Newspaper Page Text
6 GENERAL TICKET-SACRAMENTO COUNTY. Second Congressional District. Thirteenth Senatorial District. Twenty-first Assembly District. To vote for a person, stamp a cross I X in the square at the right of his name. f " ■■ ■- 1.. 1 —_. . —- L , , Presidential Electors. Vote for Nine. Judge of the Superior Court (To fill Unexpired Term.) Vote for One. County Surveyor^ Vote.for One. 1 THOMAS R. BARD Republican _. ROBERT T. DEVLIN ! Republican j 97 JOHN HILLHOUSE Prohibition _ 8 JOSEPH C. CAMPBELL Republican Do MATT W. JOHNSON...Democrat, Reo'g'd Democrat, People's Party, Citizen OS HOBART F. PIERSON Republican 3 WILLIAM CARSON Republican 66 00 A r «*-m_r T JJ A- l». Walll Democrat, People'slParty, Citizen 4 michael l. mery Republican State Senator. Vote for One. ico 6 JAMESA.WAVMIRE in 07JV.LLIAM BOYNE People's Party, Citizen. Rcorganiz^ Democrat SuperVlSOT^COnd District Vote for One. 6 ISAAC HECHT Republican 58 JOHN P. GAGE Prohibition 101 GEORGE H. I.KAN.TI .' I'arty 7 HENRY V. MOREHOI-SE Republican 59 E.C.HART Renublie in 10- J B H'RRI^ 7~ „ , ________ ixcnubiie.ui i_- J. B. HARRIS Itejrganized Democrat LJB JAMES R. WILLOUGHBY - Republican CO 7Z M 77717~77>77Z7Z77~ ' . —-__~_-____-_______^ -VlAiaiN A. PENNISH, Jr Democrat 9 SIL.HANSCUM Kepubliean Member of Assembly— aat District. Vote for One. W4 bpaeeow smith. „ ; atiweD 10 J. A.FILCHER Democrat 01 W. W. IUXGHAM Prohibition 105 J W Ttmn ~~ " . Republican 11 WILLIAM GRAVES „ Democrat c~ "■ C CHIPMAN' Republican „-, " ] 12 R. P. HAMMOND Democrat G. WILLIAM \Y. CUIIIISERT Democwt "g.' 7 * ' n-1- ■ J. "r^"" '■"' < Supervisor, Third District. Vote for One. 13 JACKSON HATCH Democrat •** GEORGE 11. JOST Peoples Party,Citizen 107 M. A. JU .\VAKIi " * 7 .„""" 14 R. A. LONG Democrat ~°5 : ____ ™* A. A. KRULL ZZ lIIZZZI^eTp^ty 15 J. P. LYNCH Demociat Sheriff* Vote for One. D.O J. M. MORRISON Democra.Zorganized DeiZc^tTra^ 16 MARCUS ROSENTHAL Democrat 0G B" N" BUGBEY Independent, Prohibition IJO i- w. L. silman Democrat «' H* W" JOlll<soy reopie's Party ~Ji^{ie^f.he Peace-Sacramento Township. Vote for One. 18 J. F. THOMPSON Democrat J* 8 GEORGE C* MCMULLEN Republican 111 W. A. HENRY Democrat, Reorganized Democrat, Citizen 19 R. H. McDONALD Prohibition 69 T* W* °,;N"E*L Reorganized Democrat, Democrat, Citizen j 112 JOHN C. TUBBS Republican, People's Party 20 F. M. PORTER Prohibilion 70 H3 21 Archibald Mcarthur Proiiiution County Clerk. Vote for One. Constable. Vote for Two 22 WM. P. MILLER Prohibition 71 E. E. AVERY Prohibition | 114 JOHN P. BRISSELL Democrat. Reo'd Democrat, Peoples Party, Citizen 23 T. L. HIERLIHY Prohibition '2 **' "" BEARD Reorganized Democrat, Democrat 115 (HAS. D. LAUGHLIN Republican 24 H.H.LUSE Prohibition " "3 WILLIAM 11. HAMILTON: citizen, 1*i.,,1v. Part.*. 110 FRANK SWIF. .„.„ Bepubllcan,People' i ty 25 F. E. CATON Prohibition ] WW' I:HOAUS*--**- Reiaiblieai. 117 W. A. WALL Demociat, U, organized Democrat, Clt «e . 26 F. E. KELLOGG Prohibition '5 lls 87 s. fowler prohibiu^ ~ Auditor and Recorder. Vote for One. no .' ZZZT Ml^_—_—_■_—_——_ ._ . C"'-'T^l'CtK*«J^TJWMl^_B_B_WW—lBBKl*/jflMl_PT_r _. l-f*^ 2, S. ROWERS copies Party 70 W. R. GRIMSHAW People's Party, Beorganl^ De,,„„rat Constitutional Amendments. " ' ' •>9 J S noßp " rTT '7 *•T* JOHNsON Republican, Citizen f YE s * * DUKL ' le°Pk's lany Senate Conrtltatlonal Amen No. 10. (Increasing legislative session ' ■ — to one hundred davs) -I — ■ 78 J. R. MeCONNELL Pmhihlfion ! 30 A. L. WARNER People's Party 1 rolubiiiou i ' 79 i !*^ 31 J. N. BARTON People's Party Assembly C n StltuUonal Amendment No. 7. (Limiting debt-; of counties I YES* " ■"" --'*"■ ■ —.1.---II i cities, towns, townships. Boards of Education und Scl I Districts toJ ' 1 **- ——— riniinlv Ttoqci t r-^r, t,„ , c s-^ * year's revenue, except by a two-tblrds votej I 32 l. f. modlton People's Party -Qunty lreas,uier. Vote for One. _^_ I no. 33 T. V. CATOR Peopie's Party" " SO JAMES A. ELDER Democrat, Reorganized Dcmorrat, l^pte's Party rlncrcasin;; duties and com-( YES' ' _^ ' — — , pensaUon of Lieutenant-Go vernor, and remo vlng limitation on pay of - — "■~~" ~ — —— _-. riiivmniwiv ' eerie-, in stale unices J ' 34 WM. MCCORMICK People's Party bl EDWARD L.uN EepuMican. Citizen NO. or- „r r. „.,..-...., ' 82 JOHN WINKLEMAN Prohibition Assembly Constitutional Amendment Nos. 6. (M-toner In which an orß-(YES. I 35 W.C.BOWMAN People's Partv ' cer of the State may Incur a deflciency, and prohiblUng Legislature! — , lrom appropriating money to pay same, it otherwi>e incurred; 1 y; Q 36 D. T. FOWLER People's Party """ "~" *, . , — ' —-—-—____ i Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 14. fManner in which cities con- l"*s - 3„ I District Attorney. Vote for One. tumim- moiv than UUrty-flve hundred Inhabitant-may frame and. 38 | 84 R. M. CLARKEN Democrat |'-*- ---—-—-—- -L-" 39 ' 1 Propositions to be Voted Upon. ~ 8 - FRANK d.RYAN Republican — ■ 40 J For the election of United States Senators bythe direct vote of the people 41 _ S6 WILLIAM SIMS People's Party, Citizen ■— *•*— "••*Ty" t Against the election of United States Senators by the direct vote of the people 42 -.1-___-*l**l**.***.* •_* 87 «■■ _____.«______, 43 For the Sau Krancisco Depot Act. -a ~ " I Coroner. Vote for One. ~ " — ~ ~ 1 ' * I . , _^___ Against the San Franciseo Depot Act i-45- "." S8 GKORGE H. CLARK ReDublican " 7Z .. „ ■"' v For an edueaUonal qualification requiring every voter to be able to write hts 1-ienreseiTtatlve in. (-.ongress. Vote for One ~ ""—' ~ ~ o»o»e and read any section of the ConsUtuUon, ln Uie English language . . ' 89 EUGENE GOODENOW Prohibition ' ~. ——— ' ~~" ■ Against an educational qualification requiring every voter to be able to write his 4G A. CAMINETTI Democrat — — name and read any BecUon of the Constitution, in the English language . . —^ , -'*"■ JOHN MlLLER...Demoerat, Reorganized Democrat, People's Party, Citizen '* '" —-—-— 47 JOHN F. DAVIS Republican " — Reflmd thC DtM YES , 91 — _ , 48 C.H.DUNN Prohibition Refund the Debt NO • ——. Public Administrator. Vote for One. 49 Representative in Congress. (To DU Uneijured Term.) Vote for One. 92 GEOKGE F* bronner Democrat, Reorganized Democrat I hereby certi ry that the above nominations include those certified to ■ — '- , , me bv the Secretary- of State and those filed with me as County Clerk of 60 waurkn R. English Democrat 93 JO*SEPH GOS"N« -..Prohibition Sacramento Co.mty lor the respective officer named, to be vote 1 for o:i the • — — ■ iT~ ~ * Bth dav of November, 1892, and that the same are in the form in which 61 SAMUEL G. HILBORN Republican 94 S" B" SMITH *"* Republican, Citizen they will appear On the official ballots. — — [seal.] W. W. RHOADS, County Cleric. 52 J. L. LYON People's Party 9t> GEORGE SURGESON People's Ptoty _C3_. 9,J liiiiftcr specified, and to lessen tlie burden of taxation, the Governor of the State, the Con troller of State, and the Treasurer of state, and their successors in office, shall constitute a Board ot Commissioners, to be styled the Loan Commissioners oi the Btate ol Califor nia, and shall have and exercise tlie powers and perform the duties hereinafter provided. Section 2. Tiie* *.i:d Loan Commissioners ere hereby authorized to issue and sell not ex ceeding two millieiu nve- hundred and twenty e i.hl thousand live hundred dollars *2 628, -600 oi the bonds of said State, bearing 1 iti r est at tlie rale of four per cent, per annum. which interest shall be be pa*.able semi-annu ally, ln gold coin, on the seoond days in April ami Octolier in each year, at the office of the Treasurer of state. The principal ot said bonus shall be made payable in gold coin, within twenty years alter the date of their issue, and sliall be of such denominations as tin-said Loan Commissioners shall direct, but nut less than live hundred dollars; shalloear the date oi their issue, and shall be Signed by the said Lean Commissioners, and shall have tin seal of the state infixed thereto; and tlle faith of the- State ot California is hereby pledged for the pay ment of said bonds and the Interest accruing thereon, as herein pro vided. Section 3. Coupons for the interest shall be attached to eaoh bond, so that they mav be removed without injury or mutilation to" the bond; said coupons, consecutively numbered, shall be signed by the Treasurer ol state. Section 4. Before the sale of any of said bonds the said Loan Commissioner, shall cans.- notice of such sale to be published for the space of one month iu two daily newspa per* published in English, one iu the city of Sau Fraucisi-o and one in the Capital of the State. Sucli notice shall specify the amount of bonds to be sold, the rate of interest they shali bear, the day and hour of sale, the place of sale, which shall be- at the Slate Capitol, an 1 that se-aled proposals will be received by the said Loan Commissioners for the purchase of said bonds, within one month from the ex piration of such publication; and on the day and hour named ln said notice the said Loan Commissioners shall open all sealed propo sals ree-eived by them, and shall award the purchase of said bonds to such bidders as will, in their opinion, make the most aeivanta^c o is bid lo'r the state; provided, that said Loau Commissioner, may reject any or all bids, if they de-em it to the advantage of the Suite; anil provided further, that they may refuse to make anv award unless sufficient security shall be furnished by the bidders forthe com- Dllance with tiie terms of their bids; and pro vided furth. r. that saidbonds shall not be sold for less than oue hundred cents on the dollar, in gold coin, par value BecUon 5. it snail betl.e duty of the Treas ure rand Controller of State each lo ke-pa _epanttc record of all bonds sold under the provisions of this Act, showing the number, date, amount and rate of interest of each boml and to whom the same was issued. Section U. The proceeds of sucli b. mils shall be paid into the Stale Treasury, and shall be a,iplied to the payment of the following bonds, in the order of their issuance: The I outstanding bouds issued under tlie Ac-t en ! titled -An Act to provide for the payment of the funded Indebtedness of the state of Call lor.iia. and to contract a funded debt for that purpose," approved April second, eighteen i Hundred aud seventy. Section ;. All persons having any of the j bouds specified In Section t.i of this Act shall, j upon preseuuitlon of such bonds to the said 1 Loan Commissioners, be entitled to exchange ; them at their par value for bonds authorized j to be issued under this Act at the rate of one hundred eents on tlie- dollar, par value; but no i bond shall tie Issued tor a less sum than live hundred dollars, nor for a fra tional part ofa hundred dollars, but the said Loan Commls ; siouers may issue certificates of such irac ; tional parts not bonded, which said certificate ! shail be transferable and entitled to be paid out ot the proceeds of tbe sales of anv bonis £rovi<ied for in Section 6 of this Act. Tbe oan Commissioners shall cancel each bond | so exchanged, and shall indorse on such bond ! the date on which ihey received the same, ; and from whom, the number and the amount of the bond issued lu exchange therefor, and shall file such bond in the otlice of the Secre ! tary of State. . Sections. Whenever there shail be In the State Treasury, from the proceeds of the sale i oi bonds issued under this Act, a sum of ten thousand dollars or in. ire. it shall be the dutv i of the Treasurer to advertise m twonewspa | pers printed iu English, one in San Krancisco i and one in the Capital of the Slate, for two j months, which advertisement shall state the amount of money in the treasury applicable | to the redemption of bonds, and the number of ; bonds, numtiering them lu the order of their issuance, which are redeemable; and three months from the date of the expiration of such advertisement, such bonds, unless sooner paid, shall cease to draw interest, but tlie money for the redemption of such bonds shall remain in the treasury to pay such bonds whenever presented Section 9. For tlie payment within twenty years of tbe principal and Interest of the bond's issued under this Act, there shall be levied an nually by the State Board ol Equalization. after any bonds have been issued under this Act, such ratcot tax on each one hundred dol lars of the assessed value of real and personal property in U.e State, to be computed by the Controller of State on the basis of the ass- ued value of such property for the preceding vear as shall produce tmtiuully for the first" live years seven per centum of the amount of such bonds issued; for the next ten {rears there after, twelve per centum of the amount of such SA( I.AMEXTO DAILY BECOKD-U__tON. bonds issued; and thereafter, until all the binds issued under this Ac-tare paid, fifteen per centum of tlie amount of such bonds issued, the State Board of Equalization shall certify the rate of tax thus computed to the several County Auditors, and the said Audi tors are liereby dir. cted and required to enter such rate on the assessment rolls of their re spective counties. In the same manner aud with the same eltect as ls proi ided by law in relation to other Slate taxe-s. Every tax levied under the provisions or authority of this Act ls hereby mude a Uen against the property as sessed, which lienshallattaehon of each vear, and sliall uot re satisfied or removed un til such tax has ben paid. All monevs de rived from taxes'authorized by the provisions e.; this section shall be paid into the State Treasury, and snail be applied, first, to the payment of the. interest on the bonds Issued bythe provisions of tliis Act; second, to the pa., ment ot the principal of sucn bonds; pro vided, that all the monevs remaining In the State Treasury on the third day of January ot each year, tor tlie lirst live years after the issu ance of any bonds under this Act.aft. r all the interest on such bonds then due has tieen paid. shall be transferred by tlie Treasurer of Mate to the General Fund. Section 10. Whenever, on the third dav of January or July in any year, after the expira tion of live years from the date of Issuance of auy bouds under this Act, there remains, alter the payment of the interest as provided in the preceding section, a surplus of ten thou sand dollars or more, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to advertise, for the space of "one n.i.nth, in one daily newspaper published in English in thecity of San Francisco, and lor one month in one daily paper published in English at the State Capital, for se-aled pro po-als, to be opened erne month after the ex piration of such publication by the Treasurer, in presence of the (iovernor or Controller, at the state Capitol, for tne surrender ol bonds issued under this Act, which advertisements Shall stats the amount of money he husou hand for the purpose of redemption, and thev shall accept the low e-st proposals, at rates not exceeding par value-, as may redeem the great est amount of bonus, uuiil the amount of cash ou hand for redemption is exhausted; provided, however, in case of a sufficient amount oi such bonds shall not be otler das aforesaid to exhaust the sinking fund to u less amount Than ten thousand dollars, then it is liereby made the duty ol the Treasurer to advertise in two newspape-rs, one in San Fran cisco and one In the Capital of the State, for three months, which advertisements shall state the amount in the sinking fund, and the number of bonds, numbering them In the order of their issuance, which such fun Is is set apart to pay and discharge- and if such bonus so numbered in such advertisements snail not be presented for payment and can cellaUon at the expiration of such publica- tions, then such fund shall remain in the treasury to discharge such bonds whenever presented; but tney shall draw no interest alter the expiration of such publication. Be fore any of said bonds shall be paid thev .-hall be presented to the Controller, who shall in dorse on each bond the amount due thereon, and shall write across the lace of e-ueh bond the date of its surrender and the name of the person surrendering. SeeUon 11. The Treasurer shall keep a full and particular account and record of all his proceeding under this Act, und ofthe bonds redeemed and surrendered, and he shall trans mit to the Governor an abstract of all his pro ceedings under tliis Act, with liis annual re port, to be by tlie Governor laid before the Legislature; and all books and papers pertain ing to the matter provided for in this Act shah, at all times, be open to the inspection of any party interested, or tiie Governor, or the Attorney-General, ora committee of either branch of the Legislature, or a joint commit tee oi both. Section 12. It shall be the duty of the Treas urer to pay the interest oil said bonds wiien the sume tails due, out of said interest fund, if sufficient; and if said iund be not sufficient. then to pay the deficiency out of the general fund; provided, that the Controller ot stale shall nrst draw- his warrant on tbe Treasurer, payable to the order ot said Treasurer, for the amount of interest monev about to become due, which sud warrant snail be drawn at least one month previous to the maturing ot the interest. Section 18. This Act shall take effect sixty days after tbe next general election, as to all its provisions, except those relating to and nec.B-ary ior its submission to the people, and for returning, canvassing and proclaim ing the votes, which shall Uikeetieet imme diately. Section 14.—This Act shall be submitted lo the people of the state for tbeir ratliicution at the next general election, and ihe qualified electors of this State shall, at said election, on tiieir ballots for state officers, vote for or against this Act. Tnose voting for the same shall write or have printed ou their ballots tiie words, -Kefund the Debt—yes;" and those voting against the same shall write or have printed on their ballots the werus, "Refund the Debt—No." Section 10. The votes cast for and against this Act shall be counted, returned and can vassed, and declared ln the same manner and subject to tne same rules as votes cast for Treasurer of State; and if it appear that a ma jority ot ail the votes so cast for or against this law us aforesaid are iu fa vor of this Act then the same shall have effect as herein before provided, and shall be irrepeaiable until the principal nnd interest of the liabilities herein created shail be paid and discharged, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof" but it a majority of tbe votes so cast are I against this Act, then the same shall become | void. Section IG. It sliall be the duty of the Sec retary oi State to have this Act .published In one newspaper in each county of this state tor tour successive weeks immediaU-ly precediug election. I'a ■!: Act sliall be voted upon separately from the others, by ballot, at thenext general elecUon, tobe held on Tuesday, the fcth day oi November. A. 1). 1892. Each ballot usi-d at such election must con tain, prmled thereon, the words: For the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the )«op!e. I Against the election of United States Sen ators by direct vote of the people. For tbe San Francisco Depot Act. Against the San Francisco Depot Act. For an educational qualification, requiring every voter to be able to write his name and read any section of the Constitution in the Euglisn language. • Against an educational qualification, requir ing every voter to be able to write his name and read anv section of the Constitution in the English language. Refund the debt-Yes. Refund the debt—No. w. \v. mio\Ds, County Clerk of Sacramento County. CANDIDATES TO BE VOTED FOR At t_3 Municipal Election, Novemt-er 8,1692. For Police Judge— Henry L. Buckley, Republican; h. 0. Cravens. Democrat, Reorganized Dem ocrat and Citizen; James Stewart, People's Party. For City .Justice-— James B. Devine. Republican; Henry Starr. Citizen. People's Party and In dependent I'epublican. .' Sacramento, October 27,18V12. J. D. YOUNG. I x-Offiato City Clerk. I 027-n7 SACRAMENTO County Bonds. S a tramrnto, October 5,1892. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I EDWARD LYON, Treasurer of the Coun ty of Sacramento, state of California, will re coive bids at my office irom October 6, 1802, at 12 _L, to November 11. 1892, at n M., For the sale or two hundred and tweuty (220) Sacramento County bonds of the denomina tion of one thousand dollars ($1,000) each. Saidbonds to run for twenty years from the first day of January. 1893, and to bear inter est at the rate of four per cent, perannum. Interest payable semi-annually at tbe County Treasurer's ofliee, in the City of Sacramento. No bids will be received for less than par value. The Boar J of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Supervisors, made the sth day of October, 1892. E. LYON, County Treasurer of Sacramento County. Cal. RUHSTALLER'S Extra Gilt Edge —IS THI— BEST BEER IN THE WORLD. TRY IT campaign* I Woodson Bros., printing. I. ga K STREET. yol.iir-t\ p-RAINK T. JOHNSON (__t____tT INI'IHIIEST), Regular Republican Nominee for Auditor _»nc_ Recorder. E. LYON (PRESENT INCUMBENT), Kegalar Republican Nominee lor County Treasurer. G_6Th. CLARK (I'KKSKNT I-CfUBEKT), Regular Republican Nominee tor County Coroner. O. W. XODD, Regular Republican Nominee for Gupervleor, Scc»miJ3Utrict. OEORCSF. R. BRONNER, Democratic Nominee for Public Administrator. P". D. RVAN, Regular Republican Nojninee tor District Attorney. . _-___- GEO. C. IVl'iVll_Jl_l_.EN, Regular Republican Nominee for Sheriff. BSeoUun TUESDAY'. November 8.1899. tVIATT F". JOHNSON, Candidate for Superior Judge. Democratic, Peoples' and Citizens' nomine* J, IVI. MORRISON, Reform Deir.c.rat, Pesular Democrat an* Citizens' Nominee tor Supervisor, Third District. EBEN E3. OVA/EN, Re." ular Republican Nominee for Assomfc*. yman, Twenty-second District. JAMES STEWART, Regular Feople's Party Nominee for Police Judge. T. W. O'NEIL., Democratic and Citizens' Nominee tor Sheriff. Election November H, lSi)2. JAMES B. DEVINE, Regular Republican Nominee tor City Justice. GEO. H. JOST. Regular People's Party and Citizens' Nomt nee lur Assemblyman, Twenty-first District (K to V, Kront to Thirty* flrst. Residence, 1.27 L street. W. A. MENRV, Democratic and Citizens' Nominee for Township Justice. JOHN MILLER, Democratic (Regular and Reformed), Cltliens* and People's Nominee tor Coroner. "WM. E3. HAMILTON, Pe._le's Part:; and Citizens' Nominee tor County Cleric. Election, Tuesday, November 8,1592. ROE3ERT T. DEVLIN, Regular Republican Nominee for Judge Superior Court^ GILLIS DOTY*. Democratic Nominee for A s s e m fc> I y m st n, Twenty-second District. MARTIN RENNISH, Regular Democratic Nominee for Supervisor. s'K'nnd District- trie OSCAR S. FLINT, Democratic (Regular and Reform i Nominee for Assemblyman, Twentieth District. %t. B- HARRIS, Democratic Candidate for Supervisor, Second Dlstnct. HENRV STARR. Independent Republican. Citizen*;' and Pec pie's Party Nominee for Citv Justice of the Peace. WM. CURTIS. Bcgular Republican Nominee fur S u p e r v I s o r. Fourth District- •_______ S. B. SMITH, Regular Republican Nominee for Rublic Administrator. H. C- CHIF-MAN, Regular Republican Nominee for Assemblyman, Twenty-first District G. B. DEAN, Regular People's I'arty for Supervisor, Second Disiriet. WILLIAM BOVNE, Regular People's Party Nominee for State Senator. M. A. HO WAR D_ Regular Republican Nominee tor Supervisor. Third District. E. O. HART, Regular Republican Nominee for State Senator. W" W. RHoADS (PRESENT INCUMBENT), Ragular Republican Nominee for County Cleric. COLUMBUS LANDED IN AMERICA 1492. J. F.~HILL LANDED IN SACRAMENTO 18-2, AND HIS STOCK OF Carriages and Wagons Is complete. Call and see them. Thirteenth and J streets. - - Sacramento. If FOR A PLATE OF ICECREAM If I rvn made from pure erram, with ,1 Kft EAGLE CONFECTIONARY. 820 K Street. IN .HE MATTER OF RECLAMATION JL District No. 8, Oraml Island, County of batramenlo. State of California. Tne petition for the formation of said dis trict having heretofore been approved by this hoard, aud the landowners of -aid district having hereteiove adopted and liled their by laws; now, upou applicaticn of Howard D. Kercheval. it is therefore ordered that an elec tion be held for the purpose of electing three trustees of said district ou tue 12tu DAV OF NOVEMBER, 1»32, commencing at lo o'clock a. _. auo closing at 4 o'clock p. m. on lhat day, and that notice tnereof be published iu tne Record-Union, a newspaper of general circulation in said county, for one monili, and that the County Clerk sign said notice. Aud it is further ordered that, said election be held, at ranch of A. T. J. Reynolds, In a build ing thereon suiiable for ten purpose, bring* situate iu Swamp Land survey So. ;;u6; Orand Island, county of Sacramento, State of Caliiornia, and ttiat vv". J. Smith Le, and he is hereby appointed clerk, and .John \V. Perns appointed inspector, aud Matthew Madge and l'eter Hansen are appomieu iudges oi sant el.vuaii. '*_._! Attesu W. W. RJ3.OAD3. Clerk.