Newspaper Page Text
Til E SHASTA CO TRIER. SATI Ui’AV MORNING, NOV. 1!). 1853. Ol'i'KlSl, IMPEB S''®:- lit® (VinulU < of MhiiKia, Trinity, Itlain nlli.irucl liitoifoidl. I, . AH J.egal Advertisement* must be paid for n ndruHee. AgeutN for the .Courier. Tin- follow ing gcntleim-n are our regularly authorized a"ents, eo.iiow "red to collect Sub- M-ri(ition*, Advertisements aud Job Work, and receipt lor ilo- same:- San lua !-< o Aoknct. —Oclavim Hoops. |. Any adv. rii-i menu bit til O Meara’s I’rintiug Office, I -lx!. Clay street, will be attend ed tie Sai uamvntu Aokn. v. —-Mr. .1. M. Shepherd Office in Hook Store ol Shepherd »k, Sydam, J. sleet, between 7 lii and t'lh tin i ts. Weiicrrrillt —Cr. \M, HiwiiiSiV Co. One Horn. To -.i. —Sm.iii X: Toi.lmax, Ex pressmen. /■V.-oft Cl'nU'h. —Moimnw i?\. Shannon, and SemtoKTKK <s• Buvnmng. ) nka. —Cram, Rook ns Sc Co. I Am.: is wauled in every portion ol the. ?n dies. Sninfoi tnl l£l**c2io£*« There Rectus to lie quite a 1;:i ge portion of tin* Democratic parly who are desirous of electing a I , S. Senator, dttrin ' ll:e approaching session ol tin- Legislature, to hujqifj tin- vacancy Unit. will he occasioned I>v the expiration of Mr < 1 win’s term, w hich e\i ul w ill occur < u the 111. ol March, 18-15. According' to the usual custom of li e various Legislatures of the Union, this election should he made hy the Legislature immediately prece ding, or in session at the time of, the occurriti" ol the vacancy. Not so, however, think a cer tain •• rule or ruin’’ w ing of the party. They gravely urge that the Legislature of ’.I l-’.>s may t.ii to perlorm its houuden duty in this respe ct, mol that then California would nut be fully rep resented in the I . S. Senate for an entire year!' How exalted must be that patriotism,—how ceaseless that vigilance on the watch-tower, — how earnest I hat zeal for tho public good, that can thus perceive clangors to the Stale “ afar oil 1 that can thus, like the faithful war-horse, *nulf distant perils in the breeze, and with such admirable wisdom suggest a remedy by which the threatened calamity may he averted even the lllling the vacancy a fail year before it oc plits! How keen the sight that can thus discov er the attendant evils of coming events in the very outside .‘■hade of the dim shadows cast be fore! And then how tho patriot’s heart glows with exultation, when lie sees these disinterest ed sentinels chivalrously snatch the banners of alarm, and hang them out upon the outer wall! I’.ut to speak gravely, the proposition is really too absurd for serums treatment, but for the fact that a large number of politicians are so un scrupulous in their attainment of ends, as al ready to have evinced a settled determination to forestall public opinion and bring mi the elec tion lie*! winter. It is indeed passing strange that a set of men who make such loud preten sions of respect for the expressed will of the people, should desire at this stage to “Jump the game” and prevent the people from cimsinga Legislature with a view to the election of a proper person to fill this most exalted unci im portant position. We do not for a moment en tertain the idea that the members from the mountains will consent to go Into tho election. Wo h ave an abiding confidence that the Senate at least will not {day the part of an infamous tool iii the hands of any unscrupulous and tit rice-infamous aspirant. A.Taii. and Col ax Hoist.—lt lias frequently been a source of regret, not to say mortification to us that Shasta, one of the most wealthy, as well as first organized among llm northern co m ties, had no Court House or Jail. That this state cl things has existed so long, wo are persuaded is to be attributed alone to tho iiicoinpetoncy of many persons heretofore filling important offices in the county. The revenues of the county have been unwisely appropriated—squandered—not leaving one single memento, in the shape of a public improvement, that they ever existed. It gives ns pleasure, therefore, to state that owing to the very able manner in which our financial nllairs have been managed during the past year, the treasury is in a condition to justify the Court in publishing (or proposals for the erection of a Jail and Court House, as soon as January next. Heretofore, as at present, the Sheriff was com pelled to take prisoners to the butte Jail for safe keeping, or else hire a man to watch them nil the time in this {dace, either mode costing the county from five to eight dollars per day. We are persuaded that by the erection of these build ings, a saving in cost of keeping prisoners and court-room hire, sufficient Id pay for their entire cost will be realized in a few years. Fnf. Financial Condition ok thk County.— It is customary in other counties, at least w here new spapers are published, for the County Treas urer to make periodical exhibits ol the financial condition of the County. No good reason can be given why a like exposition has never been made for this County. We trust that our excel lent County Treasurer may not find it inconsis tent with Ids inclinations to make a public report of tho existing monetary affairs of the County. The people would like to know something about her receipt! u:id expenditures. We hope no one will misunderstand this article. We enter tain no suspicions of fraud or malfeasance on the part of our officers. The people simply wish, like a good business man, ut the end of the month or quarter, to know how their county affairs stand. Kaii.road Aluktim;.—Uemcmber, this is the evening appointed lor those favorable to a sur vev ot Noble a Pass, to assemble at the iSt. Charles, for the purpose of taking some steps that may tend to a bmhentnee of that object. Fatal Akkrav. The says Mr. David Chatman was killed in the streets’ of Vr.-ka on yesterday week, in an affray with Mr. Ib s< \l - IkiMtculuio not given. Tl«‘i»»o«‘nI of ilk Cnpilol. This project is being very generally agitated throughout the Stale, ami a majurity of the .pa pers, both city nml country, have already ex pressed their views relative to the contemplated movement. Without making a count of these expressions of the press, we arc under the im pression that the greater number have urged the propriety and wisdom of removing the capital from Benicia to Sacramento, It is therefore ohiced beyond all reasonable doubt that an effort to that effect will lie made, at the approaching session of the Legislature. In our opinion it is “a consummation devoi tly to he wished.” In every aspect in which the picstion has In en presented by those hostile to the movement, the wisdom nml salutary results •if the contemplated change have impressed th mselves upon our mind. If the want of adequate accommodations in Vallejo—that magically created .city of tremen (hions expectations and unimaginable future "lo rn s—were of snfficiejit potency last winter to ustily tue removal ot onr peripatetic and fre po iitly perturbed State capital to Benicia, (and he men ol Benicia seemed so impressed at that ime,) then, we submit, a like deficiency in the iown ol its present location should he produc tive of tin- same consequence, and justify its fur ther removal to Sacramento. Sacramento is, to all intents and purposes, in die very heart of the great body of the popnlu ;• n ol the State, and therefore more accessible, nil at considerably less cost, fur a majority of i e people at large. She has all the comforts, in the way of accommodation for members, during die session of the Legislature, that the country can furnish—which Benicia lias not. Her cli mate and location are pre-eminently pleasant, while those of Benicia are the very reverse, as die mi miters who last winter passed so many days on those dreary hills, can testify. Not ull dm weight of the iiiTt.Uidiiiotis cares of govern ment, nor ol sundry gn at a wire sufficient ■u save them bom being chilled almost to the heart by the damp and freezing winds fresh 'down Irotn the to d waters of .he Straits of Car quiiiez. It is surely no good reason, because men happen to be elected to make laws lot the people, that they should la banished, as it were, from the many delightful portions of the State, to the bleak hills and inhospitable ( lime of Be nicia. The curse is sullicicnl w ithout the su pei (hums cruelty. The objection so frequently urged against the removal, that it would he alleedtd w ith an ex penditure of half a hundred thousand dollars, is simply ridiculoiiiiy übsaud. i here are ti n thou sand iiicn w ithin onr borders who would jump at u contract to remove all the trap and trap pings of Government, from the Governor’s of fice down. for the sum ol ten thousand dollars. But we do not propose to argue this question now. At the proper time w e may do so. Suf fice it to say, Unit in our opinion good and suf ficient reasons do exist lor the proposed removal, and we trust the ensuing Legislature may coi - suminatc the act. Roads.—We understand that Messrs. Ferriug ton A \\ ingate have had some ten or twelve men employed the past two weeks, in improving the road loading from this place to Whisky Creek. We are further informed, that they have done their work in a most thorough manner, so that now it is quite practicable for a team to draw even a full load of hay over the road, and Messrs. Fcrringlon & Wingate expect to be able to haul lumber from their saw mill to this place the en tire winter through. Up to this time there has been, we presume, not less than two thousand dollars expended in improving this road. by Messrs. L. 11. Tower, Kerringlon A Wingate, and other enterprising citizens. Such liberality on the part of individuals is dosei ving of all com mendation. and we would ho glad did the law permit and the county finances justify it, to sec these gentlemen at least in part remunerated for their enterprise from the County Treasury. Ho! Foil lie Amazon It is staled that there is at this tune a company of not less than 2,00 U men organizing in iSan Francisco, for tin purpose ot visiting the Amazon. We also hear ot smaller companies organizing in various por tions ot the mines. This must seem very singu lar to foreigners, who are not fully acquainted with the roving, reckless, daring, and ever dis satisfied character ol the American. We verily believe, il a \ ankee w ere confined in the Klysian 1 ields. he would be the most unhappy poordevil in existence, and his w hole thoughts and desires would be concentred in one longing wish to pen etrate to the unexplored regions of the frigid zones. Verily, a liv. Yankee is a queer creation —a tiling " fearfully and wonderfully made." But if some of these '‘Jonathans” do not rue the day they abandoned our mines and laws, for those of the half-civilized South Americans, we will acknowledge ourselves poor prophets. Bio Licks. —\\ e have been informed that the claim owned by Messrs. Looney &, Hopping. on French Gulch, has been making extraordinary yields within the past few weeks. Last week, with a force of seven meji, they took out about two hundred ounces of beautiful gold. This claim has steadily yielded good wages the entire summer. A miner also took out a lump, on the creek above Morrow ville, that weighed twenty-two ounces, kew diggings in Northern California have sent so many men home with “piles" as this same French Gulch. A New k it-out, VV e were astonished on yes terday evening to see our old friend. Sheriff Nunnaih. splurging about in a verv siqierior pair of boots, and wearing a pair of punts pei fectiy unique ill the way of stripes. They beat ours all hollow. Upon yiquiry we found that our old friend Downer had just called him into his store and rigged him out in the Zebra suit, and his splurging was occasioned l>y a 1 uulable desire to “ wet ’ them after an economical fash ion, (it w-as raining awfully at the time.) (!<• has i few more left. fI’F.R CI;A M, Ror.FR i C ■ - r.VPRF I .] ar Urmrrrill* <'oprr»|»on«l« , mT. Wka vertii.i.e, Nov. 2il, 18-j3. Gents :— Owing to the inclemency of the weather, business for the past week lias been very dull. .Winter seems to have set in, in good earnest. Yesterday morning snow laid on the ground throughout the town anil neighborhood, and from appearance we should judge it has fallen to a considerable depth in the mountains. Hon. J. W. MeCorklea rrived in town on Sat urday evening, and on Monday morning com menced his duties as Judge of this District. — That he gives universal satisfaction as a Judge is acknowledged by the unanimous feeling of the bar. As a man and a citizen he is highly es teemed, and during his short stay with us has made many friends. e only hope that he will become induced to make this portion of the State his permanent residence. One of tin* largest anil most enthusiastic meet ings that we recollect of having seen in the county, took place on Tuesday evening in this town. The object of the meeting con sideration of the Atlantic and Pacific Rail Road, the route by which it should enter the State, &c. Dr. Smith was called to the chair, and J. C. Burch appointed Secretary. The chairman stated the objt ct of the meeting in a brief and eloquent address. A committee was then ap pointed to draft a series of resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, (a copy of which you will find accompanying this.) The meeting was then addressed ably and at length by Hon. J. W. MeCorkle, Messrs. Pilzer, Chadhnrne, Rowe, and others. The unanimous feeling of the meeting, as ex pressed through the resolutions and the speak ers, was expressed in favor of the Noble route, us it is known to he the best. We hope the feel ing which now exists in favor of this route will not be abandoned until it shall have received that attention from both the National Govern ment and the people, which its position and mer its so just !y entitles it. Respectfully, yours, Adode. [The resolutions referred to in theahovo com munication, have not yet come to hand.j Plows— Won its. — It cannot fail to strike the attention of the newspaper reader, that of the thousands of desperate and fatal rows —which are daily occurring in California, nliniit nine tenths, more or less, are occasioned by the softer sex. We beg a thousand pardons for making the remark, but truth, as well as murder, “ w ill out.” However, no one at all acquainted w ith ancient history, sjioiild be astonished at the fact. !t is a maxim of uudisputable truthfulness, that of the twoteacjiers “ Example” and “ Precept,” the foimer is far the more impressive. Henci when our guild mother Eve —the adorable cun sort id onr too credulous, 100 fund, and 100 easily gulled old lather Adam —by her “weaving ways” succeeded in persuading him to do evil—masti cate the Iruit—she set an example to her daugh ters w hich they have followed with remarkable liJelity ever since, and for which she shortly thereafter—as every one at all familiar with Bib lical history knows—was reduced to the painful necessity of “weaving” garments out of lig leaves. 0, woman ! woman ! thou breaker of hearts and renevatef of old clothes ! thou who dostdoat at onetime, in causing men to “strike troin the shoulder,” and at another, in standing by the sick bed-side with a bowl of chicken soup in one hand and a cup of rheubarb in the other! Thun assnager of griefs, mi igater of p.n’nsaiid maiintactiirer ot little, good-for-nothiiig l.uiy-like uicktiiicks! thou , but what is the use of talking, for although we are not “ anther of v:iris pomes,” like K. N. Pepper, yet like him, we are ‘'lull of poetry and fcidiuk."’ So we drop the painful subject. D.ut.v California CnaoNK i e — -.-This is tin title ol a new paper, the first nnnibi rof w hich will appear in San Francisco on Monday morn ing next. I lon. Frank Smile will he the editor. We confess to a warm personal friendship for this gentleman, as well as his printer associate.-, hut, if possible, to a far greater admiration of his ab uts as an editor. \\ Idle connected with tin Allu that paper attained a position that it had never occupied before. There is something so peculiarly fresh and vigorous about his st\ in, so (rank, tearless am) manly, that Jie never fails to win attention and admiration even from those who entertain opposite views. His very mode ol thought, his introduction ol phrases an words that nobody else would have thought of, anil yet without vvhit h his articles would not be coni] 1 1 etc —idiosyncrasies perhaps —always lend to his writings, even upon the most common place topics, a charm that we have failed to ob serve in those of any other California editor His very prospering is a model. Alter di dar ing that it w ill he “ independent in the liilh si and strictest sense of the word.” and that “the character nl a newspaper should be like that of a gentleman irreproachable,” he says: The ‘•Chronicle” will march in the ranks of Progress. Confident in mail's capacity for self government. it w ill advocate an active civilba torn, not a slavish adherence to antique pivci limits and hu ms, venerable for their aged dlls! alone, and remarkable as relies of snperaiimitei! wisdom. Unshackled thought, dismission, ac tion, are demanded by the spirit and enterprise ot the age. The press, like the slati small, who through distrust ol man dares advocate nulling previously untried, is an instill, to manhood and a drag upon its great destinv. Person ai.—Judge J. \V. MeCorkle arrived in town yesterday evening on his return from U eaverville. It is his purpose to remain here until alter the November term oj the District Court for this County, which w ill commence on Monday tjie 2!Hli iust. New om; mv is a movement on foot lor l)je purpose ot effectually praving the next Legijdgtnfe to create a new county out id por tion* ol Shasta. Colusa and Butte Comities, The contemplated boundaries would include Red loads in this county on tin* North. Monroi villi in Colusa comity on tile South, and. we believe, lifdw ill s Ranch, in Butte county • n In - East. From Vrrkn, We are indebted to A. J. Homely, Grom, Ro gers &. Go’s utesseugerj for a Vreku Herald of tin 12di inst. Mr. 11. describes the road as being very bad over the mountains at present, owing to the late rains. A large numberol' pac k trains are on the trail. It itail snowed considerably on Scott mountain, but melted almost as soon as it fell. On Trinity mountain, however, the snow was h ing about leu inches deep. The probability is that the snow is now lying .considerably more than afoot on either mountain. From Bctte. —Wo are in the receipt of the first number of the Butte Record, a well printed paper published at Bidwell’s Bur, the county seat of Butte county, by Messrs. C. \V. Stiles & Co. It is thoroughly democratic. Owingvtoa difficulty between two of the pro prietors, Messrs. DcCourcey and Hall, in which the latter received a severe stab from a knife in the hands of the former, Mr. DcG. has with drawn from the concern. The Record says that already there have crossed the river at Bidwell’s, 12,W00 head of cat tle. 700 sheep. 300 horses and mules, 1,200 emi grants. with 200 families, who design to locate in the Sacramento Valley. A Necessary Law. — We have learned from good authority, that a bill will be subn itted to die next Legislature, ami" probably In.come a law, making contracts entered into nl road, to be performed in this State, binding; aid provi ding that any employee, having enteied into .-nt h a contract and broken if, may be ci mpolled to receive il by personal service on pain of cer tain penalties.—,N. F. Keening Journal. The effort was made two winters since by Mr. Tiugley to get precisely such a law upon the statute books, and that effort deservedly did more than any other one thing to defeat him for Congress. We trust that our Legislators next winter will be warned by Ids fate, and not waste the people’s money in endeavoring to pass a law that would so effectually destroy the indc pend nee of the laboring classes, and place them where they are in the Eastern Stales, at tin- mercy of the capitalists. Green Arpr.Es have made liij_-■ r app< arance in our market, from Oregon. They seli at $1 23 per pound. —MoniUain Herald. Send ns a pound or two down, neighbor, and accept the assurance of our most distinguished consideration therefor in advance. [.-1.0/c.] We imagine wo see our friend Haw thorn—we mean Thomberiy, a given of ’em to an Expressman; fit don't require any imagina tion to see a singularly lively twinkling in the eye ol the aforesaid Expressman at this point,) and then with onr imaginative powers excited lo their utmost tension, we fancy wo see either !.Uiodes «fc Lusk's or Gram, Rogers &. Co.'s Ex pressman bringing them safely, unmolested, all the way through! Chips ok the Oi.d Bi.och. —U e have received bom tin* publishers ol the Union, through Adams -N Co., llns series ol Fenl.nife S/u 'chts. Imm the racy an I lively pen ol A. Delano, Esq. ]tis a work in every respect peculiarly Californian unlike anything else ever thrown before the world, ihe work is embellished by some twen ty-seven very humorous wood-cuts. UV advise every one to purchase a copy for their own read ing, and for a Christmas present to a friend at the East. Price One Dollar. Jit nok Peters. —Judge Peters has just con cluded the Novemlu r term of the District Court for Siskiyou county, mjd returned to his resi dence in Crescent City. The Herald pays him the following deserved tribute of praise: Ibe Judge is most happily constituted to fill with dignity the high position which he holds. I be ability and impartiality with which l.e has discharged the iiiijun taut and responsible duties of his office, have called forth test'iimi ies of confidence and esteem from all. '1 he citizens may well be proud ol sneli a man. i Hax K-oivixo Dii . Lei it not be forgotten hat Thursday next is the day set apart by the Governor, lo be observed by the people in an appropriate manner, as a tiim to specially ac knowledge with gratitude the many blessings bestowed by an all-wise and superintending Providence. Rain.—We have bad a great deal of rain dur ing th . week, and we presume the country be low has been favored in the same w..y, as the -tages do not arrive in town now until the after noon. occasioned tv the bad"e.c <•' the roads. 3 111 aecordauee willi the result of a vole l iken at 'lie last general el> elion, ill ■ (’omitv seal 1. 1 Colusa was reinoveil iiom Monroeville to .lie town el Colusa. on the/Mi last. Z - A meeting 01 cili/.ens held al 15’ulvvell’s I’.uu ll on the llllli iust., | assed a series ol reso -1 itious lavorahh to tlie I’aeifie railroad 'liroueli No'ole s I‘as.s. \\ t- have not room lor them this week. SvviMM.h l>. —The /‘/'. uc I,l’ilgfr savs tlmf n mail liy tin; name ot i’eed. just arrived from 'iirkii, was swiii Hi (1 nut ill tJ-JOO ina •lull” on Long W hart, San Frain ist: •. on Tui-silay last, iii-.-iiili s heing gt-vi ri-ly ilniiilicil l»y tin* scoun drels who noil need iiini into tin- in mse. I’m r •• Tray's" lin k. Coon in ini i-kv i him;. — fins in literally true; tin t-o is nvi n good in drinking liijuor son;* - l inns. A follow. says the S. F, Sun, 101 l down a £»i'«_-fijlift*, on the north suit* ot I’ucilios rent, a distance ot smuo twenty loot, without receiviug the slightest possible injury, lie was drunk. Comment is snpei t’nons. True. if lie had not drank the Jhjnor. lie prohaldy would not have lallen, lint lin n that has nothing to do with the question. As '.lie rainy season is )iovv hero, mu k'M" llti' si'!<ir>dns nr// *' t: ’ j >tr ij . \vo hope onr t .ends will not stiller tills lesson to pass mi j| -*eded. A •’ brick in the hit” in iy save a jj iuk ul the in i k la-iiea h ii. Kboil< > iV liii<i{;*» I-' a. Wo art* a"a in unti<T obligations In liln'tlrs l.iok a L.\(>n ss inr suj>|'lit s ni Calibiiiia jiajn r* lor 'lit v\ i t-k. '"/'An Almanac just published in Sun Fran cisco says, that on the - lib day of next we tnuy “ look out for a long spoil of dry weather, and on the ISt h day of December following, rain maybe expected day and night! ” Wo may further state that, in the month of August next, the sun will shine sufficiently hot to boil an egg, and the miner may economise time, by placing a piece of uncooked brent! on the top of his head, when going to work In the morning; by noon bo will have u Awe-write ready baked. Fact. “O. my prophetic soul'!*’ Sad Fate. —We extract tbo following painful paragraph from tbo columns of the Sun Francis co Ncvs ol the It>lli inst.: niEB, In Alamedo, 13th inst., by IF F Ferris, Esq..., Mr. George H. Monroe, ol < )ak land, to M iss Sa rah M., eltlest daughter of Zeno Kelley, Esq., of the former place. We wonder if it hurt ’,e;n much. New Boakoino House. — It will be seen by reference to ids adverliseinenf. that Mr. S. E, Jack has opened a hoarding house at his resi dence on High street. This furnishes a very desirable opportunity for those persons wishing to do so, to enjoy the comforts of boarding in uu agreeable familv circle. Adonis A C'w.’n K\|tri'i<s. w e nre again indebted to Adams & Co.’s K\- press for another week’s supply of our various California exchanges. New Goods.—We would direct attention of Traders and Packers to the new advertisement of Messrs. A. J. Stevenson A: Co. They otter for sale a very large assortment of all kinds of Provisions, Liquors, &c. Water Cure; Hospital. — We call the atten tion of the afflicted to the advertisement of Dr. 11. O. Okerstrom under this head. Stack Upset. —Monday morning the Sacra ramento stage upset about three miles below this city, injuring one gentleman, Mr. Todd, of the firm of Todd & Jones, Shasta, severely. It was one of Hall <V Crandall’s six horse coaches, and the accident happened on leyel, owing to tin* sudden fright and back turn of the lenders. No blame is attached to the driver. —MaryseUle Herald. A Tkpt. —The Reverend Antoinette Drown has just received the rights of ordination. Wo furnish her with an initial text from Corinthian*, ch. 15. vs. :M —It ”) :•* Let your ivi men keep si lent in the Churches, fur it Is not permitted nuto them to speak. If they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home; for it is i* shame for u woman to speak in church.” r - ?? 3 Tin* Oiiirlc.slon Courier lias rump to tlio conclusion. '‘after due delilierntion, ilmi iloi British love lor tin* pe*»ro, nnd tin* li’nssimi lons', ins; idler (Jonstnntino|de, m<* notions,' more than an epicurian predilection for Ham and '•nikey.” In fltis plaee. on Tuesday last, of enlargement nf ill.; (train. franklin W. Walker Tinekhain, ailn|)ti'il itiilil nl Mr. C. I.Tinekli.ini anil, anil youngest sun of. Mr. Elisha Walker, hill* of Illinois, aged !) months. “ (>h! liailst llion still on earth remained, \ isinn of lieanlv, (air Imt brief! I low soon thy brightness hail li.-en stained \\ ith passion i f with grief. Now not !■ sully in” breath can rise, To dim thy glory in the skies.” At Roil ninths on tin* 11Ith inst . of Inllarnmn tion ol the Innas. Mr. Thomas Ellis, formerly of Western Missouri. At A I cm ‘le, Ynha County, Nov. slh, Janette 1... ilaiii hi. r ot James Samplers of Charlottes ville, Alheiniatie. Va., and wife of Dr. li. 11. I’u. gram, aged 2-1 years. siusTA \vii«i,i:mai,k ncH i'M C'IItUCNT. Shasta, Nov. JJltli. 18.13. The business of tin- past week lias lurn mark i<l I »y a greater degree of activity than we have noticed lor a considerable lime pas!, and larpe ■ piantities oj poods have pone north to Wenver 'illeaiul 1 tvka. U e note but very little change from the fl pit res of last week ; I* lour, 13« 11 Shovels, per doz., 3 b/.'l<i Corn Meal, kiln Molasses, 2,(t(|//2.2.» ilried, I2Ae()(» Chili Peaehes, lib/ barley. Dried Apples, 21 «22 beans. ('idle. 12.C/I1 Collee. Kio. .lava. 23»<2l llice, China,No I, n I I Teas, 1 nip Jt (1 l’.,So*/8S Potatoes. S./!t Sapors. .Manilla, l b/l<> Clettr Pork, 28//0(l “ No. 1 China, —//•,*(1 I buns, 2S//30 *• pd, crush’d, 23//2-1 Paeon, 2So!in Candles, adin’t. 3Se 1(1 butler, firkin, Id, /.MI Salt. 12</(KI Cheese, GS,/3(I Maekerel.hl bis,s2o//21 l-ard, 20//30 [bandy, $2 .^,.7 fobacco, Ompe —,/dn Whiskey, 0., 171//2.00 Nails, 13,/l.dl Port W ine, $2.2.>//2.-dt) Picks, per doz.. 2 b/30. Gin. Holland, 2.21//210 Also, Iron 2( cents per lb.; Tom do. IS</20; Steel 3ll; Cod 1 i.-h 20; Colton Duck 3(!/»‘l0. KK 1.1(410I'M IVOTICK. Mktiiouist Ki*is<-i>i*Ar, Chciuii. —I’nLlic ser viri s every Sunday al 10. J A. M. and 7f t I*. M. Sunday school every Sunday al I*. M. Lkv. ,1a mi s ItiMaats, Castor. B.IU< l> \\ KAVKK \ tl.i.U. \r.Ai.l. U I 1,1, Ufi (i.VK.N at llte I MUV MOTEL. in Weaverville. on the evening id Thursday. the I >l id' Deeendn r proximo | nil I r |> ini'iuii \\ ill lie made In render lids a joyous and g y I'CTiif'nn i> nil who HiiiV allellll. 'I (lo I dlev\ i ng gi nl I. man i ninil it nte I lie Com ■■■ ill ee it I .tmiiifi Mr. E. A. Lowe. " \\ 111 l.nvve, ‘ K. Marlin, '• M K‘ li/.ie, “ F. T. Edwards, “ J. Carr, M.llunler, “ Lewis Ludwig, *‘ A. Lnve, Nov. 111. 1 Sad. • IlflllH. •’ .1. I lodges, M .Las. E»v ilip, 11 U.L, \ iiiilliii, SHASTA. Mr. E. U . 'J'raey, " A- E.- Lav nr 8, “ A. Skillinan. “ Tliuk. J, Flynn. at iVOTMK. W MELBAS. WIFE. MALY J. TOW EL, having lili my Led and Lnard vviilmut any Just cause or provocation, I liereliy can t ion all persons against Lari airing or I nisi in” her mi my aceonnl, as I will pay no dehts o( In r eon* railing after lliix dale. ' L. 11. IOU EL. Shasta, Nov. Ij, LS>3. nl!»dt llt.U OVA!,. II J A. MtCHAY AVK REMOVED TO street. A- CO.. NO. 8-1. Sacramento Nuv. lit. Ini ■>ie:u,