express office, Tom linson’s store and the Globe Hotel. in the meantime the buildings on the north side of the street caught fire, ami Talbot ami Seaton’s store, Gdson’s Shasta Hotel, Goodwin .‘£ York’s bowling saloon, the Woodcock, (va i*ant), the St. Louis H use, John Moll’s Kossuth House, tin. - Bee-hive bakery, the billiard saloon, a vacant bouse, W illis’Oak Tree House, and Walsh's store were soon in flames. From this point the fire proceeded towards the west ei*d of town, consuming thy buildings on both sides of tlie street in its course. On tbe •otitii side the following places of business were burned, so rapidly that but little property wav rescued from destruction: iSlntrtlefl’’ s Drug Store,Bull, Baker & Co.’s General Grocery Store, Cigar Siore, Clothing Store, Barber Shop, St. Cbarles Hotel, kept by Grotefend vt Col!, Jacobson’s Clothing Store, finder's Meat Mark et, Hollub anil Isaac's Clothing Store, Norton’s Tin and Stove Shop, two Cloiiiiug Stores, Har rington &, Doll's General Grocery Store. Roman's Book Store,Stevenson’s i’rovision Store. Reel he's Drugstore, Mayer & Corney’s Market, Plum mer & Mitchell’s Grocery and Provision store, Dowiu r’s Grocery and Provision Store, two va cant h 'uses, Madam Gavand’s Restaurant, Shc rifi’s office, Trinity House, Jane’s House, Calla han's dwelling house, and a log house. On the north side of the street, after burning Walsh’s Store House, the following places of business were consumed : one blacksmith’s simp. Coney’s Clothing Store,Carman’s Carpen ter Shop, Chapman & Co.’s Grocery ii. Provision Store. Todd & Jones' Grocery and Provision Store, two clothing stores, one kept by Syme, Callahan’s Grocery and Provision Store, one Clothing store, Macomher’s blacksmith shop and dwelling house, El Dorado Hotel, kept by Keene & Fourney, Bout lit r’s Restaurant, Gil bert’s dwelling house, Rhodes &. Lusk’s Express Office, Smith’s vacant house. Post Office, Cour ier office. Sprague's Law Office, Morse’s Den tist Office, Masonic Lodge, Empire Hotel owned by Oleudori & Rand, and Long’s two buildings. Seventy buildings were consumed, including every Hotel, Store, and Saloon in the town. About forty buildings remain in our town, con sisting mostly of small cot'age dwelling houses, and a few business houses at either end of town. The value of the bandings burned is generally estimated at about $100,000: tbe value of per sonal property- destroyed is estimated at $400,- 000—making the total loss one half million of dollars. Many contend that this 'estimate is considerably below the mark. The sufferers by the fire have neglected to furnish us with their own estimate of individual losses. In this place, therefore, we will unlv name a few of the heaviest losers, with nurown estimate as to the amount, and at the same time express the hope that all will hand us their names and the amount of their loss: Bail, Baker & Co., Harrington & Doll, and Tontlinfon, each $25,000 ; Hollub & Isaacs, Phtmntcr & Mitchell, A. L. Downer & Co., Chapman Co. $20,000; Todd & Jones, $10,000; Callahan. $12,000 ; R. J. Walsh, $6,000; Benj. White, $8,000; St. Charles Hotel, $15,000; Em pire Hotel. $10.000; Globe Hotel. $8,000; Tal bot & Seaton, 15,000; Estate of Josiali Hoop, $-1,000; James Long. $6,000: Adams & Co., $.5- 000 ; Rhodes & Lusk. $5.00(1 Dr. Benj. .Siiunleff, $5,000; Jacobson & Co.. $8,000; Mr. Syme, SSOOO ; Gilson & Quick, $7000; Goodwin & Vorlf, $5,000; Joint Moll, $5,000; Mr. Willis’ "Liquor S ore, $6,000; Keene & .Formey, $4.000: A. J. Stevenson, $4,000; Hall & Crandall $2,500; John Cos $‘2,000; D. Corsnut $2,400; Cram, Rogers & Co. $ 1.000 ; Oleudorff & Rami $lO 000; D. Casey $5,000; Norton’s tin shop, $4,000; J. Follansbee. $1500; L. H. Tower. $3,000, A. Roman, $3,000. Notwithstanding the gloom which took pos session of every one after the disasti r, we are glad to state that many have already made ar rangements for rebutldidg. And we have to commend warmly the spirit in which these im provements are about to be made. held a mass met ting on Wednesday, and have taken the miliary step towards widening the main street of our town, and making its breadth 110 instead of sixty feet. To accomplish this, the southern Hue of the town will re main where it is, and the northern Hue will be removed northward fifty feet. With this en largement of the street, we will, in future, have much leas to fear from fire, while it will greatly facilitate the transaction of business, a It will be a great satisfaction to our readers to learn that no live* were lost during the confla gration, although the rapidity of its progress, and the desire to save a small portion of prop erty from destruction, frequently placed persons in positions of great peril. We take pleasure in stating to our friends that our losses were not great. One thousand dol lar* will probably coverall damages. .tiiiw Meeting of- Citizen* culled for the pnr|to*e of enlarging and altering loca tion of the Main Street, and for other purpose*. At a meeting called by the cit zens of Shas'a, Mr. H. T. Sprague was called to the Chair, ami A. Skillimui appuin'td Sttreliny Judge Mc.Murtry moved that a commi tee ol live he appointed to report upon the propriety ol opening ihe street fur.her upon the flat. Judge Me Mu it iy also Uiovetl that a committee of five he appointed to see properly owners, and obtain their consent to such alteration in the street. Carried. The Chair appointed the following gentleman on the first committee: Judge McAiurtry, Ur. ulelidort, J. G. Dull, E. C. Gillette, and J. M. Rhodes. Second committee: A. Grotefiud, Mr. Rob bins, Ur. Shuriletf, A. L. Uuwner, and James Long. Air. Garter moved the above committees re port to morrow morning l(i h nisi., at 9 o’clock. Speeches were here made by Messrs. McAlurtry, Ward, Garter, and Long. Mr. Doll moved that a committee he appoint ed to enquire into the cause ol the fire, wUeihtr it was by an incendiary or not. Mr. Rhodes moved an amendment to the above, making the committee to consist ol 13. and requiring them to report this ulternorn, at 1 o'clock. Carried. 'J he following gentlemen were appointed : J. G. Doll, J. Al. Rhodes, J. Isaacs, Isaac Koop, Geo. AkCumber, Alphttis Bull, U. C. Blown, T. T. Calianiss. John Yoik, A. bkiiluian, Wm. Mitchell, E. Garter, J. S. I*. Bass. Un motion, the meeting adjourned. K. T. SI'HAGUE, President. A. Skillman, Secretary. Report of iae lounui.tu ui mivextigotiou. The Committee appointed lor the investiga tion of the origin < f the recent file which de stroyed the town of iShasla, report: '1 hut upon the investigation of that mailer, they have come to the conclusion that fire originated in the building known as the Darker House, and that ilie same was caused by an incendiary; anu that in their opinion the circumstances ol the case require a strict investigation on the pari ol ihe legal authorities. E\l.Aiig tmr,nr of Main —We have not been furnished with the proceedings of the adjourned meeting of citizen property holders, held at the Methodist Church on Thursday morning, to act in regard to an enlargement of Alain Street. We learn, however, that it was determined that the street should be mu. ! e fifty feet wider than formerly—the fifty feet to be ta ken from the lots on the northern side—making the entire width one hundred and fen feet from one side to the other. Buildings are allowed an awning of ten feet, which will make the street from awning to awning ninety feet. Post Office. —We are glad to state that all the letters remaining in the Post Office were saved, together with the books, &c. Had not Post Alaster Roop lost considerable time in en deavoring to check the fire near its place ol commencement, lie would have been enabled to save his office furniture, also. The Post Office was opened on the morning after the the fire in the binding adjoining the boarding house of Air. Bass. Adams & Co’s Sake. —On W ednesday after noon Mr. Tracy caused the safe ol Adams & Co. to be opened. Its contents were found unin jured. Owing to the heat, however, with which the safe had been surrounded, it could not be opened w ithout materially injuring the door. Rhodes & Lusk’s Ba\king it Express Office. —These gentlemen have already got the neces sary material on the ground for rebuilding, and expect to be able to ticcupy their new building by the latter part of the coming week. They can be found for the time being opposite the Empire Coral, at the upper end of town. Our Market. — Aoiwi.iisuiLniiug me immense quantity of clothing, provisions, groceries, li quors, itc., destroyed by the late eonflrgnitiou, we arc happy to inform traders, who have hen - to fore been in the habit of dealing in Shasta, that our merchants are again prepared to fill all orders entrusted to their care at the usual ad vance on San Francisco prices—most of them having reo< ivo«l. fresh snpidies since the fire. Adams &. Co. — i n.s e-uinpi ismg banking and Eqiress House have com induced excavating the 1 >1 formerly occupied by them, and we are iu f n ined by Air. E. Tracy, the agent at this place that lie will immediately commence building, as soon as the ruins of the old building are n moved. They occupy at present the building formerly known as Chauncey’s lumber office. Roman, who lost most of his goods by ihe late fire, lias opened Ids Book Store in the lower part of Main Street. lie started yes terday for San Francisco to replenish his stock, and will soon be prepared to supply all older* in his line. Rhodes <Xo L,csk s oa/c.. — me safe of Rhodes & Lusk was taken into the middle of the street soon after the alarm of fire, and was consequently subjected to but little beat. On being opened on Wednesday, its contents were found to b« in a perfect state of preservation. NUMBER 15. New Buildings. A number of persons have already com menced re-building, and llie gloom of Wednes day has given place to the music of the saw and hammer. Among those who have already commenced the work are Adams Sc Co., Mr. Gavand, Mr. Loag, Hollub Sc Isaacs, Dr. Short left', Mr. .lager, and the owner of the Shasta Sad dling establishment. Those on the north side have delayed to await ilie action of the citizens in regard to an enlargement of the Main Street. Among those who have made arrangements for rebuilding wo would name the following: James Long, Oleu dorf Sc Rand, Rhodes &. Lusk, Todd & Jones, Chapman & Co., L. H. Baker, Bull, Baker Sc Co., Augustus Grotefend, David Casey, Plum mer it Mitchell, A. L. Downer & Co., R. J. Walsh, and the owner of a tin shop. Cram, Rogers & Co. — These express gentle men may at present be found in the building owned by A. G. Channcey & Co., on the flat, formerly used for a lumber office. Sheriff's Office. —Capt. Corsaut has taken a a room in Hughes & Curtiss’ building for a Sheriff’s « ffi.e. Pitt River. —Or. Bates, who arrived from Pittsburgh on Thursday last, gives a cheering account of the mineral resources of Pitt River. All those who have remained there steadily have done well, and many of those who recently went to the head waters of Feather river, have returned. Fire at Tk — On Sunday night last, a fire broke out in the Hull House, at Tehama. Over a hundred persons were in the House at the time, and owing to their prompt action, the lire was extinguished speedily, and without much duuinc)'. New Diggings. —it lias been staled to us that new diggings of considerable magnitude have been discovered on the western side of the Sac ramento river, about ten miles above this place. Several parties have repaired to the place with in u few days past. Paper Hangings, See. — We refer our readers to the advertisement of Mr. Van Schaick in another column. Mr. Van S. has recently visit ed Sau Francisco, and has relumed with an ex tensive assortment of the latest patterns of paper hangings, and is now prepared to execute work iu that line upon short notice with dis patch. Also house and sign painting. Mountain Herald. —Mr. Horsely, of Cram, Rogers & Co's Express, handed us, on Sunday last, the first number of the above named paper, printed the day previous, at Yreka. The Herald is a small paper, published by Messrs. Thorn hury Sc Slade, hut it is well printed and ably edited. It is situated in the heart of a rich and extensive mineral and agricultural region,whose interests are well understood, and no doubt will lie properly repieseu'.ed by the publishers. We wish them that abundant success which their enterprise and tal-uts deserve. Duels is San Francisco. —Ou the 10th inst. a duel took place near Sail Francisco, between Mr. John Nugent, of the Herald, and Thot. Hayes, Alderman. On the 2nd fire, with rifles at 20 paces, the former was in the right arm, severely, although his surgeon hopes that amputation will not he necessary. On the eleventh anodier duel took place between Mr. E. Toby and Dr. A. B. Crane. The latter was wounded in the abdomen, and died on the 12th, after exonerating his antagonist from any blame for his actions towards him. The Stages. —For the present, Baxter Sc Co’s line leaves the St. Charles Coral every morning at the usual tune. Hall Sc Crandall's stage# leave the Empire Coral every morning about the same time. Ihe above lines saved all their splendid horses and coaches during the late fire. CF Ike is n hoy that resents Jin injury, “and knowing liis rights, maintains lliem.” ike is an "insatiable man " tor tronting. and his mother gave him permission a few days ago. to go to a brook a short distance, to indulge in his favorite amusement. He had succeeded in enticing % lew ot the “ finny tribe” from their cool retreat, and planted them in a basket which he carried tor the purpose, anil was patiently awaiting for another bite, when an overgrown negro hov came along, and wantonly kicked his basket, trout and all, into the water, and with then? went (Mir hero’s hopes of delighting his good old timber vviih a trout supper. But Ike had too much of Lis lamented father's spirit in Inin not to resent {such an insult as this, and quick as thought he dodged behind the darkey and chucked him in alter them, and put for home with ail his speed. Well, Isaac, my son,” said the mother, as he entered the do**r, “ where is your basket ?—I hope yon hav’ut been so naughty as to sell it or lose it T” Ike told the whole stonh in n few words, and hard outs, too, as he spoke ol the darkey’s con duct. “ Well, irel/. Isaac,” said the venerable lady, “did my son brook such an insult as that V “ Don’t know anything 4bout that,” answered Ike, “ but I brook) d the ni cr, bet I did /” Rf.vivai, of Lost Aktsl —The A’. V. Time» states that, “ at a late meeting of the New Ilamp -hire Agricultural Society, a gentleman made his name odorous of good sense and taste, by of feiing a premium ot twenty-five dollars for the best specimens of patching and darning that should lie exhibited, hi ini actuated thereto by seeing how many speecimhns of useless needle work wei e presented. That gives ns hope—a hope mil ot despair—that thesehignly useful dc pailntents of labor will not, like the secret of embalming, become lost arts before the close of the current ceulu;y.