OCR Interpretation

The Shasta courier. [volume] (Shasta, Calif.) 1852-1872, June 18, 1853, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

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lor tkr afuiMta Conner.
I Could not Unite It Pay !
I came to California laud,
And went to work si might way,
Set down to washing of the sand,
But could’nt make it pay/
A trading post I next get up,
My customers would say,
If you will bring us pleniy grub
I'm *ure you’ll make it pay.
So on I went with soul intent,
Ujhhi the mighty dollar,
But onjooking round 100 late I found,
That trading heat me hollar.
Then next I went a packing,
With two Jacks, a mule and horse,
Over hilU and gulches racking,
And in that 1 found no loss !
Then I began to gather j.lut k,
My heart was growing stout.
But one night, ye finds, 0 cursed luck,
The Diggers’ cleaned me out.
Some advised in** then to gamble,
They were sure that I could piny,
And front town to town to ramble,
For they thought I'd make it pay.
Then I tried my hand for good or bad,
1 think we played the mb.
But the fellow took w hat change I had
And beat me with a club.
Then bat k I went to mining,
And ye lucky gods I praise,
Dug deep without repining.
And f made a little raise.
Now I'rn going liometo the Iloosier State,
I’m on my winding way.
I’ll marry Kate, if I’m not too late.
And try to make that pay.
flnu I' ruaciwa lurroiiondtucr.
San Francisco, June 7, 1853.
Mfssrs. Editors :—Our good city at present
in laboring under iiu accumulated weight of in
ertia, striking deep id her vitals. SlHgtmliuti in
trade, money at a high rale, ships entering port
deeply hiuen with merchandise, adventurers
flocking to our shores l>y the thousand, and
without capital, in quest of that glittering and
•during bubble—gold. If they would only set
tle down quietly at tilling the earth, or disem
bowelling the dvs/, and not go prospecting about,
wasting ilieir energies in useless toil, what a
welcome and valuable addition to our stationary
population they might prove.
Hut they impoverish the country as well as
themselves, in their imt haste to accumulate a
fortune. Our city feels the effect of it keenly,
and must continue so to do until a more healthy
action takes place.
Our citizens, both young men ami gray hairs,
blooming maidens and sober mesuiudes, are now
worshipping at the shrine of Terpsichore. That
comet-like and devil-may-care discarded play
thing of kings, and the nobility of Europe, is
amongst us. Site lias fairly taken the city by
storm, set all the young men crazy, and half the
old. She draws more crowded houses than
ever Kate Hayes did. But witty, frail and fair
Loin, with her everlasting poodle dog, with an
eye like an Eagle’s, and a sarcasm more biting
than a serpent’s, by long odds takes the wind
out of the sails of any that have heretofore visi'-
ed ns.
Lust Sunday week she drove sut to the Pio
neer Race Course iti dashing style, and of course
attracted an immense concourse of people there.
She offered to bet five thousand on a favorite
nag, mimed after her, and ride herself, which
was not taken tip. The next day a splendid
blanket, worth it is said, two hundred and fifty
dollars, was presented by her to the owners, as
a token of her admiration and choice. Her bril
liant commencement cannot last long, and be
tokens an equally fatal and humiliating end. 1
augur this from her career in the Atlantic
By private advices from New York, I learn
that Fraticoni's magnificent Hippodrome, erect
ed on Monnot’s Twenty-Third street property,
opened on the evening of the 2d May, to an au
dience of eight thousand people.
I learn also, that Coleman &, Stetson, of the
Astor, have purchased all that plot of ground
where the Union Place Hotel stands, extending
from 4th avenue on the east to Broadway on the
west, with a frontage to the north, on 14th street
of two hundred and fifty feet, overlooking that
delightful promenade, Union Square, with the
intention of erecting thereon, at no very distant
period, a superb marble hotel.
They are the Prince of hotel keepers, and
have always stood pre-eminent among their
compeers. * E. K. R.
A Beautiful Comparison.—We do not won
der that the leaves and trees and houghs have
ever been the material whereof poets have mat -
nfactnred comparisons and imagery. One ol
the most beautiful we ever remember to have
seen, was by Dr. Cheever:
“ That tree, full leaved, is swelling np into
the calm blue summer air. Not a breath is
stirring, and yet, how ii waves and rocks in the
sunshine. Its shadows are hung lavishly around
it: birds sing and sit in its brunches, and chit
dren seek refuge beneath them. Human atfec
tions are the leaves, thq loliage of our being —
they catch every breath, and in the burden and
heat of the day, they make motion ami music in
the wadil. Stripped ot that loliage, how un
sightly is human nature!
Route to the Pacific. — A survey of a route
to California, from the South Pass across the dif
ferent ranges of mountain* to the Pacific slope
of the continent, is said by the bt. Louis Repub
lican t<* be undertaken by parties iim< pendent
of all govt-rmenial connection. It will be in the
bonds of civil engineeJs ot undouble*! merit and
capacity, accompanied by a geologist, who wil;
institute a thorough examination ol the country,
compare observations, and select the-most eli
gible route for an immediate instrumental sur
t-&“ A fooU reputation i* belter than a fine
coal in almost every kind of business —e-vcept
in wooing a fashionable lady.
Trinity Correspondence.
Editors Cuckur:— On a recent tour through
the northern miues, I was so much struck with
the wild sceuery, romantic appearance, and evi
dent richness ol a region apparently hut link
known at this time among the mining commu
nity, that I cannot forbear giving you a few
sketches of my trip.
I have reference to CaSon Creek, a beautiful
mountain torrent that rises some 28 or 3U miles
w est of \\ eavernille, uud empties it sparkling
and limpid waters into Trinity Kiver. 1 travel
ed up this stream some teu or twele miles, to a
place w hich glty ies iu, the ephoueous title ot
Jack Ass bat. Here 1 louud a shrewd uud in
telligent Missourian, dealing uni Flour, Fork,
beans, bed Lye ami o hi r mining necessaries,
>\nh a liberal baud, and in Mr. fisher found as
polished a gentleman and hospitable iiosl us gin
could Wish lo lino, altera day’ ot 101 l over ihose
mountain paths, where no annual but the sure
tooled mute can travel with ease and safety.
On Canon Creek 1 found only about laO ot
-00 miners, and mining ground enough yel un
prospectect, to employ u u thousand miners pro
fitably tor years to come. 'lhe banks ol iht
Creek are one succession ol stepps or tables, evi
dently tunned by slides Iroln the hills, which
Here rise in sluptiidous helgul and romantic
neanly on either side.
All ol these tints or benches yet prospected,
lie found to contain an old channel or bed ot the
■dream, and whenever struck proves lobe ot uu
pulatched richness. 1 saw §JU4 lukinoul ol
»ne claim in a single day by three hands, aim
among the lot was a most beautiful specimen,
weighing three ounces pure gold, and l was us
>m i u hy others, us well us the proprietors, llial
• lie claim has heeii pay ing trom one ounce lo
§iU to the hand lor muiohs, and is by far the
most extensive claim 1 have ever seen iu C’uti
lornia, embracing a bar or shoe of considerable
length, and 10l ly leet of pay dirt Irom the lop
down, and will lake them years lu work it out.
Strolling a lillle tnriljcr down, I came to aliothcl
company, working in a deep bunk, and asking
the question how it paid, was answered bu.
small wages, but thinking it 100 promising a
looking place lor small wages, 1 made U conve
nient io call around iu the evening, and saw Ihe
sluice ot . cssls. Harris ye Organ turn out elevi n
ounces of beauutnl course gmd Another com
pany ot lour suit blither uown, were erecting a
water wheel, to convey the water on a claim
that 1 saw prospected, and yield from tis cents
to to .he pan ; other companies lower uown
s'.iii, are making tium one ounce lo §co lu the
hand per day. And indeed, no miner. lam told,
will work there lor less than §lO per day. 1
was pointed out u lucky Dm liman who was
making trom £io to 15 ounces a day with a small
rocker. Many lucky homines have recently
gone lo their AiJunlie homes trom tins place, aim
those remaining hid lair soon to realize their
golden hopes, and are rapidly gathering their
Water privileges are very extensive there
now. three water companies being in active ope
ru'ion al this tiute, conveying the water in
ditches over miles ot ground, and one company
have applied lor a charter to lake Canon Creek
trom Ha bid, and carry its waters in a tiuine
along Us banks lo the mouth, tins bids fair tube
one ol the most extensive and profitable works
of tiie kind ever engaged in in California. The
company design ci< ding a saw mill al ihe head
ot ihe race, and as one or two ot the company
are splendid mill weights, ami all of them expe
rienced and practical miners, 1 doubt not, though
a gigantic undertaking, H vvili go into immediate
1 Jell the cool and refreshing waters of old
Canon with regiet, ami long will her tall and
graceful pines, tier stalely mountains, grand and
picturesque scenery live in my on mory—u place
where the poet or painter’s ideal may be rea
lized, or the miners' gulden dream perfected.
Triuitj Hirer C'orrca|>eu,>cacr>
' Trinity Hiver, June 9, 1853.
Messrs. Editors: —Quite un excitement was
exhibited on Dig Flat yesterday, that at one
lime bid fair to rival some of the squat Ur
troubles that I have seen chronicled in the jour
nals before now, although there is plenty ot
handset there are some lots that horn their
contiguity to what is supposed to be the princi
pal thoroughfare, have acquired in the minds ot
some an enhanced value, and the proprietors ol
which were hound to stick to them to the last.
But I am rejoiced to say, that the •affair was ami
cably settled hy adjoining to Jenkins & Co's and
indulging in sundry cock-tails, &c.
Three miles below Dig Flat is Vance's Bar.
for the last two years it has paid well, and still
continues, although the river stiil maintains a
high stage, yet those who are working in the
hanks are doing well.
Major Cox is the proprietor of the hotel and
trading post attached, where the miner is sure
of a good meal and true southern hospitality.
On the opposite side of the river is a large flat
dotted over lit re am! there with miners’ cabins
and little garden plots, while a large ravine
comes gurgling down the mountain side, supply
ing plenty of water for a number of sluices. A
large house is in process of erection by Mr. Skil
len, to be used as a hotel, and from my know
ledge of the gentleman, 1 think he will do well,
flie banks of I lie river are taken up for three «i
four miles down. The average is now seven
ilu hits to the man, and taking into considera
tion the high stage of the river, it is pretty good,
and they are all sure of taking out something big
when it falls. Express.
Yankee Uu.vumi. —An cuuor tints remarks
—•• Wagons cannot mu without wheels —boat>
without steam, or a newspaper be carried • n
without funds, no more than a dog can wag bis
tail when lie has none. Our subscribers are all
good, hut what does a man's goodness do. when
it don't do you auy good ? \> e have no douhi
that every one thinks that oil h<ive pot,l e.rtep/ him
—and, as we are clever fellows, and this is a
small matter, a couple of dollars will make no
difference. It would not if it were confined to
a dozen, or even a hundred cases, but when tlje
slow fever seizes so many, the complaint is alto
gether 100 general. As Ilie buli-liog said, "It’s
tun for you, but it's death to us.”
Pious Alan —" I uni surprised, sir. that
a gentleman of your education should assert tha
ihehalf-horsc-lialf-man, of heathen mythology, is
meat Mined in the New Testament.”
Fast Man—” It’s so. sir.”
Pious Man—•• I defy you. sir, or any one else
to show where the Contour is spoken of.”
Fast Man —“ Did yon ever hear, sir, of John
the Baptist's head on a chnrgrr ?”
(Pious man clasped his hands Tq his brow,
several moral you ns; ladies —of five and forty—
vwtinned, and our friend, the last man vamos
ed !”)
i j"' Six new three story fire-proof s'ores are
in process of erection in the immediate vicinity
of the Plaza at Matysville.
Aiue !*<•)• JLmcr ir«iu the Atlantic States.
'1 be steamer Pacific arrived at San Francisco
on the 14th iust., bringing nine days later intel
ligence from the east.
The Pacific brings dates from New York to
the I4ih May.
A destructive fire occurred at Bridgewater,
destroying several niunuiacturiug establish
The yellow fever still rages on the east coast
of South America, and Buenos Ayers is yet be
The clipper ship Sovereign of the Seas has
made the most extraordinary trip on record—
running from Honolulu to New \ork in eighty
two days.
The dates from Europe are to the 30th April.
There has been an attempted insurrection in
Switzerland, which was promptly quelled.—
1 here has been an affray at Home, between the
Italian and French soldiers.
The principal item of news by this arrival, is
the details of a lenihle railroad accident which
occurred at Norwalk, Conn, on iho morning ol
the bill of May, to the New Haven train. Iwo
passenger cars were preciptaled trum the draw
ondge into titteeu ieel water. '1 he draw was
op -u. to admit the passage of a steamer, ami
such was the speed ol the train, that the engine
nearly leaped it. although its width was sixiy
feet. Three or four persons w hile in the cars
under the water, forced their way out ot the
cars, and rose to the surface and swum ashore.
Two hundred and eighteen passengers were
on the cars: of these 44 were killed, 14t> saved
and slightly injured, 26 severely injured, and
two persons remain yet unaccounted lor.
A Curious t acl. — me biuobcr on a fat
whale is sometimes, in us thickest parts, In mi
titieeii to twenty indies thick, though seldom
more than a loot; it is of coarse texture, ana
much harder than pork. 6o very full ot oil is it,
dial a barrel cluseiy slowed vviili ihe clean raw
■at of llie wliale, will not contain the oil boiled
irom it, and llie scraps are iell besides ; this has
been frequently proved by experiment.
rF“ A nmu was tried at Cambridge, Mass., a
day or iwo since, tor stealing a pair of ■•pants,”
I lie llietl was proven, Liu lawus contended that
no such garment as "pants” was known in law.
the objection was allowed and the complaint
ment ot
They are receiving fresh suppllies tri-weekly,
by the steamers Marysville, Samuel Moor and
Gazelle, which enables them to otter many ad-
Viintages to purchasers.
Cavertsbnrg, (Red Bluffs,) June 18, 1853.
and Haxall for sale by
jf!B tf Cavertsbnrg.
OOfl LBS - No 1 CHINA. 100 Ib.
packages, (25 ilia's each) for
sale by SHED'& BISHOF,
je!B tf ' Cavertsbnrg.
I. A KB.
£% LBS 1(j . & 25 TTNS EACH,
i«»\/ \/ just received and for sale by
je!B if Cavertsbnrg.
100 and 25 each, for sale by
received ipni for sale by
jelS tf Cavertsbnrg.
I»« Sili
for sale by SHED A. BISEOP,
jelS tf Cavertsbnrg.
XjL articles, just received and for sale by
je’B tf Cavertsbnrg.
4_ „ LBS CHI NA. just received a
,J tiered for sale by
jelS tf Cavertsbnrg.
varnished, ter sale bv
je!B tf Cavertsbnrg.
Brandy, gin. whisky. American and
French, in 3, 10, and 15 g
sale by
jelB tf
iaekages, for
B Vr Vr lie * fur sale by
jelS tf Cavertsbnrg.
YSTERS, Lobsters ami Sardines, for sale bv
jelStf Caver'sborg.
tJvF Candies, for salt 1 by
jelB tf Cavertsbnrg.
1 OaOOO received and for sale by
jelB tf Cavertsbnrg.
6000 LBS - 1N SACK S, FRESH.
Amtudsji a'fi> Just received per Steamer Gazelle,
and for sale by JNO. G. UNDERHILL
jelB ti Cavertsbnrg.
jelB tf
LRS No. 1, Just received p
Steamer Daniel Moor, and i
sale by
Ca verlsburg.
PL 80 lo 100 BAGS, just rtceiv<
• /•1100 and for sale bv
jelS tf
A Tkavelkk.
Four limti per .Honlh,
And the Treasure crosses the Isthmus under
forwarded by us to the
Taladeljihia Mint is ai
way* deposited lilt-re before that sent Oy any
oilier conveyance.
Unr rales are lower lhan those offered by any
other House with the same security.
We also forward 1 reasure lour times pel
mouth to England by the I*. AI. S. S. Co s steam
ers to Panama, and from Chagres by the \V esl
India Mail Steamers.
Uur Express being the most extensive in the
United Slates, and having unr ow n offices in all
the principal cities of the Union, we are pre
pared to forward parcels, packages and valua
bles of every description to any point, with
the greatest dispatch, and to ail parts ot
Europe, by
Edward*, Sandford Ac Co's Great Ear#,
pea i Express !
Our principal offices in the Atlantic States
are at —
New York,
H iliiiiuglon, C.
I'harli'Kluu, S. C.
New lliirrn,
Having a partner resident in
We shall transact a General Express, Banking
and Commission Business at ilia! point.
I'oil* mouth,
Ml. Louis,
Lmn. rule,
l.exiu glou,
i\l‘W Ol I,‘UIIM,
IN atrhoz,
We do a Banking Business of Deposit only,
Special or Otherwise,
We sell Drafts on any of our offices in the
following places:
Also, payable at the following Banks:
E. W. Claik & Bros., - - St. Louis.
Mechanics’ and Farmer's Bank, Albany.
Utica City Bank, ... Utica.
Bank of Syracuse, Syracuse.
Bank of Auburn, ... Auburn.
Bank of Atticn, ... Buffalo.
Rochester City Bank, - Rochester.
George Smith & Co. - - Chicago.
Alex. Mitchell, Fire and .Marine
Insurance Company, - Milwaukie.
Michigan Stale Bank, - - Detroit.
Com. Branch Bank of the State of
Ohio. - , . . Clenvelnnd.
Clinton Batik, Ohio, • - Columbus,
On i djiill.t AilNj.S.
In the Northern Mines we run Expresses in
unr own name, always accompanied hy faithful
Messengers, to and front die following places:
San Francisco, Benicia, Sacra nenlo Ciiv,
Marysville, Shasta, Nevada, Grass Valley, Colu
mn, Plucerville, (or liaiigtuwn) Greenwood,
Georgetown, Mormon Island, S. Inion Falls.
Auburn, and every other part of El Dorado and
Placer Counties.
Also, to Jackson. Dry Town, Volcano, Sutter
ville in Calaveras County.
Through Langton & Co., to and from Downie
viile, and all other places on the \uba and Fea
ther Rivers.
To and from Sacramento, Stockt- n and Beni
cia. *
Southern Mines.
In the Southern Mines we run an Express in
our own name, always accompanied by faithful
messengers, to and from San Francisco, Stock
toil, Sonora, Moquoluinne Hill, Columbia, Mari
posa, &A-. Ac. By Brown's Express from Stock
ton to all the camps in the Southern Mines.
We send regular Expresses to French Gulch.
Weaverviilo, Vreka. Jacksonville, Ah house
Creek, and Portland, Oregon. Also, to the i’ill
River Mines.
Bills of Exchange.
Out; Bills or Exchange can he procur
ed at, and Treasure forwarded to us for ship
ment, from any *j the above, places. In all ol
which we have Brick Vaults or iron Safes for
ihe security of Treasure entrusted to us. And
on hoard of Steamboats, on any of the above
routes, we have Iron Safes and Messengeis for
the security of ail valuable packages transport
ed by us.
Cram, Roc.srs it Co. are authorized to draw
checks on on “office in Shasta. Marysville, Sa
cramento and San Francisco, which will be sold
at any of their offices a‘ per.
Shipments ot treasure by ihepi are always ac
companied by lai'hlul messengers——and all busi
ness entrusted to their cure will receive prompt
Collections made, orders receiver], and packa
ges forwarded with promptness and dispatch.
1 hey have our dra'ts for sale on any of the
cities ot the Atlantic States, and are prepared to
pay the highest market juice fot Gold Dust.
INSL RANGE.— We have made arrangements
for insurance to the extent oi one million dollars ,
on any one shipment, and are empowered to in
sure for other jinnies on Gold Dust Bars. Coin
and Merchandize, to and from New York and
ihis City, by endorsements on Bills of Lad ng,
al the time of shipment.
E. W. Tract, Agent si Shasta.
myT if
By virtue ok an execution issued
out of the District Court, 9th Judicial Dis
met, wi lnu ami tor the County ol Shasia, Stata
ot California, duly attested I tie I’d day ol April,
A. U. IBj3, at llie suit ot Augustus Bass, John
S. P. Bass and I liouias Buss, against A. G. Ckauu
cy. A. A. Cliauncy, J. L. H. Swinforu and Sam
uel F rancis. Judgment having been rendered
against said A. G. Cliauney and olliers us atore
said, lor die sum ot six hundred and lliiriy-seveu
dollars aud titty cents, debt and interest duo
plaintiffs to dale thereof, and one hundred and
litly-oue dollars per ceuiage and costs. L have
seized and taken into execution the following
described properly, to wit: All that property
known us Cliauncy s Mill, with ah the appur
tenances, machinery, running gear and oilier
fixtures appertaining to a mill. Also, twonlwell
mg houses, all being situated at or near iho
mouth of Spring Creek, Shasta County, Califor
nia, and being .he properly ol Cliauncy & Co.
1 hereby give nonce,accoroing to law, ihat on
Thursday, ihe 23ct day ot June, A. D. 18oJ, be
iweeli the hours of 1- o’clock M. and 2 o'clock
p. M., 1 will sell all the right, title and interest
of A. G. Cliauncy A. Co. in and to the above de
scribed property, at the Court House door, iu
die town ot Shasta, to the highest bidder for
cash. D. CuuSAUT,
je4 3t Sheriff.
out ot the District Court, Dili Judicial Dis
nict, within and lor ihe County ot Slusia, Slate
ol Ca.ihu iiia, duly aliested the 2d day ol April,
A. D. 18oJ, at ihe suit ot W illiaui M. Sparks
against A. b. Cliauncy, A. A. Cliauncy, .1. E. li
avvintord and Samuel t rancis, judgineni having
been rendered against said A. G. L/lnuincy and
oihers as aloresald, for ihe sum ol six hundred
and eighteen dollars ami sixty-oue cenis debt
and interest to the date lliereot, and one hun
dred and thirty-six dollars and forty-three cents,
accruing costs and per centage. i have seized
and taken into execution the billowing describ
ed propertv, to wit; All that property known
us Cbauncy’s Mill, with all ihe appurtenances,
machinery, running gear, and oilier fixtures ap
pertaining lo a mill. Also, IwoUwelling houses,
all being siiualed at or near the mouth ol Spring
Creek, Shasta County, Cahtorina, and being the
properly ol Cliauncy cV Co.
I hereby give notice, according to law’, that
on 'fhursoay, the 23d day ol June, A. I). 18oJ,
between the hours of 12 o clock At. and 2 o clock
i'. AT, I will sell all the right, tide and interest
of A. G. Cliauncy & Co. in and lo die above de
scribed properly, at die Court House door m
die town ol Shasia, lo the highest bidder for cash.
Jt-4 3t D. CoivSAUT, Sheriff.
/ inct Court of the Eighth J udiciul District
ul »aiii Stale.
the people of the State of California to Joseph
T. German, George Logon, Peter Taylor, U m.
Aleader and W imam Amich, greeting :
Whereas a complaint was tiled in die Hon.
District Court of tne Bdi Judical District in and
for die County of Trinity, by T. M. W inslon, T.
T. Miller, K. S. Mc Kenzie, and G. B. W inslon,
on the 18. h day ot January, A. D. 18A3, wherein
they complain that on or about the 4ih day ot
September, A. 1). 18.»U, yon received certain
slock ot them, to wit: Morses and mules tor the
purposes ol ranching, at the rale ol three dol
lars [ul month |h r head, in the Stale ot Caiilur
niii; and have lo this day retuseci ami neglected
to deliver them to saiu plaintiffs, and still re I use
lo do so.
Vou are therefore hereby summoned to ap
pear and answer in said Court the said coni-,
plaint vvidim ten days alter the service bereot. d
served wilhin Iliis-conidy. vvuhiii twenty days if
served within said district. And in all other
cases within loriy days, exclusive of the day of
And von will take notice that if yon fail to
answer liie plaintiffs complaint, the plaintiffs
will apply to the Court for ihe relief demanded
m saiil complaint.
Willies Hun. J. M. Peters, Judge of tjie Bth Ju
dicial District Court, with my private seal an
nexed, there being no seal ol said Court as
yet provided. JNO. C. BIRCH, Clerk.
Thus. L. Bei.i., Deputy.
Oidered by said Court that the above sum
mons be published in the Shasta Courier for
diree months. JOHN C. BIRCH, Clerk.
Thus. L. Bell, Deputy.
May 3. 1813. my 7 3m
t ERA ft i> AH.
Second street. Adjoining the Ci v Bank and Orleans
lintel, barenmento.
jL announce lo the citizens of Sacramento,
and I Ilf public iu general, that alter great outlay
• t time and money, they have completed,
heir additions to the House, which is built wish
orick, and (ill leet Tout by (iO in depth, divided
into Billiard Saloon and Sleeping Rooms, which
are all luriii-bed in the most comfortable ami
elegant manner, mil surpassed in llns respect
by any House of 11 if kind in the country, and
rendering our establishment ihe most desirable
snipping place to be found in the city. 'Jim
whole house throughout is carpeted, with simile
sleeping rooms, closets. Verandah on second
story, adding to the otbi r comforts, and capable
of accommodating about 80 persons in the lodg
ing department.
The spacious saloon below will be found sup
plied with Rosewood and Mahogany Billiard
Tables of superior workmanship, and die Bar is
constantly supplied with the must choice
Cigars, etc.
Which are served up by experienced barkeep
ers, who are always in attendance.
i I* l addition to other accommodations, our
noose will be ton ud open at all hours during die
day and night, and persons arriving by steamers
or stages can always be accommodated.
innytil 3m G. L. TUCKER & CO.
li ATE A kui * ,■» on ; •
A‘ I Vm. McNulty No. 40 and 207 ./ Street
Ked Rover, and Jacob Bell, direct fri
New York, a large addition to my former stoi
consisting of almost every thing which the wui
of the community reqn re, viz :
Hardware and Cutlery ol every description,
lin, Sheet Iron, Stoves ot the most imnrov
styles, r
Copper, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery. Gla
Liquors. W ines. Cigars. Boots and Shoes,
Leather of all kinds. Threshing Machines,
tanning Mills, Plows. Horse Rakes, Strt
Wooden Ware, Steam Engines. &c. &c.
W Inch he offers iu such quantities as may
w-anted, and ul such prices that will not fail
please. All goods sold will be of the best out
WM. McNulty
sgcramento, May, 1853. niy2l ;
18. c. Horn & co.,
Kuilding, o 8 Sun some Street, between C
oniia and Pine Streets, San Francisco,Cal. ki
constantly on band a full supply of Segars a
f obacco, together with Alatches, Snuff’ & c /
ap23 tf ' K

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