VOLUME IXXX.--NO. 137. BEYOND THE ROCKIES. fhe Farmers' Alliance Will Enter National Politics. THE INDIAN SITUATION REVIEWED BY GENERAL MILES. Palo Alto Stock Eagerly Sought After by Eastern Horsemen—Fatal Boiler Explosion In Michigan—Proceedings of the Council of American Feder ation—Nominations Made by the Director-General of the World's Fair. Special to the Record-Union. Omaha, Jan. 28.—The National Farm ers' Alliance had a lively discussion at to-day's session on the amendment to the constitution to exclude women from acting as delegates, and it was finally voted down. The amendment making all laboring men eligible to membership was tabled by a large vote. The remainder of the morning was oc cupied in discussing minor changes, and a recess was taken until 2 o'clock this afternoon. In the afternoon the report of the Com mittee on Kesolutions, which was quite lengthy, was considered by paragraphs and adopted. It begins with the follow ing preamble: W'herkas, Owing to the opposition that has been heaped upon us by grasping monopolists, capitalists, trusts and combines, we believe it .is time for action; anil whereas, the National Farmers' Alliance, in convention iissemblrd. does most emphatically declare against the present system as manipulated by the Con grem of tbe United States and the legislatures of the several Suites. Therefore, we declare in favor of the holding of a convention to nomi nate eondidiites for the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States. In this preliminary convention the representa tion will be one delesate from each State in the Union. The resolution favors tho abolition of all national banks, and that the surplus funds be loaned to individuals upon hind security at a low rate of interest: declare for the Australian ballot law; demand the foreclosure of mortgages held by the Gov ernment on railroads; discountenance gambling in stocks and shares; favor the election of President and Vice-President by the popular vote. As the Farmers 1 Alliance of the United States largely outnumber anvother class of citizens, they demand the passage;of laws of reform, not as a party measure, but for the good of the Government. The Alli ance shall take no part as partisans in the political struggle as affiliating with the Republicans or Democrats. The interstate commerce laws should be so amended and enforced as to allow all railroads a reasonable income on the money invested. The'resolutions further demand that the mortgages on the Union and Centra] Pacific railroads bo Joreolosed at once and the roads be taken charge of by the Government and run in the interest of the people with a view to extending both lines to the Eastern seaboard. The conference with the F. M. B. A. representativea to-night decided that the two organizations could affiliate, but not consolidate. HOSTILE IXDIAXS. Interview With General Miles as to Their Final Disposition. Chicago, Jan. 28.—When asked this morning as to the final disposition to bo made of the Indians now at Fort Sheri dan General Miles said: "That is to be determined in the future, now that Sit ting Bull and other chiefs have been killed, and I have most of the other Indi ans left without leaders, and there is no danger of a further outbreak on tho res ervations. "These men I brought to Chicago are a crowd of outlaws. The 300 Indians ar rested were sent to Fort Sully. All oth ers are now under the control of military authority, and back on their reservation's or on their way there. I could not tell what kind of a movement might be at tempted in the spring, and I brought the ones now at Fort Sheridan as a measure of precaution. "The chiefs who went through to Wash ington are not dangerous. The Indians who remained neutral were not disarmed, for the reason that it would have been an injustice to have treated them as hostiles. With the hostile tribes only a few guns •were left—simply enough for their per sonal protection. I anticipate no further trouble, and if there is another war with tho Indians it will be an entirely different matter." General Miles has detailed the follow ing officen to each command a compand or Indiana as scouts, to be enlisted at Pine Ride Agency: Lieutenant Willis O. ('lurk, Twelfth Infantry; Lieutenant God frey H. McDonald. First Cavahv, and Lieutenant Joseph S. E. E. Byron, Eighth Cavalry. h ree and unlimited coinage is favored, and that the volume of currency be in creased to. $T>o per capita. A demand is made that all paper money be placed on equality with gold. Another resolution declares that, "We, as land-owners, pledge ourselves to de mand that the Government allow us to borrow money from the United States at the same rate of interest as do banks. All mortgages, bonds and shares of stock should be assessed at a fair value. United States Senators should be elected by popular vote; the laws regarding the liquor traffic should be so amended as to prevent the endangering of the morals of our children and destroying the useful ness of our citizens. '•We believe women have the same rights as their husbands to hold property and we are in sympathy with any law that will give our wives, sisters and daughters full representation at the polls Our children should be educated for hon est labor, and agricultural colleges should bo established in every State." Liberal pensions are favored, also the passage of the Conger lard bill. Recess. CAUSE OF LABOR. Meeting of the Executive Conncil of the American Federation. NBW York, Jan. 28.—At a meeting of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor yesterday the circu lar issued by Powderly, requesting all labor organizations to send delegates to the conference to organize a third party in conjunction with the Farmers' Alli ance, was brought up, but it was decided to pay no attention to it, as it was thought unwise for a labor organization to med dle with polities. The miners' demand for eight hours may next be taken up. It was resolved to levy an assessment of two cents a week per capita for five weeks on members of all the unions con nected with the federation. It is said there are favorable prospects for a demand for eight hours to be granted without any strikes, as employ ers and employees are holding confer ences all the time with good results. The committee which recently went to the convention of bricklayers at Toronto to ask the Bricklayers' National Union to join the federation, reported that the THE RECORD-UNION. bricklayers had decided to refer the mat ter to the individual unions. The chances are, they reported, that they would join after awhile. PALO ALTO TROTTING STOCK. Prices Realized at the Second Day's j Sales. New York, Jan. 28.— The sale of Palo Alto trotting stock continued to-day. Among the horses sold were Caroline, a chestnut stallion by Piedmont, for £1,400; one of Electioneers daughters, out of Ivy, a brown filly, $1,800; bay colt, by Wools ley-Jnnita, $1,250; Luella, by Electioneer- Lilly 8., $2,700; bay filly, by Electioneer- McCa, $7,200. (This is the highest price so far in the sale); Mohawk Manille, a chestnut filly by Whips-McCa, $2,600; bay colt, by Norval or Mo hawk-McCa, $1,300; bay colt, by Electioneer-Minnie C., $3,000; Maid of '88, Nephew-Madeline, by Electioneer, ?1,075; Minto, Woolsey-MayHower, by Mohawk, §«,000; bay colt, Electioneer- May-Day, A. Clarke, Butte City, £3,200; Fancy, Norval-Meeca, by Mohawk Chief, S1.500; bay colt, by Electioneer, $1,900; Leiton, Electioneer-Miss Peyton, by Glengarry, J. C. Warr, £1,070. The total sales approximate 550,000, an average of about ?1,000 per head. "WORLD'S FAIR. Several Nominations Announced by the Director-General. Chicago, Jan. 28.—Director-General Davis to-day handed the Executive Com mittee the following nominations for con lirmalion: Professor J. H. Barrett, Chief of the Chicago Electric System, for Chief of the Electrical Department; J. H. Reynolds, Chief of the Horticultural De partment; J. V. F. Skiff, one of the Colo rado Commissioners, Chief of the Mining Bureau; Martin Ryan, a North Dakota Commissioner, Secretary of the Electrical Department. Ihe Executive Committee to-day listened to the plea of representatives of the National Live-stock Association, ask ing that §20,000 cash prizes for a live-stock exhibit. It wan exhibited by the Di rectors that a liberal sum should be set aside for the purpose, and the subject made the special order tor the next meet ing. Lynching Party Foiled. Xew Orleans, Jan. 28.—The Pica yune 1 s Austin, Texas, special says: It de veloped yesterday at San Marco that a lynching party of delermined men had made up their minds to hang Colonel George H. Snyder, the wife-murderer, last night. The Sheriff spirited the pris oner away and placed him in jail here. Marshal Campbell's Body Found. Chicago, Jan. 28.—The body of B. H. Campbell, ex United States Marshal for this district, who mysteriously disap peared two months ago, was found in tho river near Kuss-street bridge this morn ing. It was much swollen and disfigured, but the features were still recognizable. Robert Hay Hamilton. Nkw York, Jan. 28.—1n spite of the sensational rumors and conjectures about Robert Ray Hamilton being still alive, his family and friends in this city adhere to the belief that the report of his'death in Idaho brought East by J. O. Green ia ab solutely correct. Fatal Holler Explosion. Meredith (Mich.), Jan. 28.—A boiler in the Herbison saw mill, near here, ex ploded to-day, destroying the mill and killing Albert Finch and George Badder, and seriously injuring six other men. The owner of the mill, Herbison, may die. Confirmations. Washington, Jan. 28.—Confirmations: P. H. Downing, Collector of Customs at Arlington, Cal.; Colonel Flagler, Chief of Ordnance, witli rank of Brigadier-Gen eral; A. W. Bailey, Postmaster, Evans ton, Wyoming. President of Cleveland College. Cleveland, Jan. 28.—William Gay Ballentine, Professor of Greek at Berlin College, was elected President of the col lege this morning, succeeding Charles S. Fairchilds. Bank Closed. Atchison (Kan.). Jan. 28.—Tho State National Bank of this city closed its doors this morning and will go into voluntary liquidation. The bank has a capital stock of $250,000. Murder In tho First Degree. Chattanooga (Term.), Jan. 28.—The Grand Jury has found an indictment for murder in the first degree against Judge \\ arder for killing banker Fugette. Tho Offer Withdrawn. K«w York, Jan. 28.—The Olympic Club, of New Orleans, has withdrawn the offer of $7,500 for a contest between Mc- Auiitfe and Carroll. EASTERN LEGISLATURES. •A COMPROMISE AGREED UPON IN MONTANA. Vilas and Pfeffer Formally Declared Elected United States Senators. Special to the Record-Union. Helena, Jan. 28.—After twenty-four days of the double-headed Legislature, the Democrats and Republicans have agreed on a plan of compromise. The rival houses are to meet aa one body, the Republicans to have twenty-eight mem bers and the Democrats twenty-seven. The Democrats are to have the Speaker, subordinate officers and control the com mittees. The compromise was drawn up by Senators of both parties, and will be signed to-morrow. Speaker Witter, of the Republican House is dying of pneumonia. His wife died of consumption this morning. Speaker Comely, of the Democratic House, is also very ill with pneumonia. SOUTH DAKOTA. Pierre (S. D.), Jan. 28.—One ballot was taken for United States Senator to-day, with no material change, excepting the loss of live votes by Moody. CONNECTICUT. Hartford (Conn.), Jan. 28.—Tho House this morning received the report of the committee appointed to canvass the vote for State othcers. The committee states that it is unable to determine that any person has been legally chosen to nil any of the State olhces except Comptroller, to which the face of the returns mdicatcs that Nicholas Straub, a Democrat, had been elected. The House concurred in the report. NEBRASKA. Lincoln (Neb.), Jan. 28.—Tnthe Senate to-day a resolution was adopted favoring the election of L'nited States Senators by popular vote. A resolution congratula ting Kansas on the defeat of Ingtuls was lost. VTLAS ELECTED. Madison (Wis.), Jan. 28.—Colonel Vilas was formally elected by the joint con vention of the Legislature to-day to suc ceed United States Senator Spooner. PFEFFER ELECTED. Kansas, Jan. 28.—The vote for United States Senator in joint session to-day, re sulted in the election of Pfeffer. SACRAMENTO, THURSDAY MORNESTG, JANUARY 29, 1891. THE MINE DISASTER. Over One Hundred and Fifty Lives Sacrificed. ALL THE COKE REGION BOWED WITH GRIEF. Sixty-three of the Victims laid to Rest in a Common Grave — Sorrowful Spectacle at the Scene of the Horror —Little Known as to the Cause of the Explosion. Special to the Record-Ukiok. Scottdale (Pa.) Jan. 28.—A1l the Con nellsville coke region stood to-day with bowed form and reverent head while sixty-three of the dead miners takeu from the Mammoth shaft were shrouded, coffined and laid to rest for their long sleep. The. remains and mourners were carried to St. John's the Baptist's Ceme tery atScottdnle in a special train. Along the road hundreds of ditizens turned out, and wherever it halted great crowds gathered. Over three thousand persons were pres ent as the bodies were placed side by side in a common grave. The coaches behind the baggage-car with the corpses were crowded with sobbing women and sad faced men. The scenes at tho cemetery were very affecting. Not until the bodies were be ing placed in the grave did tho women and children seem to realize the full ex tent of their bereavement, and then a pitiful chorus of cries and moans was heard. THE LIST INCREASES. H. C. Frick, owner of the mine, says there were in all ICO men working in the mine at the time of tho accident, nine of whom escai>ed with their lives, some of them badly injured. The rest, or 151 men, were either killed outright or suffo cated by the terrible fire-damp. There had been found up to 2 this after noon 110 bodies, and of this number fifty - three were identified. SCENES AT THE MINE. Xobody slept at Mammoth last night. In every home in the little mining ham let there was mourning. Little one-story houses scantily furnished were illum inated with tallow candles. Mother, wile, sister or sweetheart sobbed in silence. Atter the explosion yesterday tho news of the awful fate of scores of miners at work in tho shaft spread rapidly among the mines and miners' homes. Couriers carried the dreadful news hither and thither. Fami lies were dashed from the comforts of home into the depth of grief and despair. The scenes at these miners' cottages can readily be imagined. Within an incredibly short time tho en trance to the shall swarmed with an eager, anxious crowd—men, women and chil dren— some of whom could only with great difficulty be kept at a safe distance. As the bodies of the victims, mangled by the terrible force of the explosion or burned almost out of human semblance, were brought up from the yawning depths the crowd of watchers pushed for ward to the pit's mouth for ■ glance of recognition. The hearts of wives and mothers stood still in fear, lest the loved ones wero among the dead. Tears coursed down bronzed and bearded cheeks and wero (iashed away by brawny hands that had swung the pick for many years. The rescuing party proceeded with their grim task and the crowd of watchers silently looked on. Fifty coliins arrived from Pittsburg this morning, and another half-hundred will reach here to-night. An additional order for twenty-five more was sent this morning. The cause of the explosion has not been determined. The Coroner is on the ground, and a through investigation will be made. The rescuing party are working with energy, and the wreck in the shaft is fast being cleared up. AN OFFICIAL, TALKS. An official of the Friek Company said this morning: "It may never be known how or why the explosion occurred. An accumulation of tire-damp was probably the cause, but it was never known to ex ist in any quantity before. In fact, it may be said that the Mammoth mine has been free from damp. There is a theory tliat a pocket of natural gas was reached, and that the operation of the ventilating fans now prevents any accumulation of it. It is not necessary that every one in a mine should be killed when ah explo sion occurs. The explosive may stay in one particular section and not permeate the entire mine, unless tho volume is so freat as to force it to every part of the pit. D this case the gas was confined to one portion, and the miners who were in other localities escaped." AN UNEXPECTED ACCIDENT. Never in the history of American coal mining has there been such an unex pected accident, with such complete anni hilation of all within its reach. The Mammoth mine has been notable always as being particularly free from gas. Hundreds of safety gauge lamps were provided for the minors by the company, but they were never used, as they were regarded as unnecessary. In their stead the men wore familiar little open flame lamps on their hats. The mine boss had put the night shirt to work and found nothing to arouse his suspicion. Eustern "Weather. Washington, Jan. 28.—The storm which was central in western Colorado yesterday morning has moved eastward, and is now apparently central over the western portion of Indian Territory. General ruins prevail from the Gulf coast northward to the upper Mississippi and Missouri Valleys. Snows are reported from Nebraska, South Dakota and Rocky Mountain stations. The temperature at Chicago to-day was 32°; Cincinnati, 42°; St. Louis, 48°; Win nipeg, 18 J above. Plan to Educate Art Students. New York, Jan. 28.—John Armstrong Chandler is diligently at work furthering his plan for establishing funds to educate needy art students. He will start for Boston on Friday, and seek wealthy patrons of art there to organize an insti tution of art. He will then go to Chicago and other places in the West. His pres ent intention is to visit every State and Territory to explain the details of his scheme. International Press Club. Pittsbcrg, Jan. 28.—At the Inter national Press Club Convention, the Com mittee on Plans and Scope reported the constitution and by-laws, which were adopted. The association will be here after known as the "International League of Press Clubs." The object is to bring into close and friendly relations the press clubs of the world and promote a more fraternal and helpful feeling among the members. Very Few Cattle Being Fed. Kansas City, Jan. 28.—The Livestock Indicator of this city has special reports from the principal cattle-feeding districts of Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, which show that very few cattle are being fed as compared with last year, and that it is the intention of feeders to ship those which are being fod to market before June. The number is estimated at less thun half that of last year. EASTERN TURF EVENTS. Results of the Races at Gloucester and New Orleans. Gloucester, Jan. 28.—The races to day were run over a heavy track, with tho following results: First race, five-sixths of a mile, Gold step won. Repartee second, So So third. Time—l:l4. Second race, threo-fourths of a mile, Lee S. won, McPherson second, McCabe third. Time—l:29*. Third race, nine-sixteenths of a mile, P. J. H. won, Jim Gray second, William Henry third. Time—l:o4*. Fourth race, seven-eighths of a mile, Carnegie won, Vevay second, Bohemian third. Time—l:44. Fifth race, one mile, Chieftain won, Darling second, Refund third. Time— 1:59j. AT XEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, Jan. 28.—The races to day were run over a slow track. First race, nine-sixteenths of a mile. Ivanhoo won, Castillian second, Ireland third. Time—l:ols. Second race, five-eighths of a mile. Schoolgirl won, Sohn G. second, Ireland third. Time— has*. Third race, eleven-sixteenths of a mile, Void won, DanL. second, Pritchett third. Time—l:l44. Fourth race, three-fourths of a mile, McMurtv won, Gilford second Ruffla third. Time—l:l9i. Prcscott Sawyer on Trial. San Rafael, Jan. 28.—The trial of Prescott Sawyer, son of United States Cir cuit Judge Sawyer, who is charged with stabbing a boatman named Herman Franz, was commenced to-day. Several witnesses were examined, and testified that Franz knocked Sawyer down, and hen walked away. Sawyer followed him and stabbed him in the back three times. Franz fell to the floor, and Sawyer kicked his prostrate body repeatedly. The case is attracting great interest here, as young Sawyer moves in the best society. FREE COINAGE BILL A BOSTON I>EL,EGATION OPPOSES ITS PASSAGE. Five of the House Committee Will Op pose, and Four Favor, the Measure. Special to the Record-Union. Washington, Jan. 28.—Immediately after the Coinage Committee was called to order this morning the question as to when the vote on the bill should be had in the committee was raised. The delegation appointed by Che Bos ton mass meeting was present, desiring to be heard. Bland of Missouri asked unanimous consent for the vote to bo taken on the bill next Wednesday. Tho Boston dele j gation could be heard, and he would be willing to come here every day for a week if necessary, bat there should then be a vote. Bland wanted the vote on Wednesday, and thought thoro should be some agreement to bring tho measure be fore the House. A long discussion ended in the adoption of the motion by Bland : that the committee proceed with the hear ing to-day and meet again to-morrow. The Boston bankers were then given a hearing, and William Higginson having | been selected to present their views, spoke ,to the committee for half an hour. He i said that much of the financial depression felt during the last few months was due to the agitation of the silver question. Bartine interrupted and inquired if there were not other reasons for the de gression, lie insisted that in fact very | little trouble was duo to the silver agita- I lion, but most of it due to the fact that ! there had not been enough silver legisla tion. It appearod from the meeting to-day that of the committee Walker, Comstock. Knapp, Faylor and Tracy will be united in a vigorous protest against the free coinage of silver, while Carter, Bland, Williams and Bartine would press its claims. It is understood to-night that Edward Atkinson of Boston will to-morrow sub mit an extensive paper against the bill. He is a well-known statistician on ques tions ot political economy, and his figures in this case will conform to the wishes of the anti-silver men. It is thought that Bland's suggestion for the committee to take a vote not later than Wednesday will prevail, and in this way the measure will speedily reach the House. THE PRESIDENT WAITED UPON. Washington, Jan. 28.—The committee of the Boston business men called on the President this morning and discussed in formally the silver situation and opposed free coinage. The President, it is understood, was non-committal, and said it would be emi nently improper for him at this time to give any expression regarding his views on silver or his future actions. Chinefse Exclusion Act. Buffalo, Jan. 28.—Six Chinamen and two white men were arrested in this city last night, charged with a violation of the Chinese Exclusion Act. One of the white men, James M. Miller, is believed to manage the Canadian end of the underground railroad that has been running Chinamen into the United States by the wholesalo of late. Bank Burglar Arrested. Xew York, Jan. 28.—David Cronin, who served a term in the California peni tentiary, was arrested on Monday just as he and his gang were on the eve of a bank burglary. Cronin is an expert bank burglar, and recently completed a five year term in England for ;robbery. The police have been shadowing him since his return from England. The Swatara. New York, Jan. 2S.—A Herald Wash ington special says: It is denied at the Navy Department that the old tawatara is to be sent to Chile. It is doubtful whether she ever goes to sea again. The Department has not abandoned the pur pose of sending one or more vessels to Chile. It is supposed the San Francisco will be sent. Expense attending the movements of petty German officials is illustrated in the ease of the Saxon commission for esti mating the damages to crops during the maneuvers of Saxon troops. The com mission traveled twenty miles at an ex pense of $50 to assess damages estimated I at $2, but subsequently scaled down to 85 cents. A report that this sort of bureau cratic extravagance was frequent has led Chancellor yon Caprivi to order that "such trips shall bo undertaken in the future only when large sums of money are at stake." ♦ ■A Colorado man killed a sheep and hung it up and dressed it. He was still at work when a mountain lion crept be tween his legs, pulled the mutton down, and, although given a good kicking, held fast and got away. The man wasn't a bit thankful that he wasn't taken in place of the meat. I COAST CHRONICLES. An Army Surgeon Kills His Wife and Then Suicides. A DECISION OF MUCH INTEREST TO WINE-MAKERS. Three Sailors Drowned by the Capsiz ing of a Boat—Project on Foot for the Consolidation of All Fruit Can ning Establishments in the State- Rain at San Diego. Special to the Record-Union. San Francisco, Jan.* 28.—Surgeon William D. Dcitz, of the Fifth Artillery, stationed at Alcatraz Island, this morn ing shot and killed his wife and then committed suicide by shooting himself. A shotgun was the weapon used, and both bodies were badly mangled. Mrs. Deitz was found lying on the lioor shot through the heart, and her husband lay close by. The bodies were found at 11 o'clock, and as Deitz was seen outside of his quarters at 6 o'clock this morning, the shooting must have occurred between those hours. Dr. Doitz and wife had lived on the island about two years, and had one child, a boy three years old. The deceased surgeon entered tho army in 1883, and had the rank of Captain. He was of a jovial disposition, and appar ently lived happily with his wife. It is generally believed that he was insane when ho committed the.deed. The Coroner's jury held an inquest this evening on the bodies of Surgeou Deitz and wife, and rendered a verdict that Dietz had killed his wife thon him self. Two pieces of paper were found in the room. One consisted of rambling specu lations on life, and was headed "Medita tionos Morituri." The other read as fol lows: "Look out, Watty, dear little boy. Wave him." In the longer note was a short reference to manuscript that some tirm wa3 about to publish. It is believed that it was the work on this subject that caused the tem porary derangement resulting in suicide. W. 1). Dietz was a native of Georgia, aged 30, and his wife, Ella, was about 23. IMPORTANT DECISION. A Hilling of Interest to Swcot-Wlne Makers. San Fbancisco, Jan. 28.—Internal Revenue Commissioner Mason has just rendered a decision of great importance to the sweet-wine makers of California. He formerly ruled that grapes could not run over 20} per cent, of sugar in order to make sweet wine. As a majority of California grapes run over that figure, tho growers would have been put to great expense if the ruling had Seen enforced. In order to obviate such trouble, Internal Revenue Collector Sears telegraphed to Washington,- sug gesting the following plan: "I recommend that a quart sample of each cask of wine be taken in the pres ence of a sweet-wine maker, deputy col lector and gauger, the samples to be a true and agreed upon average of the same wine of each cask, the bottles to be sealed and labeled, numbered and signed by the sweet-wine maker, deputy and gauger. When the samples have been taken, the labels signed and attached, then the order for detention to be revoked and the wine returned to the owners for sale or re moval, the samples to be held as evidence in all cases arising. It would seem that the Government is thus fully protected, while the wine makers are protected from possible financial complications, if not insolvency." To this telegram Commissioner Mason yesterday replied that the plan might be followed, except in cases where tho par ties are guilty of fraud. A>'OTITER TRUST. The Fruit Canneries of the State to bo Consolidated. San Francisco, Jan. 28.—The Chronicle says that last Saturday a meeting of rep resentatives of the Various fruit-canning establishments was held in this city for the purpose of deciding on sonic action to better their business. It was decided to form a syndicate with a capital of $5,000,000, the owners of the canneries agreeing to sell their establish ments on a basis of two-thirds cost and one-third of stock in the syndicate. It was announced that 82,000,000 was in the bank for purchasing the canneries. The new syndicate will be called The California Fruit Canneries Limited, with 50,000 shares of stock at $50 per share. Eleven trustees shall govern the consoli dation, which shall run for fifty years. Each cannery shall remain under its same management as at present, the gen eral direction of business, however, lying with the committees. Other canneries in addition to these first joining may be pur chased from time to time. All the owners of canneries in the State, with one exception, have joined the compact, and 15,000 snares of stock were subscribed for. • Committees on Finance, Selling, Audit ing, Manufacturing and Purchasing of Canneries, consisting of three members each, were appoint or). WATERY GRAVE. A Boat Capsizes and Three Sailors are Drowned. San Francisco, Jan. 28.—About 10:30 to-night nine sailors of the ship Reuce, which had just arrived, left the vessel in a boat under control of a runner of the Sailors' Home, of this city. They and their luggage greatly overweighted the boat, and though the bay was perfectly quiet, she began to ship water and cap sized almost immediately. The men clung to the boat for a time, then three sailors attempted to swim to the schooner, but were drowned. The United States steamship Albatross, which was anchored in the stream, heard the cries of the men, and a boat went to the rescue and saved the other six sailors and the runner. The names of the drowned men are William Blum, William Murray and Stephen Tyde. The rescued men were sent on shore, and though much ex hausted, will easily recover. Crop Outlook In Yuba and Sutter. Marybville, Jan. 28. — The strong north wind which has been prevailing for several days is very unwelcome to farmers and orchardists. Though grain is not suffering for want of rain, it would be very welcome. The grain is nearly all up and growing nicely. The acreage is the largest even known, and with sufficient rain immense crops will be raised. The orchardists are planting ex tensively. Between two and three thou sand acres will be planted in Sutter and Yuba counties this si>nson. Mining Salt. San Francisco, Jan. 28.—An action was begun in the Superior Court this morning by E. S.* Chester and W. E. Straut against W. S. Chapman, E. W. Chapman and F. F. Stone. The plaintiffs allege that on the 9th of October, 1889, they entered into an agreement with the defendants whereby it was agreed to sell ono-half of the stock of the Idlewild Gold Milling Company to the defendants for $.V), 000. Under this agreement thephiint ifl's deeded to the defendants property in the Garden Valley mining district in Xl Dorado county. Of the $50,000 only $5,000 was paid, and no accounting lias been made of the management of the mine since. The court is therefore asked to cause an accounting to be made. Fruit and Vegetable Cannery. Eugene (Or.), Jan. 28.—A committee from the Eugene Board of Trade, to whom was referred the matter of es , tablishing a first-class fruit aud vegetable cannery, met last night and considered the matter thoroughly. It was finally de cided to raise a bonus of ?o,OOU to be given some competent man to take hold of the enterprise. The bonus will undoubtedly be raised at once, and if satisfactory re sults do not come from that, then a com pany will probably be incorporated with ?15,000 capital, and business pushed to success. Opium Imports. San Francisco, Jan. 28.—The Clironicle states that a joint resolution is soon to be introduced into the California Legisla ture asking Congress to prohibit the im portation of prepared opium, and limit that of the crude drug to the amount needed for medicinal purposes. Collector Phelps has prepared tables of the opium importation at this port. In eleven years 1,3|i8,004 pounds of crude and prepared opium, valued at £7,810,493, have been im ported. Six Damage Suits. Salem (Or.), Jan. 2S.—To-day papers in six more damage suits against the South ern Pacific Railroad Company were filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, mak ing tho total number of cases already filed twelve. The aggregate amount of damages asked in the six suits last insti tuted is £8t>,275, and of the twelve $185,225. All of these suits grew out of the train wrecked at Lake Labish in November last. Nevada City Burglary. Grass Vali,ky, Jan, 2S.—Last night M. Sproul's siiloou, on the corner of Neal and Mill Streets, was entered by burg lars. Tho cash-drawer was broken open, but no money was obtained. The burg lars had tools along for attempting the safe, but were evidently frightened away before doing that work. They left their tools behind. The tools were stolen from Duukley's blacksmith shop. Afflicted With Trichinosis. Downikvillk, Jan. 28.—Four persons named Trebino, living near here, have been attacked witli that rare disease trichinosis. John Trebino is dead, one other is still dangerously sick, and two are thought to be out of danger. They ate half-cooked pork on December 29th. in blood sausages. A post mortem re vealed trichina in the muscles of John Trebino. An Editor Wedded. San Francisco, Jan. 28.—Alfred Hol man, editor of the Seattle Post-Intelli gencer, and Miss Caroline Durbrow, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Durbrow, of this city, were married this evening at the residence of the bride's mother. The nuptials were solemnized by Key. J. Sanders Reed, rector of Trin ity Church. Death of a Pioneer. Red Bluff, Jan. 28.—John P. Hale, 74 years of age, ex-Sheriff of Shasta and Tehama Counties, late Under Sheriff of this county, Mexican war veteran and a pioneer of California,' died here last night ami was buried at 2:;<0 p. K. to-day. The remains were followed to the grave by a large number of persons. Railroad BulUlinj?. Ontario, Jan. 28.—Track-laying on the Southern Pacilic extension at Chino be gan to-day. >' early one hundred men are engaged. The grading is nearly fin ished. Ihe company expect to open the line in two weeks. Dttraron Again Arrested. Los Angeles, Jan. 28. — James M. Damron, recently acquitted on a charge of forgery, was again arrested to-day on three charges of forgery preferred by J. vS. Chadwick, formerly Damrou's friend. Oregon Legislature. Salem, Jan. 28.— The upper branch of the Legislature to-day passed the Aus tralian ballot law. The House passed the bill yesterday. Rain at San Diego. San Diego, Jan. 28.—Rain commenced at an early hour this morning, and up to this evening one inch has fallen. WASHINGTON NOTES. SENATOR HEARST REPORTED AS RESTING COMFORTABLY. The United States Steamship Omaha to be Assigned to the Pacific Coast. Special to the Record-Untox. Washington, Jan. 28.—The United States steamship Omaha is in a very bad condition according to advices received, and her future service will be limited if these reports be true, and it has been de cided to assign her to the Pacific station as soon as she can be put In some kind of condition, which is expected to be within the next three months. She will discharge her officers and crew at Pan ama, and another crew will be sent from the East by a mail steamer. At the Washington navy yards yester day was performed a successful experi ment of putting a steel jacket on one of the two twelve-inch guns to be carried in the forward turret of the coast defense vessel Monterey, now in course of con struction at the Union Iron Works, San Francisco. Ensign W. S. Howard is detached from the United States Steamship Thetis and ordered to the coast survey. Senators Stanford and Hearst have re ceived copies of the resolutions adopted by the Board of Trustees of Fresno thank ing them for their efforts in securing the appropriation for the Fresno Postoilice building. In compiling the complete census of California, which was published in these dispatches several weeks ago, Fresno and Alameda were left out by a clerical error. A corrected list made public to-day by the Census Department gives Fresno 10,818 and Alameda lI.KS. In other re spects the report as published was cor rect. Herman L. Chase will be appointed Receiver for the Spokane National Bank at Spokane Falls, Wash. In the House to-day Representative Wilson, of Washington, read a memorial from the Chamber of Commerce of Spo kane Falls, favoring the free coinage of silver. Senator Hearst was reported as very comfortable at 11 p. m. California pensions: Benjamin C. White, Los Angeles; Carlos Whitmore, Stockton; Richard B. Mason, National Military Home; Annie, widow of Augus tus Tession, San Francisco; Milton L Young, Waterville: John Hopkins. WHOLE KO. 15,378. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. The McKiniey Bill Has No Dam aging Effect on Italy. AMERICAN PORK TO BE ADMITTED INTO GERMANY. ■ Sir Charles Tupper Will Visit "Wash ington to Open "Negotiations for a Commercial Treaty With Canada— Xilttle Faith Placed in the Rumored Retirement of Gladstone From tho Leadership of tho liberals. Special to the Kecord-Union. Rome, Jan. 28.—.Signor Grimaldi pie* sented tho annual financial statement to tho Chamber of Deputies to-day. It shows a deficit for 1891 of six million franc. A deficit of 40,000,000 francs yearly is expected for tho next throo years. Increased duties are proposed on oil seeds and mineral oils, as well as various economics, chieliy in the military and public works budgets. The McKiniey law, he stated, ban had no damaging effects upon Italy. A com mercial understanding with France is hoped for. RECIPROCITY WITH CAXADA. Sip Charles Tupper Going to Washing ton to Open Negotiations. Ottawa (Ont.), Jan. 28.—Sir Charles Tupper has been summoned to Ottawa from London to take charge of the nego tiations for a reciprocal commercial treaty at Washington. Sir Charles, who sails from Liverpool for New York to-morrow, will bear dis patches from Lord Salisbury regarding the re-opening of the question of reci procity, which he will submit to Secretary Biuinc. In view of the approaching elections and the fact that tho main issue of tiio campaign will be the question of closer commercial relations with tho United States, it is imperative that Sir John Mac donald should have some definite propo sal to go to the country with, and Sir Charles is called upon to see what ho can do at Washington regarding the mat ter. In the Commons. London, Jan. 2S.—ln the Commons yesterday Sir William Guyer Hunter moved that the resolution of th House in June, ISBO, forbidding Charles Bradlaugh to take oath or affirm, be ex punged from the records as subversive.of the rights of electors. Gladstone sup ported the motion, but suggested omit ting the words, "subversive of the rights of electors." The motion as amended was passed. The News declares that Smith's accept ance of the Bradlaugh motion in the Com mons last night was due to the discovery that the refusal would result in the de leat of the Government. Sardou's '•Tliormidor." Paris, Jan. 28.—It is reported to-day that the members of the company of the Theater Francaise have in body tendered their resignation. This action, it is said, is in consequence of tho withdrawal of Sardou's play, "Thermi dor," following the Socialistic riots. It is also said that should the determination to suppress the play prove final, Coquelin will leave France for a long tour of other countries. American Pork to bo Admitted. Berlin, Jan. 28.—1t was reported in the lobby of the Reichstag to-day that the Government is about to rescind the law prohibiting the importation of American bacon and ham, at the same time direct ing that such imports be subjected to a special inspection at all of the ports of entry.. A Vagruo Rumor. London, Jan. 28.—The News ignores the Chester CouranVs statement about Gladstone resigning the Liberal leader ship. Sugar BUI Rejected. BKBZJK, Jan. 28.—The Reichstag com mittee rejected the sugar taxation bill in its entirety on second reading. Some Familiar Social Nuisances. "While Life is showing up its list of 'Social Nuisances,' there's one I hope it will not forget," remarked Miss Blank to her brother. "Which one is that?" asked ho rather indifferently, "It's the woman who always has a re cent purchase to show you which she de scribes as 'something entirely new,' just as if she had sonic commercial monopoly. You are in the position of having to abandon all hope of having anything like it, or else declare yourself a shame less imitator at once." "I know a nuisance which beats two of that for obnoxiousness," remarked Mr. Blank, after a mcMiieut's pause. "Who is it?" "It's the girl who assumes that, becauso you have taken her into dinner and can not get away from her for three hours, she is necessarily upon confidential terms with you. She tries to force you into abusing your best friend, who sits oppo site and hears just enough of what she says to think you are abetting her. Gen eral conversation has no charms for her. She insists upon giving you the freedom of her entire mental economy, and is obviously displeased if you seem unap preciative of the compliment. Start her on a good objective theme of universal interest, like baseball, for instance, and she hasn't a word to say about it." "That reminds me of something I heard about yesterday," said Miss Blank. "It was a Progressive Conversation party, .and it works like this: Thechairs are tied into pairs, each pair being devoted to a special topic of discussion. The guests who occupy them talk of the prescribed subject until, on a given signal, every lady moves one seat forward, while her companion moves one seat back. Judges walk up and down and decide who talks the best upon the greatest variety of topics. Think of the possible injustices, since one would always, according to the depravity of coincidences, have to discuss the topic least suited to the companion of the moment. Suppose, for instance, you found yourself beside Clara S., to whom you have been twice betrothed, and had to turn felicitous sentences on the subject of 'The Supreme Virtue of Constancy.' Wouldn't it be awkward V—Kale Field't Washington Letter. Proper Precaution. "Never throw stones at a carter when you are alone," said a small Canadian boy to the painter of his portrait, who he had taken into his confidence. "You must always have another boy with you when you throw stones at a carter." "Why?" "Because when the carter gets down to run after you, then the other boy can throw stones at the horse and start him up, and the carter will be obliged to leave you alone and go to take care of his horse. Always have another boy with you when you throw stones at a carter."— Boston Transcript. Bbschak's Pills euro sick headache.