Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL. Trading Moderately Indulged in at; San Francisco. "Wheat Options Weaker and Lower- Onions scarce and Higher — Poultry Weak and Quiet. fSpeclal Correspondence BxoOBS-onoar.] Sam Fi!Asri«( ■■>, Not. 11, 1892. Tradinii v.;i I iy indulged m to-day j .Deal markets. Wneat option* man weaker and lower, white Ute best that can be bald of tue spot market is that it was (ti wiiii misntilin tendencies. The I markets were low<r on \\tieat, and foreign dull aud lifeless. This morning 2,800 tons ol changed hands on the I'roduc- Ex cbonge. <jf the amooat 1.300 tons liuyi-r Dewmlier at fr ■ . - 1,300 tons Hay at Brom «l .i 7;. to «1 800 Boyi r Maj al -v I -• Baney transactions were Ilgrht, not • Ing 400 tons—lOO December at from B9J^to Bo^oanta,loO tons of May at 9434 cent* ftn<J 100 tons January at !)o\, oents. Aniv.,l, were lighter and bolden are firm. Butter was even weaker than last report. Cheese and E;;l;s uncli.-mg' d. Poultry continues weak anil quiet. Game el'-aned up lairly well. Onions are higher and scarce. Potatoes are In fair demand at quotatio Bananas are cleaned o .arkt-is, but i sßvecal steamers are expected in a few days. Qrapes are extnmt iy weak and ran Iy is the sap quotation obtained, ntinrwise the Fruit market Is quiet and unchanged. Other products are quiet at the same prices. Cereals. WHEAT—No. 1 Shipping, ?1 30@l 32M choice. $13 ,; mi lin . - . 85 B \KI.KY—V. c I BOc; No. l Brewing. :>. .. il. OATS—Fair to good, White, >i 1,1 i 5 rh" c to lancy, SI ' : ofl io-s. Cl 0.".@l 16: :iiili.i... >1 ... »l 37J4; Bur ■l 4o@l 45; Black, $1 Hx»l 25; Gray, *: 20®l 25. • Yellow,large, $1 o:1.. l 10; ?1 i:.ig»l 17V£; Whit 4 . ~i :'i. RYE—fl 1501 Otiher Cereals, J:tc. The market la quoted n~ follows: BRAN #1 1914 50 -'ton. MIDDLI SliPj - . . ton. ROLLED BAHI ■ ;o. FEED COItNMEAi, - n. 27 50 t* ton. : ..■ 1 ■ ' 1.. - ■ . ton. FLOUR Uy Extra, ? 1 r bbl; Bakers' Extra, s>j I 0 ; Dhlpulu . ■'■. §^ 'M'gt;; 10. l;':.VN—Pica $2 ■■•: ■■■ pel : Pink, :_' 2 10: Bayos, *2 20®2 lo; small White, 82 H)@'-' 60; large do, - kO; Butter, |.■; !:■ d, *2 Us<a 2 50; J luia, ?2 io« !. SEEDS—Kape, v , ■:•.!• ■ id; Hemp, sc; Canary, I <■ for imported; do < all] nominal: Flax, 2'..r; Allalla, 1O@1oKc; Mus tard, 5' v , •<■'■ tor yellow and I i c > ■■ brown. UOPS-lSia 20c »B>. BTB \ W 15 50c .-• bale. H\\ —Clover, Sa(a>lO; Alfalfa, s: . Wheat, 60; Wheat and Oat,s! lUirley, $7^9; Island fctacraxnento Itivi I .:un. sIISCELLANEO Ub Cash prices, -.■ 1 o-ft sacks: Cracked Wheat, 3-ivfc % 1b; ttyeFl :(:,'-; ltye ■ 1 ... 3 ,• : Buckw i< m; ■ lour, : Cor imeal, .: , .■ ■■: i latmeal. b; 1 lal 1 ;r<>;ii-. sc; Hominy, ;'■ Hut Flour, Se; Farina, 1 • ,c; Pearl Warley, ■1 ,-i ■■■ !3ic: split' i ■■;.. % ■.'..•: I. lied 1 a . sc:Buckwheal Qroatd, -'■.'•; Graham Fiour. a),c. Dairy Produce. BOTTBK — Fancy Creamery, 1 Fancy Dairy, ■-:'. 930 c; good to choice, 25 ommon toftiir, 17@22}6c; Pickli d . ■ Ie; Keg, 22! ■ ■<'- lc CHEKSE ',-■: California, - Qviifornia, new, ll®12c; \'. a. 11 Al2i';.New York cream, 1:; 14r; Western, l: 1.",'. EUUS—Choice store, 330t0c 9 doz: Choice Banch, \'..;-i. ■'. c; 1- .-«.-.•■: n, -j :: •.• - for fair to good and ■'■ -} v '.~> • foi >■.::.. selected. 11' 'M;~i « uite I■'.■■■ ■: ■ . Light Amber, 7@7J^e; Comb, 1-1> frames, 10 do. 2-B'. ; 1 ::' c. BEESWAX—Krom 25g 27c ¥ H>. Poultry and Game. POCIjTRV —Hens, 95 50 ok Old ■It.:. "i ottug, $ . 50 5 60; Broil ers, lii'.g<-. $1 60; small, s : r»'.i; i»uc;cs. se,fl .■■ : pair; Turkeys, Hens, . c; V It.; Gobblers, 17.; t'lg utis, young, $2 50 <g,:» f> dor; old, si .">i>. UAME -Wild Ducks: Mallard, s; 51 @r> p ■ doz; Sprig, 92 51 Jli 50 1 75; small Ducks, 11 :"' 1 ii 1; '■■ Id eon, $1 6 ; < ■ <;e. h(v s:.'w.-j 25;White.^l: Brant, ?1; Quail, t fi do*; 1 [are, SI -■■ iabbtts, small, st a doz; Cottontails, si 50 shSnipe, si 50 ■.■■/: Veßetablea. GARDEN TRUCK—Green Peppers, Chiles. 2* Hie-- box; Ji<-ll Peppers, 25 loc; I 1 Plant, 5f»,,,- ;"),■; Cucumbers, 5' 'r- box; Tomatoes, lOgloOc $ box; Cabbage, •16 i iOc t< ctl; i . ■: '1 ur nip-, (io !■■'•'■; Beets, 60c; Parsnips, 1 ,c ? tt>: ! < i:ir:ic. '■'<: 'in en < *ra, 1" l".\: Lima Beans, 104}6c • tt; Marrowfat BqnasD, 75cV 100 lb-. Cauliflower, i<i.r>nc I ; String Beans, 33 ■ . ;1 '• ■-. :>: ■ l<*. ONIONS—oalea were made on the wnarl at the following prices: Hllversklns, iiiJdTZr ~i> cwt. POTATOES—We quote as follows trom wharf: Biver Durbanks, 15@60 ; Early Rose, 40055 c; Alameda and Salinas Bur banks, 0; Garnet Chiles, 60@70c; Peerless. 6O@Tor; K.-.u. 11 i. 4 50 c. SWEET POTATOKS—From wharf, yOc© 85c in sacks and boxes. i rails, Raisins and Xnt-. GREEN i RUITS -Pi :■,-, WinterNellis.7sc *isl 25; coinm n, !■ ©Ooc: Apples, 35< SI; Raspl : Wciiest; Strawberries. So ■ 8; Urapss, mack, 25^50c; Muscats, 2 ■"'"■; Tokays, ;■<' soc; [sab ii;i •. ,0- ,-■ Wine Ur pcs, si I 16 v ton; Pigs, sO@7,"ic; Huckleberries, Quinces, T> ■■ si l."> v box; Cranl .0 y bbl; Pomegranates, 75c@§l 2Z, V box. LTTKUS FRUITS—Lemons, Santa Barbara, >si;'. 50; Slcllj -.nitii Paula •1 50 • 50; Mexican Limes. 93 l: Bananas, fi 5 1 2 50; Pin sji dosen; Mexican Oran - • l>ox. DRIED FRUIT - Apples, evuporated. in | l«iXr-, 7' ■!■- ! -.irird. slid . <io quarters, 4iai', : 1> aches, bleached, 12c; do sun-dried, 6&&cj Apricots Royal, l'.r; do Uoorpark, I 916 c; l'r es a graded, 9c; four sizes, :<y % ■: . ti 9c; do evaporated, :-@;' c; pi> ssed, 4 ■ res '•■ < ■ rasjjit- 1o : unpitted. y c: . 3, Red, I 1 White, lieiuc. RAISINS -London Livers. SI r>o@l 65 9\ b 1," loose Mnscatel, 3-crown,sl 2591 d. 81 2.'>; baits. 3-orown, 6c V ; .1 2 Oniwn, 4c; - I v. Ln« I ir ip< s. . : - fr; Mm. :id^. soft, : .;" i aper i ; 6 . : a - nia, -"it -. ' 10c; hard. S&Oa; '■ . I . i Chestnuts, 10 - Provisions* Hams- Eastern Sugar-cured Hams i 14 ■ : ila Hams, 13013 s : - ■ • I .. on, ra light 13 PORK- Es - 1 s bbl; '; M< s*, ply 20; 1 ... PigsTeet, M ■.' ■ RBKK—Mi 3s,f ■ - .: I- tra f - ■ - 1 50; Exti i'".(sn<- i LAltn- 1 alHoi f. lb. It .. toe; 10-tti ,1 • !b, 12 1,.-:::-ft. 1 i iv'-ii ": BEE ; ■ r.\l".\ : —From Ot»Uc r tt> ior large; light ti MIT, \ -Wcthers,Gj .^:c»>lb; E-.vcs. G@ • ■ r irk- ii ot, hard, lb: medium aud 1 - a sSac. SAX K.VMKMO MARKET. -. OtaatoM nn<l Csonmbera siiulitly Advanced. SAri:AMKvn>, N'lvcmbor 1-tth. There was little chanffi i:i the local m from HaturdaT'a quotations. Green Fruits ore still 8': : c, wltll a it-n -ii-ney to l:ig',:er price*. Ctus Kru t* ha. c also advunoi market b«iac pretty well cltarcd. V«g : rlththei xaeption of Beans, Tomatoes and Cucooibeis, each of which . aoea in catea. WHJ < •. in ■ in most la very scarce, there being no Ducks i market, i ' I .tiuiful. utucr lines reiuaia ;h -auv- a- Usual PrioejaVi Following areUtsprloesasked by retailers for the vmriooj an Icles mentioned: GREEN FBTJITS-Apptaß, §1 2501 50 ? b\: Pears, 8c « a ; Qrapes, 60A76C 9 box; liitepOtrrieii, two bu«keu lor Sue; SACBAMEXTO DATLT •RECQ-RT)-TXTOX, TrESTUY, yOTE^mEB 15, 1892.-SIX PAGES, Plant!, Be V ft; QtH~—» il 28 ft box; Cra = - berries, 12; . »16c <- tr, lvn-iiiimoDs, 35c V'■ doz. DRIED FRUlTS—Apricots, 10c f) ft; Apples, !'»<•; l'eiK.iiea, l^]..c: Plums, 12% c; Prunes, Pears, —c; Nectarine*, lye; Baisins, lOcj Drape*. 10c; Kigs. 10c. CITRUS FRUITS Limes-Mexican, lOcV '!<■/.: Bananas, .<>i3sc ¥ doz; Ccxtianuis, lOe . each; Mexican Oranges, :SU'- »i Uoz; Los An-I geh », 80c; Northera CoUiornJa, 70c; Pine apples, ■(!■ each; UaUAnnia Lemons, 40c^i dot; a cily, SOeSdoz. I'All'.Y PRODUCE—VaIIey, f r011,50@60c; ! Fan y Petalnma, 75980 c; California Cream ery, 76c; Eastern* sicy ife; Klrklu, ; KJC > •; Pickle Roll, 00c v roll; Chi -■ ft: i oung America, 15c; Eastern Creami ry, 20c; Llmburgi r. j^o'-; gen- I ume Swiss. 10c American, 26c; Martin's Creamery, 25c. - Ranch, 40c ? doz; Eastern, fresh, 35c V doz; col i storage, 30c . doz. POULTRI Live, I •• V If-: Gob 17c; dressed, 20c; Ch'ckens—Hens, ] >ti o( ' ;• ' :i'/.;t;.',i- <:u-l!; EtOOsI r ,§5 5O 9 »l'»/.; -. 50c . acb; Tan t- 1"; :k5,97 00 s* doz; 70c each; <:■•■■•,., $2 50 pair, 11AMK—Hare, 2-»- iac ; t, 36c y pair; Squirrels, :.or - r pair; Quail, si r,o; ; - : 50; Ducits Mallards, :r.c: $ pair; Canva lie I:-. $1; I'eal, ::.'■<•; Sprigs, 6Oc; other varii les. 10c; (iray Geese, 70 1, Brant, 50c; W'hlti . - 'mi ii . I 1.;- > ft: Silver- ; skins, 2}£c: I abbage, I ' c; Red Cabbage, 10c $ .: i [orscraulsh, 12J ..• $ It,: ijarlic, ■■ ft; Artichokes, UOc ;■ ■ <>.'. n; -. aoc *lt); Cauliflower, LOc V '-' I: Spinach, 5c V !'■: I'eaa, 6e • lb; hiring .:.-. •■■; Llruu beans, be; Shell L.cans, be; Mushrooms, 10c; Sum : - : <■ V dozen; Tomal ■; i■ . ry, ](>c y bunch; 10 feppers, sc %s *. POTATOES : arly Kose • cwt; ,S 5; 11 .. v Burliauks. :nn- , ■ !■■'■..;. :> i cwt; iwoeta $1 ,■ cwt; '-■■ ii .»-. >-l ■;;,. MEATS Beef, prime Rib roast, 1 : ■-. Chuck i<;:t-;. luc: Rump, c; Uri.skei. - . - I - Loin and Bib i- ■■-, Mv i i .-.!-. ilder iai: or C i Corned lo . . lenua 1. c; Mum, 1 1 - IOC LAR] . 12 k California, 10 l-'v • I lour, ! a barre'.; ' «il :!| . ■ i'- sacks; neal, 10-a sacks, ;ed rt'neat, 11 -.'■ .-;!■■; --i tojiuii - . . i-; imhaui LO-B) sacks, 50c; 10-B HA i ■. ■• iUK VlX—Hay, Oat, 6 i I > ■ i. ■ . ■..-. 81 15« 1 ::"•: CJrouu Barley, fl 15; Feed -! 00 ■■ i - ■• Mi ;:■ ings, -1 10; Bran, ltat< >- !i; Prodncers. Follow prices ti . t the j vari -.i ■'!; . ! Prars, i ■ ■ • ■, . . - : bl. DKIKIJ ■ : Oc; Pe«r. --■-. ¥1 io fk bos; Fl . "c. DAIUY l'Ri iDl'i ittor— V'alle: Peialuina, :::;<■: i .h: Cream •-''■■ : Pic ..■■ I. . :.',">.■. i ilomla, be; .■..,■ \ v rlea, to ; ■ nuery, 12c; ;.. bin ■.. 1 .">•■: -" uulu ,v -,v s. 21c; Marti .. . ■ -i:: n ii... . dozen: Fresh Eastern, -en. !■■ >i LTU i - arke.vH, Li ..■ Hens, I 1c rs, 14<; Di i !nirk< ,:r.. $tl v d»a;u; lloi siers, $5; Uroili . . -..; L'amu bucks,Sti 50; (J ■■■ .&U ■ y.<\r. IE ilaiv, ::."..• ,■ pail: Uubblts, 25v! ';' pair; Quuil.S] 2-'j. . > .1 ■ . Miillai t.-. i.ii • Canvasbacks, 75c- real, ::■">■■; Sprigs, lOc oiler \:in.': s, J,V; <. r; i. •• i-e.O" ■ Brant 35c; White, 15c. \::'.i:r,\ LI S Onions - ■,!.. rskins, ',, '■ ■'■ S B>; Ca - avoy, loc; X .1 ' abbage. 1 r ■ ; Horsciiid sh, - .■•. bunuu i fne : I'.'ji pers, 12 '■; i a 11 lower. ... ■ ■ dozen; ['eus :. ■; siiin.; lieans, sc: Wax Brans, 6c; Lima Beans, 6c; Summer .Squash, lett», >tt», Uu bard Siiuasti, .<■ j.■. i v ■■.[ .:,7c -• d n; I'u matoes, iioc V box; i g, i lant, c; i rreen Pep pers. :."..'•- I B, 10c ft dozen; Celery, . s.i, ,1 Beans, 5c ;• th; Artichokes, :;,">' ■ V 1 dozen; Mosbroo -. LOc f) "; X id; iin ii IV , rs. sc ¥ K>. POTATOf'S—Early Xi ■ cwt; T'rer . ••" ■.i' •■ ■ i ■;■ a ; . ..i .1;- f] 'fj ,-.,': Xiv i r hui ai >: -, ; ,■ p. out; < un c:fc 1 - !;nnijiik-,' Ii • c fj.-k, 1; Rivei Beds, 60c cwt; Kaucj So i n es 6, Sv i ■ . -. 1 ;:•<■■; Nc , adas, s I ■■ ( -.v!. MEA - ': - ■ ■ ■■■ 8■: ■ eai, i irgi . I i s>- ; b m "n, ■ ■ ; iio,'-, ; ..■■' ,' b: <i essc I Pork, .1 '! 1 ■ ■ ,t; Cftll . l 3 ■ I3>ic; Uacon. I '. a l i ■..,-. UKKAU.SI i i- rs--K: .u-.-.; .:,'. :: Oatmeal, ;5 ■ 100 iti sacks. C eal \» :,i:.. si ■.:, j 100 ft> sacks; Yel-I 5 !•" '.<> - • ■'.:-; i raikf ■ V\ tieat, ' sl' 35 V* 100-Di -;.ck^; Grabaro, E<3 B .0 t-lb sacks. HAY VKDORAIN—Oat Hay,S9»U)a ton; ft' eat, 9 10; KecoMd qualify, if b@tJ: Alfalfa, i; .Vlieat, whole, -t'l 25 & cwt; Barley, ' UOc; White Wild Outs, 91 1 15; Corn, '<■ *l 2 I 50; ilran, m: f ton; Middlings, on; Ground Barley ,fl 05 ft cwU titraw, ! ; 50c :■ bale. California Frnlta. Chicago, Kot. 14.—The Karl FrnM Com pauy so 'a f-nii at auction to-day :it : ■;■; prices: Tokay Qrapes, single i -l l".; double crates, S3 Bofe2 ;..; t lornlcbon ■ >.; apei. double crates, S~ 85; Mus- j cat Q ap ;le crates, i... .—or; double !, 8J L 40. Bostox. Sot. 14.—The Earl Fruit Com-I : ■ . >-day California fruit at I thi lollo.viiif; prices: CornK'hon (iiains, • Uonbleera es, 3 wo; Tokay Grapes, double crates,92i 6 "0; >iin;le cral , f - • :j 10 SAN FRANCISCO STOCK HABEET. 1 S \s i .: v.i ISOO, Novi miur 14,1882. HORNING SESSION. Alt!) 25cG. *C 100' ~n>r 11. ,v N 165®] -ii 8e1cher......1 !si§il 50 Lady Wash 10c i i:.>v H 1 HOOphlr 2 65®2 'JO tsle "•<■ Overiiian 60 ■ 5c Bodle 2oo:Potosi : r.,".®t 50 Bullion fi ■ ■" Savage i 50fti i 55 ': i.lioUur 1 O0i<»l OsS.Nevada t l:• C.C.d '....-. Hi ; Ci.> Union 1 ]5 C. Point i 10 rtuii 15 Excnequer 15< V. Jacket IJOc ! Coutldeuce 1 SO IS -qus. A.lpbs- S icO eldental 10c ■ &0c I •; hlr ..2 Hs®2 90 Belcher 165 1 7O Overman 70c 1.. a B 1 65 Potosi 1 15 Bullion GO ravage 1 si> Chollar '.if> ns. Belcher. del V 3 lO.scorpion ice , C. Point I :08. Ulii lOc iuer : 5 s Nevada 1 15 1 K.4S 1 7 . .-, 1 .'■ i:i,i 15c Justice -'>■ i !.i"ii 1 !5 I Mexican 1 '.f> I".Jacset joe " Sev. i^ lOc Good Cooking I< one of the chief Housings of every ! I To always insure good custards, I au is, etc, use I SaU Borden 1 Br;'.;i<! • : .%)iik. Direc ii the label. Sold tiy your grocer and drttgpst. The World's Fair-The Chicago "Inter- Ocean." This great weekly, and the Weekly Union oan be had for s- a year, 01 I liaii.v Hi on atui the Inter- Ocean for f6 50 per year. Ail about the great 'World's Fair will bo elaborately j treated in the / . Can be ha.' for this price only by subscribers to tbo Kkcubd-Ujsio and Weekly Dmiok. Better Than a Bandana. Qnericus— Why were you staring so hard at that Florida girl ? YVitlicos . 'no an idea. Did yon notice the live box -I'0 uad chained on her \v . ■us — Yes, hut what about it? Witticua—l waa thinking of a scheme for a bold-headed man of having a spider chained to his ears in the same way to keep away the llies.—New York Herald. | _ .^. , ' c is about as large as the State of j Vi-lllluMt. O Bottles of SWIFT'S SPECIFIC 'ij reiieved me of a severe Blooci tiouble. It has ate raused my hair to £row out . as it had been falling out by the Hand fuii. Aftcrtrying many physicians in, I am so happy to nil j h cure in aS.—O- n- Ei-bekt, Galvtstoa. Tex. ' 1 rfTRF^I b^ forcing out germs of disease . / kU.SMnnH the poison as well. f" It is entirely vegetable and harmless. J .) Triatisi on B'-ood and Skin mailed fre . <iff urrs BMW co^ itiawa. g*. WHEN A WOMAN BUYS A HAT. The Task Occupies a bong Tlnie and She Is Hitislled. She was a young married woman, ac- j credited with more than ordinary HiUii MOW. As un illustration of this »iio i bad waited until alter the openings were over before huying bar winter hat. ao time had been io.-st, however, lor she had studied the hat question in all its phases, and. according to the New York U knew exactly what she wante i. It was to be a round h:,t and must not <:o<t a ! j>enny over t&. For an hour or so she went* from one shop to another ""just looking." Then came the "trying on." After pointing out three or four hats which particularly pleased her she Beated ; before the long mirror with a nan [-glass in one hand and one of the hats in ihc other. Tins hat, in her baud, ■uasa beauty; but on her head v \wis the | iiio;.t unbecoming thing she had ever a •'■!]. The next hat was i«.o large and w as trimmed coo conspicuously; the third too small and prim; the fourth cost too uuch. 1 iie saleswoman's smiles were li 38 frequent and the saleswoman herself less talkative, fhe buyer found he growing irritable, but she congratulal d i. iraelf thai she «raa not makii fussaa that woman in front ot the next mirror. Then she wondered why fat lady with a moon fact choosing the mosl ridiculously net, while the woman with a long aud bhiirp face spent her time gazing at her self from underneath a broad brim with h toy erine moss of leathers. Suddenly she saw a jaunty tin Tl c i oloriug was stylish, and when she tried it on i was jus She was sure it was b ruing becau . Then it gave her a very comfort ing to know it -7 0. Aad *o even if she had spout six ;; mrs in getting ;i. together with incidental expenses amounting to jiinety-tivi cci t«, slie .., a seemed ■ icb ■■ iensible in incut. Att> !• dinner luat evening the bat ■ came. One glance in her own mirror and on! what a diit'erence. it was the ■ - ittle h it; n'l see » 113 ought ii ieured in it, and if shi b i bai all win ter she would not co out at all. She put the hat in il >x, the bos high up on the closet shelf an I she erie I. Wortn Money Now. Titian—Confound the luck! Fidocov imself with iniid on the street and then rubbed vims. f dry on my "Land-{. scape in Breton." ' I artii Capital! Capital! .'■ i v yoa illltas an impressionist picture.— Chica ird. Up to Recommendation. Briggs How do you iik« my Dew ] coal : i got it a I parlor. 1 -i■:■ ; r'iiv.t rale, it is one of the ; Ij si :iiislit.s I ever saw.—Clothier and ' I m>i,.",i:i-r. I -rrrr^rrrr^rrrr^r^-^— : i | i s< —"j»y fio?',/ cheeks rir-> : f** ~T"*\\ not nwto fn vi ] ' f.' ax A the cut, ..i ■ ,1 _-'7 1!-<:■.!, cv active I i Vv- ;,^"rv <°H4& tito en I li)%'!ji^Xi/jj^(, —.these are tl , .!■:■-, W (':'^j-y' things I '"■■■ :fViT-*\i them. . 11 yi ;. get with Dr. Pieree's GoMen Medical Discovery. ' First pjiJ foremost and a!«;vc nil t' it purifies tin- blood. >7ot only in March, \ April, and May, when tho snrsaparillas Uaio (.vied, but all the year round, it c] :■.-■. ; ronews end invirroratai tho system, r every organ into i ealthfnl action, ona <: oat blood-poisons of every namo and :■■ For tho wont forms of Serofuli, the most j stubborn Bkin n,;.1 Scalp DI h n? | Balt-rhoom, Eczema. Tetter, Erj a all diseases or disordeVa cans i Dy ii : liver or ijnpure blood, nothing can oqufi] it i :ia a remodv. If any thing could, it would be guaran teed, just es t!io "Discovery" is. If that foils t>> I cure, you have your n back Isauythi :: ,:t isn't sold in this way likely to !« " ju«t as good I" Sw that you gat taa genuine medicine. Tbe Lack i I of Spow i • —i— i i On one of the highest peaks of , the Wlute Mountains was satis- \ ' factorily explained last spring ' by a farmer who pointed to the roof of his barn, on which was displayed in large letters,'' \Y is- I tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry 1 ) always drives away a cold." It ' ( has the same effect on the hu- i man system and cures Coughs, Influenza, Bronchitis and all af- { fections of the Throat, Lungs i and Chest. \ 50c. and SI per bottle. SETH j W. FOWLE & SOXS, Boston, t ( Mass. Sold by all drußßista. } WUMPHREYS' 9 \ l>r. liumphrevH' S(HH-iilcs artiscieutificallvan'l carefully ]jrvp<ir<»l Eeraedlef, uwd for yi-are in prtvata pracace and for over thirty years by tho * people wttia entire success. Every single Spfeilic a sitecial euro for the disease named. They cure without dragging, purging or reducing 1 Qiesysteoa ami are In Cad aud deed the Sovereign Rrmrdic) of the World. I—Fevevs, Congestions, Inflainmatlons.. .^.5 S|—Vl orniH, Worm Fever, Worm Clic 25 3— Tci"lhi«si Colic, Crying, Wakffulncw .25 I—Uiurrbea, of Children or Adults .25 7—Oouirhs. Colds, Bronchitis 25 S-Neara'ffia, Toothache. Faccache *»."j U -lipadn.c!:os» Sirk Heudachc, Vertigo.. .2-3 10—l>y-*!»ei»f>ia« HBo—MM,OoaaU|)atfciii. ,2-> 11—S'.ippresst-d rr Painful IVriodg. . .23 ltt-WUtM, Too Piofnae Perlodi ■£■', 18— Croup, l.nryntitis, BtOaneaam . .25 11-Snit lUk'Uhi, I, Kruptlons.. .25 15— Rheumatism. Rheumatic I'olna 25 10 Malarin, Chills, Fever and Ague it 19-<'ntnrrli. Influenza, Coldin the Head. .25 2t»-\Vliooiiins: foc;!i 25 87— Riilmy DiseKHCfl 25 ■js Nerrona I»tbiiity 1.00 ail I rinary Weakness. Wetting Eed. .25 HIMi'HREYS' WITCH ICAZEI> OIL, '• The Pile Oi lit merit."—Trial Size, 35< In. Druircls". or sent |>OBt[.»i'i on receipt of price. Cm. Hi Ml HKrti' M .mm. U4 paces. 1 BUUEO ptEE. irirnnrm n> iiitniinnh«ni. nn iiot Speci fics^ ruhstaixer's Extra Gilt Edge IS THE ] BEST BEER IN THE WORLD. TRY IT FRIEND & TERRY Lumber Company. MAIN YARD AND OFFICE, 1310 SF.O ond»treet. Branch Yard, corner Twelfth and J ctreeu. LAC E CURTAIN S . CJPBING TIME HAS ARRIVED, AXD ■ fi houseel'-ar.ine is underway. Send tout I lice Curtains to the AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY, Niuuteuntii and I Streets. '^ itlißccllancottft. Health f2"g^| and COmfOrt are AFas t i*^Sn Destroyed iS^i^iOjte^l by the use of poor smoking tobacco. —^^Zl^i'^M ie 0:'c tobacco that has heid its ! . _ y>*~~:^jL^J&. own all the changes of A«ainst"«""" j time and against all competitors is „ | BlackweD's Bull Durham'S,noldng FearsNo^«ns Tobacco A Question | V/MY ? Because it's always pure, always Unchanging; A ureat Record , the , lhv; , ys j, c / g uch a j record telis more than pages of Talk's Cheap "talk." It's fusi as good to-day lo^^[^:. For You: as ev^r and it is ibe tobacco for>'o?v. If y v smi ke, you should smoke lf nT <?2f?. M ti IBu iirhan?: A trial is all sveask. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM CCO CO., [ M. n. c. A RARE OPPORTUNITY Goo; . d for $10 - re. T!|c ■ • has re cently . ; arj ose of promoting ■: mi ii,. Ihis land i ■ :ultu land oft . i . i pen i 40, SO, 120,160 The ;. rms hi on \\ hii I areespi cia ly attract i ,;,! m <o\e in.iieal .■ , .. /. ,■ i; ■ ' ' ■.:•... i : pay li ■. ■ , . ■■ "i ' p r ■ :. m, Diakin elsht yettrs. i ten<liu pu tii - ire as "■■ liiinl ■ I (air aviru and gi u.:i: tan I at $20 ai ■ ■ •11 .,: at i rices to a rr» gp«)i;il bet ween these rigures. 1 - ' ■■ ■ that tan.L~. or general i.~, • •>■ ::ii-■ ■■• foi ii ail .: ■-■ .;-. ia in i:au in California for le.a tliitn fruui SCO to (SIOO un acre. \n examination ol thi la I »n Jut ot this B'J rcrl Isemi qi m 111 pro nome-eeekers thai t::i> is an opportunity for '•ii I ureha . and ai 820 an a •■■. and for qual:i i . ,wn i.. .iiir ■<- lit ral lo .atslo an acre, on terms of payment which should make the disposition of these ; tii.;- to actual settlers v. result easy oi accomplis hn primarj object of the purchase of this if land mt&s the breaking ap o?s iargv holding tort | rpose •• ling its set- I enl Ities an.l its devotion idry. For further particulars, .-nil upon or ad ilress \VM. li. Mli.i 8, Land Agent or tiir- c. P. I-.. R., Fourth and isuud streets San f'rancisco. CaJ. PROPOSALS I'nr the Purchase ol Bonds of Tole River Irrigation l>istrici. SK.\Li;ii PROPOSALS FOR THE PUR pliasi o bonds ol rule U i" tli ■ am ant of nine) ■. i ii'-i; and doll r ■. i b ■ im-imm i i>v the t said dish ie n I tin lr office, In Wo d II ,In the i tount -. aleof C'a . o o ■■.:«•;:' i. m.o( Llie I DAY ill D : ! .■:. at Ume and ■ b ai <i will •■]»:! tue pi-.'po ,tl> ajid award la pure :.-<-• to th hi clii si recs|» nisi bio bicider, I iia bonds cm .'li.-c the entire Issui of a strict ol ithoi it;- i i uui p irs laul lo tbe ■ ;Lll Acl Of till i. _ - ;Uuiv i.t Ihe t^tate of (Jalifornin, entitled "An Acl to ;r - vliic tor tlie orpinization an ■■ ■ ::' «>. Irrigal ■ . .an I to pro1 ide for thi ac ■ and ■ Hi. r pi ipei ty; ai aol witter ihen bj lor Irr - Ka:lon pur t x.s ." approved March '.. 18s7. tnii- huudreu and thirty-iiini 1 it) o bonds KTB of tui dunomlnation ufllve hun ctri : i-ruMi' dollars each, and two tmnclred and five (i«)f» "i ill '. omtnation of one hundred. i#l(K)j <iolmi-n each. Ihry will be (lat.'U Cctpber i, is. ,aad b :tr In eresl at the j;tt( of six <' pi!' ctf ut. per annuui pay uble on the JLsi <!. y of January and Ju cachyeor. BaldboaUs will b payable) coin cif the tfttltc t Stutej In ten (10 follows,to wit: At !)m expiration ol el v n 111) yearn live per cent, ol the whole number of said bonds; at the expiration oi twelve (1^) I L; ...!.:■ \j . ation ol tliir teen 13) 3*ears m pen per r.-nr.: ai the expiru tion of fourteen l i years eight per cent.; ai the expiration ol ii;t n (i."> years nil ■ ct nt.; ;it tin- expiration <>i sixteen !ii r cent.; at Ihe expiration of sevi (17)3 ans eleven per cent.; at the expirution of eighteen (18) years thirteen per o i.1.; :u pi ration of nineU an 19 year< tlfte n per cent., and at tin expiration i.-. twenty (20) yean sixte □ per c nt. Coupons for tbe sev eral payments ol intareslwUi be attucned t;> c ''ii bond. None sold fot Ii ■ - Dinet> (90 cent. oJ the face ;ii!;r tl i ■ serves tbe right to reji cl auj o all Mas. All bids should i "Pro posalfi for the i un i:ue vi bondji/ 1 ;.:.>! ad . i • > I'nfe i.i it Irrigation District, Woodville, Tnlare County, Cat. By order oi ill.- Board of Directors of Tule River Irrigation District. J. H. UHIMBLEY, President W. It. Ha 1 . ■ ary. nl 1-201 /?fyS THE GREAT SLAUGHTER! \\~V. ABE NOW PACKING HOGB B\' >V thou-iands. and are prepared to supplj everybody with Sparcribs, Tenderloins, Pigs' Heads, Etc Firsi lot of newly (njar-enred winter snpplv of HAMS just out. The only place in tbe city where you can get everything in the meat lm« is at MOHR & YOERK PACKING CO. .^yourselfmH /+ .;? Iftronb'to'lwithGonorrlireii'Oli| jHBHv Gleet, White».Spermatorrh<"paSß aKsCSFor any unnatural discharc^ ask**" {a^Wa'j-i) 11 f druggist tor a bottle of O. It cures in a lewdavs JXmmi&h without the ni<i or publicity of a doctor. Non-poisonous and ■ fJ#B_!:iiarantPCil not to stricture. fLjdnt Universal American Cure. tSHa Manufactured by •»__ '* • ftL CINCINNATI, O. GO TO W. D. COMSTOCK, turner i'ifth and X streets, TOB TKK LARGEST A.SS. iKTMKNTOP FURNITURE, cxc •- i t:;■; i. eoMFOUTIXf;. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. '•By a thoro i; h I now] Isre of the natural n the op rations ofdi rc-sUon and i mi . loi nncl by i , ,-j., T1 ,,( . a i oc. ,i Mr I ■ our breakfast tables with ■ a which m ■ ay; ..:.■!, r»' btlis. ;t is by th ■ la ■ '" •'' il le ol diel that a con on may be mutually i.niii ap until ■ ■■■■■■ ■ • ry ten lency to dl* '■ Hundr Ik oi subtle maladies :ir aroiim , uitaeS wherever there :■ rak po .:. Wi tiniy v-s,»i,e manya faUil BliiJ <>• U t-pingourselves wull rortttied ivith ')"|>d and a pi iperlj nourished frame" .:, . tte. Made iiinplywit!] boiling water or millc Koltl only In half-i>ound tins b» crocers lal '■■i"l thus: JAMES EPr« & Co., Flomco. iliaihlc Chemists. London. England. TTiSw THEODORE MARTENS, S .ii. PIANIBT AND V OCA L ; ' Twiclitr. C nductor of Turner Hnrmonle rr m the Hoyal Conservatory of Musk-, Leii> sig, (i^rmany, begs !■■ iinnonnoe t" the resl ■ : "'' ran" n1 ■ :i:i(l vicinity tliat be bas ■ i: o receive pupila for PIAXi >K< iHTE AND \ OICE (Tl.irii. , u!ma at tiammi r's ;md Pommer 4 Neulo'.- musicstores. li. -i i.-ik y. <iOI Lstreet TTH HOTZ AGUE CURE (Sure Cure) H HAMMER'S DRUG STORE, | __ aoi X Street. CAPAY VALLEY! The Earliest Fruit Land in the State. Equal in All Respects to the Famous Tata Valley, Which X Adjoins. UiNL'PRECEDENTEX) TERMS, I^ INTEREST ONLY FOR FIVE YEARS AX 7 PER CENT.^J Capay Valley is situated in Yolo County, about 90 miles by rail from San Francisco, and is traversed in its entire length by the Woodland, Capay and Clear Lake Railroad, the distance from Esparto to Rumsey being 2i miles. The Capay Valley Land Company is offering the most fertile lands in this beautiful valley upon terms which enable the purchaser to pay for the land out of its own product, viz: Interest only for five years at 7 per cent The only condition imposed is, that a reasonable pro portion of the land purchased shall be planted to fruit trees or vines. Land may be bought without this condition on payment of 20 per cent, cash and re maining Ho per cent, at the end of five years, with in terest annually in advance, at 7 per cent. The various tracts owned by the Capay Valley Land Company have been subdivided into 10 and 20-acre lots, which are for sale at prices varying from $50 to $150 per acre. Simi lar unimproved land in Vaca Valley has recently been sold at $400 and $500 per acre. These Capay Valley lands are under the most favor able climatic conditions for the prosecution of profitable fruit growing, and the locality has proved itself to be one of the earliest in the State. The grape crop of 1890 from the company's vineyard at Cashmere was picked, dried and shipped to Chicago and Philadelphia before the Fresno County grapes were ripe. The railroad passes through all of the tracts owned by the Capay Valley Land Company, thus insuring excel lent shipping facilities ; and land may now be purchased in the immediate proximity of either of the following stations : Capay, Cadenasso, Surrey, Guinda, Sauterne, Cashmere or Rumsey. At many of these places fine orchards of the choicest and earliest varieties of peaches and apricots may already be seen, and during the coming season considerable ad ditional acreage will be planted out. One of the recent sales made by the company was that of the Tancred Tract, containing 600 acres, to a colony association. This tract has been subdivided into forty holdings, all of which will be planted to fruit trees this season. ! /The fine orchards on the Guinda Tract, where 400 acres have been sold, are especially worthy of mention, and it is a significant fact that several of the blocks are owned by successful Vaca Valley fruit-growers, who ex : pect to make their earliest shipments from here. FOR MAPS AND ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THE CAPAY VALLEY LANDS, APPLY TO OR ADDRESS W M. H. MILLS, Fourth and Townsend Streets. c SAN FRANCISCO. Da. w. wood, DENTIBT QUINN'S BUILDING, 401 J street. Office huura, 0 a. v. to 6 p. x. I. ¥. TE3BIIT3, DENTIST, 914 SIXTH MT..4PSB&* between I and J, west sidi fnRMaH& opposite CoiiKregational Clmrohv<Lrm*> DX. W. C. HFITHr DENTIBT. LINDLEY BUILD- OSmRk ing, southt-ust corner .S« v- iTtajSajJltt. entb aud J sireom, Bacra:uonto. C. H. STEPH2NSOW7~ T\KNTIST, CORNER BEY- jSjmaßafc. i^f enth and J strettn, H««ra-jsm!^"» T. S. EEID, DENTIST. OFFICE, MASONIC -^~ Temple, corner Sixth and X w^SSWP 4's-utte, §c»&«, Vvtf&ncc, 6tC GREGORY BROS. CO^ 1.0. US, JIM and 138 J street, Whoi-.'unlc Dealer- In ! FRUIT AND PRODUCE. Sole ostDta for the Davia Qreen Kruit Pack lut Maciim'-. Send lor circulars. CURTIS BROS, 6fc CO., General Commiskioa Merchaota, I Wholesale Dealers io Frait and Produce, 308, :si<>. .Hi X St.. Sacramento. j EeleuhoDe37. Postofii 0 Box 335. ;'" " - SitTu^i^. llHnc, C?ccr, (£tc. EBNER BROS., 116-118 X Street, Trout and Second. Sacramento, rMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEAL JL ere In Wines and Liquors. Af^nts tor be I mnierj aid Qreno Champasne. M. CRONAN, 2HO X St.. and 1108-1110 Third St., Sacramento, Cal., IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in h'ti'j Whiskies, Brandies and l'ljuiu pagne. ' GEO. E. DIERSSEN & Co! l.Surce»sors to G. \Y. Chesley & Co.), J 719 J STREET, - - SACRAMENTO, WHOLESALE I';:AI.KKs i n Wines. Liquors and Ciaars. Only the Choicest Viands Dispoused by JIM & HARRY, : 1 [\l\t\ THIRD ST., BET. .1 AND K. P '■ BST : l\n),i Milwaukee, RnhstaUefs j \V Lute labor goods. j MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, I .-'il 1 :Urd strcor. I FINEST WINKS, LIQUORS AND CIG .V. :Jj Cool, ahai-(. and refreshing U urai^iiL. A. J. SENAXZ.Proprietor. APsIINJUAL. (VIEE-Tl^iC: OF '1 h!-: BTI ICKHOLDERS OF THE PEO ple's Savings ilank of S icramento , hi ii! at th ■ ... ice it ie bin o'clock .MONDAY EVKNING, Decemb 1 5 18»8- nstd ' campaign I Woodsofl Bros.. PRINTING. I 5U X STREET. Too much stress cannot be laid upon the great ad« vantage to the fruit-grower of being in early locality. In most cases it makes the difference between success and failure. The industrious orchardist of Capay Valley may rest assured that he will derive all the benefits gained by the first fruit shipments of the season, and that 2a acres of this rich land, when the trees are in bearing, will yield a handsome and assured income. The Capay Valley Land Company has an agent re siding in the valley, whose duty it is to show the various tracts to land seekers. Four townsites have been laid out in different points in the valley, viz : Esparto, Cadenasso, Guinda and Rumsey. Town lots may now be purchased at reason able prices and on easy terms. The enterprising and flourishing town of Esparto is situated at the lower end of the valley, and $125,000 worth of substantial buildings have already been erect' d, including a line four-story brick hotel, two large brick blocks and waterworks, with pipes laid in the streets, besides extensive warehouses and numerous residences. The town has .1 [ mstotfice, school-house and a weekly paper, and the tine railroad depot contains telegraph and express ofhecs. Postoftices have alse been established at Guinda and Rumsey. This latter place, situated at the head of the valley, is the present terminus of tiie railroad. The comfortable little hotel makes excellent quarters for hunters as we'll as land-seekers. The advantages enjoyed by the settler in Capay Val ley may be thus concisely summed up : A soil of great fertility, yielding bountifully of every crop. A soil and climate which will ripen all kinds of fruit and vegetables earlier than anywhere else in the State. A climate perfectly adapted to the curing of raisins and drying of fruit without the aid of artificial evaporators. A location that is central and close to markets. Railroad communication which enables shipments to be made quickly and cheaply. Lands which are sold cheapet and on belter terms than anywhere else in the State. MILITARY AHD SUCIETY GOOBS. MANUFACTtTRER ~v Military. Naviil, <,-i.\trr°S**: .~> ety. Cbr.rch and Tlic.itrlnU *ri"*«'*^Fl goods; Gold and SllverTrim- uiing-: Buttons of ail kinds, v PASOiTArn -s. r.40 Washington itoet, ssS AiS STOCK BEOKEiI OFFICE ORDERB rOH STI CKH AT THE CIO\R reol A. Nathan, 205 X it., San Fran cisco eorre^pondeuts,/ndlg. Wol ber» A i . . promptly n s Ml >i 18ER. A. NATHAN, O(\X X BTREET, ADJOLVWaWBKni 40.) Hotel, Sacrkmento, d^irm cwf Tobacco an.l Notions. Evcrv pur.-hns^* the eetebratod UllUw Eiassell r;r r wui 1 8.-csen^d with 11 handsome souvenirf FINEST TUHNOUTS IJf THE CITY mO II IKK AT REASONABLE RATKS AT WATEKHOUSE ft LESTEB, D BALERS IN IBOH, STEBL, CI'MBEIU land (.oal. U nyon I.iur.bfr and Carriage i»re. 7011, 711, 71a, 716 J ttreet, Bacramemo NEW LIVEHPOOI. PUSE SAXT \fANOFACTURED EXPRESSLY ' FOB '>• dairy and table v eb' t >.. ■ Ne«-1 i-ernool v. samples free. eVT; r.Ui.T, 11, a i o rtn Btrt-i t, CaL ioleohoiic No. a4B. ' S. J. WINGSED, Q W C»R. TWENTY-FIFTH AND 0 STS, ' r t-i Choice Kamll* • s. Provisions, Hour. Hay, Grain. But " ■ amt. H;icon. i li !COj (.ijiii.,, Wines ami Liquors. JOHN J. BUCKLEY, OBA Ri HKR OF RECORDS, 611 I STREET* k? Sacramento, E. r. KOOT. ALEX. Nl"lr."O"», J. DRISCOI» ROOT. NEILSON * CO., TTJHOJI FOUNDRY -IROH AND I!ItASS !_■ Fonnden and Machinists. Front street, between N and O. Castings and Machinery 01 every de criptlon nmae u> order. S. CARLE, QUCCESBOB TO CARLE dt CBOLT, coy. to traciorand P.ullder. Orders fkiliclted and promptness guaranteed. Oiflce and shop, ll'J4 .Sccoii.i Btrect, between X and L. A. MEISTEK, pARRIAGKH, VICTORIAS, PHAETONS, \_j UujjK'ies and Siring aud Fru;: Wagooi. Klu. 912. '. 11 i Ninth street, sniitinento. CESSPOOLS AND VAULTS CLEANED. \ ITLY AT SOG I STREET. I ■!. H. CAMFBEUU j 3tttot-:teijo-at-jait». A. L. HA2T, ' A TTORNEY-AT-r.AW.-'H-Ml K. SOPTH LV west corner Fifth and ■'• sLrtois, iioouis 12] 13 and 14, waller building. CHAUSCEV 11. DUNN. - ;on u»Lt HOLL S DUNN, LA WYEBS.—OFFICES, 9QO FU'TH BT, aacramento. Telephone No. 14. WM. M. SIMS. PHIUP S. DBIVKB. DSIVEH & SIMS, LAWYERS — 420 J STIiKiiT, BACK4r menu*. 2;ot»r!e8 Public. WILLIAM A. GETT, JP.., ATTORN KY-AT-LAV.-. SUITER BUILD ing, southw it corner of yutu 1 telephone No ;09. ISAAC JOSEPH. ATTORNET-AT-LAW, .'.31 X f3TaEET, SacraEiouio. i-<oti.ry j-ul.'lla. 5