Newspaper Page Text
•iiiK.iciri’s f>V VlliTl E OF AN RXKCI TioN issued ) out of the Court of Homer A, Curtiss. Jus -4i,.e of tin; Peace in uiui fur the Hiwnsnip «>i Shasta, duly attested on tie- 17th d >y »t Nevein l„ r 1853, at the suit of Jas hoag vs " ,1!l ; ini ) i. Lie, I have sieyed and taken inf.. J-nssessjOt: all the ri«ht, title and interest of said U 111. I lekl. in unit to -waggon and four’horses,l.arness, \ c Notice is herehy given that, on I hursibiy the °-lth day of NOveinher Hist., at II « (loek A. M 1 shall sell the said wagon, horsey and har- Xr.. ill front uf the Court House hi Shasta, •to the hiJtcsl bidder for cash. UAL A. N I N.NAI.LV, Sheriff S.C. Shasta, Nov. IS, 1553. nl'.l-td I, J, aTE VKSISOiK A t o. ‘NVITR THE ATTENTION OF THEIR friends and the public to ti.eir New Slock of Hoods, And a full assortment of other geods, warrant - ,cd to he ol the he.«t ipiality. Shasta, Nov. 20, 1853. li2otf I'ltivvn: itOAiiiHx; iiorsn. riIHE L’NDERSIGNED IS PREPARED TO receive a limited nnndn-r ol hoarders and ' lodgers, at his residence on the hill, immedi ately hack'd •the-Chak s i (lice. No pains will he spared hy either myself or family, to render every accommodation to those i\\ ho may give us their patronage. * S. E. JACK. Shasta. Nov. 1 ?>, 15”,3. tVATBK mti: lIOSIMTAI. 11. O. Olicciiimi, n I ill 1 WATER CLUE I’IIVSICIAN.f Watscr-ccvr I>ortor.) has removed to High street, lo st building .east ol the ('outer p luting ottiee, and is iww {U'ejured either to n ceive patients at his residence, or tu vait,;i|ion them elsewhere, as may In; reijaired. Having had several years ex perience in the \\ alec .Cure System, holh in this eininliy ami Europe, he feels himself competent to give advice and assis’anee in all cares w,in-re •rebel is possihlc. This system is admirably adapted to the ( lire ot a great variety of dis eases, holh internal and external, chronic and nentn ; in lad. in all cases where the vital energy is not so lar destroyed that a satisfactory reac tion is impossible, implicit confidence may he phu i d in it. To all who are allllcted with, rheuma tism. scrofula, hemorrhoids, dysentery, diarrhea mi I abdominal c, mplaint.- gemvralJv, dysjK'psia, hypochondriasis, hysterics, skin disiiisis, mu mug sores, yem-real coniplai-ats, merelirinl and •other medicinal diseases, stiff joints, d-ropsy, iamem'ss, swellings and callousness in private lonnations, cominoit w eakness, nervous ilisor de: s, imp, rfect inenstrnatioii. given sickness, etc., rlc.. he would n cunnneiid this cure with lull and the assurance that, if they f ■ e it a fair trial they w ill obtain speedy relief At hough its inlhienee. when rightly used, i.- •co npanilively mild and harmless upon the sy>- t. in, yet,‘for the removal ol diseases, it is mole • nergi t c and speedy than any of the remedies now gfeticrally used. tip He would respectfully itv/er to the persons already treated hvjiiui all.i cases aucct sslull' since his residence in Shasta. Tkiimx.— .For hoard, lodging, and medical at tendance. from three to six dollars per day. ac cording to the am on 111 ol atlejutioji tvipiired. 'J’o chronic patients, who re.ijeire medical alten diince only, the ehasge W ill he from £■>(»' to 100 pi r iihuilli. Shasta. Nov. 10. 1853. nlO-lf < o.>> i' IIS I. I.’S MAI. to. I > V VIRTI’E OF TWO EXECPTIONS 1S- I f sued out 0,l tjie /Twit uf Homer,!. Cm - tiss. one ol the Justices ot the Peace in and lor Shasta Township. Shasta County, and State of California, duly attested on the doth dav ol October. A. D. 18 53, at the suit of S. L. Smith vs. A. Sylvester, l);ivid Corsimi, E|>hrian (■arter. Harry Royer, and S. E. Jaek. for tin sum ol one hundred and sixty-four dollars and it in< tv-live ci ids, mid .costs and accruing costs., mid Rosline Smith vs. A Svlvester. David C(l -sant. Ephrinm Garter, Harrv lloyer. and S. E. Jaek, lor the sum ol ou t' hundred and « \ly-foiir ilollars and ninct' -'ive cents, ixyd costs and ac cruing costs, I lave this dav levied upon all tin right, title and interest ot the ih haidants. A Sy 1\ ester. David .Corsaiit, F.pliriain .Garter, Ihi iy Boyer, and S. E Jaek in and to the follow tm.' property, to wit.: The mining claim know n ns the claim of A. Sylvester A Co., situate on •Clear (Taik. and commencing uiLHiedi.itelv •d >ove tin- ela ini of Shedd A Co . and extending up said creek one thousand h e!, more or less, together with the thime thereon; also, one lot ol hose, lour hundred feel in length, all of w hii li is situated in Saastit County. Cal. I herehy give notice, according to law. that *> i the 3d day ot December, A. D 1853. mi I h .1.. cexi tin* hours oi !) jli clock in tin- ioreiioon and live o'clock I’. M.. 1 will proceed to sell tin nhove diserdie,d Jvropertv till the premises, to tlie highest bidder lor cash. J. I HOLMES, Constable. Nor. 19, 18.5:3 h 10-21 .*» u .% si: t * s ii ut «; 1,. I.itinr *}»i i»la*. i f-’' hi THE SFJISCRI BEK lV(!lI.DfS& fi specllilljv inform Jiis I; lends and the |«uhlic generally, that lie lias n in iin need business at the .NK»\ 110 l SL. pleas ttntlv siluateil Mini* r the big oaks a lew yard below the old sluiid, V\ In re lie will ever hi readv to lie his best In give peril el sat staeliol to ali who mav favor him vvitli their patronage. Attached to the house is the best .••(•(•iiiiimodn lions for watering to he had in the comity; also ; t,strife It it >• tt si ii il well furnished w ith good spring water, a plenty nf hav and harleV. and a warm covering lor an iiimls. . . . . This house being silualul in Uu- midst ol a geo,! mining district, we have mode prepara tions to aceiuiiinoihile Hi ni ls with the best ol lio ml and lodging at reasonable pries. Gut- us a sail and we will Hv to suit von. CE.NJ. KUASKV. Novi'inhi v 1-. 18,53, ui--3m (t(K)D.MAN BROS.. GKtK'RREIS anil Gi n- X I nil Ah n handi'l-. 811 Caiifornia -1., he tweeli Suiiseiiti- mill Ihilleiy. nI2-!iii twwt 111 NDI KS Hour IRON —MJ I latmlli s s"' ' horse sht i' Iron; L*o hiiudit s rivei Irnu. and 2d tons spring, sipiare. ami octagon steel. ‘ Em" sale by Tll*». H. SEI.ID fa, ul‘,‘ Im L and , i .Un.itita , ADAMS & CO.’S EXPRESS LEAVES THE OF bice of Adams & Co., feAgfe-k Shasta. eve i v morning. - p ~- ,i)i Maivsville, Sacramento and San Francisco, We forward Expresses to the Aliajitic Stales twice a mujilli, by tlm I’ajlamu and Nlcura»ua Steamers. \{ o send packages, parcels aud treasures to all parts of tiie Stales. W e sell drafts on IVcw Voik, itnslmi, t’liifnilrlphia, l*iltsl>Hrsli, liix iiniaii, Baltimore, Vtushin-im, Siav Orlraus, ('iiii’iniioli. Mi, Itdllis, liomlon. W e send Expresses to all partsof Europe liv EDW'AUJJS, SAX FORD 4- CO. Banking. We do a banking business of Deposit only. Checks on any of our ollites in this Stale are sold at par by CRAM, ROGERS .$• CO. We send regular!) to Weaver, Vreka, Jack sonville and (in "im, Ch cks or drails on us can be obtained at any of tb ir oliices. R. W. TRAC A , Agent. Sh ista, November 12. 1853. nl2-lf C'U i.M, ItOCIIKN »V CD'S KXIMtUMM, Tu .McolislnirKli mill < <«<»-<■ Bay. CRAM, HOCiEES &, CO., will hereafter for ward a weekly Exjire.-s in charge ol our regular messenger, to Scotl.-- bnrgli, Coose I’uv. Etkiown. Cardn r, and Ump ipiali city, via Jacksonville and Winchester, 0. T. All business in the Express line promptly at tended to. WEE ITT, ODENJIEIWER A CO., A"culs, Scoltsburg. Shasta, Nov. 12, 1853. nl2-2m Will TIC Itli.l.VU 1C TS ! rnijoSE J.N WANT OF A FINE OR ME- X ilium (jnality of W hite Iflai.-kcts, would ilo well to call at IfOJ.LI 8 A, ISAACS. Nov. 12. 1m A Ft 1,1. AMSOKTtfICNT OF GENT’S INDIA RUBBER BOOTS, Coats, Caps, Leggings, and Overalls, for sale very low at HULLL’B A: ISAACS. Nov. 12. 1m I.AUUCS’ It 1 It StiC it HOODS. I A DIES’ INDIA EI.T.BEU OVEESIIOES -i and Boots tor sale low at Nov 12. Ini HoLLI'B & ISAACS. IIOIWIC FIKAIMII.VH CfDUNTERBANES, DAMASKS. TL’EKEV ' Red, Furniture I’rints, Table Covers, Ta ble Linen and Towmlings, for sale at nnnsuailv low prices at HOLLL'B ISAACS. <«<) liUN'l'O.V 1C u BKOTTSIiBM I"> ESI’ECTFULLY INVITE THE ATTEN- V lion of the ladies and of this city, aud 1h• •ir customers thronglionl the vicin ity lu their Weil selected stock of STAPLE AS D El SC V DRV GOODS, Gent's furnishing goods, and miner's wear, whiuli b y oiVi r for sale at Urn lo.vv.wst rates ever offered in this market. GULDSTONE A BROTHERS, Next Store below Harrington A; Doll's Grocery Store, Shasta City, Cal. Nov. 12, 1853. * nI2-tf TIIIC IC.tIIMKIC BAICX V.\l», I-«>i- 1,l ose or Msili-. riTIIIS OLD AND WELL KNOWN COR- X. ral is for lease or rent on reasonulile terms, 1 r four or six months. The hay in the barn would be sole with it. Or, 'fhe entire properly, including Barn, Corral, and budding lot on Wain street would be dis pose it ot. J. G. 1 >OLL Shas-a. »N'o 15, 1853. ul2tf ii.\££i.*cv : miii.i v; ;)OA BAGS OF BARLEY, in lots to suit, for sale low. Apply to J. (i. DOLL. Shasta, Nov. 12. tl STOxiAt.i:—K AT PROOF WARE -110 IS IC. 17*OR SALE CHEAP, OR STORAGE TA ken. The location is pc-rlectly secure Imm lire. Apply to J- G. DOLL. Shasta. Nnv. 12. tl LISSOM ! THE COI’ART.N EES 1111’ HERETOFORI ex -ling betvv eeli die undersigned, is llii day dissolved by iiutluai eonsi sit. GEOR-GB W. REED, JOHN ELLIS. Shasta. Nov. 12. 1853. nl2-3l* rrt!lE ( I exist ■tissoi.nioN. CO-I'ARTN ERSI II I’ i I ERETOFORT ■ sting between the subscribers doin business at Freiu !i Gnlejj under tbe name o Morrow. - A Shannon, is this day,.(Jet. 2-ilit, I8.»3 dissolve i hv muKial iiuh-iuit. 1-lie remainin business of the firm will be attended to by ei ther party. 11. B. MORROW, R. J. SHANNON. 1853. nl2-3t French Goleb. Oet. 25. \\ MOi.l.t It A I A ACM T’OFLD ANNOFNCE TO THEIR NF Hi -inns customers and tin* pu.dic getnr ally, that they are again at their old shnul. in tin Suv, Two SHUT, Fire Proof, Brick It n i tiling, where they invite inspection of their -AefP a iif! Ht /i nsire Assin'lreit lit cj Fumy l>rj RooiK, '' lollt / /e r . mill Sh,,,*. C rorhrri/. <i liisxirnrr. Etc., E'r. \ii o| which have been carefully Selected lot in I - MARKS r. Tliey would fieg to state their facilities an unsurpassed. being always at San Francisco, r par. d to lake a Ivanlagc of tbe market, and making their pni't iiuses for cash only. We can sale!) assert, vvitlnint fear of contra diction. that \vi- have the LARGEST STOCK Hi- GOODS lids Mil.- of'San Francisco, wiiieli we otter til exceedingly r kicks fur cash, at \\ hub-sale aud Retail. HOLI.t'B A ISAACS. November 5. 1853. nstf NOTH - 1- [S HEREBY GIN L\. that the undersigned \\ ill. ;it il- - December term of the Court of Sessions, within ami fur tin* County of Shasta and Slate ot California, apply for a license to keep a toll bridge across Clear Creek, in Cot tonwood township in said conn tv of Shasta, at a point on sa:d creek about one mile and a ipiar ti-r above the month if said creek, to which place he is about removing under a lease,from A lex. Young. Ibis bridge is now own'd aim kept iiv sail! Youug .is a toil blunge near tbe mouth ot sail ere t k. ELEAZEH Gl (.SON l let. iH Sl-Ui ' 8 it: i t 3: r. FIRKINS .11 NK 1U ITER, OF ONE i ol the Li st Ne w \nrk brands. Fur sale by GOODMAN BROS. u 12-1 in «,?. wr.u !t oix. STAGG & SHAY'S PATENT GLASED 1 buns, secured with a lining so as to retain a 1 tetter flavor liian any which are covered in a different manner. For salt* bv nizMiu Goodman bkos. n a ’! s. -| TIERCES HAMS IN LIGHT COV cx FJ. C. Scranton. For salu by* ul-J-Im GOODMAN BROS. \ TONS SCOTCH PIG IRON, No. 1. IUU lor sal.* by THOMAS IP SC LBV & CO.. 42 and 11 California street, San Francisco, nl2-Im 1,000 av** k and Bar TIN, for n 12-1 in Till). H. SELBY A CO., 42 nml I I. California -t. Lri BI'NDLES Russia IRON, Nos. "J, 10, and tJ 11, tor sale by n 12-1 in THO. 11. SELBY Nr CO., 42 and 44, Calilornia St. 2,000 LBS. TU INE, assorted sizes, lor tab* by TilO. 11. SELBY & CO., nl2-lm 42 and 44, California at. | y * l MPS, —2 Panmm’s extra size, boat force X- pumps, Also Douglass' force and lift pumps. For sale by TilO. H. SELBY &. CO., nl2-lin 42 and 11, California st. 1 fons Pig ami Bar LEAD, for sale by iy THO. 11. SELBY A* CO., 42 and 14, California st. nl 2-1 in *7 Ivf T s NAILS, 41, (Id, S.l, 10J, 12d, « 20J, and 10,1. for sale bv THO. 11. SELBY & CO., nl2-lm 42 and 41 California st. 2()() lbs. Brazier s SOLDER, for salt* by THO. 11. SELBY A: CO., nl2-lin 42 and 41, California st. 150 n I *2-1 in kegs Rl). ETS. all sizes,ibr sale by THO. H. SELBY &, CO., 42 and 44, California st. 150,000 i, f,i ■ i i' , i z f to 2.J inches, for sale by n 12-1 in THO. H. SELBY & CO., 42 and 41. California st. (Hif) lbs. ZINC, in good Nos., 7, 10, 11 and 12, for sale by" n 12-1 in TUO. 11. SELBY A: CO., 42 and 44, California st. TjIABORTS. —100 do/., from ] to I inches; nl- Jt- so, couplings, hose pipe, Ac., for sale by " THO. H. SELBY & CO., n 12-1 m 42 and 41, California st. J XiTTLLNG WlRE—Copper, brass, and au -J Healed wire, lor sale by* TilO. H. SELBY & CO., nl2-bin 42 and 4 1. California st. 1 000 ' <IXHIS T,N •’I'ATE. for sale 5 lowest market rates by at the n!2-lni THO. 11. SELBY A* CO., 42 and 44, California st. BUNDLES WlRE—Plain and Galvan * ized. from No. 1 to 10. tor sale by THO. 11. SELBY A CO. n 12-1 in 42 and 11, Cuiiinrnia st. I *) f IAA lbs. Brazier’s COPPER, assorted IJjIzUU sizcs j;)1 . galcby 1112-1 in THO. H. SELBY &. CO., 42 and 41, California st. LEATHER HOSE.—2'.OO feet leather and hemp hose; also, hose fixtures, for sale by nl 2-1 m THO. 11. SELBY A CO., 42 and 11. California st. Nit TONS American and treble relined 1301L f,%J ER IRON, for sale by n 12-1 in G THOS. 11. SELBY A CO., 42 and 41. California st. IAI.YANIZ.KD IL'uON—2oo bundles Nos 20 to 28, lor sale by* THU. 11. SELBY A CO., n 12-1 in 42 and *l4, California st. T S IMA CliAlt.l .1111,1.8 I*' I.OS' IS. HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE OCCASION to inform the public that, owing to recent improvements, the rapacity of these mills has been somewhat increased, and they arc now tnrilig out ;7(JU J bags of their choice Flour daily It affords much gratification to know that the Santa Clara Flour, wherever introduced, has ta ken t in* place of the Best Brands of the import ed; and Wic are grateful for theinnmier in which uni* efforts to supply a Pure and Choice Flour have been sustained. Bv continuing to make careful selections of W heat, the public may be assured that the good repute already earned will be sustained, and that no Flour will leave the Mill, fully branded, which is not in all respects equal to liaxall and Gullego. ’ Order* from the Country carefully attended to. PATCH A* CLAYTON, Agents, !»2, Front street, Ean Francisco. Nov. ,7, 18-73. 2in A lIOKBK TF.AH FOR BAI.F. TIoUR LARGE AMERICAN HORSES, t. JL getln l* with a good wagon and ham - complete, tur sale cheap, ii applied to soon. Enquire of J- G. DULL. Oel. 29. if WEAVERVII.I.K STOKE. I*. .31. Fder & Co., 4 NNOPNCE TO THE CITIZENS OF Trin .ZJL itv eonntv. and all others, that they are now receiving at their stand in Weaverviile, the most extensive stock of goods ever exhibited in this market, consisting in part of Ready Made Clothing;, Boots and Shoes, Hats, and Dry* Goods; A I.SO, PROVISIONS ASD GROCERIES, Such as Flour. Bacon. Hams, Pork. Butter. Cheese. Lard. Oysters, Allspice, Coffee, Sugar, l ea. Rice, A.e. ALSO, Crockery. Hardware, Lamp Oil. Camphcne, Saddlery. Carpels and Matting, Stoves, Parlor and Cookin' A I.SO. Liquors, Wines, and Cigars. ALSO, Wall Paper and all kinds of Stationery. All of wiiicb we are prepared to sell cheaper than ever offered before in tins market. Weavervilie. t let. 2!>. 1873. o2otf *>k. J. 8. noK*>i;. SURGEON 1> E NT I ST . a'*/" It Shasta, Cal in If n r*lnnir D«al,j, (ITINERS AM) CARPENTER'S TOOLS Agricultural linpiemcnts, Groceries, Li quors, Ate., liave removed to their ,v/:ir fire proof brick stork. Uvo doors south of the. St. Charles Hotel, v her. i*‘\ inviu-lln* nltiiuioH of {uirolmsera H) a lull assortment of goods. alpheus hull, R.-a Binfi*. (i. I‘. BA ?CRif. San Francisco. W. ROBBINS, Shasta. Shasta. Oct. 8. 18,3. „ HASmiICTOIT, DAM, a- <7O TTAVR ON HAM) AND Fur SALE AT lowest market prices, a large assort uu nl of G roccrins. Liquors, 'Provisions, Crockery, Glassware, Dry Goods, Sc. S'C NEART.T OPPOSITE RHODES i I.USK’s EXPRESS, IL, D. .V Co.’ Shasta City, Sept. 1 1, 15",3. seplTtf A. iV S. SO Between the St. Charles Hotel and Bull S' Baker’s Brick Build in", Shasta, Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in Ren d >• Made ( lolliiu;, BOOTS ami Shoes, Cuttlery, Colt’s Pistols, Blankets, Drilling, and all other articles usually kept in the trade. W e are always pre pared to sell first-rate articles at cheap prices. If you have any doubts in regard to the matter call ami see for yourselves. Shasta, Sept. 3d.—se3tf CAI,I,AIIA.\ A to. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM their 1 riends ami the public, that they have again re-opened opposite the St. Charles Hotel, where they oiler for sale 200,00« lbs of Barley, 100 tons ol Hay, at the lowest market price. Also, a general assortment of Provisions, Gro ceries, Mining Tools, Liquors, Avic. See. Shasta. July, 1853. jyQ3tf NEW MARKET. Blootl for Rlood, and no monopoly 1 ! of Beef has conic down at lasl! .' THE SUBSCRIBERS WOULD MOST RESPECTFULLY inform their friends, and the citizens of Shasta, and the miners of the surrounding country, that they have opened their new mar ket on Main street, opposite the old burnt tree, and next door to Adams Ac Co’s Express ollice, where will be found a full supply of Beef, Saasages, Mutton, Fresh Pork, Lamb, Salt do Veal, Corned Beef, &c. Also, a full supply of Vegetables and Game, V e ison, Ace., in season. By strict attention to business they hope to render this establishment one of the most invi ting in California, N. B. The prices have been made to suit the times. The usual deductions made to Hotels, Restaurants, and persons purchasing to sell in other localities. SMITH, BLODGETT, At Co., Oct. 22. if Proprietors. M- JAfOUMOiV & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Ready Made Clothing, Have removed to their new fire - proof brick building, adjoining the St. Charles Hotel, and lake pleasure in informing the ladies ami gentlemen of Shasta and vicinity that they have just received a lull assortment of FALL AXD WINTER GOODS. surpassing any that has ever been offered in this place in ladies ami gentlemen’s outfitting goods. The ladle’s goods consist of French Merinos, Alpacrns, Lustre Damasks, Shear's, Window Curtains, Shoes , Hose. Gloves, G inghenns, Sheeting and Skirling, Laces, Trimmings, Carpets. and other fancy articles too numerous to mcn lion. Gentlemen's boots and shoos, frock, dress, and overcoats, gloves, pants, silk and merino un dershirts, white shirts, blankets. India Rubber goods, also a general assortment of queens ware, cutlery, playing cards, nuj all other articles usually kept in our line of business. Ladies and gentleim n will find it to their in terest to call and examine nnr stock, before pur chasing elsewhere, ns we Halter ourselves that none can compete with us, with the advantages we now enjoy. Get. 29. tf SJMSTA ROOK STORE, The undersigned has on hand and for sale cheap, a large assortment of BLANK BOOKS of every description. Pocket Memorandum and Pass Books. English, Me tallic, anil Tuck Memorandums. LETTER, Cap, Bill, Fancy Note, and Gilt Pa per. Envelope, Blotting ami Drawing do. ENVELOPES, all sizes and kinds. Buff, W hile, Blue Laid and Fancy do; self sealing, let ter. mite, and official do. GOLD AND STEEL PENS, black, red, and blue Ink. INKSTANDS, portfolios, sand boxes, paper weights, cutters, and folders; fine pockei cutlery, cigar cases, Poitimmies, etc.; chess men nml backgammon. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, and instruction books, a great variety ; miner's views and letter books. ALSO, a large and splendid assortment of stand ard miscellaneous bound books and novels. SCHOOL BOOKS, Geography*. Grammars. Arithmetics. Spellers, Readers, etc.; works on History, Philosophy, Chemistry, Botany, Astronomy and Agriculture. Also u large selection of Poetical Works. A. ROMAN. Shasta, Oct. 29. 1553. 029-tf I» A<; l »■: If KEO T V I*E». JRUTH, DAGUERREOTYPE ARTIST. St. • Charles Hotel, Shasta, is now prepared to put up Daugcrreolypcs in every variety ol style. I’icluies neatly set iu Lockets, Pius. Rings, Watch Seals, Ale. Persons wishing to secure pood life like pictures, will please cal! soon. — Likenesses taken in all kinds ol weather, and satisfaction guaranteed. Oct. £9. BEI> ISMH BIKKItV. Having established ourselves in die Bakery business in Red Bluffs, we would inform the citizens of the town and sur rounding country . we are prepared to fill all articles iu our line of business at the shortest notice. . , , . Brrml. IMes, mnl < hkcs, of every varie-iv. kept constantly on band. W e solicit the patronage of citizens, pack. is. team sters. ami lb.' pid lie gem-rally. Onr bakery is rated opposite (he storehouse ol Bulb Baker, v U M. BuFINGHR. CHAS W EISNER. R.-d Bltilf. Nov 5. is',:, „sil TOOO \ JOAK'N o|>i*o«i(r \ U.*.r-.V < o’* Bxprm, Shama. HAVING REMOVED INTO THEIR NEW Store. are now receiving n large and well selected assort nun I «>1 goods adapted lu this market, among which may he found 200 Imrrcls llnxafl and li.illrgo f lour. 1. it i Ihs. prepared Chili l*caches in boxes. 3,000 “ Beans. 20 Mils. Dried Apples. Hams. Burk, and Sale-Bacon. Cod Fish and Mackerel. 100 boxes A Indian and Margeaux -Claret. 0 doz. cane bottom chairs. China and Carolina Rice. Butter, hard. Lamp Oil. Together wi(h a general assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Impairs, Mining Implements, A c., all of which will he olFeiuil on the most favorable terms. ang6 It PACKERS A HIM;IJ.«* ATIU.VriOIX! JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE IN lots to suit purchasers, at Red Bluffs, 2").000 lbs. fresh Chili Flour. 5.000 •• No. 1. China Sugar. 5,000 “ No. 2, do 50 cases Ale. 50 “ Porter. 50 “ Claret. 25 “ Lemon Syrup. 2.000 gallons whiskey, l. iOO “ Trench Brandy. 1.000 “ Am Brandy. 5,000 lbs. Beans, fresh (.'ldle. 100 cases preserved Fruits. augC tf CHURCH & MIX. PROVISIONS. i n nnn ibs - b "«™- Av/ll'l /l* 10 000 sugar cared Hams. 5.000 Lard in small tins. 2.000 Fresh Currants. 5,000 No. I.. China Rice. 2,001 Stuart’s'Crushed So car. For sale by CHURCH & MIX. angO tf Red I'dutls. SAW HIM, FOR SALE. THE UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF of the wa ter mill, and a quarter section of land sitn ated .about hall a mile below Whiskey Creek, on Clear Creek, is offered for sale on reasonaldo terms. Also, tlirce yoke of working oxen, two lumber wagons, one horse, one mule team, two milch cows, iim; set double harness, yokes, chains, Ac., necessary to carry on th e bun boring business. There is one good dwelling house, blacksmith shop, and one store house upon said claim, making it a very desirable location. A portion of said claim is good arable land, and nndt r cultivation. Any person desiring to locate in the above business will do well in giving me a call, before purchasing elsewhere, ns 1 am bound to sell on reasonable terms. Enquire on the premises. N. FERINGTON. Clear Creek, Sept. 20, 1853. ol if AUSTIN iSOTLT,, WcaviTvillc. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD AN m nomice to his friends and the public at large, that he has taken this favorite ho tel, situated in the centre of the busines portion of Weavervllle, and formerly kept by Mr. Mes sie. The “Austin Hotel'’ is well furnished with clean and comfortable bedding, and tho Bar is constantly supplied with LIQUORS AXD CIGARS of the choicest brands. TiiE TABLE, presided over by Mrs. Mc- Laughlin. heretofore of the Upper Mountain House, will always be furnished in the very best manner that the market can afford. Rooms suitable for fauilles also furnished. J. McLAUGHUSL Weavorville, Nov. 5, 1853. nstf TEHAMA lIOI'ME. 1 cliasnsi, Uoliinu Comity, ' j;! THE SUBSCRIBER, IIAMNG take* '■*- charge of this well known establishment, is determined to spare no expense or personal exertion, to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public. His table shall always he supplied with all the substantial, as well as luxuries that the market affords, while the bar will be constantly furnished with the very bert liquors that can be procured in ibis country.— The house is also well furnished with excellent beds. In short, every accommodation usually met with in first-rate up-country hotels will be found in this house, There is a large stable upon the premises, al ways well IV.rnisned with an abundance of prov en dor for animals- CHARLES C. CLIFFORD. Tehama, Colusa co, sepl7tf I* A NTS ONI.Y'I INTO STOCK. PRIME GOODS, LOW I'Rt- Jli ('ESI!—20.0(10 pair men’s Pantaloons, got up in superior style, regular size, and warranted sound and perfect in every rcspuct, or no sale. Now offering at wholesale, to cadi buyers, tit Auction Rates, bv FRENCH & RUGGLBS, Exclusive Dealers in Men's Pantaloons, Corner Sacramento and Leidsdorff streets. N. B. All goods delivered free, and no charge made for boxes. 022-lm BUTLER a mi; it is, on Itnl.l Hills, Having determined to close im*. iuess, now offer for sale their store and en tire possessions at that place. It is a desirable situation for trade; and one of ns being about to leave for the Atlantic Stales, we will sell cheap for cash. BUTLER & WEBB. Oct. 22. bv NOTICE. All persons indebted to drs. Bricker & Bates are respectfully requested to settle their accounts immediately, or they will be left iu other bauds for collection. J. BRICKER, M. D. sep!7tf H. BATES, M. li. E. LEWIN A CO. \Vnlchniaker & .Tlnmifaclnrins Jcvvclcra Next door to Adam * «$• Co's Express Office. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM their friends and rlie public that they are again on hand wi'h a large and splendid stock of fine Watches, Diamonds, California and State Jew elry, Ac. Every description of California Jewelry man ufactured to order. Particular attention given to Watch and Chronometer work. Clocks on hand for from $8 upwards. [au27tf WANTEO BY THE SUBSCRIBER, A LADY TO take charge of a first rale hotel at Yrcka. One unmarried would be preferred, or, if married, it is indispensable that she should have no fam ily. Oue Laving some experience iu that busi ness preferred. For further particulars apply to Thomas .1. Rowe. I reka, or to the Courier office. NOTICE. Doctor benj. shurtleff and j. r. Gilbert are my authorised agents to trans " i biisin* ss lor me during my alwence from California. A S BALDWIN. "J».-ta. S. pt IS',:'; r,m