Newspaper Page Text
The Editor’s Adriaen. Says one, your subjects are too grave, Too much morality you have — Too much about religion ; Give me some witch or wizard tales, |rV ith slip-shod ghosts, with fins aud scales, Or feathers like a pigeon. I hate to read, another cries. Those monstrous fashionable lies— In other words, those novels, .Composed of kings, aud queens, and lords, Of border wars and gothic hordes, That used to live in hovels. No —no, cries one. we’ve had enough Of such confounded love-sick stuff, To craze the fair creation ; (jive us some recent foreign news, Of Russian, Turk, the Greeks at d Jews, Or any other nation. Another cries. I want more fun, A witty anecdote or pun, A rebus or a riddle ; Some long for missionary news, And some of worldly carnal views, Would like to hear a liddle. Another cries, I want to see A jumbled up variety — Variety in all things ; A miscellaneous hodge-podge print; Composed—ogly to give that hint— Of multifarious small things. I want some marriage news, says miss, 1 constitutes my highest bliss To hear of weddings plenty ; For in a time of general rain, None suffers from a drought ’tis plain— At least nut one in twenty. J want In hear of deaths, says one, Of people totally undone By losses, fil e or lever ; Another answers, lull as wise, I’d rather have the fall and rise, Ol racoon skins or beaver. Some signify a secret wish f or now and then a savory dish Ot politics to suit them ; But here we rest at perfect case. For should they swear the moon was cheese, We never would dispute them. Or grave or humorous, wild or tame, I.oily or low, ’tis ail the same, Too haughty or 100 humble, And every editorial wight Has naught to do but what is right, And Jet the grumbler grumble. American Annexation in the East. —The Chinese Herald of July 9, says that Commodore Terry has already commenced annexing terri tory on the coast of Asia : •• Information has reached us privately that while tjie United States licet were in tjie neigh borhood of Xapican (Napakiung ?) the Susque hanna and Saratoga went on a cruise eastward, and touched at several beautiful islands, where they distributed live stock. They also touched at an island named Bouian. To their surprise, they discovered n tew European residents, tun is’ingol Enjilish, Scotch. Irish and Spanish, who had left whalers and established themselves there. Among them were about eleven women. Tit Governor of the island is a Scotchman. He claims the island as bis own, and has been set d here about twenty years. He has a family . I .> Vend children, one ot whom was drowned a lev.- days before the Susquehanna touched there, endeavoring to cross the bar. The Commodore has made a purchase of a piece of land containing about ten acres, for SSO. It is in n good situation, on one of the best sites in the harbor, and is intended fotWi Government Coal Depot. The island is mountainous, an t the harbor excellent, having from eighteen to twen ty fathoms of water at the anchorage. Shell fish, as lobsters and crayfish abound. On land, plenty of wild goats arc to be found. Tlunis, bananas, plantains, and other varieties of fruit are abundant on the island. The Russian frigate Pallas and a Russian brig-of-wnr, immediately followed the American squadron.” An Entirely New Style of Navigation.—A letter from Venice of the 22d ult., in tbe New Prussian Gazette, says: —“A young nobleman, M. S , nephew of the Baroness de \V , who, by his Herculean strength and his acts of rashness —such as racing on horseback against a railway train, and swimming from this place to Mestre, carrying an open umbrella in his hand —has acquired a kind of renown, recently made a bet that he would perform the passage from Venice to Trieste atone, and standing on two planks four feet long by one foot wide and four inches think, strongly attached to each oth er in the middle by an iron clasp, and with no other help than a pole. On Friday morning last, this young gentleman made his appearance before the Prazetfa on this raft of ids own in vention, on which it was very difficult te stand upright panel reserve an equilibrium. Scarcely bad he passed the Lido than he was upset by a wave. He did not, however, lose courage, but bringing bis raft to the shore, repaired it, and alter placing on it a hojf containing some provis ions, again started. After six hours’ uninter rupted movement of his arms, he was seen from the steeple of St. Mark's Church at a short dis tance from Carorle, when he disappeared from sight The Trieste Gazette adds that this extra ordinary voyage was accomplished, and that M. S arrived in that port safe and sound.— The distance from Venice to Trieste is more than 70 English ndles, allowing for the neces sary deviation from the straight course.” The Measure or the Spanish Leagi e. —We translate front the Spanish portion of the Star the following on the relative size of the Spanish and American leagues and varus or yards : According to the opinion of the two Ameri can surveyors in this city, the Mexican Vara is equal to 33 inches of American measure. Ta king this estimate tor correct, a Mexican League of 5000 varas square is 4553 yards aud P 2 inches square, or 21.003,893 square yards, or 4.339 acres, and 3,133 square yards. ' But according to the assessments made in this county, 4.787 acres are reckoned to a Mexican league'—a dif ference ot 447 acres and 1.707 square vards.— The county is said to contain 1,800,000 acres, and the difference between the two modes of calculation would be 167.461 acres, and a dif ference in the amount of taxes of *2.000 or $3.- 000. We hope that the Surveyor General, who will be in this city in a short time, will give this subject his attention. codfish, mackerel and Sardines are said to be abundant in the ocean, near the Northwest of our State. A vessel arrived at San F nincisco a few days since from a fishing cruise, with seven hundred codfish. - Ihe work of laying down the pipes, for he purpose of illuminating the streets of San rauctsco with gas, is being prosecuted with El DoßiDo.—The telegraph poles have been Placed on he from Sacramento through Mormon Island and Coloma. to within a few miles of I lacervtlle, and the whole li ue will be completed to this ( Diamond Spring* i pj ace in a few days, to says the Advocate. " ' * Wild Womx.—The Alta contains a descrip tion of a wild woman wbo lately died iu Shu Francisco, from which we extract the follow ing:— This woman, it appears, was accidentally left on the island of San Nicholas—which is about sixty miles from Santa Barbarar-many years ago, when the rest of the few wbo lived there were taken off to the mainland. It was known that she bad been left, and attempts were made to find her without success. Traces of her ex istence there have been seen from time to time, but uot until recently has sheerer been seen by any one. when a Mr Niedever, of Santa Barba ra, who was coasting about San Nicholas, in search of otters, suddenly came upon her. She manifested little surprise at Niedever’s appear ance, and willingly left her solitary abod.e. The dress of bird skins which she wore is a great curiosity. How she killed the birds is unknown, or how she contrived to form the needle with which she sewed the skins together. A bottle made ol wicker work was also brought away, md it passes belief that human skill could, with no tools but a small piece of rusty hoop iron, make anything so perfect. What long and dreary desolation this woman endured, or whether her life was ever diversified by any hiug to break the monotony of her lonelim s*. is unknown. She understood not a word of any language spoken by the nearest Indians, and lied before anything could be learned of the in cidents of her dark existence. t Taunt and scuffing at the humble condi tiou of early life effect uobo.dy in America, but those who are foolish enough to indulge in th< m, and they tire generally sufficiently punished, ll did happen to me to he born in a Jog cabin, rais ed among the snow drifts of New Hampshire, at i period so early, that when the smoke tirst rose front its rude chimney, and curled over the fro zen hill, there was no similar evidence of a white man’s habitation between it and the settlements in the river Canada. Its remains still exist. I make it an annual visit. I carry my children to it to teach them the hardships endured by the generations which have gone before them 1 love to dwell on the tender recollections, the kindred ties, the early affection, and narrations and incidents which mingle with all I know of this primitive family abode. 1 weep to think that none of those who inhabited if. tire now among the living; and if ever I fail in affection ate veneration for him who raised it, and de fended it against savage violence and destruc tion, cherished all domestic comforts beneath its roof. a;id through fire and blood of seven years’ revolution shrank from no toil, no sacrifice, to serve his country and raise his children to a condition better than his own, may mv name, and the name of my posterity, be Molted from the memory of mankind.— Daui .7 I Veksler. Declivity or — A very slight declivitv suffices to give the running motion to water. Three inches per mile, in a s/poo'fj. straight channel, gives n velocity of three miles an hour. The Gauges, which gat In rs t})e waters of the Himalaya mountains, the loftiest in the world, is. at eighteen hundred miles from its mouth only about twice the height of St. Paul’s church in London, or tjie height of Anri Inn 's Seat, near Edinburg}), g,;d to fall lute e'gfit hundred feet in its long course, tjie water requires more Urn, a month. The river Magdalena, in South Amer ica, running lor a thousand miles between the two ridges of the Andes, falls only five hundred feel in ail that distance. Above the commence ment of the thousand miles it is seen descending in rap ds and cataracts from the mountains. The gigantic Rio de la Plata has so gen le a descent to the ocean, that in Paraguay, fifteen hundred miles from its month, large ships are seen, which have sailed against the current all the way by the fori e of the wind alone; that is to say, which on the beautifully inclined plane of the stream, have been gradually lifted by the soft wind, and even again the current to an elevation greater than that loftiest of our spires. — Arnett's Classics. nr The present .Sultan is the first Turkish monarch who has not mnrde'red (da brother.' This dangerous relative lives, and is regarded as the bead of the old Turkish party. Ihe Sultan abhors war, and detests punishment. He has a great fondness for music, but, after learn ing it all ljis lite, he has only been able to play one tune on the piano, It is a march, which the Sultan obligingly plays for everybody, on all occasions. He is also very fond of cham pagne, which he drinks under the pretence that the Korun only forbids fermented drinks. £Fnt is said in an English paper that to this day, the Emperor of Russia cannot write a Rus sian letter. He is said to be devo ed to the Em press. He is, however, a bad host. The ex pression of his face destroys gayely. At the halls at the palace, he insists upon both sexes w< tir ing the Russian costume, to the great disgust of the ladies. The heir to the throne, Alexander, is a liberal, amiable man. The Dutchess of Lendlteuhurg, one of the Emperor's daughters, is said to he one of the cleverest women in Eu rope, with a taste for diplomacy. Abdel Kant; it. — This celebrated man is said to live in the utmost retirppicut and tranquility at Brousse. He is now taking the waters for bis health, and he passes all the daytime in prayer. It uppers that the ex-African hero has not met with the fraternal reception which he expected to meet in Asia when he went there from frauce. He is now ‘nobody’ in his conn try* Amusing.— lt is really amusing to read in many of Eastern papers, descriptions of certain places in California, that vary materially from their correct locality. In Gleaseu’s factorial ol Oct. Ist,(usually very correct in everything, )we find a description ol the Mammoth Tree, in Cal evaras County We quote—" The tree is a Ce dar. and was first discovered by some miners i° the mountains of Calaveras, California, in a forest called the Red Woods, on Trinidad Bay. some twenty or thirty miles from the month of Klamath River, on the Northern seacoast of the State, a region that has been but very little ex plored.” Archbishop op California.— \ Bull from Rome announces the fact that San Francisco has been erected into a sen and Metropolitan Church, and the Right Rev. Dr. Alemany— Bishop of Monterey—has been named Arch bishop. The Rev. Thaddeus Amat, C. M., has been named Bishop of Monterey. —Stockton Journal. She Had Him.— ln his lecture on Monday evening, says the Portland Transcript, Dr. Boyn ton related that wishing to explain to a little girl the manner in which a lobster casts his shell, when he has outgrown it, he said—“ What do you do when you have outgrown your clothes f” " You throw them -side, don’t you’ ?” Oh. no.” replied the little one, " tre let out the locks !" The Doctor confessed she had the advantage of him there. The editor of the Galena Jeffersonian., who is a doctor " by trade,” gives it as his deliberate opinion that whisky should not be drunk in warm weather. He is equally decided ou an other point, namely, that it should never be drunk when the weather is not warm. A Tunnel through the Alps. — The French engineers are busiiy employed in perfecting the bold project of excavating a tunnel under ‘he Alps, to connect the Piedmontese railways with those of France. OKS. PAINE & BEERS Of Man Francisco, Have the pleasure to announce that one of their firm will visit this place mice in two or three months, anil will remain lor a lew davs only at H. W. Hubbard s, Shasta Cilv, who will receive all aiders, and give all inl'orniHtinn as to the time ol their arrival, where they will be happy to recive all calls in their profession. Having, during au extensive prac tice of fourteen years, made many improve ments in the Dental Art, and assisted materially in bringing it to its [ireseiit high state ol perfec tion, they feel warranted in saying to all those wishing Dental operations perfoauied on the teeth, or artificial teeth ii.serted, on fine gold plate, that their work cannot be excelled in the United States. Terms moderate. Consultations free. N. B. To the Profkssu* For Sale. —At our olfice, Masonic Hall, Montgomery street, opposite Lecount & Strong, may be found a large assortment of lucorruptabie Teeth, GohT and Tin foil, Dental Instruments, &c. oltf J. A. RAYMOND, Physician n«it B#rgca«. WOULD INFORM HIS FRIENDS AND thg public, that be is about to engage in the business of bis profession in Shasta, and from an experience of ten years public and private practice in the Atlantic States, a large share ol which time he was Surgeon to a Public fiospi tab where he v-’iia constantly engaged in surgi cnl practice, he hopes by strict attention to his business, to merit a share of public patron age. Office on Main street, a few doors below Ad urns & Co’s Banking House. Shasta, May 5, 1853. my 7 tf BKII'HEV A iHcLAVCIULIX. Das. J. BRICKER & E. B. McLAUGHLIN respectfully inform the citizens of Shasta and vicinity, that they have this day formed a co-partnership tjs Physicians and Sur geons, and will give prompt attention to all med ical and surgical business entrusted to their care. Office at the City Drug Store, where they may be found when not absent on Professional culls. aplG tf CITY' DREG STORE. Opppsi'e Rhodes «$• Lush's Express Office, Shasta. THE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RES •peclfully inform the citizens of Shasta and the public generally, that he has lately received and keeps constantly on hand, a large assortment ol Drugs, Medicines, Patent Medi cines, Perfumery, etc., consisting in pait of the following: Seidlitz and Yeast Powders, Cream of Tartar, Tartaric Acid, Soda, Borax, Hops, Osgood’s Cholngogue, Pain Killer, Liniments, Jaynes’ Medicines, Balls’, Townsend’s and Sands’ Sarsa parilla, Thompson’s Eye Water, Patent Pills, etc., which Jie offers for sale wholesale and Ic tail at reasonable prices, Physicians’ prescriptions and orders from ad jacent settlements, will be promptly and accu rately attended to. C. ROTHE. niariS tf Druggist and Apothecary. MHCRTfiEFF’S DUEG STORE. Main Strept, Shasta. CONSTANTLY RECEIVING FROM Boston and New York, a large assortment of Drugs, Paints, Oils. &c,. which at wholesale will be found cheaper than has ever before been offered in ibis market. A full supply of patent medicines, among which are die following; Osgood’s India Cholagogne, Sands’ Sarsapa rilla, Old Jacob and S. P. Townsend’s Sarsapa rilla, Perry Dayjs’ {’ain Kjller, Wistar’s Balsam ot Wild Cherry, Ayres’Cherry Pectoral, Jaynes’ Expectorant, Hair Tonic and Alterative, Thomp son’s Eye Water, Turlington’s jJulsajn and God frey's Cordial. Liniments. —Hayes’ Mexican Mustang, Hunt’s Nerve and Bone, Steersaiul Liquid Opodeldoc. Pills. —Lee’s, Moffat’s, Wright’s, Braudretb’s, Grafenberg’s, Jayne’s Sanative and Ague Pills. mv!4if BEN.I. SHUKTLEFF. si.ti.tipvsi. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE Ninth Judicial District, Shasta county. Cal., Shasta county ss. Lairence Kuawver and Chas. Wisner vs. John G. Moll. '1 lie People of the State of California to John G. Moll, Greeting ? Whereas, the above named Knawver & Wis ner, plaintiffs, have on this day filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court aforesaid their com plaint against you for the recovery of judgment against you for the snui ol six hundred dollars, costs of suit, monied disbursements, &c. Von are therefore required to appear and an swer said corn plaint as follows, to wit: if serveu in ilie? comity of Shasta, within ten days; if served out of sakl eotjijty, bqt in the 9lh Judi cial District, twenty days; in ajl otjier cases forty days—in either case exclusive of the day of service; and the plaintiff' will lake judgment against you for the amount aforesaid, with costs and monied disbursements if yon fail to answer the complaint. Witness mv hand and private seal, (no official seal) at office in Shasta, this llih day of July, 1853. Tf 108. W. DAWSON, Clk. Pist. Court Q/k Judicial Dist. I hereby certily the above to be a true copy. D. CORSAUT, Shenf. per JOHN W. JACKSON, Pep. cuißcii & ni.\, Ke<l Bluffs, Dealers in Groceries. Provisions, L,ipiors and Clothing, Although the steamboats have quit running to this point, we are happy to state to our friends and patrons that we have not, nor do we intend to, and shall !)>■ happy to fill ail orders scut to us for no ref. indite, ,s licie tofore, having made such arrangements as to guarantee to have always on hand a FIXE ASSORTMENT OF MERCHAN DISE, at most liberal prices. It u one intention to pass the summer at this point, ami hence we are determined to make it an object to puckers and traders to pay ns fre quent visits. jy9tf PAmi.tG, PAPER HA>GI>G,At. The undersigned will continue the business of Fainting, Glazing and Pa per Hanging, in the city of Shasta and surround ing country, on his own individual account. mar!9 if J, VAN SCHAICK. P- T. RPBAOl’fe, ATT OR y E Y AT LA IV, Shasta Citt , Shasta Co., Cal. Office in the Post Offioe Buildings. mar 26 if TO THE PUBLIC. I HAVE IHI DAY APPOINTED \VM. P. Daiugerfield. E>q., my agent and attorney, to attend to all business for me in mv absence. JOHN E. WILKINSON. Sfmsta H'T. n*'°oT *- _ K. C. BAKKH. K. GAKItK. BAKER & GARTER, Attorney* and Counsellors nt Of MCE in D. Coreaut s buildings. *p23 1 1 SAN FRANCISCO Sc COLUSA PACKET. »■»■■ THE well known Steamer ORIENT, A. D. Carpkstkk, Mas ter, will leave San Francisco every Monday and Thursday evening, for Colusa; returning, will leave Colusa for San Francisco every Wednes day and Saturday .morning. The Orient has recently undergone thorough repairs, and for comfort and safety, both for passengers and freight, is not excelled by any boat in the trade. Agents.— F. SLEEPER, .Clay Street Whajf, San francisoo; CHARLES SPALDING, an 27 1m Colusa. CHURCH A' MIX, Red Kin Ah, OPFER FOR SALE AT RED BLUFFS Hardware, Crockery, Tinware, Shovels, Picks, Locks, Screws, Bolts, and a splendid lot of Nails of all sizes. To lovers of a prime article of Liqnors»r Se gars we offer the following ; 10 cases of ’49 Gin. 100 gallons superior Brandy. 100 “ XX Bourbon Whisky. *lO cases Absynthe and Lnissee, French and German. 20 cases Liquors, Assorted. 10 “ Piuet, Castilliou & Co. Brandy. 10 baskets Heidsick Champuigue, 5 cases Holjande Curacao. 10 “ assorted French Syrups. 10 M Superior Regalia Cigars. 5 “ Cilindradoo Pure Leal Cigars, 5 “ Havana Plantation Cigars. CHURCH it MIX, angfi tf Reel Blufts. CROCKERV AND GI/ASBWABE, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF CKOCK ery and Glassware, for salt by J 125 tf. HARRINGTON £. DOLL. (ST. CHARLES HOTEL, MT H E SUBSCRIBERS have the pleasure of announc ing to the public that this well known establishment, Phoenix like arisen from the ashes, and is now in every re spect belter prepared for the accommodation of our patrons than ever before, 'i be entire es tablishment is new, from the kitcln n to the gar ret, and everything is in apple-pie order. In deed, the St. Charles is fitted up with great cost, in a style of elegance not surpassed, even in the lower cities. Having satisfactorily served the public in this , capacity longer than any persons in our midst, we have no hesitation in assuring the perma nent as well as transient public, that we are pre pared to give them every comfort usually obtain able at a first rate hotel. Our ro< ms are airy and elegant, and supplied with clean and com fortable beds. The table is ever loaded with j every thing choice that can be procured in the! market. The bar is constantly furnished with every variety of the very best liquors and cigars. 1 The utmost pains are taken to protore the very best cooks, the most attentive servants anil at tendants, and in short no effort spared to render the St. Charles worthy of its high reputation, and the liberal patronage bestowed upon it. There is also the St. Charles Corral attached to the establishment, always supplied with good pure spring water, and a» abundance of hay and barley for animals. GUS. GROTEFEND & CO. Shasta, August .9, 1813. aul3tf has ITIILIi RANCH FDR MALE. THIS OLD AND WELL established Ranch, situated on the read leading from djiusta tu Colusa, is now offered Cor sale. The proprietor is about to leave for the States, and is anxious to dispose of it at an early day. The House is in good repair, and has just been newly painted. The bidding in the house is nearly new, also beadsti ads and cots. The house is supplied with a good well of never failing water. The location is ope of the best in the valley, particularly on account of health, it being only eight miles from &Jiasta. There are attached to the Ranch two corrals and a stable, also a carpenter’s worksln p, There is on the premises about 3 tons of bay. The Milk Rape]) was ope of the first started in the Valley, and is well known by all those who have traveled the road. The Ranch, ami everything about it is in working order. For particulars enquire at this office, or on the premises. JAb. H. PAHKHURST. augfi FREE TRADE HEAT UAKKGT. THE SUBSCRIBER would ; inform the public of Shasta. ■rNUlhat he lias re-opened tin- Free Trade Meat Market in the new building adjoining the store of J. G. Doll, v. In re be is constantly prepared to furnish families, board ing bouses, and hotels with the following meats of the very best quality, viz: Fresh Beef. Mutton, Corned, do Lapib, Pickled Pork, Veal, Bologna Sausages, Fresh Sausages. A fair sh ire of custom is respectfully solicited. ANDREW Kl DER. Slms- o .Tnlv 30 TSVt, jy3o if UOICME tIARKET AND 1.1 VERY STABLE. THE UNDERSIGNED P EG S to announce to |)is old ciis _romers and the pnhli .rally djSl. t that his arrangements ar« now p< pipleleil to havt always on hand, Horst s and Mules for Jure oi -ale. and trusts ijiiit by strict attention to busi ness to merit a continuance ol the liberal patron age hitherto bestowed on Jiim. Horses and Mules bought and sold on com mission. Auction sales of stock daily. Those wishing to sell or purchase stoi k will find it to their advantage to call at, the Stock Market. JAMES LOAG, Shasta. March 12. 18VL Auctioneer RANCH INK I RANCHINR ! ! THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOW -pared to receive and ranch stock at Lake Ranch, twelve miles from Shasta, at die usual rates. This ranch is well km wn to be unsurpassed for good grass and water, ami those persons leaving stock with us may (it pend upon its receiving the same care as our own. All stock will be ranched at the risk of tiie owner, unless otherwise specially agreed upon. jv23tf MOODY & W( OD. LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, -y PERSONS WISHING TO HIRE OR .. .<c purchase first-rate riding horses or mules, are informed thd the undersigned al ways keep on hand, at their stables, nearly opposite the St. Charles Hotel, Main street. Shasta, a full collection of just such animals ami none others. Indeed, they flatter themselves that their stork, for elegance of app* anuice. travelling condition, powers of locomotion ami endurance, ami other requisites, cannot be sur passed in this part of the .State. They arc also prepared at all times, to pur chase horses ami mules, and persons wishing to dispose of the same, may do well to give them a call before selling. COX & WALSH. Shasta, July 16, 1803. jylflif MIX’S WHISKY CHECK UOIHK, THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN. ■ form the public that this Hotel, pleas antly situated in Franklin City, on W his ky creek, six miles north of Shasta on the Vie ka and Weaverville road, is now open for thn reception of travelers, boarders, and customers generally. The Table is constantly supplied with all the varieties of meats and vegetables procurable in this market, while the Ear is fur nished with almost every kind of liquors of the very best quality. There is also a good and Se- UIUO Csrrsl attached to the establishment, always supplied with an abundance of hay and barley, for tha accommodation of packets, travelers. &e. The subscriber bus no hesitation in promising full satisfaction to all who may patronize him. BENJAMIN MIX. Whisky Creek. July 30, 1853. tf in olitih: bkamh hotel roomcK, THE UNDERSIGNED. WISHING TO change his business, offers for sale the well known OLIVE BRANCH HOTEL AND RANCH. lying on the main stage route from Shasta to Sacramento, and on the north side of Cotton wood. The Ranch contains 160 acres of arahlo land, the whole enclosed by a substantial fence. Among the improvements Upon the Ranch aro the following c A good and commodious Dwelling House, for the past three years kept ns a public hotel; a first rate Barn, sufficiently capacious to contain 100 tons of bay, anil comfortably stable fifty horses ; a well of good water at the door —also a well in the garden, with a chain pump and hose attached to it for conducting the water to all parts of the garden ; a Garden containing about five acres of land in a high state of culti vation ; together with a Grainerv, Cellar, Milk House, Chicken House, Corail, anil all other no. cessary buildings and improvements. The “ Olive Branch,” too, has always been a stagu station on the Sacramento road. The terms will be made reasonable. For full particulars inquire of the subscriber outlie premises. WM. LEAN, Cottonwood, July 16. Iff')!}.. jylfitf IN 'I lia-: UIKiIKIC T fOl KT OF THE EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, in and for the County of Siskiyou, State of California. David Burt, Wrn. J. Evans and Anson Taylor plaintiffs, vs. John M. Shackelford, Bartholo. mew W Waledross, Charles McDermit, Madison J. Martin, Emery Chamberlain, George Shum. way Wm. Wright, George Lawton, and Henry Stentz, defendants. It appearing upon the affidavit of E. Steele, attorney for the plaintiffs, made in open Court, that Henry Stentg, Madison J. Martin, and Clou, McDermit defendants herein, have departed from, and are now out of the baliwick of Ibo Sheriff of said county, and that a cause of action exists in favor of said plaintiffs, against said lie. fondants,and that they are )|i cessary and proper parties to the action ; the Court ordered that t|io said defentants mentioned in said affidavit lie served with summons to this case by publishing the same once a week for the period of three months in the Shasta Courier, a newspaper pub. fished i>t Shasta in this State, w hich said sum mons to be in the words and figures follow ing, to wit; STATK OF CALIFORNIA COURT OF SISKIYOU, In the District Court for the Eighth Judicial District; The people of the Stale ot California to .li.ini M. Shackleford, Bartholomew W. Wnldr-ss, Charles McDermit, Madison A. Martin, Emery Chamberlin, George Shu in way, \\' i Ilium W rich’, George Lawton, and Henry Steal/, Grretinp: You are summoned to answer the complaint of David Burl, \N illiam J. Evans and Alison Tay lor, partners under the name, style, and descrip tion of D. Burt &. Co., lilul ip tfie office of the County Clerk of Siskiyou county, to up action against you in the District Court of the eighth Judicial District, fog money owing to them on a certain due bill, whereby they claim the sum of twe thousand tine hundred and eighty dollars, and nineteen cents; said line hill signed by Shackleford A Co., and D. B. Wnldross, Jr., and dated 23 July, 1853, And take notice that un less you appear and answer the said complaint within ten days of tjie service hereof, exclusive of the day ot service, judgment by default wifi be rendered against yon, to the said sum of two thousand nine hundred and eight dollars and nineteen cents, together with the cos's of suit. Given under my hand and the seal of the said District Court at YTcka city, this twentieth day of July, A. D. 1853. an-2U A. (i. FERRIS, Clerk. [L. S.} SltlllO.YN. Q TATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF O Shasta, in the District Court tor the !>th Judicial District ol said State. Shasta County, Drury D. Hurrijl, Tub, Adni'n, plff, vs, J. F-An keny, deft. file People of the State of California to J, F. Ankeny, greeting : \\ liereas tin* above named plff. having filed in the Court aforesaid, his complaint against you for the recovery of the sum of twelve bundled dollars wit{i interest thereon from the 6th day of May, 1852, pt tjie rate of three per cent, per month, with costs anil monied disbursements. Also, praying for a decree of foreclosure of mort gage and order for sa|e of mortgaged premises by yon mortgage.*! to Josiab Hoop, late Tub, Adiu'r of said Comity. And said plff. having obtained from the Court aforesaid an order for publication of summons, these are therefore to require you to appear and answer said coin; plaint, witjiin three months from and after tho date of tjie first insertion hereof, to wit; July 16. 1853, or tfie plaintiff will take default against you and apply to the Court for tlie relief dr; mantled. Witness my hand aqd private seal, (no official seal) at office in Shasta, July 12, 1853. THUS. W, DAWSON. Clerk, jv23 3m District Court FOB HAI-K UR RUNT. Mon THE MOST REASONABLE term*, the Cottage House, situated nq tfie uortbreast side of tShasta City. Thu house is new. and is beautifully situated, conve nient to good wafer, For further particulars ap, ply to L. H. Barber or E. W, Meech, at the Bib Hard Saloon. Shasta City. May 3d. 1853. mv7 tf K. C. GILLETTE, ftyil Engineer. County Purveyor of Shas/n Comity, SURVEYS AND RECORDS THE ITEJ.D Notes of land claim*. Canals and flupiet laid out and graded, t’hins, estimates and spe? cifications drawn pp fpr bridges, aqueducts, dams and all kinds of structures. Office in County Clerk’s Office. piarDltf ■Mf, HUBBARD, S fornpr nnd Communion Merchant. A T THE LITER END OF MAIN STREET, -CY. at the sign of the” Globe Lamp." where will he found 20 or 30 good beds for lodgers a all hours of the night. Al*°. shower and tub baths at all hours of tjie (lay or night, hot or old. Also, miners le?it» always on hand, cheap. 1 here is also attached an asylum for the sick. Shasta City, April 9,1853. ” ap9tf