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4 SUPREME COURT DECISIONS. [Filed January 4, 1891.] Appeal from Snperlor Court, Contra Costa County—Joseph P. Jones, Judge. For appellant. W. S. Tinning. For respondent, Chase, chase & Miller. IN BANK. W. A. Xi ns wood, Respondent, 1 vs. INo. 13,894. A. J. Soto. Appellant. ) The respondent was elected Superintendent of Bonoou for Contra Costa County at the ? general election held in 1880. His term was our years, commencing 0:1 the final Monday oi rannary following. In due time he quali fied and entered upon the discharge of his duties, and has ever since continued to hold the office. At the time of his election, Contra Costa was a county ofthe seventeenth class, and the Couuty Government Act contained the fol lowing provision in regard to his salary: "Sea&raa 179. Ii- counties of the seven-' teenth class, tbe county officers shall receive bs compensation for the services required of them by law, or by virtue of their oiiice, the following salaries, to wit: * * * "11. The Superintendent of Schools, *>TLBOO pas* annum." iStats. ISS.">, p. 170.) In March, 1 889, Section 15520f thel'oliticul Code was amended so as to read as follows: "See. 1552. Kaeh County Superintendent shall receive his actual and necessary travel ing expanses, said expenses to be allowed by the Board of Supervisors, and to he paid out of the county general fund; provided, thai this amount shall not exceed ten dollars per district i>er annum. He shall aitao be allowed postage and expieasage, payable out of the county school fund, two dollars for each school district; provided, that ill incorporated cities each school containing three hundred pupils shall be considered equal to one school district." After tins amended section took effect the respondent incurred. In the performance of bis official duties as school Buperintendent in visiting schools in Ids county, actual and ne cessary traveling expenses to the amount of ST 0 75. For mis amouut he presented a claim to the Board of Supervisors, properly itemized and verified, for allowance. The claim was examined and allowed bythe board and a warrant was ordered drawn on the County Treasurer therefor. The appellant was ( ounty Auditor at the time, and as such refused to draw the warrant ordered, and thereupon this proceeding was commenced to compel him to do so. After a hearing the court below granted the prayer of the petition and ordered a peremptory writ of mandate to issue, commanding the appellant to forthwith draw his warrant in favor of the petitioner upon the County Treasurer for the amount allowed and ordered paid by the Board of Supervisors. From that order or judgment this appeal is prosecuted. The only contention ol appellant is that Sec tion 1,052, copra, is Inapplicable and unconsti tutional, so Car as the r< SpOßdent is concerned, it having been passed after he was elected to ofliee, because, in authorizing the payment of his necessary traveling expenses, it in effect in creases the compensation or salary allowed him at tlie time ol his election. The clause ofthe Constitution retted upon reads as follows: "The compensation Of any county, city, town or municipal officer shall not be increased after his election or during his term Of office." (Art. XL. Sec. 9.) The words "compensation*' and "salary" "Were evidently used synonymously in the Constitution and in the County Government Act. Thus in Art. V., Sec. 19. of the Constitu tion it la provided: "The Governor, Lieuten ant-Governor, Secretary of state, Controller, Treasurer, Attorn, y-i iencrai and Siir-.cyor- General shall, at stated times during their c< ntlnnance In office, receive tor their se^ Ices a compensation which shall not be Increased or diminished during the term for which they shall have been elected," etc. In Article IX, Section 2, it is provided: "A Superintendent ot Public instruction shall, at each guber natorial election after the adoption of this Const itulie-n,be elected by the qualilicd electors of the stale. He shall receive a salary equal to thai ot the Secretary of State." etc. "And In Article VI.. Section 17, this language is used: "The Justices ofthe Supreme Court and Judges of the Superior Court shall severally, at Stated times during their continuance In office, receive for their services acompensatJon which shall not be increased or diminished after their election, nor during the term for which they shall havo been elected. The .sal aries of the Justices of the Supreme Court. shall be paid by the State. One-half Of the sal ary Of each Superior Court Judge shall be paid by the state; the other half thereof shall 1 c 1 aid oy the county for which he is elected. During the term of the first Judges elected un der this Constitution, the annual salaries of the Justices ofthe supreme Court snail be six thousand dollars each." In the County <iov ernment Act the same language is used at the commencement of each BCctlOß, which fixes the compensation Of couniy officers. It is: "Tiie county officers shall receive as compensa tion for the services required of them by law, or by virtue of their office, the following sala ries." since the adoption of the; present Constitu tion many Acts have tx-eii pnnnod by the Legislature, after the commencement of "terms of office, providing for the payment of neces sary expenses incident to the offices. Among them tiie following may be noted: The Just ices of ihe Supreme Court and "the Judges of the Superior Court, who were first elected under the Constitution, entered unon the discharge of their duties as such on'the first Monday of January, 1880. In April fol lowing, an Act was passed to amend Part I. of the Code of civil Procedure and substituting a new Part 1., to take the place thereof. (See Am. to Codes. 1 sso. p. gj.j By Section 47 of this Act it was provided that the Supreme Court shall hold regular sessions at the Capital Of the State, at the city nnd county ol San Francisco and at the city of Los Angeles; and thai "The Justices and officers ot" the Supreme Court shall be allowed their actual traveling expenses In going to and from their respective places ot residence upon the business ofthe court, or to attend its session." By Section " 1 it is provided that a Judge of any Super ior Court may hold the Superior Court in any county, at the request of the Judge of thai county, "and. -upon tbe request ofthi Governor, it shall be his duty to do bo." And by Section 100 it is provided that "A Judge so holding a court, at the request of the Governor, shall be-allowed his actual expenses in going to. returning front and attending ui«ou the business of such court, which shall tie a charge against the treasury of the count v where such court is lield aud paid out of the general fund thereof." iiie constitutionality of these provisions has in ver been questioned, so Car as we are ad vised. In any court or elsewhere, and vet, if the theory ofthe appellant be true, they would seem to have Been subject to the same ob jections raised here, during the terms ofthe Justices and Judges wlio were in office at the time Ihe Act was passed. The question now presented for decision does not appear to have been ever passed upon by the supreme Court of tin's State, but a similar question was before the Supreme Court of Illinois in Briscoe vs. Clark County (96 111. 009). The Constitution of that State provid ed that the County Board should fix the compensation or all county officers, With the amount of their necessary-expenses, "provided that the compensation of no officer shall be increased or diminished during his f. nu ol office." Tiie Supreme Court held that it was the salary of the county officer—the compensation for the personal discharge of official duty—which the board was forhiuden to change. The compensation or salary was to be lixed in advance, but the expenses were ; _ . 1 The Cod j fi That Hotps to Cure The CoSd.l , The disagreeable \ 'taste ofthe GQD LBVER OIL is dissipated in • I*9^ Via? £a Sa W EIIPP @^^EI | Of Pure Cod Liver Oil with ) HYPOPHOSPHITES ( of :li:m:e- soda, j The patient suffering from 1 CONSUMPTION, t B-Fttr-iCHi-TiK, ctiitH, co:.n, on j WASTIXG DISEASES, Baa* take tho 1 J remedy with as much satisfaction ng ho 1 j would tako milk. Physicians are prescrlb- i j lug it everywhere. It is at perfect euiuUion. ) j and a wonderful flesh producer. TakenooUier 1 -.--•-•\--gE*-*»-*t**^^^ • al eP O A»* c;" ar^-A »*»^« <-*>° <P 1 K_n__tf. as*.VSsl<s- 1 I o s"l^o^(AT A * 'WW r 31 V 1 *a^*. V ,* f,« <>*• <s.\ctp •, *JT <t 1 i 4stt*?3^!ta3p l^> s^v^y#»»° f gj SACKAMifaJSTO DAILY KECOreP-tTOTOy, :THITRSI>AIr, JANUARY 22, 1891.—SIX PAGES. to lie determined by the necessity which the business of the office should develop, and basing so. the allowance- for expenses could be Increased. I:i (Hir opinion, it was the compensation for services to be rendered, and not the incidental expenses ofthe office, that the Legislature was forbidden by Section y of Article XI. of the Constitution to raise. We therefore advise that the judgment ap 1. aled from he affirmed. We concur: Belcher, C. C. Foots, C. Gifwox, C. THE COURT. For the reasons given In the foregoing opin ion, the jodginentappealed trom is affirmed. Filed. Jr.nnary 12,1891. Appeal from Buperior Co-art, Santa Barbara County—R. M. Diflard, Judge. For appellant, Putnam i-c Nichols. For respondent, 15. F. Thomas, W. P. Butcher. DEPARTMENT ONE. Petti x<; k k. i tespondeiit,') vs. VNo. 10,735. Fast, Appellant. \ Action to recover the sum of 81,950. al leged tobe due plaint ill". Bar the balance of the purchase price of load conveyed by plaintiff to defendant. The court below gave plaintiff judgment for that sum, and also denied defendant's motion (bra new trial, and the defendant appeals from such judgment and order. The facts an found show, that on November 17, 18SG, plaintiff executed to appellant a deed of his t'ai-m. the appellant (agreeing In writing to pay therefor the sum of $4,000, and to give one-half of all, in excess of that BtLrn, which -ihe farm can bu Bold for Within i wo year-." such additional sum "to be also a part of the purchase price, when so sold (bra larger sum." It Is also found that on Sop. temhi-r 1, 1887, "appellant entered into an agreement in writing with one Kd. Culbert, whereby he sold to said Culbert the said par cels of land for the sum of $8,000." The principal question to be determined on this appeal is whether the Undine of the court in relation to The sale of the land is justified hy tlie evidence. It was shown upon the trial thai on September l, 1.--S7. the appellant and one Culbert entered Into an agreement in writing by .which the appellant "promises and agree! to (Kill and convey unto the party of ihe second pari it'ulbert) anil to make and execute and deliver lo him a died" of the land purchased by appellant from the plaintiff in this action. tlie said Cul bert "io have and to bold all and singular said premises, together with all the tenements, heredltatnenta and appurtenances thereunto belonging * * * except that por tion of the timber thereon,hereinafter men tioned and reserved unto the party of flu- first part." The agreement farther recited that the appellant was to have all the timber on said land, "except that on the southern line on the mesa, adjoining the Rlncon Rancho, and on the east end of said mesa." Itls clear that under appellant's agreement with respondent an actual state of the farm Within the time limited was not indispensabiy lii eessary in order to establish as a fact, the price for Which It could have been sold, and thus fix the liability of appellant thereunder. The appellant would not have been at liberty to reject any bona flile offer of purchase for a sum exceeding §5,000 without the consent of the respondent. But the complaint .alleges an actual sale to Culbert for the sum Of $8,000, and the Court so finds, and it is therefore necessary to consider whether such fact was established upon the trial. The appellant insists that there was no sale to Culbert at all, but only an agreement to sell. But WC arc Of opinion that such contention cannot be sustained. In the ease of Baton vs. Kiciicri, (S:t Cal. 185), the plaintiff therein was to wait for any balance that might be due him until certain mining property was sold and ah executory con tract for the sate <>f the mine was made, and the court held that the plaintiff could recover, saving: "The word ••■lid'does not mccssarily and in all connec tions mean that a conveyance must be made, or that the title must pass." The fact that no money was received by ap pellant on the contract is immaterial. The transaction none the less a sale, and by it the equitable title of the property sold passed to Culbert. But in one respect the evidence does not sustain the finding of the court as to tiiis sale. The written agreement of sale con tained a reservation of standing timber, and, we think, notwithstanding some confusion in the e\ idence, that the real transaction be!wet n appellant and Culbert was a sale of the farm for the sum of 80,000, and the appellant re serving the growing timber thereon as speci fied In the contract Ol sale. The fact that this timber may have been estimated by both a]> pellant and < inlbert as ofthe value of 82,000, or that appellant's price for the land with tim ber standing was 88,000. and with a reserva tion of such timber "HJ.OOO, cannot change the terms of'the actual sale, as made to appear by the written contract of sale. By that contract, as we have said, the farm was sold for the sum of SO.OOO, the appellant reserving as an In terest iiierem the standing timber referred to, and proof 01' such a contract is at variance with the contract alleged In the complaint aad found by the court, and the finding that the farm was Bold for the sum of $8,000 is not sustained by tlie evidence. Undoubtedly the respondent's right to re cover on his contract IS not limited to the sum agreed to be paid by Culbert, but if he seeks to recover more it must be upon a complaint which shows the bets as they really exist. It is clear that upon the execution of tbecon tract of sale appellant disabled himself from thereafter accepting any bona fide oiler for the form,aad the respondent became entitled to recover, not only upon Hie basis of the price agreed to be paid oy Colbert, but in addition thereto one-half of the market, value of the standing timber reserved, or. at his option, one-half of the net sum for wliicli such timber may have been sold by appellant. Judgment aud order reversed. De Have*-, J. We concur: Paterson, J. Cakoutte, J. [Filed January 17,1891.] IN BANK. The People ex kel. Laise,"! Respondents,^ No. 14,070. G. G. Tykbell, Appellant. J On November 17. ISS4, during a recess of the Legislature, a vacancy existed in the mem bership of the state Board of Health, and on that day the appellant, Tyrrell, was appointed a member of said board, and in the commis sion Issued to him by the <4overnor it was re cited that lie was thereby appointed "a mem ber of the State Board of Health, vice F. W. Hatch, deceased,/or the term expiring January IK 188 S. Appellant duly qualified as such Officer November 111, IKB I,nnd since that date has continued to discharge the duties of said office-. Cpon January 20. 1885, the Legislature be ing in session, the Governor transmitted to the Senate a message informing that body of appellant's said appointment, on November 1 7, 1884, "far the term vf four yean, vice F. \i'. Hatch, deceased," and the Senate was re quested to consent thereto. The Senate took action upon said message, and fhe question, "will the Senate advise and consent to the ap^ DOintment of G. Q. Tyrrell of Sacramento as a member of the State Board of Health for the term of four years, vice F. W. Hatch de ceased?" was decided in the affirmative. The Governor did not thereafter issue to appellant any commission for said office, nor has he since such action of" the Senate taken any oath of office as a member of said Board. On .March is. I ssl), during a recess of the Legislature, the Governor appointed the re lator. Lv "me. to the said office of member of the state Board of Health, and upon that day he duly qualified as such. The- judgment of the court below was in .'a vor Ol the relator, and ousting the appellant from said office. From this judgment and an order denying his motion for anew trial the del. ndant, Tyrrell, appeals. We think the commission issued by the Governor to appellant on November 17 1964, must be held to have legal effect! simply as an appointment toT.ll the vacancy then existing, until the adjournment of the next session of the Legislature, as tbe Gov ernor was not authorized to make an appoint ment lor any longer lime than during the recess ofthe Legislature. (Pol. Code, Section 1000.. Upon the issuance of this commission the ! appointment to till such vacancy temporarily was complete, ami needed no action of the Senate to confirm, it (People vs. Cbzneau 20 cal. 504). And we think that under this com mission tlie appellant was vested with the right to hold said office until tlie appointment andqauilfieation of a antecessor, in the mode provided by law. Section 879 of the Political Code declares: "Every officer must continue to discbarge the duties of his office, although his term has expired, until his successor liiis qualified," and Section 1000 of tiie Political Code- doe- not create an exception to this rule. In the case of officers temporarily ai> pototedby the Governor. Tne language Tot that section, "but the person so appointed can only hold tiie office until the adjournment of tlie next session of the Legislature" simply means when construed with Section s7i'. as it must be. that the term of such ap pointed officer shall expire upon the aniourn in-nt of the next session of tin- Legislature, .1 id his successor may take his place; but if n> successor has been appointed, then the v ry condition of affairs intended to be pro vided flwby section 879 has arisen and that s -ctinn applies. It la the nettled law of this state that the m -re expiration of tbe term of tlie incumbent M an office does not create a vacanev therein such as the Governor alone ts authorized to fill by the appoinmeut of a Successor, ipi-ople vs. Tilton, 37 Cal. 014; People vs. BisselL49 Cal. 407.) It would follow from this that the appoint ment of the relator during a recess of the Legislature was invalid, unless, under Section "'•.■ as of the Political code, a vacanev was created by tbe failure of the appellant to take and file his official oath arter the confirmation of the Senate. The obligation to take and file such oath did not arise unless the message of the Governor announcing the appointment of appellant during the recess, und the action of the Senate advising and consenting to the same, runs, i; uted an appointment of appellant as his own. successor. But even construing these acta M the Governor and Senate as a nomination and confirmation of appellant as his own successor (and whether tliev can be so construed we do not determine;, such appoint ment was not completed, ao commission havinp- Ixx-n subsequently issued to theap pellttnl. In the matter of an executive ap pointment, with the consent ofthe Senate, the issuance of a commission is not a mere minis terial act, but isa part of the aci oat appoint ment. If is this act which completes the ap pointment, as well as perpetuates the evidence of it. (People vs. Murray, 70 N. Y. 5260 And this is also the doctrine of the case of Conger vs. Gilmer 182 Cul., 7(i). It follows mat the court below cired in ren dering judgment for the relator upon the find ings. Judgment and order reversed. DkHaven, J. v. c concur. SIIAUI-sl-El^, J. Hl-ATTY, «'. .1. Harriso*, J. Oajnm ."TTS..I. ■ McF.VKL.viti), J. [Filed January 12,1891.] IN BANK. Benson, Respondent, ") vs. -No. 12,(,G1. Suotwell, Appellant.) 11V THE COUIIT. January 10. 1891. After a careful reconsideration of this case we are satisfied that, although the tacts have beam stated too strongly against the respond ent with respect to the first point discussed in i lv- leading-opinion heretofore Sled, the de cision is nevertheless correct and fully sus tained upon the -round staled ami relied upon in the oonctnruig opinion of Mr. .hi- Ice Works. For this reason respondent's petition for a rehearing is denied. " 3 _<^ TSa HSlit^l^SgiiflsV9 Iwiii^ljyiitll pa -■ WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS: A PROMINENT NEW YORK PHY SICIAN GIVES THIS ADVICE FOR THE CURE OF MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM: " Be regular in your habits, oat and drink only what you need. If the intestinal action is sluggish take a course of cathartics or some form of diuretic water to carry off the wastes of the body through the kidneys. Have the painful muscles rubbed thoroughly, frequently and fervently, using some soothing lo tion. I like POND'S EXTRACT for such conditions, and it will promptly take out the soreness." WHAT THE PATIENT SAYS: " My wife has been afflicted with the rheumartism for the past fivo wesks, and aftor uslnj every known liniment, your POND'S EXTRACT camo and wo ro. jolco to say it is helping her very much." —R. 0. FISHER, Indianapolis, Ind. REFUSE SUBSTITUTESf^^j BE SURE THAT BOTTLE |i|2f| with BUFFWRAPPERiII|y LOOKS LiKETH!S^^,^^a POND'S aOCTTWCTGOMHW.^h^'c^ - p *tFT*M r-/r v::vyorh. ssu!_L J& HUSVBPHREYS' Dk. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years in private practice with success.and forover thirty years used by the people. Every slnglo Spe cific is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugqtns;, purjf- Ins or reducing the system, and are lii fact and deed the sovereign remedies of tlacWurld. LIST OF PRINCIPAX. NOS. Ct-BES. PIUCEB. t Fevers, Congestion, inflammation... .5Q S Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Collo.. .50 3 Cryruar Colic,orTeethlngof Infants .SO 4 Dinrrhen, of Children or Adults ."SO 5 Dys-entery, Griping, Bilious Colic SO 0 Cholera 1U or I: us, Vomiting 50 7 Coughs, Cold- lironchftfs 50 8 Nenr-ilgin, Tootliaehe,Faeeache .50 9 IJoßdaehen, SiclcUeadacho, Vertigo .50 1»» dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach 50 11 t-inpbressed or Poinl'ul Periods. .50 19 Whites, too Profuse Periods Sl 13 Croup, Cough, Dlfacult Breathing 50 14 Salt itfacnm, Erysipelas, Eruptions. .50 15 Rbeuinatinm, Hheumatlc Palii3 50 16 Fever and Ague, Chilli!, Midaria 50 17 Piles, Blind or Bleeding .. .50 19 Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head .50 U0 Wa«a>-*4ng Cough. Violent Coughs. .50 '21 ajejicral Oel.llity.FnyGiealWeakncss .50 »7 Kidney Diseayp 50 iiS Nervous Debility 1.00 s*o 1 rinary Weakness. Wetting Bed. .50 32 Diseases of thcileart,Palpitatton 1.00 Sold by Bruggtsts. or sent po3tpatd on receipt of price. Dn. Humphreys' Manual, flit pages) richly bound In cloth and gold, matled free. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Cor. William and Johc Streets, New York. | S P E G i F ICSj! IliiGiii^LLsl H ACT LIKE MAGIC ',] Soma weak stoiagh.l I 25 Cents a Box. | 1 OF ALL DRUCCISTS. jf THE COBiIATED FRENCH CORE, WS^ '"APHRODITINE" Sg jjF J&TBf '*L"ARAXTEE Jtw^^ <LJ '---Cl^v^ji ' I'l^-iins ot yw 'JmJfflPF™ Ercpni- - fit her sex," * p__?-r_-n EFOfiE whether uris- AFTER liii, ••' m Jneeseesßlveuse of Btimultunt**,To bacco i>;- Opium, or through youthful indis civtion, over Indulgence, etc., sua-h as Loss of llmin Power, Wakefulness, Hearing Powrn Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness. Hyste rias. Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, iA'iiporrlioeu,. Dlzxiaess, Weak Memory, l.c-- oi Power and Ininotencyywhich if nez!- ct ed often l<-ad to premature old age and insanity. Price. Sl a box. six boxes for S5. Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WHITTKX ('IAIiAYTEE for every §.» order to refund t he money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimo nials from old and young, of both sexes, per manently cured by Aphiwditine. Circular tree. Address THE AVIUM) MKDKINT. CO. \\ cstcrn branch, 22 Sansomestreet. San I-raiactsco. Cal. Sold by R. J. Van Voorbies, SOO J street. Sacramento. Ja2o-:tinTTSA:w CAST M & OVER Ti 4-^ a ___ B^_^|a|^^l-KOPLK -=-ii-. for free iilnstna R ~JS M -B W ia«r-" n''ri'X'» l .r.iJi.---;c^.i^i^ti,! BL_™TH {] _V_W I .__[ ryiijr^ fl'.uia. .exicoci fa*CO M I \_^% |1 -_\ n--1:,--el>-; \i^: .. 1 B_t,__^____J__^____J^ L ll\{J^_l^ y-iorrr-: '^% ' tammla compUia! r7^^^^^^^^^^"^^~**l» coultdentiAl book ix.z on IC p."? *hy tt00 *I"** «»^ -t pit coral ol ipociAl priv* ■ cbroo^c A-^ft. cy«. iux lucw ncmlnal -iai M , loj, | «lect, .jpbiUii. »«r.»toj»l luwj, re«lu of »tm«>. »U? To' ".^.^^ ,or ■--"-«>■. hMf>;no», u r 111. . d «**» f. tgg-art Wjmderful &3Bi ihvigorato II 5? ??■ A''''*^*. OH. UEBIG6. CO. 40.' Oc Fg| Cc *TCtfi-Nfi RLES ABSOLUTELY CU-iES OHi I f\!i ENT wkEt y.SL^££?a**_W fana o"<J P">tr«dc, a-c-aMTeat-actamn. -L* jwu Dn&n kiiix _$lt&ccXlani?a-roo. The Baby's Health often gives fond parents very great anxiety and care. S. S. S., Is the popular remedy for chil dren. It Is safe, palatable and does the work. David Zartman, of In dependence, 0., says: "S. 3. S. CURED MY BABY OF THE WORST CASE OF CATARRH I EVER SAW A CHILD WITH. THE NASAL DISCHARGE WAS VERY LARGE AND OFFENSIVE, S. S. 9- MADE A PERMA NENT CURE." Boolts on Blood and Skin diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA- Ileal ©state, (&U. HOW TO IKE A DOLLAR Go a Long Way. I'nrchnse at farm, l-also all your own produce, trade it for groceries and what you need. In a few years, if you are industrious, you will have ;i valu able _____ and he independent, while the clerk will he tn__g_Q*g along in tin. same easy maimer, harely making a living for his limiily. EdwinK. Alsip&Co., THE OLDEST AND LEADING Real Estate Agents OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA, NO. 1015 FOURTH STREET, SACRAMENTO. Houses Rented, Money to Loan, Insurance Placed, Cata loues Issued Monthly. We offer an opportunity to purchase a farm for a small payment, and on terms that you can pay for It out of the earnings. For S5OO cash—A tract of 37 acres, seven miles southeast of Sacramento; deferred payment* in annual installments of tf-JoO, with seven per cent, interest. Full price or land, **45 pt-raem No improvements. For $2,750— Five acres adjoining Oak Park, ten minutes' walk from terminus of electric railway; lias a small house and barn, _!i acrea In alfalfa. 2 acres in fruit trees; will sell for >SOO cash payment, balance on easy ternis. This i.s a nic-e place for anyone wish ing a home near the city. ti. ■ A wise man profits by experience. So does the man who selects a good farm in preference to working for wages. For—Eighty acres near Loomis. in Pla cer county; has several acres in vlnevard; can all be irrigated. Terms—sl,ooo cash, balance in ten annual payments, with Inter est at seven per cent. For Sl 3,000—A splendid fruit ranch of 80 acrear- 40 acres in choice fruit and table ttrapes; small dwcllim; and barn; ;l' a miles from tlie city, on Frail Ridge. The cheapest ami best fruit farm in the vicinity of Sacra mento. A good understanding is the foundation of knowledge. A wise man is therefore known by his selection. If you are not capable of so doing, call on EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO. They willfput you on the right "Tract." THE ELECTRIC RAILWAY WILL BRING ALL PROPERTY ADJOlN intrits terminus from 15 to _0 minutes nearer the business center of our city. I have 2, S and 10-aere Tracts Of very Rich Lund, located five to ten blocks distant from this line, wliicli I will sell for CASH or in INSTALLMENT;-;. The prices will remain as at present for 30 days. If you contemplate buying It Will Pay You to See Me. M. j. dilLman, At Bell Conservatory, Tenth and V streets. «S-At office of Flint & Thompson. 305 J Street, from 11 to 1 o'clock. Residence, 14'_0 0 street. frlfrtt W. P. COLEMAN, Real Estate Salesroom, 325 J st. l\A C_n(\ WILL BUY IGO ACRES TWO 'iii.t/Ov miles from Elk Grove. Good fruit and Rrain land. COS QO 7AA ICO ACRES IN EL DORADO QH_* i UU. county, two miles from railroad station; small vineyard and orchard; -rood house and barn; " 00 acres fenced. 653 QA ACRES. NEAR LINCOLN, PLACER O\J county, 535 per acre; good land. <i_7 -*y__A 20 ACRES, NEAR NEWCASTLE; VIUV. good fruit land. _____ IS A BAR GAIN; must be sold. MONEY TO LOAN. P. BOHL. E. A. CROUCH. MILLS & HAWK, Real Estate Dealers, ."JOl J street, Cor. Third, Sacramento. 1 Q(\ ACRE RANCH FOR SALE. ONLY IOU tive miles from Sacramento; all fenced; oranges growing on the place; all the land till able; eight-room dwelling, barns, etc.: wind mills, tanks, etc.; a splendid place, and so near tho city that it is quite desirable; it is for Immediate sale; one-half can remain on mort gage. COME AND SEE US. Agency Union Insurance Company. LAWTON, BARNETT & CoT REAL ESTATE, Insurance, Loans Tfegotiated, Houses io Rent, Collections. 4Q_ .7 street, Sacramento, Cal. BIDS FOR .»•■ ' ■ Bids will be received and opened WEDNESDAY, February 4, 1801, at 2 P. It, by the Board of Supervisors, for the following supplies for the County Hospital for three months, commencing February 4, 1801: MEAT, BREAD AXD GROCERIES. THOS. JENKINS, ja2o-iot Chirman Hospital Committee MMER'S "GLYGEROLE ff IB For Coughs 3-r-i<_i Colds. A SPEEDY AND RELIABLE CURE. Fourth and X streets and all Sacramento druggists. Jal3-0m _s*-*t-*lo unb l&estauremtsr. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL, Corner Seventh nnd X streets. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. FREE 'RUS TO and from the cars. W. O. BOWERS, Proprietor. CAPITAL HOTEL, Corner Seventh aud X streets, Sacramento. QTRIOTLY FIRNT-CLAB3. FREE 'RUS j_) found from the Cars. 15. 11. BROWN, lor merly of the Stato Hoaae Hotel, Proprietor. ,!^te^^i_^^^ If WESTERN HOTEL, rpilF, LEADING HOUSE OF SACRA- L mento, CaL Meals, _5 cent.-?. V.'.M. LAND, Proprietor. Free 'Biw to and from hotel. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL IjIOUKTH ANI) X STREETS, THK i"'HE \F -1 est and best hotel In the city. Mettle, 23 cents; Rooms, 23 and 50 cents; Hoard, is I per week; Hoard ami Lodging, SJJQ per month. n_C-tf W. A. CASW_KU^ Proprietor. THE SADDLE ROCK Restaurant and Oyster House. ITU RFT-C LASS HOUSE IN EVERY RE- ! JD spect. Ladies'uininij-i-ooni separate. Open day unci night. BUCKMANN &. CAKKI GHER, Proprietors. No. 1019 Second street, between J and X, .Sacramento. F»ACIEIC~ HOTEL, Corner X aud _____ sts., Sacramento. pENTRALLY LOCATED, AND CONVE \j nient to nil places of amusement. The best family Hotel in the city. The tabic always supplied with the best the market affords. Street Cars from the depot pass the door every five minutes. .Meals. _5 cents. C. F. SINGLETON, Proprietor. ST. DAVID'S, 715 Howard Street, near Third, San Francisco, 4 FIRST-CLASS LODGING HOTEL, CON- J_\_ taining _00 rooms; water and gas in cueh room; no better beds in the world; no (.-nest allowed to use the linen once used by an other; a large reading room; hot and cold water baths free. Price of Rooms—Per night, 50 and 75 cents; jxt week, from S2 upwards. Open all night. R. HUGHES, Proprietor. *t£--At .Market-street Ferry take Omnibus Line of street cars for Third and Howard. TTS j COMPOUND [ gSulphur Powder! 1 1 THE Most Perfect Laxative and Cathartic KNOWN! Will Give Instant Relief and Effect Perma nent Cures in Cases of HABITUAL CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, PILES, BILIOUSNESS, DISEASED LIVER, SCIATICA, RHEUMATISM, GRAVEL, ETC,, ETC. Tlie Greatest Blood Purifier OK THE AGE. Pleasantest to tho Tasto! Wonderful in Its Results! PUT UP ONLY BY THE W. H. BONE CO., 12 Bush street, San Francisco. KIRK, GEARY _. CO., Sole Agents. Rtc.a mento. jalG-tf TRUSTEES* SALE OF REAL ESTATE. VirHEREAS, OLIVER E. HOTCHKISS VV made & certain deed of trust to W. P. Coleman and F. R. Dray, elated December 12, lSh9,and recorded on the 13 th da vol' De cember, 1889, in Rook Number 131 of Trust Deeds, at page 305 and following, records of the County of Sacramento, Stat" of California. the said trust deed conveying tlie ival prop erty hereinafter described, lor" the purpose of secLiring the payment of a certain promissory note of even date therewith, made by Oliver E. Hotchkiss; and whereas default has been made in the payment of the principal nnd in terest of said note, now. therefore, by the au thority vested in them by said trust deed, and upon application of the owner and holder of said note, the undersigned, as such Trustees will, on MONDAY, the 9th day of February. 1891, between the hours of lo and 11 o'clock A. __, in front of the Court-house door, in tlie City of Sacramento, County of Sacramento, State of California, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, in United States gold coin, all the said real property, situate in the County of Sacramento, state of California, and described as follows, to wit: Aliof sections twenty-two (23) and twenty-seven (:J7) in Township Eight fS). north of Range Seven (7i east. Mount Diablo base and meridian, lying north of that part of the Omoehumnes or Sheldon Grant, known as Upper Daylor Estate, excepting 1 herefrom the west hulf of the northwest quarter of said section twenty-two (22). and contain ing five hundred and forty-three Js4.'!i acres, more or less; also, all water rights and water ditches and privileges now or hereafter in any way appertaining to, or used, or con nected with said lands, together with all the improvements and appurtenances belonging to said land. Sacramento, January 14,1891. F. R. DRAY, Trustee. Jals-TTS3w W. P. COLEMAN, Trustee^ SHERWOOD HALL NURSERIES Timothy Hop_ins, MENLO PARK, SAN MATEO COUNTY, CAL Carnations, Itoses, Chrysanthemums and Cnt Flowers. 43- SWEET PEA SEED A SPECI ALTYVS3. ' SPECIALTY FOR THIS WEEK: Quaker Drops! SIO X STREET. jao-tf ganktna $o*l*o*. NATIONAL BANK OF I). 0. MILLS _ CO, Sacramento, CaL—Founded, 1850. Saturday Hours 10 A. 8. to 11\ v. Directors and Shareholders: D. O. MILLS l,r>;-s Shares EDGAR MILLS, President LSI}-" Sluues S. PRENTISS SM ITH, Vicc-Pres. 250 Shares FRANK MILLER, Cashier 301 Shares C. F. DILLMAN. Asst. Cashier... 125 Shares Other persons own 1,1 SiS Shares Capital and Sui-plns, 9600,000. «*- Chrome Steel Safe Deposit Vault and Time Lock. FARMERS" AND MECHANICS' SAYINGS BANK Southwest Corner Fourth and J streets, Sacramento, Cal. Guaranteed Capital 5f.100.000 LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTATE. IX terest paid semi-annually on Term and Ordinary Deposits. B. U. STEINMAN President EDWINK. ALSIP Vice-President D. D. WHITBECK Cashier C. H. CUMMINGS Secretary .1 AMES M. STEVENSON Surveyor DIRECTORS: B. U. BT__K___W, Euvix K. Ai_;rr, C. H. Cummixos, W. E. _______ Sor.. Runyon, Jamks McN______ Stevenson. CALIFORNLiSI'ATE BANIT And Safe Deposit Vaults, SACRAMENTO, CAL. Draws Drafts on Principal Cities of the World. Saturday Hours, 10 A. M. to i P. AI. oi-l'rcEr_s: » President N. D. RIDEOUT Vice-President FBED'K COX Ca_hit*_ A. ABBOTT Aa.sistant Casliier W. E. GEEBEB EIK_CTOK.S: C. W. Cr.AiiKK, .Io«. Stiffens, Gko. C. Peukixs. FhkdTk Cox, N. I). Ridkout, j. R. V/atsox, _^V. I-:. Oebukii. PEOPLE'S SAVINGS BANK^ Sacranaonto City California pAPITAL STOCK PAID UP, SSSS.SOO* \__J Reserve aud Surplus, So-1.V5." •id. Term and Oi-dli-ary Deposits received. Dividends paid sentl-anntially. Sfoney loaned on Beat Bstate only. WM. BECKMAN, President. Gt'.o. W. Lior.EX z, Casi dor. _A<i_____m bank: milE OLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN THE JL city, corner of Fifth and J streets, Sacra mento. Guaranteed capital, $500,OOO; paid np capital, yoWl OO in, $800,000: loans on real estate In California, July 1,1890,aJ5,595,4'12; tenia and ordinary deposits, July 1. I^tlO. 82,_0_,894. Term ana ordinary dcpoßlts re ceived. DivicU-iuls paid In January and Money loaned upon real estate only. Tho limic doc;- exclusively a savings bank l.usi ness. Information furnished upon applica tion to W. P. COLKMAN, President. _iX}^. it. Hamii.ti'ix, Cashier. (lldß^mWiW NATIONAL B__^ 32S Pine street, Sau Francisco. taid-up cahtal, ji ,000,000. surplus, $250,000. DIBECTOES: CHARLES CROCKEII E. H. MILLER. JR. R. C. WOOLWORTH President W.E. BROWN Vice-President W. 11. CROCKER Cashier §tCCtrO, 3.TVo_iUCl'*, (Btc. CULTIVATED WHITE WILD OATS And ALFALFA SEED in lots to suit. W. H. WOOD & CO., WHOLESALE PRODUCE, Nos. 117 to 125 J Street. Sacramento. S. GERSON _&T~CO7 —WHOLESALE— Fruit, Produce and Commission Mereknts, SACRA^IENTO, CAL. P. O. Box 170. CURTIS BROS. & CO~ GESEEAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Fruit and Produce, SOS, 310, 313 X St., Sacramento. Telephone 37. Postoffice Box 335. W. R~ STRONGC6.7 Wholesale Fruit and Produce Dealers, SACILAMENTO. CAL. L .EUGENE J. GKEGOKY. FK.VXK GREGORY. GREGORY BROS. CO., SUCCESSORS TO GREGORY, BARNES & CO., Nos. I_(> and l:.»s J st.. Sacramento, wholesale dealers in Produce and Fruit. Full stocks ot" Potatoes, Vegetables, Green and Dried Fruits, Beans, Alfalfa. Butter, Ejrs-s, Cheese, Poultry. Etc., always on hand. Orders filled at LOWkST RATES. THE PARKER HMLIRLESS SHOTGUN A T THE ANNUAL TOT*RNAMFNT OF jc\_ ISS'.i. held at Cannes, France, tlie i-rar.d prize, consist! ug of:.'.ooo francsand a valua ble amp, was won will: ihe Parker Hammer lr--s. The tirst Parker Hammerless gun made won the championsliip of America at Decatur, 111. Send for Illustrated circular. PARKER BROS., Makers, MERIDEN, CT. New York Salesroom, 07 Chambers St. "NO HUMBUG," S CENTS "Spanish Blossom." IO Cents. THE BEST 5 AND 10-CENT CIGAR EVER PLACED ON THE MARKET. A. HERTZEL,, Dealer in Cigars nnd Tobacco, No. 82GK street HENRY ECKHARDT, GUNSMiTII, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN < Jung, Rifles. Re-vol vers. Ammunition and Sporting Goods. All the leading makes of Guns and Rifles ut popular prices—Parker, Lefever. Colts, Smith. Ithaca, new Batter and new make Guns. First-class (jun and Rifle Work. Send for price-list of Guns. No. £23 K_Street, Sacramento. Cal. CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Thomas Harridan, di.ceased, r.ow jK-ndiii" in the Probate Court, no final arcouut ever been made nor no final settlement as vet MARGRET HARRIGAN, cs-xutrix and'ad minlstratri_. Jaa-lta gn*ixtß»9 (Lav^c. ARCHITECTS. ND. GOODELL AND F. H. SCITABDIN . have associated themselves togelhur a-. Architects and Builders, Office. Pioneer Hall, Seventh street, betwec.i J: nd X, Sacramento, Cal. Consultation and »•**..uates made free ot charge. ~MRS7__AKION STIRLING. 3f. D.. LATE. LADY PRINCIPAL OF DUFEEBTN Medical College for Women,and Superin tendent of Women's Hospitals ami Dispen saries in Northern British India. Diseases ot women and children a specialty. OFFICE— Room 7, Odd Fellows' Temple H. F. KOOT. ALEX. KKIISOST. J. DRISCOL. ROOT. NEILSON & CO.. TTNION FOUNDRY— [RON AND BRASS l_; Founders and Machinists, Front street, bet ween N and O. C.istin-js and machinery oi every description made to order. gLttarri-**j 0 - at-gam. ~GH___LESH. OATMAIf, * TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Jr\ Ofliee—<l_o J street, Sacramento, Cai. Notary Public. A. L. HABT, a ITOBNEY-AT-LAW—OFFICE: SOOTH __. west corner Flflh and J streets, ltooitis 12,13 and 14, Bntter BnUdtng. __ J^ THOMAS W. HUMPHSEY. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. southwest, corner So. -eul'ri and J streot.i; NoiM-y Public. Collections. Sacrameuto. Cal. genttoivy- F. ?. TEBB2TS. DENTIST, 914 SIXTH BT_dßa___^ between I and J, west •Li'ic.'J?s3^w_fik opposite O^ngregationa 1 Chnrclu^*l-Lu__.^P DrTw. C. ETEITH, DENTIST. LINDLEY BUILD- ing. soutlu-a.'.; corner Se • - |^s?v;e>__!» cnti: auil ,f tlreets, Sacramonio.jn*Brt____S__ Cai.__ u-u>is2' C. H. STEPHENSON^- DENTIST. CORNER SEV-__?_3_l_3*t"» enthand .1 ;- : -.-.t.s, o\cr l*-{fsa_l?s&fo on'a Dry Goods store. DENTIST -^ F^^ ____s^^^y___iy st s At-1 J. F^AKE CiARK. UNDERTAKING PARLORS, 1017 as!) lOIG Fcunii strsct, Sacraarsic. EMBALMING A S!'l-::'l.\ LTY.—UJ-MIP.CE H.CLARK. Funeral Diroct-i.-auui t'ouaty i'orotic:-. Telephone No. \:;._. REEVES & LOS 6; Uadcrtakers, No. 000 .1 Strct-'t. KEEP ON HAND EVE_t_TKINO IN TH*_ Undertaking line. AI"o. Agents for tin* Indestructible Burial Cm _et«(-jßtiriccfec„i-_ii» orders from cil.v or court try attended to pi ,:! hours. No Ice used. Embalmingn upcclahy. W. J. KAVANAUGH, Undertaker. No. 513 .Tst., hot. Fifth and Sixth. ALWAYS ON II AND A LARGE ASSOKT mcr.t of Metallic and Wooden Caskets. Burial Cases, Coffins and Shrouds raniished. Collin orders will receive prompt attention on short notice and at the lowest rates. O'Qco open day and night. Finest Lunch House in the City, CAPITAL ALE VAULTS, NAGELE & svensson. Proprietors. Lunch from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Clam Chowder and Mussel Soup every evening from G to 12 o'clock. Finest brands of Wines, Liquors antl Cigars. CONCORDIA BEER HALL, No. 1021 Fourth street. HAVING MADE EXTENSIVE IMPROVE naents the public are now cordial!-, in \ Ited to a first-class resort. Sandwiches of .--'1 kinds. Buffitlo Beer on draught and In bot tles. The finest Wines, Liquors and CiaKirs on hand. 11. gQHNE, Proprietor. EBNER BROS., 110-1 IS Iv Street, Front and Second, Saei-iiineiito, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL ers in Wines and Liqnors. Agents for tlio celebrated I'nmmery and Greno Chauapaguas. M. CRONAN, _ 230 X St., and 1108-IHO Third St., Sacramento, Cal., IMPORTED AND WHOLESALE DEALER in Fine Whiskies, Brandies and Cham pagne. JAMES WOODBURN, No. 417 X Street. Sacramento, CaL. TMFORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER L In fine Whiskies, Brandies, Wines and Liquors. Thanking my old friends and pa trons for their former patronage. I solicit a continuance ol the same. All orders will bo promptly and carefuily rilled. |^ai^rl-la^ «_Dime ©able, SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. PACIFIC SYSTEM. Jetr-tLtciry 19, 189.x. Trains Leave and aro dufc to Arrive ai Sacramento. LEAVE j TRAINS BUS DAILY. |..RRIf2 6:15 A! Coiistoga and N&pa 11:40 A 3:05 PI Cali»io»a and Nana 8:40 P 1_:50 A ...Ashkiiul and Portland... aiss A 4:30 P Deming. E: Patso and East 7:00 P 7:_o P KnightslxtntUng 7:10 A 10:50 A Los Angeles ! e:.i a lOgden and Eari— Second 12:05 P! Class I _*__ A Central Atlantic E_T»reSS 11:00 P forOgden and Es_Tt 8:15 A 3:00 Pj Orovitlo 10:30 A 3:00 PLBed l'lufTvl.i Marysville 10:30 V 10:40 A Reddinj- via Willow* 4:00 P 2:25 A San Fr-.ncisc • vi_ BonicU 11-10 A 6:15 AlSan Fmnelaoo via Benlc a 12.3P A 8:40 A San Frcxiciaco via BealMa 10.40 P 3:05 PSan Francisco vis Bcnlcial trAO r 10:00 a Sau Francisco via steamer I |B:QAA 10:50 A sau Franco rla LivermcraM i:6!» p 10:50 A Sar. .lose 1 _;ft6 P 4:30 P| Santa Barbara | B-.3. 6:15 A| Scuta Kosa VsAO A 3:05 P .SasnUi It'.s;; f.//.) a* 8:50 Ai Htocklonand Gall 7:00 P 4:30 P] Stocktou aaJ OaH 9:.j A 12:05 P' Trnckcoand Be«io 6:2-iA 11:00 Pi Trnckeeaad Keuc 8:15 A 12:05 P Colfax 815 A 6:15 A Vallejo li:4tl a 3:05 P VeJlejo rSr-SU P *6:35 A ...Folsom and Piacerrllle.. '2:40 P *3:10 P ...l-'ol.vun and Placcryllle... ~il:Ss A •Sunday tsxeepted. fSunday only. >Mon day excepted. A.—For morulng. P.—>For afu moon. RICHARD GRAY. C-:-.. Tratii- T. 11. GOODMAN, General P:u>sengcr Agtut. Baker & Hamilton, • —EtnPOBTSHS AXD JOBSZXtS OF— HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, COAL, POWDER, \griciiltural ImplciiiPiits and Haste, BARBED WIRE, CORDAGE. BELTING. SACRAMENTO CALIFORNIA. H.S. CROCKER & CO." 20S AND aio J STREET, Tho Leading Stationers, film AID LITHOGRAPHERS. AGENTS FOR CALIGRAPH TYPE WRITER AND SUPPLIES. MANUFACTURERS OF BLANK 3COXS Ul7-U BTENOGrSnND 7\'FEWMTKC~- AT Cs*S}a* J STRtET. BOOM 4, JalO-lm*